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College of Arts and Sciences

Event Archive

Past Lectures, Events, and Book Talks


November 7 - Jason Mott (co-sponsored with Southern Studies)

October 25 - Boubacar Ndiaye (co-sponsored with the Francophone Studies program and LLC), CMA Theatre, 7 p.m.

October 19 - in)Visibility: Aesthetic Dimensions of Perception. Poster/artmaking session, sponsored by the (In)visibility Research Group, Humanities Collaborative, Russell House Ballroom (section B), 12-4 p.m (drop in at any time).

April 22 - Book talk by Rachel Sagner Buurma and Laura Heffernan on The Teaching Archive :A New History for Literary Study.

April 1- Presentation on NEH and NEA grants for the Humanities.

Challenge the conventional. Create the exceptional. No Limits.
