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Student Affairs and Academic Support



  • Ticketing System
    • Annual Training and Onboarding for use of the SAAS Ticketing system
  • Purchase Orders
    • Everyday payment request and purchase orders
    • Purchasing Training on request
  • Reimbursements
    • Employee Non-Travel Reimbursements – candidate meals, purchase of unique supplies not available through an established vendor.
    • USC Student and Non-Employee Travel and Non-Travel Reimbursements - examples include student trips, DMV records for non-travel, and candidate interviews for non-employee.
  • Honorariums And Stipends
    • Honorarium - Process one time “gift” payment to a guest speaker or advisor.
    • Stipend – Process an ongoing stipend for employees or students for additional duties.
  • Study Aboard
    • Connecting communities with the global classroom to collect payments from students.
    • Assist with program leader reimbursements. 
  • Solicitations And Fixed Price Bids
    • Assist Departments with large purchases and selecting the appropriate purchasing method for solicitations.
    • Route Contracts to Legal for Final Approval when related to a purchased item
  • Petty Cash
    • Small transactions (typically under $50.00 per transaction)
  • Vendor Relations
    • Supplier On-boarding - Getting a vendor established in the University Database
    • Payment Research and Account Reconciliation
    • Continuing education for vendor relations
  • Purchasing Cards
    • Purchasing Cards – Grant Divisional Authorization. Provide Training and support for proper use.  Provide support for expense reporting.
    • Program Expense Cards – Grant Divisional Authorization.  Provide Training and support for proper use. Provide support expense reporting.
    • Travel Cards – Grant Divisional Authorization. Provide Training and support for proper use. Provide support for expense reporting.






Parker Leake Director 803-777-5705

Leslie McCoy Manager 803-777-0406

Angela Benson Procurement Coordinator 803-777-9416

Mary Hallman Procurement Coordinator 803-777-7038

Zachary Harris Procurement Coordinator 803-777-5705

Leslie Hollenbeck Procurement Coordinator 803-77-5705

LeAnn Hoskins Procurement Coordinator 803-777-7516


Challenge the conventional. Create the exceptional. No Limits.
