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Department of Mechanical Engineering Outstanding Seniors

The University of South Carolina will host the annual Awards Day ceremony to honor student excellence on Thursday, April 21 at 2 p.m. at Colonial Life Area. College of Engineering and Computing students from each of the 10 undergraduate programs will be recognized for their achievements. Five mechanical engineering students will be honored at this ceremony for their hardwork and academic acheievements. 

Dean’s Award for Outstanding Leadership

Nominated by faculty or staff, the Dean’s Award for Outstanding Leadership recognizes a graduating senior for significant contributions to the CEC. The award recipient has provided outstanding leadership to a CEC student organization and has positively impacted the college’s brand through service as a CEC ambassador.

Headshot of Katrina

Katrina Wohlgemuth, Mechanical Engineering

“Earning the Dean’s Award for Outstanding Leadership means so much to me because I have been pouring my heart into leadership since my freshman year by always trying to grow in my leadership abilities and encourage others to do the same. Receiving an award for being a leader helps me see that others have noticed the time and effort I have put into my student organizations.

The CEC has helped enhance my leadership skills by providing over 40 student organizations. I have been the most involved in the Society of Women Engineers, starting as social chair and finishing as president. Through the CEC, I have also been able to participate in the American Society of Mechanical Engineers, the CEC Peer Mentoring Program, the CEC Ambassador Program, and have even been the secretary for the Society of Hispanic Professional Engineers.”

Outstanding Senior Awards

The UofSC Outstanding Senior Awards are given by the CEC to graduating seniors from each degree program. Recipients are faculty recommended and selected based on demonstrated academic excellence, undergraduate research participation, and active involvement in the college and university community.

Headshot of Kiersten

Kiersten Crouse, Mechanical Engineering

“I am very appreciative that the college ensures hard work does not go unnoticed. I am so grateful to be recognized for my endeavors and hope to inspire other women in engineering to work hard and know that they can succeed. I am honored to further represent UofSC when working in industry following graduation.

The CEC urges students to participate in experiences outside of the classroom such as undergraduate research. I have been fortunate to have guidance from two amazing mentors, Dr. John Eberth and Ph.D. candidate Colton Kostelnik. They have both made a large, positive impact on my professional development by encouraging my involvement in three research grants since freshman year. Having two mentors that genuinely care about the real-world impact of our research, as well as sharing their passions with me, has been monumental in my success in this field.” 

Headshot Nicholas

Nicholas Kozma, Aerospace Engineering

“Earning the CEC Outstanding Senior Award is recognition of the work I have put into my academics and the connections I have made along the way.

The CEC has helped me achieve my goals of getting hired out of college. A career fair allowed me to connect with Bosch, and I completed two rotations before being offered a permanent position effective this summer. Dr. [Mostafa] Mobli and Dr. [Wout] De Backer have helped me tremendously in my pursuit of becoming a capable engineer. Their ability to make extremely complex topics digestible to anyone is a skill I hope to adopt.”

South Carolina Society of Professional Engineers Outstanding Senior Awards

The South Carolina Society of Professional Engineers Outstanding Senior Awards are given to graduating seniors in seven CEC degree programs. Recipients are faculty recommended and selected based on demonstrated academic excellence and contributions to the engineering profession.

Headshot of Igor

Igor Kiyanitsyn, Aerospace Engineering

“The SCSPE award led me to recognize my achievements and the work I have done along the way. It symbolizes the success I've observed not only in my academic career, but also in helping the UofSC community.

The aerospace engineering program prepared me to become a professional engineer and a citizen of good ethics and moral character. Without the help of influential professors and mentors such as Dr. Mustafa Mobli, Dr. Wout De Backer, and the McNAIR team, I would not have learned these valuable lessons.”

Headshot of Rachel

Rachel Slattery, Mechanical Engineering

“Earning the SCSPE award means that my hard work has not only paid off but has been appreciated by others. I have worked extremely hard in my studies and jobs, and to accept this award for the Mechanical Engineering Department is a true honor.

The professors within the department have been incredibly helpful throughout these past four years. I appreciate their quick responses to emails and willingness to answer questions. I would like to personally thank Dr. [Odell] Glenn and Dr. [Andrew] Sabalowsky for their nominations. They are both fantastic professors that want their students to learn and succeed.”

Read more about 2022 Outstanding Seniors from other CEC programs

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