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Department of Chemistry and Biochemistry


Departmental news highlighted in our Newsletter

The development of hierarchical wasteform materials was prompted by the urgent societal needs for efficient nuclear waste administration that requires innovative solutions. The Center for Hierarchical Waste Form Materials (CHWM) located at the University of South Carolina was funded by the USA Department of Energy...

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Hui Wang group recently published a paper in Small, which was featured on the Inside Cover of the February 22 Issue of the journal of Small. This work involved collaborations of Wang group with Clene Nanomedicine, Inc. (Salt Lake City, Utah), the University of Bordeaux, and Neuro-Sys in France. ..

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Jie Li began his tenure-track Assistant Professor position in the department of Chemistry and Biochemistry at the University of South Carolina in 2019. Despite developing his lab during the COVID-19 pandemic, Dr. Li has rapidly established his research reputation. His lab’s research, themed around natural products biosynthesis and biological activities, represents a frontier of natural products research. This research and his diverse collaborative efforts have yielded 18 publications. A couple highlights include...

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Disinfecting water is one of the major achievements of the 20th century — but it comes at a cost. Cleaning the water is a major benefit to public health, but it also leaves behind disinfection byproducts, which can lead to a host of maladies from bladder and colorectal cancer to birth defects to miscarriages. Of the more than 700 disinfection byproducts known to exist, there is little quality information on which ones are harmful and need to be regulated. Currently the U.S. Environmental Protection Agency regulates just 11 of them...

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