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College of Arts and Sciences


Patient-Centered Measurement

"Ethics, Epistemology, and Dialogue in Contemporary Medicine" by Leah M. McClimans offers a theory of patient-centered measures, complete with worked-out examples. It addresses the challenge of how these measures can both represent and assess patient perspectives, all while being written in a jargon-free and accessible style. Learn More

Gratitude and Legacy: The Donation of Dr. Chris Toumey's Books

We want to thank Dr. Kathryn Luchok for donating a collection of books belonging to her husband and professor at the University of South Carolina, Dr. Chris Toumey. Professor Toumey was a beloved scholar at our university, whose work as an anthropologist focused on nanotechnology. He was a dear friend of the AJI, and we miss having him join our monthly HoSTE reading group. Professor Toumey was an active member in those gatherings and championed the work of the AJI. He would be pleased to know his books ended up in our growing library. Keeping his books on hand for future scholars is also a testament to his important contributions to his field and our community.

CRC Project News

The CRC Project used AJI support to help Charleston apply for a Thriving Communities Federal Grant. They have now been made a finalist, which is exciting. I'll keep you posted. Thank you AJI!
-February 2023


Conference News

Conference announcements and call for papers


Challenge the conventional. Create the exceptional. No Limits.
