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Office of the Provost

Engagement Catalog

Beyond The Classroom Matters (BTCM) collects official records of student engagement in university sponsored experiential courses and co-curricular programs, events, and activities. Each recorded item is called an Engagement.

Catalog Structure

The Engagement Catalog records the educational purpose and design of each Engagement.  A student record is created by the sponsoring department when a student completes a cataloged Engagement.  The Engagement Catalog is for information purposes only and does not constitute any contractual agreement between a student and the University of South Carolina. The University reserves the right to make changes in cataloged programs at any time.

Filter Your Results

Category Engagement Term Campus Label Description Campus Division Department Unit Course Special Designation over-arching, active learning, knowledge skills
Internship Programs


Internship Programs - The primary mission of Internship Programs is to engage students in planned, educationally-related work and learning experiences that integrate knowledge and theory with practical application and skill development in a professional setting.

Carolina Internship Program - Full-time
Students engage in a paid, work-based learning experience that includes staff facilitated feedback and reflection on their experience. The goal is to enhance students' understanding of their professional knowledge, skills and abilities to aid in their full-time job searches and lifelong career management.
Fall 2015 Internship Students engage in a paid, work-based learning experience that includes staff facilitated feedback and reflection on their experience. The goal is to enhance students' understanding of their professional knowledge, skills and abilities to aid in their full-time job searches and lifelong career management. 3 11 30 Career Center N GLD-Professional & Civic Engagement; Internship Programs,Career development,Plan, organize and prioritize work,Integrative and applied learning,Critical and creative thinking
Internship Programs


Internship Programs - The primary mission of Internship Programs is to engage students in planned, educationally-related work and learning experiences that integrate knowledge and theory with practical application and skill development in a professional setting.

Carolina Internship Program - Part-time
Students engage in a paid, work-based learning experience that is usually the length or equivalent of a fall or spring semester or summer, working approximately 240 hours at 20 hours/week. Student may be eligible to receive academic credit through their academic department or pursue a Zero Credit Transcript notation through the Career Center.
Fall 2015 Cooperative Education Students engage in a paid, work-based learning experience that is usually the length or equivalent of a fall or spring semester or summer, working approximately 240 hours at 20 hours/week. Student may be eligible to receive academic credit through their academic department or pursue a Zero Credit Transcript notation through the Career Center. 3 11 30 Career Center N GLD-Professional & Civic Engagement; Internship Programs,Career development,Plan, organize and prioritize work,Integrative and applied learning,Critical and creative thinking
Internship Programs


Internship Programs - The primary mission of Internship Programs is to engage students in planned, educationally-related work and learning experiences that integrate knowledge and theory with practical application and skill development in a professional setting.

Cooperative Education (Co-op) - Alternating
Students participate in 2-3 semesters of supervised, paid work-based learning with the same employer. The Alternating format allows the student to alternate between a semester of full-time school (480 hours at 40 hours/week).
Fall 2015 Cooperative Education Students participate in 2-3 semesters of supervised, paid work-based learning with the same employer. The Alternating format allows the student to alternate between a semester of full-time school (480 hours at 40 hours/week). 3 11 30 Career Center N GLD-Professional & Civic Engagement; Internship Programs,,Plan, organize and prioritize work,Integrative and applied learning,Critical and creative thinking
Internship Programs


Internship Programs - The primary mission of Internship Programs is to engage students in planned, educationally-related work and learning experiences that integrate knowledge and theory with practical application and skill development in a professional setting.

Cooperative Education (Co-op) - Parallel
Students participate in 2-3 semesters of supervised, paid work-based learning with the same employer. The Parallel format allows the student to work part-time for 240 hours (20 hours/week) for 3 consecutive semesters while attending school.
Fall 2015 Cooperative Education Students participate in 2-3 semesters of supervised, paid work-based learning with the same employer. The Parallel format allows the student to work part-time for 240 hours (20 hours/week) for 3 consecutive semesters while attending school. 3 11 30 Career Center N GLD-Professional & Civic Engagement; Internship Programs,,Plan, organize and prioritize work,Integrative and applied learning,Critical and creative thinking
Career Services


Career Services - The primary mission of Career Services is to assist students and other designated clients in developing, evaluating, and implementing career, education, and employment plans.

Explore (How People Meet…Their Major): Career Conference
Students participate in a 1/2 day seminar to explore their career-related values, interests, and work preferences/personality type in relation to the selection of a college major. Students are provided with information about academic degree options at USC.
Fall 2015 Career Development Students participate in a 1/2 day seminar to explore their career-related values, interests, and work preferences/personality type in relation to the selection of a college major. Students are provided with information about academic degree options at USC. 3 11 30 Career Center N ; Career Services,Study / Practice self knowledge,Career development,Inquiry and analysis,Integrative and applied learning
Career Services


Career Services - The primary mission of Career Services is to assist students and other designated clients in developing, evaluating, and implementing career, education, and employment plans.

Pathways to Professions (Externship)
Students attend half or full day visit to an employer site for an overview of the organization and their employment opportunities. Common components include presentations by organizational leadership and human resources staff, practitioner panels (most often with alumni representation), shadowing opportunities and facility tours.
Fall 2015 Career Development Students attend half or full day visit to an employer site for an overview of the organization and their employment opportunities. Common components include presentations by organizational leadership and human resources staff, practitioner panels (most often with alumni representation), shadowing opportunities and facility tours. 3 11 30 Career Center N ; Career Services,,Career development,Inquiry and analysis,Communication - spoken
Civic Engagement & Service-Learning Programs


Civic Engagement & Service-Learning Programs - The primary mission of Service-Learning Programs is to engage students in experiences that address human and community needs together with structured opportunities for reflection intentionally designed to promote student learning and development.

Alternative Break
As part of a team of volunteers, students travel to a local or regional community during fall, winter, or spring breaks to provide a community service project around a social issue.
Fall 2016 Civic Engagement As part of a team of volunteers, students travel to a local or regional community during fall, winter, or spring breaks to provide a community service project around a social issue. 3 11 28 Russell House University Union N GLD-Community Service; Civic Engagement & Service-Learning Programs,Community service / civic engagement,Communicate verbally,Civic knowledge and engagement,Communication - spoken
Civic Engagement & Service-Learning Programs


Civic Engagement & Service-Learning Programs - The primary mission of Service-Learning Programs is to engage students in experiences that address human and community needs together with structured opportunities for reflection intentionally designed to promote student learning and development.

Service Saturday
Students participate in a community service opportunity within the city of Columbia or campus community.
Fall 2015 Civic Engagement Students participate in a community service opportunity within the city of Columbia or campus community. 3 11 28 Russell House University Union N GLD-Community Service; Civic Engagement & Service-Learning Programs,Community service / civic engagement,Study / Practice self knowledge,Personal and social responsibility - Contributing to a larger community,Civic knowledge and engagement
Student Leadership Programs


Student Leadership Programs - The mission of Student Leadership Programs must be to prepare students to engage in the process of leadership.

Service Saturday Site Leader
Site leaders communicate expectations to a group of volunteers, delegate tasks, and debrief volunteers on a shared community service experience.
Fall 2017 Peer Educator Site leaders communicate expectations to a group of volunteers, delegate tasks, and debrief volunteers on a shared community service experience. 3 11 28 Russell House University Union N GLD-Community Service; GLD-Professional & Civic Engagement; Student Leadership Programs,Community service / civic engagement,Communicate verbally,Personal and social responsibility - Contributing to a larger community,Civic knowledge and engagement
Academic Advising Programs


Academic Advising Programs - The primary purpose of Academic Advising Programs is to assist students in the development of meaningful educational plans.

Academic Coaching Appointment
Students meet 1-1 with a coach to create an academic and engagement plan, set goals, and share resources; sessions are tailored to meet each student's needs and may include general advising, academic planning, strengths identification, planning campus involvement, and navigating campus resources.
Fall 2015 Educational Support Students meet 1-1 with a coach to create an academic and engagement plan, set goals, and share resources; sessions are tailored to meet each student's needs and may include general advising, academic planning, strengths identification, planning campus involvement, and navigating campus resources. 3 12 34 University Advising Center N ; Academic Advising Programs,Plan, organize and prioritize work,Study / Practice self knowledge,Foundations and skills for lifelong learning,Personal and social responsibility - Striving for excellence
Student Leadership Programs


Student Leadership Programs - The mission of Student Leadership Programs must be to prepare students to engage in the process of leadership.

Call Center - Incoming/Hotline Peer Leaders
Students serve as Hotline peer leaders to answer incoming calls that ring to the SSC Hotline phone number.
Fall 2015 Student Program Leader Students serve as Hotline peer leaders to answer incoming calls that ring to the SSC Hotline phone number. 3 11 30 Student Success Center N ; Student Leadership Programs,,Communicate verbally,Communication - spoken,Problem solving
Academic Advising Programs


Academic Advising Programs - The primary purpose of Academic Advising Programs is to assist students in the development of meaningful educational plans.

Exploratory Advising / Major Change
Students meet 1-on-1 with an Exploratory Advisor to explore majors/degree programs, learn how to change majors, evaluate how completed coursework will apply to a new major, plan class schedules, and get help with general advisement questions.
Fall 2015 Educational Support Students meet 1-on-1 with an Exploratory Advisor to explore majors/degree programs, learn how to change majors, evaluate how completed coursework will apply to a new major, plan class schedules, and get help with general advisement questions. 3 12 34 University Advising Center N ; Academic Advising Programs,Problem-solving,Study / Practice self knowledge,Inquiry and analysis,
Learning Assistance Programs


Learning Assistance Programs - The primary mission of Learning Assistance Programs must be to provide students with resources and opportunities to improve their ability to learn and to achieve academic success.

Money Management Consultation
Students participate in a 1:1 meeting with a Financial Literacy Consultant, to explore financial management topics including basic money management, credit, debt management, and student loan repayment policies.
Fall 2015 Educational Support Students participate in a 1:1 meeting with a Financial Literacy Consultant, to explore financial management topics including basic money management, credit, debt management, and student loan repayment policies. 3 11 30 Student Success Center N ; Learning Assistance Programs,Study / Practice financial literacy,Study / Practice self knowledge,Inquiry and analysis,
Learning Assistance Programs


Learning Assistance Programs - The primary mission of Learning Assistance Programs must be to provide students with resources and opportunities to improve their ability to learn and to achieve academic success.

Peer Tutoring
Students participate in a tutoring session for a specific academic course in which they are currently enrolled.
Fall 2015 Educational Support Students participate in a tutoring session for a specific academic course in which they are currently enrolled. 3 11 30 Student Success Center N ; Learning Assistance Programs,Study / Practice intellectual skills,Apply specialized knowledge,Specialized knowledge and skills,
Student Leadership Programs


Student Leadership Programs - The mission of Student Leadership Programs must be to prepare students to engage in the process of leadership.

Peer Tutor
Tutors provide course-specific academic support for undergraduate students. They work with students in 1-1 sessions and lead group tutoring sessions.
Fall 2015 Peer Educator Tutors provide course-specific academic support for undergraduate students. They work with students in 1-1 sessions and lead group tutoring sessions. 3 11 30 Student Success Center N GLD-Professional & Civic Engagement; Student Leadership Programs,Study / Practice intellectual skills,,Integrative and applied learning,Problem solving
Learning Assistance Programs


Learning Assistance Programs - The primary mission of Learning Assistance Programs must be to provide students with resources and opportunities to improve their ability to learn and to achieve academic success.

Success Connect Consultation
Students participate in 1:1 meeting with a Success Consultant, to explore and identify effective learning strategies, campus resources, and University procedures to ease the transition to a four-year university.
Fall 2015 Educational Support Students participate in 1:1 meeting with a Success Consultant, to explore and identify effective learning strategies, campus resources, and University procedures to ease the transition to a four-year university. 3 11 30 Student Success Center N ; Learning Assistance Programs,Problem-solving,Plan, organize and prioritize work,Foundations and skills for lifelong learning,Personal and social responsibility - Striving for excellence
Learning Assistance Programs


Learning Assistance Programs - The primary mission of Learning Assistance Programs must be to provide students with resources and opportunities to improve their ability to learn and to achieve academic success.

Supplemental Instruction
Students participate in a group study session for a specific academic course and section in which they are currently enrolled.
Fall 2015 Educational Support Students participate in a group study session for a specific academic course and section in which they are currently enrolled. 3 11 30 Student Success Center N ; Learning Assistance Programs,Study / Practice intellectual skills,Apply specialized knowledge,Specialized knowledge and skills,
Student Leadership Programs


Student Leadership Programs - The mission of Student Leadership Programs must be to prepare students to engage in the process of leadership.

Supplemental Instruction Peer Leader
SI Peer Leaders facilitate group study sessions for students enrolled in specific courses and sections; they help their peers learn challenging material from class lectures and assignments, and offer helpful tips that integrate how to learn with what to learn through three group study sessions each week.
Fall 2015 Peer Educator SI Peer Leaders facilitate group study sessions for students enrolled in specific courses and sections; they help their peers learn challenging material from class lectures and assignments, and offer helpful tips that integrate how to learn with what to learn through three group study sessions each week. 3 11 30 Student Success Center N GLD-Professional & Civic Engagement; Student Leadership Programs,Study / Practice intellectual skills,,Integrative and applied learning,Problem solving
Transfer Student Programs and Services


Transfer Student Programs and Services - The mission of Transfer Student Programs and Services is to aid in the successful transfer, persistence, and graduation of transfer students.

Transfer Success Consultation
Transfer students participate in a 1:1 meeting with the Transfer Coordinator, to discuss academic referrals, current academic challenges, and to identify academic and campus resources.
Fall 2015 Educational Support Transfer students participate in a 1:1 meeting with the Transfer Coordinator, to discuss academic referrals, current academic challenges, and to identify academic and campus resources. 3 11 30 Carolina Experience N ; Transfer Student Programs and Services,,Study / Practice self knowledge,Personal and social responsibility - Contributing to a larger community,Personal and social responsibility - Striving for excellence
Academic Advising Programs


Academic Advising Programs - The primary purpose of Academic Advising Programs is to assist students in the development of meaningful educational plans.

Withdrawal Consultation
Students who are considering withdrawing from UofSC participate in a 1:1 meeting with a professional advisor, to discuss the withdrawal process, reasons for withdrawal, next steps, plans, and options for future re-enrollment at UofSC.
Fall 2015 Educational Support Students who are considering withdrawing from UofSC participate in a 1:1 meeting with a professional advisor, to discuss the withdrawal process, reasons for withdrawal, next steps, plans, and options for future re-enrollment at UofSC. 3 12 34 University Advising Center N ; Academic Advising Programs,Problem-solving,,Problem solving,
Education Abroad Programs & Services


Education Abroad Programs & Services - Education Abroad Programs and Services facilitate and oversee student participation in educational experiences that occur in countries outside the institution's home country.

Study Abroad: Financial Workshop Part I
Students explore affordable study abroad options and scholarship opportunities that can help pay for their study abroad experience.
Fall 2015 Outreach Students explore affordable study abroad options and scholarship opportunities that can help pay for their study abroad experience. 3 12 31 Study Abroad N ; Education Abroad Programs & Services,Plan, organize and prioritize work,,Problem solving,Critical and creative thinking
Education Abroad Programs & Services


Education Abroad Programs & Services - Education Abroad Programs and Services facilitate and oversee student participation in educational experiences that occur in countries outside the institution's home country.

Study Abroad: Financial Workshop Part II
Students explore strategies for budgeting and smart spending while studying abroad.
Fall 2015 Outreach Students explore strategies for budgeting and smart spending while studying abroad. 3 12 31 Study Abroad N ; Education Abroad Programs & Services,,Study / Practice financial literacy,Problem solving,Critical and creative thinking
Undergraduate Research Programs


Undergraduate Research Programs - The primary mission of Undergraduate Research Programs is to engage students in investigative and creative activity to experience firsthand the processes of scholarly exploration and discovery.

Magellan Embark
Students receive information about resources and tools to help them get started in research, in this four-week, not-for-credit seminar.
Fall 2015 Research Education Students receive information about resources and tools to help them get started in research, in this four-week, not-for-credit seminar. 3 13 32 Undergraduate Research N ; Undergraduate Research Programs,,Communicate verbally,Communication - spoken,
Undergraduate Research Programs


Undergraduate Research Programs - The primary mission of Undergraduate Research Programs is to engage students in investigative and creative activity to experience firsthand the processes of scholarly exploration and discovery.

Discovery Day
Students make oral, creative, and/or poster presentations of any beyond the classroom experience including research and scholarly projects, global study, professional work experiences, leadership, service-learning and community service, and national fellowship competitions.
Fall 2015 Articulating Learning Students make oral, creative, and/or poster presentations of any beyond the classroom experience including research and scholarly projects, global study, professional work experiences, leadership, service-learning and community service, and national fellowship competitions. 3 13 32 Undergraduate Research N ; Undergraduate Research Programs,Communicate verbally,Apply specialized knowledge,Communication - spoken,
Student Leadership Programs


Student Leadership Programs - The mission of Student Leadership Programs must be to prepare students to engage in the process of leadership.

Magellan Ambassador
Magellan Ambassadors represent the Office of Undergraduate Research through campus presentations and events, providing opportunity for professional development while sharing their research experience with other students.
Fall 2015 Student Program Leader Magellan Ambassadors represent the Office of Undergraduate Research through campus presentations and events, providing opportunity for professional development while sharing their research experience with other students. 3 13 32 Undergraduate Research N GLD-Professional & Civic Engagement; Student Leadership Programs,Communicate verbally,Influence others,Communication - spoken,Teamwork
Undergraduate Research Programs


Undergraduate Research Programs - The primary mission of Undergraduate Research Programs is to engage students in investigative and creative activity to experience firsthand the processes of scholarly exploration and discovery.

Undergraduate Research
Students work with a mentor to conduct a discipline specific research project.
Fall 2015 Undergraduate Research Students work with a mentor to conduct a discipline specific research project. 3 13 32 Undergraduate Research N GLD-Research; Undergraduate Research Programs,Apply specialized knowledge,Communicate verbally,Inquiry and analysis,Critical and creative thinking
Student Leadership Programs


Student Leadership Programs - The mission of Student Leadership Programs must be to prepare students to engage in the process of leadership.

University 101 Peer Leader
U101 Peer Leaders co-teach a section of a UNIV 101 course with a faculty or staff member, and serve as resources, mentors, and facilitators for learning in and beyond the classroom for first-year students enrolled in the course.
Fall 2015 Peer Educator U101 Peer Leaders co-teach a section of a UNIV 101 course with a faculty or staff member, and serve as resources, mentors, and facilitators for learning in and beyond the classroom for first-year students enrolled in the course. 3 11 30 University 101 Programs N GLD-Diversity & Social Advocacy; GLD-Professional & Civic Engagement; Student Leadership Programs,Communicate verbally,Influence others,Communication - spoken,Critical and creative thinking
Student Leadership Programs


Student Leadership Programs - The mission of Student Leadership Programs must be to prepare students to engage in the process of leadership.

University 101 Returning Peer Leader
U101 Returning Peer Leaders co-teach a section of a UNIV 101 course with a faculty or staff member.
Fall 2015 Peer Educator U101 Returning Peer Leaders co-teach a section of a UNIV 101 course with a faculty or staff member. 3 11 30 University 101 Programs N ; Student Leadership Programs,Communicate verbally,Influence others,Communication - spoken,Critical and creative thinking
Student Leadership Programs


Student Leadership Programs - The mission of Student Leadership Programs must be to prepare students to engage in the process of leadership.

University 101 Senior Peer Leader
University 101 Senior Peer Leaders serve as a mentor and resource to new U101 Peer Leaders and co-teach EDLP 520.
Fall 2015 Peer Educator University 101 Senior Peer Leaders serve as a mentor and resource to new U101 Peer Leaders and co-teach EDLP 520. 3 11 30 University 101 Programs N ; Student Leadership Programs,Influence others,Communicate verbally,Communication - spoken,Teamwork
Student Leadership Programs


Student Leadership Programs - The mission of Student Leadership Programs must be to prepare students to engage in the process of leadership.

EcoReps will educate students about how their actions relate to local and global environmental issues by planning interactive events. EcoReps will also advance their own knowledge of sustainability by listening to and giving presentations on environmental issues.
Fall 2015 Peer Educator EcoReps will educate students about how their actions relate to local and global environmental issues by planning interactive events. EcoReps will also advance their own knowledge of sustainability by listening to and giving presentations on environmental issues. 3 11 29 University Housing N ; Student Leadership Programs,Communicate verbally,Influence others,Civic knowledge and engagement,Teamwork
Student Leadership Programs


Student Leadership Programs - The mission of Student Leadership Programs must be to prepare students to engage in the process of leadership.

Resident Mentor
Resident Mentors are trained to support their peers by interacting with fellow residents to provide information, build community and manage crises. RM's engage in ongoing skills development activities, including a focus on communication, time management, and group management/development skills.
Fall 2015 Peer Educator Resident Mentors are trained to support their peers by interacting with fellow residents to provide information, build community and manage crises. RM's engage in ongoing skills development activities, including a focus on communication, time management, and group management/development skills. 3 11 29 University Housing N GLD-Professional & Civic Engagement; Student Leadership Programs,Problem-solving,,Critical and creative thinking,Personal and social responsibility - Contributing to a larger community
Student Leadership Programs


Student Leadership Programs - The mission of Student Leadership Programs must be to prepare students to engage in the process of leadership.

Independent GLD E-Portfolio
Students complete the E-Portfolio and Presentation for Graduation with Leadership Distinction with the assistance of a GLD Advisor.
Fall 2015 Articulating Learning Students complete the E-Portfolio and Presentation for Graduation with Leadership Distinction with the assistance of a GLD Advisor. 3 12 34 Center for Integrative and Experiential Learning N ; Student Leadership Programs,Communicate in writing,Study / Practice self knowledge,Integrative and applied learning,Foundations and skills for lifelong learning
Student Leadership Programs


Student Leadership Programs - The mission of Student Leadership Programs must be to prepare students to engage in the process of leadership.

University Ambassador
University Ambassadors lead campus tours for diverse audiences of prospective students and families, answer phone calls and respond to emails and other visitor communications, assist in the recruitment, coaching, and evaluation of new University Ambassadors and participate in weekly professional development & training.
Fall 2015 Peer Educator University Ambassadors lead campus tours for diverse audiences of prospective students and families, answer phone calls and respond to emails and other visitor communications, assist in the recruitment, coaching, and evaluation of new University Ambassadors and participate in weekly professional development & training. 3 34 118 Visitor Center N GLD-Professional & Civic Engagement; Student Leadership Programs,Communicate verbally,Influence others,Critical and creative thinking,Problem solving
Undergraduate Research Programs


Undergraduate Research Programs - The primary mission of Undergraduate Research Programs is to engage students in investigative and creative activity to experience firsthand the processes of scholarly exploration and discovery.

Discovery Day
Students make oral, creative, and/or poster presentations of any beyond the classroom experience including research and scholarly projects, global study, professional work experiences, leadership, service-learning and community service, and national fellowship competitions.
Spring 2016 Articulating Learning Students make oral, creative, and/or poster presentations of any beyond the classroom experience including research and scholarly projects, global study, professional work experiences, leadership, service-learning and community service, and national fellowship competitions. 3 13 32 Undergraduate Research N GLD-Presentation; Undergraduate Research Programs,Communicate verbally,Apply specialized knowledge,Communication - spoken,
Student Leadership Programs


Student Leadership Programs - The mission of Student Leadership Programs must be to prepare students to engage in the process of leadership.

University 101 Returning Peer Leader
U101 Returning Peer Leaders co-teach a section of a UNIV 101 course with a faculty or staff member.
Spring 2016 Peer Educator U101 Returning Peer Leaders co-teach a section of a UNIV 101 course with a faculty or staff member. 3 11 30 University 101 Programs N ; Student Leadership Programs,Communicate verbally,Influence others,Communication - spoken,Critical and creative thinking
Student Leadership Programs


Student Leadership Programs - The mission of Student Leadership Programs must be to prepare students to engage in the process of leadership.

University 101 Senior Peer Leader
University 101 Senior Peer Leaders serve as a mentor and resource to new U101 Peer Leaders and co-teach EDLP 520.
Spring 2016 Peer Educator University 101 Senior Peer Leaders serve as a mentor and resource to new U101 Peer Leaders and co-teach EDLP 520. 3 11 30 University 101 Programs N ; Student Leadership Programs,Influence others,Communicate verbally,Communication - spoken,Teamwork
Student Leadership Programs


Student Leadership Programs - The mission of Student Leadership Programs must be to prepare students to engage in the process of leadership.

Call Center - Incoming/Hotline Peer Leaders
Students serve as Hotline peer leaders to answer incoming calls that ring to the SSC Hotline phone number.
Spring 2016 Student Program Leader Students serve as Hotline peer leaders to answer incoming calls that ring to the SSC Hotline phone number. 3 11 30 Student Success Center N ; Student Leadership Programs,,Communicate verbally,Communication - spoken,Problem solving
Student Leadership Programs


Student Leadership Programs - The mission of Student Leadership Programs must be to prepare students to engage in the process of leadership.

Supplemental Instruction Peer Leader
SI Peer Leaders facilitate group study sessions for students enrolled in specific courses and sections; they help their peers learn challenging material from class lectures and assignments, and offer helpful tips that integrate how to learn with what to learn through three group study sessions each week.
Spring 2016 Peer Educator SI Peer Leaders facilitate group study sessions for students enrolled in specific courses and sections; they help their peers learn challenging material from class lectures and assignments, and offer helpful tips that integrate how to learn with what to learn through three group study sessions each week. 3 11 30 Student Success Center N GLD-Professional & Civic Engagement; Student Leadership Programs,Study / Practice intellectual skills,,Integrative and applied learning,Problem solving
Student Leadership Programs


Student Leadership Programs - The mission of Student Leadership Programs must be to prepare students to engage in the process of leadership.

Peer Tutor
Tutors provide course-specific academic support for undergraduate students. They work with students in 1-1 sessions and lead group tutoring sessions.
Spring 2016 Peer Educator Tutors provide course-specific academic support for undergraduate students. They work with students in 1-1 sessions and lead group tutoring sessions. 3 11 30 Student Success Center N GLD-Professional & Civic Engagement; Student Leadership Programs,Study / Practice intellectual skills,,Integrative and applied learning,Problem solving
Student Leadership Programs


Student Leadership Programs - The mission of Student Leadership Programs must be to prepare students to engage in the process of leadership.

Peer Writing Tutor
Peer Tutors meet with students in 1-1 sessions to provide course-specific academic support for writing and communications skill development.
Fall 2015 Peer Educator Peer Tutors meet with students in 1-1 sessions to provide course-specific academic support for writing and communications skill development. 3 11 30 Student Success Center N GLD-Professional & Civic Engagement; Student Leadership Programs,Study / Practice intellectual skills,,Integrative and applied learning,Communication - written
Student Employment


Student Employment - Student is employed part-time by the university and engages in career readiness development activities as part of supervision process.

Study Abroad Peer Advisor
Students who have studied abroad work in a pre-professional capacity with the Study Abroad Office staff to promote study abroad on campus and to support prospective, current and returned study abroad participants.
Fall 2015 Employment On Campus Students who have studied abroad work in a pre-professional capacity with the Study Abroad Office staff to promote study abroad on campus and to support prospective, current and returned study abroad participants. 3 12 31 Study Abroad N GLD-Professional & Civic Engagement; Student Employment,Apply specialized knowledge,Communicate verbally,Teamwork,Intercultural knowledge and competence
Student Employment


Student Employment - Student is employed part-time by the university and engages in career readiness development activities as part of supervision process.

Study Abroad Peer Advisor
Students who have studied abroad work in a pre-professional capacity with the Study Abroad Office staff to promote study abroad on campus and to support prospective, current and returned study abroad participants.
Spring 2016 Employment On Campus Students who have studied abroad work in a pre-professional capacity with the Study Abroad Office staff to promote study abroad on campus and to support prospective, current and returned study abroad participants. 3 12 31 Study Abroad N GLD-Professional & Civic Engagement; Student Employment,Apply specialized knowledge,Communicate verbally,Teamwork,Intercultural knowledge and competence
Student Leadership Programs


Student Leadership Programs - The mission of Student Leadership Programs must be to prepare students to engage in the process of leadership.

Peer Writing Tutor
Peer Tutors meet with students in 1-1 sessions to provide course-specific academic support for writing and communications skill development.
Spring 2016 Peer Educator Peer Tutors meet with students in 1-1 sessions to provide course-specific academic support for writing and communications skill development. 3 11 30 Student Success Center N GLD-Professional & Civic Engagement; Student Leadership Programs,Study / Practice intellectual skills,,Integrative and applied learning,Communication - written
Civic Engagement & Service-Learning Programs


Civic Engagement & Service-Learning Programs - The primary mission of Service-Learning Programs is to engage students in experiences that address human and community needs together with structured opportunities for reflection intentionally designed to promote student learning and development.

Service Saturday
Students participate in a community service opportunity within the city of Columbia or campus community.
Spring 2016 Civic Engagement Students participate in a community service opportunity within the city of Columbia or campus community. 3 11 28 Russell House University Union N GLD-Community Service; Civic Engagement & Service-Learning Programs,Community service / civic engagement,Study / Practice self knowledge,Personal and social responsibility - Contributing to a larger community,Civic knowledge and engagement
Student Leadership Programs


Student Leadership Programs - The mission of Student Leadership Programs must be to prepare students to engage in the process of leadership.

EcoReps will educate students about how their actions relate to local and global environmental issues by planning interactive events. EcoReps will also advance their own knowledge of sustainability by listening to and giving presentations on environmental issues.
Spring 2016 Peer Educator EcoReps will educate students about how their actions relate to local and global environmental issues by planning interactive events. EcoReps will also advance their own knowledge of sustainability by listening to and giving presentations on environmental issues. 3 11 29 University Housing N ; Student Leadership Programs,Communicate verbally,Influence others,Civic knowledge and engagement,Teamwork
Student Leadership Programs


Student Leadership Programs - The mission of Student Leadership Programs must be to prepare students to engage in the process of leadership.

Magellan Ambassador
Magellan Ambassadors represent the Office of Undergraduate Research through campus presentations and events, providing opportunity for professional development while sharing their research experience with other students.
Spring 2016 Student Program Leader Magellan Ambassadors represent the Office of Undergraduate Research through campus presentations and events, providing opportunity for professional development while sharing their research experience with other students. 3 13 32 Undergraduate Research N GLD-Professional & Civic Engagement; Student Leadership Programs,Communicate verbally,Influence others,Communication - spoken,Teamwork
Undergraduate Research Programs


Undergraduate Research Programs - The primary mission of Undergraduate Research Programs is to engage students in investigative and creative activity to experience firsthand the processes of scholarly exploration and discovery.

Magellan Embark
Students receive information about resources and tools to help them get started in research, in this four-week, not-for-credit seminar.
Spring 2016 Research Education Students receive information about resources and tools to help them get started in research, in this four-week, not-for-credit seminar. 3 13 32 Undergraduate Research N ; Undergraduate Research Programs,,Communicate verbally,Communication - spoken,
Undergraduate Research Programs


Undergraduate Research Programs - The primary mission of Undergraduate Research Programs is to engage students in investigative and creative activity to experience firsthand the processes of scholarly exploration and discovery.

Undergraduate Research
Students work with a mentor to conduct a discipline specific research project.
Spring 2016 Undergraduate Research Students work with a mentor to conduct a discipline specific research project. 3 13 32 Undergraduate Research N GLD-Research; Undergraduate Research Programs,Apply specialized knowledge,Communicate verbally,Inquiry and analysis,Critical and creative thinking
Undergraduate Research Programs


Undergraduate Research Programs - The primary mission of Undergraduate Research Programs is to engage students in investigative and creative activity to experience firsthand the processes of scholarly exploration and discovery.

Undergraduate Research
Students work with a mentor to conduct a discipline specific research project.
Summer 2015 Undergraduate Research Students work with a mentor to conduct a discipline specific research project. 3 13 32 Undergraduate Research N GLD-Research; Undergraduate Research Programs,Apply specialized knowledge,Communicate verbally,Inquiry and analysis,Critical and creative thinking
Undergraduate Research Programs


Undergraduate Research Programs - The primary mission of Undergraduate Research Programs is to engage students in investigative and creative activity to experience firsthand the processes of scholarly exploration and discovery.

Undergraduate Research
Students work with a mentor to conduct a discipline specific research project.
Summer 2016 Undergraduate Research Students work with a mentor to conduct a discipline specific research project. 3 13 32 Undergraduate Research N GLD-Research; Undergraduate Research Programs,Apply specialized knowledge,Communicate verbally,Inquiry and analysis,Critical and creative thinking
Student Leadership Programs


Student Leadership Programs - The mission of Student Leadership Programs must be to prepare students to engage in the process of leadership.

University Ambassador
University Ambassadors lead campus tours for diverse audiences of prospective students and families, answer phone calls and respond to emails and other visitor communications, assist in the recruitment, coaching, and evaluation of new University Ambassadors and participate in weekly professional development & training.
Spring 2016 Peer Educator University Ambassadors lead campus tours for diverse audiences of prospective students and families, answer phone calls and respond to emails and other visitor communications, assist in the recruitment, coaching, and evaluation of new University Ambassadors and participate in weekly professional development & training. 3 34 118 Visitor Center N GLD-Professional & Civic Engagement; Student Leadership Programs,Communicate verbally,Influence others,Critical and creative thinking,Problem solving
Learning Assistance Programs


Learning Assistance Programs - The primary mission of Learning Assistance Programs must be to provide students with resources and opportunities to improve their ability to learn and to achieve academic success.

USC Connect E-Portfolio Advising Appointment
Students registered for GLD meet 1:1 with a USC Connect Advisor to advance the development of their GLD E-portfolio.
Fall 2016 Articulating Learning Students registered for GLD meet 1:1 with a USC Connect Advisor to advance the development of their GLD E-portfolio. 3 12 34 Center for Integrative and Experiential Learning N ; Learning Assistance Programs,Apply specialized knowledge,Communicate in writing,Integrative and applied learning,Communication - written
Student Leadership Programs


Student Leadership Programs - The mission of Student Leadership Programs must be to prepare students to engage in the process of leadership.

Center for Integrative and Experiential Learning Student Advisory Council
Students participate in discussion-based monthly meetings to provide the Center for Integrative and Experiential Learning staff with feedback and to share opinions about initiatives and programming.
Fall 2016 Student Program Leader Students participate in discussion-based monthly meetings to provide the Center for Integrative and Experiential Learning staff with feedback and to share opinions about initiatives and programming. 3 12 34 Center for Integrative and Experiential Learning N ; Student Leadership Programs,,Communicate verbally,Critical and creative thinking,Communication - spoken
Campus Activities Programs


Campus Activities Programs - The purpose of Campus Activities Programs must be to enhance the overall educational experience of students through development of, exposure to, and participation in programs and activities that improve student cooperation and leadership while preparing students to be responsible advocates and citizens and complementing the institution's academic programs.

Get Connected Fair
Students interact with faculty and staff to learn more about available opportunities and resources available for within and beyond the classroom engagement at USC.
Fall 2016 Campus Activities Students interact with faculty and staff to learn more about available opportunities and resources available for within and beyond the classroom engagement at USC. 3 12 34 Center for Integrative and Experiential Learning N ; Campus Activities Programs,Study / Practice self knowledge,,Self-knowledge,Communication - spoken
Education Abroad Programs & Services


Education Abroad Programs & Services - Education Abroad Programs and Services facilitate and oversee student participation in educational experiences that occur in countries outside the institution's home country.

Study Abroad: Workshop - Beyond The Awesome
Students engage in storytelling to process their day-to-day life abroad and practice condensing and connecting these stories to transferable skills learned, in order to enhance their professional resume and interview repertoire.
Fall 2016 Articulating Learning Students engage in storytelling to process their day-to-day life abroad and practice condensing and connecting these stories to transferable skills learned, in order to enhance their professional resume and interview repertoire. 3 12 31 Study Abroad N ; Education Abroad Programs & Services,,Communicate verbally,Problem solving,Critical and creative thinking
Student Employment


Student Employment - Student is employed part-time by the university and engages in career readiness development activities as part of supervision process.

Study Abroad Peer Advisor
Students who have studied abroad work in a pre-professional capacity with the Study Abroad Office staff to promote study abroad on campus and to support prospective, current and returned study abroad participants.
Fall 2016 Employment On Campus Students who have studied abroad work in a pre-professional capacity with the Study Abroad Office staff to promote study abroad on campus and to support prospective, current and returned study abroad participants. 3 12 31 Study Abroad N GLD-Professional & Civic Engagement; Student Employment,Apply specialized knowledge,Communicate verbally,Teamwork,Intercultural knowledge and competence
International Student Programs and Services


International Student Programs and Services - The mission of International Student Programs and Services is to provide support and assistance necessary for international students to achieve their educational goals and to ensure institutional compliance with governmental immigration regulations.

Education Abroad Fair
Students interact with faculty, staff, and study abroad providers to learn more about opportunities for study abroad and resources for study abroad funding.
Fall 2016 Campus Activities Students interact with faculty, staff, and study abroad providers to learn more about opportunities for study abroad and resources for study abroad funding. 3 12 31 Study Abroad N ; International Student Programs and Services,,,Civic knowledge and engagement,Intercultural knowledge and competence
International Student Programs and Services


International Student Programs and Services - The mission of International Student Programs and Services is to provide support and assistance necessary for international students to achieve their educational goals and to ensure institutional compliance with governmental immigration regulations.

Education Abroad Fair
Students interact with faculty, staff, and study abroad providers to learn more about opportunities for study abroad and resources for study abroad funding.
Spring 2016 Campus Activities Students interact with faculty, staff, and study abroad providers to learn more about opportunities for study abroad and resources for study abroad funding. 3 12 31 Study Abroad N ; International Student Programs and Services,,,Civic knowledge and engagement,Intercultural knowledge and competence
Student Leadership Programs


Student Leadership Programs - The mission of Student Leadership Programs must be to prepare students to engage in the process of leadership.

Peer Consultant
Student consultants meet with peers to provide study skills support, discuss academic success strategies, and co-create a personalized plan for academic success.
Fall 2016 Peer Educator Student consultants meet with peers to provide study skills support, discuss academic success strategies, and co-create a personalized plan for academic success. 3 11 30 Student Success Center N ; Student Leadership Programs,Study / Practice intellectual skills,,Integrative and applied learning,Foundations and skills for lifelong learning
Learning Assistance Programs


Learning Assistance Programs - The primary mission of Learning Assistance Programs must be to provide students with resources and opportunities to improve their ability to learn and to achieve academic success.

Success Connect Consultation
Students participate in 1:1 meeting with a Success Consultant, to explore and identify effective learning strategies, campus resources, and University procedures to ease the transition to a four-year university.
Fall 2016 Educational Support Students participate in 1:1 meeting with a Success Consultant, to explore and identify effective learning strategies, campus resources, and University procedures to ease the transition to a four-year university. 3 11 30 Student Success Center N ; Learning Assistance Programs,Problem-solving,Plan, organize and prioritize work,Foundations and skills for lifelong learning,Personal and social responsibility - Striving for excellence
Learning Assistance Programs


Learning Assistance Programs - The primary mission of Learning Assistance Programs must be to provide students with resources and opportunities to improve their ability to learn and to achieve academic success.

Peer Writing Session
Students participate in a tutoring session for support with composition- or communications-based assignments or projects.
Fall 2016 Educational Support Students participate in a tutoring session for support with composition- or communications-based assignments or projects. 3 11 30 Student Success Center N ; Learning Assistance Programs,Communicate in writing,Communicate verbally,Integrative and applied learning,Critical and creative thinking
Learning Assistance Programs


Learning Assistance Programs - The primary mission of Learning Assistance Programs must be to provide students with resources and opportunities to improve their ability to learn and to achieve academic success.

Supplemental Instruction
Students participate in a group study session for a specific academic course and section in which they are currently enrolled.
Fall 2016 Educational Support Students participate in a group study session for a specific academic course and section in which they are currently enrolled. 3 11 30 Student Success Center N ; Learning Assistance Programs,Study / Practice intellectual skills,Apply specialized knowledge,Specialized knowledge and skills,
Transfer Student Programs and Services


Transfer Student Programs and Services - The mission of Transfer Student Programs and Services is to aid in the successful transfer, persistence, and graduation of transfer students.

Transfer Success Consultation
Transfer students participate in a 1:1 meeting with the Transfer Coordinator, to discuss academic referrals, current academic challenges, and to identify academic and campus resources.
Fall 2016 Educational Support Transfer students participate in a 1:1 meeting with the Transfer Coordinator, to discuss academic referrals, current academic challenges, and to identify academic and campus resources. 3 11 30 Carolina Experience N ; Transfer Student Programs and Services,,Study / Practice self knowledge,Personal and social responsibility - Striving for excellence,Self-knowledge
Learning Assistance Programs


Learning Assistance Programs - The primary mission of Learning Assistance Programs must be to provide students with resources and opportunities to improve their ability to learn and to achieve academic success.

Money Management Consultation
Students participate in a 1:1 meeting with a Financial Literacy Consultant, to explore financial management topics including basic money management, credit, debt management, and student loan repayment policies.
Fall 2016 Educational Support Students participate in a 1:1 meeting with a Financial Literacy Consultant, to explore financial management topics including basic money management, credit, debt management, and student loan repayment policies. 3 11 30 Student Success Center N ; Learning Assistance Programs,Study / Practice financial literacy,Study / Practice self knowledge,Inquiry and analysis,Self-knowledge
Academic Advising Programs


Academic Advising Programs - The primary purpose of Academic Advising Programs is to assist students in the development of meaningful educational plans.

Withdrawal Consultation
Students who are considering withdrawing from UofSC participate in a 1:1 meeting with a professional advisor, to discuss the withdrawal process, reasons for withdrawal, next steps, plans, and options for future re-enrollment at UofSC.
Fall 2016 Educational Support Students who are considering withdrawing from UofSC participate in a 1:1 meeting with a professional advisor, to discuss the withdrawal process, reasons for withdrawal, next steps, plans, and options for future re-enrollment at UofSC. 3 12 34 University Advising Center N ; Academic Advising Programs,Problem-solving,,Problem solving,
Academic Advising Programs


Academic Advising Programs - The primary purpose of Academic Advising Programs is to assist students in the development of meaningful educational plans.

Exploratory Advising / Major Change
Students meet 1-on-1 with an Exploratory Advisor to explore majors/degree programs, learn how to change majors, evaluate how completed coursework will apply to a new major, plan class schedules, and get help with general advisement questions.
Fall 2016 Educational Support Students meet 1-on-1 with an Exploratory Advisor to explore majors/degree programs, learn how to change majors, evaluate how completed coursework will apply to a new major, plan class schedules, and get help with general advisement questions. 3 12 34 University Advising Center N ; Academic Advising Programs,Problem-solving,Study / Practice self knowledge,Inquiry and analysis,
Academic Advising Programs


Academic Advising Programs - The primary purpose of Academic Advising Programs is to assist students in the development of meaningful educational plans.

Academic Coaching Appointment
Students meet 1-1 with a coach to create an academic and engagement plan, set goals, and share resources; sessions are tailored to meet each student's needs and may include general advising, academic planning, strengths identification, planning campus involvement, and navigating campus resources.
Fall 2016 Educational Support Students meet 1-1 with a coach to create an academic and engagement plan, set goals, and share resources; sessions are tailored to meet each student's needs and may include general advising, academic planning, strengths identification, planning campus involvement, and navigating campus resources. 3 12 34 University Advising Center N ; Academic Advising Programs,Plan, organize and prioritize work,Study / Practice self knowledge,Foundations and skills for lifelong learning,Personal and social responsibility - Striving for excellence
Internship Programs


Internship Programs - The primary mission of Internship Programs is to engage students in planned, educationally-related work and learning experiences that integrate knowledge and theory with practical application and skill development in a professional setting.

Carolina Internship Program - Full-time
Students engage in a paid, work-based learning experience that includes staff facilitated feedback and reflection on their experience. The goal is to enhance students' understanding of their professional knowledge, skills and abilities to aid in their full-time job searches and lifelong career management.
Spring 2016 Internship Students engage in a paid, work-based learning experience that includes staff facilitated feedback and reflection on their experience. The goal is to enhance students' understanding of their professional knowledge, skills and abilities to aid in their full-time job searches and lifelong career management. 3 11 30 Career Center N GLD-Professional & Civic Engagement; Internship Programs,Career development,Plan, organize and prioritize work,Integrative and applied learning,Critical and creative thinking
Internship Programs


Internship Programs - The primary mission of Internship Programs is to engage students in planned, educationally-related work and learning experiences that integrate knowledge and theory with practical application and skill development in a professional setting.

Carolina Internship Program - Part-time
Students engage in a paid, work-based learning experience that is usually the length or equivalent of a fall or spring semester or summer, working approximately 240 hours at 20 hours/week. Student may be eligible to receive academic credit through their academic department or pursue a Zero Credit Transcript notation through the Career Center.
Spring 2016 Cooperative Education Students engage in a paid, work-based learning experience that is usually the length or equivalent of a fall or spring semester or summer, working approximately 240 hours at 20 hours/week. Student may be eligible to receive academic credit through their academic department or pursue a Zero Credit Transcript notation through the Career Center. 3 11 30 Career Center N GLD-Professional & Civic Engagement; Internship Programs,Career development,Plan, organize and prioritize work,Integrative and applied learning,Critical and creative thinking
Internship Programs


Internship Programs - The primary mission of Internship Programs is to engage students in planned, educationally-related work and learning experiences that integrate knowledge and theory with practical application and skill development in a professional setting.

Cooperative Education (Co-op) - Alternating
Students participate in 2-3 semesters of supervised, paid work-based learning with the same employer. The Alternating format allows the student to alternate between a semester of full-time school (480 hours at 40 hours/week).
Spring 2016 Cooperative Education Students participate in 2-3 semesters of supervised, paid work-based learning with the same employer. The Alternating format allows the student to alternate between a semester of full-time school (480 hours at 40 hours/week). 3 11 30 Career Center N GLD-Professional & Civic Engagement; Internship Programs,,Plan, organize and prioritize work,Integrative and applied learning,Critical and creative thinking
Internship Programs


Internship Programs - The primary mission of Internship Programs is to engage students in planned, educationally-related work and learning experiences that integrate knowledge and theory with practical application and skill development in a professional setting.

Carolina Internship Program - Part-time
Students engage in a paid, work-based learning experience that is usually the length or equivalent of a fall or spring semester or summer, working approximately 240 hours at 20 hours/week. Student may be eligible to receive academic credit through their academic department or pursue a Zero Credit Transcript notation through the Career Center.
Summer 2016 Cooperative Education Students engage in a paid, work-based learning experience that is usually the length or equivalent of a fall or spring semester or summer, working approximately 240 hours at 20 hours/week. Student may be eligible to receive academic credit through their academic department or pursue a Zero Credit Transcript notation through the Career Center. 3 11 30 Career Center N GLD-Professional & Civic Engagement; Internship Programs,Career development,Plan, organize and prioritize work,Integrative and applied learning,Critical and creative thinking
Internship Programs


Internship Programs - The primary mission of Internship Programs is to engage students in planned, educationally-related work and learning experiences that integrate knowledge and theory with practical application and skill development in a professional setting.

Carolina Internship Program - Full-time
Students engage in a paid, work-based learning experience that includes staff facilitated feedback and reflection on their experience. The goal is to enhance students' understanding of their professional knowledge, skills and abilities to aid in their full-time job searches and lifelong career management.
Summer 2016 Internship Students engage in a paid, work-based learning experience that includes staff facilitated feedback and reflection on their experience. The goal is to enhance students' understanding of their professional knowledge, skills and abilities to aid in their full-time job searches and lifelong career management. 3 11 30 Career Center N ; Internship Programs,Career development,Plan, organize and prioritize work,Integrative and applied learning,Critical and creative thinking
Internship Programs


Internship Programs - The primary mission of Internship Programs is to engage students in planned, educationally-related work and learning experiences that integrate knowledge and theory with practical application and skill development in a professional setting.

Cooperative Education (Co-op) - Alternating
Students participate in 2-3 semesters of supervised, paid work-based learning with the same employer. The Alternating format allows the student to alternate between a semester of full-time school (480 hours at 40 hours/week).
Summer 2016 Cooperative Education Students participate in 2-3 semesters of supervised, paid work-based learning with the same employer. The Alternating format allows the student to alternate between a semester of full-time school (480 hours at 40 hours/week). 3 11 30 Career Center N GLD-Professional & Civic Engagement; Internship Programs,,Plan, organize and prioritize work,Integrative and applied learning,Critical and creative thinking
Internship Programs


Internship Programs - The primary mission of Internship Programs is to engage students in planned, educationally-related work and learning experiences that integrate knowledge and theory with practical application and skill development in a professional setting.

Cooperative Education (Co-op) - Parallel
Students participate in 2-3 semesters of supervised, paid work-based learning with the same employer. The Parallel format allows the student to work part-time for 240 hours (20 hours/week) for 3 consecutive semesters while attending school.
Spring 2016 Cooperative Education Students participate in 2-3 semesters of supervised, paid work-based learning with the same employer. The Parallel format allows the student to work part-time for 240 hours (20 hours/week) for 3 consecutive semesters while attending school. 3 11 30 Career Center N GLD-Professional & Civic Engagement; Internship Programs,,Plan, organize and prioritize work,Integrative and applied learning,Critical and creative thinking
Career Services


Career Services - The primary mission of Career Services is to assist students and other designated clients in developing, evaluating, and implementing career, education, and employment plans.

Pathways to Professions (Externship)
Students attend half or full day visit to an employer site for an overview of the organization and their employment opportunities. Common components include presentations by organizational leadership and human resources staff, practitioner panels (most often with alumni representation), shadowing opportunities and facility tours.
Spring 2016 Career Development Students attend half or full day visit to an employer site for an overview of the organization and their employment opportunities. Common components include presentations by organizational leadership and human resources staff, practitioner panels (most often with alumni representation), shadowing opportunities and facility tours. 3 11 30 Career Center N ; Career Services,,Career development,Inquiry and analysis,Communication - spoken
Internship Programs


Internship Programs - The primary mission of Internship Programs is to engage students in planned, educationally-related work and learning experiences that integrate knowledge and theory with practical application and skill development in a professional setting.

Carolina Internship Program - Full-time
Students engage in a paid, work-based learning experience that includes staff facilitated feedback and reflection on their experience. The goal is to enhance students' understanding of their professional knowledge, skills and abilities to aid in their full-time job searches and lifelong career management.
Fall 2016 Internship Students engage in a paid, work-based learning experience that includes staff facilitated feedback and reflection on their experience. The goal is to enhance students' understanding of their professional knowledge, skills and abilities to aid in their full-time job searches and lifelong career management. 3 11 30 Career Center N GLD-Professional & Civic Engagement; Internship Programs,Career development,Plan, organize and prioritize work,Integrative and applied learning,Critical and creative thinking
Internship Programs


Internship Programs - The primary mission of Internship Programs is to engage students in planned, educationally-related work and learning experiences that integrate knowledge and theory with practical application and skill development in a professional setting.

Carolina Internship Program - Part-time
Students engage in a paid, work-based learning experience that is usually the length or equivalent of a fall or spring semester or summer, working approximately 240 hours at 20 hours/week. Student may be eligible to receive academic credit through their academic department or pursue a Zero Credit Transcript notation through the Career Center.
Fall 2016 Cooperative Education Students engage in a paid, work-based learning experience that is usually the length or equivalent of a fall or spring semester or summer, working approximately 240 hours at 20 hours/week. Student may be eligible to receive academic credit through their academic department or pursue a Zero Credit Transcript notation through the Career Center. 3 11 30 Career Center N GLD-Professional & Civic Engagement; Internship Programs,Career development,Plan, organize and prioritize work,Integrative and applied learning,Critical and creative thinking
Internship Programs


Internship Programs - The primary mission of Internship Programs is to engage students in planned, educationally-related work and learning experiences that integrate knowledge and theory with practical application and skill development in a professional setting.

Cooperative Education (Co-op) - Alternating
Students participate in 2-3 semesters of supervised, paid work-based learning with the same employer. The Alternating format allows the student to alternate between a semester of full-time school (480 hours at 40 hours/week).
Fall 2016 Cooperative Education Students participate in 2-3 semesters of supervised, paid work-based learning with the same employer. The Alternating format allows the student to alternate between a semester of full-time school (480 hours at 40 hours/week). 3 11 30 Career Center N GLD-Professional & Civic Engagement; Internship Programs,,Plan, organize and prioritize work,Integrative and applied learning,Critical and creative thinking
Internship Programs


Internship Programs - The primary mission of Internship Programs is to engage students in planned, educationally-related work and learning experiences that integrate knowledge and theory with practical application and skill development in a professional setting.

Cooperative Education (Co-op) - Parallel
Students participate in 2-3 semesters of supervised, paid work-based learning with the same employer. The Parallel format allows the student to work part-time for 240 hours (20 hours/week) for 3 consecutive semesters while attending school.
Fall 2016 Cooperative Education Students participate in 2-3 semesters of supervised, paid work-based learning with the same employer. The Parallel format allows the student to work part-time for 240 hours (20 hours/week) for 3 consecutive semesters while attending school. 3 11 30 Career Center N GLD-Professional & Civic Engagement; Internship Programs,,Plan, organize and prioritize work,Integrative and applied learning,Critical and creative thinking
Internship Programs


Internship Programs - The primary mission of Internship Programs is to engage students in planned, educationally-related work and learning experiences that integrate knowledge and theory with practical application and skill development in a professional setting.

Cooperative Education (Co-op) - Parallel
Students participate in 2-3 semesters of supervised, paid work-based learning with the same employer. The Parallel format allows the student to work part-time for 240 hours (20 hours/week) for 3 consecutive semesters while attending school.
Summer 2016 Cooperative Education Students participate in 2-3 semesters of supervised, paid work-based learning with the same employer. The Parallel format allows the student to work part-time for 240 hours (20 hours/week) for 3 consecutive semesters while attending school. 3 11 30 Career Center N GLD-Professional & Civic Engagement; Internship Programs,,Plan, organize and prioritize work,Integrative and applied learning,Critical and creative thinking
Student Leadership Programs


Student Leadership Programs - The mission of Student Leadership Programs must be to prepare students to engage in the process of leadership.

Magellan Ambassador
Magellan Ambassadors represent the Office of Undergraduate Research through campus presentations and events, providing opportunity for professional development while sharing their research experience with other students.
Fall 2016 Student Program Leader Magellan Ambassadors represent the Office of Undergraduate Research through campus presentations and events, providing opportunity for professional development while sharing their research experience with other students. 3 13 32 Undergraduate Research N GLD-Professional & Civic Engagement; Student Leadership Programs,Communicate verbally,Influence others,Communication - spoken,Teamwork
International Student Programs and Services


International Student Programs and Services - The mission of International Student Programs and Services is to provide support and assistance necessary for international students to achieve their educational goals and to ensure institutional compliance with governmental immigration regulations.

Images of Arabs and Muslims in American Popular Culture
Participants listen to an expert presentation from Dr. Jack Shaheen about his research on images of Arabs and Muslims in popular culture,in which he challenges attendees to consider stereotypes and their impact on public opinion and policies. Students share and hear diverse perspectives on the topic, as participants engage in Q&A.
Fall 2016 Global Learning Participants listen to an expert presentation from Dr. Jack Shaheen about his research on images of Arabs and Muslims in popular culture,in which he challenges attendees to consider stereotypes and their impact on public opinion and policies. Students share and hear diverse perspectives on the topic, as participants engage in Q&A. 3 12 31 International Student Services N ; International Student Programs and Services,,,Civic knowledge and engagement,Intercultural knowledge and competence
International Student Programs and Services


International Student Programs and Services - The mission of International Student Programs and Services is to provide support and assistance necessary for international students to achieve their educational goals and to ensure institutional compliance with governmental immigration regulations.

International Education Week Bazaar
Participants interact with USC students from around the world, observe international dances and music, and learn about other cultures. Participants can complete a Bazaar passport by visiting at least four Bazaar displays and interacting with USC international students from that country or region.
Fall 2016 Global Learning Participants interact with USC students from around the world, observe international dances and music, and learn about other cultures. Participants can complete a Bazaar passport by visiting at least four Bazaar displays and interacting with USC international students from that country or region. 3 12 31 International Student Services N ; International Student Programs and Services,Study / Practice diversity, equity, inclusion,,Civic knowledge and engagement,Intercultural knowledge and competence
International Student Programs and Services


International Student Programs and Services - The mission of International Student Programs and Services is to provide support and assistance necessary for international students to achieve their educational goals and to ensure institutional compliance with governmental immigration regulations.

Carolina Intercultural Training
Students explore cultural values, practice analyzing cross-cultural misunderstandings, and discuss how to better communicate with diverse peers. Participants engage in an intercultural learning experience through small group discussions, whole group activities, and personal self-evaluation.
Fall 2016 Diversity, Equity, and Inclusion Education Students explore cultural values, practice analyzing cross-cultural misunderstandings, and discuss how to better communicate with diverse peers. Participants engage in an intercultural learning experience through small group discussions, whole group activities, and personal self-evaluation. 3 12 31 International Student Services N ; International Student Programs and Services,Study / Practice diversity, equity, inclusion,Communicate verbally,Intercultural knowledge and competence,Personal and social responsibility - Taking seriously the perspectives of others
Student Leadership Programs


Student Leadership Programs - The mission of Student Leadership Programs must be to prepare students to engage in the process of leadership.

University Ambassador
University Ambassadors lead campus tours for diverse audiences of prospective students and families, answer phone calls and respond to emails and other visitor communications, assist in the recruitment, coaching, and evaluation of new University Ambassadors and participate in weekly professional development & training.
Fall 2016 Peer Educator University Ambassadors lead campus tours for diverse audiences of prospective students and families, answer phone calls and respond to emails and other visitor communications, assist in the recruitment, coaching, and evaluation of new University Ambassadors and participate in weekly professional development & training. 3 34 118 Visitor Center N GLD-Professional & Civic Engagement; Student Leadership Programs,Influence others,Communicate verbally,Critical and creative thinking,Problem solving
Education Abroad Programs & Services


Education Abroad Programs & Services - Education Abroad Programs and Services facilitate and oversee student participation in educational experiences that occur in countries outside the institution's home country.

Study Abroad - Global USC
Students engage in intensive, multi-disciplinary overseas summer programs, earning 3-9 credits while participating in cultural excursions and academic activities as part of a cohort.
Fall 2016 Study Abroad Students engage in intensive, multi-disciplinary overseas summer programs, earning 3-9 credits while participating in cultural excursions and academic activities as part of a cohort. 3 12 31 Study Abroad N GLD-Global Learning; Education Abroad Programs & Services,Study / Practice intellectual skills,,Intercultural knowledge and competence,Integrative and applied learning
Education Abroad Programs & Services


Education Abroad Programs & Services - Education Abroad Programs and Services facilitate and oversee student participation in educational experiences that occur in countries outside the institution's home country.

Study Abroad - Global Exchange
Students engage in a semester or academic year exchange program in conjunction with a partner institution. Some focus on specific areas of study; others are open to all majors. Students are charged USC in-state tuition while enrolled in this program.
Fall 2016 Study Abroad Students engage in a semester or academic year exchange program in conjunction with a partner institution. Some focus on specific areas of study; others are open to all majors. Students are charged USC in-state tuition while enrolled in this program. 3 12 31 Study Abroad N GLD-Global Learning; Education Abroad Programs & Services,Study / Practice intellectual skills,,Intercultural knowledge and competence,Integrative and applied learning
Education Abroad Programs & Services


Education Abroad Programs & Services - Education Abroad Programs and Services facilitate and oversee student participation in educational experiences that occur in countries outside the institution's home country.

Study Abroad - Global Direct
Students engage in a summer, semester, or academic year direct-enroll program while focusing on specific topics, foreign languages, or various subject areas. Students take courses from an approved academic institution and pay tuition and fees directly to the host institution.
Fall 2016 Study Abroad Students engage in a summer, semester, or academic year direct-enroll program while focusing on specific topics, foreign languages, or various subject areas. Students take courses from an approved academic institution and pay tuition and fees directly to the host institution. 3 12 31 Study Abroad N GLD-Global Learning; Education Abroad Programs & Services,Study / Practice intellectual skills,,Intercultural knowledge and competence,Integrative and applied learning
Education Abroad Programs & Services


Education Abroad Programs & Services - Education Abroad Programs and Services facilitate and oversee student participation in educational experiences that occur in countries outside the institution's home country.

Study Abroad - Global Partner
Students engage in a summer, semester, or academic year program with an independent study abroad organization.
Fall 2016 Study Abroad Students engage in a summer, semester, or academic year program with an independent study abroad organization. 3 12 31 Study Abroad N GLD-Global Learning; Education Abroad Programs & Services,Study / Practice intellectual skills,,Intercultural knowledge and competence,Integrative and applied learning
Education Abroad Programs & Services


Education Abroad Programs & Services - Education Abroad Programs and Services facilitate and oversee student participation in educational experiences that occur in countries outside the institution's home country.

Study Abroad - Global Classroom
Students engage in a short-term, USC faculty-led program, focusing on a specific subject area or foreign language. Program sites and course offerings vary from year to year.
Fall 2016 Study Abroad Students engage in a short-term, USC faculty-led program, focusing on a specific subject area or foreign language. Program sites and course offerings vary from year to year. 3 12 31 Study Abroad N GLD-Global Learning; Education Abroad Programs & Services,Study / Practice intellectual skills,,Intercultural knowledge and competence,Integrative and applied learning
Civic Engagement & Service-Learning Programs


Civic Engagement & Service-Learning Programs - The primary mission of Service-Learning Programs is to engage students in experiences that address human and community needs together with structured opportunities for reflection intentionally designed to promote student learning and development.

Service Saturday
Students participate in a community service opportunity within the city of Columbia or campus community.
Fall 2016 Civic Engagement Students participate in a community service opportunity within the city of Columbia or campus community. 3 11 28 Russell House University Union N GLD-Community Service; Civic Engagement & Service-Learning Programs,Community service / civic engagement,Study / Practice self knowledge,Personal and social responsibility - Contributing to a larger community,Civic knowledge and engagement
Undergraduate Research Programs


Undergraduate Research Programs - The primary mission of Undergraduate Research Programs is to engage students in investigative and creative activity to experience firsthand the processes of scholarly exploration and discovery.

Undergraduate Research
Students work with a mentor to conduct a discipline specific research project.
Fall 2016 Undergraduate Research Students work with a mentor to conduct a discipline specific research project. 3 13 32 Undergraduate Research N GLD-Research; Undergraduate Research Programs,Apply specialized knowledge,Communicate verbally,Inquiry and analysis,Critical and creative thinking
Education Abroad Programs & Services


Education Abroad Programs & Services - Education Abroad Programs and Services facilitate and oversee student participation in educational experiences that occur in countries outside the institution's home country.

Study Abroad - Global Classroom
Students engage in a short-term, USC faculty-led program, focusing on a specific subject area or foreign language. Program sites and course offerings vary from year to year.
Summer 2016 Study Abroad Students engage in a short-term, USC faculty-led program, focusing on a specific subject area or foreign language. Program sites and course offerings vary from year to year. 3 12 31 Study Abroad N GLD-Global Learning; Education Abroad Programs & Services,Study / Practice intellectual skills,,Intercultural knowledge and competence,Integrative and applied learning
Education Abroad Programs & Services


Education Abroad Programs & Services - Education Abroad Programs and Services facilitate and oversee student participation in educational experiences that occur in countries outside the institution's home country.

Study Abroad - Global Classroom
Students engage in a short-term, USC faculty-led program, focusing on a specific subject area or foreign language. Program sites and course offerings vary from year to year.
Spring 2016 Study Abroad Students engage in a short-term, USC faculty-led program, focusing on a specific subject area or foreign language. Program sites and course offerings vary from year to year. 3 12 31 Study Abroad N GLD-Global Learning; Education Abroad Programs & Services,Study / Practice intellectual skills,,Intercultural knowledge and competence,Integrative and applied learning
Education Abroad Programs & Services


Education Abroad Programs & Services - Education Abroad Programs and Services facilitate and oversee student participation in educational experiences that occur in countries outside the institution's home country.

Study Abroad - Global Partner
Students engage in a summer, semester, or academic year program with an independent study abroad organization.
Spring 2016 Study Abroad Students engage in a summer, semester, or academic year program with an independent study abroad organization. 3 12 31 Study Abroad N GLD-Global Learning; Education Abroad Programs & Services,Study / Practice intellectual skills,,Intercultural knowledge and competence,Integrative and applied learning
Education Abroad Programs & Services


Education Abroad Programs & Services - Education Abroad Programs and Services facilitate and oversee student participation in educational experiences that occur in countries outside the institution's home country.

Study Abroad - Global Partner
Students engage in a summer, semester, or academic year program with an independent study abroad organization.
Summer 2016 Study Abroad Students engage in a summer, semester, or academic year program with an independent study abroad organization. 3 12 31 Study Abroad N GLD-Global Learning; Education Abroad Programs & Services,Study / Practice intellectual skills,,Intercultural knowledge and competence,Integrative and applied learning
Education Abroad Programs & Services


Education Abroad Programs & Services - Education Abroad Programs and Services facilitate and oversee student participation in educational experiences that occur in countries outside the institution's home country.

Study Abroad - Global Partner
Students engage in a summer, semester, or academic year program with an independent study abroad organization.
Fall 2015 Study Abroad Students engage in a summer, semester, or academic year program with an independent study abroad organization. 3 12 31 Study Abroad N GLD-Global Learning; Education Abroad Programs & Services,Study / Practice intellectual skills,,Intercultural knowledge and competence,Integrative and applied learning
Education Abroad Programs & Services


Education Abroad Programs & Services - Education Abroad Programs and Services facilitate and oversee student participation in educational experiences that occur in countries outside the institution's home country.

Study Abroad - Global Exchange
Students engage in a semester or academic year exchange program in conjunction with a partner institution. Some focus on specific areas of study; others are open to all majors. Students are charged USC in-state tuition while enrolled in this program.
Spring 2016 Study Abroad Students engage in a semester or academic year exchange program in conjunction with a partner institution. Some focus on specific areas of study; others are open to all majors. Students are charged USC in-state tuition while enrolled in this program. 3 12 31 Study Abroad N GLD-Global Learning; Education Abroad Programs & Services,Study / Practice intellectual skills,,Intercultural knowledge and competence,Integrative and applied learning
Education Abroad Programs & Services


Education Abroad Programs & Services - Education Abroad Programs and Services facilitate and oversee student participation in educational experiences that occur in countries outside the institution's home country.

Study Abroad - Global Exchange
Students engage in a semester or academic year exchange program in conjunction with a partner institution. Some focus on specific areas of study; others are open to all majors. Students are charged USC in-state tuition while enrolled in this program.
Fall 2015 Study Abroad Students engage in a semester or academic year exchange program in conjunction with a partner institution. Some focus on specific areas of study; others are open to all majors. Students are charged USC in-state tuition while enrolled in this program. 3 12 31 Study Abroad N GLD-Global Learning; Education Abroad Programs & Services,Study / Practice intellectual skills,,Intercultural knowledge and competence,Integrative and applied learning
Education Abroad Programs & Services


Education Abroad Programs & Services - Education Abroad Programs and Services facilitate and oversee student participation in educational experiences that occur in countries outside the institution's home country.

Study Abroad - Global USC
Students engage in intensive, multi-disciplinary overseas summer programs, earning 3-9 credits while participating in cultural excursions and academic activities as part of a cohort.
Summer 2016 Study Abroad Students engage in intensive, multi-disciplinary overseas summer programs, earning 3-9 credits while participating in cultural excursions and academic activities as part of a cohort. 3 12 31 Study Abroad N GLD-Global Learning; Education Abroad Programs & Services,Study / Practice intellectual skills,,Intercultural knowledge and competence,Integrative and applied learning
Education Abroad Programs & Services


Education Abroad Programs & Services - Education Abroad Programs and Services facilitate and oversee student participation in educational experiences that occur in countries outside the institution's home country.

Study Abroad - Global Exchange
Students engage in a semester or academic year exchange program in conjunction with a partner institution. Some focus on specific areas of study; others are open to all majors. Students are charged USC in-state tuition while enrolled in this program.
Summer 2016 Study Abroad Students engage in a semester or academic year exchange program in conjunction with a partner institution. Some focus on specific areas of study; others are open to all majors. Students are charged USC in-state tuition while enrolled in this program. 3 12 31 Study Abroad N GLD-Global Learning; Education Abroad Programs & Services,Study / Practice intellectual skills,,Intercultural knowledge and competence,Integrative and applied learning
Education Abroad Programs & Services


Education Abroad Programs & Services - Education Abroad Programs and Services facilitate and oversee student participation in educational experiences that occur in countries outside the institution's home country.

Study Abroad - Global Direct
Students engage in a summer, semester, or academic year direct-enroll program while focusing on specific topics, foreign languages, or various subject areas. Students take courses from an approved academic institution and pay tuition and fees directly to the host institution.
Fall 2015 Study Abroad Students engage in a summer, semester, or academic year direct-enroll program while focusing on specific topics, foreign languages, or various subject areas. Students take courses from an approved academic institution and pay tuition and fees directly to the host institution. 3 12 31 Study Abroad N GLD-Global Learning; Education Abroad Programs & Services,Study / Practice intellectual skills,,Intercultural knowledge and competence,Integrative and applied learning
Education Abroad Programs & Services


Education Abroad Programs & Services - Education Abroad Programs and Services facilitate and oversee student participation in educational experiences that occur in countries outside the institution's home country.

Study Abroad - Global Direct
Students engage in a summer, semester, or academic year direct-enroll program while focusing on specific topics, foreign languages, or various subject areas. Students take courses from an approved academic institution and pay tuition and fees directly to the host institution.
Spring 2016 Study Abroad Students engage in a summer, semester, or academic year direct-enroll program while focusing on specific topics, foreign languages, or various subject areas. Students take courses from an approved academic institution and pay tuition and fees directly to the host institution. 3 12 31 Study Abroad N GLD-Global Learning; Education Abroad Programs & Services,Study / Practice intellectual skills,,Intercultural knowledge and competence,Integrative and applied learning
Education Abroad Programs & Services


Education Abroad Programs & Services - Education Abroad Programs and Services facilitate and oversee student participation in educational experiences that occur in countries outside the institution's home country.

Study Abroad - Global Direct
Students engage in a summer, semester, or academic year direct-enroll program while focusing on specific topics, foreign languages, or various subject areas. Students take courses from an approved academic institution and pay tuition and fees directly to the host institution.
Summer 2016 Study Abroad Students engage in a summer, semester, or academic year direct-enroll program while focusing on specific topics, foreign languages, or various subject areas. Students take courses from an approved academic institution and pay tuition and fees directly to the host institution. 3 12 31 Study Abroad N GLD-Global Learning; Education Abroad Programs & Services,Study / Practice intellectual skills,,Intercultural knowledge and competence,Integrative and applied learning
International Student Programs and Services


International Student Programs and Services - The mission of International Student Programs and Services is to provide support and assistance necessary for international students to achieve their educational goals and to ensure institutional compliance with governmental immigration regulations.

Carolina Intercultural Training
Students explore cultural values, practice analyzing cross-cultural misunderstandings, and discuss how to better communicate with diverse peers. Participants engage in an intercultural learning experience through small group discussions, whole group activities, and personal self-evaluation.
Spring 2016 Diversity, Equity, and Inclusion Education Students explore cultural values, practice analyzing cross-cultural misunderstandings, and discuss how to better communicate with diverse peers. Participants engage in an intercultural learning experience through small group discussions, whole group activities, and personal self-evaluation. 3 12 31 International Student Services N ; International Student Programs and Services,Study / Practice diversity, equity, inclusion,Communicate verbally,Intercultural knowledge and competence,Personal and social responsibility - Taking seriously the perspectives of others
International Student Programs and Services


International Student Programs and Services - The mission of International Student Programs and Services is to provide support and assistance necessary for international students to achieve their educational goals and to ensure institutional compliance with governmental immigration regulations.

Carolina Intercultural Training
Students explore cultural values, practice analyzing cross-cultural misunderstandings, and discuss how to better communicate with diverse peers. Participants engage in an intercultural learning experience through small group discussions, whole group activities, and personal self-evaluation.
Fall 2015 Diversity, Equity, and Inclusion Education Students explore cultural values, practice analyzing cross-cultural misunderstandings, and discuss how to better communicate with diverse peers. Participants engage in an intercultural learning experience through small group discussions, whole group activities, and personal self-evaluation. 3 12 31 International Student Services N ; International Student Programs and Services,Study / Practice diversity, equity, inclusion,Communicate verbally,Intercultural knowledge and competence,Personal and social responsibility - Taking seriously the perspectives of others
International Student Programs and Services


International Student Programs and Services - The mission of International Student Programs and Services is to provide support and assistance necessary for international students to achieve their educational goals and to ensure institutional compliance with governmental immigration regulations.

Carolina Intercultural Training
Students explore cultural values, practice analyzing cross-cultural misunderstandings, and discuss how to better communicate with diverse peers. Participants engage in an intercultural learning experience through small group discussions, whole group activities, and personal self-evaluation.
Spring 2015 Diversity, Equity, and Inclusion Education Students explore cultural values, practice analyzing cross-cultural misunderstandings, and discuss how to better communicate with diverse peers. Participants engage in an intercultural learning experience through small group discussions, whole group activities, and personal self-evaluation. 3 12 31 International Student Services N ; International Student Programs and Services,Study / Practice diversity, equity, inclusion,Communicate verbally,Intercultural knowledge and competence,Personal and social responsibility - Taking seriously the perspectives of others
Student Leadership Programs


Student Leadership Programs - The mission of Student Leadership Programs must be to prepare students to engage in the process of leadership.

University Ambassador
University Ambassadors lead campus tours for diverse audiences of prospective students and families, answer phone calls and respond to emails and other visitor communications, assist in the recruitment, coaching, and evaluation of new University Ambassadors and participate in weekly professional development & training.
Spring 2017 Peer Educator University Ambassadors lead campus tours for diverse audiences of prospective students and families, answer phone calls and respond to emails and other visitor communications, assist in the recruitment, coaching, and evaluation of new University Ambassadors and participate in weekly professional development & training. 3 34 118 Visitor Center N GLD-Professional & Civic Engagement; Student Leadership Programs,Influence others,Communicate verbally,Critical and creative thinking,Problem solving
Student Leadership Programs


Student Leadership Programs - The mission of Student Leadership Programs must be to prepare students to engage in the process of leadership.

University 101 Peer Leader
U101 Peer Leaders co-teach a section of a UNIV 101 course with a faculty or staff member, and serve as resources, mentors, and facilitators for learning in and beyond the classroom for first-year students enrolled in the course.
Fall 2016 Peer Educator U101 Peer Leaders co-teach a section of a UNIV 101 course with a faculty or staff member, and serve as resources, mentors, and facilitators for learning in and beyond the classroom for first-year students enrolled in the course. 3 11 30 University 101 Programs N GLD-Diversity & Social Advocacy; GLD-Professional & Civic Engagement; Student Leadership Programs,Communicate verbally,Influence others,Communication - spoken,Critical and creative thinking
Student Leadership Programs


Student Leadership Programs - The mission of Student Leadership Programs must be to prepare students to engage in the process of leadership.

University 101 Returning Peer Leader
U101 Returning Peer Leaders co-teach a section of a UNIV 101 course with a faculty or staff member.
Fall 2016 Peer Educator U101 Returning Peer Leaders co-teach a section of a UNIV 101 course with a faculty or staff member. 3 11 30 University 101 Programs N ; Student Leadership Programs,Communicate verbally,Influence others,Communication - spoken,Critical and creative thinking
Student Leadership Programs


Student Leadership Programs - The mission of Student Leadership Programs must be to prepare students to engage in the process of leadership.

University 101 Senior Peer Leader
University 101 Senior Peer Leaders serve as a mentor and resource to new U101 Peer Leaders and co-teach EDLP 520.
Fall 2016 Peer Educator University 101 Senior Peer Leaders serve as a mentor and resource to new U101 Peer Leaders and co-teach EDLP 520. 3 11 30 University 101 Programs N ; Student Leadership Programs,Influence others,Communicate verbally,Communication - spoken,Teamwork
Career Services


Career Services - The primary mission of Career Services is to assist students and other designated clients in developing, evaluating, and implementing career, education, and employment plans.

Pathways to Professions (Externship)
Students attend half or full day visit to an employer site for an overview of the organization and their employment opportunities. Common components include presentations by organizational leadership and human resources staff, practitioner panels (most often with alumni representation), shadowing opportunities and facility tours.
Fall 2016 Career Development Students attend half or full day visit to an employer site for an overview of the organization and their employment opportunities. Common components include presentations by organizational leadership and human resources staff, practitioner panels (most often with alumni representation), shadowing opportunities and facility tours. 3 11 30 Career Center N ; Career Services,,Career development,Inquiry and analysis,Communication - spoken
Career Services


Career Services - The primary mission of Career Services is to assist students and other designated clients in developing, evaluating, and implementing career, education, and employment plans.

Explore (How People Meet…Their Major): Career Conference
Students participate in a 1/2 day seminar to explore their career-related values, interests, and work preferences/personality type in relation to the selection of a college major. Students are provided with information about academic degree options at USC.
Fall 2016 Career Development Students participate in a 1/2 day seminar to explore their career-related values, interests, and work preferences/personality type in relation to the selection of a college major. Students are provided with information about academic degree options at USC. 3 11 30 Career Center N ; Career Services,Study / Practice self knowledge,Career development,Inquiry and analysis,Integrative and applied learning
Student Leadership Programs


Student Leadership Programs - The mission of Student Leadership Programs must be to prepare students to engage in the process of leadership.

Career Center Ambassador
Students provide peer-to-peer career coaching to fellow students at USC. In addition to working directly with students, Career Ambassadors also conduct outreach activities for classes, residence halls and Greek houses.
Fall 2016 Peer Educator Students provide peer-to-peer career coaching to fellow students at USC. In addition to working directly with students, Career Ambassadors also conduct outreach activities for classes, residence halls and Greek houses. 3 11 30 Career Center N GLD-Professional & Civic Engagement; Student Leadership Programs,Communicate verbally,,Communication - spoken,Inquiry and analysis
Academic Advising Programs


Academic Advising Programs - The primary purpose of Academic Advising Programs is to assist students in the development of meaningful educational plans.

Academic Coaching Appointment
Students meet 1-1 with a coach to create an academic and engagement plan, set goals, and share resources; sessions are tailored to meet each student's needs and may include general advising, academic planning, strengths identification, planning campus involvement, and navigating campus resources.
Spring 2017 Educational Support Students meet 1-1 with a coach to create an academic and engagement plan, set goals, and share resources; sessions are tailored to meet each student's needs and may include general advising, academic planning, strengths identification, planning campus involvement, and navigating campus resources. 3 12 34 University Advising Center N ; Academic Advising Programs,Plan, organize and prioritize work,Study / Practice self knowledge,Foundations and skills for lifelong learning,Personal and social responsibility - Striving for excellence
Academic Advising Programs


Academic Advising Programs - The primary purpose of Academic Advising Programs is to assist students in the development of meaningful educational plans.

Withdrawal Consultation
Students who are considering withdrawing from UofSC participate in a 1:1 meeting with a professional advisor, to discuss the withdrawal process, reasons for withdrawal, next steps, plans, and options for future re-enrollment at UofSC.
Spring 2017 Educational Support Students who are considering withdrawing from UofSC participate in a 1:1 meeting with a professional advisor, to discuss the withdrawal process, reasons for withdrawal, next steps, plans, and options for future re-enrollment at UofSC. 3 12 34 University Advising Center N ; Academic Advising Programs,Problem-solving,,Problem solving,
Academic Advising Programs


Academic Advising Programs - The primary purpose of Academic Advising Programs is to assist students in the development of meaningful educational plans.

Exploratory Advising / Major Change
Students meet 1-on-1 with an Exploratory Advisor to explore majors/degree programs, learn how to change majors, evaluate how completed coursework will apply to a new major, plan class schedules, and get help with general advisement questions.
Spring 2017 Educational Support Students meet 1-on-1 with an Exploratory Advisor to explore majors/degree programs, learn how to change majors, evaluate how completed coursework will apply to a new major, plan class schedules, and get help with general advisement questions. 3 12 34 University Advising Center N ; Academic Advising Programs,Problem-solving,Study / Practice self knowledge,Inquiry and analysis,
Learning Assistance Programs


Learning Assistance Programs - The primary mission of Learning Assistance Programs must be to provide students with resources and opportunities to improve their ability to learn and to achieve academic success.

Peer Tutoring
Students participate in a tutoring session for a specific academic course in which they are currently enrolled.
Fall 2016 Educational Support Students participate in a tutoring session for a specific academic course in which they are currently enrolled. 3 11 30 Student Success Center N ; Learning Assistance Programs,Study / Practice intellectual skills,Apply specialized knowledge,Specialized knowledge and skills,
Capstone Experience


Capstone Experience - A course or project that engages students in a culminating and integrative experience, intended to connect the key learning objectives of an educational program.

Discover UofSC
Students make oral, creative, and/or poster presentations of any beyond the classroom experience including research and scholarly projects, global study, professional work experiences, leadership, service-learning and community service, and national fellowship competitions.
Spring 2017 Articulating Learning Students make oral, creative, and/or poster presentations of any beyond the classroom experience including research and scholarly projects, global study, professional work experiences, leadership, service-learning and community service, and national fellowship competitions. 3 13 32 Undergraduate Research N GLD-Presentation; Capstone Experience,Communicate verbally,Apply specialized knowledge,Communication - spoken,
Student Leadership Programs


Student Leadership Programs - The mission of Student Leadership Programs must be to prepare students to engage in the process of leadership.

Career Center Ambassador
Students provide peer-to-peer career coaching to fellow students at USC. In addition to working directly with students, Career Ambassadors also conduct outreach activities for classes, residence halls and Greek houses.
Spring 2017 Peer Educator Students provide peer-to-peer career coaching to fellow students at USC. In addition to working directly with students, Career Ambassadors also conduct outreach activities for classes, residence halls and Greek houses. 3 11 30 Career Center N GLD-Professional & Civic Engagement; Student Leadership Programs,Communicate verbally,,Communication - spoken,Inquiry and analysis
Internship Programs


Internship Programs - The primary mission of Internship Programs is to engage students in planned, educationally-related work and learning experiences that integrate knowledge and theory with practical application and skill development in a professional setting.

Cooperative Education (Co-op) - Alternating
Students participate in 2-3 semesters of supervised, paid work-based learning with the same employer. The Alternating format allows the student to alternate between a semester of full-time school (480 hours at 40 hours/week).
Spring 2017 Cooperative Education Students participate in 2-3 semesters of supervised, paid work-based learning with the same employer. The Alternating format allows the student to alternate between a semester of full-time school (480 hours at 40 hours/week). 3 11 30 Career Center N GLD-Professional & Civic Engagement; Internship Programs,,Plan, organize and prioritize work,Integrative and applied learning,Critical and creative thinking
Career Services


Career Services - The primary mission of Career Services is to assist students and other designated clients in developing, evaluating, and implementing career, education, and employment plans.

Pathways to Professions (Externship)
Students attend half or full day visit to an employer site for an overview of the organization and their employment opportunities. Common components include presentations by organizational leadership and human resources staff, practitioner panels (most often with alumni representation), shadowing opportunities and facility tours.
Spring 2017 Career Development Students attend half or full day visit to an employer site for an overview of the organization and their employment opportunities. Common components include presentations by organizational leadership and human resources staff, practitioner panels (most often with alumni representation), shadowing opportunities and facility tours. 3 11 30 Career Center N ; Career Services,,Career development,Inquiry and analysis,Communication - spoken
Internship Programs


Internship Programs - The primary mission of Internship Programs is to engage students in planned, educationally-related work and learning experiences that integrate knowledge and theory with practical application and skill development in a professional setting.

Carolina Internship Program - Full-time
Students engage in a paid, work-based learning experience that includes staff facilitated feedback and reflection on their experience. The goal is to enhance students' understanding of their professional knowledge, skills and abilities to aid in their full-time job searches and lifelong career management.
Spring 2017 Internship Students engage in a paid, work-based learning experience that includes staff facilitated feedback and reflection on their experience. The goal is to enhance students' understanding of their professional knowledge, skills and abilities to aid in their full-time job searches and lifelong career management. 3 11 30 Career Center N GLD-Professional & Civic Engagement; Internship Programs,Career development,Plan, organize and prioritize work,Integrative and applied learning,Critical and creative thinking
Internship Programs


Internship Programs - The primary mission of Internship Programs is to engage students in planned, educationally-related work and learning experiences that integrate knowledge and theory with practical application and skill development in a professional setting.

Carolina Internship Program - Part-time
Students engage in a paid, work-based learning experience that is usually the length or equivalent of a fall or spring semester or summer, working approximately 240 hours at 20 hours/week. Student may be eligible to receive academic credit through their academic department or pursue a Zero Credit Transcript notation through the Career Center.
Spring 2017 Cooperative Education Students engage in a paid, work-based learning experience that is usually the length or equivalent of a fall or spring semester or summer, working approximately 240 hours at 20 hours/week. Student may be eligible to receive academic credit through their academic department or pursue a Zero Credit Transcript notation through the Career Center. 3 11 30 Career Center N GLD-Professional & Civic Engagement; Internship Programs,Career development,Plan, organize and prioritize work,Integrative and applied learning,Critical and creative thinking
Student Leadership Programs


Student Leadership Programs - The mission of Student Leadership Programs must be to prepare students to engage in the process of leadership.

Magellan Ambassador
Magellan Ambassadors represent the Office of Undergraduate Research through campus presentations and events, providing opportunity for professional development while sharing their research experience with other students.
Spring 2017 Student Program Leader Magellan Ambassadors represent the Office of Undergraduate Research through campus presentations and events, providing opportunity for professional development while sharing their research experience with other students. 3 13 32 Undergraduate Research N GLD-Professional & Civic Engagement; Student Leadership Programs,Communicate verbally,Influence others,Communication - spoken,Teamwork
Student Leadership Programs


Student Leadership Programs - The mission of Student Leadership Programs must be to prepare students to engage in the process of leadership.

Independent GLD E-Portfolio
Students complete the E-Portfolio and Presentation for Graduation with Leadership Distinction with the assistance of a GLD Advisor.
Fall 2016 Articulating Learning Students complete the E-Portfolio and Presentation for Graduation with Leadership Distinction with the assistance of a GLD Advisor. 3 12 34 Center for Integrative and Experiential Learning N ; Student Leadership Programs,Communicate in writing,Study / Practice self knowledge,Integrative and applied learning,Foundations and skills for lifelong learning
Student Leadership Programs


Student Leadership Programs - The mission of Student Leadership Programs must be to prepare students to engage in the process of leadership.

Independent GLD E-Portfolio
Students complete the E-Portfolio and Presentation for Graduation with Leadership Distinction with the assistance of a GLD Advisor.
Spring 2017 Articulating Learning Students complete the E-Portfolio and Presentation for Graduation with Leadership Distinction with the assistance of a GLD Advisor. 3 12 34 Center for Integrative and Experiential Learning N ; Student Leadership Programs,Communicate in writing,Study / Practice self knowledge,Integrative and applied learning,Foundations and skills for lifelong learning
Learning Assistance Programs


Learning Assistance Programs - The primary mission of Learning Assistance Programs must be to provide students with resources and opportunities to improve their ability to learn and to achieve academic success.

USC Connect E-Portfolio Advising Appointment
Students registered for GLD meet 1:1 with a USC Connect Advisor to advance the development of their GLD E-portfolio.
Spring 2017 Articulating Learning Students registered for GLD meet 1:1 with a USC Connect Advisor to advance the development of their GLD E-portfolio. 3 12 34 Center for Integrative and Experiential Learning N ; Learning Assistance Programs,Apply specialized knowledge,Communicate in writing,Integrative and applied learning,Communication - written
Student Leadership Programs


Student Leadership Programs - The mission of Student Leadership Programs must be to prepare students to engage in the process of leadership.

Center for Integrative and Experiential Learning Student Advisory Council
Students participate in discussion-based monthly meetings to provide the Center for Integrative and Experiential Learning staff with feedback and to share opinions about initiatives and programming.
Spring 2017 Student Program Leader Students participate in discussion-based monthly meetings to provide the Center for Integrative and Experiential Learning staff with feedback and to share opinions about initiatives and programming. 3 12 34 Center for Integrative and Experiential Learning N ; Student Leadership Programs,,Communicate verbally,Critical and creative thinking,Communication - spoken
Undergraduate Research Programs


Undergraduate Research Programs - The primary mission of Undergraduate Research Programs is to engage students in investigative and creative activity to experience firsthand the processes of scholarly exploration and discovery.

Undergraduate Research
Students work with a mentor to conduct a discipline specific research project.
Spring 2017 Undergraduate Research Students work with a mentor to conduct a discipline specific research project. 3 13 32 Undergraduate Research N GLD-Research; Undergraduate Research Programs,Apply specialized knowledge,Communicate verbally,Inquiry and analysis,Critical and creative thinking
Undergraduate Research Programs


Undergraduate Research Programs - The primary mission of Undergraduate Research Programs is to engage students in investigative and creative activity to experience firsthand the processes of scholarly exploration and discovery.

Undergraduate Research
Students work with a mentor to conduct a discipline specific research project.
Summer 2017 Undergraduate Research Students work with a mentor to conduct a discipline specific research project. 3 13 32 Undergraduate Research N GLD-Research; Undergraduate Research Programs,Apply specialized knowledge,Communicate verbally,Inquiry and analysis,Critical and creative thinking
Undergraduate Research Programs


Undergraduate Research Programs - The primary mission of Undergraduate Research Programs is to engage students in investigative and creative activity to experience firsthand the processes of scholarly exploration and discovery.

Undergraduate Research
Students work with a mentor to conduct a discipline specific research project.
Fall 2017 Undergraduate Research Students work with a mentor to conduct a discipline specific research project. 3 13 32 Undergraduate Research N GLD-Research; Undergraduate Research Programs,Apply specialized knowledge,Communicate verbally,Inquiry and analysis,Critical and creative thinking
Student Leadership Programs


Student Leadership Programs - The mission of Student Leadership Programs must be to prepare students to engage in the process of leadership.

Resident Mentor
Resident Mentors are trained to support their peers by interacting with fellow residents to provide information, build community and manage crises. RM's engage in ongoing skills development activities, including a focus on communication, time management, and group management/development skills.
Fall 2016 Peer Educator Resident Mentors are trained to support their peers by interacting with fellow residents to provide information, build community and manage crises. RM's engage in ongoing skills development activities, including a focus on communication, time management, and group management/development skills. 3 11 29 University Housing N GLD-Professional & Civic Engagement; Student Leadership Programs,Problem-solving,,Critical and creative thinking,Personal and social responsibility - Contributing to a larger community
Student Leadership Programs


Student Leadership Programs - The mission of Student Leadership Programs must be to prepare students to engage in the process of leadership.

Resident Mentor
Resident Mentors are trained to support their peers by interacting with fellow residents to provide information, build community and manage crises. RM's engage in ongoing skills development activities, including a focus on communication, time management, and group management/development skills.
Spring 2017 Peer Educator Resident Mentors are trained to support their peers by interacting with fellow residents to provide information, build community and manage crises. RM's engage in ongoing skills development activities, including a focus on communication, time management, and group management/development skills. 3 11 29 University Housing N GLD-Professional & Civic Engagement; Student Leadership Programs,Problem-solving,,Critical and creative thinking,Personal and social responsibility - Contributing to a larger community
Education Abroad Programs & Services


Education Abroad Programs & Services - Education Abroad Programs and Services facilitate and oversee student participation in educational experiences that occur in countries outside the institution's home country.

Study Abroad - Global Classroom
Students engage in a short-term, USC faculty-led program, focusing on a specific subject area or foreign language. Program sites and course offerings vary from year to year.
Spring 2017 Study Abroad Students engage in a short-term, USC faculty-led program, focusing on a specific subject area or foreign language. Program sites and course offerings vary from year to year. 3 12 31 Study Abroad N GLD-Global Learning; Education Abroad Programs & Services,Study / Practice intellectual skills,,Intercultural knowledge and competence,Integrative and applied learning
Education Abroad Programs & Services


Education Abroad Programs & Services - Education Abroad Programs and Services facilitate and oversee student participation in educational experiences that occur in countries outside the institution's home country.

Study Abroad - Global Direct
Students engage in a summer, semester, or academic year direct-enroll program while focusing on specific topics, foreign languages, or various subject areas. Students take courses from an approved academic institution and pay tuition and fees directly to the host institution.
Spring 2017 Study Abroad Students engage in a summer, semester, or academic year direct-enroll program while focusing on specific topics, foreign languages, or various subject areas. Students take courses from an approved academic institution and pay tuition and fees directly to the host institution. 3 12 31 Study Abroad N GLD-Global Learning; Education Abroad Programs & Services,Study / Practice intellectual skills,,Intercultural knowledge and competence,Integrative and applied learning
Education Abroad Programs & Services


Education Abroad Programs & Services - Education Abroad Programs and Services facilitate and oversee student participation in educational experiences that occur in countries outside the institution's home country.

Study Abroad - Global Exchange
Students engage in a semester or academic year exchange program in conjunction with a partner institution. Some focus on specific areas of study; others are open to all majors. Students are charged USC in-state tuition while enrolled in this program.
Spring 2017 Study Abroad Students engage in a semester or academic year exchange program in conjunction with a partner institution. Some focus on specific areas of study; others are open to all majors. Students are charged USC in-state tuition while enrolled in this program. 3 12 31 Study Abroad N GLD-Global Learning; Education Abroad Programs & Services,Study / Practice intellectual skills,,Intercultural knowledge and competence,Integrative and applied learning
Education Abroad Programs & Services


Education Abroad Programs & Services - Education Abroad Programs and Services facilitate and oversee student participation in educational experiences that occur in countries outside the institution's home country.

Study Abroad: Workshop - Beyond The Awesome
Students engage in storytelling to process their day-to-day life abroad and practice condensing and connecting these stories to transferable skills learned, in order to enhance their professional resume and interview repertoire.
Spring 2017 Articulating Learning Students engage in storytelling to process their day-to-day life abroad and practice condensing and connecting these stories to transferable skills learned, in order to enhance their professional resume and interview repertoire. 3 12 31 Study Abroad N ; Education Abroad Programs & Services,,Communicate verbally,Problem solving,Critical and creative thinking
Education Abroad Programs & Services


Education Abroad Programs & Services - Education Abroad Programs and Services facilitate and oversee student participation in educational experiences that occur in countries outside the institution's home country.

Study Abroad - Global Partner
Students engage in a summer, semester, or academic year program with an independent study abroad organization.
Spring 2017 Study Abroad Students engage in a summer, semester, or academic year program with an independent study abroad organization. 3 12 31 Study Abroad N GLD-Global Learning; Education Abroad Programs & Services,Study / Practice intellectual skills,,Intercultural knowledge and competence,Integrative and applied learning
Student Employment


Student Employment - Student is employed part-time by the university and engages in career readiness development activities as part of supervision process.

Study Abroad Peer Advisor
Students who have studied abroad work in a pre-professional capacity with the Study Abroad Office staff to promote study abroad on campus and to support prospective, current and returned study abroad participants.
Spring 2017 Employment On Campus Students who have studied abroad work in a pre-professional capacity with the Study Abroad Office staff to promote study abroad on campus and to support prospective, current and returned study abroad participants. 3 12 31 Study Abroad N GLD-Professional & Civic Engagement; Student Employment,Apply specialized knowledge,Communicate verbally,Teamwork,Intercultural knowledge and competence
International Student Programs and Services


International Student Programs and Services - The mission of International Student Programs and Services is to provide support and assistance necessary for international students to achieve their educational goals and to ensure institutional compliance with governmental immigration regulations.

Education Abroad Fair
Students interact with faculty, staff, and study abroad providers to learn more about opportunities for study abroad and resources for study abroad funding.
Spring 2017 Campus Activities Students interact with faculty, staff, and study abroad providers to learn more about opportunities for study abroad and resources for study abroad funding. 3 12 31 Study Abroad N ; International Student Programs and Services,,,Civic knowledge and engagement,Intercultural knowledge and competence
Academic Advising Programs


Academic Advising Programs - The primary purpose of Academic Advising Programs is to assist students in the development of meaningful educational plans.

Academic Coaching Appointment
Students meet 1-1 with a coach to create an academic and engagement plan, set goals, and share resources; sessions are tailored to meet each student's needs and may include general advising, academic planning, strengths identification, planning campus involvement, and navigating campus resources.
Fall 2017 Educational Support Students meet 1-1 with a coach to create an academic and engagement plan, set goals, and share resources; sessions are tailored to meet each student's needs and may include general advising, academic planning, strengths identification, planning campus involvement, and navigating campus resources. 3 12 34 University Advising Center N ; Academic Advising Programs,Plan, organize and prioritize work,Study / Practice self knowledge,Foundations and skills for lifelong learning,Personal and social responsibility - Striving for excellence
Student Leadership Programs


Student Leadership Programs - The mission of Student Leadership Programs must be to prepare students to engage in the process of leadership.

Career Center Ambassador
Students provide peer-to-peer career coaching to fellow students at USC. In addition to working directly with students, Career Ambassadors also conduct outreach activities for classes, residence halls and Greek houses.
Fall 2017 Peer Educator Students provide peer-to-peer career coaching to fellow students at USC. In addition to working directly with students, Career Ambassadors also conduct outreach activities for classes, residence halls and Greek houses. 3 11 30 Career Center N GLD-Professional & Civic Engagement; Student Leadership Programs,Communicate verbally,,Communication - spoken,Inquiry and analysis
International Student Programs and Services


International Student Programs and Services - The mission of International Student Programs and Services is to provide support and assistance necessary for international students to achieve their educational goals and to ensure institutional compliance with governmental immigration regulations.

Carolina Intercultural Training
Students explore cultural values, practice analyzing cross-cultural misunderstandings, and discuss how to better communicate with diverse peers. Participants engage in an intercultural learning experience through small group discussions, whole group activities, and personal self-evaluation.
Fall 2017 Diversity, Equity, and Inclusion Education Students explore cultural values, practice analyzing cross-cultural misunderstandings, and discuss how to better communicate with diverse peers. Participants engage in an intercultural learning experience through small group discussions, whole group activities, and personal self-evaluation. 3 12 31 International Student Services N ; International Student Programs and Services,Study / Practice diversity, equity, inclusion,Communicate verbally,Intercultural knowledge and competence,Personal and social responsibility - Taking seriously the perspectives of others
Academic Advising Programs


Academic Advising Programs - The primary purpose of Academic Advising Programs is to assist students in the development of meaningful educational plans.

Exploratory Advising / Major Change
Students meet 1-on-1 with an Exploratory Advisor to explore majors/degree programs, learn how to change majors, evaluate how completed coursework will apply to a new major, plan class schedules, and get help with general advisement questions.
Fall 2017 Educational Support Students meet 1-on-1 with an Exploratory Advisor to explore majors/degree programs, learn how to change majors, evaluate how completed coursework will apply to a new major, plan class schedules, and get help with general advisement questions. 3 12 34 University Advising Center N ; Academic Advising Programs,Problem-solving,Study / Practice self knowledge,Inquiry and analysis,
Internship Programs


Internship Programs - The primary mission of Internship Programs is to engage students in planned, educationally-related work and learning experiences that integrate knowledge and theory with practical application and skill development in a professional setting.

Carolina Internship Program - Full-time
Students engage in a paid, work-based learning experience that includes staff facilitated feedback and reflection on their experience. The goal is to enhance students' understanding of their professional knowledge, skills and abilities to aid in their full-time job searches and lifelong career management.
Fall 2017 Internship Students engage in a paid, work-based learning experience that includes staff facilitated feedback and reflection on their experience. The goal is to enhance students' understanding of their professional knowledge, skills and abilities to aid in their full-time job searches and lifelong career management. 3 11 30 Career Center N GLD-Professional & Civic Engagement; Internship Programs,Career development,Plan, organize and prioritize work,Integrative and applied learning,Critical and creative thinking
Internship Programs


Internship Programs - The primary mission of Internship Programs is to engage students in planned, educationally-related work and learning experiences that integrate knowledge and theory with practical application and skill development in a professional setting.

Carolina Internship Program - Part-time
Students engage in a paid, work-based learning experience that is usually the length or equivalent of a fall or spring semester or summer, working approximately 240 hours at 20 hours/week. Student may be eligible to receive academic credit through their academic department or pursue a Zero Credit Transcript notation through the Career Center.
Fall 2017 Cooperative Education Students engage in a paid, work-based learning experience that is usually the length or equivalent of a fall or spring semester or summer, working approximately 240 hours at 20 hours/week. Student may be eligible to receive academic credit through their academic department or pursue a Zero Credit Transcript notation through the Career Center. 3 11 30 Career Center N GLD-Professional & Civic Engagement; Internship Programs,Career development,Plan, organize and prioritize work,Integrative and applied learning,Critical and creative thinking
Internship Programs


Internship Programs - The primary mission of Internship Programs is to engage students in planned, educationally-related work and learning experiences that integrate knowledge and theory with practical application and skill development in a professional setting.

Cooperative Education (Co-op) - Alternating
Students participate in 2-3 semesters of supervised, paid work-based learning with the same employer. The Alternating format allows the student to alternate between a semester of full-time school (480 hours at 40 hours/week).
Fall 2017 Cooperative Education Students participate in 2-3 semesters of supervised, paid work-based learning with the same employer. The Alternating format allows the student to alternate between a semester of full-time school (480 hours at 40 hours/week). 3 11 30 Career Center N GLD-Professional & Civic Engagement; Internship Programs,,Plan, organize and prioritize work,Integrative and applied learning,Critical and creative thinking
Internship Programs


Internship Programs - The primary mission of Internship Programs is to engage students in planned, educationally-related work and learning experiences that integrate knowledge and theory with practical application and skill development in a professional setting.

Cooperative Education (Co-op) - Parallel
Students participate in 2-3 semesters of supervised, paid work-based learning with the same employer. The Parallel format allows the student to work part-time for 240 hours (20 hours/week) for 3 consecutive semesters while attending school.
Fall 2017 Cooperative Education Students participate in 2-3 semesters of supervised, paid work-based learning with the same employer. The Parallel format allows the student to work part-time for 240 hours (20 hours/week) for 3 consecutive semesters while attending school. 3 11 30 Career Center N GLD-Professional & Civic Engagement; Internship Programs,,Plan, organize and prioritize work,Integrative and applied learning,Critical and creative thinking
Capstone Experience


Capstone Experience - A course or project that engages students in a culminating and integrative experience, intended to connect the key learning objectives of an educational program.

Discover UofSC
Students make oral, creative, and/or poster presentations of any beyond the classroom experience including research and scholarly projects, global study, professional work experiences, leadership, service-learning and community service, and national fellowship competitions.
Spring 2018 Articulating Learning Students make oral, creative, and/or poster presentations of any beyond the classroom experience including research and scholarly projects, global study, professional work experiences, leadership, service-learning and community service, and national fellowship competitions. 3 13 32 Undergraduate Research N GLD-Presentation; Capstone Experience,Communicate verbally,Apply specialized knowledge,Communication - spoken,
Student Leadership Programs


Student Leadership Programs - The mission of Student Leadership Programs must be to prepare students to engage in the process of leadership.

Independent GLD E-Portfolio
Students complete the E-Portfolio and Presentation for Graduation with Leadership Distinction with the assistance of a GLD Advisor.
Fall 2017 Articulating Learning Students complete the E-Portfolio and Presentation for Graduation with Leadership Distinction with the assistance of a GLD Advisor. 3 12 34 Center for Integrative and Experiential Learning N ; Student Leadership Programs,Communicate in writing,Study / Practice self knowledge,Integrative and applied learning,Foundations and skills for lifelong learning
International Student Programs and Services


International Student Programs and Services - The mission of International Student Programs and Services is to provide support and assistance necessary for international students to achieve their educational goals and to ensure institutional compliance with governmental immigration regulations.

International Education Week Bazaar
Participants interact with USC students from around the world, observe international dances and music, and learn about other cultures. Participants can complete a Bazaar passport by visiting at least four Bazaar displays and interacting with USC international students from that country or region.
Fall 2017 Global Learning Participants interact with USC students from around the world, observe international dances and music, and learn about other cultures. Participants can complete a Bazaar passport by visiting at least four Bazaar displays and interacting with USC international students from that country or region. 3 12 31 International Student Services N ; International Student Programs and Services,Study / Practice diversity, equity, inclusion,,Civic knowledge and engagement,Intercultural knowledge and competence
Undergraduate Research Programs


Undergraduate Research Programs - The primary mission of Undergraduate Research Programs is to engage students in investigative and creative activity to experience firsthand the processes of scholarly exploration and discovery.

Magellan Embark
Students receive information about resources and tools to help them get started in research, in this four-week, not-for-credit seminar.
Fall 2017 Research Education Students receive information about resources and tools to help them get started in research, in this four-week, not-for-credit seminar. 3 13 32 Undergraduate Research N ; Undergraduate Research Programs,,Communicate verbally,Communication - spoken,
Student Leadership Programs


Student Leadership Programs - The mission of Student Leadership Programs must be to prepare students to engage in the process of leadership.

University Ambassador
University Ambassadors lead campus tours for diverse audiences of prospective students and families, answer phone calls and respond to emails and other visitor communications, assist in the recruitment, coaching, and evaluation of new University Ambassadors and participate in weekly professional development & training.
Fall 2017 Peer Educator University Ambassadors lead campus tours for diverse audiences of prospective students and families, answer phone calls and respond to emails and other visitor communications, assist in the recruitment, coaching, and evaluation of new University Ambassadors and participate in weekly professional development & training. 3 34 118 Visitor Center N GLD-Professional & Civic Engagement; Student Leadership Programs,Influence others,Communicate verbally,Critical and creative thinking,Problem solving
Career Services


Career Services - The primary mission of Career Services is to assist students and other designated clients in developing, evaluating, and implementing career, education, and employment plans.

Pathways to Professions (Externship)
Students attend half or full day visit to an employer site for an overview of the organization and their employment opportunities. Common components include presentations by organizational leadership and human resources staff, practitioner panels (most often with alumni representation), shadowing opportunities and facility tours.
Fall 2017 Career Development Students attend half or full day visit to an employer site for an overview of the organization and their employment opportunities. Common components include presentations by organizational leadership and human resources staff, practitioner panels (most often with alumni representation), shadowing opportunities and facility tours. 3 11 30 Career Center N ; Career Services,,Career development,Inquiry and analysis,Communication - spoken
Student Leadership Programs


Student Leadership Programs - The mission of Student Leadership Programs must be to prepare students to engage in the process of leadership.

Peer Tutor
Tutors provide course-specific academic support for undergraduate students. They work with students in 1-1 sessions and lead group tutoring sessions.
Fall 2017 Peer Educator Tutors provide course-specific academic support for undergraduate students. They work with students in 1-1 sessions and lead group tutoring sessions. 3 11 30 Student Success Center N GLD-Professional & Civic Engagement; Student Leadership Programs,Study / Practice intellectual skills,,Integrative and applied learning,Problem solving
Student Leadership Programs


Student Leadership Programs - The mission of Student Leadership Programs must be to prepare students to engage in the process of leadership.

Peer Writing Tutor
Peer Tutors meet with students in 1-1 sessions to provide course-specific academic support for writing and communications skill development.
Fall 2017 Peer Educator Peer Tutors meet with students in 1-1 sessions to provide course-specific academic support for writing and communications skill development. 3 11 30 Student Success Center N GLD-Professional & Civic Engagement; Student Leadership Programs,Study / Practice intellectual skills,,Integrative and applied learning,Communication - written
Student Leadership Programs


Student Leadership Programs - The mission of Student Leadership Programs must be to prepare students to engage in the process of leadership.

Resident Mentor
Resident Mentors are trained to support their peers by interacting with fellow residents to provide information, build community and manage crises. RM's engage in ongoing skills development activities, including a focus on communication, time management, and group management/development skills.
Fall 2017 Peer Educator Resident Mentors are trained to support their peers by interacting with fellow residents to provide information, build community and manage crises. RM's engage in ongoing skills development activities, including a focus on communication, time management, and group management/development skills. 3 11 29 University Housing N GLD-Professional & Civic Engagement; Student Leadership Programs,Problem-solving,,Critical and creative thinking,Personal and social responsibility - Contributing to a larger community
Education Abroad Programs & Services


Education Abroad Programs & Services - Education Abroad Programs and Services facilitate and oversee student participation in educational experiences that occur in countries outside the institution's home country.

Study Abroad - Global Classroom
Students engage in a short-term, USC faculty-led program, focusing on a specific subject area or foreign language. Program sites and course offerings vary from year to year.
Fall 2017 Study Abroad Students engage in a short-term, USC faculty-led program, focusing on a specific subject area or foreign language. Program sites and course offerings vary from year to year. 3 12 31 Study Abroad N GLD-Global Learning; Education Abroad Programs & Services,Study / Practice intellectual skills,,Intercultural knowledge and competence,Integrative and applied learning
Education Abroad Programs & Services


Education Abroad Programs & Services - Education Abroad Programs and Services facilitate and oversee student participation in educational experiences that occur in countries outside the institution's home country.

Study Abroad - Global Direct
Students engage in a summer, semester, or academic year direct-enroll program while focusing on specific topics, foreign languages, or various subject areas. Students take courses from an approved academic institution and pay tuition and fees directly to the host institution.
Fall 2017 Study Abroad Students engage in a summer, semester, or academic year direct-enroll program while focusing on specific topics, foreign languages, or various subject areas. Students take courses from an approved academic institution and pay tuition and fees directly to the host institution. 3 12 31 Study Abroad N GLD-Global Learning; Education Abroad Programs & Services,Study / Practice intellectual skills,,Intercultural knowledge and competence,Integrative and applied learning
Education Abroad Programs & Services


Education Abroad Programs & Services - Education Abroad Programs and Services facilitate and oversee student participation in educational experiences that occur in countries outside the institution's home country.

Study Abroad - Global Exchange
Students engage in a semester or academic year exchange program in conjunction with a partner institution. Some focus on specific areas of study; others are open to all majors. Students are charged USC in-state tuition while enrolled in this program.
Fall 2017 Study Abroad Students engage in a semester or academic year exchange program in conjunction with a partner institution. Some focus on specific areas of study; others are open to all majors. Students are charged USC in-state tuition while enrolled in this program. 3 12 31 Study Abroad N GLD-Global Learning; Education Abroad Programs & Services,Study / Practice intellectual skills,,Intercultural knowledge and competence,Integrative and applied learning
Education Abroad Programs & Services


Education Abroad Programs & Services - Education Abroad Programs and Services facilitate and oversee student participation in educational experiences that occur in countries outside the institution's home country.

Study Abroad - Global Partner
Students engage in a summer, semester, or academic year program with an independent study abroad organization.
Fall 2017 Study Abroad Students engage in a summer, semester, or academic year program with an independent study abroad organization. 3 12 31 Study Abroad N GLD-Global Learning; Education Abroad Programs & Services,Study / Practice intellectual skills,,Intercultural knowledge and competence,Integrative and applied learning
Education Abroad Programs & Services


Education Abroad Programs & Services - Education Abroad Programs and Services facilitate and oversee student participation in educational experiences that occur in countries outside the institution's home country.

Study Abroad - Global USC
Students engage in intensive, multi-disciplinary overseas summer programs, earning 3-9 credits while participating in cultural excursions and academic activities as part of a cohort.
Summer 2017 Study Abroad Students engage in intensive, multi-disciplinary overseas summer programs, earning 3-9 credits while participating in cultural excursions and academic activities as part of a cohort. 3 12 31 Study Abroad N GLD-Global Learning; Education Abroad Programs & Services,Study / Practice intellectual skills,,Intercultural knowledge and competence,Integrative and applied learning
Education Abroad Programs & Services


Education Abroad Programs & Services - Education Abroad Programs and Services facilitate and oversee student participation in educational experiences that occur in countries outside the institution's home country.

Study Abroad - Global USC
Students engage in intensive, multi-disciplinary overseas summer programs, earning 3-9 credits while participating in cultural excursions and academic activities as part of a cohort.
Fall 2017 Study Abroad Students engage in intensive, multi-disciplinary overseas summer programs, earning 3-9 credits while participating in cultural excursions and academic activities as part of a cohort. 3 12 31 Study Abroad N GLD-Global Learning; Education Abroad Programs & Services,Study / Practice intellectual skills,,Intercultural knowledge and competence,Integrative and applied learning
International Student Programs and Services


International Student Programs and Services - The mission of International Student Programs and Services is to provide support and assistance necessary for international students to achieve their educational goals and to ensure institutional compliance with governmental immigration regulations.

Education Abroad Fair
Students interact with faculty, staff, and study abroad providers to learn more about opportunities for study abroad and resources for study abroad funding.
Fall 2017 Campus Activities Students interact with faculty, staff, and study abroad providers to learn more about opportunities for study abroad and resources for study abroad funding. 3 12 31 Study Abroad N ; International Student Programs and Services,,,Civic knowledge and engagement,Intercultural knowledge and competence
Student Employment


Student Employment - Student is employed part-time by the university and engages in career readiness development activities as part of supervision process.

Study Abroad Peer Advisor
Students who have studied abroad work in a pre-professional capacity with the Study Abroad Office staff to promote study abroad on campus and to support prospective, current and returned study abroad participants.
Fall 2017 Employment On Campus Students who have studied abroad work in a pre-professional capacity with the Study Abroad Office staff to promote study abroad on campus and to support prospective, current and returned study abroad participants. 3 12 31 Study Abroad N GLD-Professional & Civic Engagement; Student Employment,Apply specialized knowledge,Communicate verbally,Teamwork,Intercultural knowledge and competence
Education Abroad Programs & Services


Education Abroad Programs & Services - Education Abroad Programs and Services facilitate and oversee student participation in educational experiences that occur in countries outside the institution's home country.

Study Abroad: Workshop - Beyond The Awesome
Students engage in storytelling to process their day-to-day life abroad and practice condensing and connecting these stories to transferable skills learned, in order to enhance their professional resume and interview repertoire.
Fall 2017 Articulating Learning Students engage in storytelling to process their day-to-day life abroad and practice condensing and connecting these stories to transferable skills learned, in order to enhance their professional resume and interview repertoire. 3 12 31 Study Abroad N ; Education Abroad Programs & Services,,Communicate verbally,Problem solving,Critical and creative thinking
Learning Assistance Programs


Learning Assistance Programs - The primary mission of Learning Assistance Programs must be to provide students with resources and opportunities to improve their ability to learn and to achieve academic success.

Success Connect Consultation
Students participate in 1:1 meeting with a Success Consultant, to explore and identify effective learning strategies, campus resources, and University procedures to ease the transition to a four-year university.
Fall 2017 Educational Support Students participate in 1:1 meeting with a Success Consultant, to explore and identify effective learning strategies, campus resources, and University procedures to ease the transition to a four-year university. 3 11 30 Student Success Center N ; Learning Assistance Programs,Problem-solving,Plan, organize and prioritize work,Foundations and skills for lifelong learning,Personal and social responsibility - Striving for excellence
Student Leadership Programs


Student Leadership Programs - The mission of Student Leadership Programs must be to prepare students to engage in the process of leadership.

Supplemental Instruction Peer Leader
SI Peer Leaders facilitate group study sessions for students enrolled in specific courses and sections; they help their peers learn challenging material from class lectures and assignments, and offer helpful tips that integrate how to learn with what to learn through three group study sessions each week.
Fall 2017 Peer Educator SI Peer Leaders facilitate group study sessions for students enrolled in specific courses and sections; they help their peers learn challenging material from class lectures and assignments, and offer helpful tips that integrate how to learn with what to learn through three group study sessions each week. 3 11 30 Student Success Center N GLD-Professional & Civic Engagement; Student Leadership Programs,Study / Practice intellectual skills,,Integrative and applied learning,Problem solving
Transfer Student Programs and Services


Transfer Student Programs and Services - The mission of Transfer Student Programs and Services is to aid in the successful transfer, persistence, and graduation of transfer students.

Transfer Success Consultation
Transfer students participate in a 1:1 meeting with the Transfer Coordinator, to discuss academic referrals, current academic challenges, and to identify academic and campus resources.
Fall 2017 Educational Support Transfer students participate in a 1:1 meeting with the Transfer Coordinator, to discuss academic referrals, current academic challenges, and to identify academic and campus resources. 3 11 30 Carolina Experience N ; Transfer Student Programs and Services,,Study / Practice self knowledge,Personal and social responsibility - Striving for excellence,Self-knowledge
Student Leadership Programs


Student Leadership Programs - The mission of Student Leadership Programs must be to prepare students to engage in the process of leadership.

University 101 Peer Leader
U101 Peer Leaders co-teach a section of a UNIV 101 course with a faculty or staff member, and serve as resources, mentors, and facilitators for learning in and beyond the classroom for first-year students enrolled in the course.
Fall 2017 Peer Educator U101 Peer Leaders co-teach a section of a UNIV 101 course with a faculty or staff member, and serve as resources, mentors, and facilitators for learning in and beyond the classroom for first-year students enrolled in the course. 3 11 30 University 101 Programs N GLD-Diversity & Social Advocacy; GLD-Professional & Civic Engagement; Student Leadership Programs,Communicate verbally,Influence others,Communication - spoken,Critical and creative thinking
Student Leadership Programs


Student Leadership Programs - The mission of Student Leadership Programs must be to prepare students to engage in the process of leadership.

University 101 Senior Peer Leader
University 101 Senior Peer Leaders serve as a mentor and resource to new U101 Peer Leaders and co-teach EDLP 520.
Fall 2017 Peer Educator University 101 Senior Peer Leaders serve as a mentor and resource to new U101 Peer Leaders and co-teach EDLP 520. 3 11 30 University 101 Programs N ; Student Leadership Programs,Influence others,Communicate verbally,Communication - spoken,Teamwork
Student Leadership Programs


Student Leadership Programs - The mission of Student Leadership Programs must be to prepare students to engage in the process of leadership.

Center for Integrative and Experiential Learning Student Advisory Council
Students participate in discussion-based monthly meetings to provide the Center for Integrative and Experiential Learning staff with feedback and to share opinions about initiatives and programming.
Fall 2017 Student Program Leader Students participate in discussion-based monthly meetings to provide the Center for Integrative and Experiential Learning staff with feedback and to share opinions about initiatives and programming. 3 12 34 Center for Integrative and Experiential Learning N ; Student Leadership Programs,,Communicate verbally,Critical and creative thinking,Communication - spoken
Academic Advising Programs


Academic Advising Programs - The primary purpose of Academic Advising Programs is to assist students in the development of meaningful educational plans.

Withdrawal Consultation
Students who are considering withdrawing from UofSC participate in a 1:1 meeting with a professional advisor, to discuss the withdrawal process, reasons for withdrawal, next steps, plans, and options for future re-enrollment at UofSC.
Fall 2017 Educational Support Students who are considering withdrawing from UofSC participate in a 1:1 meeting with a professional advisor, to discuss the withdrawal process, reasons for withdrawal, next steps, plans, and options for future re-enrollment at UofSC. 3 12 34 University Advising Center N ; Academic Advising Programs,Problem-solving,,Problem solving,
Student Leadership Programs


Student Leadership Programs - The mission of Student Leadership Programs must be to prepare students to engage in the process of leadership.

Magellan Ambassador
Magellan Ambassadors represent the Office of Undergraduate Research through campus presentations and events, providing opportunity for professional development while sharing their research experience with other students.
Fall 2017 Student Program Leader Magellan Ambassadors represent the Office of Undergraduate Research through campus presentations and events, providing opportunity for professional development while sharing their research experience with other students. 3 13 32 Undergraduate Research N GLD-Professional & Civic Engagement; Student Leadership Programs,Communicate verbally,Influence others,Communication - spoken,Teamwork
Civic Engagement & Service-Learning Programs


Civic Engagement & Service-Learning Programs - The primary mission of Service-Learning Programs is to engage students in experiences that address human and community needs together with structured opportunities for reflection intentionally designed to promote student learning and development.

Service Saturday
Students participate in a community service opportunity within the city of Columbia or campus community.
Fall 2017 Civic Engagement Students participate in a community service opportunity within the city of Columbia or campus community. 3 11 28 Russell House University Union N GLD-Community Service; Civic Engagement & Service-Learning Programs,Community service / civic engagement,,Civic knowledge and engagement,Personal and social responsibility - Contributing to a larger community
Civic Engagement & Service-Learning Programs


Civic Engagement & Service-Learning Programs - The primary mission of Service-Learning Programs is to engage students in experiences that address human and community needs together with structured opportunities for reflection intentionally designed to promote student learning and development.

Alternative Break
As part of a team of volunteers, students travel to a local or regional community during fall, winter, or spring breaks to provide a community service project around a social issue.
Fall 2017 Civic Engagement As part of a team of volunteers, students travel to a local or regional community during fall, winter, or spring breaks to provide a community service project around a social issue. 3 11 28 Russell House University Union N GLD-Community Service; Civic Engagement & Service-Learning Programs,Community service / civic engagement,Communicate verbally,Civic knowledge and engagement,Self-knowledge
Student Leadership Programs


Student Leadership Programs - The mission of Student Leadership Programs must be to prepare students to engage in the process of leadership.

Alternative Break Leader
Students lead a group of peers in an immersive service experience that occurs during a scheduled break in the academic year. Leaders plan and implement a trip in a theme of their choice, resolve problems that occur during the trip, and communicate with leaders of the agency or community that is the focus of the service.
Fall 2017 Peer Educator Students lead a group of peers in an immersive service experience that occurs during a scheduled break in the academic year. Leaders plan and implement a trip in a theme of their choice, resolve problems that occur during the trip, and communicate with leaders of the agency or community that is the focus of the service. 3 11 28 Russell House University Union N GLD-Community Service; GLD-Professional & Civic Engagement; Student Leadership Programs,Plan, organize and prioritize work,Community service / civic engagement,Civic knowledge and engagement,Critical and creative thinking
Student Leadership Programs


Student Leadership Programs - The mission of Student Leadership Programs must be to prepare students to engage in the process of leadership.

L.E.A.D. Retreat
Rising juniors or seniors who serve as officers of student organizations and student-led initiatives engage in activities designed to create a network of peer leaders, understand their impact on the community, recognize their ability to create change, and develop the legacy they wish to leave for themselves, their organizations, and the university.
Spring 2018 Leadership Education Rising juniors or seniors who serve as officers of student organizations and student-led initiatives engage in activities designed to create a network of peer leaders, understand their impact on the community, recognize their ability to create change, and develop the legacy they wish to leave for themselves, their organizations, and the university. 3 11 28 Russell House University Union N ; Student Leadership Programs,,Study / Practice self knowledge,Personal and social responsibility - Contributing to a larger community,Self-knowledge
Student Leadership Programs


Student Leadership Programs - The mission of Student Leadership Programs must be to prepare students to engage in the process of leadership.

Close Family Emerging Leaders Program
Students meet weekly for 8 weeks to explore aspects of leadership; activities are designed to help students develop a personal definition of leadership, create achievable goals, and design an action plan for applying leadership skills at USC.
Fall 2017 Leadership Education Students meet weekly for 8 weeks to explore aspects of leadership; activities are designed to help students develop a personal definition of leadership, create achievable goals, and design an action plan for applying leadership skills at USC. 3 11 28 Russell House University Union N ; Student Leadership Programs,Study / Practice self knowledge,,Self-knowledge,
Student Leadership Programs


Student Leadership Programs - The mission of Student Leadership Programs must be to prepare students to engage in the process of leadership.

Student Leadership and Diversity Conference
Students engage with faculty, staff and peers to explore important issues in diversity and student leadership, gain insights from keynote speakers and educational session facilitators, and reflect on how to apply these insights in their roles as student leaders.
Spring 2018 Leadership Education Students engage with faculty, staff and peers to explore important issues in diversity and student leadership, gain insights from keynote speakers and educational session facilitators, and reflect on how to apply these insights in their roles as student leaders. 3 11 28 Russell House University Union N ; Student Leadership Programs,Study / Practice self knowledge,Study / Practice diversity, equity, inclusion,Self-knowledge,Intercultural knowledge and competence
Civic Engagement & Service-Learning Programs


Civic Engagement & Service-Learning Programs - The primary mission of Service-Learning Programs is to engage students in experiences that address human and community needs together with structured opportunities for reflection intentionally designed to promote student learning and development.

Service Saturday
Students participate in a community service opportunity within the city of Columbia or campus community.
Spring 2017 Civic Engagement Students participate in a community service opportunity within the city of Columbia or campus community. 3 11 28 Russell House University Union N GLD-Community Service; Civic Engagement & Service-Learning Programs,Community service / civic engagement,Study / Practice self knowledge,Personal and social responsibility - Contributing to a larger community,Civic knowledge and engagement
Learning Assistance Programs


Learning Assistance Programs - The primary mission of Learning Assistance Programs must be to provide students with resources and opportunities to improve their ability to learn and to achieve academic success.

Money Management Consultation
Students participate in a 1:1 meeting with a Financial Literacy Consultant, to explore financial management topics including basic money management, credit, debt management, and student loan repayment policies.
Spring 2017 Educational Support Students participate in a 1:1 meeting with a Financial Literacy Consultant, to explore financial management topics including basic money management, credit, debt management, and student loan repayment policies. 3 11 30 Student Success Center N ; Learning Assistance Programs,Study / Practice financial literacy,Study / Practice self knowledge,Inquiry and analysis,Self-knowledge
Learning Assistance Programs


Learning Assistance Programs - The primary mission of Learning Assistance Programs must be to provide students with resources and opportunities to improve their ability to learn and to achieve academic success.

Success Connect Consultation
Students participate in 1:1 meeting with a Success Consultant, to explore and identify effective learning strategies, campus resources, and University procedures to ease the transition to a four-year university.
Spring 2017 Educational Support Students participate in 1:1 meeting with a Success Consultant, to explore and identify effective learning strategies, campus resources, and University procedures to ease the transition to a four-year university. 3 11 30 Student Success Center N ; Learning Assistance Programs,Problem-solving,Plan, organize and prioritize work,Foundations and skills for lifelong learning,Personal and social responsibility - Striving for excellence
Student Leadership Programs


Student Leadership Programs - The mission of Student Leadership Programs must be to prepare students to engage in the process of leadership.

Peer Consultant
Student consultants meet with peers to provide study skills support, discuss academic success strategies, and co-create a personalized plan for academic success.
Spring 2017 Peer Educator Student consultants meet with peers to provide study skills support, discuss academic success strategies, and co-create a personalized plan for academic success. 3 11 30 Student Success Center N GLD-Professional & Civic Engagement; Student Leadership Programs,Study / Practice intellectual skills,,Integrative and applied learning,Foundations and skills for lifelong learning
Student Leadership Programs


Student Leadership Programs - The mission of Student Leadership Programs must be to prepare students to engage in the process of leadership.

Peer Tutor
Tutors provide course-specific academic support for undergraduate students. They work with students in 1-1 sessions and lead group tutoring sessions.
Spring 2017 Peer Educator Tutors provide course-specific academic support for undergraduate students. They work with students in 1-1 sessions and lead group tutoring sessions. 3 11 30 Student Success Center N GLD-Professional & Civic Engagement; Student Leadership Programs,Study / Practice intellectual skills,,Integrative and applied learning,Problem solving
Student Leadership Programs


Student Leadership Programs - The mission of Student Leadership Programs must be to prepare students to engage in the process of leadership.

Peer Writing Tutor
Peer Tutors meet with students in 1-1 sessions to provide course-specific academic support for writing and communications skill development.
Spring 2017 Peer Educator Peer Tutors meet with students in 1-1 sessions to provide course-specific academic support for writing and communications skill development. 3 11 30 Student Success Center N GLD-Professional & Civic Engagement; Student Leadership Programs,Study / Practice intellectual skills,,Integrative and applied learning,Communication - written
Student Leadership Programs


Student Leadership Programs - The mission of Student Leadership Programs must be to prepare students to engage in the process of leadership.

Supplemental Instruction Peer Leader
SI Peer Leaders facilitate group study sessions for students enrolled in specific courses and sections; they help their peers learn challenging material from class lectures and assignments, and offer helpful tips that integrate how to learn with what to learn through three group study sessions each week.
Spring 2017 Peer Educator SI Peer Leaders facilitate group study sessions for students enrolled in specific courses and sections; they help their peers learn challenging material from class lectures and assignments, and offer helpful tips that integrate how to learn with what to learn through three group study sessions each week. 3 11 30 Student Success Center N GLD-Professional & Civic Engagement; Student Leadership Programs,Study / Practice intellectual skills,,Integrative and applied learning,Problem solving
Learning Assistance Programs


Learning Assistance Programs - The primary mission of Learning Assistance Programs must be to provide students with resources and opportunities to improve their ability to learn and to achieve academic success.

Peer Writing Session
Students participate in a tutoring session for support with composition- or communications-based assignments or projects.
Spring 2017 Educational Support Students participate in a tutoring session for support with composition- or communications-based assignments or projects. 3 11 30 Student Success Center N ; Learning Assistance Programs,Communicate in writing,Communicate verbally,Integrative and applied learning,Critical and creative thinking
Learning Assistance Programs


Learning Assistance Programs - The primary mission of Learning Assistance Programs must be to provide students with resources and opportunities to improve their ability to learn and to achieve academic success.

Peer Tutoring
Students participate in a tutoring session for a specific academic course in which they are currently enrolled.
Spring 2017 Educational Support Students participate in a tutoring session for a specific academic course in which they are currently enrolled. 3 11 30 Student Success Center N ; Learning Assistance Programs,Study / Practice intellectual skills,Apply specialized knowledge,Specialized knowledge and skills,
Career Services


Career Services - The primary mission of Career Services is to assist students and other designated clients in developing, evaluating, and implementing career, education, and employment plans.

Opportunity Knocks Part-Time Job Fair
Students interact with representatives from campus departments and community organizations about current part-time employment opportunities.
Fall 2016 Career Development Students interact with representatives from campus departments and community organizations about current part-time employment opportunities. 3 11 30 Career Center N ; Career Services,Career development,,Self-knowledge,
Career Services


Career Services - The primary mission of Career Services is to assist students and other designated clients in developing, evaluating, and implementing career, education, and employment plans.

Gamecocks Get Hired Job Fair
Students interact with representatives from employer organizations about current and future employment opportunities including internships, co-ops, and full-time positions.
Fall 2016 Career Development Students interact with representatives from employer organizations about current and future employment opportunities including internships, co-ops, and full-time positions. 3 11 30 Career Center N ; Career Services,Career development,,Self-knowledge,
Career Services


Career Services - The primary mission of Career Services is to assist students and other designated clients in developing, evaluating, and implementing career, education, and employment plans.

Gamecocks Get Hired STEM Job Fair
Students interact with representatives of employer organizations about current and future employment opportunities including internships, co-ops, and full-time positions.
Fall 2016 Career Development Students interact with representatives of employer organizations about current and future employment opportunities including internships, co-ops, and full-time positions. 3 11 30 Career Center N ; Career Services,Career development,,Self-knowledge,
Career Services


Career Services - The primary mission of Career Services is to assist students and other designated clients in developing, evaluating, and implementing career, education, and employment plans.

Health Professions Job Fair
Students interact with representatives from employer organizations about current and future employment opportunities including internships, co-ops, and full-time positions.
Fall 2016 Career Development Students interact with representatives from employer organizations about current and future employment opportunities including internships, co-ops, and full-time positions. 3 11 30 Career Center N ; Career Services,Career development,,Self-knowledge,
Career Services


Career Services - The primary mission of Career Services is to assist students and other designated clients in developing, evaluating, and implementing career, education, and employment plans.

Pharmacy Day
Students interact with representatives from employer organizations about current and future employment opportunities including internships and full-time positions.
Fall 2016 Career Development Students interact with representatives from employer organizations about current and future employment opportunities including internships and full-time positions. 3 11 30 Career Center N ; Career Services,Career development,,Self-knowledge,
Career Services


Career Services - The primary mission of Career Services is to assist students and other designated clients in developing, evaluating, and implementing career, education, and employment plans.

Graduate and Professional School Day
Students interact with representatives from graduate and professional schools about current and future enrollment opportunities.
Fall 2016 Career Development Students interact with representatives from graduate and professional schools about current and future enrollment opportunities. 3 11 30 Career Center N ; Career Services,Career development,,Self-knowledge,
Career Services


Career Services - The primary mission of Career Services is to assist students and other designated clients in developing, evaluating, and implementing career, education, and employment plans.

Education Recruitment Day
Students interact with representatives from employer organizations in the field of education about current and future employment opportunities.
Spring 2017 Career Development Students interact with representatives from employer organizations in the field of education about current and future employment opportunities. 3 11 30 Career Center N ; Career Services,Career development,,Self-knowledge,
Career Services


Career Services - The primary mission of Career Services is to assist students and other designated clients in developing, evaluating, and implementing career, education, and employment plans.

Career Coaching - Choosing a Major/Career
Students interact 1-1 with a trained career coach regarding making career /major decisions by exploring student interests, abilities, aptitudes, and alignment with options for choice of major and career field.
Fall 2016 Career Development Students interact 1-1 with a trained career coach regarding making career /major decisions by exploring student interests, abilities, aptitudes, and alignment with options for choice of major and career field. 3 11 30 Career Center N ; Career Services,Study / Practice self knowledge,Career development,Self-knowledge,Problem solving
Career Services


Career Services - The primary mission of Career Services is to assist students and other designated clients in developing, evaluating, and implementing career, education, and employment plans.

Career Coaching - Career Assessment Interpretation
Students complete a career assessment prior to meeting with a career coach; in this 1-1 session, the coach guides the student through exploration of career-related interests, skills and values.
Fall 2016 Career Development Students complete a career assessment prior to meeting with a career coach; in this 1-1 session, the coach guides the student through exploration of career-related interests, skills and values. 3 11 30 Career Center N ; Career Services,Study / Practice self knowledge,Career development,Self-knowledge,Problem solving
Career Services


Career Services - The primary mission of Career Services is to assist students and other designated clients in developing, evaluating, and implementing career, education, and employment plans.

Career Coaching - Curriculum Vita / Cover Letter Review
Students interact 1-1 with a professional staff member who reviews students' vita and cover letter, provides feedback, and helps students explore presentation options.
Fall 2016 Career Development Students interact 1-1 with a professional staff member who reviews students' vita and cover letter, provides feedback, and helps students explore presentation options. 3 11 30 Career Center N ; Career Services,Career development,Study / Practice self knowledge,Problem solving,Self-knowledge
Career Services


Career Services - The primary mission of Career Services is to assist students and other designated clients in developing, evaluating, and implementing career, education, and employment plans.

Career Coaching - Job Search
Student interacts 1-1 with a professional staff member to identify resources and develop a plan for obtaining employment.
Fall 2016 Career Development Student interacts 1-1 with a professional staff member to identify resources and develop a plan for obtaining employment. 3 11 30 Career Center N ; Career Services,Career development,Study / Practice self knowledge,Problem solving,Self-knowledge
Career Services


Career Services - The primary mission of Career Services is to assist students and other designated clients in developing, evaluating, and implementing career, education, and employment plans.

Career Coaching - Graduate / Professional School
Student interacts 1-1 with professional staff member to identify resources and develop a plan for applying to graduate and/or professional schools.
Fall 2016 Career Development Student interacts 1-1 with professional staff member to identify resources and develop a plan for applying to graduate and/or professional schools. 3 11 30 Career Center N ; Career Services,Career development,Study / Practice self knowledge,Problem solving,Self-knowledge
Career Services


Career Services - The primary mission of Career Services is to assist students and other designated clients in developing, evaluating, and implementing career, education, and employment plans.

Career Coaching - Internship / Co-op Search
Student interacts 1-1 with a professional staff member to identify resources and develop a plan for obtaining an internship or co-op position.
Fall 2016 Career Development Student interacts 1-1 with a professional staff member to identify resources and develop a plan for obtaining an internship or co-op position. 3 11 30 Career Center N ; Career Services,Career development,Study / Practice self knowledge,Problem solving,Self-knowledge
Career Services


Career Services - The primary mission of Career Services is to assist students and other designated clients in developing, evaluating, and implementing career, education, and employment plans.

Career Coaching - Interview Preparation
Student interacts 1-1 with a professional staff member to prepare for interviews for employment or admission to graduate/professional schools.
Fall 2016 Career Development Student interacts 1-1 with a professional staff member to prepare for interviews for employment or admission to graduate/professional schools. 3 11 30 Career Center N ; Career Services,Career development,Study / Practice self knowledge,Self-knowledge,Problem solving
Career Services


Career Services - The primary mission of Career Services is to assist students and other designated clients in developing, evaluating, and implementing career, education, and employment plans.

Career Management Platform - How to Use Handshake
Students receive instruction on how to use the career management tool called Handshake to create and manage job search documents, register for career events, and connect with employers.
Fall 2016 Career Development Students receive instruction on how to use the career management tool called Handshake to create and manage job search documents, register for career events, and connect with employers. 3 11 30 Career Center N ; Career Services,Career development,,Self-knowledge,
Career Services


Career Services - The primary mission of Career Services is to assist students and other designated clients in developing, evaluating, and implementing career, education, and employment plans.

Career Coaching - Mock Interview
Students participate in a mock interview, and receive feedback from a professional staff member to improve their future performance.
Fall 2016 Career Development Students participate in a mock interview, and receive feedback from a professional staff member to improve their future performance. 3 11 30 Career Center N ; Career Services,Career development,,Self-knowledge,Communication - spoken
Career Services


Career Services - The primary mission of Career Services is to assist students and other designated clients in developing, evaluating, and implementing career, education, and employment plans.

Career Coaching - Parallel Career Path
Students interact with professional career coach to explore options regarding choice of major and career fields, in recognition of competitive admissions practices and other factors that may affect plans.
Fall 2016 Career Development Students interact with professional career coach to explore options regarding choice of major and career fields, in recognition of competitive admissions practices and other factors that may affect plans. 3 11 30 Career Center N ; Career Services,Career development,Study / Practice self knowledge,Problem solving,Self-knowledge
Career Services


Career Services - The primary mission of Career Services is to assist students and other designated clients in developing, evaluating, and implementing career, education, and employment plans.

Career Coaching - Drop-In Session
Students stop by the Career Center for a brief discussion with a staff member or a quick review of their resume.
Fall 2016 Career Development Students stop by the Career Center for a brief discussion with a staff member or a quick review of their resume. 3 11 30 Career Center N ; Career Services,Study / Practice self knowledge,,Self-knowledge,
Career Services


Career Services - The primary mission of Career Services is to assist students and other designated clients in developing, evaluating, and implementing career, education, and employment plans.

Gamecocks Get Hired Job Fair
Students interact with representatives from employer organizations about current and future employment opportunities including internships, co-ops, and full-time positions.
Spring 2017 Career Development Students interact with representatives from employer organizations about current and future employment opportunities including internships, co-ops, and full-time positions. 3 11 30 Career Center N ; Career Services,Career development,,Self-knowledge,
Career Services


Career Services - The primary mission of Career Services is to assist students and other designated clients in developing, evaluating, and implementing career, education, and employment plans.

Gamecocks Get Hired STEM Job Fair
Students interact with representatives of employer organizations about current and future employment opportunities including internships, co-ops, and full-time positions.
Spring 2017 Career Development Students interact with representatives of employer organizations about current and future employment opportunities including internships, co-ops, and full-time positions. 3 11 30 Career Center N ; Career Services,Career development,,Self-knowledge,
Learning Assistance Programs


Learning Assistance Programs - The primary mission of Learning Assistance Programs must be to provide students with resources and opportunities to improve their ability to learn and to achieve academic success.

Supplemental Instruction
Students participate in a group study session for a specific academic course and section in which they are currently enrolled.
Spring 2017 Educational Support Students participate in a group study session for a specific academic course and section in which they are currently enrolled. 3 11 30 Student Success Center N ; Learning Assistance Programs,Study / Practice intellectual skills,Apply specialized knowledge,Specialized knowledge and skills,
Career Services


Career Services - The primary mission of Career Services is to assist students and other designated clients in developing, evaluating, and implementing career, education, and employment plans.

Gamecocks Get Hired Job Fair
Students interact with representatives from employer organizations about current and future employment opportunities including internships, co-ops, and full-time positions.
Fall 2017 Career Development Students interact with representatives from employer organizations about current and future employment opportunities including internships, co-ops, and full-time positions. 3 11 30 Career Center N ; Career Services,Career development,,Self-knowledge,
Career Services


Career Services - The primary mission of Career Services is to assist students and other designated clients in developing, evaluating, and implementing career, education, and employment plans.

Health Professions Job Fair
Students interact with representatives from employer organizations about current and future employment opportunities including internships, co-ops, and full-time positions.
Fall 2017 Career Development Students interact with representatives from employer organizations about current and future employment opportunities including internships, co-ops, and full-time positions. 3 11 30 Career Center N ; Career Services,Career development,,Self-knowledge,
Career Services


Career Services - The primary mission of Career Services is to assist students and other designated clients in developing, evaluating, and implementing career, education, and employment plans.

Opportunity Knocks Part-Time Job Fair
Students interact with representatives from campus departments and community organizations about current part-time employment opportunities.
Fall 2017 Career Development Students interact with representatives from campus departments and community organizations about current part-time employment opportunities. 3 11 30 Career Center N ; Career Services,Career development,,Self-knowledge,
Career Services


Career Services - The primary mission of Career Services is to assist students and other designated clients in developing, evaluating, and implementing career, education, and employment plans.

Gamecocks Get Hired STEM Job Fair
Students interact with representatives of employer organizations about current and future employment opportunities including internships, co-ops, and full-time positions.
Fall 2017 Career Development Students interact with representatives of employer organizations about current and future employment opportunities including internships, co-ops, and full-time positions. 3 11 30 Career Center N ; Career Services,Career development,,Self-knowledge,
Career Services


Career Services - The primary mission of Career Services is to assist students and other designated clients in developing, evaluating, and implementing career, education, and employment plans.

Graduate and Professional School Day
Students interact with representatives from graduate and professional schools about current and future enrollment opportunities.
Fall 2017 Career Development Students interact with representatives from graduate and professional schools about current and future enrollment opportunities. 3 11 30 Career Center N ; Career Services,Career development,,Self-knowledge,
Career Services


Career Services - The primary mission of Career Services is to assist students and other designated clients in developing, evaluating, and implementing career, education, and employment plans.

Pharmacy Day
Students interact with representatives from employer organizations about current and future employment opportunities including internships and full-time positions.
Fall 2017 Career Development Students interact with representatives from employer organizations about current and future employment opportunities including internships and full-time positions. 3 11 30 Career Center N ; Career Services,Career development,,Self-knowledge,
Career Services


Career Services - The primary mission of Career Services is to assist students and other designated clients in developing, evaluating, and implementing career, education, and employment plans.

Career Coaching - Interview Preparation
Student interacts 1-1 with a professional staff member to prepare for interviews for employment or admission to graduate/professional schools.
Spring 2017 Career Development Student interacts 1-1 with a professional staff member to prepare for interviews for employment or admission to graduate/professional schools. 3 11 30 Career Center N ; Career Services,Career development,Study / Practice self knowledge,Self-knowledge,Problem solving
Career Services


Career Services - The primary mission of Career Services is to assist students and other designated clients in developing, evaluating, and implementing career, education, and employment plans.

Career Coaching - Interview Preparation
Student interacts 1-1 with a professional staff member to prepare for interviews for employment or admission to graduate/professional schools.
Summer 2016 Career Development Student interacts 1-1 with a professional staff member to prepare for interviews for employment or admission to graduate/professional schools. 3 11 30 Career Center N ; Career Services,Career development,Study / Practice self knowledge,Self-knowledge,Problem solving
Career Services


Career Services - The primary mission of Career Services is to assist students and other designated clients in developing, evaluating, and implementing career, education, and employment plans.

Career Coaching - Career Assessment Interpretation
Students complete a career assessment prior to meeting with a career coach; in this 1-1 session, the coach guides the student through exploration of career-related interests, skills and values.
Spring 2017 Career Development Students complete a career assessment prior to meeting with a career coach; in this 1-1 session, the coach guides the student through exploration of career-related interests, skills and values. 3 11 30 Career Center N ; Career Services,Study / Practice self knowledge,Career development,Self-knowledge,Problem solving
Career Services


Career Services - The primary mission of Career Services is to assist students and other designated clients in developing, evaluating, and implementing career, education, and employment plans.

Career Coaching - Job Search
Student interacts 1-1 with a professional staff member to identify resources and develop a plan for obtaining employment.
Spring 2017 Career Development Student interacts 1-1 with a professional staff member to identify resources and develop a plan for obtaining employment. 3 11 30 Career Center N ; Career Services,Career development,Study / Practice self knowledge,Problem solving,Self-knowledge
Career Services


Career Services - The primary mission of Career Services is to assist students and other designated clients in developing, evaluating, and implementing career, education, and employment plans.

Career Coaching - Job Search
Student interacts 1-1 with a professional staff member to identify resources and develop a plan for obtaining employment.
Summer 2016 Career Development Student interacts 1-1 with a professional staff member to identify resources and develop a plan for obtaining employment. 3 11 30 Career Center N ; Career Services,Career development,Study / Practice self knowledge,Problem solving,Self-knowledge
Career Services


Career Services - The primary mission of Career Services is to assist students and other designated clients in developing, evaluating, and implementing career, education, and employment plans.

Career Coaching - Mock Interview
Students participate in a mock interview, and receive feedback from a professional staff member to improve their future performance.
Spring 2017 Career Development Students participate in a mock interview, and receive feedback from a professional staff member to improve their future performance. 3 11 30 Career Center N ; Career Services,Career development,,Self-knowledge,Communication - spoken
Career Services


Career Services - The primary mission of Career Services is to assist students and other designated clients in developing, evaluating, and implementing career, education, and employment plans.

Career Coaching - Internship / Co-op Search
Student interacts 1-1 with a professional staff member to identify resources and develop a plan for obtaining an internship or co-op position.
Spring 2017 Career Development Student interacts 1-1 with a professional staff member to identify resources and develop a plan for obtaining an internship or co-op position. 3 11 30 Career Center N ; Career Services,Career development,Study / Practice self knowledge,Problem solving,Self-knowledge
Career Services


Career Services - The primary mission of Career Services is to assist students and other designated clients in developing, evaluating, and implementing career, education, and employment plans.

Career Coaching - Choosing a Major/Career
Students interact 1-1 with a trained career coach regarding making career /major decisions by exploring student interests, abilities, aptitudes, and alignment with options for choice of major and career field.
Spring 2017 Career Development Students interact 1-1 with a trained career coach regarding making career /major decisions by exploring student interests, abilities, aptitudes, and alignment with options for choice of major and career field. 3 11 30 Career Center N ; Career Services,Study / Practice self knowledge,Career development,Self-knowledge,Problem solving
Career Services


Career Services - The primary mission of Career Services is to assist students and other designated clients in developing, evaluating, and implementing career, education, and employment plans.

Career Coaching - Parallel Career Path
Students interact with professional career coach to explore options regarding choice of major and career fields, in recognition of competitive admissions practices and other factors that may affect plans.
Spring 2018 Career Development Students interact with professional career coach to explore options regarding choice of major and career fields, in recognition of competitive admissions practices and other factors that may affect plans. 3 11 30 Career Center N ; Career Services,Career development,Study / Practice self knowledge,Problem solving,Self-knowledge
Career Services


Career Services - The primary mission of Career Services is to assist students and other designated clients in developing, evaluating, and implementing career, education, and employment plans.

Career Coaching - Graduate / Professional School
Student interacts 1-1 with professional staff member to identify resources and develop a plan for applying to graduate and/or professional schools.
Spring 2017 Career Development Student interacts 1-1 with professional staff member to identify resources and develop a plan for applying to graduate and/or professional schools. 3 11 30 Career Center N ; Career Services,Career development,Study / Practice self knowledge,Problem solving,Self-knowledge
Career Services


Career Services - The primary mission of Career Services is to assist students and other designated clients in developing, evaluating, and implementing career, education, and employment plans.

Career Coaching - Graduate / Professional School
Student interacts 1-1 with professional staff member to identify resources and develop a plan for applying to graduate and/or professional schools.
Summer 2017 Career Development Student interacts 1-1 with professional staff member to identify resources and develop a plan for applying to graduate and/or professional schools. 3 11 30 Career Center N ; Career Services,Career development,Study / Practice self knowledge,Problem solving,Self-knowledge
Career Services


Career Services - The primary mission of Career Services is to assist students and other designated clients in developing, evaluating, and implementing career, education, and employment plans.

Career Coaching - Graduate / Professional School
Student interacts 1-1 with professional staff member to identify resources and develop a plan for applying to graduate and/or professional schools.
Summer 2016 Career Development Student interacts 1-1 with professional staff member to identify resources and develop a plan for applying to graduate and/or professional schools. 3 11 30 Career Center N ; Career Services,Career development,Study / Practice self knowledge,Problem solving,Self-knowledge
Career Services


Career Services - The primary mission of Career Services is to assist students and other designated clients in developing, evaluating, and implementing career, education, and employment plans.

Career Management Platform - How to Use Handshake
Students receive instruction on how to use the career management tool called Handshake to create and manage job search documents, register for career events, and connect with employers.
Spring 2017 Career Development Students receive instruction on how to use the career management tool called Handshake to create and manage job search documents, register for career events, and connect with employers. 3 11 30 Career Center N ; Career Services,Career development,,Self-knowledge,
Career Services


Career Services - The primary mission of Career Services is to assist students and other designated clients in developing, evaluating, and implementing career, education, and employment plans.

Career Coaching - Curriculum Vita / Cover Letter Review
Students interact 1-1 with a professional staff member who reviews students' vita and cover letter, provides feedback, and helps students explore presentation options.
Summer 2016 Career Development Students interact 1-1 with a professional staff member who reviews students' vita and cover letter, provides feedback, and helps students explore presentation options. 3 11 30 Career Center N ; Career Services,Career development,Study / Practice self knowledge,Problem solving,Self-knowledge
Career Services


Career Services - The primary mission of Career Services is to assist students and other designated clients in developing, evaluating, and implementing career, education, and employment plans.

Career Coaching - Curriculum Vita / Cover Letter Review
Students interact 1-1 with a professional staff member who reviews students' vita and cover letter, provides feedback, and helps students explore presentation options.
Spring 2017 Career Development Students interact 1-1 with a professional staff member who reviews students' vita and cover letter, provides feedback, and helps students explore presentation options. 3 11 30 Career Center N ; Career Services,Career development,Study / Practice self knowledge,Problem solving,Self-knowledge
Career Services


Career Services - The primary mission of Career Services is to assist students and other designated clients in developing, evaluating, and implementing career, education, and employment plans.

Career Coaching - Drop-In Session
Students stop by the Career Center for a brief discussion with a staff member or a quick review of their resume.
Spring 2017 Career Development Students stop by the Career Center for a brief discussion with a staff member or a quick review of their resume. 3 11 30 Career Center N ; Career Services,Study / Practice self knowledge,,Self-knowledge,
Career Services


Career Services - The primary mission of Career Services is to assist students and other designated clients in developing, evaluating, and implementing career, education, and employment plans.

Career Coaching - Drop-In Session
Students stop by the Career Center for a brief discussion with a staff member or a quick review of their resume.
Summer 2017 Career Development Students stop by the Career Center for a brief discussion with a staff member or a quick review of their resume. 3 11 30 Career Center N ; Career Services,Study / Practice self knowledge,,Self-knowledge,
Career Services


Career Services - The primary mission of Career Services is to assist students and other designated clients in developing, evaluating, and implementing career, education, and employment plans.

Moore School of Business EXPO
Students interact with representatives from employer organizations about current and future employment opportunities including internships and full-time positions.
Fall 2016 Career Development Students interact with representatives from employer organizations about current and future employment opportunities including internships and full-time positions. 3 11 30 Career Center N ; Career Services,Career development,,Self-knowledge,
Career Services


Career Services - The primary mission of Career Services is to assist students and other designated clients in developing, evaluating, and implementing career, education, and employment plans.

Moore School of Business EXPO
Students interact with representatives from employer organizations about current and future employment opportunities including internships and full-time positions.
Spring 2017 Career Development Students interact with representatives from employer organizations about current and future employment opportunities including internships and full-time positions. 3 11 30 Career Center N ; Career Services,Career development,,Self-knowledge,
Career Services


Career Services - The primary mission of Career Services is to assist students and other designated clients in developing, evaluating, and implementing career, education, and employment plans.

Moore School of Business EXPO
Students interact with representatives from employer organizations about current and future employment opportunities including internships and full-time positions.
Fall 2017 Career Development Students interact with representatives from employer organizations about current and future employment opportunities including internships and full-time positions. 3 11 30 Career Center N ; Career Services,Career development,,Self-knowledge,
Transfer Student Programs and Services


Transfer Student Programs and Services - The mission of Transfer Student Programs and Services is to aid in the successful transfer, persistence, and graduation of transfer students.

Transfer Success Consultation
Transfer students participate in a 1:1 meeting with the Transfer Coordinator, to discuss academic referrals, current academic challenges, and to identify academic and campus resources.
Spring 2017 Educational Support Transfer students participate in a 1:1 meeting with the Transfer Coordinator, to discuss academic referrals, current academic challenges, and to identify academic and campus resources. 3 11 30 Carolina Experience N ; Transfer Student Programs and Services,Problem-solving,Study / Practice self knowledge,Personal and social responsibility - Striving for excellence,Self-knowledge
Student Leadership Programs


Student Leadership Programs - The mission of Student Leadership Programs must be to prepare students to engage in the process of leadership.

Close Family Emerging Leaders Program
Students meet weekly for 8 weeks to explore aspects of leadership; activities are designed to help students develop a personal definition of leadership, create achievable goals, and design an action plan for applying leadership skills at USC.
Spring 2017 Leadership Education Students meet weekly for 8 weeks to explore aspects of leadership; activities are designed to help students develop a personal definition of leadership, create achievable goals, and design an action plan for applying leadership skills at USC. 3 11 28 Russell House University Union N ; Student Leadership Programs,Study / Practice self knowledge,,Self-knowledge,
Student Leadership Programs


Student Leadership Programs - The mission of Student Leadership Programs must be to prepare students to engage in the process of leadership.

University 101 Returning Peer Leader
U101 Returning Peer Leaders co-teach a section of a UNIV 101 course with a faculty or staff member.
Fall 2017 Peer Educator U101 Returning Peer Leaders co-teach a section of a UNIV 101 course with a faculty or staff member. 3 11 30 University 101 Programs N ; Student Leadership Programs,Communicate verbally,Influence others,Communication - spoken,Critical and creative thinking
Education Abroad Programs & Services


Education Abroad Programs & Services - Education Abroad Programs and Services facilitate and oversee student participation in educational experiences that occur in countries outside the institution's home country.

Study Abroad - Global Direct
Students engage in a summer, semester, or academic year direct-enroll program while focusing on specific topics, foreign languages, or various subject areas. Students take courses from an approved academic institution and pay tuition and fees directly to the host institution.
Summer 2017 Study Abroad Students engage in a summer, semester, or academic year direct-enroll program while focusing on specific topics, foreign languages, or various subject areas. Students take courses from an approved academic institution and pay tuition and fees directly to the host institution. 3 12 31 Study Abroad N GLD-Global Learning; Education Abroad Programs & Services,Study / Practice intellectual skills,,Intercultural knowledge and competence,Integrative and applied learning
Education Abroad Programs & Services


Education Abroad Programs & Services - Education Abroad Programs and Services facilitate and oversee student participation in educational experiences that occur in countries outside the institution's home country.

Study Abroad - Global Classroom
Students engage in a short-term, USC faculty-led program, focusing on a specific subject area or foreign language. Program sites and course offerings vary from year to year.
Summer 2017 Study Abroad Students engage in a short-term, USC faculty-led program, focusing on a specific subject area or foreign language. Program sites and course offerings vary from year to year. 3 12 31 Study Abroad N GLD-Global Learning; Education Abroad Programs & Services,Study / Practice intellectual skills,,Intercultural knowledge and competence,Integrative and applied learning
Education Abroad Programs & Services


Education Abroad Programs & Services - Education Abroad Programs and Services facilitate and oversee student participation in educational experiences that occur in countries outside the institution's home country.

Study Abroad - Global Partner
Students engage in a summer, semester, or academic year program with an independent study abroad organization.
Summer 2017 Study Abroad Students engage in a summer, semester, or academic year program with an independent study abroad organization. 3 12 31 Study Abroad N GLD-Global Learning; Education Abroad Programs & Services,Study / Practice intellectual skills,,Intercultural knowledge and competence,Integrative and applied learning
Civic Engagement & Service-Learning Programs


Civic Engagement & Service-Learning Programs - The primary mission of Service-Learning Programs is to engage students in experiences that address human and community needs together with structured opportunities for reflection intentionally designed to promote student learning and development.

Service Saturday
Students participate in a community service opportunity within the city of Columbia or campus community.
Spring 2018 Civic Engagement Students participate in a community service opportunity within the city of Columbia or campus community. 3 11 28 Russell House University Union N GLD-Community Service; Civic Engagement & Service-Learning Programs,Community service / civic engagement,,Civic knowledge and engagement,Personal and social responsibility - Contributing to a larger community
Learning Assistance Programs


Learning Assistance Programs - The primary mission of Learning Assistance Programs must be to provide students with resources and opportunities to improve their ability to learn and to achieve academic success.

USC Connect E-Portfolio Advising Appointment
Students registered for GLD meet 1:1 with a USC Connect Advisor to advance the development of their GLD E-portfolio.
Fall 2017 Articulating Learning Students registered for GLD meet 1:1 with a USC Connect Advisor to advance the development of their GLD E-portfolio. 3 12 34 Center for Integrative and Experiential Learning N ; Learning Assistance Programs,Apply specialized knowledge,Communicate in writing,Integrative and applied learning,Communication - written
Academic Advising Programs


Academic Advising Programs - The primary purpose of Academic Advising Programs is to assist students in the development of meaningful educational plans.

Withdrawal Consultation
Students who are considering withdrawing from UofSC participate in a 1:1 meeting with a professional advisor, to discuss the withdrawal process, reasons for withdrawal, next steps, plans, and options for future re-enrollment at UofSC.
Spring 2018 Educational Support Students who are considering withdrawing from UofSC participate in a 1:1 meeting with a professional advisor, to discuss the withdrawal process, reasons for withdrawal, next steps, plans, and options for future re-enrollment at UofSC. 3 12 34 University Advising Center N ; Academic Advising Programs,Problem-solving,,Problem solving,
Academic Advising Programs


Academic Advising Programs - The primary purpose of Academic Advising Programs is to assist students in the development of meaningful educational plans.

Academic Coaching Appointment
Students meet 1-1 with a coach to create an academic and engagement plan, set goals, and share resources; sessions are tailored to meet each student's needs and may include general advising, academic planning, strengths identification, planning campus involvement, and navigating campus resources.
Spring 2018 Educational Support Students meet 1-1 with a coach to create an academic and engagement plan, set goals, and share resources; sessions are tailored to meet each student's needs and may include general advising, academic planning, strengths identification, planning campus involvement, and navigating campus resources. 3 12 34 University Advising Center N ; Academic Advising Programs,Plan, organize and prioritize work,Study / Practice self knowledge,Foundations and skills for lifelong learning,Personal and social responsibility - Striving for excellence
Academic Advising Programs


Academic Advising Programs - The primary purpose of Academic Advising Programs is to assist students in the development of meaningful educational plans.

Exploratory Advising / Major Change
Students meet 1-on-1 with an Exploratory Advisor to explore majors/degree programs, learn how to change majors, evaluate how completed coursework will apply to a new major, plan class schedules, and get help with general advisement questions.
Spring 2018 Educational Support Students meet 1-on-1 with an Exploratory Advisor to explore majors/degree programs, learn how to change majors, evaluate how completed coursework will apply to a new major, plan class schedules, and get help with general advisement questions. 3 12 34 University Advising Center N ; Academic Advising Programs,Problem-solving,Study / Practice self knowledge,Inquiry and analysis,
Career Services


Career Services - The primary mission of Career Services is to assist students and other designated clients in developing, evaluating, and implementing career, education, and employment plans.

Career Coaching - Career Assessment Interpretation
Students complete a career assessment prior to meeting with a career coach; in this 1-1 session, the coach guides the student through exploration of career-related interests, skills and values.
Fall 2017 Career Development Students complete a career assessment prior to meeting with a career coach; in this 1-1 session, the coach guides the student through exploration of career-related interests, skills and values. 3 11 30 Career Center N ; Career Services,Study / Practice self knowledge,Career development,Self-knowledge,Problem solving
Career Services


Career Services - The primary mission of Career Services is to assist students and other designated clients in developing, evaluating, and implementing career, education, and employment plans.

Career Coaching - Choosing a Major/Career
Students interact 1-1 with a trained career coach regarding making career /major decisions by exploring student interests, abilities, aptitudes, and alignment with options for choice of major and career field.
Fall 2017 Career Development Students interact 1-1 with a trained career coach regarding making career /major decisions by exploring student interests, abilities, aptitudes, and alignment with options for choice of major and career field. 3 11 30 Career Center N ; Career Services,Study / Practice self knowledge,Career development,Self-knowledge,Problem solving
Career Services


Career Services - The primary mission of Career Services is to assist students and other designated clients in developing, evaluating, and implementing career, education, and employment plans.

Moore School of Business EXPO
Students interact with representatives from employer organizations about current and future employment opportunities including internships and full-time positions.
Spring 2018 Career Development Students interact with representatives from employer organizations about current and future employment opportunities including internships and full-time positions. 3 11 30 Career Center N ; Career Services,Career development,,Self-knowledge,
Career Services


Career Services - The primary mission of Career Services is to assist students and other designated clients in developing, evaluating, and implementing career, education, and employment plans.

Career Coaching - Internship / Co-op Search
Student interacts 1-1 with a professional staff member to identify resources and develop a plan for obtaining an internship or co-op position.
Spring 2018 Career Development Student interacts 1-1 with a professional staff member to identify resources and develop a plan for obtaining an internship or co-op position. 3 11 30 Career Center N ; Career Services,Career development,Study / Practice self knowledge,Problem solving,Self-knowledge
Career Services


Career Services - The primary mission of Career Services is to assist students and other designated clients in developing, evaluating, and implementing career, education, and employment plans.

Gamecocks Get Hired STEM Job Fair
Students interact with representatives of employer organizations about current and future employment opportunities including internships, co-ops, and full-time positions.
Spring 2018 Career Development Students interact with representatives of employer organizations about current and future employment opportunities including internships, co-ops, and full-time positions. 3 11 30 Career Center N ; Career Services,Career development,,Self-knowledge,
Career Services


Career Services - The primary mission of Career Services is to assist students and other designated clients in developing, evaluating, and implementing career, education, and employment plans.

Gamecocks Get Hired Job Fair
Students interact with representatives from employer organizations about current and future employment opportunities including internships, co-ops, and full-time positions.
Spring 2018 Career Development Students interact with representatives from employer organizations about current and future employment opportunities including internships, co-ops, and full-time positions. 3 11 30 Career Center N ; Career Services,Career development,,Self-knowledge,
Career Services


Career Services - The primary mission of Career Services is to assist students and other designated clients in developing, evaluating, and implementing career, education, and employment plans.

Career Coaching - Mock Interview
Students participate in a mock interview, and receive feedback from a professional staff member to improve their future performance.
Spring 2018 Career Development Students participate in a mock interview, and receive feedback from a professional staff member to improve their future performance. 3 11 30 Career Center N ; Career Services,Career development,,Self-knowledge,Communication - spoken
Learning Assistance Programs


Learning Assistance Programs - The primary mission of Learning Assistance Programs must be to provide students with resources and opportunities to improve their ability to learn and to achieve academic success.

Supplemental Instruction
Students participate in a group study session for a specific academic course and section in which they are currently enrolled.
Fall 2017 Educational Support Students participate in a group study session for a specific academic course and section in which they are currently enrolled. 3 11 30 Student Success Center N ; Learning Assistance Programs,Study / Practice intellectual skills,Apply specialized knowledge,Specialized knowledge and skills,
Learning Assistance Programs


Learning Assistance Programs - The primary mission of Learning Assistance Programs must be to provide students with resources and opportunities to improve their ability to learn and to achieve academic success.

Peer Writing Session
Students participate in a tutoring session for support with composition- or communications-based assignments or projects.
Fall 2017 Educational Support Students participate in a tutoring session for support with composition- or communications-based assignments or projects. 3 11 30 Student Success Center N ; Learning Assistance Programs,Communicate in writing,Communicate verbally,Integrative and applied learning,Critical and creative thinking
Learning Assistance Programs


Learning Assistance Programs - The primary mission of Learning Assistance Programs must be to provide students with resources and opportunities to improve their ability to learn and to achieve academic success.

Money Management Consultation
Students participate in a 1:1 meeting with a Financial Literacy Consultant, to explore financial management topics including basic money management, credit, debt management, and student loan repayment policies.
Fall 2017 Educational Support Students participate in a 1:1 meeting with a Financial Literacy Consultant, to explore financial management topics including basic money management, credit, debt management, and student loan repayment policies. 3 11 30 Student Success Center N ; Learning Assistance Programs,Study / Practice financial literacy,Study / Practice self knowledge,Inquiry and analysis,Self-knowledge
Learning Assistance Programs


Learning Assistance Programs - The primary mission of Learning Assistance Programs must be to provide students with resources and opportunities to improve their ability to learn and to achieve academic success.

Money Management Consultation
Students participate in a 1:1 meeting with a Financial Literacy Consultant, to explore financial management topics including basic money management, credit, debt management, and student loan repayment policies.
Spring 2018 Educational Support Students participate in a 1:1 meeting with a Financial Literacy Consultant, to explore financial management topics including basic money management, credit, debt management, and student loan repayment policies. 3 11 30 Student Success Center N ; Learning Assistance Programs,Study / Practice financial literacy,Study / Practice self knowledge,Inquiry and analysis,Self-knowledge
Learning Assistance Programs


Learning Assistance Programs - The primary mission of Learning Assistance Programs must be to provide students with resources and opportunities to improve their ability to learn and to achieve academic success.

Peer Writing Session
Students participate in a tutoring session for support with composition- or communications-based assignments or projects.
Spring 2018 Educational Support Students participate in a tutoring session for support with composition- or communications-based assignments or projects. 3 11 30 Student Success Center N ; Learning Assistance Programs,Communicate in writing,Communicate verbally,Integrative and applied learning,Critical and creative thinking
Student Leadership Programs


Student Leadership Programs - The mission of Student Leadership Programs must be to prepare students to engage in the process of leadership.

Peer Consultant
Student consultants meet with peers to provide study skills support, discuss academic success strategies, and co-create a personalized plan for academic success.
Spring 2018 Peer Educator Student consultants meet with peers to provide study skills support, discuss academic success strategies, and co-create a personalized plan for academic success. 3 11 30 Student Success Center N GLD-Professional & Civic Engagement; Student Leadership Programs,Study / Practice intellectual skills,,Integrative and applied learning,Foundations and skills for lifelong learning
Student Leadership Programs


Student Leadership Programs - The mission of Student Leadership Programs must be to prepare students to engage in the process of leadership.

Peer Consultant
Student consultants meet with peers to provide study skills support, discuss academic success strategies, and co-create a personalized plan for academic success.
Fall 2017 Peer Educator Student consultants meet with peers to provide study skills support, discuss academic success strategies, and co-create a personalized plan for academic success. 3 11 30 Student Success Center N GLD-Professional & Civic Engagement; Student Leadership Programs,Study / Practice intellectual skills,,Integrative and applied learning,Foundations and skills for lifelong learning
Learning Assistance Programs


Learning Assistance Programs - The primary mission of Learning Assistance Programs must be to provide students with resources and opportunities to improve their ability to learn and to achieve academic success.

Success Connect Consultation
Students participate in 1:1 meeting with a Success Consultant, to explore and identify effective learning strategies, campus resources, and University procedures to ease the transition to a four-year university.
Spring 2018 Educational Support Students participate in 1:1 meeting with a Success Consultant, to explore and identify effective learning strategies, campus resources, and University procedures to ease the transition to a four-year university. 3 11 30 Student Success Center N ; Learning Assistance Programs,Problem-solving,Plan, organize and prioritize work,Foundations and skills for lifelong learning,Personal and social responsibility - Striving for excellence
Academic Advising Programs


Academic Advising Programs - The primary purpose of Academic Advising Programs is to assist students in the development of meaningful educational plans.

Academic Coaching Appointment
Students meet 1-1 with a coach to create an academic and engagement plan, set goals, and share resources; sessions are tailored to meet each student's needs and may include general advising, academic planning, strengths identification, planning campus involvement, and navigating campus resources.
Summer 2018 Educational Support Students meet 1-1 with a coach to create an academic and engagement plan, set goals, and share resources; sessions are tailored to meet each student's needs and may include general advising, academic planning, strengths identification, planning campus involvement, and navigating campus resources. 3 12 34 University Advising Center N ; Academic Advising Programs,Plan, organize and prioritize work,Study / Practice self knowledge,Foundations and skills for lifelong learning,Personal and social responsibility - Striving for excellence
Academic Advising Programs


Academic Advising Programs - The primary purpose of Academic Advising Programs is to assist students in the development of meaningful educational plans.

Exploratory Advising / Major Change
Students meet 1-on-1 with an Exploratory Advisor to explore majors/degree programs, learn how to change majors, evaluate how completed coursework will apply to a new major, plan class schedules, and get help with general advisement questions.
Summer 2018 Educational Support Students meet 1-on-1 with an Exploratory Advisor to explore majors/degree programs, learn how to change majors, evaluate how completed coursework will apply to a new major, plan class schedules, and get help with general advisement questions. 3 12 34 University Advising Center N ; Academic Advising Programs,Problem-solving,Study / Practice self knowledge,Inquiry and analysis,
Undergraduate Research Programs


Undergraduate Research Programs - The primary mission of Undergraduate Research Programs is to engage students in investigative and creative activity to experience firsthand the processes of scholarly exploration and discovery.

Undergraduate Research - Student Grant Award
Student works with a mentor to conduct a discipline specific research project funded by a university grant, awarded through a competitive application process that includes evaluation of the clarity of the student's project description, project's educational and intellectual merit, potential impact of the project, and mentoring plan.
Fall 2018 Undergraduate Research Student works with a mentor to conduct a discipline specific research project funded by a university grant, awarded through a competitive application process that includes evaluation of the clarity of the student's project description, project's educational and intellectual merit, potential impact of the project, and mentoring plan. 3 13 32 Undergraduate Research N Experiential Learning Opportunity; GLD-Research; Undergraduate Research Programs,Research,,Critical and creative thinking,Problem solving
Undergraduate Research Programs


Undergraduate Research Programs - The primary mission of Undergraduate Research Programs is to engage students in investigative and creative activity to experience firsthand the processes of scholarly exploration and discovery.

Undergraduate Research - Independent Study Credit
Students work with a mentor, for academic course credit (generally through independent study) to conduct a discipline specific research project that explores their field of interest through a hands-on project. Mentors and students develop and determine expectations, objectives, and the method of evaluation prior to course registration and approval.
Fall 2018 Undergraduate Research Students work with a mentor, for academic course credit (generally through independent study) to conduct a discipline specific research project that explores their field of interest through a hands-on project. Mentors and students develop and determine expectations, objectives, and the method of evaluation prior to course registration and approval. 3 13 32 Undergraduate Research N Experiential Learning Opportunity; GLD-Research; Undergraduate Research Programs,Research,,Critical and creative thinking,Problem solving
Undergraduate Research Programs


Undergraduate Research Programs - The primary mission of Undergraduate Research Programs is to engage students in investigative and creative activity to experience firsthand the processes of scholarly exploration and discovery.

Undergraduate Research - Paid or Volunteer
Students work with a mentor to conduct a discipline specific research project that explores their field of interest through a hands-on project. Students do not earn academic credit. Mentors and students are encouraged to discuss and develop clear expectations prior to initiating research activities.
Fall 2018 Undergraduate Research Students work with a mentor to conduct a discipline specific research project that explores their field of interest through a hands-on project. Students do not earn academic credit. Mentors and students are encouraged to discuss and develop clear expectations prior to initiating research activities. 3 13 32 Undergraduate Research N Experiential Learning Opportunity; GLD-Research; Undergraduate Research Programs,Research,,Critical and creative thinking,Problem solving
Internship Programs


Internship Programs - The primary mission of Internship Programs is to engage students in planned, educationally-related work and learning experiences that integrate knowledge and theory with practical application and skill development in a professional setting.

Internship in Sport & Entertainment Management - SPTE 495
Students engage in a supervised work experience in a sport or entertainment area. Internship is a minimum of 520 work hours over 13 weeks and is selected by the student with the assistance and approval of the Internship Instructor.
Fall 2018 Internship Students engage in a supervised work experience in a sport or entertainment area. Internship is a minimum of 520 work hours over 13 weeks and is selected by the student with the assistance and approval of the Internship Instructor. 3 17 79 Y Experiential Learning Opportunity; GLD-Professional & Civic Engagement; Internship Programs,Apply specialized knowledge,Career development,Specialized knowledge and skills,Self-knowledge
Internship Programs


Internship Programs - The primary mission of Internship Programs is to engage students in planned, educationally-related work and learning experiences that integrate knowledge and theory with practical application and skill development in a professional setting.

Practicum in Sport & Entertainment Management - SPTE 295
Students engage in a supervised work experience in a sport or entertainment area. Practicum is a minimum of 520 work hours over 13 weeks and is selected by the student with the assistance and approval of the Practicum Instructor. It is meant to be the student's introduction to the specific field in which they wish to pursue a career.
Fall 2018 Practicum Students engage in a supervised work experience in a sport or entertainment area. Practicum is a minimum of 520 work hours over 13 weeks and is selected by the student with the assistance and approval of the Practicum Instructor. It is meant to be the student's introduction to the specific field in which they wish to pursue a career. 3 17 79 Y Experiential Learning Opportunity; GLD-Professional & Civic Engagement; Internship Programs,Apply specialized knowledge,Career development,Specialized knowledge and skills,
Capstone Experience


Capstone Experience - A course or project that engages students in a culminating and integrative experience, intended to connect the key learning objectives of an educational program.

Public Health Capstone Seminar - PUBH 498
Students synthesize and apply content knowledge and competencies developed in the BS/BA public health degree program, in a practice setting with emphasis on student identified areas for professional growth.
Fall 2018 Capstone Course or Project Students synthesize and apply content knowledge and competencies developed in the BS/BA public health degree program, in a practice setting with emphasis on student identified areas for professional growth. 3 24 87 Y Experiential Learning Opportunity; GLD-Professional & Civic Engagement; Capstone Experience,Apply specialized knowledge,Career readiness,Specialized knowledge and skills,
Internship Programs


Internship Programs - The primary mission of Internship Programs is to engage students in planned, educationally-related work and learning experiences that integrate knowledge and theory with practical application and skill development in a professional setting.

Retailing Internship - RETL 495
Students engage in supervised work experience within the retail industry that links classroom learning and student interest with the acquisition of knowledge in an applied work setting.
Fall 2018 Internship Students engage in supervised work experience within the retail industry that links classroom learning and student interest with the acquisition of knowledge in an applied work setting. 3 17 77 Y Experiential Learning Opportunity; GLD-Professional & Civic Engagement; Internship Programs,Apply specialized knowledge,,Specialized knowledge and skills,
Student Leadership Programs


Student Leadership Programs - The mission of Student Leadership Programs must be to prepare students to engage in the process of leadership.

Opportunity Scholars Peer Mentor
Upper-division students serve as mentors to help first year Opportunity Scholar students successfully transition into the institution. Mentors meet twice monthly with their mentees, first-generation college students in the OSP program, to serve as a source of support and information.
Fall 2018 Peer Educator Upper-division students serve as mentors to help first year Opportunity Scholar students successfully transition into the institution. Mentors meet twice monthly with their mentees, first-generation college students in the OSP program, to serve as a source of support and information. 3 34 119 Opportunity Scholars N GLD-Professional & Civic Engagement; Experiential Learning Opportunity; Student Leadership Programs,Leadership,,Interpersonal skills,Self-knowledge
Student Leadership Programs


Student Leadership Programs - The mission of Student Leadership Programs must be to prepare students to engage in the process of leadership.

Alternative Break Leader
Students lead a group of peers in an immersive service experience that occurs during a scheduled break in the academic year. Leaders plan and implement a trip in a theme of their choice, resolve problems that occur during the trip, and communicate with leaders of the agency or community that is the focus of the service.
Fall 2018 Peer Educator Students lead a group of peers in an immersive service experience that occurs during a scheduled break in the academic year. Leaders plan and implement a trip in a theme of their choice, resolve problems that occur during the trip, and communicate with leaders of the agency or community that is the focus of the service. 3 11 28 Leadership & Service Center N GLD-Professional & Civic Engagement; GLD-Community Service; Experiential Learning Opportunity; Student Leadership Programs,Leadership,Community service / civic engagement,Critical and creative thinking,Civic knowledge and engagement
Internship Programs


Internship Programs - The primary mission of Internship Programs is to engage students in planned, educationally-related work and learning experiences that integrate knowledge and theory with practical application and skill development in a professional setting.

Internship in Elementary Education - EDEL 490
Students in their final semester of an elementary education degree program complete an internship for practice in elementary classrooms (grades 2-6) related to curriculum design, assessment, interactive teaching, and professional roles.
Spring 2019 Internship Students in their final semester of an elementary education degree program complete an internship for practice in elementary classrooms (grades 2-6) related to curriculum design, assessment, interactive teaching, and professional roles. 3 16 67 Y Experiential Learning Opportunity; GLD-Community Service; GLD-Professional & Civic Engagement; Internship Programs,Apply specialized knowledge,Career development,Specialized knowledge and skills,Communication - spoken
Student Employment


Student Employment - Student is employed part-time by the university and engages in career readiness development activities as part of supervision process.

Capstone Scholars Program Assistant
Students interact with department visitors in the Capstone office and with prospective students and parents at admission events. Students also serve as office assistants: checking students in for appointments, responding to email and telephone inquiries, and assisting with data processing.
Fall 2018 Student Program Leader Students interact with department visitors in the Capstone office and with prospective students and parents at admission events. Students also serve as office assistants: checking students in for appointments, responding to email and telephone inquiries, and assisting with data processing. 3 11 29 Faculty Principal Learning Communities N Experiential Learning Opportunity; GLD-Professional & Civic Engagement; Student Employment,Career readiness,,Professionalism / career readiness,Interpersonal skills
Student Employment


Student Employment - Student is employed part-time by the university and engages in career readiness development activities as part of supervision process.

Personal Trainer Program Assistant
Students assist Fitness Suite clients by conducting fitness assessments and orientations to the weight room. Students assist professional staff with creating, organizing, and facilitating special fitness and wellness events for the campus community, and gain skills needed for certification as a personal trainer.
Fall 2018 Student Program Leader Students assist Fitness Suite clients by conducting fitness assessments and orientations to the weight room. Students assist professional staff with creating, organizing, and facilitating special fitness and wellness events for the campus community, and gain skills needed for certification as a personal trainer. 3 11 117 Campus Recreation N Experiential Learning Opportunity; GLD-Professional & Civic Engagement; Student Employment,Career readiness,Apply specialized knowledge,Communication - spoken,Specialized knowledge and skills
Student Employment


Student Employment - Student is employed part-time by the university and engages in career readiness development activities as part of supervision process.

Students Providing Undergraduate Residential Support (SPURS)
Students assist professional staff with administrative duties and with major university events such as prospective student recruitment events and new student Move-in Day.
Spring 2019 Student Program Leader Students assist professional staff with administrative duties and with major university events such as prospective student recruitment events and new student Move-in Day. 3 11 29 University Housing N Experiential Learning Opportunity; GLD-Professional & Civic Engagement; Student Employment,Career readiness,,Communication - spoken,Problem solving
Student Leadership Programs


Student Leadership Programs - The mission of Student Leadership Programs must be to prepare students to engage in the process of leadership.

Sustainable Carolina Peer Leader
Student interact with their peers on campus as they work to implement programs outlined in the campus sustainability plan aimed at improving sustainability practices on campus. Students also host community programs and camps for school age children and families, teaching sustainability practices and the importance of a healthy lifestyle.
Fall 2018 Peer Educator Student interact with their peers on campus as they work to implement programs outlined in the campus sustainability plan aimed at improving sustainability practices on campus. Students also host community programs and camps for school age children and families, teaching sustainability practices and the importance of a healthy lifestyle. 3 11 29 Sustainability N Experiential Learning Opportunity; GLD-Community Service; GLD-Professional & Civic Engagement; Student Leadership Programs,Leadership,,Influencing others,Personal and social responsibility - Contributing to a larger community
Student Leadership Programs


Student Leadership Programs - The mission of Student Leadership Programs must be to prepare students to engage in the process of leadership.

Sustainable Carolina Project Coordinator
Each project coordinator leads a team of students to implement a designated project in support of a goal outlined in the campus sustainability plan. The role requires collaboration with other teams, campus stakeholders, and community partners, and requires them to delegate work, solve problems, and make decisions.
Fall 2018 Peer Educator Each project coordinator leads a team of students to implement a designated project in support of a goal outlined in the campus sustainability plan. The role requires collaboration with other teams, campus stakeholders, and community partners, and requires them to delegate work, solve problems, and make decisions. 3 11 29 Sustainability N Experiential Learning Opportunity; GLD-Professional & Civic Engagement; Student Leadership Programs,Leadership,Apply specialized knowledge,Problem solving,Professionalism / career readiness
Student Leadership Programs


Student Leadership Programs - The mission of Student Leadership Programs must be to prepare students to engage in the process of leadership.

University Ambassador
University Ambassadors lead campus tours for diverse audiences of prospective students and families, answer phone calls and respond to emails and other visitor communications, assist in the recruitment, coaching, and evaluation of new University Ambassadors and participate in weekly professional development & training.
Fall 2018 Peer Educator University Ambassadors lead campus tours for diverse audiences of prospective students and families, answer phone calls and respond to emails and other visitor communications, assist in the recruitment, coaching, and evaluation of new University Ambassadors and participate in weekly professional development & training. 3 34 118 Visitor Center N GLD-Professional & Civic Engagement; Experiential Learning Opportunity; Student Leadership Programs,Career readiness,Connecting with others,Critical and creative thinking,Communication - spoken
Campus Religious, Secular, & Spiritual Programs


Campus Religious, Secular, & Spiritual Programs - The purpose is to provide access to programs that enable interested students to pursue full spiritual growth and development and to foster a campus atmosphere in which interested members of the college community may freely express their religion, spirituality, and faith.

Interfaith Initiatives Faith Fair - Welcome Week Event
Students gather information and interact with representatives from religious/spiritual student organizations and off-campus, Columbia faith-based organizations to explore opportunities to make connections with students and other community members. This annual event is hosted by the Student Life Interfaith Initiatives office.
Fall 2018 Community Building Students gather information and interact with representatives from religious/spiritual student organizations and off-campus, Columbia faith-based organizations to explore opportunities to make connections with students and other community members. This annual event is hosted by the Student Life Interfaith Initiatives office. 3 11 28 N ; Campus Religious, Secular, & Spiritual Programs,Connecting with others,,Self-knowledge,
Campus Activities Programs


Campus Activities Programs - The purpose of Campus Activities Programs must be to enhance the overall educational experience of students through development of, exposure to, and participation in programs and activities that improve student cooperation and leadership while preparing students to be responsible advocates and citizens and complementing the institution's academic programs.

Bustle at the Russell - Welcome Week Event
Students attending this Welcome Week event can explore the array of services available in Russell House University Union, interact with other students, play some fun games, get free food, make memories, and take home some great giveaways.
Fall 2018 Community Building Students attending this Welcome Week event can explore the array of services available in Russell House University Union, interact with other students, play some fun games, get free food, make memories, and take home some great giveaways. 3 11 28 Russell House University Union N ; Campus Activities Programs,Connecting with others,Recreation, leisure, entertainment,Self-knowledge,
Campus Activities Programs


Campus Activities Programs - The purpose of Campus Activities Programs must be to enhance the overall educational experience of students through development of, exposure to, and participation in programs and activities that improve student cooperation and leadership while preparing students to be responsible advocates and citizens and complementing the institution's academic programs.

Student Organization Member
Students engage in organizations for many reasons - to gain skills, connect with other students, broaden their knowledge. Student-led organizations establish purpose and goals, determine membership, set activities, and select leaders. The university records organizational affiliation, but does not monitor the engagement of individual students.
Fall 2018 Campus Activities Students engage in organizations for many reasons - to gain skills, connect with other students, broaden their knowledge. Student-led organizations establish purpose and goals, determine membership, set activities, and select leaders. The university records organizational affiliation, but does not monitor the engagement of individual students. 3 11 28 Leadership & Service Center N ; Campus Activities Programs,Connecting with others,,Self-knowledge,
Orientation Programs


Orientation Programs - The mission of Orientation Programs must facilitate the transition of new students into the institution; prepare students for the educational opportunities and student responsibilities; initiate the integration of new students into the intellectual, cultural, and social climate of the institution; and support the parents, guardians, and children of the new student.

Pillars for Carolina Orientation
Incoming students engage in an extended orientation program that introduces them to student life and resources on campus. Participants meet and interact with peers, explore campus geography and resources, and reflect on their identity as a college student.
Summer 2018 Community Building Incoming students engage in an extended orientation program that introduces them to student life and resources on campus. Participants meet and interact with peers, explore campus geography and resources, and reflect on their identity as a college student. 3 11 28 Leadership & Service Center N ; Orientation Programs,Connecting with others,,Self-knowledge,
Civic Engagement & Service-Learning Programs


Civic Engagement & Service-Learning Programs - The primary mission of Service-Learning Programs is to engage students in experiences that address human and community needs together with structured opportunities for reflection intentionally designed to promote student learning and development.

Service Saturday
Students participate in a community service opportunity within the city of Columbia or campus community.
Fall 2018 Civic Engagement Students participate in a community service opportunity within the city of Columbia or campus community. 3 11 28 Leadership & Service Center N GLD-Community Service; Civic Engagement & Service-Learning Programs,Community service / civic engagement,Connecting with others,Personal and social responsibility - Contributing to a larger community,
Internship Programs


Internship Programs - The primary mission of Internship Programs is to engage students in planned, educationally-related work and learning experiences that integrate knowledge and theory with practical application and skill development in a professional setting.

Directed Teaching in Physical Education - PEDU 479
Internship for practice in physical education.
Fall 2018 Internship Internship for practice in physical education. 3 16 68 Y GLD-Professional & Civic Engagement; GLD-Community Service; Experiential Learning Opportunity; Internship Programs,Apply specialized knowledge,,Specialized knowledge and skills,
Internship Programs


Internship Programs - The primary mission of Internship Programs is to engage students in planned, educationally-related work and learning experiences that integrate knowledge and theory with practical application and skill development in a professional setting.

Internship in Curriculum, Assessment, Teaching, and Professional Roles - EDEC 492
Internship for practice in classrooms at the early childhood level related to curriculum, assessment, teaching, and professional roles
Spring 2019 Internship Internship for practice in classrooms at the early childhood level related to curriculum, assessment, teaching, and professional roles 3 16 67 Y Experiential Learning Opportunity; GLD-Community Service; GLD-Professional & Civic Engagement; Internship Programs,Apply specialized knowledge,,Specialized knowledge and skills,
Internship Programs


Internship Programs - The primary mission of Internship Programs is to engage students in planned, educationally-related work and learning experiences that integrate knowledge and theory with practical application and skill development in a professional setting.

Internship B in the Middle School - EDML 599
Internship related to the application of effective teaching techniques and organization of instructional settings for middle school students
Spring 2019 Internship Internship related to the application of effective teaching techniques and organization of instructional settings for middle school students 3 16 67 Y Experiential Learning Opportunity; GLD-Community Service; GLD-Professional & Civic Engagement; Internship Programs,Apply specialized knowledge,Career readiness,Specialized knowledge and skills,Professionalism / career readiness
Student Leadership Programs


Student Leadership Programs - The mission of Student Leadership Programs must be to prepare students to engage in the process of leadership.

Intramural Sports Manager
Student managers supervise and provide direct oversight of assigned sport(s) including rules, policies, official's training, staff scheduling, staffing decisions, intramural supervisor staff development, and inventory - including first aid supplies, sports equipment, staff and participant uniforms.
Fall 2018 Peer Educator Student managers supervise and provide direct oversight of assigned sport(s) including rules, policies, official's training, staff scheduling, staffing decisions, intramural supervisor staff development, and inventory - including first aid supplies, sports equipment, staff and participant uniforms. 3 11 117 Campus Recreation N Experiential Learning Opportunity; GLD-Professional & Civic Engagement; Student Leadership Programs,Leadership,,Influencing others,Teamwork
Internship Programs


Internship Programs - The primary mission of Internship Programs is to engage students in planned, educationally-related work and learning experiences that integrate knowledge and theory with practical application and skill development in a professional setting.

Senior Nursing Capstone Practicum - NURS 435
Final Semester Senior Clinical Immersion Experience
Fall 2018 Internship Final Semester Senior Clinical Immersion Experience 3 20 106 Y Experiential Learning Opportunity; GLD-Community Service; GLD-Professional & Civic Engagement; Internship Programs,Apply specialized knowledge,Career readiness,Specialized knowledge and skills,Professionalism / career readiness
Student Leadership Programs


Student Leadership Programs - The mission of Student Leadership Programs must be to prepare students to engage in the process of leadership.

Student Media Executive Leader
Each student executive serves as head of one of the editorially independent and student-run media organizations, with final authority on decisions related to content and programming and with responsibility for ensuring high quality and responsible journalistic standards.
Fall 2018 Appointed Student Leader Each student executive serves as head of one of the editorially independent and student-run media organizations, with final authority on decisions related to content and programming and with responsibility for ensuring high quality and responsible journalistic standards. 3 11 28 Student Media N Experiential Learning Opportunity; GLD-Professional & Civic Engagement; Student Leadership Programs,Leadership,Career readiness,Influencing others,Specialized knowledge and skills
Student Leadership Programs


Student Leadership Programs - The mission of Student Leadership Programs must be to prepare students to engage in the process of leadership.

University 101 Peer Leader
U101 Peer Leaders co-teach a section of a UNIV 101 course with a faculty or staff member, and serve as resources, mentors, and facilitators for learning in and beyond the classroom for first-year students enrolled in the course.
Fall 2018 Peer Educator U101 Peer Leaders co-teach a section of a UNIV 101 course with a faculty or staff member, and serve as resources, mentors, and facilitators for learning in and beyond the classroom for first-year students enrolled in the course. 3 11 30 University 101 Programs Y Experiential Learning Opportunity; GLD-Diversity & Social Advocacy; GLD-Professional & Civic Engagement; Student Leadership Programs,Leadership,Career readiness,Self-knowledge,Professionalism / career readiness
Student Leadership Programs


Student Leadership Programs - The mission of Student Leadership Programs must be to prepare students to engage in the process of leadership.

Close Family Emerging Leaders Program
Students meet weekly for 8 weeks to explore aspects of leadership; activities are designed to help students develop a personal definition of leadership, create achievable goals, and design an action plan for applying leadership skills at USC.
Fall 2018 Leadership Education Students meet weekly for 8 weeks to explore aspects of leadership; activities are designed to help students develop a personal definition of leadership, create achievable goals, and design an action plan for applying leadership skills at USC. 3 11 28 Leadership & Service Center N ; Student Leadership Programs,Study / Practice self knowledge,,Self-knowledge,
Civic Engagement & Service-Learning Programs


Civic Engagement & Service-Learning Programs - The primary mission of Service-Learning Programs is to engage students in experiences that address human and community needs together with structured opportunities for reflection intentionally designed to promote student learning and development.

Alternative Break
As part of a team of volunteers, students travel to a local or regional community during fall, winter, or spring breaks to provide a community service project around a social issue.
Fall 2018 Civic Engagement As part of a team of volunteers, students travel to a local or regional community during fall, winter, or spring breaks to provide a community service project around a social issue. 3 11 28 Leadership & Service Center N GLD-Community Service; Civic Engagement & Service-Learning Programs,Community service / civic engagement,Connecting with others,Teamwork,Civic knowledge and engagement
Student Leadership Programs


Student Leadership Programs - The mission of Student Leadership Programs must be to prepare students to engage in the process of leadership.

Gamecock Pantry Executive Board
Board members implement the vision, direction, and operations of the Gamecock Pantry by contributing to the recruitment, training, and evaluation of volunteers, donation coordination, marketing and education, and logistical operations such as clientele communication, donation solicitation, and developing on and off campus partnerships.
Fall 2018 Student Program Leader Board members implement the vision, direction, and operations of the Gamecock Pantry by contributing to the recruitment, training, and evaluation of volunteers, donation coordination, marketing and education, and logistical operations such as clientele communication, donation solicitation, and developing on and off campus partnerships. 3 11 28 Leadership & Service Center N GLD-Community Service; GLD-Professional & Civic Engagement; Student Leadership Programs,Leadership,Community service / civic engagement,Influencing others,
Civic Engagement & Service-Learning Programs


Civic Engagement & Service-Learning Programs - The primary mission of Service-Learning Programs is to engage students in experiences that address human and community needs together with structured opportunities for reflection intentionally designed to promote student learning and development.

Gamecock Pantry Pals
Students organize donations, shelve inventory, and communicate information about the Gamecock Pantry to campus constituents. The pantry was created by students, for students, and provides food assistance and other resources to enhance well-being.
Spring 2019 Service on Campus Students organize donations, shelve inventory, and communicate information about the Gamecock Pantry to campus constituents. The pantry was created by students, for students, and provides food assistance and other resources to enhance well-being. 3 11 28 Leadership & Service Center N GLD-Community Service; Civic Engagement & Service-Learning Programs,Community service / civic engagement,Connecting with others,Interpersonal skills,
Student Leadership Programs


Student Leadership Programs - The mission of Student Leadership Programs must be to prepare students to engage in the process of leadership.

Momentum Advisory Board
Board members review proposals submitted by students as 'ideas to facilitate conversations for a better world,' select workable proposals and meet with proposers to develop and execute creative campus-wide programming to facilitate the proposed conversations.
Fall 2018 Student Program Leader Board members review proposals submitted by students as 'ideas to facilitate conversations for a better world,' select workable proposals and meet with proposers to develop and execute creative campus-wide programming to facilitate the proposed conversations. 3 11 28 Leadership & Service Center N GLD-Professional & Civic Engagement; Student Leadership Programs,Leadership,,Critical and creative thinking,Teamwork
Student Leadership Programs


Student Leadership Programs - The mission of Student Leadership Programs must be to prepare students to engage in the process of leadership.

Multicultural Assistance Peer Program (MAPP) Mentor
Student mentors work in a self-directed mode to help support first year/transfer multicultural students as they transition into the university community, by serving as an information resource and helping new students establish a social network.
Fall 2018 Student Program Leader Student mentors work in a self-directed mode to help support first year/transfer multicultural students as they transition into the university community, by serving as an information resource and helping new students establish a social network. 3 11 28 Multicultural Student Affairs N GLD-Diversity & Social Advocacy; GLD-Professional & Civic Engagement; Student Leadership Programs,Connecting with others,,Influencing others,Interpersonal skills
Student Leadership Programs


Student Leadership Programs - The mission of Student Leadership Programs must be to prepare students to engage in the process of leadership.

Service Leadership Course
Students participate in a 15-week leadership education program that engages them in lectures, discussion, activities and assignments designed to help students articulate a personal theory of leadership and develop skills to create a service project that is beneficial to community and to volunteers.
Fall 2018 Leadership Education Students participate in a 15-week leadership education program that engages them in lectures, discussion, activities and assignments designed to help students articulate a personal theory of leadership and develop skills to create a service project that is beneficial to community and to volunteers. 3 11 28 Leadership & Service Center N ; Student Leadership Programs,Study / Practice self knowledge,,Critical and creative thinking,Civic knowledge and engagement
Student Leadership Programs


Student Leadership Programs - The mission of Student Leadership Programs must be to prepare students to engage in the process of leadership.

Organizational Leaders Course
Students participate in a 15-week leadership education program that engages students in activities designed to develop knowledge and skills needed to serve as leaders in student organizations.
Fall 2018 Leadership Education Students participate in a 15-week leadership education program that engages students in activities designed to develop knowledge and skills needed to serve as leaders in student organizations. 3 11 28 Leadership & Service Center N ; Student Leadership Programs,Study / Practice self knowledge,,Self-knowledge,Communication - spoken
Student Employment


Student Employment - Student is employed part-time by the university and engages in career readiness development activities as part of supervision process.

Community Ambassador
Students manage front-line communication with visitors, provide off-campus living presentations to students, staff events and support operations/projects on behalf of the Off-Campus Living and Neighborhood Relations Department.
Fall 2018 Employment On Campus Students manage front-line communication with visitors, provide off-campus living presentations to students, staff events and support operations/projects on behalf of the Off-Campus Living and Neighborhood Relations Department. 3 11 28 Off-Campus Living & Neighborhood Relations N GLD-Community Service; GLD-Professional & Civic Engagement; Student Employment,Career readiness,Leadership,Communication - spoken,Problem solving
Civic Engagement & Service-Learning Programs


Civic Engagement & Service-Learning Programs - The primary mission of Service-Learning Programs is to engage students in experiences that address human and community needs together with structured opportunities for reflection intentionally designed to promote student learning and development.

Community Service Opportunity Fair
Participants gather information and interact with representatives of community non-profit agencies and on-campus service organizations to learn more about volunteer, internship, networking opportunities, and other ways to give back to the Columbia and Carolina community.
Fall 2018 Campus Activities Participants gather information and interact with representatives of community non-profit agencies and on-campus service organizations to learn more about volunteer, internship, networking opportunities, and other ways to give back to the Columbia and Carolina community. 3 11 28 Leadership & Service Center N ; Civic Engagement & Service-Learning Programs,Connecting with others,,Civic knowledge and engagement,
Academic Advising Programs


Academic Advising Programs - The primary purpose of Academic Advising Programs is to assist students in the development of meaningful educational plans.

Academic Coaching Appointment
Students meet 1-1 with a coach to create an academic and engagement plan, set goals, and share resources; sessions are tailored to meet each student's needs and may include general advising, academic planning, strengths identification, planning campus involvement, and navigating campus resources.
Fall 2018 Educational Support Students meet 1-1 with a coach to create an academic and engagement plan, set goals, and share resources; sessions are tailored to meet each student's needs and may include general advising, academic planning, strengths identification, planning campus involvement, and navigating campus resources. 3 12 34 University Advising Center N ; Academic Advising Programs,Study / Practice intellectual skills,Study / Practice self knowledge,Foundations and skills for lifelong learning,Personal and social responsibility - Striving for excellence
Academic Advising Programs


Academic Advising Programs - The primary purpose of Academic Advising Programs is to assist students in the development of meaningful educational plans.

Exploratory Advising / Major Change
Students meet 1-on-1 with an Exploratory Advisor to explore majors/degree programs, learn how to change majors, evaluate how completed coursework will apply to a new major, plan class schedules, and get help with general advisement questions.
Fall 2018 Educational Support Students meet 1-on-1 with an Exploratory Advisor to explore majors/degree programs, learn how to change majors, evaluate how completed coursework will apply to a new major, plan class schedules, and get help with general advisement questions. 3 12 34 University Advising Center N ; Academic Advising Programs,Study / Practice intellectual skills,Study / Practice self knowledge,Self-knowledge,
Academic Advising Programs


Academic Advising Programs - The primary purpose of Academic Advising Programs is to assist students in the development of meaningful educational plans.

Withdrawal Consultation
Students who are considering withdrawing from UofSC participate in a 1:1 meeting with a professional advisor, to discuss the withdrawal process, reasons for withdrawal, next steps, plans, and options for future re-enrollment at UofSC.
Fall 2018 Educational Support Students who are considering withdrawing from UofSC participate in a 1:1 meeting with a professional advisor, to discuss the withdrawal process, reasons for withdrawal, next steps, plans, and options for future re-enrollment at UofSC. 3 12 34 University Advising Center N ; Academic Advising Programs,Study / Practice self knowledge,,Problem solving,
Career Services


Career Services - The primary mission of Career Services is to assist students and other designated clients in developing, evaluating, and implementing career, education, and employment plans.

Career Coaching - Career Assessment Interpretation
Students complete a career assessment prior to meeting with a career coach; in this 1-1 session, the coach guides the student through exploration of career-related interests, skills and values.
Fall 2018 Career Development Students complete a career assessment prior to meeting with a career coach; in this 1-1 session, the coach guides the student through exploration of career-related interests, skills and values. 3 11 30 Career Center N ; Career Services,Study / Practice self knowledge,Career development,Self-knowledge,Problem solving
Career Services


Career Services - The primary mission of Career Services is to assist students and other designated clients in developing, evaluating, and implementing career, education, and employment plans.

Career Coaching - Choosing a Major/Career
Students interact 1-1 with a trained career coach regarding making career /major decisions by exploring student interests, abilities, aptitudes, and alignment with options for choice of major and career field.
Fall 2018 Career Development Students interact 1-1 with a trained career coach regarding making career /major decisions by exploring student interests, abilities, aptitudes, and alignment with options for choice of major and career field. 3 11 30 Career Center N ; Career Services,Study / Practice self knowledge,Career development,Self-knowledge,Problem solving
Career Services


Career Services - The primary mission of Career Services is to assist students and other designated clients in developing, evaluating, and implementing career, education, and employment plans.

Career Coaching - Drop-In Session
Students stop by the Career Center for a brief discussion with a staff member or a quick review of their resume.
Fall 2018 Career Development Students stop by the Career Center for a brief discussion with a staff member or a quick review of their resume. 3 11 30 Career Center N ; Career Services,Study / Practice self knowledge,,Self-knowledge,
Career Services


Career Services - The primary mission of Career Services is to assist students and other designated clients in developing, evaluating, and implementing career, education, and employment plans.

Career Coaching - Graduate / Professional School
Student interacts 1-1 with professional staff member to identify resources and develop a plan for applying to graduate and/or professional schools.
Fall 2018 Career Development Student interacts 1-1 with professional staff member to identify resources and develop a plan for applying to graduate and/or professional schools. 3 11 30 Career Center N ; Career Services,Career development,Study / Practice self knowledge,Problem solving,
Career Services


Career Services - The primary mission of Career Services is to assist students and other designated clients in developing, evaluating, and implementing career, education, and employment plans.

Career Coaching - Internship / Co-op Search
Student interacts 1-1 with a professional staff member to identify resources and develop a plan for obtaining an internship or co-op position.
Fall 2018 Career Development Student interacts 1-1 with a professional staff member to identify resources and develop a plan for obtaining an internship or co-op position. 3 11 30 Career Center N ; Career Services,Career development,Study / Practice self knowledge,Problem solving,Self-knowledge
Career Services


Career Services - The primary mission of Career Services is to assist students and other designated clients in developing, evaluating, and implementing career, education, and employment plans.

Career Coaching - Interview Preparation
Student interacts 1-1 with a professional staff member to prepare for interviews for employment or admission to graduate/professional schools.
Fall 2018 Career Development Student interacts 1-1 with a professional staff member to prepare for interviews for employment or admission to graduate/professional schools. 3 11 30 Career Center N ; Career Services,Career development,Study / Practice self knowledge,Self-knowledge,Problem solving
Career Services


Career Services - The primary mission of Career Services is to assist students and other designated clients in developing, evaluating, and implementing career, education, and employment plans.

Career Coaching - Job Search
Student interacts 1-1 with a professional staff member to identify resources and develop a plan for obtaining employment.
Fall 2018 Career Development Student interacts 1-1 with a professional staff member to identify resources and develop a plan for obtaining employment. 3 11 30 Career Center N ; Career Services,Career development,Study / Practice self knowledge,Problem solving,Self-knowledge
Career Services


Career Services - The primary mission of Career Services is to assist students and other designated clients in developing, evaluating, and implementing career, education, and employment plans.

Career Coaching - Mock Interview
Students participate in a mock interview, and receive feedback from a professional staff member to improve their future performance.
Fall 2018 Career Development Students participate in a mock interview, and receive feedback from a professional staff member to improve their future performance. 3 11 30 Career Center N ; Career Services,Career development,,Self-knowledge,Communication - spoken
Career Services


Career Services - The primary mission of Career Services is to assist students and other designated clients in developing, evaluating, and implementing career, education, and employment plans.

Career Coaching - Parallel Career Path
Students interact with professional career coach to explore options regarding choice of major and career fields, in recognition of competitive admissions practices and other factors that may affect plans.
Fall 2018 Career Development Students interact with professional career coach to explore options regarding choice of major and career fields, in recognition of competitive admissions practices and other factors that may affect plans. 3 11 30 Career Center N ; Career Services,Career development,Study / Practice self knowledge,Problem solving,Self-knowledge
Career Services


Career Services - The primary mission of Career Services is to assist students and other designated clients in developing, evaluating, and implementing career, education, and employment plans.

Career Management Platform - How to Use Handshake
Students receive instruction on how to use the career management tool called Handshake to create and manage job search documents, register for career events, and connect with employers.
Fall 2018 Career Development Students receive instruction on how to use the career management tool called Handshake to create and manage job search documents, register for career events, and connect with employers. 3 11 30 Career Center N ; Career Services,Career development,,Self-knowledge,
Career Services


Career Services - The primary mission of Career Services is to assist students and other designated clients in developing, evaluating, and implementing career, education, and employment plans.

Gamecocks Get Hired Job Fair
Students interact with representatives from employer organizations about current and future employment opportunities including internships, co-ops, and full-time positions.
Fall 2018 Career Development Students interact with representatives from employer organizations about current and future employment opportunities including internships, co-ops, and full-time positions. 3 11 30 Career Center N ; Career Services,Career development,,Self-knowledge,
International Student Programs and Services


International Student Programs and Services - The mission of International Student Programs and Services is to provide support and assistance necessary for international students to achieve their educational goals and to ensure institutional compliance with governmental immigration regulations.

Carolina Intercultural Training
Students explore cultural values, practice analyzing cross-cultural misunderstandings, and discuss how to better communicate with diverse peers. Participants engage in an intercultural learning experience through small group discussions, whole group activities, and personal self-evaluation.
Fall 2018 Diversity, Equity, and Inclusion Education Students explore cultural values, practice analyzing cross-cultural misunderstandings, and discuss how to better communicate with diverse peers. Participants engage in an intercultural learning experience through small group discussions, whole group activities, and personal self-evaluation. 3 12 31 International Student Services N ; International Student Programs and Services,Study / Practice diversity, equity, inclusion,,Intercultural knowledge and competence,Personal and social responsibility - Taking seriously the perspectives of others
Career Services


Career Services - The primary mission of Career Services is to assist students and other designated clients in developing, evaluating, and implementing career, education, and employment plans.

Career Coaching - Curriculum Vita / Cover Letter Review
Students interact 1-1 with a professional staff member who reviews students' vita and cover letter, provides feedback, and helps students explore presentation options.
Fall 2018 Career Development Students interact 1-1 with a professional staff member who reviews students' vita and cover letter, provides feedback, and helps students explore presentation options. 3 11 30 Career Center N ; Career Services,Career development,Study / Practice self knowledge,Problem solving,Self-knowledge
Capstone Experience


Capstone Experience - A course or project that engages students in a culminating and integrative experience, intended to connect the key learning objectives of an educational program.

Discover UofSC
Students make oral, creative, and/or poster presentations of any beyond the classroom experience including research and scholarly projects, global study, professional work experiences, leadership, service-learning and community service, and national fellowship competitions.
Spring 2019 Articulating Learning Students make oral, creative, and/or poster presentations of any beyond the classroom experience including research and scholarly projects, global study, professional work experiences, leadership, service-learning and community service, and national fellowship competitions. 3 13 32 Undergraduate Research N GLD-Presentation; Capstone Experience,Apply specialized knowledge,Study / Practice intellectual skills,Communication - spoken,Specialized knowledge and skills
Learning Assistance Programs


Learning Assistance Programs - The primary mission of Learning Assistance Programs must be to provide students with resources and opportunities to improve their ability to learn and to achieve academic success.

Money Management Consultation
Students participate in a 1:1 meeting with a Financial Literacy Consultant, to explore financial management topics including basic money management, credit, debt management, and student loan repayment policies.
Fall 2018 Educational Support Students participate in a 1:1 meeting with a Financial Literacy Consultant, to explore financial management topics including basic money management, credit, debt management, and student loan repayment policies. 3 11 30 Student Success Center N ; Learning Assistance Programs,Study / Practice financial literacy,Study / Practice self knowledge,Financial literacy,Self-knowledge
Career Services


Career Services - The primary mission of Career Services is to assist students and other designated clients in developing, evaluating, and implementing career, education, and employment plans.

Graduate and Professional School Day
Students interact with representatives from graduate and professional schools about current and future enrollment opportunities.
Fall 2018 Career Development Students interact with representatives from graduate and professional schools about current and future enrollment opportunities. 3 11 30 Career Center N ; Career Services,Career development,,Self-knowledge,
Career Services


Career Services - The primary mission of Career Services is to assist students and other designated clients in developing, evaluating, and implementing career, education, and employment plans.

Health Professions Job Fair
Students interact with representatives from employer organizations about current and future employment opportunities including internships, co-ops, and full-time positions.
Fall 2018 Career Development Students interact with representatives from employer organizations about current and future employment opportunities including internships, co-ops, and full-time positions. 3 11 30 Career Center N ; Career Services,Career development,,Self-knowledge,
International Student Programs and Services


International Student Programs and Services - The mission of International Student Programs and Services is to provide support and assistance necessary for international students to achieve their educational goals and to ensure institutional compliance with governmental immigration regulations.

International Education Week Bazaar
Participants interact with USC students from around the world, observe international dances and music, and learn about other cultures. Participants can complete a Bazaar passport by visiting at least four Bazaar displays and interacting with USC international students from that country or region.
Fall 2018 Global Learning Participants interact with USC students from around the world, observe international dances and music, and learn about other cultures. Participants can complete a Bazaar passport by visiting at least four Bazaar displays and interacting with USC international students from that country or region. 3 12 31 International Student Services N ; International Student Programs and Services,Study / Practice diversity, equity, inclusion,,Intercultural knowledge and competence,
Student Leadership Programs


Student Leadership Programs - The mission of Student Leadership Programs must be to prepare students to engage in the process of leadership.

L.E.A.D. Retreat
Rising juniors or seniors who serve as officers of student organizations and student-led initiatives engage in activities designed to create a network of peer leaders, understand their impact on the community, recognize their ability to create change, and develop the legacy they wish to leave for themselves, their organizations, and the university.
Spring 2019 Leadership Education Rising juniors or seniors who serve as officers of student organizations and student-led initiatives engage in activities designed to create a network of peer leaders, understand their impact on the community, recognize their ability to create change, and develop the legacy they wish to leave for themselves, their organizations, and the university. 3 11 28 Leadership & Service Center N ; Student Leadership Programs,Study / Practice self knowledge,,Personal and social responsibility - Contributing to a larger community,Self-knowledge
Student Leadership Programs


Student Leadership Programs - The mission of Student Leadership Programs must be to prepare students to engage in the process of leadership.

Magellan Ambassador
Magellan Ambassadors represent the Office of Undergraduate Research through campus presentations and events, providing opportunity for professional development while sharing their research experience with other students.
Fall 2018 Student Program Leader Magellan Ambassadors represent the Office of Undergraduate Research through campus presentations and events, providing opportunity for professional development while sharing their research experience with other students. 3 13 32 Undergraduate Research N GLD-Professional & Civic Engagement; Student Leadership Programs,Leadership,,Communication - spoken,Teamwork
Undergraduate Research Programs


Undergraduate Research Programs - The primary mission of Undergraduate Research Programs is to engage students in investigative and creative activity to experience firsthand the processes of scholarly exploration and discovery.

Magellan Embark
Students receive information about resources and tools to help them get started in research, in this four-week, not-for-credit seminar.
Fall 2018 Research Education Students receive information about resources and tools to help them get started in research, in this four-week, not-for-credit seminar. 3 13 32 Undergraduate Research N ; Undergraduate Research Programs,Study / Practice intellectual skills,,Foundations and skills for lifelong learning,
Career Services


Career Services - The primary mission of Career Services is to assist students and other designated clients in developing, evaluating, and implementing career, education, and employment plans.

Moore School of Business EXPO
Students interact with representatives from employer organizations about current and future employment opportunities including internships and full-time positions.
Spring 2019 Career Development Students interact with representatives from employer organizations about current and future employment opportunities including internships and full-time positions. 3 11 30 Career Center N ; Career Services,Career development,,Self-knowledge,
Career Services


Career Services - The primary mission of Career Services is to assist students and other designated clients in developing, evaluating, and implementing career, education, and employment plans.

Opportunity Knocks Part-Time Job Fair
Students interact with representatives from campus departments and community organizations about current part-time employment opportunities.
Fall 2018 Career Development Students interact with representatives from campus departments and community organizations about current part-time employment opportunities. 3 11 30 Career Center N ; Career Services,Career development,,Self-knowledge,
Career Services


Career Services - The primary mission of Career Services is to assist students and other designated clients in developing, evaluating, and implementing career, education, and employment plans.

Pathways to Professions (Externship)
Students attend half or full day visit to an employer site for an overview of the organization and their employment opportunities. Common components include presentations by organizational leadership and human resources staff, practitioner panels (most often with alumni representation), shadowing opportunities and facility tours.
Fall 2018 Career Development Students attend half or full day visit to an employer site for an overview of the organization and their employment opportunities. Common components include presentations by organizational leadership and human resources staff, practitioner panels (most often with alumni representation), shadowing opportunities and facility tours. 3 11 30 Career Center N ; Career Services,Career development,,Self-knowledge,
Learning Assistance Programs


Learning Assistance Programs - The primary mission of Learning Assistance Programs must be to provide students with resources and opportunities to improve their ability to learn and to achieve academic success.

Peer Tutoring
Students participate in a tutoring session for a specific academic course in which they are currently enrolled.
Fall 2018 Educational Support Students participate in a tutoring session for a specific academic course in which they are currently enrolled. 3 11 30 Student Success Center N ; Learning Assistance Programs,Study / Practice intellectual skills,Apply specialized knowledge,Specialized knowledge and skills,
Learning Assistance Programs


Learning Assistance Programs - The primary mission of Learning Assistance Programs must be to provide students with resources and opportunities to improve their ability to learn and to achieve academic success.

Peer Writing Session
Students participate in a tutoring session for support with composition- or communications-based assignments or projects.
Fall 2018 Educational Support Students participate in a tutoring session for support with composition- or communications-based assignments or projects. 3 11 30 Student Success Center N ; Learning Assistance Programs,Study / Practice intellectual skills,,Communication - written,Communication - spoken
Career Services


Career Services - The primary mission of Career Services is to assist students and other designated clients in developing, evaluating, and implementing career, education, and employment plans.

Pharmacy Day
Students interact with representatives from employer organizations about current and future employment opportunities including internships and full-time positions.
Fall 2018 Career Development Students interact with representatives from employer organizations about current and future employment opportunities including internships and full-time positions. 3 11 30 Career Center N ; Career Services,Career development,,Self-knowledge,
Career Services


Career Services - The primary mission of Career Services is to assist students and other designated clients in developing, evaluating, and implementing career, education, and employment plans.

Gamecocks Get Hired STEM Job Fair
Students interact with representatives of employer organizations about current and future employment opportunities including internships, co-ops, and full-time positions.
Fall 2018 Career Development Students interact with representatives of employer organizations about current and future employment opportunities including internships, co-ops, and full-time positions. 3 11 30 Career Center N ; Career Services,Career development,,Self-knowledge,
Student Leadership Programs


Student Leadership Programs - The mission of Student Leadership Programs must be to prepare students to engage in the process of leadership.

Student Leadership and Diversity Conference
Students engage with faculty, staff and peers to explore important issues in diversity and student leadership, gain insights from keynote speakers and educational session facilitators, and reflect on how to apply these insights in their roles as student leaders.
Spring 2019 Leadership Education Students engage with faculty, staff and peers to explore important issues in diversity and student leadership, gain insights from keynote speakers and educational session facilitators, and reflect on how to apply these insights in their roles as student leaders. 3 11 28 Leadership & Service Center N ; Student Leadership Programs,Study / Practice self knowledge,Study / Practice diversity, equity, inclusion,Self-knowledge,Personal and social responsibility - Taking seriously the perspectives of others
International Student Programs and Services


International Student Programs and Services - The mission of International Student Programs and Services is to provide support and assistance necessary for international students to achieve their educational goals and to ensure institutional compliance with governmental immigration regulations.

Education Abroad Fair
Students interact with faculty, staff, and study abroad providers to learn more about opportunities for study abroad and resources for study abroad funding.
Fall 2018 Campus Activities Students interact with faculty, staff, and study abroad providers to learn more about opportunities for study abroad and resources for study abroad funding. 3 12 31 Study Abroad N ; International Student Programs and Services,Study / Practice self knowledge,,Self-knowledge,
Transfer Student Programs and Services


Transfer Student Programs and Services - The mission of Transfer Student Programs and Services is to aid in the successful transfer, persistence, and graduation of transfer students.

Transfer Success Consultation
Transfer students participate in a 1:1 meeting with the Transfer Coordinator, to discuss academic referrals, current academic challenges, and to identify academic and campus resources.
Fall 2018 Educational Support Transfer students participate in a 1:1 meeting with the Transfer Coordinator, to discuss academic referrals, current academic challenges, and to identify academic and campus resources. 3 11 30 Carolina Experience N ; Transfer Student Programs and Services,Study / Practice self knowledge,,Personal and social responsibility - Striving for excellence,
Student Leadership Programs


Student Leadership Programs - The mission of Student Leadership Programs must be to prepare students to engage in the process of leadership.

Center for Integrative and Experiential Learning Student Advisory Council
Students participate in discussion-based monthly meetings to provide the Center for Integrative and Experiential Learning staff with feedback and to share opinions about initiatives and programming.
Fall 2018 Student Program Leader Students participate in discussion-based monthly meetings to provide the Center for Integrative and Experiential Learning staff with feedback and to share opinions about initiatives and programming. 3 12 34 Center for Integrative and Experiential Learning N ; Student Leadership Programs,Leadership,,Communication - spoken,
Learning Assistance Programs


Learning Assistance Programs - The primary mission of Learning Assistance Programs must be to provide students with resources and opportunities to improve their ability to learn and to achieve academic success.

Supplemental Instruction
Students participate in a group study session for a specific academic course and section in which they are currently enrolled.
Fall 2018 Educational Support Students participate in a group study session for a specific academic course and section in which they are currently enrolled. 3 11 30 Student Success Center N ; Learning Assistance Programs,Study / Practice intellectual skills,,Specialized knowledge and skills,
Student Leadership Programs


Student Leadership Programs - The mission of Student Leadership Programs must be to prepare students to engage in the process of leadership.

Capstone Scholars Connectors Directorate Board
Student Board members work together to design and implement training and programs for student mentors in the Capstone Scholars Connectors Program. Each board member has a different role, and works as a member of a team to coach student mentors, and plan and implement program activities.
Fall 2018 Student Program Leader Student Board members work together to design and implement training and programs for student mentors in the Capstone Scholars Connectors Program. Each board member has a different role, and works as a member of a team to coach student mentors, and plan and implement program activities. 3 11 29 Faculty Principal Learning Communities N Experiential Learning Opportunity; GLD-Professional & Civic Engagement; Student Leadership Programs,Leadership,Career readiness,Teamwork,Problem solving
Student Leadership Programs


Student Leadership Programs - The mission of Student Leadership Programs must be to prepare students to engage in the process of leadership.

Intramural Sports Leader
Student leaders maintain a supervisory role on the fields/courts and provide ongoing training and development for intramural sports officials. Student leaders are empowered to lobby for policy and procedural change within the intramural sports program based on their experiences in this role.
Fall 2018 Student Program Leader Student leaders maintain a supervisory role on the fields/courts and provide ongoing training and development for intramural sports officials. Student leaders are empowered to lobby for policy and procedural change within the intramural sports program based on their experiences in this role. 3 11 117 Campus Recreation N Experiential Learning Opportunity; GLD-Professional & Civic Engagement; Student Leadership Programs,Career readiness,,Influencing others,Foundations and skills for lifelong learning
Civic Engagement & Service-Learning Programs


Civic Engagement & Service-Learning Programs - The primary mission of Service-Learning Programs is to engage students in experiences that address human and community needs together with structured opportunities for reflection intentionally designed to promote student learning and development.

Community Service Ambassador
Each student ambassador serves in a nonprofit organization located in the Midlands, exploring issues affecting the local community and working with the non-profit agency to address these issues.
Fall 2018 Civic Engagement Each student ambassador serves in a nonprofit organization located in the Midlands, exploring issues affecting the local community and working with the non-profit agency to address these issues. 3 11 28 Leadership & Service Center N Experiential Learning Opportunity; GLD-Community Service; GLD-Professional & Civic Engagement; Civic Engagement & Service-Learning Programs,Community service / civic engagement,Study / Practice diversity, equity, inclusion,Civic knowledge and engagement,Personal and social responsibility - Contributing to a larger community
Internship Programs


Internship Programs - The primary mission of Internship Programs is to engage students in planned, educationally-related work and learning experiences that integrate knowledge and theory with practical application and skill development in a professional setting.

Community Service Internship - WGST 499
Students engage in a supervised experience addressing either 1) a community organization’s needs and allowing the student to explore an aspect of the community related to women’s and gender studies issues, or 2) a research project related to gender issues.
Fall 2018 Internship Students engage in a supervised experience addressing either 1) a community organization’s needs and allowing the student to explore an aspect of the community related to women’s and gender studies issues, or 2) a research project related to gender issues. 3 14 58 Y Experiential Learning Opportunity; GLD-Community Service; GLD-Professional & Civic Engagement; Internship Programs,Apply specialized knowledge,Community service / civic engagement,Civic knowledge and engagement,Professionalism / career readiness
Student Leadership Programs


Student Leadership Programs - The mission of Student Leadership Programs must be to prepare students to engage in the process of leadership.

Peer Leader for Introductory Astronomy
Students who have been successful in introductory astronomy courses guide ASTR101 students through a team learning activity each week, in which the students apply astronomical concepts to evaluate claims and make decisions based on scientific data.
Fall 2018 Peer Educator Students who have been successful in introductory astronomy courses guide ASTR101 students through a team learning activity each week, in which the students apply astronomical concepts to evaluate claims and make decisions based on scientific data. 3 14 49 N Experiential Learning Opportunity; GLD-Professional & Civic Engagement; Student Leadership Programs,Apply specialized knowledge,Leadership,Influencing others,Teamwork
Student Employment


Student Employment - Student is employed part-time by the university and engages in career readiness development activities as part of supervision process.

Study Abroad Peer Advisor
Students who have studied abroad work in a pre-professional capacity with the Study Abroad Office staff to promote study abroad on campus and to support prospective, current and returned study abroad participants.
Fall 2018 Employment On Campus Students who have studied abroad work in a pre-professional capacity with the Study Abroad Office staff to promote study abroad on campus and to support prospective, current and returned study abroad participants. 3 12 31 Study Abroad N Experiential Learning Opportunity; GLD-Professional & Civic Engagement; Student Employment,Career readiness,Global learning,Interpersonal skills,Intercultural knowledge and competence
Career Services


Career Services - The primary mission of Career Services is to assist students and other designated clients in developing, evaluating, and implementing career, education, and employment plans.

Career Coaching - Career Assessment Interpretation
Students complete a career assessment prior to meeting with a career coach; in this 1-1 session, the coach guides the student through exploration of career-related interests, skills and values.
Spring 2018 Career Development Students complete a career assessment prior to meeting with a career coach; in this 1-1 session, the coach guides the student through exploration of career-related interests, skills and values. 3 11 30 Career Center N ; Career Services,Study / Practice self knowledge,Career development,Self-knowledge,Problem solving
Career Services


Career Services - The primary mission of Career Services is to assist students and other designated clients in developing, evaluating, and implementing career, education, and employment plans.

Career Coaching - Choosing a Major/Career
Students interact 1-1 with a trained career coach regarding making career /major decisions by exploring student interests, abilities, aptitudes, and alignment with options for choice of major and career field.
Spring 2018 Career Development Students interact 1-1 with a trained career coach regarding making career /major decisions by exploring student interests, abilities, aptitudes, and alignment with options for choice of major and career field. 3 11 30 Career Center N ; Career Services,Study / Practice self knowledge,Career development,Self-knowledge,Problem solving
Career Services


Career Services - The primary mission of Career Services is to assist students and other designated clients in developing, evaluating, and implementing career, education, and employment plans.

Career Coaching - Drop-In Session
Students stop by the Career Center for a brief discussion with a staff member or a quick review of their resume.
Spring 2018 Career Development Students stop by the Career Center for a brief discussion with a staff member or a quick review of their resume. 3 11 30 Career Center N ; Career Services,Study / Practice self knowledge,,Self-knowledge,
Career Services


Career Services - The primary mission of Career Services is to assist students and other designated clients in developing, evaluating, and implementing career, education, and employment plans.

Career Coaching - Graduate / Professional School
Student interacts 1-1 with professional staff member to identify resources and develop a plan for applying to graduate and/or professional schools.
Spring 2018 Career Development Student interacts 1-1 with professional staff member to identify resources and develop a plan for applying to graduate and/or professional schools. 3 11 30 Career Center N ; Career Services,Career development,Study / Practice self knowledge,Problem solving,Self-knowledge
Career Services


Career Services - The primary mission of Career Services is to assist students and other designated clients in developing, evaluating, and implementing career, education, and employment plans.

Career Coaching - Interview Preparation
Student interacts 1-1 with a professional staff member to prepare for interviews for employment or admission to graduate/professional schools.
Spring 2018 Career Development Student interacts 1-1 with a professional staff member to prepare for interviews for employment or admission to graduate/professional schools. 3 11 30 Career Center N ; Career Services,Career development,Study / Practice self knowledge,Self-knowledge,Problem solving
Career Services


Career Services - The primary mission of Career Services is to assist students and other designated clients in developing, evaluating, and implementing career, education, and employment plans.

Career Coaching - Job Search
Student interacts 1-1 with a professional staff member to identify resources and develop a plan for obtaining employment.
Spring 2018 Career Development Student interacts 1-1 with a professional staff member to identify resources and develop a plan for obtaining employment. 3 11 30 Career Center N ; Career Services,Career development,Study / Practice self knowledge,Problem solving,Self-knowledge
Career Services


Career Services - The primary mission of Career Services is to assist students and other designated clients in developing, evaluating, and implementing career, education, and employment plans.

Career Coaching - Mock Interview
Students participate in a mock interview, and receive feedback from a professional staff member to improve their future performance.
Summer 2018 Career Development Students participate in a mock interview, and receive feedback from a professional staff member to improve their future performance. 3 11 30 Career Center N ; Career Services,Career development,,Self-knowledge,Communication - spoken
Career Services


Career Services - The primary mission of Career Services is to assist students and other designated clients in developing, evaluating, and implementing career, education, and employment plans.

Moore School of Business EXPO
Students interact with representatives from employer organizations about current and future employment opportunities including internships and full-time positions.
Fall 2018 Career Development Students interact with representatives from employer organizations about current and future employment opportunities including internships and full-time positions. 3 11 30 Career Center N ; Career Services,Career development,,Self-knowledge,
Student Leadership Programs


Student Leadership Programs - The mission of Student Leadership Programs must be to prepare students to engage in the process of leadership.

Service Saturday Site Leader
Site leaders communicate expectations to a group of volunteers, delegate tasks, and debrief volunteers on a shared community service experience.
Fall 2018 Peer Educator Site leaders communicate expectations to a group of volunteers, delegate tasks, and debrief volunteers on a shared community service experience. 3 11 28 Leadership & Service Center N GLD-Community Service; GLD-Professional & Civic Engagement; Student Leadership Programs,Community service / civic engagement,Leadership,Civic knowledge and engagement,
Student Leadership Programs


Student Leadership Programs - The mission of Student Leadership Programs must be to prepare students to engage in the process of leadership.

Service Saturday Senior Site Leader
Senior site leaders facilitate training and manage administrative tasks for teams of student site leaders, communicate expectations of the program to volunteers, delegate tasks, and debrief on a shared experience.
Fall 2018 Peer Educator Senior site leaders facilitate training and manage administrative tasks for teams of student site leaders, communicate expectations of the program to volunteers, delegate tasks, and debrief on a shared experience. 3 11 28 Leadership & Service Center N Experiential Learning Opportunity; GLD-Community Service; GLD-Professional & Civic Engagement; Student Leadership Programs,Leadership,Career readiness,Communication - spoken,Influencing others
Internship Programs


Internship Programs - The primary mission of Internship Programs is to engage students in planned, educationally-related work and learning experiences that integrate knowledge and theory with practical application and skill development in a professional setting.

Practicum in Teaching German to Young Children - GERM 401P
Students teach German once/week at Rosewood Elementary and learn about pedagogy and teaching methods in class once/week.
Fall 2018 Practicum Students teach German once/week at Rosewood Elementary and learn about pedagogy and teaching methods in class once/week. 3 14 46 Y Experiential Learning Opportunity; GLD-Community Service; GLD-Professional & Civic Engagement; Internship Programs,Apply specialized knowledge,Career readiness,Specialized knowledge and skills,Professionalism / career readiness
Student Leadership Programs


Student Leadership Programs - The mission of Student Leadership Programs must be to prepare students to engage in the process of leadership.

Carolina Judicial Council
Council members serve on judicial panels that hold hearings concerning alleged violations of the Student Code of Conduct and the Honor Code. The Council makes decisions regarding code infractions and appropriate sanctions for students found responsible for such violations.
Fall 2018 Peer Educator Council members serve on judicial panels that hold hearings concerning alleged violations of the Student Code of Conduct and the Honor Code. The Council makes decisions regarding code infractions and appropriate sanctions for students found responsible for such violations. 3 11 88 Student Conduct & Academic Integrity N Experiential Learning Opportunity; GLD-Professional & Civic Engagement; Student Leadership Programs,Apply specialized knowledge,Career readiness,Critical and creative thinking,Inquiry and analysis
Internship Programs


Internship Programs - The primary mission of Internship Programs is to engage students in planned, educationally-related work and learning experiences that integrate knowledge and theory with practical application and skill development in a professional setting.

Hospitality & Tourism Internship - HRTM 495
Full time work experience of a minimum of 400 work hours in the Hospitality or Tourism industry; position must be Managerial or Supervisory in nature, Rotational within a minimum of three different areas of the business or a Structured Internship Program. Includes online course work.
Fall 2018 Internship Full time work experience of a minimum of 400 work hours in the Hospitality or Tourism industry; position must be Managerial or Supervisory in nature, Rotational within a minimum of three different areas of the business or a Structured Internship Program. Includes online course work. 3 17 76 Y Experiential Learning Opportunity; GLD-Professional & Civic Engagement; Internship Programs,Apply specialized knowledge,Leadership,Specialized knowledge and skills,Self-knowledge
Internship Programs


Internship Programs - The primary mission of Internship Programs is to engage students in planned, educationally-related work and learning experiences that integrate knowledge and theory with practical application and skill development in a professional setting.

Hospitality & Tourism Practicum - HRTM 290
Full time work experience of a minimum of 400 work hours in the Hospitality or Tourism industry; position can be any entry level or higher position. Includes online course work.
Fall 2018 Practicum Full time work experience of a minimum of 400 work hours in the Hospitality or Tourism industry; position can be any entry level or higher position. Includes online course work. 3 17 76 Y Experiential Learning Opportunity; GLD-Professional & Civic Engagement; Internship Programs,Apply specialized knowledge,Career readiness,Self-knowledge,Specialized knowledge and skills
Student Leadership Programs


Student Leadership Programs - The mission of Student Leadership Programs must be to prepare students to engage in the process of leadership.

Capstone Scholars Programming Council Assistant
As a team, programming council assistants design, execute and assess social programs for the Capstone Scholars community. Each member of the council participates in planning, budgeting, communications, marketing and delivery of programs, as well as in assessing the quality and success of delivered programs.
Spring 2019 Student Program Leader As a team, programming council assistants design, execute and assess social programs for the Capstone Scholars community. Each member of the council participates in planning, budgeting, communications, marketing and delivery of programs, as well as in assessing the quality and success of delivered programs. 3 11 29 Faculty Principal Learning Communities N GLD-Professional & Civic Engagement; Student Leadership Programs,Career readiness,Leadership,Critical and creative thinking,Teamwork
Student Leadership Programs


Student Leadership Programs - The mission of Student Leadership Programs must be to prepare students to engage in the process of leadership.

Student Government Senate Committee Chair
Student is appointed by the Student Government Executive Council to explore issues, gain understanding of related policies and procedures, and work with others across campus to make informed decisions that support the campaign agenda and address issues of concern to Carolina students.
Fall 2018 Appointed Student Leader Student is appointed by the Student Government Executive Council to explore issues, gain understanding of related policies and procedures, and work with others across campus to make informed decisions that support the campaign agenda and address issues of concern to Carolina students. 3 11 28 Leadership & Service Center N GLD-Professional & Civic Engagement; Student Leadership Programs,Apply specialized knowledge,Leadership,Inquiry and analysis,
Student Leadership Programs


Student Leadership Programs - The mission of Student Leadership Programs must be to prepare students to engage in the process of leadership.

Student Government Freshman Council
Council members are selected to represent the freshman class in student government at Carolina. Students meet weekly to learn about SG initiatives, discuss campus issues, and represent the freshman perspective. Each student meets monthly with a SG mentor to explore and develop leadership interests, skills and abilities.
Fall 2018 Appointed Student Leader Council members are selected to represent the freshman class in student government at Carolina. Students meet weekly to learn about SG initiatives, discuss campus issues, and represent the freshman perspective. Each student meets monthly with a SG mentor to explore and develop leadership interests, skills and abilities. 3 11 28 Leadership & Service Center N GLD-Professional & Civic Engagement; Student Leadership Programs,Study / Practice self knowledge,Connecting with others,Self-knowledge,
Internship Programs


Internship Programs - The primary mission of Internship Programs is to engage students in planned, educationally-related work and learning experiences that integrate knowledge and theory with practical application and skill development in a professional setting.

Internship in Public History - HIST 480
Within the context of a course, students are placed as an intern in a local public-history site (e.g., museum, historic house). In addition, students are assigned readings and meet with the professor and fellow students to discuss assignments reflect upon the internship and the profession of Public History.
Summer 2019 Internship Within the context of a course, students are placed as an intern in a local public-history site (e.g., museum, historic house). In addition, students are assigned readings and meet with the professor and fellow students to discuss assignments reflect upon the internship and the profession of Public History. 3 14 45 Y GLD-Professional & Civic Engagement; Experiential Learning Opportunity; Internship Programs,Apply specialized knowledge,,Specialized knowledge and skills,
Student Leadership Programs


Student Leadership Programs - The mission of Student Leadership Programs must be to prepare students to engage in the process of leadership.

Capstone Scholars Programming Council
Council members provide programming to the Capstone Scholars cohort of students both on and off-campus. Members are responsible for program and event planning, budgeting, communications/PR, and program delivery from inception and execution to assessment.
Fall 2018 Student Program Leader Council members provide programming to the Capstone Scholars cohort of students both on and off-campus. Members are responsible for program and event planning, budgeting, communications/PR, and program delivery from inception and execution to assessment. 3 11 29 Faculty Principal Learning Communities N Experiential Learning Opportunity; GLD-Professional & Civic Engagement; Student Leadership Programs,Career readiness,Leadership,Critical and creative thinking,Teamwork
Student Leadership Programs


Student Leadership Programs - The mission of Student Leadership Programs must be to prepare students to engage in the process of leadership.

Peer Financial Consultant
Student consultants meet with students to help them set financial goals, explore money management strategies, and create financial action plans; as needed, consultants make appropriate referrals to other campus resources.
Spring 2019 Peer Educator Student consultants meet with students to help them set financial goals, explore money management strategies, and create financial action plans; as needed, consultants make appropriate referrals to other campus resources. 3 11 30 Student Success Center N Experiential Learning Opportunity; GLD-Professional & Civic Engagement; Student Leadership Programs,Apply specialized knowledge,Leadership,Influencing others,Financial literacy
Student Leadership Programs


Student Leadership Programs - The mission of Student Leadership Programs must be to prepare students to engage in the process of leadership.

Peer Consultant
Student consultants meet with peers to provide study skills support, discuss academic success strategies, and co-create a personalized plan for academic success.
Fall 2018 Peer Educator Student consultants meet with peers to provide study skills support, discuss academic success strategies, and co-create a personalized plan for academic success. 3 11 30 Student Success Center N Experiential Learning Opportunity; GLD-Professional & Civic Engagement; Student Leadership Programs,Leadership,Career readiness,Influencing others,Problem solving
Learning Assistance Programs


Learning Assistance Programs - The primary mission of Learning Assistance Programs must be to provide students with resources and opportunities to improve their ability to learn and to achieve academic success.

Success Consultation
Students meet 1-1 with a trained peer consultant to assist students in understanding course material, develop self-regulated learning skills, and create an action plan for positive academic behaviors.
Fall 2018 Educational Support Students meet 1-1 with a trained peer consultant to assist students in understanding course material, develop self-regulated learning skills, and create an action plan for positive academic behaviors. 3 11 30 Student Success Center N ; Learning Assistance Programs,Study / Practice intellectual skills,Study / Practice self knowledge,Foundations and skills for lifelong learning,
Lesbian, Gay, Bisexual, Transgender, & Queer+ Programs & Services


Lesbian, Gay, Bisexual, Transgender, & Queer+ Programs & Services - The mission must be to promote academic and personal growth of all LGBTQ and questioning students . . .

Queer Talks
Participants engage in casual discussion of local and national issues facing LGBTQ+ students and people. These discussions, over dinner, intend to provide a space for students and allies to build on knowledge and find support in a common understanding of relevant issues.
Fall 2018 Diversity, Equity, and Inclusion Education Participants engage in casual discussion of local and national issues facing LGBTQ+ students and people. These discussions, over dinner, intend to provide a space for students and allies to build on knowledge and find support in a common understanding of relevant issues. 3 11 28 Multicultural Student Affairs N ; Lesbian, Gay, Bisexual, Transgender, & Queer+ Programs & Services,Study / Practice diversity, equity, inclusion,Connecting with others,Personal and social responsibility - Taking seriously the perspectives of others,
Multicultural Student Programs and Services


Multicultural Student Programs and Services - Multicultural Student Programs and Services must promote academic and personal growth of traditionally underserved students, work with the entire campus to create an institutional and community climate of justice, promote access and equity in higher education, and offer programs that educate the campus about diversity.

Diversity Retreat
Students engage in a weekend-long retreat of self-reflection, activities and dialogue focused on concepts of diversity (e.g., identity, impact, advocacy). The goal of the retreat is to develop a greater understanding of leadership in a diverse world.
Spring 2019 Leadership Education Students engage in a weekend-long retreat of self-reflection, activities and dialogue focused on concepts of diversity (e.g., identity, impact, advocacy). The goal of the retreat is to develop a greater understanding of leadership in a diverse world. 3 11 28 Multicultural Student Affairs N ; Multicultural Student Programs and Services,Study / Practice diversity, equity, inclusion,Connecting with others,Personal and social responsibility - Taking seriously the perspectives of others,Intercultural knowledge and competence
Fraternity and Sorority Advising Programs


Fraternity and Sorority Advising Programs - The mission of Fraternity and Sorority Advising Programs is to promote the learning and development of students who affiliate with fraternities and sororities.

Fraternity and Sorority Life Recruitment / Intake Orientation
Participants attend this session to learn about the recruitment and membership experience in fraternity and sorority organizations, including time commitment, academic and financial requirements, and philanthropic and service opportunities of each chapter. Information is provided by professional staff, graduate assistants, and current members.
Fall 2018 Campus Activities Participants attend this session to learn about the recruitment and membership experience in fraternity and sorority organizations, including time commitment, academic and financial requirements, and philanthropic and service opportunities of each chapter. Information is provided by professional staff, graduate assistants, and current members. 3 11 28 Fraternity & Sorority Life N ; Fraternity and Sorority Advising Programs,Connecting with others,,Self-knowledge,
Recreational Sports Programs


Recreational Sports Programs - The mission of Recreational Sports Programs must be to enhance the mind, body, and spirit of students and other eligible individuals by providing programs, services, and facilities that are responsive to the physical, social, recreational, and lifelong educational needs of the campus community as they relate to health, fitness, and learning.

Campus Recreation Adventure Trip Leader
Trip leaders plan and execute day-long outdoor adventure trips; responsibilities include conducting pre-trip meetings with participants to set expectations, build relationships, communicate risks, and provide training for participants. During the trip, leaders serve as guides and wilderness medical first responders.
Fall 2018 Student Program Leader Trip leaders plan and execute day-long outdoor adventure trips; responsibilities include conducting pre-trip meetings with participants to set expectations, build relationships, communicate risks, and provide training for participants. During the trip, leaders serve as guides and wilderness medical first responders. 3 11 117 Campus Recreation N GLD-Professional & Civic Engagement; Recreational Sports Programs,Leadership,,Communication - spoken,Problem solving
Student Employment


Student Employment - Student is employed part-time by the university and engages in career readiness development activities as part of supervision process.

Campus Recreation Operations Leader
Supervisors work to ensure the effective operations of the Strom Thurmond Wellness and Fitness Center through interaction with staff and patrons regarding risk management, conflict management, and customer service, and provide input into policy and procedural change in the Center.
Fall 2018 Employment On Campus Supervisors work to ensure the effective operations of the Strom Thurmond Wellness and Fitness Center through interaction with staff and patrons regarding risk management, conflict management, and customer service, and provide input into policy and procedural change in the Center. 3 11 117 Campus Recreation N GLD-Professional & Civic Engagement; Experiential Learning Opportunity; Student Employment,Leadership,Career readiness,Critical and creative thinking,Communication - spoken
Student Leadership Programs


Student Leadership Programs - The mission of Student Leadership Programs must be to prepare students to engage in the process of leadership.

Capstone Scholars Connectors Mentor
Each mentor meets with first-year student mentee(s) at least twice each month to provide support and recommend resources and opportunities for involvement.
Fall 2018 Student Program Leader Each mentor meets with first-year student mentee(s) at least twice each month to provide support and recommend resources and opportunities for involvement. 3 11 29 Faculty Principal Learning Communities N GLD-Professional & Civic Engagement; Student Leadership Programs,Connecting with others,Career readiness,Interpersonal skills,Problem solving
Fraternity and Sorority Advising Programs


Fraternity and Sorority Advising Programs - The mission of Fraternity and Sorority Advising Programs is to promote the learning and development of students who affiliate with fraternities and sororities.

Fraternity and Sorority Life Council Leadership
Students work to advance the FSL community by leading bi-weekly council meetings, meeting monthly with professional and graduate student staff advisors, communicating with FSL chapter presidents and community members, and implementing policies (university, FSL, Council).
Fall 2018 Elected Student Leader Students work to advance the FSL community by leading bi-weekly council meetings, meeting monthly with professional and graduate student staff advisors, communicating with FSL chapter presidents and community members, and implementing policies (university, FSL, Council). 3 11 28 Fraternity & Sorority Life N GLD-Professional & Civic Engagement; Fraternity and Sorority Advising Programs,Leadership,Apply specialized knowledge,Influencing others,Communication - spoken
Education Abroad Programs & Services


Education Abroad Programs & Services - Education Abroad Programs and Services facilitate and oversee student participation in educational experiences that occur in countries outside the institution's home country.

Study Abroad - Global Classroom
Students engage in a short-term, USC faculty-led program, focusing on a specific subject area or foreign language. Program sites and course offerings vary from year to year.
Fall 2018 Study Abroad Students engage in a short-term, USC faculty-led program, focusing on a specific subject area or foreign language. Program sites and course offerings vary from year to year. 3 12 31 Study Abroad N Experiential Learning Opportunity; GLD-Global Learning; Education Abroad Programs & Services,Global learning,,Intercultural knowledge and competence,Specialized knowledge and skills
Education Abroad Programs & Services


Education Abroad Programs & Services - Education Abroad Programs and Services facilitate and oversee student participation in educational experiences that occur in countries outside the institution's home country.

Study Abroad - Global Direct
Students engage in a summer, semester, or academic year direct-enroll program while focusing on specific topics, foreign languages, or various subject areas. Students take courses from an approved academic institution and pay tuition and fees directly to the host institution.
Fall 2018 Study Abroad Students engage in a summer, semester, or academic year direct-enroll program while focusing on specific topics, foreign languages, or various subject areas. Students take courses from an approved academic institution and pay tuition and fees directly to the host institution. 3 12 31 Study Abroad N Experiential Learning Opportunity; GLD-Global Learning; Education Abroad Programs & Services,Global learning,,Intercultural knowledge and competence,Specialized knowledge and skills
Education Abroad Programs & Services


Education Abroad Programs & Services - Education Abroad Programs and Services facilitate and oversee student participation in educational experiences that occur in countries outside the institution's home country.

Study Abroad - Global Exchange
Students engage in a semester or academic year exchange program in conjunction with a partner institution. Some focus on specific areas of study; others are open to all majors. Students are charged USC in-state tuition while enrolled in this program.
Fall 2018 Study Abroad Students engage in a semester or academic year exchange program in conjunction with a partner institution. Some focus on specific areas of study; others are open to all majors. Students are charged USC in-state tuition while enrolled in this program. 3 12 31 Study Abroad N Experiential Learning Opportunity; GLD-Global Learning; Education Abroad Programs & Services,Global learning,,Intercultural knowledge and competence,Specialized knowledge and skills
Education Abroad Programs & Services


Education Abroad Programs & Services - Education Abroad Programs and Services facilitate and oversee student participation in educational experiences that occur in countries outside the institution's home country.

Study Abroad - Global Partner
Students engage in a summer, semester, or academic year program with an independent study abroad organization.
Fall 2018 Study Abroad Students engage in a summer, semester, or academic year program with an independent study abroad organization. 3 12 31 Study Abroad N Experiential Learning Opportunity; GLD-Global Learning; Education Abroad Programs & Services,Global learning,,Intercultural knowledge and competence,Specialized knowledge and skills
Education Abroad Programs & Services


Education Abroad Programs & Services - Education Abroad Programs and Services facilitate and oversee student participation in educational experiences that occur in countries outside the institution's home country.

Study Abroad - Global USC
Students engage in intensive, multi-disciplinary overseas summer programs, earning 3-9 credits while participating in cultural excursions and academic activities as part of a cohort.
Summer 2019 Study Abroad Students engage in intensive, multi-disciplinary overseas summer programs, earning 3-9 credits while participating in cultural excursions and academic activities as part of a cohort. 3 12 31 Study Abroad N Experiential Learning Opportunity; GLD-Global Learning; Education Abroad Programs & Services,Global learning,,Intercultural knowledge and competence,Specialized knowledge and skills
Student Leadership Programs


Student Leadership Programs - The mission of Student Leadership Programs must be to prepare students to engage in the process of leadership.

Carolina Productions Executive Board
Student board members work together to design, implement and evaluate a series of compelling events and programs open to all UofSC students and intended to enrich the overall student experience.
Fall 2018 Student Program Leader Student board members work together to design, implement and evaluate a series of compelling events and programs open to all UofSC students and intended to enrich the overall student experience. 3 11 28 Russell House University Union N Experiential Learning Opportunity; GLD-Professional & Civic Engagement; Student Leadership Programs,Leadership,Career readiness,Problem solving,Teamwork
Learning Assistance Programs


Learning Assistance Programs - The primary mission of Learning Assistance Programs must be to provide students with resources and opportunities to improve their ability to learn and to achieve academic success.

Money Management Consultation
Students participate in a 1:1 meeting with a Financial Literacy Consultant, to explore financial management topics including basic money management, credit, debt management, and student loan repayment policies.
Spring 2019 Educational Support Students participate in a 1:1 meeting with a Financial Literacy Consultant, to explore financial management topics including basic money management, credit, debt management, and student loan repayment policies. 3 11 30 Student Success Center N ; Learning Assistance Programs,Study / Practice financial literacy,Study / Practice self knowledge,Financial literacy,Problem solving
Learning Assistance Programs


Learning Assistance Programs - The primary mission of Learning Assistance Programs must be to provide students with resources and opportunities to improve their ability to learn and to achieve academic success.

Take an Instructor to Lunch
Student invites and interacts with an instructor over lunch. To participate, student meets with a staff member to learn expectations of the program and plan their conversation with their instructor, invites the instructor, uses a dining card provided to pay for lunch, then completes a written reflection on their experience.
Spring 2019 Community Building Student invites and interacts with an instructor over lunch. To participate, student meets with a staff member to learn expectations of the program and plan their conversation with their instructor, invites the instructor, uses a dining card provided to pay for lunch, then completes a written reflection on their experience. 3 11 30 Student Success Center N ; Learning Assistance Programs,Connecting with others,,Communication - spoken,Interpersonal skills
Student Leadership Programs


Student Leadership Programs - The mission of Student Leadership Programs must be to prepare students to engage in the process of leadership.

Peer Tutor
Tutors provide course-specific academic support for undergraduate students. They work with students in 1-1 sessions and lead group tutoring sessions.
Fall 2018 Peer Educator Tutors provide course-specific academic support for undergraduate students. They work with students in 1-1 sessions and lead group tutoring sessions. 3 11 30 Student Success Center N Experiential Learning Opportunity; GLD-Professional & Civic Engagement; Student Leadership Programs,Leadership,Apply specialized knowledge,Communication - spoken,Integrative and applied learning
Student Leadership Programs


Student Leadership Programs - The mission of Student Leadership Programs must be to prepare students to engage in the process of leadership.

Student Government Executive Council
Council members are elected by the student body to work toward common goals and build consensus to drive change for Carolina students; council members interact with a variety of constituents including students, faculty, staff, university administrators and Board of Trustees members.
Fall 2018 Elected Student Leader Council members are elected by the student body to work toward common goals and build consensus to drive change for Carolina students; council members interact with a variety of constituents including students, faculty, staff, university administrators and Board of Trustees members. 3 11 28 Leadership & Service Center N Experiential Learning Opportunity; GLD-Professional & Civic Engagement; Student Leadership Programs,Leadership,,Problem solving,Influencing others
Student Leadership Programs


Student Leadership Programs - The mission of Student Leadership Programs must be to prepare students to engage in the process of leadership.

Supplemental Instruction Peer Leader
SI Peer Leaders facilitate group study sessions for students enrolled in specific courses and sections; they help their peers learn challenging material from class lectures and assignments, and offer helpful tips that integrate how to learn with what to learn through three group study sessions each week.
Fall 2018 Peer Educator SI Peer Leaders facilitate group study sessions for students enrolled in specific courses and sections; they help their peers learn challenging material from class lectures and assignments, and offer helpful tips that integrate how to learn with what to learn through three group study sessions each week. 3 11 30 Student Success Center N Experiential Learning Opportunity; GLD-Professional & Civic Engagement; Student Leadership Programs,Leadership,,Influencing others,Communication - spoken
Student Leadership Programs


Student Leadership Programs - The mission of Student Leadership Programs must be to prepare students to engage in the process of leadership.

Changing Carolina Peer Leader
Student health educators deliver presentations, plan and implement educational programs and events, and research national and campus trends and issues around health and well-being, to help their peers explore the fundamentals of a healthy lifestyle.
Fall 2018 Peer Educator Student health educators deliver presentations, plan and implement educational programs and events, and research national and campus trends and issues around health and well-being, to help their peers explore the fundamentals of a healthy lifestyle. 3 11 117 Healthy Campus Initiatives N GLD-Professional & Civic Engagement; Experiential Learning Opportunity; Student Leadership Programs,Leadership,Apply specialized knowledge,Communication - spoken,Influencing others
Internship Programs


Internship Programs - The primary mission of Internship Programs is to engage students in planned, educationally-related work and learning experiences that integrate knowledge and theory with practical application and skill development in a professional setting.

Teaching Internship in Dance Education - DANC 479
The student will demonstrate the pedagogical knowledge, skill, and disposition necessary to effectively teach K-12 dance education as defined by NASD and NCATE and as measured by a departmental student teaching evaluation. Prerequisites: see academic bulletin.
Spring 2019 Internship The student will demonstrate the pedagogical knowledge, skill, and disposition necessary to effectively teach K-12 dance education as defined by NASD and NCATE and as measured by a departmental student teaching evaluation. Prerequisites: see academic bulletin. 3 14 55 Y Experiential Learning Opportunity; GLD-Community Service; Internship Programs,Apply specialized knowledge,Career readiness,Specialized knowledge and skills,Professionalism / career readiness
Student Leadership Programs


Student Leadership Programs - The mission of Student Leadership Programs must be to prepare students to engage in the process of leadership.

Peer Writing Tutor
Peer Tutors meet with students in 1-1 sessions to provide course-specific academic support for writing and communications skill development.
Spring 2018 Peer Educator Peer Tutors meet with students in 1-1 sessions to provide course-specific academic support for writing and communications skill development. 3 11 30 Student Success Center N GLD-Professional & Civic Engagement; Student Leadership Programs,Study / Practice intellectual skills,,Integrative and applied learning,Communication - written
Career Services


Career Services - The primary mission of Career Services is to assist students and other designated clients in developing, evaluating, and implementing career, education, and employment plans.

Gamecocks Get Hired Job Fair
Students interact with representatives from employer organizations about current and future employment opportunities including internships, co-ops, and full-time positions.
Spring 2019 Career Development Students interact with representatives from employer organizations about current and future employment opportunities including internships, co-ops, and full-time positions. 3 11 30 Career Center N ; Career Services,Career development,,Self-knowledge,
Career Services


Career Services - The primary mission of Career Services is to assist students and other designated clients in developing, evaluating, and implementing career, education, and employment plans.

Gamecocks Get Hired STEM Job Fair
Students interact with representatives of employer organizations about current and future employment opportunities including internships, co-ops, and full-time positions.
Spring 2019 Career Development Students interact with representatives of employer organizations about current and future employment opportunities including internships, co-ops, and full-time positions. 3 11 30 Career Center N ; Career Services,Career development,,Self-knowledge,
Student Leadership Programs


Student Leadership Programs - The mission of Student Leadership Programs must be to prepare students to engage in the process of leadership.

Homecoming Commission Leadership Team
Students work together as a team to plan and execute events and functions during UofSC Homecoming Week, taking ownership of this campus tradition and helping to develop a sense of community for all UofSC students.
Spring 2019 Student Program Leader Students work together as a team to plan and execute events and functions during UofSC Homecoming Week, taking ownership of this campus tradition and helping to develop a sense of community for all UofSC students. 3 11 28 Russell House University Union N Experiential Learning Opportunity; GLD-Professional & Civic Engagement; Student Leadership Programs,Leadership,Career readiness,Problem solving,Teamwork
Internship Programs


Internship Programs - The primary mission of Internship Programs is to engage students in planned, educationally-related work and learning experiences that integrate knowledge and theory with practical application and skill development in a professional setting.

Carolina Internship Program - Part-time
Students engage in a paid, work-based learning experience that is usually the length or equivalent of a fall or spring semester or summer, working approximately 240 hours at 20 hours/week. Student may be eligible to receive academic credit through their academic department or pursue a Zero Credit Transcript notation through the Career Center.
Summer 2018 Cooperative Education Students engage in a paid, work-based learning experience that is usually the length or equivalent of a fall or spring semester or summer, working approximately 240 hours at 20 hours/week. Student may be eligible to receive academic credit through their academic department or pursue a Zero Credit Transcript notation through the Career Center. 3 11 30 Career Center N GLD-Professional & Civic Engagement; Internship Programs,Career development,Plan, organize and prioritize work,Integrative and applied learning,Critical and creative thinking
Internship Programs


Internship Programs - The primary mission of Internship Programs is to engage students in planned, educationally-related work and learning experiences that integrate knowledge and theory with practical application and skill development in a professional setting.

Carolina Internship Program - Part-time
Students engage in a paid, work-based learning experience that is usually the length or equivalent of a fall or spring semester or summer, working approximately 240 hours at 20 hours/week. Student may be eligible to receive academic credit through their academic department or pursue a Zero Credit Transcript notation through the Career Center.
Fall 2018 Cooperative Education Students engage in a paid, work-based learning experience that is usually the length or equivalent of a fall or spring semester or summer, working approximately 240 hours at 20 hours/week. Student may be eligible to receive academic credit through their academic department or pursue a Zero Credit Transcript notation through the Career Center. 3 11 30 Career Center N GLD-Professional & Civic Engagement; Internship Programs,Career development,Plan, organize and prioritize work,Integrative and applied learning,Critical and creative thinking
Internship Programs


Internship Programs - The primary mission of Internship Programs is to engage students in planned, educationally-related work and learning experiences that integrate knowledge and theory with practical application and skill development in a professional setting.

Cooperative Education (Co-op) - Parallel
Students participate in 2-3 semesters of supervised, paid work-based learning with the same employer. The Parallel format allows the student to work part-time for 240 hours (20 hours/week) for 3 consecutive semesters while attending school.
Fall 2018 Cooperative Education Students participate in 2-3 semesters of supervised, paid work-based learning with the same employer. The Parallel format allows the student to work part-time for 240 hours (20 hours/week) for 3 consecutive semesters while attending school. 3 11 30 Career Center N GLD-Professional & Civic Engagement; Internship Programs,Apply specialized knowledge,Plan, organize and prioritize work,Integrative and applied learning,Critical and creative thinking
Internship Programs


Internship Programs - The primary mission of Internship Programs is to engage students in planned, educationally-related work and learning experiences that integrate knowledge and theory with practical application and skill development in a professional setting.

Cooperative Education (Co-op) - Alternating
Students participate in 2-3 semesters of supervised, paid work-based learning with the same employer. The Alternating format allows the student to alternate between a semester of full-time school (480 hours at 40 hours/week).
Fall 2018 Cooperative Education Students participate in 2-3 semesters of supervised, paid work-based learning with the same employer. The Alternating format allows the student to alternate between a semester of full-time school (480 hours at 40 hours/week). 3 11 30 Career Center N GLD-Professional & Civic Engagement; Internship Programs,Apply specialized knowledge,Plan, organize and prioritize work,Integrative and applied learning,Critical and creative thinking
Internship Programs


Internship Programs - The primary mission of Internship Programs is to engage students in planned, educationally-related work and learning experiences that integrate knowledge and theory with practical application and skill development in a professional setting.

Carolina Internship Program - Full-time
Students engage in a paid, work-based learning experience that includes staff facilitated feedback and reflection on their experience. The goal is to enhance students' understanding of their professional knowledge, skills and abilities to aid in their full-time job searches and lifelong career management.
Fall 2018 Internship Students engage in a paid, work-based learning experience that includes staff facilitated feedback and reflection on their experience. The goal is to enhance students' understanding of their professional knowledge, skills and abilities to aid in their full-time job searches and lifelong career management. 3 11 30 Career Center N GLD-Professional & Civic Engagement; Internship Programs,Career development,Plan, organize and prioritize work,Integrative and applied learning,Critical and creative thinking
Student Leadership Programs


Student Leadership Programs - The mission of Student Leadership Programs must be to prepare students to engage in the process of leadership.

Career Center Ambassador
Students provide peer-to-peer career coaching to fellow students at USC. In addition to working directly with students, Career Ambassadors also conduct outreach activities for classes, residence halls and Greek houses.
Fall 2018 Peer Educator Students provide peer-to-peer career coaching to fellow students at USC. In addition to working directly with students, Career Ambassadors also conduct outreach activities for classes, residence halls and Greek houses. 3 11 30 Career Center N GLD-Professional & Civic Engagement; Student Leadership Programs,Communicate verbally,,Communication - spoken,Inquiry and analysis
Internship Programs


Internship Programs - The primary mission of Internship Programs is to engage students in planned, educationally-related work and learning experiences that integrate knowledge and theory with practical application and skill development in a professional setting.

Carolina Internship Program - Full-time
Students engage in a paid, work-based learning experience that includes staff facilitated feedback and reflection on their experience. The goal is to enhance students' understanding of their professional knowledge, skills and abilities to aid in their full-time job searches and lifelong career management.
Summer 2018 Internship Students engage in a paid, work-based learning experience that includes staff facilitated feedback and reflection on their experience. The goal is to enhance students' understanding of their professional knowledge, skills and abilities to aid in their full-time job searches and lifelong career management. 3 11 30 Career Center N GLD-Professional & Civic Engagement; Internship Programs,Career development,Plan, organize and prioritize work,Integrative and applied learning,Critical and creative thinking
Internship Programs


Internship Programs - The primary mission of Internship Programs is to engage students in planned, educationally-related work and learning experiences that integrate knowledge and theory with practical application and skill development in a professional setting.

Cooperative Education (Co-op) - Alternating
Students participate in 2-3 semesters of supervised, paid work-based learning with the same employer. The Alternating format allows the student to alternate between a semester of full-time school (480 hours at 40 hours/week).
Summer 2018 Cooperative Education Students participate in 2-3 semesters of supervised, paid work-based learning with the same employer. The Alternating format allows the student to alternate between a semester of full-time school (480 hours at 40 hours/week). 3 11 30 Career Center N GLD-Professional & Civic Engagement; Internship Programs,Apply specialized knowledge,Plan, organize and prioritize work,Integrative and applied learning,Critical and creative thinking
Internship Programs


Internship Programs - The primary mission of Internship Programs is to engage students in planned, educationally-related work and learning experiences that integrate knowledge and theory with practical application and skill development in a professional setting.

Cooperative Education (Co-op) - Parallel
Students participate in 2-3 semesters of supervised, paid work-based learning with the same employer. The Parallel format allows the student to work part-time for 240 hours (20 hours/week) for 3 consecutive semesters while attending school.
Summer 2018 Cooperative Education Students participate in 2-3 semesters of supervised, paid work-based learning with the same employer. The Parallel format allows the student to work part-time for 240 hours (20 hours/week) for 3 consecutive semesters while attending school. 3 11 30 Career Center N GLD-Professional & Civic Engagement; Internship Programs,,Plan, organize and prioritize work,Integrative and applied learning,Critical and creative thinking
Student Leadership Programs


Student Leadership Programs - The mission of Student Leadership Programs must be to prepare students to engage in the process of leadership.

Peer Writing Tutor
Peer Tutors meet with students in 1-1 sessions to provide course-specific academic support for writing and communications skill development.
Spring 2019 Peer Educator Peer Tutors meet with students in 1-1 sessions to provide course-specific academic support for writing and communications skill development. 3 11 30 Student Success Center N Experiential Learning Opportunity; GLD-Professional & Civic Engagement; Student Leadership Programs,Leadership,Apply specialized knowledge,Critical and creative thinking,Communication - written
Internship Programs


Internship Programs - The primary mission of Internship Programs is to engage students in planned, educationally-related work and learning experiences that integrate knowledge and theory with practical application and skill development in a professional setting.

Introduction to Field Education - SOWK 382
Students complete their first 50 out of a required program number of 500 field placement hours as a component of successfully completing SOWK 382.
Spring 2019 Internship Students complete their first 50 out of a required program number of 500 field placement hours as a component of successfully completing SOWK 382. 3 22 110 Y GLD-Professional & Civic Engagement; GLD-Community Service; Experiential Learning Opportunity; Internship Programs,Apply specialized knowledge,,Specialized knowledge and skills,
Internship Programs


Internship Programs - The primary mission of Internship Programs is to engage students in planned, educationally-related work and learning experiences that integrate knowledge and theory with practical application and skill development in a professional setting.

Internship - CRJU 494
Students intern for 160 hours during the semester at an appropriate agency or institution.
Spring 2019 Internship Students intern for 160 hours during the semester at an appropriate agency or institution. 3 14 41 Y Experiential Learning Opportunity; GLD-Professional & Civic Engagement; Internship Programs,Apply specialized knowledge,Career readiness,Specialized knowledge and skills,
Internship Programs


Internship Programs - The primary mission of Internship Programs is to engage students in planned, educationally-related work and learning experiences that integrate knowledge and theory with practical application and skill development in a professional setting.

Business Internship in Management - MGMT 499
Internship, for credit, with a company focusing on management, lessons learned, SWOT self assessment.
Spring 2019 Internship Internship, for credit, with a company focusing on management, lessons learned, SWOT self assessment. 3 15 64 Y Experiential Learning Opportunity; GLD-Professional & Civic Engagement; Internship Programs,Apply specialized knowledge,Career readiness,Specialized knowledge and skills,Professionalism / career readiness
Internship Programs


Internship Programs - The primary mission of Internship Programs is to engage students in planned, educationally-related work and learning experiences that integrate knowledge and theory with practical application and skill development in a professional setting.

Internship in Mass Communications - JOUR 597
Students work at least 140 hours during the semester under the direction of the intern coordinator and a professional supervisor in an internship they obtain, attend required meetings during the term with other interns and the intern coordinator, and turn in assignments as scheduled in the course syllabus.
Spring 2019 Internship Students work at least 140 hours during the semester under the direction of the intern coordinator and a professional supervisor in an internship they obtain, attend required meetings during the term with other interns and the intern coordinator, and turn in assignments as scheduled in the course syllabus. 3 18 81 Y Experiential Learning Opportunity; GLD-Professional & Civic Engagement; Internship Programs,Apply specialized knowledge,Career development,Specialized knowledge and skills,Professionalism / career readiness
Health Promotion Services


Health Promotion Services - The mission and scope of practice of health promotion, sometimes referred to as wellness, must be reflective of the following fundamental assumptions about the role of health in higher education: reciprocal relationship between learning and health; direct connection between academic mission and higher education and well being of students

Healthy Eating Group
Students meet with a Registered Dietitian Nutritionist to learn how to choose balanced meals and snacks on and off campus. By the end of the group appointment, student will have increased basic nutrition knowledge, tips for eating well on a budget, and understand cues for eating.
Spring 2019 Physical, Mental, Emotional Health Students meet with a Registered Dietitian Nutritionist to learn how to choose balanced meals and snacks on and off campus. By the end of the group appointment, student will have increased basic nutrition knowledge, tips for eating well on a budget, and understand cues for eating. 3 11 117 Healthy Campus Initiatives N ; Health Promotion Services,Study / Practice physical well being,Apply specialized knowledge,Foundations and skills for lifelong learning,
Health Promotion Services


Health Promotion Services - The mission and scope of practice of health promotion, sometimes referred to as wellness, must be reflective of the following fundamental assumptions about the role of health in higher education: reciprocal relationship between learning and health; direct connection between academic mission and higher education and well being of students

Gamecocks Eat Well Cooking Class
Students will receive hands-on cooking class instruction from a Registered Dietitian to acquire the necessary knowledge and skills to prepare their own snacks and meals.
Spring 2019 Physical, Mental, Emotional Health Students will receive hands-on cooking class instruction from a Registered Dietitian to acquire the necessary knowledge and skills to prepare their own snacks and meals. 3 11 117 Healthy Campus Initiatives N ; Health Promotion Services,Study / Practice physical well being,Apply specialized knowledge,Foundations and skills for lifelong learning,
Health Promotion Services


Health Promotion Services - The mission and scope of practice of health promotion, sometimes referred to as wellness, must be reflective of the following fundamental assumptions about the role of health in higher education: reciprocal relationship between learning and health; direct connection between academic mission and higher education and well being of students

Guide to Thrive: Strategies to Manage Stress
Students attend stress management presentation on five topics which will include the introduction of a technique, practicing the techniques in the class, and reflection on their learning. Students can attend a single session or up to all five sessions.
Spring 2019 Physical, Mental, Emotional Health Students attend stress management presentation on five topics which will include the introduction of a technique, practicing the techniques in the class, and reflection on their learning. Students can attend a single session or up to all five sessions. 3 11 117 Healthy Campus Initiatives N ; Health Promotion Services,Study / Practice self knowledge,Study / Practice social well being,Specialized knowledge and skills,
Health Promotion Services


Health Promotion Services - The mission and scope of practice of health promotion, sometimes referred to as wellness, must be reflective of the following fundamental assumptions about the role of health in higher education: reciprocal relationship between learning and health; direct connection between academic mission and higher education and well being of students

Trauma 101
In support of creating a more trauma informed and responsive campus, students engage in expert presentations in a workshop series that provides a more comprehensive way to think about trauma as the process of becoming flooded with overwhelming stress from a variety of causes.
Spring 2019 Physical, Mental, Emotional Health In support of creating a more trauma informed and responsive campus, students engage in expert presentations in a workshop series that provides a more comprehensive way to think about trauma as the process of becoming flooded with overwhelming stress from a variety of causes. 3 11 117 Healthy Campus Initiatives N ; Health Promotion Services,Study / Practice social well being,Apply specialized knowledge,Foundations and skills for lifelong learning,
Health Promotion Services


Health Promotion Services - The mission and scope of practice of health promotion, sometimes referred to as wellness, must be reflective of the following fundamental assumptions about the role of health in higher education: reciprocal relationship between learning and health; direct connection between academic mission and higher education and well being of students

Body Project
Students complete two workshops that include a voluntary commitment to the program, a verbal activity that helps participants define the appearance ideal and a small group activity to discuss the cost of the appearance ideal. The workshop concludes with activities in which participants engage and apply concepts learned in the workshops.
Spring 2019 Physical, Mental, Emotional Health Students complete two workshops that include a voluntary commitment to the program, a verbal activity that helps participants define the appearance ideal and a small group activity to discuss the cost of the appearance ideal. The workshop concludes with activities in which participants engage and apply concepts learned in the workshops. 3 11 117 Healthy Campus Initiatives N ; Health Promotion Services,Study / Practice physical well being,Study / Practice self knowledge,Critical and creative thinking,
Health Promotion Services


Health Promotion Services - The mission and scope of practice of health promotion, sometimes referred to as wellness, must be reflective of the following fundamental assumptions about the role of health in higher education: reciprocal relationship between learning and health; direct connection between academic mission and higher education and well being of students

Meet Me at the Barbell
Students attend a two-part workshop to help them build a healthy gym environment and prevent injury. Topics include stress management, self care, gym stereotypes, basic nutrition, communicating in the gym, and creating a realistic workout program. Students work with personal trainers to learn proper form and a variety of exercises.
Spring 2019 Physical, Mental, Emotional Health Students attend a two-part workshop to help them build a healthy gym environment and prevent injury. Topics include stress management, self care, gym stereotypes, basic nutrition, communicating in the gym, and creating a realistic workout program. Students work with personal trainers to learn proper form and a variety of exercises. 3 11 117 Healthy Campus Initiatives N ; Health Promotion Services,Study / Practice physical well being,Connecting with others,Foundations and skills for lifelong learning,
Health Promotion Services


Health Promotion Services - The mission and scope of practice of health promotion, sometimes referred to as wellness, must be reflective of the following fundamental assumptions about the role of health in higher education: reciprocal relationship between learning and health; direct connection between academic mission and higher education and well being of students

How To Fail: Resilience Building Workshop
Students interact with expert presenters to identify at least 3 strategies to build resilience, including identifying healthy coping skills, identifying negative thinking patterns, and realistic goal-setting.
Spring 2019 Physical, Mental, Emotional Health Students interact with expert presenters to identify at least 3 strategies to build resilience, including identifying healthy coping skills, identifying negative thinking patterns, and realistic goal-setting. 3 11 117 Healthy Campus Initiatives N ; Health Promotion Services,Study / Practice self knowledge,Study / Practice social well being,Foundations and skills for lifelong learning,
Health Promotion Services


Health Promotion Services - The mission and scope of practice of health promotion, sometimes referred to as wellness, must be reflective of the following fundamental assumptions about the role of health in higher education: reciprocal relationship between learning and health; direct connection between academic mission and higher education and well being of students

LGBTQ+ and Interpersonal Violence (IPV)
Students in helping professions attend this workshop to advance their understanding of how intersecting identities of the LGBTQ+ community are impacted by interpersonal violence. Activities include self-reflection to identify knowledge gaps and how this could impact their future career and effectiveness as a helping professional.
Spring 2019 Career Development Students in helping professions attend this workshop to advance their understanding of how intersecting identities of the LGBTQ+ community are impacted by interpersonal violence. Activities include self-reflection to identify knowledge gaps and how this could impact their future career and effectiveness as a helping professional. 3 11 117 Healthy Campus Initiatives N ; Health Promotion Services,Study / Practice diversity, equity, inclusion,Study / Practice physical well being,Intercultural knowledge and competence,
Health Promotion Services


Health Promotion Services - The mission and scope of practice of health promotion, sometimes referred to as wellness, must be reflective of the following fundamental assumptions about the role of health in higher education: reciprocal relationship between learning and health; direct connection between academic mission and higher education and well being of students

Suicide Prevention Gatekeeper Training
Students receive training on how to recognize signs of suicide, communicate and assist someone in crisis, identify campus resources to assist someone in various stages of distress, and practice these skills in a workshop setting.
Spring 2019 Physical, Mental, Emotional Health Students receive training on how to recognize signs of suicide, communicate and assist someone in crisis, identify campus resources to assist someone in various stages of distress, and practice these skills in a workshop setting. 3 11 117 Healthy Campus Initiatives N ; Health Promotion Services,Study / Practice social well being,Connecting with others,Interpersonal skills,
Health Promotion Services


Health Promotion Services - The mission and scope of practice of health promotion, sometimes referred to as wellness, must be reflective of the following fundamental assumptions about the role of health in higher education: reciprocal relationship between learning and health; direct connection between academic mission and higher education and well being of students

Stand Up Carolina Bystander Intervention Training
Students receive training on an array of intervention strategies to use in their everyday lives and engage in a group discussion about overcoming personal and societal barriers to bystander intervention. Information about on and off-campus resources is provided.
Spring 2019 Physical, Mental, Emotional Health Students receive training on an array of intervention strategies to use in their everyday lives and engage in a group discussion about overcoming personal and societal barriers to bystander intervention. Information about on and off-campus resources is provided. 3 11 117 Healthy Campus Initiatives N ; Health Promotion Services,Study / Practice social well being,Connecting with others,Personal and social responsibility - Developing competence in ethical and moral reasoning, action,
Student Leadership Programs


Student Leadership Programs - The mission of Student Leadership Programs must be to prepare students to engage in the process of leadership.

Alternative Break Leader
Students lead a group of peers in an immersive service experience that occurs during a scheduled break in the academic year. Leaders plan and implement a trip in a theme of their choice, resolve problems that occur during the trip, and communicate with leaders of the agency or community that is the focus of the service.
Spring 2019 Peer Educator Students lead a group of peers in an immersive service experience that occurs during a scheduled break in the academic year. Leaders plan and implement a trip in a theme of their choice, resolve problems that occur during the trip, and communicate with leaders of the agency or community that is the focus of the service. 3 11 28 Leadership & Service Center N GLD-Professional & Civic Engagement; GLD-Community Service; Experiential Learning Opportunity; Student Leadership Programs,Leadership,Community service / civic engagement,Critical and creative thinking,Civic knowledge and engagement
Student Employment


Student Employment - Student is employed part-time by the university and engages in career readiness development activities as part of supervision process.

Campus Recreation Operations Leader
Supervisors work to ensure the effective operations of the Strom Thurmond Wellness and Fitness Center through interaction with staff and patrons regarding risk management, conflict management, and customer service, and provide input into policy and procedural change in the Center.
Spring 2019 Employment On Campus Supervisors work to ensure the effective operations of the Strom Thurmond Wellness and Fitness Center through interaction with staff and patrons regarding risk management, conflict management, and customer service, and provide input into policy and procedural change in the Center. 3 11 117 Campus Recreation N Experiential Learning Opportunity; GLD-Professional & Civic Engagement; Student Employment,Leadership,Career readiness,Critical and creative thinking,Communication - spoken
Student Leadership Programs


Student Leadership Programs - The mission of Student Leadership Programs must be to prepare students to engage in the process of leadership.

Capstone Scholars Connectors Directorate Board
Student Board members work together to design and implement training and programs for student mentors in the Capstone Scholars Connectors Program. Each board member has a different role, and works as a member of a team to coach student mentors, and plan and implement program activities.
Spring 2019 Student Program Leader Student Board members work together to design and implement training and programs for student mentors in the Capstone Scholars Connectors Program. Each board member has a different role, and works as a member of a team to coach student mentors, and plan and implement program activities. 3 11 29 Faculty Principal Learning Communities N Experiential Learning Opportunity; GLD-Professional & Civic Engagement; Student Leadership Programs,Leadership,Career readiness,Teamwork,Problem solving
Student Leadership Programs


Student Leadership Programs - The mission of Student Leadership Programs must be to prepare students to engage in the process of leadership.

Capstone Scholars Programming Council
Council members provide programming to the Capstone Scholars cohort of students both on and off-campus. Members are responsible for program and event planning, budgeting, communications/PR, and program delivery from inception and execution to assessment.
Spring 2019 Student Program Leader Council members provide programming to the Capstone Scholars cohort of students both on and off-campus. Members are responsible for program and event planning, budgeting, communications/PR, and program delivery from inception and execution to assessment. 3 11 29 Faculty Principal Learning Communities N Experiential Learning Opportunity; GLD-Professional & Civic Engagement; Student Leadership Programs,Career readiness,Leadership,Critical and creative thinking,Teamwork
Student Leadership Programs


Student Leadership Programs - The mission of Student Leadership Programs must be to prepare students to engage in the process of leadership.

Carolina Judicial Council
Council members serve on judicial panels that hold hearings concerning alleged violations of the Student Code of Conduct and the Honor Code. The Council makes decisions regarding code infractions and appropriate sanctions for students found responsible for such violations.
Spring 2019 Peer Educator Council members serve on judicial panels that hold hearings concerning alleged violations of the Student Code of Conduct and the Honor Code. The Council makes decisions regarding code infractions and appropriate sanctions for students found responsible for such violations. 3 11 88 Student Conduct & Academic Integrity N Experiential Learning Opportunity; GLD-Professional & Civic Engagement; Student Leadership Programs,Apply specialized knowledge,Career readiness,Critical and creative thinking,Inquiry and analysis
Student Leadership Programs


Student Leadership Programs - The mission of Student Leadership Programs must be to prepare students to engage in the process of leadership.

Carolina Productions Executive Board
Student board members work together to design, implement and evaluate a series of compelling events and programs open to all UofSC students and intended to enrich the overall student experience.
Spring 2019 Student Program Leader Student board members work together to design, implement and evaluate a series of compelling events and programs open to all UofSC students and intended to enrich the overall student experience. 3 11 28 Russell House University Union N Experiential Learning Opportunity; GLD-Professional & Civic Engagement; Student Leadership Programs,Leadership,Career readiness,Problem solving,Teamwork
Student Leadership Programs


Student Leadership Programs - The mission of Student Leadership Programs must be to prepare students to engage in the process of leadership.

Changing Carolina Peer Leader
Student health educators deliver presentations, plan and implement educational programs and events, and research national and campus trends and issues around health and well-being, to help their peers explore the fundamentals of a healthy lifestyle.
Spring 2019 Peer Educator Student health educators deliver presentations, plan and implement educational programs and events, and research national and campus trends and issues around health and well-being, to help their peers explore the fundamentals of a healthy lifestyle. 3 11 117 Healthy Campus Initiatives N Experiential Learning Opportunity; GLD-Professional & Civic Engagement; Student Leadership Programs,Leadership,Apply specialized knowledge,Communication - spoken,Influencing others
Civic Engagement & Service-Learning Programs


Civic Engagement & Service-Learning Programs - The primary mission of Service-Learning Programs is to engage students in experiences that address human and community needs together with structured opportunities for reflection intentionally designed to promote student learning and development.

Community Service Ambassador
Each student ambassador serves in a nonprofit organization located in the Midlands, exploring issues affecting the local community and working with the non-profit agency to address these issues.
Spring 2019 Civic Engagement Each student ambassador serves in a nonprofit organization located in the Midlands, exploring issues affecting the local community and working with the non-profit agency to address these issues. 3 11 28 Leadership & Service Center N Experiential Learning Opportunity; GLD-Community Service; GLD-Professional & Civic Engagement; Civic Engagement & Service-Learning Programs,Community service / civic engagement,Study / Practice diversity, equity, inclusion,Civic knowledge and engagement,Personal and social responsibility - Contributing to a larger community
Internship Programs


Internship Programs - The primary mission of Internship Programs is to engage students in planned, educationally-related work and learning experiences that integrate knowledge and theory with practical application and skill development in a professional setting.

Community Service Internship - WGST 499
Students engage in a supervised experience addressing either 1) a community organization’s needs and allowing the student to explore an aspect of the community related to women’s and gender studies issues, or 2) a research project related to gender issues.
Spring 2019 Internship Students engage in a supervised experience addressing either 1) a community organization’s needs and allowing the student to explore an aspect of the community related to women’s and gender studies issues, or 2) a research project related to gender issues. 3 14 58 Y Experiential Learning Opportunity; GLD-Community Service; GLD-Professional & Civic Engagement; Internship Programs,Apply specialized knowledge,Community service / civic engagement,Civic knowledge and engagement,Professionalism / career readiness
Internship Programs


Internship Programs - The primary mission of Internship Programs is to engage students in planned, educationally-related work and learning experiences that integrate knowledge and theory with practical application and skill development in a professional setting.

Directed Teaching in Physical Education - PEDU 479
Internship for practice in physical education.
Spring 2019 Internship Internship for practice in physical education. 3 16 68 Y Experiential Learning Opportunity; GLD-Community Service; GLD-Professional & Civic Engagement; Internship Programs,Apply specialized knowledge,,Specialized knowledge and skills,
Internship Programs


Internship Programs - The primary mission of Internship Programs is to engage students in planned, educationally-related work and learning experiences that integrate knowledge and theory with practical application and skill development in a professional setting.

Hospitality & Tourism Internship - HRTM 495
Full time work experience of a minimum of 400 work hours in the Hospitality or Tourism industry; position must be Managerial or Supervisory in nature, Rotational within a minimum of three different areas of the business or a Structured Internship Program. Includes online course work.
Spring 2019 Internship Full time work experience of a minimum of 400 work hours in the Hospitality or Tourism industry; position must be Managerial or Supervisory in nature, Rotational within a minimum of three different areas of the business or a Structured Internship Program. Includes online course work. 3 17 76 Y Experiential Learning Opportunity; GLD-Professional & Civic Engagement; Internship Programs,Apply specialized knowledge,Leadership,Specialized knowledge and skills,Self-knowledge
Internship Programs


Internship Programs - The primary mission of Internship Programs is to engage students in planned, educationally-related work and learning experiences that integrate knowledge and theory with practical application and skill development in a professional setting.

Hospitality & Tourism Practicum - HRTM 290
Full time work experience of a minimum of 400 work hours in the Hospitality or Tourism industry; position can be any entry level or higher position. Includes online course work.
Spring 2019 Practicum Full time work experience of a minimum of 400 work hours in the Hospitality or Tourism industry; position can be any entry level or higher position. Includes online course work. 3 17 76 Y GLD-Professional & Civic Engagement; Experiential Learning Opportunity; Internship Programs,Apply specialized knowledge,Career readiness,Professionalism / career readiness,Specialized knowledge and skills
Internship Programs


Internship Programs - The primary mission of Internship Programs is to engage students in planned, educationally-related work and learning experiences that integrate knowledge and theory with practical application and skill development in a professional setting.

Internship in Sport & Entertainment Management - SPTE 495
Students engage in a supervised work experience in a sport or entertainment area. Internship is a minimum of 520 work hours over 13 weeks and is selected by the student with the assistance and approval of the Internship Instructor.
Spring 2019 Internship Students engage in a supervised work experience in a sport or entertainment area. Internship is a minimum of 520 work hours over 13 weeks and is selected by the student with the assistance and approval of the Internship Instructor. 3 17 79 Y Experiential Learning Opportunity; GLD-Professional & Civic Engagement; Internship Programs,Apply specialized knowledge,Career development,Specialized knowledge and skills,Self-knowledge
Student Leadership Programs


Student Leadership Programs - The mission of Student Leadership Programs must be to prepare students to engage in the process of leadership.

Intramural Sports Manager
Student managers supervise and provide direct oversight of assigned sport(s) including rules, policies, official's training, staff scheduling, staffing decisions, intramural supervisor staff development, and inventory - including first aid supplies, sports equipment, staff and participant uniforms.
Spring 2019 Peer Educator Student managers supervise and provide direct oversight of assigned sport(s) including rules, policies, official's training, staff scheduling, staffing decisions, intramural supervisor staff development, and inventory - including first aid supplies, sports equipment, staff and participant uniforms. 3 11 117 Campus Recreation N Experiential Learning Opportunity; GLD-Professional & Civic Engagement; Student Leadership Programs,Leadership,,Influencing others,Teamwork
Student Leadership Programs


Student Leadership Programs - The mission of Student Leadership Programs must be to prepare students to engage in the process of leadership.

Intramural Sports Leader
Student leaders maintain a supervisory role on the fields/courts and provide ongoing training and development for intramural sports officials. Student leaders are empowered to lobby for policy and procedural change within the intramural sports program based on their experiences in this role.
Spring 2019 Student Program Leader Student leaders maintain a supervisory role on the fields/courts and provide ongoing training and development for intramural sports officials. Student leaders are empowered to lobby for policy and procedural change within the intramural sports program based on their experiences in this role. 3 11 117 Campus Recreation N Experiential Learning Opportunity; GLD-Professional & Civic Engagement; Student Leadership Programs,Career readiness,,Influencing others,Foundations and skills for lifelong learning
Student Leadership Programs


Student Leadership Programs - The mission of Student Leadership Programs must be to prepare students to engage in the process of leadership.

Opportunity Scholars Peer Mentor
Upper-division students serve as mentors to help first year Opportunity Scholar students successfully transition into the institution. Mentors meet twice monthly with their mentees, first-generation college students in the OSP program, to serve as a source of support and information.
Spring 2019 Peer Educator Upper-division students serve as mentors to help first year Opportunity Scholar students successfully transition into the institution. Mentors meet twice monthly with their mentees, first-generation college students in the OSP program, to serve as a source of support and information. 3 34 119 Opportunity Scholars N GLD-Professional & Civic Engagement; Experiential Learning Opportunity; Student Leadership Programs,Leadership,,Interpersonal skills,Self-knowledge
Student Leadership Programs


Student Leadership Programs - The mission of Student Leadership Programs must be to prepare students to engage in the process of leadership.

Peer Consultant
Student consultants meet with peers to provide study skills support, discuss academic success strategies, and co-create a personalized plan for academic success.
Spring 2019 Peer Educator Student consultants meet with peers to provide study skills support, discuss academic success strategies, and co-create a personalized plan for academic success. 3 11 30 Student Success Center N Experiential Learning Opportunity; GLD-Professional & Civic Engagement; Student Leadership Programs,Leadership,Career readiness,Influencing others,Problem solving
Student Leadership Programs


Student Leadership Programs - The mission of Student Leadership Programs must be to prepare students to engage in the process of leadership.

Peer Tutor
Tutors provide course-specific academic support for undergraduate students. They work with students in 1-1 sessions and lead group tutoring sessions.
Spring 2019 Peer Educator Tutors provide course-specific academic support for undergraduate students. They work with students in 1-1 sessions and lead group tutoring sessions. 3 11 30 Student Success Center N Experiential Learning Opportunity; GLD-Professional & Civic Engagement; Student Leadership Programs,Leadership,Apply specialized knowledge,Communication - spoken,Integrative and applied learning
Student Employment


Student Employment - Student is employed part-time by the university and engages in career readiness development activities as part of supervision process.

Personal Trainer Program Assistant
Students assist Fitness Suite clients by conducting fitness assessments and orientations to the weight room. Students assist professional staff with creating, organizing, and facilitating special fitness and wellness events for the campus community, and gain skills needed for certification as a personal trainer.
Spring 2019 Student Program Leader Students assist Fitness Suite clients by conducting fitness assessments and orientations to the weight room. Students assist professional staff with creating, organizing, and facilitating special fitness and wellness events for the campus community, and gain skills needed for certification as a personal trainer. 3 11 117 Campus Recreation N Experiential Learning Opportunity; GLD-Professional & Civic Engagement; Student Employment,Career readiness,Apply specialized knowledge,Communication - spoken,Specialized knowledge and skills
Internship Programs


Internship Programs - The primary mission of Internship Programs is to engage students in planned, educationally-related work and learning experiences that integrate knowledge and theory with practical application and skill development in a professional setting.

Practicum in Sport & Entertainment Management - SPTE 295
Students engage in a supervised work experience in a sport or entertainment area. Practicum is a minimum of 520 work hours over 13 weeks and is selected by the student with the assistance and approval of the Practicum Instructor. It is meant to be the student's introduction to the specific field in which they wish to pursue a career.
Spring 2019 Practicum Students engage in a supervised work experience in a sport or entertainment area. Practicum is a minimum of 520 work hours over 13 weeks and is selected by the student with the assistance and approval of the Practicum Instructor. It is meant to be the student's introduction to the specific field in which they wish to pursue a career. 3 17 79 Y Experiential Learning Opportunity; GLD-Professional & Civic Engagement; Internship Programs,Apply specialized knowledge,Career development,Specialized knowledge and skills,
Internship Programs


Internship Programs - The primary mission of Internship Programs is to engage students in planned, educationally-related work and learning experiences that integrate knowledge and theory with practical application and skill development in a professional setting.

Practicum in Teaching German to Young Children - GERM 401P
Students teach German once/week at Rosewood Elementary and learn about pedagogy and teaching methods in class once/week.
Spring 2019 Practicum Students teach German once/week at Rosewood Elementary and learn about pedagogy and teaching methods in class once/week. 3 14 46 Y Experiential Learning Opportunity; GLD-Community Service; GLD-Professional & Civic Engagement; Internship Programs,Apply specialized knowledge,Career readiness,Specialized knowledge and skills,Professionalism / career readiness
Capstone Experience


Capstone Experience - A course or project that engages students in a culminating and integrative experience, intended to connect the key learning objectives of an educational program.

Public Health Capstone Seminar - PUBH 498
Students synthesize and apply content knowledge and competencies developed in the BS/BA public health degree program, in a practice setting with emphasis on student identified areas for professional growth.
Spring 2019 Capstone Course or Project Students synthesize and apply content knowledge and competencies developed in the BS/BA public health degree program, in a practice setting with emphasis on student identified areas for professional growth. 3 24 87 Y Experiential Learning Opportunity; GLD-Professional & Civic Engagement; Capstone Experience,Apply specialized knowledge,Career readiness,Specialized knowledge and skills,
Internship Programs


Internship Programs - The primary mission of Internship Programs is to engage students in planned, educationally-related work and learning experiences that integrate knowledge and theory with practical application and skill development in a professional setting.

Retailing Internship - RETL 495
Students engage in supervised work experience within the retail industry that links classroom learning and student interest with the acquisition of knowledge in an applied work setting.
Spring 2019 Internship Students engage in supervised work experience within the retail industry that links classroom learning and student interest with the acquisition of knowledge in an applied work setting. 3 17 77 Y Experiential Learning Opportunity; GLD-Professional & Civic Engagement; Internship Programs,Apply specialized knowledge,,Specialized knowledge and skills,
Internship Programs


Internship Programs - The primary mission of Internship Programs is to engage students in planned, educationally-related work and learning experiences that integrate knowledge and theory with practical application and skill development in a professional setting.

Senior Nursing Capstone Practicum - NURS 435
Final Semester Senior Clinical Immersion Experience
Spring 2019 Internship Final Semester Senior Clinical Immersion Experience 3 20 106 Y Experiential Learning Opportunity; GLD-Community Service; GLD-Professional & Civic Engagement; Internship Programs,Apply specialized knowledge,Career readiness,Specialized knowledge and skills,Professionalism / career readiness
Student Leadership Programs


Student Leadership Programs - The mission of Student Leadership Programs must be to prepare students to engage in the process of leadership.

Service Saturday Senior Site Leader
Senior site leaders facilitate training and manage administrative tasks for teams of student site leaders, communicate expectations of the program to volunteers, delegate tasks, and debrief on a shared experience.
Spring 2019 Peer Educator Senior site leaders facilitate training and manage administrative tasks for teams of student site leaders, communicate expectations of the program to volunteers, delegate tasks, and debrief on a shared experience. 3 11 28 Leadership & Service Center N Experiential Learning Opportunity; GLD-Community Service; GLD-Professional & Civic Engagement; Student Leadership Programs,Leadership,Career readiness,Communication - spoken,Influencing others
Student Leadership Programs


Student Leadership Programs - The mission of Student Leadership Programs must be to prepare students to engage in the process of leadership.

Student Media Executive Leader
Each student executive serves as head of one of the editorially independent and student-run media organizations, with final authority on decisions related to content and programming and with responsibility for ensuring high quality and responsible journalistic standards.
Spring 2019 Appointed Student Leader Each student executive serves as head of one of the editorially independent and student-run media organizations, with final authority on decisions related to content and programming and with responsibility for ensuring high quality and responsible journalistic standards. 3 11 28 Student Media N Experiential Learning Opportunity; GLD-Professional & Civic Engagement; Student Leadership Programs,Leadership,,Critical and creative thinking,Interpersonal skills
Student Leadership Programs


Student Leadership Programs - The mission of Student Leadership Programs must be to prepare students to engage in the process of leadership.

Supplemental Instruction Peer Leader
SI Peer Leaders facilitate group study sessions for students enrolled in specific courses and sections; they help their peers learn challenging material from class lectures and assignments, and offer helpful tips that integrate how to learn with what to learn through three group study sessions each week.
Spring 2019 Peer Educator SI Peer Leaders facilitate group study sessions for students enrolled in specific courses and sections; they help their peers learn challenging material from class lectures and assignments, and offer helpful tips that integrate how to learn with what to learn through three group study sessions each week. 3 11 30 Student Success Center N Experiential Learning Opportunity; GLD-Professional & Civic Engagement; Student Leadership Programs,Leadership,,Influencing others,Communication - spoken
Student Leadership Programs


Student Leadership Programs - The mission of Student Leadership Programs must be to prepare students to engage in the process of leadership.

Sustainable Carolina Peer Leader
Student interact with their peers on campus as they work to implement programs outlined in the campus sustainability plan aimed at improving sustainability practices on campus. Students also host community programs and camps for school age children and families, teaching sustainability practices and the importance of a healthy lifestyle.
Spring 2019 Peer Educator Student interact with their peers on campus as they work to implement programs outlined in the campus sustainability plan aimed at improving sustainability practices on campus. Students also host community programs and camps for school age children and families, teaching sustainability practices and the importance of a healthy lifestyle. 3 11 29 Sustainability N Experiential Learning Opportunity; GLD-Community Service; GLD-Professional & Civic Engagement; Student Leadership Programs,Leadership,,Influencing others,Personal and social responsibility - Contributing to a larger community
Student Leadership Programs


Student Leadership Programs - The mission of Student Leadership Programs must be to prepare students to engage in the process of leadership.

University 101 Peer Leader
U101 Peer Leaders co-teach a section of a UNIV 101 course with a faculty or staff member, and serve as resources, mentors, and facilitators for learning in and beyond the classroom for first-year students enrolled in the course.
Fall 2019 Peer Educator U101 Peer Leaders co-teach a section of a UNIV 101 course with a faculty or staff member, and serve as resources, mentors, and facilitators for learning in and beyond the classroom for first-year students enrolled in the course. 3 11 30 University 101 Programs Y Experiential Learning Opportunity; GLD-Diversity & Social Advocacy; GLD-Professional & Civic Engagement; Student Leadership Programs,Leadership,Career readiness,Self-knowledge,Professionalism / career readiness
Student Leadership Programs


Student Leadership Programs - The mission of Student Leadership Programs must be to prepare students to engage in the process of leadership.

University Ambassador
University Ambassadors lead campus tours for diverse audiences of prospective students and families, answer phone calls and respond to emails and other visitor communications, assist in the recruitment, coaching, and evaluation of new University Ambassadors and participate in weekly professional development & training.
Spring 2019 Peer Educator University Ambassadors lead campus tours for diverse audiences of prospective students and families, answer phone calls and respond to emails and other visitor communications, assist in the recruitment, coaching, and evaluation of new University Ambassadors and participate in weekly professional development & training. 3 34 118 Visitor Center N GLD-Professional & Civic Engagement; Experiential Learning Opportunity; Student Leadership Programs,Career readiness,Connecting with others,Critical and creative thinking,Communication - spoken
Academic Advising Programs


Academic Advising Programs - The primary purpose of Academic Advising Programs is to assist students in the development of meaningful educational plans.

Academic Coaching Appointment
Students meet 1-1 with a coach to create an academic and engagement plan, set goals, and share resources; sessions are tailored to meet each student's needs and may include general advising, academic planning, strengths identification, planning campus involvement, and navigating campus resources.
Spring 2019 Educational Support Students meet 1-1 with a coach to create an academic and engagement plan, set goals, and share resources; sessions are tailored to meet each student's needs and may include general advising, academic planning, strengths identification, planning campus involvement, and navigating campus resources. 3 12 34 University Advising Center N ; Academic Advising Programs,Study / Practice intellectual skills,Study / Practice self knowledge,Foundations and skills for lifelong learning,Personal and social responsibility - Striving for excellence
Student Leadership Programs


Student Leadership Programs - The mission of Student Leadership Programs must be to prepare students to engage in the process of leadership.

Sustainable Carolina Project Coordinator
Each project coordinator leads a team of students to implement a designated project in support of a goal outlined in the campus sustainability plan. The role requires collaboration with other teams, campus stakeholders, and community partners, and requires them to delegate work, solve problems, and make decisions.
Spring 2019 Peer Educator Each project coordinator leads a team of students to implement a designated project in support of a goal outlined in the campus sustainability plan. The role requires collaboration with other teams, campus stakeholders, and community partners, and requires them to delegate work, solve problems, and make decisions. 3 11 29 Sustainability N Experiential Learning Opportunity; GLD-Professional & Civic Engagement; Student Leadership Programs,Leadership,Apply specialized knowledge,Problem solving,Professionalism / career readiness
Recreational Sports Programs


Recreational Sports Programs - The mission of Recreational Sports Programs must be to enhance the mind, body, and spirit of students and other eligible individuals by providing programs, services, and facilities that are responsive to the physical, social, recreational, and lifelong educational needs of the campus community as they relate to health, fitness, and learning.

Campus Recreation Adventure Trip Leader
Trip leaders plan and execute day-long outdoor adventure trips; responsibilities include conducting pre-trip meetings with participants to set expectations, build relationships, communicate risks, and provide training for participants. During the trip, leaders serve as guides and wilderness medical first responders.
Spring 2019 Student Program Leader Trip leaders plan and execute day-long outdoor adventure trips; responsibilities include conducting pre-trip meetings with participants to set expectations, build relationships, communicate risks, and provide training for participants. During the trip, leaders serve as guides and wilderness medical first responders. 3 11 117 Campus Recreation N GLD-Professional & Civic Engagement; Recreational Sports Programs,Leadership,,Communication - spoken,Problem solving
Academic Advising Programs


Academic Advising Programs - The primary purpose of Academic Advising Programs is to assist students in the development of meaningful educational plans.

Exploratory Advising / Major Change
Students meet 1-on-1 with an Exploratory Advisor to explore majors/degree programs, learn how to change majors, evaluate how completed coursework will apply to a new major, plan class schedules, and get help with general advisement questions.
Spring 2019 Educational Support Students meet 1-on-1 with an Exploratory Advisor to explore majors/degree programs, learn how to change majors, evaluate how completed coursework will apply to a new major, plan class schedules, and get help with general advisement questions. 3 12 34 University Advising Center N ; Academic Advising Programs,Study / Practice intellectual skills,Study / Practice self knowledge,Self-knowledge,
Student Employment


Student Employment - Student is employed part-time by the university and engages in career readiness development activities as part of supervision process.

Capstone Scholars Program Assistant
Students interact with department visitors in the Capstone office and with prospective students and parents at admission events. Students also serve as office assistants: checking students in for appointments, responding to email and telephone inquiries, and assisting with data processing.
Spring 2019 Student Program Leader Students interact with department visitors in the Capstone office and with prospective students and parents at admission events. Students also serve as office assistants: checking students in for appointments, responding to email and telephone inquiries, and assisting with data processing. 3 11 29 Faculty Principal Learning Communities N Experiential Learning Opportunity; GLD-Professional & Civic Engagement; Student Employment,Career readiness,,Professionalism / career readiness,Interpersonal skills
Career Services


Career Services - The primary mission of Career Services is to assist students and other designated clients in developing, evaluating, and implementing career, education, and employment plans.

Career Coaching - Mock Interview
Students participate in a mock interview, and receive feedback from a professional staff member to improve their future performance.
Spring 2019 Career Development Students participate in a mock interview, and receive feedback from a professional staff member to improve their future performance. 3 11 30 Career Center N ; Career Services,Career development,,Self-knowledge,Communication - spoken
Career Services


Career Services - The primary mission of Career Services is to assist students and other designated clients in developing, evaluating, and implementing career, education, and employment plans.

Gamecocks Get Hired Job Fair
Students interact with representatives from employer organizations about current and future employment opportunities including internships, co-ops, and full-time positions.
Fall 2019 Career Development Students interact with representatives from employer organizations about current and future employment opportunities including internships, co-ops, and full-time positions. 3 11 30 Career Center N ; Career Services,Career development,,Self-knowledge,
Career Services


Career Services - The primary mission of Career Services is to assist students and other designated clients in developing, evaluating, and implementing career, education, and employment plans.

Gamecocks Get Hired STEM Job Fair
Students interact with representatives of employer organizations about current and future employment opportunities including internships, co-ops, and full-time positions.
Fall 2019 Career Development Students interact with representatives of employer organizations about current and future employment opportunities including internships, co-ops, and full-time positions. 3 11 30 Career Center N ; Career Services,Career development,,Self-knowledge,
Student Leadership Programs


Student Leadership Programs - The mission of Student Leadership Programs must be to prepare students to engage in the process of leadership.

Student Government Executive Council
Council members are elected by the student body to work toward common goals and build consensus to drive change for Carolina students; council members interact with a variety of constituents including students, faculty, staff, university administrators and Board of Trustees members.
Spring 2019 Elected Student Leader Council members are elected by the student body to work toward common goals and build consensus to drive change for Carolina students; council members interact with a variety of constituents including students, faculty, staff, university administrators and Board of Trustees members. 3 11 28 Leadership & Service Center N Experiential Learning Opportunity; GLD-Professional & Civic Engagement; Student Leadership Programs,Leadership,,Problem solving,Influencing others
Civic Engagement & Service-Learning Programs


Civic Engagement & Service-Learning Programs - The primary mission of Service-Learning Programs is to engage students in experiences that address human and community needs together with structured opportunities for reflection intentionally designed to promote student learning and development.

Alternative Break
As part of a team of volunteers, students travel to a local or regional community during fall, winter, or spring breaks to provide a community service project around a social issue.
Spring 2019 Civic Engagement As part of a team of volunteers, students travel to a local or regional community during fall, winter, or spring breaks to provide a community service project around a social issue. 3 11 28 Leadership & Service Center N GLD-Community Service; Civic Engagement & Service-Learning Programs,Community service / civic engagement,Connecting with others,Teamwork,Civic knowledge and engagement
Student Leadership Programs


Student Leadership Programs - The mission of Student Leadership Programs must be to prepare students to engage in the process of leadership.

New Resident Assistant
Resident Mentors live with a group of 25 to 60 residents, guide them through their Carolina experience, and are responsible for actively assisting individuals and groups of students in their residential learning community by performing all job duties and responsibilities of the position.
Fall 2018 Peer Educator Resident Mentors live with a group of 25 to 60 residents, guide them through their Carolina experience, and are responsible for actively assisting individuals and groups of students in their residential learning community by performing all job duties and responsibilities of the position. 3 11 29 University Housing N Experiential Learning Opportunity; GLD-Professional & Civic Engagement; Student Leadership Programs,Leadership,,Influencing others,Interpersonal skills
Student Leadership Programs


Student Leadership Programs - The mission of Student Leadership Programs must be to prepare students to engage in the process of leadership.

Returning Resident Assistant
Returning Resident Mentors have completed the training course, live with a group of 25 to 60 residents, guide them through their Carolina experience, and are responsible for actively assisting individuals and groups of students in their residential learning community by performing all job duties and responsibilities of the position.
Spring 2019 Peer Educator Returning Resident Mentors have completed the training course, live with a group of 25 to 60 residents, guide them through their Carolina experience, and are responsible for actively assisting individuals and groups of students in their residential learning community by performing all job duties and responsibilities of the position. 3 11 29 University Housing N Experiential Learning Opportunity; GLD-Professional & Civic Engagement; Student Leadership Programs,Leadership,,Influencing others,Interpersonal skills
Education Abroad Programs & Services


Education Abroad Programs & Services - Education Abroad Programs and Services facilitate and oversee student participation in educational experiences that occur in countries outside the institution's home country.

Study Abroad - Global Exchange
Students engage in a semester or academic year exchange program in conjunction with a partner institution. Some focus on specific areas of study; others are open to all majors. Students are charged USC in-state tuition while enrolled in this program.
Spring 2019 Study Abroad Students engage in a semester or academic year exchange program in conjunction with a partner institution. Some focus on specific areas of study; others are open to all majors. Students are charged USC in-state tuition while enrolled in this program. 3 12 31 Study Abroad N Experiential Learning Opportunity; GLD-Global Learning; Education Abroad Programs & Services,Global learning,,Intercultural knowledge and competence,Specialized knowledge and skills
Education Abroad Programs & Services


Education Abroad Programs & Services - Education Abroad Programs and Services facilitate and oversee student participation in educational experiences that occur in countries outside the institution's home country.

Study Abroad - Global Partner
Students engage in a summer, semester, or academic year program with an independent study abroad organization.
Spring 2019 Study Abroad Students engage in a summer, semester, or academic year program with an independent study abroad organization. 3 12 31 Study Abroad N Experiential Learning Opportunity; GLD-Global Learning; Education Abroad Programs & Services,Global learning,,Intercultural knowledge and competence,Specialized knowledge and skills
Education Abroad Programs & Services


Education Abroad Programs & Services - Education Abroad Programs and Services facilitate and oversee student participation in educational experiences that occur in countries outside the institution's home country.

Study Abroad - Global Exchange
Students engage in a semester or academic year exchange program in conjunction with a partner institution. Some focus on specific areas of study; others are open to all majors. Students are charged USC in-state tuition while enrolled in this program.
Spring 2018 Study Abroad Students engage in a semester or academic year exchange program in conjunction with a partner institution. Some focus on specific areas of study; others are open to all majors. Students are charged USC in-state tuition while enrolled in this program. 3 12 31 Study Abroad N Experiential Learning Opportunity; GLD-Global Learning; Education Abroad Programs & Services,Global learning,,Intercultural knowledge and competence,Specialized knowledge and skills
Education Abroad Programs & Services


Education Abroad Programs & Services - Education Abroad Programs and Services facilitate and oversee student participation in educational experiences that occur in countries outside the institution's home country.

Study Abroad - Global Classroom
Students engage in a short-term, USC faculty-led program, focusing on a specific subject area or foreign language. Program sites and course offerings vary from year to year.
Spring 2019 Study Abroad Students engage in a short-term, USC faculty-led program, focusing on a specific subject area or foreign language. Program sites and course offerings vary from year to year. 3 12 31 Study Abroad N Experiential Learning Opportunity; GLD-Global Learning; Education Abroad Programs & Services,Global learning,,Intercultural knowledge and competence,Specialized knowledge and skills
Education Abroad Programs & Services


Education Abroad Programs & Services - Education Abroad Programs and Services facilitate and oversee student participation in educational experiences that occur in countries outside the institution's home country.

Study Abroad - Global Direct
Students engage in a summer, semester, or academic year direct-enroll program while focusing on specific topics, foreign languages, or various subject areas. Students take courses from an approved academic institution and pay tuition and fees directly to the host institution.
Spring 2019 Study Abroad Students engage in a summer, semester, or academic year direct-enroll program while focusing on specific topics, foreign languages, or various subject areas. Students take courses from an approved academic institution and pay tuition and fees directly to the host institution. 3 12 31 Study Abroad N Experiential Learning Opportunity; GLD-Global Learning; Education Abroad Programs & Services,Global learning,,Intercultural knowledge and competence,Specialized knowledge and skills
Student Leadership Programs


Student Leadership Programs - The mission of Student Leadership Programs must be to prepare students to engage in the process of leadership.

Career Center Ambassador
Students provide peer-to-peer career coaching to fellow students at USC. In addition to working directly with students, Career Ambassadors also conduct outreach activities for classes, residence halls and Greek houses.
Spring 2019 Peer Educator Students provide peer-to-peer career coaching to fellow students at USC. In addition to working directly with students, Career Ambassadors also conduct outreach activities for classes, residence halls and Greek houses. 3 11 30 Career Center N Experiential Learning Opportunity; GLD-Professional & Civic Engagement; Student Leadership Programs,Leadership,Connecting with others,Communication - spoken,Influencing others
Student Leadership Programs


Student Leadership Programs - The mission of Student Leadership Programs must be to prepare students to engage in the process of leadership.

Pillars for Carolina Extended Mentor
Pillars for Carolina XMs help introduce incoming students to student life and resources on campus. XMs are peer mentors who lead groups and communicate information to diverse audiences; student mentees look to XMs to answer their candid questions about the college experience.
Spring 2019 Student Program Leader Pillars for Carolina XMs help introduce incoming students to student life and resources on campus. XMs are peer mentors who lead groups and communicate information to diverse audiences; student mentees look to XMs to answer their candid questions about the college experience. 3 11 28 Leadership & Service Center N GLD-Professional & Civic Engagement; Student Leadership Programs,Leadership,,Interpersonal skills,Influencing others
Student Leadership Programs


Student Leadership Programs - The mission of Student Leadership Programs must be to prepare students to engage in the process of leadership.

Pillars for Carolina Leadership Team
Student leaders manage all components of the planning, recruitment, and execution of the Pillars for Carolina Extended Orientation Program. Team members work together to solve problems, communicate to multiple constituents, supervise peer mentors, and evaluate the effectiveness of program activities.
Spring 2019 Peer Educator Student leaders manage all components of the planning, recruitment, and execution of the Pillars for Carolina Extended Orientation Program. Team members work together to solve problems, communicate to multiple constituents, supervise peer mentors, and evaluate the effectiveness of program activities. 3 11 28 Leadership & Service Center N GLD-Professional & Civic Engagement; Student Leadership Programs,Leadership,,Problem solving,Teamwork
Student Employment


Student Employment - Student is employed part-time by the university and engages in career readiness development activities as part of supervision process.

Russell House University Union Event and Information Assistant
The Russell House University Union is the key venue for student events and programming and depends on a well-trained group of students to deliver essential programs & services. Students in this engagement develop as leaders and problem solvers while also learning essential skills in professionalism, event planning, and customer service
Spring 2019 Employment On Campus The Russell House University Union is the key venue for student events and programming and depends on a well-trained group of students to deliver essential programs & services. Students in this engagement develop as leaders and problem solvers while also learning essential skills in professionalism, event planning, and customer service 3 11 28 Russell House University Union N GLD-Professional & Civic Engagement; Student Employment,Career readiness,,Professionalism / career readiness,
Student Employment


Student Employment - Student is employed part-time by the university and engages in career readiness development activities as part of supervision process.

Russell House University Union Operations Attendant
Building operations attendants operate the student union facility and manage events, including equipment check-out and working directly with clients. Attendants are assigned to one of three areas: Building Operations, Information Center, or Gameroom.
Spring 2019 Employment On Campus Building operations attendants operate the student union facility and manage events, including equipment check-out and working directly with clients. Attendants are assigned to one of three areas: Building Operations, Information Center, or Gameroom. 3 11 28 Russell House University Union N GLD-Professional & Civic Engagement; Student Employment,Career readiness,,Professionalism / career readiness,
Education Abroad Programs & Services


Education Abroad Programs & Services - Education Abroad Programs and Services facilitate and oversee student participation in educational experiences that occur in countries outside the institution's home country.

Study Abroad - Global Partner
Students engage in a summer, semester, or academic year program with an independent study abroad organization.
Spring 2018 Study Abroad Students engage in a summer, semester, or academic year program with an independent study abroad organization. 3 12 31 Study Abroad N GLD-Global Learning; Education Abroad Programs & Services,Study / Practice intellectual skills,,Intercultural knowledge and competence,Integrative and applied learning
Civic Engagement & Service-Learning Programs


Civic Engagement & Service-Learning Programs - The primary mission of Service-Learning Programs is to engage students in experiences that address human and community needs together with structured opportunities for reflection intentionally designed to promote student learning and development.

Service-Learning - PALM 495
An exploration of theories of service-learning with application of practical solutions to meet community needs.
Spring 2019 Service Learning An exploration of theories of service-learning with application of practical solutions to meet community needs. 13 33 112 Y Experiential Learning Opportunity; GLD-Community Service; Civic Engagement & Service-Learning Programs,Apply specialized knowledge,Community service / civic engagement,Specialized knowledge and skills,Personal and social responsibility - Contributing to a larger community
Internship Programs


Internship Programs - The primary mission of Internship Programs is to engage students in planned, educationally-related work and learning experiences that integrate knowledge and theory with practical application and skill development in a professional setting.

Directed Teaching of Foreign Languages - FORL 448
Pre-service professional educators observe and apply effective teaching techniques and organize instructional settings for foreign language students in the elementary, middle or high school. Students spend 72 hours observing an experienced teacher in a K-12 foreign language classroom and 10 hours teaching the class.
Spring 2019 Internship Pre-service professional educators observe and apply effective teaching techniques and organize instructional settings for foreign language students in the elementary, middle or high school. Students spend 72 hours observing an experienced teacher in a K-12 foreign language classroom and 10 hours teaching the class. 3 14 46 Y Experiential Learning Opportunity; GLD-Community Service; GLD-Professional & Civic Engagement; Internship Programs,Apply specialized knowledge,,Specialized knowledge and skills,
Internship Programs


Internship Programs - The primary mission of Internship Programs is to engage students in planned, educationally-related work and learning experiences that integrate knowledge and theory with practical application and skill development in a professional setting.

Teaching Internship in Foreign Languages - FORL 474
Students engage in role reversal in which the teacher candidate becomes the teacher and the coaching teacher becomes an observer or teacher's aide. During 12 weeks in a K-12 school, students observe then teach for 2 full weeks on their own, complete weekly reflections, and meet regularly with their coaching teacher and faculty supervisor.
Spring 2019 Internship Students engage in role reversal in which the teacher candidate becomes the teacher and the coaching teacher becomes an observer or teacher's aide. During 12 weeks in a K-12 school, students observe then teach for 2 full weeks on their own, complete weekly reflections, and meet regularly with their coaching teacher and faculty supervisor. 3 14 46 Y Experiential Learning Opportunity; GLD-Community Service; Internship Programs,Apply specialized knowledge,,Specialized knowledge and skills,
Capstone Experience


Capstone Experience - A course or project that engages students in a culminating and integrative experience, intended to connect the key learning objectives of an educational program.

GSCOM Capstone Project - MGSC 497
Student consulting teams apply Operations and Supply Chain concepts and techniques to solve operational problems, identify improvement opportunities in service and manufacturing firms, write recommendation and implementation reports, oversee pilot or full-scale implementations, and make presentations of their work to the firm’s management group.
Spring 2019 Capstone Course or Project Student consulting teams apply Operations and Supply Chain concepts and techniques to solve operational problems, identify improvement opportunities in service and manufacturing firms, write recommendation and implementation reports, oversee pilot or full-scale implementations, and make presentations of their work to the firm’s management group. 3 15 65 Y Experiential Learning Opportunity; GLD-Professional & Civic Engagement; Capstone Experience,Apply specialized knowledge,,Specialized knowledge and skills,
Undergraduate Research Programs


Undergraduate Research Programs - The primary mission of Undergraduate Research Programs is to engage students in investigative and creative activity to experience firsthand the processes of scholarly exploration and discovery.

Undergraduate Research - Student Grant Award/Independent Study
Student works with a faculty mentor (for academic credit) to conduct a research project funded by a university grant awarded through competitive application process including evaluation of clarity of student's project description, project's educational and intellectual merit, potential impact of project and mentoring plan.
Fall 2018 Undergraduate Research Student works with a faculty mentor (for academic credit) to conduct a research project funded by a university grant awarded through competitive application process including evaluation of clarity of student's project description, project's educational and intellectual merit, potential impact of project and mentoring plan. 3 13 32 Undergraduate Research N Experiential Learning Opportunity; GLD-Research; Undergraduate Research Programs,Research,,Critical and creative thinking,Problem solving
Capstone Experience


Capstone Experience - A course or project that engages students in a culminating and integrative experience, intended to connect the key learning objectives of an educational program.

Developing & Launching New Ventures - MGMT 473
The Emerging Venture Project (EVP) is a team project during which students apply the concepts and tools from the class to an emerging venture, in order to experience entrepreneurship in action. Students produce a final paper, founder/sponsor deliverable, and class presentation.
Spring 2019 Capstone Course or Project The Emerging Venture Project (EVP) is a team project during which students apply the concepts and tools from the class to an emerging venture, in order to experience entrepreneurship in action. Students produce a final paper, founder/sponsor deliverable, and class presentation. 3 15 64 Y Experiential Learning Opportunity; GLD-Professional & Civic Engagement; Capstone Experience,Apply specialized knowledge,,Specialized knowledge and skills,
Capstone Experience


Capstone Experience - A course or project that engages students in a culminating and integrative experience, intended to connect the key learning objectives of an educational program.

Executing Strategy New Venture - MGMT 474
Students engage in a team project during which they apply concepts and tools learned in class to an emerging venture, in order to experience entrepreneurship in action. Students produce a final paper, founder/sponsor deliverable (external project only to be negotiated with the founder/project sponsor) and class presentation.
Spring 2019 Capstone Course or Project Students engage in a team project during which they apply concepts and tools learned in class to an emerging venture, in order to experience entrepreneurship in action. Students produce a final paper, founder/sponsor deliverable (external project only to be negotiated with the founder/project sponsor) and class presentation. 3 15 64 Y Experiential Learning Opportunity; GLD-Professional & Civic Engagement; Capstone Experience,Apply specialized knowledge,,Specialized knowledge and skills,Teamwork
Internship Programs


Internship Programs - The primary mission of Internship Programs is to engage students in planned, educationally-related work and learning experiences that integrate knowledge and theory with practical application and skill development in a professional setting.

Carolina Internship Program - Full-time
Students engage in a paid, work-based learning experience that includes staff facilitated feedback and reflection on their experience. The goal is to enhance students' understanding of their professional knowledge, skills and abilities to aid in their full-time job searches and lifelong career management.
Spring 2019 Internship Students engage in a paid, work-based learning experience that includes staff facilitated feedback and reflection on their experience. The goal is to enhance students' understanding of their professional knowledge, skills and abilities to aid in their full-time job searches and lifelong career management. 3 11 30 Career Center N GLD-Professional & Civic Engagement; Internship Programs,Career development,Career readiness,Integrative and applied learning,
Internship Programs


Internship Programs - The primary mission of Internship Programs is to engage students in planned, educationally-related work and learning experiences that integrate knowledge and theory with practical application and skill development in a professional setting.

Carolina Internship Program - Part-time
Students engage in a paid, work-based learning experience that is usually the length or equivalent of a fall or spring semester or summer, working approximately 240 hours at 20 hours/week. Student may be eligible to receive academic credit through their academic department or pursue a Zero Credit Transcript notation through the Career Center.
Spring 2019 Cooperative Education Students engage in a paid, work-based learning experience that is usually the length or equivalent of a fall or spring semester or summer, working approximately 240 hours at 20 hours/week. Student may be eligible to receive academic credit through their academic department or pursue a Zero Credit Transcript notation through the Career Center. 3 11 30 Career Center N GLD-Professional & Civic Engagement; Internship Programs,Career development,Career readiness,Integrative and applied learning,
Internship Programs


Internship Programs - The primary mission of Internship Programs is to engage students in planned, educationally-related work and learning experiences that integrate knowledge and theory with practical application and skill development in a professional setting.

Cooperative Education (Co-op) - Parallel
Students participate in 2-3 semesters of supervised, paid work-based learning with the same employer. The Parallel format allows the student to work part-time for 240 hours (20 hours/week) for 3 consecutive semesters while attending school.
Spring 2019 Cooperative Education Students participate in 2-3 semesters of supervised, paid work-based learning with the same employer. The Parallel format allows the student to work part-time for 240 hours (20 hours/week) for 3 consecutive semesters while attending school. 3 11 30 Career Center N GLD-Professional & Civic Engagement; Internship Programs,Apply specialized knowledge,Career readiness,Integrative and applied learning,
Internship Programs


Internship Programs - The primary mission of Internship Programs is to engage students in planned, educationally-related work and learning experiences that integrate knowledge and theory with practical application and skill development in a professional setting.

Cooperative Education (Co-op) - Alternating
Students participate in 2-3 semesters of supervised, paid work-based learning with the same employer. The Alternating format allows the student to alternate between a semester of full-time school (480 hours at 40 hours/week).
Spring 2019 Cooperative Education Students participate in 2-3 semesters of supervised, paid work-based learning with the same employer. The Alternating format allows the student to alternate between a semester of full-time school (480 hours at 40 hours/week). 3 11 30 Career Center N GLD-Professional & Civic Engagement; Internship Programs,Apply specialized knowledge,Career readiness,Integrative and applied learning,
Student Employment


Student Employment - Student is employed part-time by the university and engages in career readiness development activities as part of supervision process.

Study Abroad Peer Advisor
Students who have studied abroad work in a pre-professional capacity with the Study Abroad Office staff to promote study abroad on campus and to support prospective, current and returned study abroad participants.
Spring 2019 Employment On Campus Students who have studied abroad work in a pre-professional capacity with the Study Abroad Office staff to promote study abroad on campus and to support prospective, current and returned study abroad participants. 3 12 31 Study Abroad N Experiential Learning Opportunity; GLD-Professional & Civic Engagement; Student Employment,Career readiness,Global learning,Interpersonal skills,Intercultural knowledge and competence
Career Services


Career Services - The primary mission of Career Services is to assist students and other designated clients in developing, evaluating, and implementing career, education, and employment plans.

Education Recruitment Day
Students interact with representatives from employer organizations in the field of education about current and future employment opportunities.
Spring 2018 Career Development Students interact with representatives from employer organizations in the field of education about current and future employment opportunities. 3 11 30 Career Center N ; Career Services,Career development,,Self-knowledge,
Career Services


Career Services - The primary mission of Career Services is to assist students and other designated clients in developing, evaluating, and implementing career, education, and employment plans.

Career Coaching - Mock Interview
Students participate in a mock interview, and receive feedback from a professional staff member to improve their future performance.
Fall 2017 Career Development Students participate in a mock interview, and receive feedback from a professional staff member to improve their future performance. 3 11 30 Career Center N ; Career Services,Career development,,Self-knowledge,Communication - spoken
Career Services


Career Services - The primary mission of Career Services is to assist students and other designated clients in developing, evaluating, and implementing career, education, and employment plans.

Career Coaching - Curriculum Vita / Cover Letter Review
Students interact 1-1 with a professional staff member who reviews students' vita and cover letter, provides feedback, and helps students explore presentation options.
Fall 2017 Career Development Students interact 1-1 with a professional staff member who reviews students' vita and cover letter, provides feedback, and helps students explore presentation options. 3 11 30 Career Center N ; Career Services,Career development,Study / Practice self knowledge,Problem solving,Self-knowledge
Career Services


Career Services - The primary mission of Career Services is to assist students and other designated clients in developing, evaluating, and implementing career, education, and employment plans.

Career Coaching - Curriculum Vita / Cover Letter Review
Students interact 1-1 with a professional staff member who reviews students' vita and cover letter, provides feedback, and helps students explore presentation options.
Spring 2018 Career Development Students interact 1-1 with a professional staff member who reviews students' vita and cover letter, provides feedback, and helps students explore presentation options. 3 11 30 Career Center N ; Career Services,Career development,Study / Practice self knowledge,Problem solving,Self-knowledge
Career Services


Career Services - The primary mission of Career Services is to assist students and other designated clients in developing, evaluating, and implementing career, education, and employment plans.

Career Coaching - Interview Preparation
Student interacts 1-1 with a professional staff member to prepare for interviews for employment or admission to graduate/professional schools.
Fall 2017 Career Development Student interacts 1-1 with a professional staff member to prepare for interviews for employment or admission to graduate/professional schools. 3 11 30 Career Center N ; Career Services,Career development,Study / Practice self knowledge,Self-knowledge,Problem solving
Career Services


Career Services - The primary mission of Career Services is to assist students and other designated clients in developing, evaluating, and implementing career, education, and employment plans.

Career Coaching - Job Search
Student interacts 1-1 with a professional staff member to identify resources and develop a plan for obtaining employment.
Fall 2017 Career Development Student interacts 1-1 with a professional staff member to identify resources and develop a plan for obtaining employment. 3 11 30 Career Center N ; Career Services,Career development,Study / Practice self knowledge,Problem solving,Self-knowledge
Career Services


Career Services - The primary mission of Career Services is to assist students and other designated clients in developing, evaluating, and implementing career, education, and employment plans.

Career Coaching - Internship / Co-op Search
Student interacts 1-1 with a professional staff member to identify resources and develop a plan for obtaining an internship or co-op position.
Fall 2017 Career Development Student interacts 1-1 with a professional staff member to identify resources and develop a plan for obtaining an internship or co-op position. 3 11 30 Career Center N ; Career Services,Career development,Study / Practice self knowledge,Problem solving,Self-knowledge
International Student Programs and Services


International Student Programs and Services - The mission of International Student Programs and Services is to provide support and assistance necessary for international students to achieve their educational goals and to ensure institutional compliance with governmental immigration regulations.

Education Abroad Fair
Students interact with faculty, staff, and study abroad providers to learn more about opportunities for study abroad and resources for study abroad funding.
Spring 2019 Campus Activities Students interact with faculty, staff, and study abroad providers to learn more about opportunities for study abroad and resources for study abroad funding. 3 12 31 Study Abroad N ; International Student Programs and Services,Study / Practice self knowledge,,Self-knowledge,
Student Leadership Programs


Student Leadership Programs - The mission of Student Leadership Programs must be to prepare students to engage in the process of leadership.

Gamecock Pantry Executive Board
Board members implement the vision, direction, and operations of the Gamecock Pantry by contributing to the recruitment, training, and evaluation of volunteers, donation coordination, marketing and education, and logistical operations such as clientele communication, donation solicitation, and developing on and off campus partnerships.
Spring 2019 Student Program Leader Board members implement the vision, direction, and operations of the Gamecock Pantry by contributing to the recruitment, training, and evaluation of volunteers, donation coordination, marketing and education, and logistical operations such as clientele communication, donation solicitation, and developing on and off campus partnerships. 3 11 28 Leadership & Service Center N GLD-Community Service; GLD-Professional & Civic Engagement; Student Leadership Programs,Leadership,Community service / civic engagement,Influencing others,
Learning Assistance Programs


Learning Assistance Programs - The primary mission of Learning Assistance Programs must be to provide students with resources and opportunities to improve their ability to learn and to achieve academic success.

Supplemental Instruction
Students participate in a group study session for a specific academic course and section in which they are currently enrolled.
Spring 2019 Educational Support Students participate in a group study session for a specific academic course and section in which they are currently enrolled. 3 11 30 Student Success Center N ; Learning Assistance Programs,Study / Practice intellectual skills,,Specialized knowledge and skills,
Learning Assistance Programs


Learning Assistance Programs - The primary mission of Learning Assistance Programs must be to provide students with resources and opportunities to improve their ability to learn and to achieve academic success.

Peer Tutoring
Students participate in a tutoring session for a specific academic course in which they are currently enrolled.
Spring 2019 Educational Support Students participate in a tutoring session for a specific academic course in which they are currently enrolled. 3 11 30 Student Success Center N ; Learning Assistance Programs,Study / Practice intellectual skills,Apply specialized knowledge,Specialized knowledge and skills,
Learning Assistance Programs


Learning Assistance Programs - The primary mission of Learning Assistance Programs must be to provide students with resources and opportunities to improve their ability to learn and to achieve academic success.

Peer Writing Session
Students participate in a tutoring session for support with composition- or communications-based assignments or projects.
Spring 2019 Educational Support Students participate in a tutoring session for support with composition- or communications-based assignments or projects. 3 11 30 Student Success Center N ; Learning Assistance Programs,Study / Practice intellectual skills,,Communication - written,Communication - spoken
Career Services


Career Services - The primary mission of Career Services is to assist students and other designated clients in developing, evaluating, and implementing career, education, and employment plans.

Career Coaching - Career Assessment Interpretation
Students complete a career assessment prior to meeting with a career coach; in this 1-1 session, the coach guides the student through exploration of career-related interests, skills and values.
Spring 2019 Career Development Students complete a career assessment prior to meeting with a career coach; in this 1-1 session, the coach guides the student through exploration of career-related interests, skills and values. 3 11 30 Career Center N ; Career Services,Study / Practice self knowledge,Career development,Self-knowledge,Problem solving
Career Services


Career Services - The primary mission of Career Services is to assist students and other designated clients in developing, evaluating, and implementing career, education, and employment plans.

Career Coaching - Choosing a Major/Career
Students interact 1-1 with a trained career coach regarding making career /major decisions by exploring student interests, abilities, aptitudes, and alignment with options for choice of major and career field.
Spring 2019 Career Development Students interact 1-1 with a trained career coach regarding making career /major decisions by exploring student interests, abilities, aptitudes, and alignment with options for choice of major and career field. 3 11 30 Career Center N ; Career Services,Study / Practice self knowledge,Career development,Self-knowledge,Problem solving
Career Services


Career Services - The primary mission of Career Services is to assist students and other designated clients in developing, evaluating, and implementing career, education, and employment plans.

Career Coaching - Drop-In Session
Students stop by the Career Center for a brief discussion with a staff member or a quick review of their resume.
Spring 2019 Career Development Students stop by the Career Center for a brief discussion with a staff member or a quick review of their resume. 3 11 30 Career Center N ; Career Services,Study / Practice self knowledge,,Self-knowledge,
Career Services


Career Services - The primary mission of Career Services is to assist students and other designated clients in developing, evaluating, and implementing career, education, and employment plans.

Career Coaching - Graduate / Professional School
Student interacts 1-1 with professional staff member to identify resources and develop a plan for applying to graduate and/or professional schools.
Spring 2019 Career Development Student interacts 1-1 with professional staff member to identify resources and develop a plan for applying to graduate and/or professional schools. 3 11 30 Career Center N ; Career Services,Career development,Study / Practice self knowledge,Problem solving,
Career Services


Career Services - The primary mission of Career Services is to assist students and other designated clients in developing, evaluating, and implementing career, education, and employment plans.

Career Coaching - Internship / Co-op Search
Student interacts 1-1 with a professional staff member to identify resources and develop a plan for obtaining an internship or co-op position.
Spring 2019 Career Development Student interacts 1-1 with a professional staff member to identify resources and develop a plan for obtaining an internship or co-op position. 3 11 30 Career Center N ; Career Services,Career development,Study / Practice self knowledge,Problem solving,Self-knowledge
Career Services


Career Services - The primary mission of Career Services is to assist students and other designated clients in developing, evaluating, and implementing career, education, and employment plans.

Career Coaching - Interview Preparation
Student interacts 1-1 with a professional staff member to prepare for interviews for employment or admission to graduate/professional schools.
Spring 2019 Career Development Student interacts 1-1 with a professional staff member to prepare for interviews for employment or admission to graduate/professional schools. 3 11 30 Career Center N ; Career Services,Career development,Study / Practice self knowledge,Self-knowledge,Problem solving
Career Services


Career Services - The primary mission of Career Services is to assist students and other designated clients in developing, evaluating, and implementing career, education, and employment plans.

Career Coaching - Job Search
Student interacts 1-1 with a professional staff member to identify resources and develop a plan for obtaining employment.
Spring 2019 Career Development Student interacts 1-1 with a professional staff member to identify resources and develop a plan for obtaining employment. 3 11 30 Career Center N ; Career Services,Career development,Study / Practice self knowledge,Problem solving,Self-knowledge
Career Services


Career Services - The primary mission of Career Services is to assist students and other designated clients in developing, evaluating, and implementing career, education, and employment plans.

Career Coaching - Parallel Career Path
Students interact with professional career coach to explore options regarding choice of major and career fields, in recognition of competitive admissions practices and other factors that may affect plans.
Spring 2019 Career Development Students interact with professional career coach to explore options regarding choice of major and career fields, in recognition of competitive admissions practices and other factors that may affect plans. 3 11 30 Career Center N ; Career Services,Career development,Study / Practice self knowledge,Problem solving,Self-knowledge
Career Services


Career Services - The primary mission of Career Services is to assist students and other designated clients in developing, evaluating, and implementing career, education, and employment plans.

Career Management Platform - How to Use Handshake
Students receive instruction on how to use the career management tool called Handshake to create and manage job search documents, register for career events, and connect with employers.
Spring 2019 Career Development Students receive instruction on how to use the career management tool called Handshake to create and manage job search documents, register for career events, and connect with employers. 3 11 30 Career Center N ; Career Services,Career development,,Self-knowledge,
Career Services


Career Services - The primary mission of Career Services is to assist students and other designated clients in developing, evaluating, and implementing career, education, and employment plans.

Career Coaching - Curriculum Vita / Cover Letter Review
Students interact 1-1 with a professional staff member who reviews students' vita and cover letter, provides feedback, and helps students explore presentation options.
Spring 2019 Career Development Students interact 1-1 with a professional staff member who reviews students' vita and cover letter, provides feedback, and helps students explore presentation options. 3 11 30 Career Center N ; Career Services,Career development,Study / Practice self knowledge,Problem solving,Self-knowledge
Student Leadership Programs


Student Leadership Programs - The mission of Student Leadership Programs must be to prepare students to engage in the process of leadership.

Magellan Ambassador
Magellan Ambassadors represent the Office of Undergraduate Research through campus presentations and events, providing opportunity for professional development while sharing their research experience with other students.
Spring 2019 Student Program Leader Magellan Ambassadors represent the Office of Undergraduate Research through campus presentations and events, providing opportunity for professional development while sharing their research experience with other students. 3 13 32 Undergraduate Research N GLD-Professional & Civic Engagement; Student Leadership Programs,Leadership,,Communication - spoken,Influencing others
Student Leadership Programs


Student Leadership Programs - The mission of Student Leadership Programs must be to prepare students to engage in the process of leadership.

Multicultural Assistance Peer Program (MAPP) Mentor
Student mentors work in a self-directed mode to help support first year/transfer multicultural students as they transition into the university community, by serving as an information resource and helping new students establish a social network.
Spring 2019 Student Program Leader Student mentors work in a self-directed mode to help support first year/transfer multicultural students as they transition into the university community, by serving as an information resource and helping new students establish a social network. 3 11 28 Multicultural Student Affairs N GLD-Diversity & Social Advocacy; GLD-Professional & Civic Engagement; Student Leadership Programs,Connecting with others,,Influencing others,Interpersonal skills
Lesbian, Gay, Bisexual, Transgender, & Queer+ Programs & Services


Lesbian, Gay, Bisexual, Transgender, & Queer+ Programs & Services - The mission must be to promote academic and personal growth of all LGBTQ and questioning students . . .

Queer Talks
Participants engage in casual discussion of local and national issues facing LGBTQ+ students and people. These discussions, over dinner, intend to provide a space for students and allies to build on knowledge and find support in a common understanding of relevant issues.
Spring 2019 Diversity, Equity, and Inclusion Education Participants engage in casual discussion of local and national issues facing LGBTQ+ students and people. These discussions, over dinner, intend to provide a space for students and allies to build on knowledge and find support in a common understanding of relevant issues. 3 11 28 Multicultural Student Affairs N ; Lesbian, Gay, Bisexual, Transgender, & Queer+ Programs & Services,Study / Practice diversity, equity, inclusion,Connecting with others,Personal and social responsibility - Taking seriously the perspectives of others,
Campus Activities Programs


Campus Activities Programs - The purpose of Campus Activities Programs must be to enhance the overall educational experience of students through development of, exposure to, and participation in programs and activities that improve student cooperation and leadership while preparing students to be responsible advocates and citizens and complementing the institution's academic programs.

Student Organization Member
Students engage in organizations for many reasons - to gain skills, connect with other students, broaden their knowledge. Student-led organizations establish purpose and goals, determine membership, set activities, and select leaders. The university records organizational affiliation, but does not monitor the engagement of individual students.
Spring 2019 Campus Activities Students engage in organizations for many reasons - to gain skills, connect with other students, broaden their knowledge. Student-led organizations establish purpose and goals, determine membership, set activities, and select leaders. The university records organizational affiliation, but does not monitor the engagement of individual students. 3 11 28 Leadership & Service Center N ; Campus Activities Programs,Connecting with others,,Self-knowledge,
Transfer Student Programs and Services


Transfer Student Programs and Services - The mission of Transfer Student Programs and Services is to aid in the successful transfer, persistence, and graduation of transfer students.

Transfer Success Consultation
Transfer students participate in a 1:1 meeting with the Transfer Coordinator, to discuss academic referrals, current academic challenges, and to identify academic and campus resources.
Spring 2019 Educational Support Transfer students participate in a 1:1 meeting with the Transfer Coordinator, to discuss academic referrals, current academic challenges, and to identify academic and campus resources. 3 11 30 Carolina Experience N ; Transfer Student Programs and Services,Study / Practice self knowledge,,Personal and social responsibility - Striving for excellence,
Undergraduate Research Programs


Undergraduate Research Programs - The primary mission of Undergraduate Research Programs is to engage students in investigative and creative activity to experience firsthand the processes of scholarly exploration and discovery.

Undergraduate Research - Paid or Volunteer
Students work with a mentor to conduct a discipline specific research project that explores their field of interest through a hands-on project. Students do not earn academic credit. Mentors and students are encouraged to discuss and develop clear expectations prior to initiating research activities.
Spring 2019 Undergraduate Research Students work with a mentor to conduct a discipline specific research project that explores their field of interest through a hands-on project. Students do not earn academic credit. Mentors and students are encouraged to discuss and develop clear expectations prior to initiating research activities. 3 13 32 Undergraduate Research N Experiential Learning Opportunity; GLD-Research; Undergraduate Research Programs,Research,,Critical and creative thinking,Problem solving
Undergraduate Research Programs


Undergraduate Research Programs - The primary mission of Undergraduate Research Programs is to engage students in investigative and creative activity to experience firsthand the processes of scholarly exploration and discovery.

Undergraduate Research - Student Grant Award
Student works with a mentor to conduct a discipline specific research project funded by a university grant, awarded through a competitive application process that includes evaluation of the clarity of the student's project description, project's educational and intellectual merit, potential impact of the project, and mentoring plan.
Spring 2019 Undergraduate Research Student works with a mentor to conduct a discipline specific research project funded by a university grant, awarded through a competitive application process that includes evaluation of the clarity of the student's project description, project's educational and intellectual merit, potential impact of the project, and mentoring plan. 3 13 32 Undergraduate Research N Experiential Learning Opportunity; GLD-Research; Undergraduate Research Programs,Research,,Critical and creative thinking,Problem solving
Student Leadership Programs


Student Leadership Programs - The mission of Student Leadership Programs must be to prepare students to engage in the process of leadership.

Center for Integrative and Experiential Learning Student Advisory Council
Students participate in discussion-based monthly meetings to provide the Center for Integrative and Experiential Learning staff with feedback and to share opinions about initiatives and programming.
Spring 2019 Student Program Leader Students participate in discussion-based monthly meetings to provide the Center for Integrative and Experiential Learning staff with feedback and to share opinions about initiatives and programming. 3 12 34 Center for Integrative and Experiential Learning N ; Student Leadership Programs,Leadership,,Communication - spoken,
Student Leadership Programs


Student Leadership Programs - The mission of Student Leadership Programs must be to prepare students to engage in the process of leadership.

Close Family Emerging Leaders Program
Students meet weekly for 8 weeks to explore aspects of leadership; activities are designed to help students develop a personal definition of leadership, create achievable goals, and design an action plan for applying leadership skills at USC.
Spring 2019 Leadership Education Students meet weekly for 8 weeks to explore aspects of leadership; activities are designed to help students develop a personal definition of leadership, create achievable goals, and design an action plan for applying leadership skills at USC. 3 11 28 Leadership & Service Center N ; Student Leadership Programs,Study / Practice self knowledge,,Self-knowledge,Communication - spoken
Student Employment


Student Employment - Student is employed part-time by the university and engages in career readiness development activities as part of supervision process.

Community Ambassador
Students manage front-line communication with visitors, provide off-campus living presentations to students, staff events and support operations/projects on behalf of the Off-Campus Living and Neighborhood Relations Department.
Spring 2019 Employment On Campus Students manage front-line communication with visitors, provide off-campus living presentations to students, staff events and support operations/projects on behalf of the Off-Campus Living and Neighborhood Relations Department. 3 11 28 Off-Campus Living & Neighborhood Relations N GLD-Community Service; GLD-Professional & Civic Engagement; Student Employment,Career readiness,Leadership,Communication - spoken,Problem solving
Fraternity and Sorority Advising Programs


Fraternity and Sorority Advising Programs - The mission of Fraternity and Sorority Advising Programs is to promote the learning and development of students who affiliate with fraternities and sororities.

Fraternity and Sorority Life Council Leadership
Students work to advance the FSL community by leading bi-weekly council meetings, meeting monthly with professional and graduate student staff advisors, communicating with FSL chapter presidents and community members, and implementing policies (university, FSL, Council).
Spring 2019 Elected Student Leader Students work to advance the FSL community by leading bi-weekly council meetings, meeting monthly with professional and graduate student staff advisors, communicating with FSL chapter presidents and community members, and implementing policies (university, FSL, Council). 3 11 28 Fraternity & Sorority Life N GLD-Professional & Civic Engagement; Fraternity and Sorority Advising Programs,Leadership,Apply specialized knowledge,Influencing others,Communication - spoken
Student Leadership Programs


Student Leadership Programs - The mission of Student Leadership Programs must be to prepare students to engage in the process of leadership.

Momentum Advisory Board
Board members review proposals submitted by students as 'ideas to facilitate conversations for a better world,' select workable proposals and meet with proposers to develop and execute creative campus-wide programming to facilitate the proposed conversations.
Spring 2019 Student Program Leader Board members review proposals submitted by students as 'ideas to facilitate conversations for a better world,' select workable proposals and meet with proposers to develop and execute creative campus-wide programming to facilitate the proposed conversations. 3 11 28 Leadership & Service Center N GLD-Professional & Civic Engagement; Student Leadership Programs,Leadership,,Critical and creative thinking,Teamwork
Student Leadership Programs


Student Leadership Programs - The mission of Student Leadership Programs must be to prepare students to engage in the process of leadership.

Service Leadership Course
Students participate in a 15-week leadership education program that engages them in lectures, discussion, activities and assignments designed to help students articulate a personal theory of leadership and develop skills to create a service project that is beneficial to community and to volunteers.
Spring 2019 Leadership Education Students participate in a 15-week leadership education program that engages them in lectures, discussion, activities and assignments designed to help students articulate a personal theory of leadership and develop skills to create a service project that is beneficial to community and to volunteers. 3 11 28 Leadership & Service Center N ; Student Leadership Programs,Study / Practice self knowledge,,Critical and creative thinking,
Student Leadership Programs


Student Leadership Programs - The mission of Student Leadership Programs must be to prepare students to engage in the process of leadership.

Service Saturday Site Leader
Site leaders communicate expectations to a group of volunteers, delegate tasks, and debrief volunteers on a shared community service experience.
Spring 2019 Peer Educator Site leaders communicate expectations to a group of volunteers, delegate tasks, and debrief volunteers on a shared community service experience. 3 11 28 Leadership & Service Center N GLD-Community Service; GLD-Professional & Civic Engagement; Student Leadership Programs,Leadership,Community service / civic engagement,Teamwork,Problem solving
Student Leadership Programs


Student Leadership Programs - The mission of Student Leadership Programs must be to prepare students to engage in the process of leadership.

Student Government Freshman Council
Council members are selected to represent the freshman class in student government at Carolina. Students meet weekly to learn about SG initiatives, discuss campus issues, and represent the freshman perspective. Each student meets monthly with a SG mentor to explore and develop leadership interests, skills and abilities.
Spring 2019 Appointed Student Leader Council members are selected to represent the freshman class in student government at Carolina. Students meet weekly to learn about SG initiatives, discuss campus issues, and represent the freshman perspective. Each student meets monthly with a SG mentor to explore and develop leadership interests, skills and abilities. 3 11 28 Leadership & Service Center N GLD-Professional & Civic Engagement; Student Leadership Programs,Study / Practice self knowledge,Connecting with others,Self-knowledge,
Student Leadership Programs


Student Leadership Programs - The mission of Student Leadership Programs must be to prepare students to engage in the process of leadership.

Capstone Scholars Connectors Mentor
Each mentor meets with first-year student mentee(s) at least twice each month to provide support and recommend resources and opportunities for involvement.
Spring 2019 Student Program Leader Each mentor meets with first-year student mentee(s) at least twice each month to provide support and recommend resources and opportunities for involvement. 3 11 29 Faculty Principal Learning Communities N GLD-Professional & Civic Engagement; Student Leadership Programs,Connecting with others,Career readiness,Interpersonal skills,Problem solving
Student Leadership Programs


Student Leadership Programs - The mission of Student Leadership Programs must be to prepare students to engage in the process of leadership.

Organizational Leaders Course
Students participate in a 15-week leadership education program that engages students in activities designed to develop knowledge and skills needed to serve as leaders in student organizations.
Spring 2019 Leadership Education Students participate in a 15-week leadership education program that engages students in activities designed to develop knowledge and skills needed to serve as leaders in student organizations. 3 11 28 Leadership & Service Center N ; Student Leadership Programs,Study / Practice self knowledge,,Self-knowledge,Communication - spoken
Civic Engagement & Service-Learning Programs


Civic Engagement & Service-Learning Programs - The primary mission of Service-Learning Programs is to engage students in experiences that address human and community needs together with structured opportunities for reflection intentionally designed to promote student learning and development.

Service Saturday
Students participate in a community service opportunity within the city of Columbia or campus community.
Spring 2019 Civic Engagement Students participate in a community service opportunity within the city of Columbia or campus community. 3 11 28 Leadership & Service Center N GLD-Community Service; Civic Engagement & Service-Learning Programs,Community service / civic engagement,Connecting with others,Personal and social responsibility - Contributing to a larger community,
Student Leadership Programs


Student Leadership Programs - The mission of Student Leadership Programs must be to prepare students to engage in the process of leadership.

Student Government Senate Committee Chair
Student is appointed by the Student Government Executive Council to explore issues, gain understanding of related policies and procedures, and work with others across campus to make informed decisions that support the campaign agenda and address issues of concern to Carolina students.
Spring 2019 Appointed Student Leader Student is appointed by the Student Government Executive Council to explore issues, gain understanding of related policies and procedures, and work with others across campus to make informed decisions that support the campaign agenda and address issues of concern to Carolina students. 3 11 28 Leadership & Service Center N GLD-Professional & Civic Engagement; Student Leadership Programs,Apply specialized knowledge,Leadership,Inquiry and analysis,Interpersonal skills
Undergraduate Research Programs


Undergraduate Research Programs - The primary mission of Undergraduate Research Programs is to engage students in investigative and creative activity to experience firsthand the processes of scholarly exploration and discovery.

Undergraduate Research - Independent Study Credit
Students work with a mentor, for academic course credit (generally through independent study) to conduct a discipline specific research project that explores their field of interest through a hands-on project. Mentors and students develop and determine expectations, objectives, and the method of evaluation prior to course registration and approval.
Spring 2019 Undergraduate Research Students work with a mentor, for academic course credit (generally through independent study) to conduct a discipline specific research project that explores their field of interest through a hands-on project. Mentors and students develop and determine expectations, objectives, and the method of evaluation prior to course registration and approval. 3 13 32 Undergraduate Research N Experiential Learning Opportunity; GLD-Research; Undergraduate Research Programs,Research,,Critical and creative thinking,Problem solving
Capstone Experience


Capstone Experience - A course or project that engages students in a culminating and integrative experience, intended to connect the key learning objectives of an educational program.

Capstone Design Project II - ELCT 404
Working in teams of typically four, students analyze requirements posed by a project proponent (i.e. customer), then design and build a prototype of a system that meets the proponent's needs. The course is designed to provide an authentic engineering project experience that is representative of a typical engineer's early professional years.
Spring 2019 Capstone Course or Project Working in teams of typically four, students analyze requirements posed by a project proponent (i.e. customer), then design and build a prototype of a system that meets the proponent's needs. The course is designed to provide an authentic engineering project experience that is representative of a typical engineer's early professional years. 3 19 72 Y Experiential Learning Opportunity; GLD-Professional & Civic Engagement; Capstone Experience,Apply specialized knowledge,,Specialized knowledge and skills,
Student Leadership Programs


Student Leadership Programs - The mission of Student Leadership Programs must be to prepare students to engage in the process of leadership.

Returning Resident Assistant
Returning Resident Mentors have completed the training course, live with a group of 25 to 60 residents, guide them through their Carolina experience, and are responsible for actively assisting individuals and groups of students in their residential learning community by performing all job duties and responsibilities of the position.
Fall 2018 Peer Educator Returning Resident Mentors have completed the training course, live with a group of 25 to 60 residents, guide them through their Carolina experience, and are responsible for actively assisting individuals and groups of students in their residential learning community by performing all job duties and responsibilities of the position. 3 11 29 University Housing N Experiential Learning Opportunity; GLD-Professional & Civic Engagement; Student Leadership Programs,Leadership,,Influencing others,Interpersonal skills
Career Services


Career Services - The primary mission of Career Services is to assist students and other designated clients in developing, evaluating, and implementing career, education, and employment plans.

Career Coaching - Full-time Job Strategies
Students interact 1-1 with a staff member to identify resources and develop a plan for seeking employment.
Spring 2019 Career Development Students interact 1-1 with a staff member to identify resources and develop a plan for seeking employment. 3 11 30 Career Center N ; Career Services,Career development,,Problem solving,
Career Services


Career Services - The primary mission of Career Services is to assist students and other designated clients in developing, evaluating, and implementing career, education, and employment plans.

Career Coaching - Job Fair Preparation
Students interact 1-1 with a staff member to identify resources and develop a plan for obtaining employment.
Spring 2019 Career Development Students interact 1-1 with a staff member to identify resources and develop a plan for obtaining employment. 3 11 30 Career Center N ; Career Services,Career development,,Problem solving,
Career Services


Career Services - The primary mission of Career Services is to assist students and other designated clients in developing, evaluating, and implementing career, education, and employment plans.

Career Coaching - Resume / Cover Letter Review
Students interact 1-1 with a staff member to identify resources and plan for obtaining employment.
Spring 2019 Career Development Students interact 1-1 with a staff member to identify resources and plan for obtaining employment. 3 11 30 Career Center N ; Career Services,Career development,,Problem solving,
Career Services


Career Services - The primary mission of Career Services is to assist students and other designated clients in developing, evaluating, and implementing career, education, and employment plans.

Career Coaching - Personal Statement / Essay Reviews
Students interact 1-1 with a staff member to identify resources and develop a plan for obtaining employment.
Spring 2019 Career Development Students interact 1-1 with a staff member to identify resources and develop a plan for obtaining employment. 3 11 30 Career Center N ; Career Services,Career development,,Problem solving,
Career Services


Career Services - The primary mission of Career Services is to assist students and other designated clients in developing, evaluating, and implementing career, education, and employment plans.

Career Coaching - Part-time Job Strategies
Students interact 1-1 with a staff member to identify resources and and develop a plan for obtaining employment.
Spring 2019 Career Development Students interact 1-1 with a staff member to identify resources and and develop a plan for obtaining employment. 3 11 30 Career Center N ; Career Services,Career development,,Problem solving,
Career Services


Career Services - The primary mission of Career Services is to assist students and other designated clients in developing, evaluating, and implementing career, education, and employment plans.

Career Coaching - LinkedIn
Students interact 1-1 with a staff member to identify resources and develop a plan for obtaining employment.
Spring 2019 Career Development Students interact 1-1 with a staff member to identify resources and develop a plan for obtaining employment. 3 11 30 Career Center N ; Career Services,Career development,,Problem solving,
Career Services


Career Services - The primary mission of Career Services is to assist students and other designated clients in developing, evaluating, and implementing career, education, and employment plans.

Career Coaching - Resume / Cover Letter Review
Students interact 1-1 with a staff member to identify resources and plan for obtaining employment.
Fall 2018 Career Development Students interact 1-1 with a staff member to identify resources and plan for obtaining employment. 3 11 30 Career Center N ; Career Services,Career development,,Problem solving,
Learning Assistance Programs


Learning Assistance Programs - The primary mission of Learning Assistance Programs must be to provide students with resources and opportunities to improve their ability to learn and to achieve academic success.

Success Consultation
Students meet 1-1 with a trained peer consultant to assist students in understanding course material, develop self-regulated learning skills, and create an action plan for positive academic behaviors.
Spring 2019 Educational Support Students meet 1-1 with a trained peer consultant to assist students in understanding course material, develop self-regulated learning skills, and create an action plan for positive academic behaviors. 3 11 30 Student Success Center N ; Learning Assistance Programs,Study / Practice intellectual skills,Study / Practice self knowledge,Foundations and skills for lifelong learning,
Student Leadership Programs


Student Leadership Programs - The mission of Student Leadership Programs must be to prepare students to engage in the process of leadership.

New Resident Assistant
Resident Mentors live with a group of 25 to 60 residents, guide them through their Carolina experience, and are responsible for actively assisting individuals and groups of students in their residential learning community by performing all job duties and responsibilities of the position.
Fall 2019 Peer Educator Resident Mentors live with a group of 25 to 60 residents, guide them through their Carolina experience, and are responsible for actively assisting individuals and groups of students in their residential learning community by performing all job duties and responsibilities of the position. 3 11 29 University Housing N Experiential Learning Opportunity; GLD-Professional & Civic Engagement; Student Leadership Programs,Leadership,,Influencing others,Interpersonal skills
Fraternity and Sorority Advising Programs


Fraternity and Sorority Advising Programs - The mission of Fraternity and Sorority Advising Programs is to promote the learning and development of students who affiliate with fraternities and sororities.

Fraternity and Sorority Life Recruitment / Intake Orientation
Participants attend this session to learn about the recruitment and membership experience in fraternity and sorority organizations, including time commitment, academic and financial requirements, and philanthropic and service opportunities of each chapter. Information is provided by professional staff, graduate assistants, and current members.
Spring 2019 Campus Activities Participants attend this session to learn about the recruitment and membership experience in fraternity and sorority organizations, including time commitment, academic and financial requirements, and philanthropic and service opportunities of each chapter. Information is provided by professional staff, graduate assistants, and current members. 3 11 28 Fraternity & Sorority Life N ; Fraternity and Sorority Advising Programs,Connecting with others,,Self-knowledge,
Student Leadership Programs


Student Leadership Programs - The mission of Student Leadership Programs must be to prepare students to engage in the process of leadership.

Student Success Center Program Assistant / Mentor
Experienced student leaders serve within a specific programmatic area (supplemental instruction, peer tutoring, or peer success consultations), supervise other peer leaders within the same program, and engage in critical office functions to support the department's professional certifications and mission.
Spring 2019 Peer Educator Experienced student leaders serve within a specific programmatic area (supplemental instruction, peer tutoring, or peer success consultations), supervise other peer leaders within the same program, and engage in critical office functions to support the department's professional certifications and mission. 3 11 30 Student Success Center N Experiential Learning Opportunity; GLD-Professional & Civic Engagement; Student Leadership Programs,Leadership,Career readiness,Teamwork,Critical and creative thinking
Capstone Experience


Capstone Experience - A course or project that engages students in a culminating and integrative experience, intended to connect the key learning objectives of an educational program.

Seminar in Geography - GEOG 495
Undergraduate geography majors engage in group-based research projects to integrate and apply knowledge and skills gained throughout the geography degree program. Students work with community partners on projects that address real-life problems and needs. Students gather, analyze, and present information that is of use to our community partners.
Fall 2019 Capstone Course or Project Undergraduate geography majors engage in group-based research projects to integrate and apply knowledge and skills gained throughout the geography degree program. Students work with community partners on projects that address real-life problems and needs. Students gather, analyze, and present information that is of use to our community partners. 3 14 44 Y Experiential Learning Opportunity; GLD-Community Service; Capstone Experience,Apply specialized knowledge,,Problem solving,Inquiry and analysis
Undergraduate Research Programs


Undergraduate Research Programs - The primary mission of Undergraduate Research Programs is to engage students in investigative and creative activity to experience firsthand the processes of scholarly exploration and discovery.

Undergraduate Research - Student Grant Award/Independent Study
Student works with a faculty mentor (for academic credit) to conduct a research project funded by a university grant awarded through competitive application process including evaluation of clarity of student's project description, project's educational and intellectual merit, potential impact of project and mentoring plan.
Spring 2019 Undergraduate Research Student works with a faculty mentor (for academic credit) to conduct a research project funded by a university grant awarded through competitive application process including evaluation of clarity of student's project description, project's educational and intellectual merit, potential impact of project and mentoring plan. 3 13 32 Undergraduate Research N Experiential Learning Opportunity; GLD-Research; Undergraduate Research Programs,Research,,Critical and creative thinking,Problem solving
Recreational Sports Programs


Recreational Sports Programs - The mission of Recreational Sports Programs must be to enhance the mind, body, and spirit of students and other eligible individuals by providing programs, services, and facilities that are responsive to the physical, social, recreational, and lifelong educational needs of the campus community as they relate to health, fitness, and learning.

Group X Instructor In Training
Students participate in a training program that combines lecture based lessons with applying knowledge in practical activities. Participation includes homework, reflection, evaluation, and practice to pass. Students engage in directed self-study to sit for the American Council of Exercise exam.
Spring 2019 Student Program Leader Students participate in a training program that combines lecture based lessons with applying knowledge in practical activities. Participation includes homework, reflection, evaluation, and practice to pass. Students engage in directed self-study to sit for the American Council of Exercise exam. 3 11 117 Campus Recreation N GLD-Professional & Civic Engagement; Recreational Sports Programs,Study / Practice physical well being,Leadership,Specialized knowledge and skills,
Undergraduate Research Programs


Undergraduate Research Programs - The primary mission of Undergraduate Research Programs is to engage students in investigative and creative activity to experience firsthand the processes of scholarly exploration and discovery.

Undergraduate Research - Paid or Volunteer
Students work with a mentor to conduct a discipline specific research project that explores their field of interest through a hands-on project. Students do not earn academic credit. Mentors and students are encouraged to discuss and develop clear expectations prior to initiating research activities.
Summer 2019 Undergraduate Research Students work with a mentor to conduct a discipline specific research project that explores their field of interest through a hands-on project. Students do not earn academic credit. Mentors and students are encouraged to discuss and develop clear expectations prior to initiating research activities. 3 13 32 Undergraduate Research N Experiential Learning Opportunity; GLD-Research; Undergraduate Research Programs,Research,,Critical and creative thinking,Problem solving
Undergraduate Research Programs


Undergraduate Research Programs - The primary mission of Undergraduate Research Programs is to engage students in investigative and creative activity to experience firsthand the processes of scholarly exploration and discovery.

Undergraduate Research - Student Grant Award
Student works with a mentor to conduct a discipline specific research project funded by a university grant, awarded through a competitive application process that includes evaluation of the clarity of the student's project description, project's educational and intellectual merit, potential impact of the project, and mentoring plan.
Summer 2019 Undergraduate Research Student works with a mentor to conduct a discipline specific research project funded by a university grant, awarded through a competitive application process that includes evaluation of the clarity of the student's project description, project's educational and intellectual merit, potential impact of the project, and mentoring plan. 3 13 32 Undergraduate Research N Experiential Learning Opportunity; GLD-Research; Undergraduate Research Programs,Research,,Critical and creative thinking,Problem solving
Undergraduate Research Programs


Undergraduate Research Programs - The primary mission of Undergraduate Research Programs is to engage students in investigative and creative activity to experience firsthand the processes of scholarly exploration and discovery.

Undergraduate Research - Student Grant Award/Independent Study
Student works with a faculty mentor (for academic credit) to conduct a research project funded by a university grant awarded through competitive application process including evaluation of clarity of student's project description, project's educational and intellectual merit, potential impact of project and mentoring plan.
Summer 2019 Undergraduate Research Student works with a faculty mentor (for academic credit) to conduct a research project funded by a university grant awarded through competitive application process including evaluation of clarity of student's project description, project's educational and intellectual merit, potential impact of project and mentoring plan. 3 13 32 Undergraduate Research N Experiential Learning Opportunity; GLD-Research; Undergraduate Research Programs,Research,,Critical and creative thinking,Problem solving
Undergraduate Research Programs


Undergraduate Research Programs - The primary mission of Undergraduate Research Programs is to engage students in investigative and creative activity to experience firsthand the processes of scholarly exploration and discovery.

Undergraduate Research - Independent Study Credit
Students work with a mentor, for academic course credit (generally through independent study) to conduct a discipline specific research project that explores their field of interest through a hands-on project. Mentors and students develop and determine expectations, objectives, and the method of evaluation prior to course registration and approval.
Summer 2019 Undergraduate Research Students work with a mentor, for academic course credit (generally through independent study) to conduct a discipline specific research project that explores their field of interest through a hands-on project. Mentors and students develop and determine expectations, objectives, and the method of evaluation prior to course registration and approval. 3 13 32 Undergraduate Research N Experiential Learning Opportunity; GLD-Research; Undergraduate Research Programs,Research,,Critical and creative thinking,Problem solving
Learning Assistance Programs


Learning Assistance Programs - The primary mission of Learning Assistance Programs must be to provide students with resources and opportunities to improve their ability to learn and to achieve academic success.

Peer Tutoring
Students participate in a tutoring session for a specific academic course in which they are currently enrolled.
Spring 2018 Educational Support Students participate in a tutoring session for a specific academic course in which they are currently enrolled. 3 11 30 Student Success Center N ; Learning Assistance Programs,Study / Practice intellectual skills,Apply specialized knowledge,Specialized knowledge and skills,
Learning Assistance Programs


Learning Assistance Programs - The primary mission of Learning Assistance Programs must be to provide students with resources and opportunities to improve their ability to learn and to achieve academic success.

Peer Tutoring
Students participate in a tutoring session for a specific academic course in which they are currently enrolled.
Fall 2017 Educational Support Students participate in a tutoring session for a specific academic course in which they are currently enrolled. 3 11 30 Student Success Center N ; Learning Assistance Programs,Study / Practice intellectual skills,Apply specialized knowledge,Specialized knowledge and skills,
Learning Assistance Programs


Learning Assistance Programs - The primary mission of Learning Assistance Programs must be to provide students with resources and opportunities to improve their ability to learn and to achieve academic success.

Success Consultation
Students meet 1-1 with a trained peer consultant to assist students in understanding course material, develop self-regulated learning skills, and create an action plan for positive academic behaviors.
Spring 2018 Educational Support Students meet 1-1 with a trained peer consultant to assist students in understanding course material, develop self-regulated learning skills, and create an action plan for positive academic behaviors. 3 11 30 Student Success Center N ; Learning Assistance Programs,Study / Practice intellectual skills,Study / Practice self knowledge,Foundations and skills for lifelong learning,
Learning Assistance Programs


Learning Assistance Programs - The primary mission of Learning Assistance Programs must be to provide students with resources and opportunities to improve their ability to learn and to achieve academic success.

Money Management Consultation
Students participate in a 1:1 meeting with a Financial Literacy Consultant, to explore financial management topics including basic money management, credit, debt management, and student loan repayment policies.
Fall 2019 Educational Support Students participate in a 1:1 meeting with a Financial Literacy Consultant, to explore financial management topics including basic money management, credit, debt management, and student loan repayment policies. 3 11 30 Student Success Center N ; Learning Assistance Programs,Study / Practice financial literacy,Study / Practice self knowledge,Financial literacy,Problem solving
Career Services


Career Services - The primary mission of Career Services is to assist students and other designated clients in developing, evaluating, and implementing career, education, and employment plans.

Career Coaching - LinkedIn
Students interact 1-1 with a staff member to identify resources and develop a plan for obtaining employment.
Fall 2018 Career Development Students interact 1-1 with a staff member to identify resources and develop a plan for obtaining employment. 3 11 30 Career Center N ; Career Services,Career development,,Problem solving,
Career Services


Career Services - The primary mission of Career Services is to assist students and other designated clients in developing, evaluating, and implementing career, education, and employment plans.

Career Coaching - LinkedIn
Students interact 1-1 with a staff member to identify resources and develop a plan for obtaining employment.
Spring 2018 Career Development Students interact 1-1 with a staff member to identify resources and develop a plan for obtaining employment. 3 11 30 Career Center N ; Career Services,Career development,,Problem solving,
Career Services


Career Services - The primary mission of Career Services is to assist students and other designated clients in developing, evaluating, and implementing career, education, and employment plans.

Career Coaching - LinkedIn
Students interact 1-1 with a staff member to identify resources and develop a plan for obtaining employment.
Fall 2017 Career Development Students interact 1-1 with a staff member to identify resources and develop a plan for obtaining employment. 3 11 30 Career Center N ; Career Services,Career development,,Problem solving,
Career Services


Career Services - The primary mission of Career Services is to assist students and other designated clients in developing, evaluating, and implementing career, education, and employment plans.

Career Coaching - Personal Statement / Essay Reviews
Students interact 1-1 with a staff member to identify resources and develop a plan for obtaining employment.
Fall 2018 Career Development Students interact 1-1 with a staff member to identify resources and develop a plan for obtaining employment. 3 11 30 Career Center N ; Career Services,Career development,,Problem solving,
Career Services


Career Services - The primary mission of Career Services is to assist students and other designated clients in developing, evaluating, and implementing career, education, and employment plans.

Career Coaching - Personal Statement / Essay Reviews
Students interact 1-1 with a staff member to identify resources and develop a plan for obtaining employment.
Spring 2018 Career Development Students interact 1-1 with a staff member to identify resources and develop a plan for obtaining employment. 3 11 30 Career Center N ; Career Services,Career development,,Problem solving,
Career Services


Career Services - The primary mission of Career Services is to assist students and other designated clients in developing, evaluating, and implementing career, education, and employment plans.

Career Coaching - Personal Statement / Essay Reviews
Students interact 1-1 with a staff member to identify resources and develop a plan for obtaining employment.
Fall 2017 Career Development Students interact 1-1 with a staff member to identify resources and develop a plan for obtaining employment. 3 11 30 Career Center N ; Career Services,Career development,,Problem solving,
Career Services


Career Services - The primary mission of Career Services is to assist students and other designated clients in developing, evaluating, and implementing career, education, and employment plans.

Career Coaching - Personal Statement / Essay Reviews
Students interact 1-1 with a staff member to identify resources and develop a plan for obtaining employment.
Spring 2017 Career Development Students interact 1-1 with a staff member to identify resources and develop a plan for obtaining employment. 3 11 30 Career Center N ; Career Services,Career development,,Problem solving,
Career Services


Career Services - The primary mission of Career Services is to assist students and other designated clients in developing, evaluating, and implementing career, education, and employment plans.

Career Coaching - Personal Statement / Essay Reviews
Students interact 1-1 with a staff member to identify resources and develop a plan for obtaining employment.
Fall 2016 Career Development Students interact 1-1 with a staff member to identify resources and develop a plan for obtaining employment. 3 11 30 Career Center N ; Career Services,Career development,,Problem solving,
Career Services


Career Services - The primary mission of Career Services is to assist students and other designated clients in developing, evaluating, and implementing career, education, and employment plans.

Career Coaching - Part-time Job Strategies
Students interact 1-1 with a staff member to identify resources and and develop a plan for obtaining employment.
Fall 2018 Career Development Students interact 1-1 with a staff member to identify resources and and develop a plan for obtaining employment. 3 11 30 Career Center N ; Career Services,Career development,,Problem solving,
Career Services


Career Services - The primary mission of Career Services is to assist students and other designated clients in developing, evaluating, and implementing career, education, and employment plans.

Career Coaching - Part-time Job Strategies
Students interact 1-1 with a staff member to identify resources and and develop a plan for obtaining employment.
Spring 2018 Career Development Students interact 1-1 with a staff member to identify resources and and develop a plan for obtaining employment. 3 11 30 Career Center N ; Career Services,Career development,,Problem solving,
Career Services


Career Services - The primary mission of Career Services is to assist students and other designated clients in developing, evaluating, and implementing career, education, and employment plans.

Career Coaching - Part-time Job Strategies
Students interact 1-1 with a staff member to identify resources and and develop a plan for obtaining employment.
Fall 2017 Career Development Students interact 1-1 with a staff member to identify resources and and develop a plan for obtaining employment. 3 11 30 Career Center N ; Career Services,Career development,,Problem solving,
Career Services


Career Services - The primary mission of Career Services is to assist students and other designated clients in developing, evaluating, and implementing career, education, and employment plans.

Career Coaching - Full-time Job Strategies
Students interact 1-1 with a staff member to identify resources and develop a plan for seeking employment.
Fall 2018 Career Development Students interact 1-1 with a staff member to identify resources and develop a plan for seeking employment. 3 11 30 Career Center N ; Career Services,Career development,,Problem solving,
Career Services


Career Services - The primary mission of Career Services is to assist students and other designated clients in developing, evaluating, and implementing career, education, and employment plans.

Career Coaching - Full-time Job Strategies
Students interact 1-1 with a staff member to identify resources and develop a plan for seeking employment.
Spring 2018 Career Development Students interact 1-1 with a staff member to identify resources and develop a plan for seeking employment. 3 11 30 Career Center N ; Career Services,Career development,,Problem solving,
Career Services


Career Services - The primary mission of Career Services is to assist students and other designated clients in developing, evaluating, and implementing career, education, and employment plans.

Career Coaching - Full-time Job Strategies
Students interact 1-1 with a staff member to identify resources and develop a plan for seeking employment.
Fall 2017 Career Development Students interact 1-1 with a staff member to identify resources and develop a plan for seeking employment. 3 11 30 Career Center N ; Career Services,Career development,,Problem solving,
Career Services


Career Services - The primary mission of Career Services is to assist students and other designated clients in developing, evaluating, and implementing career, education, and employment plans.

Career Coaching - Job Fair Preparation
Students interact 1-1 with a staff member to identify resources and develop a plan for obtaining employment.
Fall 2018 Career Development Students interact 1-1 with a staff member to identify resources and develop a plan for obtaining employment. 3 11 30 Career Center N ; Career Services,Career development,,Problem solving,
Career Services


Career Services - The primary mission of Career Services is to assist students and other designated clients in developing, evaluating, and implementing career, education, and employment plans.

Career Coaching - Job Fair Preparation
Students interact 1-1 with a staff member to identify resources and develop a plan for obtaining employment.
Spring 2018 Career Development Students interact 1-1 with a staff member to identify resources and develop a plan for obtaining employment. 3 11 30 Career Center N ; Career Services,Career development,,Problem solving,
Career Services


Career Services - The primary mission of Career Services is to assist students and other designated clients in developing, evaluating, and implementing career, education, and employment plans.

Career Coaching - Job Fair Preparation
Students interact 1-1 with a staff member to identify resources and develop a plan for obtaining employment.
Fall 2017 Career Development Students interact 1-1 with a staff member to identify resources and develop a plan for obtaining employment. 3 11 30 Career Center N ; Career Services,Career development,,Problem solving,
Career Services


Career Services - The primary mission of Career Services is to assist students and other designated clients in developing, evaluating, and implementing career, education, and employment plans.

Career Coaching - Resume / Cover Letter Review
Students interact 1-1 with a staff member to identify resources and plan for obtaining employment.
Spring 2018 Career Development Students interact 1-1 with a staff member to identify resources and plan for obtaining employment. 3 11 30 Career Center N ; Career Services,Career development,,Problem solving,
Career Services


Career Services - The primary mission of Career Services is to assist students and other designated clients in developing, evaluating, and implementing career, education, and employment plans.

Career Coaching - Resume / Cover Letter Review
Students interact 1-1 with a staff member to identify resources and plan for obtaining employment.
Fall 2017 Career Development Students interact 1-1 with a staff member to identify resources and plan for obtaining employment. 3 11 30 Career Center N ; Career Services,Career development,,Problem solving,
Career Services


Career Services - The primary mission of Career Services is to assist students and other designated clients in developing, evaluating, and implementing career, education, and employment plans.

Career Coaching - Resume / Cover Letter Review
Students interact 1-1 with a staff member to identify resources and plan for obtaining employment.
Spring 2017 Career Development Students interact 1-1 with a staff member to identify resources and plan for obtaining employment. 3 11 30 Career Center N ; Career Services,Career development,,Problem solving,
Career Services


Career Services - The primary mission of Career Services is to assist students and other designated clients in developing, evaluating, and implementing career, education, and employment plans.

Career Coaching - Resume / Cover Letter Review
Students interact 1-1 with a staff member to identify resources and plan for obtaining employment.
Fall 2016 Career Development Students interact 1-1 with a staff member to identify resources and plan for obtaining employment. 3 11 30 Career Center N ; Career Services,Career development,,Problem solving,
Career Services


Career Services - The primary mission of Career Services is to assist students and other designated clients in developing, evaluating, and implementing career, education, and employment plans.

Career Coaching - Resume / Cover Letter Review
Students interact 1-1 with a staff member to identify resources and plan for obtaining employment.
Summer 2017 Career Development Students interact 1-1 with a staff member to identify resources and plan for obtaining employment. 3 11 30 Career Center N ; Career Services,Career development,,Problem solving,
Career Services


Career Services - The primary mission of Career Services is to assist students and other designated clients in developing, evaluating, and implementing career, education, and employment plans.

Career Coaching - Resume / Cover Letter Review
Students interact 1-1 with a staff member to identify resources and plan for obtaining employment.
Summer 2018 Career Development Students interact 1-1 with a staff member to identify resources and plan for obtaining employment. 3 11 30 Career Center N ; Career Services,Career development,,Problem solving,
Career Services


Career Services - The primary mission of Career Services is to assist students and other designated clients in developing, evaluating, and implementing career, education, and employment plans.

Career Coaching - LinkedIn
Students interact 1-1 with a staff member to identify resources and develop a plan for obtaining employment.
Fall 2016 Career Development Students interact 1-1 with a staff member to identify resources and develop a plan for obtaining employment. 3 11 30 Career Center N ; Career Services,Career development,,Problem solving,
Career Services


Career Services - The primary mission of Career Services is to assist students and other designated clients in developing, evaluating, and implementing career, education, and employment plans.

Career Coaching - LinkedIn
Students interact 1-1 with a staff member to identify resources and develop a plan for obtaining employment.
Spring 2017 Career Development Students interact 1-1 with a staff member to identify resources and develop a plan for obtaining employment. 3 11 30 Career Center N ; Career Services,Career development,,Problem solving,
Career Services


Career Services - The primary mission of Career Services is to assist students and other designated clients in developing, evaluating, and implementing career, education, and employment plans.

Career Coaching - Part-time Job Strategies
Students interact 1-1 with a staff member to identify resources and and develop a plan for obtaining employment.
Fall 2016 Career Development Students interact 1-1 with a staff member to identify resources and and develop a plan for obtaining employment. 3 11 30 Career Center N ; Career Services,Career development,,Problem solving,
Career Services


Career Services - The primary mission of Career Services is to assist students and other designated clients in developing, evaluating, and implementing career, education, and employment plans.

Career Coaching - Part-time Job Strategies
Students interact 1-1 with a staff member to identify resources and and develop a plan for obtaining employment.
Spring 2017 Career Development Students interact 1-1 with a staff member to identify resources and and develop a plan for obtaining employment. 3 11 30 Career Center N ; Career Services,Career development,,Problem solving,
Career Services


Career Services - The primary mission of Career Services is to assist students and other designated clients in developing, evaluating, and implementing career, education, and employment plans.

Career Coaching - Full-time Job Strategies
Students interact 1-1 with a staff member to identify resources and develop a plan for seeking employment.
Fall 2016 Career Development Students interact 1-1 with a staff member to identify resources and develop a plan for seeking employment. 3 11 30 Career Center N ; Career Services,Career development,,Problem solving,
Career Services


Career Services - The primary mission of Career Services is to assist students and other designated clients in developing, evaluating, and implementing career, education, and employment plans.

Career Coaching - Full-time Job Strategies
Students interact 1-1 with a staff member to identify resources and develop a plan for seeking employment.
Spring 2017 Career Development Students interact 1-1 with a staff member to identify resources and develop a plan for seeking employment. 3 11 30 Career Center N ; Career Services,Career development,,Problem solving,
Career Services


Career Services - The primary mission of Career Services is to assist students and other designated clients in developing, evaluating, and implementing career, education, and employment plans.

Career Coaching - Parallel Career Path
Students interact with professional career coach to explore options regarding choice of major and career fields, in recognition of competitive admissions practices and other factors that may affect plans.
Spring 2017 Career Development Students interact with professional career coach to explore options regarding choice of major and career fields, in recognition of competitive admissions practices and other factors that may affect plans. 3 11 30 Career Center N ; Career Services,Career development,Study / Practice self knowledge,Problem solving,Self-knowledge
Academic Advising Programs


Academic Advising Programs - The primary purpose of Academic Advising Programs is to assist students in the development of meaningful educational plans.

Academic Coaching Appointment
Students meet 1-1 with a coach to create an academic and engagement plan, set goals, and share resources; sessions are tailored to meet each student's needs and may include general advising, academic planning, strengths identification, planning campus involvement, and navigating campus resources.
Summer 2019 Educational Support Students meet 1-1 with a coach to create an academic and engagement plan, set goals, and share resources; sessions are tailored to meet each student's needs and may include general advising, academic planning, strengths identification, planning campus involvement, and navigating campus resources. 3 12 34 University Advising Center N ; Academic Advising Programs,Study / Practice intellectual skills,Study / Practice self knowledge,Foundations and skills for lifelong learning,Personal and social responsibility - Striving for excellence
Academic Advising Programs


Academic Advising Programs - The primary purpose of Academic Advising Programs is to assist students in the development of meaningful educational plans.

Exploratory Advising / Major Change
Students meet 1-on-1 with an Exploratory Advisor to explore majors/degree programs, learn how to change majors, evaluate how completed coursework will apply to a new major, plan class schedules, and get help with general advisement questions.
Summer 2019 Educational Support Students meet 1-on-1 with an Exploratory Advisor to explore majors/degree programs, learn how to change majors, evaluate how completed coursework will apply to a new major, plan class schedules, and get help with general advisement questions. 3 12 34 University Advising Center N ; Academic Advising Programs,Study / Practice intellectual skills,Study / Practice self knowledge,Self-knowledge,
Learning Assistance Programs


Learning Assistance Programs - The primary mission of Learning Assistance Programs must be to provide students with resources and opportunities to improve their ability to learn and to achieve academic success.

Money Management Consultation
Students participate in a 1:1 meeting with a Financial Literacy Consultant, to explore financial management topics including basic money management, credit, debt management, and student loan repayment policies.
Summer 2019 Educational Support Students participate in a 1:1 meeting with a Financial Literacy Consultant, to explore financial management topics including basic money management, credit, debt management, and student loan repayment policies. 3 11 30 Student Success Center N ; Learning Assistance Programs,Study / Practice financial literacy,Study / Practice self knowledge,Financial literacy,Problem solving
Learning Assistance Programs


Learning Assistance Programs - The primary mission of Learning Assistance Programs must be to provide students with resources and opportunities to improve their ability to learn and to achieve academic success.

Success Consultation
Students meet 1-1 with a trained peer consultant to assist students in understanding course material, develop self-regulated learning skills, and create an action plan for positive academic behaviors.
Summer 2019 Educational Support Students meet 1-1 with a trained peer consultant to assist students in understanding course material, develop self-regulated learning skills, and create an action plan for positive academic behaviors. 3 11 30 Student Success Center N ; Learning Assistance Programs,Study / Practice intellectual skills,Study / Practice self knowledge,Foundations and skills for lifelong learning,
Transfer Student Programs and Services


Transfer Student Programs and Services - The mission of Transfer Student Programs and Services is to aid in the successful transfer, persistence, and graduation of transfer students.

Transfer Success Consultation
Transfer students participate in a 1:1 meeting with the Transfer Coordinator, to discuss academic referrals, current academic challenges, and to identify academic and campus resources.
Summer 2019 Educational Support Transfer students participate in a 1:1 meeting with the Transfer Coordinator, to discuss academic referrals, current academic challenges, and to identify academic and campus resources. 3 11 30 Carolina Experience N ; Transfer Student Programs and Services,Study / Practice self knowledge,,Personal and social responsibility - Striving for excellence,
Learning Assistance Programs


Learning Assistance Programs - The primary mission of Learning Assistance Programs must be to provide students with resources and opportunities to improve their ability to learn and to achieve academic success.

Take an Instructor to Lunch
Student invites and interacts with an instructor over lunch. To participate, student meets with a staff member to learn expectations of the program and plan their conversation with their instructor, invites the instructor, uses a dining card provided to pay for lunch, then completes a written reflection on their experience.
Summer 2019 Community Building Student invites and interacts with an instructor over lunch. To participate, student meets with a staff member to learn expectations of the program and plan their conversation with their instructor, invites the instructor, uses a dining card provided to pay for lunch, then completes a written reflection on their experience. 3 11 30 Student Success Center N ; Learning Assistance Programs,Connecting with others,,Communication - spoken,Interpersonal skills
Career Services


Career Services - The primary mission of Career Services is to assist students and other designated clients in developing, evaluating, and implementing career, education, and employment plans.

Career Coaching - Parallel Career Path
Students interact with professional career coach to explore options regarding choice of major and career fields, in recognition of competitive admissions practices and other factors that may affect plans.
Fall 2017 Career Development Students interact with professional career coach to explore options regarding choice of major and career fields, in recognition of competitive admissions practices and other factors that may affect plans. 3 11 30 Career Center N ; Career Services,Career development,Study / Practice self knowledge,Problem solving,Self-knowledge
Career Services


Career Services - The primary mission of Career Services is to assist students and other designated clients in developing, evaluating, and implementing career, education, and employment plans.

Career Coaching - Job Fair Preparation
Students interact 1-1 with a staff member to identify resources and develop a plan for obtaining employment.
Fall 2016 Career Development Students interact 1-1 with a staff member to identify resources and develop a plan for obtaining employment. 3 11 30 Career Center N ; Career Services,Career development,,Problem solving,
Career Services


Career Services - The primary mission of Career Services is to assist students and other designated clients in developing, evaluating, and implementing career, education, and employment plans.

Career Coaching - Job Fair Preparation
Students interact 1-1 with a staff member to identify resources and develop a plan for obtaining employment.
Spring 2017 Career Development Students interact 1-1 with a staff member to identify resources and develop a plan for obtaining employment. 3 11 30 Career Center N ; Career Services,Career development,,Problem solving,
Career Services


Career Services - The primary mission of Career Services is to assist students and other designated clients in developing, evaluating, and implementing career, education, and employment plans.

Career Management Platform - How to Use Handshake
Students receive instruction on how to use the career management tool called Handshake to create and manage job search documents, register for career events, and connect with employers.
Fall 2017 Career Development Students receive instruction on how to use the career management tool called Handshake to create and manage job search documents, register for career events, and connect with employers. 3 11 30 Career Center N ; Career Services,Career development,,Self-knowledge,
Career Services


Career Services - The primary mission of Career Services is to assist students and other designated clients in developing, evaluating, and implementing career, education, and employment plans.

Career Management Platform - How to Use Handshake
Students receive instruction on how to use the career management tool called Handshake to create and manage job search documents, register for career events, and connect with employers.
Spring 2018 Career Development Students receive instruction on how to use the career management tool called Handshake to create and manage job search documents, register for career events, and connect with employers. 3 11 30 Career Center N ; Career Services,Career development,,Self-knowledge,
Career Services


Career Services - The primary mission of Career Services is to assist students and other designated clients in developing, evaluating, and implementing career, education, and employment plans.

Career Coaching - Mock Interview
Students participate in a mock interview, and receive feedback from a professional staff member to improve their future performance.
Summer 2017 Career Development Students participate in a mock interview, and receive feedback from a professional staff member to improve their future performance. 3 11 30 Career Center N ; Career Services,Career development,,Self-knowledge,Communication - spoken
Career Services


Career Services - The primary mission of Career Services is to assist students and other designated clients in developing, evaluating, and implementing career, education, and employment plans.

Career Coaching - Drop-In Session
Students stop by the Career Center for a brief discussion with a staff member or a quick review of their resume.
Fall 2017 Career Development Students stop by the Career Center for a brief discussion with a staff member or a quick review of their resume. 3 11 30 Career Center N ; Career Services,Study / Practice self knowledge,,Self-knowledge,
Career Services


Career Services - The primary mission of Career Services is to assist students and other designated clients in developing, evaluating, and implementing career, education, and employment plans.

Career Coaching - Drop-In Session
Students stop by the Career Center for a brief discussion with a staff member or a quick review of their resume.
Summer 2018 Career Development Students stop by the Career Center for a brief discussion with a staff member or a quick review of their resume. 3 11 30 Career Center N ; Career Services,Study / Practice self knowledge,,Self-knowledge,
Student Leadership Programs


Student Leadership Programs - The mission of Student Leadership Programs must be to prepare students to engage in the process of leadership.

Sustainable Carolina Peer Leader
Student interact with their peers on campus as they work to implement programs outlined in the campus sustainability plan aimed at improving sustainability practices on campus. Students also host community programs and camps for school age children and families, teaching sustainability practices and the importance of a healthy lifestyle.
Fall 2019 Peer Educator Student interact with their peers on campus as they work to implement programs outlined in the campus sustainability plan aimed at improving sustainability practices on campus. Students also host community programs and camps for school age children and families, teaching sustainability practices and the importance of a healthy lifestyle. 3 11 29 Sustainability N Experiential Learning Opportunity; GLD-Community Service; GLD-Professional & Civic Engagement; Student Leadership Programs,Leadership,,Influencing others,Personal and social responsibility - Contributing to a larger community
Student Leadership Programs


Student Leadership Programs - The mission of Student Leadership Programs must be to prepare students to engage in the process of leadership.

Sustainable Carolina Project Coordinator
Each project coordinator leads a team of students to implement a designated project in support of a goal outlined in the campus sustainability plan. The role requires collaboration with other teams, campus stakeholders, and community partners, and requires them to delegate work, solve problems, and make decisions.
Fall 2019 Peer Educator Each project coordinator leads a team of students to implement a designated project in support of a goal outlined in the campus sustainability plan. The role requires collaboration with other teams, campus stakeholders, and community partners, and requires them to delegate work, solve problems, and make decisions. 3 11 29 Sustainability N Experiential Learning Opportunity; GLD-Professional & Civic Engagement; Student Leadership Programs,Leadership,Apply specialized knowledge,Problem solving,Professionalism / career readiness
Student Leadership Programs


Student Leadership Programs - The mission of Student Leadership Programs must be to prepare students to engage in the process of leadership.

Changing Carolina Peer Leader
Student health educators deliver presentations, plan and implement educational programs and events, and research national and campus trends and issues around health and well-being, to help their peers explore the fundamentals of a healthy lifestyle.
Fall 2019 Peer Educator Student health educators deliver presentations, plan and implement educational programs and events, and research national and campus trends and issues around health and well-being, to help their peers explore the fundamentals of a healthy lifestyle. 3 11 117 Healthy Campus Initiatives N GLD-Professional & Civic Engagement; Experiential Learning Opportunity; Student Leadership Programs,Leadership,Apply specialized knowledge,Communication - spoken,Influencing others
Civic Engagement & Service-Learning Programs


Civic Engagement & Service-Learning Programs - The primary mission of Service-Learning Programs is to engage students in experiences that address human and community needs together with structured opportunities for reflection intentionally designed to promote student learning and development.

Gamecock Pantry Pals
Students organize donations, shelve inventory, and communicate information about the Gamecock Pantry to campus constituents. The pantry was created by students, for students, and provides food assistance and other resources to enhance well-being.
Fall 2019 Service on Campus Students organize donations, shelve inventory, and communicate information about the Gamecock Pantry to campus constituents. The pantry was created by students, for students, and provides food assistance and other resources to enhance well-being. 3 11 28 Leadership & Service Center N GLD-Community Service; Civic Engagement & Service-Learning Programs,Community service / civic engagement,Connecting with others,Interpersonal skills,
Civic Engagement & Service-Learning Programs


Civic Engagement & Service-Learning Programs - The primary mission of Service-Learning Programs is to engage students in experiences that address human and community needs together with structured opportunities for reflection intentionally designed to promote student learning and development.

Alternative Break
As part of a team of volunteers, students travel to a local or regional community during fall, winter, or spring breaks to provide a community service project around a social issue.
Fall 2019 Civic Engagement As part of a team of volunteers, students travel to a local or regional community during fall, winter, or spring breaks to provide a community service project around a social issue. 3 11 28 Leadership & Service Center N GLD-Community Service; Civic Engagement & Service-Learning Programs,Community service / civic engagement,Connecting with others,Teamwork,Civic knowledge and engagement
Student Leadership Programs


Student Leadership Programs - The mission of Student Leadership Programs must be to prepare students to engage in the process of leadership.

Alternative Break Leader
Students lead a group of peers in an immersive service experience that occurs during a scheduled break in the academic year. Leaders plan and implement a trip in a theme of their choice, resolve problems that occur during the trip, and communicate with leaders of the agency or community that is the focus of the service.
Fall 2019 Peer Educator Students lead a group of peers in an immersive service experience that occurs during a scheduled break in the academic year. Leaders plan and implement a trip in a theme of their choice, resolve problems that occur during the trip, and communicate with leaders of the agency or community that is the focus of the service. 3 11 28 Leadership & Service Center N GLD-Professional & Civic Engagement; GLD-Community Service; Experiential Learning Opportunity; Student Leadership Programs,Leadership,Community service / civic engagement,Critical and creative thinking,Civic knowledge and engagement
Career Services


Career Services - The primary mission of Career Services is to assist students and other designated clients in developing, evaluating, and implementing career, education, and employment plans.

Career Coaching - Part-time Job Strategies
Students interact 1-1 with a staff member to identify resources and and develop a plan for obtaining employment.
Summer 2016 Career Development Students interact 1-1 with a staff member to identify resources and and develop a plan for obtaining employment. 3 11 30 Career Center N ; Career Services,Career development,,Problem solving,
Career Services


Career Services - The primary mission of Career Services is to assist students and other designated clients in developing, evaluating, and implementing career, education, and employment plans.

Career Coaching - Part-time Job Strategies
Students interact 1-1 with a staff member to identify resources and and develop a plan for obtaining employment.
Summer 2017 Career Development Students interact 1-1 with a staff member to identify resources and and develop a plan for obtaining employment. 3 11 30 Career Center N ; Career Services,Career development,,Problem solving,
Career Services


Career Services - The primary mission of Career Services is to assist students and other designated clients in developing, evaluating, and implementing career, education, and employment plans.

Career Coaching - Part-time Job Strategies
Students interact 1-1 with a staff member to identify resources and and develop a plan for obtaining employment.
Summer 2018 Career Development Students interact 1-1 with a staff member to identify resources and and develop a plan for obtaining employment. 3 11 30 Career Center N ; Career Services,Career development,,Problem solving,
Career Services


Career Services - The primary mission of Career Services is to assist students and other designated clients in developing, evaluating, and implementing career, education, and employment plans.

Career Coaching - Interview Preparation
Student interacts 1-1 with a professional staff member to prepare for interviews for employment or admission to graduate/professional schools.
Summer 2017 Career Development Student interacts 1-1 with a professional staff member to prepare for interviews for employment or admission to graduate/professional schools. 3 11 30 Career Center N ; Career Services,Career development,Study / Practice self knowledge,Self-knowledge,Problem solving
Career Services


Career Services - The primary mission of Career Services is to assist students and other designated clients in developing, evaluating, and implementing career, education, and employment plans.

Career Coaching - Interview Preparation
Student interacts 1-1 with a professional staff member to prepare for interviews for employment or admission to graduate/professional schools.
Summer 2018 Career Development Student interacts 1-1 with a professional staff member to prepare for interviews for employment or admission to graduate/professional schools. 3 11 30 Career Center N ; Career Services,Career development,Study / Practice self knowledge,Self-knowledge,Problem solving
Career Services


Career Services - The primary mission of Career Services is to assist students and other designated clients in developing, evaluating, and implementing career, education, and employment plans.

Career Coaching - Full-time Job Strategies
Students interact 1-1 with a staff member to identify resources and develop a plan for seeking employment.
Summer 2016 Career Development Students interact 1-1 with a staff member to identify resources and develop a plan for seeking employment. 3 11 30 Career Center N ; Career Services,Career development,,Problem solving,
Career Services


Career Services - The primary mission of Career Services is to assist students and other designated clients in developing, evaluating, and implementing career, education, and employment plans.

Career Coaching - Full-time Job Strategies
Students interact 1-1 with a staff member to identify resources and develop a plan for seeking employment.
Summer 2017 Career Development Students interact 1-1 with a staff member to identify resources and develop a plan for seeking employment. 3 11 30 Career Center N ; Career Services,Career development,,Problem solving,
Career Services


Career Services - The primary mission of Career Services is to assist students and other designated clients in developing, evaluating, and implementing career, education, and employment plans.

Career Coaching - Full-time Job Strategies
Students interact 1-1 with a staff member to identify resources and develop a plan for seeking employment.
Summer 2018 Career Development Students interact 1-1 with a staff member to identify resources and develop a plan for seeking employment. 3 11 30 Career Center N ; Career Services,Career development,,Problem solving,
Career Services


Career Services - The primary mission of Career Services is to assist students and other designated clients in developing, evaluating, and implementing career, education, and employment plans.

Career Coaching - Curriculum Vita / Cover Letter Review
Students interact 1-1 with a professional staff member who reviews students' vita and cover letter, provides feedback, and helps students explore presentation options.
Summer 2017 Career Development Students interact 1-1 with a professional staff member who reviews students' vita and cover letter, provides feedback, and helps students explore presentation options. 3 11 30 Career Center N ; Career Services,Career development,Study / Practice self knowledge,Problem solving,Self-knowledge
Career Services


Career Services - The primary mission of Career Services is to assist students and other designated clients in developing, evaluating, and implementing career, education, and employment plans.

Career Coaching - Curriculum Vita / Cover Letter Review
Students interact 1-1 with a professional staff member who reviews students' vita and cover letter, provides feedback, and helps students explore presentation options.
Summer 2018 Career Development Students interact 1-1 with a professional staff member who reviews students' vita and cover letter, provides feedback, and helps students explore presentation options. 3 11 30 Career Center N ; Career Services,Career development,Study / Practice self knowledge,Problem solving,Self-knowledge
Career Services


Career Services - The primary mission of Career Services is to assist students and other designated clients in developing, evaluating, and implementing career, education, and employment plans.

Career Coaching - Personal Statement / Essay Reviews
Students interact 1-1 with a staff member to identify resources and develop a plan for obtaining employment.
Summer 2017 Career Development Students interact 1-1 with a staff member to identify resources and develop a plan for obtaining employment. 3 11 30 Career Center N ; Career Services,Career development,,Problem solving,
Career Services


Career Services - The primary mission of Career Services is to assist students and other designated clients in developing, evaluating, and implementing career, education, and employment plans.

Career Coaching - Personal Statement / Essay Reviews
Students interact 1-1 with a staff member to identify resources and develop a plan for obtaining employment.
Summer 2018 Career Development Students interact 1-1 with a staff member to identify resources and develop a plan for obtaining employment. 3 11 30 Career Center N ; Career Services,Career development,,Problem solving,
Career Services


Career Services - The primary mission of Career Services is to assist students and other designated clients in developing, evaluating, and implementing career, education, and employment plans.

Career Coaching - Choosing a Major/Career
Students interact 1-1 with a trained career coach regarding making career /major decisions by exploring student interests, abilities, aptitudes, and alignment with options for choice of major and career field.
Summer 2016 Career Development Students interact 1-1 with a trained career coach regarding making career /major decisions by exploring student interests, abilities, aptitudes, and alignment with options for choice of major and career field. 3 11 30 Career Center N ; Career Services,Study / Practice self knowledge,Career development,Self-knowledge,Problem solving
Career Services


Career Services - The primary mission of Career Services is to assist students and other designated clients in developing, evaluating, and implementing career, education, and employment plans.

Career Coaching - Choosing a Major/Career
Students interact 1-1 with a trained career coach regarding making career /major decisions by exploring student interests, abilities, aptitudes, and alignment with options for choice of major and career field.
Summer 2017 Career Development Students interact 1-1 with a trained career coach regarding making career /major decisions by exploring student interests, abilities, aptitudes, and alignment with options for choice of major and career field. 3 11 30 Career Center N ; Career Services,Study / Practice self knowledge,Career development,Self-knowledge,Problem solving
Career Services


Career Services - The primary mission of Career Services is to assist students and other designated clients in developing, evaluating, and implementing career, education, and employment plans.

Career Coaching - Choosing a Major/Career
Students interact 1-1 with a trained career coach regarding making career /major decisions by exploring student interests, abilities, aptitudes, and alignment with options for choice of major and career field.
Summer 2018 Career Development Students interact 1-1 with a trained career coach regarding making career /major decisions by exploring student interests, abilities, aptitudes, and alignment with options for choice of major and career field. 3 11 30 Career Center N ; Career Services,Study / Practice self knowledge,Career development,Self-knowledge,Problem solving
Career Services


Career Services - The primary mission of Career Services is to assist students and other designated clients in developing, evaluating, and implementing career, education, and employment plans.

Career Coaching - LinkedIn
Students interact 1-1 with a staff member to identify resources and develop a plan for obtaining employment.
Summer 2016 Career Development Students interact 1-1 with a staff member to identify resources and develop a plan for obtaining employment. 3 11 30 Career Center N ; Career Services,Career development,,Problem solving,
Career Services


Career Services - The primary mission of Career Services is to assist students and other designated clients in developing, evaluating, and implementing career, education, and employment plans.

Career Coaching - LinkedIn
Students interact 1-1 with a staff member to identify resources and develop a plan for obtaining employment.
Summer 2017 Career Development Students interact 1-1 with a staff member to identify resources and develop a plan for obtaining employment. 3 11 30 Career Center N ; Career Services,Career development,,Problem solving,
Career Services


Career Services - The primary mission of Career Services is to assist students and other designated clients in developing, evaluating, and implementing career, education, and employment plans.

Career Coaching - LinkedIn
Students interact 1-1 with a staff member to identify resources and develop a plan for obtaining employment.
Summer 2018 Career Development Students interact 1-1 with a staff member to identify resources and develop a plan for obtaining employment. 3 11 30 Career Center N ; Career Services,Career development,,Problem solving,
Student Leadership Programs


Student Leadership Programs - The mission of Student Leadership Programs must be to prepare students to engage in the process of leadership.

Carolina Judicial Council
Council members serve on judicial panels that hold hearings concerning alleged violations of the Student Code of Conduct and the Honor Code. The Council makes decisions regarding code infractions and appropriate sanctions for students found responsible for such violations.
Fall 2019 Peer Educator Council members serve on judicial panels that hold hearings concerning alleged violations of the Student Code of Conduct and the Honor Code. The Council makes decisions regarding code infractions and appropriate sanctions for students found responsible for such violations. 3 11 88 Student Conduct & Academic Integrity N Experiential Learning Opportunity; GLD-Professional & Civic Engagement; Student Leadership Programs,Apply specialized knowledge,Career readiness,Critical and creative thinking,Inquiry and analysis
Student Leadership Programs


Student Leadership Programs - The mission of Student Leadership Programs must be to prepare students to engage in the process of leadership.

Career Center Ambassador
Students provide peer-to-peer career coaching to fellow students at USC. In addition to working directly with students, Career Ambassadors also conduct outreach activities for classes, residence halls and Greek houses.
Fall 2019 Peer Educator Students provide peer-to-peer career coaching to fellow students at USC. In addition to working directly with students, Career Ambassadors also conduct outreach activities for classes, residence halls and Greek houses. 3 11 30 Career Center N Experiential Learning Opportunity; GLD-Professional & Civic Engagement; Student Leadership Programs,Leadership,Connecting with others,Communication - spoken,Influencing others
Civic Engagement & Service-Learning Programs


Civic Engagement & Service-Learning Programs - The primary mission of Service-Learning Programs is to engage students in experiences that address human and community needs together with structured opportunities for reflection intentionally designed to promote student learning and development.

Community Service Ambassador
Each student ambassador serves in a nonprofit organization located in the Midlands, exploring issues affecting the local community and working with the non-profit agency to address these issues.
Fall 2019 Civic Engagement Each student ambassador serves in a nonprofit organization located in the Midlands, exploring issues affecting the local community and working with the non-profit agency to address these issues. 3 11 28 Leadership & Service Center N Experiential Learning Opportunity; GLD-Community Service; GLD-Professional & Civic Engagement; Civic Engagement & Service-Learning Programs,Community service / civic engagement,Study / Practice diversity, equity, inclusion,Civic knowledge and engagement,Personal and social responsibility - Contributing to a larger community
Recreational Sports Programs


Recreational Sports Programs - The mission of Recreational Sports Programs must be to enhance the mind, body, and spirit of students and other eligible individuals by providing programs, services, and facilities that are responsive to the physical, social, recreational, and lifelong educational needs of the campus community as they relate to health, fitness, and learning.

Campus Recreation Intramural Sports
Students participate in an intramural sport, such as basketball, cornhole, volleyball, flag football, soccer, pickleball, and more.
Fall 2019 Campus Activities Students participate in an intramural sport, such as basketball, cornhole, volleyball, flag football, soccer, pickleball, and more. 3 11 117 Campus Recreation N ; Recreational Sports Programs,Recreation, leisure, entertainment,Connecting with others,Self-knowledge,
Recreational Sports Programs


Recreational Sports Programs - The mission of Recreational Sports Programs must be to enhance the mind, body, and spirit of students and other eligible individuals by providing programs, services, and facilities that are responsive to the physical, social, recreational, and lifelong educational needs of the campus community as they relate to health, fitness, and learning.

Campus Recreation Adventure Trip Leader
Trip leaders plan and execute day-long outdoor adventure trips; responsibilities include conducting pre-trip meetings with participants to set expectations, build relationships, communicate risks, and provide training for participants. During the trip, leaders serve as guides and wilderness medical first responders.
Fall 2019 Student Program Leader Trip leaders plan and execute day-long outdoor adventure trips; responsibilities include conducting pre-trip meetings with participants to set expectations, build relationships, communicate risks, and provide training for participants. During the trip, leaders serve as guides and wilderness medical first responders. 3 11 117 Campus Recreation N GLD-Professional & Civic Engagement; Recreational Sports Programs,Leadership,,Communication - spoken,Problem solving
Student Employment


Student Employment - Student is employed part-time by the university and engages in career readiness development activities as part of supervision process.

Campus Recreation Operations Leader
Supervisors work to ensure the effective operations of the Strom Thurmond Wellness and Fitness Center through interaction with staff and patrons regarding risk management, conflict management, and customer service, and provide input into policy and procedural change in the Center.
Fall 2019 Employment On Campus Supervisors work to ensure the effective operations of the Strom Thurmond Wellness and Fitness Center through interaction with staff and patrons regarding risk management, conflict management, and customer service, and provide input into policy and procedural change in the Center. 3 11 117 Campus Recreation N Experiential Learning Opportunity; GLD-Professional & Civic Engagement; Student Employment,Leadership,Career readiness,Critical and creative thinking,Communication - spoken
Student Leadership Programs


Student Leadership Programs - The mission of Student Leadership Programs must be to prepare students to engage in the process of leadership.

Carolina Productions Executive Board
Student board members work together to design, implement and evaluate a series of compelling events and programs open to all UofSC students and intended to enrich the overall student experience.
Fall 2019 Student Program Leader Student board members work together to design, implement and evaluate a series of compelling events and programs open to all UofSC students and intended to enrich the overall student experience. 3 11 28 Russell House University Union N Experiential Learning Opportunity; GLD-Professional & Civic Engagement; Student Leadership Programs,Leadership,Career readiness,Problem solving,Teamwork
Student Leadership Programs


Student Leadership Programs - The mission of Student Leadership Programs must be to prepare students to engage in the process of leadership.

Close Family Emerging Leaders Program
Students meet weekly for 8 weeks to explore aspects of leadership; activities are designed to help students develop a personal definition of leadership, create achievable goals, and design an action plan for applying leadership skills at USC.
Fall 2019 Leadership Education Students meet weekly for 8 weeks to explore aspects of leadership; activities are designed to help students develop a personal definition of leadership, create achievable goals, and design an action plan for applying leadership skills at USC. 3 11 28 Leadership & Service Center N ; Student Leadership Programs,Study / Practice self knowledge,,Self-knowledge,Communication - spoken
Student Employment


Student Employment - Student is employed part-time by the university and engages in career readiness development activities as part of supervision process.

Community Ambassador
Students manage front-line communication with visitors, provide off-campus living presentations to students, staff events and support operations/projects on behalf of the Off-Campus Living and Neighborhood Relations Department.
Fall 2017 Employment On Campus Students manage front-line communication with visitors, provide off-campus living presentations to students, staff events and support operations/projects on behalf of the Off-Campus Living and Neighborhood Relations Department. 3 11 28 Off-Campus Living & Neighborhood Relations N GLD-Community Service; GLD-Professional & Civic Engagement; Student Employment,Career readiness,Leadership,Communication - spoken,Problem solving
Fraternity and Sorority Advising Programs


Fraternity and Sorority Advising Programs - The mission of Fraternity and Sorority Advising Programs is to promote the learning and development of students who affiliate with fraternities and sororities.

Fraternity and Sorority Life Council Leadership
Students work to advance the FSL community by leading bi-weekly council meetings, meeting monthly with professional and graduate student staff advisors, communicating with FSL chapter presidents and community members, and implementing policies (university, FSL, Council).
Fall 2019 Elected Student Leader Students work to advance the FSL community by leading bi-weekly council meetings, meeting monthly with professional and graduate student staff advisors, communicating with FSL chapter presidents and community members, and implementing policies (university, FSL, Council). 3 11 28 Fraternity & Sorority Life N GLD-Professional & Civic Engagement; Fraternity and Sorority Advising Programs,Leadership,Apply specialized knowledge,Influencing others,Communication - spoken
Fraternity and Sorority Advising Programs


Fraternity and Sorority Advising Programs - The mission of Fraternity and Sorority Advising Programs is to promote the learning and development of students who affiliate with fraternities and sororities.

Fraternity and Sorority Life Recruitment / Intake Orientation
Participants attend this session to learn about the recruitment and membership experience in fraternity and sorority organizations, including time commitment, academic and financial requirements, and philanthropic and service opportunities of each chapter. Information is provided by professional staff, graduate assistants, and current members.
Fall 2019 Campus Activities Participants attend this session to learn about the recruitment and membership experience in fraternity and sorority organizations, including time commitment, academic and financial requirements, and philanthropic and service opportunities of each chapter. Information is provided by professional staff, graduate assistants, and current members. 3 11 28 Fraternity & Sorority Life N ; Fraternity and Sorority Advising Programs,Connecting with others,,Self-knowledge,
Student Leadership Programs


Student Leadership Programs - The mission of Student Leadership Programs must be to prepare students to engage in the process of leadership.

Gamecock Pantry Executive Board
Board members implement the vision, direction, and operations of the Gamecock Pantry by contributing to the recruitment, training, and evaluation of volunteers, donation coordination, marketing and education, and logistical operations such as clientele communication, donation solicitation, and developing on and off campus partnerships.
Fall 2017 Student Program Leader Board members implement the vision, direction, and operations of the Gamecock Pantry by contributing to the recruitment, training, and evaluation of volunteers, donation coordination, marketing and education, and logistical operations such as clientele communication, donation solicitation, and developing on and off campus partnerships. 3 11 28 Leadership & Service Center N ; Student Leadership Programs,Leadership,Community service / civic engagement,Influencing others,
Student Leadership Programs


Student Leadership Programs - The mission of Student Leadership Programs must be to prepare students to engage in the process of leadership.

Homecoming Commission Leadership Team
Students work together as a team to plan and execute events and functions during UofSC Homecoming Week, taking ownership of this campus tradition and helping to develop a sense of community for all UofSC students.
Fall 2019 Student Program Leader Students work together as a team to plan and execute events and functions during UofSC Homecoming Week, taking ownership of this campus tradition and helping to develop a sense of community for all UofSC students. 3 11 28 Russell House University Union N Experiential Learning Opportunity; GLD-Professional & Civic Engagement; Student Leadership Programs,Leadership,Career readiness,Problem solving,Teamwork
Student Leadership Programs


Student Leadership Programs - The mission of Student Leadership Programs must be to prepare students to engage in the process of leadership.

Intramural Sports Manager
Student managers supervise and provide direct oversight of assigned sport(s) including rules, policies, official's training, staff scheduling, staffing decisions, intramural supervisor staff development, and inventory - including first aid supplies, sports equipment, staff and participant uniforms.
Fall 2019 Peer Educator Student managers supervise and provide direct oversight of assigned sport(s) including rules, policies, official's training, staff scheduling, staffing decisions, intramural supervisor staff development, and inventory - including first aid supplies, sports equipment, staff and participant uniforms. 3 11 117 Campus Recreation N Experiential Learning Opportunity; GLD-Professional & Civic Engagement; Student Leadership Programs,Leadership,,Influencing others,Teamwork
Student Leadership Programs


Student Leadership Programs - The mission of Student Leadership Programs must be to prepare students to engage in the process of leadership.

Intramural Sports Leader
Student leaders maintain a supervisory role on the fields/courts and provide ongoing training and development for intramural sports officials. Student leaders are empowered to lobby for policy and procedural change within the intramural sports program based on their experiences in this role.
Fall 2019 Student Program Leader Student leaders maintain a supervisory role on the fields/courts and provide ongoing training and development for intramural sports officials. Student leaders are empowered to lobby for policy and procedural change within the intramural sports program based on their experiences in this role. 3 11 117 Campus Recreation N Experiential Learning Opportunity; GLD-Professional & Civic Engagement; Student Leadership Programs,Career readiness,,Influencing others,Foundations and skills for lifelong learning
Student Employment


Student Employment - Student is employed part-time by the university and engages in career readiness development activities as part of supervision process.

Personal Trainer Program Assistant
Students assist Fitness Suite clients by conducting fitness assessments and orientations to the weight room. Students assist professional staff with creating, organizing, and facilitating special fitness and wellness events for the campus community, and gain skills needed for certification as a personal trainer.
Fall 2019 Student Program Leader Students assist Fitness Suite clients by conducting fitness assessments and orientations to the weight room. Students assist professional staff with creating, organizing, and facilitating special fitness and wellness events for the campus community, and gain skills needed for certification as a personal trainer. 3 11 117 Campus Recreation N Experiential Learning Opportunity; GLD-Professional & Civic Engagement; Student Employment,Career readiness,Apply specialized knowledge,Communication - spoken,Specialized knowledge and skills
Student Employment


Student Employment - Student is employed part-time by the university and engages in career readiness development activities as part of supervision process.

Russell House University Union Event and Information Assistant
The Russell House University Union is the key venue for student events and programming and depends on a well-trained group of students to deliver essential programs & services. Students in this engagement develop as leaders and problem solvers while also learning essential skills in professionalism, event planning, and customer service
Fall 2019 Employment On Campus The Russell House University Union is the key venue for student events and programming and depends on a well-trained group of students to deliver essential programs & services. Students in this engagement develop as leaders and problem solvers while also learning essential skills in professionalism, event planning, and customer service 3 11 28 Russell House University Union N GLD-Professional & Civic Engagement; Student Employment,Career readiness,,Professionalism / career readiness,
Student Employment


Student Employment - Student is employed part-time by the university and engages in career readiness development activities as part of supervision process.

Russell House University Union Operations Attendant
Building operations attendants operate the student union facility and manage events, including equipment check-out and working directly with clients. Attendants are assigned to one of three areas: Building Operations, Information Center, or Gameroom.
Fall 2019 Employment On Campus Building operations attendants operate the student union facility and manage events, including equipment check-out and working directly with clients. Attendants are assigned to one of three areas: Building Operations, Information Center, or Gameroom. 3 11 28 Russell House University Union N GLD-Professional & Civic Engagement; Student Employment,Career readiness,,Professionalism / career readiness,
Civic Engagement & Service-Learning Programs


Civic Engagement & Service-Learning Programs - The primary mission of Service-Learning Programs is to engage students in experiences that address human and community needs together with structured opportunities for reflection intentionally designed to promote student learning and development.

Service Saturday
Students participate in a community service opportunity within the city of Columbia or campus community.
Fall 2019 Civic Engagement Students participate in a community service opportunity within the city of Columbia or campus community. 3 11 28 Leadership & Service Center N GLD-Community Service; Civic Engagement & Service-Learning Programs,Community service / civic engagement,Connecting with others,Personal and social responsibility - Contributing to a larger community,
Student Leadership Programs


Student Leadership Programs - The mission of Student Leadership Programs must be to prepare students to engage in the process of leadership.

Service Saturday Senior Site Leader
Senior site leaders facilitate training and manage administrative tasks for teams of student site leaders, communicate expectations of the program to volunteers, delegate tasks, and debrief on a shared experience.
Fall 2019 Peer Educator Senior site leaders facilitate training and manage administrative tasks for teams of student site leaders, communicate expectations of the program to volunteers, delegate tasks, and debrief on a shared experience. 3 11 28 Leadership & Service Center N Experiential Learning Opportunity; GLD-Community Service; GLD-Professional & Civic Engagement; Student Leadership Programs,Leadership,Career readiness,Communication - spoken,Influencing others
Student Leadership Programs


Student Leadership Programs - The mission of Student Leadership Programs must be to prepare students to engage in the process of leadership.

Service Saturday Site Leader
Site leaders communicate expectations to a group of volunteers, delegate tasks, and debrief volunteers on a shared community service experience.
Fall 2019 Peer Educator Site leaders communicate expectations to a group of volunteers, delegate tasks, and debrief volunteers on a shared community service experience. 3 11 28 Leadership & Service Center N GLD-Community Service; GLD-Professional & Civic Engagement; Student Leadership Programs,Leadership,Community service / civic engagement,Teamwork,Problem solving
Student Leadership Programs


Student Leadership Programs - The mission of Student Leadership Programs must be to prepare students to engage in the process of leadership.

Student Government Senate Committee Chair
Student is appointed by the Student Government Executive Council to explore issues, gain understanding of related policies and procedures, and work with others across campus to make informed decisions that support the campaign agenda and address issues of concern to Carolina students.
Fall 2019 Appointed Student Leader Student is appointed by the Student Government Executive Council to explore issues, gain understanding of related policies and procedures, and work with others across campus to make informed decisions that support the campaign agenda and address issues of concern to Carolina students. 3 11 28 Leadership & Service Center N GLD-Professional & Civic Engagement; Student Leadership Programs,Apply specialized knowledge,Leadership,Inquiry and analysis,Interpersonal skills
Student Leadership Programs


Student Leadership Programs - The mission of Student Leadership Programs must be to prepare students to engage in the process of leadership.

Student Government Executive Council
Council members are elected by the student body to work toward common goals and build consensus to drive change for Carolina students; council members interact with a variety of constituents including students, faculty, staff, university administrators and Board of Trustees members.
Fall 2019 Elected Student Leader Council members are elected by the student body to work toward common goals and build consensus to drive change for Carolina students; council members interact with a variety of constituents including students, faculty, staff, university administrators and Board of Trustees members. 3 11 28 Leadership & Service Center N Experiential Learning Opportunity; GLD-Professional & Civic Engagement; Student Leadership Programs,Leadership,,Problem solving,Influencing others
Student Leadership Programs


Student Leadership Programs - The mission of Student Leadership Programs must be to prepare students to engage in the process of leadership.

Student Government Freshman Council
Council members are selected to represent the freshman class in student government at Carolina. Students meet weekly to learn about SG initiatives, discuss campus issues, and represent the freshman perspective. Each student meets monthly with a SG mentor to explore and develop leadership interests, skills and abilities.
Fall 2019 Appointed Student Leader Council members are selected to represent the freshman class in student government at Carolina. Students meet weekly to learn about SG initiatives, discuss campus issues, and represent the freshman perspective. Each student meets monthly with a SG mentor to explore and develop leadership interests, skills and abilities. 3 11 28 Leadership & Service Center N GLD-Professional & Civic Engagement; Student Leadership Programs,Study / Practice self knowledge,Connecting with others,Self-knowledge,
Student Leadership Programs


Student Leadership Programs - The mission of Student Leadership Programs must be to prepare students to engage in the process of leadership.

Student Media Executive Leader
Each student executive serves as head of one of the editorially independent and student-run media organizations, with final authority on decisions related to content and programming and with responsibility for ensuring high quality and responsible journalistic standards.
Fall 2019 Appointed Student Leader Each student executive serves as head of one of the editorially independent and student-run media organizations, with final authority on decisions related to content and programming and with responsibility for ensuring high quality and responsible journalistic standards. 3 11 28 Student Media N Experiential Learning Opportunity; GLD-Professional & Civic Engagement; Student Leadership Programs,Leadership,,Critical and creative thinking,Interpersonal skills
Campus Activities Programs


Campus Activities Programs - The purpose of Campus Activities Programs must be to enhance the overall educational experience of students through development of, exposure to, and participation in programs and activities that improve student cooperation and leadership while preparing students to be responsible advocates and citizens and complementing the institution's academic programs.

Student Organization Member
Students engage in organizations for many reasons - to gain skills, connect with other students, broaden their knowledge. Student-led organizations establish purpose and goals, determine membership, set activities, and select leaders. The university records organizational affiliation, but does not monitor the engagement of individual students.
Fall 2019 Campus Activities Students engage in organizations for many reasons - to gain skills, connect with other students, broaden their knowledge. Student-led organizations establish purpose and goals, determine membership, set activities, and select leaders. The university records organizational affiliation, but does not monitor the engagement of individual students. 3 11 28 Leadership & Service Center N ; Campus Activities Programs,Connecting with others,,Self-knowledge,
Recreational Sports Programs


Recreational Sports Programs - The mission of Recreational Sports Programs must be to enhance the mind, body, and spirit of students and other eligible individuals by providing programs, services, and facilities that are responsive to the physical, social, recreational, and lifelong educational needs of the campus community as they relate to health, fitness, and learning.

Group X Instructor In Training
Students participate in a training program that combines lecture based lessons with applying knowledge in practical activities. Participation includes homework, reflection, evaluation, and practice to pass. Students engage in directed self-study to sit for the American Council of Exercise exam.
Fall 2019 Student Program Leader Students participate in a training program that combines lecture based lessons with applying knowledge in practical activities. Participation includes homework, reflection, evaluation, and practice to pass. Students engage in directed self-study to sit for the American Council of Exercise exam. 3 11 117 Campus Recreation N GLD-Professional & Civic Engagement; Recreational Sports Programs,Study / Practice physical well being,Leadership,Specialized knowledge and skills,
Fraternity and Sorority Advising Programs


Fraternity and Sorority Advising Programs - The mission of Fraternity and Sorority Advising Programs is to promote the learning and development of students who affiliate with fraternities and sororities.

Interfraternity Council Recruitment Advisor
Recruitment Peer Advisors serve as mentors, resources, facilitators, and referral agents to students who are potential new members participating in fraternity recruitment activities.
Fall 2019 Student Program Leader Recruitment Peer Advisors serve as mentors, resources, facilitators, and referral agents to students who are potential new members participating in fraternity recruitment activities. 3 11 28 Fraternity & Sorority Life N ; Fraternity and Sorority Advising Programs,Leadership,,Influencing others,
Recreational Sports Programs


Recreational Sports Programs - The mission of Recreational Sports Programs must be to enhance the mind, body, and spirit of students and other eligible individuals by providing programs, services, and facilities that are responsive to the physical, social, recreational, and lifelong educational needs of the campus community as they relate to health, fitness, and learning.

Outdoor Recreation Skills Clinic
Students listen to a presentation and interact with others for hands-on skill development and application, to improve their proficiency in an outdoor recreation activity.
Fall 2019 Campus Activities Students listen to a presentation and interact with others for hands-on skill development and application, to improve their proficiency in an outdoor recreation activity. 3 11 117 Campus Recreation N ; Recreational Sports Programs,Recreation, leisure, entertainment,Connecting with others,Self-knowledge,
Recreational Sports Programs


Recreational Sports Programs - The mission of Recreational Sports Programs must be to enhance the mind, body, and spirit of students and other eligible individuals by providing programs, services, and facilities that are responsive to the physical, social, recreational, and lifelong educational needs of the campus community as they relate to health, fitness, and learning.

Campus Recreation Climbing Wall
Students participate in top rope climbing or bouldering, with routes for both beginners and advanced climbers, at the climbing wall in the Wellness & Fitness Center.
Fall 2019 Physical, Mental, Emotional Health Students participate in top rope climbing or bouldering, with routes for both beginners and advanced climbers, at the climbing wall in the Wellness & Fitness Center. 3 11 117 Campus Recreation N ; Recreational Sports Programs,Recreation, leisure, entertainment,Connecting with others,Foundations and skills for lifelong learning,
Recreational Sports Programs


Recreational Sports Programs - The mission of Recreational Sports Programs must be to enhance the mind, body, and spirit of students and other eligible individuals by providing programs, services, and facilities that are responsive to the physical, social, recreational, and lifelong educational needs of the campus community as they relate to health, fitness, and learning.

Challenge Course
Students participate in a set of guided challenges which may include high ropes, low ropes, and team-building activities, intended to help participants learn to face challenges, overcome fears, work together as a team, and uncover the deeper realities of their group dynamics or personality.
Fall 2019 Physical, Mental, Emotional Health Students participate in a set of guided challenges which may include high ropes, low ropes, and team-building activities, intended to help participants learn to face challenges, overcome fears, work together as a team, and uncover the deeper realities of their group dynamics or personality. 3 11 117 Campus Recreation N ; Recreational Sports Programs,Study / Practice self knowledge,Connecting with others,Foundations and skills for lifelong learning,
Fraternity and Sorority Advising Programs


Fraternity and Sorority Advising Programs - The mission of Fraternity and Sorority Advising Programs is to promote the learning and development of students who affiliate with fraternities and sororities.

Panhellenic Recruitment Peer Counselor
Students serve as peer mentors and information resources for potential new members participating in the Panhellenic recruitment process.
Fall 2019 Student Program Leader Students serve as peer mentors and information resources for potential new members participating in the Panhellenic recruitment process. 3 11 28 Fraternity & Sorority Life N ; Fraternity and Sorority Advising Programs,Leadership,,Communication - spoken,Influencing others
Fraternity and Sorority Advising Programs


Fraternity and Sorority Advising Programs - The mission of Fraternity and Sorority Advising Programs is to promote the learning and development of students who affiliate with fraternities and sororities.

Greek Ambassador
Students serve as representatives of the fraternity and sorority community during university admissions events, lead community service events, and help manage leadership development programs for members of the Greek community.
Fall 2019 Student Program Leader Students serve as representatives of the fraternity and sorority community during university admissions events, lead community service events, and help manage leadership development programs for members of the Greek community. 3 11 28 Fraternity & Sorority Life N ; Fraternity and Sorority Advising Programs,Leadership,Connecting with others,Communication - spoken,Influencing others
Learning Assistance Programs


Learning Assistance Programs - The primary mission of Learning Assistance Programs must be to provide students with resources and opportunities to improve their ability to learn and to achieve academic success.

Supplemental Instruction
Students participate in a group study session for a specific academic course and section in which they are currently enrolled.
Spring 2018 Educational Support Students participate in a group study session for a specific academic course and section in which they are currently enrolled. 3 11 30 Student Success Center N ; Learning Assistance Programs,Study / Practice intellectual skills,,Specialized knowledge and skills,
Education Abroad Programs & Services


Education Abroad Programs & Services - Education Abroad Programs and Services facilitate and oversee student participation in educational experiences that occur in countries outside the institution's home country.

Study Abroad - Global Classroom
Students engage in a short-term, USC faculty-led program, focusing on a specific subject area or foreign language. Program sites and course offerings vary from year to year.
Summer 2019 Study Abroad Students engage in a short-term, USC faculty-led program, focusing on a specific subject area or foreign language. Program sites and course offerings vary from year to year. 3 12 31 Study Abroad N Experiential Learning Opportunity; GLD-Global Learning; Education Abroad Programs & Services,Global learning,,Intercultural knowledge and competence,Specialized knowledge and skills
Education Abroad Programs & Services


Education Abroad Programs & Services - Education Abroad Programs and Services facilitate and oversee student participation in educational experiences that occur in countries outside the institution's home country.

Study Abroad - Global Direct
Students engage in a summer, semester, or academic year direct-enroll program while focusing on specific topics, foreign languages, or various subject areas. Students take courses from an approved academic institution and pay tuition and fees directly to the host institution.
Summer 2019 Study Abroad Students engage in a summer, semester, or academic year direct-enroll program while focusing on specific topics, foreign languages, or various subject areas. Students take courses from an approved academic institution and pay tuition and fees directly to the host institution. 3 12 31 Study Abroad N Experiential Learning Opportunity; GLD-Global Learning; Education Abroad Programs & Services,Global learning,,Intercultural knowledge and competence,Specialized knowledge and skills
Education Abroad Programs & Services


Education Abroad Programs & Services - Education Abroad Programs and Services facilitate and oversee student participation in educational experiences that occur in countries outside the institution's home country.

Study Abroad - Global Partner
Students engage in a summer, semester, or academic year program with an independent study abroad organization.
Summer 2019 Study Abroad Students engage in a summer, semester, or academic year program with an independent study abroad organization. 3 12 31 Study Abroad N Experiential Learning Opportunity; GLD-Global Learning; Education Abroad Programs & Services,Global learning,,Intercultural knowledge and competence,Specialized knowledge and skills
Education Abroad Programs & Services


Education Abroad Programs & Services - Education Abroad Programs and Services facilitate and oversee student participation in educational experiences that occur in countries outside the institution's home country.

Study Abroad - Global Exchange
Students engage in a semester or academic year exchange program in conjunction with a partner institution. Some focus on specific areas of study; others are open to all majors. Students are charged USC in-state tuition while enrolled in this program.
Summer 2019 Study Abroad Students engage in a semester or academic year exchange program in conjunction with a partner institution. Some focus on specific areas of study; others are open to all majors. Students are charged USC in-state tuition while enrolled in this program. 3 12 31 Study Abroad N Experiential Learning Opportunity; GLD-Global Learning; Education Abroad Programs & Services,Global learning,,Intercultural knowledge and competence,Specialized knowledge and skills
Fraternity and Sorority Advising Programs


Fraternity and Sorority Advising Programs - The mission of Fraternity and Sorority Advising Programs is to promote the learning and development of students who affiliate with fraternities and sororities.

Fraternity and Sorority New Member Experience
New members of the fraternity and sorority community connect with others as they participate in a variety of community building and problem solving activities, and learn more about the organizations in the community.
Fall 2019 Campus Activities New members of the fraternity and sorority community connect with others as they participate in a variety of community building and problem solving activities, and learn more about the organizations in the community. 3 11 28 Fraternity & Sorority Life N ; Fraternity and Sorority Advising Programs,Connecting with others,,Teamwork,
Civic Engagement & Service-Learning Programs


Civic Engagement & Service-Learning Programs - The primary mission of Service-Learning Programs is to engage students in experiences that address human and community needs together with structured opportunities for reflection intentionally designed to promote student learning and development.

Fraternity and sorority students participate in an hour-long community service opportunity in Columbia, in order to learn about the importance of service and connect with others in the community.
Fall 2019 Civic Engagement Fraternity and sorority students participate in an hour-long community service opportunity in Columbia, in order to learn about the importance of service and connect with others in the community. 3 11 28 Fraternity & Sorority Life N ; Civic Engagement & Service-Learning Programs,Community service / civic engagement,Connecting with others,Personal and social responsibility - Contributing to a larger community,
Capstone Experience


Capstone Experience - A course or project that engages students in a culminating and integrative experience, intended to connect the key learning objectives of an educational program.

Developing & Launching New Ventures - MGMT 473
The Emerging Venture Project (EVP) is a team project during which students apply the concepts and tools from the class to an emerging venture, in order to experience entrepreneurship in action. Students produce a final paper, founder/sponsor deliverable, and class presentation.
Fall 2019 Capstone Course or Project The Emerging Venture Project (EVP) is a team project during which students apply the concepts and tools from the class to an emerging venture, in order to experience entrepreneurship in action. Students produce a final paper, founder/sponsor deliverable, and class presentation. 3 15 64 Y Experiential Learning Opportunity; GLD-Professional & Civic Engagement; Capstone Experience,Apply specialized knowledge,,Specialized knowledge and skills,
Capstone Experience


Capstone Experience - A course or project that engages students in a culminating and integrative experience, intended to connect the key learning objectives of an educational program.

Executing Strategy New Venture - MGMT 474
Students engage in a team project during which they apply concepts and tools learned in class to an emerging venture, in order to experience entrepreneurship in action. Students produce a final paper, founder/sponsor deliverable (external project only to be negotiated with the founder/project sponsor) and class presentation.
Fall 2019 Capstone Course or Project Students engage in a team project during which they apply concepts and tools learned in class to an emerging venture, in order to experience entrepreneurship in action. Students produce a final paper, founder/sponsor deliverable (external project only to be negotiated with the founder/project sponsor) and class presentation. 3 15 64 Y Experiential Learning Opportunity; GLD-Professional & Civic Engagement; Capstone Experience,Apply specialized knowledge,,Specialized knowledge and skills,Teamwork
Career Services


Career Services - The primary mission of Career Services is to assist students and other designated clients in developing, evaluating, and implementing career, education, and employment plans.

Pathways to Professions (Externship)
Students attend half or full day visit to an employer site for an overview of the organization and their employment opportunities. Common components include presentations by organizational leadership and human resources staff, practitioner panels (most often with alumni representation), shadowing opportunities and facility tours.
Spring 2018 Career Development Students attend half or full day visit to an employer site for an overview of the organization and their employment opportunities. Common components include presentations by organizational leadership and human resources staff, practitioner panels (most often with alumni representation), shadowing opportunities and facility tours. 3 11 30 Career Center N ; Career Services,Career development,,Self-knowledge,
Career Services


Career Services - The primary mission of Career Services is to assist students and other designated clients in developing, evaluating, and implementing career, education, and employment plans.

Pathways to Professions (Externship)
Students attend half or full day visit to an employer site for an overview of the organization and their employment opportunities. Common components include presentations by organizational leadership and human resources staff, practitioner panels (most often with alumni representation), shadowing opportunities and facility tours.
Spring 2019 Career Development Students attend half or full day visit to an employer site for an overview of the organization and their employment opportunities. Common components include presentations by organizational leadership and human resources staff, practitioner panels (most often with alumni representation), shadowing opportunities and facility tours. 3 11 30 Career Center N ; Career Services,Career development,,Self-knowledge,
Civic Engagement & Service-Learning Programs


Civic Engagement & Service-Learning Programs - The primary mission of Service-Learning Programs is to engage students in experiences that address human and community needs together with structured opportunities for reflection intentionally designed to promote student learning and development.

Community Service Opportunity Fair
Participants gather information and interact with representatives of community non-profit agencies and on-campus service organizations to learn more about volunteer, internship, networking opportunities, and other ways to give back to the Columbia and Carolina community.
Fall 2019 Campus Activities Participants gather information and interact with representatives of community non-profit agencies and on-campus service organizations to learn more about volunteer, internship, networking opportunities, and other ways to give back to the Columbia and Carolina community. 3 11 28 Leadership & Service Center N ; Civic Engagement & Service-Learning Programs,Connecting with others,,Civic knowledge and engagement,
Student Leadership Programs


Student Leadership Programs - The mission of Student Leadership Programs must be to prepare students to engage in the process of leadership.

Laboratory Teaching Experience - BIOL 398
Students serve as Peer Leaders in a Peer Led Team Learning (PLTL) environment and use their understanding of biological concepts as they help to support other students currently enrolled in a Biology course. Peer Leaders ask questions that help students progress through an assigned activity or in-class discussion.
Fall 2019 Peer Educator Students serve as Peer Leaders in a Peer Led Team Learning (PLTL) environment and use their understanding of biological concepts as they help to support other students currently enrolled in a Biology course. Peer Leaders ask questions that help students progress through an assigned activity or in-class discussion. 3 14 39 Y Experiential Learning Opportunity; GLD-Professional & Civic Engagement; Student Leadership Programs,Apply specialized knowledge,Leadership,Specialized knowledge and skills,Influencing others
Internship Programs


Internship Programs - The primary mission of Internship Programs is to engage students in planned, educationally-related work and learning experiences that integrate knowledge and theory with practical application and skill development in a professional setting.

Internship - PALM 494
Student engages in supervised immersion and exploration in a field related to the major, with a career, cultural, or community focus.
Fall 2019 Internship Student engages in supervised immersion and exploration in a field related to the major, with a career, cultural, or community focus. 13 33 112 Y Experiential Learning Opportunity; GLD-Professional & Civic Engagement; Internship Programs,Apply specialized knowledge,,Specialized knowledge and skills,
Civic Engagement & Service-Learning Programs


Civic Engagement & Service-Learning Programs - The primary mission of Service-Learning Programs is to engage students in experiences that address human and community needs together with structured opportunities for reflection intentionally designed to promote student learning and development.

Community Psychology Practicum - PSYC 489
Students engage in a supervised, structured field experience in a community agency, applying psychological principles, theory, and research.
Spring 2020 Service Learning Students engage in a supervised, structured field experience in a community agency, applying psychological principles, theory, and research. 3 14 51 Y GLD-Community Service; Experiential Learning Opportunity; Civic Engagement & Service-Learning Programs,Apply specialized knowledge,,Specialized knowledge and skills,
Student Leadership Programs


Student Leadership Programs - The mission of Student Leadership Programs must be to prepare students to engage in the process of leadership.

Gamecock Pantry Executive Board
Board members implement the vision, direction, and operations of the Gamecock Pantry by contributing to the recruitment, training, and evaluation of volunteers, donation coordination, marketing and education, and logistical operations such as clientele communication, donation solicitation, and developing on and off campus partnerships.
Fall 2019 Student Program Leader Board members implement the vision, direction, and operations of the Gamecock Pantry by contributing to the recruitment, training, and evaluation of volunteers, donation coordination, marketing and education, and logistical operations such as clientele communication, donation solicitation, and developing on and off campus partnerships. 3 11 28 Leadership & Service Center N Experiential Learning Opportunity; GLD-Community Service; GLD-Professional & Civic Engagement; Student Leadership Programs,Leadership,,Influencing others,Critical and creative thinking
Internship Programs


Internship Programs - The primary mission of Internship Programs is to engage students in planned, educationally-related work and learning experiences that integrate knowledge and theory with practical application and skill development in a professional setting.

Honors Internship - SCHC 498
Internships are an important part of the Honors Beyond the Classroom program. Students receive academic credit while gaining valuable experience in their chosen career field, receiving helpful feedback on their performance and reflecting on their experience.
Fall 2019 Internship Internships are an important part of the Honors Beyond the Classroom program. Students receive academic credit while gaining valuable experience in their chosen career field, receiving helpful feedback on their performance and reflecting on their experience. 3 26 75 Y Experiential Learning Opportunity; GLD-Professional & Civic Engagement; Internship Programs,Apply specialized knowledge,Career readiness,Specialized knowledge and skills,Professionalism / career readiness
Student Leadership Programs


Student Leadership Programs - The mission of Student Leadership Programs must be to prepare students to engage in the process of leadership.

Campus Recreation Head Lifeguard
Head lifeguards oversee the aquatics facility while on duty, supervise other lifeguards, complete written shift reports to communicate between shifts, resolve pool maintenance issues and manage staffing transitions between lifeguard staff shifts.
Fall 2019 Student Program Leader Head lifeguards oversee the aquatics facility while on duty, supervise other lifeguards, complete written shift reports to communicate between shifts, resolve pool maintenance issues and manage staffing transitions between lifeguard staff shifts. 3 11 117 Campus Recreation N Experiential Learning Opportunity; GLD-Professional & Civic Engagement; Student Leadership Programs,Leadership,,Influencing others,Foundations and skills for lifelong learning
Student Leadership Programs


Student Leadership Programs - The mission of Student Leadership Programs must be to prepare students to engage in the process of leadership.

Dance Marathon Executive Board
Board members of this philanthropic organization engage with their peers to plan and execute a variety of educational and service events designed to raise funds and awareness for Palmetto Health Children's Hospital, culminating in the Main Event in the spring.
Fall 2019 Student Program Leader Board members of this philanthropic organization engage with their peers to plan and execute a variety of educational and service events designed to raise funds and awareness for Palmetto Health Children's Hospital, culminating in the Main Event in the spring. 3 11 28 Russell House University Union N Experiential Learning Opportunity; GLD-Community Service; GLD-Professional & Civic Engagement; Student Leadership Programs,Leadership,Career readiness,Problem solving,Influencing others
Student Leadership Programs


Student Leadership Programs - The mission of Student Leadership Programs must be to prepare students to engage in the process of leadership.

The Big Event Executive Team
Team members plan and execute Service Saturday: The Big Event, including recruitment, site selection, and logistics day of the event.
Fall 2019 Student Program Leader Team members plan and execute Service Saturday: The Big Event, including recruitment, site selection, and logistics day of the event. 3 11 28 Leadership & Service Center N Experiential Learning Opportunity; GLD-Professional & Civic Engagement; Student Leadership Programs,Leadership,Career readiness,Personal and social responsibility - Contributing to a larger community,Critical and creative thinking
Student Employment


Student Employment - Student is employed part-time by the university and engages in career readiness development activities as part of supervision process.

Student Media Advertising Representative
Advertising representatives work with internal and external partners and clients to provide effective advertising solutions comprised of Student Media resources.
Fall 2019 Employment On Campus Advertising representatives work with internal and external partners and clients to provide effective advertising solutions comprised of Student Media resources. 3 11 28 Student Media N Experiential Learning Opportunity; GLD-Professional & Civic Engagement; Student Employment,Career readiness,,Problem solving,Influencing others
Fraternity and Sorority Advising Programs


Fraternity and Sorority Advising Programs - The mission of Fraternity and Sorority Advising Programs is to promote the learning and development of students who affiliate with fraternities and sororities.

Fraternity and Sorority New Member Summit
Students engage in council-specific conversations on the history, significance and myths of Fraternity and Sorority Life, personal responsibility, expectations, and tools available for new FSL members.
Fall 2019 Campus Activities Students engage in council-specific conversations on the history, significance and myths of Fraternity and Sorority Life, personal responsibility, expectations, and tools available for new FSL members. 3 11 28 Fraternity & Sorority Life N ; Fraternity and Sorority Advising Programs,Connecting with others,,Self-knowledge,
Internship Programs


Internship Programs - The primary mission of Internship Programs is to engage students in planned, educationally-related work and learning experiences that integrate knowledge and theory with practical application and skill development in a professional setting.

Internship in Geography - GEOG 595
Students serve as interns (paid or unpaid) in government agencies, private-sector businesses, or non-profit organizations. Internship activities and experiential learning are supervised jointly by sponsors and the internship program of the department.
Fall 2019 Internship Students serve as interns (paid or unpaid) in government agencies, private-sector businesses, or non-profit organizations. Internship activities and experiential learning are supervised jointly by sponsors and the internship program of the department. 3 14 44 Y Experiential Learning Opportunity; GLD-Community Service; GLD-Professional & Civic Engagement; Internship Programs,Apply specialized knowledge,Career readiness,Specialized knowledge and skills,Professionalism / career readiness
Civic Engagement & Service-Learning Programs


Civic Engagement & Service-Learning Programs - The primary mission of Service-Learning Programs is to engage students in experiences that address human and community needs together with structured opportunities for reflection intentionally designed to promote student learning and development.

Special Topics: Service Learning in Geography - GEOG 497
Students work directly with a local immigrant service provider to gain an in-depth, direct understanding of refugee-resettlement processes taking place in the Midlands region. Students contribute to the operations of a refugee social-service agency and fulfill tasks and duties as specified by the agency.
Fall 2019 Service Learning Students work directly with a local immigrant service provider to gain an in-depth, direct understanding of refugee-resettlement processes taking place in the Midlands region. Students contribute to the operations of a refugee social-service agency and fulfill tasks and duties as specified by the agency. 3 14 44 Y GLD-Community Service; Experiential Learning Opportunity; Civic Engagement & Service-Learning Programs,Community service / civic engagement,,Personal and social responsibility - Contributing to a larger community,
Student Employment


Student Employment - Student is employed part-time by the university and engages in career readiness development activities as part of supervision process.

Community Ambassador
Students manage front-line communication with visitors, provide off-campus living presentations to students, staff events and support operations/projects on behalf of the Off-Campus Living and Neighborhood Relations Department.
Fall 2019 Employment On Campus Students manage front-line communication with visitors, provide off-campus living presentations to students, staff events and support operations/projects on behalf of the Off-Campus Living and Neighborhood Relations Department. 3 11 28 Off-Campus Living & Neighborhood Relations N Experiential Learning Opportunity; GLD-Community Service; GLD-Professional & Civic Engagement; Student Employment,Leadership,Career readiness,Problem solving,Communication - spoken
Student Media Programs


Student Media Programs - The mission is to prepare students for their responsibilities in planning and producing media products, offer leadership opportunities and support for students engaged in these activities.

Student Media Creative Services Designer
Creative Services team members apply visual communications skills to complete contracted work for Student Media's clients and partners. Designers apply visual communication techniques and best practices to complete projects including advertisements, promotional materials, and other graphics work.
Fall 2019 Employment On Campus Creative Services team members apply visual communications skills to complete contracted work for Student Media's clients and partners. Designers apply visual communication techniques and best practices to complete projects including advertisements, promotional materials, and other graphics work. 3 11 28 Student Media N Experiential Learning Opportunity; GLD-Professional & Civic Engagement; Student Media Programs,Apply specialized knowledge,,Specialized knowledge and skills,Integrative and applied learning
Student Leadership Programs


Student Leadership Programs - The mission of Student Leadership Programs must be to prepare students to engage in the process of leadership.

Civic Leadership, Education, and Action Team (CLEAT)
Team members act to enhance year-round nonpartisan civic education and action on campus. CLEAT envisions and plans initiatives to cultivate deliberation, enhance civic literacy, and increase voter engagement on campus.
Fall 2019 Student Program Leader Team members act to enhance year-round nonpartisan civic education and action on campus. CLEAT envisions and plans initiatives to cultivate deliberation, enhance civic literacy, and increase voter engagement on campus. 3 11 28 Leadership & Service Center N Experiential Learning Opportunity; GLD-Professional & Civic Engagement; Student Leadership Programs,Leadership,Career readiness,Communication - spoken,Influencing others
Campus Activities Programs


Campus Activities Programs - The purpose of Campus Activities Programs must be to enhance the overall educational experience of students through development of, exposure to, and participation in programs and activities that improve student cooperation and leadership while preparing students to be responsible advocates and citizens and complementing the institution's academic programs.

Carolina Productions
Student attended an event provided by the Carolina Productions student programming board (e.g., concerts, comedy nights, weekly movie screenings, roller rinks).
Fall 2019 Campus Activities Student attended an event provided by the Carolina Productions student programming board (e.g., concerts, comedy nights, weekly movie screenings, roller rinks). 3 11 28 Russell House University Union N ; Campus Activities Programs,Recreation, leisure, entertainment,Connecting with others,Self-knowledge,
Campus Activities Programs


Campus Activities Programs - The purpose of Campus Activities Programs must be to enhance the overall educational experience of students through development of, exposure to, and participation in programs and activities that improve student cooperation and leadership while preparing students to be responsible advocates and citizens and complementing the institution's academic programs.

Gamecock Entertainment
Student attended an event provided by Gamecock Entertainment staff programming (e.g., watch parties, sporting events, political elections/debates), paint nights, trivia, foam parties).
Fall 2019 Campus Activities Student attended an event provided by Gamecock Entertainment staff programming (e.g., watch parties, sporting events, political elections/debates), paint nights, trivia, foam parties). 3 11 28 Russell House University Union N ; Campus Activities Programs,Recreation, leisure, entertainment,Connecting with others,Self-knowledge,
Student Leadership Programs


Student Leadership Programs - The mission of Student Leadership Programs must be to prepare students to engage in the process of leadership.

Student Media Senior Leader
Senior leaders manage sections and teams within each of Student Media’s partner organizations, often overseeing content production or administrative tasks. Senior leaders apply knowledge of journalistic and media best practices while serving in a peer leadership role within the media organization.
Fall 2019 Student Program Leader Senior leaders manage sections and teams within each of Student Media’s partner organizations, often overseeing content production or administrative tasks. Senior leaders apply knowledge of journalistic and media best practices while serving in a peer leadership role within the media organization. 3 11 28 Student Media N ; Student Leadership Programs,Apply specialized knowledge,Leadership,Specialized knowledge and skills,Critical and creative thinking
Campus Activities Programs


Campus Activities Programs - The purpose of Campus Activities Programs must be to enhance the overall educational experience of students through development of, exposure to, and participation in programs and activities that improve student cooperation and leadership while preparing students to be responsible advocates and citizens and complementing the institution's academic programs.

Thursday After Dark
Thursday After Dark provides a variety of late-night programming to engage Carolina students (e.g., escape rooms, trivia, bowling nights).
Fall 2019 Campus Activities Thursday After Dark provides a variety of late-night programming to engage Carolina students (e.g., escape rooms, trivia, bowling nights). 3 11 28 Russell House University Union N ; Campus Activities Programs,Recreation, leisure, entertainment,Connecting with others,Self-knowledge,
Fraternity and Sorority Advising Programs


Fraternity and Sorority Advising Programs - The mission of Fraternity and Sorority Advising Programs is to promote the learning and development of students who affiliate with fraternities and sororities.

Fraternity and Sorority Life Roundtable
Students interact in small-group, informal discussions to share best practices on a variety of topics relevant to the fraternity and sorority experience, such as organizational development and management, and personal development topics.
Fall 2019 Leadership Education Students interact in small-group, informal discussions to share best practices on a variety of topics relevant to the fraternity and sorority experience, such as organizational development and management, and personal development topics. 3 11 28 Fraternity & Sorority Life N ; Fraternity and Sorority Advising Programs,Leadership,Study / Practice self knowledge,Self-knowledge,
Fraternity and Sorority Advising Programs


Fraternity and Sorority Advising Programs - The mission of Fraternity and Sorority Advising Programs is to promote the learning and development of students who affiliate with fraternities and sororities.

Fraternity and Sorority Life MoMENtum Conference
Students participate in interactive conference presentations and activities, and engage in personal reflection related to: mental health; relationships; advocacy efforts; diversity and inclusion; leadership and career; and other topical issues.
Fall 2019 Campus Activities Students participate in interactive conference presentations and activities, and engage in personal reflection related to: mental health; relationships; advocacy efforts; diversity and inclusion; leadership and career; and other topical issues. 3 11 28 Fraternity & Sorority Life N ; Fraternity and Sorority Advising Programs,Study / Practice self knowledge,Connecting with others,Self-knowledge,Foundations and skills for lifelong learning
Fraternity and Sorority Advising Programs


Fraternity and Sorority Advising Programs - The mission of Fraternity and Sorority Advising Programs is to promote the learning and development of students who affiliate with fraternities and sororities.

Fraternity and Sorority Life EmpowHER Conference
Students in sororities participate in interactive conference presentations and activities, and engage in personal reflection.
Fall 2019 Campus Activities Students in sororities participate in interactive conference presentations and activities, and engage in personal reflection. 3 11 28 Fraternity & Sorority Life N ; Fraternity and Sorority Advising Programs,Study / Practice self knowledge,Connecting with others,Self-knowledge,Foundations and skills for lifelong learning
Fraternity and Sorority Advising Programs


Fraternity and Sorority Advising Programs - The mission of Fraternity and Sorority Advising Programs is to promote the learning and development of students who affiliate with fraternities and sororities.

Fraternity and Sorority Leadership Conference
Fraternity and sorority students participate in conference sessions on leadership development and campus/community policies, and network with their peers.
Spring 2020 Leadership Education Fraternity and sorority students participate in conference sessions on leadership development and campus/community policies, and network with their peers. 3 11 28 Fraternity & Sorority Life N ; Fraternity and Sorority Advising Programs,Leadership,Study / Practice self knowledge,Self-knowledge,Interpersonal skills
Recreational Sports Programs


Recreational Sports Programs - The mission of Recreational Sports Programs must be to enhance the mind, body, and spirit of students and other eligible individuals by providing programs, services, and facilities that are responsive to the physical, social, recreational, and lifelong educational needs of the campus community as they relate to health, fitness, and learning.

Campus Recreation Group X
Students participate in a 45-60 minute group exercise class such as Yoga, Zumba, BodyPump, Barre, Cycle, and Bootcamp.
Fall 2019 Physical, Mental, Emotional Health Students participate in a 45-60 minute group exercise class such as Yoga, Zumba, BodyPump, Barre, Cycle, and Bootcamp. 3 11 117 Campus Recreation N ; Recreational Sports Programs,Study / Practice physical well being,Connecting with others,Self-knowledge,
Recreational Sports Programs


Recreational Sports Programs - The mission of Recreational Sports Programs must be to enhance the mind, body, and spirit of students and other eligible individuals by providing programs, services, and facilities that are responsive to the physical, social, recreational, and lifelong educational needs of the campus community as they relate to health, fitness, and learning.

Campus Recreation Lifeguard
Students who are trained and certified as lifeguards apply their expertise to maintain a safe recreational environment for swimmers and other users of the aquatics facility.
Fall 2019 Student Program Leader Students who are trained and certified as lifeguards apply their expertise to maintain a safe recreational environment for swimmers and other users of the aquatics facility. 3 11 117 Campus Recreation N ; Recreational Sports Programs,Apply specialized knowledge,Career development,Integrative and applied learning,
Recreational Sports Programs


Recreational Sports Programs - The mission of Recreational Sports Programs must be to enhance the mind, body, and spirit of students and other eligible individuals by providing programs, services, and facilities that are responsive to the physical, social, recreational, and lifelong educational needs of the campus community as they relate to health, fitness, and learning.

Campus Recreation Adventure Trip Participant
Students participate with a group of peers in an adventure trip guided by a staff member; trip options include biking, camping, hiking, boating, and more. Adventures vary in length from a few hours to a few days.
Fall 2019 Campus Activities Students participate with a group of peers in an adventure trip guided by a staff member; trip options include biking, camping, hiking, boating, and more. Adventures vary in length from a few hours to a few days. 3 11 117 Campus Recreation N ; Recreational Sports Programs,Recreation, leisure, entertainment,Connecting with others,Self-knowledge,
Recreational Sports Programs


Recreational Sports Programs - The mission of Recreational Sports Programs must be to enhance the mind, body, and spirit of students and other eligible individuals by providing programs, services, and facilities that are responsive to the physical, social, recreational, and lifelong educational needs of the campus community as they relate to health, fitness, and learning.

Campus Recreation Personal Fitness Training
Students work with a personal trainer to identify their fitness goals and practice individually tailored exercises and routines; each session is 60 minutes in length.
Fall 2019 Physical, Mental, Emotional Health Students work with a personal trainer to identify their fitness goals and practice individually tailored exercises and routines; each session is 60 minutes in length. 3 11 117 Campus Recreation N ; Recreational Sports Programs,Study / Practice physical well being,Study / Practice self knowledge,Self-knowledge,
Civic Engagement & Service-Learning Programs


Civic Engagement & Service-Learning Programs - The primary mission of Service-Learning Programs is to engage students in experiences that address human and community needs together with structured opportunities for reflection intentionally designed to promote student learning and development.

Feeding Minds: Food Insecurity Awareness Training
Students listen to an expert presenter on food insecurity, then receive instruction and practice engaging in a dialogue in order to share resource information and identify pathways to minimize the challenges faced by those experiencing food insecurity.
Fall 2019 Civic Engagement Students listen to an expert presenter on food insecurity, then receive instruction and practice engaging in a dialogue in order to share resource information and identify pathways to minimize the challenges faced by those experiencing food insecurity. 3 11 117 Healthy Campus Initiatives N ; Civic Engagement & Service-Learning Programs,Community service / civic engagement,Apply specialized knowledge,Interpersonal skills,Communication - spoken
Civic Engagement & Service-Learning Programs


Civic Engagement & Service-Learning Programs - The primary mission of Service-Learning Programs is to engage students in experiences that address human and community needs together with structured opportunities for reflection intentionally designed to promote student learning and development.

Safe Zone Workshop
Student listen to an expert presenter speak about LGBT college student data, risks associated with LGBT college students, bias and harassment, and resources available on- and off- campus to provide support. Students engage in small group activities such as scenarios to learn how to interrupt bias, and how to understand the LGBT experience.
Fall 2019 Civic Engagement Student listen to an expert presenter speak about LGBT college student data, risks associated with LGBT college students, bias and harassment, and resources available on- and off- campus to provide support. Students engage in small group activities such as scenarios to learn how to interrupt bias, and how to understand the LGBT experience. 3 11 28 Multicultural Student Affairs N ; Civic Engagement & Service-Learning Programs,Study / Practice diversity, equity, inclusion,Study / Practice self knowledge,Civic knowledge and engagement,Intercultural knowledge and competence
Post-Traditional & Commuter Student Programs & Services


Post-Traditional & Commuter Student Programs & Services - The primary mission is to ensure that all students have equitable access to programs, services, and engagement opportunities regardless of age, personal characteristics, or place of residence.

Off-Campus Living Module
Students participate in an interactive, self-paced 20 minute online course to learn how to navigate life as an off-campus student. The topics cover finding housing, moving, off-campus safety, community ordinances and laws, commuting and parking, protecting your tenant rights and selecting compatible roommates.
Fall 2019 Educational Support Students participate in an interactive, self-paced 20 minute online course to learn how to navigate life as an off-campus student. The topics cover finding housing, moving, off-campus safety, community ordinances and laws, commuting and parking, protecting your tenant rights and selecting compatible roommates. 3 11 28 Off-Campus Living & Neighborhood Relations N ; Post-Traditional & Commuter Student Programs & Services,Study / Practice self knowledge,,Personal and social responsibility - Striving for excellence,
Recreational Sports Programs


Recreational Sports Programs - The mission of Recreational Sports Programs must be to enhance the mind, body, and spirit of students and other eligible individuals by providing programs, services, and facilities that are responsive to the physical, social, recreational, and lifelong educational needs of the campus community as they relate to health, fitness, and learning.

Campus Recreation Red Cross Certification Instructor
Students serve as instructors for Red Cross certification classes (e.g., First Aid, CPR/AED, Lifeguard), for students and other members of the university community.
Fall 2019 Student Program Leader Students serve as instructors for Red Cross certification classes (e.g., First Aid, CPR/AED, Lifeguard), for students and other members of the university community. 3 11 117 Campus Recreation N ; Recreational Sports Programs,Apply specialized knowledge,Career readiness,Interpersonal skills,Problem solving
Student Conduct Programs


Student Conduct Programs - Student Conduct Programs develop and enforce standards of conduct, an educational endeavor to foster students' learning and development.

Students listen to a series of speakers who share perspectives and stories related to each of the five tenets of the Carolinian Creed; the program is designed to improve understanding of its origin and contents, recognize the meaning of each of the five tenets, and identify methods to use the Carolinian Creed as a tool in every day life.
Spring 2020 Outreach Students listen to a series of speakers who share perspectives and stories related to each of the five tenets of the Carolinian Creed; the program is designed to improve understanding of its origin and contents, recognize the meaning of each of the five tenets, and identify methods to use the Carolinian Creed as a tool in every day life. 3 11 88 Student Conduct & Academic Integrity N ; Student Conduct Programs,Study / Practice self knowledge,Community service / civic engagement,Ethical reasoning and action,
Student Conduct Programs


Student Conduct Programs - Student Conduct Programs develop and enforce standards of conduct, an educational endeavor to foster students' learning and development.

Academic Integrity Mutual Expectations
Students participate in a round-table conversation with peers and faculty members on the importance of academic integrity in a college classroom; discussion is facilitated primarily by trained members of the Carolina Judicial Council.
Fall 2019 Educational Support Students participate in a round-table conversation with peers and faculty members on the importance of academic integrity in a college classroom; discussion is facilitated primarily by trained members of the Carolina Judicial Council. 3 11 88 Student Conduct & Academic Integrity N ; Student Conduct Programs,Study / Practice self knowledge,Career readiness,Personal and social responsibility - Taking seriously the perspectives of others,Personal and social responsibility - Developing competence in ethical and moral reasoning, action
Civic Engagement & Service-Learning Programs


Civic Engagement & Service-Learning Programs - The primary mission of Service-Learning Programs is to engage students in experiences that address human and community needs together with structured opportunities for reflection intentionally designed to promote student learning and development.

Civility Series
Students engage in structured conversations on topics that may be controversial or polarizing, providing practice for engaging in difficult conversations, articulating their opinions and perspectives in a respectful manner, and implementing active listening techniques.
Fall 2019 Civic Engagement Students engage in structured conversations on topics that may be controversial or polarizing, providing practice for engaging in difficult conversations, articulating their opinions and perspectives in a respectful manner, and implementing active listening techniques. 3 11 88 Student Conduct & Academic Integrity N ; Civic Engagement & Service-Learning Programs,Community service / civic engagement,,Civic knowledge and engagement,Personal and social responsibility - Taking seriously the perspectives of others
Civic Engagement & Service-Learning Programs


Civic Engagement & Service-Learning Programs - The primary mission of Service-Learning Programs is to engage students in experiences that address human and community needs together with structured opportunities for reflection intentionally designed to promote student learning and development.

International Perspectives & The Creed
Students listen to panel of international students discussing the role that their culture and backgrounds play in their experience at UofSC, providing an opportunity to develop understanding of diverse perspectives and cultures, and increase recognition of the influence of background and culture on the student experience.
Fall 2019 Civic Engagement Students listen to panel of international students discussing the role that their culture and backgrounds play in their experience at UofSC, providing an opportunity to develop understanding of diverse perspectives and cultures, and increase recognition of the influence of background and culture on the student experience. 3 11 88 Student Conduct & Academic Integrity N ; Civic Engagement & Service-Learning Programs,Global learning,Study / Practice diversity, equity, inclusion,Intercultural knowledge and competence,
Student Leadership Programs


Student Leadership Programs - The mission of Student Leadership Programs must be to prepare students to engage in the process of leadership.

Leadership and Service Ambassador
Leadership and Service Advocates help manage the Leadership and Service Center’s daily operations, assist students as they call or enter the center, and assist the professional staff in marketing and planning programs and services.
Fall 2019 Student Program Leader Leadership and Service Advocates help manage the Leadership and Service Center’s daily operations, assist students as they call or enter the center, and assist the professional staff in marketing and planning programs and services. 3 11 28 Leadership & Service Center N ; Student Leadership Programs,Career readiness,Leadership,Communication - spoken,Problem solving
Campus Activities Programs


Campus Activities Programs - The purpose of Campus Activities Programs must be to enhance the overall educational experience of students through development of, exposure to, and participation in programs and activities that improve student cooperation and leadership while preparing students to be responsible advocates and citizens and complementing the institution's academic programs.

Dinner Dialogue
Students enrolled in a course are guests for dinner in their instructor's home, in order to better get to know their instructor and classmates outside the classroom.
Fall 2019 Campus Activities Students enrolled in a course are guests for dinner in their instructor's home, in order to better get to know their instructor and classmates outside the classroom. 3 11 28 Parent & Family Programs N ; Campus Activities Programs,Connecting with others,,Communication - spoken,
Academic Advising Programs


Academic Advising Programs - The primary purpose of Academic Advising Programs is to assist students in the development of meaningful educational plans.

Academic Coaching Appointment
Students meet 1-1 with a coach to create an academic and engagement plan, set goals, and share resources; sessions are tailored to meet each student's needs and may include general advising, academic planning, strengths identification, planning campus involvement, and navigating campus resources.
Fall 2019 Educational Support Students meet 1-1 with a coach to create an academic and engagement plan, set goals, and share resources; sessions are tailored to meet each student's needs and may include general advising, academic planning, strengths identification, planning campus involvement, and navigating campus resources. 3 12 34 University Advising Center N ; Academic Advising Programs,Study / Practice intellectual skills,Study / Practice self knowledge,Foundations and skills for lifelong learning,Personal and social responsibility - Striving for excellence
Health Promotion Services


Health Promotion Services - The mission and scope of practice of health promotion, sometimes referred to as wellness, must be reflective of the following fundamental assumptions about the role of health in higher education: reciprocal relationship between learning and health; direct connection between academic mission and higher education and well being of students

Body Project
Students complete two workshops that include a voluntary commitment to the program, a verbal activity that helps participants define the appearance ideal and a small group activity to discuss the cost of the appearance ideal. The workshop concludes with activities in which participants engage and apply concepts learned in the workshops.
Fall 2019 Physical, Mental, Emotional Health Students complete two workshops that include a voluntary commitment to the program, a verbal activity that helps participants define the appearance ideal and a small group activity to discuss the cost of the appearance ideal. The workshop concludes with activities in which participants engage and apply concepts learned in the workshops. 3 11 117 Healthy Campus Initiatives N ; Health Promotion Services,Study / Practice physical well being,Study / Practice self knowledge,Critical and creative thinking,
Campus Activities Programs


Campus Activities Programs - The purpose of Campus Activities Programs must be to enhance the overall educational experience of students through development of, exposure to, and participation in programs and activities that improve student cooperation and leadership while preparing students to be responsible advocates and citizens and complementing the institution's academic programs.

Bustle at the Russell - Welcome Week Event
Students attending this Welcome Week event can explore the array of services available in Russell House University Union, interact with other students, play some fun games, get free food, make memories, and take home some great giveaways.
Fall 2019 Community Building Students attending this Welcome Week event can explore the array of services available in Russell House University Union, interact with other students, play some fun games, get free food, make memories, and take home some great giveaways. 3 11 28 Russell House University Union N ; Campus Activities Programs,Connecting with others,Recreation, leisure, entertainment,Self-knowledge,
Student Leadership Programs


Student Leadership Programs - The mission of Student Leadership Programs must be to prepare students to engage in the process of leadership.

Capstone Scholars Programming Council Assistant
As a team, programming council assistants design, execute and assess social programs for the Capstone Scholars community. Each member of the council participates in planning, budgeting, communications, marketing and delivery of programs, as well as in assessing the quality and success of delivered programs.
Fall 2019 Student Program Leader As a team, programming council assistants design, execute and assess social programs for the Capstone Scholars community. Each member of the council participates in planning, budgeting, communications, marketing and delivery of programs, as well as in assessing the quality and success of delivered programs. 3 11 29 Faculty Principal Learning Communities N GLD-Professional & Civic Engagement; Student Leadership Programs,Career readiness,Leadership,Critical and creative thinking,Teamwork
Student Leadership Programs


Student Leadership Programs - The mission of Student Leadership Programs must be to prepare students to engage in the process of leadership.

Capstone Scholars Programming Council
Council members provide programming to the Capstone Scholars cohort of students both on and off-campus. Members are responsible for program and event planning, budgeting, communications/PR, and program delivery from inception and execution to assessment.
Fall 2019 Student Program Leader Council members provide programming to the Capstone Scholars cohort of students both on and off-campus. Members are responsible for program and event planning, budgeting, communications/PR, and program delivery from inception and execution to assessment. 3 11 29 Faculty Principal Learning Communities N Experiential Learning Opportunity; GLD-Professional & Civic Engagement; Student Leadership Programs,Career readiness,Leadership,Critical and creative thinking,Teamwork
Student Leadership Programs


Student Leadership Programs - The mission of Student Leadership Programs must be to prepare students to engage in the process of leadership.

Capstone Scholars Connectors Directorate Board
Student Board members work together to design and implement training and programs for student mentors in the Capstone Scholars Connectors Program. Each board member has a different role, and works as a member of a team to coach student mentors, and plan and implement program activities.
Fall 2019 Student Program Leader Student Board members work together to design and implement training and programs for student mentors in the Capstone Scholars Connectors Program. Each board member has a different role, and works as a member of a team to coach student mentors, and plan and implement program activities. 3 11 29 Faculty Principal Learning Communities N Experiential Learning Opportunity; GLD-Professional & Civic Engagement; Student Leadership Programs,Leadership,Career readiness,Teamwork,Problem solving
Career Services


Career Services - The primary mission of Career Services is to assist students and other designated clients in developing, evaluating, and implementing career, education, and employment plans.

Career Coaching - Career Assessment Interpretation
Students complete a career assessment prior to meeting with a career coach; in this 1-1 session, the coach guides the student through exploration of career-related interests, skills and values.
Fall 2019 Career Development Students complete a career assessment prior to meeting with a career coach; in this 1-1 session, the coach guides the student through exploration of career-related interests, skills and values. 3 11 30 Career Center N ; Career Services,Study / Practice self knowledge,Career development,Self-knowledge,Problem solving
Career Services


Career Services - The primary mission of Career Services is to assist students and other designated clients in developing, evaluating, and implementing career, education, and employment plans.

Career Coaching - Choosing a Major/Career
Students interact 1-1 with a trained career coach regarding making career /major decisions by exploring student interests, abilities, aptitudes, and alignment with options for choice of major and career field.
Fall 2019 Career Development Students interact 1-1 with a trained career coach regarding making career /major decisions by exploring student interests, abilities, aptitudes, and alignment with options for choice of major and career field. 3 11 30 Career Center N ; Career Services,Study / Practice self knowledge,Career development,Self-knowledge,Problem solving
Career Services


Career Services - The primary mission of Career Services is to assist students and other designated clients in developing, evaluating, and implementing career, education, and employment plans.

Career Coaching - Drop-In Session
Students stop by the Career Center for a brief discussion with a staff member or a quick review of their resume.
Fall 2019 Career Development Students stop by the Career Center for a brief discussion with a staff member or a quick review of their resume. 3 11 30 Career Center N ; Career Services,Study / Practice self knowledge,,Self-knowledge,
Career Services


Career Services - The primary mission of Career Services is to assist students and other designated clients in developing, evaluating, and implementing career, education, and employment plans.

Career Coaching - Full-time Job Strategies
Students interact 1-1 with a staff member to identify resources and develop a plan for seeking employment.
Fall 2019 Career Development Students interact 1-1 with a staff member to identify resources and develop a plan for seeking employment. 3 11 30 Career Center N ; Career Services,Career development,,Problem solving,
Career Services


Career Services - The primary mission of Career Services is to assist students and other designated clients in developing, evaluating, and implementing career, education, and employment plans.

Career Coaching - Graduate / Professional School
Student interacts 1-1 with professional staff member to identify resources and develop a plan for applying to graduate and/or professional schools.
Fall 2019 Career Development Student interacts 1-1 with professional staff member to identify resources and develop a plan for applying to graduate and/or professional schools. 3 11 30 Career Center N ; Career Services,Career development,Study / Practice self knowledge,Problem solving,
Career Services


Career Services - The primary mission of Career Services is to assist students and other designated clients in developing, evaluating, and implementing career, education, and employment plans.

Career Coaching - Internship / Co-op Search
Student interacts 1-1 with a professional staff member to identify resources and develop a plan for obtaining an internship or co-op position.
Fall 2019 Career Development Student interacts 1-1 with a professional staff member to identify resources and develop a plan for obtaining an internship or co-op position. 3 11 30 Career Center N ; Career Services,Career development,Study / Practice self knowledge,Problem solving,Self-knowledge
Career Services


Career Services - The primary mission of Career Services is to assist students and other designated clients in developing, evaluating, and implementing career, education, and employment plans.

Career Coaching - Interview Preparation
Student interacts 1-1 with a professional staff member to prepare for interviews for employment or admission to graduate/professional schools.
Fall 2019 Career Development Student interacts 1-1 with a professional staff member to prepare for interviews for employment or admission to graduate/professional schools. 3 11 30 Career Center N ; Career Services,Career development,Study / Practice self knowledge,Self-knowledge,Problem solving
Career Services


Career Services - The primary mission of Career Services is to assist students and other designated clients in developing, evaluating, and implementing career, education, and employment plans.

Career Coaching - Job Fair Preparation
Students interact 1-1 with a staff member to identify resources and develop a plan for obtaining employment.
Fall 2019 Career Development Students interact 1-1 with a staff member to identify resources and develop a plan for obtaining employment. 3 11 30 Career Center N ; Career Services,Career development,,Problem solving,
Career Services


Career Services - The primary mission of Career Services is to assist students and other designated clients in developing, evaluating, and implementing career, education, and employment plans.

Career Coaching - Job Search
Student interacts 1-1 with a professional staff member to identify resources and develop a plan for obtaining employment.
Fall 2019 Career Development Student interacts 1-1 with a professional staff member to identify resources and develop a plan for obtaining employment. 3 11 30 Career Center N ; Career Services,Career development,Study / Practice self knowledge,Problem solving,Self-knowledge
Career Services


Career Services - The primary mission of Career Services is to assist students and other designated clients in developing, evaluating, and implementing career, education, and employment plans.

Career Coaching - LinkedIn
Students interact 1-1 with a staff member to identify resources and develop a plan for obtaining employment.
Fall 2019 Career Development Students interact 1-1 with a staff member to identify resources and develop a plan for obtaining employment. 3 11 30 Career Center N ; Career Services,Career development,,Problem solving,
Career Services


Career Services - The primary mission of Career Services is to assist students and other designated clients in developing, evaluating, and implementing career, education, and employment plans.

Career Coaching - Mock Interview
Students participate in a mock interview, and receive feedback from a professional staff member to improve their future performance.
Fall 2019 Career Development Students participate in a mock interview, and receive feedback from a professional staff member to improve their future performance. 3 11 30 Career Center N ; Career Services,Career development,,Self-knowledge,Communication - spoken
Career Services


Career Services - The primary mission of Career Services is to assist students and other designated clients in developing, evaluating, and implementing career, education, and employment plans.

Career Coaching - Part-time Job Strategies
Students interact 1-1 with a staff member to identify resources and and develop a plan for obtaining employment.
Fall 2019 Career Development Students interact 1-1 with a staff member to identify resources and and develop a plan for obtaining employment. 3 11 30 Career Center N ; Career Services,Career development,,Problem solving,
Career Services


Career Services - The primary mission of Career Services is to assist students and other designated clients in developing, evaluating, and implementing career, education, and employment plans.

Career Coaching - Personal Statement / Essay Reviews
Students interact 1-1 with a staff member to identify resources and develop a plan for obtaining employment.
Fall 2019 Career Development Students interact 1-1 with a staff member to identify resources and develop a plan for obtaining employment. 3 11 30 Career Center N ; Career Services,Career development,,Problem solving,
Career Services


Career Services - The primary mission of Career Services is to assist students and other designated clients in developing, evaluating, and implementing career, education, and employment plans.

Career Coaching - Resume / Cover Letter Review
Students interact 1-1 with a staff member to identify resources and plan for obtaining employment.
Fall 2019 Career Development Students interact 1-1 with a staff member to identify resources and plan for obtaining employment. 3 11 30 Career Center N ; Career Services,Career development,,Problem solving,
Career Services


Career Services - The primary mission of Career Services is to assist students and other designated clients in developing, evaluating, and implementing career, education, and employment plans.

Career Management Platform - How to Use Handshake
Students receive instruction on how to use the career management tool called Handshake to create and manage job search documents, register for career events, and connect with employers.
Fall 2019 Career Development Students receive instruction on how to use the career management tool called Handshake to create and manage job search documents, register for career events, and connect with employers. 3 11 30 Career Center N ; Career Services,Career development,,Self-knowledge,
Internship Programs


Internship Programs - The primary mission of Internship Programs is to engage students in planned, educationally-related work and learning experiences that integrate knowledge and theory with practical application and skill development in a professional setting.

Cooperative Education (Co-op) - Parallel
Students participate in 2-3 semesters of supervised, paid work-based learning with the same employer. The Parallel format allows the student to work part-time for 240 hours (20 hours/week) for 3 consecutive semesters while attending school.
Fall 2019 Cooperative Education Students participate in 2-3 semesters of supervised, paid work-based learning with the same employer. The Parallel format allows the student to work part-time for 240 hours (20 hours/week) for 3 consecutive semesters while attending school. 3 11 30 Career Center N GLD-Professional & Civic Engagement; Internship Programs,Apply specialized knowledge,Career readiness,Integrative and applied learning,
Internship Programs


Internship Programs - The primary mission of Internship Programs is to engage students in planned, educationally-related work and learning experiences that integrate knowledge and theory with practical application and skill development in a professional setting.

Cooperative Education (Co-op) - Alternating
Students participate in 2-3 semesters of supervised, paid work-based learning with the same employer. The Alternating format allows the student to alternate between a semester of full-time school (480 hours at 40 hours/week).
Fall 2019 Cooperative Education Students participate in 2-3 semesters of supervised, paid work-based learning with the same employer. The Alternating format allows the student to alternate between a semester of full-time school (480 hours at 40 hours/week). 3 11 30 Career Center N GLD-Professional & Civic Engagement; Internship Programs,Apply specialized knowledge,Career readiness,Integrative and applied learning,
Internship Programs


Internship Programs - The primary mission of Internship Programs is to engage students in planned, educationally-related work and learning experiences that integrate knowledge and theory with practical application and skill development in a professional setting.

Carolina Internship Program - Part-time
Students engage in a paid, work-based learning experience that is usually the length or equivalent of a fall or spring semester or summer, working approximately 240 hours at 20 hours/week. Student may be eligible to receive academic credit through their academic department or pursue a Zero Credit Transcript notation through the Career Center.
Fall 2019 Cooperative Education Students engage in a paid, work-based learning experience that is usually the length or equivalent of a fall or spring semester or summer, working approximately 240 hours at 20 hours/week. Student may be eligible to receive academic credit through their academic department or pursue a Zero Credit Transcript notation through the Career Center. 3 11 30 Career Center N GLD-Professional & Civic Engagement; Internship Programs,Career development,Career readiness,Integrative and applied learning,
Career Services


Career Services - The primary mission of Career Services is to assist students and other designated clients in developing, evaluating, and implementing career, education, and employment plans.

Career Coaching - Curriculum Vita / Cover Letter Review
Students interact 1-1 with a professional staff member who reviews students' vita and cover letter, provides feedback, and helps students explore presentation options.
Fall 2019 Career Development Students interact 1-1 with a professional staff member who reviews students' vita and cover letter, provides feedback, and helps students explore presentation options. 3 11 30 Career Center N ; Career Services,Career development,Study / Practice self knowledge,Problem solving,Self-knowledge
Academic Advising Programs


Academic Advising Programs - The primary purpose of Academic Advising Programs is to assist students in the development of meaningful educational plans.

Exploratory Advising / Major Change
Students meet 1-on-1 with an Exploratory Advisor to explore majors/degree programs, learn how to change majors, evaluate how completed coursework will apply to a new major, plan class schedules, and get help with general advisement questions.
Fall 2019 Educational Support Students meet 1-on-1 with an Exploratory Advisor to explore majors/degree programs, learn how to change majors, evaluate how completed coursework will apply to a new major, plan class schedules, and get help with general advisement questions. 3 12 34 University Advising Center N ; Academic Advising Programs,Study / Practice intellectual skills,Study / Practice self knowledge,Self-knowledge,
Health Promotion Services


Health Promotion Services - The mission and scope of practice of health promotion, sometimes referred to as wellness, must be reflective of the following fundamental assumptions about the role of health in higher education: reciprocal relationship between learning and health; direct connection between academic mission and higher education and well being of students

Gamecocks Eat Well Cooking Class
Students will receive hands-on cooking class instruction from a Registered Dietitian to acquire the necessary knowledge and skills to prepare their own snacks and meals.
Fall 2019 Physical, Mental, Emotional Health Students will receive hands-on cooking class instruction from a Registered Dietitian to acquire the necessary knowledge and skills to prepare their own snacks and meals. 3 11 117 Healthy Campus Initiatives N ; Health Promotion Services,Study / Practice physical well being,Apply specialized knowledge,Foundations and skills for lifelong learning,
Career Services


Career Services - The primary mission of Career Services is to assist students and other designated clients in developing, evaluating, and implementing career, education, and employment plans.

Graduate and Professional School Day
Students interact with representatives from graduate and professional schools about current and future enrollment opportunities.
Fall 2019 Career Development Students interact with representatives from graduate and professional schools about current and future enrollment opportunities. 3 11 30 Career Center N ; Career Services,Career development,,Self-knowledge,
Health Promotion Services


Health Promotion Services - The mission and scope of practice of health promotion, sometimes referred to as wellness, must be reflective of the following fundamental assumptions about the role of health in higher education: reciprocal relationship between learning and health; direct connection between academic mission and higher education and well being of students

Guide to Thrive: Strategies to Manage Stress
Students attend stress management presentation on five topics which will include the introduction of a technique, practicing the techniques in the class, and reflection on their learning. Students can attend a single session or up to all five sessions.
Fall 2019 Physical, Mental, Emotional Health Students attend stress management presentation on five topics which will include the introduction of a technique, practicing the techniques in the class, and reflection on their learning. Students can attend a single session or up to all five sessions. 3 11 117 Healthy Campus Initiatives N ; Health Promotion Services,Study / Practice self knowledge,Study / Practice social well being,Specialized knowledge and skills,
Career Services


Career Services - The primary mission of Career Services is to assist students and other designated clients in developing, evaluating, and implementing career, education, and employment plans.

Health Professions Job Fair
Students interact with representatives from employer organizations about current and future employment opportunities including internships, co-ops, and full-time positions.
Fall 2019 Career Development Students interact with representatives from employer organizations about current and future employment opportunities including internships, co-ops, and full-time positions. 3 11 30 Career Center N ; Career Services,Career development,,Self-knowledge,
Health Promotion Services


Health Promotion Services - The mission and scope of practice of health promotion, sometimes referred to as wellness, must be reflective of the following fundamental assumptions about the role of health in higher education: reciprocal relationship between learning and health; direct connection between academic mission and higher education and well being of students

Healthy Eating Group
Students meet with a Registered Dietitian Nutritionist to learn how to choose balanced meals and snacks on and off campus. By the end of the group appointment, student will have increased basic nutrition knowledge, tips for eating well on a budget, and understand cues for eating.
Fall 2019 Physical, Mental, Emotional Health Students meet with a Registered Dietitian Nutritionist to learn how to choose balanced meals and snacks on and off campus. By the end of the group appointment, student will have increased basic nutrition knowledge, tips for eating well on a budget, and understand cues for eating. 3 11 117 Healthy Campus Initiatives N ; Health Promotion Services,Study / Practice physical well being,Apply specialized knowledge,Foundations and skills for lifelong learning,
Health Promotion Services


Health Promotion Services - The mission and scope of practice of health promotion, sometimes referred to as wellness, must be reflective of the following fundamental assumptions about the role of health in higher education: reciprocal relationship between learning and health; direct connection between academic mission and higher education and well being of students

How To Fail: Resilience Building Workshop
Students interact with expert presenters to identify at least 3 strategies to build resilience, including identifying healthy coping skills, identifying negative thinking patterns, and realistic goal-setting.
Fall 2019 Physical, Mental, Emotional Health Students interact with expert presenters to identify at least 3 strategies to build resilience, including identifying healthy coping skills, identifying negative thinking patterns, and realistic goal-setting. 3 11 117 Healthy Campus Initiatives N ; Health Promotion Services,Study / Practice self knowledge,Study / Practice social well being,Foundations and skills for lifelong learning,
Campus Religious, Secular, & Spiritual Programs


Campus Religious, Secular, & Spiritual Programs - The purpose is to provide access to programs that enable interested students to pursue full spiritual growth and development and to foster a campus atmosphere in which interested members of the college community may freely express their religion, spirituality, and faith.

Interfaith Initiatives Faith Fair - Welcome Week Event
Students gather information and interact with representatives from religious/spiritual student organizations and off-campus, Columbia faith-based organizations to explore opportunities to make connections with students and other community members. This annual event is hosted by the Student Life Interfaith Initiatives office.
Fall 2019 Community Building Students gather information and interact with representatives from religious/spiritual student organizations and off-campus, Columbia faith-based organizations to explore opportunities to make connections with students and other community members. This annual event is hosted by the Student Life Interfaith Initiatives office. 3 11 28 N ; Campus Religious, Secular, & Spiritual Programs,Connecting with others,,Self-knowledge,
Student Leadership Programs


Student Leadership Programs - The mission of Student Leadership Programs must be to prepare students to engage in the process of leadership.

Magellan Ambassador
Magellan Ambassadors represent the Office of Undergraduate Research through campus presentations and events, providing opportunity for professional development while sharing their research experience with other students.
Fall 2019 Student Program Leader Magellan Ambassadors represent the Office of Undergraduate Research through campus presentations and events, providing opportunity for professional development while sharing their research experience with other students. 3 13 32 Undergraduate Research N GLD-Professional & Civic Engagement; Student Leadership Programs,Leadership,,Communication - spoken,Influencing others
Health Promotion Services


Health Promotion Services - The mission and scope of practice of health promotion, sometimes referred to as wellness, must be reflective of the following fundamental assumptions about the role of health in higher education: reciprocal relationship between learning and health; direct connection between academic mission and higher education and well being of students

Meet Me at the Barbell
Students attend a two-part workshop to help them build a healthy gym environment and prevent injury. Topics include stress management, self care, gym stereotypes, basic nutrition, communicating in the gym, and creating a realistic workout program. Students work with personal trainers to learn proper form and a variety of exercises.
Fall 2019 Physical, Mental, Emotional Health Students attend a two-part workshop to help them build a healthy gym environment and prevent injury. Topics include stress management, self care, gym stereotypes, basic nutrition, communicating in the gym, and creating a realistic workout program. Students work with personal trainers to learn proper form and a variety of exercises. 3 11 117 Healthy Campus Initiatives N ; Health Promotion Services,Study / Practice physical well being,Connecting with others,Foundations and skills for lifelong learning,
Career Services


Career Services - The primary mission of Career Services is to assist students and other designated clients in developing, evaluating, and implementing career, education, and employment plans.

Opportunity Knocks Part-Time Job Fair
Students interact with representatives from campus departments and community organizations about current part-time employment opportunities.
Fall 2019 Career Development Students interact with representatives from campus departments and community organizations about current part-time employment opportunities. 3 11 30 Career Center N ; Career Services,Career development,,Self-knowledge,
Career Services


Career Services - The primary mission of Career Services is to assist students and other designated clients in developing, evaluating, and implementing career, education, and employment plans.

Pathways to Professions (Externship)
Students attend half or full day visit to an employer site for an overview of the organization and their employment opportunities. Common components include presentations by organizational leadership and human resources staff, practitioner panels (most often with alumni representation), shadowing opportunities and facility tours.
Fall 2019 Career Development Students attend half or full day visit to an employer site for an overview of the organization and their employment opportunities. Common components include presentations by organizational leadership and human resources staff, practitioner panels (most often with alumni representation), shadowing opportunities and facility tours. 3 11 30 Career Center N ; Career Services,Career development,,Self-knowledge,
Student Leadership Programs


Student Leadership Programs - The mission of Student Leadership Programs must be to prepare students to engage in the process of leadership.

Peer Consultant
Student consultants meet with peers to provide study skills support, discuss academic success strategies, and co-create a personalized plan for academic success.
Fall 2019 Peer Educator Student consultants meet with peers to provide study skills support, discuss academic success strategies, and co-create a personalized plan for academic success. 3 11 30 Student Success Center N Experiential Learning Opportunity; GLD-Professional & Civic Engagement; Student Leadership Programs,Leadership,Career readiness,Influencing others,Problem solving
Student Leadership Programs


Student Leadership Programs - The mission of Student Leadership Programs must be to prepare students to engage in the process of leadership.

Peer Financial Consultant
Student consultants meet with students to help them set financial goals, explore money management strategies, and create financial action plans; as needed, consultants make appropriate referrals to other campus resources.
Fall 2019 Peer Educator Student consultants meet with students to help them set financial goals, explore money management strategies, and create financial action plans; as needed, consultants make appropriate referrals to other campus resources. 3 11 30 Student Success Center N Experiential Learning Opportunity; GLD-Professional & Civic Engagement; Student Leadership Programs,Apply specialized knowledge,Leadership,Influencing others,Financial literacy
Student Leadership Programs


Student Leadership Programs - The mission of Student Leadership Programs must be to prepare students to engage in the process of leadership.

Peer Tutor
Tutors provide course-specific academic support for undergraduate students. They work with students in 1-1 sessions and lead group tutoring sessions.
Fall 2019 Peer Educator Tutors provide course-specific academic support for undergraduate students. They work with students in 1-1 sessions and lead group tutoring sessions. 3 11 30 Student Success Center N GLD-Professional & Civic Engagement; Experiential Learning Opportunity; Student Leadership Programs,Leadership,Apply specialized knowledge,Communication - spoken,Integrative and applied learning
Learning Assistance Programs


Learning Assistance Programs - The primary mission of Learning Assistance Programs must be to provide students with resources and opportunities to improve their ability to learn and to achieve academic success.

Peer Tutoring
Students participate in a tutoring session for a specific academic course in which they are currently enrolled.
Fall 2019 Educational Support Students participate in a tutoring session for a specific academic course in which they are currently enrolled. 3 11 30 Student Success Center N ; Learning Assistance Programs,Study / Practice intellectual skills,Apply specialized knowledge,Specialized knowledge and skills,
Student Leadership Programs


Student Leadership Programs - The mission of Student Leadership Programs must be to prepare students to engage in the process of leadership.

Peer Writing Tutor
Peer Tutors meet with students in 1-1 sessions to provide course-specific academic support for writing and communications skill development.
Fall 2019 Peer Educator Peer Tutors meet with students in 1-1 sessions to provide course-specific academic support for writing and communications skill development. 3 11 30 Student Success Center N Experiential Learning Opportunity; GLD-Professional & Civic Engagement; Student Leadership Programs,Leadership,Apply specialized knowledge,Critical and creative thinking,Communication - written
Learning Assistance Programs


Learning Assistance Programs - The primary mission of Learning Assistance Programs must be to provide students with resources and opportunities to improve their ability to learn and to achieve academic success.

Peer Writing Session
Students participate in a tutoring session for support with composition- or communications-based assignments or projects.
Fall 2019 Educational Support Students participate in a tutoring session for support with composition- or communications-based assignments or projects. 3 11 30 Student Success Center N ; Learning Assistance Programs,Study / Practice intellectual skills,,Communication - written,Communication - spoken
Orientation Programs


Orientation Programs - The mission of Orientation Programs must facilitate the transition of new students into the institution; prepare students for the educational opportunities and student responsibilities; initiate the integration of new students into the intellectual, cultural, and social climate of the institution; and support the parents, guardians, and children of the new student.

Pillars for Carolina Orientation
Incoming students engage in an extended orientation program that introduces them to student life and resources on campus. Participants meet and interact with peers, explore campus geography and resources, and reflect on their identity as a college student.
Summer 2019 Community Building Incoming students engage in an extended orientation program that introduces them to student life and resources on campus. Participants meet and interact with peers, explore campus geography and resources, and reflect on their identity as a college student. 3 11 28 Leadership & Service Center N ; Orientation Programs,Connecting with others,,Self-knowledge,
Student Leadership Programs


Student Leadership Programs - The mission of Student Leadership Programs must be to prepare students to engage in the process of leadership.

Returning Resident Assistant
Returning Resident Mentors have completed the training course, live with a group of 25 to 60 residents, guide them through their Carolina experience, and are responsible for actively assisting individuals and groups of students in their residential learning community by performing all job duties and responsibilities of the position.
Fall 2019 Peer Educator Returning Resident Mentors have completed the training course, live with a group of 25 to 60 residents, guide them through their Carolina experience, and are responsible for actively assisting individuals and groups of students in their residential learning community by performing all job duties and responsibilities of the position. 3 11 29 University Housing N Experiential Learning Opportunity; GLD-Professional & Civic Engagement; Student Leadership Programs,Leadership,,Influencing others,Interpersonal skills
Health Promotion Services


Health Promotion Services - The mission and scope of practice of health promotion, sometimes referred to as wellness, must be reflective of the following fundamental assumptions about the role of health in higher education: reciprocal relationship between learning and health; direct connection between academic mission and higher education and well being of students

Stand Up Carolina Bystander Intervention Training
Students receive training on an array of intervention strategies to use in their everyday lives and engage in a group discussion about overcoming personal and societal barriers to bystander intervention. Information about on and off-campus resources is provided.
Fall 2019 Physical, Mental, Emotional Health Students receive training on an array of intervention strategies to use in their everyday lives and engage in a group discussion about overcoming personal and societal barriers to bystander intervention. Information about on and off-campus resources is provided. 3 11 117 Healthy Campus Initiatives N ; Health Promotion Services,Study / Practice social well being,Connecting with others,Personal and social responsibility - Developing competence in ethical and moral reasoning, action,
Student Leadership Programs


Student Leadership Programs - The mission of Student Leadership Programs must be to prepare students to engage in the process of leadership.

Student Success Center Program Assistant / Mentor
Experienced student leaders serve within a specific programmatic area (supplemental instruction, peer tutoring, or peer success consultations), supervise other peer leaders within the same program, and engage in critical office functions to support the department's professional certifications and mission.
Fall 2019 Peer Educator Experienced student leaders serve within a specific programmatic area (supplemental instruction, peer tutoring, or peer success consultations), supervise other peer leaders within the same program, and engage in critical office functions to support the department's professional certifications and mission. 3 11 30 Student Success Center N Experiential Learning Opportunity; GLD-Professional & Civic Engagement; Student Leadership Programs,Leadership,Career readiness,Teamwork,Critical and creative thinking
Education Abroad Programs & Services


Education Abroad Programs & Services - Education Abroad Programs and Services facilitate and oversee student participation in educational experiences that occur in countries outside the institution's home country.

Study Abroad - Global Classroom
Students engage in a short-term, USC faculty-led program, focusing on a specific subject area or foreign language. Program sites and course offerings vary from year to year.
Fall 2019 Study Abroad Students engage in a short-term, USC faculty-led program, focusing on a specific subject area or foreign language. Program sites and course offerings vary from year to year. 3 12 31 Study Abroad N Experiential Learning Opportunity; GLD-Global Learning; Education Abroad Programs & Services,Global learning,,Intercultural knowledge and competence,Specialized knowledge and skills
Education Abroad Programs & Services


Education Abroad Programs & Services - Education Abroad Programs and Services facilitate and oversee student participation in educational experiences that occur in countries outside the institution's home country.

Study Abroad - Global Direct
Students engage in a summer, semester, or academic year direct-enroll program while focusing on specific topics, foreign languages, or various subject areas. Students take courses from an approved academic institution and pay tuition and fees directly to the host institution.
Fall 2019 Study Abroad Students engage in a summer, semester, or academic year direct-enroll program while focusing on specific topics, foreign languages, or various subject areas. Students take courses from an approved academic institution and pay tuition and fees directly to the host institution. 3 12 31 Study Abroad N Experiential Learning Opportunity; GLD-Global Learning; Education Abroad Programs & Services,Global learning,,Intercultural knowledge and competence,Specialized knowledge and skills
Education Abroad Programs & Services


Education Abroad Programs & Services - Education Abroad Programs and Services facilitate and oversee student participation in educational experiences that occur in countries outside the institution's home country.

Study Abroad - Global Exchange
Students engage in a semester or academic year exchange program in conjunction with a partner institution. Some focus on specific areas of study; others are open to all majors. Students are charged USC in-state tuition while enrolled in this program.
Fall 2019 Study Abroad Students engage in a semester or academic year exchange program in conjunction with a partner institution. Some focus on specific areas of study; others are open to all majors. Students are charged USC in-state tuition while enrolled in this program. 3 12 31 Study Abroad N Experiential Learning Opportunity; GLD-Global Learning; Education Abroad Programs & Services,Global learning,,Intercultural knowledge and competence,Specialized knowledge and skills
Education Abroad Programs & Services


Education Abroad Programs & Services - Education Abroad Programs and Services facilitate and oversee student participation in educational experiences that occur in countries outside the institution's home country.

Study Abroad - Global Partner
Students engage in a summer, semester, or academic year program with an independent study abroad organization.
Fall 2019 Study Abroad Students engage in a summer, semester, or academic year program with an independent study abroad organization. 3 12 31 Study Abroad N Experiential Learning Opportunity; GLD-Global Learning; Education Abroad Programs & Services,Global learning,,Intercultural knowledge and competence,Specialized knowledge and skills
Education Abroad Programs & Services


Education Abroad Programs & Services - Education Abroad Programs and Services facilitate and oversee student participation in educational experiences that occur in countries outside the institution's home country.

Study Abroad - Global USC
Students engage in intensive, multi-disciplinary overseas summer programs, earning 3-9 credits while participating in cultural excursions and academic activities as part of a cohort.
Fall 2019 Study Abroad Students engage in intensive, multi-disciplinary overseas summer programs, earning 3-9 credits while participating in cultural excursions and academic activities as part of a cohort. 3 12 31 Study Abroad N Experiential Learning Opportunity; GLD-Global Learning; Education Abroad Programs & Services,Global learning,,Intercultural knowledge and competence,Specialized knowledge and skills
International Student Programs and Services


International Student Programs and Services - The mission of International Student Programs and Services is to provide support and assistance necessary for international students to achieve their educational goals and to ensure institutional compliance with governmental immigration regulations.

Education Abroad Fair
Students interact with faculty, staff, and study abroad providers to learn more about opportunities for study abroad and resources for study abroad funding.
Fall 2019 Campus Activities Students interact with faculty, staff, and study abroad providers to learn more about opportunities for study abroad and resources for study abroad funding. 3 12 31 Study Abroad N ; International Student Programs and Services,Study / Practice self knowledge,,Self-knowledge,
Student Employment


Student Employment - Student is employed part-time by the university and engages in career readiness development activities as part of supervision process.

Study Abroad Peer Advisor
Students who have studied abroad work in a pre-professional capacity with the Study Abroad Office staff to promote study abroad on campus and to support prospective, current and returned study abroad participants.
Fall 2019 Employment On Campus Students who have studied abroad work in a pre-professional capacity with the Study Abroad Office staff to promote study abroad on campus and to support prospective, current and returned study abroad participants. 3 12 31 Study Abroad N Experiential Learning Opportunity; GLD-Professional & Civic Engagement; Student Employment,Career readiness,Global learning,Interpersonal skills,Intercultural knowledge and competence
Learning Assistance Programs


Learning Assistance Programs - The primary mission of Learning Assistance Programs must be to provide students with resources and opportunities to improve their ability to learn and to achieve academic success.

Success Consultation
Students meet 1-1 with a trained peer consultant to assist students in understanding course material, develop self-regulated learning skills, and create an action plan for positive academic behaviors.
Fall 2019 Educational Support Students meet 1-1 with a trained peer consultant to assist students in understanding course material, develop self-regulated learning skills, and create an action plan for positive academic behaviors. 3 11 30 Student Success Center N ; Learning Assistance Programs,Study / Practice intellectual skills,Study / Practice self knowledge,Foundations and skills for lifelong learning,
Health Promotion Services


Health Promotion Services - The mission and scope of practice of health promotion, sometimes referred to as wellness, must be reflective of the following fundamental assumptions about the role of health in higher education: reciprocal relationship between learning and health; direct connection between academic mission and higher education and well being of students

Suicide Prevention Gatekeeper Training
Students receive training on how to recognize signs of suicide, communicate and assist someone in crisis, identify campus resources to assist someone in various stages of distress, and practice these skills in a workshop setting.
Fall 2019 Physical, Mental, Emotional Health Students receive training on how to recognize signs of suicide, communicate and assist someone in crisis, identify campus resources to assist someone in various stages of distress, and practice these skills in a workshop setting. 3 11 117 Healthy Campus Initiatives N ; Health Promotion Services,Study / Practice social well being,Connecting with others,Interpersonal skills,
Learning Assistance Programs


Learning Assistance Programs - The primary mission of Learning Assistance Programs must be to provide students with resources and opportunities to improve their ability to learn and to achieve academic success.

Supplemental Instruction
Students participate in a group study session for a specific academic course and section in which they are currently enrolled.
Fall 2019 Educational Support Students participate in a group study session for a specific academic course and section in which they are currently enrolled. 3 11 30 Student Success Center N ; Learning Assistance Programs,Study / Practice intellectual skills,,Specialized knowledge and skills,
Student Leadership Programs


Student Leadership Programs - The mission of Student Leadership Programs must be to prepare students to engage in the process of leadership.

Supplemental Instruction Peer Leader
SI Peer Leaders facilitate group study sessions for students enrolled in specific courses and sections; they help their peers learn challenging material from class lectures and assignments, and offer helpful tips that integrate how to learn with what to learn through three group study sessions each week.
Fall 2019 Peer Educator SI Peer Leaders facilitate group study sessions for students enrolled in specific courses and sections; they help their peers learn challenging material from class lectures and assignments, and offer helpful tips that integrate how to learn with what to learn through three group study sessions each week. 3 11 30 Student Success Center N Experiential Learning Opportunity; GLD-Professional & Civic Engagement; Student Leadership Programs,Leadership,,Influencing others,Communication - spoken
Transfer Student Programs and Services


Transfer Student Programs and Services - The mission of Transfer Student Programs and Services is to aid in the successful transfer, persistence, and graduation of transfer students.

Transfer Success Consultation
Transfer students participate in a 1:1 meeting with the Transfer Coordinator, to discuss academic referrals, current academic challenges, and to identify academic and campus resources.
Fall 2019 Educational Support Transfer students participate in a 1:1 meeting with the Transfer Coordinator, to discuss academic referrals, current academic challenges, and to identify academic and campus resources. 3 11 30 Carolina Experience N ; Transfer Student Programs and Services,Study / Practice self knowledge,,Personal and social responsibility - Striving for excellence,
Health Promotion Services


Health Promotion Services - The mission and scope of practice of health promotion, sometimes referred to as wellness, must be reflective of the following fundamental assumptions about the role of health in higher education: reciprocal relationship between learning and health; direct connection between academic mission and higher education and well being of students

Trauma 101
In support of creating a more trauma informed and responsive campus, students engage in expert presentations in a workshop series that provides a more comprehensive way to think about trauma as the process of becoming flooded with overwhelming stress from a variety of causes.
Fall 2019 Physical, Mental, Emotional Health In support of creating a more trauma informed and responsive campus, students engage in expert presentations in a workshop series that provides a more comprehensive way to think about trauma as the process of becoming flooded with overwhelming stress from a variety of causes. 3 11 117 Healthy Campus Initiatives N ; Health Promotion Services,Study / Practice social well being,Apply specialized knowledge,Foundations and skills for lifelong learning,
Undergraduate Research Programs


Undergraduate Research Programs - The primary mission of Undergraduate Research Programs is to engage students in investigative and creative activity to experience firsthand the processes of scholarly exploration and discovery.

Undergraduate Research - Paid or Volunteer
Students work with a mentor to conduct a discipline specific research project that explores their field of interest through a hands-on project. Students do not earn academic credit. Mentors and students are encouraged to discuss and develop clear expectations prior to initiating research activities.
Fall 2019 Undergraduate Research Students work with a mentor to conduct a discipline specific research project that explores their field of interest through a hands-on project. Students do not earn academic credit. Mentors and students are encouraged to discuss and develop clear expectations prior to initiating research activities. 3 13 32 Undergraduate Research N Experiential Learning Opportunity; GLD-Research; Undergraduate Research Programs,Research,,Critical and creative thinking,Problem solving
Undergraduate Research Programs


Undergraduate Research Programs - The primary mission of Undergraduate Research Programs is to engage students in investigative and creative activity to experience firsthand the processes of scholarly exploration and discovery.

Undergraduate Research - Student Grant Award
Student works with a mentor to conduct a discipline specific research project funded by a university grant, awarded through a competitive application process that includes evaluation of the clarity of the student's project description, project's educational and intellectual merit, potential impact of the project, and mentoring plan.
Fall 2019 Undergraduate Research Student works with a mentor to conduct a discipline specific research project funded by a university grant, awarded through a competitive application process that includes evaluation of the clarity of the student's project description, project's educational and intellectual merit, potential impact of the project, and mentoring plan. 3 13 32 Undergraduate Research N Experiential Learning Opportunity; GLD-Research; Undergraduate Research Programs,Research,,Critical and creative thinking,Problem solving
Undergraduate Research Programs


Undergraduate Research Programs - The primary mission of Undergraduate Research Programs is to engage students in investigative and creative activity to experience firsthand the processes of scholarly exploration and discovery.

Undergraduate Research - Independent Study Credit
Students work with a mentor, for academic course credit (generally through independent study) to conduct a discipline specific research project that explores their field of interest through a hands-on project. Mentors and students develop and determine expectations, objectives, and the method of evaluation prior to course registration and approval.
Fall 2019 Undergraduate Research Students work with a mentor, for academic course credit (generally through independent study) to conduct a discipline specific research project that explores their field of interest through a hands-on project. Mentors and students develop and determine expectations, objectives, and the method of evaluation prior to course registration and approval. 3 13 32 Undergraduate Research N Experiential Learning Opportunity; GLD-Research; Undergraduate Research Programs,Research,,Critical and creative thinking,Problem solving
Student Leadership Programs


Student Leadership Programs - The mission of Student Leadership Programs must be to prepare students to engage in the process of leadership.

University Ambassador
University Ambassadors lead campus tours for diverse audiences of prospective students and families, answer phone calls and respond to emails and other visitor communications, assist in the recruitment, coaching, and evaluation of new University Ambassadors and participate in weekly professional development & training.
Fall 2019 Peer Educator University Ambassadors lead campus tours for diverse audiences of prospective students and families, answer phone calls and respond to emails and other visitor communications, assist in the recruitment, coaching, and evaluation of new University Ambassadors and participate in weekly professional development & training. 3 34 118 Visitor Center N GLD-Professional & Civic Engagement; Experiential Learning Opportunity; Student Leadership Programs,Career readiness,Connecting with others,Critical and creative thinking,Communication - spoken
Student Employment


Student Employment - Student is employed part-time by the university and engages in career readiness development activities as part of supervision process.

Students Providing Undergraduate Residential Support (SPURS)
Students assist professional staff with administrative duties and with major university events such as prospective student recruitment events and new student Move-in Day.
Fall 2019 Student Program Leader Students assist professional staff with administrative duties and with major university events such as prospective student recruitment events and new student Move-in Day. 3 11 29 University Housing N Experiential Learning Opportunity; GLD-Professional & Civic Engagement; Student Employment,Career readiness,,Communication - spoken,Problem solving
Student Leadership Programs


Student Leadership Programs - The mission of Student Leadership Programs must be to prepare students to engage in the process of leadership.

Center for Integrative and Experiential Learning Student Advisory Council
Students participate in discussion-based monthly meetings to provide the Center for Integrative and Experiential Learning staff with feedback and to share opinions about initiatives and programming.
Fall 2019 Student Program Leader Students participate in discussion-based monthly meetings to provide the Center for Integrative and Experiential Learning staff with feedback and to share opinions about initiatives and programming. 3 12 34 Center for Integrative and Experiential Learning N ; Student Leadership Programs,Leadership,,Communication - spoken,
Campus Activities Programs


Campus Activities Programs - The purpose of Campus Activities Programs must be to enhance the overall educational experience of students through development of, exposure to, and participation in programs and activities that improve student cooperation and leadership while preparing students to be responsible advocates and citizens and complementing the institution's academic programs.

The Big Event Planning Committee
Committee members assist the student executive team in planning the event including recruitment, site selection, and logistics day of the event; members have individual job responsibilities before, during, and after the event.
Fall 2019 Student Program Leader Committee members assist the student executive team in planning the event including recruitment, site selection, and logistics day of the event; members have individual job responsibilities before, during, and after the event. 3 11 28 Leadership & Service Center N ; Campus Activities Programs,Career readiness,Leadership,Communication - spoken,Critical and creative thinking
Campus Activities Programs


Campus Activities Programs - The purpose of Campus Activities Programs must be to enhance the overall educational experience of students through development of, exposure to, and participation in programs and activities that improve student cooperation and leadership while preparing students to be responsible advocates and citizens and complementing the institution's academic programs.

National Collegiate Athletic Association (NCAA) Athletic Event
Student attendance at National Collegiate Athletic Association (NCAA) athletic events provides opportunities for students to connect with other students and develop a sense of belonging through shared school spirit.
Fall 2019 Campus Activities Student attendance at National Collegiate Athletic Association (NCAA) athletic events provides opportunities for students to connect with other students and develop a sense of belonging through shared school spirit. 3 30 116 Student Tickets N ; Campus Activities Programs,Connecting with others,,Self-knowledge,
Student Leadership Programs


Student Leadership Programs - The mission of Student Leadership Programs must be to prepare students to engage in the process of leadership.

Capstone Scholars Connectors Mentor
Each mentor meets with first-year student mentee(s) at least twice each month to provide support and recommend resources and opportunities for involvement.
Fall 2019 Student Program Leader Each mentor meets with first-year student mentee(s) at least twice each month to provide support and recommend resources and opportunities for involvement. 3 11 29 Faculty Principal Learning Communities N Experiential Learning Opportunity; GLD-Professional & Civic Engagement; Student Leadership Programs,Leadership,Career readiness,Interpersonal skills,Problem solving
Student Leadership Programs


Student Leadership Programs - The mission of Student Leadership Programs must be to prepare students to engage in the process of leadership.

Outdoor Recreation Manager
Managers lead one of the outdoor recreation program areas, with responsibility to train student employees, enforce policy, schedule employees, maintain inventory, and communicate with patrons.
Fall 2019 Student Program Leader Managers lead one of the outdoor recreation program areas, with responsibility to train student employees, enforce policy, schedule employees, maintain inventory, and communicate with patrons. 3 11 117 Campus Recreation N Experiential Learning Opportunity; GLD-Professional & Civic Engagement; Student Leadership Programs,Leadership,Career readiness,Professionalism / career readiness,Influencing others
Undergraduate Research Programs


Undergraduate Research Programs - The primary mission of Undergraduate Research Programs is to engage students in investigative and creative activity to experience firsthand the processes of scholarly exploration and discovery.

Seminar in Philosophy - PHIL 490
Review of central topics in philosophy serving as a capstone course for senior majors in philosophy. The course will introduce students to basic techniques for research and development of academic scholarship.
Fall 2019 Research Education Review of central topics in philosophy serving as a capstone course for senior majors in philosophy. The course will introduce students to basic techniques for research and development of academic scholarship. 3 14 48 Y Experiential Learning Opportunity; GLD-Research; Undergraduate Research Programs,Research,Apply specialized knowledge,Inquiry and analysis,Specialized knowledge and skills
Student Leadership Programs


Student Leadership Programs - The mission of Student Leadership Programs must be to prepare students to engage in the process of leadership.

Multicultural Assistance Peer Program (MAPP) Mentor
Student mentors work in a self-directed mode to help support first year/transfer multicultural students as they transition into the university community, by serving as an information resource and helping new students establish a social network.
Fall 2019 Student Program Leader Student mentors work in a self-directed mode to help support first year/transfer multicultural students as they transition into the university community, by serving as an information resource and helping new students establish a social network. 3 11 28 Multicultural Student Affairs N GLD-Diversity & Social Advocacy; GLD-Professional & Civic Engagement; Student Leadership Programs,Connecting with others,,Influencing others,Interpersonal skills
Student Leadership Programs


Student Leadership Programs - The mission of Student Leadership Programs must be to prepare students to engage in the process of leadership.

Leadership Coaching - Big 5 Personality Assessment
Student meets with a professional staff member or graduate student to discuss their Work/School Place Big 5 personality assessment results. Students are asked to reflect on how the results are consistent or inconsistent with their own experiences, and how the results and conversation will inform how they exercise leadership.
Fall 2019 Leadership Education Student meets with a professional staff member or graduate student to discuss their Work/School Place Big 5 personality assessment results. Students are asked to reflect on how the results are consistent or inconsistent with their own experiences, and how the results and conversation will inform how they exercise leadership. 3 11 28 Leadership & Service Center N ; Student Leadership Programs,Study / Practice self knowledge,,Self-knowledge,Critical and creative thinking
Student Leadership Programs


Student Leadership Programs - The mission of Student Leadership Programs must be to prepare students to engage in the process of leadership.

Leadership Coaching - Involvement
Student meets with a professional staff member or graduate student to discuss their personal interests, explore student organizations or other involvement opportunities, identify a goal for becoming more involved on campus and outline a plan for accomplishing that goal.
Fall 2019 Leadership Education Student meets with a professional staff member or graduate student to discuss their personal interests, explore student organizations or other involvement opportunities, identify a goal for becoming more involved on campus and outline a plan for accomplishing that goal. 3 11 28 Leadership & Service Center N ; Student Leadership Programs,Study / Practice self knowledge,,Self-knowledge,Critical and creative thinking
Student Leadership Programs


Student Leadership Programs - The mission of Student Leadership Programs must be to prepare students to engage in the process of leadership.

Leadership Coaching - Student organization
Students meets with a professional staff member or graduate student to discuss strategies for a more successful student organization.
Fall 2019 Leadership Education Students meets with a professional staff member or graduate student to discuss strategies for a more successful student organization. 3 11 28 Leadership & Service Center N ; Student Leadership Programs,Apply specialized knowledge,Leadership,Critical and creative thinking,Influencing others
Multicultural Student Programs and Services


Multicultural Student Programs and Services - Multicultural Student Programs and Services must promote academic and personal growth of traditionally underserved students, work with the entire campus to create an institutional and community climate of justice, promote access and equity in higher education, and offer programs that educate the campus about diversity.

Diversity Retreat
Students engage in a weekend-long retreat of self-reflection, activities and dialogue focused on concepts of diversity (e.g., identity, impact, advocacy). The goal of the retreat is to develop a greater understanding of leadership in a diverse world.
Spring 2020 Leadership Education Students engage in a weekend-long retreat of self-reflection, activities and dialogue focused on concepts of diversity (e.g., identity, impact, advocacy). The goal of the retreat is to develop a greater understanding of leadership in a diverse world. 3 11 28 Multicultural Student Affairs N ; Multicultural Student Programs and Services,Study / Practice diversity, equity, inclusion,Connecting with others,Personal and social responsibility - Taking seriously the perspectives of others,Intercultural knowledge and competence
Internship Programs


Internship Programs - The primary mission of Internship Programs is to engage students in planned, educationally-related work and learning experiences that integrate knowledge and theory with practical application and skill development in a professional setting.

Senior Nursing Capstone Practicum - NURS 435
Final Semester Senior Clinical Immersion Experience
Fall 2019 Internship Final Semester Senior Clinical Immersion Experience 3 20 106 Y Experiential Learning Opportunity; GLD-Community Service; GLD-Professional & Civic Engagement; Internship Programs,Apply specialized knowledge,Career readiness,Specialized knowledge and skills,Professionalism / career readiness
Internship Programs


Internship Programs - The primary mission of Internship Programs is to engage students in planned, educationally-related work and learning experiences that integrate knowledge and theory with practical application and skill development in a professional setting.

Community Service Internship - WGST 499
Students engage in a supervised experience addressing either 1) a community organization’s needs and allowing the student to explore an aspect of the community related to women’s and gender studies issues, or 2) a research project related to gender issues.
Fall 2019 Internship Students engage in a supervised experience addressing either 1) a community organization’s needs and allowing the student to explore an aspect of the community related to women’s and gender studies issues, or 2) a research project related to gender issues. 3 14 58 Y Experiential Learning Opportunity; GLD-Community Service; GLD-Professional & Civic Engagement; Internship Programs,Apply specialized knowledge,Community service / civic engagement,Civic knowledge and engagement,Professionalism / career readiness
Internship Programs


Internship Programs - The primary mission of Internship Programs is to engage students in planned, educationally-related work and learning experiences that integrate knowledge and theory with practical application and skill development in a professional setting.

Internship in Mass Communications - JOUR 597
Students work at least 140 hours during the semester under the direction of the intern coordinator and a professional supervisor in an internship they obtain, attend required meetings during the term with other interns and the intern coordinator, and turn in assignments as scheduled in the course syllabus.
Fall 2019 Internship Students work at least 140 hours during the semester under the direction of the intern coordinator and a professional supervisor in an internship they obtain, attend required meetings during the term with other interns and the intern coordinator, and turn in assignments as scheduled in the course syllabus. 3 18 81 Y Experiential Learning Opportunity; GLD-Professional & Civic Engagement; Internship Programs,Apply specialized knowledge,Career development,Specialized knowledge and skills,Professionalism / career readiness
Internship Programs


Internship Programs - The primary mission of Internship Programs is to engage students in planned, educationally-related work and learning experiences that integrate knowledge and theory with practical application and skill development in a professional setting.

Hospitality & Tourism Internship - HRTM 495
Full time work experience of a minimum of 400 work hours in the Hospitality or Tourism industry; position must be Managerial or Supervisory in nature, Rotational within a minimum of three different areas of the business or a Structured Internship Program. Includes online course work.
Fall 2019 Internship Full time work experience of a minimum of 400 work hours in the Hospitality or Tourism industry; position must be Managerial or Supervisory in nature, Rotational within a minimum of three different areas of the business or a Structured Internship Program. Includes online course work. 3 17 76 Y Experiential Learning Opportunity; GLD-Professional & Civic Engagement; Internship Programs,Apply specialized knowledge,Leadership,Specialized knowledge and skills,Self-knowledge
Internship Programs


Internship Programs - The primary mission of Internship Programs is to engage students in planned, educationally-related work and learning experiences that integrate knowledge and theory with practical application and skill development in a professional setting.

Hospitality & Tourism Practicum - HRTM 290
Full time work experience of a minimum of 400 work hours in the Hospitality or Tourism industry; position can be any entry level or higher position. Includes online course work.
Fall 2019 Practicum Full time work experience of a minimum of 400 work hours in the Hospitality or Tourism industry; position can be any entry level or higher position. Includes online course work. 3 17 76 Y Experiential Learning Opportunity; GLD-Professional & Civic Engagement; Internship Programs,Apply specialized knowledge,Career readiness,Self-knowledge,Specialized knowledge and skills
Capstone Experience


Capstone Experience - A course or project that engages students in a culminating and integrative experience, intended to connect the key learning objectives of an educational program.

GSCOM Capstone Project - MGSC 497
Student consulting teams apply Operations and Supply Chain concepts and techniques to solve operational problems, identify improvement opportunities in service and manufacturing firms, write recommendation and implementation reports, oversee pilot or full-scale implementations, and make presentations of their work to the firm’s management group.
Fall 2019 Capstone Course or Project Student consulting teams apply Operations and Supply Chain concepts and techniques to solve operational problems, identify improvement opportunities in service and manufacturing firms, write recommendation and implementation reports, oversee pilot or full-scale implementations, and make presentations of their work to the firm’s management group. 3 15 65 Y Experiential Learning Opportunity; GLD-Professional & Civic Engagement; Capstone Experience,Apply specialized knowledge,,Specialized knowledge and skills,
Capstone Experience


Capstone Experience - A course or project that engages students in a culminating and integrative experience, intended to connect the key learning objectives of an educational program.

Capstone Design Project II - ELCT 404
Working in teams of typically four, students analyze requirements posed by a project proponent (i.e. customer), then design and build a prototype of a system that meets the proponent's needs. The course is designed to provide an authentic engineering project experience that is representative of a typical engineer's early professional years.
Fall 2019 Capstone Course or Project Working in teams of typically four, students analyze requirements posed by a project proponent (i.e. customer), then design and build a prototype of a system that meets the proponent's needs. The course is designed to provide an authentic engineering project experience that is representative of a typical engineer's early professional years. 3 19 72 Y Experiential Learning Opportunity; GLD-Professional & Civic Engagement; Capstone Experience,Apply specialized knowledge,,Specialized knowledge and skills,
Career Services


Career Services - The primary mission of Career Services is to assist students and other designated clients in developing, evaluating, and implementing career, education, and employment plans.

Moore School of Business EXPO
Students interact with representatives from employer organizations about current and future employment opportunities including internships and full-time positions.
Fall 2019 Career Development Students interact with representatives from employer organizations about current and future employment opportunities including internships and full-time positions. 3 11 30 Career Center N ; Career Services,Career development,,Self-knowledge,
Student Employment


Student Employment - Student is employed part-time by the university and engages in career readiness development activities as part of supervision process.

Campus Recreation Communications & Creative Marketing Team
Students utilize their knowledge and skills from coursework and other experiences to communicate with Campus Recreation audiences using distinctive forms of communication and creative marketing through graphic design, photography, and social media.
Fall 2019 Employment On Campus Students utilize their knowledge and skills from coursework and other experiences to communicate with Campus Recreation audiences using distinctive forms of communication and creative marketing through graphic design, photography, and social media. 3 11 117 Campus Recreation N ; Student Employment,Career readiness,Apply specialized knowledge,Communication - spoken,Communication - written
Undergraduate Research Programs


Undergraduate Research Programs - The primary mission of Undergraduate Research Programs is to engage students in investigative and creative activity to experience firsthand the processes of scholarly exploration and discovery.

Advanced Sociological Research Methods - SOCY 561
Students apply knowledge in a real world context by studying a social phenomenon using scientific research methods and producing a research project that mirrors professional standards. Students gather primary data, present their work, get feedback, and reflect on the challenges of the research process in studying their question.
Spring 2020 Research Education Students apply knowledge in a real world context by studying a social phenomenon using scientific research methods and producing a research project that mirrors professional standards. Students gather primary data, present their work, get feedback, and reflect on the challenges of the research process in studying their question. 3 14 53 Y Experiential Learning Opportunity; GLD-Research; Undergraduate Research Programs,Research,,Inquiry and analysis,
Student Employment


Student Employment - Student is employed part-time by the university and engages in career readiness development activities as part of supervision process.

Campus Recreation Membership Services Attendant
Attendants greet and assist patrons at the wellness and fitness center, disseminate accurate information about the operations of the center, process transactions, and manage documents and cash transactions.
Fall 2019 Employment On Campus Attendants greet and assist patrons at the wellness and fitness center, disseminate accurate information about the operations of the center, process transactions, and manage documents and cash transactions. 3 11 117 Campus Recreation N ; Student Employment,Career readiness,,Communication - spoken,Communication - written
Student Employment


Student Employment - Student is employed part-time by the university and engages in career readiness development activities as part of supervision process.

Intramural Sports Office Attendant
Intramural office attendants support the intramural registration process, process team payments, assist in scheduling, and practice professionalism through customer service. They must become proficient with software programs IMLeagues, WhentoWork, and Excel.
Fall 2019 Employment On Campus Intramural office attendants support the intramural registration process, process team payments, assist in scheduling, and practice professionalism through customer service. They must become proficient with software programs IMLeagues, WhentoWork, and Excel. 3 11 117 Campus Recreation N ; Student Employment,Career readiness,,Communication - written,Communication - spoken
Student Employment


Student Employment - Student is employed part-time by the university and engages in career readiness development activities as part of supervision process.

Outdoor Recreation Assistant
Assistants are the primary point of contact with participants in outdoor recreation programs, including the bike shop, climbing wall, paddle sports events, and challenge course. They facilitate student activities and monitor safety procedures in their specific area.
Fall 2019 Employment On Campus Assistants are the primary point of contact with participants in outdoor recreation programs, including the bike shop, climbing wall, paddle sports events, and challenge course. They facilitate student activities and monitor safety procedures in their specific area. 3 11 117 Campus Recreation N ; Student Employment,Career readiness,,Teamwork,Interpersonal skills
Student Employment


Student Employment - Student is employed part-time by the university and engages in career readiness development activities as part of supervision process.

Intramural Sports Official
Students officiate league games and must know and enforce all sport rules, policies, and procedures. Students receive training for and experience a variety of topics including risk management, conflict management, customer service, and problem solving.
Fall 2019 Employment On Campus Students officiate league games and must know and enforce all sport rules, policies, and procedures. Students receive training for and experience a variety of topics including risk management, conflict management, customer service, and problem solving. 3 11 117 Campus Recreation N ; Student Employment,Career readiness,,Influencing others,Communication - spoken
Student Employment


Student Employment - Student is employed part-time by the university and engages in career readiness development activities as part of supervision process.

Intramural Sports Leader in Training
Students officiate intramural games while participating in training and professional development necessary to serve in a leadership role in the following term. Training includes risk management, diversity, conflict management, customer service, problem solving, supervision, and peer mentorship.
Fall 2019 Employment On Campus Students officiate intramural games while participating in training and professional development necessary to serve in a leadership role in the following term. Training includes risk management, diversity, conflict management, customer service, problem solving, supervision, and peer mentorship. 3 11 117 Campus Recreation N Experiential Learning Opportunity; GLD-Professional & Civic Engagement; Student Employment,Career readiness,,Professionalism / career readiness,Influencing others
Multicultural Student Programs and Services


Multicultural Student Programs and Services - Multicultural Student Programs and Services must promote academic and personal growth of traditionally underserved students, work with the entire campus to create an institutional and community climate of justice, promote access and equity in higher education, and offer programs that educate the campus about diversity.

Diversity Dialogues
In a safe space, students listen to an expert presentation and engage in self-reflection and discussion on topics such as race, culture, gender, stereotypes, intersectionality, and sexual orientation. This workshop is intended to help students learn about marginalized populations and build awareness around diversity and inclusion.
Fall 2019 Educational Support In a safe space, students listen to an expert presentation and engage in self-reflection and discussion on topics such as race, culture, gender, stereotypes, intersectionality, and sexual orientation. This workshop is intended to help students learn about marginalized populations and build awareness around diversity and inclusion. 3 11 28 Multicultural Student Affairs N ; Multicultural Student Programs and Services,Study / Practice diversity, equity, inclusion,,Civic knowledge and engagement,Intercultural knowledge and competence
Capstone Experience


Capstone Experience - A course or project that engages students in a culminating and integrative experience, intended to connect the key learning objectives of an educational program.

Graduation with Leadership Distinction ePortfolio - 401
Student creates an ePortfolio as the culminating project of their undergraduate student collegiate experience. Through the ePortfolio, students demonstrate the major learning and skills they have developed during their time at the University of South Carolina. The ePortfolio is intended to help students identify their purpose or passion.
Fall 2019 Capstone Course or Project Student creates an ePortfolio as the culminating project of their undergraduate student collegiate experience. Through the ePortfolio, students demonstrate the major learning and skills they have developed during their time at the University of South Carolina. The ePortfolio is intended to help students identify their purpose or passion. 3 12 34 Center for Integrative and Experiential Learning N GLD-ePortfolio; Experiential Learning Opportunity; Capstone Experience,Study / Practice intellectual skills,,Integrative and applied learning,
Fraternity and Sorority Advising Programs


Fraternity and Sorority Advising Programs - The mission of Fraternity and Sorority Advising Programs is to promote the learning and development of students who affiliate with fraternities and sororities.

Hazing Prevention 101
Students participate in a one-hour course designed to develop skills to recognize, prevent and report hazing. An expert presentation aims to develop students' understanding of what constitutes hazing, consider its impact on the USC community, and confidently play an active role in creating a positive campus environment.
Fall 2019 Leadership Education Students participate in a one-hour course designed to develop skills to recognize, prevent and report hazing. An expert presentation aims to develop students' understanding of what constitutes hazing, consider its impact on the USC community, and confidently play an active role in creating a positive campus environment. 3 11 28 Fraternity & Sorority Life N ; Fraternity and Sorority Advising Programs,Study / Practice self knowledge,,Ethical reasoning and action,
Campus Activities Programs


Campus Activities Programs - The purpose of Campus Activities Programs must be to enhance the overall educational experience of students through development of, exposure to, and participation in programs and activities that improve student cooperation and leadership while preparing students to be responsible advocates and citizens and complementing the institution's academic programs.

Dance Marathon Hero
Student participates in one of a variety of programs and events on campus and in the larger community to raise awareness and generate support for the Child Life Program at Prisma Health Children's Hospital.
Fall 2019 Campus Activities Student participates in one of a variety of programs and events on campus and in the larger community to raise awareness and generate support for the Child Life Program at Prisma Health Children's Hospital. 3 11 28 Russell House University Union N ; Campus Activities Programs,Recreation, leisure, entertainment,Connecting with others,Self-knowledge,
Campus Activities Programs


Campus Activities Programs - The purpose of Campus Activities Programs must be to enhance the overall educational experience of students through development of, exposure to, and participation in programs and activities that improve student cooperation and leadership while preparing students to be responsible advocates and citizens and complementing the institution's academic programs.

Tiger Burn
Students participate in a campus tradition as they engage with their peers in an annual event prior to the Carolina-Clemson football game; the purpose of the activity is to develop a sense of belonging and school spirit.
Fall 2019 Campus Activities Students participate in a campus tradition as they engage with their peers in an annual event prior to the Carolina-Clemson football game; the purpose of the activity is to develop a sense of belonging and school spirit. 3 11 28 Russell House University Union N ; Campus Activities Programs,Recreation, leisure, entertainment,Connecting with others,Self-knowledge,
Campus Activities Programs


Campus Activities Programs - The purpose of Campus Activities Programs must be to enhance the overall educational experience of students through development of, exposure to, and participation in programs and activities that improve student cooperation and leadership while preparing students to be responsible advocates and citizens and complementing the institution's academic programs.

Homecoming Event
Student participates in one of a variety of Homecoming activities designed to celebrate the traditions of the UofSC community; events are intended to develop a sense of belonging, pride, and school spirit as students engage with their peers, alumni, and friends of UofSC.
Fall 2019 Campus Activities Student participates in one of a variety of Homecoming activities designed to celebrate the traditions of the UofSC community; events are intended to develop a sense of belonging, pride, and school spirit as students engage with their peers, alumni, and friends of UofSC. 3 11 28 Russell House University Union N ; Campus Activities Programs,Recreation, leisure, entertainment,Connecting with others,Self-knowledge,
Internship Programs


Internship Programs - The primary mission of Internship Programs is to engage students in planned, educationally-related work and learning experiences that integrate knowledge and theory with practical application and skill development in a professional setting.

Practicum in Sport & Entertainment Management - SPTE 295
Students engage in a supervised work experience in a sport or entertainment area. Practicum is a minimum of 520 work hours over 13 weeks and is selected by the student with the assistance and approval of the Practicum Instructor. It is meant to be the student's introduction to the specific field in which they wish to pursue a career.
Fall 2019 Practicum Students engage in a supervised work experience in a sport or entertainment area. Practicum is a minimum of 520 work hours over 13 weeks and is selected by the student with the assistance and approval of the Practicum Instructor. It is meant to be the student's introduction to the specific field in which they wish to pursue a career. 3 17 79 Y Experiential Learning Opportunity; GLD-Professional & Civic Engagement; Internship Programs,Apply specialized knowledge,Career development,Specialized knowledge and skills,
Internship Programs


Internship Programs - The primary mission of Internship Programs is to engage students in planned, educationally-related work and learning experiences that integrate knowledge and theory with practical application and skill development in a professional setting.

Internship in Sport & Entertainment Management - SPTE 495
Students engage in a supervised work experience in a sport or entertainment area. Internship is a minimum of 520 work hours over 13 weeks and is selected by the student with the assistance and approval of the Internship Instructor.
Fall 2019 Internship Students engage in a supervised work experience in a sport or entertainment area. Internship is a minimum of 520 work hours over 13 weeks and is selected by the student with the assistance and approval of the Internship Instructor. 3 17 79 Y Experiential Learning Opportunity; GLD-Professional & Civic Engagement; Internship Programs,Apply specialized knowledge,Career development,Specialized knowledge and skills,Self-knowledge
Capstone Experience


Capstone Experience - A course or project that engages students in a culminating and integrative experience, intended to connect the key learning objectives of an educational program.

Public Health Capstone Seminar - PUBH 498
Students synthesize and apply content knowledge and competencies developed in the BS/BA public health degree program, in a practice setting with emphasis on student identified areas for professional growth.
Fall 2019 Capstone Course or Project Students synthesize and apply content knowledge and competencies developed in the BS/BA public health degree program, in a practice setting with emphasis on student identified areas for professional growth. 3 24 87 Y Experiential Learning Opportunity; GLD-Professional & Civic Engagement; Capstone Experience,Apply specialized knowledge,Career readiness,Specialized knowledge and skills,
Internship Programs


Internship Programs - The primary mission of Internship Programs is to engage students in planned, educationally-related work and learning experiences that integrate knowledge and theory with practical application and skill development in a professional setting.

Carolina Internship Program - Full-time
Students engage in a paid, work-based learning experience that includes staff facilitated feedback and reflection on their experience. The goal is to enhance students' understanding of their professional knowledge, skills and abilities to aid in their full-time job searches and lifelong career management.
Summer 2019 Internship Students engage in a paid, work-based learning experience that includes staff facilitated feedback and reflection on their experience. The goal is to enhance students' understanding of their professional knowledge, skills and abilities to aid in their full-time job searches and lifelong career management. 3 11 30 Career Center N GLD-Professional & Civic Engagement; Internship Programs,Career development,Career readiness,Integrative and applied learning,
Career Services


Career Services - The primary mission of Career Services is to assist students and other designated clients in developing, evaluating, and implementing career, education, and employment plans.

Education Recruitment Day
Students interact with representatives from employer organizations in the field of education about current and future employment opportunities.
Spring 2019 Career Development Students interact with representatives from employer organizations in the field of education about current and future employment opportunities. 3 11 30 Career Center N ; Career Services,Career development,,Self-knowledge,
Internship Programs


Internship Programs - The primary mission of Internship Programs is to engage students in planned, educationally-related work and learning experiences that integrate knowledge and theory with practical application and skill development in a professional setting.

Carolina Internship Program - Full-time
Students engage in a paid, work-based learning experience that includes staff facilitated feedback and reflection on their experience. The goal is to enhance students' understanding of their professional knowledge, skills and abilities to aid in their full-time job searches and lifelong career management.
Fall 2019 Internship Students engage in a paid, work-based learning experience that includes staff facilitated feedback and reflection on their experience. The goal is to enhance students' understanding of their professional knowledge, skills and abilities to aid in their full-time job searches and lifelong career management. 3 11 30 Career Center N GLD-Professional & Civic Engagement; Internship Programs,Career readiness,Apply specialized knowledge,Professionalism / career readiness,Specialized knowledge and skills
Undergraduate Research Programs


Undergraduate Research Programs - The primary mission of Undergraduate Research Programs is to engage students in investigative and creative activity to experience firsthand the processes of scholarly exploration and discovery.

Earth Resource Management - GEOL 560
Students complete 2 team projects in which they complete and present research, obtain peer review and instructor review. Projects include the analysis and preparation of a business and environmental management plan for the exploration and operation of a mineral mine and the development of an irrigation and agricultural plan in an arid climate.
Fall 2019 Research Education Students complete 2 team projects in which they complete and present research, obtain peer review and instructor review. Projects include the analysis and preparation of a business and environmental management plan for the exploration and operation of a mineral mine and the development of an irrigation and agricultural plan in an arid climate. 3 14 42 Y Experiential Learning Opportunity; GLD-Professional & Civic Engagement; GLD-Research; Undergraduate Research Programs,Research,,Inquiry and analysis,Problem solving
Internship Programs


Internship Programs - The primary mission of Internship Programs is to engage students in planned, educationally-related work and learning experiences that integrate knowledge and theory with practical application and skill development in a professional setting.

Internship: Community Engagement - COLA 390
COLA 390 is a supervised experience to assist the student in decision-making for his/her future after graduation. This course will incorporate a real world experience for the student in a workplace or community organization related to their chosen profession, along with opportunities to receive feedback and reflect on the experience.
Fall 2019 Internship COLA 390 is a supervised experience to assist the student in decision-making for his/her future after graduation. This course will incorporate a real world experience for the student in a workplace or community organization related to their chosen profession, along with opportunities to receive feedback and reflect on the experience. 3 14 98 Y Experiential Learning Opportunity; GLD-Community Service; GLD-Professional & Civic Engagement; Internship Programs,Career development,,Self-knowledge,Professionalism / career readiness
Internship Programs


Internship Programs - The primary mission of Internship Programs is to engage students in planned, educationally-related work and learning experiences that integrate knowledge and theory with practical application and skill development in a professional setting.

Internship: Global Experience - COLA 391
COLA 391 is a supervised experience to assist the student in decision making for his/her future after graduation. This course will allow real world experience for the student in their chosen profession.
Spring 2020 Internship COLA 391 is a supervised experience to assist the student in decision making for his/her future after graduation. This course will allow real world experience for the student in their chosen profession. 3 14 98 Y Experiential Learning Opportunity; Internship Programs,Career development,,Self-knowledge,Professionalism / career readiness
Campus Activities Programs


Campus Activities Programs - The purpose of Campus Activities Programs must be to enhance the overall educational experience of students through development of, exposure to, and participation in programs and activities that improve student cooperation and leadership while preparing students to be responsible advocates and citizens and complementing the institution's academic programs.

Brother to Brother Community Dinner
Over dinner, self-identified black male students engage with black men from the university and Columbia communities in conversations designed to build meaningful connections and support for students.
Fall 2019 Community Building Over dinner, self-identified black male students engage with black men from the university and Columbia communities in conversations designed to build meaningful connections and support for students. 3 11 28 Multicultural Student Affairs N ; Campus Activities Programs,Connecting with others,,Self-knowledge,
Campus Activities Programs


Campus Activities Programs - The purpose of Campus Activities Programs must be to enhance the overall educational experience of students through development of, exposure to, and participation in programs and activities that improve student cooperation and leadership while preparing students to be responsible advocates and citizens and complementing the institution's academic programs.

Carolinian Creed Scholarship Contest
Students complete a written, visual, or other form of reflection that describes or illustrates their perspective of the relevance of the Carolinian Creed 30 years after it was adopted by the university.
Fall 2019 Campus Activities Students complete a written, visual, or other form of reflection that describes or illustrates their perspective of the relevance of the Carolinian Creed 30 years after it was adopted by the university. 3 11 88 Student Conduct & Academic Integrity N ; Campus Activities Programs,Community service / civic engagement,Study / Practice self knowledge,Civic knowledge and engagement,
Internship Programs


Internship Programs - The primary mission of Internship Programs is to engage students in planned, educationally-related work and learning experiences that integrate knowledge and theory with practical application and skill development in a professional setting.

Internship - CRJU 494
Students intern for 160 hours during the semester at an appropriate agency or institution.
Fall 2019 Internship Students intern for 160 hours during the semester at an appropriate agency or institution. 3 14 41 Y Experiential Learning Opportunity; GLD-Professional & Civic Engagement; Internship Programs,Apply specialized knowledge,Career readiness,Specialized knowledge and skills,
Internship Programs


Internship Programs - The primary mission of Internship Programs is to engage students in planned, educationally-related work and learning experiences that integrate knowledge and theory with practical application and skill development in a professional setting.

Retailing Internship - RETL 495
Students engage in supervised work experience within the retail industry that links classroom learning and student interest with the acquisition of knowledge in an applied work setting.
Fall 2019 Internship Students engage in supervised work experience within the retail industry that links classroom learning and student interest with the acquisition of knowledge in an applied work setting. 3 17 77 Y Experiential Learning Opportunity; GLD-Professional & Civic Engagement; Internship Programs,Apply specialized knowledge,,Specialized knowledge and skills,
Internship Programs


Internship Programs - The primary mission of Internship Programs is to engage students in planned, educationally-related work and learning experiences that integrate knowledge and theory with practical application and skill development in a professional setting.

Directed Teaching in Physical Education - PEDU 479
Internship for practice in physical education.
Fall 2019 Internship Internship for practice in physical education. 3 16 68 Y Experiential Learning Opportunity; GLD-Community Service; GLD-Professional & Civic Engagement; Internship Programs,Apply specialized knowledge,,Specialized knowledge and skills,
Internship Programs


Internship Programs - The primary mission of Internship Programs is to engage students in planned, educationally-related work and learning experiences that integrate knowledge and theory with practical application and skill development in a professional setting.

Teaching Internship in Foreign Languages - FORL 474
Students engage in role reversal in which the teacher candidate becomes the teacher and the coaching teacher becomes an observer or teacher's aide. During 12 weeks in a K-12 school, students observe then teach for 2 full weeks on their own, complete weekly reflections, and meet regularly with their coaching teacher and faculty supervisor.
Fall 2019 Internship Students engage in role reversal in which the teacher candidate becomes the teacher and the coaching teacher becomes an observer or teacher's aide. During 12 weeks in a K-12 school, students observe then teach for 2 full weeks on their own, complete weekly reflections, and meet regularly with their coaching teacher and faculty supervisor. 3 14 46 Y Experiential Learning Opportunity; GLD-Community Service; Internship Programs,Apply specialized knowledge,,Specialized knowledge and skills,
Internship Programs


Internship Programs - The primary mission of Internship Programs is to engage students in planned, educationally-related work and learning experiences that integrate knowledge and theory with practical application and skill development in a professional setting.

Directed Teaching of Foreign Languages - FORL 448
Pre-service professional educators observe and apply effective teaching techniques and organize instructional settings for foreign language students in the elementary, middle or high school. Students spend 72 hours observing an experienced teacher in a K-12 foreign language classroom and 10 hours teaching the class.
Fall 2019 Internship Pre-service professional educators observe and apply effective teaching techniques and organize instructional settings for foreign language students in the elementary, middle or high school. Students spend 72 hours observing an experienced teacher in a K-12 foreign language classroom and 10 hours teaching the class. 3 14 46 Y GLD-Professional & Civic Engagement; GLD-Community Service; Experiential Learning Opportunity; Internship Programs,Apply specialized knowledge,,Specialized knowledge and skills,
Campus Activities Programs


Campus Activities Programs - The purpose of Campus Activities Programs must be to enhance the overall educational experience of students through development of, exposure to, and participation in programs and activities that improve student cooperation and leadership while preparing students to be responsible advocates and citizens and complementing the institution's academic programs.

Green Networking Breakfast
Students listen to a keynote speaker on a sustainability topic, and interact with other students, faculty, staff, and community members who share an interest in and passion for sustainability.
Fall 2019 Sustainability Education Students listen to a keynote speaker on a sustainability topic, and interact with other students, faculty, staff, and community members who share an interest in and passion for sustainability. 3 11 29 Sustainability N ; Campus Activities Programs,Connecting with others,Career development,Communication - spoken,
Career Services


Career Services - The primary mission of Career Services is to assist students and other designated clients in developing, evaluating, and implementing career, education, and employment plans.

Green Career Fair
This program intends to support career development as students explore internships, paid and volunteer work opportunities, mentors, and future careers across the field of sustainability.
Spring 2020 Career Development This program intends to support career development as students explore internships, paid and volunteer work opportunities, mentors, and future careers across the field of sustainability. 3 11 29 Sustainability N ; Career Services,Career development,,Self-knowledge,
Internship Programs


Internship Programs - The primary mission of Internship Programs is to engage students in planned, educationally-related work and learning experiences that integrate knowledge and theory with practical application and skill development in a professional setting.

Professional Internship - ITEC 495
The course is a supervised work experience in information technology and/or project management; the internship is coordinated by a faculty member and supervised by approved management/supervisor within business and industry lasting for approximately 400 hours of on the job experiences.
Spring 2020 Internship The course is a supervised work experience in information technology and/or project management; the internship is coordinated by a faculty member and supervised by approved management/supervisor within business and industry lasting for approximately 400 hours of on the job experiences. 3 19 73 Y Experiential Learning Opportunity; GLD-Professional & Civic Engagement; Internship Programs,Apply specialized knowledge,,Specialized knowledge and skills,Integrative and applied learning
Undergraduate Research Programs


Undergraduate Research Programs - The primary mission of Undergraduate Research Programs is to engage students in investigative and creative activity to experience firsthand the processes of scholarly exploration and discovery.

Sustainability Showcase
Students listen to a keynote speaker on a sustainability topic and present their sustainability-related research topics and findings in a traditional research fair setting.
Fall 2019 Articulating Learning Students listen to a keynote speaker on a sustainability topic and present their sustainability-related research topics and findings in a traditional research fair setting. 3 11 29 Sustainability N ; Undergraduate Research Programs,Apply specialized knowledge,Connecting with others,Communication - spoken,Critical and creative thinking
Academic Advising Programs


Academic Advising Programs - The primary purpose of Academic Advising Programs is to assist students in the development of meaningful educational plans.

Academic Coaching Appointment
Students meet 1-1 with a coach to create an academic and engagement plan, set goals, and share resources; sessions are tailored to meet each student's needs and may include general advising, academic planning, strengths identification, planning campus involvement, and navigating campus resources.
Spring 2020 Educational Support Students meet 1-1 with a coach to create an academic and engagement plan, set goals, and share resources; sessions are tailored to meet each student's needs and may include general advising, academic planning, strengths identification, planning campus involvement, and navigating campus resources. 3 12 34 University Advising Center N ; Academic Advising Programs,Study / Practice intellectual skills,Study / Practice self knowledge,Foundations and skills for lifelong learning,Personal and social responsibility - Striving for excellence
Student Conduct Programs


Student Conduct Programs - Student Conduct Programs develop and enforce standards of conduct, an educational endeavor to foster students' learning and development.

Academic Integrity Mutual Expectations
Students participate in a round-table conversation with peers and faculty members on the importance of academic integrity in a college classroom; discussion is facilitated primarily by trained members of the Carolina Judicial Council.
Spring 2020 Educational Support Students participate in a round-table conversation with peers and faculty members on the importance of academic integrity in a college classroom; discussion is facilitated primarily by trained members of the Carolina Judicial Council. 3 11 88 Student Conduct & Academic Integrity N ; Student Conduct Programs,Study / Practice self knowledge,Career readiness,Personal and social responsibility - Taking seriously the perspectives of others,Personal and social responsibility - Developing competence in ethical and moral reasoning, action
Student Leadership Programs


Student Leadership Programs - The mission of Student Leadership Programs must be to prepare students to engage in the process of leadership.

Alternative Break Leader
Students lead a group of peers in an immersive service experience that occurs during a scheduled break in the academic year. Leaders plan and implement a trip in a theme of their choice, resolve problems that occur during the trip, and communicate with leaders of the agency or community that is the focus of the service.
Spring 2020 Peer Educator Students lead a group of peers in an immersive service experience that occurs during a scheduled break in the academic year. Leaders plan and implement a trip in a theme of their choice, resolve problems that occur during the trip, and communicate with leaders of the agency or community that is the focus of the service. 3 11 28 Leadership & Service Center N GLD-Professional & Civic Engagement; GLD-Community Service; Experiential Learning Opportunity; Student Leadership Programs,Leadership,Community service / civic engagement,Critical and creative thinking,Civic knowledge and engagement
Civic Engagement & Service-Learning Programs


Civic Engagement & Service-Learning Programs - The primary mission of Service-Learning Programs is to engage students in experiences that address human and community needs together with structured opportunities for reflection intentionally designed to promote student learning and development.

Alternative Break
As part of a team of volunteers, students travel to a local or regional community during fall, winter, or spring breaks to provide a community service project around a social issue.
Spring 2020 Civic Engagement As part of a team of volunteers, students travel to a local or regional community during fall, winter, or spring breaks to provide a community service project around a social issue. 3 11 28 Leadership & Service Center N GLD-Community Service; Civic Engagement & Service-Learning Programs,Community service / civic engagement,Connecting with others,Teamwork,Civic knowledge and engagement
Health Promotion Services


Health Promotion Services - The mission and scope of practice of health promotion, sometimes referred to as wellness, must be reflective of the following fundamental assumptions about the role of health in higher education: reciprocal relationship between learning and health; direct connection between academic mission and higher education and well being of students

Body Project
Students complete two workshops that include a voluntary commitment to the program, a verbal activity that helps participants define the appearance ideal and a small group activity to discuss the cost of the appearance ideal. The workshop concludes with activities in which participants engage and apply concepts learned in the workshops.
Spring 2020 Physical, Mental, Emotional Health Students complete two workshops that include a voluntary commitment to the program, a verbal activity that helps participants define the appearance ideal and a small group activity to discuss the cost of the appearance ideal. The workshop concludes with activities in which participants engage and apply concepts learned in the workshops. 3 11 117 Healthy Campus Initiatives N ; Health Promotion Services,Study / Practice physical well being,Study / Practice self knowledge,Critical and creative thinking,
Campus Activities Programs


Campus Activities Programs - The purpose of Campus Activities Programs must be to enhance the overall educational experience of students through development of, exposure to, and participation in programs and activities that improve student cooperation and leadership while preparing students to be responsible advocates and citizens and complementing the institution's academic programs.

Brother to Brother Community Dinner
Over dinner, self-identified black male students engage with black men from the university and Columbia communities in conversations designed to build meaningful connections and support for students.
Spring 2020 Community Building Over dinner, self-identified black male students engage with black men from the university and Columbia communities in conversations designed to build meaningful connections and support for students. 3 11 28 Multicultural Student Affairs N ; Campus Activities Programs,Connecting with others,,Self-knowledge,
Internship Programs


Internship Programs - The primary mission of Internship Programs is to engage students in planned, educationally-related work and learning experiences that integrate knowledge and theory with practical application and skill development in a professional setting.

Business Internship in Management - MGMT 499
Internship, for credit, with a company focusing on management, lessons learned, SWOT self assessment.
Spring 2020 Internship Internship, for credit, with a company focusing on management, lessons learned, SWOT self assessment. 3 15 64 Y GLD-Professional & Civic Engagement; Experiential Learning Opportunity; Internship Programs,Apply specialized knowledge,Career readiness,Specialized knowledge and skills,Professionalism / career readiness
Capstone Experience


Capstone Experience - A course or project that engages students in a culminating and integrative experience, intended to connect the key learning objectives of an educational program.

Developing & Launching New Ventures - MGMT 473
The Emerging Venture Project (EVP) is a team project during which students apply the concepts and tools from the class to an emerging venture, in order to experience entrepreneurship in action. Students produce a final paper, founder/sponsor deliverable, and class presentation.
Spring 2020 Capstone Course or Project The Emerging Venture Project (EVP) is a team project during which students apply the concepts and tools from the class to an emerging venture, in order to experience entrepreneurship in action. Students produce a final paper, founder/sponsor deliverable, and class presentation. 3 15 64 Y Experiential Learning Opportunity; GLD-Professional & Civic Engagement; Capstone Experience,Apply specialized knowledge,,Specialized knowledge and skills,
Capstone Experience


Capstone Experience - A course or project that engages students in a culminating and integrative experience, intended to connect the key learning objectives of an educational program.

Executing Strategy New Venture - MGMT 474
Students engage in a team project during which they apply concepts and tools learned in class to an emerging venture, in order to experience entrepreneurship in action. Students produce a final paper, founder/sponsor deliverable (external project only to be negotiated with the founder/project sponsor) and class presentation.
Spring 2020 Capstone Course or Project Students engage in a team project during which they apply concepts and tools learned in class to an emerging venture, in order to experience entrepreneurship in action. Students produce a final paper, founder/sponsor deliverable (external project only to be negotiated with the founder/project sponsor) and class presentation. 3 15 64 Y Experiential Learning Opportunity; GLD-Professional & Civic Engagement; Capstone Experience,Apply specialized knowledge,,Specialized knowledge and skills,Teamwork
Capstone Experience


Capstone Experience - A course or project that engages students in a culminating and integrative experience, intended to connect the key learning objectives of an educational program.

Capstone Design Project II - ELCT 404
Working in teams of typically four, students analyze requirements posed by a project proponent (i.e. customer), then design and build a prototype of a system that meets the proponent's needs. The course is designed to provide an authentic engineering project experience that is representative of a typical engineer's early professional years.
Spring 2020 Capstone Course or Project Working in teams of typically four, students analyze requirements posed by a project proponent (i.e. customer), then design and build a prototype of a system that meets the proponent's needs. The course is designed to provide an authentic engineering project experience that is representative of a typical engineer's early professional years. 3 19 72 Y GLD-Professional & Civic Engagement; Experiential Learning Opportunity; Capstone Experience,Apply specialized knowledge,,Specialized knowledge and skills,
Internship Programs


Internship Programs - The primary mission of Internship Programs is to engage students in planned, educationally-related work and learning experiences that integrate knowledge and theory with practical application and skill development in a professional setting.

Community Service Internship - WGST 499
Students engage in a supervised experience addressing either 1) a community organization’s needs and allowing the student to explore an aspect of the community related to women’s and gender studies issues, or 2) a research project related to gender issues.
Spring 2020 Internship Students engage in a supervised experience addressing either 1) a community organization’s needs and allowing the student to explore an aspect of the community related to women’s and gender studies issues, or 2) a research project related to gender issues. 3 14 58 Y Experiential Learning Opportunity; GLD-Community Service; GLD-Professional & Civic Engagement; Internship Programs,Apply specialized knowledge,Community service / civic engagement,Civic knowledge and engagement,Professionalism / career readiness
Internship Programs


Internship Programs - The primary mission of Internship Programs is to engage students in planned, educationally-related work and learning experiences that integrate knowledge and theory with practical application and skill development in a professional setting.

Directed Teaching in Physical Education - PEDU 479
Internship for practice in physical education.
Spring 2020 Internship Internship for practice in physical education. 3 16 68 Y GLD-Professional & Civic Engagement; GLD-Community Service; Experiential Learning Opportunity; Internship Programs,Apply specialized knowledge,,Specialized knowledge and skills,
Internship Programs


Internship Programs - The primary mission of Internship Programs is to engage students in planned, educationally-related work and learning experiences that integrate knowledge and theory with practical application and skill development in a professional setting.

Hospitality & Tourism Internship - HRTM 495
Full time work experience of a minimum of 400 work hours in the Hospitality or Tourism industry; position must be Managerial or Supervisory in nature, Rotational within a minimum of three different areas of the business or a Structured Internship Program. Includes online course work.
Spring 2020 Internship Full time work experience of a minimum of 400 work hours in the Hospitality or Tourism industry; position must be Managerial or Supervisory in nature, Rotational within a minimum of three different areas of the business or a Structured Internship Program. Includes online course work. 3 17 76 Y GLD-Professional & Civic Engagement; Experiential Learning Opportunity; Internship Programs,Apply specialized knowledge,Leadership,Specialized knowledge and skills,Self-knowledge
Internship Programs


Internship Programs - The primary mission of Internship Programs is to engage students in planned, educationally-related work and learning experiences that integrate knowledge and theory with practical application and skill development in a professional setting.

Hospitality & Tourism Practicum - HRTM 290
Full time work experience of a minimum of 400 work hours in the Hospitality or Tourism industry; position can be any entry level or higher position. Includes online course work.
Spring 2020 Practicum Full time work experience of a minimum of 400 work hours in the Hospitality or Tourism industry; position can be any entry level or higher position. Includes online course work. 3 17 76 Y GLD-Professional & Civic Engagement; Experiential Learning Opportunity; Internship Programs,Apply specialized knowledge,Career readiness,Self-knowledge,Specialized knowledge and skills
Internship Programs


Internship Programs - The primary mission of Internship Programs is to engage students in planned, educationally-related work and learning experiences that integrate knowledge and theory with practical application and skill development in a professional setting.

Internship - CRJU 494
Students intern for 160 hours during the semester at an appropriate agency or institution.
Spring 2020 Internship Students intern for 160 hours during the semester at an appropriate agency or institution. 3 14 41 Y Experiential Learning Opportunity; GLD-Professional & Civic Engagement; Internship Programs,Apply specialized knowledge,Career readiness,Specialized knowledge and skills,
Internship Programs


Internship Programs - The primary mission of Internship Programs is to engage students in planned, educationally-related work and learning experiences that integrate knowledge and theory with practical application and skill development in a professional setting.

Internship - PALM 494
Student engages in supervised immersion and exploration in a field related to the major, with a career, cultural, or community focus.
Spring 2020 Internship Student engages in supervised immersion and exploration in a field related to the major, with a career, cultural, or community focus. 13 33 112 Y GLD-Professional & Civic Engagement; Experiential Learning Opportunity; Internship Programs,Apply specialized knowledge,,Specialized knowledge and skills,
Internship Programs


Internship Programs - The primary mission of Internship Programs is to engage students in planned, educationally-related work and learning experiences that integrate knowledge and theory with practical application and skill development in a professional setting.

Internship B in the Middle School - EDML 599
Internship related to the application of effective teaching techniques and organization of instructional settings for middle school students
Spring 2020 Internship Internship related to the application of effective teaching techniques and organization of instructional settings for middle school students 3 16 67 Y Experiential Learning Opportunity; GLD-Community Service; GLD-Professional & Civic Engagement; Internship Programs,Apply specialized knowledge,Career readiness,Specialized knowledge and skills,Professionalism / career readiness
Internship Programs


Internship Programs - The primary mission of Internship Programs is to engage students in planned, educationally-related work and learning experiences that integrate knowledge and theory with practical application and skill development in a professional setting.

Internship in Curriculum, Assessment, Teaching, and Professional Roles - EDEC 492
Internship for practice in classrooms at the early childhood level related to curriculum, assessment, teaching, and professional roles
Spring 2020 Internship Internship for practice in classrooms at the early childhood level related to curriculum, assessment, teaching, and professional roles 3 16 67 Y Experiential Learning Opportunity; GLD-Community Service; GLD-Professional & Civic Engagement; Internship Programs,Apply specialized knowledge,,Specialized knowledge and skills,
Internship Programs


Internship Programs - The primary mission of Internship Programs is to engage students in planned, educationally-related work and learning experiences that integrate knowledge and theory with practical application and skill development in a professional setting.

Internship in Elementary Education - EDEL 490
Students in their final semester of an elementary education degree program complete an internship for practice in elementary classrooms (grades 2-6) related to curriculum design, assessment, interactive teaching, and professional roles.
Spring 2020 Internship Students in their final semester of an elementary education degree program complete an internship for practice in elementary classrooms (grades 2-6) related to curriculum design, assessment, interactive teaching, and professional roles. 3 16 67 Y Experiential Learning Opportunity; GLD-Community Service; GLD-Professional & Civic Engagement; Internship Programs,Apply specialized knowledge,Career development,Specialized knowledge and skills,Communication - spoken
Internship Programs


Internship Programs - The primary mission of Internship Programs is to engage students in planned, educationally-related work and learning experiences that integrate knowledge and theory with practical application and skill development in a professional setting.

Internship in Geography - GEOG 595
Students serve as interns (paid or unpaid) in government agencies, private-sector businesses, or non-profit organizations. Internship activities and experiential learning are supervised jointly by sponsors and the internship program of the department.
Spring 2020 Internship Students serve as interns (paid or unpaid) in government agencies, private-sector businesses, or non-profit organizations. Internship activities and experiential learning are supervised jointly by sponsors and the internship program of the department. 3 14 44 Y Experiential Learning Opportunity; GLD-Community Service; GLD-Professional & Civic Engagement; Internship Programs,Apply specialized knowledge,Career readiness,Specialized knowledge and skills,Professionalism / career readiness
Internship Programs


Internship Programs - The primary mission of Internship Programs is to engage students in planned, educationally-related work and learning experiences that integrate knowledge and theory with practical application and skill development in a professional setting.

Internship in Mass Communications - JOUR 597
Students work at least 140 hours during the semester under the direction of the intern coordinator and a professional supervisor in an internship they obtain, attend required meetings during the term with other interns and the intern coordinator, and turn in assignments as scheduled in the course syllabus.
Spring 2020 Internship Students work at least 140 hours during the semester under the direction of the intern coordinator and a professional supervisor in an internship they obtain, attend required meetings during the term with other interns and the intern coordinator, and turn in assignments as scheduled in the course syllabus. 3 18 81 Y GLD-Professional & Civic Engagement; Experiential Learning Opportunity; Internship Programs,Apply specialized knowledge,Career development,Specialized knowledge and skills,Professionalism / career readiness
Internship Programs


Internship Programs - The primary mission of Internship Programs is to engage students in planned, educationally-related work and learning experiences that integrate knowledge and theory with practical application and skill development in a professional setting.

Internship in Sport & Entertainment Management - SPTE 495
Students engage in a supervised work experience in a sport or entertainment area. Internship is a minimum of 520 work hours over 13 weeks and is selected by the student with the assistance and approval of the Internship Instructor.
Spring 2020 Internship Students engage in a supervised work experience in a sport or entertainment area. Internship is a minimum of 520 work hours over 13 weeks and is selected by the student with the assistance and approval of the Internship Instructor. 3 17 79 Y GLD-Professional & Civic Engagement; Experiential Learning Opportunity; Internship Programs,Apply specialized knowledge,Career development,Specialized knowledge and skills,Self-knowledge
Internship Programs


Internship Programs - The primary mission of Internship Programs is to engage students in planned, educationally-related work and learning experiences that integrate knowledge and theory with practical application and skill development in a professional setting.

Practicum in Sport & Entertainment Management - SPTE 295
Students engage in a supervised work experience in a sport or entertainment area. Practicum is a minimum of 520 work hours over 13 weeks and is selected by the student with the assistance and approval of the Practicum Instructor. It is meant to be the student's introduction to the specific field in which they wish to pursue a career.
Spring 2020 Practicum Students engage in a supervised work experience in a sport or entertainment area. Practicum is a minimum of 520 work hours over 13 weeks and is selected by the student with the assistance and approval of the Practicum Instructor. It is meant to be the student's introduction to the specific field in which they wish to pursue a career. 3 17 79 Y GLD-Professional & Civic Engagement; Experiential Learning Opportunity; Internship Programs,Apply specialized knowledge,Career development,Specialized knowledge and skills,
Internship Programs


Internship Programs - The primary mission of Internship Programs is to engage students in planned, educationally-related work and learning experiences that integrate knowledge and theory with practical application and skill development in a professional setting.

Internship: Community Engagement - COLA 390
COLA 390 is a supervised experience to assist the student in decision-making for his/her future after graduation. This course will incorporate a real world experience for the student in a workplace or community organization related to their chosen profession, along with opportunities to receive feedback and reflect on the experience.
Spring 2020 Internship COLA 390 is a supervised experience to assist the student in decision-making for his/her future after graduation. This course will incorporate a real world experience for the student in a workplace or community organization related to their chosen profession, along with opportunities to receive feedback and reflect on the experience. 3 14 98 Y Experiential Learning Opportunity; GLD-Community Service; GLD-Professional & Civic Engagement; Internship Programs,Career development,,Self-knowledge,Professionalism / career readiness
Internship Programs


Internship Programs - The primary mission of Internship Programs is to engage students in planned, educationally-related work and learning experiences that integrate knowledge and theory with practical application and skill development in a professional setting.

Introduction to Field Education - SOWK 382
Students complete their first 50 out of a required program number of 500 field placement hours as a component of successfully completing SOWK 382.
Spring 2020 Internship Students complete their first 50 out of a required program number of 500 field placement hours as a component of successfully completing SOWK 382. 3 22 110 Y GLD-Professional & Civic Engagement; GLD-Community Service; Experiential Learning Opportunity; Internship Programs,Apply specialized knowledge,,Specialized knowledge and skills,
Student Leadership Programs


Student Leadership Programs - The mission of Student Leadership Programs must be to prepare students to engage in the process of leadership.

Laboratory Teaching Experience - BIOL 398
Students serve as Peer Leaders in a Peer Led Team Learning (PLTL) environment and use their understanding of biological concepts as they help to support other students currently enrolled in a Biology course. Peer Leaders ask questions that help students progress through an assigned activity or in-class discussion.
Spring 2020 Peer Educator Students serve as Peer Leaders in a Peer Led Team Learning (PLTL) environment and use their understanding of biological concepts as they help to support other students currently enrolled in a Biology course. Peer Leaders ask questions that help students progress through an assigned activity or in-class discussion. 3 14 39 Y Experiential Learning Opportunity; GLD-Professional & Civic Engagement; Student Leadership Programs,Apply specialized knowledge,Leadership,Specialized knowledge and skills,Influencing others
Internship Programs


Internship Programs - The primary mission of Internship Programs is to engage students in planned, educationally-related work and learning experiences that integrate knowledge and theory with practical application and skill development in a professional setting.

Honors Internship - SCHC 498
Internships are an important part of the Honors Beyond the Classroom program. Students receive academic credit while gaining valuable experience in their chosen career field, receiving helpful feedback on their performance and reflecting on their experience.
Spring 2020 Internship Internships are an important part of the Honors Beyond the Classroom program. Students receive academic credit while gaining valuable experience in their chosen career field, receiving helpful feedback on their performance and reflecting on their experience. 3 26 75 Y Experiential Learning Opportunity; GLD-Professional & Civic Engagement; Internship Programs,Apply specialized knowledge,Career readiness,Specialized knowledge and skills,Professionalism / career readiness
Capstone Experience


Capstone Experience - A course or project that engages students in a culminating and integrative experience, intended to connect the key learning objectives of an educational program.

GSCOM Capstone Project - MGSC 497
Student consulting teams apply Operations and Supply Chain concepts and techniques to solve operational problems, identify improvement opportunities in service and manufacturing firms, write recommendation and implementation reports, oversee pilot or full-scale implementations, and make presentations of their work to the firm’s management group.
Spring 2020 Capstone Course or Project Student consulting teams apply Operations and Supply Chain concepts and techniques to solve operational problems, identify improvement opportunities in service and manufacturing firms, write recommendation and implementation reports, oversee pilot or full-scale implementations, and make presentations of their work to the firm’s management group. 3 15 65 Y Experiential Learning Opportunity; GLD-Professional & Civic Engagement; Capstone Experience,Apply specialized knowledge,,Specialized knowledge and skills,
Internship Programs


Internship Programs - The primary mission of Internship Programs is to engage students in planned, educationally-related work and learning experiences that integrate knowledge and theory with practical application and skill development in a professional setting.

Practicum in Teaching German to Young Children - GERM 401P
Students teach German once/week at Rosewood Elementary and learn about pedagogy and teaching methods in class once/week.
Spring 2020 Practicum Students teach German once/week at Rosewood Elementary and learn about pedagogy and teaching methods in class once/week. 3 14 46 Y Experiential Learning Opportunity; GLD-Community Service; GLD-Professional & Civic Engagement; Internship Programs,Apply specialized knowledge,Career readiness,Specialized knowledge and skills,Professionalism / career readiness
Capstone Experience


Capstone Experience - A course or project that engages students in a culminating and integrative experience, intended to connect the key learning objectives of an educational program.

Public Health Capstone Seminar - PUBH 498
Students synthesize and apply content knowledge and competencies developed in the BS/BA public health degree program, in a practice setting with emphasis on student identified areas for professional growth.
Spring 2020 Capstone Course or Project Students synthesize and apply content knowledge and competencies developed in the BS/BA public health degree program, in a practice setting with emphasis on student identified areas for professional growth. 3 24 87 Y GLD-Professional & Civic Engagement; Experiential Learning Opportunity; Capstone Experience,Apply specialized knowledge,Career readiness,Specialized knowledge and skills,
Internship Programs


Internship Programs - The primary mission of Internship Programs is to engage students in planned, educationally-related work and learning experiences that integrate knowledge and theory with practical application and skill development in a professional setting.

Retailing Internship - RETL 495
Students engage in supervised work experience within the retail industry that links classroom learning and student interest with the acquisition of knowledge in an applied work setting.
Spring 2020 Internship Students engage in supervised work experience within the retail industry that links classroom learning and student interest with the acquisition of knowledge in an applied work setting. 3 17 77 Y Experiential Learning Opportunity; GLD-Professional & Civic Engagement; Internship Programs,Apply specialized knowledge,,Specialized knowledge and skills,
Internship Programs


Internship Programs - The primary mission of Internship Programs is to engage students in planned, educationally-related work and learning experiences that integrate knowledge and theory with practical application and skill development in a professional setting.

Teaching Internship in Dance Education - DANC 479
The student will demonstrate the pedagogical knowledge, skill, and disposition necessary to effectively teach K-12 dance education as defined by NASD and NCATE and as measured by a departmental student teaching evaluation. Prerequisites: see academic bulletin.
Spring 2020 Internship The student will demonstrate the pedagogical knowledge, skill, and disposition necessary to effectively teach K-12 dance education as defined by NASD and NCATE and as measured by a departmental student teaching evaluation. Prerequisites: see academic bulletin. 3 14 55 Y Experiential Learning Opportunity; GLD-Community Service; Internship Programs,Apply specialized knowledge,Career readiness,Specialized knowledge and skills,Professionalism / career readiness
Internship Programs


Internship Programs - The primary mission of Internship Programs is to engage students in planned, educationally-related work and learning experiences that integrate knowledge and theory with practical application and skill development in a professional setting.

Teaching Internship in Foreign Languages - FORL 474
Students engage in role reversal in which the teacher candidate becomes the teacher and the coaching teacher becomes an observer or teacher's aide. During 12 weeks in a K-12 school, students observe then teach for 2 full weeks on their own, complete weekly reflections, and meet regularly with their coaching teacher and faculty supervisor.
Spring 2020 Internship Students engage in role reversal in which the teacher candidate becomes the teacher and the coaching teacher becomes an observer or teacher's aide. During 12 weeks in a K-12 school, students observe then teach for 2 full weeks on their own, complete weekly reflections, and meet regularly with their coaching teacher and faculty supervisor. 3 14 46 Y Experiential Learning Opportunity; GLD-Community Service; Internship Programs,Apply specialized knowledge,,Specialized knowledge and skills,
Student Employment


Student Employment - Student is employed part-time by the university and engages in career readiness development activities as part of supervision process.

Campus Recreation Communications & Creative Marketing Team
Students utilize their knowledge and skills from coursework and other experiences to communicate with Campus Recreation audiences using distinctive forms of communication and creative marketing through graphic design, photography, and social media.
Spring 2020 Employment On Campus Students utilize their knowledge and skills from coursework and other experiences to communicate with Campus Recreation audiences using distinctive forms of communication and creative marketing through graphic design, photography, and social media. 3 11 117 Campus Recreation N ; Student Employment,Career readiness,Apply specialized knowledge,Communication - spoken,Communication - written
Student Employment


Student Employment - Student is employed part-time by the university and engages in career readiness development activities as part of supervision process.

Campus Recreation Membership Services Attendant
Attendants greet and assist patrons at the wellness and fitness center, disseminate accurate information about the operations of the center, process transactions, and manage documents and cash transactions.
Spring 2020 Employment On Campus Attendants greet and assist patrons at the wellness and fitness center, disseminate accurate information about the operations of the center, process transactions, and manage documents and cash transactions. 3 11 117 Campus Recreation N ; Student Employment,Career readiness,,Communication - spoken,Communication - written
Student Employment


Student Employment - Student is employed part-time by the university and engages in career readiness development activities as part of supervision process.

Campus Recreation Operations Leader
Supervisors work to ensure the effective operations of the Strom Thurmond Wellness and Fitness Center through interaction with staff and patrons regarding risk management, conflict management, and customer service, and provide input into policy and procedural change in the Center.
Spring 2020 Employment On Campus Supervisors work to ensure the effective operations of the Strom Thurmond Wellness and Fitness Center through interaction with staff and patrons regarding risk management, conflict management, and customer service, and provide input into policy and procedural change in the Center. 3 11 117 Campus Recreation N GLD-Professional & Civic Engagement; Experiential Learning Opportunity; Student Employment,Leadership,Career readiness,Critical and creative thinking,Communication - spoken
Student Leadership Programs


Student Leadership Programs - The mission of Student Leadership Programs must be to prepare students to engage in the process of leadership.

Capstone Scholars Programming Council Assistant
As a team, programming council assistants design, execute and assess social programs for the Capstone Scholars community. Each member of the council participates in planning, budgeting, communications, marketing and delivery of programs, as well as in assessing the quality and success of delivered programs.
Spring 2020 Student Program Leader As a team, programming council assistants design, execute and assess social programs for the Capstone Scholars community. Each member of the council participates in planning, budgeting, communications, marketing and delivery of programs, as well as in assessing the quality and success of delivered programs. 3 11 29 Faculty Principal Learning Communities N GLD-Professional & Civic Engagement; Student Leadership Programs,Career readiness,Leadership,Critical and creative thinking,Teamwork
Student Leadership Programs


Student Leadership Programs - The mission of Student Leadership Programs must be to prepare students to engage in the process of leadership.

Capstone Scholars Connectors Directorate Board
Student Board members work together to design and implement training and programs for student mentors in the Capstone Scholars Connectors Program. Each board member has a different role, and works as a member of a team to coach student mentors, and plan and implement program activities.
Spring 2020 Student Program Leader Student Board members work together to design and implement training and programs for student mentors in the Capstone Scholars Connectors Program. Each board member has a different role, and works as a member of a team to coach student mentors, and plan and implement program activities. 3 11 29 Faculty Principal Learning Communities N GLD-Professional & Civic Engagement; Experiential Learning Opportunity; Student Leadership Programs,Leadership,Career readiness,Teamwork,Problem solving
Student Leadership Programs


Student Leadership Programs - The mission of Student Leadership Programs must be to prepare students to engage in the process of leadership.

Capstone Scholars Connectors Mentor
Each mentor meets with first-year student mentee(s) at least twice each month to provide support and recommend resources and opportunities for involvement.
Spring 2020 Student Program Leader Each mentor meets with first-year student mentee(s) at least twice each month to provide support and recommend resources and opportunities for involvement. 3 11 29 Faculty Principal Learning Communities N GLD-Professional & Civic Engagement; Experiential Learning Opportunity; Student Leadership Programs,Leadership,Career readiness,Interpersonal skills,Problem solving
Student Leadership Programs


Student Leadership Programs - The mission of Student Leadership Programs must be to prepare students to engage in the process of leadership.

Career Center Ambassador
Students provide peer-to-peer career coaching to fellow students at USC. In addition to working directly with students, Career Ambassadors also conduct outreach activities for classes, residence halls and Greek houses.
Spring 2020 Peer Educator Students provide peer-to-peer career coaching to fellow students at USC. In addition to working directly with students, Career Ambassadors also conduct outreach activities for classes, residence halls and Greek houses. 3 11 30 Career Center N GLD-Professional & Civic Engagement; Experiential Learning Opportunity; Student Leadership Programs,Leadership,Connecting with others,Communication - spoken,Influencing others
Career Services


Career Services - The primary mission of Career Services is to assist students and other designated clients in developing, evaluating, and implementing career, education, and employment plans.

Career Coaching - Choosing a Major/Career
Students interact 1-1 with a trained career coach regarding making career /major decisions by exploring student interests, abilities, aptitudes, and alignment with options for choice of major and career field.
Spring 2020 Career Development Students interact 1-1 with a trained career coach regarding making career /major decisions by exploring student interests, abilities, aptitudes, and alignment with options for choice of major and career field. 3 11 30 Career Center N ; Career Services,Study / Practice self knowledge,Career development,Self-knowledge,Problem solving
Career Services


Career Services - The primary mission of Career Services is to assist students and other designated clients in developing, evaluating, and implementing career, education, and employment plans.

Career Coaching - Drop-In Session
Students stop by the Career Center for a brief discussion with a staff member or a quick review of their resume.
Spring 2020 Career Development Students stop by the Career Center for a brief discussion with a staff member or a quick review of their resume. 3 11 30 Career Center N ; Career Services,Study / Practice self knowledge,,Self-knowledge,
Career Services


Career Services - The primary mission of Career Services is to assist students and other designated clients in developing, evaluating, and implementing career, education, and employment plans.

Career Coaching - Full-time Job Strategies
Students interact 1-1 with a staff member to identify resources and develop a plan for seeking employment.
Spring 2020 Career Development Students interact 1-1 with a staff member to identify resources and develop a plan for seeking employment. 3 11 30 Career Center N ; Career Services,Career development,,Problem solving,
Career Services


Career Services - The primary mission of Career Services is to assist students and other designated clients in developing, evaluating, and implementing career, education, and employment plans.

Career Coaching - Graduate / Professional School
Student interacts 1-1 with professional staff member to identify resources and develop a plan for applying to graduate and/or professional schools.
Spring 2020 Career Development Student interacts 1-1 with professional staff member to identify resources and develop a plan for applying to graduate and/or professional schools. 3 11 30 Career Center N ; Career Services,Career development,Study / Practice self knowledge,Problem solving,
Career Services


Career Services - The primary mission of Career Services is to assist students and other designated clients in developing, evaluating, and implementing career, education, and employment plans.

Career Coaching - Internship / Co-op Search
Student interacts 1-1 with a professional staff member to identify resources and develop a plan for obtaining an internship or co-op position.
Spring 2020 Career Development Student interacts 1-1 with a professional staff member to identify resources and develop a plan for obtaining an internship or co-op position. 3 11 30 Career Center N ; Career Services,Career development,Study / Practice self knowledge,Problem solving,Self-knowledge
Career Services


Career Services - The primary mission of Career Services is to assist students and other designated clients in developing, evaluating, and implementing career, education, and employment plans.

Career Coaching - Interview Preparation
Student interacts 1-1 with a professional staff member to prepare for interviews for employment or admission to graduate/professional schools.
Spring 2020 Career Development Student interacts 1-1 with a professional staff member to prepare for interviews for employment or admission to graduate/professional schools. 3 11 30 Career Center N ; Career Services,Career development,Study / Practice self knowledge,Self-knowledge,Problem solving
Career Services


Career Services - The primary mission of Career Services is to assist students and other designated clients in developing, evaluating, and implementing career, education, and employment plans.

Career Coaching - Job Fair Preparation
Students interact 1-1 with a staff member to identify resources and develop a plan for obtaining employment.
Spring 2020 Career Development Students interact 1-1 with a staff member to identify resources and develop a plan for obtaining employment. 3 11 30 Career Center N ; Career Services,Career development,,Problem solving,
Career Services


Career Services - The primary mission of Career Services is to assist students and other designated clients in developing, evaluating, and implementing career, education, and employment plans.

Career Coaching - Job Search
Student interacts 1-1 with a professional staff member to identify resources and develop a plan for obtaining employment.
Spring 2020 Career Development Student interacts 1-1 with a professional staff member to identify resources and develop a plan for obtaining employment. 3 11 30 Career Center N ; Career Services,Career development,Study / Practice self knowledge,Problem solving,Self-knowledge
Career Services


Career Services - The primary mission of Career Services is to assist students and other designated clients in developing, evaluating, and implementing career, education, and employment plans.

Career Coaching - LinkedIn
Students interact 1-1 with a staff member to identify resources and develop a plan for obtaining employment.
Spring 2020 Career Development Students interact 1-1 with a staff member to identify resources and develop a plan for obtaining employment. 3 11 30 Career Center N ; Career Services,Career development,,Problem solving,
Career Services


Career Services - The primary mission of Career Services is to assist students and other designated clients in developing, evaluating, and implementing career, education, and employment plans.

Career Coaching - Mock Interview
Students participate in a mock interview, and receive feedback from a professional staff member to improve their future performance.
Spring 2020 Career Development Students participate in a mock interview, and receive feedback from a professional staff member to improve their future performance. 3 11 30 Career Center N ; Career Services,Career development,,Self-knowledge,Communication - spoken
Career Services


Career Services - The primary mission of Career Services is to assist students and other designated clients in developing, evaluating, and implementing career, education, and employment plans.

Career Coaching - Part-time Job Strategies
Students interact 1-1 with a staff member to identify resources and and develop a plan for obtaining employment.
Spring 2020 Career Development Students interact 1-1 with a staff member to identify resources and and develop a plan for obtaining employment. 3 11 30 Career Center N ; Career Services,Career development,,Problem solving,
Career Services


Career Services - The primary mission of Career Services is to assist students and other designated clients in developing, evaluating, and implementing career, education, and employment plans.

Career Coaching - Personal Statement / Essay Reviews
Students interact 1-1 with a staff member to identify resources and develop a plan for obtaining employment.
Spring 2020 Career Development Students interact 1-1 with a staff member to identify resources and develop a plan for obtaining employment. 3 11 30 Career Center N ; Career Services,Career development,,Problem solving,
Career Services


Career Services - The primary mission of Career Services is to assist students and other designated clients in developing, evaluating, and implementing career, education, and employment plans.

Career Coaching - Resume / Cover Letter Review
Students interact 1-1 with a staff member to identify resources and plan for obtaining employment.
Spring 2020 Career Development Students interact 1-1 with a staff member to identify resources and plan for obtaining employment. 3 11 30 Career Center N ; Career Services,Career development,,Problem solving,
Career Services


Career Services - The primary mission of Career Services is to assist students and other designated clients in developing, evaluating, and implementing career, education, and employment plans.

Career Management Platform - How to Use Handshake
Students receive instruction on how to use the career management tool called Handshake to create and manage job search documents, register for career events, and connect with employers.
Spring 2020 Career Development Students receive instruction on how to use the career management tool called Handshake to create and manage job search documents, register for career events, and connect with employers. 3 11 30 Career Center N ; Career Services,Career development,,Self-knowledge,
Internship Programs


Internship Programs - The primary mission of Internship Programs is to engage students in planned, educationally-related work and learning experiences that integrate knowledge and theory with practical application and skill development in a professional setting.

Carolina Internship Program - Part-time
Students engage in a paid, work-based learning experience that is usually the length or equivalent of a fall or spring semester or summer, working approximately 240 hours at 20 hours/week. Student may be eligible to receive academic credit through their academic department or pursue a Zero Credit Transcript notation through the Career Center.
Spring 2020 Cooperative Education Students engage in a paid, work-based learning experience that is usually the length or equivalent of a fall or spring semester or summer, working approximately 240 hours at 20 hours/week. Student may be eligible to receive academic credit through their academic department or pursue a Zero Credit Transcript notation through the Career Center. 3 11 30 Career Center N GLD-Professional & Civic Engagement; Experiential Learning Opportunity; Internship Programs,Career development,Career readiness,Integrative and applied learning,
Internship Programs


Internship Programs - The primary mission of Internship Programs is to engage students in planned, educationally-related work and learning experiences that integrate knowledge and theory with practical application and skill development in a professional setting.

Carolina Internship Program - Full-time
Students engage in a paid, work-based learning experience that includes staff facilitated feedback and reflection on their experience. The goal is to enhance students' understanding of their professional knowledge, skills and abilities to aid in their full-time job searches and lifelong career management.
Spring 2020 Internship Students engage in a paid, work-based learning experience that includes staff facilitated feedback and reflection on their experience. The goal is to enhance students' understanding of their professional knowledge, skills and abilities to aid in their full-time job searches and lifelong career management. 3 11 30 Career Center N GLD-Professional & Civic Engagement; Experiential Learning Opportunity; Internship Programs,Career readiness,Apply specialized knowledge,Professionalism / career readiness,Specialized knowledge and skills
Student Leadership Programs


Student Leadership Programs - The mission of Student Leadership Programs must be to prepare students to engage in the process of leadership.

Carolina Judicial Council
Council members serve on judicial panels that hold hearings concerning alleged violations of the Student Code of Conduct and the Honor Code. The Council makes decisions regarding code infractions and appropriate sanctions for students found responsible for such violations.
Spring 2020 Peer Educator Council members serve on judicial panels that hold hearings concerning alleged violations of the Student Code of Conduct and the Honor Code. The Council makes decisions regarding code infractions and appropriate sanctions for students found responsible for such violations. 3 11 88 Student Conduct & Academic Integrity N GLD-Professional & Civic Engagement; Experiential Learning Opportunity; Student Leadership Programs,Apply specialized knowledge,Career readiness,Critical and creative thinking,Inquiry and analysis
Student Leadership Programs


Student Leadership Programs - The mission of Student Leadership Programs must be to prepare students to engage in the process of leadership.

Carolina Productions Executive Board
Student board members work together to design, implement and evaluate a series of compelling events and programs open to all UofSC students and intended to enrich the overall student experience.
Spring 2020 Student Program Leader Student board members work together to design, implement and evaluate a series of compelling events and programs open to all UofSC students and intended to enrich the overall student experience. 3 11 28 Russell House University Union N GLD-Professional & Civic Engagement; Experiential Learning Opportunity; Student Leadership Programs,Leadership,Career readiness,Problem solving,Teamwork
Campus Activities Programs


Campus Activities Programs - The purpose of Campus Activities Programs must be to enhance the overall educational experience of students through development of, exposure to, and participation in programs and activities that improve student cooperation and leadership while preparing students to be responsible advocates and citizens and complementing the institution's academic programs.

Carolina Productions
Student attended an event provided by the Carolina Productions student programming board (e.g., concerts, comedy nights, weekly movie screenings, roller rinks).
Spring 2020 Campus Activities Student attended an event provided by the Carolina Productions student programming board (e.g., concerts, comedy nights, weekly movie screenings, roller rinks). 3 11 28 Russell House University Union N ; Campus Activities Programs,Recreation, leisure, entertainment,Connecting with others,Self-knowledge,
Recreational Sports Programs


Recreational Sports Programs - The mission of Recreational Sports Programs must be to enhance the mind, body, and spirit of students and other eligible individuals by providing programs, services, and facilities that are responsive to the physical, social, recreational, and lifelong educational needs of the campus community as they relate to health, fitness, and learning.

Challenge Course
Students participate in a set of guided challenges which may include high ropes, low ropes, and team-building activities, intended to help participants learn to face challenges, overcome fears, work together as a team, and uncover the deeper realities of their group dynamics or personality.
Spring 2020 Physical, Mental, Emotional Health Students participate in a set of guided challenges which may include high ropes, low ropes, and team-building activities, intended to help participants learn to face challenges, overcome fears, work together as a team, and uncover the deeper realities of their group dynamics or personality. 3 11 117 Campus Recreation N ; Recreational Sports Programs,Study / Practice self knowledge,Connecting with others,Foundations and skills for lifelong learning,
Student Leadership Programs


Student Leadership Programs - The mission of Student Leadership Programs must be to prepare students to engage in the process of leadership.

Changing Carolina Peer Leader
Student health educators deliver presentations, plan and implement educational programs and events, and research national and campus trends and issues around health and well-being, to help their peers explore the fundamentals of a healthy lifestyle.
Spring 2020 Peer Educator Student health educators deliver presentations, plan and implement educational programs and events, and research national and campus trends and issues around health and well-being, to help their peers explore the fundamentals of a healthy lifestyle. 3 11 117 Healthy Campus Initiatives N GLD-Professional & Civic Engagement; Experiential Learning Opportunity; Student Leadership Programs,Leadership,Apply specialized knowledge,Communication - spoken,Influencing others
Civic Engagement & Service-Learning Programs


Civic Engagement & Service-Learning Programs - The primary mission of Service-Learning Programs is to engage students in experiences that address human and community needs together with structured opportunities for reflection intentionally designed to promote student learning and development.

Civility Series
Students engage in structured conversations on topics that may be controversial or polarizing, providing practice for engaging in difficult conversations, articulating their opinions and perspectives in a respectful manner, and implementing active listening techniques.
Spring 2020 Civic Engagement Students engage in structured conversations on topics that may be controversial or polarizing, providing practice for engaging in difficult conversations, articulating their opinions and perspectives in a respectful manner, and implementing active listening techniques. 3 11 88 Student Conduct & Academic Integrity N ; Civic Engagement & Service-Learning Programs,Community service / civic engagement,,Civic knowledge and engagement,Personal and social responsibility - Taking seriously the perspectives of others
Student Leadership Programs


Student Leadership Programs - The mission of Student Leadership Programs must be to prepare students to engage in the process of leadership.

Civic Leadership, Education, and Action Team (CLEAT)
Team members act to enhance year-round nonpartisan civic education and action on campus. CLEAT envisions and plans initiatives to cultivate deliberation, enhance civic literacy, and increase voter engagement on campus.
Spring 2020 Student Program Leader Team members act to enhance year-round nonpartisan civic education and action on campus. CLEAT envisions and plans initiatives to cultivate deliberation, enhance civic literacy, and increase voter engagement on campus. 3 11 28 Leadership & Service Center N GLD-Professional & Civic Engagement; Experiential Learning Opportunity; Student Leadership Programs,Leadership,Career readiness,Communication - spoken,Influencing others
Recreational Sports Programs


Recreational Sports Programs - The mission of Recreational Sports Programs must be to enhance the mind, body, and spirit of students and other eligible individuals by providing programs, services, and facilities that are responsive to the physical, social, recreational, and lifelong educational needs of the campus community as they relate to health, fitness, and learning.

Campus Recreation Climbing Wall
Students participate in top rope climbing or bouldering, with routes for both beginners and advanced climbers, at the climbing wall in the Wellness & Fitness Center.
Spring 2020 Physical, Mental, Emotional Health Students participate in top rope climbing or bouldering, with routes for both beginners and advanced climbers, at the climbing wall in the Wellness & Fitness Center. 3 11 117 Campus Recreation N ; Recreational Sports Programs,Recreation, leisure, entertainment,Connecting with others,Foundations and skills for lifelong learning,
Student Leadership Programs


Student Leadership Programs - The mission of Student Leadership Programs must be to prepare students to engage in the process of leadership.

Close Family Emerging Leaders Program
Students meet weekly for 8 weeks to explore aspects of leadership; activities are designed to help students develop a personal definition of leadership, create achievable goals, and design an action plan for applying leadership skills at USC.
Spring 2020 Leadership Education Students meet weekly for 8 weeks to explore aspects of leadership; activities are designed to help students develop a personal definition of leadership, create achievable goals, and design an action plan for applying leadership skills at USC. 3 11 28 Leadership & Service Center N ; Student Leadership Programs,Study / Practice self knowledge,,Self-knowledge,Communication - spoken
Civic Engagement & Service-Learning Programs


Civic Engagement & Service-Learning Programs - The primary mission of Service-Learning Programs is to engage students in experiences that address human and community needs together with structured opportunities for reflection intentionally designed to promote student learning and development.

Community Service Ambassador
Each student ambassador serves in a nonprofit organization located in the Midlands, exploring issues affecting the local community and working with the non-profit agency to address these issues.
Spring 2020 Civic Engagement Each student ambassador serves in a nonprofit organization located in the Midlands, exploring issues affecting the local community and working with the non-profit agency to address these issues. 3 11 28 Leadership & Service Center N GLD-Professional & Civic Engagement; GLD-Community Service; Experiential Learning Opportunity; Civic Engagement & Service-Learning Programs,Community service / civic engagement,Study / Practice diversity, equity, inclusion,Civic knowledge and engagement,Personal and social responsibility - Contributing to a larger community
Internship Programs


Internship Programs - The primary mission of Internship Programs is to engage students in planned, educationally-related work and learning experiences that integrate knowledge and theory with practical application and skill development in a professional setting.

Cooperative Education (Co-op) - Parallel
Students participate in 2-3 semesters of supervised, paid work-based learning with the same employer. The Parallel format allows the student to work part-time for 240 hours (20 hours/week) for 3 consecutive semesters while attending school.
Spring 2020 Cooperative Education Students participate in 2-3 semesters of supervised, paid work-based learning with the same employer. The Parallel format allows the student to work part-time for 240 hours (20 hours/week) for 3 consecutive semesters while attending school. 3 11 30 Career Center N GLD-Professional & Civic Engagement; Internship Programs,Apply specialized knowledge,Career readiness,Integrative and applied learning,
Internship Programs


Internship Programs - The primary mission of Internship Programs is to engage students in planned, educationally-related work and learning experiences that integrate knowledge and theory with practical application and skill development in a professional setting.

Cooperative Education (Co-op) - Alternating
Students participate in 2-3 semesters of supervised, paid work-based learning with the same employer. The Alternating format allows the student to alternate between a semester of full-time school (480 hours at 40 hours/week).
Spring 2020 Cooperative Education Students participate in 2-3 semesters of supervised, paid work-based learning with the same employer. The Alternating format allows the student to alternate between a semester of full-time school (480 hours at 40 hours/week). 3 11 30 Career Center N GLD-Professional & Civic Engagement; Internship Programs,Apply specialized knowledge,Career readiness,Integrative and applied learning,
Career Services


Career Services - The primary mission of Career Services is to assist students and other designated clients in developing, evaluating, and implementing career, education, and employment plans.

Career Coaching - Curriculum Vita / Cover Letter Review
Students interact 1-1 with a professional staff member who reviews students' vita and cover letter, provides feedback, and helps students explore presentation options.
Spring 2020 Career Development Students interact 1-1 with a professional staff member who reviews students' vita and cover letter, provides feedback, and helps students explore presentation options. 3 11 30 Career Center N ; Career Services,Career development,Study / Practice self knowledge,Problem solving,Self-knowledge
Campus Activities Programs


Campus Activities Programs - The purpose of Campus Activities Programs must be to enhance the overall educational experience of students through development of, exposure to, and participation in programs and activities that improve student cooperation and leadership while preparing students to be responsible advocates and citizens and complementing the institution's academic programs.

Dance Marathon Hero
Student participates in one of a variety of programs and events on campus and in the larger community to raise awareness and generate support for the Child Life Program at Prisma Health Children's Hospital.
Spring 2020 Campus Activities Student participates in one of a variety of programs and events on campus and in the larger community to raise awareness and generate support for the Child Life Program at Prisma Health Children's Hospital. 3 11 28 Russell House University Union N ; Campus Activities Programs,Recreation, leisure, entertainment,Connecting with others,Self-knowledge,
Student Leadership Programs


Student Leadership Programs - The mission of Student Leadership Programs must be to prepare students to engage in the process of leadership.

Dance Marathon Executive Board
Board members of this philanthropic organization engage with their peers to plan and execute a variety of educational and service events designed to raise funds and awareness for Palmetto Health Children's Hospital, culminating in the Main Event in the spring.
Spring 2020 Student Program Leader Board members of this philanthropic organization engage with their peers to plan and execute a variety of educational and service events designed to raise funds and awareness for Palmetto Health Children's Hospital, culminating in the Main Event in the spring. 3 11 28 Russell House University Union N GLD-Professional & Civic Engagement; GLD-Community Service; Experiential Learning Opportunity; Student Leadership Programs,Leadership,Career readiness,Problem solving,Influencing others
Campus Activities Programs


Campus Activities Programs - The purpose of Campus Activities Programs must be to enhance the overall educational experience of students through development of, exposure to, and participation in programs and activities that improve student cooperation and leadership while preparing students to be responsible advocates and citizens and complementing the institution's academic programs.

Dinner Dialogue
Students enrolled in a course are guests for dinner in their instructor's home, in order to better get to know their instructor and classmates outside the classroom.
Spring 2020 Campus Activities Students enrolled in a course are guests for dinner in their instructor's home, in order to better get to know their instructor and classmates outside the classroom. 3 11 28 Parent & Family Programs N ; Campus Activities Programs,Connecting with others,,Communication - spoken,
Multicultural Student Programs and Services


Multicultural Student Programs and Services - Multicultural Student Programs and Services must promote academic and personal growth of traditionally underserved students, work with the entire campus to create an institutional and community climate of justice, promote access and equity in higher education, and offer programs that educate the campus about diversity.

Diversity Dialogues
In a safe space, students listen to an expert presentation and engage in self-reflection and discussion on topics such as race, culture, gender, stereotypes, intersectionality, and sexual orientation. This workshop is intended to help students learn about marginalized populations and build awareness around diversity and inclusion.
Spring 2020 Educational Support In a safe space, students listen to an expert presentation and engage in self-reflection and discussion on topics such as race, culture, gender, stereotypes, intersectionality, and sexual orientation. This workshop is intended to help students learn about marginalized populations and build awareness around diversity and inclusion. 3 11 28 Multicultural Student Affairs N ; Multicultural Student Programs and Services,Study / Practice diversity, equity, inclusion,,Civic knowledge and engagement,Intercultural knowledge and competence
Academic Advising Programs


Academic Advising Programs - The primary purpose of Academic Advising Programs is to assist students in the development of meaningful educational plans.

Exploratory Advising / Major Change
Students meet 1-on-1 with an Exploratory Advisor to explore majors/degree programs, learn how to change majors, evaluate how completed coursework will apply to a new major, plan class schedules, and get help with general advisement questions.
Spring 2020 Educational Support Students meet 1-on-1 with an Exploratory Advisor to explore majors/degree programs, learn how to change majors, evaluate how completed coursework will apply to a new major, plan class schedules, and get help with general advisement questions. 3 12 34 University Advising Center N ; Academic Advising Programs,Study / Practice intellectual skills,Study / Practice self knowledge,Self-knowledge,
Civic Engagement & Service-Learning Programs


Civic Engagement & Service-Learning Programs - The primary mission of Service-Learning Programs is to engage students in experiences that address human and community needs together with structured opportunities for reflection intentionally designed to promote student learning and development.

Feeding Minds: Food Insecurity Awareness Training
Students listen to an expert presenter on food insecurity, then receive instruction and practice engaging in a dialogue in order to share resource information and identify pathways to minimize the challenges faced by those experiencing food insecurity.
Spring 2020 Civic Engagement Students listen to an expert presenter on food insecurity, then receive instruction and practice engaging in a dialogue in order to share resource information and identify pathways to minimize the challenges faced by those experiencing food insecurity. 3 11 117 Healthy Campus Initiatives N ; Civic Engagement & Service-Learning Programs,Community service / civic engagement,Apply specialized knowledge,Interpersonal skills,Communication - spoken
Fraternity and Sorority Advising Programs


Fraternity and Sorority Advising Programs - The mission of Fraternity and Sorority Advising Programs is to promote the learning and development of students who affiliate with fraternities and sororities.

Fraternity and Sorority Life Council Leadership
Students work to advance the FSL community by leading bi-weekly council meetings, meeting monthly with professional and graduate student staff advisors, communicating with FSL chapter presidents and community members, and implementing policies (university, FSL, Council).
Spring 2020 Elected Student Leader Students work to advance the FSL community by leading bi-weekly council meetings, meeting monthly with professional and graduate student staff advisors, communicating with FSL chapter presidents and community members, and implementing policies (university, FSL, Council). 3 11 28 Fraternity & Sorority Life N GLD-Professional & Civic Engagement; Fraternity and Sorority Advising Programs,Leadership,Apply specialized knowledge,Influencing others,Communication - spoken
Fraternity and Sorority Advising Programs


Fraternity and Sorority Advising Programs - The mission of Fraternity and Sorority Advising Programs is to promote the learning and development of students who affiliate with fraternities and sororities.

Fraternity and Sorority Life EmpowHER Conference
Students in sororities participate in interactive conference presentations and activities, and engage in personal reflection.
Spring 2020 Campus Activities Students in sororities participate in interactive conference presentations and activities, and engage in personal reflection. 3 11 28 Fraternity & Sorority Life N ; Fraternity and Sorority Advising Programs,Study / Practice self knowledge,Connecting with others,Self-knowledge,Foundations and skills for lifelong learning
Fraternity and Sorority Advising Programs


Fraternity and Sorority Advising Programs - The mission of Fraternity and Sorority Advising Programs is to promote the learning and development of students who affiliate with fraternities and sororities.

Fraternity and Sorority Life MoMENtum Conference
Students participate in interactive conference presentations and activities, and engage in personal reflection related to: mental health; relationships; advocacy efforts; diversity and inclusion; leadership and career; and other topical issues.
Spring 2020 Campus Activities Students participate in interactive conference presentations and activities, and engage in personal reflection related to: mental health; relationships; advocacy efforts; diversity and inclusion; leadership and career; and other topical issues. 3 11 28 Fraternity & Sorority Life N ; Fraternity and Sorority Advising Programs,Study / Practice self knowledge,Connecting with others,Self-knowledge,Foundations and skills for lifelong learning
Fraternity and Sorority Advising Programs


Fraternity and Sorority Advising Programs - The mission of Fraternity and Sorority Advising Programs is to promote the learning and development of students who affiliate with fraternities and sororities.

Fraternity and Sorority Life Recruitment / Intake Orientation
Participants attend this session to learn about the recruitment and membership experience in fraternity and sorority organizations, including time commitment, academic and financial requirements, and philanthropic and service opportunities of each chapter. Information is provided by professional staff, graduate assistants, and current members.
Spring 2020 Campus Activities Participants attend this session to learn about the recruitment and membership experience in fraternity and sorority organizations, including time commitment, academic and financial requirements, and philanthropic and service opportunities of each chapter. Information is provided by professional staff, graduate assistants, and current members. 3 11 28 Fraternity & Sorority Life N ; Fraternity and Sorority Advising Programs,Connecting with others,,Self-knowledge,
Fraternity and Sorority Advising Programs


Fraternity and Sorority Advising Programs - The mission of Fraternity and Sorority Advising Programs is to promote the learning and development of students who affiliate with fraternities and sororities.

Fraternity and Sorority Life Roundtable
Students interact in small-group, informal discussions to share best practices on a variety of topics relevant to the fraternity and sorority experience, such as organizational development and management, and personal development topics.
Spring 2020 Leadership Education Students interact in small-group, informal discussions to share best practices on a variety of topics relevant to the fraternity and sorority experience, such as organizational development and management, and personal development topics. 3 11 28 Fraternity & Sorority Life N ; Fraternity and Sorority Advising Programs,Leadership,Study / Practice self knowledge,Self-knowledge,
Fraternity and Sorority Advising Programs


Fraternity and Sorority Advising Programs - The mission of Fraternity and Sorority Advising Programs is to promote the learning and development of students who affiliate with fraternities and sororities.

Fraternity and Sorority New Member Summit
Students engage in council-specific conversations on the history, significance and myths of Fraternity and Sorority Life, personal responsibility, expectations, and tools available for new FSL members.
Spring 2020 Campus Activities Students engage in council-specific conversations on the history, significance and myths of Fraternity and Sorority Life, personal responsibility, expectations, and tools available for new FSL members. 3 11 28 Fraternity & Sorority Life N ; Fraternity and Sorority Advising Programs,Connecting with others,,Self-knowledge,
Campus Activities Programs


Campus Activities Programs - The purpose of Campus Activities Programs must be to enhance the overall educational experience of students through development of, exposure to, and participation in programs and activities that improve student cooperation and leadership while preparing students to be responsible advocates and citizens and complementing the institution's academic programs.

Gamecock Entertainment
Student attended an event provided by Gamecock Entertainment staff programming (e.g., watch parties, sporting events, political elections/debates), paint nights, trivia, foam parties).
Spring 2020 Campus Activities Student attended an event provided by Gamecock Entertainment staff programming (e.g., watch parties, sporting events, political elections/debates), paint nights, trivia, foam parties). 3 11 28 Russell House University Union N ; Campus Activities Programs,Recreation, leisure, entertainment,Connecting with others,Self-knowledge,
Student Leadership Programs


Student Leadership Programs - The mission of Student Leadership Programs must be to prepare students to engage in the process of leadership.

Gamecock Pantry Executive Board
Board members implement the vision, direction, and operations of the Gamecock Pantry by contributing to the recruitment, training, and evaluation of volunteers, donation coordination, marketing and education, and logistical operations such as clientele communication, donation solicitation, and developing on and off campus partnerships.
Spring 2020 Student Program Leader Board members implement the vision, direction, and operations of the Gamecock Pantry by contributing to the recruitment, training, and evaluation of volunteers, donation coordination, marketing and education, and logistical operations such as clientele communication, donation solicitation, and developing on and off campus partnerships. 3 11 28 Leadership & Service Center N GLD-Professional & Civic Engagement; GLD-Community Service; Experiential Learning Opportunity; Student Leadership Programs,Leadership,,Influencing others,Critical and creative thinking
Civic Engagement & Service-Learning Programs


Civic Engagement & Service-Learning Programs - The primary mission of Service-Learning Programs is to engage students in experiences that address human and community needs together with structured opportunities for reflection intentionally designed to promote student learning and development.

Gamecock Pantry Pals
Students organize donations, shelve inventory, and communicate information about the Gamecock Pantry to campus constituents. The pantry was created by students, for students, and provides food assistance and other resources to enhance well-being.
Spring 2020 Service on Campus Students organize donations, shelve inventory, and communicate information about the Gamecock Pantry to campus constituents. The pantry was created by students, for students, and provides food assistance and other resources to enhance well-being. 3 11 28 Leadership & Service Center N GLD-Community Service; Civic Engagement & Service-Learning Programs,Community service / civic engagement,Connecting with others,Interpersonal skills,
Health Promotion Services


Health Promotion Services - The mission and scope of practice of health promotion, sometimes referred to as wellness, must be reflective of the following fundamental assumptions about the role of health in higher education: reciprocal relationship between learning and health; direct connection between academic mission and higher education and well being of students

Gamecocks Eat Well Cooking Class
Students will receive hands-on cooking class instruction from a Registered Dietitian to acquire the necessary knowledge and skills to prepare their own snacks and meals.
Spring 2020 Physical, Mental, Emotional Health Students will receive hands-on cooking class instruction from a Registered Dietitian to acquire the necessary knowledge and skills to prepare their own snacks and meals. 3 11 117 Healthy Campus Initiatives N ; Health Promotion Services,Study / Practice physical well being,Apply specialized knowledge,Foundations and skills for lifelong learning,
Career Services


Career Services - The primary mission of Career Services is to assist students and other designated clients in developing, evaluating, and implementing career, education, and employment plans.

Gamecocks Get Hired Job Fair
Students interact with representatives from employer organizations about current and future employment opportunities including internships, co-ops, and full-time positions.
Spring 2020 Career Development Students interact with representatives from employer organizations about current and future employment opportunities including internships, co-ops, and full-time positions. 3 11 30 Career Center N ; Career Services,Career development,,Self-knowledge,
Career Services


Career Services - The primary mission of Career Services is to assist students and other designated clients in developing, evaluating, and implementing career, education, and employment plans.

Gamecocks Get Hired STEM Job Fair
Students interact with representatives of employer organizations about current and future employment opportunities including internships, co-ops, and full-time positions.
Spring 2020 Career Development Students interact with representatives of employer organizations about current and future employment opportunities including internships, co-ops, and full-time positions. 3 11 30 Career Center N ; Career Services,Career development,,Self-knowledge,
Career Services


Career Services - The primary mission of Career Services is to assist students and other designated clients in developing, evaluating, and implementing career, education, and employment plans.

Graduate and Professional School Day
Students interact with representatives from graduate and professional schools about current and future enrollment opportunities.
Spring 2020 Career Development Students interact with representatives from graduate and professional schools about current and future enrollment opportunities. 3 11 30 Career Center N ; Career Services,Career development,,Self-knowledge,
Capstone Experience


Capstone Experience - A course or project that engages students in a culminating and integrative experience, intended to connect the key learning objectives of an educational program.

Graduation with Leadership Distinction ePortfolio - 401
Student creates an ePortfolio as the culminating project of their undergraduate student collegiate experience. Through the ePortfolio, students demonstrate the major learning and skills they have developed during their time at the University of South Carolina. The ePortfolio is intended to help students identify their purpose or passion.
Spring 2020 Capstone Course or Project Student creates an ePortfolio as the culminating project of their undergraduate student collegiate experience. Through the ePortfolio, students demonstrate the major learning and skills they have developed during their time at the University of South Carolina. The ePortfolio is intended to help students identify their purpose or passion. 3 12 34 Center for Integrative and Experiential Learning N GLD-ePortfolio; Experiential Learning Opportunity; Capstone Experience,Study / Practice intellectual skills,,Integrative and applied learning,
Fraternity and Sorority Advising Programs


Fraternity and Sorority Advising Programs - The mission of Fraternity and Sorority Advising Programs is to promote the learning and development of students who affiliate with fraternities and sororities.

Greek Ambassador
Students serve as representatives of the fraternity and sorority community during university admissions events, lead community service events, and help manage leadership development programs for members of the Greek community.
Spring 2020 Student Program Leader Students serve as representatives of the fraternity and sorority community during university admissions events, lead community service events, and help manage leadership development programs for members of the Greek community. 3 11 28 Fraternity & Sorority Life N ; Fraternity and Sorority Advising Programs,Leadership,Connecting with others,Communication - spoken,Influencing others
Fraternity and Sorority Advising Programs


Fraternity and Sorority Advising Programs - The mission of Fraternity and Sorority Advising Programs is to promote the learning and development of students who affiliate with fraternities and sororities.

Fraternity and Sorority New Member Experience
New members of the fraternity and sorority community connect with others as they participate in a variety of community building and problem solving activities, and learn more about the organizations in the community.
Spring 2020 Campus Activities New members of the fraternity and sorority community connect with others as they participate in a variety of community building and problem solving activities, and learn more about the organizations in the community. 3 11 28 Fraternity & Sorority Life N ; Fraternity and Sorority Advising Programs,Connecting with others,,Teamwork,
Civic Engagement & Service-Learning Programs


Civic Engagement & Service-Learning Programs - The primary mission of Service-Learning Programs is to engage students in experiences that address human and community needs together with structured opportunities for reflection intentionally designed to promote student learning and development.

Fraternity and sorority students participate in an hour-long community service opportunity in Columbia, in order to learn about the importance of service and connect with others in the community.
Spring 2020 Civic Engagement Fraternity and sorority students participate in an hour-long community service opportunity in Columbia, in order to learn about the importance of service and connect with others in the community. 3 11 28 Fraternity & Sorority Life N ; Civic Engagement & Service-Learning Programs,Community service / civic engagement,Connecting with others,Personal and social responsibility - Contributing to a larger community,
Campus Activities Programs


Campus Activities Programs - The purpose of Campus Activities Programs must be to enhance the overall educational experience of students through development of, exposure to, and participation in programs and activities that improve student cooperation and leadership while preparing students to be responsible advocates and citizens and complementing the institution's academic programs.

Green Networking Breakfast
Students listen to a keynote speaker on a sustainability topic, and interact with other students, faculty, staff, and community members who share an interest in and passion for sustainability.
Spring 2020 Sustainability Education Students listen to a keynote speaker on a sustainability topic, and interact with other students, faculty, staff, and community members who share an interest in and passion for sustainability. 3 11 29 Sustainability N ; Campus Activities Programs,Connecting with others,Career development,Communication - spoken,
Recreational Sports Programs


Recreational Sports Programs - The mission of Recreational Sports Programs must be to enhance the mind, body, and spirit of students and other eligible individuals by providing programs, services, and facilities that are responsive to the physical, social, recreational, and lifelong educational needs of the campus community as they relate to health, fitness, and learning.

Group X Instructor In Training
Students participate in a training program that combines lecture based lessons with applying knowledge in practical activities. Participation includes homework, reflection, evaluation, and practice to pass. Students engage in directed self-study to sit for the American Council of Exercise exam.
Spring 2020 Student Program Leader Students participate in a training program that combines lecture based lessons with applying knowledge in practical activities. Participation includes homework, reflection, evaluation, and practice to pass. Students engage in directed self-study to sit for the American Council of Exercise exam. 3 11 117 Campus Recreation N GLD-Professional & Civic Engagement; Recreational Sports Programs,Study / Practice physical well being,Leadership,Specialized knowledge and skills,
Health Promotion Services


Health Promotion Services - The mission and scope of practice of health promotion, sometimes referred to as wellness, must be reflective of the following fundamental assumptions about the role of health in higher education: reciprocal relationship between learning and health; direct connection between academic mission and higher education and well being of students

Guide to Thrive: Strategies to Manage Stress
Students attend stress management presentation on five topics which will include the introduction of a technique, practicing the techniques in the class, and reflection on their learning. Students can attend a single session or up to all five sessions.
Spring 2020 Physical, Mental, Emotional Health Students attend stress management presentation on five topics which will include the introduction of a technique, practicing the techniques in the class, and reflection on their learning. Students can attend a single session or up to all five sessions. 3 11 117 Healthy Campus Initiatives N ; Health Promotion Services,Study / Practice self knowledge,Study / Practice social well being,Specialized knowledge and skills,
Student Leadership Programs


Student Leadership Programs - The mission of Student Leadership Programs must be to prepare students to engage in the process of leadership.

Campus Recreation Head Lifeguard
Head lifeguards oversee the aquatics facility while on duty, supervise other lifeguards, complete written shift reports to communicate between shifts, resolve pool maintenance issues and manage staffing transitions between lifeguard staff shifts.
Spring 2020 Student Program Leader Head lifeguards oversee the aquatics facility while on duty, supervise other lifeguards, complete written shift reports to communicate between shifts, resolve pool maintenance issues and manage staffing transitions between lifeguard staff shifts. 3 11 117 Campus Recreation N GLD-Professional & Civic Engagement; Experiential Learning Opportunity; Student Leadership Programs,Leadership,,Influencing others,Foundations and skills for lifelong learning
Health Promotion Services


Health Promotion Services - The mission and scope of practice of health promotion, sometimes referred to as wellness, must be reflective of the following fundamental assumptions about the role of health in higher education: reciprocal relationship between learning and health; direct connection between academic mission and higher education and well being of students

Healthy Eating Group
Students meet with a Registered Dietitian Nutritionist to learn how to choose balanced meals and snacks on and off campus. By the end of the group appointment, student will have increased basic nutrition knowledge, tips for eating well on a budget, and understand cues for eating.
Spring 2020 Physical, Mental, Emotional Health Students meet with a Registered Dietitian Nutritionist to learn how to choose balanced meals and snacks on and off campus. By the end of the group appointment, student will have increased basic nutrition knowledge, tips for eating well on a budget, and understand cues for eating. 3 11 117 Healthy Campus Initiatives N ; Health Promotion Services,Study / Practice physical well being,Apply specialized knowledge,Foundations and skills for lifelong learning,
Student Leadership Programs


Student Leadership Programs - The mission of Student Leadership Programs must be to prepare students to engage in the process of leadership.

Homecoming Commission Leadership Team
Students work together as a team to plan and execute events and functions during UofSC Homecoming Week, taking ownership of this campus tradition and helping to develop a sense of community for all UofSC students.
Spring 2020 Student Program Leader Students work together as a team to plan and execute events and functions during UofSC Homecoming Week, taking ownership of this campus tradition and helping to develop a sense of community for all UofSC students. 3 11 28 Russell House University Union N GLD-Professional & Civic Engagement; Experiential Learning Opportunity; Student Leadership Programs,Leadership,Career readiness,Problem solving,Teamwork
Health Promotion Services


Health Promotion Services - The mission and scope of practice of health promotion, sometimes referred to as wellness, must be reflective of the following fundamental assumptions about the role of health in higher education: reciprocal relationship between learning and health; direct connection between academic mission and higher education and well being of students

How To Fail: Resilience Building Workshop
Students interact with expert presenters to identify at least 3 strategies to build resilience, including identifying healthy coping skills, identifying negative thinking patterns, and realistic goal-setting.
Spring 2020 Physical, Mental, Emotional Health Students interact with expert presenters to identify at least 3 strategies to build resilience, including identifying healthy coping skills, identifying negative thinking patterns, and realistic goal-setting. 3 11 117 Healthy Campus Initiatives N ; Health Promotion Services,Study / Practice self knowledge,Study / Practice social well being,Foundations and skills for lifelong learning,
Fraternity and Sorority Advising Programs


Fraternity and Sorority Advising Programs - The mission of Fraternity and Sorority Advising Programs is to promote the learning and development of students who affiliate with fraternities and sororities.

Interfraternity Council Recruitment Advisor
Recruitment Peer Advisors serve as mentors, resources, facilitators, and referral agents to students who are potential new members participating in fraternity recruitment activities.
Spring 2020 Student Program Leader Recruitment Peer Advisors serve as mentors, resources, facilitators, and referral agents to students who are potential new members participating in fraternity recruitment activities. 3 11 28 Fraternity & Sorority Life N ; Fraternity and Sorority Advising Programs,Leadership,,Influencing others,
Civic Engagement & Service-Learning Programs


Civic Engagement & Service-Learning Programs - The primary mission of Service-Learning Programs is to engage students in experiences that address human and community needs together with structured opportunities for reflection intentionally designed to promote student learning and development.

International Perspectives & The Creed
Students listen to panel of international students discussing the role that their culture and backgrounds play in their experience at UofSC, providing an opportunity to develop understanding of diverse perspectives and cultures, and increase recognition of the influence of background and culture on the student experience.
Spring 2020 Civic Engagement Students listen to panel of international students discussing the role that their culture and backgrounds play in their experience at UofSC, providing an opportunity to develop understanding of diverse perspectives and cultures, and increase recognition of the influence of background and culture on the student experience. 3 11 88 Student Conduct & Academic Integrity N ; Civic Engagement & Service-Learning Programs,Global learning,Study / Practice diversity, equity, inclusion,Intercultural knowledge and competence,
Student Employment


Student Employment - Student is employed part-time by the university and engages in career readiness development activities as part of supervision process.

Intramural Sports Leader in Training
Students officiate intramural games while participating in training and professional development necessary to serve in a leadership role in the following term. Training includes risk management, diversity, conflict management, customer service, problem solving, supervision, and peer mentorship.
Spring 2020 Employment On Campus Students officiate intramural games while participating in training and professional development necessary to serve in a leadership role in the following term. Training includes risk management, diversity, conflict management, customer service, problem solving, supervision, and peer mentorship. 3 11 117 Campus Recreation N GLD-Professional & Civic Engagement; Experiential Learning Opportunity; Student Employment,Career readiness,,Professionalism / career readiness,Influencing others
Student Employment


Student Employment - Student is employed part-time by the university and engages in career readiness development activities as part of supervision process.

Intramural Sports Office Attendant
Intramural office attendants support the intramural registration process, process team payments, assist in scheduling, and practice professionalism through customer service. They must become proficient with software programs IMLeagues, WhentoWork, and Excel.
Spring 2020 Employment On Campus Intramural office attendants support the intramural registration process, process team payments, assist in scheduling, and practice professionalism through customer service. They must become proficient with software programs IMLeagues, WhentoWork, and Excel. 3 11 117 Campus Recreation N ; Student Employment,Career readiness,,Communication - written,Communication - spoken
Student Employment


Student Employment - Student is employed part-time by the university and engages in career readiness development activities as part of supervision process.

Intramural Sports Official
Students officiate league games and must know and enforce all sport rules, policies, and procedures. Students receive training for and experience a variety of topics including risk management, conflict management, customer service, and problem solving.
Spring 2020 Employment On Campus Students officiate league games and must know and enforce all sport rules, policies, and procedures. Students receive training for and experience a variety of topics including risk management, conflict management, customer service, and problem solving. 3 11 117 Campus Recreation N ; Student Employment,Career readiness,,Influencing others,Communication - spoken
Recreational Sports Programs


Recreational Sports Programs - The mission of Recreational Sports Programs must be to enhance the mind, body, and spirit of students and other eligible individuals by providing programs, services, and facilities that are responsive to the physical, social, recreational, and lifelong educational needs of the campus community as they relate to health, fitness, and learning.

Campus Recreation Intramural Sports
Students participate in an intramural sport, such as basketball, cornhole, volleyball, flag football, soccer, pickleball, and more.
Spring 2020 Campus Activities Students participate in an intramural sport, such as basketball, cornhole, volleyball, flag football, soccer, pickleball, and more. 3 11 117 Campus Recreation N ; Recreational Sports Programs,Recreation, leisure, entertainment,Connecting with others,Self-knowledge,
Student Leadership Programs


Student Leadership Programs - The mission of Student Leadership Programs must be to prepare students to engage in the process of leadership.

Intramural Sports Manager
Student managers supervise and provide direct oversight of assigned sport(s) including rules, policies, official's training, staff scheduling, staffing decisions, intramural supervisor staff development, and inventory - including first aid supplies, sports equipment, staff and participant uniforms.
Spring 2020 Peer Educator Student managers supervise and provide direct oversight of assigned sport(s) including rules, policies, official's training, staff scheduling, staffing decisions, intramural supervisor staff development, and inventory - including first aid supplies, sports equipment, staff and participant uniforms. 3 11 117 Campus Recreation N GLD-Professional & Civic Engagement; Experiential Learning Opportunity; Student Leadership Programs,Leadership,Career readiness,Influencing others,Teamwork
Student Leadership Programs


Student Leadership Programs - The mission of Student Leadership Programs must be to prepare students to engage in the process of leadership.

Intramural Sports Leader
Student leaders maintain a supervisory role on the fields/courts and provide ongoing training and development for intramural sports officials. Student leaders are empowered to lobby for policy and procedural change within the intramural sports program based on their experiences in this role.
Spring 2020 Student Program Leader Student leaders maintain a supervisory role on the fields/courts and provide ongoing training and development for intramural sports officials. Student leaders are empowered to lobby for policy and procedural change within the intramural sports program based on their experiences in this role. 3 11 117 Campus Recreation N GLD-Professional & Civic Engagement; Experiential Learning Opportunity; Student Leadership Programs,Career readiness,,Influencing others,Foundations and skills for lifelong learning
Student Leadership Programs


Student Leadership Programs - The mission of Student Leadership Programs must be to prepare students to engage in the process of leadership.

Leadership and Service Ambassador
Leadership and Service Advocates help manage the Leadership and Service Center’s daily operations, assist students as they call or enter the center, and assist the professional staff in marketing and planning programs and services.
Spring 2020 Student Program Leader Leadership and Service Advocates help manage the Leadership and Service Center’s daily operations, assist students as they call or enter the center, and assist the professional staff in marketing and planning programs and services. 3 11 28 Leadership & Service Center N ; Student Leadership Programs,Career readiness,Leadership,Communication - spoken,Problem solving
Student Leadership Programs


Student Leadership Programs - The mission of Student Leadership Programs must be to prepare students to engage in the process of leadership.

Leadership Coaching - Big 5 Personality Assessment
Student meets with a professional staff member or graduate student to discuss their Work/School Place Big 5 personality assessment results. Students are asked to reflect on how the results are consistent or inconsistent with their own experiences, and how the results and conversation will inform how they exercise leadership.
Spring 2020 Leadership Education Student meets with a professional staff member or graduate student to discuss their Work/School Place Big 5 personality assessment results. Students are asked to reflect on how the results are consistent or inconsistent with their own experiences, and how the results and conversation will inform how they exercise leadership. 3 11 28 Leadership & Service Center N ; Student Leadership Programs,Study / Practice self knowledge,,Self-knowledge,Critical and creative thinking
Student Leadership Programs


Student Leadership Programs - The mission of Student Leadership Programs must be to prepare students to engage in the process of leadership.

Leadership Coaching - Student organization
Students meets with a professional staff member or graduate student to discuss strategies for a more successful student organization.
Spring 2020 Leadership Education Students meets with a professional staff member or graduate student to discuss strategies for a more successful student organization. 3 11 28 Leadership & Service Center N ; Student Leadership Programs,Apply specialized knowledge,Leadership,Critical and creative thinking,Influencing others
Student Leadership Programs


Student Leadership Programs - The mission of Student Leadership Programs must be to prepare students to engage in the process of leadership.

Leadership Coaching - Involvement
Student meets with a professional staff member or graduate student to discuss their personal interests, explore student organizations or other involvement opportunities, identify a goal for becoming more involved on campus and outline a plan for accomplishing that goal.
Spring 2020 Leadership Education Student meets with a professional staff member or graduate student to discuss their personal interests, explore student organizations or other involvement opportunities, identify a goal for becoming more involved on campus and outline a plan for accomplishing that goal. 3 11 28 Leadership & Service Center N ; Student Leadership Programs,Study / Practice self knowledge,,Self-knowledge,Critical and creative thinking
Recreational Sports Programs


Recreational Sports Programs - The mission of Recreational Sports Programs must be to enhance the mind, body, and spirit of students and other eligible individuals by providing programs, services, and facilities that are responsive to the physical, social, recreational, and lifelong educational needs of the campus community as they relate to health, fitness, and learning.

Campus Recreation Lifeguard
Students who are trained and certified as lifeguards apply their expertise to maintain a safe recreational environment for swimmers and other users of the aquatics facility.
Spring 2020 Student Program Leader Students who are trained and certified as lifeguards apply their expertise to maintain a safe recreational environment for swimmers and other users of the aquatics facility. 3 11 117 Campus Recreation N ; Recreational Sports Programs,Apply specialized knowledge,Career development,Integrative and applied learning,
Student Leadership Programs


Student Leadership Programs - The mission of Student Leadership Programs must be to prepare students to engage in the process of leadership.

Magellan Ambassador
Magellan Ambassadors represent the Office of Undergraduate Research through campus presentations and events, providing opportunity for professional development while sharing their research experience with other students.
Spring 2020 Student Program Leader Magellan Ambassadors represent the Office of Undergraduate Research through campus presentations and events, providing opportunity for professional development while sharing their research experience with other students. 3 13 32 Undergraduate Research N GLD-Professional & Civic Engagement; Student Leadership Programs,Leadership,,Communication - spoken,Influencing others
Health Promotion Services


Health Promotion Services - The mission and scope of practice of health promotion, sometimes referred to as wellness, must be reflective of the following fundamental assumptions about the role of health in higher education: reciprocal relationship between learning and health; direct connection between academic mission and higher education and well being of students

Meet Me at the Barbell
Students attend a two-part workshop to help them build a healthy gym environment and prevent injury. Topics include stress management, self care, gym stereotypes, basic nutrition, communicating in the gym, and creating a realistic workout program. Students work with personal trainers to learn proper form and a variety of exercises.
Spring 2020 Physical, Mental, Emotional Health Students attend a two-part workshop to help them build a healthy gym environment and prevent injury. Topics include stress management, self care, gym stereotypes, basic nutrition, communicating in the gym, and creating a realistic workout program. Students work with personal trainers to learn proper form and a variety of exercises. 3 11 117 Healthy Campus Initiatives N ; Health Promotion Services,Study / Practice physical well being,Connecting with others,Foundations and skills for lifelong learning,
Learning Assistance Programs


Learning Assistance Programs - The primary mission of Learning Assistance Programs must be to provide students with resources and opportunities to improve their ability to learn and to achieve academic success.

Money Management Consultation
Students participate in a 1:1 meeting with a Financial Literacy Consultant, to explore financial management topics including basic money management, credit, debt management, and student loan repayment policies.
Spring 2020 Educational Support Students participate in a 1:1 meeting with a Financial Literacy Consultant, to explore financial management topics including basic money management, credit, debt management, and student loan repayment policies. 3 11 30 Student Success Center N ; Learning Assistance Programs,Study / Practice financial literacy,Study / Practice self knowledge,Financial literacy,Problem solving
Career Services


Career Services - The primary mission of Career Services is to assist students and other designated clients in developing, evaluating, and implementing career, education, and employment plans.

Moore School of Business EXPO
Students interact with representatives from employer organizations about current and future employment opportunities including internships and full-time positions.
Spring 2020 Career Development Students interact with representatives from employer organizations about current and future employment opportunities including internships and full-time positions. 3 11 30 Career Center N ; Career Services,Career development,,Self-knowledge,
Student Leadership Programs


Student Leadership Programs - The mission of Student Leadership Programs must be to prepare students to engage in the process of leadership.

Multicultural Assistance Peer Program (MAPP) Mentor
Student mentors work in a self-directed mode to help support first year/transfer multicultural students as they transition into the university community, by serving as an information resource and helping new students establish a social network.
Spring 2020 Student Program Leader Student mentors work in a self-directed mode to help support first year/transfer multicultural students as they transition into the university community, by serving as an information resource and helping new students establish a social network. 3 11 28 Multicultural Student Affairs N GLD-Professional & Civic Engagement; GLD-Diversity & Social Advocacy; Student Leadership Programs,Connecting with others,,Influencing others,Interpersonal skills
Campus Activities Programs


Campus Activities Programs - The purpose of Campus Activities Programs must be to enhance the overall educational experience of students through development of, exposure to, and participation in programs and activities that improve student cooperation and leadership while preparing students to be responsible advocates and citizens and complementing the institution's academic programs.

National Collegiate Athletic Association (NCAA) Athletic Event
Student attendance at National Collegiate Athletic Association (NCAA) athletic events provides opportunities for students to connect with other students and develop a sense of belonging through shared school spirit.
Spring 2020 Campus Activities Student attendance at National Collegiate Athletic Association (NCAA) athletic events provides opportunities for students to connect with other students and develop a sense of belonging through shared school spirit. 3 30 116 Student Tickets N ; Campus Activities Programs,Connecting with others,,Self-knowledge,
Student Leadership Programs


Student Leadership Programs - The mission of Student Leadership Programs must be to prepare students to engage in the process of leadership.

New Resident Assistant
Resident Mentors live with a group of 25 to 60 residents, guide them through their Carolina experience, and are responsible for actively assisting individuals and groups of students in their residential learning community by performing all job duties and responsibilities of the position.
Fall 2020 Peer Educator Resident Mentors live with a group of 25 to 60 residents, guide them through their Carolina experience, and are responsible for actively assisting individuals and groups of students in their residential learning community by performing all job duties and responsibilities of the position. 3 11 29 University Housing N GLD-Professional & Civic Engagement; Experiential Learning Opportunity; Student Leadership Programs,Leadership,,Influencing others,Interpersonal skills
Post-Traditional & Commuter Student Programs & Services


Post-Traditional & Commuter Student Programs & Services - The primary mission is to ensure that all students have equitable access to programs, services, and engagement opportunities regardless of age, personal characteristics, or place of residence.

Off-Campus Living Module
Students participate in an interactive, self-paced 20 minute online course to learn how to navigate life as an off-campus student. The topics cover finding housing, moving, off-campus safety, community ordinances and laws, commuting and parking, protecting your tenant rights and selecting compatible roommates.
Spring 2020 Educational Support Students participate in an interactive, self-paced 20 minute online course to learn how to navigate life as an off-campus student. The topics cover finding housing, moving, off-campus safety, community ordinances and laws, commuting and parking, protecting your tenant rights and selecting compatible roommates. 3 11 28 Off-Campus Living & Neighborhood Relations N ; Post-Traditional & Commuter Student Programs & Services,Study / Practice self knowledge,,Personal and social responsibility - Striving for excellence,
Recreational Sports Programs


Recreational Sports Programs - The mission of Recreational Sports Programs must be to enhance the mind, body, and spirit of students and other eligible individuals by providing programs, services, and facilities that are responsive to the physical, social, recreational, and lifelong educational needs of the campus community as they relate to health, fitness, and learning.

Campus Recreation Adventure Trip Participant
Students participate with a group of peers in an adventure trip guided by a staff member; trip options include biking, camping, hiking, boating, and more. Adventures vary in length from a few hours to a few days.
Spring 2020 Campus Activities Students participate with a group of peers in an adventure trip guided by a staff member; trip options include biking, camping, hiking, boating, and more. Adventures vary in length from a few hours to a few days. 3 11 117 Campus Recreation N ; Recreational Sports Programs,Recreation, leisure, entertainment,Connecting with others,Self-knowledge,
Student Leadership Programs


Student Leadership Programs - The mission of Student Leadership Programs must be to prepare students to engage in the process of leadership.

Outdoor Recreation Manager
Managers lead one of the outdoor recreation program areas, with responsibility to train student employees, enforce policy, schedule employees, maintain inventory, and communicate with patrons.
Spring 2020 Student Program Leader Managers lead one of the outdoor recreation program areas, with responsibility to train student employees, enforce policy, schedule employees, maintain inventory, and communicate with patrons. 3 11 117 Campus Recreation N GLD-Professional & Civic Engagement; Experiential Learning Opportunity; Student Leadership Programs,Leadership,Career readiness,Professionalism / career readiness,Influencing others
Fraternity and Sorority Advising Programs


Fraternity and Sorority Advising Programs - The mission of Fraternity and Sorority Advising Programs is to promote the learning and development of students who affiliate with fraternities and sororities.

Panhellenic Recruitment Peer Counselor
Students serve as peer mentors and information resources for potential new members participating in the Panhellenic recruitment process.
Spring 2020 Student Program Leader Students serve as peer mentors and information resources for potential new members participating in the Panhellenic recruitment process. 3 11 28 Fraternity & Sorority Life N ; Fraternity and Sorority Advising Programs,Leadership,,Communication - spoken,Influencing others
Career Services


Career Services - The primary mission of Career Services is to assist students and other designated clients in developing, evaluating, and implementing career, education, and employment plans.

Pathways to Professions (Externship)
Students attend half or full day visit to an employer site for an overview of the organization and their employment opportunities. Common components include presentations by organizational leadership and human resources staff, practitioner panels (most often with alumni representation), shadowing opportunities and facility tours.
Spring 2020 Career Development Students attend half or full day visit to an employer site for an overview of the organization and their employment opportunities. Common components include presentations by organizational leadership and human resources staff, practitioner panels (most often with alumni representation), shadowing opportunities and facility tours. 3 11 30 Career Center N ; Career Services,Career development,,Self-knowledge,
Student Leadership Programs


Student Leadership Programs - The mission of Student Leadership Programs must be to prepare students to engage in the process of leadership.

Peer Consultant
Student consultants meet with peers to provide study skills support, discuss academic success strategies, and co-create a personalized plan for academic success.
Spring 2020 Peer Educator Student consultants meet with peers to provide study skills support, discuss academic success strategies, and co-create a personalized plan for academic success. 3 11 30 Student Success Center N GLD-Professional & Civic Engagement; Experiential Learning Opportunity; Student Leadership Programs,Leadership,Career readiness,Influencing others,Problem solving
Student Leadership Programs


Student Leadership Programs - The mission of Student Leadership Programs must be to prepare students to engage in the process of leadership.

Peer Financial Consultant
Student consultants meet with students to help them set financial goals, explore money management strategies, and create financial action plans; as needed, consultants make appropriate referrals to other campus resources.
Spring 2020 Peer Educator Student consultants meet with students to help them set financial goals, explore money management strategies, and create financial action plans; as needed, consultants make appropriate referrals to other campus resources. 3 11 30 Student Success Center N GLD-Professional & Civic Engagement; Experiential Learning Opportunity; Student Leadership Programs,Apply specialized knowledge,Leadership,Influencing others,Financial literacy
Student Leadership Programs


Student Leadership Programs - The mission of Student Leadership Programs must be to prepare students to engage in the process of leadership.

Peer Tutor
Tutors provide course-specific academic support for undergraduate students. They work with students in 1-1 sessions and lead group tutoring sessions.
Spring 2020 Peer Educator Tutors provide course-specific academic support for undergraduate students. They work with students in 1-1 sessions and lead group tutoring sessions. 3 11 30 Student Success Center N GLD-Professional & Civic Engagement; Experiential Learning Opportunity; Student Leadership Programs,Leadership,Apply specialized knowledge,Communication - spoken,Integrative and applied learning
Learning Assistance Programs


Learning Assistance Programs - The primary mission of Learning Assistance Programs must be to provide students with resources and opportunities to improve their ability to learn and to achieve academic success.

Peer Tutoring
Students participate in a tutoring session for a specific academic course in which they are currently enrolled.
Spring 2020 Educational Support Students participate in a tutoring session for a specific academic course in which they are currently enrolled. 3 11 30 Student Success Center N ; Learning Assistance Programs,Study / Practice intellectual skills,Apply specialized knowledge,Specialized knowledge and skills,
Student Leadership Programs


Student Leadership Programs - The mission of Student Leadership Programs must be to prepare students to engage in the process of leadership.

Peer Writing Tutor
Peer Tutors meet with students in 1-1 sessions to provide course-specific academic support for writing and communications skill development.
Spring 2020 Peer Educator Peer Tutors meet with students in 1-1 sessions to provide course-specific academic support for writing and communications skill development. 3 11 30 Student Success Center N GLD-Professional & Civic Engagement; Experiential Learning Opportunity; Student Leadership Programs,Leadership,Apply specialized knowledge,Critical and creative thinking,Communication - written
Learning Assistance Programs


Learning Assistance Programs - The primary mission of Learning Assistance Programs must be to provide students with resources and opportunities to improve their ability to learn and to achieve academic success.

Peer Writing Session
Students participate in a tutoring session for support with composition- or communications-based assignments or projects.
Spring 2020 Educational Support Students participate in a tutoring session for support with composition- or communications-based assignments or projects. 3 11 30 Student Success Center N ; Learning Assistance Programs,Study / Practice intellectual skills,,Communication - written,Communication - spoken
Recreational Sports Programs


Recreational Sports Programs - The mission of Recreational Sports Programs must be to enhance the mind, body, and spirit of students and other eligible individuals by providing programs, services, and facilities that are responsive to the physical, social, recreational, and lifelong educational needs of the campus community as they relate to health, fitness, and learning.

Campus Recreation Personal Fitness Training
Students work with a personal trainer to identify their fitness goals and practice individually tailored exercises and routines; each session is 60 minutes in length.
Spring 2020 Physical, Mental, Emotional Health Students work with a personal trainer to identify their fitness goals and practice individually tailored exercises and routines; each session is 60 minutes in length. 3 11 117 Campus Recreation N ; Recreational Sports Programs,Study / Practice physical well being,Study / Practice self knowledge,Self-knowledge,
Student Employment


Student Employment - Student is employed part-time by the university and engages in career readiness development activities as part of supervision process.

Personal Trainer Program Assistant
Students assist Fitness Suite clients by conducting fitness assessments and orientations to the weight room. Students assist professional staff with creating, organizing, and facilitating special fitness and wellness events for the campus community, and gain skills needed for certification as a personal trainer.
Spring 2020 Student Program Leader Students assist Fitness Suite clients by conducting fitness assessments and orientations to the weight room. Students assist professional staff with creating, organizing, and facilitating special fitness and wellness events for the campus community, and gain skills needed for certification as a personal trainer. 3 11 117 Campus Recreation N GLD-Professional & Civic Engagement; Experiential Learning Opportunity; Student Employment,Career readiness,Apply specialized knowledge,Communication - spoken,Specialized knowledge and skills
Recreational Sports Programs


Recreational Sports Programs - The mission of Recreational Sports Programs must be to enhance the mind, body, and spirit of students and other eligible individuals by providing programs, services, and facilities that are responsive to the physical, social, recreational, and lifelong educational needs of the campus community as they relate to health, fitness, and learning.

Campus Recreation Red Cross Certification Instructor
Students serve as instructors for Red Cross certification classes (e.g., First Aid, CPR/AED, Lifeguard), for students and other members of the university community.
Spring 2020 Student Program Leader Students serve as instructors for Red Cross certification classes (e.g., First Aid, CPR/AED, Lifeguard), for students and other members of the university community. 3 11 117 Campus Recreation N ; Recreational Sports Programs,Apply specialized knowledge,Career readiness,Interpersonal skills,Problem solving
Student Leadership Programs


Student Leadership Programs - The mission of Student Leadership Programs must be to prepare students to engage in the process of leadership.

Returning Resident Assistant
Returning Resident Mentors have completed the training course, live with a group of 25 to 60 residents, guide them through their Carolina experience, and are responsible for actively assisting individuals and groups of students in their residential learning community by performing all job duties and responsibilities of the position.
Spring 2020 Peer Educator Returning Resident Mentors have completed the training course, live with a group of 25 to 60 residents, guide them through their Carolina experience, and are responsible for actively assisting individuals and groups of students in their residential learning community by performing all job duties and responsibilities of the position. 3 11 29 University Housing N GLD-Professional & Civic Engagement; Experiential Learning Opportunity; Student Leadership Programs,Leadership,,Influencing others,Interpersonal skills
Student Employment


Student Employment - Student is employed part-time by the university and engages in career readiness development activities as part of supervision process.

Russell House University Union Event and Information Assistant
The Russell House University Union is the key venue for student events and programming and depends on a well-trained group of students to deliver essential programs & services. Students in this engagement develop as leaders and problem solvers while also learning essential skills in professionalism, event planning, and customer service
Spring 2020 Employment On Campus The Russell House University Union is the key venue for student events and programming and depends on a well-trained group of students to deliver essential programs & services. Students in this engagement develop as leaders and problem solvers while also learning essential skills in professionalism, event planning, and customer service 3 11 28 Russell House University Union N GLD-Professional & Civic Engagement; Student Employment,Career readiness,,Professionalism / career readiness,
Student Employment


Student Employment - Student is employed part-time by the university and engages in career readiness development activities as part of supervision process.

Russell House University Union Operations Attendant
Building operations attendants operate the student union facility and manage events, including equipment check-out and working directly with clients. Attendants are assigned to one of three areas: Building Operations, Information Center, or Gameroom.
Spring 2020 Employment On Campus Building operations attendants operate the student union facility and manage events, including equipment check-out and working directly with clients. Attendants are assigned to one of three areas: Building Operations, Information Center, or Gameroom. 3 11 28 Russell House University Union N GLD-Professional & Civic Engagement; Student Employment,Career readiness,,Professionalism / career readiness,
Civic Engagement & Service-Learning Programs


Civic Engagement & Service-Learning Programs - The primary mission of Service-Learning Programs is to engage students in experiences that address human and community needs together with structured opportunities for reflection intentionally designed to promote student learning and development.

Safe Zone Workshop
Student listen to an expert presenter speak about LGBT college student data, risks associated with LGBT college students, bias and harassment, and resources available on- and off- campus to provide support. Students engage in small group activities such as scenarios to learn how to interrupt bias, and how to understand the LGBT experience.
Spring 2020 Civic Engagement Student listen to an expert presenter speak about LGBT college student data, risks associated with LGBT college students, bias and harassment, and resources available on- and off- campus to provide support. Students engage in small group activities such as scenarios to learn how to interrupt bias, and how to understand the LGBT experience. 3 11 28 Multicultural Student Affairs N GLD-Diversity & Social Advocacy; GLD-Professional & Civic Engagement; Civic Engagement & Service-Learning Programs,Study / Practice diversity, equity, inclusion,Study / Practice self knowledge,Civic knowledge and engagement,Intercultural knowledge and competence
Civic Engagement & Service-Learning Programs


Civic Engagement & Service-Learning Programs - The primary mission of Service-Learning Programs is to engage students in experiences that address human and community needs together with structured opportunities for reflection intentionally designed to promote student learning and development.

Service Saturday
Students participate in a community service opportunity within the city of Columbia or campus community.
Spring 2020 Civic Engagement Students participate in a community service opportunity within the city of Columbia or campus community. 3 11 28 Leadership & Service Center N GLD-Community Service; Civic Engagement & Service-Learning Programs,Community service / civic engagement,Connecting with others,Personal and social responsibility - Contributing to a larger community,
Student Leadership Programs


Student Leadership Programs - The mission of Student Leadership Programs must be to prepare students to engage in the process of leadership.

Service Saturday Senior Site Leader
Senior site leaders facilitate training and manage administrative tasks for teams of student site leaders, communicate expectations of the program to volunteers, delegate tasks, and debrief on a shared experience.
Spring 2020 Peer Educator Senior site leaders facilitate training and manage administrative tasks for teams of student site leaders, communicate expectations of the program to volunteers, delegate tasks, and debrief on a shared experience. 3 11 28 Leadership & Service Center N GLD-Professional & Civic Engagement; GLD-Community Service; Experiential Learning Opportunity; Student Leadership Programs,Leadership,Career readiness,Communication - spoken,Influencing others
Student Leadership Programs


Student Leadership Programs - The mission of Student Leadership Programs must be to prepare students to engage in the process of leadership.

Service Saturday Site Leader
Site leaders communicate expectations to a group of volunteers, delegate tasks, and debrief volunteers on a shared community service experience.
Spring 2020 Peer Educator Site leaders communicate expectations to a group of volunteers, delegate tasks, and debrief volunteers on a shared community service experience. 3 11 28 Leadership & Service Center N GLD-Professional & Civic Engagement; GLD-Community Service; Student Leadership Programs,Leadership,Community service / civic engagement,Teamwork,Problem solving
Health Promotion Services


Health Promotion Services - The mission and scope of practice of health promotion, sometimes referred to as wellness, must be reflective of the following fundamental assumptions about the role of health in higher education: reciprocal relationship between learning and health; direct connection between academic mission and higher education and well being of students

Stand Up Carolina Bystander Intervention Training
Students receive training on an array of intervention strategies to use in their everyday lives and engage in a group discussion about overcoming personal and societal barriers to bystander intervention. Information about on and off-campus resources is provided.
Spring 2020 Physical, Mental, Emotional Health Students receive training on an array of intervention strategies to use in their everyday lives and engage in a group discussion about overcoming personal and societal barriers to bystander intervention. Information about on and off-campus resources is provided. 3 11 117 Healthy Campus Initiatives N ; Health Promotion Services,Study / Practice social well being,Connecting with others,Personal and social responsibility - Developing competence in ethical and moral reasoning, action,
Student Leadership Programs


Student Leadership Programs - The mission of Student Leadership Programs must be to prepare students to engage in the process of leadership.

Student Government Senate Committee Chair
Student is appointed by the Student Government Executive Council to explore issues, gain understanding of related policies and procedures, and work with others across campus to make informed decisions that support the campaign agenda and address issues of concern to Carolina students.
Spring 2020 Appointed Student Leader Student is appointed by the Student Government Executive Council to explore issues, gain understanding of related policies and procedures, and work with others across campus to make informed decisions that support the campaign agenda and address issues of concern to Carolina students. 3 11 28 Leadership & Service Center N GLD-Professional & Civic Engagement; Student Leadership Programs,Apply specialized knowledge,Leadership,Inquiry and analysis,Interpersonal skills
Student Leadership Programs


Student Leadership Programs - The mission of Student Leadership Programs must be to prepare students to engage in the process of leadership.

Student Government Executive Council
Council members are elected by the student body to work toward common goals and build consensus to drive change for Carolina students; council members interact with a variety of constituents including students, faculty, staff, university administrators and Board of Trustees members.
Spring 2020 Elected Student Leader Council members are elected by the student body to work toward common goals and build consensus to drive change for Carolina students; council members interact with a variety of constituents including students, faculty, staff, university administrators and Board of Trustees members. 3 11 28 Leadership & Service Center N GLD-Professional & Civic Engagement; Experiential Learning Opportunity; Student Leadership Programs,Leadership,,Problem solving,Influencing others
Student Leadership Programs


Student Leadership Programs - The mission of Student Leadership Programs must be to prepare students to engage in the process of leadership.

Student Government Freshman Council
Council members are selected to represent the freshman class in student government at Carolina. Students meet weekly to learn about SG initiatives, discuss campus issues, and represent the freshman perspective. Each student meets monthly with a SG mentor to explore and develop leadership interests, skills and abilities.
Spring 2020 Appointed Student Leader Council members are selected to represent the freshman class in student government at Carolina. Students meet weekly to learn about SG initiatives, discuss campus issues, and represent the freshman perspective. Each student meets monthly with a SG mentor to explore and develop leadership interests, skills and abilities. 3 11 28 Leadership & Service Center N GLD-Professional & Civic Engagement; Student Leadership Programs,Study / Practice self knowledge,Connecting with others,Self-knowledge,
Student Employment


Student Employment - Student is employed part-time by the university and engages in career readiness development activities as part of supervision process.

Student Media Advertising Representative
Advertising representatives work with internal and external partners and clients to provide effective advertising solutions comprised of Student Media resources.
Spring 2020 Employment On Campus Advertising representatives work with internal and external partners and clients to provide effective advertising solutions comprised of Student Media resources. 3 11 28 Student Media N GLD-Professional & Civic Engagement; Experiential Learning Opportunity; Student Employment,Career readiness,,Problem solving,Influencing others
Student Media Programs


Student Media Programs - The mission is to prepare students for their responsibilities in planning and producing media products, offer leadership opportunities and support for students engaged in these activities.

Student Media Creative Services Designer
Creative Services team members apply visual communications skills to complete contracted work for Student Media's clients and partners. Designers apply visual communication techniques and best practices to complete projects including advertisements, promotional materials, and other graphics work.
Spring 2020 Employment On Campus Creative Services team members apply visual communications skills to complete contracted work for Student Media's clients and partners. Designers apply visual communication techniques and best practices to complete projects including advertisements, promotional materials, and other graphics work. 3 11 28 Student Media N GLD-Professional & Civic Engagement; Experiential Learning Opportunity; Student Media Programs,Apply specialized knowledge,,Specialized knowledge and skills,Integrative and applied learning
Student Leadership Programs


Student Leadership Programs - The mission of Student Leadership Programs must be to prepare students to engage in the process of leadership.

Student Media Executive Leader
Each student executive serves as head of one of the editorially independent and student-run media organizations, with final authority on decisions related to content and programming and with responsibility for ensuring high quality and responsible journalistic standards.
Spring 2020 Appointed Student Leader Each student executive serves as head of one of the editorially independent and student-run media organizations, with final authority on decisions related to content and programming and with responsibility for ensuring high quality and responsible journalistic standards. 3 11 28 Student Media N GLD-Professional & Civic Engagement; Experiential Learning Opportunity; Student Leadership Programs,Leadership,,Critical and creative thinking,Interpersonal skills
Student Leadership Programs


Student Leadership Programs - The mission of Student Leadership Programs must be to prepare students to engage in the process of leadership.

Student Media Senior Leader
Senior leaders manage sections and teams within each of Student Media’s partner organizations, often overseeing content production or administrative tasks. Senior leaders apply knowledge of journalistic and media best practices while serving in a peer leadership role within the media organization.
Spring 2020 Student Program Leader Senior leaders manage sections and teams within each of Student Media’s partner organizations, often overseeing content production or administrative tasks. Senior leaders apply knowledge of journalistic and media best practices while serving in a peer leadership role within the media organization. 3 11 28 Student Media N ; Student Leadership Programs,Apply specialized knowledge,Leadership,Specialized knowledge and skills,Critical and creative thinking
Campus Activities Programs


Campus Activities Programs - The purpose of Campus Activities Programs must be to enhance the overall educational experience of students through development of, exposure to, and participation in programs and activities that improve student cooperation and leadership while preparing students to be responsible advocates and citizens and complementing the institution's academic programs.

Student Organization Member
Students engage in organizations for many reasons - to gain skills, connect with other students, broaden their knowledge. Student-led organizations establish purpose and goals, determine membership, set activities, and select leaders. The university records organizational affiliation, but does not monitor the engagement of individual students.
Spring 2020 Campus Activities Students engage in organizations for many reasons - to gain skills, connect with other students, broaden their knowledge. Student-led organizations establish purpose and goals, determine membership, set activities, and select leaders. The university records organizational affiliation, but does not monitor the engagement of individual students. 3 11 28 Leadership & Service Center N ; Campus Activities Programs,Connecting with others,,Self-knowledge,
Student Leadership Programs


Student Leadership Programs - The mission of Student Leadership Programs must be to prepare students to engage in the process of leadership.

Student Success Center Program Assistant / Mentor
Experienced student leaders serve within a specific programmatic area (supplemental instruction, peer tutoring, or peer success consultations), supervise other peer leaders within the same program, and engage in critical office functions to support the department's professional certifications and mission.
Spring 2020 Peer Educator Experienced student leaders serve within a specific programmatic area (supplemental instruction, peer tutoring, or peer success consultations), supervise other peer leaders within the same program, and engage in critical office functions to support the department's professional certifications and mission. 3 11 30 Student Success Center N GLD-Professional & Civic Engagement; Experiential Learning Opportunity; Student Leadership Programs,Leadership,Career readiness,Teamwork,Critical and creative thinking
Education Abroad Programs & Services


Education Abroad Programs & Services - Education Abroad Programs and Services facilitate and oversee student participation in educational experiences that occur in countries outside the institution's home country.

Study Abroad - Global Classroom
Students engage in a short-term, USC faculty-led program, focusing on a specific subject area or foreign language. Program sites and course offerings vary from year to year.
Spring 2020 Study Abroad Students engage in a short-term, USC faculty-led program, focusing on a specific subject area or foreign language. Program sites and course offerings vary from year to year. 3 12 31 Study Abroad N Experiential Learning Opportunity; GLD-Global Learning; Education Abroad Programs & Services,Global learning,,Intercultural knowledge and competence,Specialized knowledge and skills
Education Abroad Programs & Services


Education Abroad Programs & Services - Education Abroad Programs and Services facilitate and oversee student participation in educational experiences that occur in countries outside the institution's home country.

Study Abroad - Global Direct
Students engage in a summer, semester, or academic year direct-enroll program while focusing on specific topics, foreign languages, or various subject areas. Students take courses from an approved academic institution and pay tuition and fees directly to the host institution.
Spring 2020 Study Abroad Students engage in a summer, semester, or academic year direct-enroll program while focusing on specific topics, foreign languages, or various subject areas. Students take courses from an approved academic institution and pay tuition and fees directly to the host institution. 3 12 31 Study Abroad N Experiential Learning Opportunity; GLD-Global Learning; Education Abroad Programs & Services,Global learning,,Intercultural knowledge and competence,Specialized knowledge and skills
Education Abroad Programs & Services


Education Abroad Programs & Services - Education Abroad Programs and Services facilitate and oversee student participation in educational experiences that occur in countries outside the institution's home country.

Study Abroad - Global Exchange
Students engage in a semester or academic year exchange program in conjunction with a partner institution. Some focus on specific areas of study; others are open to all majors. Students are charged USC in-state tuition while enrolled in this program.
Spring 2020 Study Abroad Students engage in a semester or academic year exchange program in conjunction with a partner institution. Some focus on specific areas of study; others are open to all majors. Students are charged USC in-state tuition while enrolled in this program. 3 12 31 Study Abroad N Experiential Learning Opportunity; GLD-Global Learning; Education Abroad Programs & Services,Global learning,,Intercultural knowledge and competence,Specialized knowledge and skills
Education Abroad Programs & Services


Education Abroad Programs & Services - Education Abroad Programs and Services facilitate and oversee student participation in educational experiences that occur in countries outside the institution's home country.

Study Abroad - Global Partner
Students engage in a summer, semester, or academic year program with an independent study abroad organization.
Spring 2020 Study Abroad Students engage in a summer, semester, or academic year program with an independent study abroad organization. 3 12 31 Study Abroad N Experiential Learning Opportunity; GLD-Global Learning; Education Abroad Programs & Services,Global learning,,Intercultural knowledge and competence,Specialized knowledge and skills
Education Abroad Programs & Services


Education Abroad Programs & Services - Education Abroad Programs and Services facilitate and oversee student participation in educational experiences that occur in countries outside the institution's home country.

Study Abroad - Global USC
Students engage in intensive, multi-disciplinary overseas summer programs, earning 3-9 credits while participating in cultural excursions and academic activities as part of a cohort.
Spring 2020 Study Abroad Students engage in intensive, multi-disciplinary overseas summer programs, earning 3-9 credits while participating in cultural excursions and academic activities as part of a cohort. 3 12 31 Study Abroad N Experiential Learning Opportunity; GLD-Global Learning; Education Abroad Programs & Services,Global learning,,Intercultural knowledge and competence,Specialized knowledge and skills
International Student Programs and Services


International Student Programs and Services - The mission of International Student Programs and Services is to provide support and assistance necessary for international students to achieve their educational goals and to ensure institutional compliance with governmental immigration regulations.

Education Abroad Fair
Students interact with faculty, staff, and study abroad providers to learn more about opportunities for study abroad and resources for study abroad funding.
Spring 2020 Campus Activities Students interact with faculty, staff, and study abroad providers to learn more about opportunities for study abroad and resources for study abroad funding. 3 12 31 Study Abroad N ; International Student Programs and Services,Study / Practice self knowledge,,Self-knowledge,
Student Employment


Student Employment - Student is employed part-time by the university and engages in career readiness development activities as part of supervision process.

Study Abroad Peer Advisor
Students who have studied abroad work in a pre-professional capacity with the Study Abroad Office staff to promote study abroad on campus and to support prospective, current and returned study abroad participants.
Spring 2020 Employment On Campus Students who have studied abroad work in a pre-professional capacity with the Study Abroad Office staff to promote study abroad on campus and to support prospective, current and returned study abroad participants. 3 12 31 Study Abroad N Experiential Learning Opportunity; GLD-Professional & Civic Engagement; Student Employment,Career readiness,Global learning,Interpersonal skills,Intercultural knowledge and competence
Learning Assistance Programs


Learning Assistance Programs - The primary mission of Learning Assistance Programs must be to provide students with resources and opportunities to improve their ability to learn and to achieve academic success.

Success Consultation
Students meet 1-1 with a trained peer consultant to assist students in understanding course material, develop self-regulated learning skills, and create an action plan for positive academic behaviors.
Spring 2020 Educational Support Students meet 1-1 with a trained peer consultant to assist students in understanding course material, develop self-regulated learning skills, and create an action plan for positive academic behaviors. 3 11 30 Student Success Center N ; Learning Assistance Programs,Study / Practice intellectual skills,Study / Practice self knowledge,Foundations and skills for lifelong learning,
Health Promotion Services


Health Promotion Services - The mission and scope of practice of health promotion, sometimes referred to as wellness, must be reflective of the following fundamental assumptions about the role of health in higher education: reciprocal relationship between learning and health; direct connection between academic mission and higher education and well being of students

Suicide Prevention Gatekeeper Training
Students receive training on how to recognize signs of suicide, communicate and assist someone in crisis, identify campus resources to assist someone in various stages of distress, and practice these skills in a workshop setting.
Spring 2020 Physical, Mental, Emotional Health Students receive training on how to recognize signs of suicide, communicate and assist someone in crisis, identify campus resources to assist someone in various stages of distress, and practice these skills in a workshop setting. 3 11 117 Healthy Campus Initiatives N ; Health Promotion Services,Study / Practice social well being,Connecting with others,Interpersonal skills,
Learning Assistance Programs


Learning Assistance Programs - The primary mission of Learning Assistance Programs must be to provide students with resources and opportunities to improve their ability to learn and to achieve academic success.

Supplemental Instruction
Students participate in a group study session for a specific academic course and section in which they are currently enrolled.
Spring 2020 Educational Support Students participate in a group study session for a specific academic course and section in which they are currently enrolled. 3 11 30 Student Success Center N ; Learning Assistance Programs,Study / Practice intellectual skills,,Specialized knowledge and skills,
Student Leadership Programs


Student Leadership Programs - The mission of Student Leadership Programs must be to prepare students to engage in the process of leadership.

Supplemental Instruction Peer Leader
SI Peer Leaders facilitate group study sessions for students enrolled in specific courses and sections; they help their peers learn challenging material from class lectures and assignments, and offer helpful tips that integrate how to learn with what to learn through three group study sessions each week.
Spring 2020 Peer Educator SI Peer Leaders facilitate group study sessions for students enrolled in specific courses and sections; they help their peers learn challenging material from class lectures and assignments, and offer helpful tips that integrate how to learn with what to learn through three group study sessions each week. 3 11 30 Student Success Center N GLD-Professional & Civic Engagement; Experiential Learning Opportunity; Student Leadership Programs,Leadership,,Influencing others,Communication - spoken
Undergraduate Research Programs


Undergraduate Research Programs - The primary mission of Undergraduate Research Programs is to engage students in investigative and creative activity to experience firsthand the processes of scholarly exploration and discovery.

Sustainability Showcase
Students listen to a keynote speaker on a sustainability topic and present their sustainability-related research topics and findings in a traditional research fair setting.
Spring 2020 Articulating Learning Students listen to a keynote speaker on a sustainability topic and present their sustainability-related research topics and findings in a traditional research fair setting. 3 11 29 Sustainability N ; Undergraduate Research Programs,Apply specialized knowledge,Connecting with others,Communication - spoken,Critical and creative thinking
Student Leadership Programs


Student Leadership Programs - The mission of Student Leadership Programs must be to prepare students to engage in the process of leadership.

Sustainable Carolina Peer Leader
Student interact with their peers on campus as they work to implement programs outlined in the campus sustainability plan aimed at improving sustainability practices on campus. Students also host community programs and camps for school age children and families, teaching sustainability practices and the importance of a healthy lifestyle.
Spring 2020 Peer Educator Student interact with their peers on campus as they work to implement programs outlined in the campus sustainability plan aimed at improving sustainability practices on campus. Students also host community programs and camps for school age children and families, teaching sustainability practices and the importance of a healthy lifestyle. 3 11 29 Sustainability N GLD-Professional & Civic Engagement; GLD-Community Service; Experiential Learning Opportunity; Student Leadership Programs,Leadership,,Influencing others,Personal and social responsibility - Contributing to a larger community
Student Leadership Programs


Student Leadership Programs - The mission of Student Leadership Programs must be to prepare students to engage in the process of leadership.

Sustainable Carolina Project Coordinator
Each project coordinator leads a team of students to implement a designated project in support of a goal outlined in the campus sustainability plan. The role requires collaboration with other teams, campus stakeholders, and community partners, and requires them to delegate work, solve problems, and make decisions.
Spring 2020 Peer Educator Each project coordinator leads a team of students to implement a designated project in support of a goal outlined in the campus sustainability plan. The role requires collaboration with other teams, campus stakeholders, and community partners, and requires them to delegate work, solve problems, and make decisions. 3 11 29 Sustainability N GLD-Professional & Civic Engagement; Experiential Learning Opportunity; Student Leadership Programs,Leadership,Apply specialized knowledge,Problem solving,Professionalism / career readiness
Student Leadership Programs


Student Leadership Programs - The mission of Student Leadership Programs must be to prepare students to engage in the process of leadership.

The Big Event Executive Team
Team members plan and execute Service Saturday: The Big Event, including recruitment, site selection, and logistics day of the event.
Spring 2020 Student Program Leader Team members plan and execute Service Saturday: The Big Event, including recruitment, site selection, and logistics day of the event. 3 11 28 Leadership & Service Center N GLD-Professional & Civic Engagement; Experiential Learning Opportunity; Student Leadership Programs,Leadership,Career readiness,Personal and social responsibility - Contributing to a larger community,Critical and creative thinking
Campus Activities Programs


Campus Activities Programs - The purpose of Campus Activities Programs must be to enhance the overall educational experience of students through development of, exposure to, and participation in programs and activities that improve student cooperation and leadership while preparing students to be responsible advocates and citizens and complementing the institution's academic programs.

The Big Event Planning Committee
Committee members assist the student executive team in planning the event including recruitment, site selection, and logistics day of the event; members have individual job responsibilities before, during, and after the event.
Spring 2020 Student Program Leader Committee members assist the student executive team in planning the event including recruitment, site selection, and logistics day of the event; members have individual job responsibilities before, during, and after the event. 3 11 28 Leadership & Service Center N ; Campus Activities Programs,Career readiness,Leadership,Communication - spoken,Critical and creative thinking
Campus Activities Programs


Campus Activities Programs - The purpose of Campus Activities Programs must be to enhance the overall educational experience of students through development of, exposure to, and participation in programs and activities that improve student cooperation and leadership while preparing students to be responsible advocates and citizens and complementing the institution's academic programs.

Thursday After Dark
Thursday After Dark provides a variety of late-night programming to engage Carolina students (e.g., escape rooms, trivia, bowling nights).
Spring 2020 Campus Activities Thursday After Dark provides a variety of late-night programming to engage Carolina students (e.g., escape rooms, trivia, bowling nights). 3 11 28 Russell House University Union N ; Campus Activities Programs,Recreation, leisure, entertainment,Connecting with others,Self-knowledge,
Transfer Student Programs and Services


Transfer Student Programs and Services - The mission of Transfer Student Programs and Services is to aid in the successful transfer, persistence, and graduation of transfer students.

Transfer Success Consultation
Transfer students participate in a 1:1 meeting with the Transfer Coordinator, to discuss academic referrals, current academic challenges, and to identify academic and campus resources.
Spring 2020 Educational Support Transfer students participate in a 1:1 meeting with the Transfer Coordinator, to discuss academic referrals, current academic challenges, and to identify academic and campus resources. 3 11 30 Carolina Experience N ; Transfer Student Programs and Services,Study / Practice self knowledge,,Personal and social responsibility - Striving for excellence,
Health Promotion Services


Health Promotion Services - The mission and scope of practice of health promotion, sometimes referred to as wellness, must be reflective of the following fundamental assumptions about the role of health in higher education: reciprocal relationship between learning and health; direct connection between academic mission and higher education and well being of students

Trauma 101
In support of creating a more trauma informed and responsive campus, students engage in expert presentations in a workshop series that provides a more comprehensive way to think about trauma as the process of becoming flooded with overwhelming stress from a variety of causes.
Spring 2020 Physical, Mental, Emotional Health In support of creating a more trauma informed and responsive campus, students engage in expert presentations in a workshop series that provides a more comprehensive way to think about trauma as the process of becoming flooded with overwhelming stress from a variety of causes. 3 11 117 Healthy Campus Initiatives N ; Health Promotion Services,Study / Practice social well being,Apply specialized knowledge,Foundations and skills for lifelong learning,
Undergraduate Research Programs


Undergraduate Research Programs - The primary mission of Undergraduate Research Programs is to engage students in investigative and creative activity to experience firsthand the processes of scholarly exploration and discovery.

Undergraduate Research - Paid or Volunteer
Students work with a mentor to conduct a discipline specific research project that explores their field of interest through a hands-on project. Students do not earn academic credit. Mentors and students are encouraged to discuss and develop clear expectations prior to initiating research activities.
Spring 2020 Undergraduate Research Students work with a mentor to conduct a discipline specific research project that explores their field of interest through a hands-on project. Students do not earn academic credit. Mentors and students are encouraged to discuss and develop clear expectations prior to initiating research activities. 3 13 32 Undergraduate Research N Experiential Learning Opportunity; GLD-Research; Undergraduate Research Programs,Research,,Critical and creative thinking,Problem solving
Undergraduate Research Programs


Undergraduate Research Programs - The primary mission of Undergraduate Research Programs is to engage students in investigative and creative activity to experience firsthand the processes of scholarly exploration and discovery.

Undergraduate Research - Student Grant Award
Student works with a mentor to conduct a discipline specific research project funded by a university grant, awarded through a competitive application process that includes evaluation of the clarity of the student's project description, project's educational and intellectual merit, potential impact of the project, and mentoring plan.
Spring 2020 Undergraduate Research Student works with a mentor to conduct a discipline specific research project funded by a university grant, awarded through a competitive application process that includes evaluation of the clarity of the student's project description, project's educational and intellectual merit, potential impact of the project, and mentoring plan. 3 13 32 Undergraduate Research N Experiential Learning Opportunity; GLD-Research; Undergraduate Research Programs,Research,,Critical and creative thinking,Problem solving
Undergraduate Research Programs


Undergraduate Research Programs - The primary mission of Undergraduate Research Programs is to engage students in investigative and creative activity to experience firsthand the processes of scholarly exploration and discovery.

Undergraduate Research - Independent Study Credit
Students work with a mentor, for academic course credit (generally through independent study) to conduct a discipline specific research project that explores their field of interest through a hands-on project. Mentors and students develop and determine expectations, objectives, and the method of evaluation prior to course registration and approval.
Spring 2020 Undergraduate Research Students work with a mentor, for academic course credit (generally through independent study) to conduct a discipline specific research project that explores their field of interest through a hands-on project. Mentors and students develop and determine expectations, objectives, and the method of evaluation prior to course registration and approval. 3 13 32 Undergraduate Research N Experiential Learning Opportunity; GLD-Research; Undergraduate Research Programs,Research,,Critical and creative thinking,Problem solving
Student Leadership Programs


Student Leadership Programs - The mission of Student Leadership Programs must be to prepare students to engage in the process of leadership.

University Ambassador
University Ambassadors lead campus tours for diverse audiences of prospective students and families, answer phone calls and respond to emails and other visitor communications, assist in the recruitment, coaching, and evaluation of new University Ambassadors and participate in weekly professional development & training.
Spring 2020 Peer Educator University Ambassadors lead campus tours for diverse audiences of prospective students and families, answer phone calls and respond to emails and other visitor communications, assist in the recruitment, coaching, and evaluation of new University Ambassadors and participate in weekly professional development & training. 3 34 118 Visitor Center N GLD-Professional & Civic Engagement; Experiential Learning Opportunity; Student Leadership Programs,Career readiness,Connecting with others,Critical and creative thinking,Communication - spoken
Student Leadership Programs


Student Leadership Programs - The mission of Student Leadership Programs must be to prepare students to engage in the process of leadership.

Center for Integrative and Experiential Learning Student Advisory Council
Students participate in discussion-based monthly meetings to provide the Center for Integrative and Experiential Learning staff with feedback and to share opinions about initiatives and programming.
Spring 2020 Student Program Leader Students participate in discussion-based monthly meetings to provide the Center for Integrative and Experiential Learning staff with feedback and to share opinions about initiatives and programming. 3 12 34 Center for Integrative and Experiential Learning N ; Student Leadership Programs,Leadership,,Communication - spoken,
Undergraduate Research Programs


Undergraduate Research Programs - The primary mission of Undergraduate Research Programs is to engage students in investigative and creative activity to experience firsthand the processes of scholarly exploration and discovery.

Undergraduate Research - Student Grant Award/Independent Study
Student works with a faculty mentor (for academic credit) to conduct a research project funded by a university grant awarded through competitive application process including evaluation of clarity of student's project description, project's educational and intellectual merit, potential impact of project and mentoring plan.
Fall 2019 Undergraduate Research Student works with a faculty mentor (for academic credit) to conduct a research project funded by a university grant awarded through competitive application process including evaluation of clarity of student's project description, project's educational and intellectual merit, potential impact of project and mentoring plan. 3 13 32 Undergraduate Research N Experiential Learning Opportunity; GLD-Research; Undergraduate Research Programs,Research,,Critical and creative thinking,Problem solving
Undergraduate Research Programs


Undergraduate Research Programs - The primary mission of Undergraduate Research Programs is to engage students in investigative and creative activity to experience firsthand the processes of scholarly exploration and discovery.

Undergraduate Research - Student Grant Award/Independent Study
Student works with a faculty mentor (for academic credit) to conduct a research project funded by a university grant awarded through competitive application process including evaluation of clarity of student's project description, project's educational and intellectual merit, potential impact of project and mentoring plan.
Spring 2020 Undergraduate Research Student works with a faculty mentor (for academic credit) to conduct a research project funded by a university grant awarded through competitive application process including evaluation of clarity of student's project description, project's educational and intellectual merit, potential impact of project and mentoring plan. 3 13 32 Undergraduate Research N Experiential Learning Opportunity; GLD-Research; Undergraduate Research Programs,Research,,Critical and creative thinking,Problem solving
Career Services


Career Services - The primary mission of Career Services is to assist students and other designated clients in developing, evaluating, and implementing career, education, and employment plans.

Education Recruitment Day
Students interact with representatives from employer organizations in the field of education about current and future employment opportunities.
Spring 2020 Career Development Students interact with representatives from employer organizations in the field of education about current and future employment opportunities. 3 11 30 Career Center N ; Career Services,Career development,,Self-knowledge,
Internship Programs


Internship Programs - The primary mission of Internship Programs is to engage students in planned, educationally-related work and learning experiences that integrate knowledge and theory with practical application and skill development in a professional setting.

Senior Nursing Capstone Practicum - NURS 435
Final Semester Senior Clinical Immersion Experience
Spring 2020 Internship Final Semester Senior Clinical Immersion Experience 3 20 106 Y GLD-Professional & Civic Engagement; GLD-Community Service; Experiential Learning Opportunity; Internship Programs,Apply specialized knowledge,Career readiness,Specialized knowledge and skills,Professionalism / career readiness
Internship Programs


Internship Programs - The primary mission of Internship Programs is to engage students in planned, educationally-related work and learning experiences that integrate knowledge and theory with practical application and skill development in a professional setting.

Public Affairs Internship - POLI 379
In this course, students complete an on-site internship in a public affairs agency, complete a series of academic assignments related to the internship experience, and submit a final performance evaluation from the on-site supervisor.
Spring 2020 Internship In this course, students complete an on-site internship in a public affairs agency, complete a series of academic assignments related to the internship experience, and submit a final performance evaluation from the on-site supervisor. 3 14 50 Y Experiential Learning Opportunity; GLD-Professional & Civic Engagement; Internship Programs,Career development,Apply specialized knowledge,Self-knowledge,Professionalism / career readiness
Student Leadership Programs


Student Leadership Programs - The mission of Student Leadership Programs must be to prepare students to engage in the process of leadership.

Pillars for Carolina Extended Mentor
Pillars for Carolina XMs help introduce incoming students to student life and resources on campus. XMs are peer mentors who lead groups and communicate information to diverse audiences; student mentees look to XMs to answer their candid questions about the college experience.
Spring 2020 Student Program Leader Pillars for Carolina XMs help introduce incoming students to student life and resources on campus. XMs are peer mentors who lead groups and communicate information to diverse audiences; student mentees look to XMs to answer their candid questions about the college experience. 3 11 28 Leadership & Service Center N GLD-Professional & Civic Engagement; Student Leadership Programs,Leadership,,Interpersonal skills,Influencing others
Student Leadership Programs


Student Leadership Programs - The mission of Student Leadership Programs must be to prepare students to engage in the process of leadership.

Pillars for Carolina Leadership Team
Student leaders manage all components of the planning, recruitment, and execution of the Pillars for Carolina Extended Orientation Program. Team members work together to solve problems, communicate to multiple constituents, supervise peer mentors, and evaluate the effectiveness of program activities.
Spring 2020 Peer Educator Student leaders manage all components of the planning, recruitment, and execution of the Pillars for Carolina Extended Orientation Program. Team members work together to solve problems, communicate to multiple constituents, supervise peer mentors, and evaluate the effectiveness of program activities. 3 11 28 Leadership & Service Center N GLD-Professional & Civic Engagement; Student Leadership Programs,Leadership,,Problem solving,Teamwork
Student Employment


Student Employment - Student is employed part-time by the university and engages in career readiness development activities as part of supervision process.

Outdoor Recreation Assistant
Assistants are the primary point of contact with participants in outdoor recreation programs, including the bike shop, climbing wall, paddle sports events, and challenge course. They facilitate student activities and monitor safety procedures in their specific area.
Spring 2020 Employment On Campus Assistants are the primary point of contact with participants in outdoor recreation programs, including the bike shop, climbing wall, paddle sports events, and challenge course. They facilitate student activities and monitor safety procedures in their specific area. 3 11 117 Campus Recreation N ; Student Employment,Career readiness,,Teamwork,Interpersonal skills
Student Leadership Programs


Student Leadership Programs - The mission of Student Leadership Programs must be to prepare students to engage in the process of leadership.

Student Leadership and Diversity Conference
Students engage with faculty, staff and peers to explore important issues in diversity and student leadership, gain insights from keynote speakers and educational session facilitators, and reflect on how to apply these insights in their roles as student leaders.
Spring 2020 Leadership Education Students engage with faculty, staff and peers to explore important issues in diversity and student leadership, gain insights from keynote speakers and educational session facilitators, and reflect on how to apply these insights in their roles as student leaders. 3 11 28 Leadership & Service Center N ; Student Leadership Programs,Study / Practice self knowledge,Study / Practice diversity, equity, inclusion,Self-knowledge,Personal and social responsibility - Taking seriously the perspectives of others
Internship Programs


Internship Programs - The primary mission of Internship Programs is to engage students in planned, educationally-related work and learning experiences that integrate knowledge and theory with practical application and skill development in a professional setting.

Pedagogy Laboratory - MUSC 573L
The course is designed to provide undergraduate pianists with applied knowledge in piano pedagogy, such that all academic pursuits in the course are observed into the lab with actual teaching. Class time is spent in the co-requisite academic course (MUSC 573) in preparation, reflection, and peer discussion and feedback for lab activities.
Spring 2020 Internship The course is designed to provide undergraduate pianists with applied knowledge in piano pedagogy, such that all academic pursuits in the course are observed into the lab with actual teaching. Class time is spent in the co-requisite academic course (MUSC 573) in preparation, reflection, and peer discussion and feedback for lab activities. 3 25 83 Y GLD-Professional & Civic Engagement; Experiential Learning Opportunity; Internship Programs,Apply specialized knowledge,Career readiness,Specialized knowledge and skills,Professionalism / career readiness
Civic Engagement & Service-Learning Programs


Civic Engagement & Service-Learning Programs - The primary mission of Service-Learning Programs is to engage students in experiences that address human and community needs together with structured opportunities for reflection intentionally designed to promote student learning and development.

Community Engagement Through Music - MUSC 595
The course includes visits to four potential community partners and culminates in a student-designed interactive performance at a community location.
Fall 2020 Civic Engagement The course includes visits to four potential community partners and culminates in a student-designed interactive performance at a community location. 3 25 105 Y GLD-Community Service; Experiential Learning Opportunity; Civic Engagement & Service-Learning Programs,Community service / civic engagement,Apply specialized knowledge,Civic knowledge and engagement,Specialized knowledge and skills
Career Services


Career Services - The primary mission of Career Services is to assist students and other designated clients in developing, evaluating, and implementing career, education, and employment plans.

Career Coaching - Career Assessment Interpretation
Students complete a career assessment prior to meeting with a career coach; in this 1-1 session, the coach guides the student through exploration of career-related interests, skills and values.
Spring 2020 Career Development Students complete a career assessment prior to meeting with a career coach; in this 1-1 session, the coach guides the student through exploration of career-related interests, skills and values. 3 11 30 Career Center N ; Career Services,Study / Practice self knowledge,Career development,Self-knowledge,Problem solving
Internship Programs


Internship Programs - The primary mission of Internship Programs is to engage students in planned, educationally-related work and learning experiences that integrate knowledge and theory with practical application and skill development in a professional setting.

Carolina Internship Program - Part-time
Students engage in a paid, work-based learning experience that is usually the length or equivalent of a fall or spring semester or summer, working approximately 240 hours at 20 hours/week. Student may be eligible to receive academic credit through their academic department or pursue a Zero Credit Transcript notation through the Career Center.
Summer 2020 Cooperative Education Students engage in a paid, work-based learning experience that is usually the length or equivalent of a fall or spring semester or summer, working approximately 240 hours at 20 hours/week. Student may be eligible to receive academic credit through their academic department or pursue a Zero Credit Transcript notation through the Career Center. 3 11 30 Career Center N GLD-Professional & Civic Engagement; Experiential Learning Opportunity; Internship Programs,Career development,Apply specialized knowledge,Professionalism / career readiness,Integrative and applied learning
Internship Programs


Internship Programs - The primary mission of Internship Programs is to engage students in planned, educationally-related work and learning experiences that integrate knowledge and theory with practical application and skill development in a professional setting.

Cooperative Education (Co-op) - Alternating
Students participate in 2-3 semesters of supervised, paid work-based learning with the same employer. The Alternating format allows the student to alternate between a semester of full-time school (480 hours at 40 hours/week).
Summer 2020 Cooperative Education Students participate in 2-3 semesters of supervised, paid work-based learning with the same employer. The Alternating format allows the student to alternate between a semester of full-time school (480 hours at 40 hours/week). 3 11 30 Career Center N GLD-Professional & Civic Engagement; Experiential Learning Opportunity; Internship Programs,Apply specialized knowledge,Career readiness,Specialized knowledge and skills,Professionalism / career readiness
Internship Programs


Internship Programs - The primary mission of Internship Programs is to engage students in planned, educationally-related work and learning experiences that integrate knowledge and theory with practical application and skill development in a professional setting.

Cooperative Education (Co-op) - Parallel
Students participate in 2-3 semesters of supervised, paid work-based learning with the same employer. The Parallel format allows the student to work part-time for 240 hours (20 hours/week) for 3 consecutive semesters while attending school.
Summer 2020 Cooperative Education Students participate in 2-3 semesters of supervised, paid work-based learning with the same employer. The Parallel format allows the student to work part-time for 240 hours (20 hours/week) for 3 consecutive semesters while attending school. 3 11 30 Career Center N Experiential Learning Opportunity; GLD-Professional & Civic Engagement; Internship Programs,Apply specialized knowledge,Career readiness,Specialized knowledge and skills,Professionalism / career readiness
Learning Assistance Programs


Learning Assistance Programs - The primary mission of Learning Assistance Programs must be to provide students with resources and opportunities to improve their ability to learn and to achieve academic success.

Summer Opportunities Fair
Students who plan to enroll in a summer session talk with campus representatives to explore academic and on-campus resources, programs, and co-curricular opportunities offered during the summer.
Spring 2020 Educational Support Students who plan to enroll in a summer session talk with campus representatives to explore academic and on-campus resources, programs, and co-curricular opportunities offered during the summer. 3 12 34 On Your Time Initiatives N ; Learning Assistance Programs,Study / Practice self knowledge,,Self-knowledge,
Student Leadership Programs


Student Leadership Programs - The mission of Student Leadership Programs must be to prepare students to engage in the process of leadership.

University 101 Peer Leader
U101 Peer Leaders co-teach a section of a UNIV 101 course with a faculty or staff member, and serve as resources, mentors, and facilitators for learning in and beyond the classroom for first-year students enrolled in the course.
Fall 2020 Peer Educator U101 Peer Leaders co-teach a section of a UNIV 101 course with a faculty or staff member, and serve as resources, mentors, and facilitators for learning in and beyond the classroom for first-year students enrolled in the course. 3 11 30 University 101 Programs Y GLD-Professional & Civic Engagement; GLD-Diversity & Social Advocacy; Experiential Learning Opportunity; Student Leadership Programs,Leadership,Career readiness,Self-knowledge,Professionalism / career readiness
Recreational Sports Programs


Recreational Sports Programs - The mission of Recreational Sports Programs must be to enhance the mind, body, and spirit of students and other eligible individuals by providing programs, services, and facilities that are responsive to the physical, social, recreational, and lifelong educational needs of the campus community as they relate to health, fitness, and learning.

Campus Recreation Group X
Students participate in a 45-60 minute group exercise class such as Yoga, Zumba, BodyPump, Barre, Cycle, and Bootcamp.
Spring 2020 Physical, Mental, Emotional Health Students participate in a 45-60 minute group exercise class such as Yoga, Zumba, BodyPump, Barre, Cycle, and Bootcamp. 3 11 117 Campus Recreation N ; Recreational Sports Programs,Study / Practice physical well being,Connecting with others,Self-knowledge,
Career Services


Career Services - The primary mission of Career Services is to assist students and other designated clients in developing, evaluating, and implementing career, education, and employment plans.

Career Coaching - Drop-In Session
Students stop by the Career Center for a brief discussion with a staff member or a quick review of their resume.
Summer 2020 Career Development Students stop by the Career Center for a brief discussion with a staff member or a quick review of their resume. 3 11 30 Career Center N ; Career Services,Study / Practice self knowledge,,Self-knowledge,
Career Services


Career Services - The primary mission of Career Services is to assist students and other designated clients in developing, evaluating, and implementing career, education, and employment plans.

Career Coaching - Resume / Cover Letter Review
Students interact 1-1 with a staff member to identify resources and plan for obtaining employment.
Summer 2020 Career Development Students interact 1-1 with a staff member to identify resources and plan for obtaining employment. 3 11 30 Career Center N ; Career Services,Career development,,Problem solving,
Career Services


Career Services - The primary mission of Career Services is to assist students and other designated clients in developing, evaluating, and implementing career, education, and employment plans.

Career Coaching - Job Search
Student interacts 1-1 with a professional staff member to identify resources and develop a plan for obtaining employment.
Summer 2020 Career Development Student interacts 1-1 with a professional staff member to identify resources and develop a plan for obtaining employment. 3 11 30 Career Center N ; Career Services,Career development,Study / Practice self knowledge,Problem solving,Self-knowledge
Career Services


Career Services - The primary mission of Career Services is to assist students and other designated clients in developing, evaluating, and implementing career, education, and employment plans.

Career Coaching - Choosing a Major/Career
Students interact 1-1 with a trained career coach regarding making career /major decisions by exploring student interests, abilities, aptitudes, and alignment with options for choice of major and career field.
Summer 2020 Career Development Students interact 1-1 with a trained career coach regarding making career /major decisions by exploring student interests, abilities, aptitudes, and alignment with options for choice of major and career field. 3 11 30 Career Center N ; Career Services,Study / Practice self knowledge,Career development,Self-knowledge,Problem solving
Career Services


Career Services - The primary mission of Career Services is to assist students and other designated clients in developing, evaluating, and implementing career, education, and employment plans.

Career Coaching - Internship / Co-op Search
Student interacts 1-1 with a professional staff member to identify resources and develop a plan for obtaining an internship or co-op position.
Summer 2020 Career Development Student interacts 1-1 with a professional staff member to identify resources and develop a plan for obtaining an internship or co-op position. 3 11 30 Career Center N ; Career Services,Career development,Study / Practice self knowledge,Problem solving,Self-knowledge
Career Services


Career Services - The primary mission of Career Services is to assist students and other designated clients in developing, evaluating, and implementing career, education, and employment plans.

Career Coaching - Graduate / Professional School
Student interacts 1-1 with professional staff member to identify resources and develop a plan for applying to graduate and/or professional schools.
Summer 2020 Career Development Student interacts 1-1 with professional staff member to identify resources and develop a plan for applying to graduate and/or professional schools. 3 11 30 Career Center N ; Career Services,Career development,Study / Practice self knowledge,Problem solving,
Career Services


Career Services - The primary mission of Career Services is to assist students and other designated clients in developing, evaluating, and implementing career, education, and employment plans.

Career Coaching - LinkedIn
Students interact 1-1 with a staff member to identify resources and develop a plan for obtaining employment.
Summer 2020 Career Development Students interact 1-1 with a staff member to identify resources and develop a plan for obtaining employment. 3 11 30 Career Center N ; Career Services,Career development,,Problem solving,
Academic Advising Programs


Academic Advising Programs - The primary purpose of Academic Advising Programs is to assist students in the development of meaningful educational plans.

Academic Coaching Appointment
Students meet 1-1 with a coach to create an academic and engagement plan, set goals, and share resources; sessions are tailored to meet each student's needs and may include general advising, academic planning, strengths identification, planning campus involvement, and navigating campus resources.
Summer 2020 Educational Support Students meet 1-1 with a coach to create an academic and engagement plan, set goals, and share resources; sessions are tailored to meet each student's needs and may include general advising, academic planning, strengths identification, planning campus involvement, and navigating campus resources. 3 12 34 University Advising Center N ; Academic Advising Programs,Study / Practice intellectual skills,Study / Practice self knowledge,Foundations and skills for lifelong learning,Personal and social responsibility - Striving for excellence
Academic Advising Programs


Academic Advising Programs - The primary purpose of Academic Advising Programs is to assist students in the development of meaningful educational plans.

Exploratory Advising / Major Change
Students meet 1-on-1 with an Exploratory Advisor to explore majors/degree programs, learn how to change majors, evaluate how completed coursework will apply to a new major, plan class schedules, and get help with general advisement questions.
Summer 2020 Educational Support Students meet 1-on-1 with an Exploratory Advisor to explore majors/degree programs, learn how to change majors, evaluate how completed coursework will apply to a new major, plan class schedules, and get help with general advisement questions. 3 12 34 University Advising Center N ; Academic Advising Programs,Study / Practice intellectual skills,Study / Practice self knowledge,Self-knowledge,
Learning Assistance Programs


Learning Assistance Programs - The primary mission of Learning Assistance Programs must be to provide students with resources and opportunities to improve their ability to learn and to achieve academic success.

Peer Tutoring
Students participate in a tutoring session for a specific academic course in which they are currently enrolled.
Summer 2020 Educational Support Students participate in a tutoring session for a specific academic course in which they are currently enrolled. 3 11 30 Student Success Center N ; Learning Assistance Programs,Study / Practice intellectual skills,Apply specialized knowledge,Specialized knowledge and skills,
Learning Assistance Programs


Learning Assistance Programs - The primary mission of Learning Assistance Programs must be to provide students with resources and opportunities to improve their ability to learn and to achieve academic success.

Supplemental Instruction
Students participate in a group study session for a specific academic course and section in which they are currently enrolled.
Summer 2021 Educational Support Students participate in a group study session for a specific academic course and section in which they are currently enrolled. 3 11 30 Student Success Center N ; Learning Assistance Programs,Study / Practice intellectual skills,,Specialized knowledge and skills,
Learning Assistance Programs


Learning Assistance Programs - The primary mission of Learning Assistance Programs must be to provide students with resources and opportunities to improve their ability to learn and to achieve academic success.

Money Management Consultation
Students participate in a 1:1 meeting with a Financial Literacy Consultant, to explore financial management topics including basic money management, credit, debt management, and student loan repayment policies.
Summer 2020 Educational Support Students participate in a 1:1 meeting with a Financial Literacy Consultant, to explore financial management topics including basic money management, credit, debt management, and student loan repayment policies. 3 11 30 Student Success Center N ; Learning Assistance Programs,Study / Practice financial literacy,Study / Practice self knowledge,Financial literacy,Problem solving
Learning Assistance Programs


Learning Assistance Programs - The primary mission of Learning Assistance Programs must be to provide students with resources and opportunities to improve their ability to learn and to achieve academic success.

Success Consultation
Students meet 1-1 with a trained peer consultant to assist students in understanding course material, develop self-regulated learning skills, and create an action plan for positive academic behaviors.
Summer 2020 Educational Support Students meet 1-1 with a trained peer consultant to assist students in understanding course material, develop self-regulated learning skills, and create an action plan for positive academic behaviors. 3 11 30 Student Success Center N ; Learning Assistance Programs,Study / Practice intellectual skills,Study / Practice self knowledge,Foundations and skills for lifelong learning,
Transfer Student Programs and Services


Transfer Student Programs and Services - The mission of Transfer Student Programs and Services is to aid in the successful transfer, persistence, and graduation of transfer students.

Transfer Success Consultation
Transfer students participate in a 1:1 meeting with the Transfer Coordinator, to discuss academic referrals, current academic challenges, and to identify academic and campus resources.
Summer 2020 Educational Support Transfer students participate in a 1:1 meeting with the Transfer Coordinator, to discuss academic referrals, current academic challenges, and to identify academic and campus resources. 3 11 30 Carolina Experience N ; Transfer Student Programs and Services,Study / Practice self knowledge,,Personal and social responsibility - Striving for excellence,
Undergraduate Research Programs


Undergraduate Research Programs - The primary mission of Undergraduate Research Programs is to engage students in investigative and creative activity to experience firsthand the processes of scholarly exploration and discovery.

Undergraduate Research - Paid or Volunteer
Students work with a mentor to conduct a discipline specific research project that explores their field of interest through a hands-on project. Students do not earn academic credit. Mentors and students are encouraged to discuss and develop clear expectations prior to initiating research activities.
Summer 2020 Undergraduate Research Students work with a mentor to conduct a discipline specific research project that explores their field of interest through a hands-on project. Students do not earn academic credit. Mentors and students are encouraged to discuss and develop clear expectations prior to initiating research activities. 3 13 32 Undergraduate Research N Experiential Learning Opportunity; GLD-Research; Undergraduate Research Programs,Research,,Critical and creative thinking,Problem solving
Undergraduate Research Programs


Undergraduate Research Programs - The primary mission of Undergraduate Research Programs is to engage students in investigative and creative activity to experience firsthand the processes of scholarly exploration and discovery.

Undergraduate Research - Student Grant Award
Student works with a mentor to conduct a discipline specific research project funded by a university grant, awarded through a competitive application process that includes evaluation of the clarity of the student's project description, project's educational and intellectual merit, potential impact of the project, and mentoring plan.
Summer 2020 Undergraduate Research Student works with a mentor to conduct a discipline specific research project funded by a university grant, awarded through a competitive application process that includes evaluation of the clarity of the student's project description, project's educational and intellectual merit, potential impact of the project, and mentoring plan. 3 13 32 Undergraduate Research N Experiential Learning Opportunity; GLD-Research; Undergraduate Research Programs,Research,,Critical and creative thinking,Problem solving
Undergraduate Research Programs


Undergraduate Research Programs - The primary mission of Undergraduate Research Programs is to engage students in investigative and creative activity to experience firsthand the processes of scholarly exploration and discovery.

Undergraduate Research - Student Grant Award/Independent Study
Student works with a faculty mentor (for academic credit) to conduct a research project funded by a university grant awarded through competitive application process including evaluation of clarity of student's project description, project's educational and intellectual merit, potential impact of project and mentoring plan.
Summer 2020 Undergraduate Research Student works with a faculty mentor (for academic credit) to conduct a research project funded by a university grant awarded through competitive application process including evaluation of clarity of student's project description, project's educational and intellectual merit, potential impact of project and mentoring plan. 3 13 32 Undergraduate Research N Experiential Learning Opportunity; GLD-Research; Undergraduate Research Programs,Research,,Critical and creative thinking,Problem solving
Undergraduate Research Programs


Undergraduate Research Programs - The primary mission of Undergraduate Research Programs is to engage students in investigative and creative activity to experience firsthand the processes of scholarly exploration and discovery.

Undergraduate Research - Independent Study Credit
Students work with a mentor, for academic course credit (generally through independent study) to conduct a discipline specific research project that explores their field of interest through a hands-on project. Mentors and students develop and determine expectations, objectives, and the method of evaluation prior to course registration and approval.
Summer 2020 Undergraduate Research Students work with a mentor, for academic course credit (generally through independent study) to conduct a discipline specific research project that explores their field of interest through a hands-on project. Mentors and students develop and determine expectations, objectives, and the method of evaluation prior to course registration and approval. 3 13 32 Undergraduate Research N Experiential Learning Opportunity; GLD-Research; Undergraduate Research Programs,Research,,Critical and creative thinking,Problem solving
Student Leadership Programs


Student Leadership Programs - The mission of Student Leadership Programs must be to prepare students to engage in the process of leadership.

Leadership Coaching - Big 5 Personality Assessment
Student meets with a professional staff member or graduate student to discuss their Work/School Place Big 5 personality assessment results. Students are asked to reflect on how the results are consistent or inconsistent with their own experiences, and how the results and conversation will inform how they exercise leadership.
Summer 2020 Leadership Education Student meets with a professional staff member or graduate student to discuss their Work/School Place Big 5 personality assessment results. Students are asked to reflect on how the results are consistent or inconsistent with their own experiences, and how the results and conversation will inform how they exercise leadership. 3 11 28 Leadership & Service Center N ; Student Leadership Programs,Study / Practice self knowledge,,Self-knowledge,Critical and creative thinking
Student Leadership Programs


Student Leadership Programs - The mission of Student Leadership Programs must be to prepare students to engage in the process of leadership.

Leadership Coaching - Student organization
Students meets with a professional staff member or graduate student to discuss strategies for a more successful student organization.
Summer 2020 Leadership Education Students meets with a professional staff member or graduate student to discuss strategies for a more successful student organization. 3 11 28 Leadership & Service Center N ; Student Leadership Programs,Apply specialized knowledge,Leadership,Critical and creative thinking,Influencing others
Student Leadership Programs


Student Leadership Programs - The mission of Student Leadership Programs must be to prepare students to engage in the process of leadership.

Leadership Coaching - Involvement
Student meets with a professional staff member or graduate student to discuss their personal interests, explore student organizations or other involvement opportunities, identify a goal for becoming more involved on campus and outline a plan for accomplishing that goal.
Summer 2020 Leadership Education Student meets with a professional staff member or graduate student to discuss their personal interests, explore student organizations or other involvement opportunities, identify a goal for becoming more involved on campus and outline a plan for accomplishing that goal. 3 11 28 Leadership & Service Center N ; Student Leadership Programs,Study / Practice self knowledge,,Self-knowledge,Critical and creative thinking
Career Services


Career Services - The primary mission of Career Services is to assist students and other designated clients in developing, evaluating, and implementing career, education, and employment plans.

Career Coaching - Interview Preparation
Student interacts 1-1 with a professional staff member to prepare for interviews for employment or admission to graduate/professional schools.
Summer 2020 Career Development Student interacts 1-1 with a professional staff member to prepare for interviews for employment or admission to graduate/professional schools. 3 11 30 Career Center N ; Career Services,Career development,Study / Practice self knowledge,Self-knowledge,Problem solving
Career Services


Career Services - The primary mission of Career Services is to assist students and other designated clients in developing, evaluating, and implementing career, education, and employment plans.

Career Coaching - Curriculum Vita / Cover Letter Review
Students interact 1-1 with a professional staff member who reviews students' vita and cover letter, provides feedback, and helps students explore presentation options.
Summer 2020 Career Development Students interact 1-1 with a professional staff member who reviews students' vita and cover letter, provides feedback, and helps students explore presentation options. 3 11 30 Career Center N ; Career Services,Career development,Study / Practice self knowledge,Problem solving,Self-knowledge
Academic Advising Programs


Academic Advising Programs - The primary purpose of Academic Advising Programs is to assist students in the development of meaningful educational plans.

Meet My Major
Students interact with faculty members through conversations on major choice, career prospects, research opportunities, and other discipline-related topics. Students listen to faculty presentations on personal and professional pathways and ask questions about their majors and the opportunities available within and beyond their academic experiences.
Fall 2020 Educational Support Students interact with faculty members through conversations on major choice, career prospects, research opportunities, and other discipline-related topics. Students listen to faculty presentations on personal and professional pathways and ask questions about their majors and the opportunities available within and beyond their academic experiences. 3 12 34 University Advising Center N ; Academic Advising Programs,Career development,,Self-knowledge,
Capstone Experience


Capstone Experience - A course or project that engages students in a culminating and integrative experience, intended to connect the key learning objectives of an educational program.

Graduation with Leadership Distinction ePortfolio - Small Groups and Independent students
The ePortfolio is designed to be the culminating project of a student's collegiate experiences. Through creation of an ePortfolio, students demonstrate the major learning and skills they have developed. The process is intended to help undergraduate students identify their purpose or passion.
Fall 2020 Capstone Course or Project The ePortfolio is designed to be the culminating project of a student's collegiate experiences. Through creation of an ePortfolio, students demonstrate the major learning and skills they have developed. The process is intended to help undergraduate students identify their purpose or passion. 3 12 34 Center for Integrative and Experiential Learning N GLD-ePortfolio; Experiential Learning Opportunity; Capstone Experience,Apply specialized knowledge,Career development,Integrative and applied learning,Self-knowledge
Student Leadership Programs


Student Leadership Programs - The mission of Student Leadership Programs must be to prepare students to engage in the process of leadership.

University 101 Senior Peer Leader
Senior Peer Leaders serve as resources, mentors, and facilitators for learning in and beyond the EDLP 520 classroom for first-time peer leaders enrolled in the course. They co-teach a section of the course with a faculty or staff member, prepare and facilitate lesson plans, and help their mentees comment with campus resources.
Fall 2020 Peer Educator Senior Peer Leaders serve as resources, mentors, and facilitators for learning in and beyond the EDLP 520 classroom for first-time peer leaders enrolled in the course. They co-teach a section of the course with a faculty or staff member, prepare and facilitate lesson plans, and help their mentees comment with campus resources. 3 11 30 University 101 Programs N GLD-Professional & Civic Engagement; Experiential Learning Opportunity; Student Leadership Programs,Leadership,,Communication - spoken,Influencing others
Career Services


Career Services - The primary mission of Career Services is to assist students and other designated clients in developing, evaluating, and implementing career, education, and employment plans.

Career Coaching - Full-time Job Strategies
Students interact 1-1 with a staff member to identify resources and develop a plan for seeking employment.
Summer 2020 Career Development Students interact 1-1 with a staff member to identify resources and develop a plan for seeking employment. 3 11 30 Career Center N ; Career Services,Career development,,Problem solving,
Career Services


Career Services - The primary mission of Career Services is to assist students and other designated clients in developing, evaluating, and implementing career, education, and employment plans.

Career Coaching - Career Assessment Interpretation
Students complete a career assessment prior to meeting with a career coach; in this 1-1 session, the coach guides the student through exploration of career-related interests, skills and values.
Summer 2020 Career Development Students complete a career assessment prior to meeting with a career coach; in this 1-1 session, the coach guides the student through exploration of career-related interests, skills and values. 3 11 30 Career Center N ; Career Services,Study / Practice self knowledge,Career development,Self-knowledge,Problem solving
Student Leadership Programs


Student Leadership Programs - The mission of Student Leadership Programs must be to prepare students to engage in the process of leadership.

Substance Abuse Prevention & Education Peer Educator
SAPE Peer Educators create and implement a variety of educational programs designed to encourage their fellow students to make safer, informed decisions when it comes to alcohol and other drug use.
Fall 2020 Peer Educator SAPE Peer Educators create and implement a variety of educational programs designed to encourage their fellow students to make safer, informed decisions when it comes to alcohol and other drug use. 3 11 117 Substance Abuse Prevention & Education N GLD-Professional & Civic Engagement; Student Leadership Programs,Apply specialized knowledge,Leadership,Communication - spoken,Interpersonal skills
Career Services


Career Services - The primary mission of Career Services is to assist students and other designated clients in developing, evaluating, and implementing career, education, and employment plans.

Education Recruitment Day
Students interact with representatives from employer organizations in the field of education about current and future employment opportunities.
Spring 2021 Career Development Students interact with representatives from employer organizations in the field of education about current and future employment opportunities. 3 11 30 Career Center N ; Career Services,Career development,,Self-knowledge,
Career Services


Career Services - The primary mission of Career Services is to assist students and other designated clients in developing, evaluating, and implementing career, education, and employment plans.

Gamecocks Get Hired STEM Job Fair
Students interact with representatives of employer organizations about current and future employment opportunities including internships, co-ops, and full-time positions.
Fall 2020 Career Development Students interact with representatives of employer organizations about current and future employment opportunities including internships, co-ops, and full-time positions. 3 11 30 Career Center N ; Career Services,Career development,,Self-knowledge,
Career Services


Career Services - The primary mission of Career Services is to assist students and other designated clients in developing, evaluating, and implementing career, education, and employment plans.

Health Professions Job Fair
Students interact with representatives from employer organizations about current and future employment opportunities including internships, co-ops, and full-time positions.
Fall 2020 Career Development Students interact with representatives from employer organizations about current and future employment opportunities including internships, co-ops, and full-time positions. 3 11 30 Career Center N ; Career Services,Career development,,Self-knowledge,
Career Services


Career Services - The primary mission of Career Services is to assist students and other designated clients in developing, evaluating, and implementing career, education, and employment plans.

Graduate and Professional School Day
Students interact with representatives from graduate and professional schools about current and future enrollment opportunities.
Fall 2020 Career Development Students interact with representatives from graduate and professional schools about current and future enrollment opportunities. 3 11 30 Career Center N ; Career Services,Career development,,Self-knowledge,
Career Services


Career Services - The primary mission of Career Services is to assist students and other designated clients in developing, evaluating, and implementing career, education, and employment plans.

Moore School of Business EXPO
Students interact with representatives from employer organizations about current and future employment opportunities including internships and full-time positions.
Fall 2020 Career Development Students interact with representatives from employer organizations about current and future employment opportunities including internships and full-time positions. 3 11 30 Career Center N ; Career Services,Career development,,Self-knowledge,
Career Services


Career Services - The primary mission of Career Services is to assist students and other designated clients in developing, evaluating, and implementing career, education, and employment plans.

Opportunity Knocks Part-Time Job Fair
Students interact with representatives from campus departments and community organizations about current part-time employment opportunities.
Fall 2020 Career Development Students interact with representatives from campus departments and community organizations about current part-time employment opportunities. 3 11 30 Career Center N ; Career Services,Career development,,Self-knowledge,
Learning Assistance Programs


Learning Assistance Programs - The primary mission of Learning Assistance Programs must be to provide students with resources and opportunities to improve their ability to learn and to achieve academic success.

Money Management Consultation
Students participate in a 1:1 meeting with a Financial Literacy Consultant, to explore financial management topics including basic money management, credit, debt management, and student loan repayment policies.
Fall 2020 Educational Support Students participate in a 1:1 meeting with a Financial Literacy Consultant, to explore financial management topics including basic money management, credit, debt management, and student loan repayment policies. 3 11 30 Student Success Center N ; Learning Assistance Programs,Study / Practice financial literacy,Study / Practice self knowledge,Financial literacy,Problem solving
Learning Assistance Programs


Learning Assistance Programs - The primary mission of Learning Assistance Programs must be to provide students with resources and opportunities to improve their ability to learn and to achieve academic success.

Peer Tutoring
Students participate in a tutoring session for a specific academic course in which they are currently enrolled.
Fall 2020 Educational Support Students participate in a tutoring session for a specific academic course in which they are currently enrolled. 3 11 30 Student Success Center N ; Learning Assistance Programs,Study / Practice intellectual skills,Apply specialized knowledge,Specialized knowledge and skills,
Student Leadership Programs


Student Leadership Programs - The mission of Student Leadership Programs must be to prepare students to engage in the process of leadership.

Peer Financial Consultant
Student consultants meet with students to help them set financial goals, explore money management strategies, and create financial action plans; as needed, consultants make appropriate referrals to other campus resources.
Fall 2020 Peer Educator Student consultants meet with students to help them set financial goals, explore money management strategies, and create financial action plans; as needed, consultants make appropriate referrals to other campus resources. 3 11 30 Student Success Center N GLD-Professional & Civic Engagement; Experiential Learning Opportunity; Student Leadership Programs,Apply specialized knowledge,Leadership,Influencing others,Financial literacy
Student Leadership Programs


Student Leadership Programs - The mission of Student Leadership Programs must be to prepare students to engage in the process of leadership.

Peer Tutor
Tutors provide course-specific academic support for undergraduate students. They work with students in 1-1 sessions and lead group tutoring sessions.
Fall 2020 Peer Educator Tutors provide course-specific academic support for undergraduate students. They work with students in 1-1 sessions and lead group tutoring sessions. 3 11 30 Student Success Center N GLD-Professional & Civic Engagement; Experiential Learning Opportunity; Student Leadership Programs,Leadership,Apply specialized knowledge,Communication - spoken,Integrative and applied learning
Student Leadership Programs


Student Leadership Programs - The mission of Student Leadership Programs must be to prepare students to engage in the process of leadership.

Peer Writing Tutor
Peer Tutors meet with students in 1-1 sessions to provide course-specific academic support for writing and communications skill development.
Fall 2020 Peer Educator Peer Tutors meet with students in 1-1 sessions to provide course-specific academic support for writing and communications skill development. 3 11 30 Student Success Center N GLD-Professional & Civic Engagement; Experiential Learning Opportunity; Student Leadership Programs,Leadership,Apply specialized knowledge,Critical and creative thinking,Communication - written
Learning Assistance Programs


Learning Assistance Programs - The primary mission of Learning Assistance Programs must be to provide students with resources and opportunities to improve their ability to learn and to achieve academic success.

Peer Writing Session
Students participate in a tutoring session for support with composition- or communications-based assignments or projects.
Fall 2020 Educational Support Students participate in a tutoring session for support with composition- or communications-based assignments or projects. 3 11 30 Student Success Center N ; Learning Assistance Programs,Study / Practice intellectual skills,,Communication - written,Communication - spoken
Student Leadership Programs


Student Leadership Programs - The mission of Student Leadership Programs must be to prepare students to engage in the process of leadership.

Student Success Center Program Assistant / Mentor
Experienced student leaders serve within a specific programmatic area (supplemental instruction, peer tutoring, or peer success consultations), supervise other peer leaders within the same program, and engage in critical office functions to support the department's professional certifications and mission.
Fall 2020 Peer Educator Experienced student leaders serve within a specific programmatic area (supplemental instruction, peer tutoring, or peer success consultations), supervise other peer leaders within the same program, and engage in critical office functions to support the department's professional certifications and mission. 3 11 30 Student Success Center N GLD-Professional & Civic Engagement; Experiential Learning Opportunity; Student Leadership Programs,Leadership,Career readiness,Teamwork,Critical and creative thinking
Learning Assistance Programs


Learning Assistance Programs - The primary mission of Learning Assistance Programs must be to provide students with resources and opportunities to improve their ability to learn and to achieve academic success.

Success Consultation
Students meet 1-1 with a trained peer consultant to assist students in understanding course material, develop self-regulated learning skills, and create an action plan for positive academic behaviors.
Fall 2020 Educational Support Students meet 1-1 with a trained peer consultant to assist students in understanding course material, develop self-regulated learning skills, and create an action plan for positive academic behaviors. 3 11 30 Student Success Center N ; Learning Assistance Programs,Study / Practice intellectual skills,Study / Practice self knowledge,Foundations and skills for lifelong learning,
Learning Assistance Programs


Learning Assistance Programs - The primary mission of Learning Assistance Programs must be to provide students with resources and opportunities to improve their ability to learn and to achieve academic success.

Supplemental Instruction
Students participate in a group study session for a specific academic course and section in which they are currently enrolled.
Fall 2020 Educational Support Students participate in a group study session for a specific academic course and section in which they are currently enrolled. 3 11 30 Student Success Center N ; Learning Assistance Programs,Study / Practice intellectual skills,,Specialized knowledge and skills,
Student Leadership Programs


Student Leadership Programs - The mission of Student Leadership Programs must be to prepare students to engage in the process of leadership.

Supplemental Instruction Peer Leader
SI Peer Leaders facilitate group study sessions for students enrolled in specific courses and sections; they help their peers learn challenging material from class lectures and assignments, and offer helpful tips that integrate how to learn with what to learn through three group study sessions each week.
Fall 2020 Peer Educator SI Peer Leaders facilitate group study sessions for students enrolled in specific courses and sections; they help their peers learn challenging material from class lectures and assignments, and offer helpful tips that integrate how to learn with what to learn through three group study sessions each week. 3 11 30 Student Success Center N GLD-Professional & Civic Engagement; Experiential Learning Opportunity; Student Leadership Programs,Leadership,,Influencing others,Communication - spoken
Transfer Student Programs and Services


Transfer Student Programs and Services - The mission of Transfer Student Programs and Services is to aid in the successful transfer, persistence, and graduation of transfer students.

Transfer Success Consultation
Transfer students participate in a 1:1 meeting with the Transfer Coordinator, to discuss academic referrals, current academic challenges, and to identify academic and campus resources.
Fall 2020 Educational Support Transfer students participate in a 1:1 meeting with the Transfer Coordinator, to discuss academic referrals, current academic challenges, and to identify academic and campus resources. 3 11 30 Carolina Experience N ; Transfer Student Programs and Services,Study / Practice self knowledge,,Personal and social responsibility - Striving for excellence,
Career Services


Career Services - The primary mission of Career Services is to assist students and other designated clients in developing, evaluating, and implementing career, education, and employment plans.

Career Coaching - Career Assessment Interpretation
Students complete a career assessment prior to meeting with a career coach; in this 1-1 session, the coach guides the student through exploration of career-related interests, skills and values.
Fall 2020 Career Development Students complete a career assessment prior to meeting with a career coach; in this 1-1 session, the coach guides the student through exploration of career-related interests, skills and values. 3 11 30 Career Center N ; Career Services,Study / Practice self knowledge,Career development,Self-knowledge,Problem solving
Career Services


Career Services - The primary mission of Career Services is to assist students and other designated clients in developing, evaluating, and implementing career, education, and employment plans.

Career Coaching - Choosing a Major/Career
Students interact 1-1 with a trained career coach regarding making career /major decisions by exploring student interests, abilities, aptitudes, and alignment with options for choice of major and career field.
Fall 2020 Career Development Students interact 1-1 with a trained career coach regarding making career /major decisions by exploring student interests, abilities, aptitudes, and alignment with options for choice of major and career field. 3 11 30 Career Center N ; Career Services,Study / Practice self knowledge,Career development,Self-knowledge,Problem solving
Career Services


Career Services - The primary mission of Career Services is to assist students and other designated clients in developing, evaluating, and implementing career, education, and employment plans.

Career Coaching - Curriculum Vita / Cover Letter Review
Students interact 1-1 with a professional staff member who reviews students' vita and cover letter, provides feedback, and helps students explore presentation options.
Fall 2020 Career Development Students interact 1-1 with a professional staff member who reviews students' vita and cover letter, provides feedback, and helps students explore presentation options. 3 11 30 Career Center N ; Career Services,Career development,Study / Practice self knowledge,Problem solving,Self-knowledge
Career Services


Career Services - The primary mission of Career Services is to assist students and other designated clients in developing, evaluating, and implementing career, education, and employment plans.

Career Coaching - Drop-In Session
Students stop by the Career Center for a brief discussion with a staff member or a quick review of their resume.
Fall 2020 Career Development Students stop by the Career Center for a brief discussion with a staff member or a quick review of their resume. 3 11 30 Career Center N ; Career Services,Study / Practice self knowledge,,Self-knowledge,
Career Services


Career Services - The primary mission of Career Services is to assist students and other designated clients in developing, evaluating, and implementing career, education, and employment plans.

Career Coaching - Graduate / Professional School
Student interacts 1-1 with professional staff member to identify resources and develop a plan for applying to graduate and/or professional schools.
Fall 2020 Career Development Student interacts 1-1 with professional staff member to identify resources and develop a plan for applying to graduate and/or professional schools. 3 11 30 Career Center N ; Career Services,Career development,Study / Practice self knowledge,Problem solving,
Career Services


Career Services - The primary mission of Career Services is to assist students and other designated clients in developing, evaluating, and implementing career, education, and employment plans.

Career Coaching - Interview Preparation
Student interacts 1-1 with a professional staff member to prepare for interviews for employment or admission to graduate/professional schools.
Fall 2020 Career Development Student interacts 1-1 with a professional staff member to prepare for interviews for employment or admission to graduate/professional schools. 3 11 30 Career Center N ; Career Services,Career development,Study / Practice self knowledge,Self-knowledge,Problem solving
Career Services


Career Services - The primary mission of Career Services is to assist students and other designated clients in developing, evaluating, and implementing career, education, and employment plans.

Career Coaching - Job Search
Student interacts 1-1 with a professional staff member to identify resources and develop a plan for obtaining employment.
Fall 2020 Career Development Student interacts 1-1 with a professional staff member to identify resources and develop a plan for obtaining employment. 3 11 30 Career Center N ; Career Services,Career development,Study / Practice self knowledge,Problem solving,Self-knowledge
Career Services


Career Services - The primary mission of Career Services is to assist students and other designated clients in developing, evaluating, and implementing career, education, and employment plans.

Career Coaching - LinkedIn
Students interact 1-1 with a staff member to identify resources and develop a plan for obtaining employment.
Fall 2020 Career Development Students interact 1-1 with a staff member to identify resources and develop a plan for obtaining employment. 3 11 30 Career Center N ; Career Services,Career development,,Problem solving,
Civic Engagement & Service-Learning Programs


Civic Engagement & Service-Learning Programs - The primary mission of Service-Learning Programs is to engage students in experiences that address human and community needs together with structured opportunities for reflection intentionally designed to promote student learning and development.

Safe Zone Workshop
Student listen to an expert presenter speak about LGBT college student data, risks associated with LGBT college students, bias and harassment, and resources available on- and off- campus to provide support. Students engage in small group activities such as scenarios to learn how to interrupt bias, and how to understand the LGBT experience.
Summer 2020 Civic Engagement Student listen to an expert presenter speak about LGBT college student data, risks associated with LGBT college students, bias and harassment, and resources available on- and off- campus to provide support. Students engage in small group activities such as scenarios to learn how to interrupt bias, and how to understand the LGBT experience. 3 11 28 Multicultural Student Affairs N GLD-Professional & Civic Engagement; GLD-Diversity & Social Advocacy; Civic Engagement & Service-Learning Programs,Study / Practice diversity, equity, inclusion,Study / Practice self knowledge,Civic knowledge and engagement,Intercultural knowledge and competence
Campus Activities Programs


Campus Activities Programs - The purpose of Campus Activities Programs must be to enhance the overall educational experience of students through development of, exposure to, and participation in programs and activities that improve student cooperation and leadership while preparing students to be responsible advocates and citizens and complementing the institution's academic programs.

Gamecock Entertainment
Student attended an event provided by Gamecock Entertainment staff programming (e.g., watch parties, sporting events, political elections/debates), paint nights, trivia, foam parties).
Summer 2020 Campus Activities Student attended an event provided by Gamecock Entertainment staff programming (e.g., watch parties, sporting events, political elections/debates), paint nights, trivia, foam parties). 3 11 28 Russell House University Union N ; Campus Activities Programs,Recreation, leisure, entertainment,Connecting with others,Self-knowledge,
Career Services


Career Services - The primary mission of Career Services is to assist students and other designated clients in developing, evaluating, and implementing career, education, and employment plans.

Career Coaching - Mock Interview
Students participate in a mock interview, and receive feedback from a professional staff member to improve their future performance.
Summer 2020 Career Development Students participate in a mock interview, and receive feedback from a professional staff member to improve their future performance. 3 11 30 Career Center N ; Career Services,Career development,,Self-knowledge,Communication - spoken
Career Services


Career Services - The primary mission of Career Services is to assist students and other designated clients in developing, evaluating, and implementing career, education, and employment plans.

Career Coaching - Personal Statement / Essay Reviews
Students interact 1-1 with a staff member to identify resources and develop a plan for obtaining employment.
Summer 2020 Career Development Students interact 1-1 with a staff member to identify resources and develop a plan for obtaining employment. 3 11 30 Career Center N ; Career Services,Career development,,Problem solving,
Career Services


Career Services - The primary mission of Career Services is to assist students and other designated clients in developing, evaluating, and implementing career, education, and employment plans.

Career Coaching - Personal Statement / Essay Reviews
Students interact 1-1 with a staff member to identify resources and develop a plan for obtaining employment.
Fall 2020 Career Development Students interact 1-1 with a staff member to identify resources and develop a plan for obtaining employment. 3 11 30 Career Center N ; Career Services,Career development,,Problem solving,
Learning Assistance Programs


Learning Assistance Programs - The primary mission of Learning Assistance Programs must be to provide students with resources and opportunities to improve their ability to learn and to achieve academic success.

Peer Writing Session
Students participate in a tutoring session for support with composition- or communications-based assignments or projects.
Summer 2020 Educational Support Students participate in a tutoring session for support with composition- or communications-based assignments or projects. 3 11 30 Student Success Center N ; Learning Assistance Programs,Study / Practice intellectual skills,,Communication - written,Communication - spoken
Internship Programs


Internship Programs - The primary mission of Internship Programs is to engage students in planned, educationally-related work and learning experiences that integrate knowledge and theory with practical application and skill development in a professional setting.

Hospitality & Tourism Internship - HRTM 495
Full time work experience of a minimum of 400 work hours in the Hospitality or Tourism industry; position must be Managerial or Supervisory in nature, Rotational within a minimum of three different areas of the business or a Structured Internship Program. Includes online course work.
Summer 2020 Internship Full time work experience of a minimum of 400 work hours in the Hospitality or Tourism industry; position must be Managerial or Supervisory in nature, Rotational within a minimum of three different areas of the business or a Structured Internship Program. Includes online course work. 3 17 76 Y Experiential Learning Opportunity; GLD-Professional & Civic Engagement; Internship Programs,Apply specialized knowledge,Leadership,Specialized knowledge and skills,Self-knowledge
Internship Programs


Internship Programs - The primary mission of Internship Programs is to engage students in planned, educationally-related work and learning experiences that integrate knowledge and theory with practical application and skill development in a professional setting.

Hospitality & Tourism Internship - HRTM 495
Full time work experience of a minimum of 400 work hours in the Hospitality or Tourism industry; position must be Managerial or Supervisory in nature, Rotational within a minimum of three different areas of the business or a Structured Internship Program. Includes online course work.
Fall 2020 Internship Full time work experience of a minimum of 400 work hours in the Hospitality or Tourism industry; position must be Managerial or Supervisory in nature, Rotational within a minimum of three different areas of the business or a Structured Internship Program. Includes online course work. 3 17 76 Y Experiential Learning Opportunity; GLD-Professional & Civic Engagement; Internship Programs,Apply specialized knowledge,Leadership,Specialized knowledge and skills,Self-knowledge
Internship Programs


Internship Programs - The primary mission of Internship Programs is to engage students in planned, educationally-related work and learning experiences that integrate knowledge and theory with practical application and skill development in a professional setting.

Hospitality & Tourism Practicum - HRTM 290
Full time work experience of a minimum of 400 work hours in the Hospitality or Tourism industry; position can be any entry level or higher position. Includes online course work.
Summer 2020 Practicum Full time work experience of a minimum of 400 work hours in the Hospitality or Tourism industry; position can be any entry level or higher position. Includes online course work. 3 17 76 Y Experiential Learning Opportunity; GLD-Professional & Civic Engagement; Internship Programs,Apply specialized knowledge,Career readiness,Self-knowledge,Specialized knowledge and skills
Internship Programs


Internship Programs - The primary mission of Internship Programs is to engage students in planned, educationally-related work and learning experiences that integrate knowledge and theory with practical application and skill development in a professional setting.

Hospitality & Tourism Practicum - HRTM 290
Full time work experience of a minimum of 400 work hours in the Hospitality or Tourism industry; position can be any entry level or higher position. Includes online course work.
Fall 2020 Practicum Full time work experience of a minimum of 400 work hours in the Hospitality or Tourism industry; position can be any entry level or higher position. Includes online course work. 3 17 76 Y Experiential Learning Opportunity; GLD-Professional & Civic Engagement; Internship Programs,Apply specialized knowledge,Career readiness,Self-knowledge,Specialized knowledge and skills
Internship Programs


Internship Programs - The primary mission of Internship Programs is to engage students in planned, educationally-related work and learning experiences that integrate knowledge and theory with practical application and skill development in a professional setting.

Internship in Sport & Entertainment Management - SPTE 495
Students engage in a supervised work experience in a sport or entertainment area. Internship is a minimum of 520 work hours over 13 weeks and is selected by the student with the assistance and approval of the Internship Instructor.
Summer 2020 Internship Students engage in a supervised work experience in a sport or entertainment area. Internship is a minimum of 520 work hours over 13 weeks and is selected by the student with the assistance and approval of the Internship Instructor. 3 17 79 Y Experiential Learning Opportunity; GLD-Professional & Civic Engagement; Internship Programs,Apply specialized knowledge,Career development,Specialized knowledge and skills,Self-knowledge
Internship Programs


Internship Programs - The primary mission of Internship Programs is to engage students in planned, educationally-related work and learning experiences that integrate knowledge and theory with practical application and skill development in a professional setting.

Internship in Sport & Entertainment Management - SPTE 495
Students engage in a supervised work experience in a sport or entertainment area. Internship is a minimum of 520 work hours over 13 weeks and is selected by the student with the assistance and approval of the Internship Instructor.
Fall 2020 Internship Students engage in a supervised work experience in a sport or entertainment area. Internship is a minimum of 520 work hours over 13 weeks and is selected by the student with the assistance and approval of the Internship Instructor. 3 17 79 Y Experiential Learning Opportunity; GLD-Professional & Civic Engagement; Internship Programs,Apply specialized knowledge,Career development,Specialized knowledge and skills,Self-knowledge
Internship Programs


Internship Programs - The primary mission of Internship Programs is to engage students in planned, educationally-related work and learning experiences that integrate knowledge and theory with practical application and skill development in a professional setting.

Practicum in Sport & Entertainment Management - SPTE 295
Students engage in a supervised work experience in a sport or entertainment area. Practicum is a minimum of 520 work hours over 13 weeks and is selected by the student with the assistance and approval of the Practicum Instructor. It is meant to be the student's introduction to the specific field in which they wish to pursue a career.
Summer 2020 Practicum Students engage in a supervised work experience in a sport or entertainment area. Practicum is a minimum of 520 work hours over 13 weeks and is selected by the student with the assistance and approval of the Practicum Instructor. It is meant to be the student's introduction to the specific field in which they wish to pursue a career. 3 17 79 Y Experiential Learning Opportunity; GLD-Professional & Civic Engagement; Internship Programs,Apply specialized knowledge,Career development,Specialized knowledge and skills,
Internship Programs


Internship Programs - The primary mission of Internship Programs is to engage students in planned, educationally-related work and learning experiences that integrate knowledge and theory with practical application and skill development in a professional setting.

Practicum in Sport & Entertainment Management - SPTE 295
Students engage in a supervised work experience in a sport or entertainment area. Practicum is a minimum of 520 work hours over 13 weeks and is selected by the student with the assistance and approval of the Practicum Instructor. It is meant to be the student's introduction to the specific field in which they wish to pursue a career.
Fall 2020 Practicum Students engage in a supervised work experience in a sport or entertainment area. Practicum is a minimum of 520 work hours over 13 weeks and is selected by the student with the assistance and approval of the Practicum Instructor. It is meant to be the student's introduction to the specific field in which they wish to pursue a career. 3 17 79 Y Experiential Learning Opportunity; GLD-Professional & Civic Engagement; Internship Programs,Apply specialized knowledge,Career development,Specialized knowledge and skills,
Internship Programs


Internship Programs - The primary mission of Internship Programs is to engage students in planned, educationally-related work and learning experiences that integrate knowledge and theory with practical application and skill development in a professional setting.

Business Internship in Management - MGMT 499
Internship, for credit, with a company focusing on management, lessons learned, SWOT self assessment.
Summer 2020 Internship Internship, for credit, with a company focusing on management, lessons learned, SWOT self assessment. 3 15 64 Y Experiential Learning Opportunity; GLD-Professional & Civic Engagement; Internship Programs,Apply specialized knowledge,Career readiness,Specialized knowledge and skills,Professionalism / career readiness
Internship Programs


Internship Programs - The primary mission of Internship Programs is to engage students in planned, educationally-related work and learning experiences that integrate knowledge and theory with practical application and skill development in a professional setting.

Business Internship in Management - MGMT 499
Internship, for credit, with a company focusing on management, lessons learned, SWOT self assessment.
Fall 2020 Internship Internship, for credit, with a company focusing on management, lessons learned, SWOT self assessment. 3 15 64 Y GLD-Professional & Civic Engagement; Experiential Learning Opportunity; Internship Programs,Apply specialized knowledge,Career readiness,Specialized knowledge and skills,Professionalism / career readiness
Internship Programs


Internship Programs - The primary mission of Internship Programs is to engage students in planned, educationally-related work and learning experiences that integrate knowledge and theory with practical application and skill development in a professional setting.

Retailing Internship - RETL 495
Students engage in supervised work experience within the retail industry that links classroom learning and student interest with the acquisition of knowledge in an applied work setting.
Summer 2020 Internship Students engage in supervised work experience within the retail industry that links classroom learning and student interest with the acquisition of knowledge in an applied work setting. 3 17 77 Y Experiential Learning Opportunity; GLD-Professional & Civic Engagement; Internship Programs,Apply specialized knowledge,,Specialized knowledge and skills,
Internship Programs


Internship Programs - The primary mission of Internship Programs is to engage students in planned, educationally-related work and learning experiences that integrate knowledge and theory with practical application and skill development in a professional setting.

Retailing Internship - RETL 495
Students engage in supervised work experience within the retail industry that links classroom learning and student interest with the acquisition of knowledge in an applied work setting.
Fall 2020 Internship Students engage in supervised work experience within the retail industry that links classroom learning and student interest with the acquisition of knowledge in an applied work setting. 3 17 77 Y Experiential Learning Opportunity; GLD-Professional & Civic Engagement; Internship Programs,Apply specialized knowledge,,Specialized knowledge and skills,
Internship Programs


Internship Programs - The primary mission of Internship Programs is to engage students in planned, educationally-related work and learning experiences that integrate knowledge and theory with practical application and skill development in a professional setting.

Internship - PALM 494
Student engages in supervised immersion and exploration in a field related to the major, with a career, cultural, or community focus.
Summer 2020 Internship Student engages in supervised immersion and exploration in a field related to the major, with a career, cultural, or community focus. 13 33 112 Y Experiential Learning Opportunity; GLD-Professional & Civic Engagement; Internship Programs,Apply specialized knowledge,,Specialized knowledge and skills,
Internship Programs


Internship Programs - The primary mission of Internship Programs is to engage students in planned, educationally-related work and learning experiences that integrate knowledge and theory with practical application and skill development in a professional setting.

Internship - PALM 494
Student engages in supervised immersion and exploration in a field related to the major, with a career, cultural, or community focus.
Fall 2020 Internship Student engages in supervised immersion and exploration in a field related to the major, with a career, cultural, or community focus. 13 33 112 Y Experiential Learning Opportunity; GLD-Professional & Civic Engagement; Internship Programs,Apply specialized knowledge,,Specialized knowledge and skills,
Undergraduate Research Programs


Undergraduate Research Programs - The primary mission of Undergraduate Research Programs is to engage students in investigative and creative activity to experience firsthand the processes of scholarly exploration and discovery.

Advanced Sociological Research Methods - SOCY 561
Students apply knowledge in a real world context by studying a social phenomenon using scientific research methods and producing a research project that mirrors professional standards. Students gather primary data, present their work, get feedback, and reflect on the challenges of the research process in studying their question.
Fall 2020 Research Education Students apply knowledge in a real world context by studying a social phenomenon using scientific research methods and producing a research project that mirrors professional standards. Students gather primary data, present their work, get feedback, and reflect on the challenges of the research process in studying their question. 3 14 53 Y GLD-Research; Experiential Learning Opportunity; Undergraduate Research Programs,Research,,Inquiry and analysis,
Capstone Experience


Capstone Experience - A course or project that engages students in a culminating and integrative experience, intended to connect the key learning objectives of an educational program.

Capstone Design Project II - ELCT 404
Working in teams of typically four, students analyze requirements posed by a project proponent (i.e. customer), then design and build a prototype of a system that meets the proponent's needs. The course is designed to provide an authentic engineering project experience that is representative of a typical engineer's early professional years.
Fall 2020 Capstone Course or Project Working in teams of typically four, students analyze requirements posed by a project proponent (i.e. customer), then design and build a prototype of a system that meets the proponent's needs. The course is designed to provide an authentic engineering project experience that is representative of a typical engineer's early professional years. 3 19 72 Y GLD-Professional & Civic Engagement; Experiential Learning Opportunity; Capstone Experience,Apply specialized knowledge,,Specialized knowledge and skills,
Civic Engagement & Service-Learning Programs


Civic Engagement & Service-Learning Programs - The primary mission of Service-Learning Programs is to engage students in experiences that address human and community needs together with structured opportunities for reflection intentionally designed to promote student learning and development.

Community Psychology Practicum - PSYC 489
Students engage in a supervised, structured field experience in a community agency, applying psychological principles, theory, and research.
Fall 2020 Service Learning Students engage in a supervised, structured field experience in a community agency, applying psychological principles, theory, and research. 3 14 51 Y Experiential Learning Opportunity; GLD-Community Service; Civic Engagement & Service-Learning Programs,Apply specialized knowledge,,Specialized knowledge and skills,
Internship Programs


Internship Programs - The primary mission of Internship Programs is to engage students in planned, educationally-related work and learning experiences that integrate knowledge and theory with practical application and skill development in a professional setting.

Community Service Internship - WGST 499
Students engage in a supervised experience addressing either 1) a community organization’s needs and allowing the student to explore an aspect of the community related to women’s and gender studies issues, or 2) a research project related to gender issues.
Fall 2020 Internship Students engage in a supervised experience addressing either 1) a community organization’s needs and allowing the student to explore an aspect of the community related to women’s and gender studies issues, or 2) a research project related to gender issues. 3 14 58 Y Experiential Learning Opportunity; GLD-Community Service; GLD-Professional & Civic Engagement; Internship Programs,Apply specialized knowledge,Community service / civic engagement,Civic knowledge and engagement,Professionalism / career readiness
Capstone Experience


Capstone Experience - A course or project that engages students in a culminating and integrative experience, intended to connect the key learning objectives of an educational program.

Developing & Launching New Ventures - MGMT 473
The Emerging Venture Project (EVP) is a team project during which students apply the concepts and tools from the class to an emerging venture, in order to experience entrepreneurship in action. Students produce a final paper, founder/sponsor deliverable, and class presentation.
Fall 2020 Capstone Course or Project The Emerging Venture Project (EVP) is a team project during which students apply the concepts and tools from the class to an emerging venture, in order to experience entrepreneurship in action. Students produce a final paper, founder/sponsor deliverable, and class presentation. 3 15 64 Y Experiential Learning Opportunity; GLD-Professional & Civic Engagement; Capstone Experience,Apply specialized knowledge,,Specialized knowledge and skills,
Internship Programs


Internship Programs - The primary mission of Internship Programs is to engage students in planned, educationally-related work and learning experiences that integrate knowledge and theory with practical application and skill development in a professional setting.

Directed Teaching in Physical Education - PEDU 479
Internship for practice in physical education.
Fall 2020 Internship Internship for practice in physical education. 3 16 68 Y Experiential Learning Opportunity; GLD-Community Service; GLD-Professional & Civic Engagement; Internship Programs,Apply specialized knowledge,,Specialized knowledge and skills,
Internship Programs


Internship Programs - The primary mission of Internship Programs is to engage students in planned, educationally-related work and learning experiences that integrate knowledge and theory with practical application and skill development in a professional setting.

Internship in Mass Communications - JOUR 597
Students work at least 140 hours during the semester under the direction of the intern coordinator and a professional supervisor in an internship they obtain, attend required meetings during the term with other interns and the intern coordinator, and turn in assignments as scheduled in the course syllabus.
Summer 2020 Internship Students work at least 140 hours during the semester under the direction of the intern coordinator and a professional supervisor in an internship they obtain, attend required meetings during the term with other interns and the intern coordinator, and turn in assignments as scheduled in the course syllabus. 3 18 81 Y Experiential Learning Opportunity; GLD-Professional & Civic Engagement; Internship Programs,Apply specialized knowledge,Career development,Specialized knowledge and skills,Professionalism / career readiness
Internship Programs


Internship Programs - The primary mission of Internship Programs is to engage students in planned, educationally-related work and learning experiences that integrate knowledge and theory with practical application and skill development in a professional setting.

Internship in Mass Communications - JOUR 597
Students work at least 140 hours during the semester under the direction of the intern coordinator and a professional supervisor in an internship they obtain, attend required meetings during the term with other interns and the intern coordinator, and turn in assignments as scheduled in the course syllabus.
Fall 2020 Internship Students work at least 140 hours during the semester under the direction of the intern coordinator and a professional supervisor in an internship they obtain, attend required meetings during the term with other interns and the intern coordinator, and turn in assignments as scheduled in the course syllabus. 3 18 81 Y GLD-Professional & Civic Engagement; Experiential Learning Opportunity; Internship Programs,Apply specialized knowledge,Career development,Specialized knowledge and skills,Professionalism / career readiness
Internship Programs


Internship Programs - The primary mission of Internship Programs is to engage students in planned, educationally-related work and learning experiences that integrate knowledge and theory with practical application and skill development in a professional setting.

Internship in Geography - GEOG 595
Students serve as interns (paid or unpaid) in government agencies, private-sector businesses, or non-profit organizations. Internship activities and experiential learning are supervised jointly by sponsors and the internship program of the department.
Summer 2020 Internship Students serve as interns (paid or unpaid) in government agencies, private-sector businesses, or non-profit organizations. Internship activities and experiential learning are supervised jointly by sponsors and the internship program of the department. 3 14 44 Y Experiential Learning Opportunity; GLD-Community Service; GLD-Professional & Civic Engagement; Internship Programs,Apply specialized knowledge,Career readiness,Specialized knowledge and skills,Professionalism / career readiness
Internship Programs


Internship Programs - The primary mission of Internship Programs is to engage students in planned, educationally-related work and learning experiences that integrate knowledge and theory with practical application and skill development in a professional setting.

Internship in Geography - GEOG 595
Students serve as interns (paid or unpaid) in government agencies, private-sector businesses, or non-profit organizations. Internship activities and experiential learning are supervised jointly by sponsors and the internship program of the department.
Fall 2020 Internship Students serve as interns (paid or unpaid) in government agencies, private-sector businesses, or non-profit organizations. Internship activities and experiential learning are supervised jointly by sponsors and the internship program of the department. 3 14 44 Y Experiential Learning Opportunity; GLD-Community Service; GLD-Professional & Civic Engagement; Internship Programs,Apply specialized knowledge,Career readiness,Specialized knowledge and skills,Professionalism / career readiness
Student Leadership Programs


Student Leadership Programs - The mission of Student Leadership Programs must be to prepare students to engage in the process of leadership.

Laboratory Teaching Experience - BIOL 398
Students serve as Peer Leaders in a Peer Led Team Learning (PLTL) environment and use their understanding of biological concepts as they help to support other students currently enrolled in a Biology course. Peer Leaders ask questions that help students progress through an assigned activity or in-class discussion.
Summer 2020 Peer Educator Students serve as Peer Leaders in a Peer Led Team Learning (PLTL) environment and use their understanding of biological concepts as they help to support other students currently enrolled in a Biology course. Peer Leaders ask questions that help students progress through an assigned activity or in-class discussion. 3 14 39 Y Experiential Learning Opportunity; GLD-Professional & Civic Engagement; Student Leadership Programs,Apply specialized knowledge,Leadership,Specialized knowledge and skills,Influencing others
Student Leadership Programs


Student Leadership Programs - The mission of Student Leadership Programs must be to prepare students to engage in the process of leadership.

Laboratory Teaching Experience - BIOL 398
Students serve as Peer Leaders in a Peer Led Team Learning (PLTL) environment and use their understanding of biological concepts as they help to support other students currently enrolled in a Biology course. Peer Leaders ask questions that help students progress through an assigned activity or in-class discussion.
Fall 2020 Peer Educator Students serve as Peer Leaders in a Peer Led Team Learning (PLTL) environment and use their understanding of biological concepts as they help to support other students currently enrolled in a Biology course. Peer Leaders ask questions that help students progress through an assigned activity or in-class discussion. 3 14 39 Y Experiential Learning Opportunity; GLD-Professional & Civic Engagement; Student Leadership Programs,Apply specialized knowledge,Leadership,Specialized knowledge and skills,Influencing others
Internship Programs


Internship Programs - The primary mission of Internship Programs is to engage students in planned, educationally-related work and learning experiences that integrate knowledge and theory with practical application and skill development in a professional setting.

Public Affairs Internship - POLI 379
In this course, students complete an on-site internship in a public affairs agency, complete a series of academic assignments related to the internship experience, and submit a final performance evaluation from the on-site supervisor.
Summer 2020 Internship In this course, students complete an on-site internship in a public affairs agency, complete a series of academic assignments related to the internship experience, and submit a final performance evaluation from the on-site supervisor. 3 14 50 Y Experiential Learning Opportunity; GLD-Professional & Civic Engagement; Internship Programs,Career development,Apply specialized knowledge,Self-knowledge,Professionalism / career readiness
Internship Programs


Internship Programs - The primary mission of Internship Programs is to engage students in planned, educationally-related work and learning experiences that integrate knowledge and theory with practical application and skill development in a professional setting.

Public Affairs Internship - POLI 379
In this course, students complete an on-site internship in a public affairs agency, complete a series of academic assignments related to the internship experience, and submit a final performance evaluation from the on-site supervisor.
Fall 2020 Internship In this course, students complete an on-site internship in a public affairs agency, complete a series of academic assignments related to the internship experience, and submit a final performance evaluation from the on-site supervisor. 3 14 50 Y Experiential Learning Opportunity; GLD-Professional & Civic Engagement; Internship Programs,Career development,Apply specialized knowledge,Self-knowledge,Professionalism / career readiness
Internship Programs


Internship Programs - The primary mission of Internship Programs is to engage students in planned, educationally-related work and learning experiences that integrate knowledge and theory with practical application and skill development in a professional setting.

Professional Internship - ITEC 495
The course is a supervised work experience in information technology and/or project management; the internship is coordinated by a faculty member and supervised by approved management/supervisor within business and industry lasting for approximately 400 hours of on the job experiences.
Summer 2020 Internship The course is a supervised work experience in information technology and/or project management; the internship is coordinated by a faculty member and supervised by approved management/supervisor within business and industry lasting for approximately 400 hours of on the job experiences. 3 19 73 Y GLD-Professional & Civic Engagement; Experiential Learning Opportunity; Internship Programs,Apply specialized knowledge,,Specialized knowledge and skills,Integrative and applied learning
Internship Programs


Internship Programs - The primary mission of Internship Programs is to engage students in planned, educationally-related work and learning experiences that integrate knowledge and theory with practical application and skill development in a professional setting.

Professional Internship - ITEC 495
The course is a supervised work experience in information technology and/or project management; the internship is coordinated by a faculty member and supervised by approved management/supervisor within business and industry lasting for approximately 400 hours of on the job experiences.
Fall 2020 Internship The course is a supervised work experience in information technology and/or project management; the internship is coordinated by a faculty member and supervised by approved management/supervisor within business and industry lasting for approximately 400 hours of on the job experiences. 3 19 73 Y Experiential Learning Opportunity; GLD-Professional & Civic Engagement; Internship Programs,Apply specialized knowledge,,Specialized knowledge and skills,Integrative and applied learning
Internship Programs


Internship Programs - The primary mission of Internship Programs is to engage students in planned, educationally-related work and learning experiences that integrate knowledge and theory with practical application and skill development in a professional setting.

Internship - CRJU 494
Students intern for 160 hours during the semester at an appropriate agency or institution.
Fall 2020 Internship Students intern for 160 hours during the semester at an appropriate agency or institution. 3 14 41 Y Experiential Learning Opportunity; GLD-Professional & Civic Engagement; Internship Programs,Apply specialized knowledge,Career readiness,Specialized knowledge and skills,
Capstone Experience


Capstone Experience - A course or project that engages students in a culminating and integrative experience, intended to connect the key learning objectives of an educational program.

Public Health Capstone Seminar - PUBH 498
Students synthesize and apply content knowledge and competencies developed in the BS/BA public health degree program, in a practice setting with emphasis on student identified areas for professional growth.
Fall 2020 Capstone Course or Project Students synthesize and apply content knowledge and competencies developed in the BS/BA public health degree program, in a practice setting with emphasis on student identified areas for professional growth. 3 24 87 Y Experiential Learning Opportunity; GLD-Professional & Civic Engagement; Capstone Experience,Apply specialized knowledge,Career readiness,Specialized knowledge and skills,
Internship Programs


Internship Programs - The primary mission of Internship Programs is to engage students in planned, educationally-related work and learning experiences that integrate knowledge and theory with practical application and skill development in a professional setting.

Senior Nursing Capstone Practicum - NURS 435
Final Semester Senior Clinical Immersion Experience
Fall 2020 Internship Final Semester Senior Clinical Immersion Experience 3 20 106 Y Experiential Learning Opportunity; GLD-Professional & Civic Engagement; Internship Programs,Apply specialized knowledge,Career readiness,Specialized knowledge and skills,Professionalism / career readiness
Internship Programs


Internship Programs - The primary mission of Internship Programs is to engage students in planned, educationally-related work and learning experiences that integrate knowledge and theory with practical application and skill development in a professional setting.

Internship in Elementary Education - EDEL 490
Students in their final semester of an elementary education degree program complete an internship for practice in elementary classrooms (grades 2-6) related to curriculum design, assessment, interactive teaching, and professional roles.
Fall 2020 Internship Students in their final semester of an elementary education degree program complete an internship for practice in elementary classrooms (grades 2-6) related to curriculum design, assessment, interactive teaching, and professional roles. 3 16 67 Y Experiential Learning Opportunity; GLD-Professional & Civic Engagement; Internship Programs,Apply specialized knowledge,Career development,Specialized knowledge and skills,Communication - spoken
Internship Programs


Internship Programs - The primary mission of Internship Programs is to engage students in planned, educationally-related work and learning experiences that integrate knowledge and theory with practical application and skill development in a professional setting.

Honors Internship - SCHC 498
Internships are an important part of the Honors Beyond the Classroom program. Students receive academic credit while gaining valuable experience in their chosen career field, receiving helpful feedback on their performance and reflecting on their experience.
Summer 2020 Internship Internships are an important part of the Honors Beyond the Classroom program. Students receive academic credit while gaining valuable experience in their chosen career field, receiving helpful feedback on their performance and reflecting on their experience. 3 26 75 Y Experiential Learning Opportunity; GLD-Professional & Civic Engagement; Internship Programs,Apply specialized knowledge,Career readiness,Specialized knowledge and skills,Professionalism / career readiness
Internship Programs


Internship Programs - The primary mission of Internship Programs is to engage students in planned, educationally-related work and learning experiences that integrate knowledge and theory with practical application and skill development in a professional setting.

Honors Internship - SCHC 498
Internships are an important part of the Honors Beyond the Classroom program. Students receive academic credit while gaining valuable experience in their chosen career field, receiving helpful feedback on their performance and reflecting on their experience.
Fall 2020 Internship Internships are an important part of the Honors Beyond the Classroom program. Students receive academic credit while gaining valuable experience in their chosen career field, receiving helpful feedback on their performance and reflecting on their experience. 3 26 75 Y Experiential Learning Opportunity; GLD-Professional & Civic Engagement; Internship Programs,Apply specialized knowledge,Career readiness,Specialized knowledge and skills,Professionalism / career readiness
Internship Programs


Internship Programs - The primary mission of Internship Programs is to engage students in planned, educationally-related work and learning experiences that integrate knowledge and theory with practical application and skill development in a professional setting.

Internship: Community Engagement - COLA 390
COLA 390 is a supervised experience to assist the student in decision-making for his/her future after graduation. This course will incorporate a real world experience for the student in a workplace or community organization related to their chosen profession, along with opportunities to receive feedback and reflect on the experience.
Fall 2020 Internship COLA 390 is a supervised experience to assist the student in decision-making for his/her future after graduation. This course will incorporate a real world experience for the student in a workplace or community organization related to their chosen profession, along with opportunities to receive feedback and reflect on the experience. 3 14 98 Y Experiential Learning Opportunity; GLD-Community Service; GLD-Professional & Civic Engagement; Internship Programs,Career development,,Self-knowledge,Professionalism / career readiness
Internship Programs


Internship Programs - The primary mission of Internship Programs is to engage students in planned, educationally-related work and learning experiences that integrate knowledge and theory with practical application and skill development in a professional setting.

Teaching Internship in Dance Education - DANC 479
The student will demonstrate the pedagogical knowledge, skill, and disposition necessary to effectively teach K-12 dance education as defined by NASD and NCATE and as measured by a departmental student teaching evaluation. Prerequisites: see academic bulletin.
Fall 2020 Internship The student will demonstrate the pedagogical knowledge, skill, and disposition necessary to effectively teach K-12 dance education as defined by NASD and NCATE and as measured by a departmental student teaching evaluation. Prerequisites: see academic bulletin. 3 14 55 Y Experiential Learning Opportunity; GLD-Community Service; Internship Programs,Apply specialized knowledge,Career readiness,Specialized knowledge and skills,Professionalism / career readiness
Capstone Experience


Capstone Experience - A course or project that engages students in a culminating and integrative experience, intended to connect the key learning objectives of an educational program.

GSCOM Capstone Project - MGSC 497
Student consulting teams apply Operations and Supply Chain concepts and techniques to solve operational problems, identify improvement opportunities in service and manufacturing firms, write recommendation and implementation reports, oversee pilot or full-scale implementations, and make presentations of their work to the firm’s management group.
Fall 2020 Capstone Course or Project Student consulting teams apply Operations and Supply Chain concepts and techniques to solve operational problems, identify improvement opportunities in service and manufacturing firms, write recommendation and implementation reports, oversee pilot or full-scale implementations, and make presentations of their work to the firm’s management group. 3 15 65 Y Experiential Learning Opportunity; GLD-Professional & Civic Engagement; Capstone Experience,Apply specialized knowledge,,Specialized knowledge and skills,
Civic Engagement & Service-Learning Programs


Civic Engagement & Service-Learning Programs - The primary mission of Service-Learning Programs is to engage students in experiences that address human and community needs together with structured opportunities for reflection intentionally designed to promote student learning and development.

Safe Zone Workshop
Student listen to an expert presenter speak about LGBT college student data, risks associated with LGBT college students, bias and harassment, and resources available on- and off- campus to provide support. Students engage in small group activities such as scenarios to learn how to interrupt bias, and how to understand the LGBT experience.
Fall 2020 Civic Engagement Student listen to an expert presenter speak about LGBT college student data, risks associated with LGBT college students, bias and harassment, and resources available on- and off- campus to provide support. Students engage in small group activities such as scenarios to learn how to interrupt bias, and how to understand the LGBT experience. 3 11 28 Multicultural Student Affairs N GLD-Diversity & Social Advocacy; GLD-Professional & Civic Engagement; Civic Engagement & Service-Learning Programs,Study / Practice diversity, equity, inclusion,Study / Practice self knowledge,Civic knowledge and engagement,Intercultural knowledge and competence
Fraternity and Sorority Advising Programs


Fraternity and Sorority Advising Programs - The mission of Fraternity and Sorority Advising Programs is to promote the learning and development of students who affiliate with fraternities and sororities.

Fraternity and Sorority Life Council Leadership
Students work to advance the FSL community by leading bi-weekly council meetings, meeting monthly with professional and graduate student staff advisors, communicating with FSL chapter presidents and community members, and implementing policies (university, FSL, Council).
Fall 2020 Elected Student Leader Students work to advance the FSL community by leading bi-weekly council meetings, meeting monthly with professional and graduate student staff advisors, communicating with FSL chapter presidents and community members, and implementing policies (university, FSL, Council). 3 11 28 Fraternity & Sorority Life N GLD-Professional & Civic Engagement; Fraternity and Sorority Advising Programs,Leadership,Apply specialized knowledge,Influencing others,Communication - spoken
Fraternity and Sorority Advising Programs


Fraternity and Sorority Advising Programs - The mission of Fraternity and Sorority Advising Programs is to promote the learning and development of students who affiliate with fraternities and sororities.

Fraternity and Sorority Life EmpowHER Conference
Students in sororities participate in interactive conference presentations and activities, and engage in personal reflection.
Fall 2020 Campus Activities Students in sororities participate in interactive conference presentations and activities, and engage in personal reflection. 3 11 28 Fraternity & Sorority Life N ; Fraternity and Sorority Advising Programs,Study / Practice self knowledge,Connecting with others,Self-knowledge,Foundations and skills for lifelong learning
Fraternity and Sorority Advising Programs


Fraternity and Sorority Advising Programs - The mission of Fraternity and Sorority Advising Programs is to promote the learning and development of students who affiliate with fraternities and sororities.

Fraternity and Sorority Life MoMENtum Conference
Students participate in interactive conference presentations and activities, and engage in personal reflection related to: mental health; relationships; advocacy efforts; diversity and inclusion; leadership and career; and other topical issues.
Fall 2020 Campus Activities Students participate in interactive conference presentations and activities, and engage in personal reflection related to: mental health; relationships; advocacy efforts; diversity and inclusion; leadership and career; and other topical issues. 3 11 28 Fraternity & Sorority Life N ; Fraternity and Sorority Advising Programs,Study / Practice self knowledge,Connecting with others,Self-knowledge,Foundations and skills for lifelong learning
Fraternity and Sorority Advising Programs


Fraternity and Sorority Advising Programs - The mission of Fraternity and Sorority Advising Programs is to promote the learning and development of students who affiliate with fraternities and sororities.

Fraternity and Sorority New Member Summit
Students engage in council-specific conversations on the history, significance and myths of Fraternity and Sorority Life, personal responsibility, expectations, and tools available for new FSL members.
Fall 2020 Campus Activities Students engage in council-specific conversations on the history, significance and myths of Fraternity and Sorority Life, personal responsibility, expectations, and tools available for new FSL members. 3 11 28 Fraternity & Sorority Life N ; Fraternity and Sorority Advising Programs,Connecting with others,,Self-knowledge,
Fraternity and Sorority Advising Programs


Fraternity and Sorority Advising Programs - The mission of Fraternity and Sorority Advising Programs is to promote the learning and development of students who affiliate with fraternities and sororities.

Fraternity and Sorority Life Roundtable
Students interact in small-group, informal discussions to share best practices on a variety of topics relevant to the fraternity and sorority experience, such as organizational development and management, and personal development topics.
Fall 2020 Leadership Education Students interact in small-group, informal discussions to share best practices on a variety of topics relevant to the fraternity and sorority experience, such as organizational development and management, and personal development topics. 3 11 28 Fraternity & Sorority Life N ; Fraternity and Sorority Advising Programs,Leadership,Study / Practice self knowledge,Self-knowledge,
Fraternity and Sorority Advising Programs


Fraternity and Sorority Advising Programs - The mission of Fraternity and Sorority Advising Programs is to promote the learning and development of students who affiliate with fraternities and sororities.

Fraternity and Sorority Leadership Conference
Fraternity and sorority students participate in conference sessions on leadership development and campus/community policies, and network with their peers.
Fall 2020 Leadership Education Fraternity and sorority students participate in conference sessions on leadership development and campus/community policies, and network with their peers. 3 11 28 Fraternity & Sorority Life N ; Fraternity and Sorority Advising Programs,Leadership,Study / Practice self knowledge,Self-knowledge,Interpersonal skills
Fraternity and Sorority Advising Programs


Fraternity and Sorority Advising Programs - The mission of Fraternity and Sorority Advising Programs is to promote the learning and development of students who affiliate with fraternities and sororities.

Fraternity and Sorority New Member Experience
New members of the fraternity and sorority community connect with others as they participate in a variety of community building and problem solving activities, and learn more about the organizations in the community.
Fall 2020 Campus Activities New members of the fraternity and sorority community connect with others as they participate in a variety of community building and problem solving activities, and learn more about the organizations in the community. 3 11 28 Fraternity & Sorority Life N ; Fraternity and Sorority Advising Programs,Connecting with others,,Teamwork,
Civic Engagement & Service-Learning Programs


Civic Engagement & Service-Learning Programs - The primary mission of Service-Learning Programs is to engage students in experiences that address human and community needs together with structured opportunities for reflection intentionally designed to promote student learning and development.

Fraternity and sorority students participate in an hour-long community service opportunity in Columbia, in order to learn about the importance of service and connect with others in the community.
Fall 2020 Civic Engagement Fraternity and sorority students participate in an hour-long community service opportunity in Columbia, in order to learn about the importance of service and connect with others in the community. 3 11 28 Fraternity & Sorority Life N ; Civic Engagement & Service-Learning Programs,Community service / civic engagement,Connecting with others,Personal and social responsibility - Contributing to a larger community,
Fraternity and Sorority Advising Programs


Fraternity and Sorority Advising Programs - The mission of Fraternity and Sorority Advising Programs is to promote the learning and development of students who affiliate with fraternities and sororities.

Interfraternity Council Recruitment Advisor
Recruitment Peer Advisors serve as mentors, resources, facilitators, and referral agents to students who are potential new members participating in fraternity recruitment activities.
Fall 2020 Student Program Leader Recruitment Peer Advisors serve as mentors, resources, facilitators, and referral agents to students who are potential new members participating in fraternity recruitment activities. 3 11 28 Fraternity & Sorority Life N GLD-Professional & Civic Engagement; Fraternity and Sorority Advising Programs,Leadership,,Influencing others,
Fraternity and Sorority Advising Programs


Fraternity and Sorority Advising Programs - The mission of Fraternity and Sorority Advising Programs is to promote the learning and development of students who affiliate with fraternities and sororities.

Panhellenic Recruitment Peer Counselor
Students serve as peer mentors and information resources for potential new members participating in the Panhellenic recruitment process.
Fall 2020 Student Program Leader Students serve as peer mentors and information resources for potential new members participating in the Panhellenic recruitment process. 3 11 28 Fraternity & Sorority Life N GLD-Professional & Civic Engagement; Fraternity and Sorority Advising Programs,Leadership,,Communication - spoken,Influencing others
Student Leadership Programs


Student Leadership Programs - The mission of Student Leadership Programs must be to prepare students to engage in the process of leadership.

Civic Leadership, Education, and Action Team (CLEAT)
Team members act to enhance year-round nonpartisan civic education and action on campus. CLEAT envisions and plans initiatives to cultivate deliberation, enhance civic literacy, and increase voter engagement on campus.
Fall 2020 Student Program Leader Team members act to enhance year-round nonpartisan civic education and action on campus. CLEAT envisions and plans initiatives to cultivate deliberation, enhance civic literacy, and increase voter engagement on campus. 3 11 28 Leadership & Service Center N GLD-Professional & Civic Engagement; Experiential Learning Opportunity; Student Leadership Programs,Leadership,Career readiness,Communication - spoken,Influencing others
Student Leadership Programs


Student Leadership Programs - The mission of Student Leadership Programs must be to prepare students to engage in the process of leadership.

Close Family Emerging Leaders Program
Students meet weekly for 8 weeks to explore aspects of leadership; activities are designed to help students develop a personal definition of leadership, create achievable goals, and design an action plan for applying leadership skills at USC.
Fall 2020 Leadership Education Students meet weekly for 8 weeks to explore aspects of leadership; activities are designed to help students develop a personal definition of leadership, create achievable goals, and design an action plan for applying leadership skills at USC. 3 11 28 Leadership & Service Center N GLD-Professional & Civic Engagement; Student Leadership Programs,Study / Practice self knowledge,,Self-knowledge,Communication - spoken
Civic Engagement & Service-Learning Programs


Civic Engagement & Service-Learning Programs - The primary mission of Service-Learning Programs is to engage students in experiences that address human and community needs together with structured opportunities for reflection intentionally designed to promote student learning and development.

Community Service Ambassador
Each student ambassador serves in a nonprofit organization located in the Midlands, exploring issues affecting the local community and working with the non-profit agency to address these issues.
Fall 2020 Civic Engagement Each student ambassador serves in a nonprofit organization located in the Midlands, exploring issues affecting the local community and working with the non-profit agency to address these issues. 3 11 28 Leadership & Service Center N GLD-Professional & Civic Engagement; GLD-Community Service; Experiential Learning Opportunity; Civic Engagement & Service-Learning Programs,Community service / civic engagement,Study / Practice diversity, equity, inclusion,Civic knowledge and engagement,Personal and social responsibility - Contributing to a larger community
Student Leadership Programs


Student Leadership Programs - The mission of Student Leadership Programs must be to prepare students to engage in the process of leadership.

Gamecock Pantry Executive Board
Board members implement the vision, direction, and operations of the Gamecock Pantry by contributing to the recruitment, training, and evaluation of volunteers, donation coordination, marketing and education, and logistical operations such as clientele communication, donation solicitation, and developing on and off campus partnerships.
Fall 2020 Student Program Leader Board members implement the vision, direction, and operations of the Gamecock Pantry by contributing to the recruitment, training, and evaluation of volunteers, donation coordination, marketing and education, and logistical operations such as clientele communication, donation solicitation, and developing on and off campus partnerships. 3 11 28 Leadership & Service Center N GLD-Professional & Civic Engagement; GLD-Community Service; Experiential Learning Opportunity; Student Leadership Programs,Leadership,,Influencing others,Critical and creative thinking
Civic Engagement & Service-Learning Programs


Civic Engagement & Service-Learning Programs - The primary mission of Service-Learning Programs is to engage students in experiences that address human and community needs together with structured opportunities for reflection intentionally designed to promote student learning and development.

Gamecock Pantry Pals
Students organize donations, shelve inventory, and communicate information about the Gamecock Pantry to campus constituents. The pantry was created by students, for students, and provides food assistance and other resources to enhance well-being.
Fall 2020 Service on Campus Students organize donations, shelve inventory, and communicate information about the Gamecock Pantry to campus constituents. The pantry was created by students, for students, and provides food assistance and other resources to enhance well-being. 3 11 28 Leadership & Service Center N GLD-Community Service; Civic Engagement & Service-Learning Programs,Community service / civic engagement,Connecting with others,Interpersonal skills,
Student Leadership Programs


Student Leadership Programs - The mission of Student Leadership Programs must be to prepare students to engage in the process of leadership.

Leadership and Service Ambassador
Leadership and Service Advocates help manage the Leadership and Service Center’s daily operations, assist students as they call or enter the center, and assist the professional staff in marketing and planning programs and services.
Fall 2020 Student Program Leader Leadership and Service Advocates help manage the Leadership and Service Center’s daily operations, assist students as they call or enter the center, and assist the professional staff in marketing and planning programs and services. 3 11 28 Leadership & Service Center N GLD-Professional & Civic Engagement; Student Leadership Programs,Career readiness,Leadership,Communication - spoken,Problem solving
Student Leadership Programs


Student Leadership Programs - The mission of Student Leadership Programs must be to prepare students to engage in the process of leadership.

Pillars for Carolina Extended Mentor
Pillars for Carolina XMs help introduce incoming students to student life and resources on campus. XMs are peer mentors who lead groups and communicate information to diverse audiences; student mentees look to XMs to answer their candid questions about the college experience.
Spring 2021 Student Program Leader Pillars for Carolina XMs help introduce incoming students to student life and resources on campus. XMs are peer mentors who lead groups and communicate information to diverse audiences; student mentees look to XMs to answer their candid questions about the college experience. 3 11 28 Leadership & Service Center N GLD-Professional & Civic Engagement; Student Leadership Programs,Leadership,,Interpersonal skills,Influencing others
Student Leadership Programs


Student Leadership Programs - The mission of Student Leadership Programs must be to prepare students to engage in the process of leadership.

Pillars for Carolina Leadership Team
Student leaders manage all components of the planning, recruitment, and execution of the Pillars for Carolina Extended Orientation Program. Team members work together to solve problems, communicate to multiple constituents, supervise peer mentors, and evaluate the effectiveness of program activities.
Spring 2021 Peer Educator Student leaders manage all components of the planning, recruitment, and execution of the Pillars for Carolina Extended Orientation Program. Team members work together to solve problems, communicate to multiple constituents, supervise peer mentors, and evaluate the effectiveness of program activities. 3 11 28 Leadership & Service Center N GLD-Professional & Civic Engagement; Student Leadership Programs,Leadership,,Problem solving,Teamwork
Civic Engagement & Service-Learning Programs


Civic Engagement & Service-Learning Programs - The primary mission of Service-Learning Programs is to engage students in experiences that address human and community needs together with structured opportunities for reflection intentionally designed to promote student learning and development.

Service Saturday
Students participate in a community service opportunity within the city of Columbia or campus community.
Fall 2020 Civic Engagement Students participate in a community service opportunity within the city of Columbia or campus community. 3 11 28 Leadership & Service Center N GLD-Community Service; Civic Engagement & Service-Learning Programs,Community service / civic engagement,Connecting with others,Personal and social responsibility - Contributing to a larger community,
Student Leadership Programs


Student Leadership Programs - The mission of Student Leadership Programs must be to prepare students to engage in the process of leadership.

Service Saturday Senior Site Leader
Senior site leaders facilitate training and manage administrative tasks for teams of student site leaders, communicate expectations of the program to volunteers, delegate tasks, and debrief on a shared experience.
Fall 2020 Peer Educator Senior site leaders facilitate training and manage administrative tasks for teams of student site leaders, communicate expectations of the program to volunteers, delegate tasks, and debrief on a shared experience. 3 11 28 Leadership & Service Center N GLD-Professional & Civic Engagement; Experiential Learning Opportunity; Student Leadership Programs,Leadership,Career readiness,Communication - spoken,Influencing others
Student Leadership Programs


Student Leadership Programs - The mission of Student Leadership Programs must be to prepare students to engage in the process of leadership.

Service Saturday Site Leader
Site leaders communicate expectations to a group of volunteers, delegate tasks, and debrief volunteers on a shared community service experience.
Fall 2020 Peer Educator Site leaders communicate expectations to a group of volunteers, delegate tasks, and debrief volunteers on a shared community service experience. 3 11 28 Leadership & Service Center N GLD-Professional & Civic Engagement; GLD-Community Service; Student Leadership Programs,Leadership,Community service / civic engagement,Teamwork,Problem solving
Campus Activities Programs


Campus Activities Programs - The purpose of Campus Activities Programs must be to enhance the overall educational experience of students through development of, exposure to, and participation in programs and activities that improve student cooperation and leadership while preparing students to be responsible advocates and citizens and complementing the institution's academic programs.

Student Organization Member
Students engage in organizations for many reasons - to gain skills, connect with other students, broaden their knowledge. Student-led organizations establish purpose and goals, determine membership, set activities, and select leaders. The university records organizational affiliation, but does not monitor the engagement of individual students.
Fall 2020 Campus Activities Students engage in organizations for many reasons - to gain skills, connect with other students, broaden their knowledge. Student-led organizations establish purpose and goals, determine membership, set activities, and select leaders. The university records organizational affiliation, but does not monitor the engagement of individual students. 3 11 28 Leadership & Service Center N ; Campus Activities Programs,Connecting with others,,Self-knowledge,
Student Leadership Programs


Student Leadership Programs - The mission of Student Leadership Programs must be to prepare students to engage in the process of leadership.

The Big Event Executive Team
Team members plan and execute Service Saturday: The Big Event, including recruitment, site selection, and logistics day of the event.
Fall 2020 Student Program Leader Team members plan and execute Service Saturday: The Big Event, including recruitment, site selection, and logistics day of the event. 3 11 28 Leadership & Service Center N GLD-Professional & Civic Engagement; Experiential Learning Opportunity; Student Leadership Programs,Leadership,Career readiness,Personal and social responsibility - Contributing to a larger community,Critical and creative thinking
Campus Activities Programs


Campus Activities Programs - The purpose of Campus Activities Programs must be to enhance the overall educational experience of students through development of, exposure to, and participation in programs and activities that improve student cooperation and leadership while preparing students to be responsible advocates and citizens and complementing the institution's academic programs.

The Big Event Planning Committee
Committee members assist the student executive team in planning the event including recruitment, site selection, and logistics day of the event; members have individual job responsibilities before, during, and after the event.
Fall 2020 Student Program Leader Committee members assist the student executive team in planning the event including recruitment, site selection, and logistics day of the event; members have individual job responsibilities before, during, and after the event. 3 11 28 Leadership & Service Center N GLD-Professional & Civic Engagement; Campus Activities Programs,Career readiness,Leadership,Communication - spoken,Critical and creative thinking
Post-Traditional & Commuter Student Programs & Services


Post-Traditional & Commuter Student Programs & Services - The primary mission is to ensure that all students have equitable access to programs, services, and engagement opportunities regardless of age, personal characteristics, or place of residence.

Off-Campus Living Module
Students participate in an interactive, self-paced 20 minute online course to learn how to navigate life as an off-campus student. The topics cover finding housing, moving, off-campus safety, community ordinances and laws, commuting and parking, protecting your tenant rights and selecting compatible roommates.
Fall 2020 Educational Support Students participate in an interactive, self-paced 20 minute online course to learn how to navigate life as an off-campus student. The topics cover finding housing, moving, off-campus safety, community ordinances and laws, commuting and parking, protecting your tenant rights and selecting compatible roommates. 3 11 28 Off-Campus Living & Neighborhood Relations N ; Post-Traditional & Commuter Student Programs & Services,Study / Practice self knowledge,,Personal and social responsibility - Striving for excellence,
Multicultural Student Programs and Services


Multicultural Student Programs and Services - Multicultural Student Programs and Services must promote academic and personal growth of traditionally underserved students, work with the entire campus to create an institutional and community climate of justice, promote access and equity in higher education, and offer programs that educate the campus about diversity.

Diversity Dialogues
In a safe space, students listen to an expert presentation and engage in self-reflection and discussion on topics such as race, culture, gender, stereotypes, intersectionality, and sexual orientation. This workshop is intended to help students learn about marginalized populations and build awareness around diversity and inclusion.
Fall 2020 Educational Support In a safe space, students listen to an expert presentation and engage in self-reflection and discussion on topics such as race, culture, gender, stereotypes, intersectionality, and sexual orientation. This workshop is intended to help students learn about marginalized populations and build awareness around diversity and inclusion. 3 11 28 Multicultural Student Affairs N ; Multicultural Student Programs and Services,Study / Practice diversity, equity, inclusion,,Civic knowledge and engagement,Intercultural knowledge and competence
Campus Activities Programs


Campus Activities Programs - The purpose of Campus Activities Programs must be to enhance the overall educational experience of students through development of, exposure to, and participation in programs and activities that improve student cooperation and leadership while preparing students to be responsible advocates and citizens and complementing the institution's academic programs.

Carolina Productions
Student attended an event provided by the Carolina Productions student programming board (e.g., concerts, comedy nights, weekly movie screenings, roller rinks).
Fall 2020 Campus Activities Student attended an event provided by the Carolina Productions student programming board (e.g., concerts, comedy nights, weekly movie screenings, roller rinks). 3 11 28 Russell House University Union N ; Campus Activities Programs,Recreation, leisure, entertainment,Connecting with others,Self-knowledge,
Student Leadership Programs


Student Leadership Programs - The mission of Student Leadership Programs must be to prepare students to engage in the process of leadership.

Carolina Productions Executive Board
Student board members work together to design, implement and evaluate a series of compelling events and programs open to all UofSC students and intended to enrich the overall student experience.
Fall 2020 Student Program Leader Student board members work together to design, implement and evaluate a series of compelling events and programs open to all UofSC students and intended to enrich the overall student experience. 3 11 28 Russell House University Union N GLD-Professional & Civic Engagement; Experiential Learning Opportunity; Student Leadership Programs,Leadership,Career readiness,Problem solving,Teamwork
Campus Activities Programs


Campus Activities Programs - The purpose of Campus Activities Programs must be to enhance the overall educational experience of students through development of, exposure to, and participation in programs and activities that improve student cooperation and leadership while preparing students to be responsible advocates and citizens and complementing the institution's academic programs.

Dance Marathon Hero
Student participates in one of a variety of programs and events on campus and in the larger community to raise awareness and generate support for the Child Life Program at Prisma Health Children's Hospital.
Fall 2020 Campus Activities Student participates in one of a variety of programs and events on campus and in the larger community to raise awareness and generate support for the Child Life Program at Prisma Health Children's Hospital. 3 11 28 Russell House University Union N ; Campus Activities Programs,Recreation, leisure, entertainment,Connecting with others,Self-knowledge,
Student Leadership Programs


Student Leadership Programs - The mission of Student Leadership Programs must be to prepare students to engage in the process of leadership.

Dance Marathon Executive Board
Board members of this philanthropic organization engage with their peers to plan and execute a variety of educational and service events designed to raise funds and awareness for Palmetto Health Children's Hospital, culminating in the Main Event in the spring.
Fall 2020 Student Program Leader Board members of this philanthropic organization engage with their peers to plan and execute a variety of educational and service events designed to raise funds and awareness for Palmetto Health Children's Hospital, culminating in the Main Event in the spring. 3 11 28 Russell House University Union N GLD-Professional & Civic Engagement; GLD-Community Service; Experiential Learning Opportunity; Student Leadership Programs,Leadership,Career readiness,Problem solving,Influencing others
Student Leadership Programs


Student Leadership Programs - The mission of Student Leadership Programs must be to prepare students to engage in the process of leadership.

Homecoming Commission Leadership Team
Students work together as a team to plan and execute events and functions during UofSC Homecoming Week, taking ownership of this campus tradition and helping to develop a sense of community for all UofSC students.
Fall 2020 Student Program Leader Students work together as a team to plan and execute events and functions during UofSC Homecoming Week, taking ownership of this campus tradition and helping to develop a sense of community for all UofSC students. 3 11 28 Russell House University Union N GLD-Professional & Civic Engagement; Experiential Learning Opportunity; Student Leadership Programs,Leadership,Career readiness,Problem solving,Teamwork
Student Employment


Student Employment - Student is employed part-time by the university and engages in career readiness development activities as part of supervision process.

Russell House University Union Operations Attendant
Building operations attendants operate the student union facility and manage events, including equipment check-out and working directly with clients. Attendants are assigned to one of three areas: Building Operations, Information Center, or Gameroom.
Fall 2020 Employment On Campus Building operations attendants operate the student union facility and manage events, including equipment check-out and working directly with clients. Attendants are assigned to one of three areas: Building Operations, Information Center, or Gameroom. 3 11 28 Russell House University Union N GLD-Professional & Civic Engagement; Student Employment,Career readiness,,Professionalism / career readiness,
Campus Activities Programs


Campus Activities Programs - The purpose of Campus Activities Programs must be to enhance the overall educational experience of students through development of, exposure to, and participation in programs and activities that improve student cooperation and leadership while preparing students to be responsible advocates and citizens and complementing the institution's academic programs.

Thursday After Dark
Thursday After Dark provides a variety of late-night programming to engage Carolina students (e.g., escape rooms, trivia, bowling nights).
Fall 2020 Campus Activities Thursday After Dark provides a variety of late-night programming to engage Carolina students (e.g., escape rooms, trivia, bowling nights). 3 11 28 Russell House University Union N ; Campus Activities Programs,Recreation, leisure, entertainment,Connecting with others,Self-knowledge,
Student Leadership Programs


Student Leadership Programs - The mission of Student Leadership Programs must be to prepare students to engage in the process of leadership.

Student Government Executive Council
Council members are elected by the student body to work toward common goals and build consensus to drive change for Carolina students; council members interact with a variety of constituents including students, faculty, staff, university administrators and Board of Trustees members.
Fall 2020 Elected Student Leader Council members are elected by the student body to work toward common goals and build consensus to drive change for Carolina students; council members interact with a variety of constituents including students, faculty, staff, university administrators and Board of Trustees members. 3 11 28 Leadership & Service Center N GLD-Professional & Civic Engagement; Experiential Learning Opportunity; Student Leadership Programs,Leadership,,Problem solving,Influencing others
Student Employment


Student Employment - Student is employed part-time by the university and engages in career readiness development activities as part of supervision process.

Student Media Advertising Representative
Advertising representatives work with internal and external partners and clients to provide effective advertising solutions comprised of Student Media resources.
Fall 2020 Employment On Campus Advertising representatives work with internal and external partners and clients to provide effective advertising solutions comprised of Student Media resources. 3 11 28 Student Media N GLD-Professional & Civic Engagement; Experiential Learning Opportunity; Student Employment,Career readiness,,Problem solving,Influencing others
Student Media Programs


Student Media Programs - The mission is to prepare students for their responsibilities in planning and producing media products, offer leadership opportunities and support for students engaged in these activities.

Student Media Creative Services Designer
Creative Services team members apply visual communications skills to complete contracted work for Student Media's clients and partners. Designers apply visual communication techniques and best practices to complete projects including advertisements, promotional materials, and other graphics work.
Fall 2020 Employment On Campus Creative Services team members apply visual communications skills to complete contracted work for Student Media's clients and partners. Designers apply visual communication techniques and best practices to complete projects including advertisements, promotional materials, and other graphics work. 3 11 28 Student Media N GLD-Professional & Civic Engagement; Experiential Learning Opportunity; Student Media Programs,Apply specialized knowledge,,Specialized knowledge and skills,Integrative and applied learning
Student Leadership Programs


Student Leadership Programs - The mission of Student Leadership Programs must be to prepare students to engage in the process of leadership.

Student Media Executive Leader
Each student executive serves as head of one of the editorially independent and student-run media organizations, with final authority on decisions related to content and programming and with responsibility for ensuring high quality and responsible journalistic standards.
Fall 2020 Appointed Student Leader Each student executive serves as head of one of the editorially independent and student-run media organizations, with final authority on decisions related to content and programming and with responsibility for ensuring high quality and responsible journalistic standards. 3 11 28 Student Media N GLD-Professional & Civic Engagement; Experiential Learning Opportunity; Student Leadership Programs,Leadership,,Critical and creative thinking,Interpersonal skills
Student Leadership Programs


Student Leadership Programs - The mission of Student Leadership Programs must be to prepare students to engage in the process of leadership.

Student Media Senior Leader
Senior leaders manage sections and teams within each of Student Media’s partner organizations, often overseeing content production or administrative tasks. Senior leaders apply knowledge of journalistic and media best practices while serving in a peer leadership role within the media organization.
Fall 2020 Student Program Leader Senior leaders manage sections and teams within each of Student Media’s partner organizations, often overseeing content production or administrative tasks. Senior leaders apply knowledge of journalistic and media best practices while serving in a peer leadership role within the media organization. 3 11 28 Student Media N GLD-Professional & Civic Engagement; Student Leadership Programs,Apply specialized knowledge,Leadership,Specialized knowledge and skills,Critical and creative thinking
Campus Activities Programs


Campus Activities Programs - The purpose of Campus Activities Programs must be to enhance the overall educational experience of students through development of, exposure to, and participation in programs and activities that improve student cooperation and leadership while preparing students to be responsible advocates and citizens and complementing the institution's academic programs.

National Collegiate Athletic Association (NCAA) Athletic Event
Student attendance at National Collegiate Athletic Association (NCAA) athletic events provides opportunities for students to connect with other students and develop a sense of belonging through shared school spirit.
Fall 2020 Campus Activities Student attendance at National Collegiate Athletic Association (NCAA) athletic events provides opportunities for students to connect with other students and develop a sense of belonging through shared school spirit. 3 30 116 Student Tickets N ; Campus Activities Programs,Connecting with others,,Self-knowledge,
Student Leadership Programs


Student Leadership Programs - The mission of Student Leadership Programs must be to prepare students to engage in the process of leadership.

Leadership Coaching - Big 5 Personality Assessment
Student meets with a professional staff member or graduate student to discuss their Work/School Place Big 5 personality assessment results. Students are asked to reflect on how the results are consistent or inconsistent with their own experiences, and how the results and conversation will inform how they exercise leadership.
Fall 2020 Leadership Education Student meets with a professional staff member or graduate student to discuss their Work/School Place Big 5 personality assessment results. Students are asked to reflect on how the results are consistent or inconsistent with their own experiences, and how the results and conversation will inform how they exercise leadership. 3 11 28 Leadership & Service Center N ; Student Leadership Programs,Study / Practice self knowledge,,Self-knowledge,Critical and creative thinking
Student Leadership Programs


Student Leadership Programs - The mission of Student Leadership Programs must be to prepare students to engage in the process of leadership.

Leadership Coaching - Student organization
Students meets with a professional staff member or graduate student to discuss strategies for a more successful student organization.
Fall 2020 Leadership Education Students meets with a professional staff member or graduate student to discuss strategies for a more successful student organization. 3 11 28 Leadership & Service Center N ; Student Leadership Programs,Apply specialized knowledge,Leadership,Critical and creative thinking,Influencing others
Student Leadership Programs


Student Leadership Programs - The mission of Student Leadership Programs must be to prepare students to engage in the process of leadership.

Leadership Coaching - Involvement
Student meets with a professional staff member or graduate student to discuss their personal interests, explore student organizations or other involvement opportunities, identify a goal for becoming more involved on campus and outline a plan for accomplishing that goal.
Fall 2020 Leadership Education Student meets with a professional staff member or graduate student to discuss their personal interests, explore student organizations or other involvement opportunities, identify a goal for becoming more involved on campus and outline a plan for accomplishing that goal. 3 11 28 Leadership & Service Center N ; Student Leadership Programs,Study / Practice self knowledge,,Self-knowledge,Critical and creative thinking
Campus Activities Programs


Campus Activities Programs - The purpose of Campus Activities Programs must be to enhance the overall educational experience of students through development of, exposure to, and participation in programs and activities that improve student cooperation and leadership while preparing students to be responsible advocates and citizens and complementing the institution's academic programs.

Gamecock Entertainment
Student attended an event provided by Gamecock Entertainment staff programming (e.g., watch parties, sporting events, political elections/debates), paint nights, trivia, foam parties).
Fall 2020 Campus Activities Student attended an event provided by Gamecock Entertainment staff programming (e.g., watch parties, sporting events, political elections/debates), paint nights, trivia, foam parties). 3 11 28 Russell House University Union N ; Campus Activities Programs,Recreation, leisure, entertainment,Connecting with others,Self-knowledge,
Campus Activities Programs


Campus Activities Programs - The purpose of Campus Activities Programs must be to enhance the overall educational experience of students through development of, exposure to, and participation in programs and activities that improve student cooperation and leadership while preparing students to be responsible advocates and citizens and complementing the institution's academic programs.

Homecoming Event
Student participates in one of a variety of Homecoming activities designed to celebrate the traditions of the UofSC community; events are intended to develop a sense of belonging, pride, and school spirit as students engage with their peers, alumni, and friends of UofSC.
Fall 2020 Campus Activities Student participates in one of a variety of Homecoming activities designed to celebrate the traditions of the UofSC community; events are intended to develop a sense of belonging, pride, and school spirit as students engage with their peers, alumni, and friends of UofSC. 3 11 28 Russell House University Union N ; Campus Activities Programs,Recreation, leisure, entertainment,Connecting with others,Self-knowledge,
Capstone Experience


Capstone Experience - A course or project that engages students in a culminating and integrative experience, intended to connect the key learning objectives of an educational program.

Advanced Lodging Management - HRTM 560
Students work in groups to solve a problem identified by a partner hotel general manager, as if they are consultants to the hotel. At the end of the term, students must prepare a written report and conduct an interactive presentation with proposed recommendations for top managers at the hotel.
Spring 2021 Capstone Course or Project Students work in groups to solve a problem identified by a partner hotel general manager, as if they are consultants to the hotel. At the end of the term, students must prepare a written report and conduct an interactive presentation with proposed recommendations for top managers at the hotel. 3 17 76 Y GLD-Professional & Civic Engagement; Experiential Learning Opportunity; Capstone Experience,Apply specialized knowledge,,Inquiry and analysis,Integrative and applied learning
Student Leadership Programs


Student Leadership Programs - The mission of Student Leadership Programs must be to prepare students to engage in the process of leadership.

Dean's Advisory Council
Students represent the voices, concerns, and interests of the diverse undergraduate student body to the Dean of Students, providing input for university policies, programs, and communication. Council members serve as a vehicle for information sharing and support among student leaders on campus.
Fall 2020 Appointed Student Leader Students represent the voices, concerns, and interests of the diverse undergraduate student body to the Dean of Students, providing input for university policies, programs, and communication. Council members serve as a vehicle for information sharing and support among student leaders on campus. 3 11 88 N GLD-Professional & Civic Engagement; Student Leadership Programs,Community service / civic engagement,Career readiness,Critical and creative thinking,Communication - spoken



Recovery Ally Workshop
Students develop knowledge and skills to support UofSC students in recovery from substance use disorder and to promote a more recovery-friendly campus community.
Fall 2020 Students develop knowledge and skills to support UofSC students in recovery from substance use disorder and to promote a more recovery-friendly campus community. 3 11 117 Substance Abuse Prevention & Education N GLD-Community Service; GLD-Professional & Civic Engagement; ,Community service / civic engagement,,Personal and social responsibility - Taking seriously the perspectives of others,
Academic Advising Programs


Academic Advising Programs - The primary purpose of Academic Advising Programs is to assist students in the development of meaningful educational plans.

Academic Coaching Appointment
Students meet 1-1 with a coach to create an academic and engagement plan, set goals, and share resources; sessions are tailored to meet each student's needs and may include general advising, academic planning, strengths identification, planning campus involvement, and navigating campus resources.
Fall 2020 Educational Support Students meet 1-1 with a coach to create an academic and engagement plan, set goals, and share resources; sessions are tailored to meet each student's needs and may include general advising, academic planning, strengths identification, planning campus involvement, and navigating campus resources. 3 12 34 University Advising Center N ; Academic Advising Programs,Study / Practice intellectual skills,Study / Practice self knowledge,Foundations and skills for lifelong learning,Personal and social responsibility - Striving for excellence
Academic Advising Programs


Academic Advising Programs - The primary purpose of Academic Advising Programs is to assist students in the development of meaningful educational plans.

Exploratory Advising / Major Change
Students meet 1-on-1 with an Exploratory Advisor to explore majors/degree programs, learn how to change majors, evaluate how completed coursework will apply to a new major, plan class schedules, and get help with general advisement questions.
Fall 2020 Educational Support Students meet 1-on-1 with an Exploratory Advisor to explore majors/degree programs, learn how to change majors, evaluate how completed coursework will apply to a new major, plan class schedules, and get help with general advisement questions. 3 12 34 University Advising Center N ; Academic Advising Programs,Study / Practice intellectual skills,Study / Practice self knowledge,Self-knowledge,
Capstone Experience


Capstone Experience - A course or project that engages students in a culminating and integrative experience, intended to connect the key learning objectives of an educational program.

Executing Strategy New Venture - MGMT 474
Students engage in a team project during which they apply concepts and tools learned in class to an emerging venture, in order to experience entrepreneurship in action. Students produce a final paper, founder/sponsor deliverable (external project only to be negotiated with the founder/project sponsor) and class presentation.
Fall 2020 Capstone Course or Project Students engage in a team project during which they apply concepts and tools learned in class to an emerging venture, in order to experience entrepreneurship in action. Students produce a final paper, founder/sponsor deliverable (external project only to be negotiated with the founder/project sponsor) and class presentation. 3 15 64 Y Experiential Learning Opportunity; GLD-Professional & Civic Engagement; Capstone Experience,Apply specialized knowledge,,Specialized knowledge and skills,Teamwork
Capstone Experience


Capstone Experience - A course or project that engages students in a culminating and integrative experience, intended to connect the key learning objectives of an educational program.

Seminar in Geography - GEOG 495
Undergraduate geography majors engage in group-based research projects to integrate and apply knowledge and skills gained throughout the geography degree program. Students work with community partners on projects that address real-life problems and needs. Students gather, analyze, and present information that is of use to our community partners.
Fall 2020 Capstone Course or Project Undergraduate geography majors engage in group-based research projects to integrate and apply knowledge and skills gained throughout the geography degree program. Students work with community partners on projects that address real-life problems and needs. Students gather, analyze, and present information that is of use to our community partners. 3 14 44 Y Experiential Learning Opportunity; GLD-Community Service; Capstone Experience,Apply specialized knowledge,,Problem solving,Inquiry and analysis
Undergraduate Research Programs


Undergraduate Research Programs - The primary mission of Undergraduate Research Programs is to engage students in investigative and creative activity to experience firsthand the processes of scholarly exploration and discovery.

Seminar in Philosophy - PHIL 490
Review of central topics in philosophy serving as a capstone course for senior majors in philosophy. The course will introduce students to basic techniques for research and development of academic scholarship.
Fall 2020 Research Education Review of central topics in philosophy serving as a capstone course for senior majors in philosophy. The course will introduce students to basic techniques for research and development of academic scholarship. 3 14 48 Y Experiential Learning Opportunity; GLD-Research; Undergraduate Research Programs,Research,Apply specialized knowledge,Inquiry and analysis,Specialized knowledge and skills
Undergraduate Research Programs


Undergraduate Research Programs - The primary mission of Undergraduate Research Programs is to engage students in investigative and creative activity to experience firsthand the processes of scholarly exploration and discovery.

Earth Resource Management - GEOL 560
Students complete 2 team projects in which they complete and present research, obtain peer review and instructor review. Projects include the analysis and preparation of a business and environmental management plan for the exploration and operation of a mineral mine and the development of an irrigation and agricultural plan in an arid climate.
Fall 2020 Research Education Students complete 2 team projects in which they complete and present research, obtain peer review and instructor review. Projects include the analysis and preparation of a business and environmental management plan for the exploration and operation of a mineral mine and the development of an irrigation and agricultural plan in an arid climate. 3 14 42 Y GLD-Research; GLD-Professional & Civic Engagement; Experiential Learning Opportunity; Undergraduate Research Programs,Research,,Inquiry and analysis,Problem solving
Internship Programs


Internship Programs - The primary mission of Internship Programs is to engage students in planned, educationally-related work and learning experiences that integrate knowledge and theory with practical application and skill development in a professional setting.

Directed Teaching of Foreign Languages - FORL 448
Pre-service professional educators observe and apply effective teaching techniques and organize instructional settings for foreign language students in the elementary, middle or high school. Students spend 72 hours observing an experienced teacher in a K-12 foreign language classroom and 10 hours teaching the class.
Fall 2020 Internship Pre-service professional educators observe and apply effective teaching techniques and organize instructional settings for foreign language students in the elementary, middle or high school. Students spend 72 hours observing an experienced teacher in a K-12 foreign language classroom and 10 hours teaching the class. 3 14 46 Y GLD-Professional & Civic Engagement; GLD-Community Service; Experiential Learning Opportunity; Internship Programs,Apply specialized knowledge,,Specialized knowledge and skills,
Undergraduate Research Programs


Undergraduate Research Programs - The primary mission of Undergraduate Research Programs is to engage students in investigative and creative activity to experience firsthand the processes of scholarly exploration and discovery.

Undergraduate Research - Paid or Volunteer
Students work with a mentor to conduct a discipline specific research project that explores their field of interest through a hands-on project. Students do not earn academic credit. Mentors and students are encouraged to discuss and develop clear expectations prior to initiating research activities.
Fall 2020 Undergraduate Research Students work with a mentor to conduct a discipline specific research project that explores their field of interest through a hands-on project. Students do not earn academic credit. Mentors and students are encouraged to discuss and develop clear expectations prior to initiating research activities. 3 13 32 Undergraduate Research N Experiential Learning Opportunity; GLD-Research; Undergraduate Research Programs,Research,,Critical and creative thinking,Problem solving
Undergraduate Research Programs


Undergraduate Research Programs - The primary mission of Undergraduate Research Programs is to engage students in investigative and creative activity to experience firsthand the processes of scholarly exploration and discovery.

Undergraduate Research - Student Grant Award
Student works with a mentor to conduct a discipline specific research project funded by a university grant, awarded through a competitive application process that includes evaluation of the clarity of the student's project description, project's educational and intellectual merit, potential impact of the project, and mentoring plan.
Fall 2020 Undergraduate Research Student works with a mentor to conduct a discipline specific research project funded by a university grant, awarded through a competitive application process that includes evaluation of the clarity of the student's project description, project's educational and intellectual merit, potential impact of the project, and mentoring plan. 3 13 32 Undergraduate Research N Experiential Learning Opportunity; GLD-Research; Undergraduate Research Programs,Research,,Critical and creative thinking,Problem solving
Undergraduate Research Programs


Undergraduate Research Programs - The primary mission of Undergraduate Research Programs is to engage students in investigative and creative activity to experience firsthand the processes of scholarly exploration and discovery.

Undergraduate Research - Independent Study Credit
Students work with a mentor, for academic course credit (generally through independent study) to conduct a discipline specific research project that explores their field of interest through a hands-on project. Mentors and students develop and determine expectations, objectives, and the method of evaluation prior to course registration and approval.
Fall 2020 Undergraduate Research Students work with a mentor, for academic course credit (generally through independent study) to conduct a discipline specific research project that explores their field of interest through a hands-on project. Mentors and students develop and determine expectations, objectives, and the method of evaluation prior to course registration and approval. 3 13 32 Undergraduate Research N Experiential Learning Opportunity; GLD-Research; Undergraduate Research Programs,Research,,Critical and creative thinking,Problem solving
Undergraduate Research Programs


Undergraduate Research Programs - The primary mission of Undergraduate Research Programs is to engage students in investigative and creative activity to experience firsthand the processes of scholarly exploration and discovery.

Undergraduate Research - Student Grant Award/Independent Study
Student works with a faculty mentor (for academic credit) to conduct a research project funded by a university grant awarded through competitive application process including evaluation of clarity of student's project description, project's educational and intellectual merit, potential impact of project and mentoring plan.
Fall 2020 Undergraduate Research Student works with a faculty mentor (for academic credit) to conduct a research project funded by a university grant awarded through competitive application process including evaluation of clarity of student's project description, project's educational and intellectual merit, potential impact of project and mentoring plan. 3 13 32 Undergraduate Research N Experiential Learning Opportunity; GLD-Research; Undergraduate Research Programs,Research,,Critical and creative thinking,Problem solving
Student Employment


Student Employment - Student is employed part-time by the university and engages in career readiness development activities as part of supervision process.

Study Abroad Peer Advisor
Students who have studied abroad work in a pre-professional capacity with the Study Abroad Office staff to promote study abroad on campus and to support prospective, current and returned study abroad participants.
Fall 2020 Employment On Campus Students who have studied abroad work in a pre-professional capacity with the Study Abroad Office staff to promote study abroad on campus and to support prospective, current and returned study abroad participants. 3 12 31 Study Abroad N GLD-Professional & Civic Engagement; Experiential Learning Opportunity; Student Employment,Career readiness,Global learning,Interpersonal skills,Intercultural knowledge and competence
Student Leadership Programs


Student Leadership Programs - The mission of Student Leadership Programs must be to prepare students to engage in the process of leadership.

Magellan Ambassador
Magellan Ambassadors represent the Office of Undergraduate Research through campus presentations and events, providing opportunity for professional development while sharing their research experience with other students.
Fall 2020 Student Program Leader Magellan Ambassadors represent the Office of Undergraduate Research through campus presentations and events, providing opportunity for professional development while sharing their research experience with other students. 3 13 32 Undergraduate Research N GLD-Professional & Civic Engagement; Student Leadership Programs,Leadership,,Communication - spoken,Influencing others
Student Leadership Programs


Student Leadership Programs - The mission of Student Leadership Programs must be to prepare students to engage in the process of leadership.

Returning Resident Assistant
Returning Resident Mentors have completed the training course, live with a group of 25 to 60 residents, guide them through their Carolina experience, and are responsible for actively assisting individuals and groups of students in their residential learning community by performing all job duties and responsibilities of the position.
Fall 2020 Peer Educator Returning Resident Mentors have completed the training course, live with a group of 25 to 60 residents, guide them through their Carolina experience, and are responsible for actively assisting individuals and groups of students in their residential learning community by performing all job duties and responsibilities of the position. 3 11 29 University Housing N GLD-Professional & Civic Engagement; Experiential Learning Opportunity; Student Leadership Programs,Leadership,,Influencing others,Interpersonal skills
Recreational Sports Programs


Recreational Sports Programs - The mission of Recreational Sports Programs must be to enhance the mind, body, and spirit of students and other eligible individuals by providing programs, services, and facilities that are responsive to the physical, social, recreational, and lifelong educational needs of the campus community as they relate to health, fitness, and learning.

Campus Recreation Adventure Trip Leader
Trip leaders plan and execute day-long outdoor adventure trips; responsibilities include conducting pre-trip meetings with participants to set expectations, build relationships, communicate risks, and provide training for participants. During the trip, leaders serve as guides and wilderness medical first responders.
Fall 2020 Student Program Leader Trip leaders plan and execute day-long outdoor adventure trips; responsibilities include conducting pre-trip meetings with participants to set expectations, build relationships, communicate risks, and provide training for participants. During the trip, leaders serve as guides and wilderness medical first responders. 3 11 117 Campus Recreation N GLD-Professional & Civic Engagement; Recreational Sports Programs,Leadership,,Communication - spoken,Problem solving
Student Employment


Student Employment - Student is employed part-time by the university and engages in career readiness development activities as part of supervision process.

Campus Recreation Communications & Creative Marketing Team
Students utilize their knowledge and skills from coursework and other experiences to communicate with Campus Recreation audiences using distinctive forms of communication and creative marketing through graphic design, photography, and social media.
Fall 2020 Employment On Campus Students utilize their knowledge and skills from coursework and other experiences to communicate with Campus Recreation audiences using distinctive forms of communication and creative marketing through graphic design, photography, and social media. 3 11 117 Campus Recreation N GLD-Professional & Civic Engagement; Student Employment,Career readiness,Apply specialized knowledge,Communication - spoken,Communication - written
Student Employment


Student Employment - Student is employed part-time by the university and engages in career readiness development activities as part of supervision process.

Campus Recreation Operations Leader
Supervisors work to ensure the effective operations of the Strom Thurmond Wellness and Fitness Center through interaction with staff and patrons regarding risk management, conflict management, and customer service, and provide input into policy and procedural change in the Center.
Fall 2020 Employment On Campus Supervisors work to ensure the effective operations of the Strom Thurmond Wellness and Fitness Center through interaction with staff and patrons regarding risk management, conflict management, and customer service, and provide input into policy and procedural change in the Center. 3 11 117 Campus Recreation N GLD-Professional & Civic Engagement; Experiential Learning Opportunity; Student Employment,Leadership,Career readiness,Critical and creative thinking,Communication - spoken
Recreational Sports Programs


Recreational Sports Programs - The mission of Recreational Sports Programs must be to enhance the mind, body, and spirit of students and other eligible individuals by providing programs, services, and facilities that are responsive to the physical, social, recreational, and lifelong educational needs of the campus community as they relate to health, fitness, and learning.

Campus Recreation Group X
Students participate in a 45-60 minute group exercise class such as Yoga, Zumba, BodyPump, Barre, Cycle, and Bootcamp.
Fall 2020 Physical, Mental, Emotional Health Students participate in a 45-60 minute group exercise class such as Yoga, Zumba, BodyPump, Barre, Cycle, and Bootcamp. 3 11 117 Campus Recreation N ; Recreational Sports Programs,Study / Practice physical well being,Connecting with others,Self-knowledge,
Student Leadership Programs


Student Leadership Programs - The mission of Student Leadership Programs must be to prepare students to engage in the process of leadership.

Campus Recreation Head Lifeguard
Head lifeguards oversee the aquatics facility while on duty, supervise other lifeguards, complete written shift reports to communicate between shifts, resolve pool maintenance issues and manage staffing transitions between lifeguard staff shifts.
Fall 2020 Student Program Leader Head lifeguards oversee the aquatics facility while on duty, supervise other lifeguards, complete written shift reports to communicate between shifts, resolve pool maintenance issues and manage staffing transitions between lifeguard staff shifts. 3 11 117 Campus Recreation N GLD-Professional & Civic Engagement; Experiential Learning Opportunity; Student Leadership Programs,Leadership,,Influencing others,Foundations and skills for lifelong learning
Student Leadership Programs


Student Leadership Programs - The mission of Student Leadership Programs must be to prepare students to engage in the process of leadership.

Intramural Sports Leader
Student leaders maintain a supervisory role on the fields/courts and provide ongoing training and development for intramural sports officials. Student leaders are empowered to lobby for policy and procedural change within the intramural sports program based on their experiences in this role.
Fall 2020 Student Program Leader Student leaders maintain a supervisory role on the fields/courts and provide ongoing training and development for intramural sports officials. Student leaders are empowered to lobby for policy and procedural change within the intramural sports program based on their experiences in this role. 3 11 117 Campus Recreation N GLD-Professional & Civic Engagement; Experiential Learning Opportunity; Student Leadership Programs,Career readiness,,Influencing others,Foundations and skills for lifelong learning
Student Employment


Student Employment - Student is employed part-time by the university and engages in career readiness development activities as part of supervision process.

Intramural Sports Leader in Training
Students officiate intramural games while participating in training and professional development necessary to serve in a leadership role in the following term. Training includes risk management, diversity, conflict management, customer service, problem solving, supervision, and peer mentorship.
Fall 2020 Employment On Campus Students officiate intramural games while participating in training and professional development necessary to serve in a leadership role in the following term. Training includes risk management, diversity, conflict management, customer service, problem solving, supervision, and peer mentorship. 3 11 117 Campus Recreation N GLD-Professional & Civic Engagement; Experiential Learning Opportunity; Student Employment,Career readiness,,Professionalism / career readiness,Influencing others
Recreational Sports Programs


Recreational Sports Programs - The mission of Recreational Sports Programs must be to enhance the mind, body, and spirit of students and other eligible individuals by providing programs, services, and facilities that are responsive to the physical, social, recreational, and lifelong educational needs of the campus community as they relate to health, fitness, and learning.

Campus Recreation Intramural Sports
Students participate in an intramural sport, such as basketball, cornhole, volleyball, flag football, soccer, pickleball, and more.
Fall 2020 Campus Activities Students participate in an intramural sport, such as basketball, cornhole, volleyball, flag football, soccer, pickleball, and more. 3 11 117 Campus Recreation N ; Recreational Sports Programs,Recreation, leisure, entertainment,Connecting with others,Self-knowledge,
Student Leadership Programs


Student Leadership Programs - The mission of Student Leadership Programs must be to prepare students to engage in the process of leadership.

Intramural Sports Manager
Student managers supervise and provide direct oversight of assigned sport(s) including rules, policies, official's training, staff scheduling, staffing decisions, intramural supervisor staff development, and inventory - including first aid supplies, sports equipment, staff and participant uniforms.
Fall 2020 Peer Educator Student managers supervise and provide direct oversight of assigned sport(s) including rules, policies, official's training, staff scheduling, staffing decisions, intramural supervisor staff development, and inventory - including first aid supplies, sports equipment, staff and participant uniforms. 3 11 117 Campus Recreation N GLD-Professional & Civic Engagement; Experiential Learning Opportunity; Student Leadership Programs,Leadership,Career readiness,Influencing others,Teamwork
Student Employment


Student Employment - Student is employed part-time by the university and engages in career readiness development activities as part of supervision process.

Intramural Sports Office Attendant
Intramural office attendants support the intramural registration process, process team payments, assist in scheduling, and practice professionalism through customer service. They must become proficient with software programs IMLeagues, WhentoWork, and Excel.
Fall 2020 Employment On Campus Intramural office attendants support the intramural registration process, process team payments, assist in scheduling, and practice professionalism through customer service. They must become proficient with software programs IMLeagues, WhentoWork, and Excel. 3 11 117 Campus Recreation N GLD-Professional & Civic Engagement; Student Employment,Career readiness,,Communication - written,Communication - spoken
Student Employment


Student Employment - Student is employed part-time by the university and engages in career readiness development activities as part of supervision process.

Intramural Sports Official
Students officiate league games and must know and enforce all sport rules, policies, and procedures. Students receive training for and experience a variety of topics including risk management, conflict management, customer service, and problem solving.
Fall 2020 Employment On Campus Students officiate league games and must know and enforce all sport rules, policies, and procedures. Students receive training for and experience a variety of topics including risk management, conflict management, customer service, and problem solving. 3 11 117 Campus Recreation N GLD-Professional & Civic Engagement; Student Employment,Career readiness,,Influencing others,Communication - spoken
Recreational Sports Programs


Recreational Sports Programs - The mission of Recreational Sports Programs must be to enhance the mind, body, and spirit of students and other eligible individuals by providing programs, services, and facilities that are responsive to the physical, social, recreational, and lifelong educational needs of the campus community as they relate to health, fitness, and learning.

Campus Recreation Lifeguard
Students who are trained and certified as lifeguards apply their expertise to maintain a safe recreational environment for swimmers and other users of the aquatics facility.
Fall 2020 Student Program Leader Students who are trained and certified as lifeguards apply their expertise to maintain a safe recreational environment for swimmers and other users of the aquatics facility. 3 11 117 Campus Recreation N GLD-Professional & Civic Engagement; Recreational Sports Programs,Apply specialized knowledge,Career development,Integrative and applied learning,
Recreational Sports Programs


Recreational Sports Programs - The mission of Recreational Sports Programs must be to enhance the mind, body, and spirit of students and other eligible individuals by providing programs, services, and facilities that are responsive to the physical, social, recreational, and lifelong educational needs of the campus community as they relate to health, fitness, and learning.

Campus Recreation Adventure Trip Participant
Students participate with a group of peers in an adventure trip guided by a staff member; trip options include biking, camping, hiking, boating, and more. Adventures vary in length from a few hours to a few days.
Fall 2020 Campus Activities Students participate with a group of peers in an adventure trip guided by a staff member; trip options include biking, camping, hiking, boating, and more. Adventures vary in length from a few hours to a few days. 3 11 117 Campus Recreation N ; Recreational Sports Programs,Recreation, leisure, entertainment,Connecting with others,Self-knowledge,
Student Employment


Student Employment - Student is employed part-time by the university and engages in career readiness development activities as part of supervision process.

Outdoor Recreation Assistant
Assistants are the primary point of contact with participants in outdoor recreation programs, including the bike shop, climbing wall, paddle sports events, and challenge course. They facilitate student activities and monitor safety procedures in their specific area.
Fall 2020 Employment On Campus Assistants are the primary point of contact with participants in outdoor recreation programs, including the bike shop, climbing wall, paddle sports events, and challenge course. They facilitate student activities and monitor safety procedures in their specific area. 3 11 117 Campus Recreation N GLD-Professional & Civic Engagement; Student Employment,Career readiness,,Teamwork,Interpersonal skills
Student Leadership Programs


Student Leadership Programs - The mission of Student Leadership Programs must be to prepare students to engage in the process of leadership.

Outdoor Recreation Manager
Managers lead one of the outdoor recreation program areas, with responsibility to train student employees, enforce policy, schedule employees, maintain inventory, and communicate with patrons.
Fall 2020 Student Program Leader Managers lead one of the outdoor recreation program areas, with responsibility to train student employees, enforce policy, schedule employees, maintain inventory, and communicate with patrons. 3 11 117 Campus Recreation N GLD-Professional & Civic Engagement; Experiential Learning Opportunity; Student Leadership Programs,Leadership,Career readiness,Professionalism / career readiness,Influencing others
Recreational Sports Programs


Recreational Sports Programs - The mission of Recreational Sports Programs must be to enhance the mind, body, and spirit of students and other eligible individuals by providing programs, services, and facilities that are responsive to the physical, social, recreational, and lifelong educational needs of the campus community as they relate to health, fitness, and learning.

Outdoor Recreation Skills Clinic
Students listen to a presentation and interact with others for hands-on skill development and application, to improve their proficiency in an outdoor recreation activity.
Fall 2020 Campus Activities Students listen to a presentation and interact with others for hands-on skill development and application, to improve their proficiency in an outdoor recreation activity. 3 11 117 Campus Recreation N ; Recreational Sports Programs,Recreation, leisure, entertainment,Connecting with others,Self-knowledge,
Recreational Sports Programs


Recreational Sports Programs - The mission of Recreational Sports Programs must be to enhance the mind, body, and spirit of students and other eligible individuals by providing programs, services, and facilities that are responsive to the physical, social, recreational, and lifelong educational needs of the campus community as they relate to health, fitness, and learning.

Campus Recreation Personal Fitness Training
Students work with a personal trainer to identify their fitness goals and practice individually tailored exercises and routines; each session is 60 minutes in length.
Fall 2020 Physical, Mental, Emotional Health Students work with a personal trainer to identify their fitness goals and practice individually tailored exercises and routines; each session is 60 minutes in length. 3 11 117 Campus Recreation N ; Recreational Sports Programs,Study / Practice physical well being,Study / Practice self knowledge,Self-knowledge,
Recreational Sports Programs


Recreational Sports Programs - The mission of Recreational Sports Programs must be to enhance the mind, body, and spirit of students and other eligible individuals by providing programs, services, and facilities that are responsive to the physical, social, recreational, and lifelong educational needs of the campus community as they relate to health, fitness, and learning.

Campus Recreation Red Cross Certification Instructor
Students serve as instructors for Red Cross certification classes (e.g., First Aid, CPR/AED, Lifeguard), for students and other members of the university community.
Fall 2020 Student Program Leader Students serve as instructors for Red Cross certification classes (e.g., First Aid, CPR/AED, Lifeguard), for students and other members of the university community. 3 11 117 Campus Recreation N GLD-Professional & Civic Engagement; Recreational Sports Programs,Apply specialized knowledge,Career readiness,Interpersonal skills,Problem solving
Student Leadership Programs


Student Leadership Programs - The mission of Student Leadership Programs must be to prepare students to engage in the process of leadership.

Carolina Judicial Council
Council members serve on judicial panels that hold hearings concerning alleged violations of the Student Code of Conduct and the Honor Code. The Council makes decisions regarding code infractions and appropriate sanctions for students found responsible for such violations.
Fall 2020 Peer Educator Council members serve on judicial panels that hold hearings concerning alleged violations of the Student Code of Conduct and the Honor Code. The Council makes decisions regarding code infractions and appropriate sanctions for students found responsible for such violations. 3 11 88 Student Conduct & Academic Integrity N GLD-Professional & Civic Engagement; Experiential Learning Opportunity; Student Leadership Programs,Apply specialized knowledge,Career readiness,Critical and creative thinking,Inquiry and analysis
Capstone Experience


Capstone Experience - A course or project that engages students in a culminating and integrative experience, intended to connect the key learning objectives of an educational program.

Graduation with Leadership Distinction ePortfolio - 401
Student creates an ePortfolio as the culminating project of their undergraduate student collegiate experience. Through the ePortfolio, students demonstrate the major learning and skills they have developed during their time at the University of South Carolina. The ePortfolio is intended to help students identify their purpose or passion.
Fall 2020 Capstone Course or Project Student creates an ePortfolio as the culminating project of their undergraduate student collegiate experience. Through the ePortfolio, students demonstrate the major learning and skills they have developed during their time at the University of South Carolina. The ePortfolio is intended to help students identify their purpose or passion. 3 12 34 Center for Integrative and Experiential Learning N GLD-ePortfolio; Experiential Learning Opportunity; Capstone Experience,Study / Practice intellectual skills,,Integrative and applied learning,
Student Leadership Programs


Student Leadership Programs - The mission of Student Leadership Programs must be to prepare students to engage in the process of leadership.

University Ambassador
University Ambassadors lead campus tours for diverse audiences of prospective students and families, answer phone calls and respond to emails and other visitor communications, assist in the recruitment, coaching, and evaluation of new University Ambassadors and participate in weekly professional development & training.
Fall 2020 Peer Educator University Ambassadors lead campus tours for diverse audiences of prospective students and families, answer phone calls and respond to emails and other visitor communications, assist in the recruitment, coaching, and evaluation of new University Ambassadors and participate in weekly professional development & training. 3 34 118 Visitor Center N GLD-Professional & Civic Engagement; Experiential Learning Opportunity; Student Leadership Programs,Career readiness,Connecting with others,Critical and creative thinking,Communication - spoken
Health Promotion Services


Health Promotion Services - The mission and scope of practice of health promotion, sometimes referred to as wellness, must be reflective of the following fundamental assumptions about the role of health in higher education: reciprocal relationship between learning and health; direct connection between academic mission and higher education and well being of students

Body Project
Students complete two workshops that include a voluntary commitment to the program, a verbal activity that helps participants define the appearance ideal and a small group activity to discuss the cost of the appearance ideal. The workshop concludes with activities in which participants engage and apply concepts learned in the workshops.
Fall 2020 Physical, Mental, Emotional Health Students complete two workshops that include a voluntary commitment to the program, a verbal activity that helps participants define the appearance ideal and a small group activity to discuss the cost of the appearance ideal. The workshop concludes with activities in which participants engage and apply concepts learned in the workshops. 3 11 117 Healthy Campus Initiatives N ; Health Promotion Services,Study / Practice physical well being,Study / Practice self knowledge,Critical and creative thinking,
Civic Engagement & Service-Learning Programs


Civic Engagement & Service-Learning Programs - The primary mission of Service-Learning Programs is to engage students in experiences that address human and community needs together with structured opportunities for reflection intentionally designed to promote student learning and development.

Feeding Minds: Food Insecurity Awareness Training
Students listen to an expert presenter on food insecurity, then receive instruction and practice engaging in a dialogue in order to share resource information and identify pathways to minimize the challenges faced by those experiencing food insecurity.
Fall 2020 Civic Engagement Students listen to an expert presenter on food insecurity, then receive instruction and practice engaging in a dialogue in order to share resource information and identify pathways to minimize the challenges faced by those experiencing food insecurity. 3 11 117 Healthy Campus Initiatives N ; Civic Engagement & Service-Learning Programs,Community service / civic engagement,Apply specialized knowledge,Interpersonal skills,Communication - spoken
Health Promotion Services


Health Promotion Services - The mission and scope of practice of health promotion, sometimes referred to as wellness, must be reflective of the following fundamental assumptions about the role of health in higher education: reciprocal relationship between learning and health; direct connection between academic mission and higher education and well being of students

Gamecocks Eat Well Cooking Class
Students will receive hands-on cooking class instruction from a Registered Dietitian to acquire the necessary knowledge and skills to prepare their own snacks and meals.
Fall 2020 Physical, Mental, Emotional Health Students will receive hands-on cooking class instruction from a Registered Dietitian to acquire the necessary knowledge and skills to prepare their own snacks and meals. 3 11 117 Healthy Campus Initiatives N ; Health Promotion Services,Study / Practice physical well being,Apply specialized knowledge,Foundations and skills for lifelong learning,
Health Promotion Services


Health Promotion Services - The mission and scope of practice of health promotion, sometimes referred to as wellness, must be reflective of the following fundamental assumptions about the role of health in higher education: reciprocal relationship between learning and health; direct connection between academic mission and higher education and well being of students

Guide to Thrive: Strategies to Manage Stress
Students attend stress management presentation on five topics which will include the introduction of a technique, practicing the techniques in the class, and reflection on their learning. Students can attend a single session or up to all five sessions.
Fall 2020 Physical, Mental, Emotional Health Students attend stress management presentation on five topics which will include the introduction of a technique, practicing the techniques in the class, and reflection on their learning. Students can attend a single session or up to all five sessions. 3 11 117 Healthy Campus Initiatives N ; Health Promotion Services,Study / Practice self knowledge,Study / Practice social well being,Specialized knowledge and skills,
Health Promotion Services


Health Promotion Services - The mission and scope of practice of health promotion, sometimes referred to as wellness, must be reflective of the following fundamental assumptions about the role of health in higher education: reciprocal relationship between learning and health; direct connection between academic mission and higher education and well being of students

Healthy Eating Group
Students meet with a Registered Dietitian Nutritionist to learn how to choose balanced meals and snacks on and off campus. By the end of the group appointment, student will have increased basic nutrition knowledge, tips for eating well on a budget, and understand cues for eating.
Fall 2020 Physical, Mental, Emotional Health Students meet with a Registered Dietitian Nutritionist to learn how to choose balanced meals and snacks on and off campus. By the end of the group appointment, student will have increased basic nutrition knowledge, tips for eating well on a budget, and understand cues for eating. 3 11 117 Healthy Campus Initiatives N ; Health Promotion Services,Study / Practice physical well being,Apply specialized knowledge,Foundations and skills for lifelong learning,
Health Promotion Services


Health Promotion Services - The mission and scope of practice of health promotion, sometimes referred to as wellness, must be reflective of the following fundamental assumptions about the role of health in higher education: reciprocal relationship between learning and health; direct connection between academic mission and higher education and well being of students

How To Fail: Resilience Building Workshop
Students interact with expert presenters to identify at least 3 strategies to build resilience, including identifying healthy coping skills, identifying negative thinking patterns, and realistic goal-setting.
Fall 2020 Physical, Mental, Emotional Health Students interact with expert presenters to identify at least 3 strategies to build resilience, including identifying healthy coping skills, identifying negative thinking patterns, and realistic goal-setting. 3 11 117 Healthy Campus Initiatives N ; Health Promotion Services,Study / Practice self knowledge,Study / Practice social well being,Foundations and skills for lifelong learning,
Health Promotion Services


Health Promotion Services - The mission and scope of practice of health promotion, sometimes referred to as wellness, must be reflective of the following fundamental assumptions about the role of health in higher education: reciprocal relationship between learning and health; direct connection between academic mission and higher education and well being of students

Suicide Prevention Gatekeeper Training
Students receive training on how to recognize signs of suicide, communicate and assist someone in crisis, identify campus resources to assist someone in various stages of distress, and practice these skills in a workshop setting.
Fall 2020 Physical, Mental, Emotional Health Students receive training on how to recognize signs of suicide, communicate and assist someone in crisis, identify campus resources to assist someone in various stages of distress, and practice these skills in a workshop setting. 3 11 117 Healthy Campus Initiatives N ; Health Promotion Services,Study / Practice social well being,Connecting with others,Interpersonal skills,
Health Promotion Services


Health Promotion Services - The mission and scope of practice of health promotion, sometimes referred to as wellness, must be reflective of the following fundamental assumptions about the role of health in higher education: reciprocal relationship between learning and health; direct connection between academic mission and higher education and well being of students

Trauma 101
In support of creating a more trauma informed and responsive campus, students engage in expert presentations in a workshop series that provides a more comprehensive way to think about trauma as the process of becoming flooded with overwhelming stress from a variety of causes.
Fall 2020 Physical, Mental, Emotional Health In support of creating a more trauma informed and responsive campus, students engage in expert presentations in a workshop series that provides a more comprehensive way to think about trauma as the process of becoming flooded with overwhelming stress from a variety of causes. 3 11 117 Healthy Campus Initiatives N ; Health Promotion Services,Study / Practice social well being,Apply specialized knowledge,Foundations and skills for lifelong learning,
Student Leadership Programs


Student Leadership Programs - The mission of Student Leadership Programs must be to prepare students to engage in the process of leadership.

Peer Consultant
Student consultants meet with peers to provide study skills support, discuss academic success strategies, and co-create a personalized plan for academic success.
Fall 2020 Peer Educator Student consultants meet with peers to provide study skills support, discuss academic success strategies, and co-create a personalized plan for academic success. 3 11 30 Student Success Center N GLD-Professional & Civic Engagement; Experiential Learning Opportunity; Student Leadership Programs,Leadership,Career readiness,Influencing others,Problem solving
Student Leadership Programs


Student Leadership Programs - The mission of Student Leadership Programs must be to prepare students to engage in the process of leadership.

Sustainable Carolina Peer Leader
Student interact with their peers on campus as they work to implement programs outlined in the campus sustainability plan aimed at improving sustainability practices on campus. Students also host community programs and camps for school age children and families, teaching sustainability practices and the importance of a healthy lifestyle.
Fall 2020 Peer Educator Student interact with their peers on campus as they work to implement programs outlined in the campus sustainability plan aimed at improving sustainability practices on campus. Students also host community programs and camps for school age children and families, teaching sustainability practices and the importance of a healthy lifestyle. 3 11 29 Sustainability N GLD-Professional & Civic Engagement; GLD-Community Service; Experiential Learning Opportunity; Student Leadership Programs,Leadership,,Influencing others,Personal and social responsibility - Contributing to a larger community
Student Leadership Programs


Student Leadership Programs - The mission of Student Leadership Programs must be to prepare students to engage in the process of leadership.

Sustainable Carolina Project Coordinator
Each project coordinator leads a team of students to implement a designated project in support of a goal outlined in the campus sustainability plan. The role requires collaboration with other teams, campus stakeholders, and community partners, and requires them to delegate work, solve problems, and make decisions.
Fall 2020 Peer Educator Each project coordinator leads a team of students to implement a designated project in support of a goal outlined in the campus sustainability plan. The role requires collaboration with other teams, campus stakeholders, and community partners, and requires them to delegate work, solve problems, and make decisions. 3 11 29 Sustainability N GLD-Professional & Civic Engagement; Experiential Learning Opportunity; Student Leadership Programs,Leadership,Apply specialized knowledge,Problem solving,Professionalism / career readiness
Student Leadership Programs


Student Leadership Programs - The mission of Student Leadership Programs must be to prepare students to engage in the process of leadership.

Student Government Freshman Council
Council members are selected to represent the freshman class in student government at Carolina. Students meet weekly to learn about SG initiatives, discuss campus issues, and represent the freshman perspective. Each student meets monthly with a SG mentor to explore and develop leadership interests, skills and abilities.
Fall 2020 Appointed Student Leader Council members are selected to represent the freshman class in student government at Carolina. Students meet weekly to learn about SG initiatives, discuss campus issues, and represent the freshman perspective. Each student meets monthly with a SG mentor to explore and develop leadership interests, skills and abilities. 3 11 28 Leadership & Service Center N GLD-Professional & Civic Engagement; Student Leadership Programs,Study / Practice self knowledge,Connecting with others,Self-knowledge,
Undergraduate Research Programs


Undergraduate Research Programs - The primary mission of Undergraduate Research Programs is to engage students in investigative and creative activity to experience firsthand the processes of scholarly exploration and discovery.

Sustainability Showcase
Students listen to a keynote speaker on a sustainability topic and present their sustainability-related research topics and findings in a traditional research fair setting.
Fall 2020 Articulating Learning Students listen to a keynote speaker on a sustainability topic and present their sustainability-related research topics and findings in a traditional research fair setting. 3 11 29 Sustainability N ; Undergraduate Research Programs,Apply specialized knowledge,Connecting with others,Communication - spoken,Critical and creative thinking
Campus Activities Programs


Campus Activities Programs - The purpose of Campus Activities Programs must be to enhance the overall educational experience of students through development of, exposure to, and participation in programs and activities that improve student cooperation and leadership while preparing students to be responsible advocates and citizens and complementing the institution's academic programs.

Green Networking Breakfast
Students listen to a keynote speaker on a sustainability topic, and interact with other students, faculty, staff, and community members who share an interest in and passion for sustainability.
Fall 2020 Sustainability Education Students listen to a keynote speaker on a sustainability topic, and interact with other students, faculty, staff, and community members who share an interest in and passion for sustainability. 3 11 29 Sustainability N ; Campus Activities Programs,Connecting with others,Career development,Communication - spoken,
Internship Programs


Internship Programs - The primary mission of Internship Programs is to engage students in planned, educationally-related work and learning experiences that integrate knowledge and theory with practical application and skill development in a professional setting.

Carolina Internship Program - Full-time
Students engage in a paid, work-based learning experience that includes staff facilitated feedback and reflection on their experience. The goal is to enhance students' understanding of their professional knowledge, skills and abilities to aid in their full-time job searches and lifelong career management.
Summer 2020 Internship Students engage in a paid, work-based learning experience that includes staff facilitated feedback and reflection on their experience. The goal is to enhance students' understanding of their professional knowledge, skills and abilities to aid in their full-time job searches and lifelong career management. 3 11 30 Career Center N GLD-Professional & Civic Engagement; Experiential Learning Opportunity; Internship Programs,Career readiness,Apply specialized knowledge,Professionalism / career readiness,Specialized knowledge and skills
Internship Programs


Internship Programs - The primary mission of Internship Programs is to engage students in planned, educationally-related work and learning experiences that integrate knowledge and theory with practical application and skill development in a professional setting.

Carolina Internship Program - Full-time
Students engage in a paid, work-based learning experience that includes staff facilitated feedback and reflection on their experience. The goal is to enhance students' understanding of their professional knowledge, skills and abilities to aid in their full-time job searches and lifelong career management.
Fall 2020 Internship Students engage in a paid, work-based learning experience that includes staff facilitated feedback and reflection on their experience. The goal is to enhance students' understanding of their professional knowledge, skills and abilities to aid in their full-time job searches and lifelong career management. 3 11 30 Career Center N GLD-Professional & Civic Engagement; Experiential Learning Opportunity; Internship Programs,Career readiness,Apply specialized knowledge,Professionalism / career readiness,Specialized knowledge and skills
Internship Programs


Internship Programs - The primary mission of Internship Programs is to engage students in planned, educationally-related work and learning experiences that integrate knowledge and theory with practical application and skill development in a professional setting.

Carolina Internship Program - Part-time
Students engage in a paid, work-based learning experience that is usually the length or equivalent of a fall or spring semester or summer, working approximately 240 hours at 20 hours/week. Student may be eligible to receive academic credit through their academic department or pursue a Zero Credit Transcript notation through the Career Center.
Fall 2020 Cooperative Education Students engage in a paid, work-based learning experience that is usually the length or equivalent of a fall or spring semester or summer, working approximately 240 hours at 20 hours/week. Student may be eligible to receive academic credit through their academic department or pursue a Zero Credit Transcript notation through the Career Center. 3 11 30 Career Center N GLD-Professional & Civic Engagement; Experiential Learning Opportunity; Internship Programs,Career development,Apply specialized knowledge,Professionalism / career readiness,Integrative and applied learning
Internship Programs


Internship Programs - The primary mission of Internship Programs is to engage students in planned, educationally-related work and learning experiences that integrate knowledge and theory with practical application and skill development in a professional setting.

Cooperative Education (Co-op) - Alternating
Students participate in 2-3 semesters of supervised, paid work-based learning with the same employer. The Alternating format allows the student to alternate between a semester of full-time school (480 hours at 40 hours/week).
Fall 2020 Cooperative Education Students participate in 2-3 semesters of supervised, paid work-based learning with the same employer. The Alternating format allows the student to alternate between a semester of full-time school (480 hours at 40 hours/week). 3 11 30 Career Center N GLD-Professional & Civic Engagement; Experiential Learning Opportunity; Internship Programs,Apply specialized knowledge,Career readiness,Specialized knowledge and skills,Professionalism / career readiness
Internship Programs


Internship Programs - The primary mission of Internship Programs is to engage students in planned, educationally-related work and learning experiences that integrate knowledge and theory with practical application and skill development in a professional setting.

Cooperative Education (Co-op) - Parallel
Students participate in 2-3 semesters of supervised, paid work-based learning with the same employer. The Parallel format allows the student to work part-time for 240 hours (20 hours/week) for 3 consecutive semesters while attending school.
Fall 2020 Cooperative Education Students participate in 2-3 semesters of supervised, paid work-based learning with the same employer. The Parallel format allows the student to work part-time for 240 hours (20 hours/week) for 3 consecutive semesters while attending school. 3 11 30 Career Center N Experiential Learning Opportunity; GLD-Professional & Civic Engagement; Internship Programs,Apply specialized knowledge,Career readiness,Specialized knowledge and skills,Professionalism / career readiness
Career Services


Career Services - The primary mission of Career Services is to assist students and other designated clients in developing, evaluating, and implementing career, education, and employment plans.

Pathways to Professions (Externship)
Students attend half or full day visit to an employer site for an overview of the organization and their employment opportunities. Common components include presentations by organizational leadership and human resources staff, practitioner panels (most often with alumni representation), shadowing opportunities and facility tours.
Fall 2020 Career Development Students attend half or full day visit to an employer site for an overview of the organization and their employment opportunities. Common components include presentations by organizational leadership and human resources staff, practitioner panels (most often with alumni representation), shadowing opportunities and facility tours. 3 11 30 Career Center N ; Career Services,Career development,,Self-knowledge,
Internship Programs


Internship Programs - The primary mission of Internship Programs is to engage students in planned, educationally-related work and learning experiences that integrate knowledge and theory with practical application and skill development in a professional setting.

Hospitality & Tourism Practicum - HRTM 290
Full time work experience of a minimum of 400 work hours in the Hospitality or Tourism industry; position can be any entry level or higher position. Includes online course work.
Summer 2019 Practicum Full time work experience of a minimum of 400 work hours in the Hospitality or Tourism industry; position can be any entry level or higher position. Includes online course work. 3 17 76 Y Experiential Learning Opportunity; GLD-Professional & Civic Engagement; Internship Programs,Apply specialized knowledge,Career readiness,Self-knowledge,Specialized knowledge and skills
Internship Programs


Internship Programs - The primary mission of Internship Programs is to engage students in planned, educationally-related work and learning experiences that integrate knowledge and theory with practical application and skill development in a professional setting.

Hospitality & Tourism Internship - HRTM 495
Full time work experience of a minimum of 400 work hours in the Hospitality or Tourism industry; position must be Managerial or Supervisory in nature, Rotational within a minimum of three different areas of the business or a Structured Internship Program. Includes online course work.
Summer 2019 Internship Full time work experience of a minimum of 400 work hours in the Hospitality or Tourism industry; position must be Managerial or Supervisory in nature, Rotational within a minimum of three different areas of the business or a Structured Internship Program. Includes online course work. 3 17 76 Y Experiential Learning Opportunity; GLD-Professional & Civic Engagement; Internship Programs,Apply specialized knowledge,Leadership,Specialized knowledge and skills,Self-knowledge
Internship Programs


Internship Programs - The primary mission of Internship Programs is to engage students in planned, educationally-related work and learning experiences that integrate knowledge and theory with practical application and skill development in a professional setting.

Internship in Mass Communications - JOUR 597
Students work at least 140 hours during the semester under the direction of the intern coordinator and a professional supervisor in an internship they obtain, attend required meetings during the term with other interns and the intern coordinator, and turn in assignments as scheduled in the course syllabus.
Summer 2019 Internship Students work at least 140 hours during the semester under the direction of the intern coordinator and a professional supervisor in an internship they obtain, attend required meetings during the term with other interns and the intern coordinator, and turn in assignments as scheduled in the course syllabus. 3 18 81 Y Experiential Learning Opportunity; GLD-Professional & Civic Engagement; Internship Programs,Apply specialized knowledge,Career development,Specialized knowledge and skills,Professionalism / career readiness
Internship Programs


Internship Programs - The primary mission of Internship Programs is to engage students in planned, educationally-related work and learning experiences that integrate knowledge and theory with practical application and skill development in a professional setting.

Internship in Sport & Entertainment Management - SPTE 495
Students engage in a supervised work experience in a sport or entertainment area. Internship is a minimum of 520 work hours over 13 weeks and is selected by the student with the assistance and approval of the Internship Instructor.
Summer 2019 Internship Students engage in a supervised work experience in a sport or entertainment area. Internship is a minimum of 520 work hours over 13 weeks and is selected by the student with the assistance and approval of the Internship Instructor. 3 17 79 Y Experiential Learning Opportunity; GLD-Professional & Civic Engagement; Internship Programs,Apply specialized knowledge,Career development,Specialized knowledge and skills,Self-knowledge
Internship Programs


Internship Programs - The primary mission of Internship Programs is to engage students in planned, educationally-related work and learning experiences that integrate knowledge and theory with practical application and skill development in a professional setting.

Retailing Internship - RETL 495
Students engage in supervised work experience within the retail industry that links classroom learning and student interest with the acquisition of knowledge in an applied work setting.
Summer 2019 Internship Students engage in supervised work experience within the retail industry that links classroom learning and student interest with the acquisition of knowledge in an applied work setting. 3 17 77 Y Experiential Learning Opportunity; GLD-Professional & Civic Engagement; Internship Programs,Apply specialized knowledge,,Specialized knowledge and skills,
Internship Programs


Internship Programs - The primary mission of Internship Programs is to engage students in planned, educationally-related work and learning experiences that integrate knowledge and theory with practical application and skill development in a professional setting.

Practicum in Sport & Entertainment Management - SPTE 295
Students engage in a supervised work experience in a sport or entertainment area. Practicum is a minimum of 520 work hours over 13 weeks and is selected by the student with the assistance and approval of the Practicum Instructor. It is meant to be the student's introduction to the specific field in which they wish to pursue a career.
Summer 2019 Practicum Students engage in a supervised work experience in a sport or entertainment area. Practicum is a minimum of 520 work hours over 13 weeks and is selected by the student with the assistance and approval of the Practicum Instructor. It is meant to be the student's introduction to the specific field in which they wish to pursue a career. 3 17 79 Y Experiential Learning Opportunity; GLD-Professional & Civic Engagement; Internship Programs,Apply specialized knowledge,Career development,Specialized knowledge and skills,
Internship Programs


Internship Programs - The primary mission of Internship Programs is to engage students in planned, educationally-related work and learning experiences that integrate knowledge and theory with practical application and skill development in a professional setting.

Internship - CRJU 494
Students intern for 160 hours during the semester at an appropriate agency or institution.
Summer 2019 Internship Students intern for 160 hours during the semester at an appropriate agency or institution. 3 14 41 Y Experiential Learning Opportunity; GLD-Professional & Civic Engagement; Internship Programs,Apply specialized knowledge,Career readiness,Specialized knowledge and skills,
Civic Engagement & Service-Learning Programs


Civic Engagement & Service-Learning Programs - The primary mission of Service-Learning Programs is to engage students in experiences that address human and community needs together with structured opportunities for reflection intentionally designed to promote student learning and development.

Addiction Recovery-Informed Seminar (ARISE)
Students listen to a peer tell their story story of overcoming substance use disorder and can ask questions about addiction and recovery from someone who has lived the experience. The purpose of the session is to develop empathy and compassion, in order to create a more inclusive community for students in recovery.
Fall 2020 Civic Engagement Students listen to a peer tell their story story of overcoming substance use disorder and can ask questions about addiction and recovery from someone who has lived the experience. The purpose of the session is to develop empathy and compassion, in order to create a more inclusive community for students in recovery. 3 11 117 Substance Abuse Prevention & Education N ; Civic Engagement & Service-Learning Programs,Community service / civic engagement,,Personal and social responsibility - Taking seriously the perspectives of others,
Fraternity and Sorority Advising Programs


Fraternity and Sorority Advising Programs - The mission of Fraternity and Sorority Advising Programs is to promote the learning and development of students who affiliate with fraternities and sororities.

Fraternity and Sorority Life Recruitment / Intake Orientation
Participants attend this session to learn about the recruitment and membership experience in fraternity and sorority organizations, including time commitment, academic and financial requirements, and philanthropic and service opportunities of each chapter. Information is provided by professional staff, graduate assistants, and current members.
Fall 2020 Campus Activities Participants attend this session to learn about the recruitment and membership experience in fraternity and sorority organizations, including time commitment, academic and financial requirements, and philanthropic and service opportunities of each chapter. Information is provided by professional staff, graduate assistants, and current members. 3 11 28 Fraternity & Sorority Life N ; Fraternity and Sorority Advising Programs,Connecting with others,,Self-knowledge,
Student Leadership Programs


Student Leadership Programs - The mission of Student Leadership Programs must be to prepare students to engage in the process of leadership.

Dance Marathon Board of Directors
Students lead and work collaboratively for USC Dance Marathon (USCDM) supporting director and staff meetings, fundraising initiatives, participant recruitment and retention efforts, and numerous reflection activities leading up to their Main Event in the spring. Leaders in this role report to the USCDM Executive Board leadership.
Fall 2020 Student Program Leader Students lead and work collaboratively for USC Dance Marathon (USCDM) supporting director and staff meetings, fundraising initiatives, participant recruitment and retention efforts, and numerous reflection activities leading up to their Main Event in the spring. Leaders in this role report to the USCDM Executive Board leadership. 3 11 28 Russell House University Union N GLD-Professional & Civic Engagement; Student Leadership Programs,Leadership,Career readiness,Problem solving,Influencing others
Student Leadership Programs


Student Leadership Programs - The mission of Student Leadership Programs must be to prepare students to engage in the process of leadership.

Changing Carolina Peer Leader
Student health educators deliver presentations, plan and implement educational programs and events, and research national and campus trends and issues around health and well-being, to help their peers explore the fundamentals of a healthy lifestyle.
Fall 2020 Peer Educator Student health educators deliver presentations, plan and implement educational programs and events, and research national and campus trends and issues around health and well-being, to help their peers explore the fundamentals of a healthy lifestyle. 3 11 117 Healthy Campus Initiatives N GLD-Professional & Civic Engagement; Experiential Learning Opportunity; Student Leadership Programs,Leadership,Apply specialized knowledge,Communication - spoken,Influencing others
Career Services


Career Services - The primary mission of Career Services is to assist students and other designated clients in developing, evaluating, and implementing career, education, and employment plans.

Career Coaching - Parallel Career Path
Students interact with professional career coach to explore options regarding choice of major and career fields, in recognition of competitive admissions practices and other factors that may affect plans.
Fall 2020 Career Development Students interact with professional career coach to explore options regarding choice of major and career fields, in recognition of competitive admissions practices and other factors that may affect plans. 3 11 30 Career Center N ; Career Services,Career development,Study / Practice self knowledge,Problem solving,Self-knowledge
Career Services


Career Services - The primary mission of Career Services is to assist students and other designated clients in developing, evaluating, and implementing career, education, and employment plans.

Career Coaching - Parallel Career Path
Students interact with professional career coach to explore options regarding choice of major and career fields, in recognition of competitive admissions practices and other factors that may affect plans.
Spring 2020 Career Development Students interact with professional career coach to explore options regarding choice of major and career fields, in recognition of competitive admissions practices and other factors that may affect plans. 3 11 30 Career Center N ; Career Services,Career development,Study / Practice self knowledge,Problem solving,Self-knowledge
Career Services


Career Services - The primary mission of Career Services is to assist students and other designated clients in developing, evaluating, and implementing career, education, and employment plans.

Career Coaching - Resume / Cover Letter Review
Students interact 1-1 with a staff member to identify resources and plan for obtaining employment.
Fall 2020 Career Development Students interact 1-1 with a staff member to identify resources and plan for obtaining employment. 3 11 30 Career Center N ; Career Services,Career development,,Problem solving,
Career Services


Career Services - The primary mission of Career Services is to assist students and other designated clients in developing, evaluating, and implementing career, education, and employment plans.

Career Coaching - Mock Interview
Students participate in a mock interview, and receive feedback from a professional staff member to improve their future performance.
Fall 2020 Career Development Students participate in a mock interview, and receive feedback from a professional staff member to improve their future performance. 3 11 30 Career Center N ; Career Services,Career development,,Self-knowledge,Communication - spoken
Student Leadership Programs


Student Leadership Programs - The mission of Student Leadership Programs must be to prepare students to engage in the process of leadership.

Center for Integrative and Experiential Learning Student Advisory Council
Students participate in discussion-based monthly meetings to provide the Center for Integrative and Experiential Learning staff with feedback and to share opinions about initiatives and programming.
Fall 2020 Student Program Leader Students participate in discussion-based monthly meetings to provide the Center for Integrative and Experiential Learning staff with feedback and to share opinions about initiatives and programming. 3 12 34 Center for Integrative and Experiential Learning N GLD-Professional & Civic Engagement; Student Leadership Programs,Leadership,,Communication - spoken,
International Student Programs and Services


International Student Programs and Services - The mission of International Student Programs and Services is to provide support and assistance necessary for international students to achieve their educational goals and to ensure institutional compliance with governmental immigration regulations.

Education Abroad Fair
Students interact with faculty, staff, and study abroad providers to learn more about opportunities for study abroad and resources for study abroad funding.
Fall 2020 Campus Activities Students interact with faculty, staff, and study abroad providers to learn more about opportunities for study abroad and resources for study abroad funding. 3 12 31 Study Abroad N ; International Student Programs and Services,Study / Practice self knowledge,,Self-knowledge,
Recreational Sports Programs


Recreational Sports Programs - The mission of Recreational Sports Programs must be to enhance the mind, body, and spirit of students and other eligible individuals by providing programs, services, and facilities that are responsive to the physical, social, recreational, and lifelong educational needs of the campus community as they relate to health, fitness, and learning.

Campus Recreation Climbing Wall
Students participate in top rope climbing or bouldering, with routes for both beginners and advanced climbers, at the climbing wall in the Wellness & Fitness Center.
Fall 2020 Physical, Mental, Emotional Health Students participate in top rope climbing or bouldering, with routes for both beginners and advanced climbers, at the climbing wall in the Wellness & Fitness Center. 3 11 117 Campus Recreation N ; Recreational Sports Programs,Recreation, leisure, entertainment,Connecting with others,Foundations and skills for lifelong learning,
Student Leadership Programs


Student Leadership Programs - The mission of Student Leadership Programs must be to prepare students to engage in the process of leadership.

Career Studio Peer Educator
Career Studio Peer Educators advise students on career-related questions during appointments, manage front-desk operations, create and deliver presentations, initiate outreach activities, participate in marketing projects, and collaborate with professional staff members on career development initiatives.
Fall 2020 Peer Educator Career Studio Peer Educators advise students on career-related questions during appointments, manage front-desk operations, create and deliver presentations, initiate outreach activities, participate in marketing projects, and collaborate with professional staff members on career development initiatives. 3 11 30 Career Center N Experiential Learning Opportunity; GLD-Professional & Civic Engagement; Student Leadership Programs,Leadership,Career readiness,Interpersonal skills,Communication - spoken
Campus Activities Programs


Campus Activities Programs - The purpose of Campus Activities Programs must be to enhance the overall educational experience of students through development of, exposure to, and participation in programs and activities that improve student cooperation and leadership while preparing students to be responsible advocates and citizens and complementing the institution's academic programs.

Student Organization Tour
Students interact with student organization members to learn about the purpose and activities of UofSC student organizations, and to consider opportunities to build a social network with students who share similar interests.
Fall 2020 Campus Activities Students interact with student organization members to learn about the purpose and activities of UofSC student organizations, and to consider opportunities to build a social network with students who share similar interests. 3 11 28 Leadership & Service Center N ; Campus Activities Programs,Connecting with others,,Self-knowledge,
Student Leadership Programs


Student Leadership Programs - The mission of Student Leadership Programs must be to prepare students to engage in the process of leadership.

Student Government Senate Committee Chair
Student is appointed by the Student Government Executive Council to explore issues, gain understanding of related policies and procedures, and work with others across campus to make informed decisions that support the campaign agenda and address issues of concern to Carolina students.
Fall 2020 Appointed Student Leader Student is appointed by the Student Government Executive Council to explore issues, gain understanding of related policies and procedures, and work with others across campus to make informed decisions that support the campaign agenda and address issues of concern to Carolina students. 3 11 28 Leadership & Service Center N GLD-Professional & Civic Engagement; Student Leadership Programs,Apply specialized knowledge,Leadership,Inquiry and analysis,Interpersonal skills
Career Services


Career Services - The primary mission of Career Services is to assist students and other designated clients in developing, evaluating, and implementing career, education, and employment plans.

Hospitality, Retail and Sport Management Experience Expo
Students interact with prospective employers to learn about opportunities and obtain interviews for internships and full-time jobs. Students interact with study abroad providers to learn about international experiences available to USC and College of HRSM students.
Fall 2020 Career Development Students interact with prospective employers to learn about opportunities and obtain interviews for internships and full-time jobs. Students interact with study abroad providers to learn about international experiences available to USC and College of HRSM students. 3 17 103 N ; Career Services,Career development,Career readiness,Self-knowledge,Influencing others
Student Employment


Student Employment - Student is employed part-time by the university and engages in career readiness development activities as part of supervision process.

Russell House University Union Event and Information Assistant
The Russell House University Union is the key venue for student events and programming and depends on a well-trained group of students to deliver essential programs & services. Students in this engagement develop as leaders and problem solvers while also learning essential skills in professionalism, event planning, and customer service
Fall 2020 Employment On Campus The Russell House University Union is the key venue for student events and programming and depends on a well-trained group of students to deliver essential programs & services. Students in this engagement develop as leaders and problem solvers while also learning essential skills in professionalism, event planning, and customer service 3 11 28 Russell House University Union N GLD-Professional & Civic Engagement; Student Employment,Career readiness,,Professionalism / career readiness,
Undergraduate Research Programs


Undergraduate Research Programs - The primary mission of Undergraduate Research Programs is to engage students in investigative and creative activity to experience firsthand the processes of scholarly exploration and discovery.

Undergraduate Research - Paid or Volunteer
Students work with a mentor to conduct a discipline specific research project that explores their field of interest through a hands-on project. Students do not earn academic credit. Mentors and students are encouraged to discuss and develop clear expectations prior to initiating research activities.
Spring 2021 Undergraduate Research Students work with a mentor to conduct a discipline specific research project that explores their field of interest through a hands-on project. Students do not earn academic credit. Mentors and students are encouraged to discuss and develop clear expectations prior to initiating research activities. 3 13 32 Undergraduate Research N GLD-Research; Experiential Learning Opportunity; Undergraduate Research Programs,Research,,Critical and creative thinking,Problem solving
Undergraduate Research Programs


Undergraduate Research Programs - The primary mission of Undergraduate Research Programs is to engage students in investigative and creative activity to experience firsthand the processes of scholarly exploration and discovery.

Undergraduate Research - Student Grant Award
Student works with a mentor to conduct a discipline specific research project funded by a university grant, awarded through a competitive application process that includes evaluation of the clarity of the student's project description, project's educational and intellectual merit, potential impact of the project, and mentoring plan.
Spring 2021 Undergraduate Research Student works with a mentor to conduct a discipline specific research project funded by a university grant, awarded through a competitive application process that includes evaluation of the clarity of the student's project description, project's educational and intellectual merit, potential impact of the project, and mentoring plan. 3 13 32 Undergraduate Research N GLD-Research; Experiential Learning Opportunity; Undergraduate Research Programs,Research,,Critical and creative thinking,Problem solving
Undergraduate Research Programs


Undergraduate Research Programs - The primary mission of Undergraduate Research Programs is to engage students in investigative and creative activity to experience firsthand the processes of scholarly exploration and discovery.

Undergraduate Research - Student Grant Award/Independent Study
Student works with a faculty mentor (for academic credit) to conduct a research project funded by a university grant awarded through competitive application process including evaluation of clarity of student's project description, project's educational and intellectual merit, potential impact of project and mentoring plan.
Spring 2021 Undergraduate Research Student works with a faculty mentor (for academic credit) to conduct a research project funded by a university grant awarded through competitive application process including evaluation of clarity of student's project description, project's educational and intellectual merit, potential impact of project and mentoring plan. 3 13 32 Undergraduate Research N GLD-Research; Experiential Learning Opportunity; Undergraduate Research Programs,Research,,Critical and creative thinking,Problem solving
Undergraduate Research Programs


Undergraduate Research Programs - The primary mission of Undergraduate Research Programs is to engage students in investigative and creative activity to experience firsthand the processes of scholarly exploration and discovery.

Undergraduate Research - Independent Study Credit
Students work with a mentor, for academic course credit (generally through independent study) to conduct a discipline specific research project that explores their field of interest through a hands-on project. Mentors and students develop and determine expectations, objectives, and the method of evaluation prior to course registration and approval.
Spring 2021 Undergraduate Research Students work with a mentor, for academic course credit (generally through independent study) to conduct a discipline specific research project that explores their field of interest through a hands-on project. Mentors and students develop and determine expectations, objectives, and the method of evaluation prior to course registration and approval. 3 13 32 Undergraduate Research N GLD-Research; Experiential Learning Opportunity; Undergraduate Research Programs,Research,,Critical and creative thinking,Problem solving
Student Leadership Programs


Student Leadership Programs - The mission of Student Leadership Programs must be to prepare students to engage in the process of leadership.

University 101 Senior Peer Leader
Senior Peer Leaders serve as resources, mentors, and facilitators for learning in and beyond the EDLP 520 classroom for first-time peer leaders enrolled in the course. They co-teach a section of the course with a faculty or staff member, prepare and facilitate lesson plans, and help their mentees comment with campus resources.
Spring 2021 Peer Educator Senior Peer Leaders serve as resources, mentors, and facilitators for learning in and beyond the EDLP 520 classroom for first-time peer leaders enrolled in the course. They co-teach a section of the course with a faculty or staff member, prepare and facilitate lesson plans, and help their mentees comment with campus resources. 3 11 30 University 101 Programs N GLD-Professional & Civic Engagement; Experiential Learning Opportunity; Student Leadership Programs,Leadership,,Communication - spoken,Influencing others
Career Services


Career Services - The primary mission of Career Services is to assist students and other designated clients in developing, evaluating, and implementing career, education, and employment plans.

Career Coaching - Career Assessment Interpretation
Students complete a career assessment prior to meeting with a career coach; in this 1-1 session, the coach guides the student through exploration of career-related interests, skills and values.
Spring 2021 Career Development Students complete a career assessment prior to meeting with a career coach; in this 1-1 session, the coach guides the student through exploration of career-related interests, skills and values. 3 11 30 Career Center N ; Career Services,Study / Practice self knowledge,Career development,Self-knowledge,Problem solving
Career Services


Career Services - The primary mission of Career Services is to assist students and other designated clients in developing, evaluating, and implementing career, education, and employment plans.

Career Coaching - Choosing a Major/Career
Students interact 1-1 with a trained career coach regarding making career /major decisions by exploring student interests, abilities, aptitudes, and alignment with options for choice of major and career field.
Spring 2021 Career Development Students interact 1-1 with a trained career coach regarding making career /major decisions by exploring student interests, abilities, aptitudes, and alignment with options for choice of major and career field. 3 11 30 Career Center N ; Career Services,Study / Practice self knowledge,Career development,Self-knowledge,Problem solving
Career Services


Career Services - The primary mission of Career Services is to assist students and other designated clients in developing, evaluating, and implementing career, education, and employment plans.

Career Coaching - Curriculum Vita / Cover Letter Review
Students interact 1-1 with a professional staff member who reviews students' vita and cover letter, provides feedback, and helps students explore presentation options.
Spring 2021 Career Development Students interact 1-1 with a professional staff member who reviews students' vita and cover letter, provides feedback, and helps students explore presentation options. 3 11 30 Career Center N ; Career Services,Career development,Study / Practice self knowledge,Problem solving,Self-knowledge
Career Services


Career Services - The primary mission of Career Services is to assist students and other designated clients in developing, evaluating, and implementing career, education, and employment plans.

Career Coaching - Graduate / Professional School
Student interacts 1-1 with professional staff member to identify resources and develop a plan for applying to graduate and/or professional schools.
Spring 2021 Career Development Student interacts 1-1 with professional staff member to identify resources and develop a plan for applying to graduate and/or professional schools. 3 11 30 Career Center N ; Career Services,Career development,Study / Practice self knowledge,Problem solving,
Career Services


Career Services - The primary mission of Career Services is to assist students and other designated clients in developing, evaluating, and implementing career, education, and employment plans.

Career Coaching - Interview Preparation
Student interacts 1-1 with a professional staff member to prepare for interviews for employment or admission to graduate/professional schools.
Spring 2021 Career Development Student interacts 1-1 with a professional staff member to prepare for interviews for employment or admission to graduate/professional schools. 3 11 30 Career Center N ; Career Services,Career development,Study / Practice self knowledge,Self-knowledge,Problem solving
Career Services


Career Services - The primary mission of Career Services is to assist students and other designated clients in developing, evaluating, and implementing career, education, and employment plans.

Career Coaching - Job Search
Student interacts 1-1 with a professional staff member to identify resources and develop a plan for obtaining employment.
Spring 2021 Career Development Student interacts 1-1 with a professional staff member to identify resources and develop a plan for obtaining employment. 3 11 30 Career Center N ; Career Services,Career development,Study / Practice self knowledge,Problem solving,Self-knowledge
Career Services


Career Services - The primary mission of Career Services is to assist students and other designated clients in developing, evaluating, and implementing career, education, and employment plans.

Career Coaching - LinkedIn
Students interact 1-1 with a staff member to identify resources and develop a plan for obtaining employment.
Spring 2021 Career Development Students interact 1-1 with a staff member to identify resources and develop a plan for obtaining employment. 3 11 30 Career Center N ; Career Services,Career development,,Problem solving,
Career Services


Career Services - The primary mission of Career Services is to assist students and other designated clients in developing, evaluating, and implementing career, education, and employment plans.

Career Coaching - Mock Interview
Students participate in a mock interview, and receive feedback from a professional staff member to improve their future performance.
Spring 2021 Career Development Students participate in a mock interview, and receive feedback from a professional staff member to improve their future performance. 3 11 30 Career Center N ; Career Services,Career development,,Self-knowledge,Communication - spoken
Career Services


Career Services - The primary mission of Career Services is to assist students and other designated clients in developing, evaluating, and implementing career, education, and employment plans.

Career Coaching - Parallel Career Path
Students interact with professional career coach to explore options regarding choice of major and career fields, in recognition of competitive admissions practices and other factors that may affect plans.
Spring 2021 Career Development Students interact with professional career coach to explore options regarding choice of major and career fields, in recognition of competitive admissions practices and other factors that may affect plans. 3 11 30 Career Center N ; Career Services,Career development,Study / Practice self knowledge,Problem solving,Self-knowledge
Career Services


Career Services - The primary mission of Career Services is to assist students and other designated clients in developing, evaluating, and implementing career, education, and employment plans.

Career Coaching - Personal Statement / Essay Reviews
Students interact 1-1 with a staff member to identify resources and develop a plan for obtaining employment.
Spring 2021 Career Development Students interact 1-1 with a staff member to identify resources and develop a plan for obtaining employment. 3 11 30 Career Center N ; Career Services,Career development,,Problem solving,
Career Services


Career Services - The primary mission of Career Services is to assist students and other designated clients in developing, evaluating, and implementing career, education, and employment plans.

Career Coaching - Resume / Cover Letter Review
Students interact 1-1 with a staff member to identify resources and plan for obtaining employment.
Spring 2021 Career Development Students interact 1-1 with a staff member to identify resources and plan for obtaining employment. 3 11 30 Career Center N ; Career Services,Career development,,Problem solving,
Student Leadership Programs


Student Leadership Programs - The mission of Student Leadership Programs must be to prepare students to engage in the process of leadership.

Career Studio Peer Educator
Career Studio Peer Educators advise students on career-related questions during appointments, manage front-desk operations, create and deliver presentations, initiate outreach activities, participate in marketing projects, and collaborate with professional staff members on career development initiatives.
Spring 2021 Peer Educator Career Studio Peer Educators advise students on career-related questions during appointments, manage front-desk operations, create and deliver presentations, initiate outreach activities, participate in marketing projects, and collaborate with professional staff members on career development initiatives. 3 11 30 Career Center N GLD-Professional & Civic Engagement; Experiential Learning Opportunity; Student Leadership Programs,Leadership,Career readiness,Interpersonal skills,Communication - spoken
Internship Programs


Internship Programs - The primary mission of Internship Programs is to engage students in planned, educationally-related work and learning experiences that integrate knowledge and theory with practical application and skill development in a professional setting.

Carolina Internship Program - Part-time
Students engage in a paid, work-based learning experience that is usually the length or equivalent of a fall or spring semester or summer, working approximately 240 hours at 20 hours/week. Student may be eligible to receive academic credit through their academic department or pursue a Zero Credit Transcript notation through the Career Center.
Spring 2021 Cooperative Education Students engage in a paid, work-based learning experience that is usually the length or equivalent of a fall or spring semester or summer, working approximately 240 hours at 20 hours/week. Student may be eligible to receive academic credit through their academic department or pursue a Zero Credit Transcript notation through the Career Center. 3 11 30 Career Center N GLD-Professional & Civic Engagement; Experiential Learning Opportunity; Internship Programs,Career development,Apply specialized knowledge,Professionalism / career readiness,Integrative and applied learning
Internship Programs


Internship Programs - The primary mission of Internship Programs is to engage students in planned, educationally-related work and learning experiences that integrate knowledge and theory with practical application and skill development in a professional setting.

Carolina Internship Program - Full-time
Students engage in a paid, work-based learning experience that includes staff facilitated feedback and reflection on their experience. The goal is to enhance students' understanding of their professional knowledge, skills and abilities to aid in their full-time job searches and lifelong career management.
Spring 2021 Internship Students engage in a paid, work-based learning experience that includes staff facilitated feedback and reflection on their experience. The goal is to enhance students' understanding of their professional knowledge, skills and abilities to aid in their full-time job searches and lifelong career management. 3 11 30 Career Center N GLD-Professional & Civic Engagement; Experiential Learning Opportunity; Internship Programs,Career readiness,Apply specialized knowledge,Professionalism / career readiness,Specialized knowledge and skills
Internship Programs


Internship Programs - The primary mission of Internship Programs is to engage students in planned, educationally-related work and learning experiences that integrate knowledge and theory with practical application and skill development in a professional setting.

Cooperative Education (Co-op) - Alternating
Students participate in 2-3 semesters of supervised, paid work-based learning with the same employer. The Alternating format allows the student to alternate between a semester of full-time school (480 hours at 40 hours/week).
Spring 2021 Cooperative Education Students participate in 2-3 semesters of supervised, paid work-based learning with the same employer. The Alternating format allows the student to alternate between a semester of full-time school (480 hours at 40 hours/week). 3 11 30 Career Center N GLD-Professional & Civic Engagement; Experiential Learning Opportunity; Internship Programs,Apply specialized knowledge,Career readiness,Specialized knowledge and skills,Professionalism / career readiness
Internship Programs


Internship Programs - The primary mission of Internship Programs is to engage students in planned, educationally-related work and learning experiences that integrate knowledge and theory with practical application and skill development in a professional setting.

Cooperative Education (Co-op) - Parallel
Students participate in 2-3 semesters of supervised, paid work-based learning with the same employer. The Parallel format allows the student to work part-time for 240 hours (20 hours/week) for 3 consecutive semesters while attending school.
Spring 2021 Cooperative Education Students participate in 2-3 semesters of supervised, paid work-based learning with the same employer. The Parallel format allows the student to work part-time for 240 hours (20 hours/week) for 3 consecutive semesters while attending school. 3 11 30 Career Center N GLD-Professional & Civic Engagement; Experiential Learning Opportunity; Internship Programs,Apply specialized knowledge,Career readiness,Specialized knowledge and skills,Professionalism / career readiness
Career Services


Career Services - The primary mission of Career Services is to assist students and other designated clients in developing, evaluating, and implementing career, education, and employment plans.

Pathways to Professions (Externship)
Students attend half or full day visit to an employer site for an overview of the organization and their employment opportunities. Common components include presentations by organizational leadership and human resources staff, practitioner panels (most often with alumni representation), shadowing opportunities and facility tours.
Spring 2021 Career Development Students attend half or full day visit to an employer site for an overview of the organization and their employment opportunities. Common components include presentations by organizational leadership and human resources staff, practitioner panels (most often with alumni representation), shadowing opportunities and facility tours. 3 11 30 Career Center N ; Career Services,Career development,,Self-knowledge,
Learning Assistance Programs


Learning Assistance Programs - The primary mission of Learning Assistance Programs must be to provide students with resources and opportunities to improve their ability to learn and to achieve academic success.

Money Management Consultation
Students participate in a 1:1 meeting with a Financial Literacy Consultant, to explore financial management topics including basic money management, credit, debt management, and student loan repayment policies.
Spring 2021 Educational Support Students participate in a 1:1 meeting with a Financial Literacy Consultant, to explore financial management topics including basic money management, credit, debt management, and student loan repayment policies. 3 11 30 Student Success Center N ; Learning Assistance Programs,Study / Practice financial literacy,Study / Practice self knowledge,Financial literacy,Problem solving
Student Leadership Programs


Student Leadership Programs - The mission of Student Leadership Programs must be to prepare students to engage in the process of leadership.

Peer Consultant
Student consultants meet with peers to provide study skills support, discuss academic success strategies, and co-create a personalized plan for academic success.
Spring 2021 Peer Educator Student consultants meet with peers to provide study skills support, discuss academic success strategies, and co-create a personalized plan for academic success. 3 11 30 Student Success Center N GLD-Professional & Civic Engagement; Experiential Learning Opportunity; Student Leadership Programs,Leadership,Career readiness,Influencing others,Problem solving
Student Leadership Programs


Student Leadership Programs - The mission of Student Leadership Programs must be to prepare students to engage in the process of leadership.

Peer Financial Consultant
Student consultants meet with students to help them set financial goals, explore money management strategies, and create financial action plans; as needed, consultants make appropriate referrals to other campus resources.
Spring 2021 Peer Educator Student consultants meet with students to help them set financial goals, explore money management strategies, and create financial action plans; as needed, consultants make appropriate referrals to other campus resources. 3 11 30 Student Success Center N GLD-Professional & Civic Engagement; Experiential Learning Opportunity; Student Leadership Programs,Apply specialized knowledge,Leadership,Influencing others,Financial literacy
Student Leadership Programs


Student Leadership Programs - The mission of Student Leadership Programs must be to prepare students to engage in the process of leadership.

Peer Tutor
Tutors provide course-specific academic support for undergraduate students. They work with students in 1-1 sessions and lead group tutoring sessions.
Spring 2021 Peer Educator Tutors provide course-specific academic support for undergraduate students. They work with students in 1-1 sessions and lead group tutoring sessions. 3 11 30 Student Success Center N GLD-Professional & Civic Engagement; Experiential Learning Opportunity; Student Leadership Programs,Leadership,Apply specialized knowledge,Communication - spoken,Integrative and applied learning
Student Leadership Programs


Student Leadership Programs - The mission of Student Leadership Programs must be to prepare students to engage in the process of leadership.

Peer Writing Tutor
Peer Tutors meet with students in 1-1 sessions to provide course-specific academic support for writing and communications skill development.
Spring 2021 Peer Educator Peer Tutors meet with students in 1-1 sessions to provide course-specific academic support for writing and communications skill development. 3 11 30 Student Success Center N GLD-Professional & Civic Engagement; Experiential Learning Opportunity; Student Leadership Programs,Leadership,Apply specialized knowledge,Critical and creative thinking,Communication - written
Learning Assistance Programs


Learning Assistance Programs - The primary mission of Learning Assistance Programs must be to provide students with resources and opportunities to improve their ability to learn and to achieve academic success.

Peer Writing Session
Students participate in a tutoring session for support with composition- or communications-based assignments or projects.
Spring 2021 Educational Support Students participate in a tutoring session for support with composition- or communications-based assignments or projects. 3 11 30 Student Success Center N ; Learning Assistance Programs,Study / Practice intellectual skills,,Communication - written,Communication - spoken
Student Leadership Programs


Student Leadership Programs - The mission of Student Leadership Programs must be to prepare students to engage in the process of leadership.

Student Success Center Program Assistant / Mentor
Experienced student leaders serve within a specific programmatic area (supplemental instruction, peer tutoring, or peer success consultations), supervise other peer leaders within the same program, and engage in critical office functions to support the department's professional certifications and mission.
Spring 2021 Peer Educator Experienced student leaders serve within a specific programmatic area (supplemental instruction, peer tutoring, or peer success consultations), supervise other peer leaders within the same program, and engage in critical office functions to support the department's professional certifications and mission. 3 11 30 Student Success Center N GLD-Professional & Civic Engagement; Experiential Learning Opportunity; Student Leadership Programs,Leadership,Career readiness,Teamwork,Critical and creative thinking
Learning Assistance Programs


Learning Assistance Programs - The primary mission of Learning Assistance Programs must be to provide students with resources and opportunities to improve their ability to learn and to achieve academic success.

Success Consultation
Students meet 1-1 with a trained peer consultant to assist students in understanding course material, develop self-regulated learning skills, and create an action plan for positive academic behaviors.
Spring 2021 Educational Support Students meet 1-1 with a trained peer consultant to assist students in understanding course material, develop self-regulated learning skills, and create an action plan for positive academic behaviors. 3 11 30 Student Success Center N ; Learning Assistance Programs,Study / Practice intellectual skills,Study / Practice self knowledge,Foundations and skills for lifelong learning,
Learning Assistance Programs


Learning Assistance Programs - The primary mission of Learning Assistance Programs must be to provide students with resources and opportunities to improve their ability to learn and to achieve academic success.

Supplemental Instruction
Students participate in a group study session for a specific academic course and section in which they are currently enrolled.
Spring 2021 Educational Support Students participate in a group study session for a specific academic course and section in which they are currently enrolled. 3 11 30 Student Success Center N ; Learning Assistance Programs,Study / Practice intellectual skills,,Specialized knowledge and skills,
Student Leadership Programs


Student Leadership Programs - The mission of Student Leadership Programs must be to prepare students to engage in the process of leadership.

Supplemental Instruction Peer Leader
SI Peer Leaders facilitate group study sessions for students enrolled in specific courses and sections; they help their peers learn challenging material from class lectures and assignments, and offer helpful tips that integrate how to learn with what to learn through three group study sessions each week.
Spring 2021 Peer Educator SI Peer Leaders facilitate group study sessions for students enrolled in specific courses and sections; they help their peers learn challenging material from class lectures and assignments, and offer helpful tips that integrate how to learn with what to learn through three group study sessions each week. 3 11 30 Student Success Center N GLD-Professional & Civic Engagement; Experiential Learning Opportunity; Student Leadership Programs,Leadership,,Influencing others,Communication - spoken
Transfer Student Programs and Services


Transfer Student Programs and Services - The mission of Transfer Student Programs and Services is to aid in the successful transfer, persistence, and graduation of transfer students.

Transfer Success Consultation
Transfer students participate in a 1:1 meeting with the Transfer Coordinator, to discuss academic referrals, current academic challenges, and to identify academic and campus resources.
Spring 2021 Educational Support Transfer students participate in a 1:1 meeting with the Transfer Coordinator, to discuss academic referrals, current academic challenges, and to identify academic and campus resources. 3 11 30 Carolina Experience N ; Transfer Student Programs and Services,Study / Practice self knowledge,,Personal and social responsibility - Striving for excellence,
Student Leadership Programs


Student Leadership Programs - The mission of Student Leadership Programs must be to prepare students to engage in the process of leadership.

Laboratory Teaching Experience - BIOL 398
Students serve as Peer Leaders in a Peer Led Team Learning (PLTL) environment and use their understanding of biological concepts as they help to support other students currently enrolled in a Biology course. Peer Leaders ask questions that help students progress through an assigned activity or in-class discussion.
Spring 2021 Peer Educator Students serve as Peer Leaders in a Peer Led Team Learning (PLTL) environment and use their understanding of biological concepts as they help to support other students currently enrolled in a Biology course. Peer Leaders ask questions that help students progress through an assigned activity or in-class discussion. 3 14 39 Y GLD-Professional & Civic Engagement; Experiential Learning Opportunity; Student Leadership Programs,Apply specialized knowledge,Leadership,Specialized knowledge and skills,Influencing others
Internship Programs


Internship Programs - The primary mission of Internship Programs is to engage students in planned, educationally-related work and learning experiences that integrate knowledge and theory with practical application and skill development in a professional setting.

Internship: Community Engagement - COLA 390
COLA 390 is a supervised experience to assist the student in decision-making for his/her future after graduation. This course will incorporate a real world experience for the student in a workplace or community organization related to their chosen profession, along with opportunities to receive feedback and reflect on the experience.
Spring 2021 Internship COLA 390 is a supervised experience to assist the student in decision-making for his/her future after graduation. This course will incorporate a real world experience for the student in a workplace or community organization related to their chosen profession, along with opportunities to receive feedback and reflect on the experience. 3 14 98 Y GLD-Professional & Civic Engagement; GLD-Community Service; Experiential Learning Opportunity; Internship Programs,Career development,,Self-knowledge,Professionalism / career readiness
Internship Programs


Internship Programs - The primary mission of Internship Programs is to engage students in planned, educationally-related work and learning experiences that integrate knowledge and theory with practical application and skill development in a professional setting.

Internship: Global Experience - COLA 391
COLA 391 is a supervised experience to assist the student in decision making for his/her future after graduation. This course will allow real world experience for the student in their chosen profession.
Spring 2021 Internship COLA 391 is a supervised experience to assist the student in decision making for his/her future after graduation. This course will allow real world experience for the student in their chosen profession. 3 14 98 Y Experiential Learning Opportunity; Internship Programs,Career development,,Self-knowledge,Professionalism / career readiness
Internship Programs


Internship Programs - The primary mission of Internship Programs is to engage students in planned, educationally-related work and learning experiences that integrate knowledge and theory with practical application and skill development in a professional setting.

Teaching Internship in Foreign Languages - FORL 474
Students engage in role reversal in which the teacher candidate becomes the teacher and the coaching teacher becomes an observer or teacher's aide. During 12 weeks in a K-12 school, students observe then teach for 2 full weeks on their own, complete weekly reflections, and meet regularly with their coaching teacher and faculty supervisor.
Spring 2021 Internship Students engage in role reversal in which the teacher candidate becomes the teacher and the coaching teacher becomes an observer or teacher's aide. During 12 weeks in a K-12 school, students observe then teach for 2 full weeks on their own, complete weekly reflections, and meet regularly with their coaching teacher and faculty supervisor. 3 14 46 Y GLD-Community Service; Experiential Learning Opportunity; Internship Programs,Apply specialized knowledge,,Specialized knowledge and skills,
Undergraduate Research Programs


Undergraduate Research Programs - The primary mission of Undergraduate Research Programs is to engage students in investigative and creative activity to experience firsthand the processes of scholarly exploration and discovery.

Advanced Sociological Research Methods - SOCY 561
Students apply knowledge in a real world context by studying a social phenomenon using scientific research methods and producing a research project that mirrors professional standards. Students gather primary data, present their work, get feedback, and reflect on the challenges of the research process in studying their question.
Spring 2021 Research Education Students apply knowledge in a real world context by studying a social phenomenon using scientific research methods and producing a research project that mirrors professional standards. Students gather primary data, present their work, get feedback, and reflect on the challenges of the research process in studying their question. 3 14 53 Y GLD-Research; Experiential Learning Opportunity; Undergraduate Research Programs,Research,,Inquiry and analysis,
Internship Programs


Internship Programs - The primary mission of Internship Programs is to engage students in planned, educationally-related work and learning experiences that integrate knowledge and theory with practical application and skill development in a professional setting.

Internship in Elementary Education - EDEL 490
Students in their final semester of an elementary education degree program complete an internship for practice in elementary classrooms (grades 2-6) related to curriculum design, assessment, interactive teaching, and professional roles.
Spring 2021 Internship Students in their final semester of an elementary education degree program complete an internship for practice in elementary classrooms (grades 2-6) related to curriculum design, assessment, interactive teaching, and professional roles. 3 16 67 Y GLD-Professional & Civic Engagement; Experiential Learning Opportunity; Internship Programs,Apply specialized knowledge,Career development,Specialized knowledge and skills,Communication - spoken
Internship Programs


Internship Programs - The primary mission of Internship Programs is to engage students in planned, educationally-related work and learning experiences that integrate knowledge and theory with practical application and skill development in a professional setting.

Professional Internship - ITEC 495
The course is a supervised work experience in information technology and/or project management; the internship is coordinated by a faculty member and supervised by approved management/supervisor within business and industry lasting for approximately 400 hours of on the job experiences.
Spring 2021 Internship The course is a supervised work experience in information technology and/or project management; the internship is coordinated by a faculty member and supervised by approved management/supervisor within business and industry lasting for approximately 400 hours of on the job experiences. 3 19 73 Y GLD-Professional & Civic Engagement; Experiential Learning Opportunity; Internship Programs,Apply specialized knowledge,,Specialized knowledge and skills,Integrative and applied learning
Capstone Experience


Capstone Experience - A course or project that engages students in a culminating and integrative experience, intended to connect the key learning objectives of an educational program.

Developing & Launching New Ventures - MGMT 473
The Emerging Venture Project (EVP) is a team project during which students apply the concepts and tools from the class to an emerging venture, in order to experience entrepreneurship in action. Students produce a final paper, founder/sponsor deliverable, and class presentation.
Spring 2021 Capstone Course or Project The Emerging Venture Project (EVP) is a team project during which students apply the concepts and tools from the class to an emerging venture, in order to experience entrepreneurship in action. Students produce a final paper, founder/sponsor deliverable, and class presentation. 3 15 64 Y GLD-Professional & Civic Engagement; Experiential Learning Opportunity; Capstone Experience,Apply specialized knowledge,,Specialized knowledge and skills,
Capstone Experience


Capstone Experience - A course or project that engages students in a culminating and integrative experience, intended to connect the key learning objectives of an educational program.

Executing Strategy New Venture - MGMT 474
Students engage in a team project during which they apply concepts and tools learned in class to an emerging venture, in order to experience entrepreneurship in action. Students produce a final paper, founder/sponsor deliverable (external project only to be negotiated with the founder/project sponsor) and class presentation.
Spring 2021 Capstone Course or Project Students engage in a team project during which they apply concepts and tools learned in class to an emerging venture, in order to experience entrepreneurship in action. Students produce a final paper, founder/sponsor deliverable (external project only to be negotiated with the founder/project sponsor) and class presentation. 3 15 64 Y GLD-Professional & Civic Engagement; Experiential Learning Opportunity; Capstone Experience,Apply specialized knowledge,,Specialized knowledge and skills,Teamwork
Internship Programs


Internship Programs - The primary mission of Internship Programs is to engage students in planned, educationally-related work and learning experiences that integrate knowledge and theory with practical application and skill development in a professional setting.

Business Internship in Management - MGMT 499
Internship, for credit, with a company focusing on management, lessons learned, SWOT self assessment.
Spring 2021 Internship Internship, for credit, with a company focusing on management, lessons learned, SWOT self assessment. 3 15 64 Y GLD-Professional & Civic Engagement; Experiential Learning Opportunity; Internship Programs,Apply specialized knowledge,Career readiness,Specialized knowledge and skills,Professionalism / career readiness
Internship Programs


Internship Programs - The primary mission of Internship Programs is to engage students in planned, educationally-related work and learning experiences that integrate knowledge and theory with practical application and skill development in a professional setting.

Internship in Mass Communications - JOUR 597
Students work at least 140 hours during the semester under the direction of the intern coordinator and a professional supervisor in an internship they obtain, attend required meetings during the term with other interns and the intern coordinator, and turn in assignments as scheduled in the course syllabus.
Spring 2021 Internship Students work at least 140 hours during the semester under the direction of the intern coordinator and a professional supervisor in an internship they obtain, attend required meetings during the term with other interns and the intern coordinator, and turn in assignments as scheduled in the course syllabus. 3 18 81 Y GLD-Professional & Civic Engagement; Experiential Learning Opportunity; Internship Programs,Apply specialized knowledge,Career development,Specialized knowledge and skills,Professionalism / career readiness
Civic Engagement & Service-Learning Programs


Civic Engagement & Service-Learning Programs - The primary mission of Service-Learning Programs is to engage students in experiences that address human and community needs together with structured opportunities for reflection intentionally designed to promote student learning and development.

Community Psychology Practicum - PSYC 489
Students engage in a supervised, structured field experience in a community agency, applying psychological principles, theory, and research.
Spring 2021 Service Learning Students engage in a supervised, structured field experience in a community agency, applying psychological principles, theory, and research. 3 14 51 Y GLD-Community Service; Experiential Learning Opportunity; Civic Engagement & Service-Learning Programs,Apply specialized knowledge,,Specialized knowledge and skills,
Internship Programs


Internship Programs - The primary mission of Internship Programs is to engage students in planned, educationally-related work and learning experiences that integrate knowledge and theory with practical application and skill development in a professional setting.

Introduction to Field Education - SOWK 382
Students complete their first 50 out of a required program number of 500 field placement hours as a component of successfully completing SOWK 382.
Spring 2021 Internship Students complete their first 50 out of a required program number of 500 field placement hours as a component of successfully completing SOWK 382. 3 22 110 Y GLD-Professional & Civic Engagement; GLD-Community Service; Experiential Learning Opportunity; Internship Programs,Apply specialized knowledge,,Specialized knowledge and skills,
Capstone Experience


Capstone Experience - A course or project that engages students in a culminating and integrative experience, intended to connect the key learning objectives of an educational program.

Public Health Capstone Seminar - PUBH 498
Students synthesize and apply content knowledge and competencies developed in the BS/BA public health degree program, in a practice setting with emphasis on student identified areas for professional growth.
Spring 2021 Capstone Course or Project Students synthesize and apply content knowledge and competencies developed in the BS/BA public health degree program, in a practice setting with emphasis on student identified areas for professional growth. 3 24 87 Y GLD-Professional & Civic Engagement; Experiential Learning Opportunity; Capstone Experience,Apply specialized knowledge,Career readiness,Specialized knowledge and skills,
Capstone Experience


Capstone Experience - A course or project that engages students in a culminating and integrative experience, intended to connect the key learning objectives of an educational program.

GSCOM Capstone Project - MGSC 497
Student consulting teams apply Operations and Supply Chain concepts and techniques to solve operational problems, identify improvement opportunities in service and manufacturing firms, write recommendation and implementation reports, oversee pilot or full-scale implementations, and make presentations of their work to the firm’s management group.
Spring 2021 Capstone Course or Project Student consulting teams apply Operations and Supply Chain concepts and techniques to solve operational problems, identify improvement opportunities in service and manufacturing firms, write recommendation and implementation reports, oversee pilot or full-scale implementations, and make presentations of their work to the firm’s management group. 3 15 65 Y GLD-Professional & Civic Engagement; Experiential Learning Opportunity; Capstone Experience,Apply specialized knowledge,,Specialized knowledge and skills,
Internship Programs


Internship Programs - The primary mission of Internship Programs is to engage students in planned, educationally-related work and learning experiences that integrate knowledge and theory with practical application and skill development in a professional setting.

Community Service Internship - WGST 499
Students engage in a supervised experience addressing either 1) a community organization’s needs and allowing the student to explore an aspect of the community related to women’s and gender studies issues, or 2) a research project related to gender issues.
Spring 2021 Internship Students engage in a supervised experience addressing either 1) a community organization’s needs and allowing the student to explore an aspect of the community related to women’s and gender studies issues, or 2) a research project related to gender issues. 3 14 58 Y GLD-Professional & Civic Engagement; GLD-Community Service; Experiential Learning Opportunity; Internship Programs,Apply specialized knowledge,Community service / civic engagement,Civic knowledge and engagement,Professionalism / career readiness
Internship Programs


Internship Programs - The primary mission of Internship Programs is to engage students in planned, educationally-related work and learning experiences that integrate knowledge and theory with practical application and skill development in a professional setting.

Internship - CRJU 494
Students intern for 160 hours during the semester at an appropriate agency or institution.
Spring 2021 Internship Students intern for 160 hours during the semester at an appropriate agency or institution. 3 14 41 Y GLD-Professional & Civic Engagement; Experiential Learning Opportunity; Internship Programs,Apply specialized knowledge,Career readiness,Specialized knowledge and skills,
Internship Programs


Internship Programs - The primary mission of Internship Programs is to engage students in planned, educationally-related work and learning experiences that integrate knowledge and theory with practical application and skill development in a professional setting.

Practicum in Teaching German to Young Children - GERM 401P
Students teach German once/week at Rosewood Elementary and learn about pedagogy and teaching methods in class once/week.
Spring 2021 Practicum Students teach German once/week at Rosewood Elementary and learn about pedagogy and teaching methods in class once/week. 3 14 46 Y GLD-Professional & Civic Engagement; GLD-Community Service; Experiential Learning Opportunity; Internship Programs,Apply specialized knowledge,Career readiness,Specialized knowledge and skills,Professionalism / career readiness
Internship Programs


Internship Programs - The primary mission of Internship Programs is to engage students in planned, educationally-related work and learning experiences that integrate knowledge and theory with practical application and skill development in a professional setting.

Internship in Geography - GEOG 595
Students serve as interns (paid or unpaid) in government agencies, private-sector businesses, or non-profit organizations. Internship activities and experiential learning are supervised jointly by sponsors and the internship program of the department.
Spring 2021 Internship Students serve as interns (paid or unpaid) in government agencies, private-sector businesses, or non-profit organizations. Internship activities and experiential learning are supervised jointly by sponsors and the internship program of the department. 3 14 44 Y GLD-Professional & Civic Engagement; GLD-Community Service; Experiential Learning Opportunity; Internship Programs,Apply specialized knowledge,Career readiness,Specialized knowledge and skills,Professionalism / career readiness
Internship Programs


Internship Programs - The primary mission of Internship Programs is to engage students in planned, educationally-related work and learning experiences that integrate knowledge and theory with practical application and skill development in a professional setting.

Teaching Internship in Dance Education - DANC 479
The student will demonstrate the pedagogical knowledge, skill, and disposition necessary to effectively teach K-12 dance education as defined by NASD and NCATE and as measured by a departmental student teaching evaluation. Prerequisites: see academic bulletin.
Spring 2021 Internship The student will demonstrate the pedagogical knowledge, skill, and disposition necessary to effectively teach K-12 dance education as defined by NASD and NCATE and as measured by a departmental student teaching evaluation. Prerequisites: see academic bulletin. 3 14 55 Y GLD-Community Service; Experiential Learning Opportunity; Internship Programs,Apply specialized knowledge,Career readiness,Specialized knowledge and skills,Professionalism / career readiness
Internship Programs


Internship Programs - The primary mission of Internship Programs is to engage students in planned, educationally-related work and learning experiences that integrate knowledge and theory with practical application and skill development in a professional setting.

Public Affairs Internship - POLI 379
In this course, students complete an on-site internship in a public affairs agency, complete a series of academic assignments related to the internship experience, and submit a final performance evaluation from the on-site supervisor.
Spring 2021 Internship In this course, students complete an on-site internship in a public affairs agency, complete a series of academic assignments related to the internship experience, and submit a final performance evaluation from the on-site supervisor. 3 14 50 Y GLD-Professional & Civic Engagement; Experiential Learning Opportunity; Internship Programs,Career development,Apply specialized knowledge,Self-knowledge,Professionalism / career readiness
Internship Programs


Internship Programs - The primary mission of Internship Programs is to engage students in planned, educationally-related work and learning experiences that integrate knowledge and theory with practical application and skill development in a professional setting.

Senior Nursing Capstone Practicum - NURS 435
Final Semester Senior Clinical Immersion Experience
Spring 2021 Internship Final Semester Senior Clinical Immersion Experience 3 20 106 Y GLD-Professional & Civic Engagement; Experiential Learning Opportunity; Internship Programs,Apply specialized knowledge,Career readiness,Specialized knowledge and skills,Professionalism / career readiness
Internship Programs


Internship Programs - The primary mission of Internship Programs is to engage students in planned, educationally-related work and learning experiences that integrate knowledge and theory with practical application and skill development in a professional setting.

Directed Teaching in Physical Education - PEDU 479
Internship for practice in physical education.
Spring 2021 Internship Internship for practice in physical education. 3 16 68 Y GLD-Professional & Civic Engagement; GLD-Community Service; Experiential Learning Opportunity; Internship Programs,Apply specialized knowledge,,Specialized knowledge and skills,
Internship Programs


Internship Programs - The primary mission of Internship Programs is to engage students in planned, educationally-related work and learning experiences that integrate knowledge and theory with practical application and skill development in a professional setting.

Hospitality & Tourism Internship - HRTM 495
Full time work experience of a minimum of 400 work hours in the Hospitality or Tourism industry; position must be Managerial or Supervisory in nature, Rotational within a minimum of three different areas of the business or a Structured Internship Program. Includes online course work.
Spring 2021 Internship Full time work experience of a minimum of 400 work hours in the Hospitality or Tourism industry; position must be Managerial or Supervisory in nature, Rotational within a minimum of three different areas of the business or a Structured Internship Program. Includes online course work. 3 17 76 Y GLD-Professional & Civic Engagement; Experiential Learning Opportunity; Internship Programs,Apply specialized knowledge,Leadership,Specialized knowledge and skills,Self-knowledge
Internship Programs


Internship Programs - The primary mission of Internship Programs is to engage students in planned, educationally-related work and learning experiences that integrate knowledge and theory with practical application and skill development in a professional setting.

Hospitality & Tourism Practicum - HRTM 290
Full time work experience of a minimum of 400 work hours in the Hospitality or Tourism industry; position can be any entry level or higher position. Includes online course work.
Spring 2021 Practicum Full time work experience of a minimum of 400 work hours in the Hospitality or Tourism industry; position can be any entry level or higher position. Includes online course work. 3 17 76 Y GLD-Professional & Civic Engagement; Experiential Learning Opportunity; Internship Programs,Apply specialized knowledge,Career readiness,Self-knowledge,Specialized knowledge and skills
Internship Programs


Internship Programs - The primary mission of Internship Programs is to engage students in planned, educationally-related work and learning experiences that integrate knowledge and theory with practical application and skill development in a professional setting.

Internship B in the Middle School - EDML 599
Internship related to the application of effective teaching techniques and organization of instructional settings for middle school students
Spring 2021 Internship Internship related to the application of effective teaching techniques and organization of instructional settings for middle school students 3 16 67 Y GLD-Professional & Civic Engagement; GLD-Community Service; Experiential Learning Opportunity; Internship Programs,Apply specialized knowledge,Career readiness,Specialized knowledge and skills,Professionalism / career readiness
Internship Programs


Internship Programs - The primary mission of Internship Programs is to engage students in planned, educationally-related work and learning experiences that integrate knowledge and theory with practical application and skill development in a professional setting.

Practicum in Sport & Entertainment Management - SPTE 295
Students engage in a supervised work experience in a sport or entertainment area. Practicum is a minimum of 520 work hours over 13 weeks and is selected by the student with the assistance and approval of the Practicum Instructor. It is meant to be the student's introduction to the specific field in which they wish to pursue a career.
Spring 2021 Practicum Students engage in a supervised work experience in a sport or entertainment area. Practicum is a minimum of 520 work hours over 13 weeks and is selected by the student with the assistance and approval of the Practicum Instructor. It is meant to be the student's introduction to the specific field in which they wish to pursue a career. 3 17 79 Y GLD-Professional & Civic Engagement; Experiential Learning Opportunity; Internship Programs,Apply specialized knowledge,Career development,Specialized knowledge and skills,
Internship Programs


Internship Programs - The primary mission of Internship Programs is to engage students in planned, educationally-related work and learning experiences that integrate knowledge and theory with practical application and skill development in a professional setting.

Retailing Internship - RETL 495
Students engage in supervised work experience within the retail industry that links classroom learning and student interest with the acquisition of knowledge in an applied work setting.
Spring 2021 Internship Students engage in supervised work experience within the retail industry that links classroom learning and student interest with the acquisition of knowledge in an applied work setting. 3 17 77 Y GLD-Professional & Civic Engagement; Experiential Learning Opportunity; Internship Programs,Apply specialized knowledge,,Specialized knowledge and skills,
Internship Programs


Internship Programs - The primary mission of Internship Programs is to engage students in planned, educationally-related work and learning experiences that integrate knowledge and theory with practical application and skill development in a professional setting.

Honors Internship - SCHC 498
Internships are an important part of the Honors Beyond the Classroom program. Students receive academic credit while gaining valuable experience in their chosen career field, receiving helpful feedback on their performance and reflecting on their experience.
Spring 2021 Internship Internships are an important part of the Honors Beyond the Classroom program. Students receive academic credit while gaining valuable experience in their chosen career field, receiving helpful feedback on their performance and reflecting on their experience. 3 26 75 Y GLD-Professional & Civic Engagement; Experiential Learning Opportunity; Internship Programs,Apply specialized knowledge,Career readiness,Specialized knowledge and skills,Professionalism / career readiness
Internship Programs


Internship Programs - The primary mission of Internship Programs is to engage students in planned, educationally-related work and learning experiences that integrate knowledge and theory with practical application and skill development in a professional setting.

Internship in Sport & Entertainment Management - SPTE 495
Students engage in a supervised work experience in a sport or entertainment area. Internship is a minimum of 520 work hours over 13 weeks and is selected by the student with the assistance and approval of the Internship Instructor.
Spring 2021 Internship Students engage in a supervised work experience in a sport or entertainment area. Internship is a minimum of 520 work hours over 13 weeks and is selected by the student with the assistance and approval of the Internship Instructor. 3 17 79 Y GLD-Professional & Civic Engagement; Experiential Learning Opportunity; Internship Programs,Apply specialized knowledge,Career development,Specialized knowledge and skills,Self-knowledge
Internship Programs


Internship Programs - The primary mission of Internship Programs is to engage students in planned, educationally-related work and learning experiences that integrate knowledge and theory with practical application and skill development in a professional setting.

Internship in Curriculum, Assessment, Teaching, and Professional Roles - EDEC 492
Internship for practice in classrooms at the early childhood level related to curriculum, assessment, teaching, and professional roles
Spring 2021 Internship Internship for practice in classrooms at the early childhood level related to curriculum, assessment, teaching, and professional roles 3 16 67 Y GLD-Professional & Civic Engagement; GLD-Community Service; Experiential Learning Opportunity; Internship Programs,Apply specialized knowledge,,Specialized knowledge and skills,
Capstone Experience


Capstone Experience - A course or project that engages students in a culminating and integrative experience, intended to connect the key learning objectives of an educational program.

Capstone Design Project II - ELCT 404
Working in teams of typically four, students analyze requirements posed by a project proponent (i.e. customer), then design and build a prototype of a system that meets the proponent's needs. The course is designed to provide an authentic engineering project experience that is representative of a typical engineer's early professional years.
Spring 2021 Capstone Course or Project Working in teams of typically four, students analyze requirements posed by a project proponent (i.e. customer), then design and build a prototype of a system that meets the proponent's needs. The course is designed to provide an authentic engineering project experience that is representative of a typical engineer's early professional years. 3 19 72 Y GLD-Professional & Civic Engagement; Experiential Learning Opportunity; Capstone Experience,Apply specialized knowledge,,Specialized knowledge and skills,
Fraternity and Sorority Advising Programs


Fraternity and Sorority Advising Programs - The mission of Fraternity and Sorority Advising Programs is to promote the learning and development of students who affiliate with fraternities and sororities.

Harm Reduction Series
Students listen to an expert presenter on a harm reduction topic, ask questions, and engage in a discussion around the topic. Sessions are designed to assist the fraternity and sorority community with identifying harm reduction strategies, solving problems, and creating a safer environment within the community.
Fall 2020 Campus Activities Students listen to an expert presenter on a harm reduction topic, ask questions, and engage in a discussion around the topic. Sessions are designed to assist the fraternity and sorority community with identifying harm reduction strategies, solving problems, and creating a safer environment within the community. 3 11 28 Fraternity & Sorority Life N ; Fraternity and Sorority Advising Programs,Apply specialized knowledge,Study / Practice self knowledge,Problem solving,
Civic Engagement & Service-Learning Programs


Civic Engagement & Service-Learning Programs - The primary mission of Service-Learning Programs is to engage students in experiences that address human and community needs together with structured opportunities for reflection intentionally designed to promote student learning and development.

Addiction Recovery-Informed Seminar (ARISE)
Students listen to a peer tell their story story of overcoming substance use disorder and can ask questions about addiction and recovery from someone who has lived the experience. The purpose of the session is to develop empathy and compassion, in order to create a more inclusive community for students in recovery.
Spring 2021 Civic Engagement Students listen to a peer tell their story story of overcoming substance use disorder and can ask questions about addiction and recovery from someone who has lived the experience. The purpose of the session is to develop empathy and compassion, in order to create a more inclusive community for students in recovery. 3 11 117 Substance Abuse Prevention & Education N ; Civic Engagement & Service-Learning Programs,Community service / civic engagement,,Personal and social responsibility - Taking seriously the perspectives of others,
Student Leadership Programs


Student Leadership Programs - The mission of Student Leadership Programs must be to prepare students to engage in the process of leadership.

Carolina Judicial Council
Council members serve on judicial panels that hold hearings concerning alleged violations of the Student Code of Conduct and the Honor Code. The Council makes decisions regarding code infractions and appropriate sanctions for students found responsible for such violations.
Spring 2021 Peer Educator Council members serve on judicial panels that hold hearings concerning alleged violations of the Student Code of Conduct and the Honor Code. The Council makes decisions regarding code infractions and appropriate sanctions for students found responsible for such violations. 3 11 88 Student Conduct & Academic Integrity N GLD-Professional & Civic Engagement; Experiential Learning Opportunity; Student Leadership Programs,Apply specialized knowledge,Career readiness,Critical and creative thinking,Inquiry and analysis
Student Leadership Programs


Student Leadership Programs - The mission of Student Leadership Programs must be to prepare students to engage in the process of leadership.

Dean's Advisory Council
Students represent the voices, concerns, and interests of the diverse undergraduate student body to the Dean of Students, providing input for university policies, programs, and communication. Council members serve as a vehicle for information sharing and support among student leaders on campus.
Spring 2021 Appointed Student Leader Students represent the voices, concerns, and interests of the diverse undergraduate student body to the Dean of Students, providing input for university policies, programs, and communication. Council members serve as a vehicle for information sharing and support among student leaders on campus. 3 11 88 N GLD-Professional & Civic Engagement; Student Leadership Programs,Community service / civic engagement,Career readiness,Critical and creative thinking,Communication - spoken



Recovery Ally Workshop
Students develop knowledge and skills to support UofSC students in recovery from substance use disorder and to promote a more recovery-friendly campus community.
Spring 2021 Students develop knowledge and skills to support UofSC students in recovery from substance use disorder and to promote a more recovery-friendly campus community. 3 11 117 Substance Abuse Prevention & Education N GLD-Community Service; GLD-Professional & Civic Engagement; ,Community service / civic engagement,,Personal and social responsibility - Taking seriously the perspectives of others,
Student Leadership Programs


Student Leadership Programs - The mission of Student Leadership Programs must be to prepare students to engage in the process of leadership.

Substance Abuse Prevention & Education Peer Educator
SAPE Peer Educators create and implement a variety of educational programs designed to encourage their fellow students to make safer, informed decisions when it comes to alcohol and other drug use.
Spring 2021 Peer Educator SAPE Peer Educators create and implement a variety of educational programs designed to encourage their fellow students to make safer, informed decisions when it comes to alcohol and other drug use. 3 11 117 Substance Abuse Prevention & Education N GLD-Professional & Civic Engagement; Student Leadership Programs,Apply specialized knowledge,Leadership,Communication - spoken,Interpersonal skills
Student Leadership Programs


Student Leadership Programs - The mission of Student Leadership Programs must be to prepare students to engage in the process of leadership.

Sustainable Carolina Peer Leader
Student interact with their peers on campus as they work to implement programs outlined in the campus sustainability plan aimed at improving sustainability practices on campus. Students also host community programs and camps for school age children and families, teaching sustainability practices and the importance of a healthy lifestyle.
Spring 2021 Peer Educator Student interact with their peers on campus as they work to implement programs outlined in the campus sustainability plan aimed at improving sustainability practices on campus. Students also host community programs and camps for school age children and families, teaching sustainability practices and the importance of a healthy lifestyle. 3 11 29 Sustainability N GLD-Professional & Civic Engagement; GLD-Community Service; Experiential Learning Opportunity; Student Leadership Programs,Leadership,,Influencing others,Personal and social responsibility - Contributing to a larger community
Student Leadership Programs


Student Leadership Programs - The mission of Student Leadership Programs must be to prepare students to engage in the process of leadership.

Sustainable Carolina Project Coordinator
Each project coordinator leads a team of students to implement a designated project in support of a goal outlined in the campus sustainability plan. The role requires collaboration with other teams, campus stakeholders, and community partners, and requires them to delegate work, solve problems, and make decisions.
Spring 2021 Peer Educator Each project coordinator leads a team of students to implement a designated project in support of a goal outlined in the campus sustainability plan. The role requires collaboration with other teams, campus stakeholders, and community partners, and requires them to delegate work, solve problems, and make decisions. 3 11 29 Sustainability N GLD-Professional & Civic Engagement; Experiential Learning Opportunity; Student Leadership Programs,Leadership,Apply specialized knowledge,Problem solving,Professionalism / career readiness
Academic Advising Programs


Academic Advising Programs - The primary purpose of Academic Advising Programs is to assist students in the development of meaningful educational plans.

Academic Coaching Appointment
Students meet 1-1 with a coach to create an academic and engagement plan, set goals, and share resources; sessions are tailored to meet each student's needs and may include general advising, academic planning, strengths identification, planning campus involvement, and navigating campus resources.
Spring 2021 Educational Support Students meet 1-1 with a coach to create an academic and engagement plan, set goals, and share resources; sessions are tailored to meet each student's needs and may include general advising, academic planning, strengths identification, planning campus involvement, and navigating campus resources. 3 12 34 University Advising Center N ; Academic Advising Programs,Study / Practice intellectual skills,Study / Practice self knowledge,Foundations and skills for lifelong learning,Personal and social responsibility - Striving for excellence
Academic Advising Programs


Academic Advising Programs - The primary purpose of Academic Advising Programs is to assist students in the development of meaningful educational plans.

Meet My Major
Students interact with faculty members through conversations on major choice, career prospects, research opportunities, and other discipline-related topics. Students listen to faculty presentations on personal and professional pathways and ask questions about their majors and the opportunities available within and beyond their academic experiences.
Spring 2021 Educational Support Students interact with faculty members through conversations on major choice, career prospects, research opportunities, and other discipline-related topics. Students listen to faculty presentations on personal and professional pathways and ask questions about their majors and the opportunities available within and beyond their academic experiences. 3 12 34 University Advising Center N ; Academic Advising Programs,Career development,,Self-knowledge,
Academic Advising Programs


Academic Advising Programs - The primary purpose of Academic Advising Programs is to assist students in the development of meaningful educational plans.

Exploratory Advising / Major Change
Students meet 1-on-1 with an Exploratory Advisor to explore majors/degree programs, learn how to change majors, evaluate how completed coursework will apply to a new major, plan class schedules, and get help with general advisement questions.
Spring 2021 Educational Support Students meet 1-on-1 with an Exploratory Advisor to explore majors/degree programs, learn how to change majors, evaluate how completed coursework will apply to a new major, plan class schedules, and get help with general advisement questions. 3 12 34 University Advising Center N ; Academic Advising Programs,Study / Practice intellectual skills,Study / Practice self knowledge,Self-knowledge,
Recreational Sports Programs


Recreational Sports Programs - The mission of Recreational Sports Programs must be to enhance the mind, body, and spirit of students and other eligible individuals by providing programs, services, and facilities that are responsive to the physical, social, recreational, and lifelong educational needs of the campus community as they relate to health, fitness, and learning.

Campus Recreation Adventure Trip Leader
Trip leaders plan and execute day-long outdoor adventure trips; responsibilities include conducting pre-trip meetings with participants to set expectations, build relationships, communicate risks, and provide training for participants. During the trip, leaders serve as guides and wilderness medical first responders.
Spring 2021 Student Program Leader Trip leaders plan and execute day-long outdoor adventure trips; responsibilities include conducting pre-trip meetings with participants to set expectations, build relationships, communicate risks, and provide training for participants. During the trip, leaders serve as guides and wilderness medical first responders. 3 11 117 Campus Recreation N GLD-Professional & Civic Engagement; Recreational Sports Programs,Leadership,,Communication - spoken,Problem solving
Student Leadership Programs


Student Leadership Programs - The mission of Student Leadership Programs must be to prepare students to engage in the process of leadership.

Alternative Break Leader
Students lead a group of peers in an immersive service experience that occurs during a scheduled break in the academic year. Leaders plan and implement a trip in a theme of their choice, resolve problems that occur during the trip, and communicate with leaders of the agency or community that is the focus of the service.
Fall 2020 Peer Educator Students lead a group of peers in an immersive service experience that occurs during a scheduled break in the academic year. Leaders plan and implement a trip in a theme of their choice, resolve problems that occur during the trip, and communicate with leaders of the agency or community that is the focus of the service. 3 11 28 Leadership & Service Center N GLD-Professional & Civic Engagement; GLD-Community Service; Experiential Learning Opportunity; Student Leadership Programs,Leadership,Community service / civic engagement,Critical and creative thinking,Civic knowledge and engagement
Student Leadership Programs


Student Leadership Programs - The mission of Student Leadership Programs must be to prepare students to engage in the process of leadership.

Alternative Break Leader
Students lead a group of peers in an immersive service experience that occurs during a scheduled break in the academic year. Leaders plan and implement a trip in a theme of their choice, resolve problems that occur during the trip, and communicate with leaders of the agency or community that is the focus of the service.
Spring 2021 Peer Educator Students lead a group of peers in an immersive service experience that occurs during a scheduled break in the academic year. Leaders plan and implement a trip in a theme of their choice, resolve problems that occur during the trip, and communicate with leaders of the agency or community that is the focus of the service. 3 11 28 Leadership & Service Center N GLD-Professional & Civic Engagement; GLD-Community Service; Experiential Learning Opportunity; Student Leadership Programs,Leadership,Community service / civic engagement,Critical and creative thinking,Civic knowledge and engagement
Civic Engagement & Service-Learning Programs


Civic Engagement & Service-Learning Programs - The primary mission of Service-Learning Programs is to engage students in experiences that address human and community needs together with structured opportunities for reflection intentionally designed to promote student learning and development.

Alternative Break
As part of a team of volunteers, students travel to a local or regional community during fall, winter, or spring breaks to provide a community service project around a social issue.
Fall 2020 Civic Engagement As part of a team of volunteers, students travel to a local or regional community during fall, winter, or spring breaks to provide a community service project around a social issue. 3 11 28 Leadership & Service Center N GLD-Community Service; Civic Engagement & Service-Learning Programs,Community service / civic engagement,Connecting with others,Teamwork,Civic knowledge and engagement
Civic Engagement & Service-Learning Programs


Civic Engagement & Service-Learning Programs - The primary mission of Service-Learning Programs is to engage students in experiences that address human and community needs together with structured opportunities for reflection intentionally designed to promote student learning and development.

Alternative Break
As part of a team of volunteers, students travel to a local or regional community during fall, winter, or spring breaks to provide a community service project around a social issue.
Spring 2021 Civic Engagement As part of a team of volunteers, students travel to a local or regional community during fall, winter, or spring breaks to provide a community service project around a social issue. 3 11 28 Leadership & Service Center N GLD-Community Service; Civic Engagement & Service-Learning Programs,Community service / civic engagement,Connecting with others,Teamwork,Civic knowledge and engagement
Student Leadership Programs


Student Leadership Programs - The mission of Student Leadership Programs must be to prepare students to engage in the process of leadership.

Campus Recreation Head Lifeguard
Head lifeguards oversee the aquatics facility while on duty, supervise other lifeguards, complete written shift reports to communicate between shifts, resolve pool maintenance issues and manage staffing transitions between lifeguard staff shifts.
Spring 2021 Student Program Leader Head lifeguards oversee the aquatics facility while on duty, supervise other lifeguards, complete written shift reports to communicate between shifts, resolve pool maintenance issues and manage staffing transitions between lifeguard staff shifts. 3 11 117 Campus Recreation N GLD-Professional & Civic Engagement; Experiential Learning Opportunity; Student Leadership Programs,Leadership,,Influencing others,Foundations and skills for lifelong learning
Recreational Sports Programs


Recreational Sports Programs - The mission of Recreational Sports Programs must be to enhance the mind, body, and spirit of students and other eligible individuals by providing programs, services, and facilities that are responsive to the physical, social, recreational, and lifelong educational needs of the campus community as they relate to health, fitness, and learning.

Campus Recreation Lifeguard
Students who are trained and certified as lifeguards apply their expertise to maintain a safe recreational environment for swimmers and other users of the aquatics facility.
Spring 2021 Student Program Leader Students who are trained and certified as lifeguards apply their expertise to maintain a safe recreational environment for swimmers and other users of the aquatics facility. 3 11 117 Campus Recreation N GLD-Professional & Civic Engagement; Recreational Sports Programs,Apply specialized knowledge,Career development,Integrative and applied learning,
Recreational Sports Programs


Recreational Sports Programs - The mission of Recreational Sports Programs must be to enhance the mind, body, and spirit of students and other eligible individuals by providing programs, services, and facilities that are responsive to the physical, social, recreational, and lifelong educational needs of the campus community as they relate to health, fitness, and learning.

Campus Recreation Red Cross Certification Instructor
Students serve as instructors for Red Cross certification classes (e.g., First Aid, CPR/AED, Lifeguard), for students and other members of the university community.
Spring 2021 Student Program Leader Students serve as instructors for Red Cross certification classes (e.g., First Aid, CPR/AED, Lifeguard), for students and other members of the university community. 3 11 117 Campus Recreation N GLD-Professional & Civic Engagement; Recreational Sports Programs,Apply specialized knowledge,Career readiness,Interpersonal skills,Problem solving
Recreational Sports Programs


Recreational Sports Programs - The mission of Recreational Sports Programs must be to enhance the mind, body, and spirit of students and other eligible individuals by providing programs, services, and facilities that are responsive to the physical, social, recreational, and lifelong educational needs of the campus community as they relate to health, fitness, and learning.

Campus Recreation Group X
Students participate in a 45-60 minute group exercise class such as Yoga, Zumba, BodyPump, Barre, Cycle, and Bootcamp.
Spring 2021 Physical, Mental, Emotional Health Students participate in a 45-60 minute group exercise class such as Yoga, Zumba, BodyPump, Barre, Cycle, and Bootcamp. 3 11 117 Campus Recreation N ; Recreational Sports Programs,Study / Practice physical well being,Connecting with others,Self-knowledge,
Recreational Sports Programs


Recreational Sports Programs - The mission of Recreational Sports Programs must be to enhance the mind, body, and spirit of students and other eligible individuals by providing programs, services, and facilities that are responsive to the physical, social, recreational, and lifelong educational needs of the campus community as they relate to health, fitness, and learning.

Campus Recreation Personal Fitness Training
Students work with a personal trainer to identify their fitness goals and practice individually tailored exercises and routines; each session is 60 minutes in length.
Spring 2021 Physical, Mental, Emotional Health Students work with a personal trainer to identify their fitness goals and practice individually tailored exercises and routines; each session is 60 minutes in length. 3 11 117 Campus Recreation N ; Recreational Sports Programs,Study / Practice physical well being,Study / Practice self knowledge,Self-knowledge,
Student Employment


Student Employment - Student is employed part-time by the university and engages in career readiness development activities as part of supervision process.

Campus Recreation Communications & Creative Marketing Team
Students utilize their knowledge and skills from coursework and other experiences to communicate with Campus Recreation audiences using distinctive forms of communication and creative marketing through graphic design, photography, and social media.
Spring 2021 Employment On Campus Students utilize their knowledge and skills from coursework and other experiences to communicate with Campus Recreation audiences using distinctive forms of communication and creative marketing through graphic design, photography, and social media. 3 11 117 Campus Recreation N GLD-Professional & Civic Engagement; Student Employment,Career readiness,Apply specialized knowledge,Communication - spoken,Communication - written
Student Employment


Student Employment - Student is employed part-time by the university and engages in career readiness development activities as part of supervision process.

Campus Recreation Operations Leader
Supervisors work to ensure the effective operations of the Strom Thurmond Wellness and Fitness Center through interaction with staff and patrons regarding risk management, conflict management, and customer service, and provide input into policy and procedural change in the Center.
Spring 2021 Employment On Campus Supervisors work to ensure the effective operations of the Strom Thurmond Wellness and Fitness Center through interaction with staff and patrons regarding risk management, conflict management, and customer service, and provide input into policy and procedural change in the Center. 3 11 117 Campus Recreation N GLD-Professional & Civic Engagement; Experiential Learning Opportunity; Student Employment,Leadership,Career readiness,Critical and creative thinking,Communication - spoken
Recreational Sports Programs


Recreational Sports Programs - The mission of Recreational Sports Programs must be to enhance the mind, body, and spirit of students and other eligible individuals by providing programs, services, and facilities that are responsive to the physical, social, recreational, and lifelong educational needs of the campus community as they relate to health, fitness, and learning.

Campus Recreation Climbing Wall
Students participate in top rope climbing or bouldering, with routes for both beginners and advanced climbers, at the climbing wall in the Wellness & Fitness Center.
Spring 2021 Physical, Mental, Emotional Health Students participate in top rope climbing or bouldering, with routes for both beginners and advanced climbers, at the climbing wall in the Wellness & Fitness Center. 3 11 117 Campus Recreation N ; Recreational Sports Programs,Recreation, leisure, entertainment,Connecting with others,Foundations and skills for lifelong learning,
Recreational Sports Programs


Recreational Sports Programs - The mission of Recreational Sports Programs must be to enhance the mind, body, and spirit of students and other eligible individuals by providing programs, services, and facilities that are responsive to the physical, social, recreational, and lifelong educational needs of the campus community as they relate to health, fitness, and learning.

Campus Recreation Adventure Trip Participant
Students participate with a group of peers in an adventure trip guided by a staff member; trip options include biking, camping, hiking, boating, and more. Adventures vary in length from a few hours to a few days.
Spring 2021 Campus Activities Students participate with a group of peers in an adventure trip guided by a staff member; trip options include biking, camping, hiking, boating, and more. Adventures vary in length from a few hours to a few days. 3 11 117 Campus Recreation N ; Recreational Sports Programs,Recreation, leisure, entertainment,Connecting with others,Self-knowledge,
Student Employment


Student Employment - Student is employed part-time by the university and engages in career readiness development activities as part of supervision process.

Outdoor Recreation Assistant
Assistants are the primary point of contact with participants in outdoor recreation programs, including the bike shop, climbing wall, paddle sports events, and challenge course. They facilitate student activities and monitor safety procedures in their specific area.
Spring 2021 Employment On Campus Assistants are the primary point of contact with participants in outdoor recreation programs, including the bike shop, climbing wall, paddle sports events, and challenge course. They facilitate student activities and monitor safety procedures in their specific area. 3 11 117 Campus Recreation N GLD-Professional & Civic Engagement; Student Employment,Career readiness,,Teamwork,Interpersonal skills
Student Leadership Programs


Student Leadership Programs - The mission of Student Leadership Programs must be to prepare students to engage in the process of leadership.

Outdoor Recreation Manager
Managers lead one of the outdoor recreation program areas, with responsibility to train student employees, enforce policy, schedule employees, maintain inventory, and communicate with patrons.
Spring 2021 Student Program Leader Managers lead one of the outdoor recreation program areas, with responsibility to train student employees, enforce policy, schedule employees, maintain inventory, and communicate with patrons. 3 11 117 Campus Recreation N GLD-Professional & Civic Engagement; Experiential Learning Opportunity; Student Leadership Programs,Leadership,Career readiness,Professionalism / career readiness,Influencing others
Recreational Sports Programs


Recreational Sports Programs - The mission of Recreational Sports Programs must be to enhance the mind, body, and spirit of students and other eligible individuals by providing programs, services, and facilities that are responsive to the physical, social, recreational, and lifelong educational needs of the campus community as they relate to health, fitness, and learning.

Campus Recreation Intramural Sports
Students participate in an intramural sport, such as basketball, cornhole, volleyball, flag football, soccer, pickleball, and more.
Spring 2021 Campus Activities Students participate in an intramural sport, such as basketball, cornhole, volleyball, flag football, soccer, pickleball, and more. 3 11 117 Campus Recreation N ; Recreational Sports Programs,Recreation, leisure, entertainment,Connecting with others,Self-knowledge,
Student Leadership Programs


Student Leadership Programs - The mission of Student Leadership Programs must be to prepare students to engage in the process of leadership.

Intramural Sports Leader
Student leaders maintain a supervisory role on the fields/courts and provide ongoing training and development for intramural sports officials. Student leaders are empowered to lobby for policy and procedural change within the intramural sports program based on their experiences in this role.
Spring 2021 Student Program Leader Student leaders maintain a supervisory role on the fields/courts and provide ongoing training and development for intramural sports officials. Student leaders are empowered to lobby for policy and procedural change within the intramural sports program based on their experiences in this role. 3 11 117 Campus Recreation N GLD-Professional & Civic Engagement; Experiential Learning Opportunity; Student Leadership Programs,Career readiness,,Influencing others,Foundations and skills for lifelong learning
Student Employment


Student Employment - Student is employed part-time by the university and engages in career readiness development activities as part of supervision process.

Intramural Sports Leader in Training
Students officiate intramural games while participating in training and professional development necessary to serve in a leadership role in the following term. Training includes risk management, diversity, conflict management, customer service, problem solving, supervision, and peer mentorship.
Spring 2021 Employment On Campus Students officiate intramural games while participating in training and professional development necessary to serve in a leadership role in the following term. Training includes risk management, diversity, conflict management, customer service, problem solving, supervision, and peer mentorship. 3 11 117 Campus Recreation N GLD-Professional & Civic Engagement; Experiential Learning Opportunity; Student Employment,Career readiness,,Professionalism / career readiness,Influencing others
Student Leadership Programs


Student Leadership Programs - The mission of Student Leadership Programs must be to prepare students to engage in the process of leadership.

Intramural Sports Manager
Student managers supervise and provide direct oversight of assigned sport(s) including rules, policies, official's training, staff scheduling, staffing decisions, intramural supervisor staff development, and inventory - including first aid supplies, sports equipment, staff and participant uniforms.
Spring 2021 Peer Educator Student managers supervise and provide direct oversight of assigned sport(s) including rules, policies, official's training, staff scheduling, staffing decisions, intramural supervisor staff development, and inventory - including first aid supplies, sports equipment, staff and participant uniforms. 3 11 117 Campus Recreation N GLD-Professional & Civic Engagement; Experiential Learning Opportunity; Student Leadership Programs,Leadership,Career readiness,Influencing others,Teamwork
Student Employment


Student Employment - Student is employed part-time by the university and engages in career readiness development activities as part of supervision process.

Intramural Sports Office Attendant
Intramural office attendants support the intramural registration process, process team payments, assist in scheduling, and practice professionalism through customer service. They must become proficient with software programs IMLeagues, WhentoWork, and Excel.
Spring 2021 Employment On Campus Intramural office attendants support the intramural registration process, process team payments, assist in scheduling, and practice professionalism through customer service. They must become proficient with software programs IMLeagues, WhentoWork, and Excel. 3 11 117 Campus Recreation N GLD-Professional & Civic Engagement; Student Employment,Career readiness,,Communication - written,Communication - spoken
Student Employment


Student Employment - Student is employed part-time by the university and engages in career readiness development activities as part of supervision process.

Intramural Sports Official
Students officiate league games and must know and enforce all sport rules, policies, and procedures. Students receive training for and experience a variety of topics including risk management, conflict management, customer service, and problem solving.
Spring 2021 Employment On Campus Students officiate league games and must know and enforce all sport rules, policies, and procedures. Students receive training for and experience a variety of topics including risk management, conflict management, customer service, and problem solving. 3 11 117 Campus Recreation N GLD-Professional & Civic Engagement; Student Employment,Career readiness,,Influencing others,Communication - spoken
Civic Engagement & Service-Learning Programs


Civic Engagement & Service-Learning Programs - The primary mission of Service-Learning Programs is to engage students in experiences that address human and community needs together with structured opportunities for reflection intentionally designed to promote student learning and development.

Gamecock Pantry Pals
Students organize donations, shelve inventory, and communicate information about the Gamecock Pantry to campus constituents. The pantry was created by students, for students, and provides food assistance and other resources to enhance well-being.
Spring 2021 Service on Campus Students organize donations, shelve inventory, and communicate information about the Gamecock Pantry to campus constituents. The pantry was created by students, for students, and provides food assistance and other resources to enhance well-being. 3 11 28 Leadership & Service Center N GLD-Community Service; Civic Engagement & Service-Learning Programs,Community service / civic engagement,Connecting with others,Interpersonal skills,
Student Leadership Programs


Student Leadership Programs - The mission of Student Leadership Programs must be to prepare students to engage in the process of leadership.

Gamecock Pantry Executive Board
Board members implement the vision, direction, and operations of the Gamecock Pantry by contributing to the recruitment, training, and evaluation of volunteers, donation coordination, marketing and education, and logistical operations such as clientele communication, donation solicitation, and developing on and off campus partnerships.
Spring 2021 Student Program Leader Board members implement the vision, direction, and operations of the Gamecock Pantry by contributing to the recruitment, training, and evaluation of volunteers, donation coordination, marketing and education, and logistical operations such as clientele communication, donation solicitation, and developing on and off campus partnerships. 3 11 28 Leadership & Service Center N GLD-Professional & Civic Engagement; GLD-Community Service; Experiential Learning Opportunity; Student Leadership Programs,Leadership,,Influencing others,Critical and creative thinking
Student Leadership Programs


Student Leadership Programs - The mission of Student Leadership Programs must be to prepare students to engage in the process of leadership.

Leadership and Service Ambassador
Leadership and Service Advocates help manage the Leadership and Service Center’s daily operations, assist students as they call or enter the center, and assist the professional staff in marketing and planning programs and services.
Spring 2021 Student Program Leader Leadership and Service Advocates help manage the Leadership and Service Center’s daily operations, assist students as they call or enter the center, and assist the professional staff in marketing and planning programs and services. 3 11 28 Leadership & Service Center N GLD-Professional & Civic Engagement; Student Leadership Programs,Career readiness,Leadership,Communication - spoken,Problem solving
Student Leadership Programs


Student Leadership Programs - The mission of Student Leadership Programs must be to prepare students to engage in the process of leadership.

Leadership Coaching - Big 5 Personality Assessment
Student meets with a professional staff member or graduate student to discuss their Work/School Place Big 5 personality assessment results. Students are asked to reflect on how the results are consistent or inconsistent with their own experiences, and how the results and conversation will inform how they exercise leadership.
Spring 2021 Leadership Education Student meets with a professional staff member or graduate student to discuss their Work/School Place Big 5 personality assessment results. Students are asked to reflect on how the results are consistent or inconsistent with their own experiences, and how the results and conversation will inform how they exercise leadership. 3 11 28 Leadership & Service Center N ; Student Leadership Programs,Study / Practice self knowledge,,Self-knowledge,Critical and creative thinking
Student Leadership Programs


Student Leadership Programs - The mission of Student Leadership Programs must be to prepare students to engage in the process of leadership.

Leadership Coaching - Student organization
Students meets with a professional staff member or graduate student to discuss strategies for a more successful student organization.
Spring 2021 Leadership Education Students meets with a professional staff member or graduate student to discuss strategies for a more successful student organization. 3 11 28 Leadership & Service Center N ; Student Leadership Programs,Apply specialized knowledge,Leadership,Critical and creative thinking,Influencing others
Student Leadership Programs


Student Leadership Programs - The mission of Student Leadership Programs must be to prepare students to engage in the process of leadership.

Leadership Coaching - Involvement
Student meets with a professional staff member or graduate student to discuss their personal interests, explore student organizations or other involvement opportunities, identify a goal for becoming more involved on campus and outline a plan for accomplishing that goal.
Spring 2021 Leadership Education Student meets with a professional staff member or graduate student to discuss their personal interests, explore student organizations or other involvement opportunities, identify a goal for becoming more involved on campus and outline a plan for accomplishing that goal. 3 11 28 Leadership & Service Center N ; Student Leadership Programs,Study / Practice self knowledge,,Self-knowledge,Critical and creative thinking
Civic Engagement & Service-Learning Programs


Civic Engagement & Service-Learning Programs - The primary mission of Service-Learning Programs is to engage students in experiences that address human and community needs together with structured opportunities for reflection intentionally designed to promote student learning and development.

Service Saturday
Students participate in a community service opportunity within the city of Columbia or campus community.
Spring 2021 Civic Engagement Students participate in a community service opportunity within the city of Columbia or campus community. 3 11 28 Leadership & Service Center N GLD-Community Service; Civic Engagement & Service-Learning Programs,Community service / civic engagement,Connecting with others,Personal and social responsibility - Contributing to a larger community,
Student Leadership Programs


Student Leadership Programs - The mission of Student Leadership Programs must be to prepare students to engage in the process of leadership.

Service Saturday Senior Site Leader
Senior site leaders facilitate training and manage administrative tasks for teams of student site leaders, communicate expectations of the program to volunteers, delegate tasks, and debrief on a shared experience.
Spring 2021 Peer Educator Senior site leaders facilitate training and manage administrative tasks for teams of student site leaders, communicate expectations of the program to volunteers, delegate tasks, and debrief on a shared experience. 3 11 28 Leadership & Service Center N GLD-Professional & Civic Engagement; Experiential Learning Opportunity; Student Leadership Programs,Leadership,Career readiness,Communication - spoken,Influencing others
Student Leadership Programs


Student Leadership Programs - The mission of Student Leadership Programs must be to prepare students to engage in the process of leadership.

Service Saturday Site Leader
Site leaders communicate expectations to a group of volunteers, delegate tasks, and debrief volunteers on a shared community service experience.
Spring 2021 Peer Educator Site leaders communicate expectations to a group of volunteers, delegate tasks, and debrief volunteers on a shared community service experience. 3 11 28 Leadership & Service Center N GLD-Professional & Civic Engagement; GLD-Community Service; Student Leadership Programs,Leadership,Community service / civic engagement,Teamwork,Problem solving
Campus Activities Programs


Campus Activities Programs - The purpose of Campus Activities Programs must be to enhance the overall educational experience of students through development of, exposure to, and participation in programs and activities that improve student cooperation and leadership while preparing students to be responsible advocates and citizens and complementing the institution's academic programs.

Student Organization Member
Students engage in organizations for many reasons - to gain skills, connect with other students, broaden their knowledge. Student-led organizations establish purpose and goals, determine membership, set activities, and select leaders. The university records organizational affiliation, but does not monitor the engagement of individual students.
Spring 2021 Campus Activities Students engage in organizations for many reasons - to gain skills, connect with other students, broaden their knowledge. Student-led organizations establish purpose and goals, determine membership, set activities, and select leaders. The university records organizational affiliation, but does not monitor the engagement of individual students. 3 11 28 Leadership & Service Center N ; Campus Activities Programs,Connecting with others,,Self-knowledge,
Student Leadership Programs


Student Leadership Programs - The mission of Student Leadership Programs must be to prepare students to engage in the process of leadership.

The Big Event Executive Team
Team members plan and execute Service Saturday: The Big Event, including recruitment, site selection, and logistics day of the event.
Spring 2021 Student Program Leader Team members plan and execute Service Saturday: The Big Event, including recruitment, site selection, and logistics day of the event. 3 11 28 Leadership & Service Center N GLD-Professional & Civic Engagement; Experiential Learning Opportunity; Student Leadership Programs,Leadership,Career readiness,Personal and social responsibility - Contributing to a larger community,Critical and creative thinking
Campus Activities Programs


Campus Activities Programs - The purpose of Campus Activities Programs must be to enhance the overall educational experience of students through development of, exposure to, and participation in programs and activities that improve student cooperation and leadership while preparing students to be responsible advocates and citizens and complementing the institution's academic programs.

The Big Event Planning Committee
Committee members assist the student executive team in planning the event including recruitment, site selection, and logistics day of the event; members have individual job responsibilities before, during, and after the event.
Spring 2021 Student Program Leader Committee members assist the student executive team in planning the event including recruitment, site selection, and logistics day of the event; members have individual job responsibilities before, during, and after the event. 3 11 28 Leadership & Service Center N GLD-Professional & Civic Engagement; Campus Activities Programs,Career readiness,Leadership,Communication - spoken,Critical and creative thinking
Student Leadership Programs


Student Leadership Programs - The mission of Student Leadership Programs must be to prepare students to engage in the process of leadership.

Student Leadership and Diversity Conference
Students engage with faculty, staff and peers to explore important issues in diversity and student leadership, gain insights from keynote speakers and educational session facilitators, and reflect on how to apply these insights in their roles as student leaders.
Spring 2021 Leadership Education Students engage with faculty, staff and peers to explore important issues in diversity and student leadership, gain insights from keynote speakers and educational session facilitators, and reflect on how to apply these insights in their roles as student leaders. 3 11 28 Leadership & Service Center N ; Student Leadership Programs,Study / Practice self knowledge,,Self-knowledge,Intercultural knowledge and competence
Fraternity and Sorority Advising Programs


Fraternity and Sorority Advising Programs - The mission of Fraternity and Sorority Advising Programs is to promote the learning and development of students who affiliate with fraternities and sororities.

Fraternity and Sorority Life Council Leadership
Students work to advance the FSL community by leading bi-weekly council meetings, meeting monthly with professional and graduate student staff advisors, communicating with FSL chapter presidents and community members, and implementing policies (university, FSL, Council).
Spring 2021 Elected Student Leader Students work to advance the FSL community by leading bi-weekly council meetings, meeting monthly with professional and graduate student staff advisors, communicating with FSL chapter presidents and community members, and implementing policies (university, FSL, Council). 3 11 28 Fraternity & Sorority Life N GLD-Professional & Civic Engagement; Fraternity and Sorority Advising Programs,Leadership,Apply specialized knowledge,Influencing others,Communication - spoken
Fraternity and Sorority Advising Programs


Fraternity and Sorority Advising Programs - The mission of Fraternity and Sorority Advising Programs is to promote the learning and development of students who affiliate with fraternities and sororities.

Fraternity and Sorority New Member Summit
Students engage in council-specific conversations on the history, significance and myths of Fraternity and Sorority Life, personal responsibility, expectations, and tools available for new FSL members.
Spring 2021 Campus Activities Students engage in council-specific conversations on the history, significance and myths of Fraternity and Sorority Life, personal responsibility, expectations, and tools available for new FSL members. 3 11 28 Fraternity & Sorority Life N ; Fraternity and Sorority Advising Programs,Connecting with others,,Self-knowledge,
Fraternity and Sorority Advising Programs


Fraternity and Sorority Advising Programs - The mission of Fraternity and Sorority Advising Programs is to promote the learning and development of students who affiliate with fraternities and sororities.

Fraternity and Sorority Life Recruitment / Intake Orientation
Participants attend this session to learn about the recruitment and membership experience in fraternity and sorority organizations, including time commitment, academic and financial requirements, and philanthropic and service opportunities of each chapter. Information is provided by professional staff, graduate assistants, and current members.
Spring 2021 Campus Activities Participants attend this session to learn about the recruitment and membership experience in fraternity and sorority organizations, including time commitment, academic and financial requirements, and philanthropic and service opportunities of each chapter. Information is provided by professional staff, graduate assistants, and current members. 3 11 28 Fraternity & Sorority Life N ; Fraternity and Sorority Advising Programs,Connecting with others,,Self-knowledge,
Fraternity and Sorority Advising Programs


Fraternity and Sorority Advising Programs - The mission of Fraternity and Sorority Advising Programs is to promote the learning and development of students who affiliate with fraternities and sororities.

Fraternity and Sorority Life Roundtable
Students interact in small-group, informal discussions to share best practices on a variety of topics relevant to the fraternity and sorority experience, such as organizational development and management, and personal development topics.
Spring 2021 Leadership Education Students interact in small-group, informal discussions to share best practices on a variety of topics relevant to the fraternity and sorority experience, such as organizational development and management, and personal development topics. 3 11 28 Fraternity & Sorority Life N ; Fraternity and Sorority Advising Programs,Leadership,Study / Practice self knowledge,Self-knowledge,
Fraternity and Sorority Advising Programs


Fraternity and Sorority Advising Programs - The mission of Fraternity and Sorority Advising Programs is to promote the learning and development of students who affiliate with fraternities and sororities.

Fraternity and Sorority Leadership Conference
Fraternity and sorority students participate in conference sessions on leadership development and campus/community policies, and network with their peers.
Spring 2021 Leadership Education Fraternity and sorority students participate in conference sessions on leadership development and campus/community policies, and network with their peers. 3 11 28 Fraternity & Sorority Life N ; Fraternity and Sorority Advising Programs,Leadership,Study / Practice self knowledge,Self-knowledge,Interpersonal skills
Fraternity and Sorority Advising Programs


Fraternity and Sorority Advising Programs - The mission of Fraternity and Sorority Advising Programs is to promote the learning and development of students who affiliate with fraternities and sororities.

Fraternity and Sorority New Member Experience
New members of the fraternity and sorority community connect with others as they participate in a variety of community building and problem solving activities, and learn more about the organizations in the community.
Spring 2021 Campus Activities New members of the fraternity and sorority community connect with others as they participate in a variety of community building and problem solving activities, and learn more about the organizations in the community. 3 11 28 Fraternity & Sorority Life N ; Fraternity and Sorority Advising Programs,Connecting with others,,Teamwork,
Civic Engagement & Service-Learning Programs


Civic Engagement & Service-Learning Programs - The primary mission of Service-Learning Programs is to engage students in experiences that address human and community needs together with structured opportunities for reflection intentionally designed to promote student learning and development.

Fraternity and sorority students participate in an hour-long community service opportunity in Columbia, in order to learn about the importance of service and connect with others in the community.
Spring 2021 Civic Engagement Fraternity and sorority students participate in an hour-long community service opportunity in Columbia, in order to learn about the importance of service and connect with others in the community. 3 11 28 Fraternity & Sorority Life N ; Civic Engagement & Service-Learning Programs,Community service / civic engagement,Connecting with others,Personal and social responsibility - Contributing to a larger community,
Fraternity and Sorority Advising Programs


Fraternity and Sorority Advising Programs - The mission of Fraternity and Sorority Advising Programs is to promote the learning and development of students who affiliate with fraternities and sororities.

Interfraternity Council Recruitment Advisor
Recruitment Peer Advisors serve as mentors, resources, facilitators, and referral agents to students who are potential new members participating in fraternity recruitment activities.
Spring 2021 Student Program Leader Recruitment Peer Advisors serve as mentors, resources, facilitators, and referral agents to students who are potential new members participating in fraternity recruitment activities. 3 11 28 Fraternity & Sorority Life N GLD-Professional & Civic Engagement; Fraternity and Sorority Advising Programs,Leadership,,Influencing others,
Fraternity and Sorority Advising Programs


Fraternity and Sorority Advising Programs - The mission of Fraternity and Sorority Advising Programs is to promote the learning and development of students who affiliate with fraternities and sororities.

Panhellenic Recruitment Peer Counselor
Students serve as peer mentors and information resources for potential new members participating in the Panhellenic recruitment process.
Spring 2021 Student Program Leader Students serve as peer mentors and information resources for potential new members participating in the Panhellenic recruitment process. 3 11 28 Fraternity & Sorority Life N GLD-Professional & Civic Engagement; Fraternity and Sorority Advising Programs,Leadership,,Communication - spoken,Influencing others
Multicultural Student Programs and Services


Multicultural Student Programs and Services - Multicultural Student Programs and Services must promote academic and personal growth of traditionally underserved students, work with the entire campus to create an institutional and community climate of justice, promote access and equity in higher education, and offer programs that educate the campus about diversity.

Diversity Dialogues
In a safe space, students listen to an expert presentation and engage in self-reflection and discussion on topics such as race, culture, gender, stereotypes, intersectionality, and sexual orientation. This workshop is intended to help students learn about marginalized populations and build awareness around diversity and inclusion.
Spring 2021 Educational Support In a safe space, students listen to an expert presentation and engage in self-reflection and discussion on topics such as race, culture, gender, stereotypes, intersectionality, and sexual orientation. This workshop is intended to help students learn about marginalized populations and build awareness around diversity and inclusion. 3 11 28 Multicultural Student Affairs N ; Multicultural Student Programs and Services,Study / Practice diversity, equity, inclusion,,Civic knowledge and engagement,Intercultural knowledge and competence
Civic Engagement & Service-Learning Programs


Civic Engagement & Service-Learning Programs - The primary mission of Service-Learning Programs is to engage students in experiences that address human and community needs together with structured opportunities for reflection intentionally designed to promote student learning and development.

Safe Zone Workshop
Student listen to an expert presenter speak about LGBT college student data, risks associated with LGBT college students, bias and harassment, and resources available on- and off- campus to provide support. Students engage in small group activities such as scenarios to learn how to interrupt bias, and how to understand the LGBT experience.
Spring 2021 Civic Engagement Student listen to an expert presenter speak about LGBT college student data, risks associated with LGBT college students, bias and harassment, and resources available on- and off- campus to provide support. Students engage in small group activities such as scenarios to learn how to interrupt bias, and how to understand the LGBT experience. 3 11 28 Multicultural Student Affairs N GLD-Diversity & Social Advocacy; GLD-Professional & Civic Engagement; Civic Engagement & Service-Learning Programs,Study / Practice diversity, equity, inclusion,Study / Practice self knowledge,Civic knowledge and engagement,Intercultural knowledge and competence
Post-Traditional & Commuter Student Programs & Services


Post-Traditional & Commuter Student Programs & Services - The primary mission is to ensure that all students have equitable access to programs, services, and engagement opportunities regardless of age, personal characteristics, or place of residence.

Off-Campus Living Module
Students participate in an interactive, self-paced 20 minute online course to learn how to navigate life as an off-campus student. The topics cover finding housing, moving, off-campus safety, community ordinances and laws, commuting and parking, protecting your tenant rights and selecting compatible roommates.
Spring 2021 Educational Support Students participate in an interactive, self-paced 20 minute online course to learn how to navigate life as an off-campus student. The topics cover finding housing, moving, off-campus safety, community ordinances and laws, commuting and parking, protecting your tenant rights and selecting compatible roommates. 3 11 28 Off-Campus Living & Neighborhood Relations N ; Post-Traditional & Commuter Student Programs & Services,Study / Practice self knowledge,,Personal and social responsibility - Striving for excellence,
Campus Activities Programs


Campus Activities Programs - The purpose of Campus Activities Programs must be to enhance the overall educational experience of students through development of, exposure to, and participation in programs and activities that improve student cooperation and leadership while preparing students to be responsible advocates and citizens and complementing the institution's academic programs.

Carolina Productions
Student attended an event provided by the Carolina Productions student programming board (e.g., concerts, comedy nights, weekly movie screenings, roller rinks).
Spring 2021 Campus Activities Student attended an event provided by the Carolina Productions student programming board (e.g., concerts, comedy nights, weekly movie screenings, roller rinks). 3 11 28 Russell House University Union N ; Campus Activities Programs,Recreation, leisure, entertainment,Connecting with others,Self-knowledge,
Student Leadership Programs


Student Leadership Programs - The mission of Student Leadership Programs must be to prepare students to engage in the process of leadership.

Carolina Productions Executive Board
Student board members work together to design, implement and evaluate a series of compelling events and programs open to all UofSC students and intended to enrich the overall student experience.
Spring 2021 Student Program Leader Student board members work together to design, implement and evaluate a series of compelling events and programs open to all UofSC students and intended to enrich the overall student experience. 3 11 28 Russell House University Union N GLD-Professional & Civic Engagement; Experiential Learning Opportunity; Student Leadership Programs,Leadership,Career readiness,Problem solving,Teamwork
Campus Activities Programs


Campus Activities Programs - The purpose of Campus Activities Programs must be to enhance the overall educational experience of students through development of, exposure to, and participation in programs and activities that improve student cooperation and leadership while preparing students to be responsible advocates and citizens and complementing the institution's academic programs.

Dance Marathon Hero
Student participates in one of a variety of programs and events on campus and in the larger community to raise awareness and generate support for the Child Life Program at Prisma Health Children's Hospital.
Spring 2021 Campus Activities Student participates in one of a variety of programs and events on campus and in the larger community to raise awareness and generate support for the Child Life Program at Prisma Health Children's Hospital. 3 11 28 Russell House University Union N ; Campus Activities Programs,Recreation, leisure, entertainment,Connecting with others,Self-knowledge,
Student Leadership Programs


Student Leadership Programs - The mission of Student Leadership Programs must be to prepare students to engage in the process of leadership.

Dance Marathon Board of Directors
Students lead and work collaboratively for USC Dance Marathon (USCDM) supporting director and staff meetings, fundraising initiatives, participant recruitment and retention efforts, and numerous reflection activities leading up to their Main Event in the spring. Leaders in this role report to the USCDM Executive Board leadership.
Spring 2021 Student Program Leader Students lead and work collaboratively for USC Dance Marathon (USCDM) supporting director and staff meetings, fundraising initiatives, participant recruitment and retention efforts, and numerous reflection activities leading up to their Main Event in the spring. Leaders in this role report to the USCDM Executive Board leadership. 3 11 28 Russell House University Union N GLD-Professional & Civic Engagement; Student Leadership Programs,Leadership,Career readiness,Problem solving,Influencing others
Student Leadership Programs


Student Leadership Programs - The mission of Student Leadership Programs must be to prepare students to engage in the process of leadership.

Dance Marathon Executive Board
Board members of this philanthropic organization engage with their peers to plan and execute a variety of educational and service events designed to raise funds and awareness for Palmetto Health Children's Hospital, culminating in the Main Event in the spring.
Spring 2021 Student Program Leader Board members of this philanthropic organization engage with their peers to plan and execute a variety of educational and service events designed to raise funds and awareness for Palmetto Health Children's Hospital, culminating in the Main Event in the spring. 3 11 28 Russell House University Union N GLD-Professional & Civic Engagement; GLD-Community Service; Experiential Learning Opportunity; Student Leadership Programs,Leadership,Career readiness,Problem solving,Influencing others
Campus Activities Programs


Campus Activities Programs - The purpose of Campus Activities Programs must be to enhance the overall educational experience of students through development of, exposure to, and participation in programs and activities that improve student cooperation and leadership while preparing students to be responsible advocates and citizens and complementing the institution's academic programs.

Gamecock Entertainment
Student attended an event provided by Gamecock Entertainment staff programming (e.g., watch parties, sporting events, political elections/debates), paint nights, trivia, foam parties).
Spring 2021 Campus Activities Student attended an event provided by Gamecock Entertainment staff programming (e.g., watch parties, sporting events, political elections/debates), paint nights, trivia, foam parties). 3 11 28 Russell House University Union N ; Campus Activities Programs,Recreation, leisure, entertainment,Connecting with others,Self-knowledge,
Student Employment


Student Employment - Student is employed part-time by the university and engages in career readiness development activities as part of supervision process.

Russell House University Union Event and Information Assistant
The Russell House University Union is the key venue for student events and programming and depends on a well-trained group of students to deliver essential programs & services. Students in this engagement develop as leaders and problem solvers while also learning essential skills in professionalism, event planning, and customer service
Spring 2021 Employment On Campus The Russell House University Union is the key venue for student events and programming and depends on a well-trained group of students to deliver essential programs & services. Students in this engagement develop as leaders and problem solvers while also learning essential skills in professionalism, event planning, and customer service 3 11 28 Russell House University Union N GLD-Professional & Civic Engagement; Student Employment,Career readiness,,Professionalism / career readiness,
Student Employment


Student Employment - Student is employed part-time by the university and engages in career readiness development activities as part of supervision process.

Russell House University Union Operations Attendant
Building operations attendants operate the student union facility and manage events, including equipment check-out and working directly with clients. Attendants are assigned to one of three areas: Building Operations, Information Center, or Gameroom.
Spring 2021 Employment On Campus Building operations attendants operate the student union facility and manage events, including equipment check-out and working directly with clients. Attendants are assigned to one of three areas: Building Operations, Information Center, or Gameroom. 3 11 28 Russell House University Union N GLD-Professional & Civic Engagement; Student Employment,Career readiness,,Professionalism / career readiness,
Campus Activities Programs


Campus Activities Programs - The purpose of Campus Activities Programs must be to enhance the overall educational experience of students through development of, exposure to, and participation in programs and activities that improve student cooperation and leadership while preparing students to be responsible advocates and citizens and complementing the institution's academic programs.

Thursday After Dark
Thursday After Dark provides a variety of late-night programming to engage Carolina students (e.g., escape rooms, trivia, bowling nights).
Spring 2021 Campus Activities Thursday After Dark provides a variety of late-night programming to engage Carolina students (e.g., escape rooms, trivia, bowling nights). 3 11 28 Russell House University Union N ; Campus Activities Programs,Recreation, leisure, entertainment,Connecting with others,Self-knowledge,
Student Leadership Programs


Student Leadership Programs - The mission of Student Leadership Programs must be to prepare students to engage in the process of leadership.

Homecoming Commission Leadership Team
Students work together as a team to plan and execute events and functions during UofSC Homecoming Week, taking ownership of this campus tradition and helping to develop a sense of community for all UofSC students.
Spring 2021 Student Program Leader Students work together as a team to plan and execute events and functions during UofSC Homecoming Week, taking ownership of this campus tradition and helping to develop a sense of community for all UofSC students. 3 11 28 Russell House University Union N GLD-Professional & Civic Engagement; Experiential Learning Opportunity; Student Leadership Programs,Leadership,Career readiness,Problem solving,Teamwork
Campus Activities Programs


Campus Activities Programs - The purpose of Campus Activities Programs must be to enhance the overall educational experience of students through development of, exposure to, and participation in programs and activities that improve student cooperation and leadership while preparing students to be responsible advocates and citizens and complementing the institution's academic programs.

Homecoming Event
Student participates in one of a variety of Homecoming activities designed to celebrate the traditions of the UofSC community; events are intended to develop a sense of belonging, pride, and school spirit as students engage with their peers, alumni, and friends of UofSC.
Spring 2021 Campus Activities Student participates in one of a variety of Homecoming activities designed to celebrate the traditions of the UofSC community; events are intended to develop a sense of belonging, pride, and school spirit as students engage with their peers, alumni, and friends of UofSC. 3 11 28 Russell House University Union N ; Campus Activities Programs,Recreation, leisure, entertainment,Connecting with others,Self-knowledge,
Student Leadership Programs


Student Leadership Programs - The mission of Student Leadership Programs must be to prepare students to engage in the process of leadership.

Student Government Senate Committee Chair
Student is appointed by the Student Government Executive Council to explore issues, gain understanding of related policies and procedures, and work with others across campus to make informed decisions that support the campaign agenda and address issues of concern to Carolina students.
Spring 2021 Appointed Student Leader Student is appointed by the Student Government Executive Council to explore issues, gain understanding of related policies and procedures, and work with others across campus to make informed decisions that support the campaign agenda and address issues of concern to Carolina students. 3 11 28 Leadership & Service Center N GLD-Professional & Civic Engagement; Student Leadership Programs,Apply specialized knowledge,Leadership,Inquiry and analysis,Interpersonal skills
Student Leadership Programs


Student Leadership Programs - The mission of Student Leadership Programs must be to prepare students to engage in the process of leadership.

Student Government Executive Council
Council members are elected by the student body to work toward common goals and build consensus to drive change for Carolina students; council members interact with a variety of constituents including students, faculty, staff, university administrators and Board of Trustees members.
Spring 2021 Elected Student Leader Council members are elected by the student body to work toward common goals and build consensus to drive change for Carolina students; council members interact with a variety of constituents including students, faculty, staff, university administrators and Board of Trustees members. 3 11 28 Leadership & Service Center N GLD-Professional & Civic Engagement; Experiential Learning Opportunity; Student Leadership Programs,Leadership,,Problem solving,Influencing others
Student Leadership Programs


Student Leadership Programs - The mission of Student Leadership Programs must be to prepare students to engage in the process of leadership.

Student Government Freshman Council
Council members are selected to represent the freshman class in student government at Carolina. Students meet weekly to learn about SG initiatives, discuss campus issues, and represent the freshman perspective. Each student meets monthly with a SG mentor to explore and develop leadership interests, skills and abilities.
Spring 2021 Appointed Student Leader Council members are selected to represent the freshman class in student government at Carolina. Students meet weekly to learn about SG initiatives, discuss campus issues, and represent the freshman perspective. Each student meets monthly with a SG mentor to explore and develop leadership interests, skills and abilities. 3 11 28 Leadership & Service Center N GLD-Professional & Civic Engagement; Student Leadership Programs,Study / Practice self knowledge,Connecting with others,Self-knowledge,
Student Employment


Student Employment - Student is employed part-time by the university and engages in career readiness development activities as part of supervision process.

Student Media Advertising Representative
Advertising representatives work with internal and external partners and clients to provide effective advertising solutions comprised of Student Media resources.
Spring 2021 Employment On Campus Advertising representatives work with internal and external partners and clients to provide effective advertising solutions comprised of Student Media resources. 3 11 28 Student Media N GLD-Professional & Civic Engagement; Experiential Learning Opportunity; Student Employment,Career readiness,,Problem solving,Influencing others
Student Media Programs


Student Media Programs - The mission is to prepare students for their responsibilities in planning and producing media products, offer leadership opportunities and support for students engaged in these activities.

Student Media Creative Services Designer
Creative Services team members apply visual communications skills to complete contracted work for Student Media's clients and partners. Designers apply visual communication techniques and best practices to complete projects including advertisements, promotional materials, and other graphics work.
Spring 2021 Employment On Campus Creative Services team members apply visual communications skills to complete contracted work for Student Media's clients and partners. Designers apply visual communication techniques and best practices to complete projects including advertisements, promotional materials, and other graphics work. 3 11 28 Student Media N GLD-Professional & Civic Engagement; Experiential Learning Opportunity; Student Media Programs,Apply specialized knowledge,,Specialized knowledge and skills,Integrative and applied learning
Student Leadership Programs


Student Leadership Programs - The mission of Student Leadership Programs must be to prepare students to engage in the process of leadership.

Student Media Executive Leader
Each student executive serves as head of one of the editorially independent and student-run media organizations, with final authority on decisions related to content and programming and with responsibility for ensuring high quality and responsible journalistic standards.
Spring 2021 Appointed Student Leader Each student executive serves as head of one of the editorially independent and student-run media organizations, with final authority on decisions related to content and programming and with responsibility for ensuring high quality and responsible journalistic standards. 3 11 28 Student Media N GLD-Professional & Civic Engagement; Experiential Learning Opportunity; Student Leadership Programs,Leadership,,Critical and creative thinking,Interpersonal skills
Student Leadership Programs


Student Leadership Programs - The mission of Student Leadership Programs must be to prepare students to engage in the process of leadership.

Student Media Senior Leader
Senior leaders manage sections and teams within each of Student Media’s partner organizations, often overseeing content production or administrative tasks. Senior leaders apply knowledge of journalistic and media best practices while serving in a peer leadership role within the media organization.
Spring 2021 Student Program Leader Senior leaders manage sections and teams within each of Student Media’s partner organizations, often overseeing content production or administrative tasks. Senior leaders apply knowledge of journalistic and media best practices while serving in a peer leadership role within the media organization. 3 11 28 Student Media N GLD-Professional & Civic Engagement; Student Leadership Programs,Apply specialized knowledge,Leadership,Specialized knowledge and skills,Critical and creative thinking
Campus Activities Programs


Campus Activities Programs - The purpose of Campus Activities Programs must be to enhance the overall educational experience of students through development of, exposure to, and participation in programs and activities that improve student cooperation and leadership while preparing students to be responsible advocates and citizens and complementing the institution's academic programs.

National Collegiate Athletic Association (NCAA) Athletic Event
Student attendance at National Collegiate Athletic Association (NCAA) athletic events provides opportunities for students to connect with other students and develop a sense of belonging through shared school spirit.
Spring 2021 Campus Activities Student attendance at National Collegiate Athletic Association (NCAA) athletic events provides opportunities for students to connect with other students and develop a sense of belonging through shared school spirit. 3 30 116 Student Tickets N ; Campus Activities Programs,Connecting with others,,Self-knowledge,
Student Leadership Programs


Student Leadership Programs - The mission of Student Leadership Programs must be to prepare students to engage in the process of leadership.

University Ambassador
University Ambassadors lead campus tours for diverse audiences of prospective students and families, answer phone calls and respond to emails and other visitor communications, assist in the recruitment, coaching, and evaluation of new University Ambassadors and participate in weekly professional development & training.
Spring 2021 Peer Educator University Ambassadors lead campus tours for diverse audiences of prospective students and families, answer phone calls and respond to emails and other visitor communications, assist in the recruitment, coaching, and evaluation of new University Ambassadors and participate in weekly professional development & training. 3 34 118 Visitor Center N GLD-Professional & Civic Engagement; Experiential Learning Opportunity; Student Leadership Programs,Career readiness,Connecting with others,Critical and creative thinking,Communication - spoken
Career Services


Career Services - The primary mission of Career Services is to assist students and other designated clients in developing, evaluating, and implementing career, education, and employment plans.

Career Development Series
Students listen to expert presentations on a variety of career development topics, engage in informal discussion with experts and peers, and have opportunities to ask questions. Topics include job search skills, diversity in the workplace, professional skills, preparing for internships, career fair preparation, and networking skills.
Fall 2020 Career Development Students listen to expert presentations on a variety of career development topics, engage in informal discussion with experts and peers, and have opportunities to ask questions. Topics include job search skills, diversity in the workplace, professional skills, preparing for internships, career fair preparation, and networking skills. 3 11 30 Career Center N ; Career Services,Career development,,Self-knowledge,Professionalism / career readiness
Health Promotion Services


Health Promotion Services - The mission and scope of practice of health promotion, sometimes referred to as wellness, must be reflective of the following fundamental assumptions about the role of health in higher education: reciprocal relationship between learning and health; direct connection between academic mission and higher education and well being of students

Body Project
Students complete two workshops that include a voluntary commitment to the program, a verbal activity that helps participants define the appearance ideal and a small group activity to discuss the cost of the appearance ideal. The workshop concludes with activities in which participants engage and apply concepts learned in the workshops.
Spring 2021 Physical, Mental, Emotional Health Students complete two workshops that include a voluntary commitment to the program, a verbal activity that helps participants define the appearance ideal and a small group activity to discuss the cost of the appearance ideal. The workshop concludes with activities in which participants engage and apply concepts learned in the workshops. 3 11 117 Healthy Campus Initiatives N ; Health Promotion Services,Study / Practice physical well being,Study / Practice self knowledge,Critical and creative thinking,
Student Leadership Programs


Student Leadership Programs - The mission of Student Leadership Programs must be to prepare students to engage in the process of leadership.

Changing Carolina Peer Leader
Student health educators deliver presentations, plan and implement educational programs and events, and research national and campus trends and issues around health and well-being, to help their peers explore the fundamentals of a healthy lifestyle.
Spring 2021 Peer Educator Student health educators deliver presentations, plan and implement educational programs and events, and research national and campus trends and issues around health and well-being, to help their peers explore the fundamentals of a healthy lifestyle. 3 11 117 Healthy Campus Initiatives N GLD-Professional & Civic Engagement; Experiential Learning Opportunity; Student Leadership Programs,Leadership,Apply specialized knowledge,Communication - spoken,Influencing others
Civic Engagement & Service-Learning Programs


Civic Engagement & Service-Learning Programs - The primary mission of Service-Learning Programs is to engage students in experiences that address human and community needs together with structured opportunities for reflection intentionally designed to promote student learning and development.

Feeding Minds: Food Insecurity Awareness Training
Students listen to an expert presenter on food insecurity, then receive instruction and practice engaging in a dialogue in order to share resource information and identify pathways to minimize the challenges faced by those experiencing food insecurity.
Spring 2021 Civic Engagement Students listen to an expert presenter on food insecurity, then receive instruction and practice engaging in a dialogue in order to share resource information and identify pathways to minimize the challenges faced by those experiencing food insecurity. 3 11 117 Healthy Campus Initiatives N ; Civic Engagement & Service-Learning Programs,Community service / civic engagement,Apply specialized knowledge,Interpersonal skills,Communication - spoken
Health Promotion Services


Health Promotion Services - The mission and scope of practice of health promotion, sometimes referred to as wellness, must be reflective of the following fundamental assumptions about the role of health in higher education: reciprocal relationship between learning and health; direct connection between academic mission and higher education and well being of students

Healthy Eating Group
Students meet with a Registered Dietitian Nutritionist to learn how to choose balanced meals and snacks on and off campus. By the end of the group appointment, student will have increased basic nutrition knowledge, tips for eating well on a budget, and understand cues for eating.
Spring 2021 Physical, Mental, Emotional Health Students meet with a Registered Dietitian Nutritionist to learn how to choose balanced meals and snacks on and off campus. By the end of the group appointment, student will have increased basic nutrition knowledge, tips for eating well on a budget, and understand cues for eating. 3 11 117 Healthy Campus Initiatives N ; Health Promotion Services,Study / Practice physical well being,Apply specialized knowledge,Foundations and skills for lifelong learning,
Health Promotion Services


Health Promotion Services - The mission and scope of practice of health promotion, sometimes referred to as wellness, must be reflective of the following fundamental assumptions about the role of health in higher education: reciprocal relationship between learning and health; direct connection between academic mission and higher education and well being of students

How To Fail: Resilience Building Workshop
Students interact with expert presenters to identify at least 3 strategies to build resilience, including identifying healthy coping skills, identifying negative thinking patterns, and realistic goal-setting.
Spring 2021 Physical, Mental, Emotional Health Students interact with expert presenters to identify at least 3 strategies to build resilience, including identifying healthy coping skills, identifying negative thinking patterns, and realistic goal-setting. 3 11 117 Healthy Campus Initiatives N ; Health Promotion Services,Study / Practice self knowledge,Study / Practice social well being,Foundations and skills for lifelong learning,
Health Promotion Services


Health Promotion Services - The mission and scope of practice of health promotion, sometimes referred to as wellness, must be reflective of the following fundamental assumptions about the role of health in higher education: reciprocal relationship between learning and health; direct connection between academic mission and higher education and well being of students

Suicide Prevention Gatekeeper Training
Students receive training on how to recognize signs of suicide, communicate and assist someone in crisis, identify campus resources to assist someone in various stages of distress, and practice these skills in a workshop setting.
Spring 2021 Physical, Mental, Emotional Health Students receive training on how to recognize signs of suicide, communicate and assist someone in crisis, identify campus resources to assist someone in various stages of distress, and practice these skills in a workshop setting. 3 11 117 Healthy Campus Initiatives N ; Health Promotion Services,Study / Practice social well being,Connecting with others,Interpersonal skills,
Health Promotion Services


Health Promotion Services - The mission and scope of practice of health promotion, sometimes referred to as wellness, must be reflective of the following fundamental assumptions about the role of health in higher education: reciprocal relationship between learning and health; direct connection between academic mission and higher education and well being of students

Trauma 101
In support of creating a more trauma informed and responsive campus, students engage in expert presentations in a workshop series that provides a more comprehensive way to think about trauma as the process of becoming flooded with overwhelming stress from a variety of causes.
Spring 2021 Physical, Mental, Emotional Health In support of creating a more trauma informed and responsive campus, students engage in expert presentations in a workshop series that provides a more comprehensive way to think about trauma as the process of becoming flooded with overwhelming stress from a variety of causes. 3 11 117 Healthy Campus Initiatives N ; Health Promotion Services,Study / Practice social well being,Apply specialized knowledge,Foundations and skills for lifelong learning,
Student Leadership Programs


Student Leadership Programs - The mission of Student Leadership Programs must be to prepare students to engage in the process of leadership.

Center for Integrative and Experiential Learning Student Advisory Council
Students participate in discussion-based monthly meetings to provide the Center for Integrative and Experiential Learning staff with feedback and to share opinions about initiatives and programming.
Spring 2021 Student Program Leader Students participate in discussion-based monthly meetings to provide the Center for Integrative and Experiential Learning staff with feedback and to share opinions about initiatives and programming. 3 12 34 Center for Integrative and Experiential Learning N GLD-Professional & Civic Engagement; Student Leadership Programs,Leadership,,Communication - spoken,
Student Leadership Programs


Student Leadership Programs - The mission of Student Leadership Programs must be to prepare students to engage in the process of leadership.

Close Family Emerging Leaders Program
Students meet weekly for 8 weeks to explore aspects of leadership; activities are designed to help students develop a personal definition of leadership, create achievable goals, and design an action plan for applying leadership skills at USC.
Spring 2021 Leadership Education Students meet weekly for 8 weeks to explore aspects of leadership; activities are designed to help students develop a personal definition of leadership, create achievable goals, and design an action plan for applying leadership skills at USC. 3 11 28 Leadership & Service Center N GLD-Professional & Civic Engagement; Student Leadership Programs,Study / Practice self knowledge,,Self-knowledge,Communication - spoken
Learning Assistance Programs


Learning Assistance Programs - The primary mission of Learning Assistance Programs must be to provide students with resources and opportunities to improve their ability to learn and to achieve academic success.

Peer Tutoring
Students participate in a tutoring session for a specific academic course in which they are currently enrolled.
Spring 2021 Educational Support Students participate in a tutoring session for a specific academic course in which they are currently enrolled. 3 11 30 Student Success Center N ; Learning Assistance Programs,Study / Practice intellectual skills,Apply specialized knowledge,Specialized knowledge and skills,
Housing and Residential Life Programs


Housing and Residential Life Programs - The mission of Housing and Residential Life Programs is accomplished through the coordination of several interdependent specialized areas; residence education / programming, business operations, and housing/facilities management.

Guest Expert/Community Dialogue Series
Students connect with campus partners to discuss a variety of topics and engage in small groups conversation around the topic. A guest speaker or resident mentor presents a topic and facilitates peer discussion,
Spring 2021 Educational Support Students connect with campus partners to discuss a variety of topics and engage in small groups conversation around the topic. A guest speaker or resident mentor presents a topic and facilitates peer discussion, 3 11 29 University Housing N ; Housing and Residential Life Programs,Study / Practice self knowledge,,Self-knowledge,
Housing and Residential Life Programs


Housing and Residential Life Programs - The mission of Housing and Residential Life Programs is accomplished through the coordination of several interdependent specialized areas; residence education / programming, business operations, and housing/facilities management.

Cocky Conversations with Resident Mentors
Students engage in a 1-1 discussion with their Resident Mentor on topics intended to help students reflect on their experiences in college and advance their personal development.
Spring 2021 Educational Support Students engage in a 1-1 discussion with their Resident Mentor on topics intended to help students reflect on their experiences in college and advance their personal development. 3 11 29 University Housing N ; Housing and Residential Life Programs,Study / Practice self knowledge,,Self-knowledge,
Student Leadership Programs


Student Leadership Programs - The mission of Student Leadership Programs must be to prepare students to engage in the process of leadership.

Returning Resident Assistant
Returning Resident Mentors have completed the training course, live with a group of 25 to 60 residents, guide them through their Carolina experience, and are responsible for actively assisting individuals and groups of students in their residential learning community by performing all job duties and responsibilities of the position.
Spring 2021 Peer Educator Returning Resident Mentors have completed the training course, live with a group of 25 to 60 residents, guide them through their Carolina experience, and are responsible for actively assisting individuals and groups of students in their residential learning community by performing all job duties and responsibilities of the position. 3 11 29 University Housing N GLD-Professional & Civic Engagement; Experiential Learning Opportunity; Student Leadership Programs,Leadership,,Influencing others,Interpersonal skills
Capstone Experience


Capstone Experience - A course or project that engages students in a culminating and integrative experience, intended to connect the key learning objectives of an educational program.

Graduation with Leadership Distinction ePortfolio - 401
Student creates an ePortfolio as the culminating project of their undergraduate student collegiate experience. Through the ePortfolio, students demonstrate the major learning and skills they have developed during their time at the University of South Carolina. The ePortfolio is intended to help students identify their purpose or passion.
Spring 2021 Capstone Course or Project Student creates an ePortfolio as the culminating project of their undergraduate student collegiate experience. Through the ePortfolio, students demonstrate the major learning and skills they have developed during their time at the University of South Carolina. The ePortfolio is intended to help students identify their purpose or passion. 3 12 34 Center for Integrative and Experiential Learning N GLD-ePortfolio; Experiential Learning Opportunity; Capstone Experience,Study / Practice intellectual skills,,Integrative and applied learning,
Capstone Experience


Capstone Experience - A course or project that engages students in a culminating and integrative experience, intended to connect the key learning objectives of an educational program.

Graduation with Leadership Distinction ePortfolio - Small Groups and Independent students
The ePortfolio is designed to be the culminating project of a student's collegiate experiences. Through creation of an ePortfolio, students demonstrate the major learning and skills they have developed. The process is intended to help undergraduate students identify their purpose or passion.
Spring 2021 Capstone Course or Project The ePortfolio is designed to be the culminating project of a student's collegiate experiences. Through creation of an ePortfolio, students demonstrate the major learning and skills they have developed. The process is intended to help undergraduate students identify their purpose or passion. 3 12 34 Center for Integrative and Experiential Learning N GLD-ePortfolio; Experiential Learning Opportunity; Capstone Experience,Apply specialized knowledge,Career development,Integrative and applied learning,Self-knowledge
Career Services


Career Services - The primary mission of Career Services is to assist students and other designated clients in developing, evaluating, and implementing career, education, and employment plans.

Moore School of Business EXPO
Students interact with representatives from employer organizations about current and future employment opportunities including internships and full-time positions.
Spring 2021 Career Development Students interact with representatives from employer organizations about current and future employment opportunities including internships and full-time positions. 3 11 30 Career Center N ; Career Services,Career development,,Self-knowledge,
Recreational Sports Programs


Recreational Sports Programs - The mission of Recreational Sports Programs must be to enhance the mind, body, and spirit of students and other eligible individuals by providing programs, services, and facilities that are responsive to the physical, social, recreational, and lifelong educational needs of the campus community as they relate to health, fitness, and learning.

Outdoor Recreation Skills Clinic
Students listen to a presentation and interact with others for hands-on skill development and application, to improve their proficiency in an outdoor recreation activity.
Spring 2021 Campus Activities Students listen to a presentation and interact with others for hands-on skill development and application, to improve their proficiency in an outdoor recreation activity. 3 11 117 Campus Recreation N ; Recreational Sports Programs,Recreation, leisure, entertainment,Connecting with others,Self-knowledge,
Career Services


Career Services - The primary mission of Career Services is to assist students and other designated clients in developing, evaluating, and implementing career, education, and employment plans.

Gamecocks Get Hired STEM Job Fair
Students interact with representatives of employer organizations about current and future employment opportunities including internships, co-ops, and full-time positions.
Spring 2021 Career Development Students interact with representatives of employer organizations about current and future employment opportunities including internships, co-ops, and full-time positions. 3 11 30 Career Center N ; Career Services,Career development,,Self-knowledge,
Career Services


Career Services - The primary mission of Career Services is to assist students and other designated clients in developing, evaluating, and implementing career, education, and employment plans.

Gamecocks Get Hired Job Fair
Students interact with representatives from employer organizations about current and future employment opportunities including internships, co-ops, and full-time positions.
Spring 2021 Career Development Students interact with representatives from employer organizations about current and future employment opportunities including internships, co-ops, and full-time positions. 3 11 30 Career Center N ; Career Services,Career development,,Self-knowledge,
Education Abroad Programs & Services


Education Abroad Programs & Services - Education Abroad Programs and Services facilitate and oversee student participation in educational experiences that occur in countries outside the institution's home country.

Study Abroad - Global Direct
Students engage in a summer, semester, or academic year direct-enroll program while focusing on specific topics, foreign languages, or various subject areas. Students take courses from an approved academic institution and pay tuition and fees directly to the host institution.
Summer 2020 Study Abroad Students engage in a summer, semester, or academic year direct-enroll program while focusing on specific topics, foreign languages, or various subject areas. Students take courses from an approved academic institution and pay tuition and fees directly to the host institution. 3 12 31 Study Abroad N Experiential Learning Opportunity; GLD-Global Learning; Education Abroad Programs & Services,Global learning,,Intercultural knowledge and competence,Specialized knowledge and skills
Education Abroad Programs & Services


Education Abroad Programs & Services - Education Abroad Programs and Services facilitate and oversee student participation in educational experiences that occur in countries outside the institution's home country.

Study Abroad - Global Direct
Students engage in a summer, semester, or academic year direct-enroll program while focusing on specific topics, foreign languages, or various subject areas. Students take courses from an approved academic institution and pay tuition and fees directly to the host institution.
Fall 2020 Study Abroad Students engage in a summer, semester, or academic year direct-enroll program while focusing on specific topics, foreign languages, or various subject areas. Students take courses from an approved academic institution and pay tuition and fees directly to the host institution. 3 12 31 Study Abroad N Experiential Learning Opportunity; GLD-Global Learning; Education Abroad Programs & Services,Global learning,,Intercultural knowledge and competence,Specialized knowledge and skills
Education Abroad Programs & Services


Education Abroad Programs & Services - Education Abroad Programs and Services facilitate and oversee student participation in educational experiences that occur in countries outside the institution's home country.

Study Abroad - Global Direct
Students engage in a summer, semester, or academic year direct-enroll program while focusing on specific topics, foreign languages, or various subject areas. Students take courses from an approved academic institution and pay tuition and fees directly to the host institution.
Spring 2021 Study Abroad Students engage in a summer, semester, or academic year direct-enroll program while focusing on specific topics, foreign languages, or various subject areas. Students take courses from an approved academic institution and pay tuition and fees directly to the host institution. 3 12 31 Study Abroad N Experiential Learning Opportunity; GLD-Global Learning; Education Abroad Programs & Services,Global learning,,Intercultural knowledge and competence,Specialized knowledge and skills
Education Abroad Programs & Services


Education Abroad Programs & Services - Education Abroad Programs and Services facilitate and oversee student participation in educational experiences that occur in countries outside the institution's home country.

Study Abroad - Global Exchange
Students engage in a semester or academic year exchange program in conjunction with a partner institution. Some focus on specific areas of study; others are open to all majors. Students are charged USC in-state tuition while enrolled in this program.
Spring 2021 Study Abroad Students engage in a semester or academic year exchange program in conjunction with a partner institution. Some focus on specific areas of study; others are open to all majors. Students are charged USC in-state tuition while enrolled in this program. 3 12 31 Study Abroad N Experiential Learning Opportunity; GLD-Global Learning; Education Abroad Programs & Services,Global learning,,Intercultural knowledge and competence,Specialized knowledge and skills
Education Abroad Programs & Services


Education Abroad Programs & Services - Education Abroad Programs and Services facilitate and oversee student participation in educational experiences that occur in countries outside the institution's home country.

Study Abroad - Global Exchange
Students engage in a semester or academic year exchange program in conjunction with a partner institution. Some focus on specific areas of study; others are open to all majors. Students are charged USC in-state tuition while enrolled in this program.
Fall 2020 Study Abroad Students engage in a semester or academic year exchange program in conjunction with a partner institution. Some focus on specific areas of study; others are open to all majors. Students are charged USC in-state tuition while enrolled in this program. 3 12 31 Study Abroad N Experiential Learning Opportunity; GLD-Global Learning; Education Abroad Programs & Services,Global learning,,Intercultural knowledge and competence,Specialized knowledge and skills
Education Abroad Programs & Services


Education Abroad Programs & Services - Education Abroad Programs and Services facilitate and oversee student participation in educational experiences that occur in countries outside the institution's home country.

Study Abroad - Global Exchange
Students engage in a semester or academic year exchange program in conjunction with a partner institution. Some focus on specific areas of study; others are open to all majors. Students are charged USC in-state tuition while enrolled in this program.
Summer 2020 Study Abroad Students engage in a semester or academic year exchange program in conjunction with a partner institution. Some focus on specific areas of study; others are open to all majors. Students are charged USC in-state tuition while enrolled in this program. 3 12 31 Study Abroad N Experiential Learning Opportunity; GLD-Global Learning; Education Abroad Programs & Services,Global learning,,Intercultural knowledge and competence,Specialized knowledge and skills
Education Abroad Programs & Services


Education Abroad Programs & Services - Education Abroad Programs and Services facilitate and oversee student participation in educational experiences that occur in countries outside the institution's home country.

Study Abroad - Global Partner
Students engage in a summer, semester, or academic year program with an independent study abroad organization.
Spring 2021 Study Abroad Students engage in a summer, semester, or academic year program with an independent study abroad organization. 3 12 31 Study Abroad N Experiential Learning Opportunity; GLD-Global Learning; Education Abroad Programs & Services,Global learning,,Intercultural knowledge and competence,Specialized knowledge and skills
Education Abroad Programs & Services


Education Abroad Programs & Services - Education Abroad Programs and Services facilitate and oversee student participation in educational experiences that occur in countries outside the institution's home country.

Study Abroad - Global Partner
Students engage in a summer, semester, or academic year program with an independent study abroad organization.
Fall 2020 Study Abroad Students engage in a summer, semester, or academic year program with an independent study abroad organization. 3 12 31 Study Abroad N Experiential Learning Opportunity; GLD-Global Learning; Education Abroad Programs & Services,Global learning,,Intercultural knowledge and competence,Specialized knowledge and skills
Civic Engagement & Service-Learning Programs


Civic Engagement & Service-Learning Programs - The primary mission of Service-Learning Programs is to engage students in experiences that address human and community needs together with structured opportunities for reflection intentionally designed to promote student learning and development.

Service-Learning - PALM 495
An exploration of theories of service-learning with application of practical solutions to meet community needs.
Spring 2021 Service Learning An exploration of theories of service-learning with application of practical solutions to meet community needs. 13 33 112 Y GLD-Community Service; Experiential Learning Opportunity; Civic Engagement & Service-Learning Programs,Apply specialized knowledge,Community service / civic engagement,Specialized knowledge and skills,Personal and social responsibility - Contributing to a larger community
Student Leadership Programs


Student Leadership Programs - The mission of Student Leadership Programs must be to prepare students to engage in the process of leadership.

Civic Leadership, Education, and Action Team (CLEAT)
Team members act to enhance year-round nonpartisan civic education and action on campus. CLEAT envisions and plans initiatives to cultivate deliberation, enhance civic literacy, and increase voter engagement on campus.
Spring 2021 Student Program Leader Team members act to enhance year-round nonpartisan civic education and action on campus. CLEAT envisions and plans initiatives to cultivate deliberation, enhance civic literacy, and increase voter engagement on campus. 3 11 28 Leadership & Service Center N GLD-Professional & Civic Engagement; Experiential Learning Opportunity; Student Leadership Programs,Leadership,Career readiness,Communication - spoken,Influencing others
Civic Engagement & Service-Learning Programs


Civic Engagement & Service-Learning Programs - The primary mission of Service-Learning Programs is to engage students in experiences that address human and community needs together with structured opportunities for reflection intentionally designed to promote student learning and development.

Community Service Ambassador
Each student ambassador serves in a nonprofit organization located in the Midlands, exploring issues affecting the local community and working with the non-profit agency to address these issues.
Spring 2021 Civic Engagement Each student ambassador serves in a nonprofit organization located in the Midlands, exploring issues affecting the local community and working with the non-profit agency to address these issues. 3 11 28 Leadership & Service Center N GLD-Professional & Civic Engagement; GLD-Community Service; Experiential Learning Opportunity; Civic Engagement & Service-Learning Programs,Community service / civic engagement,Study / Practice diversity, equity, inclusion,Civic knowledge and engagement,Personal and social responsibility - Contributing to a larger community
Education Abroad Programs & Services


Education Abroad Programs & Services - Education Abroad Programs and Services facilitate and oversee student participation in educational experiences that occur in countries outside the institution's home country.

Study Abroad - Global Partner
Students engage in a summer, semester, or academic year program with an independent study abroad organization.
Summer 2020 Study Abroad Students engage in a summer, semester, or academic year program with an independent study abroad organization. 3 12 31 Study Abroad N Experiential Learning Opportunity; GLD-Global Learning; Education Abroad Programs & Services,Global learning,,Intercultural knowledge and competence,Specialized knowledge and skills
Internship Programs


Internship Programs - The primary mission of Internship Programs is to engage students in planned, educationally-related work and learning experiences that integrate knowledge and theory with practical application and skill development in a professional setting.

Media Arts Internship - MART 499
MART 499 is the capstone experience for all media arts majors, consisting of a 160-hour professional internship working in the media arts fields.
Spring 2021 Internship MART 499 is the capstone experience for all media arts majors, consisting of a 160-hour professional internship working in the media arts fields. 3 14 56 Y GLD-Professional & Civic Engagement; Experiential Learning Opportunity; Internship Programs,Apply specialized knowledge,Career readiness,Specialized knowledge and skills,
Career Services


Career Services - The primary mission of Career Services is to assist students and other designated clients in developing, evaluating, and implementing career, education, and employment plans.

Career Coaching - Drop-In Session
Students stop by the Career Center for a brief discussion with a staff member or a quick review of their resume.
Spring 2021 Career Development Students stop by the Career Center for a brief discussion with a staff member or a quick review of their resume. 3 11 30 Career Center N ; Career Services,Study / Practice self knowledge,,Self-knowledge,
Career Services


Career Services - The primary mission of Career Services is to assist students and other designated clients in developing, evaluating, and implementing career, education, and employment plans.

Hospitality, Retail and Sport Management Experience Expo
Students interact with prospective employers to learn about opportunities and obtain interviews for internships and full-time jobs. Students interact with study abroad providers to learn about international experiences available to USC and College of HRSM students.
Spring 2021 Career Development Students interact with prospective employers to learn about opportunities and obtain interviews for internships and full-time jobs. Students interact with study abroad providers to learn about international experiences available to USC and College of HRSM students. 3 17 103 N ; Career Services,Career development,Career readiness,Self-knowledge,Influencing others
Student Employment


Student Employment - Student is employed part-time by the university and engages in career readiness development activities as part of supervision process.

Study Abroad Peer Advisor
Students who have studied abroad work in a pre-professional capacity with the Study Abroad Office staff to promote study abroad on campus and to support prospective, current and returned study abroad participants.
Spring 2021 Employment On Campus Students who have studied abroad work in a pre-professional capacity with the Study Abroad Office staff to promote study abroad on campus and to support prospective, current and returned study abroad participants. 3 12 31 Study Abroad N GLD-Professional & Civic Engagement; Experiential Learning Opportunity; Student Employment,Career readiness,Global learning,Interpersonal skills,Intercultural knowledge and competence
Student Leadership Programs


Student Leadership Programs - The mission of Student Leadership Programs must be to prepare students to engage in the process of leadership.

Magellan Ambassador
Magellan Ambassadors represent the Office of Undergraduate Research through campus presentations and events, providing opportunity for professional development while sharing their research experience with other students.
Spring 2021 Student Program Leader Magellan Ambassadors represent the Office of Undergraduate Research through campus presentations and events, providing opportunity for professional development while sharing their research experience with other students. 3 13 32 Undergraduate Research N GLD-Professional & Civic Engagement; Student Leadership Programs,Leadership,,Communication - spoken,Influencing others
Fraternity and Sorority Advising Programs


Fraternity and Sorority Advising Programs - The mission of Fraternity and Sorority Advising Programs is to promote the learning and development of students who affiliate with fraternities and sororities.

Harm Reduction Series
Students listen to an expert presenter on a harm reduction topic, ask questions, and engage in a discussion around the topic. Sessions are designed to assist the fraternity and sorority community with identifying harm reduction strategies, solving problems, and creating a safer environment within the community.
Spring 2021 Campus Activities Students listen to an expert presenter on a harm reduction topic, ask questions, and engage in a discussion around the topic. Sessions are designed to assist the fraternity and sorority community with identifying harm reduction strategies, solving problems, and creating a safer environment within the community. 3 11 28 Fraternity & Sorority Life N ; Fraternity and Sorority Advising Programs,Apply specialized knowledge,Study / Practice self knowledge,Problem solving,
Student Leadership Programs


Student Leadership Programs - The mission of Student Leadership Programs must be to prepare students to engage in the process of leadership.

College of Engineering and Computing Peer Mentor
Each CEC Peer Mentor is matched with a mentee through the UofSC Mentorship Hub, to answer questions and share their experiences about working toward personal, academic, and professional goals. Mentors contact their mentee at least once per month and report their mentorship interactions.
Fall 2021 Student Program Leader Each CEC Peer Mentor is matched with a mentee through the UofSC Mentorship Hub, to answer questions and share their experiences about working toward personal, academic, and professional goals. Mentors contact their mentee at least once per month and report their mentorship interactions. 3 19 101 N ; Student Leadership Programs,Community service / civic engagement,Leadership,Interpersonal skills,
Undergraduate Research Programs


Undergraduate Research Programs - The primary mission of Undergraduate Research Programs is to engage students in investigative and creative activity to experience firsthand the processes of scholarly exploration and discovery.

Undergraduate Research - Independent Study Credit
Students work with a mentor, for academic course credit (generally through independent study) to conduct a discipline specific research project that explores their field of interest through a hands-on project. Mentors and students develop and determine expectations, objectives, and the method of evaluation prior to course registration and approval.
Summer 2021 Undergraduate Research Students work with a mentor, for academic course credit (generally through independent study) to conduct a discipline specific research project that explores their field of interest through a hands-on project. Mentors and students develop and determine expectations, objectives, and the method of evaluation prior to course registration and approval. 3 13 32 Undergraduate Research N GLD-Research; Experiential Learning Opportunity; Undergraduate Research Programs,Research,,Critical and creative thinking,Problem solving
Undergraduate Research Programs


Undergraduate Research Programs - The primary mission of Undergraduate Research Programs is to engage students in investigative and creative activity to experience firsthand the processes of scholarly exploration and discovery.

Undergraduate Research - Student Grant Award/Independent Study
Student works with a faculty mentor (for academic credit) to conduct a research project funded by a university grant awarded through competitive application process including evaluation of clarity of student's project description, project's educational and intellectual merit, potential impact of project and mentoring plan.
Summer 2021 Undergraduate Research Student works with a faculty mentor (for academic credit) to conduct a research project funded by a university grant awarded through competitive application process including evaluation of clarity of student's project description, project's educational and intellectual merit, potential impact of project and mentoring plan. 3 13 32 Undergraduate Research N GLD-Research; Experiential Learning Opportunity; Undergraduate Research Programs,Research,,Critical and creative thinking,Problem solving
Undergraduate Research Programs


Undergraduate Research Programs - The primary mission of Undergraduate Research Programs is to engage students in investigative and creative activity to experience firsthand the processes of scholarly exploration and discovery.

Undergraduate Research - Student Grant Award
Student works with a mentor to conduct a discipline specific research project funded by a university grant, awarded through a competitive application process that includes evaluation of the clarity of the student's project description, project's educational and intellectual merit, potential impact of the project, and mentoring plan.
Summer 2021 Undergraduate Research Student works with a mentor to conduct a discipline specific research project funded by a university grant, awarded through a competitive application process that includes evaluation of the clarity of the student's project description, project's educational and intellectual merit, potential impact of the project, and mentoring plan. 3 13 32 Undergraduate Research N GLD-Research; Experiential Learning Opportunity; Undergraduate Research Programs,Research,,Critical and creative thinking,Problem solving
Undergraduate Research Programs


Undergraduate Research Programs - The primary mission of Undergraduate Research Programs is to engage students in investigative and creative activity to experience firsthand the processes of scholarly exploration and discovery.

Undergraduate Research - Paid or Volunteer
Students work with a mentor to conduct a discipline specific research project that explores their field of interest through a hands-on project. Students do not earn academic credit. Mentors and students are encouraged to discuss and develop clear expectations prior to initiating research activities.
Summer 2021 Undergraduate Research Students work with a mentor to conduct a discipline specific research project that explores their field of interest through a hands-on project. Students do not earn academic credit. Mentors and students are encouraged to discuss and develop clear expectations prior to initiating research activities. 3 13 32 Undergraduate Research N GLD-Research; Experiential Learning Opportunity; Undergraduate Research Programs,Research,,Critical and creative thinking,Problem solving
Undergraduate Research Programs


Undergraduate Research Programs - The primary mission of Undergraduate Research Programs is to engage students in investigative and creative activity to experience firsthand the processes of scholarly exploration and discovery.

Undergraduate Research - Paid or Volunteer
Students work with a mentor to conduct a discipline specific research project that explores their field of interest through a hands-on project. Students do not earn academic credit. Mentors and students are encouraged to discuss and develop clear expectations prior to initiating research activities.
Fall 2021 Undergraduate Research Students work with a mentor to conduct a discipline specific research project that explores their field of interest through a hands-on project. Students do not earn academic credit. Mentors and students are encouraged to discuss and develop clear expectations prior to initiating research activities. 3 13 32 Undergraduate Research N GLD-Research; Experiential Learning Opportunity; Undergraduate Research Programs,Research,,Critical and creative thinking,Problem solving
Undergraduate Research Programs


Undergraduate Research Programs - The primary mission of Undergraduate Research Programs is to engage students in investigative and creative activity to experience firsthand the processes of scholarly exploration and discovery.

Undergraduate Research - Student Grant Award
Student works with a mentor to conduct a discipline specific research project funded by a university grant, awarded through a competitive application process that includes evaluation of the clarity of the student's project description, project's educational and intellectual merit, potential impact of the project, and mentoring plan.
Fall 2021 Undergraduate Research Student works with a mentor to conduct a discipline specific research project funded by a university grant, awarded through a competitive application process that includes evaluation of the clarity of the student's project description, project's educational and intellectual merit, potential impact of the project, and mentoring plan. 3 13 32 Undergraduate Research N GLD-Research; Experiential Learning Opportunity; Undergraduate Research Programs,Research,,Critical and creative thinking,Problem solving
Undergraduate Research Programs


Undergraduate Research Programs - The primary mission of Undergraduate Research Programs is to engage students in investigative and creative activity to experience firsthand the processes of scholarly exploration and discovery.

Undergraduate Research - Student Grant Award/Independent Study
Student works with a faculty mentor (for academic credit) to conduct a research project funded by a university grant awarded through competitive application process including evaluation of clarity of student's project description, project's educational and intellectual merit, potential impact of project and mentoring plan.
Fall 2021 Undergraduate Research Student works with a faculty mentor (for academic credit) to conduct a research project funded by a university grant awarded through competitive application process including evaluation of clarity of student's project description, project's educational and intellectual merit, potential impact of project and mentoring plan. 3 13 32 Undergraduate Research N GLD-Research; Experiential Learning Opportunity; Undergraduate Research Programs,Research,,Critical and creative thinking,Problem solving
Undergraduate Research Programs


Undergraduate Research Programs - The primary mission of Undergraduate Research Programs is to engage students in investigative and creative activity to experience firsthand the processes of scholarly exploration and discovery.

Undergraduate Research - Independent Study Credit
Students work with a mentor, for academic course credit (generally through independent study) to conduct a discipline specific research project that explores their field of interest through a hands-on project. Mentors and students develop and determine expectations, objectives, and the method of evaluation prior to course registration and approval.
Fall 2021 Undergraduate Research Students work with a mentor, for academic course credit (generally through independent study) to conduct a discipline specific research project that explores their field of interest through a hands-on project. Mentors and students develop and determine expectations, objectives, and the method of evaluation prior to course registration and approval. 3 13 32 Undergraduate Research N GLD-Research; Experiential Learning Opportunity; Undergraduate Research Programs,Research,,Critical and creative thinking,Problem solving
Education Abroad Programs & Services


Education Abroad Programs & Services - Education Abroad Programs and Services facilitate and oversee student participation in educational experiences that occur in countries outside the institution's home country.

Study Abroad - Global Direct
Students engage in a summer, semester, or academic year direct-enroll program while focusing on specific topics, foreign languages, or various subject areas. Students take courses from an approved academic institution and pay tuition and fees directly to the host institution.
Summer 2021 Study Abroad Students engage in a summer, semester, or academic year direct-enroll program while focusing on specific topics, foreign languages, or various subject areas. Students take courses from an approved academic institution and pay tuition and fees directly to the host institution. 3 12 31 Study Abroad N Experiential Learning Opportunity; GLD-Global Learning; Education Abroad Programs & Services,Global learning,,Intercultural knowledge and competence,Specialized knowledge and skills
Education Abroad Programs & Services


Education Abroad Programs & Services - Education Abroad Programs and Services facilitate and oversee student participation in educational experiences that occur in countries outside the institution's home country.

Study Abroad - Global Exchange
Students engage in a semester or academic year exchange program in conjunction with a partner institution. Some focus on specific areas of study; others are open to all majors. Students are charged USC in-state tuition while enrolled in this program.
Summer 2021 Study Abroad Students engage in a semester or academic year exchange program in conjunction with a partner institution. Some focus on specific areas of study; others are open to all majors. Students are charged USC in-state tuition while enrolled in this program. 3 12 31 Study Abroad N Experiential Learning Opportunity; GLD-Global Learning; Education Abroad Programs & Services,Global learning,,Intercultural knowledge and competence,Specialized knowledge and skills
Education Abroad Programs & Services


Education Abroad Programs & Services - Education Abroad Programs and Services facilitate and oversee student participation in educational experiences that occur in countries outside the institution's home country.

Study Abroad - Global Partner
Students engage in a summer, semester, or academic year program with an independent study abroad organization.
Summer 2021 Study Abroad Students engage in a summer, semester, or academic year program with an independent study abroad organization. 3 12 31 Study Abroad N Experiential Learning Opportunity; GLD-Global Learning; Education Abroad Programs & Services,Global learning,,Intercultural knowledge and competence,Specialized knowledge and skills
Student Employment


Student Employment - Student is employed part-time by the university and engages in career readiness development activities as part of supervision process.

Study Abroad Peer Advisor
Students who have studied abroad work in a pre-professional capacity with the Study Abroad Office staff to promote study abroad on campus and to support prospective, current and returned study abroad participants.
Fall 2021 Employment On Campus Students who have studied abroad work in a pre-professional capacity with the Study Abroad Office staff to promote study abroad on campus and to support prospective, current and returned study abroad participants. 3 12 31 Study Abroad N GLD-Professional & Civic Engagement; Experiential Learning Opportunity; Student Employment,Career readiness,Global learning,Interpersonal skills,Intercultural knowledge and competence
Housing and Residential Life Programs


Housing and Residential Life Programs - The mission of Housing and Residential Life Programs is accomplished through the coordination of several interdependent specialized areas; residence education / programming, business operations, and housing/facilities management.

Cocky Conversations with Resident Mentors
Students engage in a 1-1 discussion with their Resident Mentor on topics intended to help students reflect on their experiences in college and advance their personal development.
Fall 2021 Educational Support Students engage in a 1-1 discussion with their Resident Mentor on topics intended to help students reflect on their experiences in college and advance their personal development. 3 11 29 University Housing N ; Housing and Residential Life Programs,Study / Practice self knowledge,,Self-knowledge,
Student Leadership Programs


Student Leadership Programs - The mission of Student Leadership Programs must be to prepare students to engage in the process of leadership.

Returning Resident Assistant
Returning Resident Mentors have completed the training course, live with a group of 25 to 60 residents, guide them through their Carolina experience, and are responsible for actively assisting individuals and groups of students in their residential learning community by performing all job duties and responsibilities of the position.
Fall 2021 Peer Educator Returning Resident Mentors have completed the training course, live with a group of 25 to 60 residents, guide them through their Carolina experience, and are responsible for actively assisting individuals and groups of students in their residential learning community by performing all job duties and responsibilities of the position. 3 11 29 University Housing N GLD-Professional & Civic Engagement; Experiential Learning Opportunity; Student Leadership Programs,Leadership,,Influencing others,Interpersonal skills
Student Leadership Programs


Student Leadership Programs - The mission of Student Leadership Programs must be to prepare students to engage in the process of leadership.

New Resident Assistant
Resident Mentors live with a group of 25 to 60 residents, guide them through their Carolina experience, and are responsible for actively assisting individuals and groups of students in their residential learning community by performing all job duties and responsibilities of the position.
Fall 2021 Peer Educator Resident Mentors live with a group of 25 to 60 residents, guide them through their Carolina experience, and are responsible for actively assisting individuals and groups of students in their residential learning community by performing all job duties and responsibilities of the position. 3 11 29 University Housing N GLD-Professional & Civic Engagement; Experiential Learning Opportunity; Student Leadership Programs,Leadership,,Influencing others,Interpersonal skills
Student Leadership Programs


Student Leadership Programs - The mission of Student Leadership Programs must be to prepare students to engage in the process of leadership.

Campus Recreation Head Lifeguard
Head lifeguards oversee the aquatics facility while on duty, supervise other lifeguards, complete written shift reports to communicate between shifts, resolve pool maintenance issues and manage staffing transitions between lifeguard staff shifts.
Fall 2021 Student Program Leader Head lifeguards oversee the aquatics facility while on duty, supervise other lifeguards, complete written shift reports to communicate between shifts, resolve pool maintenance issues and manage staffing transitions between lifeguard staff shifts. 3 11 117 Campus Recreation N GLD-Professional & Civic Engagement; Experiential Learning Opportunity; Student Leadership Programs,Leadership,Career readiness,Influencing others,Professionalism / career readiness
Recreational Sports Programs


Recreational Sports Programs - The mission of Recreational Sports Programs must be to enhance the mind, body, and spirit of students and other eligible individuals by providing programs, services, and facilities that are responsive to the physical, social, recreational, and lifelong educational needs of the campus community as they relate to health, fitness, and learning.

Campus Recreation Lifeguard
Students who are trained and certified as lifeguards apply their expertise to maintain a safe recreational environment for swimmers and other users of the aquatics facility.
Fall 2021 Student Program Leader Students who are trained and certified as lifeguards apply their expertise to maintain a safe recreational environment for swimmers and other users of the aquatics facility. 3 11 117 Campus Recreation N GLD-Professional & Civic Engagement; Recreational Sports Programs,Apply specialized knowledge,,Communication - spoken,Problem solving
Recreational Sports Programs


Recreational Sports Programs - The mission of Recreational Sports Programs must be to enhance the mind, body, and spirit of students and other eligible individuals by providing programs, services, and facilities that are responsive to the physical, social, recreational, and lifelong educational needs of the campus community as they relate to health, fitness, and learning.

Campus Recreation Red Cross Certification Instructor
Students serve as instructors for Red Cross certification classes (e.g., First Aid, CPR/AED, Lifeguard), for students and other members of the university community.
Fall 2021 Student Program Leader Students serve as instructors for Red Cross certification classes (e.g., First Aid, CPR/AED, Lifeguard), for students and other members of the university community. 3 11 117 Campus Recreation N GLD-Professional & Civic Engagement; Recreational Sports Programs,Apply specialized knowledge,,Interpersonal skills,Problem solving
Recreational Sports Programs


Recreational Sports Programs - The mission of Recreational Sports Programs must be to enhance the mind, body, and spirit of students and other eligible individuals by providing programs, services, and facilities that are responsive to the physical, social, recreational, and lifelong educational needs of the campus community as they relate to health, fitness, and learning.

Campus Recreation Group X
Students participate in a 45-60 minute group exercise class such as Yoga, Zumba, BodyPump, Barre, Cycle, and Bootcamp.
Summer 2021 Physical, Mental, Emotional Health Students participate in a 45-60 minute group exercise class such as Yoga, Zumba, BodyPump, Barre, Cycle, and Bootcamp. 3 11 117 Campus Recreation N ; Recreational Sports Programs,Study / Practice physical well being,Connecting with others,Self-knowledge,
Recreational Sports Programs


Recreational Sports Programs - The mission of Recreational Sports Programs must be to enhance the mind, body, and spirit of students and other eligible individuals by providing programs, services, and facilities that are responsive to the physical, social, recreational, and lifelong educational needs of the campus community as they relate to health, fitness, and learning.

Campus Recreation Personal Fitness Training
Students work with a personal trainer to identify their fitness goals and practice individually tailored exercises and routines; each session is 60 minutes in length.
Summer 2021 Physical, Mental, Emotional Health Students work with a personal trainer to identify their fitness goals and practice individually tailored exercises and routines; each session is 60 minutes in length. 3 11 117 Campus Recreation N ; Recreational Sports Programs,Study / Practice physical well being,Study / Practice self knowledge,Self-knowledge,
Recreational Sports Programs


Recreational Sports Programs - The mission of Recreational Sports Programs must be to enhance the mind, body, and spirit of students and other eligible individuals by providing programs, services, and facilities that are responsive to the physical, social, recreational, and lifelong educational needs of the campus community as they relate to health, fitness, and learning.

Campus Recreation Climbing Wall
Students participate in top rope climbing or bouldering, with routes for both beginners and advanced climbers, at the climbing wall in the Wellness & Fitness Center.
Summer 2021 Physical, Mental, Emotional Health Students participate in top rope climbing or bouldering, with routes for both beginners and advanced climbers, at the climbing wall in the Wellness & Fitness Center. 3 11 117 Campus Recreation N ; Recreational Sports Programs,Recreation, leisure, entertainment,Connecting with others,Foundations and skills for lifelong learning,
Recreational Sports Programs


Recreational Sports Programs - The mission of Recreational Sports Programs must be to enhance the mind, body, and spirit of students and other eligible individuals by providing programs, services, and facilities that are responsive to the physical, social, recreational, and lifelong educational needs of the campus community as they relate to health, fitness, and learning.

Outdoor Recreation Skills Clinic
Students listen to a presentation and interact with others for hands-on skill development and application, to improve their proficiency in an outdoor recreation activity.
Fall 2021 Campus Activities Students listen to a presentation and interact with others for hands-on skill development and application, to improve their proficiency in an outdoor recreation activity. 3 11 117 Campus Recreation N ; Recreational Sports Programs,Recreation, leisure, entertainment,Connecting with others,Self-knowledge,
Recreational Sports Programs


Recreational Sports Programs - The mission of Recreational Sports Programs must be to enhance the mind, body, and spirit of students and other eligible individuals by providing programs, services, and facilities that are responsive to the physical, social, recreational, and lifelong educational needs of the campus community as they relate to health, fitness, and learning.

Campus Recreation Intramural Sports
Students participate in an intramural sport, such as basketball, cornhole, volleyball, flag football, soccer, pickleball, and more.
Summer 2021 Campus Activities Students participate in an intramural sport, such as basketball, cornhole, volleyball, flag football, soccer, pickleball, and more. 3 11 117 Campus Recreation N ; Recreational Sports Programs,Recreation, leisure, entertainment,Connecting with others,Self-knowledge,
Civic Engagement & Service-Learning Programs


Civic Engagement & Service-Learning Programs - The primary mission of Service-Learning Programs is to engage students in experiences that address human and community needs together with structured opportunities for reflection intentionally designed to promote student learning and development.

Safe Zone Workshop
Student listen to an expert presenter speak about LGBT college student data, risks associated with LGBT college students, bias and harassment, and resources available on- and off- campus to provide support. Students engage in small group activities such as scenarios to learn how to interrupt bias, and how to understand the LGBT experience.
Summer 2021 Civic Engagement Student listen to an expert presenter speak about LGBT college student data, risks associated with LGBT college students, bias and harassment, and resources available on- and off- campus to provide support. Students engage in small group activities such as scenarios to learn how to interrupt bias, and how to understand the LGBT experience. 3 11 28 Multicultural Student Affairs N GLD-Diversity & Social Advocacy; GLD-Professional & Civic Engagement; Civic Engagement & Service-Learning Programs,Study / Practice diversity, equity, inclusion,Study / Practice self knowledge,Civic knowledge and engagement,Intercultural knowledge and competence
Student Leadership Programs


Student Leadership Programs - The mission of Student Leadership Programs must be to prepare students to engage in the process of leadership.

Leadership and Service Ambassador
Leadership and Service Advocates help manage the Leadership and Service Center’s daily operations, assist students as they call or enter the center, and assist the professional staff in marketing and planning programs and services.
Summer 2021 Student Program Leader Leadership and Service Advocates help manage the Leadership and Service Center’s daily operations, assist students as they call or enter the center, and assist the professional staff in marketing and planning programs and services. 3 11 28 Leadership & Service Center N GLD-Professional & Civic Engagement; Student Leadership Programs,Career readiness,Leadership,Communication - spoken,Problem solving
Student Leadership Programs


Student Leadership Programs - The mission of Student Leadership Programs must be to prepare students to engage in the process of leadership.

Leadership Coaching - Student organization
Students meets with a professional staff member or graduate student to discuss strategies for a more successful student organization.
Summer 2021 Leadership Education Students meets with a professional staff member or graduate student to discuss strategies for a more successful student organization. 3 11 28 Leadership & Service Center N ; Student Leadership Programs,Apply specialized knowledge,Leadership,Critical and creative thinking,Influencing others
Student Leadership Programs


Student Leadership Programs - The mission of Student Leadership Programs must be to prepare students to engage in the process of leadership.

Leadership Coaching - Involvement
Student meets with a professional staff member or graduate student to discuss their personal interests, explore student organizations or other involvement opportunities, identify a goal for becoming more involved on campus and outline a plan for accomplishing that goal.
Summer 2021 Leadership Education Student meets with a professional staff member or graduate student to discuss their personal interests, explore student organizations or other involvement opportunities, identify a goal for becoming more involved on campus and outline a plan for accomplishing that goal. 3 11 28 Leadership & Service Center N ; Student Leadership Programs,Study / Practice self knowledge,,Self-knowledge,Critical and creative thinking
Student Leadership Programs


Student Leadership Programs - The mission of Student Leadership Programs must be to prepare students to engage in the process of leadership.

Pillars for Carolina Extended Mentor
Pillars for Carolina XMs help introduce incoming students to student life and resources on campus. XMs are peer mentors who lead groups and communicate information to diverse audiences; student mentees look to XMs to answer their candid questions about the college experience.
Summer 2021 Student Program Leader Pillars for Carolina XMs help introduce incoming students to student life and resources on campus. XMs are peer mentors who lead groups and communicate information to diverse audiences; student mentees look to XMs to answer their candid questions about the college experience. 3 11 28 Leadership & Service Center N GLD-Professional & Civic Engagement; Student Leadership Programs,Leadership,,Interpersonal skills,Influencing others
Student Leadership Programs


Student Leadership Programs - The mission of Student Leadership Programs must be to prepare students to engage in the process of leadership.

Pillars for Carolina Leadership Team
Student leaders manage all components of the planning, recruitment, and execution of the Pillars for Carolina Extended Orientation Program. Team members work together to solve problems, communicate to multiple constituents, supervise peer mentors, and evaluate the effectiveness of program activities.
Summer 2021 Peer Educator Student leaders manage all components of the planning, recruitment, and execution of the Pillars for Carolina Extended Orientation Program. Team members work together to solve problems, communicate to multiple constituents, supervise peer mentors, and evaluate the effectiveness of program activities. 3 11 28 Leadership & Service Center N GLD-Professional & Civic Engagement; Student Leadership Programs,Leadership,,Problem solving,Teamwork
Post-Traditional & Commuter Student Programs & Services


Post-Traditional & Commuter Student Programs & Services - The primary mission is to ensure that all students have equitable access to programs, services, and engagement opportunities regardless of age, personal characteristics, or place of residence.

Off-Campus Living Module
Students participate in an interactive, self-paced 20 minute online course to learn how to navigate life as an off-campus student. The topics cover finding housing, moving, off-campus safety, community ordinances and laws, commuting and parking, protecting your tenant rights and selecting compatible roommates.
Summer 2021 Educational Support Students participate in an interactive, self-paced 20 minute online course to learn how to navigate life as an off-campus student. The topics cover finding housing, moving, off-campus safety, community ordinances and laws, commuting and parking, protecting your tenant rights and selecting compatible roommates. 3 11 28 Off-Campus Living & Neighborhood Relations N ; Post-Traditional & Commuter Student Programs & Services,Study / Practice self knowledge,,Personal and social responsibility - Striving for excellence,
Campus Activities Programs


Campus Activities Programs - The purpose of Campus Activities Programs must be to enhance the overall educational experience of students through development of, exposure to, and participation in programs and activities that improve student cooperation and leadership while preparing students to be responsible advocates and citizens and complementing the institution's academic programs.

Gamecock Entertainment
Student attended an event provided by Gamecock Entertainment staff programming (e.g., watch parties, sporting events, political elections/debates), paint nights, trivia, foam parties).
Summer 2021 Campus Activities Student attended an event provided by Gamecock Entertainment staff programming (e.g., watch parties, sporting events, political elections/debates), paint nights, trivia, foam parties). 3 11 28 Russell House University Union N ; Campus Activities Programs,Recreation, leisure, entertainment,Connecting with others,Self-knowledge,
Campus Activities Programs


Campus Activities Programs - The purpose of Campus Activities Programs must be to enhance the overall educational experience of students through development of, exposure to, and participation in programs and activities that improve student cooperation and leadership while preparing students to be responsible advocates and citizens and complementing the institution's academic programs.

National Collegiate Athletic Association (NCAA) Athletic Event
Student attendance at National Collegiate Athletic Association (NCAA) athletic events provides opportunities for students to connect with other students and develop a sense of belonging through shared school spirit.
Summer 2021 Campus Activities Student attendance at National Collegiate Athletic Association (NCAA) athletic events provides opportunities for students to connect with other students and develop a sense of belonging through shared school spirit. 3 30 116 Student Tickets N ; Campus Activities Programs,Connecting with others,,Self-knowledge,
Recreational Sports Programs


Recreational Sports Programs - The mission of Recreational Sports Programs must be to enhance the mind, body, and spirit of students and other eligible individuals by providing programs, services, and facilities that are responsive to the physical, social, recreational, and lifelong educational needs of the campus community as they relate to health, fitness, and learning.

Campus Recreation Climbing Wall
Students participate in top rope climbing or bouldering, with routes for both beginners and advanced climbers, at the climbing wall in the Wellness & Fitness Center.
Fall 2021 Physical, Mental, Emotional Health Students participate in top rope climbing or bouldering, with routes for both beginners and advanced climbers, at the climbing wall in the Wellness & Fitness Center. 3 11 117 Campus Recreation N ; Recreational Sports Programs,Recreation, leisure, entertainment,Connecting with others,Foundations and skills for lifelong learning,
Recreational Sports Programs


Recreational Sports Programs - The mission of Recreational Sports Programs must be to enhance the mind, body, and spirit of students and other eligible individuals by providing programs, services, and facilities that are responsive to the physical, social, recreational, and lifelong educational needs of the campus community as they relate to health, fitness, and learning.

Campus Recreation Group X
Students participate in a 45-60 minute group exercise class such as Yoga, Zumba, BodyPump, Barre, Cycle, and Bootcamp.
Fall 2021 Physical, Mental, Emotional Health Students participate in a 45-60 minute group exercise class such as Yoga, Zumba, BodyPump, Barre, Cycle, and Bootcamp. 3 11 117 Campus Recreation N ; Recreational Sports Programs,Study / Practice physical well being,Connecting with others,Self-knowledge,
Recreational Sports Programs


Recreational Sports Programs - The mission of Recreational Sports Programs must be to enhance the mind, body, and spirit of students and other eligible individuals by providing programs, services, and facilities that are responsive to the physical, social, recreational, and lifelong educational needs of the campus community as they relate to health, fitness, and learning.

Campus Recreation Intramural Sports
Students participate in an intramural sport, such as basketball, cornhole, volleyball, flag football, soccer, pickleball, and more.
Fall 2021 Campus Activities Students participate in an intramural sport, such as basketball, cornhole, volleyball, flag football, soccer, pickleball, and more. 3 11 117 Campus Recreation N ; Recreational Sports Programs,Recreation, leisure, entertainment,Connecting with others,Self-knowledge,
Recreational Sports Programs


Recreational Sports Programs - The mission of Recreational Sports Programs must be to enhance the mind, body, and spirit of students and other eligible individuals by providing programs, services, and facilities that are responsive to the physical, social, recreational, and lifelong educational needs of the campus community as they relate to health, fitness, and learning.

Campus Recreation Adventure Trip Participant
Students participate with a group of peers in an adventure trip guided by a staff member; trip options include biking, camping, hiking, boating, and more. Adventures vary in length from a few hours to a few days.
Fall 2021 Campus Activities Students participate with a group of peers in an adventure trip guided by a staff member; trip options include biking, camping, hiking, boating, and more. Adventures vary in length from a few hours to a few days. 3 11 117 Campus Recreation N ; Recreational Sports Programs,Recreation, leisure, entertainment,Connecting with others,Self-knowledge,
Student Employment


Student Employment - Student is employed part-time by the university and engages in career readiness development activities as part of supervision process.

Student Media Advertising Representative
Advertising representatives work with internal and external partners and clients to provide effective advertising solutions comprised of Student Media resources.
Fall 2021 Employment On Campus Advertising representatives work with internal and external partners and clients to provide effective advertising solutions comprised of Student Media resources. 3 11 28 Student Media N GLD-Professional & Civic Engagement; Experiential Learning Opportunity; Student Employment,Career readiness,,Problem solving,Influencing others
Student Media Programs


Student Media Programs - The mission is to prepare students for their responsibilities in planning and producing media products, offer leadership opportunities and support for students engaged in these activities.

Student Media Creative Services Designer
Creative Services team members apply visual communications skills to complete contracted work for Student Media's clients and partners. Designers apply visual communication techniques and best practices to complete projects including advertisements, promotional materials, and other graphics work.
Fall 2021 Employment On Campus Creative Services team members apply visual communications skills to complete contracted work for Student Media's clients and partners. Designers apply visual communication techniques and best practices to complete projects including advertisements, promotional materials, and other graphics work. 3 11 28 Student Media N GLD-Professional & Civic Engagement; Experiential Learning Opportunity; Student Media Programs,Apply specialized knowledge,,Specialized knowledge and skills,Integrative and applied learning
Student Leadership Programs


Student Leadership Programs - The mission of Student Leadership Programs must be to prepare students to engage in the process of leadership.

Student Media Executive Leader
Each student executive serves as head of one of the editorially independent and student-run media organizations, with final authority on decisions related to content and programming and with responsibility for ensuring high quality and responsible journalistic standards.
Fall 2021 Appointed Student Leader Each student executive serves as head of one of the editorially independent and student-run media organizations, with final authority on decisions related to content and programming and with responsibility for ensuring high quality and responsible journalistic standards. 3 11 28 Student Media N GLD-Professional & Civic Engagement; Experiential Learning Opportunity; Student Leadership Programs,Leadership,,Critical and creative thinking,Interpersonal skills
Student Leadership Programs


Student Leadership Programs - The mission of Student Leadership Programs must be to prepare students to engage in the process of leadership.

Student Media Senior Leader
Senior leaders manage sections and teams within each of Student Media’s partner organizations, often overseeing content production or administrative tasks. Senior leaders apply knowledge of journalistic and media best practices while serving in a peer leadership role within the media organization.
Fall 2021 Student Program Leader Senior leaders manage sections and teams within each of Student Media’s partner organizations, often overseeing content production or administrative tasks. Senior leaders apply knowledge of journalistic and media best practices while serving in a peer leadership role within the media organization. 3 11 28 Student Media N GLD-Professional & Civic Engagement; Student Leadership Programs,Apply specialized knowledge,Leadership,Specialized knowledge and skills,Critical and creative thinking
Civic Engagement & Service-Learning Programs


Civic Engagement & Service-Learning Programs - The primary mission of Service-Learning Programs is to engage students in experiences that address human and community needs together with structured opportunities for reflection intentionally designed to promote student learning and development.

Safe Zone Workshop
Student listen to an expert presenter speak about LGBT college student data, risks associated with LGBT college students, bias and harassment, and resources available on- and off- campus to provide support. Students engage in small group activities such as scenarios to learn how to interrupt bias, and how to understand the LGBT experience.
Fall 2021 Civic Engagement Student listen to an expert presenter speak about LGBT college student data, risks associated with LGBT college students, bias and harassment, and resources available on- and off- campus to provide support. Students engage in small group activities such as scenarios to learn how to interrupt bias, and how to understand the LGBT experience. 3 11 28 Multicultural Student Affairs N GLD-Diversity & Social Advocacy; GLD-Professional & Civic Engagement; Civic Engagement & Service-Learning Programs,Study / Practice diversity, equity, inclusion,Study / Practice self knowledge,Civic knowledge and engagement,Intercultural knowledge and competence
Recreational Sports Programs


Recreational Sports Programs - The mission of Recreational Sports Programs must be to enhance the mind, body, and spirit of students and other eligible individuals by providing programs, services, and facilities that are responsive to the physical, social, recreational, and lifelong educational needs of the campus community as they relate to health, fitness, and learning.

Campus Recreation Personal Fitness Training
Students work with a personal trainer to identify their fitness goals and practice individually tailored exercises and routines; each session is 60 minutes in length.
Fall 2021 Physical, Mental, Emotional Health Students work with a personal trainer to identify their fitness goals and practice individually tailored exercises and routines; each session is 60 minutes in length. 3 11 117 Campus Recreation N ; Recreational Sports Programs,Study / Practice physical well being,Study / Practice self knowledge,Self-knowledge,
Recreational Sports Programs


Recreational Sports Programs - The mission of Recreational Sports Programs must be to enhance the mind, body, and spirit of students and other eligible individuals by providing programs, services, and facilities that are responsive to the physical, social, recreational, and lifelong educational needs of the campus community as they relate to health, fitness, and learning.

Outdoor Recreation Skills Clinic
Students listen to a presentation and interact with others for hands-on skill development and application, to improve their proficiency in an outdoor recreation activity.
Summer 2021 Campus Activities Students listen to a presentation and interact with others for hands-on skill development and application, to improve their proficiency in an outdoor recreation activity. 3 11 117 Campus Recreation N ; Recreational Sports Programs,Recreation, leisure, entertainment,Connecting with others,Self-knowledge,
Post-Traditional & Commuter Student Programs & Services


Post-Traditional & Commuter Student Programs & Services - The primary mission is to ensure that all students have equitable access to programs, services, and engagement opportunities regardless of age, personal characteristics, or place of residence.

Off-Campus Living Module
Students participate in an interactive, self-paced 20 minute online course to learn how to navigate life as an off-campus student. The topics cover finding housing, moving, off-campus safety, community ordinances and laws, commuting and parking, protecting your tenant rights and selecting compatible roommates.
Fall 2021 Educational Support Students participate in an interactive, self-paced 20 minute online course to learn how to navigate life as an off-campus student. The topics cover finding housing, moving, off-campus safety, community ordinances and laws, commuting and parking, protecting your tenant rights and selecting compatible roommates. 3 11 28 Off-Campus Living & Neighborhood Relations N ; Post-Traditional & Commuter Student Programs & Services,Study / Practice self knowledge,,Personal and social responsibility - Striving for excellence,
Campus Activities Programs


Campus Activities Programs - The purpose of Campus Activities Programs must be to enhance the overall educational experience of students through development of, exposure to, and participation in programs and activities that improve student cooperation and leadership while preparing students to be responsible advocates and citizens and complementing the institution's academic programs.

National Collegiate Athletic Association (NCAA) Athletic Event
Student attendance at National Collegiate Athletic Association (NCAA) athletic events provides opportunities for students to connect with other students and develop a sense of belonging through shared school spirit.
Fall 2021 Campus Activities Student attendance at National Collegiate Athletic Association (NCAA) athletic events provides opportunities for students to connect with other students and develop a sense of belonging through shared school spirit. 3 30 116 Student Tickets N ; Campus Activities Programs,Connecting with others,,Self-knowledge,
Student Leadership Programs


Student Leadership Programs - The mission of Student Leadership Programs must be to prepare students to engage in the process of leadership.

Leadership Coaching - Involvement
Student meets with a professional staff member or graduate student to discuss their personal interests, explore student organizations or other involvement opportunities, identify a goal for becoming more involved on campus and outline a plan for accomplishing that goal.
Fall 2021 Leadership Education Student meets with a professional staff member or graduate student to discuss their personal interests, explore student organizations or other involvement opportunities, identify a goal for becoming more involved on campus and outline a plan for accomplishing that goal. 3 11 28 Leadership & Service Center N ; Student Leadership Programs,Study / Practice self knowledge,,Self-knowledge,Critical and creative thinking
Student Leadership Programs


Student Leadership Programs - The mission of Student Leadership Programs must be to prepare students to engage in the process of leadership.

Leadership Coaching - Student organization
Students meets with a professional staff member or graduate student to discuss strategies for a more successful student organization.
Fall 2021 Leadership Education Students meets with a professional staff member or graduate student to discuss strategies for a more successful student organization. 3 11 28 Leadership & Service Center N ; Student Leadership Programs,Apply specialized knowledge,Leadership,Critical and creative thinking,Influencing others
Student Leadership Programs


Student Leadership Programs - The mission of Student Leadership Programs must be to prepare students to engage in the process of leadership.

Leadership and Service Ambassador
Leadership and Service Advocates help manage the Leadership and Service Center’s daily operations, assist students as they call or enter the center, and assist the professional staff in marketing and planning programs and services.
Fall 2021 Student Program Leader Leadership and Service Advocates help manage the Leadership and Service Center’s daily operations, assist students as they call or enter the center, and assist the professional staff in marketing and planning programs and services. 3 11 28 Leadership & Service Center N GLD-Professional & Civic Engagement; Student Leadership Programs,Career readiness,,Communication - spoken,Problem solving
Campus Activities Programs


Campus Activities Programs - The purpose of Campus Activities Programs must be to enhance the overall educational experience of students through development of, exposure to, and participation in programs and activities that improve student cooperation and leadership while preparing students to be responsible advocates and citizens and complementing the institution's academic programs.

Gamecock Entertainment
Student attended an event provided by Gamecock Entertainment staff programming (e.g., watch parties, sporting events, political elections/debates), paint nights, trivia, foam parties).
Fall 2021 Campus Activities Student attended an event provided by Gamecock Entertainment staff programming (e.g., watch parties, sporting events, political elections/debates), paint nights, trivia, foam parties). 3 11 28 Russell House University Union N ; Campus Activities Programs,Recreation, leisure, entertainment,Connecting with others,Self-knowledge,
Campus Activities Programs


Campus Activities Programs - The purpose of Campus Activities Programs must be to enhance the overall educational experience of students through development of, exposure to, and participation in programs and activities that improve student cooperation and leadership while preparing students to be responsible advocates and citizens and complementing the institution's academic programs.

Carolina Productions
Student attended an event provided by the Carolina Productions student programming board (e.g., concerts, comedy nights, weekly movie screenings, roller rinks).
Fall 2021 Campus Activities Student attended an event provided by the Carolina Productions student programming board (e.g., concerts, comedy nights, weekly movie screenings, roller rinks). 3 11 28 Russell House University Union N ; Campus Activities Programs,Recreation, leisure, entertainment,Connecting with others,Self-knowledge,
Fraternity and Sorority Advising Programs


Fraternity and Sorority Advising Programs - The mission of Fraternity and Sorority Advising Programs is to promote the learning and development of students who affiliate with fraternities and sororities.

Fraternity and Sorority Life EmpowHER Conference
Students in sororities participate in interactive conference presentations and activities, and engage in personal reflection.
Fall 2021 Campus Activities Students in sororities participate in interactive conference presentations and activities, and engage in personal reflection. 3 11 28 Fraternity & Sorority Life N ; Fraternity and Sorority Advising Programs,Study / Practice self knowledge,Connecting with others,Self-knowledge,Foundations and skills for lifelong learning
Fraternity and Sorority Advising Programs


Fraternity and Sorority Advising Programs - The mission of Fraternity and Sorority Advising Programs is to promote the learning and development of students who affiliate with fraternities and sororities.

Fraternity and Sorority Life MoMENtum Conference
Students participate in interactive conference presentations and activities, and engage in personal reflection related to: mental health; relationships; advocacy efforts; diversity and inclusion; leadership and career; and other topical issues.
Fall 2021 Campus Activities Students participate in interactive conference presentations and activities, and engage in personal reflection related to: mental health; relationships; advocacy efforts; diversity and inclusion; leadership and career; and other topical issues. 3 11 28 Fraternity & Sorority Life N ; Fraternity and Sorority Advising Programs,Study / Practice self knowledge,Connecting with others,Self-knowledge,Foundations and skills for lifelong learning
Fraternity and Sorority Advising Programs


Fraternity and Sorority Advising Programs - The mission of Fraternity and Sorority Advising Programs is to promote the learning and development of students who affiliate with fraternities and sororities.

Fraternity and Sorority New Member Summit
Students engage in council-specific conversations on the history, significance and myths of Fraternity and Sorority Life, personal responsibility, expectations, and tools available for new FSL members.
Fall 2021 Campus Activities Students engage in council-specific conversations on the history, significance and myths of Fraternity and Sorority Life, personal responsibility, expectations, and tools available for new FSL members. 3 11 28 Fraternity & Sorority Life N ; Fraternity and Sorority Advising Programs,Connecting with others,,Self-knowledge,
Fraternity and Sorority Advising Programs


Fraternity and Sorority Advising Programs - The mission of Fraternity and Sorority Advising Programs is to promote the learning and development of students who affiliate with fraternities and sororities.

Fraternity and Sorority Life Roundtable
Students interact in small-group, informal discussions to share best practices on a variety of topics relevant to the fraternity and sorority experience, such as organizational development and management, and personal development topics.
Fall 2021 Leadership Education Students interact in small-group, informal discussions to share best practices on a variety of topics relevant to the fraternity and sorority experience, such as organizational development and management, and personal development topics. 3 11 28 Fraternity & Sorority Life N ; Fraternity and Sorority Advising Programs,Leadership,Study / Practice self knowledge,Self-knowledge,
Fraternity and Sorority Advising Programs


Fraternity and Sorority Advising Programs - The mission of Fraternity and Sorority Advising Programs is to promote the learning and development of students who affiliate with fraternities and sororities.

Fraternity and Sorority New Member Experience
New members of the fraternity and sorority community connect with others as they participate in a variety of community building and problem solving activities, and learn more about the organizations in the community.
Fall 2021 Campus Activities New members of the fraternity and sorority community connect with others as they participate in a variety of community building and problem solving activities, and learn more about the organizations in the community. 3 11 28 Fraternity & Sorority Life N ; Fraternity and Sorority Advising Programs,Connecting with others,,Teamwork,
Fraternity and Sorority Advising Programs


Fraternity and Sorority Advising Programs - The mission of Fraternity and Sorority Advising Programs is to promote the learning and development of students who affiliate with fraternities and sororities.

Harm Reduction Series
Students listen to an expert presenter on a harm reduction topic, ask questions, and engage in a discussion around the topic. Sessions are designed to assist the fraternity and sorority community with identifying harm reduction strategies, solving problems, and creating a safer environment within the community.
Fall 2021 Campus Activities Students listen to an expert presenter on a harm reduction topic, ask questions, and engage in a discussion around the topic. Sessions are designed to assist the fraternity and sorority community with identifying harm reduction strategies, solving problems, and creating a safer environment within the community. 3 11 28 Fraternity & Sorority Life N ; Fraternity and Sorority Advising Programs,Apply specialized knowledge,Study / Practice self knowledge,Problem solving,
Fraternity and Sorority Advising Programs


Fraternity and Sorority Advising Programs - The mission of Fraternity and Sorority Advising Programs is to promote the learning and development of students who affiliate with fraternities and sororities.

Interfraternity Council Recruitment Advisor
Recruitment Peer Advisors serve as mentors, resources, facilitators, and referral agents to students who are potential new members participating in fraternity recruitment activities.
Fall 2021 Student Program Leader Recruitment Peer Advisors serve as mentors, resources, facilitators, and referral agents to students who are potential new members participating in fraternity recruitment activities. 3 11 28 Fraternity & Sorority Life N GLD-Professional & Civic Engagement; Fraternity and Sorority Advising Programs,Leadership,,Influencing others,
Fraternity and Sorority Advising Programs


Fraternity and Sorority Advising Programs - The mission of Fraternity and Sorority Advising Programs is to promote the learning and development of students who affiliate with fraternities and sororities.

Panhellenic Recruitment Peer Counselor
Students serve as peer mentors and information resources for potential new members participating in the Panhellenic recruitment process.
Fall 2021 Student Program Leader Students serve as peer mentors and information resources for potential new members participating in the Panhellenic recruitment process. 3 11 28 Fraternity & Sorority Life N GLD-Professional & Civic Engagement; Fraternity and Sorority Advising Programs,Leadership,,Communication - spoken,Influencing others
Campus Activities Programs


Campus Activities Programs - The purpose of Campus Activities Programs must be to enhance the overall educational experience of students through development of, exposure to, and participation in programs and activities that improve student cooperation and leadership while preparing students to be responsible advocates and citizens and complementing the institution's academic programs.

Brother to Brother Community Dinner
Over dinner, self-identified black male students engage with black men from the university and Columbia communities in conversations designed to build meaningful connections and support for students.
Fall 2021 Community Building Over dinner, self-identified black male students engage with black men from the university and Columbia communities in conversations designed to build meaningful connections and support for students. 3 11 28 Multicultural Student Affairs N ; Campus Activities Programs,Connecting with others,,Self-knowledge,
Multicultural Student Programs and Services


Multicultural Student Programs and Services - Multicultural Student Programs and Services must promote academic and personal growth of traditionally underserved students, work with the entire campus to create an institutional and community climate of justice, promote access and equity in higher education, and offer programs that educate the campus about diversity.

Diversity Dialogues
In a safe space, students listen to an expert presentation and engage in self-reflection and discussion on topics such as race, culture, gender, stereotypes, intersectionality, and sexual orientation. This workshop is intended to help students learn about marginalized populations and build awareness around diversity and inclusion.
Fall 2021 Educational Support In a safe space, students listen to an expert presentation and engage in self-reflection and discussion on topics such as race, culture, gender, stereotypes, intersectionality, and sexual orientation. This workshop is intended to help students learn about marginalized populations and build awareness around diversity and inclusion. 3 11 28 Multicultural Student Affairs N ; Multicultural Student Programs and Services,Study / Practice diversity, equity, inclusion,,Civic knowledge and engagement,Intercultural knowledge and competence
Student Leadership Programs


Student Leadership Programs - The mission of Student Leadership Programs must be to prepare students to engage in the process of leadership.

Multicultural Assistance Peer Program (MAPP) Mentor
Student mentors work in a self-directed mode to help support first year/transfer multicultural students as they transition into the university community, by serving as an information resource and helping new students establish a social network.
Fall 2021 Student Program Leader Student mentors work in a self-directed mode to help support first year/transfer multicultural students as they transition into the university community, by serving as an information resource and helping new students establish a social network. 3 11 28 Multicultural Student Affairs N GLD-Professional & Civic Engagement; GLD-Diversity & Social Advocacy; Student Leadership Programs,Connecting with others,,Influencing others,Interpersonal skills
Student Leadership Programs


Student Leadership Programs - The mission of Student Leadership Programs must be to prepare students to engage in the process of leadership.

Pillars for Carolina Leadership Team
Student leaders manage all components of the planning, recruitment, and execution of the Pillars for Carolina Extended Orientation Program. Team members work together to solve problems, communicate to multiple constituents, supervise peer mentors, and evaluate the effectiveness of program activities.
Spring 2022 Peer Educator Student leaders manage all components of the planning, recruitment, and execution of the Pillars for Carolina Extended Orientation Program. Team members work together to solve problems, communicate to multiple constituents, supervise peer mentors, and evaluate the effectiveness of program activities. 3 11 28 Leadership & Service Center N GLD-Professional & Civic Engagement; Student Leadership Programs,Leadership,,Problem solving,Teamwork
Student Leadership Programs


Student Leadership Programs - The mission of Student Leadership Programs must be to prepare students to engage in the process of leadership.

Service Saturday Site Leader
Site leaders communicate expectations to a group of volunteers, delegate tasks, and debrief volunteers on a shared community service experience.
Fall 2021 Peer Educator Site leaders communicate expectations to a group of volunteers, delegate tasks, and debrief volunteers on a shared community service experience. 3 11 28 Leadership & Service Center N GLD-Professional & Civic Engagement; GLD-Community Service; Student Leadership Programs,Leadership,Community service / civic engagement,Teamwork,Problem solving
Student Leadership Programs


Student Leadership Programs - The mission of Student Leadership Programs must be to prepare students to engage in the process of leadership.

Service Saturday Senior Site Leader
Senior site leaders facilitate training and manage administrative tasks for teams of student site leaders, communicate expectations of the program to volunteers, delegate tasks, and debrief on a shared experience.
Fall 2021 Peer Educator Senior site leaders facilitate training and manage administrative tasks for teams of student site leaders, communicate expectations of the program to volunteers, delegate tasks, and debrief on a shared experience. 3 11 28 Leadership & Service Center N GLD-Professional & Civic Engagement; Experiential Learning Opportunity; Student Leadership Programs,Leadership,Career readiness,Communication - spoken,Influencing others
Civic Engagement & Service-Learning Programs


Civic Engagement & Service-Learning Programs - The primary mission of Service-Learning Programs is to engage students in experiences that address human and community needs together with structured opportunities for reflection intentionally designed to promote student learning and development.

Community Service Ambassador
Each student ambassador serves in a nonprofit organization located in the Midlands, exploring issues affecting the local community and working with the non-profit agency to address these issues.
Fall 2021 Civic Engagement Each student ambassador serves in a nonprofit organization located in the Midlands, exploring issues affecting the local community and working with the non-profit agency to address these issues. 3 11 28 Leadership & Service Center N GLD-Professional & Civic Engagement; GLD-Community Service; Experiential Learning Opportunity; Civic Engagement & Service-Learning Programs,Community service / civic engagement,Study / Practice diversity, equity, inclusion,Civic knowledge and engagement,Personal and social responsibility - Contributing to a larger community
Student Leadership Programs


Student Leadership Programs - The mission of Student Leadership Programs must be to prepare students to engage in the process of leadership.

Alternative Break Leader
Students lead a group of peers in an immersive service experience that occurs during a scheduled break in the academic year. Leaders plan and implement a trip in a theme of their choice, resolve problems that occur during the trip, and communicate with leaders of the agency or community that is the focus of the service.
Fall 2021 Peer Educator Students lead a group of peers in an immersive service experience that occurs during a scheduled break in the academic year. Leaders plan and implement a trip in a theme of their choice, resolve problems that occur during the trip, and communicate with leaders of the agency or community that is the focus of the service. 3 11 28 Leadership & Service Center N GLD-Professional & Civic Engagement; GLD-Community Service; Experiential Learning Opportunity; Student Leadership Programs,Leadership,Community service / civic engagement,Critical and creative thinking,Civic knowledge and engagement
Student Leadership Programs


Student Leadership Programs - The mission of Student Leadership Programs must be to prepare students to engage in the process of leadership.

Civic Leadership, Education, and Action Team (CLEAT)
Team members act to enhance year-round nonpartisan civic education and action on campus. CLEAT envisions and plans initiatives to cultivate deliberation, enhance civic literacy, and increase voter engagement on campus.
Fall 2021 Student Program Leader Team members act to enhance year-round nonpartisan civic education and action on campus. CLEAT envisions and plans initiatives to cultivate deliberation, enhance civic literacy, and increase voter engagement on campus. 3 11 28 Leadership & Service Center N GLD-Professional & Civic Engagement; Experiential Learning Opportunity; Student Leadership Programs,Leadership,Career readiness,Communication - spoken,Influencing others
Student Employment


Student Employment - Student is employed part-time by the university and engages in career readiness development activities as part of supervision process.

Community Ambassador
Students manage front-line communication with visitors, provide off-campus living presentations to students, staff events and support operations/projects on behalf of the Off-Campus Living and Neighborhood Relations Department.
Fall 2021 Employment On Campus Students manage front-line communication with visitors, provide off-campus living presentations to students, staff events and support operations/projects on behalf of the Off-Campus Living and Neighborhood Relations Department. 3 11 28 Off-Campus Living & Neighborhood Relations N GLD-Professional & Civic Engagement; GLD-Community Service; Experiential Learning Opportunity; Student Employment,Leadership,Career readiness,Problem solving,Communication - spoken
Student Leadership Programs


Student Leadership Programs - The mission of Student Leadership Programs must be to prepare students to engage in the process of leadership.

Carolina Productions Executive Board
Student board members work together to design, implement and evaluate a series of compelling events and programs open to all UofSC students and intended to enrich the overall student experience.
Fall 2021 Student Program Leader Student board members work together to design, implement and evaluate a series of compelling events and programs open to all UofSC students and intended to enrich the overall student experience. 3 11 28 Russell House University Union N GLD-Professional & Civic Engagement; Experiential Learning Opportunity; Student Leadership Programs,Leadership,Career readiness,Problem solving,Teamwork
Campus Activities Programs


Campus Activities Programs - The purpose of Campus Activities Programs must be to enhance the overall educational experience of students through development of, exposure to, and participation in programs and activities that improve student cooperation and leadership while preparing students to be responsible advocates and citizens and complementing the institution's academic programs.

Dance Marathon Hero
Student participates in one of a variety of programs and events on campus and in the larger community to raise awareness and generate support for the Child Life Program at Prisma Health Children's Hospital.
Fall 2021 Campus Activities Student participates in one of a variety of programs and events on campus and in the larger community to raise awareness and generate support for the Child Life Program at Prisma Health Children's Hospital. 3 11 28 Russell House University Union N ; Campus Activities Programs,Recreation, leisure, entertainment,Connecting with others,Self-knowledge,
Student Leadership Programs


Student Leadership Programs - The mission of Student Leadership Programs must be to prepare students to engage in the process of leadership.

Dance Marathon Board of Directors
Students lead and work collaboratively for USC Dance Marathon (USCDM) supporting director and staff meetings, fundraising initiatives, participant recruitment and retention efforts, and numerous reflection activities leading up to their Main Event in the spring. Leaders in this role report to the USCDM Executive Board leadership.
Fall 2021 Student Program Leader Students lead and work collaboratively for USC Dance Marathon (USCDM) supporting director and staff meetings, fundraising initiatives, participant recruitment and retention efforts, and numerous reflection activities leading up to their Main Event in the spring. Leaders in this role report to the USCDM Executive Board leadership. 3 11 28 Russell House University Union N GLD-Professional & Civic Engagement; Student Leadership Programs,Leadership,Career readiness,Problem solving,Influencing others
Student Leadership Programs


Student Leadership Programs - The mission of Student Leadership Programs must be to prepare students to engage in the process of leadership.

Dance Marathon Executive Board
Board members of this philanthropic organization engage with their peers to plan and execute a variety of educational and service events designed to raise funds and awareness for Palmetto Health Children's Hospital, culminating in the Main Event in the spring.
Fall 2021 Student Program Leader Board members of this philanthropic organization engage with their peers to plan and execute a variety of educational and service events designed to raise funds and awareness for Palmetto Health Children's Hospital, culminating in the Main Event in the spring. 3 11 28 Russell House University Union N GLD-Professional & Civic Engagement; GLD-Community Service; Experiential Learning Opportunity; Student Leadership Programs,Leadership,Career readiness,Problem solving,Influencing others
Student Leadership Programs


Student Leadership Programs - The mission of Student Leadership Programs must be to prepare students to engage in the process of leadership.

Homecoming Commission Leadership Team
Students work together as a team to plan and execute events and functions during UofSC Homecoming Week, taking ownership of this campus tradition and helping to develop a sense of community for all UofSC students.
Fall 2021 Student Program Leader Students work together as a team to plan and execute events and functions during UofSC Homecoming Week, taking ownership of this campus tradition and helping to develop a sense of community for all UofSC students. 3 11 28 Russell House University Union N GLD-Professional & Civic Engagement; Experiential Learning Opportunity; Student Leadership Programs,Leadership,Career readiness,Problem solving,Teamwork
Campus Activities Programs


Campus Activities Programs - The purpose of Campus Activities Programs must be to enhance the overall educational experience of students through development of, exposure to, and participation in programs and activities that improve student cooperation and leadership while preparing students to be responsible advocates and citizens and complementing the institution's academic programs.

Homecoming Event
Student participates in one of a variety of Homecoming activities designed to celebrate the traditions of the UofSC community; events are intended to develop a sense of belonging, pride, and school spirit as students engage with their peers, alumni, and friends of UofSC.
Fall 2021 Campus Activities Student participates in one of a variety of Homecoming activities designed to celebrate the traditions of the UofSC community; events are intended to develop a sense of belonging, pride, and school spirit as students engage with their peers, alumni, and friends of UofSC. 3 11 28 Russell House University Union N ; Campus Activities Programs,Recreation, leisure, entertainment,Connecting with others,Self-knowledge,
Campus Activities Programs


Campus Activities Programs - The purpose of Campus Activities Programs must be to enhance the overall educational experience of students through development of, exposure to, and participation in programs and activities that improve student cooperation and leadership while preparing students to be responsible advocates and citizens and complementing the institution's academic programs.

Thursday After Dark
Thursday After Dark provides a variety of late-night programming to engage Carolina students (e.g., escape rooms, trivia, bowling nights).
Fall 2021 Campus Activities Thursday After Dark provides a variety of late-night programming to engage Carolina students (e.g., escape rooms, trivia, bowling nights). 3 11 28 Russell House University Union N ; Campus Activities Programs,Recreation, leisure, entertainment,Connecting with others,Self-knowledge,
Campus Activities Programs


Campus Activities Programs - The purpose of Campus Activities Programs must be to enhance the overall educational experience of students through development of, exposure to, and participation in programs and activities that improve student cooperation and leadership while preparing students to be responsible advocates and citizens and complementing the institution's academic programs.

Tiger Burn
Students participate in a campus tradition as they engage with their peers in an annual event prior to the Carolina-Clemson football game; the purpose of the activity is to develop a sense of belonging and school spirit.
Fall 2021 Campus Activities Students participate in a campus tradition as they engage with their peers in an annual event prior to the Carolina-Clemson football game; the purpose of the activity is to develop a sense of belonging and school spirit. 3 11 28 Russell House University Union N ; Campus Activities Programs,Recreation, leisure, entertainment,Connecting with others,Self-knowledge,
Recreational Sports Programs


Recreational Sports Programs - The mission of Recreational Sports Programs must be to enhance the mind, body, and spirit of students and other eligible individuals by providing programs, services, and facilities that are responsive to the physical, social, recreational, and lifelong educational needs of the campus community as they relate to health, fitness, and learning.

Campus Recreation Adventure Trip Leader
Trip leaders plan and execute day-long outdoor adventure trips; responsibilities include conducting pre-trip meetings with participants to set expectations, build relationships, communicate risks, and provide training for participants. During the trip, leaders serve as guides and wilderness medical first responders.
Fall 2021 Student Program Leader Trip leaders plan and execute day-long outdoor adventure trips; responsibilities include conducting pre-trip meetings with participants to set expectations, build relationships, communicate risks, and provide training for participants. During the trip, leaders serve as guides and wilderness medical first responders. 3 11 117 Campus Recreation N GLD-Professional & Civic Engagement; Recreational Sports Programs,Leadership,Career readiness,Teamwork,Problem solving
Civic Engagement & Service-Learning Programs


Civic Engagement & Service-Learning Programs - The primary mission of Service-Learning Programs is to engage students in experiences that address human and community needs together with structured opportunities for reflection intentionally designed to promote student learning and development.

Alternative Break
As part of a team of volunteers, students travel to a local or regional community during fall, winter, or spring breaks to provide a community service project around a social issue.
Fall 2021 Civic Engagement As part of a team of volunteers, students travel to a local or regional community during fall, winter, or spring breaks to provide a community service project around a social issue. 3 11 28 Leadership & Service Center N GLD-Community Service; Civic Engagement & Service-Learning Programs,Community service / civic engagement,Connecting with others,Teamwork,Civic knowledge and engagement
Fraternity and Sorority Advising Programs


Fraternity and Sorority Advising Programs - The mission of Fraternity and Sorority Advising Programs is to promote the learning and development of students who affiliate with fraternities and sororities.

Fraternity and Sorority Life Council Leadership
Students work to advance the FSL community by leading bi-weekly council meetings, meeting monthly with professional and graduate student staff advisors, communicating with FSL chapter presidents and community members, and implementing policies (university, FSL, Council).
Fall 2021 Elected Student Leader Students work to advance the FSL community by leading bi-weekly council meetings, meeting monthly with professional and graduate student staff advisors, communicating with FSL chapter presidents and community members, and implementing policies (university, FSL, Council). 3 11 28 Fraternity & Sorority Life N GLD-Professional & Civic Engagement; Fraternity and Sorority Advising Programs,Leadership,Apply specialized knowledge,Influencing others,Communication - spoken
Fraternity and Sorority Advising Programs


Fraternity and Sorority Advising Programs - The mission of Fraternity and Sorority Advising Programs is to promote the learning and development of students who affiliate with fraternities and sororities.

Fraternity and Sorority Life Recruitment / Intake Orientation
Participants attend this session to learn about the recruitment and membership experience in fraternity and sorority organizations, including time commitment, academic and financial requirements, and philanthropic and service opportunities of each chapter. Information is provided by professional staff, graduate assistants, and current members.
Fall 2021 Campus Activities Participants attend this session to learn about the recruitment and membership experience in fraternity and sorority organizations, including time commitment, academic and financial requirements, and philanthropic and service opportunities of each chapter. Information is provided by professional staff, graduate assistants, and current members. 3 11 28 Fraternity & Sorority Life N ; Fraternity and Sorority Advising Programs,Connecting with others,,Self-knowledge,
Student Leadership Programs


Student Leadership Programs - The mission of Student Leadership Programs must be to prepare students to engage in the process of leadership.

Gamecock Pantry Executive Board
Board members implement the vision, direction, and operations of the Gamecock Pantry by contributing to the recruitment, training, and evaluation of volunteers, donation coordination, marketing and education, and logistical operations such as clientele communication, donation solicitation, and developing on and off campus partnerships.
Fall 2021 Student Program Leader Board members implement the vision, direction, and operations of the Gamecock Pantry by contributing to the recruitment, training, and evaluation of volunteers, donation coordination, marketing and education, and logistical operations such as clientele communication, donation solicitation, and developing on and off campus partnerships. 3 11 28 Leadership & Service Center N GLD-Professional & Civic Engagement; GLD-Community Service; Experiential Learning Opportunity; Student Leadership Programs,Leadership,,Influencing others,Critical and creative thinking
Civic Engagement & Service-Learning Programs


Civic Engagement & Service-Learning Programs - The primary mission of Service-Learning Programs is to engage students in experiences that address human and community needs together with structured opportunities for reflection intentionally designed to promote student learning and development.

Gamecock Pantry Pals
Students organize donations, shelve inventory, and communicate information about the Gamecock Pantry to campus constituents. The pantry was created by students, for students, and provides food assistance and other resources to enhance well-being.
Fall 2021 Service on Campus Students organize donations, shelve inventory, and communicate information about the Gamecock Pantry to campus constituents. The pantry was created by students, for students, and provides food assistance and other resources to enhance well-being. 3 11 28 Leadership & Service Center N GLD-Community Service; Civic Engagement & Service-Learning Programs,Community service / civic engagement,Connecting with others,Interpersonal skills,
Orientation Programs


Orientation Programs - The mission of Orientation Programs must facilitate the transition of new students into the institution; prepare students for the educational opportunities and student responsibilities; initiate the integration of new students into the intellectual, cultural, and social climate of the institution; and support the parents, guardians, and children of the new student.

Pillars for Carolina Orientation
Incoming students engage in an extended orientation program that introduces them to student life and resources on campus. Participants meet and interact with peers, explore campus geography and resources, and reflect on their identity as a college student.
Summer 2021 Community Building Incoming students engage in an extended orientation program that introduces them to student life and resources on campus. Participants meet and interact with peers, explore campus geography and resources, and reflect on their identity as a college student. 3 11 28 Leadership & Service Center N ; Orientation Programs,Connecting with others,,Self-knowledge,
Civic Engagement & Service-Learning Programs


Civic Engagement & Service-Learning Programs - The primary mission of Service-Learning Programs is to engage students in experiences that address human and community needs together with structured opportunities for reflection intentionally designed to promote student learning and development.

Service Saturday
Students participate in a community service opportunity within the city of Columbia or campus community.
Fall 2021 Civic Engagement Students participate in a community service opportunity within the city of Columbia or campus community. 3 11 28 Leadership & Service Center N GLD-Community Service; Civic Engagement & Service-Learning Programs,Community service / civic engagement,Connecting with others,Personal and social responsibility - Contributing to a larger community,
Student Leadership Programs


Student Leadership Programs - The mission of Student Leadership Programs must be to prepare students to engage in the process of leadership.

The Big Event Executive Team
Team members plan and execute Service Saturday: The Big Event, including recruitment, site selection, and logistics day of the event.
Fall 2021 Student Program Leader Team members plan and execute Service Saturday: The Big Event, including recruitment, site selection, and logistics day of the event. 3 11 28 Leadership & Service Center N GLD-Professional & Civic Engagement; Experiential Learning Opportunity; Student Leadership Programs,Leadership,Career readiness,Personal and social responsibility - Contributing to a larger community,Critical and creative thinking
Campus Activities Programs


Campus Activities Programs - The purpose of Campus Activities Programs must be to enhance the overall educational experience of students through development of, exposure to, and participation in programs and activities that improve student cooperation and leadership while preparing students to be responsible advocates and citizens and complementing the institution's academic programs.

Student Organization Member
Students engage in organizations for many reasons - to gain skills, connect with other students, broaden their knowledge. Student-led organizations establish purpose and goals, determine membership, set activities, and select leaders. The university records organizational affiliation, but does not monitor the engagement of individual students.
Fall 2021 Campus Activities Students engage in organizations for many reasons - to gain skills, connect with other students, broaden their knowledge. Student-led organizations establish purpose and goals, determine membership, set activities, and select leaders. The university records organizational affiliation, but does not monitor the engagement of individual students. 3 11 28 Leadership & Service Center N ; Campus Activities Programs,Connecting with others,,Self-knowledge,
Campus Activities Programs


Campus Activities Programs - The purpose of Campus Activities Programs must be to enhance the overall educational experience of students through development of, exposure to, and participation in programs and activities that improve student cooperation and leadership while preparing students to be responsible advocates and citizens and complementing the institution's academic programs.

Bustle at the Russell - Welcome Week Event
Students attending this Welcome Week event can explore the array of services available in Russell House University Union, interact with other students, play some fun games, get free food, make memories, and take home some great giveaways.
Fall 2021 Community Building Students attending this Welcome Week event can explore the array of services available in Russell House University Union, interact with other students, play some fun games, get free food, make memories, and take home some great giveaways. 3 11 28 Russell House University Union N ; Campus Activities Programs,Connecting with others,Recreation, leisure, entertainment,Self-knowledge,
Student Employment


Student Employment - Student is employed part-time by the university and engages in career readiness development activities as part of supervision process.

Russell House University Union Event and Information Assistant
The Russell House University Union is the key venue for student events and programming and depends on a well-trained group of students to deliver essential programs & services. Students in this engagement develop as leaders and problem solvers while also learning essential skills in professionalism, event planning, and customer service
Summer 2021 Employment On Campus The Russell House University Union is the key venue for student events and programming and depends on a well-trained group of students to deliver essential programs & services. Students in this engagement develop as leaders and problem solvers while also learning essential skills in professionalism, event planning, and customer service 3 11 28 Russell House University Union N GLD-Professional & Civic Engagement; Student Employment,Career readiness,,Professionalism / career readiness,
Student Employment


Student Employment - Student is employed part-time by the university and engages in career readiness development activities as part of supervision process.

Russell House University Union Event and Information Assistant
The Russell House University Union is the key venue for student events and programming and depends on a well-trained group of students to deliver essential programs & services. Students in this engagement develop as leaders and problem solvers while also learning essential skills in professionalism, event planning, and customer service
Fall 2021 Employment On Campus The Russell House University Union is the key venue for student events and programming and depends on a well-trained group of students to deliver essential programs & services. Students in this engagement develop as leaders and problem solvers while also learning essential skills in professionalism, event planning, and customer service 3 11 28 Russell House University Union N GLD-Professional & Civic Engagement; Student Employment,Career readiness,,Teamwork,
Student Employment


Student Employment - Student is employed part-time by the university and engages in career readiness development activities as part of supervision process.

Russell House University Union Operations Attendant
Building operations attendants operate the student union facility and manage events, including equipment check-out and working directly with clients. Attendants are assigned to one of three areas: Building Operations, Information Center, or Gameroom.
Summer 2021 Employment On Campus Building operations attendants operate the student union facility and manage events, including equipment check-out and working directly with clients. Attendants are assigned to one of three areas: Building Operations, Information Center, or Gameroom. 3 11 28 Russell House University Union N GLD-Professional & Civic Engagement; Student Employment,Career readiness,,Professionalism / career readiness,
Student Employment


Student Employment - Student is employed part-time by the university and engages in career readiness development activities as part of supervision process.

Russell House University Union Operations Attendant
Building operations attendants operate the student union facility and manage events, including equipment check-out and working directly with clients. Attendants are assigned to one of three areas: Building Operations, Information Center, or Gameroom.
Fall 2021 Employment On Campus Building operations attendants operate the student union facility and manage events, including equipment check-out and working directly with clients. Attendants are assigned to one of three areas: Building Operations, Information Center, or Gameroom. 3 11 28 Russell House University Union N GLD-Professional & Civic Engagement; Student Employment,Career readiness,,Professionalism / career readiness,
Career Services


Career Services - The primary mission of Career Services is to assist students and other designated clients in developing, evaluating, and implementing career, education, and employment plans.

Career Development Series
Students listen to expert presentations on a variety of career development topics, engage in informal discussion with experts and peers, and have opportunities to ask questions. Topics include job search skills, diversity in the workplace, professional skills, preparing for internships, career fair preparation, and networking skills.
Spring 2021 Career Development Students listen to expert presentations on a variety of career development topics, engage in informal discussion with experts and peers, and have opportunities to ask questions. Topics include job search skills, diversity in the workplace, professional skills, preparing for internships, career fair preparation, and networking skills. 3 11 30 Career Center N ; Career Services,Career development,,Self-knowledge,Professionalism / career readiness
Learning Assistance Programs


Learning Assistance Programs - The primary mission of Learning Assistance Programs must be to provide students with resources and opportunities to improve their ability to learn and to achieve academic success.

Money Management Consultation
Students participate in a 1:1 meeting with a Financial Literacy Consultant, to explore financial management topics including basic money management, credit, debt management, and student loan repayment policies.
Summer 2021 Educational Support Students participate in a 1:1 meeting with a Financial Literacy Consultant, to explore financial management topics including basic money management, credit, debt management, and student loan repayment policies. 3 11 30 Student Success Center N ; Learning Assistance Programs,Study / Practice financial literacy,Study / Practice self knowledge,Financial literacy,Problem solving
Learning Assistance Programs


Learning Assistance Programs - The primary mission of Learning Assistance Programs must be to provide students with resources and opportunities to improve their ability to learn and to achieve academic success.

Peer Tutoring
Students participate in a tutoring session for a specific academic course in which they are currently enrolled.
Summer 2021 Educational Support Students participate in a tutoring session for a specific academic course in which they are currently enrolled. 3 11 30 Student Success Center N ; Learning Assistance Programs,Study / Practice intellectual skills,Apply specialized knowledge,Specialized knowledge and skills,
Learning Assistance Programs


Learning Assistance Programs - The primary mission of Learning Assistance Programs must be to provide students with resources and opportunities to improve their ability to learn and to achieve academic success.

Peer Writing Session
Students participate in a tutoring session for support with composition- or communications-based assignments or projects.
Summer 2021 Educational Support Students participate in a tutoring session for support with composition- or communications-based assignments or projects. 3 11 30 Student Success Center N ; Learning Assistance Programs,Study / Practice intellectual skills,,Communication - written,Communication - spoken
Learning Assistance Programs


Learning Assistance Programs - The primary mission of Learning Assistance Programs must be to provide students with resources and opportunities to improve their ability to learn and to achieve academic success.

Success Consultation
Students meet 1-1 with a trained peer consultant to assist students in understanding course material, develop self-regulated learning skills, and create an action plan for positive academic behaviors.
Summer 2021 Educational Support Students meet 1-1 with a trained peer consultant to assist students in understanding course material, develop self-regulated learning skills, and create an action plan for positive academic behaviors. 3 11 30 Student Success Center N ; Learning Assistance Programs,Study / Practice intellectual skills,Study / Practice self knowledge,Foundations and skills for lifelong learning,
Learning Assistance Programs


Learning Assistance Programs - The primary mission of Learning Assistance Programs must be to provide students with resources and opportunities to improve their ability to learn and to achieve academic success.

Money Management Consultation
Students participate in a 1:1 meeting with a Financial Literacy Consultant, to explore financial management topics including basic money management, credit, debt management, and student loan repayment policies.
Fall 2021 Educational Support Students participate in a 1:1 meeting with a Financial Literacy Consultant, to explore financial management topics including basic money management, credit, debt management, and student loan repayment policies. 3 11 30 Student Success Center N ; Learning Assistance Programs,Study / Practice financial literacy,Study / Practice self knowledge,Financial literacy,Problem solving
Learning Assistance Programs


Learning Assistance Programs - The primary mission of Learning Assistance Programs must be to provide students with resources and opportunities to improve their ability to learn and to achieve academic success.

Peer Tutoring
Students participate in a tutoring session for a specific academic course in which they are currently enrolled.
Fall 2021 Educational Support Students participate in a tutoring session for a specific academic course in which they are currently enrolled. 3 11 30 Student Success Center N ; Learning Assistance Programs,Study / Practice intellectual skills,Apply specialized knowledge,Specialized knowledge and skills,
Learning Assistance Programs


Learning Assistance Programs - The primary mission of Learning Assistance Programs must be to provide students with resources and opportunities to improve their ability to learn and to achieve academic success.

Peer Writing Session
Students participate in a tutoring session for support with composition- or communications-based assignments or projects.
Fall 2021 Educational Support Students participate in a tutoring session for support with composition- or communications-based assignments or projects. 3 11 30 Student Success Center N ; Learning Assistance Programs,Study / Practice intellectual skills,,Communication - written,Communication - spoken
Learning Assistance Programs


Learning Assistance Programs - The primary mission of Learning Assistance Programs must be to provide students with resources and opportunities to improve their ability to learn and to achieve academic success.

Success Consultation
Students meet 1-1 with a trained peer consultant to assist students in understanding course material, develop self-regulated learning skills, and create an action plan for positive academic behaviors.
Fall 2021 Educational Support Students meet 1-1 with a trained peer consultant to assist students in understanding course material, develop self-regulated learning skills, and create an action plan for positive academic behaviors. 3 11 30 Student Success Center N ; Learning Assistance Programs,Study / Practice intellectual skills,Study / Practice self knowledge,Foundations and skills for lifelong learning,
Learning Assistance Programs


Learning Assistance Programs - The primary mission of Learning Assistance Programs must be to provide students with resources and opportunities to improve their ability to learn and to achieve academic success.

Supplemental Instruction
Students participate in a group study session for a specific academic course and section in which they are currently enrolled.
Fall 2021 Educational Support Students participate in a group study session for a specific academic course and section in which they are currently enrolled. 3 11 30 Student Success Center N ; Learning Assistance Programs,Study / Practice intellectual skills,,Specialized knowledge and skills,
Student Leadership Programs


Student Leadership Programs - The mission of Student Leadership Programs must be to prepare students to engage in the process of leadership.

Peer Consultant
Student consultants meet with peers to provide study skills support, discuss academic success strategies, and co-create a personalized plan for academic success.
Fall 2021 Peer Educator Student consultants meet with peers to provide study skills support, discuss academic success strategies, and co-create a personalized plan for academic success. 3 11 30 Student Success Center N GLD-Professional & Civic Engagement; Experiential Learning Opportunity; Student Leadership Programs,Leadership,,Influencing others,Communication - spoken
Student Leadership Programs


Student Leadership Programs - The mission of Student Leadership Programs must be to prepare students to engage in the process of leadership.

Peer Financial Consultant
Student consultants meet with students to help them set financial goals, explore money management strategies, and create financial action plans; as needed, consultants make appropriate referrals to other campus resources.
Fall 2021 Peer Educator Student consultants meet with students to help them set financial goals, explore money management strategies, and create financial action plans; as needed, consultants make appropriate referrals to other campus resources. 3 11 30 Student Success Center N GLD-Professional & Civic Engagement; Experiential Learning Opportunity; Student Leadership Programs,Leadership,,Influencing others,Financial literacy
Student Leadership Programs


Student Leadership Programs - The mission of Student Leadership Programs must be to prepare students to engage in the process of leadership.

Peer Tutor
Tutors provide course-specific academic support for undergraduate students. They work with students in 1-1 sessions and lead group tutoring sessions.
Fall 2021 Peer Educator Tutors provide course-specific academic support for undergraduate students. They work with students in 1-1 sessions and lead group tutoring sessions. 3 11 30 Student Success Center N GLD-Professional & Civic Engagement; Experiential Learning Opportunity; Student Leadership Programs,Apply specialized knowledge,Leadership,Integrative and applied learning,Communication - spoken
Student Leadership Programs


Student Leadership Programs - The mission of Student Leadership Programs must be to prepare students to engage in the process of leadership.

Peer Writing Tutor
Peer Tutors meet with students in 1-1 sessions to provide course-specific academic support for writing and communications skill development.
Fall 2021 Peer Educator Peer Tutors meet with students in 1-1 sessions to provide course-specific academic support for writing and communications skill development. 3 11 30 Student Success Center N GLD-Professional & Civic Engagement; Experiential Learning Opportunity; Student Leadership Programs,Apply specialized knowledge,Leadership,Critical and creative thinking,Communication - spoken
Student Leadership Programs


Student Leadership Programs - The mission of Student Leadership Programs must be to prepare students to engage in the process of leadership.

Student Success Center Program Assistant / Mentor
Experienced student leaders serve within a specific programmatic area (supplemental instruction, peer tutoring, or peer success consultations), supervise other peer leaders within the same program, and engage in critical office functions to support the department's professional certifications and mission.
Fall 2021 Peer Educator Experienced student leaders serve within a specific programmatic area (supplemental instruction, peer tutoring, or peer success consultations), supervise other peer leaders within the same program, and engage in critical office functions to support the department's professional certifications and mission. 3 11 30 Student Success Center N GLD-Professional & Civic Engagement; Experiential Learning Opportunity; Student Leadership Programs,Leadership,Career readiness,Teamwork,Critical and creative thinking
Student Leadership Programs


Student Leadership Programs - The mission of Student Leadership Programs must be to prepare students to engage in the process of leadership.

Supplemental Instruction Peer Leader
SI Peer Leaders facilitate group study sessions for students enrolled in specific courses and sections; they help their peers learn challenging material from class lectures and assignments, and offer helpful tips that integrate how to learn with what to learn through three group study sessions each week.
Fall 2021 Peer Educator SI Peer Leaders facilitate group study sessions for students enrolled in specific courses and sections; they help their peers learn challenging material from class lectures and assignments, and offer helpful tips that integrate how to learn with what to learn through three group study sessions each week. 3 11 30 Student Success Center N GLD-Professional & Civic Engagement; Experiential Learning Opportunity; Student Leadership Programs,Apply specialized knowledge,Leadership,Integrative and applied learning,Communication - spoken
Transfer Student Programs and Services


Transfer Student Programs and Services - The mission of Transfer Student Programs and Services is to aid in the successful transfer, persistence, and graduation of transfer students.

Transfer Success Consultation
Transfer students participate in a 1:1 meeting with the Transfer Coordinator, to discuss academic referrals, current academic challenges, and to identify academic and campus resources.
Fall 2021 Educational Support Transfer students participate in a 1:1 meeting with the Transfer Coordinator, to discuss academic referrals, current academic challenges, and to identify academic and campus resources. 3 11 30 Carolina Experience N ; Transfer Student Programs and Services,Study / Practice self knowledge,,Personal and social responsibility - Striving for excellence,
Student Leadership Programs


Student Leadership Programs - The mission of Student Leadership Programs must be to prepare students to engage in the process of leadership.

University 101 Peer Leader
U101 Peer Leaders co-teach a section of a UNIV 101 course with a faculty or staff member, and serve as resources, mentors, and facilitators for learning in and beyond the classroom for first-year students enrolled in the course.
Fall 2021 Peer Educator U101 Peer Leaders co-teach a section of a UNIV 101 course with a faculty or staff member, and serve as resources, mentors, and facilitators for learning in and beyond the classroom for first-year students enrolled in the course. 3 11 30 University 101 Programs Y GLD-Professional & Civic Engagement; GLD-Diversity & Social Advocacy; Experiential Learning Opportunity; Student Leadership Programs,Leadership,Career readiness,Self-knowledge,Professionalism / career readiness
Student Leadership Programs


Student Leadership Programs - The mission of Student Leadership Programs must be to prepare students to engage in the process of leadership.

University 101 Senior Peer Leader
Senior Peer Leaders serve as resources, mentors, and facilitators for learning in and beyond the EDLP 520 classroom for first-time peer leaders enrolled in the course. They co-teach a section of the course with a faculty or staff member, prepare and facilitate lesson plans, and help their mentees comment with campus resources.
Fall 2021 Peer Educator Senior Peer Leaders serve as resources, mentors, and facilitators for learning in and beyond the EDLP 520 classroom for first-time peer leaders enrolled in the course. They co-teach a section of the course with a faculty or staff member, prepare and facilitate lesson plans, and help their mentees comment with campus resources. 3 11 30 University 101 Programs N GLD-Professional & Civic Engagement; Experiential Learning Opportunity; Student Leadership Programs,Leadership,,Communication - spoken,Influencing others
Student Leadership Programs


Student Leadership Programs - The mission of Student Leadership Programs must be to prepare students to engage in the process of leadership.

Magellan Ambassador
Magellan Ambassadors represent the Office of Undergraduate Research through campus presentations and events, providing opportunity for professional development while sharing their research experience with other students.
Fall 2021 Student Program Leader Magellan Ambassadors represent the Office of Undergraduate Research through campus presentations and events, providing opportunity for professional development while sharing their research experience with other students. 3 13 32 Undergraduate Research N GLD-Professional & Civic Engagement; Student Leadership Programs,Leadership,,Communication - spoken,Influencing others
Career Services


Career Services - The primary mission of Career Services is to assist students and other designated clients in developing, evaluating, and implementing career, education, and employment plans.

Career Coaching - Career Studio
In this learning lab, students receive guidance from a Career Center Peer Educator on topics related to their career, including resumes, cover letters, personal statements, curriculum vitae, job search, interviewing, and occupational research.
Spring 2021 Career Development In this learning lab, students receive guidance from a Career Center Peer Educator on topics related to their career, including resumes, cover letters, personal statements, curriculum vitae, job search, interviewing, and occupational research. 3 11 30 Career Center N ; Career Services,Career development,Study / Practice self knowledge,Self-knowledge,
Capstone Experience


Capstone Experience - A course or project that engages students in a culminating and integrative experience, intended to connect the key learning objectives of an educational program.

Discover UofSC
Students make oral, creative, and/or poster presentations of any beyond the classroom experience including research and scholarly projects, global study, professional work experiences, leadership, service-learning and community service, and national fellowship competitions.
Spring 2021 Articulating Learning Students make oral, creative, and/or poster presentations of any beyond the classroom experience including research and scholarly projects, global study, professional work experiences, leadership, service-learning and community service, and national fellowship competitions. 3 13 32 Undergraduate Research N GLD-Presentation; Capstone Experience,Apply specialized knowledge,Study / Practice intellectual skills,Communication - spoken,Specialized knowledge and skills
Student Leadership Programs


Student Leadership Programs - The mission of Student Leadership Programs must be to prepare students to engage in the process of leadership.

Student Life Ambassador
Students serve as a representative for the Department of Student Life by giving presentations at New Student Orientation and by interacting with prospective students and parents at the Orientation Resource Fair. Students also help the Department of Student Life plan departmental events and services.
Summer 2021 Student Program Leader Students serve as a representative for the Department of Student Life by giving presentations at New Student Orientation and by interacting with prospective students and parents at the Orientation Resource Fair. Students also help the Department of Student Life plan departmental events and services. 3 11 28 Leadership & Service Center N Experiential Learning Opportunity; Student Leadership Programs,Career readiness,,Communication - spoken,Influencing others
Student Employment


Student Employment - Student is employed part-time by the university and engages in career readiness development activities as part of supervision process.

Office of Parent and Family Programs Student Assistant
Student Assistant supports the unit by assisting with communication through the development of monthly newsletter and mobile app content, and contributing to Family Weekend planning.
Fall 2021 Employment On Campus Student Assistant supports the unit by assisting with communication through the development of monthly newsletter and mobile app content, and contributing to Family Weekend planning. 3 11 28 Parent & Family Programs N Experiential Learning Opportunity; Student Employment,Career readiness,,Communication - written,Communication - spoken
Internship Programs


Internship Programs - The primary mission of Internship Programs is to engage students in planned, educationally-related work and learning experiences that integrate knowledge and theory with practical application and skill development in a professional setting.

Carolina Internship Program - Part-time
Students engage in a paid, work-based learning experience that is usually the length or equivalent of a fall or spring semester or summer, working approximately 240 hours at 20 hours/week. Student may be eligible to receive academic credit through their academic department or pursue a Zero Credit Transcript notation through the Career Center.
Summer 2021 Cooperative Education Students engage in a paid, work-based learning experience that is usually the length or equivalent of a fall or spring semester or summer, working approximately 240 hours at 20 hours/week. Student may be eligible to receive academic credit through their academic department or pursue a Zero Credit Transcript notation through the Career Center. 3 11 30 Career Center N GLD-Professional & Civic Engagement; Experiential Learning Opportunity; Internship Programs,Career development,Apply specialized knowledge,Professionalism / career readiness,Integrative and applied learning
Internship Programs


Internship Programs - The primary mission of Internship Programs is to engage students in planned, educationally-related work and learning experiences that integrate knowledge and theory with practical application and skill development in a professional setting.

Carolina Internship Program - Full-time
Students engage in a paid, work-based learning experience that includes staff facilitated feedback and reflection on their experience. The goal is to enhance students' understanding of their professional knowledge, skills and abilities to aid in their full-time job searches and lifelong career management.
Summer 2021 Internship Students engage in a paid, work-based learning experience that includes staff facilitated feedback and reflection on their experience. The goal is to enhance students' understanding of their professional knowledge, skills and abilities to aid in their full-time job searches and lifelong career management. 3 11 30 Career Center N GLD-Professional & Civic Engagement; Experiential Learning Opportunity; Internship Programs,Career readiness,Apply specialized knowledge,Professionalism / career readiness,Specialized knowledge and skills
Internship Programs


Internship Programs - The primary mission of Internship Programs is to engage students in planned, educationally-related work and learning experiences that integrate knowledge and theory with practical application and skill development in a professional setting.

Cooperative Education (Co-op) - Alternating
Students participate in 2-3 semesters of supervised, paid work-based learning with the same employer. The Alternating format allows the student to alternate between a semester of full-time school (480 hours at 40 hours/week).
Summer 2021 Cooperative Education Students participate in 2-3 semesters of supervised, paid work-based learning with the same employer. The Alternating format allows the student to alternate between a semester of full-time school (480 hours at 40 hours/week). 3 11 30 Career Center N GLD-Professional & Civic Engagement; Experiential Learning Opportunity; Internship Programs,Apply specialized knowledge,Career readiness,Specialized knowledge and skills,Professionalism / career readiness
Student Leadership Programs


Student Leadership Programs - The mission of Student Leadership Programs must be to prepare students to engage in the process of leadership.

Laboratory Teaching Experience - BIOL 398
Students serve as Peer Leaders in a Peer Led Team Learning (PLTL) environment and use their understanding of biological concepts as they help to support other students currently enrolled in a Biology course. Peer Leaders ask questions that help students progress through an assigned activity or in-class discussion.
Summer 2021 Peer Educator Students serve as Peer Leaders in a Peer Led Team Learning (PLTL) environment and use their understanding of biological concepts as they help to support other students currently enrolled in a Biology course. Peer Leaders ask questions that help students progress through an assigned activity or in-class discussion. 3 14 39 Y GLD-Professional & Civic Engagement; Experiential Learning Opportunity; Student Leadership Programs,Apply specialized knowledge,Leadership,Specialized knowledge and skills,Influencing others
Internship Programs


Internship Programs - The primary mission of Internship Programs is to engage students in planned, educationally-related work and learning experiences that integrate knowledge and theory with practical application and skill development in a professional setting.

Business Internship in Management - MGMT 499
Internship, for credit, with a company focusing on management, lessons learned, SWOT self assessment.
Summer 2021 Internship Internship, for credit, with a company focusing on management, lessons learned, SWOT self assessment. 3 15 64 Y GLD-Professional & Civic Engagement; Experiential Learning Opportunity; Internship Programs,Apply specialized knowledge,Career readiness,Specialized knowledge and skills,Professionalism / career readiness
Internship Programs


Internship Programs - The primary mission of Internship Programs is to engage students in planned, educationally-related work and learning experiences that integrate knowledge and theory with practical application and skill development in a professional setting.

Internship: Community Engagement - COLA 390
COLA 390 is a supervised experience to assist the student in decision-making for his/her future after graduation. This course will incorporate a real world experience for the student in a workplace or community organization related to their chosen profession, along with opportunities to receive feedback and reflect on the experience.
Summer 2021 Internship COLA 390 is a supervised experience to assist the student in decision-making for his/her future after graduation. This course will incorporate a real world experience for the student in a workplace or community organization related to their chosen profession, along with opportunities to receive feedback and reflect on the experience. 3 14 98 Y GLD-Professional & Civic Engagement; GLD-Community Service; Experiential Learning Opportunity; Internship Programs,Career development,,Self-knowledge,Professionalism / career readiness
Internship Programs


Internship Programs - The primary mission of Internship Programs is to engage students in planned, educationally-related work and learning experiences that integrate knowledge and theory with practical application and skill development in a professional setting.

Internship - CRJU 494
Students intern for 160 hours during the semester at an appropriate agency or institution.
Summer 2021 Internship Students intern for 160 hours during the semester at an appropriate agency or institution. 3 14 41 Y GLD-Professional & Civic Engagement; Experiential Learning Opportunity; Internship Programs,Apply specialized knowledge,Career readiness,Specialized knowledge and skills,
Internship Programs


Internship Programs - The primary mission of Internship Programs is to engage students in planned, educationally-related work and learning experiences that integrate knowledge and theory with practical application and skill development in a professional setting.

Internship in Geography - GEOG 595
Students serve as interns (paid or unpaid) in government agencies, private-sector businesses, or non-profit organizations. Internship activities and experiential learning are supervised jointly by sponsors and the internship program of the department.
Summer 2021 Internship Students serve as interns (paid or unpaid) in government agencies, private-sector businesses, or non-profit organizations. Internship activities and experiential learning are supervised jointly by sponsors and the internship program of the department. 3 14 44 Y GLD-Professional & Civic Engagement; GLD-Community Service; Experiential Learning Opportunity; Internship Programs,Apply specialized knowledge,Career readiness,Specialized knowledge and skills,Professionalism / career readiness
Internship Programs


Internship Programs - The primary mission of Internship Programs is to engage students in planned, educationally-related work and learning experiences that integrate knowledge and theory with practical application and skill development in a professional setting.

Public Affairs Internship - POLI 379
In this course, students complete an on-site internship in a public affairs agency, complete a series of academic assignments related to the internship experience, and submit a final performance evaluation from the on-site supervisor.
Summer 2021 Internship In this course, students complete an on-site internship in a public affairs agency, complete a series of academic assignments related to the internship experience, and submit a final performance evaluation from the on-site supervisor. 3 14 50 Y GLD-Professional & Civic Engagement; Experiential Learning Opportunity; Internship Programs,Career development,Apply specialized knowledge,Self-knowledge,Professionalism / career readiness
Internship Programs


Internship Programs - The primary mission of Internship Programs is to engage students in planned, educationally-related work and learning experiences that integrate knowledge and theory with practical application and skill development in a professional setting.

Professional Internship - ITEC 495
The course is a supervised work experience in information technology and/or project management; the internship is coordinated by a faculty member and supervised by approved management/supervisor within business and industry lasting for approximately 400 hours of on the job experiences.
Summer 2021 Internship The course is a supervised work experience in information technology and/or project management; the internship is coordinated by a faculty member and supervised by approved management/supervisor within business and industry lasting for approximately 400 hours of on the job experiences. 3 19 73 Y GLD-Professional & Civic Engagement; Experiential Learning Opportunity; Internship Programs,Apply specialized knowledge,,Specialized knowledge and skills,Integrative and applied learning
Internship Programs


Internship Programs - The primary mission of Internship Programs is to engage students in planned, educationally-related work and learning experiences that integrate knowledge and theory with practical application and skill development in a professional setting.

Hospitality & Tourism Practicum - HRTM 290
Full time work experience of a minimum of 400 work hours in the Hospitality or Tourism industry; position can be any entry level or higher position. Includes online course work.
Summer 2021 Practicum Full time work experience of a minimum of 400 work hours in the Hospitality or Tourism industry; position can be any entry level or higher position. Includes online course work. 3 17 76 Y GLD-Professional & Civic Engagement; Experiential Learning Opportunity; Internship Programs,Apply specialized knowledge,Career readiness,Self-knowledge,Specialized knowledge and skills
Internship Programs


Internship Programs - The primary mission of Internship Programs is to engage students in planned, educationally-related work and learning experiences that integrate knowledge and theory with practical application and skill development in a professional setting.

Hospitality & Tourism Internship - HRTM 495
Full time work experience of a minimum of 400 work hours in the Hospitality or Tourism industry; position must be Managerial or Supervisory in nature, Rotational within a minimum of three different areas of the business or a Structured Internship Program. Includes online course work.
Summer 2021 Internship Full time work experience of a minimum of 400 work hours in the Hospitality or Tourism industry; position must be Managerial or Supervisory in nature, Rotational within a minimum of three different areas of the business or a Structured Internship Program. Includes online course work. 3 17 76 Y GLD-Professional & Civic Engagement; Experiential Learning Opportunity; Internship Programs,Apply specialized knowledge,Leadership,Specialized knowledge and skills,Self-knowledge
Internship Programs


Internship Programs - The primary mission of Internship Programs is to engage students in planned, educationally-related work and learning experiences that integrate knowledge and theory with practical application and skill development in a professional setting.

Retailing Internship - RETL 495
Students engage in supervised work experience within the retail industry that links classroom learning and student interest with the acquisition of knowledge in an applied work setting.
Summer 2021 Internship Students engage in supervised work experience within the retail industry that links classroom learning and student interest with the acquisition of knowledge in an applied work setting. 3 17 77 Y GLD-Professional & Civic Engagement; Experiential Learning Opportunity; Internship Programs,Apply specialized knowledge,,Specialized knowledge and skills,
Internship Programs


Internship Programs - The primary mission of Internship Programs is to engage students in planned, educationally-related work and learning experiences that integrate knowledge and theory with practical application and skill development in a professional setting.

Internship in Sport & Entertainment Management - SPTE 495
Students engage in a supervised work experience in a sport or entertainment area. Internship is a minimum of 520 work hours over 13 weeks and is selected by the student with the assistance and approval of the Internship Instructor.
Summer 2021 Internship Students engage in a supervised work experience in a sport or entertainment area. Internship is a minimum of 520 work hours over 13 weeks and is selected by the student with the assistance and approval of the Internship Instructor. 3 17 79 Y GLD-Professional & Civic Engagement; Experiential Learning Opportunity; Internship Programs,Apply specialized knowledge,Career development,Specialized knowledge and skills,Self-knowledge
Internship Programs


Internship Programs - The primary mission of Internship Programs is to engage students in planned, educationally-related work and learning experiences that integrate knowledge and theory with practical application and skill development in a professional setting.

Internship in Mass Communications - JOUR 597
Students work at least 140 hours during the semester under the direction of the intern coordinator and a professional supervisor in an internship they obtain, attend required meetings during the term with other interns and the intern coordinator, and turn in assignments as scheduled in the course syllabus.
Summer 2021 Internship Students work at least 140 hours during the semester under the direction of the intern coordinator and a professional supervisor in an internship they obtain, attend required meetings during the term with other interns and the intern coordinator, and turn in assignments as scheduled in the course syllabus. 3 18 81 Y GLD-Professional & Civic Engagement; Experiential Learning Opportunity; Internship Programs,Apply specialized knowledge,Career development,Specialized knowledge and skills,Professionalism / career readiness
Internship Programs


Internship Programs - The primary mission of Internship Programs is to engage students in planned, educationally-related work and learning experiences that integrate knowledge and theory with practical application and skill development in a professional setting.

Practicum in Sport & Entertainment Management - SPTE 295
Students engage in a supervised work experience in a sport or entertainment area. Practicum is a minimum of 520 work hours over 13 weeks and is selected by the student with the assistance and approval of the Practicum Instructor. It is meant to be the student's introduction to the specific field in which they wish to pursue a career.
Summer 2021 Practicum Students engage in a supervised work experience in a sport or entertainment area. Practicum is a minimum of 520 work hours over 13 weeks and is selected by the student with the assistance and approval of the Practicum Instructor. It is meant to be the student's introduction to the specific field in which they wish to pursue a career. 3 17 79 Y GLD-Professional & Civic Engagement; Experiential Learning Opportunity; Internship Programs,Apply specialized knowledge,Career development,Specialized knowledge and skills,
Internship Programs


Internship Programs - The primary mission of Internship Programs is to engage students in planned, educationally-related work and learning experiences that integrate knowledge and theory with practical application and skill development in a professional setting.

Honors Internship - SCHC 498
Internships are an important part of the Honors Beyond the Classroom program. Students receive academic credit while gaining valuable experience in their chosen career field, receiving helpful feedback on their performance and reflecting on their experience.
Summer 2021 Internship Internships are an important part of the Honors Beyond the Classroom program. Students receive academic credit while gaining valuable experience in their chosen career field, receiving helpful feedback on their performance and reflecting on their experience. 3 26 75 Y GLD-Professional & Civic Engagement; Experiential Learning Opportunity; Internship Programs,Apply specialized knowledge,Career readiness,Specialized knowledge and skills,Professionalism / career readiness
Civic Engagement & Service-Learning Programs


Civic Engagement & Service-Learning Programs - The primary mission of Service-Learning Programs is to engage students in experiences that address human and community needs together with structured opportunities for reflection intentionally designed to promote student learning and development.

Service-Learning - PALM 495
An exploration of theories of service-learning with application of practical solutions to meet community needs.
Summer 2021 Service Learning An exploration of theories of service-learning with application of practical solutions to meet community needs. 13 33 112 Y GLD-Community Service; Experiential Learning Opportunity; Civic Engagement & Service-Learning Programs,Apply specialized knowledge,Community service / civic engagement,Specialized knowledge and skills,Personal and social responsibility - Contributing to a larger community
Undergraduate Research Programs


Undergraduate Research Programs - The primary mission of Undergraduate Research Programs is to engage students in investigative and creative activity to experience firsthand the processes of scholarly exploration and discovery.

Advanced Sociological Research Methods - SOCY 561
Students apply knowledge in a real world context by studying a social phenomenon using scientific research methods and producing a research project that mirrors professional standards. Students gather primary data, present their work, get feedback, and reflect on the challenges of the research process in studying their question.
Fall 2021 Research Education Students apply knowledge in a real world context by studying a social phenomenon using scientific research methods and producing a research project that mirrors professional standards. Students gather primary data, present their work, get feedback, and reflect on the challenges of the research process in studying their question. 3 14 53 Y GLD-Research; Experiential Learning Opportunity; Undergraduate Research Programs,Research,,Inquiry and analysis,
Internship Programs


Internship Programs - The primary mission of Internship Programs is to engage students in planned, educationally-related work and learning experiences that integrate knowledge and theory with practical application and skill development in a professional setting.

Business Internship in Management - MGMT 499
Internship, for credit, with a company focusing on management, lessons learned, SWOT self assessment.
Fall 2021 Internship Internship, for credit, with a company focusing on management, lessons learned, SWOT self assessment. 3 15 64 Y GLD-Professional & Civic Engagement; Experiential Learning Opportunity; Internship Programs,Apply specialized knowledge,Career readiness,Specialized knowledge and skills,Professionalism / career readiness
Capstone Experience


Capstone Experience - A course or project that engages students in a culminating and integrative experience, intended to connect the key learning objectives of an educational program.

Capstone Design Project II - ELCT 404
Working in teams of typically four, students analyze requirements posed by a project proponent (i.e. customer), then design and build a prototype of a system that meets the proponent's needs. The course is designed to provide an authentic engineering project experience that is representative of a typical engineer's early professional years.
Fall 2021 Capstone Course or Project Working in teams of typically four, students analyze requirements posed by a project proponent (i.e. customer), then design and build a prototype of a system that meets the proponent's needs. The course is designed to provide an authentic engineering project experience that is representative of a typical engineer's early professional years. 3 19 72 Y GLD-Professional & Civic Engagement; Experiential Learning Opportunity; Capstone Experience,Apply specialized knowledge,,Specialized knowledge and skills,
Civic Engagement & Service-Learning Programs


Civic Engagement & Service-Learning Programs - The primary mission of Service-Learning Programs is to engage students in experiences that address human and community needs together with structured opportunities for reflection intentionally designed to promote student learning and development.

Community Psychology Practicum - PSYC 489
Students engage in a supervised, structured field experience in a community agency, applying psychological principles, theory, and research.
Fall 2023 Service Learning Students engage in a supervised, structured field experience in a community agency, applying psychological principles, theory, and research. 3 14 51 Y GLD-Community Service; Experiential Learning Opportunity; Civic Engagement & Service-Learning Programs,Apply specialized knowledge,,Specialized knowledge and skills,
Capstone Experience


Capstone Experience - A course or project that engages students in a culminating and integrative experience, intended to connect the key learning objectives of an educational program.

Developing & Launching New Ventures - MGMT 473
The Emerging Venture Project (EVP) is a team project during which students apply the concepts and tools from the class to an emerging venture, in order to experience entrepreneurship in action. Students produce a final paper, founder/sponsor deliverable, and class presentation.
Fall 2021 Capstone Course or Project The Emerging Venture Project (EVP) is a team project during which students apply the concepts and tools from the class to an emerging venture, in order to experience entrepreneurship in action. Students produce a final paper, founder/sponsor deliverable, and class presentation. 3 15 64 Y Experiential Learning Opportunity; GLD-Professional & Civic Engagement; Capstone Experience,Apply specialized knowledge,,Specialized knowledge and skills,
Capstone Experience


Capstone Experience - A course or project that engages students in a culminating and integrative experience, intended to connect the key learning objectives of an educational program.

Executing Strategy New Venture - MGMT 474
Students engage in a team project during which they apply concepts and tools learned in class to an emerging venture, in order to experience entrepreneurship in action. Students produce a final paper, founder/sponsor deliverable (external project only to be negotiated with the founder/project sponsor) and class presentation.
Fall 2021 Capstone Course or Project Students engage in a team project during which they apply concepts and tools learned in class to an emerging venture, in order to experience entrepreneurship in action. Students produce a final paper, founder/sponsor deliverable (external project only to be negotiated with the founder/project sponsor) and class presentation. 3 15 64 Y Experiential Learning Opportunity; GLD-Professional & Civic Engagement; Capstone Experience,Apply specialized knowledge,,Specialized knowledge and skills,Teamwork
Internship Programs


Internship Programs - The primary mission of Internship Programs is to engage students in planned, educationally-related work and learning experiences that integrate knowledge and theory with practical application and skill development in a professional setting.

Honors Internship - SCHC 498
Internships are an important part of the Honors Beyond the Classroom program. Students receive academic credit while gaining valuable experience in their chosen career field, receiving helpful feedback on their performance and reflecting on their experience.
Fall 2021 Internship Internships are an important part of the Honors Beyond the Classroom program. Students receive academic credit while gaining valuable experience in their chosen career field, receiving helpful feedback on their performance and reflecting on their experience. 3 26 75 Y Experiential Learning Opportunity; GLD-Professional & Civic Engagement; Internship Programs,Apply specialized knowledge,Career readiness,Specialized knowledge and skills,Professionalism / career readiness
Internship Programs


Internship Programs - The primary mission of Internship Programs is to engage students in planned, educationally-related work and learning experiences that integrate knowledge and theory with practical application and skill development in a professional setting.

Hospitality & Tourism Internship - HRTM 495
Full time work experience of a minimum of 400 work hours in the Hospitality or Tourism industry; position must be Managerial or Supervisory in nature, Rotational within a minimum of three different areas of the business or a Structured Internship Program. Includes online course work.
Fall 2021 Internship Full time work experience of a minimum of 400 work hours in the Hospitality or Tourism industry; position must be Managerial or Supervisory in nature, Rotational within a minimum of three different areas of the business or a Structured Internship Program. Includes online course work. 3 17 76 Y Experiential Learning Opportunity; GLD-Professional & Civic Engagement; Internship Programs,Apply specialized knowledge,Leadership,Specialized knowledge and skills,Self-knowledge
Internship Programs


Internship Programs - The primary mission of Internship Programs is to engage students in planned, educationally-related work and learning experiences that integrate knowledge and theory with practical application and skill development in a professional setting.

Directed Teaching of Foreign Languages - FORL 448
Pre-service professional educators observe and apply effective teaching techniques and organize instructional settings for foreign language students in the elementary, middle or high school. Students spend 72 hours observing an experienced teacher in a K-12 foreign language classroom and 10 hours teaching the class.
Fall 2021 Internship Pre-service professional educators observe and apply effective teaching techniques and organize instructional settings for foreign language students in the elementary, middle or high school. Students spend 72 hours observing an experienced teacher in a K-12 foreign language classroom and 10 hours teaching the class. 3 14 46 Y GLD-Professional & Civic Engagement; GLD-Community Service; Experiential Learning Opportunity; Internship Programs,Apply specialized knowledge,,Specialized knowledge and skills,
Internship Programs


Internship Programs - The primary mission of Internship Programs is to engage students in planned, educationally-related work and learning experiences that integrate knowledge and theory with practical application and skill development in a professional setting.

Hospitality & Tourism Practicum - HRTM 290
Full time work experience of a minimum of 400 work hours in the Hospitality or Tourism industry; position can be any entry level or higher position. Includes online course work.
Fall 2021 Practicum Full time work experience of a minimum of 400 work hours in the Hospitality or Tourism industry; position can be any entry level or higher position. Includes online course work. 3 17 76 Y GLD-Professional & Civic Engagement; Experiential Learning Opportunity; Internship Programs,Apply specialized knowledge,Career readiness,Self-knowledge,Specialized knowledge and skills
Internship Programs


Internship Programs - The primary mission of Internship Programs is to engage students in planned, educationally-related work and learning experiences that integrate knowledge and theory with practical application and skill development in a professional setting.

Professional Internship - ITEC 495
The course is a supervised work experience in information technology and/or project management; the internship is coordinated by a faculty member and supervised by approved management/supervisor within business and industry lasting for approximately 400 hours of on the job experiences.
Fall 2021 Internship The course is a supervised work experience in information technology and/or project management; the internship is coordinated by a faculty member and supervised by approved management/supervisor within business and industry lasting for approximately 400 hours of on the job experiences. 3 19 73 Y GLD-Professional & Civic Engagement; Experiential Learning Opportunity; Internship Programs,Apply specialized knowledge,,Specialized knowledge and skills,Integrative and applied learning
Internship Programs


Internship Programs - The primary mission of Internship Programs is to engage students in planned, educationally-related work and learning experiences that integrate knowledge and theory with practical application and skill development in a professional setting.

Internship - CRJU 494
Students intern for 160 hours during the semester at an appropriate agency or institution.
Fall 2021 Internship Students intern for 160 hours during the semester at an appropriate agency or institution. 3 14 41 Y GLD-Professional & Civic Engagement; Experiential Learning Opportunity; Internship Programs,Apply specialized knowledge,Career readiness,Specialized knowledge and skills,
Internship Programs


Internship Programs - The primary mission of Internship Programs is to engage students in planned, educationally-related work and learning experiences that integrate knowledge and theory with practical application and skill development in a professional setting.

Internship: Community Engagement - COLA 390
COLA 390 is a supervised experience to assist the student in decision-making for his/her future after graduation. This course will incorporate a real world experience for the student in a workplace or community organization related to their chosen profession, along with opportunities to receive feedback and reflect on the experience.
Fall 2021 Internship COLA 390 is a supervised experience to assist the student in decision-making for his/her future after graduation. This course will incorporate a real world experience for the student in a workplace or community organization related to their chosen profession, along with opportunities to receive feedback and reflect on the experience. 3 14 98 Y GLD-Professional & Civic Engagement; GLD-Community Service; Experiential Learning Opportunity; Internship Programs,Career development,,Self-knowledge,Professionalism / career readiness
Internship Programs


Internship Programs - The primary mission of Internship Programs is to engage students in planned, educationally-related work and learning experiences that integrate knowledge and theory with practical application and skill development in a professional setting.

Internship in Mass Communications - JOUR 597
Students work at least 140 hours during the semester under the direction of the intern coordinator and a professional supervisor in an internship they obtain, attend required meetings during the term with other interns and the intern coordinator, and turn in assignments as scheduled in the course syllabus.
Fall 2021 Internship Students work at least 140 hours during the semester under the direction of the intern coordinator and a professional supervisor in an internship they obtain, attend required meetings during the term with other interns and the intern coordinator, and turn in assignments as scheduled in the course syllabus. 3 18 81 Y GLD-Professional & Civic Engagement; Experiential Learning Opportunity; Internship Programs,Apply specialized knowledge,Career development,Specialized knowledge and skills,Professionalism / career readiness
Student Leadership Programs


Student Leadership Programs - The mission of Student Leadership Programs must be to prepare students to engage in the process of leadership.

Laboratory Teaching Experience - BIOL 398
Students serve as Peer Leaders in a Peer Led Team Learning (PLTL) environment and use their understanding of biological concepts as they help to support other students currently enrolled in a Biology course. Peer Leaders ask questions that help students progress through an assigned activity or in-class discussion.
Fall 2021 Peer Educator Students serve as Peer Leaders in a Peer Led Team Learning (PLTL) environment and use their understanding of biological concepts as they help to support other students currently enrolled in a Biology course. Peer Leaders ask questions that help students progress through an assigned activity or in-class discussion. 3 14 39 Y GLD-Professional & Civic Engagement; Experiential Learning Opportunity; Student Leadership Programs,Apply specialized knowledge,Leadership,Specialized knowledge and skills,Influencing others
Civic Engagement & Service-Learning Programs


Civic Engagement & Service-Learning Programs - The primary mission of Service-Learning Programs is to engage students in experiences that address human and community needs together with structured opportunities for reflection intentionally designed to promote student learning and development.

Service-Learning - PALM 495
An exploration of theories of service-learning with application of practical solutions to meet community needs.
Fall 2021 Service Learning An exploration of theories of service-learning with application of practical solutions to meet community needs. 13 33 112 Y GLD-Community Service; Experiential Learning Opportunity; Civic Engagement & Service-Learning Programs,Apply specialized knowledge,Community service / civic engagement,Specialized knowledge and skills,Personal and social responsibility - Contributing to a larger community
Internship Programs


Internship Programs - The primary mission of Internship Programs is to engage students in planned, educationally-related work and learning experiences that integrate knowledge and theory with practical application and skill development in a professional setting.

Practicum in Sport & Entertainment Management - SPTE 295
Students engage in a supervised work experience in a sport or entertainment area. Practicum is a minimum of 520 work hours over 13 weeks and is selected by the student with the assistance and approval of the Practicum Instructor. It is meant to be the student's introduction to the specific field in which they wish to pursue a career.
Fall 2021 Practicum Students engage in a supervised work experience in a sport or entertainment area. Practicum is a minimum of 520 work hours over 13 weeks and is selected by the student with the assistance and approval of the Practicum Instructor. It is meant to be the student's introduction to the specific field in which they wish to pursue a career. 3 17 79 Y GLD-Professional & Civic Engagement; Experiential Learning Opportunity; Internship Programs,Apply specialized knowledge,Career development,Specialized knowledge and skills,
Internship Programs


Internship Programs - The primary mission of Internship Programs is to engage students in planned, educationally-related work and learning experiences that integrate knowledge and theory with practical application and skill development in a professional setting.

Media Arts Internship - MART 499
MART 499 is the capstone experience for all media arts majors, consisting of a 160-hour professional internship working in the media arts fields.
Fall 2021 Internship MART 499 is the capstone experience for all media arts majors, consisting of a 160-hour professional internship working in the media arts fields. 3 14 56 Y GLD-Professional & Civic Engagement; Experiential Learning Opportunity; Internship Programs,Apply specialized knowledge,Career readiness,Specialized knowledge and skills,
Internship Programs


Internship Programs - The primary mission of Internship Programs is to engage students in planned, educationally-related work and learning experiences that integrate knowledge and theory with practical application and skill development in a professional setting.

Public Affairs Internship - POLI 379
In this course, students complete an on-site internship in a public affairs agency, complete a series of academic assignments related to the internship experience, and submit a final performance evaluation from the on-site supervisor.
Fall 2021 Internship In this course, students complete an on-site internship in a public affairs agency, complete a series of academic assignments related to the internship experience, and submit a final performance evaluation from the on-site supervisor. 3 14 50 Y Experiential Learning Opportunity; GLD-Professional & Civic Engagement; Internship Programs,Career development,Apply specialized knowledge,Self-knowledge,Professionalism / career readiness
Capstone Experience


Capstone Experience - A course or project that engages students in a culminating and integrative experience, intended to connect the key learning objectives of an educational program.

Seminar in Geography - GEOG 495
Undergraduate geography majors engage in group-based research projects to integrate and apply knowledge and skills gained throughout the geography degree program. Students work with community partners on projects that address real-life problems and needs. Students gather, analyze, and present information that is of use to our community partners.
Fall 2021 Capstone Course or Project Undergraduate geography majors engage in group-based research projects to integrate and apply knowledge and skills gained throughout the geography degree program. Students work with community partners on projects that address real-life problems and needs. Students gather, analyze, and present information that is of use to our community partners. 3 14 44 Y Experiential Learning Opportunity; GLD-Community Service; Capstone Experience,Apply specialized knowledge,,Problem solving,Inquiry and analysis
Internship Programs


Internship Programs - The primary mission of Internship Programs is to engage students in planned, educationally-related work and learning experiences that integrate knowledge and theory with practical application and skill development in a professional setting.

Practicum in Teaching German to Young Children - GERM 401P
Students teach German once/week at Rosewood Elementary and learn about pedagogy and teaching methods in class once/week.
Fall 2023 Practicum Students teach German once/week at Rosewood Elementary and learn about pedagogy and teaching methods in class once/week. 3 14 46 Y GLD-Professional & Civic Engagement; GLD-Community Service; Experiential Learning Opportunity; Internship Programs,Apply specialized knowledge,Career readiness,Specialized knowledge and skills,Professionalism / career readiness
Internship Programs


Internship Programs - The primary mission of Internship Programs is to engage students in planned, educationally-related work and learning experiences that integrate knowledge and theory with practical application and skill development in a professional setting.

Senior Nursing Capstone Practicum - NURS 435
Final Semester Senior Clinical Immersion Experience
Fall 2021 Internship Final Semester Senior Clinical Immersion Experience 3 20 106 Y Experiential Learning Opportunity; GLD-Professional & Civic Engagement; Internship Programs,Apply specialized knowledge,Career readiness,Specialized knowledge and skills,Professionalism / career readiness
Internship Programs


Internship Programs - The primary mission of Internship Programs is to engage students in planned, educationally-related work and learning experiences that integrate knowledge and theory with practical application and skill development in a professional setting.

Internship in Geography - GEOG 595
Students serve as interns (paid or unpaid) in government agencies, private-sector businesses, or non-profit organizations. Internship activities and experiential learning are supervised jointly by sponsors and the internship program of the department.
Fall 2021 Internship Students serve as interns (paid or unpaid) in government agencies, private-sector businesses, or non-profit organizations. Internship activities and experiential learning are supervised jointly by sponsors and the internship program of the department. 3 14 44 Y GLD-Professional & Civic Engagement; GLD-Community Service; Experiential Learning Opportunity; Internship Programs,Apply specialized knowledge,Career readiness,Specialized knowledge and skills,Professionalism / career readiness
Capstone Experience


Capstone Experience - A course or project that engages students in a culminating and integrative experience, intended to connect the key learning objectives of an educational program.

GSCOM Capstone Project - MGSC 497
Student consulting teams apply Operations and Supply Chain concepts and techniques to solve operational problems, identify improvement opportunities in service and manufacturing firms, write recommendation and implementation reports, oversee pilot or full-scale implementations, and make presentations of their work to the firm’s management group.
Fall 2021 Capstone Course or Project Student consulting teams apply Operations and Supply Chain concepts and techniques to solve operational problems, identify improvement opportunities in service and manufacturing firms, write recommendation and implementation reports, oversee pilot or full-scale implementations, and make presentations of their work to the firm’s management group. 3 15 65 Y GLD-Professional & Civic Engagement; Experiential Learning Opportunity; Capstone Experience,Apply specialized knowledge,,Specialized knowledge and skills,
Internship Programs


Internship Programs - The primary mission of Internship Programs is to engage students in planned, educationally-related work and learning experiences that integrate knowledge and theory with practical application and skill development in a professional setting.

Directed Teaching in Physical Education - PEDU 479
Internship for practice in physical education.
Fall 2021 Internship Internship for practice in physical education. 3 16 68 Y GLD-Professional & Civic Engagement; GLD-Community Service; Experiential Learning Opportunity; Internship Programs,Apply specialized knowledge,,Specialized knowledge and skills,
Civic Engagement & Service-Learning Programs


Civic Engagement & Service-Learning Programs - The primary mission of Service-Learning Programs is to engage students in experiences that address human and community needs together with structured opportunities for reflection intentionally designed to promote student learning and development.

Community Engagement Through Music - MUSC 595
The course includes visits to four potential community partners and culminates in a student-designed interactive performance at a community location.
Fall 2021 Civic Engagement The course includes visits to four potential community partners and culminates in a student-designed interactive performance at a community location. 3 25 105 Y GLD-Community Service; Experiential Learning Opportunity; Civic Engagement & Service-Learning Programs,Community service / civic engagement,Apply specialized knowledge,Civic knowledge and engagement,Specialized knowledge and skills
Career Services


Career Services - The primary mission of Career Services is to assist students and other designated clients in developing, evaluating, and implementing career, education, and employment plans.

Career Coaching - Career Studio
In this learning lab, students receive guidance from a Career Center Peer Educator on topics related to their career, including resumes, cover letters, personal statements, curriculum vitae, job search, interviewing, and occupational research.
Summer 2021 Career Development In this learning lab, students receive guidance from a Career Center Peer Educator on topics related to their career, including resumes, cover letters, personal statements, curriculum vitae, job search, interviewing, and occupational research. 3 11 30 Career Center N ; Career Services,Career development,Study / Practice self knowledge,Self-knowledge,
Career Services


Career Services - The primary mission of Career Services is to assist students and other designated clients in developing, evaluating, and implementing career, education, and employment plans.

Career Development Series
Students listen to expert presentations on a variety of career development topics, engage in informal discussion with experts and peers, and have opportunities to ask questions. Topics include job search skills, diversity in the workplace, professional skills, preparing for internships, career fair preparation, and networking skills.
Summer 2021 Career Development Students listen to expert presentations on a variety of career development topics, engage in informal discussion with experts and peers, and have opportunities to ask questions. Topics include job search skills, diversity in the workplace, professional skills, preparing for internships, career fair preparation, and networking skills. 3 11 30 Career Center N ; Career Services,Career development,,Self-knowledge,Professionalism / career readiness
Student Leadership Programs


Student Leadership Programs - The mission of Student Leadership Programs must be to prepare students to engage in the process of leadership.

Career Studio Peer Educator
Career Studio Peer Educators advise students on career-related questions during appointments, manage front-desk operations, create and deliver presentations, initiate outreach activities, participate in marketing projects, and collaborate with professional staff members on career development initiatives.
Summer 2021 Peer Educator Career Studio Peer Educators advise students on career-related questions during appointments, manage front-desk operations, create and deliver presentations, initiate outreach activities, participate in marketing projects, and collaborate with professional staff members on career development initiatives. 3 11 30 Career Center N GLD-Professional & Civic Engagement; Experiential Learning Opportunity; Student Leadership Programs,Leadership,Career readiness,Interpersonal skills,Communication - spoken
Career Services


Career Services - The primary mission of Career Services is to assist students and other designated clients in developing, evaluating, and implementing career, education, and employment plans.

Career Coaching - Career Assessment Interpretation
Students complete a career assessment prior to meeting with a career coach; in this 1-1 session, the coach guides the student through exploration of career-related interests, skills and values.
Summer 2021 Career Development Students complete a career assessment prior to meeting with a career coach; in this 1-1 session, the coach guides the student through exploration of career-related interests, skills and values. 3 11 30 Career Center N ; Career Services,Study / Practice self knowledge,Career development,Self-knowledge,Problem solving
Career Services


Career Services - The primary mission of Career Services is to assist students and other designated clients in developing, evaluating, and implementing career, education, and employment plans.

Career Coaching - Choosing a Major/Career
Students interact 1-1 with a trained career coach regarding making career /major decisions by exploring student interests, abilities, aptitudes, and alignment with options for choice of major and career field.
Summer 2021 Career Development Students interact 1-1 with a trained career coach regarding making career /major decisions by exploring student interests, abilities, aptitudes, and alignment with options for choice of major and career field. 3 11 30 Career Center N ; Career Services,Study / Practice self knowledge,Career development,Self-knowledge,Problem solving
Career Services


Career Services - The primary mission of Career Services is to assist students and other designated clients in developing, evaluating, and implementing career, education, and employment plans.

Career Coaching - Curriculum Vita / Cover Letter Review
Students interact 1-1 with a professional staff member who reviews students' vita and cover letter, provides feedback, and helps students explore presentation options.
Summer 2021 Career Development Students interact 1-1 with a professional staff member who reviews students' vita and cover letter, provides feedback, and helps students explore presentation options. 3 11 30 Career Center N ; Career Services,Career development,Study / Practice self knowledge,Problem solving,Self-knowledge
Career Services


Career Services - The primary mission of Career Services is to assist students and other designated clients in developing, evaluating, and implementing career, education, and employment plans.

Career Coaching - Graduate / Professional School
Student interacts 1-1 with professional staff member to identify resources and develop a plan for applying to graduate and/or professional schools.
Summer 2021 Career Development Student interacts 1-1 with professional staff member to identify resources and develop a plan for applying to graduate and/or professional schools. 3 11 30 Career Center N ; Career Services,Career development,Study / Practice self knowledge,Problem solving,
Career Services


Career Services - The primary mission of Career Services is to assist students and other designated clients in developing, evaluating, and implementing career, education, and employment plans.

Career Coaching - Interview Preparation
Student interacts 1-1 with a professional staff member to prepare for interviews for employment or admission to graduate/professional schools.
Summer 2021 Career Development Student interacts 1-1 with a professional staff member to prepare for interviews for employment or admission to graduate/professional schools. 3 11 30 Career Center N ; Career Services,Career development,Study / Practice self knowledge,Self-knowledge,Problem solving
Career Services


Career Services - The primary mission of Career Services is to assist students and other designated clients in developing, evaluating, and implementing career, education, and employment plans.

Career Coaching - Job Search
Student interacts 1-1 with a professional staff member to identify resources and develop a plan for obtaining employment.
Summer 2021 Career Development Student interacts 1-1 with a professional staff member to identify resources and develop a plan for obtaining employment. 3 11 30 Career Center N ; Career Services,Career development,Study / Practice self knowledge,Problem solving,Self-knowledge
Career Services


Career Services - The primary mission of Career Services is to assist students and other designated clients in developing, evaluating, and implementing career, education, and employment plans.

Career Coaching - LinkedIn
Students interact 1-1 with a staff member to identify resources and develop a plan for obtaining employment.
Summer 2021 Career Development Students interact 1-1 with a staff member to identify resources and develop a plan for obtaining employment. 3 11 30 Career Center N ; Career Services,Career development,,Problem solving,
Career Services


Career Services - The primary mission of Career Services is to assist students and other designated clients in developing, evaluating, and implementing career, education, and employment plans.

Career Coaching - Mock Interview
Students participate in a mock interview, and receive feedback from a professional staff member to improve their future performance.
Summer 2021 Career Development Students participate in a mock interview, and receive feedback from a professional staff member to improve their future performance. 3 11 30 Career Center N ; Career Services,Career development,,Self-knowledge,Communication - spoken
Career Services


Career Services - The primary mission of Career Services is to assist students and other designated clients in developing, evaluating, and implementing career, education, and employment plans.

Career Coaching - Parallel Career Path
Students interact with professional career coach to explore options regarding choice of major and career fields, in recognition of competitive admissions practices and other factors that may affect plans.
Summer 2021 Career Development Students interact with professional career coach to explore options regarding choice of major and career fields, in recognition of competitive admissions practices and other factors that may affect plans. 3 11 30 Career Center N ; Career Services,Career development,Study / Practice self knowledge,Problem solving,Self-knowledge
Career Services


Career Services - The primary mission of Career Services is to assist students and other designated clients in developing, evaluating, and implementing career, education, and employment plans.

Career Coaching - Personal Statement / Essay Reviews
Students interact 1-1 with a staff member to identify resources and develop a plan for obtaining employment.
Summer 2021 Career Development Students interact 1-1 with a staff member to identify resources and develop a plan for obtaining employment. 3 11 30 Career Center N ; Career Services,Career development,,Problem solving,
Career Services


Career Services - The primary mission of Career Services is to assist students and other designated clients in developing, evaluating, and implementing career, education, and employment plans.

Career Coaching - Resume / Cover Letter Review
Students interact 1-1 with a staff member to identify resources and plan for obtaining employment.
Summer 2021 Career Development Students interact 1-1 with a staff member to identify resources and plan for obtaining employment. 3 11 30 Career Center N ; Career Services,Career development,,Problem solving,
Academic Advising Programs


Academic Advising Programs - The primary purpose of Academic Advising Programs is to assist students in the development of meaningful educational plans.

Academic Coaching Appointment
Students meet 1-1 with a coach to create an academic and engagement plan, set goals, and share resources; sessions are tailored to meet each student's needs and may include general advising, academic planning, strengths identification, planning campus involvement, and navigating campus resources.
Summer 2021 Educational Support Students meet 1-1 with a coach to create an academic and engagement plan, set goals, and share resources; sessions are tailored to meet each student's needs and may include general advising, academic planning, strengths identification, planning campus involvement, and navigating campus resources. 3 12 34 University Advising Center N ; Academic Advising Programs,Study / Practice intellectual skills,Study / Practice self knowledge,Foundations and skills for lifelong learning,Personal and social responsibility - Striving for excellence
Academic Advising Programs


Academic Advising Programs - The primary purpose of Academic Advising Programs is to assist students in the development of meaningful educational plans.

Exploratory Advising / Major Change
Students meet 1-on-1 with an Exploratory Advisor to explore majors/degree programs, learn how to change majors, evaluate how completed coursework will apply to a new major, plan class schedules, and get help with general advisement questions.
Summer 2021 Educational Support Students meet 1-on-1 with an Exploratory Advisor to explore majors/degree programs, learn how to change majors, evaluate how completed coursework will apply to a new major, plan class schedules, and get help with general advisement questions. 3 12 34 University Advising Center N ; Academic Advising Programs,Study / Practice intellectual skills,Study / Practice self knowledge,Self-knowledge,
Internship Programs


Internship Programs - The primary mission of Internship Programs is to engage students in planned, educationally-related work and learning experiences that integrate knowledge and theory with practical application and skill development in a professional setting.

Cooperative Education (Co-op) - Parallel
Students participate in 2-3 semesters of supervised, paid work-based learning with the same employer. The Parallel format allows the student to work part-time for 240 hours (20 hours/week) for 3 consecutive semesters while attending school.
Summer 2021 Cooperative Education Students participate in 2-3 semesters of supervised, paid work-based learning with the same employer. The Parallel format allows the student to work part-time for 240 hours (20 hours/week) for 3 consecutive semesters while attending school. 3 11 30 Career Center N GLD-Professional & Civic Engagement; Experiential Learning Opportunity; Internship Programs,Apply specialized knowledge,Career readiness,Specialized knowledge and skills,Professionalism / career readiness
Campus Activities Programs


Campus Activities Programs - The purpose of Campus Activities Programs must be to enhance the overall educational experience of students through development of, exposure to, and participation in programs and activities that improve student cooperation and leadership while preparing students to be responsible advocates and citizens and complementing the institution's academic programs.

Carolina-Clemson Blood Drive - Donor
Students donate blood, at one or more events during the semester, in support of their local community and to participate in this campus rivalry and long-standing tradition.
Fall 2021 Community Building Students donate blood, at one or more events during the semester, in support of their local community and to participate in this campus rivalry and long-standing tradition. 3 11 28 Russell House University Union N ; Campus Activities Programs,Community service / civic engagement,Connecting with others,Self-knowledge,
Post-Traditional & Commuter Student Programs & Services


Post-Traditional & Commuter Student Programs & Services - The primary mission is to ensure that all students have equitable access to programs, services, and engagement opportunities regardless of age, personal characteristics, or place of residence.

Community Living Workshop
Students listen to a facilitator and participate in interactive activities designed to explore city ordinances, laws, and best practices for living in and contributing to their off-campus living environment. Discussion topics include what it means to be a responsible citizen and community member.
Fall 2021 Community Building Students listen to a facilitator and participate in interactive activities designed to explore city ordinances, laws, and best practices for living in and contributing to their off-campus living environment. Discussion topics include what it means to be a responsible citizen and community member. 3 11 28 Off-Campus Living & Neighborhood Relations N ; Post-Traditional & Commuter Student Programs & Services,Study / Practice self knowledge,,Self-knowledge,
Student Employment


Student Employment - Student is employed part-time by the university and engages in career readiness development activities as part of supervision process.

Students Providing Undergraduate Residential Support (SPURS)
Students assist professional staff with administrative duties and with major university events such as prospective student recruitment events and new student Move-in Day.
Fall 2021 Student Program Leader Students assist professional staff with administrative duties and with major university events such as prospective student recruitment events and new student Move-in Day. 3 11 29 University Housing N GLD-Professional & Civic Engagement; Experiential Learning Opportunity; Student Employment,Career readiness,,Communication - spoken,Teamwork
Student Leadership Programs


Student Leadership Programs - The mission of Student Leadership Programs must be to prepare students to engage in the process of leadership.

Center for Integrative and Experiential Learning Student Advisory Council
Students participate in discussion-based monthly meetings to provide the Center for Integrative and Experiential Learning staff with feedback and to share opinions about initiatives and programming.
Fall 2021 Student Program Leader Students participate in discussion-based monthly meetings to provide the Center for Integrative and Experiential Learning staff with feedback and to share opinions about initiatives and programming. 3 12 34 Center for Integrative and Experiential Learning N GLD-Professional & Civic Engagement; Student Leadership Programs,Career readiness,,Critical and creative thinking,Self-knowledge
Internship Programs


Internship Programs - The primary mission of Internship Programs is to engage students in planned, educationally-related work and learning experiences that integrate knowledge and theory with practical application and skill development in a professional setting.

Summer Internship in Archaeology
Interns are employed by the Savannah River Archaeological Research Program (SRARP) of the South Carolina Institute of Archaeology and Anthropology at UofSC, and will gain experience in Phase I archaeological survey, artifact processing, and initial artifact classification while working at the Savannah River Site in Aiken, SC.
Summer 2021 Internship Interns are employed by the Savannah River Archaeological Research Program (SRARP) of the South Carolina Institute of Archaeology and Anthropology at UofSC, and will gain experience in Phase I archaeological survey, artifact processing, and initial artifact classification while working at the Savannah River Site in Aiken, SC. 3 14 38 N GLD-Professional & Civic Engagement; Experiential Learning Opportunity; Internship Programs,Apply specialized knowledge,Career development,Specialized knowledge and skills,Self-knowledge
Internship Programs


Internship Programs - The primary mission of Internship Programs is to engage students in planned, educationally-related work and learning experiences that integrate knowledge and theory with practical application and skill development in a professional setting.

Practicum in Orchestra Methods - MUED 533P
Student teachers in the University of South Carolina String Project, a nationally recognized model of community service, provide instruction to public school students while developing their teacher identity. String Project teachers provide a supportive cohort for one another and administrators provide structure and feedback.
Fall 2021 Practicum Student teachers in the University of South Carolina String Project, a nationally recognized model of community service, provide instruction to public school students while developing their teacher identity. String Project teachers provide a supportive cohort for one another and administrators provide structure and feedback. 3 25 82 Y Experiential Learning Opportunity; Internship Programs,Apply specialized knowledge,Community service / civic engagement,Specialized knowledge and skills,
Internship Programs


Internship Programs - The primary mission of Internship Programs is to engage students in planned, educationally-related work and learning experiences that integrate knowledge and theory with practical application and skill development in a professional setting.

Adolescent Mentoring - CRJU 551
Students spend the first five week of the semester in intensive training and are then paired as a mentor with a student at a local disciplinary alternative school. The remainder of the semester is spent focused on mentoring and ongoing support, discussion, reflection, and supplemental training.
Fall 2021 Practicum Students spend the first five week of the semester in intensive training and are then paired as a mentor with a student at a local disciplinary alternative school. The remainder of the semester is spent focused on mentoring and ongoing support, discussion, reflection, and supplemental training. 3 14 41 Y Experiential Learning Opportunity; GLD-Professional & Civic Engagement; Internship Programs,Apply specialized knowledge,,Specialized knowledge and skills,
Internship Programs


Internship Programs - The primary mission of Internship Programs is to engage students in planned, educationally-related work and learning experiences that integrate knowledge and theory with practical application and skill development in a professional setting.

Internship - PALM 494
Student engages in supervised immersion and exploration in a field related to the major, with a career, cultural, or community focus.
Fall 2021 Internship Student engages in supervised immersion and exploration in a field related to the major, with a career, cultural, or community focus. 13 33 112 Y GLD-Professional & Civic Engagement; Experiential Learning Opportunity; Internship Programs,Apply specialized knowledge,,Specialized knowledge and skills,
Campus Activities Programs


Campus Activities Programs - The purpose of Campus Activities Programs must be to enhance the overall educational experience of students through development of, exposure to, and participation in programs and activities that improve student cooperation and leadership while preparing students to be responsible advocates and citizens and complementing the institution's academic programs.

Sustainable Carolina Garden Volunteer
Student volunteers advance understanding of sustainable agriculture practices while weeding, planting, harvesting, and maintaining the infrastructure of the garden to provide local produce to the campus and Columbia community.
Fall 2021 Sustainability Education Student volunteers advance understanding of sustainable agriculture practices while weeding, planting, harvesting, and maintaining the infrastructure of the garden to provide local produce to the campus and Columbia community. 3 11 29 Sustainability N ; Campus Activities Programs,Community service / civic engagement,,Civic knowledge and engagement,
Student Leadership Programs


Student Leadership Programs - The mission of Student Leadership Programs must be to prepare students to engage in the process of leadership.

Student Government Executive Council
Council members are elected by the student body to work toward common goals and build consensus to drive change for Carolina students; council members interact with a variety of constituents including students, faculty, staff, university administrators and Board of Trustees members.
Fall 2021 Elected Student Leader Council members are elected by the student body to work toward common goals and build consensus to drive change for Carolina students; council members interact with a variety of constituents including students, faculty, staff, university administrators and Board of Trustees members. 3 11 28 Leadership & Service Center N GLD-Professional & Civic Engagement; Experiential Learning Opportunity; Student Leadership Programs,Leadership,,Problem solving,Influencing others
Student Leadership Programs


Student Leadership Programs - The mission of Student Leadership Programs must be to prepare students to engage in the process of leadership.

Student Government Freshman Council
Council members are selected to represent the freshman class in student government at Carolina. Students meet weekly to learn about SG initiatives, discuss campus issues, and represent the freshman perspective. Each student meets monthly with a SG mentor to explore and develop leadership interests, skills and abilities.
Fall 2021 Appointed Student Leader Council members are selected to represent the freshman class in student government at Carolina. Students meet weekly to learn about SG initiatives, discuss campus issues, and represent the freshman perspective. Each student meets monthly with a SG mentor to explore and develop leadership interests, skills and abilities. 3 11 28 Leadership & Service Center N GLD-Professional & Civic Engagement; Student Leadership Programs,Study / Practice self knowledge,Career readiness,Self-knowledge,
Recreational Sports Programs


Recreational Sports Programs - The mission of Recreational Sports Programs must be to enhance the mind, body, and spirit of students and other eligible individuals by providing programs, services, and facilities that are responsive to the physical, social, recreational, and lifelong educational needs of the campus community as they relate to health, fitness, and learning.

Campus Recreation Fitness Instructor
Student instructors safely deliver a quality fitness service to patrons and serve as an educational resource for how to develop effective fitness practices.
Fall 2021 Employment On Campus Student instructors safely deliver a quality fitness service to patrons and serve as an educational resource for how to develop effective fitness practices. 3 11 117 Campus Recreation N ; Recreational Sports Programs,Career readiness,,Communication - spoken,Professionalism / career readiness
Recreational Sports Programs


Recreational Sports Programs - The mission of Recreational Sports Programs must be to enhance the mind, body, and spirit of students and other eligible individuals by providing programs, services, and facilities that are responsive to the physical, social, recreational, and lifelong educational needs of the campus community as they relate to health, fitness, and learning.

Campus Recreation Swim Instructor
Student instructors safely deliver a quality swim instruction service to patrons.
Spring 2024 Employment On Campus Student instructors safely deliver a quality swim instruction service to patrons. 3 11 117 Campus Recreation N ; Recreational Sports Programs,Career readiness,,Communication - spoken,Professionalism / career readiness
Recreational Sports Programs


Recreational Sports Programs - The mission of Recreational Sports Programs must be to enhance the mind, body, and spirit of students and other eligible individuals by providing programs, services, and facilities that are responsive to the physical, social, recreational, and lifelong educational needs of the campus community as they relate to health, fitness, and learning.

Campus Recreation Sport Club Executive Board
Sport Club Executive Board (SCEB) members are elected by sport club officers to build support for the sport club program and achieve common goals, and interact with a variety of constituents including sport club members, faculty, staff, and university administrators.
Fall 2021 Elected Student Leader Sport Club Executive Board (SCEB) members are elected by sport club officers to build support for the sport club program and achieve common goals, and interact with a variety of constituents including sport club members, faculty, staff, and university administrators. 3 11 117 Campus Recreation N ; Recreational Sports Programs,Leadership,,Problem solving,Influencing others
Recreational Sports Programs


Recreational Sports Programs - The mission of Recreational Sports Programs must be to enhance the mind, body, and spirit of students and other eligible individuals by providing programs, services, and facilities that are responsive to the physical, social, recreational, and lifelong educational needs of the campus community as they relate to health, fitness, and learning.

Campus Recreation Attendant
Student attendants support all aspects of the Campus Recreation Sport Programs with responsibility for serving patrons professionally and efficiently, and for supporting general administrative functions of the program area.
Fall 2021 Employment On Campus Student attendants support all aspects of the Campus Recreation Sport Programs with responsibility for serving patrons professionally and efficiently, and for supporting general administrative functions of the program area. 3 11 117 Campus Recreation N ; Recreational Sports Programs,Career readiness,,Communication - spoken,Professionalism / career readiness
Recreational Sports Programs


Recreational Sports Programs - The mission of Recreational Sports Programs must be to enhance the mind, body, and spirit of students and other eligible individuals by providing programs, services, and facilities that are responsive to the physical, social, recreational, and lifelong educational needs of the campus community as they relate to health, fitness, and learning.

Campus Recreation Assistant
Student assistants facilitate the successful operation of the Campus Recreation program and facility (marketing and communications, member services, operations, outdoor recreation, sport programs and fitness) as the primary point of contact for participants and patrons; they facilitate a safe and positive developmental experience for students.
Fall 2021 Employment On Campus Student assistants facilitate the successful operation of the Campus Recreation program and facility (marketing and communications, member services, operations, outdoor recreation, sport programs and fitness) as the primary point of contact for participants and patrons; they facilitate a safe and positive developmental experience for students. 3 11 117 Campus Recreation N ; Recreational Sports Programs,Career readiness,,Professionalism / career readiness,
Student Leadership Programs


Student Leadership Programs - The mission of Student Leadership Programs must be to prepare students to engage in the process of leadership.

McNair Institute Student Advisory Council
Student council members attend meetings with Institute leaders to learn about the Institute and provide student perspectives, strategize how to expand the McNair Institute brand and initiatives across schools and colleges of the UofSC system, and support Institute activities that foster entrepreneurism and free enterprise education and support.
Fall 2021 Student Program Leader Student council members attend meetings with Institute leaders to learn about the Institute and provide student perspectives, strategize how to expand the McNair Institute brand and initiatives across schools and colleges of the UofSC system, and support Institute activities that foster entrepreneurism and free enterprise education and support. 3 12 34 McNair Institute N ; Student Leadership Programs,Career readiness,,Professionalism / career readiness,
Campus Activities Programs


Campus Activities Programs - The purpose of Campus Activities Programs must be to enhance the overall educational experience of students through development of, exposure to, and participation in programs and activities that improve student cooperation and leadership while preparing students to be responsible advocates and citizens and complementing the institution's academic programs.

Carolina-Clemson Blood Drive Leadership Team
Team members support, supervise and lead peers within the Carolina-Clemson Blood Drive organization; they recruit blood donors and other volunteers to manage event logistics, marketing and outreach initiatives, donor engagement, and relationships with the American Red Cross and other local blood banks.
Fall 2021 Student Program Leader Team members support, supervise and lead peers within the Carolina-Clemson Blood Drive organization; they recruit blood donors and other volunteers to manage event logistics, marketing and outreach initiatives, donor engagement, and relationships with the American Red Cross and other local blood banks. 3 11 28 Russell House University Union N ; Campus Activities Programs,Leadership,Community service / civic engagement,Problem solving,Influencing others
Internship Programs


Internship Programs - The primary mission of Internship Programs is to engage students in planned, educationally-related work and learning experiences that integrate knowledge and theory with practical application and skill development in a professional setting.

Retailing Internship - RETL 495
Students engage in supervised work experience within the retail industry that links classroom learning and student interest with the acquisition of knowledge in an applied work setting.
Fall 2021 Internship Students engage in supervised work experience within the retail industry that links classroom learning and student interest with the acquisition of knowledge in an applied work setting. 3 17 77 Y GLD-Professional & Civic Engagement; Experiential Learning Opportunity; Internship Programs,Apply specialized knowledge,,Specialized knowledge and skills,
Capstone Experience


Capstone Experience - A course or project that engages students in a culminating and integrative experience, intended to connect the key learning objectives of an educational program.

Graduation with Leadership Distinction ePortfolio - 401
Student creates an ePortfolio as the culminating project of their undergraduate student collegiate experience. Through the ePortfolio, students demonstrate the major learning and skills they have developed during their time at the University of South Carolina. The ePortfolio is intended to help students identify their purpose or passion.
Summer 2021 Capstone Course or Project Student creates an ePortfolio as the culminating project of their undergraduate student collegiate experience. Through the ePortfolio, students demonstrate the major learning and skills they have developed during their time at the University of South Carolina. The ePortfolio is intended to help students identify their purpose or passion. 3 12 34 Center for Integrative and Experiential Learning N GLD-ePortfolio; Experiential Learning Opportunity; Capstone Experience,Study / Practice intellectual skills,,Integrative and applied learning,
Student Leadership Programs


Student Leadership Programs - The mission of Student Leadership Programs must be to prepare students to engage in the process of leadership.

Sustainable Carolina Peer Leader
Student interact with their peers on campus as they work to implement programs outlined in the campus sustainability plan aimed at improving sustainability practices on campus. Students also host community programs and camps for school age children and families, teaching sustainability practices and the importance of a healthy lifestyle.
Fall 2021 Peer Educator Student interact with their peers on campus as they work to implement programs outlined in the campus sustainability plan aimed at improving sustainability practices on campus. Students also host community programs and camps for school age children and families, teaching sustainability practices and the importance of a healthy lifestyle. 3 11 29 Sustainability N GLD-Professional & Civic Engagement; GLD-Community Service; Experiential Learning Opportunity; Student Leadership Programs,Leadership,,Influencing others,Personal and social responsibility - Contributing to a larger community
Student Leadership Programs


Student Leadership Programs - The mission of Student Leadership Programs must be to prepare students to engage in the process of leadership.

Sustainable Carolina Project Coordinator
Each project coordinator leads a team of students to implement a designated project in support of a goal outlined in the campus sustainability plan. The role requires collaboration with other teams, campus stakeholders, and community partners, and requires them to delegate work, solve problems, and make decisions.
Fall 2021 Peer Educator Each project coordinator leads a team of students to implement a designated project in support of a goal outlined in the campus sustainability plan. The role requires collaboration with other teams, campus stakeholders, and community partners, and requires them to delegate work, solve problems, and make decisions. 3 11 29 Sustainability N GLD-Professional & Civic Engagement; Experiential Learning Opportunity; Student Leadership Programs,Leadership,Apply specialized knowledge,Problem solving,Professionalism / career readiness
Student Leadership Programs


Student Leadership Programs - The mission of Student Leadership Programs must be to prepare students to engage in the process of leadership.

Career Studio Peer Educator
Career Studio Peer Educators advise students on career-related questions during appointments, manage front-desk operations, create and deliver presentations, initiate outreach activities, participate in marketing projects, and collaborate with professional staff members on career development initiatives.
Fall 2021 Peer Educator Career Studio Peer Educators advise students on career-related questions during appointments, manage front-desk operations, create and deliver presentations, initiate outreach activities, participate in marketing projects, and collaborate with professional staff members on career development initiatives. 3 11 30 Career Center N GLD-Professional & Civic Engagement; Experiential Learning Opportunity; Student Leadership Programs,Leadership,Career readiness,Interpersonal skills,Communication - spoken
Internship Programs


Internship Programs - The primary mission of Internship Programs is to engage students in planned, educationally-related work and learning experiences that integrate knowledge and theory with practical application and skill development in a professional setting.

Carolina Internship Program - Part-time
Students engage in a paid, work-based learning experience that is usually the length or equivalent of a fall or spring semester or summer, working approximately 240 hours at 20 hours/week. Student may be eligible to receive academic credit through their academic department or pursue a Zero Credit Transcript notation through the Career Center.
Fall 2021 Cooperative Education Students engage in a paid, work-based learning experience that is usually the length or equivalent of a fall or spring semester or summer, working approximately 240 hours at 20 hours/week. Student may be eligible to receive academic credit through their academic department or pursue a Zero Credit Transcript notation through the Career Center. 3 11 30 Career Center N GLD-Professional & Civic Engagement; Experiential Learning Opportunity; Internship Programs,Career development,Apply specialized knowledge,Professionalism / career readiness,Integrative and applied learning
Internship Programs


Internship Programs - The primary mission of Internship Programs is to engage students in planned, educationally-related work and learning experiences that integrate knowledge and theory with practical application and skill development in a professional setting.

Carolina Internship Program - Full-time
Students engage in a paid, work-based learning experience that includes staff facilitated feedback and reflection on their experience. The goal is to enhance students' understanding of their professional knowledge, skills and abilities to aid in their full-time job searches and lifelong career management.
Fall 2021 Internship Students engage in a paid, work-based learning experience that includes staff facilitated feedback and reflection on their experience. The goal is to enhance students' understanding of their professional knowledge, skills and abilities to aid in their full-time job searches and lifelong career management. 3 11 30 Career Center N GLD-Professional & Civic Engagement; Experiential Learning Opportunity; Internship Programs,Career readiness,Apply specialized knowledge,Professionalism / career readiness,Specialized knowledge and skills
Internship Programs


Internship Programs - The primary mission of Internship Programs is to engage students in planned, educationally-related work and learning experiences that integrate knowledge and theory with practical application and skill development in a professional setting.

Cooperative Education (Co-op) - Alternating
Students participate in 2-3 semesters of supervised, paid work-based learning with the same employer. The Alternating format allows the student to alternate between a semester of full-time school (480 hours at 40 hours/week).
Fall 2021 Cooperative Education Students participate in 2-3 semesters of supervised, paid work-based learning with the same employer. The Alternating format allows the student to alternate between a semester of full-time school (480 hours at 40 hours/week). 3 11 30 Career Center N GLD-Professional & Civic Engagement; Experiential Learning Opportunity; Internship Programs,Apply specialized knowledge,Career readiness,Specialized knowledge and skills,Professionalism / career readiness
Capstone Experience


Capstone Experience - A course or project that engages students in a culminating and integrative experience, intended to connect the key learning objectives of an educational program.

Graduation with Leadership Distinction ePortfolio - 401
Student creates an ePortfolio as the culminating project of their undergraduate student collegiate experience. Through the ePortfolio, students demonstrate the major learning and skills they have developed during their time at the University of South Carolina. The ePortfolio is intended to help students identify their purpose or passion.
Fall 2021 Capstone Course or Project Student creates an ePortfolio as the culminating project of their undergraduate student collegiate experience. Through the ePortfolio, students demonstrate the major learning and skills they have developed during their time at the University of South Carolina. The ePortfolio is intended to help students identify their purpose or passion. 3 12 34 Center for Integrative and Experiential Learning N GLD-ePortfolio; Experiential Learning Opportunity; Capstone Experience,Study / Practice intellectual skills,,Integrative and applied learning,
Student Leadership Programs


Student Leadership Programs - The mission of Student Leadership Programs must be to prepare students to engage in the process of leadership.

Student Life Ambassador
Students serve as a representative for the Department of Student Life by giving presentations at New Student Orientation and by interacting with prospective students and parents at the Orientation Resource Fair. Students also help the Department of Student Life plan departmental events and services.
Summer 2022 Student Program Leader Students serve as a representative for the Department of Student Life by giving presentations at New Student Orientation and by interacting with prospective students and parents at the Orientation Resource Fair. Students also help the Department of Student Life plan departmental events and services. 3 11 28 Leadership & Service Center N Experiential Learning Opportunity; Student Leadership Programs,Career readiness,,Communication - spoken,Influencing others
Academic Advising Programs


Academic Advising Programs - The primary purpose of Academic Advising Programs is to assist students in the development of meaningful educational plans.

Academic Coaching Appointment
Students meet 1-1 with a coach to create an academic and engagement plan, set goals, and share resources; sessions are tailored to meet each student's needs and may include general advising, academic planning, strengths identification, planning campus involvement, and navigating campus resources.
Fall 2021 Educational Support Students meet 1-1 with a coach to create an academic and engagement plan, set goals, and share resources; sessions are tailored to meet each student's needs and may include general advising, academic planning, strengths identification, planning campus involvement, and navigating campus resources. 3 12 34 University Advising Center N ; Academic Advising Programs,Study / Practice intellectual skills,Study / Practice self knowledge,Foundations and skills for lifelong learning,Personal and social responsibility - Striving for excellence
Career Services


Career Services - The primary mission of Career Services is to assist students and other designated clients in developing, evaluating, and implementing career, education, and employment plans.

Career Coaching - Career Assessment Interpretation
Students complete a career assessment prior to meeting with a career coach; in this 1-1 session, the coach guides the student through exploration of career-related interests, skills and values.
Fall 2021 Career Development Students complete a career assessment prior to meeting with a career coach; in this 1-1 session, the coach guides the student through exploration of career-related interests, skills and values. 3 11 30 Career Center N ; Career Services,Study / Practice self knowledge,Career development,Self-knowledge,Problem solving
Career Services


Career Services - The primary mission of Career Services is to assist students and other designated clients in developing, evaluating, and implementing career, education, and employment plans.

Career Coaching - Career Studio
In this learning lab, students receive guidance from a Career Center Peer Educator on topics related to their career, including resumes, cover letters, personal statements, curriculum vitae, job search, interviewing, and occupational research.
Fall 2021 Career Development In this learning lab, students receive guidance from a Career Center Peer Educator on topics related to their career, including resumes, cover letters, personal statements, curriculum vitae, job search, interviewing, and occupational research. 3 11 30 Career Center N ; Career Services,Career development,Study / Practice self knowledge,Self-knowledge,
Career Services


Career Services - The primary mission of Career Services is to assist students and other designated clients in developing, evaluating, and implementing career, education, and employment plans.

Career Coaching - Choosing a Major/Career
Students interact 1-1 with a trained career coach regarding making career /major decisions by exploring student interests, abilities, aptitudes, and alignment with options for choice of major and career field.
Fall 2021 Career Development Students interact 1-1 with a trained career coach regarding making career /major decisions by exploring student interests, abilities, aptitudes, and alignment with options for choice of major and career field. 3 11 30 Career Center N ; Career Services,Study / Practice self knowledge,Career development,Self-knowledge,Problem solving
Career Services


Career Services - The primary mission of Career Services is to assist students and other designated clients in developing, evaluating, and implementing career, education, and employment plans.

Career Coaching - Curriculum Vita / Cover Letter Review
Students interact 1-1 with a professional staff member who reviews students' vita and cover letter, provides feedback, and helps students explore presentation options.
Fall 2021 Career Development Students interact 1-1 with a professional staff member who reviews students' vita and cover letter, provides feedback, and helps students explore presentation options. 3 11 30 Career Center N ; Career Services,Career development,Study / Practice self knowledge,Problem solving,Self-knowledge
Career Services


Career Services - The primary mission of Career Services is to assist students and other designated clients in developing, evaluating, and implementing career, education, and employment plans.

Career Coaching - Graduate / Professional School
Student interacts 1-1 with professional staff member to identify resources and develop a plan for applying to graduate and/or professional schools.
Fall 2021 Career Development Student interacts 1-1 with professional staff member to identify resources and develop a plan for applying to graduate and/or professional schools. 3 11 30 Career Center N ; Career Services,Career development,Study / Practice self knowledge,Problem solving,
Career Services


Career Services - The primary mission of Career Services is to assist students and other designated clients in developing, evaluating, and implementing career, education, and employment plans.

Career Coaching - Interview Preparation
Student interacts 1-1 with a professional staff member to prepare for interviews for employment or admission to graduate/professional schools.
Fall 2021 Career Development Student interacts 1-1 with a professional staff member to prepare for interviews for employment or admission to graduate/professional schools. 3 11 30 Career Center N ; Career Services,Career development,Study / Practice self knowledge,Self-knowledge,Problem solving
Career Services


Career Services - The primary mission of Career Services is to assist students and other designated clients in developing, evaluating, and implementing career, education, and employment plans.

Career Coaching - Job Search
Student interacts 1-1 with a professional staff member to identify resources and develop a plan for obtaining employment.
Fall 2021 Career Development Student interacts 1-1 with a professional staff member to identify resources and develop a plan for obtaining employment. 3 11 30 Career Center N ; Career Services,Career development,Study / Practice self knowledge,Problem solving,Self-knowledge
Career Services


Career Services - The primary mission of Career Services is to assist students and other designated clients in developing, evaluating, and implementing career, education, and employment plans.

Career Coaching - LinkedIn
Students interact 1-1 with a staff member to identify resources and develop a plan for obtaining employment.
Fall 2021 Career Development Students interact 1-1 with a staff member to identify resources and develop a plan for obtaining employment. 3 11 30 Career Center N ; Career Services,Career development,,Problem solving,
Career Services


Career Services - The primary mission of Career Services is to assist students and other designated clients in developing, evaluating, and implementing career, education, and employment plans.

Career Coaching - Mock Interview
Students participate in a mock interview, and receive feedback from a professional staff member to improve their future performance.
Fall 2021 Career Development Students participate in a mock interview, and receive feedback from a professional staff member to improve their future performance. 3 11 30 Career Center N ; Career Services,Career development,,Self-knowledge,Communication - spoken
Career Services


Career Services - The primary mission of Career Services is to assist students and other designated clients in developing, evaluating, and implementing career, education, and employment plans.

Career Coaching - Parallel Career Path
Students interact with professional career coach to explore options regarding choice of major and career fields, in recognition of competitive admissions practices and other factors that may affect plans.
Fall 2021 Career Development Students interact with professional career coach to explore options regarding choice of major and career fields, in recognition of competitive admissions practices and other factors that may affect plans. 3 11 30 Career Center N ; Career Services,Career development,Study / Practice self knowledge,Problem solving,Self-knowledge
Career Services


Career Services - The primary mission of Career Services is to assist students and other designated clients in developing, evaluating, and implementing career, education, and employment plans.

Career Coaching - Personal Statement / Essay Reviews
Students interact 1-1 with a staff member to identify resources and develop a plan for obtaining employment.
Fall 2021 Career Development Students interact 1-1 with a staff member to identify resources and develop a plan for obtaining employment. 3 11 30 Career Center N ; Career Services,Career development,,Problem solving,
Career Services


Career Services - The primary mission of Career Services is to assist students and other designated clients in developing, evaluating, and implementing career, education, and employment plans.

Career Coaching - Resume / Cover Letter Review
Students interact 1-1 with a staff member to identify resources and plan for obtaining employment.
Fall 2021 Career Development Students interact 1-1 with a staff member to identify resources and plan for obtaining employment. 3 11 30 Career Center N ; Career Services,Career development,,Problem solving,
Career Services


Career Services - The primary mission of Career Services is to assist students and other designated clients in developing, evaluating, and implementing career, education, and employment plans.

Career Development Series
Students listen to expert presentations on a variety of career development topics, engage in informal discussion with experts and peers, and have opportunities to ask questions. Topics include job search skills, diversity in the workplace, professional skills, preparing for internships, career fair preparation, and networking skills.
Fall 2021 Career Development Students listen to expert presentations on a variety of career development topics, engage in informal discussion with experts and peers, and have opportunities to ask questions. Topics include job search skills, diversity in the workplace, professional skills, preparing for internships, career fair preparation, and networking skills. 3 11 30 Career Center N ; Career Services,Career development,,Self-knowledge,Professionalism / career readiness
Career Services


Career Services - The primary mission of Career Services is to assist students and other designated clients in developing, evaluating, and implementing career, education, and employment plans.

Gamecocks Get Hired Job Fair
Students interact with representatives from employer organizations about current and future employment opportunities including internships, co-ops, and full-time positions.
Fall 2023 Career Development Students interact with representatives from employer organizations about current and future employment opportunities including internships, co-ops, and full-time positions. 3 11 30 Career Center N ; Career Services,Career development,,Self-knowledge,
Career Services


Career Services - The primary mission of Career Services is to assist students and other designated clients in developing, evaluating, and implementing career, education, and employment plans.

Moore School of Business EXPO
Students interact with representatives from employer organizations about current and future employment opportunities including internships and full-time positions.
Fall 2021 Career Development Students interact with representatives from employer organizations about current and future employment opportunities including internships and full-time positions. 3 11 30 Career Center N ; Career Services,Career development,,Self-knowledge,
Career Services


Career Services - The primary mission of Career Services is to assist students and other designated clients in developing, evaluating, and implementing career, education, and employment plans.

Hospitality, Retail and Sport Management Experience Expo
Students interact with prospective employers to learn about opportunities and obtain interviews for internships and full-time jobs. Students interact with study abroad providers to learn about international experiences available to USC and College of HRSM students.
Fall 2021 Career Development Students interact with prospective employers to learn about opportunities and obtain interviews for internships and full-time jobs. Students interact with study abroad providers to learn about international experiences available to USC and College of HRSM students. 3 17 103 N ; Career Services,Career development,Career readiness,Self-knowledge,Influencing others
Student Leadership Programs


Student Leadership Programs - The mission of Student Leadership Programs must be to prepare students to engage in the process of leadership.

Carolina Judicial Council
Council members serve on judicial panels that hold hearings concerning alleged violations of the Student Code of Conduct and the Honor Code. The Council makes decisions regarding code infractions and appropriate sanctions for students found responsible for such violations.
Fall 2021 Peer Educator Council members serve on judicial panels that hold hearings concerning alleged violations of the Student Code of Conduct and the Honor Code. The Council makes decisions regarding code infractions and appropriate sanctions for students found responsible for such violations. 3 11 88 Student Conduct & Academic Integrity N GLD-Professional & Civic Engagement; Experiential Learning Opportunity; Student Leadership Programs,Apply specialized knowledge,Career readiness,Critical and creative thinking,Inquiry and analysis
Student Leadership Programs


Student Leadership Programs - The mission of Student Leadership Programs must be to prepare students to engage in the process of leadership.

Changing Carolina Peer Leader
Student health educators deliver presentations, plan and implement educational programs and events, and research national and campus trends and issues around health and well-being, to help their peers explore the fundamentals of a healthy lifestyle.
Fall 2021 Peer Educator Student health educators deliver presentations, plan and implement educational programs and events, and research national and campus trends and issues around health and well-being, to help their peers explore the fundamentals of a healthy lifestyle. 3 11 117 Healthy Campus Initiatives N GLD-Professional & Civic Engagement; Experiential Learning Opportunity; Student Leadership Programs,Leadership,Apply specialized knowledge,Communication - spoken,Influencing others
Student Leadership Programs


Student Leadership Programs - The mission of Student Leadership Programs must be to prepare students to engage in the process of leadership.

Dean's Advisory Council
Students represent the voices, concerns, and interests of the diverse undergraduate student body to the Dean of Students, providing input for university policies, programs, and communication. Council members serve as a vehicle for information sharing and support among student leaders on campus.
Fall 2021 Appointed Student Leader Students represent the voices, concerns, and interests of the diverse undergraduate student body to the Dean of Students, providing input for university policies, programs, and communication. Council members serve as a vehicle for information sharing and support among student leaders on campus. 3 11 88 N GLD-Professional & Civic Engagement; Student Leadership Programs,Community service / civic engagement,Career readiness,Critical and creative thinking,Communication - spoken
Capstone Experience


Capstone Experience - A course or project that engages students in a culminating and integrative experience, intended to connect the key learning objectives of an educational program.

Graduation with Leadership Distinction ePortfolio - Small Groups and Independent students
The ePortfolio is designed to be the culminating project of a student's collegiate experiences. Through creation of an ePortfolio, students demonstrate the major learning and skills they have developed. The process is intended to help undergraduate students identify their purpose or passion.
Summer 2021 Capstone Course or Project The ePortfolio is designed to be the culminating project of a student's collegiate experiences. Through creation of an ePortfolio, students demonstrate the major learning and skills they have developed. The process is intended to help undergraduate students identify their purpose or passion. 3 12 34 Center for Integrative and Experiential Learning N GLD-ePortfolio; Experiential Learning Opportunity; Capstone Experience,Apply specialized knowledge,Career development,Integrative and applied learning,Self-knowledge
Student Leadership Programs


Student Leadership Programs - The mission of Student Leadership Programs must be to prepare students to engage in the process of leadership.

Substance Abuse Prevention & Education Peer Educator
SAPE Peer Educators create and implement a variety of educational programs designed to encourage their fellow students to make safer, informed decisions when it comes to alcohol and other drug use.
Fall 2021 Peer Educator SAPE Peer Educators create and implement a variety of educational programs designed to encourage their fellow students to make safer, informed decisions when it comes to alcohol and other drug use. 3 11 117 Substance Abuse Prevention & Education N GLD-Professional & Civic Engagement; Student Leadership Programs,Apply specialized knowledge,Leadership,Communication - spoken,Interpersonal skills
Career Services


Career Services - The primary mission of Career Services is to assist students and other designated clients in developing, evaluating, and implementing career, education, and employment plans.

Career Coaching - Internship / Co-op Search
Student interacts 1-1 with a professional staff member to identify resources and develop a plan for obtaining an internship or co-op position.
Summer 2021 Career Development Student interacts 1-1 with a professional staff member to identify resources and develop a plan for obtaining an internship or co-op position. 3 11 30 Career Center N ; Career Services,Career development,Study / Practice self knowledge,Problem solving,Self-knowledge
Career Services


Career Services - The primary mission of Career Services is to assist students and other designated clients in developing, evaluating, and implementing career, education, and employment plans.

Career Coaching - Internship / Co-op Search
Student interacts 1-1 with a professional staff member to identify resources and develop a plan for obtaining an internship or co-op position.
Spring 2021 Career Development Student interacts 1-1 with a professional staff member to identify resources and develop a plan for obtaining an internship or co-op position. 3 11 30 Career Center N ; Career Services,Career development,Study / Practice self knowledge,Problem solving,Self-knowledge
Career Services


Career Services - The primary mission of Career Services is to assist students and other designated clients in developing, evaluating, and implementing career, education, and employment plans.

Career Coaching - Internship / Co-op Search
Student interacts 1-1 with a professional staff member to identify resources and develop a plan for obtaining an internship or co-op position.
Fall 2020 Career Development Student interacts 1-1 with a professional staff member to identify resources and develop a plan for obtaining an internship or co-op position. 3 11 30 Career Center N ; Career Services,Career development,Study / Practice self knowledge,Problem solving,Self-knowledge
Multicultural Student Programs and Services


Multicultural Student Programs and Services - Multicultural Student Programs and Services must promote academic and personal growth of traditionally underserved students, work with the entire campus to create an institutional and community climate of justice, promote access and equity in higher education, and offer programs that educate the campus about diversity.

Multicultural Assistance Peer Program Mentee
Students engage in a variety of structured activities with an assigned mentor so as to build a support system with peers, develop a sense of belonging and discuss a variety of campus resources.
Fall 2021 Educational Support Students engage in a variety of structured activities with an assigned mentor so as to build a support system with peers, develop a sense of belonging and discuss a variety of campus resources. 3 11 28 Multicultural Student Affairs N ; Multicultural Student Programs and Services,Study / Practice self knowledge,Connecting with others,Self-knowledge,Foundations and skills for lifelong learning
Campus Activities Programs


Campus Activities Programs - The purpose of Campus Activities Programs must be to enhance the overall educational experience of students through development of, exposure to, and participation in programs and activities that improve student cooperation and leadership while preparing students to be responsible advocates and citizens and complementing the institution's academic programs.

Carolina Clemson Blood Drive - Volunteer
Students serve on committees, work at events to promote the blood drive, connect with donors, and develop relationships on and off campus as they work to support the program's goals.
Fall 2021 Service on Campus Students serve on committees, work at events to promote the blood drive, connect with donors, and develop relationships on and off campus as they work to support the program's goals. 3 11 28 Russell House University Union N ; Campus Activities Programs,Community service / civic engagement,Connecting with others,Personal and social responsibility - Contributing to a larger community,
Multicultural Student Programs and Services


Multicultural Student Programs and Services - Multicultural Student Programs and Services must promote academic and personal growth of traditionally underserved students, work with the entire campus to create an institutional and community climate of justice, promote access and equity in higher education, and offer programs that educate the campus about diversity.

Trans Advocacy Workshop
Students listen to an expert presenter speak about risks associated with transgender and non-binary college students, bias and harassment, and resources available on- and off- campus to provide support.
Fall 2021 Diversity, Equity, and Inclusion Education Students listen to an expert presenter speak about risks associated with transgender and non-binary college students, bias and harassment, and resources available on- and off- campus to provide support. 3 11 28 Multicultural Student Affairs N ; Multicultural Student Programs and Services,Study / Practice diversity, equity, inclusion,,Personal and social responsibility - Contributing to a larger community,Intercultural knowledge and competence
Multicultural Student Programs and Services


Multicultural Student Programs and Services - Multicultural Student Programs and Services must promote academic and personal growth of traditionally underserved students, work with the entire campus to create an institutional and community climate of justice, promote access and equity in higher education, and offer programs that educate the campus about diversity.

Queer Connections First-Year Experience
Students listen to an expert presenter about support and resources available throughout campus and the Columbia community as they also meet and connect with fellow LGBTQ+ first-year students.
Fall 2021 Educational Support Students listen to an expert presenter about support and resources available throughout campus and the Columbia community as they also meet and connect with fellow LGBTQ+ first-year students. 3 11 28 Multicultural Student Affairs N ; Multicultural Student Programs and Services,Connecting with others,Study / Practice self knowledge,Self-knowledge,Intercultural knowledge and competence
Multicultural Student Programs and Services


Multicultural Student Programs and Services - Multicultural Student Programs and Services must promote academic and personal growth of traditionally underserved students, work with the entire campus to create an institutional and community climate of justice, promote access and equity in higher education, and offer programs that educate the campus about diversity.

OMSA Social Justice Program
Students attend weekly meetings to listen to expert lecturers and engage in other learning experiences to discuss social justice, bias, discrimination and their impact on communities and individuals. At the conclusion of the program, students present a final project and receive a Social Justice Program certificate.
Fall 2021 Diversity, Equity, and Inclusion Education Students attend weekly meetings to listen to expert lecturers and engage in other learning experiences to discuss social justice, bias, discrimination and their impact on communities and individuals. At the conclusion of the program, students present a final project and receive a Social Justice Program certificate. 3 11 28 Multicultural Student Affairs N ; Multicultural Student Programs and Services,Study / Practice diversity, equity, inclusion,Study / Practice social well being,Civic knowledge and engagement,Intercultural knowledge and competence
Multicultural Student Programs and Services


Multicultural Student Programs and Services - Multicultural Student Programs and Services must promote academic and personal growth of traditionally underserved students, work with the entire campus to create an institutional and community climate of justice, promote access and equity in higher education, and offer programs that educate the campus about diversity.

OMSA Peer Educator
Students participate in group training activities to gain and practice communication skills to lead effective presentations and implement educational programs, and conduct workshops and presentations to advance cultural competency and appreciation for diverse cultures in the campus community.
Fall 2021 Peer Educator Students participate in group training activities to gain and practice communication skills to lead effective presentations and implement educational programs, and conduct workshops and presentations to advance cultural competency and appreciation for diverse cultures in the campus community. 3 11 28 Multicultural Student Affairs N ; Multicultural Student Programs and Services,Career readiness,Study / Practice diversity, equity, inclusion,Communication - spoken,Intercultural knowledge and competence
Multicultural Student Programs and Services


Multicultural Student Programs and Services - Multicultural Student Programs and Services must promote academic and personal growth of traditionally underserved students, work with the entire campus to create an institutional and community climate of justice, promote access and equity in higher education, and offer programs that educate the campus about diversity.

For The Brothers Retreat
Retreat participants listen to a variety of community and campus experts on topics surrounding identity development of black men and engage in self-reflection as well as fellowship and dialogue on topics of leadership, personal wellness, and setting goals.
Spring 2022 Educational Support Retreat participants listen to a variety of community and campus experts on topics surrounding identity development of black men and engage in self-reflection as well as fellowship and dialogue on topics of leadership, personal wellness, and setting goals. 3 11 28 Multicultural Student Affairs N ; Multicultural Student Programs and Services,Study / Practice self knowledge,Connecting with others,Self-knowledge,
Multicultural Student Programs and Services


Multicultural Student Programs and Services - Multicultural Student Programs and Services must promote academic and personal growth of traditionally underserved students, work with the entire campus to create an institutional and community climate of justice, promote access and equity in higher education, and offer programs that educate the campus about diversity.

Identity 365
Students attend a one-hour event focused on diverse identities and cultural topics; each event is part of a series to celebrate the cultural diversity of the UofSC. Example events: Christmahanakwanzika, Sabor Latino, Gulla basket weaving
Fall 2021 Diversity, Equity, and Inclusion Education Students attend a one-hour event focused on diverse identities and cultural topics; each event is part of a series to celebrate the cultural diversity of the UofSC. Example events: Christmahanakwanzika, Sabor Latino, Gulla basket weaving 3 11 28 Multicultural Student Affairs N ; Multicultural Student Programs and Services,Study / Practice diversity, equity, inclusion,,Self-knowledge,
Undergraduate Admissions Programs and Services


Undergraduate Admissions Programs and Services - The mission of Undergraduate Admissions Programs and Services is to enroll undergraduate applicants who will, both individually and collectively, benefit from the collegiate learning environment through academic and personal enrichment and development.

Multicultural Outreach Student Team
Multicultural Outreach Student Team (MOST) volunteers assist admissions staff with recruitment initiatives and events, represent USC on student panels, and share their college experience with underrepresented prospective students.
Fall 2021 Student Program Leader Multicultural Outreach Student Team (MOST) volunteers assist admissions staff with recruitment initiatives and events, represent USC on student panels, and share their college experience with underrepresented prospective students. 3 34 118 Outreach N ; Undergraduate Admissions Programs and Services,Community service / civic engagement,Connecting with others,Interpersonal skills,Communication - spoken
Campus Activities Programs


Campus Activities Programs - The purpose of Campus Activities Programs must be to enhance the overall educational experience of students through development of, exposure to, and participation in programs and activities that improve student cooperation and leadership while preparing students to be responsible advocates and citizens and complementing the institution's academic programs.

Gamecock Entertainment (GE) Intern
Student Interns design and implement events; practice marketing and outreach best practices for event promotion; track event attendance data and conduct assessment; collaborate with professional staff to manage event budgets; and participate in professional development activities.
Fall 2021 Internship Student Interns design and implement events; practice marketing and outreach best practices for event promotion; track event attendance data and conduct assessment; collaborate with professional staff to manage event budgets; and participate in professional development activities. 3 11 28 Russell House University Union N Experiential Learning Opportunity; Campus Activities Programs,Career readiness,Apply specialized knowledge,Specialized knowledge and skills,Teamwork
Student Leadership Programs


Student Leadership Programs - The mission of Student Leadership Programs must be to prepare students to engage in the process of leadership.

University Ambassador
University Ambassadors lead campus tours for diverse audiences of prospective students and families, answer phone calls and respond to emails and other visitor communications, assist in the recruitment, coaching, and evaluation of new University Ambassadors and participate in weekly professional development & training.
Fall 2021 Peer Educator University Ambassadors lead campus tours for diverse audiences of prospective students and families, answer phone calls and respond to emails and other visitor communications, assist in the recruitment, coaching, and evaluation of new University Ambassadors and participate in weekly professional development & training. 3 34 118 Visitor Center N GLD-Professional & Civic Engagement; Experiential Learning Opportunity; Student Leadership Programs,Career readiness,Connecting with others,Critical and creative thinking,Communication - spoken
Student Leadership Programs


Student Leadership Programs - The mission of Student Leadership Programs must be to prepare students to engage in the process of leadership.

Campus Recreation Leader
Students execute all aspects of a Campus Recreation program or facility (fitness, member services, operations, or sport programs), with responsibility for supervising student staff and planning for facility and equipment needs.
Fall 2021 Student Program Leader Students execute all aspects of a Campus Recreation program or facility (fitness, member services, operations, or sport programs), with responsibility for supervising student staff and planning for facility and equipment needs. 3 11 117 Campus Recreation N Experiential Learning Opportunity; Student Leadership Programs,Leadership,Career readiness,Teamwork,Critical and creative thinking
Recreational Sports Programs


Recreational Sports Programs - The mission of Recreational Sports Programs must be to enhance the mind, body, and spirit of students and other eligible individuals by providing programs, services, and facilities that are responsive to the physical, social, recreational, and lifelong educational needs of the campus community as they relate to health, fitness, and learning.

Campus Recreation Manager
Managers serve a dual role as a Leader while also designing programs and planning for effective operations in Fitness, Member Services, Operations, Outdoor Recreation, and/or Sport Programs. They develop and enforce policies, plan for staffing, oversee student employees, manage risk, and influence the actions of others toward unit goals.
Fall 2021 Student Program Leader Managers serve a dual role as a Leader while also designing programs and planning for effective operations in Fitness, Member Services, Operations, Outdoor Recreation, and/or Sport Programs. They develop and enforce policies, plan for staffing, oversee student employees, manage risk, and influence the actions of others toward unit goals. 3 11 117 Campus Recreation N Experiential Learning Opportunity; Recreational Sports Programs,Career readiness,Leadership,Problem solving,Influencing others
Campus Activities Programs


Campus Activities Programs - The purpose of Campus Activities Programs must be to enhance the overall educational experience of students through development of, exposure to, and participation in programs and activities that improve student cooperation and leadership while preparing students to be responsible advocates and citizens and complementing the institution's academic programs.

Carolina-Clemson Blood Drive Executive Board
Student leaders manage the logistics of delivering a blood drive that meets the needs of the American Red Cross by applying skills of problem solving, goal setting, communications, financial and budgetary management, recruitment, accountability, event management, influencing others towards achieving a common goal.
Fall 2021 Student Program Leader Student leaders manage the logistics of delivering a blood drive that meets the needs of the American Red Cross by applying skills of problem solving, goal setting, communications, financial and budgetary management, recruitment, accountability, event management, influencing others towards achieving a common goal. 3 11 28 Russell House University Union N Experiential Learning Opportunity; Campus Activities Programs,Leadership,Career readiness,Problem solving,Influencing others
Internship Programs


Internship Programs - The primary mission of Internship Programs is to engage students in planned, educationally-related work and learning experiences that integrate knowledge and theory with practical application and skill development in a professional setting.

USC Press Internship
UofSC Press interns gain insight into the book publishing process by working in one of three areas: acquisitions, publicity, or marketing, with potential exposure to and integration with other Press departments and varied learning opportunities tailored to their specific interests.
Fall 2021 Internship UofSC Press interns gain insight into the book publishing process by working in one of three areas: acquisitions, publicity, or marketing, with potential exposure to and integration with other Press departments and varied learning opportunities tailored to their specific interests. 3 12 114 USC Press N Experiential Learning Opportunity; Internship Programs,Apply specialized knowledge,Career readiness,Communication - spoken,Communication - written
Career Services


Career Services - The primary mission of Career Services is to assist students and other designated clients in developing, evaluating, and implementing career, education, and employment plans.

Health Care in Action
Students listen to and observe experts in health care, participate in a variety of activities including assisting with medical and/or research projects, escorting patients to exam rooms, observing patient interactions, and providing general administrative support in a clinical health care setting.
Fall 2021 Career Development Students listen to and observe experts in health care, participate in a variety of activities including assisting with medical and/or research projects, escorting patients to exam rooms, observing patient interactions, and providing general administrative support in a clinical health care setting. 3 11 30 Career Center N ; Career Services,Apply specialized knowledge,Career readiness,Self-knowledge,Professionalism / career readiness
Learning Assistance Programs


Learning Assistance Programs - The primary mission of Learning Assistance Programs must be to provide students with resources and opportunities to improve their ability to learn and to achieve academic success.

Gamecock Guide
Gamecock Guides work as a team to research and publish targeted social media content to build relationships with fellow students and amplify university messages related to student success.
Fall 2021 Student Program Leader Gamecock Guides work as a team to research and publish targeted social media content to build relationships with fellow students and amplify university messages related to student success. 3 11 30 Student Success Center N Experiential Learning Opportunity; Learning Assistance Programs,Career readiness,Connecting with others,Critical and creative thinking,Communication - spoken
Student Leadership Programs


Student Leadership Programs - The mission of Student Leadership Programs must be to prepare students to engage in the process of leadership.

Graduate Student Association Executive Committee
Committee members meet regularly with university administrators and offices throughout campus to advocate on behalf of the graduate student body and lead Graduate Student Association cabinet meetings and town halls.
Fall 2021 Elected Student Leader Committee members meet regularly with university administrators and offices throughout campus to advocate on behalf of the graduate student body and lead Graduate Student Association cabinet meetings and town halls. 3 11 28 Leadership & Service Center N Experiential Learning Opportunity; Student Leadership Programs,Leadership,,Problem solving,Influencing others
Student Leadership Programs


Student Leadership Programs - The mission of Student Leadership Programs must be to prepare students to engage in the process of leadership.

Student Government Senate Committee Chair
Students meet with university staff to address issues and lead a team of student senators focused on an area within the university (academics, student life, health and safety, etc.).
Fall 2021 Elected Student Leader Students meet with university staff to address issues and lead a team of student senators focused on an area within the university (academics, student life, health and safety, etc.). 3 11 28 Leadership & Service Center N Experiential Learning Opportunity; Student Leadership Programs,Leadership,,Interpersonal skills,Inquiry and analysis
Student Leadership Programs


Student Leadership Programs - The mission of Student Leadership Programs must be to prepare students to engage in the process of leadership.

Student Government Program Director
Students in this role train and supervise a team of peers to work on a specific Student Government initiative, and lead conversations about the establishment of goals and priorities. They meet individually with staff on a weekly basis to monitor progress toward goals, address challenges, and lead effective collaboration and problem-solving.
Fall 2021 Elected Student Leader Students in this role train and supervise a team of peers to work on a specific Student Government initiative, and lead conversations about the establishment of goals and priorities. They meet individually with staff on a weekly basis to monitor progress toward goals, address challenges, and lead effective collaboration and problem-solving. 3 11 28 Leadership & Service Center N Experiential Learning Opportunity; Student Leadership Programs,Career readiness,,Interpersonal skills,Professionalism / career readiness
Student Leadership Programs


Student Leadership Programs - The mission of Student Leadership Programs must be to prepare students to engage in the process of leadership.

Student Government Executive Cabinet
Under the general direction of the Student Body President, the Executive Cabinet is comprised of Cabinet Secretaries who oversee various departments within Student Government. They work with campus constituents to to meet the needs of the student body, attend weekly cabinet and department meetings, and provide updates to the Student Body President.
Fall 2021 Elected Student Leader Under the general direction of the Student Body President, the Executive Cabinet is comprised of Cabinet Secretaries who oversee various departments within Student Government. They work with campus constituents to to meet the needs of the student body, attend weekly cabinet and department meetings, and provide updates to the Student Body President. 3 11 28 Leadership & Service Center N Experiential Learning Opportunity; Student Leadership Programs,Career readiness,,Professionalism / career readiness,Teamwork



Recovery Ally Workshop
Students develop knowledge and skills to support UofSC students in recovery from substance use disorder and to promote a more recovery-friendly campus community.
Fall 2021 Students develop knowledge and skills to support UofSC students in recovery from substance use disorder and to promote a more recovery-friendly campus community. 3 11 117 Substance Abuse Prevention & Education N GLD-Professional & Civic Engagement; GLD-Community Service; ,Community service / civic engagement,,Personal and social responsibility - Taking seriously the perspectives of others,Influencing others
Undergraduate Research Programs


Undergraduate Research Programs - The primary mission of Undergraduate Research Programs is to engage students in investigative and creative activity to experience firsthand the processes of scholarly exploration and discovery.

Cellular and Molecular Biology Laboratory - BIOL 302L
Students engage in hands-on research methods and protocols used in molecular biology labs globally, then practice integrating that knowledge into developing their own research proposals, conducting presentations, calculating concentrations of reagents needed, executing experiments, collecting data, analyzing data, and writing up findings.
Fall 2021 Research Education Students engage in hands-on research methods and protocols used in molecular biology labs globally, then practice integrating that knowledge into developing their own research proposals, conducting presentations, calculating concentrations of reagents needed, executing experiments, collecting data, analyzing data, and writing up findings. 3 14 39 Y Experiential Learning Opportunity; Undergraduate Research Programs,Research,Apply specialized knowledge,Integrative and applied learning,Critical and creative thinking
Undergraduate Research Programs


Undergraduate Research Programs - The primary mission of Undergraduate Research Programs is to engage students in investigative and creative activity to experience firsthand the processes of scholarly exploration and discovery.

Fundamental Genetics Laboratory - BIOL 303L
Experiences surrounding undergraduate research focusing on applied molecular biology and genetics techniques.
Fall 2021 Research Education Experiences surrounding undergraduate research focusing on applied molecular biology and genetics techniques. 3 14 39 Y Experiential Learning Opportunity; Undergraduate Research Programs,Research,Apply specialized knowledge,Specialized knowledge and skills,Inquiry and analysis
Internship Programs


Internship Programs - The primary mission of Internship Programs is to engage students in planned, educationally-related work and learning experiences that integrate knowledge and theory with practical application and skill development in a professional setting.

Retailing Practicum - RETL 295
Students apply knowledge, skills and/or certifications acquired in retailing courses to an in-field experience; work closely with retailing professionals; discover viable career paths; identify work-related interests and values; and analyze the practicum site to gain a better understanding of the company and the competitive marketplace.
Fall 2021 Practicum Students apply knowledge, skills and/or certifications acquired in retailing courses to an in-field experience; work closely with retailing professionals; discover viable career paths; identify work-related interests and values; and analyze the practicum site to gain a better understanding of the company and the competitive marketplace. 3 17 77 Y Experiential Learning Opportunity; Internship Programs,Apply specialized knowledge,Career development,Specialized knowledge and skills,Integrative and applied learning
Student Leadership Programs


Student Leadership Programs - The mission of Student Leadership Programs must be to prepare students to engage in the process of leadership.

Graduate Student Association Cabinet
Under the general direction of the GSA President, Cabinet Secretaries oversee a particular area of concern for graduate students (academics, inclusion and equity, health and wellness, etc.), serve as liaisons between GSA and the various units within the university.
Fall 2021 Elected Student Leader Under the general direction of the GSA President, Cabinet Secretaries oversee a particular area of concern for graduate students (academics, inclusion and equity, health and wellness, etc.), serve as liaisons between GSA and the various units within the university. 3 11 28 Leadership & Service Center N ; Student Leadership Programs,Career readiness,,Professionalism / career readiness,
Student Leadership Programs


Student Leadership Programs - The mission of Student Leadership Programs must be to prepare students to engage in the process of leadership.

Student Government Appointed Leader
Students assist in drafting legislation, meet weekly with student leadership, and meet with campus units, colleges, and student organizations.
Fall 2021 Student Program Leader Students assist in drafting legislation, meet weekly with student leadership, and meet with campus units, colleges, and student organizations. 3 11 28 Leadership & Service Center N ; Student Leadership Programs,Career readiness,,Professionalism / career readiness,
Student Leadership Programs


Student Leadership Programs - The mission of Student Leadership Programs must be to prepare students to engage in the process of leadership.

Student Government Senator
Student Senators draft legislation, defend legislation, meet weekly with committees, attend weekly senate sessions, and meet with their colleges/student organizations. Senators serve on committees based on their interests, including academics, student life, sustainability, equity and inclusion.
Fall 2021 Elected Student Leader Student Senators draft legislation, defend legislation, meet weekly with committees, attend weekly senate sessions, and meet with their colleges/student organizations. Senators serve on committees based on their interests, including academics, student life, sustainability, equity and inclusion. 3 11 28 Leadership & Service Center N ; Student Leadership Programs,Career readiness,,Professionalism / career readiness,Interpersonal skills
Education Abroad Programs & Services


Education Abroad Programs & Services - Education Abroad Programs and Services facilitate and oversee student participation in educational experiences that occur in countries outside the institution's home country.

Study Abroad - Global Direct
Students engage in a summer, semester, or academic year direct-enroll program while focusing on specific topics, foreign languages, or various subject areas. Students take courses from an approved academic institution and pay tuition and fees directly to the host institution.
Fall 2021 Study Abroad Students engage in a summer, semester, or academic year direct-enroll program while focusing on specific topics, foreign languages, or various subject areas. Students take courses from an approved academic institution and pay tuition and fees directly to the host institution. 3 12 31 Study Abroad N GLD-Global Learning; Experiential Learning Opportunity; Education Abroad Programs & Services,Global learning,,Intercultural knowledge and competence,Specialized knowledge and skills
Education Abroad Programs & Services


Education Abroad Programs & Services - Education Abroad Programs and Services facilitate and oversee student participation in educational experiences that occur in countries outside the institution's home country.

Study Abroad - Global Exchange
Students engage in a semester or academic year exchange program in conjunction with a partner institution. Some focus on specific areas of study; others are open to all majors. Students are charged USC in-state tuition while enrolled in this program.
Fall 2021 Study Abroad Students engage in a semester or academic year exchange program in conjunction with a partner institution. Some focus on specific areas of study; others are open to all majors. Students are charged USC in-state tuition while enrolled in this program. 3 12 31 Study Abroad N GLD-Global Learning; Experiential Learning Opportunity; Education Abroad Programs & Services,Global learning,,Intercultural knowledge and competence,Specialized knowledge and skills
Education Abroad Programs & Services


Education Abroad Programs & Services - Education Abroad Programs and Services facilitate and oversee student participation in educational experiences that occur in countries outside the institution's home country.

Study Abroad - Global Partner
Students engage in a summer, semester, or academic year program with an independent study abroad organization.
Fall 2021 Study Abroad Students engage in a summer, semester, or academic year program with an independent study abroad organization. 3 12 31 Study Abroad N GLD-Global Learning; Experiential Learning Opportunity; Education Abroad Programs & Services,Global learning,,Intercultural knowledge and competence,Specialized knowledge and skills
Education Abroad Programs & Services


Education Abroad Programs & Services - Education Abroad Programs and Services facilitate and oversee student participation in educational experiences that occur in countries outside the institution's home country.

Study Abroad - Global USC
Students engage in intensive, multi-disciplinary overseas summer programs, earning 3-9 credits while participating in cultural excursions and academic activities as part of a cohort.
Summer 2021 Study Abroad Students engage in intensive, multi-disciplinary overseas summer programs, earning 3-9 credits while participating in cultural excursions and academic activities as part of a cohort. 3 12 31 Study Abroad N Experiential Learning Opportunity; GLD-Global Learning; Education Abroad Programs & Services,Global learning,,Intercultural knowledge and competence,Specialized knowledge and skills
International Student Programs and Services


International Student Programs and Services - The mission of International Student Programs and Services is to provide support and assistance necessary for international students to achieve their educational goals and to ensure institutional compliance with governmental immigration regulations.

Education Abroad Fair
Students interact with faculty, staff, and study abroad providers to learn more about opportunities for study abroad and resources for study abroad funding.
Fall 2021 Campus Activities Students interact with faculty, staff, and study abroad providers to learn more about opportunities for study abroad and resources for study abroad funding. 3 12 31 Study Abroad N ; International Student Programs and Services,Study / Practice self knowledge,,Self-knowledge,
Capstone Experience


Capstone Experience - A course or project that engages students in a culminating and integrative experience, intended to connect the key learning objectives of an educational program.

Graduation with Leadership Distinction ePortfolio - Small Groups and Independent students
The ePortfolio is designed to be the culminating project of a student's collegiate experiences. Through creation of an ePortfolio, students demonstrate the major learning and skills they have developed. The process is intended to help undergraduate students identify their purpose or passion.
Fall 2021 Capstone Course or Project The ePortfolio is designed to be the culminating project of a student's collegiate experiences. Through creation of an ePortfolio, students demonstrate the major learning and skills they have developed. The process is intended to help undergraduate students identify their purpose or passion. 3 12 34 Center for Integrative and Experiential Learning N GLD-ePortfolio; Experiential Learning Opportunity; Capstone Experience,Apply specialized knowledge,Career development,Integrative and applied learning,Self-knowledge
Student Leadership Programs


Student Leadership Programs - The mission of Student Leadership Programs must be to prepare students to engage in the process of leadership.

Center for Integrative and Experiential Learning Student Advisory Council
Students participate in discussion-based monthly meetings to provide the Center for Integrative and Experiential Learning staff with feedback and to share opinions about initiatives and programming.
Spring 2022 Student Program Leader Students participate in discussion-based monthly meetings to provide the Center for Integrative and Experiential Learning staff with feedback and to share opinions about initiatives and programming. 3 12 34 Center for Integrative and Experiential Learning N GLD-Professional & Civic Engagement; Student Leadership Programs,Career readiness,,Critical and creative thinking,Self-knowledge
Capstone Experience


Capstone Experience - A course or project that engages students in a culminating and integrative experience, intended to connect the key learning objectives of an educational program.

Graduation with Leadership Distinction ePortfolio - Small Groups and Independent students
The ePortfolio is designed to be the culminating project of a student's collegiate experiences. Through creation of an ePortfolio, students demonstrate the major learning and skills they have developed. The process is intended to help undergraduate students identify their purpose or passion.
Spring 2022 Capstone Course or Project The ePortfolio is designed to be the culminating project of a student's collegiate experiences. Through creation of an ePortfolio, students demonstrate the major learning and skills they have developed. The process is intended to help undergraduate students identify their purpose or passion. 3 12 34 Center for Integrative and Experiential Learning N GLD-ePortfolio; Experiential Learning Opportunity; Capstone Experience,Apply specialized knowledge,Career development,Integrative and applied learning,Self-knowledge
Capstone Experience


Capstone Experience - A course or project that engages students in a culminating and integrative experience, intended to connect the key learning objectives of an educational program.

Graduation with Leadership Distinction ePortfolio - 401
Student creates an ePortfolio as the culminating project of their undergraduate student collegiate experience. Through the ePortfolio, students demonstrate the major learning and skills they have developed during their time at the University of South Carolina. The ePortfolio is intended to help students identify their purpose or passion.
Spring 2022 Capstone Course or Project Student creates an ePortfolio as the culminating project of their undergraduate student collegiate experience. Through the ePortfolio, students demonstrate the major learning and skills they have developed during their time at the University of South Carolina. The ePortfolio is intended to help students identify their purpose or passion. 3 12 34 Center for Integrative and Experiential Learning N GLD-ePortfolio; Experiential Learning Opportunity; Capstone Experience,Study / Practice intellectual skills,,Integrative and applied learning,
Internship Programs


Internship Programs - The primary mission of Internship Programs is to engage students in planned, educationally-related work and learning experiences that integrate knowledge and theory with practical application and skill development in a professional setting.

USC Press Internship
UofSC Press interns gain insight into the book publishing process by working in one of three areas: acquisitions, publicity, or marketing, with potential exposure to and integration with other Press departments and varied learning opportunities tailored to their specific interests.
Spring 2022 Internship UofSC Press interns gain insight into the book publishing process by working in one of three areas: acquisitions, publicity, or marketing, with potential exposure to and integration with other Press departments and varied learning opportunities tailored to their specific interests. 3 12 114 USC Press N Experiential Learning Opportunity; Internship Programs,Apply specialized knowledge,Career readiness,Communication - spoken,Communication - written
Student Leadership Programs


Student Leadership Programs - The mission of Student Leadership Programs must be to prepare students to engage in the process of leadership.

McNair Institute Student Advisory Council
Student council members attend meetings with Institute leaders to learn about the Institute and provide student perspectives, strategize how to expand the McNair Institute brand and initiatives across schools and colleges of the UofSC system, and support Institute activities that foster entrepreneurism and free enterprise education and support.
Spring 2022 Student Program Leader Student council members attend meetings with Institute leaders to learn about the Institute and provide student perspectives, strategize how to expand the McNair Institute brand and initiatives across schools and colleges of the UofSC system, and support Institute activities that foster entrepreneurism and free enterprise education and support. 3 12 34 McNair Institute N ; Student Leadership Programs,Career readiness,,Professionalism / career readiness,
Education Abroad Programs & Services


Education Abroad Programs & Services - Education Abroad Programs and Services facilitate and oversee student participation in educational experiences that occur in countries outside the institution's home country.

Study Abroad - Global Classroom
Students engage in a short-term, USC faculty-led program, focusing on a specific subject area or foreign language. Program sites and course offerings vary from year to year.
Spring 2022 Study Abroad Students engage in a short-term, USC faculty-led program, focusing on a specific subject area or foreign language. Program sites and course offerings vary from year to year. 3 12 31 Study Abroad N GLD-Global Learning; Experiential Learning Opportunity; Education Abroad Programs & Services,Global learning,,Intercultural knowledge and competence,Specialized knowledge and skills
Education Abroad Programs & Services


Education Abroad Programs & Services - Education Abroad Programs and Services facilitate and oversee student participation in educational experiences that occur in countries outside the institution's home country.

Study Abroad - Global Direct
Students engage in a summer, semester, or academic year direct-enroll program while focusing on specific topics, foreign languages, or various subject areas. Students take courses from an approved academic institution and pay tuition and fees directly to the host institution.
Spring 2022 Study Abroad Students engage in a summer, semester, or academic year direct-enroll program while focusing on specific topics, foreign languages, or various subject areas. Students take courses from an approved academic institution and pay tuition and fees directly to the host institution. 3 12 31 Study Abroad N GLD-Global Learning; Experiential Learning Opportunity; Education Abroad Programs & Services,Global learning,,Intercultural knowledge and competence,Specialized knowledge and skills
Education Abroad Programs & Services


Education Abroad Programs & Services - Education Abroad Programs and Services facilitate and oversee student participation in educational experiences that occur in countries outside the institution's home country.

Study Abroad - Global Partner
Students engage in a summer, semester, or academic year program with an independent study abroad organization.
Spring 2022 Study Abroad Students engage in a summer, semester, or academic year program with an independent study abroad organization. 3 12 31 Study Abroad N GLD-Global Learning; Experiential Learning Opportunity; Education Abroad Programs & Services,Global learning,,Intercultural knowledge and competence,Specialized knowledge and skills
Education Abroad Programs & Services


Education Abroad Programs & Services - Education Abroad Programs and Services facilitate and oversee student participation in educational experiences that occur in countries outside the institution's home country.

Study Abroad - Global USC
Students engage in intensive, multi-disciplinary overseas summer programs, earning 3-9 credits while participating in cultural excursions and academic activities as part of a cohort.
Spring 2022 Study Abroad Students engage in intensive, multi-disciplinary overseas summer programs, earning 3-9 credits while participating in cultural excursions and academic activities as part of a cohort. 3 12 31 Study Abroad N GLD-Global Learning; Experiential Learning Opportunity; Education Abroad Programs & Services,Global learning,,Intercultural knowledge and competence,Specialized knowledge and skills
Education Abroad Programs & Services


Education Abroad Programs & Services - Education Abroad Programs and Services facilitate and oversee student participation in educational experiences that occur in countries outside the institution's home country.

Study Abroad - Global Exchange
Students engage in a semester or academic year exchange program in conjunction with a partner institution. Some focus on specific areas of study; others are open to all majors. Students are charged USC in-state tuition while enrolled in this program.
Spring 2022 Study Abroad Students engage in a semester or academic year exchange program in conjunction with a partner institution. Some focus on specific areas of study; others are open to all majors. Students are charged USC in-state tuition while enrolled in this program. 3 12 31 Study Abroad N GLD-Global Learning; Experiential Learning Opportunity; Education Abroad Programs & Services,Global learning,,Intercultural knowledge and competence,Specialized knowledge and skills
Student Leadership Programs


Student Leadership Programs - The mission of Student Leadership Programs must be to prepare students to engage in the process of leadership.

Carolina Judicial Council
Council members serve on judicial panels that hold hearings concerning alleged violations of the Student Code of Conduct and the Honor Code. The Council makes decisions regarding code infractions and appropriate sanctions for students found responsible for such violations.
Spring 2022 Peer Educator Council members serve on judicial panels that hold hearings concerning alleged violations of the Student Code of Conduct and the Honor Code. The Council makes decisions regarding code infractions and appropriate sanctions for students found responsible for such violations. 3 11 88 Student Conduct & Academic Integrity N GLD-Professional & Civic Engagement; Experiential Learning Opportunity; Student Leadership Programs,Apply specialized knowledge,Career readiness,Critical and creative thinking,Inquiry and analysis
Student Leadership Programs


Student Leadership Programs - The mission of Student Leadership Programs must be to prepare students to engage in the process of leadership.

Dean's Advisory Council
Students represent the voices, concerns, and interests of the diverse undergraduate student body to the Dean of Students, providing input for university policies, programs, and communication. Council members serve as a vehicle for information sharing and support among student leaders on campus.
Spring 2022 Appointed Student Leader Students represent the voices, concerns, and interests of the diverse undergraduate student body to the Dean of Students, providing input for university policies, programs, and communication. Council members serve as a vehicle for information sharing and support among student leaders on campus. 3 11 88 N GLD-Professional & Civic Engagement; Student Leadership Programs,Community service / civic engagement,Career readiness,Critical and creative thinking,Communication - spoken
Student Leadership Programs


Student Leadership Programs - The mission of Student Leadership Programs must be to prepare students to engage in the process of leadership.

Substance Abuse Prevention & Education Peer Educator
SAPE Peer Educators create and implement a variety of educational programs designed to encourage their fellow students to make safer, informed decisions when it comes to alcohol and other drug use.
Spring 2022 Peer Educator SAPE Peer Educators create and implement a variety of educational programs designed to encourage their fellow students to make safer, informed decisions when it comes to alcohol and other drug use. 3 11 117 Substance Abuse Prevention & Education N GLD-Professional & Civic Engagement; Student Leadership Programs,Apply specialized knowledge,Leadership,Communication - spoken,Interpersonal skills
Undergraduate Research Programs


Undergraduate Research Programs - The primary mission of Undergraduate Research Programs is to engage students in investigative and creative activity to experience firsthand the processes of scholarly exploration and discovery.

Undergraduate Research - Paid or Volunteer
Students work with a mentor to conduct a discipline specific research project that explores their field of interest through a hands-on project. Students do not earn academic credit. Mentors and students are encouraged to discuss and develop clear expectations prior to initiating research activities.
Spring 2022 Undergraduate Research Students work with a mentor to conduct a discipline specific research project that explores their field of interest through a hands-on project. Students do not earn academic credit. Mentors and students are encouraged to discuss and develop clear expectations prior to initiating research activities. 3 13 32 Undergraduate Research N GLD-Research; Experiential Learning Opportunity; Undergraduate Research Programs,Research,,Critical and creative thinking,Problem solving
Undergraduate Research Programs


Undergraduate Research Programs - The primary mission of Undergraduate Research Programs is to engage students in investigative and creative activity to experience firsthand the processes of scholarly exploration and discovery.

Undergraduate Research - Student Grant Award
Student works with a mentor to conduct a discipline specific research project funded by a university grant, awarded through a competitive application process that includes evaluation of the clarity of the student's project description, project's educational and intellectual merit, potential impact of the project, and mentoring plan.
Spring 2022 Undergraduate Research Student works with a mentor to conduct a discipline specific research project funded by a university grant, awarded through a competitive application process that includes evaluation of the clarity of the student's project description, project's educational and intellectual merit, potential impact of the project, and mentoring plan. 3 13 32 Undergraduate Research N GLD-Research; Experiential Learning Opportunity; Undergraduate Research Programs,Research,,Critical and creative thinking,Problem solving
Undergraduate Research Programs


Undergraduate Research Programs - The primary mission of Undergraduate Research Programs is to engage students in investigative and creative activity to experience firsthand the processes of scholarly exploration and discovery.

Undergraduate Research - Independent Study Credit
Students work with a mentor, for academic course credit (generally through independent study) to conduct a discipline specific research project that explores their field of interest through a hands-on project. Mentors and students develop and determine expectations, objectives, and the method of evaluation prior to course registration and approval.
Spring 2022 Undergraduate Research Students work with a mentor, for academic course credit (generally through independent study) to conduct a discipline specific research project that explores their field of interest through a hands-on project. Mentors and students develop and determine expectations, objectives, and the method of evaluation prior to course registration and approval. 3 13 32 Undergraduate Research N GLD-Research; Experiential Learning Opportunity; Undergraduate Research Programs,Research,,Critical and creative thinking,Problem solving
Student Leadership Programs


Student Leadership Programs - The mission of Student Leadership Programs must be to prepare students to engage in the process of leadership.

Magellan Ambassador
Magellan Ambassadors represent the Office of Undergraduate Research through campus presentations and events, providing opportunity for professional development while sharing their research experience with other students.
Spring 2022 Student Program Leader Magellan Ambassadors represent the Office of Undergraduate Research through campus presentations and events, providing opportunity for professional development while sharing their research experience with other students. 3 13 32 Undergraduate Research N GLD-Professional & Civic Engagement; Student Leadership Programs,Leadership,,Communication - spoken,Influencing others
Capstone Experience


Capstone Experience - A course or project that engages students in a culminating and integrative experience, intended to connect the key learning objectives of an educational program.

Discover UofSC
Students make oral, creative, and/or poster presentations of any beyond the classroom experience including research and scholarly projects, global study, professional work experiences, leadership, service-learning and community service, and national fellowship competitions.
Spring 2022 Articulating Learning Students make oral, creative, and/or poster presentations of any beyond the classroom experience including research and scholarly projects, global study, professional work experiences, leadership, service-learning and community service, and national fellowship competitions. 3 13 32 Undergraduate Research N GLD-Presentation; Capstone Experience,Apply specialized knowledge,Study / Practice intellectual skills,Communication - spoken,Specialized knowledge and skills
Campus Activities Programs


Campus Activities Programs - The purpose of Campus Activities Programs must be to enhance the overall educational experience of students through development of, exposure to, and participation in programs and activities that improve student cooperation and leadership while preparing students to be responsible advocates and citizens and complementing the institution's academic programs.

Sustainable Carolina Garden Volunteer
Student volunteers advance understanding of sustainable agriculture practices while weeding, planting, harvesting, and maintaining the infrastructure of the garden to provide local produce to the campus and Columbia community.
Spring 2022 Sustainability Education Student volunteers advance understanding of sustainable agriculture practices while weeding, planting, harvesting, and maintaining the infrastructure of the garden to provide local produce to the campus and Columbia community. 3 11 29 Sustainability N ; Campus Activities Programs,Community service / civic engagement,,Civic knowledge and engagement,
Student Leadership Programs


Student Leadership Programs - The mission of Student Leadership Programs must be to prepare students to engage in the process of leadership.

Sustainable Carolina Peer Leader
Student interact with their peers on campus as they work to implement programs outlined in the campus sustainability plan aimed at improving sustainability practices on campus. Students also host community programs and camps for school age children and families, teaching sustainability practices and the importance of a healthy lifestyle.
Spring 2022 Peer Educator Student interact with their peers on campus as they work to implement programs outlined in the campus sustainability plan aimed at improving sustainability practices on campus. Students also host community programs and camps for school age children and families, teaching sustainability practices and the importance of a healthy lifestyle. 3 11 29 Sustainability N GLD-Professional & Civic Engagement; GLD-Community Service; Experiential Learning Opportunity; Student Leadership Programs,Leadership,,Influencing others,Personal and social responsibility - Contributing to a larger community
Student Leadership Programs


Student Leadership Programs - The mission of Student Leadership Programs must be to prepare students to engage in the process of leadership.

Sustainable Carolina Project Coordinator
Each project coordinator leads a team of students to implement a designated project in support of a goal outlined in the campus sustainability plan. The role requires collaboration with other teams, campus stakeholders, and community partners, and requires them to delegate work, solve problems, and make decisions.
Spring 2022 Peer Educator Each project coordinator leads a team of students to implement a designated project in support of a goal outlined in the campus sustainability plan. The role requires collaboration with other teams, campus stakeholders, and community partners, and requires them to delegate work, solve problems, and make decisions. 3 11 29 Sustainability N GLD-Professional & Civic Engagement; Experiential Learning Opportunity; Student Leadership Programs,Leadership,Apply specialized knowledge,Problem solving,Professionalism / career readiness
Undergraduate Research Programs


Undergraduate Research Programs - The primary mission of Undergraduate Research Programs is to engage students in investigative and creative activity to experience firsthand the processes of scholarly exploration and discovery.

Undergraduate Research - Student Grant Award/Independent Study
Student works with a faculty mentor (for academic credit) to conduct a research project funded by a university grant awarded through competitive application process including evaluation of clarity of student's project description, project's educational and intellectual merit, potential impact of project and mentoring plan.
Spring 2022 Undergraduate Research Student works with a faculty mentor (for academic credit) to conduct a research project funded by a university grant awarded through competitive application process including evaluation of clarity of student's project description, project's educational and intellectual merit, potential impact of project and mentoring plan. 3 13 32 Undergraduate Research N GLD-Research; Experiential Learning Opportunity; Undergraduate Research Programs,Research,,Critical and creative thinking,Problem solving
Student Leadership Programs


Student Leadership Programs - The mission of Student Leadership Programs must be to prepare students to engage in the process of leadership.

College of Engineering and Computing Peer Mentor
Each CEC Peer Mentor is matched with a mentee through the UofSC Mentorship Hub, to answer questions and share their experiences about working toward personal, academic, and professional goals. Mentors contact their mentee at least once per month and report their mentorship interactions.
Spring 2022 Student Program Leader Each CEC Peer Mentor is matched with a mentee through the UofSC Mentorship Hub, to answer questions and share their experiences about working toward personal, academic, and professional goals. Mentors contact their mentee at least once per month and report their mentorship interactions. 3 19 101 N ; Student Leadership Programs,Community service / civic engagement,Leadership,Interpersonal skills,
Undergraduate Admissions Programs and Services


Undergraduate Admissions Programs and Services - The mission of Undergraduate Admissions Programs and Services is to enroll undergraduate applicants who will, both individually and collectively, benefit from the collegiate learning environment through academic and personal enrichment and development.

Multicultural Outreach Student Team
Multicultural Outreach Student Team (MOST) volunteers assist admissions staff with recruitment initiatives and events, represent USC on student panels, and share their college experience with underrepresented prospective students.
Spring 2022 Student Program Leader Multicultural Outreach Student Team (MOST) volunteers assist admissions staff with recruitment initiatives and events, represent USC on student panels, and share their college experience with underrepresented prospective students. 3 34 118 Outreach N ; Undergraduate Admissions Programs and Services,Community service / civic engagement,Connecting with others,Interpersonal skills,Communication - spoken
Student Leadership Programs


Student Leadership Programs - The mission of Student Leadership Programs must be to prepare students to engage in the process of leadership.

University Ambassador
University Ambassadors lead campus tours for diverse audiences of prospective students and families, answer phone calls and respond to emails and other visitor communications, assist in the recruitment, coaching, and evaluation of new University Ambassadors and participate in weekly professional development & training.
Spring 2022 Peer Educator University Ambassadors lead campus tours for diverse audiences of prospective students and families, answer phone calls and respond to emails and other visitor communications, assist in the recruitment, coaching, and evaluation of new University Ambassadors and participate in weekly professional development & training. 3 34 118 Visitor Center N GLD-Professional & Civic Engagement; Experiential Learning Opportunity; Student Leadership Programs,Career readiness,Connecting with others,Critical and creative thinking,Communication - spoken



Recovery Ally Workshop
Students develop knowledge and skills to support UofSC students in recovery from substance use disorder and to promote a more recovery-friendly campus community.
Spring 2022 Students develop knowledge and skills to support UofSC students in recovery from substance use disorder and to promote a more recovery-friendly campus community. 3 11 117 Substance Abuse Prevention & Education N GLD-Professional & Civic Engagement; GLD-Community Service; ,Community service / civic engagement,,Personal and social responsibility - Taking seriously the perspectives of others,Influencing others
Civic Engagement & Service-Learning Programs


Civic Engagement & Service-Learning Programs - The primary mission of Service-Learning Programs is to engage students in experiences that address human and community needs together with structured opportunities for reflection intentionally designed to promote student learning and development.

Addiction Recovery-Informed Seminar (ARISE)
Students listen to a peer tell their story story of overcoming substance use disorder and can ask questions about addiction and recovery from someone who has lived the experience. The purpose of the session is to develop empathy and compassion, in order to create a more inclusive community for students in recovery.
Spring 2022 Civic Engagement Students listen to a peer tell their story story of overcoming substance use disorder and can ask questions about addiction and recovery from someone who has lived the experience. The purpose of the session is to develop empathy and compassion, in order to create a more inclusive community for students in recovery. 3 11 117 Substance Abuse Prevention & Education N ; Civic Engagement & Service-Learning Programs,Community service / civic engagement,,Personal and social responsibility - Taking seriously the perspectives of others,
Learning Assistance Programs


Learning Assistance Programs - The primary mission of Learning Assistance Programs must be to provide students with resources and opportunities to improve their ability to learn and to achieve academic success.

Gamecock Guide
Gamecock Guides work as a team to research and publish targeted social media content to build relationships with fellow students and amplify university messages related to student success.
Spring 2022 Student Program Leader Gamecock Guides work as a team to research and publish targeted social media content to build relationships with fellow students and amplify university messages related to student success. 3 11 30 Student Success Center N Experiential Learning Opportunity; Learning Assistance Programs,Career readiness,Connecting with others,Critical and creative thinking,Communication - spoken
Learning Assistance Programs


Learning Assistance Programs - The primary mission of Learning Assistance Programs must be to provide students with resources and opportunities to improve their ability to learn and to achieve academic success.

Money Management Consultation
Students participate in a 1:1 meeting with a Financial Literacy Consultant, to explore financial management topics including basic money management, credit, debt management, and student loan repayment policies.
Spring 2022 Educational Support Students participate in a 1:1 meeting with a Financial Literacy Consultant, to explore financial management topics including basic money management, credit, debt management, and student loan repayment policies. 3 11 30 Student Success Center N ; Learning Assistance Programs,Study / Practice financial literacy,Study / Practice self knowledge,Financial literacy,Problem solving
Student Leadership Programs


Student Leadership Programs - The mission of Student Leadership Programs must be to prepare students to engage in the process of leadership.

Peer Consultant
Student consultants meet with peers to provide study skills support, discuss academic success strategies, and co-create a personalized plan for academic success.
Spring 2022 Peer Educator Student consultants meet with peers to provide study skills support, discuss academic success strategies, and co-create a personalized plan for academic success. 3 11 30 Student Success Center N GLD-Professional & Civic Engagement; Experiential Learning Opportunity; Student Leadership Programs,Leadership,,Influencing others,Communication - spoken
Student Leadership Programs


Student Leadership Programs - The mission of Student Leadership Programs must be to prepare students to engage in the process of leadership.

Peer Financial Consultant
Student consultants meet with students to help them set financial goals, explore money management strategies, and create financial action plans; as needed, consultants make appropriate referrals to other campus resources.
Spring 2022 Peer Educator Student consultants meet with students to help them set financial goals, explore money management strategies, and create financial action plans; as needed, consultants make appropriate referrals to other campus resources. 3 11 30 Student Success Center N GLD-Professional & Civic Engagement; Experiential Learning Opportunity; Student Leadership Programs,Leadership,,Influencing others,Financial literacy
Student Leadership Programs


Student Leadership Programs - The mission of Student Leadership Programs must be to prepare students to engage in the process of leadership.

Peer Tutor
Tutors provide course-specific academic support for undergraduate students. They work with students in 1-1 sessions and lead group tutoring sessions.
Spring 2022 Peer Educator Tutors provide course-specific academic support for undergraduate students. They work with students in 1-1 sessions and lead group tutoring sessions. 3 11 30 Student Success Center N GLD-Professional & Civic Engagement; Experiential Learning Opportunity; Student Leadership Programs,Apply specialized knowledge,Leadership,Integrative and applied learning,Communication - spoken
Learning Assistance Programs


Learning Assistance Programs - The primary mission of Learning Assistance Programs must be to provide students with resources and opportunities to improve their ability to learn and to achieve academic success.

Peer Tutoring
Students participate in a tutoring session for a specific academic course in which they are currently enrolled.
Spring 2022 Educational Support Students participate in a tutoring session for a specific academic course in which they are currently enrolled. 3 11 30 Student Success Center N ; Learning Assistance Programs,Study / Practice intellectual skills,Apply specialized knowledge,Specialized knowledge and skills,
Learning Assistance Programs


Learning Assistance Programs - The primary mission of Learning Assistance Programs must be to provide students with resources and opportunities to improve their ability to learn and to achieve academic success.

Peer Writing Session
Students participate in a tutoring session for support with composition- or communications-based assignments or projects.
Spring 2022 Educational Support Students participate in a tutoring session for support with composition- or communications-based assignments or projects. 3 11 30 Student Success Center N ; Learning Assistance Programs,Study / Practice intellectual skills,,Communication - written,Communication - spoken
Student Leadership Programs


Student Leadership Programs - The mission of Student Leadership Programs must be to prepare students to engage in the process of leadership.

Peer Writing Tutor
Peer Tutors meet with students in 1-1 sessions to provide course-specific academic support for writing and communications skill development.
Spring 2022 Peer Educator Peer Tutors meet with students in 1-1 sessions to provide course-specific academic support for writing and communications skill development. 3 11 30 Student Success Center N GLD-Professional & Civic Engagement; Experiential Learning Opportunity; Student Leadership Programs,Apply specialized knowledge,Leadership,Critical and creative thinking,Communication - spoken
Student Leadership Programs


Student Leadership Programs - The mission of Student Leadership Programs must be to prepare students to engage in the process of leadership.

Student Success Center Program Assistant / Mentor
Experienced student leaders serve within a specific programmatic area (supplemental instruction, peer tutoring, or peer success consultations), supervise other peer leaders within the same program, and engage in critical office functions to support the department's professional certifications and mission.
Spring 2022 Peer Educator Experienced student leaders serve within a specific programmatic area (supplemental instruction, peer tutoring, or peer success consultations), supervise other peer leaders within the same program, and engage in critical office functions to support the department's professional certifications and mission. 3 11 30 Student Success Center N GLD-Professional & Civic Engagement; Experiential Learning Opportunity; Student Leadership Programs,Leadership,Career readiness,Teamwork,Critical and creative thinking
Learning Assistance Programs


Learning Assistance Programs - The primary mission of Learning Assistance Programs must be to provide students with resources and opportunities to improve their ability to learn and to achieve academic success.

Success Consultation
Students meet 1-1 with a trained peer consultant to assist students in understanding course material, develop self-regulated learning skills, and create an action plan for positive academic behaviors.
Spring 2022 Educational Support Students meet 1-1 with a trained peer consultant to assist students in understanding course material, develop self-regulated learning skills, and create an action plan for positive academic behaviors. 3 11 30 Student Success Center N ; Learning Assistance Programs,Study / Practice intellectual skills,Study / Practice self knowledge,Foundations and skills for lifelong learning,
Learning Assistance Programs


Learning Assistance Programs - The primary mission of Learning Assistance Programs must be to provide students with resources and opportunities to improve their ability to learn and to achieve academic success.

Supplemental Instruction
Students participate in a group study session for a specific academic course and section in which they are currently enrolled.
Spring 2022 Educational Support Students participate in a group study session for a specific academic course and section in which they are currently enrolled. 3 11 30 Student Success Center N ; Learning Assistance Programs,Study / Practice intellectual skills,,Specialized knowledge and skills,
Student Leadership Programs


Student Leadership Programs - The mission of Student Leadership Programs must be to prepare students to engage in the process of leadership.

Supplemental Instruction Peer Leader
SI Peer Leaders facilitate group study sessions for students enrolled in specific courses and sections; they help their peers learn challenging material from class lectures and assignments, and offer helpful tips that integrate how to learn with what to learn through three group study sessions each week.
Spring 2022 Peer Educator SI Peer Leaders facilitate group study sessions for students enrolled in specific courses and sections; they help their peers learn challenging material from class lectures and assignments, and offer helpful tips that integrate how to learn with what to learn through three group study sessions each week. 3 11 30 Student Success Center N GLD-Professional & Civic Engagement; Experiential Learning Opportunity; Student Leadership Programs,Apply specialized knowledge,Leadership,Integrative and applied learning,Communication - spoken
Transfer Student Programs and Services


Transfer Student Programs and Services - The mission of Transfer Student Programs and Services is to aid in the successful transfer, persistence, and graduation of transfer students.

Transfer Success Consultation
Transfer students participate in a 1:1 meeting with the Transfer Coordinator, to discuss academic referrals, current academic challenges, and to identify academic and campus resources.
Spring 2022 Educational Support Transfer students participate in a 1:1 meeting with the Transfer Coordinator, to discuss academic referrals, current academic challenges, and to identify academic and campus resources. 3 11 30 Carolina Experience N ; Transfer Student Programs and Services,Study / Practice self knowledge,,Personal and social responsibility - Striving for excellence,
Career Services


Career Services - The primary mission of Career Services is to assist students and other designated clients in developing, evaluating, and implementing career, education, and employment plans.

Career Coaching - Career Studio
In this learning lab, students receive guidance from a Career Center Peer Educator on topics related to their career, including resumes, cover letters, personal statements, curriculum vitae, job search, interviewing, and occupational research.
Spring 2022 Career Development In this learning lab, students receive guidance from a Career Center Peer Educator on topics related to their career, including resumes, cover letters, personal statements, curriculum vitae, job search, interviewing, and occupational research. 3 11 30 Career Center N ; Career Services,Career development,Study / Practice self knowledge,Self-knowledge,
Student Leadership Programs


Student Leadership Programs - The mission of Student Leadership Programs must be to prepare students to engage in the process of leadership.

Career Studio Peer Educator
Career Studio Peer Educators advise students on career-related questions during appointments, manage front-desk operations, create and deliver presentations, initiate outreach activities, participate in marketing projects, and collaborate with professional staff members on career development initiatives.
Spring 2022 Peer Educator Career Studio Peer Educators advise students on career-related questions during appointments, manage front-desk operations, create and deliver presentations, initiate outreach activities, participate in marketing projects, and collaborate with professional staff members on career development initiatives. 3 11 30 Career Center N GLD-Professional & Civic Engagement; Experiential Learning Opportunity; Student Leadership Programs,Leadership,Career readiness,Interpersonal skills,Communication - spoken
Career Services


Career Services - The primary mission of Career Services is to assist students and other designated clients in developing, evaluating, and implementing career, education, and employment plans.

Career Development Series
Students listen to expert presentations on a variety of career development topics, engage in informal discussion with experts and peers, and have opportunities to ask questions. Topics include job search skills, diversity in the workplace, professional skills, preparing for internships, career fair preparation, and networking skills.
Spring 2022 Career Development Students listen to expert presentations on a variety of career development topics, engage in informal discussion with experts and peers, and have opportunities to ask questions. Topics include job search skills, diversity in the workplace, professional skills, preparing for internships, career fair preparation, and networking skills. 3 11 30 Career Center N ; Career Services,Career development,,Self-knowledge,Professionalism / career readiness
Internship Programs


Internship Programs - The primary mission of Internship Programs is to engage students in planned, educationally-related work and learning experiences that integrate knowledge and theory with practical application and skill development in a professional setting.

Carolina Internship Program - Part-time
Students engage in a paid, work-based learning experience that is usually the length or equivalent of a fall or spring semester or summer, working approximately 240 hours at 20 hours/week. Student may be eligible to receive academic credit through their academic department or pursue a Zero Credit Transcript notation through the Career Center.
Spring 2022 Cooperative Education Students engage in a paid, work-based learning experience that is usually the length or equivalent of a fall or spring semester or summer, working approximately 240 hours at 20 hours/week. Student may be eligible to receive academic credit through their academic department or pursue a Zero Credit Transcript notation through the Career Center. 3 11 30 Career Center N GLD-Professional & Civic Engagement; Experiential Learning Opportunity; Internship Programs,Career development,Apply specialized knowledge,Professionalism / career readiness,Integrative and applied learning
Internship Programs


Internship Programs - The primary mission of Internship Programs is to engage students in planned, educationally-related work and learning experiences that integrate knowledge and theory with practical application and skill development in a professional setting.

Carolina Internship Program - Full-time
Students engage in a paid, work-based learning experience that includes staff facilitated feedback and reflection on their experience. The goal is to enhance students' understanding of their professional knowledge, skills and abilities to aid in their full-time job searches and lifelong career management.
Spring 2022 Internship Students engage in a paid, work-based learning experience that includes staff facilitated feedback and reflection on their experience. The goal is to enhance students' understanding of their professional knowledge, skills and abilities to aid in their full-time job searches and lifelong career management. 3 11 30 Career Center N GLD-Professional & Civic Engagement; Experiential Learning Opportunity; Internship Programs,Career readiness,Apply specialized knowledge,Professionalism / career readiness,Specialized knowledge and skills
Internship Programs


Internship Programs - The primary mission of Internship Programs is to engage students in planned, educationally-related work and learning experiences that integrate knowledge and theory with practical application and skill development in a professional setting.

Cooperative Education (Co-op) - Alternating
Students participate in 2-3 semesters of supervised, paid work-based learning with the same employer. The Alternating format allows the student to alternate between a semester of full-time school (480 hours at 40 hours/week).
Spring 2022 Cooperative Education Students participate in 2-3 semesters of supervised, paid work-based learning with the same employer. The Alternating format allows the student to alternate between a semester of full-time school (480 hours at 40 hours/week). 3 11 30 Career Center N GLD-Professional & Civic Engagement; Experiential Learning Opportunity; Internship Programs,Apply specialized knowledge,Career readiness,Specialized knowledge and skills,Professionalism / career readiness
Recreational Sports Programs


Recreational Sports Programs - The mission of Recreational Sports Programs must be to enhance the mind, body, and spirit of students and other eligible individuals by providing programs, services, and facilities that are responsive to the physical, social, recreational, and lifelong educational needs of the campus community as they relate to health, fitness, and learning.

Campus Recreation Assistant
Student assistants facilitate the successful operation of the Campus Recreation program and facility (marketing and communications, member services, operations, outdoor recreation, sport programs and fitness) as the primary point of contact for participants and patrons; they facilitate a safe and positive developmental experience for students.
Spring 2022 Employment On Campus Student assistants facilitate the successful operation of the Campus Recreation program and facility (marketing and communications, member services, operations, outdoor recreation, sport programs and fitness) as the primary point of contact for participants and patrons; they facilitate a safe and positive developmental experience for students. 3 11 117 Campus Recreation N ; Recreational Sports Programs,Career readiness,,Professionalism / career readiness,
Recreational Sports Programs


Recreational Sports Programs - The mission of Recreational Sports Programs must be to enhance the mind, body, and spirit of students and other eligible individuals by providing programs, services, and facilities that are responsive to the physical, social, recreational, and lifelong educational needs of the campus community as they relate to health, fitness, and learning.

Campus Recreation Attendant
Student attendants support all aspects of the Campus Recreation Sport Programs with responsibility for serving patrons professionally and efficiently, and for supporting general administrative functions of the program area.
Spring 2022 Employment On Campus Student attendants support all aspects of the Campus Recreation Sport Programs with responsibility for serving patrons professionally and efficiently, and for supporting general administrative functions of the program area. 3 11 117 Campus Recreation N ; Recreational Sports Programs,Career readiness,,Communication - spoken,Professionalism / career readiness
Recreational Sports Programs


Recreational Sports Programs - The mission of Recreational Sports Programs must be to enhance the mind, body, and spirit of students and other eligible individuals by providing programs, services, and facilities that are responsive to the physical, social, recreational, and lifelong educational needs of the campus community as they relate to health, fitness, and learning.

Campus Recreation Fitness Instructor
Student instructors safely deliver a quality fitness service to patrons and serve as an educational resource for how to develop effective fitness practices.
Spring 2022 Employment On Campus Student instructors safely deliver a quality fitness service to patrons and serve as an educational resource for how to develop effective fitness practices. 3 11 117 Campus Recreation N ; Recreational Sports Programs,Career readiness,,Communication - spoken,Professionalism / career readiness
Student Leadership Programs


Student Leadership Programs - The mission of Student Leadership Programs must be to prepare students to engage in the process of leadership.

Campus Recreation Leader
Students execute all aspects of a Campus Recreation program or facility (fitness, member services, operations, or sport programs), with responsibility for supervising student staff and planning for facility and equipment needs.
Spring 2022 Student Program Leader Students execute all aspects of a Campus Recreation program or facility (fitness, member services, operations, or sport programs), with responsibility for supervising student staff and planning for facility and equipment needs. 3 11 117 Campus Recreation N Experiential Learning Opportunity; Student Leadership Programs,Leadership,Career readiness,Teamwork,Critical and creative thinking
Recreational Sports Programs


Recreational Sports Programs - The mission of Recreational Sports Programs must be to enhance the mind, body, and spirit of students and other eligible individuals by providing programs, services, and facilities that are responsive to the physical, social, recreational, and lifelong educational needs of the campus community as they relate to health, fitness, and learning.

Campus Recreation Lifeguard
Students who are trained and certified as lifeguards apply their expertise to maintain a safe recreational environment for swimmers and other users of the aquatics facility.
Spring 2022 Student Program Leader Students who are trained and certified as lifeguards apply their expertise to maintain a safe recreational environment for swimmers and other users of the aquatics facility. 3 11 117 Campus Recreation N GLD-Professional & Civic Engagement; Recreational Sports Programs,Apply specialized knowledge,,Communication - spoken,Problem solving
Recreational Sports Programs


Recreational Sports Programs - The mission of Recreational Sports Programs must be to enhance the mind, body, and spirit of students and other eligible individuals by providing programs, services, and facilities that are responsive to the physical, social, recreational, and lifelong educational needs of the campus community as they relate to health, fitness, and learning.

Campus Recreation Manager
Managers serve a dual role as a Leader while also designing programs and planning for effective operations in Fitness, Member Services, Operations, Outdoor Recreation, and/or Sport Programs. They develop and enforce policies, plan for staffing, oversee student employees, manage risk, and influence the actions of others toward unit goals.
Spring 2022 Student Program Leader Managers serve a dual role as a Leader while also designing programs and planning for effective operations in Fitness, Member Services, Operations, Outdoor Recreation, and/or Sport Programs. They develop and enforce policies, plan for staffing, oversee student employees, manage risk, and influence the actions of others toward unit goals. 3 11 117 Campus Recreation N Experiential Learning Opportunity; Recreational Sports Programs,Career readiness,Leadership,Problem solving,Influencing others
Recreational Sports Programs


Recreational Sports Programs - The mission of Recreational Sports Programs must be to enhance the mind, body, and spirit of students and other eligible individuals by providing programs, services, and facilities that are responsive to the physical, social, recreational, and lifelong educational needs of the campus community as they relate to health, fitness, and learning.

Campus Recreation Sport Club Executive Board
Sport Club Executive Board (SCEB) members are elected by sport club officers to build support for the sport club program and achieve common goals, and interact with a variety of constituents including sport club members, faculty, staff, and university administrators.
Spring 2022 Elected Student Leader Sport Club Executive Board (SCEB) members are elected by sport club officers to build support for the sport club program and achieve common goals, and interact with a variety of constituents including sport club members, faculty, staff, and university administrators. 3 11 117 Campus Recreation N ; Recreational Sports Programs,Leadership,,Problem solving,Influencing others
Recreational Sports Programs


Recreational Sports Programs - The mission of Recreational Sports Programs must be to enhance the mind, body, and spirit of students and other eligible individuals by providing programs, services, and facilities that are responsive to the physical, social, recreational, and lifelong educational needs of the campus community as they relate to health, fitness, and learning.

Campus Recreation Climbing Wall
Students participate in top rope climbing or bouldering, with routes for both beginners and advanced climbers, at the climbing wall in the Wellness & Fitness Center.
Spring 2022 Physical, Mental, Emotional Health Students participate in top rope climbing or bouldering, with routes for both beginners and advanced climbers, at the climbing wall in the Wellness & Fitness Center. 3 11 117 Campus Recreation N ; Recreational Sports Programs,Recreation, leisure, entertainment,Connecting with others,Foundations and skills for lifelong learning,
Recreational Sports Programs


Recreational Sports Programs - The mission of Recreational Sports Programs must be to enhance the mind, body, and spirit of students and other eligible individuals by providing programs, services, and facilities that are responsive to the physical, social, recreational, and lifelong educational needs of the campus community as they relate to health, fitness, and learning.

Campus Recreation Group X
Students participate in a 45-60 minute group exercise class such as Yoga, Zumba, BodyPump, Barre, Cycle, and Bootcamp.
Spring 2022 Physical, Mental, Emotional Health Students participate in a 45-60 minute group exercise class such as Yoga, Zumba, BodyPump, Barre, Cycle, and Bootcamp. 3 11 117 Campus Recreation N ; Recreational Sports Programs,Study / Practice physical well being,Connecting with others,Self-knowledge,
Recreational Sports Programs


Recreational Sports Programs - The mission of Recreational Sports Programs must be to enhance the mind, body, and spirit of students and other eligible individuals by providing programs, services, and facilities that are responsive to the physical, social, recreational, and lifelong educational needs of the campus community as they relate to health, fitness, and learning.

Campus Recreation Intramural Sports
Students participate in an intramural sport, such as basketball, cornhole, volleyball, flag football, soccer, pickleball, and more.
Spring 2022 Campus Activities Students participate in an intramural sport, such as basketball, cornhole, volleyball, flag football, soccer, pickleball, and more. 3 11 117 Campus Recreation N ; Recreational Sports Programs,Recreation, leisure, entertainment,Connecting with others,Self-knowledge,
Recreational Sports Programs


Recreational Sports Programs - The mission of Recreational Sports Programs must be to enhance the mind, body, and spirit of students and other eligible individuals by providing programs, services, and facilities that are responsive to the physical, social, recreational, and lifelong educational needs of the campus community as they relate to health, fitness, and learning.

Campus Recreation Adventure Trip Participant
Students participate with a group of peers in an adventure trip guided by a staff member; trip options include biking, camping, hiking, boating, and more. Adventures vary in length from a few hours to a few days.
Spring 2022 Campus Activities Students participate with a group of peers in an adventure trip guided by a staff member; trip options include biking, camping, hiking, boating, and more. Adventures vary in length from a few hours to a few days. 3 11 117 Campus Recreation N ; Recreational Sports Programs,Recreation, leisure, entertainment,Connecting with others,Self-knowledge,
Recreational Sports Programs


Recreational Sports Programs - The mission of Recreational Sports Programs must be to enhance the mind, body, and spirit of students and other eligible individuals by providing programs, services, and facilities that are responsive to the physical, social, recreational, and lifelong educational needs of the campus community as they relate to health, fitness, and learning.

Campus Recreation Personal Fitness Training
Students work with a personal trainer to identify their fitness goals and practice individually tailored exercises and routines; each session is 60 minutes in length.
Spring 2022 Physical, Mental, Emotional Health Students work with a personal trainer to identify their fitness goals and practice individually tailored exercises and routines; each session is 60 minutes in length. 3 11 117 Campus Recreation N ; Recreational Sports Programs,Study / Practice physical well being,Study / Practice self knowledge,Self-knowledge,
Recreational Sports Programs


Recreational Sports Programs - The mission of Recreational Sports Programs must be to enhance the mind, body, and spirit of students and other eligible individuals by providing programs, services, and facilities that are responsive to the physical, social, recreational, and lifelong educational needs of the campus community as they relate to health, fitness, and learning.

Campus Recreation Adventure Trip Leader
Trip leaders plan and execute day-long outdoor adventure trips; responsibilities include conducting pre-trip meetings with participants to set expectations, build relationships, communicate risks, and provide training for participants. During the trip, leaders serve as guides and wilderness medical first responders.
Spring 2022 Student Program Leader Trip leaders plan and execute day-long outdoor adventure trips; responsibilities include conducting pre-trip meetings with participants to set expectations, build relationships, communicate risks, and provide training for participants. During the trip, leaders serve as guides and wilderness medical first responders. 3 11 117 Campus Recreation N GLD-Professional & Civic Engagement; Recreational Sports Programs,Leadership,Career readiness,Teamwork,Problem solving
Fraternity and Sorority Advising Programs


Fraternity and Sorority Advising Programs - The mission of Fraternity and Sorority Advising Programs is to promote the learning and development of students who affiliate with fraternities and sororities.

Fraternity and Sorority Life Council Leadership
Students work to advance the FSL community by leading bi-weekly council meetings, meeting monthly with professional and graduate student staff advisors, communicating with FSL chapter presidents and community members, and implementing policies (university, FSL, Council).
Spring 2022 Elected Student Leader Students work to advance the FSL community by leading bi-weekly council meetings, meeting monthly with professional and graduate student staff advisors, communicating with FSL chapter presidents and community members, and implementing policies (university, FSL, Council). 3 11 28 Fraternity & Sorority Life N GLD-Professional & Civic Engagement; Fraternity and Sorority Advising Programs,Leadership,Apply specialized knowledge,Influencing others,Communication - spoken
Fraternity and Sorority Advising Programs


Fraternity and Sorority Advising Programs - The mission of Fraternity and Sorority Advising Programs is to promote the learning and development of students who affiliate with fraternities and sororities.

Fraternity and Sorority Leadership Retreat
Students participate in a 2-day retreat featuring presentations and training from university staff, structured conversation regarding their respective officer positions, and activities for self-reflection and leadership goal setting.
Spring 2022 Leadership Education Students participate in a 2-day retreat featuring presentations and training from university staff, structured conversation regarding their respective officer positions, and activities for self-reflection and leadership goal setting. 3 11 28 Fraternity & Sorority Life N ; Fraternity and Sorority Advising Programs,Study / Practice self knowledge,Connecting with others,Self-knowledge,
Fraternity and Sorority Advising Programs


Fraternity and Sorority Advising Programs - The mission of Fraternity and Sorority Advising Programs is to promote the learning and development of students who affiliate with fraternities and sororities.

Fraternity and Sorority New Member Summit
Students engage in council-specific conversations on the history, significance and myths of Fraternity and Sorority Life, personal responsibility, expectations, and tools available for new FSL members.
Spring 2022 Campus Activities Students engage in council-specific conversations on the history, significance and myths of Fraternity and Sorority Life, personal responsibility, expectations, and tools available for new FSL members. 3 11 28 Fraternity & Sorority Life N ; Fraternity and Sorority Advising Programs,Connecting with others,,Self-knowledge,
Fraternity and Sorority Advising Programs


Fraternity and Sorority Advising Programs - The mission of Fraternity and Sorority Advising Programs is to promote the learning and development of students who affiliate with fraternities and sororities.

Fraternity and Sorority Life Recruitment / Intake Orientation
Participants attend this session to learn about the recruitment and membership experience in fraternity and sorority organizations, including time commitment, academic and financial requirements, and philanthropic and service opportunities of each chapter. Information is provided by professional staff, graduate assistants, and current members.
Spring 2022 Campus Activities Participants attend this session to learn about the recruitment and membership experience in fraternity and sorority organizations, including time commitment, academic and financial requirements, and philanthropic and service opportunities of each chapter. Information is provided by professional staff, graduate assistants, and current members. 3 11 28 Fraternity & Sorority Life N ; Fraternity and Sorority Advising Programs,Connecting with others,,Self-knowledge,
Fraternity and Sorority Advising Programs


Fraternity and Sorority Advising Programs - The mission of Fraternity and Sorority Advising Programs is to promote the learning and development of students who affiliate with fraternities and sororities.

Fraternity and Sorority Life Roundtable
Students interact in small-group, informal discussions to share best practices on a variety of topics relevant to the fraternity and sorority experience, such as organizational development and management, and personal development topics.
Spring 2022 Leadership Education Students interact in small-group, informal discussions to share best practices on a variety of topics relevant to the fraternity and sorority experience, such as organizational development and management, and personal development topics. 3 11 28 Fraternity & Sorority Life N ; Fraternity and Sorority Advising Programs,Leadership,Study / Practice self knowledge,Self-knowledge,
Fraternity and Sorority Advising Programs


Fraternity and Sorority Advising Programs - The mission of Fraternity and Sorority Advising Programs is to promote the learning and development of students who affiliate with fraternities and sororities.

Fraternity and Sorority Leadership Conference
Fraternity and sorority students participate in conference sessions on leadership development and campus/community policies, and network with their peers.
Spring 2022 Leadership Education Fraternity and sorority students participate in conference sessions on leadership development and campus/community policies, and network with their peers. 3 11 28 Fraternity & Sorority Life N ; Fraternity and Sorority Advising Programs,Leadership,Study / Practice self knowledge,Self-knowledge,Interpersonal skills
Fraternity and Sorority Advising Programs


Fraternity and Sorority Advising Programs - The mission of Fraternity and Sorority Advising Programs is to promote the learning and development of students who affiliate with fraternities and sororities.

Interfraternity Council Recruitment Advisor
Recruitment Peer Advisors serve as mentors, resources, facilitators, and referral agents to students who are potential new members participating in fraternity recruitment activities.
Spring 2022 Student Program Leader Recruitment Peer Advisors serve as mentors, resources, facilitators, and referral agents to students who are potential new members participating in fraternity recruitment activities. 3 11 28 Fraternity & Sorority Life N GLD-Professional & Civic Engagement; Fraternity and Sorority Advising Programs,Leadership,,Influencing others,
Fraternity and Sorority Advising Programs


Fraternity and Sorority Advising Programs - The mission of Fraternity and Sorority Advising Programs is to promote the learning and development of students who affiliate with fraternities and sororities.

Panhellenic Recruitment Peer Counselor
Students serve as peer mentors and information resources for potential new members participating in the Panhellenic recruitment process.
Fall 2022 Student Program Leader Students serve as peer mentors and information resources for potential new members participating in the Panhellenic recruitment process. 3 11 28 Fraternity & Sorority Life N GLD-Professional & Civic Engagement; Fraternity and Sorority Advising Programs,Leadership,,Communication - spoken,Influencing others
Campus Activities Programs


Campus Activities Programs - The purpose of Campus Activities Programs must be to enhance the overall educational experience of students through development of, exposure to, and participation in programs and activities that improve student cooperation and leadership while preparing students to be responsible advocates and citizens and complementing the institution's academic programs.

Brother to Brother Community Dinner
Over dinner, self-identified black male students engage with black men from the university and Columbia communities in conversations designed to build meaningful connections and support for students.
Spring 2022 Community Building Over dinner, self-identified black male students engage with black men from the university and Columbia communities in conversations designed to build meaningful connections and support for students. 3 11 28 Multicultural Student Affairs N ; Campus Activities Programs,Connecting with others,,Self-knowledge,
Multicultural Student Programs and Services


Multicultural Student Programs and Services - Multicultural Student Programs and Services must promote academic and personal growth of traditionally underserved students, work with the entire campus to create an institutional and community climate of justice, promote access and equity in higher education, and offer programs that educate the campus about diversity.

Diversity Dialogues
In a safe space, students listen to an expert presentation and engage in self-reflection and discussion on topics such as race, culture, gender, stereotypes, intersectionality, and sexual orientation. This workshop is intended to help students learn about marginalized populations and build awareness around diversity and inclusion.
Spring 2022 Educational Support In a safe space, students listen to an expert presentation and engage in self-reflection and discussion on topics such as race, culture, gender, stereotypes, intersectionality, and sexual orientation. This workshop is intended to help students learn about marginalized populations and build awareness around diversity and inclusion. 3 11 28 Multicultural Student Affairs N ; Multicultural Student Programs and Services,Study / Practice diversity, equity, inclusion,,Civic knowledge and engagement,Intercultural knowledge and competence
Multicultural Student Programs and Services


Multicultural Student Programs and Services - Multicultural Student Programs and Services must promote academic and personal growth of traditionally underserved students, work with the entire campus to create an institutional and community climate of justice, promote access and equity in higher education, and offer programs that educate the campus about diversity.

Diversity Retreat
Students engage in a weekend-long retreat of self-reflection, activities and dialogue focused on concepts of diversity (e.g., identity, impact, advocacy). The goal of the retreat is to develop a greater understanding of leadership in a diverse world.
Spring 2022 Leadership Education Students engage in a weekend-long retreat of self-reflection, activities and dialogue focused on concepts of diversity (e.g., identity, impact, advocacy). The goal of the retreat is to develop a greater understanding of leadership in a diverse world. 3 11 28 Multicultural Student Affairs N ; Multicultural Student Programs and Services,Study / Practice diversity, equity, inclusion,Connecting with others,Personal and social responsibility - Taking seriously the perspectives of others,Intercultural knowledge and competence
Multicultural Student Programs and Services


Multicultural Student Programs and Services - Multicultural Student Programs and Services must promote academic and personal growth of traditionally underserved students, work with the entire campus to create an institutional and community climate of justice, promote access and equity in higher education, and offer programs that educate the campus about diversity.

Identity 365
Students attend a one-hour event focused on diverse identities and cultural topics; each event is part of a series to celebrate the cultural diversity of the UofSC. Example events: Christmahanakwanzika, Sabor Latino, Gulla basket weaving
Spring 2022 Diversity, Equity, and Inclusion Education Students attend a one-hour event focused on diverse identities and cultural topics; each event is part of a series to celebrate the cultural diversity of the UofSC. Example events: Christmahanakwanzika, Sabor Latino, Gulla basket weaving 3 11 28 Multicultural Student Affairs N ; Multicultural Student Programs and Services,Study / Practice diversity, equity, inclusion,,Self-knowledge,
Student Leadership Programs


Student Leadership Programs - The mission of Student Leadership Programs must be to prepare students to engage in the process of leadership.

Multicultural Assistance Peer Program (MAPP) Mentor
Student mentors work in a self-directed mode to help support first year/transfer multicultural students as they transition into the university community, by serving as an information resource and helping new students establish a social network.
Spring 2022 Student Program Leader Student mentors work in a self-directed mode to help support first year/transfer multicultural students as they transition into the university community, by serving as an information resource and helping new students establish a social network. 3 11 28 Multicultural Student Affairs N GLD-Professional & Civic Engagement; GLD-Diversity & Social Advocacy; Student Leadership Programs,Connecting with others,,Influencing others,Interpersonal skills
Multicultural Student Programs and Services


Multicultural Student Programs and Services - Multicultural Student Programs and Services must promote academic and personal growth of traditionally underserved students, work with the entire campus to create an institutional and community climate of justice, promote access and equity in higher education, and offer programs that educate the campus about diversity.

Multicultural Assistance Peer Program Mentee
Students engage in a variety of structured activities with an assigned mentor so as to build a support system with peers, develop a sense of belonging and discuss a variety of campus resources.
Spring 2022 Educational Support Students engage in a variety of structured activities with an assigned mentor so as to build a support system with peers, develop a sense of belonging and discuss a variety of campus resources. 3 11 28 Multicultural Student Affairs N ; Multicultural Student Programs and Services,Study / Practice self knowledge,Connecting with others,Self-knowledge,Foundations and skills for lifelong learning
Multicultural Student Programs and Services


Multicultural Student Programs and Services - Multicultural Student Programs and Services must promote academic and personal growth of traditionally underserved students, work with the entire campus to create an institutional and community climate of justice, promote access and equity in higher education, and offer programs that educate the campus about diversity.

OMSA Peer Educator
Students participate in group training activities to gain and practice communication skills to lead effective presentations and implement educational programs, and conduct workshops and presentations to advance cultural competency and appreciation for diverse cultures in the campus community.
Spring 2022 Peer Educator Students participate in group training activities to gain and practice communication skills to lead effective presentations and implement educational programs, and conduct workshops and presentations to advance cultural competency and appreciation for diverse cultures in the campus community. 3 11 28 Multicultural Student Affairs N ; Multicultural Student Programs and Services,Career readiness,Study / Practice diversity, equity, inclusion,Communication - spoken,Intercultural knowledge and competence
Civic Engagement & Service-Learning Programs


Civic Engagement & Service-Learning Programs - The primary mission of Service-Learning Programs is to engage students in experiences that address human and community needs together with structured opportunities for reflection intentionally designed to promote student learning and development.

Safe Zone Workshop
Student listen to an expert presenter speak about LGBT college student data, risks associated with LGBT college students, bias and harassment, and resources available on- and off- campus to provide support. Students engage in small group activities such as scenarios to learn how to interrupt bias, and how to understand the LGBT experience.
Spring 2022 Civic Engagement Student listen to an expert presenter speak about LGBT college student data, risks associated with LGBT college students, bias and harassment, and resources available on- and off- campus to provide support. Students engage in small group activities such as scenarios to learn how to interrupt bias, and how to understand the LGBT experience. 3 11 28 Multicultural Student Affairs N GLD-Diversity & Social Advocacy; GLD-Professional & Civic Engagement; Civic Engagement & Service-Learning Programs,Study / Practice diversity, equity, inclusion,Study / Practice self knowledge,Civic knowledge and engagement,Intercultural knowledge and competence
Multicultural Student Programs and Services


Multicultural Student Programs and Services - Multicultural Student Programs and Services must promote academic and personal growth of traditionally underserved students, work with the entire campus to create an institutional and community climate of justice, promote access and equity in higher education, and offer programs that educate the campus about diversity.

Trans Advocacy Workshop
Students listen to an expert presenter speak about risks associated with transgender and non-binary college students, bias and harassment, and resources available on- and off- campus to provide support.
Spring 2022 Diversity, Equity, and Inclusion Education Students listen to an expert presenter speak about risks associated with transgender and non-binary college students, bias and harassment, and resources available on- and off- campus to provide support. 3 11 28 Multicultural Student Affairs N ; Multicultural Student Programs and Services,Study / Practice diversity, equity, inclusion,,Personal and social responsibility - Contributing to a larger community,Intercultural knowledge and competence
Student Leadership Programs


Student Leadership Programs - The mission of Student Leadership Programs must be to prepare students to engage in the process of leadership.

Close Family Emerging Leaders Program
Students meet weekly for 8 weeks to explore aspects of leadership; activities are designed to help students develop a personal definition of leadership, create achievable goals, and design an action plan for applying leadership skills at USC.
Fall 2021 Leadership Education Students meet weekly for 8 weeks to explore aspects of leadership; activities are designed to help students develop a personal definition of leadership, create achievable goals, and design an action plan for applying leadership skills at USC. 3 11 28 Leadership & Service Center N GLD-Professional & Civic Engagement; Student Leadership Programs,Study / Practice self knowledge,,Self-knowledge,Communication - spoken
Student Leadership Programs


Student Leadership Programs - The mission of Student Leadership Programs must be to prepare students to engage in the process of leadership.

Gamecock Pantry Executive Board
Board members implement the vision, direction, and operations of the Gamecock Pantry by contributing to the recruitment, training, and evaluation of volunteers, donation coordination, marketing and education, and logistical operations such as clientele communication, donation solicitation, and developing on and off campus partnerships.
Spring 2022 Student Program Leader Board members implement the vision, direction, and operations of the Gamecock Pantry by contributing to the recruitment, training, and evaluation of volunteers, donation coordination, marketing and education, and logistical operations such as clientele communication, donation solicitation, and developing on and off campus partnerships. 3 11 28 Leadership & Service Center N GLD-Professional & Civic Engagement; GLD-Community Service; Experiential Learning Opportunity; Student Leadership Programs,Leadership,,Influencing others,Critical and creative thinking
Civic Engagement & Service-Learning Programs


Civic Engagement & Service-Learning Programs - The primary mission of Service-Learning Programs is to engage students in experiences that address human and community needs together with structured opportunities for reflection intentionally designed to promote student learning and development.

Gamecock Pantry Pals
Students organize donations, shelve inventory, and communicate information about the Gamecock Pantry to campus constituents. The pantry was created by students, for students, and provides food assistance and other resources to enhance well-being.
Spring 2022 Service on Campus Students organize donations, shelve inventory, and communicate information about the Gamecock Pantry to campus constituents. The pantry was created by students, for students, and provides food assistance and other resources to enhance well-being. 3 11 28 Leadership & Service Center N GLD-Community Service; Civic Engagement & Service-Learning Programs,Community service / civic engagement,Connecting with others,Interpersonal skills,
Student Leadership Programs


Student Leadership Programs - The mission of Student Leadership Programs must be to prepare students to engage in the process of leadership.

Leadership and Service Ambassador
Leadership and Service Advocates help manage the Leadership and Service Center’s daily operations, assist students as they call or enter the center, and assist the professional staff in marketing and planning programs and services.
Spring 2022 Student Program Leader Leadership and Service Advocates help manage the Leadership and Service Center’s daily operations, assist students as they call or enter the center, and assist the professional staff in marketing and planning programs and services. 3 11 28 Leadership & Service Center N GLD-Professional & Civic Engagement; Student Leadership Programs,Career readiness,,Communication - spoken,Problem solving
Student Leadership Programs


Student Leadership Programs - The mission of Student Leadership Programs must be to prepare students to engage in the process of leadership.

Leadership Coaching - Involvement
Student meets with a professional staff member or graduate student to discuss their personal interests, explore student organizations or other involvement opportunities, identify a goal for becoming more involved on campus and outline a plan for accomplishing that goal.
Spring 2022 Leadership Education Student meets with a professional staff member or graduate student to discuss their personal interests, explore student organizations or other involvement opportunities, identify a goal for becoming more involved on campus and outline a plan for accomplishing that goal. 3 11 28 Leadership & Service Center N ; Student Leadership Programs,Study / Practice self knowledge,,Self-knowledge,Critical and creative thinking
Student Leadership Programs


Student Leadership Programs - The mission of Student Leadership Programs must be to prepare students to engage in the process of leadership.

Leadership Coaching - Student organization
Students meets with a professional staff member or graduate student to discuss strategies for a more successful student organization.
Spring 2022 Leadership Education Students meets with a professional staff member or graduate student to discuss strategies for a more successful student organization. 3 11 28 Leadership & Service Center N ; Student Leadership Programs,Apply specialized knowledge,Leadership,Critical and creative thinking,Influencing others
Student Leadership Programs


Student Leadership Programs - The mission of Student Leadership Programs must be to prepare students to engage in the process of leadership.

Pillars for Carolina Extended Mentor
Pillars for Carolina XMs help introduce incoming students to student life and resources on campus. XMs are peer mentors who lead groups and communicate information to diverse audiences; student mentees look to XMs to answer their candid questions about the college experience.
Spring 2022 Student Program Leader Pillars for Carolina XMs help introduce incoming students to student life and resources on campus. XMs are peer mentors who lead groups and communicate information to diverse audiences; student mentees look to XMs to answer their candid questions about the college experience. 3 11 28 Leadership & Service Center N GLD-Professional & Civic Engagement; Student Leadership Programs,Leadership,,Interpersonal skills,Influencing others
Civic Engagement & Service-Learning Programs


Civic Engagement & Service-Learning Programs - The primary mission of Service-Learning Programs is to engage students in experiences that address human and community needs together with structured opportunities for reflection intentionally designed to promote student learning and development.

Service Saturday
Students participate in a community service opportunity within the city of Columbia or campus community.
Spring 2022 Civic Engagement Students participate in a community service opportunity within the city of Columbia or campus community. 3 11 28 Leadership & Service Center N GLD-Community Service; Civic Engagement & Service-Learning Programs,Community service / civic engagement,Connecting with others,Personal and social responsibility - Contributing to a larger community,
Student Leadership Programs


Student Leadership Programs - The mission of Student Leadership Programs must be to prepare students to engage in the process of leadership.

Service Saturday Site Leader
Site leaders communicate expectations to a group of volunteers, delegate tasks, and debrief volunteers on a shared community service experience.
Spring 2022 Peer Educator Site leaders communicate expectations to a group of volunteers, delegate tasks, and debrief volunteers on a shared community service experience. 3 11 28 Leadership & Service Center N GLD-Professional & Civic Engagement; GLD-Community Service; Student Leadership Programs,Leadership,Community service / civic engagement,Teamwork,Problem solving
Student Leadership Programs


Student Leadership Programs - The mission of Student Leadership Programs must be to prepare students to engage in the process of leadership.

Service Saturday Senior Site Leader
Senior site leaders facilitate training and manage administrative tasks for teams of student site leaders, communicate expectations of the program to volunteers, delegate tasks, and debrief on a shared experience.
Spring 2022 Peer Educator Senior site leaders facilitate training and manage administrative tasks for teams of student site leaders, communicate expectations of the program to volunteers, delegate tasks, and debrief on a shared experience. 3 11 28 Leadership & Service Center N GLD-Professional & Civic Engagement; Experiential Learning Opportunity; Student Leadership Programs,Leadership,Career readiness,Communication - spoken,Influencing others
Campus Activities Programs


Campus Activities Programs - The purpose of Campus Activities Programs must be to enhance the overall educational experience of students through development of, exposure to, and participation in programs and activities that improve student cooperation and leadership while preparing students to be responsible advocates and citizens and complementing the institution's academic programs.

Student Organization Member
Students engage in organizations for many reasons - to gain skills, connect with other students, broaden their knowledge. Student-led organizations establish purpose and goals, determine membership, set activities, and select leaders. The university records organizational affiliation, but does not monitor the engagement of individual students.
Spring 2022 Campus Activities Students engage in organizations for many reasons - to gain skills, connect with other students, broaden their knowledge. Student-led organizations establish purpose and goals, determine membership, set activities, and select leaders. The university records organizational affiliation, but does not monitor the engagement of individual students. 3 11 28 Leadership & Service Center N ; Campus Activities Programs,Connecting with others,,Self-knowledge,
Student Leadership Programs


Student Leadership Programs - The mission of Student Leadership Programs must be to prepare students to engage in the process of leadership.

The Big Event Executive Team
Team members plan and execute Service Saturday: The Big Event, including recruitment, site selection, and logistics day of the event.
Spring 2022 Student Program Leader Team members plan and execute Service Saturday: The Big Event, including recruitment, site selection, and logistics day of the event. 3 11 28 Leadership & Service Center N GLD-Professional & Civic Engagement; Experiential Learning Opportunity; Student Leadership Programs,Leadership,Career readiness,Personal and social responsibility - Contributing to a larger community,Critical and creative thinking
Campus Activities Programs


Campus Activities Programs - The purpose of Campus Activities Programs must be to enhance the overall educational experience of students through development of, exposure to, and participation in programs and activities that improve student cooperation and leadership while preparing students to be responsible advocates and citizens and complementing the institution's academic programs.

The Big Event Planning Committee
Committee members assist the student executive team in planning the event including recruitment, site selection, and logistics day of the event; members have individual job responsibilities before, during, and after the event.
Spring 2022 Student Program Leader Committee members assist the student executive team in planning the event including recruitment, site selection, and logistics day of the event; members have individual job responsibilities before, during, and after the event. 3 11 28 Leadership & Service Center N GLD-Professional & Civic Engagement; Campus Activities Programs,Career readiness,Leadership,Communication - spoken,Critical and creative thinking
Civic Engagement & Service-Learning Programs


Civic Engagement & Service-Learning Programs - The primary mission of Service-Learning Programs is to engage students in experiences that address human and community needs together with structured opportunities for reflection intentionally designed to promote student learning and development.

Community Service Ambassador
Each student ambassador serves in a nonprofit organization located in the Midlands, exploring issues affecting the local community and working with the non-profit agency to address these issues.
Spring 2022 Civic Engagement Each student ambassador serves in a nonprofit organization located in the Midlands, exploring issues affecting the local community and working with the non-profit agency to address these issues. 3 11 28 Leadership & Service Center N GLD-Professional & Civic Engagement; GLD-Community Service; Experiential Learning Opportunity; Civic Engagement & Service-Learning Programs,Community service / civic engagement,Study / Practice diversity, equity, inclusion,Civic knowledge and engagement,Personal and social responsibility - Contributing to a larger community
Post-Traditional & Commuter Student Programs & Services


Post-Traditional & Commuter Student Programs & Services - The primary mission is to ensure that all students have equitable access to programs, services, and engagement opportunities regardless of age, personal characteristics, or place of residence.

Community Living Workshop
Students listen to a facilitator and participate in interactive activities designed to explore city ordinances, laws, and best practices for living in and contributing to their off-campus living environment. Discussion topics include what it means to be a responsible citizen and community member.
Spring 2022 Community Building Students listen to a facilitator and participate in interactive activities designed to explore city ordinances, laws, and best practices for living in and contributing to their off-campus living environment. Discussion topics include what it means to be a responsible citizen and community member. 3 11 28 Off-Campus Living & Neighborhood Relations N ; Post-Traditional & Commuter Student Programs & Services,Study / Practice self knowledge,,Self-knowledge,
Post-Traditional & Commuter Student Programs & Services


Post-Traditional & Commuter Student Programs & Services - The primary mission is to ensure that all students have equitable access to programs, services, and engagement opportunities regardless of age, personal characteristics, or place of residence.

Off-Campus Living Module
Students participate in an interactive, self-paced 20 minute online course to learn how to navigate life as an off-campus student. The topics cover finding housing, moving, off-campus safety, community ordinances and laws, commuting and parking, protecting your tenant rights and selecting compatible roommates.
Spring 2022 Educational Support Students participate in an interactive, self-paced 20 minute online course to learn how to navigate life as an off-campus student. The topics cover finding housing, moving, off-campus safety, community ordinances and laws, commuting and parking, protecting your tenant rights and selecting compatible roommates. 3 11 28 Off-Campus Living & Neighborhood Relations N ; Post-Traditional & Commuter Student Programs & Services,Study / Practice self knowledge,,Personal and social responsibility - Striving for excellence,
Campus Activities Programs


Campus Activities Programs - The purpose of Campus Activities Programs must be to enhance the overall educational experience of students through development of, exposure to, and participation in programs and activities that improve student cooperation and leadership while preparing students to be responsible advocates and citizens and complementing the institution's academic programs.

Dinner Dialogue
Students enrolled in a course are guests for dinner in their instructor's home, in order to better get to know their instructor and classmates outside the classroom.
Spring 2022 Campus Activities Students enrolled in a course are guests for dinner in their instructor's home, in order to better get to know their instructor and classmates outside the classroom. 3 11 28 Parent & Family Programs N ; Campus Activities Programs,Connecting with others,,Communication - spoken,
Student Employment


Student Employment - Student is employed part-time by the university and engages in career readiness development activities as part of supervision process.

Office of Parent and Family Programs Student Assistant
Student Assistant supports the unit by assisting with communication through the development of monthly newsletter and mobile app content, and contributing to Family Weekend planning.
Spring 2022 Employment On Campus Student Assistant supports the unit by assisting with communication through the development of monthly newsletter and mobile app content, and contributing to Family Weekend planning. 3 11 28 Parent & Family Programs N Experiential Learning Opportunity; Student Employment,Career readiness,,Communication - written,Communication - spoken
Student Leadership Programs


Student Leadership Programs - The mission of Student Leadership Programs must be to prepare students to engage in the process of leadership.

Carolina Productions Executive Board
Student board members work together to design, implement and evaluate a series of compelling events and programs open to all UofSC students and intended to enrich the overall student experience.
Spring 2022 Student Program Leader Student board members work together to design, implement and evaluate a series of compelling events and programs open to all UofSC students and intended to enrich the overall student experience. 3 11 28 Russell House University Union N GLD-Professional & Civic Engagement; Experiential Learning Opportunity; Student Leadership Programs,Leadership,Career readiness,Problem solving,Teamwork
Campus Activities Programs


Campus Activities Programs - The purpose of Campus Activities Programs must be to enhance the overall educational experience of students through development of, exposure to, and participation in programs and activities that improve student cooperation and leadership while preparing students to be responsible advocates and citizens and complementing the institution's academic programs.

Carolina Productions
Student attended an event provided by the Carolina Productions student programming board (e.g., concerts, comedy nights, weekly movie screenings, roller rinks).
Spring 2022 Campus Activities Student attended an event provided by the Carolina Productions student programming board (e.g., concerts, comedy nights, weekly movie screenings, roller rinks). 3 11 28 Russell House University Union N ; Campus Activities Programs,Recreation, leisure, entertainment,Connecting with others,Self-knowledge,
Campus Activities Programs


Campus Activities Programs - The purpose of Campus Activities Programs must be to enhance the overall educational experience of students through development of, exposure to, and participation in programs and activities that improve student cooperation and leadership while preparing students to be responsible advocates and citizens and complementing the institution's academic programs.

Carolina-Clemson Blood Drive - Donor
Students donate blood, at one or more events during the semester, in support of their local community and to participate in this campus rivalry and long-standing tradition.
Fall 2022 Community Building Students donate blood, at one or more events during the semester, in support of their local community and to participate in this campus rivalry and long-standing tradition. 3 11 28 Russell House University Union N ; Campus Activities Programs,Community service / civic engagement,Connecting with others,Self-knowledge,
Campus Activities Programs


Campus Activities Programs - The purpose of Campus Activities Programs must be to enhance the overall educational experience of students through development of, exposure to, and participation in programs and activities that improve student cooperation and leadership while preparing students to be responsible advocates and citizens and complementing the institution's academic programs.

Carolina-Clemson Blood Drive Executive Board
Student leaders manage the logistics of delivering a blood drive that meets the needs of the American Red Cross by applying skills of problem solving, goal setting, communications, financial and budgetary management, recruitment, accountability, event management, influencing others towards achieving a common goal.
Fall 2022 Student Program Leader Student leaders manage the logistics of delivering a blood drive that meets the needs of the American Red Cross by applying skills of problem solving, goal setting, communications, financial and budgetary management, recruitment, accountability, event management, influencing others towards achieving a common goal. 3 11 28 Russell House University Union N Experiential Learning Opportunity; Campus Activities Programs,Leadership,Career readiness,Problem solving,Influencing others
Campus Activities Programs


Campus Activities Programs - The purpose of Campus Activities Programs must be to enhance the overall educational experience of students through development of, exposure to, and participation in programs and activities that improve student cooperation and leadership while preparing students to be responsible advocates and citizens and complementing the institution's academic programs.

Carolina-Clemson Blood Drive Leadership Team
Team members support, supervise and lead peers within the Carolina-Clemson Blood Drive organization; they recruit blood donors and other volunteers to manage event logistics, marketing and outreach initiatives, donor engagement, and relationships with the American Red Cross and other local blood banks.
Fall 2022 Student Program Leader Team members support, supervise and lead peers within the Carolina-Clemson Blood Drive organization; they recruit blood donors and other volunteers to manage event logistics, marketing and outreach initiatives, donor engagement, and relationships with the American Red Cross and other local blood banks. 3 11 28 Russell House University Union N ; Campus Activities Programs,Leadership,Community service / civic engagement,Problem solving,Influencing others
Student Leadership Programs


Student Leadership Programs - The mission of Student Leadership Programs must be to prepare students to engage in the process of leadership.

Dance Marathon Board of Directors
Students lead and work collaboratively for USC Dance Marathon (USCDM) supporting director and staff meetings, fundraising initiatives, participant recruitment and retention efforts, and numerous reflection activities leading up to their Main Event in the spring. Leaders in this role report to the USCDM Executive Board leadership.
Spring 2022 Student Program Leader Students lead and work collaboratively for USC Dance Marathon (USCDM) supporting director and staff meetings, fundraising initiatives, participant recruitment and retention efforts, and numerous reflection activities leading up to their Main Event in the spring. Leaders in this role report to the USCDM Executive Board leadership. 3 11 28 Russell House University Union N GLD-Professional & Civic Engagement; Student Leadership Programs,Leadership,Career readiness,Problem solving,Influencing others
Student Leadership Programs


Student Leadership Programs - The mission of Student Leadership Programs must be to prepare students to engage in the process of leadership.

Dance Marathon Executive Board
Board members of this philanthropic organization engage with their peers to plan and execute a variety of educational and service events designed to raise funds and awareness for Palmetto Health Children's Hospital, culminating in the Main Event in the spring.
Spring 2022 Student Program Leader Board members of this philanthropic organization engage with their peers to plan and execute a variety of educational and service events designed to raise funds and awareness for Palmetto Health Children's Hospital, culminating in the Main Event in the spring. 3 11 28 Russell House University Union N GLD-Professional & Civic Engagement; GLD-Community Service; Experiential Learning Opportunity; Student Leadership Programs,Leadership,Career readiness,Problem solving,Influencing others
Campus Activities Programs


Campus Activities Programs - The purpose of Campus Activities Programs must be to enhance the overall educational experience of students through development of, exposure to, and participation in programs and activities that improve student cooperation and leadership while preparing students to be responsible advocates and citizens and complementing the institution's academic programs.

Dance Marathon Hero
Student participates in one of a variety of programs and events on campus and in the larger community to raise awareness and generate support for the Child Life Program at Prisma Health Children's Hospital.
Spring 2022 Campus Activities Student participates in one of a variety of programs and events on campus and in the larger community to raise awareness and generate support for the Child Life Program at Prisma Health Children's Hospital. 3 11 28 Russell House University Union N ; Campus Activities Programs,Recreation, leisure, entertainment,Connecting with others,Self-knowledge,
Campus Activities Programs


Campus Activities Programs - The purpose of Campus Activities Programs must be to enhance the overall educational experience of students through development of, exposure to, and participation in programs and activities that improve student cooperation and leadership while preparing students to be responsible advocates and citizens and complementing the institution's academic programs.

Gamecock Entertainment (GE) Intern
Student Interns design and implement events; practice marketing and outreach best practices for event promotion; track event attendance data and conduct assessment; collaborate with professional staff to manage event budgets; and participate in professional development activities.
Spring 2022 Internship Student Interns design and implement events; practice marketing and outreach best practices for event promotion; track event attendance data and conduct assessment; collaborate with professional staff to manage event budgets; and participate in professional development activities. 3 11 28 Russell House University Union N Experiential Learning Opportunity; Campus Activities Programs,Career readiness,Apply specialized knowledge,Specialized knowledge and skills,Teamwork
Campus Activities Programs


Campus Activities Programs - The purpose of Campus Activities Programs must be to enhance the overall educational experience of students through development of, exposure to, and participation in programs and activities that improve student cooperation and leadership while preparing students to be responsible advocates and citizens and complementing the institution's academic programs.

Gamecock Entertainment
Student attended an event provided by Gamecock Entertainment staff programming (e.g., watch parties, sporting events, political elections/debates), paint nights, trivia, foam parties).
Spring 2022 Campus Activities Student attended an event provided by Gamecock Entertainment staff programming (e.g., watch parties, sporting events, political elections/debates), paint nights, trivia, foam parties). 3 11 28 Russell House University Union N ; Campus Activities Programs,Recreation, leisure, entertainment,Connecting with others,Self-knowledge,
Student Leadership Programs


Student Leadership Programs - The mission of Student Leadership Programs must be to prepare students to engage in the process of leadership.

Homecoming Commission Leadership Team
Students work together as a team to plan and execute events and functions during UofSC Homecoming Week, taking ownership of this campus tradition and helping to develop a sense of community for all UofSC students.
Spring 2022 Student Program Leader Students work together as a team to plan and execute events and functions during UofSC Homecoming Week, taking ownership of this campus tradition and helping to develop a sense of community for all UofSC students. 3 11 28 Russell House University Union N GLD-Professional & Civic Engagement; Experiential Learning Opportunity; Student Leadership Programs,Leadership,Career readiness,Problem solving,Teamwork
Student Employment


Student Employment - Student is employed part-time by the university and engages in career readiness development activities as part of supervision process.

Russell House University Union Event and Information Assistant
The Russell House University Union is the key venue for student events and programming and depends on a well-trained group of students to deliver essential programs & services. Students in this engagement develop as leaders and problem solvers while also learning essential skills in professionalism, event planning, and customer service
Spring 2022 Employment On Campus The Russell House University Union is the key venue for student events and programming and depends on a well-trained group of students to deliver essential programs & services. Students in this engagement develop as leaders and problem solvers while also learning essential skills in professionalism, event planning, and customer service 3 11 28 Russell House University Union N GLD-Professional & Civic Engagement; Student Employment,Career readiness,,Teamwork,
Student Employment


Student Employment - Student is employed part-time by the university and engages in career readiness development activities as part of supervision process.

Russell House University Union Operations Attendant
Building operations attendants operate the student union facility and manage events, including equipment check-out and working directly with clients. Attendants are assigned to one of three areas: Building Operations, Information Center, or Gameroom.
Spring 2022 Employment On Campus Building operations attendants operate the student union facility and manage events, including equipment check-out and working directly with clients. Attendants are assigned to one of three areas: Building Operations, Information Center, or Gameroom. 3 11 28 Russell House University Union N GLD-Professional & Civic Engagement; Student Employment,Career readiness,,Professionalism / career readiness,
Campus Activities Programs


Campus Activities Programs - The purpose of Campus Activities Programs must be to enhance the overall educational experience of students through development of, exposure to, and participation in programs and activities that improve student cooperation and leadership while preparing students to be responsible advocates and citizens and complementing the institution's academic programs.

Thursday After Dark
Thursday After Dark provides a variety of late-night programming to engage Carolina students (e.g., escape rooms, trivia, bowling nights).
Spring 2022 Campus Activities Thursday After Dark provides a variety of late-night programming to engage Carolina students (e.g., escape rooms, trivia, bowling nights). 3 11 28 Russell House University Union N ; Campus Activities Programs,Recreation, leisure, entertainment,Connecting with others,Self-knowledge,
Student Leadership Programs


Student Leadership Programs - The mission of Student Leadership Programs must be to prepare students to engage in the process of leadership.

Graduate Student Association Cabinet
Under the general direction of the GSA President, Cabinet Secretaries oversee a particular area of concern for graduate students (academics, inclusion and equity, health and wellness, etc.), serve as liaisons between GSA and the various units within the university.
Spring 2022 Elected Student Leader Under the general direction of the GSA President, Cabinet Secretaries oversee a particular area of concern for graduate students (academics, inclusion and equity, health and wellness, etc.), serve as liaisons between GSA and the various units within the university. 3 11 28 Leadership & Service Center N ; Student Leadership Programs,Career readiness,,Professionalism / career readiness,
Student Leadership Programs


Student Leadership Programs - The mission of Student Leadership Programs must be to prepare students to engage in the process of leadership.

Graduate Student Association Executive Committee
Committee members meet regularly with university administrators and offices throughout campus to advocate on behalf of the graduate student body and lead Graduate Student Association cabinet meetings and town halls.
Spring 2022 Elected Student Leader Committee members meet regularly with university administrators and offices throughout campus to advocate on behalf of the graduate student body and lead Graduate Student Association cabinet meetings and town halls. 3 11 28 Leadership & Service Center N Experiential Learning Opportunity; Student Leadership Programs,Leadership,,Problem solving,Influencing others
Student Leadership Programs


Student Leadership Programs - The mission of Student Leadership Programs must be to prepare students to engage in the process of leadership.

Student Government Appointed Leader
Students assist in drafting legislation, meet weekly with student leadership, and meet with campus units, colleges, and student organizations.
Spring 2022 Student Program Leader Students assist in drafting legislation, meet weekly with student leadership, and meet with campus units, colleges, and student organizations. 3 11 28 Leadership & Service Center N ; Student Leadership Programs,Career readiness,,Professionalism / career readiness,
Student Leadership Programs


Student Leadership Programs - The mission of Student Leadership Programs must be to prepare students to engage in the process of leadership.

Student Government Executive Cabinet
Under the general direction of the Student Body President, the Executive Cabinet is comprised of Cabinet Secretaries who oversee various departments within Student Government. They work with campus constituents to to meet the needs of the student body, attend weekly cabinet and department meetings, and provide updates to the Student Body President.
Spring 2022 Elected Student Leader Under the general direction of the Student Body President, the Executive Cabinet is comprised of Cabinet Secretaries who oversee various departments within Student Government. They work with campus constituents to to meet the needs of the student body, attend weekly cabinet and department meetings, and provide updates to the Student Body President. 3 11 28 Leadership & Service Center N Experiential Learning Opportunity; Student Leadership Programs,Career readiness,,Professionalism / career readiness,Teamwork
Student Leadership Programs


Student Leadership Programs - The mission of Student Leadership Programs must be to prepare students to engage in the process of leadership.

Student Government Executive Council
Council members are elected by the student body to work toward common goals and build consensus to drive change for Carolina students; council members interact with a variety of constituents including students, faculty, staff, university administrators and Board of Trustees members.
Spring 2022 Elected Student Leader Council members are elected by the student body to work toward common goals and build consensus to drive change for Carolina students; council members interact with a variety of constituents including students, faculty, staff, university administrators and Board of Trustees members. 3 11 28 Leadership & Service Center N GLD-Professional & Civic Engagement; Experiential Learning Opportunity; Student Leadership Programs,Leadership,,Problem solving,Influencing others
Student Leadership Programs


Student Leadership Programs - The mission of Student Leadership Programs must be to prepare students to engage in the process of leadership.

Student Government Freshman Council
Council members are selected to represent the freshman class in student government at Carolina. Students meet weekly to learn about SG initiatives, discuss campus issues, and represent the freshman perspective. Each student meets monthly with a SG mentor to explore and develop leadership interests, skills and abilities.
Spring 2022 Appointed Student Leader Council members are selected to represent the freshman class in student government at Carolina. Students meet weekly to learn about SG initiatives, discuss campus issues, and represent the freshman perspective. Each student meets monthly with a SG mentor to explore and develop leadership interests, skills and abilities. 3 11 28 Leadership & Service Center N GLD-Professional & Civic Engagement; Student Leadership Programs,Study / Practice self knowledge,Career readiness,Self-knowledge,
Student Leadership Programs


Student Leadership Programs - The mission of Student Leadership Programs must be to prepare students to engage in the process of leadership.

Student Government Program Director
Students in this role train and supervise a team of peers to work on a specific Student Government initiative, and lead conversations about the establishment of goals and priorities. They meet individually with staff on a weekly basis to monitor progress toward goals, address challenges, and lead effective collaboration and problem-solving.
Spring 2022 Elected Student Leader Students in this role train and supervise a team of peers to work on a specific Student Government initiative, and lead conversations about the establishment of goals and priorities. They meet individually with staff on a weekly basis to monitor progress toward goals, address challenges, and lead effective collaboration and problem-solving. 3 11 28 Leadership & Service Center N Experiential Learning Opportunity; Student Leadership Programs,Career readiness,,Interpersonal skills,Professionalism / career readiness
Student Leadership Programs


Student Leadership Programs - The mission of Student Leadership Programs must be to prepare students to engage in the process of leadership.

Student Government Senate Committee Chair
Students meet with university staff to address issues and lead a team of student senators focused on an area within the university (academics, student life, health and safety, etc.).
Spring 2022 Elected Student Leader Students meet with university staff to address issues and lead a team of student senators focused on an area within the university (academics, student life, health and safety, etc.). 3 11 28 Leadership & Service Center N Experiential Learning Opportunity; Student Leadership Programs,Leadership,,Interpersonal skills,Inquiry and analysis
Student Employment


Student Employment - Student is employed part-time by the university and engages in career readiness development activities as part of supervision process.

Student Media Advertising Representative
Advertising representatives work with internal and external partners and clients to provide effective advertising solutions comprised of Student Media resources.
Spring 2022 Employment On Campus Advertising representatives work with internal and external partners and clients to provide effective advertising solutions comprised of Student Media resources. 3 11 28 Student Media N GLD-Professional & Civic Engagement; Experiential Learning Opportunity; Student Employment,Career readiness,,Problem solving,Influencing others
Student Media Programs


Student Media Programs - The mission is to prepare students for their responsibilities in planning and producing media products, offer leadership opportunities and support for students engaged in these activities.

Student Media Creative Services Designer
Creative Services team members apply visual communications skills to complete contracted work for Student Media's clients and partners. Designers apply visual communication techniques and best practices to complete projects including advertisements, promotional materials, and other graphics work.
Spring 2022 Employment On Campus Creative Services team members apply visual communications skills to complete contracted work for Student Media's clients and partners. Designers apply visual communication techniques and best practices to complete projects including advertisements, promotional materials, and other graphics work. 3 11 28 Student Media N GLD-Professional & Civic Engagement; Experiential Learning Opportunity; Student Media Programs,Apply specialized knowledge,,Specialized knowledge and skills,Integrative and applied learning
Student Leadership Programs


Student Leadership Programs - The mission of Student Leadership Programs must be to prepare students to engage in the process of leadership.

Student Media Executive Leader
Each student executive serves as head of one of the editorially independent and student-run media organizations, with final authority on decisions related to content and programming and with responsibility for ensuring high quality and responsible journalistic standards.
Spring 2022 Appointed Student Leader Each student executive serves as head of one of the editorially independent and student-run media organizations, with final authority on decisions related to content and programming and with responsibility for ensuring high quality and responsible journalistic standards. 3 11 28 Student Media N GLD-Professional & Civic Engagement; Experiential Learning Opportunity; Student Leadership Programs,Leadership,,Critical and creative thinking,Interpersonal skills
Student Leadership Programs


Student Leadership Programs - The mission of Student Leadership Programs must be to prepare students to engage in the process of leadership.

Student Media Senior Leader
Senior leaders manage sections and teams within each of Student Media’s partner organizations, often overseeing content production or administrative tasks. Senior leaders apply knowledge of journalistic and media best practices while serving in a peer leadership role within the media organization.
Spring 2022 Student Program Leader Senior leaders manage sections and teams within each of Student Media’s partner organizations, often overseeing content production or administrative tasks. Senior leaders apply knowledge of journalistic and media best practices while serving in a peer leadership role within the media organization. 3 11 28 Student Media N GLD-Professional & Civic Engagement; Student Leadership Programs,Apply specialized knowledge,Leadership,Specialized knowledge and skills,Critical and creative thinking
Campus Activities Programs


Campus Activities Programs - The purpose of Campus Activities Programs must be to enhance the overall educational experience of students through development of, exposure to, and participation in programs and activities that improve student cooperation and leadership while preparing students to be responsible advocates and citizens and complementing the institution's academic programs.

National Collegiate Athletic Association (NCAA) Athletic Event
Student attendance at National Collegiate Athletic Association (NCAA) athletic events provides opportunities for students to connect with other students and develop a sense of belonging through shared school spirit.
Spring 2022 Campus Activities Student attendance at National Collegiate Athletic Association (NCAA) athletic events provides opportunities for students to connect with other students and develop a sense of belonging through shared school spirit. 3 30 116 Student Tickets N ; Campus Activities Programs,Connecting with others,,Self-knowledge,
Academic Advising Programs


Academic Advising Programs - The primary purpose of Academic Advising Programs is to assist students in the development of meaningful educational plans.

Exploratory Advising / Major Change
Students meet 1-on-1 with an Exploratory Advisor to explore majors/degree programs, learn how to change majors, evaluate how completed coursework will apply to a new major, plan class schedules, and get help with general advisement questions.
Fall 2021 Educational Support Students meet 1-on-1 with an Exploratory Advisor to explore majors/degree programs, learn how to change majors, evaluate how completed coursework will apply to a new major, plan class schedules, and get help with general advisement questions. 3 12 34 University Advising Center N ; Academic Advising Programs,Study / Practice intellectual skills,Study / Practice self knowledge,Self-knowledge,
Career Services


Career Services - The primary mission of Career Services is to assist students and other designated clients in developing, evaluating, and implementing career, education, and employment plans.

Career Coaching - Internship / Co-op Search
Student interacts 1-1 with a professional staff member to identify resources and develop a plan for obtaining an internship or co-op position.
Fall 2021 Career Development Student interacts 1-1 with a professional staff member to identify resources and develop a plan for obtaining an internship or co-op position. 3 11 30 Career Center N ; Career Services,Career development,Study / Practice self knowledge,Problem solving,Self-knowledge
Undergraduate Research Programs


Undergraduate Research Programs - The primary mission of Undergraduate Research Programs is to engage students in investigative and creative activity to experience firsthand the processes of scholarly exploration and discovery.

Sustainability Showcase
Students listen to a keynote speaker on a sustainability topic and present their sustainability-related research topics and findings in a traditional research fair setting.
Fall 2021 Articulating Learning Students listen to a keynote speaker on a sustainability topic and present their sustainability-related research topics and findings in a traditional research fair setting. 3 11 29 Sustainability N ; Undergraduate Research Programs,Apply specialized knowledge,Connecting with others,Communication - spoken,Critical and creative thinking
Capstone Experience


Capstone Experience - A course or project that engages students in a culminating and integrative experience, intended to connect the key learning objectives of an educational program.

Public Health Capstone Seminar - PUBH 498
Students synthesize and apply content knowledge and competencies developed in the BS/BA public health degree program, in a practice setting with emphasis on student identified areas for professional growth.
Fall 2021 Capstone Course or Project Students synthesize and apply content knowledge and competencies developed in the BS/BA public health degree program, in a practice setting with emphasis on student identified areas for professional growth. 3 24 87 Y GLD-Professional & Civic Engagement; Experiential Learning Opportunity; Capstone Experience,Apply specialized knowledge,Career readiness,Specialized knowledge and skills,
Housing and Residential Life Programs


Housing and Residential Life Programs - The mission of Housing and Residential Life Programs is accomplished through the coordination of several interdependent specialized areas; residence education / programming, business operations, and housing/facilities management.

Guest Expert/Community Dialogue Series
Students connect with campus partners to discuss a variety of topics and engage in small groups conversation around the topic. A guest speaker or resident mentor presents a topic and facilitates peer discussion,
Spring 2022 Educational Support Students connect with campus partners to discuss a variety of topics and engage in small groups conversation around the topic. A guest speaker or resident mentor presents a topic and facilitates peer discussion, 3 11 29 University Housing N ; Housing and Residential Life Programs,Study / Practice self knowledge,,Self-knowledge,
Student Leadership Programs


Student Leadership Programs - The mission of Student Leadership Programs must be to prepare students to engage in the process of leadership.

Returning Resident Assistant
Returning Resident Mentors have completed the training course, live with a group of 25 to 60 residents, guide them through their Carolina experience, and are responsible for actively assisting individuals and groups of students in their residential learning community by performing all job duties and responsibilities of the position.
Spring 2022 Peer Educator Returning Resident Mentors have completed the training course, live with a group of 25 to 60 residents, guide them through their Carolina experience, and are responsible for actively assisting individuals and groups of students in their residential learning community by performing all job duties and responsibilities of the position. 3 11 29 University Housing N GLD-Professional & Civic Engagement; Experiential Learning Opportunity; Student Leadership Programs,Leadership,,Influencing others,Interpersonal skills
Internship Programs


Internship Programs - The primary mission of Internship Programs is to engage students in planned, educationally-related work and learning experiences that integrate knowledge and theory with practical application and skill development in a professional setting.

Internship in Sport & Entertainment Management - SPTE 495
Students engage in a supervised work experience in a sport or entertainment area. Internship is a minimum of 520 work hours over 13 weeks and is selected by the student with the assistance and approval of the Internship Instructor.
Fall 2021 Internship Students engage in a supervised work experience in a sport or entertainment area. Internship is a minimum of 520 work hours over 13 weeks and is selected by the student with the assistance and approval of the Internship Instructor. 3 17 79 Y GLD-Professional & Civic Engagement; Experiential Learning Opportunity; Internship Programs,Apply specialized knowledge,Career development,Specialized knowledge and skills,Self-knowledge
Internship Programs


Internship Programs - The primary mission of Internship Programs is to engage students in planned, educationally-related work and learning experiences that integrate knowledge and theory with practical application and skill development in a professional setting.

Pedagogy Laboratory - MUSC 573L
The course is designed to provide undergraduate pianists with applied knowledge in piano pedagogy, such that all academic pursuits in the course are observed into the lab with actual teaching. Class time is spent in the co-requisite academic course (MUSC 573) in preparation, reflection, and peer discussion and feedback for lab activities.
Fall 2021 Internship The course is designed to provide undergraduate pianists with applied knowledge in piano pedagogy, such that all academic pursuits in the course are observed into the lab with actual teaching. Class time is spent in the co-requisite academic course (MUSC 573) in preparation, reflection, and peer discussion and feedback for lab activities. 3 25 83 Y GLD-Professional & Civic Engagement; Experiential Learning Opportunity; Internship Programs,Apply specialized knowledge,Career readiness,Specialized knowledge and skills,Professionalism / career readiness
Undergraduate Research Programs


Undergraduate Research Programs - The primary mission of Undergraduate Research Programs is to engage students in investigative and creative activity to experience firsthand the processes of scholarly exploration and discovery.

Seminar in Philosophy - PHIL 490
Review of central topics in philosophy serving as a capstone course for senior majors in philosophy. The course will introduce students to basic techniques for research and development of academic scholarship.
Fall 2021 Research Education Review of central topics in philosophy serving as a capstone course for senior majors in philosophy. The course will introduce students to basic techniques for research and development of academic scholarship. 3 14 48 Y Experiential Learning Opportunity; GLD-Research; Undergraduate Research Programs,Research,Apply specialized knowledge,Inquiry and analysis,Specialized knowledge and skills
Internship Programs


Internship Programs - The primary mission of Internship Programs is to engage students in planned, educationally-related work and learning experiences that integrate knowledge and theory with practical application and skill development in a professional setting.

Hospitality & Tourism Internship - HRTM 495
Full time work experience of a minimum of 400 work hours in the Hospitality or Tourism industry; position must be Managerial or Supervisory in nature, Rotational within a minimum of three different areas of the business or a Structured Internship Program. Includes online course work.
Spring 2022 Internship Full time work experience of a minimum of 400 work hours in the Hospitality or Tourism industry; position must be Managerial or Supervisory in nature, Rotational within a minimum of three different areas of the business or a Structured Internship Program. Includes online course work. 3 17 76 Y Experiential Learning Opportunity; GLD-Professional & Civic Engagement; Internship Programs,Apply specialized knowledge,Leadership,Specialized knowledge and skills,Self-knowledge
Internship Programs


Internship Programs - The primary mission of Internship Programs is to engage students in planned, educationally-related work and learning experiences that integrate knowledge and theory with practical application and skill development in a professional setting.

Hospitality & Tourism Practicum - HRTM 290
Full time work experience of a minimum of 400 work hours in the Hospitality or Tourism industry; position can be any entry level or higher position. Includes online course work.
Spring 2022 Practicum Full time work experience of a minimum of 400 work hours in the Hospitality or Tourism industry; position can be any entry level or higher position. Includes online course work. 3 17 76 Y GLD-Professional & Civic Engagement; Experiential Learning Opportunity; Internship Programs,Apply specialized knowledge,Career readiness,Self-knowledge,Specialized knowledge and skills
Internship Programs


Internship Programs - The primary mission of Internship Programs is to engage students in planned, educationally-related work and learning experiences that integrate knowledge and theory with practical application and skill development in a professional setting.

Internship in Sport & Entertainment Management - SPTE 495
Students engage in a supervised work experience in a sport or entertainment area. Internship is a minimum of 520 work hours over 13 weeks and is selected by the student with the assistance and approval of the Internship Instructor.
Spring 2022 Internship Students engage in a supervised work experience in a sport or entertainment area. Internship is a minimum of 520 work hours over 13 weeks and is selected by the student with the assistance and approval of the Internship Instructor. 3 17 79 Y GLD-Professional & Civic Engagement; Experiential Learning Opportunity; Internship Programs,Apply specialized knowledge,Career development,Specialized knowledge and skills,Self-knowledge
Internship Programs


Internship Programs - The primary mission of Internship Programs is to engage students in planned, educationally-related work and learning experiences that integrate knowledge and theory with practical application and skill development in a professional setting.

Practicum in Sport & Entertainment Management - SPTE 295
Students engage in a supervised work experience in a sport or entertainment area. Practicum is a minimum of 520 work hours over 13 weeks and is selected by the student with the assistance and approval of the Practicum Instructor. It is meant to be the student's introduction to the specific field in which they wish to pursue a career.
Spring 2022 Practicum Students engage in a supervised work experience in a sport or entertainment area. Practicum is a minimum of 520 work hours over 13 weeks and is selected by the student with the assistance and approval of the Practicum Instructor. It is meant to be the student's introduction to the specific field in which they wish to pursue a career. 3 17 79 Y GLD-Professional & Civic Engagement; Experiential Learning Opportunity; Internship Programs,Apply specialized knowledge,Career development,Specialized knowledge and skills,
Internship Programs


Internship Programs - The primary mission of Internship Programs is to engage students in planned, educationally-related work and learning experiences that integrate knowledge and theory with practical application and skill development in a professional setting.

Retailing Internship - RETL 495
Students engage in supervised work experience within the retail industry that links classroom learning and student interest with the acquisition of knowledge in an applied work setting.
Spring 2022 Internship Students engage in supervised work experience within the retail industry that links classroom learning and student interest with the acquisition of knowledge in an applied work setting. 3 17 77 Y GLD-Professional & Civic Engagement; Experiential Learning Opportunity; Internship Programs,Apply specialized knowledge,,Specialized knowledge and skills,
Internship Programs


Internship Programs - The primary mission of Internship Programs is to engage students in planned, educationally-related work and learning experiences that integrate knowledge and theory with practical application and skill development in a professional setting.

Retailing Practicum - RETL 295
Students apply knowledge, skills and/or certifications acquired in retailing courses to an in-field experience; work closely with retailing professionals; discover viable career paths; identify work-related interests and values; and analyze the practicum site to gain a better understanding of the company and the competitive marketplace.
Spring 2022 Practicum Students apply knowledge, skills and/or certifications acquired in retailing courses to an in-field experience; work closely with retailing professionals; discover viable career paths; identify work-related interests and values; and analyze the practicum site to gain a better understanding of the company and the competitive marketplace. 3 17 77 Y Experiential Learning Opportunity; Internship Programs,Apply specialized knowledge,Career development,Specialized knowledge and skills,Integrative and applied learning
Learning Assistance Programs


Learning Assistance Programs - The primary mission of Learning Assistance Programs must be to provide students with resources and opportunities to improve their ability to learn and to achieve academic success.

Advisement Tools Workshop
This interactive workshop assists students with curricular and co-curricular technologies utilized in advising. Presenters will demonstrate the DegreeWorks audit and other advisement processes, and the My UofSC Experience Engagement database and records, to advance students' understanding of how curricular and co-curricular experiences connect.
Fall 2021 Educational Support This interactive workshop assists students with curricular and co-curricular technologies utilized in advising. Presenters will demonstrate the DegreeWorks audit and other advisement processes, and the My UofSC Experience Engagement database and records, to advance students' understanding of how curricular and co-curricular experiences connect. 3 12 34 University Advising Center N ; Learning Assistance Programs,Study / Practice intellectual skills,Study / Practice self knowledge,Integrative and applied learning,Self-knowledge
Campus Activities Programs


Campus Activities Programs - The purpose of Campus Activities Programs must be to enhance the overall educational experience of students through development of, exposure to, and participation in programs and activities that improve student cooperation and leadership while preparing students to be responsible advocates and citizens and complementing the institution's academic programs.

Dinner Dialogue
Students enrolled in a course are guests for dinner in their instructor's home, in order to better get to know their instructor and classmates outside the classroom.
Fall 2021 Campus Activities Students enrolled in a course are guests for dinner in their instructor's home, in order to better get to know their instructor and classmates outside the classroom. 3 11 28 Parent & Family Programs N ; Campus Activities Programs,Connecting with others,,Communication - spoken,
Student Leadership Programs


Student Leadership Programs - The mission of Student Leadership Programs must be to prepare students to engage in the process of leadership.

Laboratory Teaching Experience - BIOL 398
Students serve as Peer Leaders in a Peer Led Team Learning (PLTL) environment and use their understanding of biological concepts as they help to support other students currently enrolled in a Biology course. Peer Leaders ask questions that help students progress through an assigned activity or in-class discussion.
Spring 2022 Peer Educator Students serve as Peer Leaders in a Peer Led Team Learning (PLTL) environment and use their understanding of biological concepts as they help to support other students currently enrolled in a Biology course. Peer Leaders ask questions that help students progress through an assigned activity or in-class discussion. 3 14 39 Y GLD-Professional & Civic Engagement; Experiential Learning Opportunity; Student Leadership Programs,Apply specialized knowledge,Leadership,Specialized knowledge and skills,Influencing others
Internship Programs


Internship Programs - The primary mission of Internship Programs is to engage students in planned, educationally-related work and learning experiences that integrate knowledge and theory with practical application and skill development in a professional setting.

Internship - CRJU 494
Students intern for 160 hours during the semester at an appropriate agency or institution.
Spring 2022 Internship Students intern for 160 hours during the semester at an appropriate agency or institution. 3 14 41 Y GLD-Professional & Civic Engagement; Experiential Learning Opportunity; Internship Programs,Apply specialized knowledge,Career readiness,Specialized knowledge and skills,
Internship Programs


Internship Programs - The primary mission of Internship Programs is to engage students in planned, educationally-related work and learning experiences that integrate knowledge and theory with practical application and skill development in a professional setting.

Adolescent Mentoring - CRJU 551
Students spend the first five week of the semester in intensive training and are then paired as a mentor with a student at a local disciplinary alternative school. The remainder of the semester is spent focused on mentoring and ongoing support, discussion, reflection, and supplemental training.
Spring 2022 Practicum Students spend the first five week of the semester in intensive training and are then paired as a mentor with a student at a local disciplinary alternative school. The remainder of the semester is spent focused on mentoring and ongoing support, discussion, reflection, and supplemental training. 3 14 41 Y GLD-Professional & Civic Engagement; Experiential Learning Opportunity; Internship Programs,Apply specialized knowledge,,Specialized knowledge and skills,
Internship Programs


Internship Programs - The primary mission of Internship Programs is to engage students in planned, educationally-related work and learning experiences that integrate knowledge and theory with practical application and skill development in a professional setting.

Internship in Geography - GEOG 595
Students serve as interns (paid or unpaid) in government agencies, private-sector businesses, or non-profit organizations. Internship activities and experiential learning are supervised jointly by sponsors and the internship program of the department.
Spring 2022 Internship Students serve as interns (paid or unpaid) in government agencies, private-sector businesses, or non-profit organizations. Internship activities and experiential learning are supervised jointly by sponsors and the internship program of the department. 3 14 44 Y GLD-Professional & Civic Engagement; GLD-Community Service; Experiential Learning Opportunity; Internship Programs,Apply specialized knowledge,Career readiness,Specialized knowledge and skills,Professionalism / career readiness
Internship Programs


Internship Programs - The primary mission of Internship Programs is to engage students in planned, educationally-related work and learning experiences that integrate knowledge and theory with practical application and skill development in a professional setting.

Teaching Internship in Foreign Languages - FORL 474
Students engage in role reversal in which the teacher candidate becomes the teacher and the coaching teacher becomes an observer or teacher's aide. During 12 weeks in a K-12 school, students observe then teach for 2 full weeks on their own, complete weekly reflections, and meet regularly with their coaching teacher and faculty supervisor.
Spring 2022 Internship Students engage in role reversal in which the teacher candidate becomes the teacher and the coaching teacher becomes an observer or teacher's aide. During 12 weeks in a K-12 school, students observe then teach for 2 full weeks on their own, complete weekly reflections, and meet regularly with their coaching teacher and faculty supervisor. 3 14 46 Y GLD-Community Service; Experiential Learning Opportunity; Internship Programs,Apply specialized knowledge,,Specialized knowledge and skills,
Internship Programs


Internship Programs - The primary mission of Internship Programs is to engage students in planned, educationally-related work and learning experiences that integrate knowledge and theory with practical application and skill development in a professional setting.

Directed Teaching of Foreign Languages - FORL 448
Pre-service professional educators observe and apply effective teaching techniques and organize instructional settings for foreign language students in the elementary, middle or high school. Students spend 72 hours observing an experienced teacher in a K-12 foreign language classroom and 10 hours teaching the class.
Spring 2022 Internship Pre-service professional educators observe and apply effective teaching techniques and organize instructional settings for foreign language students in the elementary, middle or high school. Students spend 72 hours observing an experienced teacher in a K-12 foreign language classroom and 10 hours teaching the class. 3 14 46 Y GLD-Professional & Civic Engagement; GLD-Community Service; Experiential Learning Opportunity; Internship Programs,Apply specialized knowledge,,Specialized knowledge and skills,
Internship Programs


Internship Programs - The primary mission of Internship Programs is to engage students in planned, educationally-related work and learning experiences that integrate knowledge and theory with practical application and skill development in a professional setting.

Public Affairs Internship - POLI 379
In this course, students complete an on-site internship in a public affairs agency, complete a series of academic assignments related to the internship experience, and submit a final performance evaluation from the on-site supervisor.
Spring 2022 Internship In this course, students complete an on-site internship in a public affairs agency, complete a series of academic assignments related to the internship experience, and submit a final performance evaluation from the on-site supervisor. 3 14 50 Y Experiential Learning Opportunity; GLD-Professional & Civic Engagement; Internship Programs,Career development,Apply specialized knowledge,Self-knowledge,Professionalism / career readiness
Internship Programs


Internship Programs - The primary mission of Internship Programs is to engage students in planned, educationally-related work and learning experiences that integrate knowledge and theory with practical application and skill development in a professional setting.

Media Arts Internship - MART 499
MART 499 is the capstone experience for all media arts majors, consisting of a 160-hour professional internship working in the media arts fields.
Spring 2022 Internship MART 499 is the capstone experience for all media arts majors, consisting of a 160-hour professional internship working in the media arts fields. 3 14 56 Y GLD-Professional & Civic Engagement; Experiential Learning Opportunity; Internship Programs,Apply specialized knowledge,Career readiness,Specialized knowledge and skills,
Undergraduate Research Programs


Undergraduate Research Programs - The primary mission of Undergraduate Research Programs is to engage students in investigative and creative activity to experience firsthand the processes of scholarly exploration and discovery.

Advanced Sociological Research Methods - SOCY 561
Students apply knowledge in a real world context by studying a social phenomenon using scientific research methods and producing a research project that mirrors professional standards. Students gather primary data, present their work, get feedback, and reflect on the challenges of the research process in studying their question.
Spring 2022 Research Education Students apply knowledge in a real world context by studying a social phenomenon using scientific research methods and producing a research project that mirrors professional standards. Students gather primary data, present their work, get feedback, and reflect on the challenges of the research process in studying their question. 3 14 53 Y GLD-Research; Experiential Learning Opportunity; Undergraduate Research Programs,Research,,Inquiry and analysis,
Internship Programs


Internship Programs - The primary mission of Internship Programs is to engage students in planned, educationally-related work and learning experiences that integrate knowledge and theory with practical application and skill development in a professional setting.

Teaching Internship in Dance Education - DANC 479
The student will demonstrate the pedagogical knowledge, skill, and disposition necessary to effectively teach K-12 dance education as defined by NASD and NCATE and as measured by a departmental student teaching evaluation. Prerequisites: see academic bulletin.
Spring 2022 Internship The student will demonstrate the pedagogical knowledge, skill, and disposition necessary to effectively teach K-12 dance education as defined by NASD and NCATE and as measured by a departmental student teaching evaluation. Prerequisites: see academic bulletin. 3 14 55 Y GLD-Community Service; Experiential Learning Opportunity; Internship Programs,Apply specialized knowledge,Career readiness,Specialized knowledge and skills,Professionalism / career readiness
Internship Programs


Internship Programs - The primary mission of Internship Programs is to engage students in planned, educationally-related work and learning experiences that integrate knowledge and theory with practical application and skill development in a professional setting.

Community Service Internship - WGST 499
Students engage in a supervised experience addressing either 1) a community organization’s needs and allowing the student to explore an aspect of the community related to women’s and gender studies issues, or 2) a research project related to gender issues.
Spring 2022 Internship Students engage in a supervised experience addressing either 1) a community organization’s needs and allowing the student to explore an aspect of the community related to women’s and gender studies issues, or 2) a research project related to gender issues. 3 14 58 Y GLD-Professional & Civic Engagement; GLD-Community Service; Experiential Learning Opportunity; Internship Programs,Apply specialized knowledge,Community service / civic engagement,Civic knowledge and engagement,Professionalism / career readiness
Internship Programs


Internship Programs - The primary mission of Internship Programs is to engage students in planned, educationally-related work and learning experiences that integrate knowledge and theory with practical application and skill development in a professional setting.

Internship in Elementary Education - EDEL 490
Students in their final semester of an elementary education degree program complete an internship for practice in elementary classrooms (grades 2-6) related to curriculum design, assessment, interactive teaching, and professional roles.
Spring 2022 Internship Students in their final semester of an elementary education degree program complete an internship for practice in elementary classrooms (grades 2-6) related to curriculum design, assessment, interactive teaching, and professional roles. 3 16 67 Y GLD-Professional & Civic Engagement; Experiential Learning Opportunity; Internship Programs,Apply specialized knowledge,Career development,Specialized knowledge and skills,Communication - spoken
Internship Programs


Internship Programs - The primary mission of Internship Programs is to engage students in planned, educationally-related work and learning experiences that integrate knowledge and theory with practical application and skill development in a professional setting.

Internship in Curriculum, Assessment, Teaching, and Professional Roles - EDEC 492
Internship for practice in classrooms at the early childhood level related to curriculum, assessment, teaching, and professional roles
Spring 2022 Internship Internship for practice in classrooms at the early childhood level related to curriculum, assessment, teaching, and professional roles 3 16 67 Y GLD-Professional & Civic Engagement; GLD-Community Service; Experiential Learning Opportunity; Internship Programs,Apply specialized knowledge,,Specialized knowledge and skills,
Internship Programs


Internship Programs - The primary mission of Internship Programs is to engage students in planned, educationally-related work and learning experiences that integrate knowledge and theory with practical application and skill development in a professional setting.

Internship B in the Middle School - EDML 599
Internship related to the application of effective teaching techniques and organization of instructional settings for middle school students
Spring 2022 Internship Internship related to the application of effective teaching techniques and organization of instructional settings for middle school students 3 16 67 Y GLD-Professional & Civic Engagement; GLD-Community Service; Experiential Learning Opportunity; Internship Programs,Apply specialized knowledge,Career readiness,Specialized knowledge and skills,Professionalism / career readiness
Internship Programs


Internship Programs - The primary mission of Internship Programs is to engage students in planned, educationally-related work and learning experiences that integrate knowledge and theory with practical application and skill development in a professional setting.

Directed Teaching in Physical Education - PEDU 479
Internship for practice in physical education.
Spring 2022 Internship Internship for practice in physical education. 3 16 68 Y GLD-Professional & Civic Engagement; GLD-Community Service; Experiential Learning Opportunity; Internship Programs,Apply specialized knowledge,,Specialized knowledge and skills,
Capstone Experience


Capstone Experience - A course or project that engages students in a culminating and integrative experience, intended to connect the key learning objectives of an educational program.

Capstone Design Project II - ELCT 404
Working in teams of typically four, students analyze requirements posed by a project proponent (i.e. customer), then design and build a prototype of a system that meets the proponent's needs. The course is designed to provide an authentic engineering project experience that is representative of a typical engineer's early professional years.
Spring 2022 Capstone Course or Project Working in teams of typically four, students analyze requirements posed by a project proponent (i.e. customer), then design and build a prototype of a system that meets the proponent's needs. The course is designed to provide an authentic engineering project experience that is representative of a typical engineer's early professional years. 3 19 72 Y GLD-Professional & Civic Engagement; Experiential Learning Opportunity; Capstone Experience,Apply specialized knowledge,,Specialized knowledge and skills,
Capstone Experience


Capstone Experience - A course or project that engages students in a culminating and integrative experience, intended to connect the key learning objectives of an educational program.

Advanced Lodging Management - HRTM 560
Students work in groups to solve a problem identified by a partner hotel general manager, as if they are consultants to the hotel. At the end of the term, students must prepare a written report and conduct an interactive presentation with proposed recommendations for top managers at the hotel.
Spring 2022 Capstone Course or Project Students work in groups to solve a problem identified by a partner hotel general manager, as if they are consultants to the hotel. At the end of the term, students must prepare a written report and conduct an interactive presentation with proposed recommendations for top managers at the hotel. 3 17 76 Y GLD-Professional & Civic Engagement; Experiential Learning Opportunity; Capstone Experience,Apply specialized knowledge,,Inquiry and analysis,Integrative and applied learning
Internship Programs


Internship Programs - The primary mission of Internship Programs is to engage students in planned, educationally-related work and learning experiences that integrate knowledge and theory with practical application and skill development in a professional setting.

Senior Nursing Capstone Practicum - NURS 435
Final Semester Senior Clinical Immersion Experience
Spring 2022 Internship Final Semester Senior Clinical Immersion Experience 3 20 106 Y Experiential Learning Opportunity; GLD-Professional & Civic Engagement; Internship Programs,Apply specialized knowledge,Career readiness,Specialized knowledge and skills,Professionalism / career readiness
Capstone Experience


Capstone Experience - A course or project that engages students in a culminating and integrative experience, intended to connect the key learning objectives of an educational program.

Developing & Launching New Ventures - MGMT 473
The Emerging Venture Project (EVP) is a team project during which students apply the concepts and tools from the class to an emerging venture, in order to experience entrepreneurship in action. Students produce a final paper, founder/sponsor deliverable, and class presentation.
Spring 2022 Capstone Course or Project The Emerging Venture Project (EVP) is a team project during which students apply the concepts and tools from the class to an emerging venture, in order to experience entrepreneurship in action. Students produce a final paper, founder/sponsor deliverable, and class presentation. 3 15 64 Y Experiential Learning Opportunity; GLD-Professional & Civic Engagement; Capstone Experience,Apply specialized knowledge,,Specialized knowledge and skills,
Capstone Experience


Capstone Experience - A course or project that engages students in a culminating and integrative experience, intended to connect the key learning objectives of an educational program.

Executing Strategy New Venture - MGMT 474
Students engage in a team project during which they apply concepts and tools learned in class to an emerging venture, in order to experience entrepreneurship in action. Students produce a final paper, founder/sponsor deliverable (external project only to be negotiated with the founder/project sponsor) and class presentation.
Spring 2022 Capstone Course or Project Students engage in a team project during which they apply concepts and tools learned in class to an emerging venture, in order to experience entrepreneurship in action. Students produce a final paper, founder/sponsor deliverable (external project only to be negotiated with the founder/project sponsor) and class presentation. 3 15 64 Y Experiential Learning Opportunity; GLD-Professional & Civic Engagement; Capstone Experience,Apply specialized knowledge,,Specialized knowledge and skills,Teamwork
Internship Programs


Internship Programs - The primary mission of Internship Programs is to engage students in planned, educationally-related work and learning experiences that integrate knowledge and theory with practical application and skill development in a professional setting.

Business Internship in Management - MGMT 499
Internship, for credit, with a company focusing on management, lessons learned, SWOT self assessment.
Spring 2022 Internship Internship, for credit, with a company focusing on management, lessons learned, SWOT self assessment. 3 15 64 Y GLD-Professional & Civic Engagement; Experiential Learning Opportunity; Internship Programs,Apply specialized knowledge,Career readiness,Specialized knowledge and skills,Professionalism / career readiness
Civic Engagement & Service-Learning Programs


Civic Engagement & Service-Learning Programs - The primary mission of Service-Learning Programs is to engage students in experiences that address human and community needs together with structured opportunities for reflection intentionally designed to promote student learning and development.

Service-Learning - PALM 495
An exploration of theories of service-learning with application of practical solutions to meet community needs.
Spring 2022 Service Learning An exploration of theories of service-learning with application of practical solutions to meet community needs. 13 33 112 Y GLD-Community Service; Experiential Learning Opportunity; Civic Engagement & Service-Learning Programs,Apply specialized knowledge,Community service / civic engagement,Specialized knowledge and skills,Personal and social responsibility - Contributing to a larger community
Internship Programs


Internship Programs - The primary mission of Internship Programs is to engage students in planned, educationally-related work and learning experiences that integrate knowledge and theory with practical application and skill development in a professional setting.

Honors Internship - SCHC 498
Internships are an important part of the Honors Beyond the Classroom program. Students receive academic credit while gaining valuable experience in their chosen career field, receiving helpful feedback on their performance and reflecting on their experience.
Spring 2022 Internship Internships are an important part of the Honors Beyond the Classroom program. Students receive academic credit while gaining valuable experience in their chosen career field, receiving helpful feedback on their performance and reflecting on their experience. 3 26 75 Y Experiential Learning Opportunity; GLD-Professional & Civic Engagement; Internship Programs,Apply specialized knowledge,Career readiness,Specialized knowledge and skills,Professionalism / career readiness
Student Leadership Programs


Student Leadership Programs - The mission of Student Leadership Programs must be to prepare students to engage in the process of leadership.

College of Arts and Sciences Ambassador
Ambassadors represent the College at student recruitment and other special events; provide informal tours and serve as a resource to prospective and incoming students and special guests of the college; assist with orientation event; provide feedback and suggestions to College leadership related to student recruitment and orientation programming.
Spring 2022 Student Program Leader Ambassadors represent the College at student recruitment and other special events; provide informal tours and serve as a resource to prospective and incoming students and special guests of the college; assist with orientation event; provide feedback and suggestions to College leadership related to student recruitment and orientation programming. 3 14 115 N ; Student Leadership Programs,Career readiness,Connecting with others,Communication - spoken,Professionalism / career readiness
Student Leadership Programs


Student Leadership Programs - The mission of Student Leadership Programs must be to prepare students to engage in the process of leadership.

Changing Carolina Peer Leader
Student health educators deliver presentations, plan and implement educational programs and events, and research national and campus trends and issues around health and well-being, to help their peers explore the fundamentals of a healthy lifestyle.
Spring 2022 Peer Educator Student health educators deliver presentations, plan and implement educational programs and events, and research national and campus trends and issues around health and well-being, to help their peers explore the fundamentals of a healthy lifestyle. 3 11 117 Healthy Campus Initiatives N GLD-Professional & Civic Engagement; Experiential Learning Opportunity; Student Leadership Programs,Leadership,Apply specialized knowledge,Communication - spoken,Influencing others
Career Services


Career Services - The primary mission of Career Services is to assist students and other designated clients in developing, evaluating, and implementing career, education, and employment plans.

Career Coaching - Career Assessment Interpretation
Students complete a career assessment prior to meeting with a career coach; in this 1-1 session, the coach guides the student through exploration of career-related interests, skills and values.
Spring 2022 Career Development Students complete a career assessment prior to meeting with a career coach; in this 1-1 session, the coach guides the student through exploration of career-related interests, skills and values. 3 11 30 Career Center N ; Career Services,Study / Practice self knowledge,Career development,Self-knowledge,Problem solving
Career Services


Career Services - The primary mission of Career Services is to assist students and other designated clients in developing, evaluating, and implementing career, education, and employment plans.

Career Coaching - Choosing a Major/Career
Students interact 1-1 with a trained career coach regarding making career /major decisions by exploring student interests, abilities, aptitudes, and alignment with options for choice of major and career field.
Spring 2022 Career Development Students interact 1-1 with a trained career coach regarding making career /major decisions by exploring student interests, abilities, aptitudes, and alignment with options for choice of major and career field. 3 11 30 Career Center N ; Career Services,Study / Practice self knowledge,Career development,Self-knowledge,Problem solving
Career Services


Career Services - The primary mission of Career Services is to assist students and other designated clients in developing, evaluating, and implementing career, education, and employment plans.

Career Coaching - Curriculum Vita / Cover Letter Review
Students interact 1-1 with a professional staff member who reviews students' vita and cover letter, provides feedback, and helps students explore presentation options.
Spring 2022 Career Development Students interact 1-1 with a professional staff member who reviews students' vita and cover letter, provides feedback, and helps students explore presentation options. 3 11 30 Career Center N ; Career Services,Career development,Study / Practice self knowledge,Problem solving,Self-knowledge
Career Services


Career Services - The primary mission of Career Services is to assist students and other designated clients in developing, evaluating, and implementing career, education, and employment plans.

Career Coaching - Graduate / Professional School
Student interacts 1-1 with professional staff member to identify resources and develop a plan for applying to graduate and/or professional schools.
Spring 2022 Career Development Student interacts 1-1 with professional staff member to identify resources and develop a plan for applying to graduate and/or professional schools. 3 11 30 Career Center N ; Career Services,Career development,Study / Practice self knowledge,Problem solving,
Career Services


Career Services - The primary mission of Career Services is to assist students and other designated clients in developing, evaluating, and implementing career, education, and employment plans.

Career Coaching - Interview Preparation
Student interacts 1-1 with a professional staff member to prepare for interviews for employment or admission to graduate/professional schools.
Spring 2022 Career Development Student interacts 1-1 with a professional staff member to prepare for interviews for employment or admission to graduate/professional schools. 3 11 30 Career Center N ; Career Services,Career development,Study / Practice self knowledge,Self-knowledge,Problem solving
Career Services


Career Services - The primary mission of Career Services is to assist students and other designated clients in developing, evaluating, and implementing career, education, and employment plans.

Career Coaching - Mock Interview
Students participate in a mock interview, and receive feedback from a professional staff member to improve their future performance.
Spring 2022 Career Development Students participate in a mock interview, and receive feedback from a professional staff member to improve their future performance. 3 11 30 Career Center N ; Career Services,Career development,,Self-knowledge,Communication - spoken
Career Services


Career Services - The primary mission of Career Services is to assist students and other designated clients in developing, evaluating, and implementing career, education, and employment plans.

Career Coaching - Parallel Career Path
Students interact with professional career coach to explore options regarding choice of major and career fields, in recognition of competitive admissions practices and other factors that may affect plans.
Spring 2022 Career Development Students interact with professional career coach to explore options regarding choice of major and career fields, in recognition of competitive admissions practices and other factors that may affect plans. 3 11 30 Career Center N ; Career Services,Career development,Study / Practice self knowledge,Problem solving,Self-knowledge
Career Services


Career Services - The primary mission of Career Services is to assist students and other designated clients in developing, evaluating, and implementing career, education, and employment plans.

Career Coaching - Personal Statement / Essay Reviews
Students interact 1-1 with a staff member to identify resources and develop a plan for obtaining employment.
Spring 2022 Career Development Students interact 1-1 with a staff member to identify resources and develop a plan for obtaining employment. 3 11 30 Career Center N ; Career Services,Career development,,Problem solving,
Career Services


Career Services - The primary mission of Career Services is to assist students and other designated clients in developing, evaluating, and implementing career, education, and employment plans.

Career Coaching - Resume / Cover Letter Review
Students interact 1-1 with a staff member to identify resources and plan for obtaining employment.
Spring 2022 Career Development Students interact 1-1 with a staff member to identify resources and plan for obtaining employment. 3 11 30 Career Center N ; Career Services,Career development,,Problem solving,
Student Leadership Programs


Student Leadership Programs - The mission of Student Leadership Programs must be to prepare students to engage in the process of leadership.

University 101 Senior Peer Leader
Senior Peer Leaders serve as resources, mentors, and facilitators for learning in and beyond the EDLP 520 classroom for first-time peer leaders enrolled in the course. They co-teach a section of the course with a faculty or staff member, prepare and facilitate lesson plans, and help their mentees comment with campus resources.
Fall 2022 Peer Educator Senior Peer Leaders serve as resources, mentors, and facilitators for learning in and beyond the EDLP 520 classroom for first-time peer leaders enrolled in the course. They co-teach a section of the course with a faculty or staff member, prepare and facilitate lesson plans, and help their mentees comment with campus resources. 3 11 30 University 101 Programs N GLD-Professional & Civic Engagement; Experiential Learning Opportunity; Student Leadership Programs,Leadership,,Communication - spoken,Influencing others
Student Leadership Programs


Student Leadership Programs - The mission of Student Leadership Programs must be to prepare students to engage in the process of leadership.

University 101 Peer Leader
U101 Peer Leaders co-teach a section of a UNIV 101 course with a faculty or staff member, and serve as resources, mentors, and facilitators for learning in and beyond the classroom for first-year students enrolled in the course.
Fall 2022 Peer Educator U101 Peer Leaders co-teach a section of a UNIV 101 course with a faculty or staff member, and serve as resources, mentors, and facilitators for learning in and beyond the classroom for first-year students enrolled in the course. 3 11 30 University 101 Programs N GLD-Professional & Civic Engagement; GLD-Diversity & Social Advocacy; Experiential Learning Opportunity; Student Leadership Programs,Leadership,,Communication - spoken,Influencing others
Undergraduate Research Programs


Undergraduate Research Programs - The primary mission of Undergraduate Research Programs is to engage students in investigative and creative activity to experience firsthand the processes of scholarly exploration and discovery.

Undergraduate Research - Independent Study Credit
Students work with a mentor, for academic course credit (generally through independent study) to conduct a discipline specific research project that explores their field of interest through a hands-on project. Mentors and students develop and determine expectations, objectives, and the method of evaluation prior to course registration and approval.
Summer 2022 Undergraduate Research Students work with a mentor, for academic course credit (generally through independent study) to conduct a discipline specific research project that explores their field of interest through a hands-on project. Mentors and students develop and determine expectations, objectives, and the method of evaluation prior to course registration and approval. 3 13 32 Undergraduate Research N GLD-Research; Experiential Learning Opportunity; Undergraduate Research Programs,Research,,Critical and creative thinking,Problem solving
Undergraduate Research Programs


Undergraduate Research Programs - The primary mission of Undergraduate Research Programs is to engage students in investigative and creative activity to experience firsthand the processes of scholarly exploration and discovery.

Undergraduate Research - Student Grant Award/Independent Study
Student works with a faculty mentor (for academic credit) to conduct a research project funded by a university grant awarded through competitive application process including evaluation of clarity of student's project description, project's educational and intellectual merit, potential impact of project and mentoring plan.
Summer 2022 Undergraduate Research Student works with a faculty mentor (for academic credit) to conduct a research project funded by a university grant awarded through competitive application process including evaluation of clarity of student's project description, project's educational and intellectual merit, potential impact of project and mentoring plan. 3 13 32 Undergraduate Research N GLD-Research; Experiential Learning Opportunity; Undergraduate Research Programs,Research,,Critical and creative thinking,Problem solving
Undergraduate Research Programs


Undergraduate Research Programs - The primary mission of Undergraduate Research Programs is to engage students in investigative and creative activity to experience firsthand the processes of scholarly exploration and discovery.

Undergraduate Research - Student Grant Award
Student works with a mentor to conduct a discipline specific research project funded by a university grant, awarded through a competitive application process that includes evaluation of the clarity of the student's project description, project's educational and intellectual merit, potential impact of the project, and mentoring plan.
Summer 2022 Undergraduate Research Student works with a mentor to conduct a discipline specific research project funded by a university grant, awarded through a competitive application process that includes evaluation of the clarity of the student's project description, project's educational and intellectual merit, potential impact of the project, and mentoring plan. 3 13 32 Undergraduate Research N GLD-Research; Experiential Learning Opportunity; Undergraduate Research Programs,Research,,Critical and creative thinking,Problem solving
Undergraduate Research Programs


Undergraduate Research Programs - The primary mission of Undergraduate Research Programs is to engage students in investigative and creative activity to experience firsthand the processes of scholarly exploration and discovery.

Undergraduate Research - Paid or Volunteer
Students work with a mentor to conduct a discipline specific research project that explores their field of interest through a hands-on project. Students do not earn academic credit. Mentors and students are encouraged to discuss and develop clear expectations prior to initiating research activities.
Summer 2022 Undergraduate Research Students work with a mentor to conduct a discipline specific research project that explores their field of interest through a hands-on project. Students do not earn academic credit. Mentors and students are encouraged to discuss and develop clear expectations prior to initiating research activities. 3 13 32 Undergraduate Research N GLD-Research; Experiential Learning Opportunity; Undergraduate Research Programs,Research,,Critical and creative thinking,Problem solving
Education Abroad Programs & Services


Education Abroad Programs & Services - Education Abroad Programs and Services facilitate and oversee student participation in educational experiences that occur in countries outside the institution's home country.

Study Abroad - Global Classroom
Students engage in a short-term, USC faculty-led program, focusing on a specific subject area or foreign language. Program sites and course offerings vary from year to year.
Summer 2022 Study Abroad Students engage in a short-term, USC faculty-led program, focusing on a specific subject area or foreign language. Program sites and course offerings vary from year to year. 3 12 31 Study Abroad N GLD-Global Learning; Experiential Learning Opportunity; Education Abroad Programs & Services,Global learning,,Intercultural knowledge and competence,Specialized knowledge and skills
Education Abroad Programs & Services


Education Abroad Programs & Services - Education Abroad Programs and Services facilitate and oversee student participation in educational experiences that occur in countries outside the institution's home country.

Study Abroad - Global Direct
Students engage in a summer, semester, or academic year direct-enroll program while focusing on specific topics, foreign languages, or various subject areas. Students take courses from an approved academic institution and pay tuition and fees directly to the host institution.
Summer 2022 Study Abroad Students engage in a summer, semester, or academic year direct-enroll program while focusing on specific topics, foreign languages, or various subject areas. Students take courses from an approved academic institution and pay tuition and fees directly to the host institution. 3 12 31 Study Abroad N GLD-Global Learning; Experiential Learning Opportunity; Education Abroad Programs & Services,Global learning,,Intercultural knowledge and competence,Specialized knowledge and skills
Education Abroad Programs & Services


Education Abroad Programs & Services - Education Abroad Programs and Services facilitate and oversee student participation in educational experiences that occur in countries outside the institution's home country.

Study Abroad - Global Exchange
Students engage in a semester or academic year exchange program in conjunction with a partner institution. Some focus on specific areas of study; others are open to all majors. Students are charged USC in-state tuition while enrolled in this program.
Summer 2022 Study Abroad Students engage in a semester or academic year exchange program in conjunction with a partner institution. Some focus on specific areas of study; others are open to all majors. Students are charged USC in-state tuition while enrolled in this program. 3 12 31 Study Abroad N GLD-Global Learning; Experiential Learning Opportunity; Education Abroad Programs & Services,Global learning,,Intercultural knowledge and competence,Specialized knowledge and skills
Education Abroad Programs & Services


Education Abroad Programs & Services - Education Abroad Programs and Services facilitate and oversee student participation in educational experiences that occur in countries outside the institution's home country.

Study Abroad - Global Partner
Students engage in a summer, semester, or academic year program with an independent study abroad organization.
Summer 2022 Study Abroad Students engage in a summer, semester, or academic year program with an independent study abroad organization. 3 12 31 Study Abroad N GLD-Global Learning; Experiential Learning Opportunity; Education Abroad Programs & Services,Global learning,,Intercultural knowledge and competence,Specialized knowledge and skills
Education Abroad Programs & Services


Education Abroad Programs & Services - Education Abroad Programs and Services facilitate and oversee student participation in educational experiences that occur in countries outside the institution's home country.

Study Abroad - Global USC
Students engage in intensive, multi-disciplinary overseas summer programs, earning 3-9 credits while participating in cultural excursions and academic activities as part of a cohort.
Summer 2022 Study Abroad Students engage in intensive, multi-disciplinary overseas summer programs, earning 3-9 credits while participating in cultural excursions and academic activities as part of a cohort. 3 12 31 Study Abroad N GLD-Global Learning; Experiential Learning Opportunity; Education Abroad Programs & Services,Global learning,,Intercultural knowledge and competence,Specialized knowledge and skills
Undergraduate Research Programs


Undergraduate Research Programs - The primary mission of Undergraduate Research Programs is to engage students in investigative and creative activity to experience firsthand the processes of scholarly exploration and discovery.

Cellular and Molecular Biology Laboratory - BIOL 302L
Students engage in hands-on research methods and protocols used in molecular biology labs globally, then practice integrating that knowledge into developing their own research proposals, conducting presentations, calculating concentrations of reagents needed, executing experiments, collecting data, analyzing data, and writing up findings.
Spring 2022 Research Education Students engage in hands-on research methods and protocols used in molecular biology labs globally, then practice integrating that knowledge into developing their own research proposals, conducting presentations, calculating concentrations of reagents needed, executing experiments, collecting data, analyzing data, and writing up findings. 3 14 39 Y Experiential Learning Opportunity; Undergraduate Research Programs,Research,Apply specialized knowledge,Integrative and applied learning,Critical and creative thinking
Undergraduate Research Programs


Undergraduate Research Programs - The primary mission of Undergraduate Research Programs is to engage students in investigative and creative activity to experience firsthand the processes of scholarly exploration and discovery.

Fundamental Genetics Laboratory - BIOL 303L
Experiences surrounding undergraduate research focusing on applied molecular biology and genetics techniques.
Spring 2022 Research Education Experiences surrounding undergraduate research focusing on applied molecular biology and genetics techniques. 3 14 39 Y Experiential Learning Opportunity; Undergraduate Research Programs,Research,Apply specialized knowledge,Specialized knowledge and skills,Inquiry and analysis
Internship Programs


Internship Programs - The primary mission of Internship Programs is to engage students in planned, educationally-related work and learning experiences that integrate knowledge and theory with practical application and skill development in a professional setting.

Internship: Community Engagement - COLA 390
COLA 390 is a supervised experience to assist the student in decision-making for his/her future after graduation. This course will incorporate a real world experience for the student in a workplace or community organization related to their chosen profession, along with opportunities to receive feedback and reflect on the experience.
Spring 2022 Internship COLA 390 is a supervised experience to assist the student in decision-making for his/her future after graduation. This course will incorporate a real world experience for the student in a workplace or community organization related to their chosen profession, along with opportunities to receive feedback and reflect on the experience. 3 14 98 Y GLD-Professional & Civic Engagement; GLD-Community Service; Experiential Learning Opportunity; Internship Programs,Career development,,Self-knowledge,Professionalism / career readiness
Internship Programs


Internship Programs - The primary mission of Internship Programs is to engage students in planned, educationally-related work and learning experiences that integrate knowledge and theory with practical application and skill development in a professional setting.

Professional Internship - ITEC 495
The course is a supervised work experience in information technology and/or project management; the internship is coordinated by a faculty member and supervised by approved management/supervisor within business and industry lasting for approximately 400 hours of on the job experiences.
Spring 2022 Internship The course is a supervised work experience in information technology and/or project management; the internship is coordinated by a faculty member and supervised by approved management/supervisor within business and industry lasting for approximately 400 hours of on the job experiences. 3 19 73 Y GLD-Professional & Civic Engagement; Experiential Learning Opportunity; Internship Programs,Apply specialized knowledge,,Specialized knowledge and skills,Integrative and applied learning
Internship Programs


Internship Programs - The primary mission of Internship Programs is to engage students in planned, educationally-related work and learning experiences that integrate knowledge and theory with practical application and skill development in a professional setting.

Internship in Mass Communications - JOUR 597
Students work at least 140 hours during the semester under the direction of the intern coordinator and a professional supervisor in an internship they obtain, attend required meetings during the term with other interns and the intern coordinator, and turn in assignments as scheduled in the course syllabus.
Spring 2022 Internship Students work at least 140 hours during the semester under the direction of the intern coordinator and a professional supervisor in an internship they obtain, attend required meetings during the term with other interns and the intern coordinator, and turn in assignments as scheduled in the course syllabus. 3 18 81 Y GLD-Professional & Civic Engagement; Experiential Learning Opportunity; Internship Programs,Apply specialized knowledge,Career development,Specialized knowledge and skills,Professionalism / career readiness
Capstone Experience


Capstone Experience - A course or project that engages students in a culminating and integrative experience, intended to connect the key learning objectives of an educational program.

GSCOM Capstone Project - MGSC 497
Student consulting teams apply Operations and Supply Chain concepts and techniques to solve operational problems, identify improvement opportunities in service and manufacturing firms, write recommendation and implementation reports, oversee pilot or full-scale implementations, and make presentations of their work to the firm’s management group.
Spring 2022 Capstone Course or Project Student consulting teams apply Operations and Supply Chain concepts and techniques to solve operational problems, identify improvement opportunities in service and manufacturing firms, write recommendation and implementation reports, oversee pilot or full-scale implementations, and make presentations of their work to the firm’s management group. 3 15 65 Y GLD-Professional & Civic Engagement; Experiential Learning Opportunity; Capstone Experience,Apply specialized knowledge,,Specialized knowledge and skills,
Capstone Experience


Capstone Experience - A course or project that engages students in a culminating and integrative experience, intended to connect the key learning objectives of an educational program.

Public Health Capstone Seminar - PUBH 498
Students synthesize and apply content knowledge and competencies developed in the BS/BA public health degree program, in a practice setting with emphasis on student identified areas for professional growth.
Spring 2022 Capstone Course or Project Students synthesize and apply content knowledge and competencies developed in the BS/BA public health degree program, in a practice setting with emphasis on student identified areas for professional growth. 3 24 87 Y GLD-Professional & Civic Engagement; Experiential Learning Opportunity; Capstone Experience,Apply specialized knowledge,Career readiness,Specialized knowledge and skills,
Internship Programs


Internship Programs - The primary mission of Internship Programs is to engage students in planned, educationally-related work and learning experiences that integrate knowledge and theory with practical application and skill development in a professional setting.

Introduction to Field Education - SOWK 382
Students complete their first 50 out of a required program number of 500 field placement hours as a component of successfully completing SOWK 382.
Spring 2022 Internship Students complete their first 50 out of a required program number of 500 field placement hours as a component of successfully completing SOWK 382. 3 22 110 Y GLD-Professional & Civic Engagement; GLD-Community Service; Experiential Learning Opportunity; Internship Programs,Apply specialized knowledge,,Specialized knowledge and skills,
Internship Programs


Internship Programs - The primary mission of Internship Programs is to engage students in planned, educationally-related work and learning experiences that integrate knowledge and theory with practical application and skill development in a professional setting.

Internship - PALM 494
Student engages in supervised immersion and exploration in a field related to the major, with a career, cultural, or community focus.
Spring 2022 Internship Student engages in supervised immersion and exploration in a field related to the major, with a career, cultural, or community focus. 13 33 112 Y GLD-Professional & Civic Engagement; Experiential Learning Opportunity; Internship Programs,Apply specialized knowledge,,Specialized knowledge and skills,
Learning Assistance Programs


Learning Assistance Programs - The primary mission of Learning Assistance Programs must be to provide students with resources and opportunities to improve their ability to learn and to achieve academic success.

Summer Opportunities Fair
Students who plan to enroll in a summer session talk with campus representatives to explore academic and on-campus resources, programs, and co-curricular opportunities offered during the summer.
Spring 2022 Educational Support Students who plan to enroll in a summer session talk with campus representatives to explore academic and on-campus resources, programs, and co-curricular opportunities offered during the summer. 3 12 34 On Your Time Initiatives N ; Learning Assistance Programs,Study / Practice self knowledge,,Self-knowledge,
Career Services


Career Services - The primary mission of Career Services is to assist students and other designated clients in developing, evaluating, and implementing career, education, and employment plans.

Career Coaching - Job Search
Student interacts 1-1 with a professional staff member to identify resources and develop a plan for obtaining employment.
Spring 2022 Career Development Student interacts 1-1 with a professional staff member to identify resources and develop a plan for obtaining employment. 3 11 30 Career Center N ; Career Services,Career development,Study / Practice self knowledge,Problem solving,Self-knowledge
Academic Advising Programs


Academic Advising Programs - The primary purpose of Academic Advising Programs is to assist students in the development of meaningful educational plans.

Academic Coaching Appointment
Students meet 1-1 with a coach to create an academic and engagement plan, set goals, and share resources; sessions are tailored to meet each student's needs and may include general advising, academic planning, strengths identification, planning campus involvement, and navigating campus resources.
Spring 2022 Educational Support Students meet 1-1 with a coach to create an academic and engagement plan, set goals, and share resources; sessions are tailored to meet each student's needs and may include general advising, academic planning, strengths identification, planning campus involvement, and navigating campus resources. 3 12 34 University Advising Center N ; Academic Advising Programs,Study / Practice intellectual skills,Study / Practice self knowledge,Foundations and skills for lifelong learning,Personal and social responsibility - Striving for excellence
Academic Advising Programs


Academic Advising Programs - The primary purpose of Academic Advising Programs is to assist students in the development of meaningful educational plans.

Exploratory Advising / Major Change
Students meet 1-on-1 with an Exploratory Advisor to explore majors/degree programs, learn how to change majors, evaluate how completed coursework will apply to a new major, plan class schedules, and get help with general advisement questions.
Spring 2022 Educational Support Students meet 1-on-1 with an Exploratory Advisor to explore majors/degree programs, learn how to change majors, evaluate how completed coursework will apply to a new major, plan class schedules, and get help with general advisement questions. 3 12 34 University Advising Center N ; Academic Advising Programs,Study / Practice intellectual skills,Study / Practice self knowledge,Self-knowledge,
Learning Assistance Programs


Learning Assistance Programs - The primary mission of Learning Assistance Programs must be to provide students with resources and opportunities to improve their ability to learn and to achieve academic success.

Advisement Tools Workshop
This interactive workshop assists students with curricular and co-curricular technologies utilized in advising. Presenters will demonstrate the DegreeWorks audit and other advisement processes, and the My UofSC Experience Engagement database and records, to advance students' understanding of how curricular and co-curricular experiences connect.
Fall 2022 Educational Support This interactive workshop assists students with curricular and co-curricular technologies utilized in advising. Presenters will demonstrate the DegreeWorks audit and other advisement processes, and the My UofSC Experience Engagement database and records, to advance students' understanding of how curricular and co-curricular experiences connect. 3 12 34 University Advising Center N ; Learning Assistance Programs,Study / Practice intellectual skills,Study / Practice self knowledge,Integrative and applied learning,Self-knowledge



Recovery Ally Workshop
Students develop knowledge and skills to support UofSC students in recovery from substance use disorder and to promote a more recovery-friendly campus community.
Fall 2022 Students develop knowledge and skills to support UofSC students in recovery from substance use disorder and to promote a more recovery-friendly campus community. 3 11 117 Substance Abuse Prevention & Education N GLD-Professional & Civic Engagement; GLD-Community Service; ,Community service / civic engagement,,Personal and social responsibility - Taking seriously the perspectives of others,Influencing others
Student Leadership Programs


Student Leadership Programs - The mission of Student Leadership Programs must be to prepare students to engage in the process of leadership.

Substance Abuse Prevention & Education Peer Educator
SAPE Peer Educators create and implement a variety of educational programs designed to encourage their fellow students to make safer, informed decisions when it comes to alcohol and other drug use.
Fall 2022 Peer Educator SAPE Peer Educators create and implement a variety of educational programs designed to encourage their fellow students to make safer, informed decisions when it comes to alcohol and other drug use. 3 11 117 Substance Abuse Prevention & Education N GLD-Professional & Civic Engagement; Student Leadership Programs,Apply specialized knowledge,Leadership,Communication - spoken,Interpersonal skills
Internship Programs


Internship Programs - The primary mission of Internship Programs is to engage students in planned, educationally-related work and learning experiences that integrate knowledge and theory with practical application and skill development in a professional setting.

USC Press Internship
UofSC Press interns gain insight into the book publishing process by working in one of three areas: acquisitions, publicity, or marketing, with potential exposure to and integration with other Press departments and varied learning opportunities tailored to their specific interests.
Summer 2022 Internship UofSC Press interns gain insight into the book publishing process by working in one of three areas: acquisitions, publicity, or marketing, with potential exposure to and integration with other Press departments and varied learning opportunities tailored to their specific interests. 3 12 114 USC Press N Experiential Learning Opportunity; Internship Programs,Apply specialized knowledge,Career readiness,Communication - spoken,Communication - written
Internship Programs


Internship Programs - The primary mission of Internship Programs is to engage students in planned, educationally-related work and learning experiences that integrate knowledge and theory with practical application and skill development in a professional setting.

USC Press Internship
UofSC Press interns gain insight into the book publishing process by working in one of three areas: acquisitions, publicity, or marketing, with potential exposure to and integration with other Press departments and varied learning opportunities tailored to their specific interests.
Fall 2022 Internship UofSC Press interns gain insight into the book publishing process by working in one of three areas: acquisitions, publicity, or marketing, with potential exposure to and integration with other Press departments and varied learning opportunities tailored to their specific interests. 3 12 114 USC Press N Experiential Learning Opportunity; Internship Programs,Apply specialized knowledge,Career readiness,Communication - spoken,Communication - written
Health Promotion Services


Health Promotion Services - The mission and scope of practice of health promotion, sometimes referred to as wellness, must be reflective of the following fundamental assumptions about the role of health in higher education: reciprocal relationship between learning and health; direct connection between academic mission and higher education and well being of students

Trauma 101
In support of creating a more trauma informed and responsive campus, students engage in expert presentations in a workshop series that provides a more comprehensive way to think about trauma as the process of becoming flooded with overwhelming stress from a variety of causes.
Spring 2022 Physical, Mental, Emotional Health In support of creating a more trauma informed and responsive campus, students engage in expert presentations in a workshop series that provides a more comprehensive way to think about trauma as the process of becoming flooded with overwhelming stress from a variety of causes. 3 11 117 Healthy Campus Initiatives N ; Health Promotion Services,Study / Practice social well being,Apply specialized knowledge,Foundations and skills for lifelong learning,
Health Promotion Services


Health Promotion Services - The mission and scope of practice of health promotion, sometimes referred to as wellness, must be reflective of the following fundamental assumptions about the role of health in higher education: reciprocal relationship between learning and health; direct connection between academic mission and higher education and well being of students

Trauma 101
In support of creating a more trauma informed and responsive campus, students engage in expert presentations in a workshop series that provides a more comprehensive way to think about trauma as the process of becoming flooded with overwhelming stress from a variety of causes.
Fall 2021 Physical, Mental, Emotional Health In support of creating a more trauma informed and responsive campus, students engage in expert presentations in a workshop series that provides a more comprehensive way to think about trauma as the process of becoming flooded with overwhelming stress from a variety of causes. 3 11 117 Healthy Campus Initiatives N ; Health Promotion Services,Study / Practice social well being,Apply specialized knowledge,Foundations and skills for lifelong learning,
Student Leadership Programs


Student Leadership Programs - The mission of Student Leadership Programs must be to prepare students to engage in the process of leadership.

Changing Carolina Peer Leader
Student health educators deliver presentations, plan and implement educational programs and events, and research national and campus trends and issues around health and well-being, to help their peers explore the fundamentals of a healthy lifestyle.
Fall 2022 Peer Educator Student health educators deliver presentations, plan and implement educational programs and events, and research national and campus trends and issues around health and well-being, to help their peers explore the fundamentals of a healthy lifestyle. 3 11 117 Healthy Campus Initiatives N GLD-Professional & Civic Engagement; Experiential Learning Opportunity; Student Leadership Programs,Leadership,Apply specialized knowledge,Communication - spoken,Influencing others
Student Leadership Programs


Student Leadership Programs - The mission of Student Leadership Programs must be to prepare students to engage in the process of leadership.

Peer Consultant
Student consultants meet with peers to provide study skills support, discuss academic success strategies, and co-create a personalized plan for academic success.
Fall 2022 Peer Educator Student consultants meet with peers to provide study skills support, discuss academic success strategies, and co-create a personalized plan for academic success. 3 11 30 Student Success Center N GLD-Professional & Civic Engagement; Experiential Learning Opportunity; Student Leadership Programs,Leadership,,Influencing others,Communication - spoken
Student Leadership Programs


Student Leadership Programs - The mission of Student Leadership Programs must be to prepare students to engage in the process of leadership.

Peer Financial Consultant
Student consultants meet with students to help them set financial goals, explore money management strategies, and create financial action plans; as needed, consultants make appropriate referrals to other campus resources.
Fall 2022 Peer Educator Student consultants meet with students to help them set financial goals, explore money management strategies, and create financial action plans; as needed, consultants make appropriate referrals to other campus resources. 3 11 30 Student Success Center N GLD-Professional & Civic Engagement; Experiential Learning Opportunity; Student Leadership Programs,Leadership,,Influencing others,Financial literacy
Student Leadership Programs


Student Leadership Programs - The mission of Student Leadership Programs must be to prepare students to engage in the process of leadership.

Peer Tutor
Tutors provide course-specific academic support for undergraduate students. They work with students in 1-1 sessions and lead group tutoring sessions.
Fall 2022 Peer Educator Tutors provide course-specific academic support for undergraduate students. They work with students in 1-1 sessions and lead group tutoring sessions. 3 11 30 Student Success Center N GLD-Professional & Civic Engagement; Experiential Learning Opportunity; Student Leadership Programs,Apply specialized knowledge,Leadership,Integrative and applied learning,Communication - spoken
Student Leadership Programs


Student Leadership Programs - The mission of Student Leadership Programs must be to prepare students to engage in the process of leadership.

Peer Writing Tutor
Peer Tutors meet with students in 1-1 sessions to provide course-specific academic support for writing and communications skill development.
Fall 2022 Peer Educator Peer Tutors meet with students in 1-1 sessions to provide course-specific academic support for writing and communications skill development. 3 11 30 Student Success Center N GLD-Professional & Civic Engagement; Experiential Learning Opportunity; Student Leadership Programs,Apply specialized knowledge,Leadership,Critical and creative thinking,Communication - spoken
Student Leadership Programs


Student Leadership Programs - The mission of Student Leadership Programs must be to prepare students to engage in the process of leadership.

Student Success Center Program Assistant / Mentor
Experienced student leaders serve within a specific programmatic area (supplemental instruction, peer tutoring, or peer success consultations), supervise other peer leaders within the same program, and engage in critical office functions to support the department's professional certifications and mission.
Fall 2022 Peer Educator Experienced student leaders serve within a specific programmatic area (supplemental instruction, peer tutoring, or peer success consultations), supervise other peer leaders within the same program, and engage in critical office functions to support the department's professional certifications and mission. 3 11 30 Student Success Center N GLD-Professional & Civic Engagement; Experiential Learning Opportunity; Student Leadership Programs,Leadership,Career readiness,Teamwork,Critical and creative thinking
Student Leadership Programs


Student Leadership Programs - The mission of Student Leadership Programs must be to prepare students to engage in the process of leadership.

Supplemental Instruction Peer Leader
SI Peer Leaders facilitate group study sessions for students enrolled in specific courses and sections; they help their peers learn challenging material from class lectures and assignments, and offer helpful tips that integrate how to learn with what to learn through three group study sessions each week.
Fall 2022 Peer Educator SI Peer Leaders facilitate group study sessions for students enrolled in specific courses and sections; they help their peers learn challenging material from class lectures and assignments, and offer helpful tips that integrate how to learn with what to learn through three group study sessions each week. 3 11 30 Student Success Center N GLD-Professional & Civic Engagement; Experiential Learning Opportunity; Student Leadership Programs,Apply specialized knowledge,Leadership,Integrative and applied learning,Communication - spoken
Student Leadership Programs


Student Leadership Programs - The mission of Student Leadership Programs must be to prepare students to engage in the process of leadership.

Dean's Advisory Council
Students represent the voices, concerns, and interests of the diverse undergraduate student body to the Dean of Students, providing input for university policies, programs, and communication. Council members serve as a vehicle for information sharing and support among student leaders on campus.
Fall 2022 Appointed Student Leader Students represent the voices, concerns, and interests of the diverse undergraduate student body to the Dean of Students, providing input for university policies, programs, and communication. Council members serve as a vehicle for information sharing and support among student leaders on campus. 3 11 88 N GLD-Professional & Civic Engagement; Student Leadership Programs,Community service / civic engagement,Career readiness,Critical and creative thinking,Communication - spoken
Undergraduate Research Programs


Undergraduate Research Programs - The primary mission of Undergraduate Research Programs is to engage students in investigative and creative activity to experience firsthand the processes of scholarly exploration and discovery.

Advanced Sociological Research Methods - SOCY 561
Students apply knowledge in a real world context by studying a social phenomenon using scientific research methods and producing a research project that mirrors professional standards. Students gather primary data, present their work, get feedback, and reflect on the challenges of the research process in studying their question.
Spring 2022 Research Education Students apply knowledge in a real world context by studying a social phenomenon using scientific research methods and producing a research project that mirrors professional standards. Students gather primary data, present their work, get feedback, and reflect on the challenges of the research process in studying their question. 3 14 53 Y Experiential Learning Opportunity; GLD-Research; Undergraduate Research Programs,Research,,Inquiry and analysis,
Student Employment


Student Employment - Student is employed part-time by the university and engages in career readiness development activities as part of supervision process.

Office of Parent and Family Programs Student Assistant
Student Assistant supports the unit by assisting with communication through the development of monthly newsletter and mobile app content, and contributing to Family Weekend planning.
Summer 2022 Employment On Campus Student Assistant supports the unit by assisting with communication through the development of monthly newsletter and mobile app content, and contributing to Family Weekend planning. 3 11 28 Parent & Family Programs N Experiential Learning Opportunity; Student Employment,Career readiness,,Communication - written,Communication - spoken
Undergraduate Admissions Programs and Services


Undergraduate Admissions Programs and Services - The mission of Undergraduate Admissions Programs and Services is to enroll undergraduate applicants who will, both individually and collectively, benefit from the collegiate learning environment through academic and personal enrichment and development.

Multicultural Outreach Student Team
Multicultural Outreach Student Team (MOST) volunteers assist admissions staff with recruitment initiatives and events, represent USC on student panels, and share their college experience with underrepresented prospective students.
Fall 2022 Student Program Leader Multicultural Outreach Student Team (MOST) volunteers assist admissions staff with recruitment initiatives and events, represent USC on student panels, and share their college experience with underrepresented prospective students. 3 34 118 Outreach N ; Undergraduate Admissions Programs and Services,Community service / civic engagement,Connecting with others,Interpersonal skills,Communication - spoken
Student Leadership Programs


Student Leadership Programs - The mission of Student Leadership Programs must be to prepare students to engage in the process of leadership.

Student Government Appointed Leader
Students assist in drafting legislation, meet weekly with student leadership, and meet with campus units, colleges, and student organizations.
Fall 2022 Student Program Leader Students assist in drafting legislation, meet weekly with student leadership, and meet with campus units, colleges, and student organizations. 3 11 28 Leadership & Service Center N ; Student Leadership Programs,Career readiness,,Professionalism / career readiness,
Student Leadership Programs


Student Leadership Programs - The mission of Student Leadership Programs must be to prepare students to engage in the process of leadership.

Student Government Executive Cabinet
Under the general direction of the Student Body President, the Executive Cabinet is comprised of Cabinet Secretaries who oversee various departments within Student Government. They work with campus constituents to to meet the needs of the student body, attend weekly cabinet and department meetings, and provide updates to the Student Body President.
Fall 2022 Elected Student Leader Under the general direction of the Student Body President, the Executive Cabinet is comprised of Cabinet Secretaries who oversee various departments within Student Government. They work with campus constituents to to meet the needs of the student body, attend weekly cabinet and department meetings, and provide updates to the Student Body President. 3 11 28 Leadership & Service Center N Experiential Learning Opportunity; Student Leadership Programs,Career readiness,,Professionalism / career readiness,Teamwork
Student Leadership Programs


Student Leadership Programs - The mission of Student Leadership Programs must be to prepare students to engage in the process of leadership.

Student Government Executive Council
Council members are elected by the student body to work toward common goals and build consensus to drive change for Carolina students; council members interact with a variety of constituents including students, faculty, staff, university administrators and Board of Trustees members.
Fall 2022 Elected Student Leader Council members are elected by the student body to work toward common goals and build consensus to drive change for Carolina students; council members interact with a variety of constituents including students, faculty, staff, university administrators and Board of Trustees members. 3 11 28 Leadership & Service Center N GLD-Professional & Civic Engagement; Experiential Learning Opportunity; Student Leadership Programs,Leadership,,Problem solving,Influencing others
Student Leadership Programs


Student Leadership Programs - The mission of Student Leadership Programs must be to prepare students to engage in the process of leadership.

Student Government Program Director
Students in this role train and supervise a team of peers to work on a specific Student Government initiative, and lead conversations about the establishment of goals and priorities. They meet individually with staff on a weekly basis to monitor progress toward goals, address challenges, and lead effective collaboration and problem-solving.
Fall 2022 Elected Student Leader Students in this role train and supervise a team of peers to work on a specific Student Government initiative, and lead conversations about the establishment of goals and priorities. They meet individually with staff on a weekly basis to monitor progress toward goals, address challenges, and lead effective collaboration and problem-solving. 3 11 28 Leadership & Service Center N Experiential Learning Opportunity; Student Leadership Programs,Career readiness,,Interpersonal skills,Professionalism / career readiness
Student Leadership Programs


Student Leadership Programs - The mission of Student Leadership Programs must be to prepare students to engage in the process of leadership.

Student Government Senate Committee Chair
Students meet with university staff to address issues and lead a team of student senators focused on an area within the university (academics, student life, health and safety, etc.).
Fall 2022 Elected Student Leader Students meet with university staff to address issues and lead a team of student senators focused on an area within the university (academics, student life, health and safety, etc.). 3 11 28 Leadership & Service Center N Experiential Learning Opportunity; Student Leadership Programs,Leadership,,Interpersonal skills,Inquiry and analysis
Student Leadership Programs


Student Leadership Programs - The mission of Student Leadership Programs must be to prepare students to engage in the process of leadership.

Student Government Senator
Student Senators draft legislation, defend legislation, meet weekly with committees, attend weekly senate sessions, and meet with their colleges/student organizations. Senators serve on committees based on their interests, including academics, student life, sustainability, equity and inclusion.
Fall 2022 Elected Student Leader Student Senators draft legislation, defend legislation, meet weekly with committees, attend weekly senate sessions, and meet with their colleges/student organizations. Senators serve on committees based on their interests, including academics, student life, sustainability, equity and inclusion. 3 11 28 Leadership & Service Center N ; Student Leadership Programs,Career readiness,,Professionalism / career readiness,Interpersonal skills
Student Leadership Programs


Student Leadership Programs - The mission of Student Leadership Programs must be to prepare students to engage in the process of leadership.

Student Government Freshman Council
Council members are selected to represent the freshman class in student government at Carolina. Students meet weekly to learn about SG initiatives, discuss campus issues, and represent the freshman perspective. Each student meets monthly with a SG mentor to explore and develop leadership interests, skills and abilities.
Fall 2022 Appointed Student Leader Council members are selected to represent the freshman class in student government at Carolina. Students meet weekly to learn about SG initiatives, discuss campus issues, and represent the freshman perspective. Each student meets monthly with a SG mentor to explore and develop leadership interests, skills and abilities. 3 11 28 Leadership & Service Center N GLD-Professional & Civic Engagement; Student Leadership Programs,Study / Practice self knowledge,Career readiness,Self-knowledge,
Student Leadership Programs


Student Leadership Programs - The mission of Student Leadership Programs must be to prepare students to engage in the process of leadership.

Career Studio Peer Educator
Career Studio Peer Educators advise students on career-related questions during appointments, manage front-desk operations, create and deliver presentations, initiate outreach activities, participate in marketing projects, and collaborate with professional staff members on career development initiatives.
Summer 2022 Peer Educator Career Studio Peer Educators advise students on career-related questions during appointments, manage front-desk operations, create and deliver presentations, initiate outreach activities, participate in marketing projects, and collaborate with professional staff members on career development initiatives. 3 11 30 Career Center N GLD-Professional & Civic Engagement; Experiential Learning Opportunity; Student Leadership Programs,Leadership,Career readiness,Interpersonal skills,Communication - spoken
Student Leadership Programs


Student Leadership Programs - The mission of Student Leadership Programs must be to prepare students to engage in the process of leadership.

Career Studio Peer Educator
Career Studio Peer Educators advise students on career-related questions during appointments, manage front-desk operations, create and deliver presentations, initiate outreach activities, participate in marketing projects, and collaborate with professional staff members on career development initiatives.
Fall 2022 Peer Educator Career Studio Peer Educators advise students on career-related questions during appointments, manage front-desk operations, create and deliver presentations, initiate outreach activities, participate in marketing projects, and collaborate with professional staff members on career development initiatives. 3 11 30 Career Center N GLD-Professional & Civic Engagement; Experiential Learning Opportunity; Student Leadership Programs,Leadership,Career readiness,Interpersonal skills,Communication - spoken
Internship Programs


Internship Programs - The primary mission of Internship Programs is to engage students in planned, educationally-related work and learning experiences that integrate knowledge and theory with practical application and skill development in a professional setting.

Carolina Internship Program - Full-time
Students engage in a paid, work-based learning experience that includes staff facilitated feedback and reflection on their experience. The goal is to enhance students' understanding of their professional knowledge, skills and abilities to aid in their full-time job searches and lifelong career management.
Summer 2022 Internship Students engage in a paid, work-based learning experience that includes staff facilitated feedback and reflection on their experience. The goal is to enhance students' understanding of their professional knowledge, skills and abilities to aid in their full-time job searches and lifelong career management. 3 11 30 Career Center N GLD-Professional & Civic Engagement; Experiential Learning Opportunity; Internship Programs,Career readiness,Apply specialized knowledge,Professionalism / career readiness,Specialized knowledge and skills
Internship Programs


Internship Programs - The primary mission of Internship Programs is to engage students in planned, educationally-related work and learning experiences that integrate knowledge and theory with practical application and skill development in a professional setting.

Cooperative Education (Co-op) - Alternating
Students participate in 2-3 semesters of supervised, paid work-based learning with the same employer. The Alternating format allows the student to alternate between a semester of full-time school (480 hours at 40 hours/week).
Summer 2022 Cooperative Education Students participate in 2-3 semesters of supervised, paid work-based learning with the same employer. The Alternating format allows the student to alternate between a semester of full-time school (480 hours at 40 hours/week). 3 11 30 Career Center N GLD-Professional & Civic Engagement; Experiential Learning Opportunity; Internship Programs,Apply specialized knowledge,Career readiness,Specialized knowledge and skills,Professionalism / career readiness
Internship Programs


Internship Programs - The primary mission of Internship Programs is to engage students in planned, educationally-related work and learning experiences that integrate knowledge and theory with practical application and skill development in a professional setting.

Carolina Internship Program - Part-time
Students engage in a paid, work-based learning experience that is usually the length or equivalent of a fall or spring semester or summer, working approximately 240 hours at 20 hours/week. Student may be eligible to receive academic credit through their academic department or pursue a Zero Credit Transcript notation through the Career Center.
Summer 2022 Cooperative Education Students engage in a paid, work-based learning experience that is usually the length or equivalent of a fall or spring semester or summer, working approximately 240 hours at 20 hours/week. Student may be eligible to receive academic credit through their academic department or pursue a Zero Credit Transcript notation through the Career Center. 3 11 30 Career Center N GLD-Professional & Civic Engagement; Experiential Learning Opportunity; Internship Programs,Career development,Apply specialized knowledge,Professionalism / career readiness,Integrative and applied learning
Student Leadership Programs


Student Leadership Programs - The mission of Student Leadership Programs must be to prepare students to engage in the process of leadership.

College of Engineering and Computing Peer Mentor
Each CEC Peer Mentor is matched with a mentee through the UofSC Mentorship Hub, to answer questions and share their experiences about working toward personal, academic, and professional goals. Mentors contact their mentee at least once per month and report their mentorship interactions.
Fall 2022 Student Program Leader Each CEC Peer Mentor is matched with a mentee through the UofSC Mentorship Hub, to answer questions and share their experiences about working toward personal, academic, and professional goals. Mentors contact their mentee at least once per month and report their mentorship interactions. 3 19 101 N ; Student Leadership Programs,Community service / civic engagement,Leadership,Interpersonal skills,
Student Leadership Programs


Student Leadership Programs - The mission of Student Leadership Programs must be to prepare students to engage in the process of leadership.

College of Arts and Sciences Ambassador
Ambassadors represent the College at student recruitment and other special events; provide informal tours and serve as a resource to prospective and incoming students and special guests of the college; assist with orientation event; provide feedback and suggestions to College leadership related to student recruitment and orientation programming.
Fall 2022 Student Program Leader Ambassadors represent the College at student recruitment and other special events; provide informal tours and serve as a resource to prospective and incoming students and special guests of the college; assist with orientation event; provide feedback and suggestions to College leadership related to student recruitment and orientation programming. 3 14 115 N ; Student Leadership Programs,Career readiness,Connecting with others,Communication - spoken,Professionalism / career readiness
Internship Programs


Internship Programs - The primary mission of Internship Programs is to engage students in planned, educationally-related work and learning experiences that integrate knowledge and theory with practical application and skill development in a professional setting.

Carolina Internship Program - Full-time
Students engage in a paid, work-based learning experience that includes staff facilitated feedback and reflection on their experience. The goal is to enhance students' understanding of their professional knowledge, skills and abilities to aid in their full-time job searches and lifelong career management.
Fall 2022 Internship Students engage in a paid, work-based learning experience that includes staff facilitated feedback and reflection on their experience. The goal is to enhance students' understanding of their professional knowledge, skills and abilities to aid in their full-time job searches and lifelong career management. 3 11 30 Career Center N GLD-Professional & Civic Engagement; Experiential Learning Opportunity; Internship Programs,Career readiness,Apply specialized knowledge,Professionalism / career readiness,Specialized knowledge and skills
Internship Programs


Internship Programs - The primary mission of Internship Programs is to engage students in planned, educationally-related work and learning experiences that integrate knowledge and theory with practical application and skill development in a professional setting.

Carolina Internship Program - Part-time
Students engage in a paid, work-based learning experience that is usually the length or equivalent of a fall or spring semester or summer, working approximately 240 hours at 20 hours/week. Student may be eligible to receive academic credit through their academic department or pursue a Zero Credit Transcript notation through the Career Center.
Fall 2022 Cooperative Education Students engage in a paid, work-based learning experience that is usually the length or equivalent of a fall or spring semester or summer, working approximately 240 hours at 20 hours/week. Student may be eligible to receive academic credit through their academic department or pursue a Zero Credit Transcript notation through the Career Center. 3 11 30 Career Center N GLD-Professional & Civic Engagement; Experiential Learning Opportunity; Internship Programs,Career development,Apply specialized knowledge,Professionalism / career readiness,Integrative and applied learning
Internship Programs


Internship Programs - The primary mission of Internship Programs is to engage students in planned, educationally-related work and learning experiences that integrate knowledge and theory with practical application and skill development in a professional setting.

Cooperative Education (Co-op) - Alternating
Students participate in 2-3 semesters of supervised, paid work-based learning with the same employer. The Alternating format allows the student to alternate between a semester of full-time school (480 hours at 40 hours/week).
Fall 2022 Cooperative Education Students participate in 2-3 semesters of supervised, paid work-based learning with the same employer. The Alternating format allows the student to alternate between a semester of full-time school (480 hours at 40 hours/week). 3 11 30 Career Center N GLD-Professional & Civic Engagement; Experiential Learning Opportunity; Internship Programs,Apply specialized knowledge,Career readiness,Specialized knowledge and skills,Professionalism / career readiness
Internship Programs


Internship Programs - The primary mission of Internship Programs is to engage students in planned, educationally-related work and learning experiences that integrate knowledge and theory with practical application and skill development in a professional setting.

Cooperative Education (Co-op) - Parallel
Students participate in 2-3 semesters of supervised, paid work-based learning with the same employer. The Parallel format allows the student to work part-time for 240 hours (20 hours/week) for 3 consecutive semesters while attending school.
Fall 2022 Cooperative Education Students participate in 2-3 semesters of supervised, paid work-based learning with the same employer. The Parallel format allows the student to work part-time for 240 hours (20 hours/week) for 3 consecutive semesters while attending school. 3 11 30 Career Center N GLD-Professional & Civic Engagement; Experiential Learning Opportunity; Internship Programs,Apply specialized knowledge,Career readiness,Specialized knowledge and skills,Professionalism / career readiness
Student Employment


Student Employment - Student is employed part-time by the university and engages in career readiness development activities as part of supervision process.

Family Weekend Intern
Intern assists with event planning, management, assessment and wrap-up after the event. Intern works with vendors and campus partners through meetings and correspondence, engages with families through the Parent Assistance Line, creates content for the UofSC Parent Facebook page, and manages the Family Weekend section within the mobile app.
Fall 2022 Internship Intern assists with event planning, management, assessment and wrap-up after the event. Intern works with vendors and campus partners through meetings and correspondence, engages with families through the Parent Assistance Line, creates content for the UofSC Parent Facebook page, and manages the Family Weekend section within the mobile app. 3 11 28 Parent & Family Programs N GLD-Professional & Civic Engagement; Experiential Learning Opportunity; Student Employment,Career readiness,,Professionalism / career readiness,
Student Leadership Programs


Student Leadership Programs - The mission of Student Leadership Programs must be to prepare students to engage in the process of leadership.

Sustainable Carolina Peer Leader
Student interact with their peers on campus as they work to implement programs outlined in the campus sustainability plan aimed at improving sustainability practices on campus. Students also host community programs and camps for school age children and families, teaching sustainability practices and the importance of a healthy lifestyle.
Fall 2022 Peer Educator Student interact with their peers on campus as they work to implement programs outlined in the campus sustainability plan aimed at improving sustainability practices on campus. Students also host community programs and camps for school age children and families, teaching sustainability practices and the importance of a healthy lifestyle. 3 11 29 Sustainability N GLD-Professional & Civic Engagement; GLD-Community Service; Experiential Learning Opportunity; Student Leadership Programs,Leadership,,Influencing others,Personal and social responsibility - Contributing to a larger community
Student Leadership Programs


Student Leadership Programs - The mission of Student Leadership Programs must be to prepare students to engage in the process of leadership.

Sustainable Carolina Project Coordinator
Each project coordinator leads a team of students to implement a designated project in support of a goal outlined in the campus sustainability plan. The role requires collaboration with other teams, campus stakeholders, and community partners, and requires them to delegate work, solve problems, and make decisions.
Fall 2022 Peer Educator Each project coordinator leads a team of students to implement a designated project in support of a goal outlined in the campus sustainability plan. The role requires collaboration with other teams, campus stakeholders, and community partners, and requires them to delegate work, solve problems, and make decisions. 3 11 29 Sustainability N GLD-Professional & Civic Engagement; Experiential Learning Opportunity; Student Leadership Programs,Leadership,Apply specialized knowledge,Problem solving,Professionalism / career readiness
Academic Advising Programs


Academic Advising Programs - The primary purpose of Academic Advising Programs is to assist students in the development of meaningful educational plans.

Academic Coaching Appointment
Students meet 1-1 with a coach to create an academic and engagement plan, set goals, and share resources; sessions are tailored to meet each student's needs and may include general advising, academic planning, strengths identification, planning campus involvement, and navigating campus resources.
Summer 2022 Educational Support Students meet 1-1 with a coach to create an academic and engagement plan, set goals, and share resources; sessions are tailored to meet each student's needs and may include general advising, academic planning, strengths identification, planning campus involvement, and navigating campus resources. 3 12 34 University Advising Center N ; Academic Advising Programs,Study / Practice intellectual skills,Study / Practice self knowledge,Foundations and skills for lifelong learning,Personal and social responsibility - Striving for excellence
Academic Advising Programs


Academic Advising Programs - The primary purpose of Academic Advising Programs is to assist students in the development of meaningful educational plans.

Exploratory Advising / Major Change
Students meet 1-on-1 with an Exploratory Advisor to explore majors/degree programs, learn how to change majors, evaluate how completed coursework will apply to a new major, plan class schedules, and get help with general advisement questions.
Summer 2022 Educational Support Students meet 1-on-1 with an Exploratory Advisor to explore majors/degree programs, learn how to change majors, evaluate how completed coursework will apply to a new major, plan class schedules, and get help with general advisement questions. 3 12 34 University Advising Center N ; Academic Advising Programs,Study / Practice intellectual skills,Study / Practice self knowledge,Self-knowledge,
Internship Programs


Internship Programs - The primary mission of Internship Programs is to engage students in planned, educationally-related work and learning experiences that integrate knowledge and theory with practical application and skill development in a professional setting.

Media Arts Internship - MART 499
MART 499 is the capstone experience for all media arts majors, consisting of a 160-hour professional internship working in the media arts fields.
Summer 2022 Internship MART 499 is the capstone experience for all media arts majors, consisting of a 160-hour professional internship working in the media arts fields. 3 14 56 Y GLD-Professional & Civic Engagement; Experiential Learning Opportunity; Internship Programs,Apply specialized knowledge,Career readiness,Specialized knowledge and skills,
Undergraduate Research Programs


Undergraduate Research Programs - The primary mission of Undergraduate Research Programs is to engage students in investigative and creative activity to experience firsthand the processes of scholarly exploration and discovery.

Cellular and Molecular Biology Laboratory - BIOL 302L
Students engage in hands-on research methods and protocols used in molecular biology labs globally, then practice integrating that knowledge into developing their own research proposals, conducting presentations, calculating concentrations of reagents needed, executing experiments, collecting data, analyzing data, and writing up findings.
Summer 2022 Research Education Students engage in hands-on research methods and protocols used in molecular biology labs globally, then practice integrating that knowledge into developing their own research proposals, conducting presentations, calculating concentrations of reagents needed, executing experiments, collecting data, analyzing data, and writing up findings. 3 14 39 Y Experiential Learning Opportunity; Undergraduate Research Programs,Research,Apply specialized knowledge,Integrative and applied learning,Critical and creative thinking
Undergraduate Research Programs


Undergraduate Research Programs - The primary mission of Undergraduate Research Programs is to engage students in investigative and creative activity to experience firsthand the processes of scholarly exploration and discovery.

Fundamental Genetics Laboratory - BIOL 303L
Experiences surrounding undergraduate research focusing on applied molecular biology and genetics techniques.
Summer 2022 Research Education Experiences surrounding undergraduate research focusing on applied molecular biology and genetics techniques. 3 14 39 Y Experiential Learning Opportunity; Undergraduate Research Programs,Research,Apply specialized knowledge,Specialized knowledge and skills,Inquiry and analysis
Student Leadership Programs


Student Leadership Programs - The mission of Student Leadership Programs must be to prepare students to engage in the process of leadership.

Laboratory Teaching Experience - BIOL 398
Students serve as Peer Leaders in a Peer Led Team Learning (PLTL) environment and use their understanding of biological concepts as they help to support other students currently enrolled in a Biology course. Peer Leaders ask questions that help students progress through an assigned activity or in-class discussion.
Summer 2022 Peer Educator Students serve as Peer Leaders in a Peer Led Team Learning (PLTL) environment and use their understanding of biological concepts as they help to support other students currently enrolled in a Biology course. Peer Leaders ask questions that help students progress through an assigned activity or in-class discussion. 3 14 39 Y GLD-Professional & Civic Engagement; Experiential Learning Opportunity; Student Leadership Programs,Apply specialized knowledge,Leadership,Specialized knowledge and skills,Influencing others
Internship Programs


Internship Programs - The primary mission of Internship Programs is to engage students in planned, educationally-related work and learning experiences that integrate knowledge and theory with practical application and skill development in a professional setting.

Business Internship in Management - MGMT 499
Internship, for credit, with a company focusing on management, lessons learned, SWOT self assessment.
Summer 2022 Internship Internship, for credit, with a company focusing on management, lessons learned, SWOT self assessment. 3 15 64 Y GLD-Professional & Civic Engagement; Experiential Learning Opportunity; Internship Programs,Apply specialized knowledge,Career readiness,Specialized knowledge and skills,Professionalism / career readiness
Internship Programs


Internship Programs - The primary mission of Internship Programs is to engage students in planned, educationally-related work and learning experiences that integrate knowledge and theory with practical application and skill development in a professional setting.

Retailing Practicum - RETL 295
Students apply knowledge, skills and/or certifications acquired in retailing courses to an in-field experience; work closely with retailing professionals; discover viable career paths; identify work-related interests and values; and analyze the practicum site to gain a better understanding of the company and the competitive marketplace.
Summer 2022 Practicum Students apply knowledge, skills and/or certifications acquired in retailing courses to an in-field experience; work closely with retailing professionals; discover viable career paths; identify work-related interests and values; and analyze the practicum site to gain a better understanding of the company and the competitive marketplace. 3 17 77 Y Experiential Learning Opportunity; Internship Programs,Apply specialized knowledge,Career development,Specialized knowledge and skills,Integrative and applied learning
Internship Programs


Internship Programs - The primary mission of Internship Programs is to engage students in planned, educationally-related work and learning experiences that integrate knowledge and theory with practical application and skill development in a professional setting.

Retailing Internship - RETL 495
Students engage in supervised work experience within the retail industry that links classroom learning and student interest with the acquisition of knowledge in an applied work setting.
Summer 2022 Internship Students engage in supervised work experience within the retail industry that links classroom learning and student interest with the acquisition of knowledge in an applied work setting. 3 17 77 Y GLD-Professional & Civic Engagement; Experiential Learning Opportunity; Internship Programs,Apply specialized knowledge,,Specialized knowledge and skills,
Internship Programs


Internship Programs - The primary mission of Internship Programs is to engage students in planned, educationally-related work and learning experiences that integrate knowledge and theory with practical application and skill development in a professional setting.

Hospitality & Tourism Practicum - HRTM 290
Full time work experience of a minimum of 400 work hours in the Hospitality or Tourism industry; position can be any entry level or higher position. Includes online course work.
Summer 2022 Practicum Full time work experience of a minimum of 400 work hours in the Hospitality or Tourism industry; position can be any entry level or higher position. Includes online course work. 3 17 76 Y GLD-Professional & Civic Engagement; Experiential Learning Opportunity; Internship Programs,Apply specialized knowledge,Career readiness,Self-knowledge,Specialized knowledge and skills
Internship Programs


Internship Programs - The primary mission of Internship Programs is to engage students in planned, educationally-related work and learning experiences that integrate knowledge and theory with practical application and skill development in a professional setting.

Hospitality & Tourism Internship - HRTM 495
Full time work experience of a minimum of 400 work hours in the Hospitality or Tourism industry; position must be Managerial or Supervisory in nature, Rotational within a minimum of three different areas of the business or a Structured Internship Program. Includes online course work.
Summer 2022 Internship Full time work experience of a minimum of 400 work hours in the Hospitality or Tourism industry; position must be Managerial or Supervisory in nature, Rotational within a minimum of three different areas of the business or a Structured Internship Program. Includes online course work. 3 17 76 Y Experiential Learning Opportunity; GLD-Professional & Civic Engagement; Internship Programs,Apply specialized knowledge,Leadership,Specialized knowledge and skills,Self-knowledge
Internship Programs


Internship Programs - The primary mission of Internship Programs is to engage students in planned, educationally-related work and learning experiences that integrate knowledge and theory with practical application and skill development in a professional setting.

Internship - CRJU 494
Students intern for 160 hours during the semester at an appropriate agency or institution.
Summer 2022 Internship Students intern for 160 hours during the semester at an appropriate agency or institution. 3 14 41 Y GLD-Professional & Civic Engagement; Experiential Learning Opportunity; Internship Programs,Apply specialized knowledge,Career readiness,Specialized knowledge and skills,
Internship Programs


Internship Programs - The primary mission of Internship Programs is to engage students in planned, educationally-related work and learning experiences that integrate knowledge and theory with practical application and skill development in a professional setting.

Internship in Geography - GEOG 595
Students serve as interns (paid or unpaid) in government agencies, private-sector businesses, or non-profit organizations. Internship activities and experiential learning are supervised jointly by sponsors and the internship program of the department.
Summer 2022 Internship Students serve as interns (paid or unpaid) in government agencies, private-sector businesses, or non-profit organizations. Internship activities and experiential learning are supervised jointly by sponsors and the internship program of the department. 3 14 44 Y GLD-Professional & Civic Engagement; GLD-Community Service; Experiential Learning Opportunity; Internship Programs,Apply specialized knowledge,Career readiness,Specialized knowledge and skills,Professionalism / career readiness
Internship Programs


Internship Programs - The primary mission of Internship Programs is to engage students in planned, educationally-related work and learning experiences that integrate knowledge and theory with practical application and skill development in a professional setting.

Professional Internship - ITEC 495
The course is a supervised work experience in information technology and/or project management; the internship is coordinated by a faculty member and supervised by approved management/supervisor within business and industry lasting for approximately 400 hours of on the job experiences.
Summer 2022 Internship The course is a supervised work experience in information technology and/or project management; the internship is coordinated by a faculty member and supervised by approved management/supervisor within business and industry lasting for approximately 400 hours of on the job experiences. 3 19 73 Y GLD-Professional & Civic Engagement; Experiential Learning Opportunity; Internship Programs,Apply specialized knowledge,,Specialized knowledge and skills,Integrative and applied learning
Internship Programs


Internship Programs - The primary mission of Internship Programs is to engage students in planned, educationally-related work and learning experiences that integrate knowledge and theory with practical application and skill development in a professional setting.

Internship in Mass Communications - JOUR 597
Students work at least 140 hours during the semester under the direction of the intern coordinator and a professional supervisor in an internship they obtain, attend required meetings during the term with other interns and the intern coordinator, and turn in assignments as scheduled in the course syllabus.
Summer 2022 Internship Students work at least 140 hours during the semester under the direction of the intern coordinator and a professional supervisor in an internship they obtain, attend required meetings during the term with other interns and the intern coordinator, and turn in assignments as scheduled in the course syllabus. 3 18 81 Y GLD-Professional & Civic Engagement; Experiential Learning Opportunity; Internship Programs,Apply specialized knowledge,Career development,Specialized knowledge and skills,Professionalism / career readiness
Internship Programs


Internship Programs - The primary mission of Internship Programs is to engage students in planned, educationally-related work and learning experiences that integrate knowledge and theory with practical application and skill development in a professional setting.

Public Affairs Internship - POLI 379
In this course, students complete an on-site internship in a public affairs agency, complete a series of academic assignments related to the internship experience, and submit a final performance evaluation from the on-site supervisor.
Summer 2022 Internship In this course, students complete an on-site internship in a public affairs agency, complete a series of academic assignments related to the internship experience, and submit a final performance evaluation from the on-site supervisor. 3 14 50 Y Experiential Learning Opportunity; GLD-Professional & Civic Engagement; Internship Programs,Career development,Apply specialized knowledge,Self-knowledge,Professionalism / career readiness
Internship Programs


Internship Programs - The primary mission of Internship Programs is to engage students in planned, educationally-related work and learning experiences that integrate knowledge and theory with practical application and skill development in a professional setting.

Honors Internship - SCHC 498
Internships are an important part of the Honors Beyond the Classroom program. Students receive academic credit while gaining valuable experience in their chosen career field, receiving helpful feedback on their performance and reflecting on their experience.
Summer 2022 Internship Internships are an important part of the Honors Beyond the Classroom program. Students receive academic credit while gaining valuable experience in their chosen career field, receiving helpful feedback on their performance and reflecting on their experience. 3 26 75 Y Experiential Learning Opportunity; GLD-Professional & Civic Engagement; Internship Programs,Apply specialized knowledge,Career readiness,Specialized knowledge and skills,Professionalism / career readiness
Internship Programs


Internship Programs - The primary mission of Internship Programs is to engage students in planned, educationally-related work and learning experiences that integrate knowledge and theory with practical application and skill development in a professional setting.

Internship in Sport & Entertainment Management - SPTE 495
Students engage in a supervised work experience in a sport or entertainment area. Internship is a minimum of 520 work hours over 13 weeks and is selected by the student with the assistance and approval of the Internship Instructor.
Summer 2022 Internship Students engage in a supervised work experience in a sport or entertainment area. Internship is a minimum of 520 work hours over 13 weeks and is selected by the student with the assistance and approval of the Internship Instructor. 3 17 79 Y GLD-Professional & Civic Engagement; Experiential Learning Opportunity; Internship Programs,Apply specialized knowledge,Career development,Specialized knowledge and skills,Self-knowledge
Internship Programs


Internship Programs - The primary mission of Internship Programs is to engage students in planned, educationally-related work and learning experiences that integrate knowledge and theory with practical application and skill development in a professional setting.

Practicum in Sport & Entertainment Management - SPTE 295
Students engage in a supervised work experience in a sport or entertainment area. Practicum is a minimum of 520 work hours over 13 weeks and is selected by the student with the assistance and approval of the Practicum Instructor. It is meant to be the student's introduction to the specific field in which they wish to pursue a career.
Summer 2022 Practicum Students engage in a supervised work experience in a sport or entertainment area. Practicum is a minimum of 520 work hours over 13 weeks and is selected by the student with the assistance and approval of the Practicum Instructor. It is meant to be the student's introduction to the specific field in which they wish to pursue a career. 3 17 79 Y GLD-Professional & Civic Engagement; Experiential Learning Opportunity; Internship Programs,Apply specialized knowledge,Career development,Specialized knowledge and skills,
Civic Engagement & Service-Learning Programs


Civic Engagement & Service-Learning Programs - The primary mission of Service-Learning Programs is to engage students in experiences that address human and community needs together with structured opportunities for reflection intentionally designed to promote student learning and development.

Service-Learning - PALM 495
An exploration of theories of service-learning with application of practical solutions to meet community needs.
Summer 2022 Service Learning An exploration of theories of service-learning with application of practical solutions to meet community needs. 13 33 112 Y GLD-Community Service; Experiential Learning Opportunity; Civic Engagement & Service-Learning Programs,Apply specialized knowledge,Community service / civic engagement,Specialized knowledge and skills,Personal and social responsibility - Contributing to a larger community
Student Leadership Programs


Student Leadership Programs - The mission of Student Leadership Programs must be to prepare students to engage in the process of leadership.

Dance Marathon Executive Board
Board members of this philanthropic organization engage with their peers to plan and execute a variety of educational and service events designed to raise funds and awareness for Palmetto Health Children's Hospital, culminating in the Main Event in the spring.
Fall 2022 Student Program Leader Board members of this philanthropic organization engage with their peers to plan and execute a variety of educational and service events designed to raise funds and awareness for Palmetto Health Children's Hospital, culminating in the Main Event in the spring. 3 11 28 Russell House University Union N GLD-Professional & Civic Engagement; GLD-Community Service; Experiential Learning Opportunity; Student Leadership Programs,Leadership,Career readiness,Problem solving,Influencing others
Student Leadership Programs


Student Leadership Programs - The mission of Student Leadership Programs must be to prepare students to engage in the process of leadership.

Dance Marathon Board of Directors
Students lead and work collaboratively for USC Dance Marathon (USCDM) supporting director and staff meetings, fundraising initiatives, participant recruitment and retention efforts, and numerous reflection activities leading up to their Main Event in the spring. Leaders in this role report to the USCDM Executive Board leadership.
Fall 2022 Student Program Leader Students lead and work collaboratively for USC Dance Marathon (USCDM) supporting director and staff meetings, fundraising initiatives, participant recruitment and retention efforts, and numerous reflection activities leading up to their Main Event in the spring. Leaders in this role report to the USCDM Executive Board leadership. 3 11 28 Russell House University Union N GLD-Professional & Civic Engagement; Student Leadership Programs,Leadership,Career readiness,Problem solving,Influencing others
Student Leadership Programs


Student Leadership Programs - The mission of Student Leadership Programs must be to prepare students to engage in the process of leadership.

Homecoming Commission Leadership Team
Students work together as a team to plan and execute events and functions during UofSC Homecoming Week, taking ownership of this campus tradition and helping to develop a sense of community for all UofSC students.
Fall 2022 Student Program Leader Students work together as a team to plan and execute events and functions during UofSC Homecoming Week, taking ownership of this campus tradition and helping to develop a sense of community for all UofSC students. 3 11 28 Russell House University Union N GLD-Professional & Civic Engagement; Experiential Learning Opportunity; Student Leadership Programs,Leadership,Career readiness,Problem solving,Teamwork
Learning Assistance Programs


Learning Assistance Programs - The primary mission of Learning Assistance Programs must be to provide students with resources and opportunities to improve their ability to learn and to achieve academic success.

Success Consultation
Students meet 1-1 with a trained peer consultant to assist students in understanding course material, develop self-regulated learning skills, and create an action plan for positive academic behaviors.
Summer 2022 Educational Support Students meet 1-1 with a trained peer consultant to assist students in understanding course material, develop self-regulated learning skills, and create an action plan for positive academic behaviors. 3 11 30 Student Success Center N ; Learning Assistance Programs,Study / Practice intellectual skills,Study / Practice self knowledge,Foundations and skills for lifelong learning,
Learning Assistance Programs


Learning Assistance Programs - The primary mission of Learning Assistance Programs must be to provide students with resources and opportunities to improve their ability to learn and to achieve academic success.

Supplemental Instruction
Students participate in a group study session for a specific academic course and section in which they are currently enrolled.
Summer 2022 Educational Support Students participate in a group study session for a specific academic course and section in which they are currently enrolled. 3 11 30 Student Success Center N ; Learning Assistance Programs,Study / Practice intellectual skills,,Specialized knowledge and skills,
Transfer Student Programs and Services


Transfer Student Programs and Services - The mission of Transfer Student Programs and Services is to aid in the successful transfer, persistence, and graduation of transfer students.

Transfer Success Consultation
Transfer students participate in a 1:1 meeting with the Transfer Coordinator, to discuss academic referrals, current academic challenges, and to identify academic and campus resources.
Summer 2022 Educational Support Transfer students participate in a 1:1 meeting with the Transfer Coordinator, to discuss academic referrals, current academic challenges, and to identify academic and campus resources. 3 11 30 Carolina Experience N ; Transfer Student Programs and Services,Study / Practice self knowledge,,Personal and social responsibility - Striving for excellence,
Learning Assistance Programs


Learning Assistance Programs - The primary mission of Learning Assistance Programs must be to provide students with resources and opportunities to improve their ability to learn and to achieve academic success.

Peer Tutoring
Students participate in a tutoring session for a specific academic course in which they are currently enrolled.
Summer 2022 Educational Support Students participate in a tutoring session for a specific academic course in which they are currently enrolled. 3 11 30 Student Success Center N ; Learning Assistance Programs,Study / Practice intellectual skills,Apply specialized knowledge,Specialized knowledge and skills,
Career Services


Career Services - The primary mission of Career Services is to assist students and other designated clients in developing, evaluating, and implementing career, education, and employment plans.

Career Coaching - Career Assessment Interpretation
Students complete a career assessment prior to meeting with a career coach; in this 1-1 session, the coach guides the student through exploration of career-related interests, skills and values.
Summer 2022 Career Development Students complete a career assessment prior to meeting with a career coach; in this 1-1 session, the coach guides the student through exploration of career-related interests, skills and values. 3 11 30 Career Center N ; Career Services,Study / Practice self knowledge,Career development,Self-knowledge,Problem solving
Career Services


Career Services - The primary mission of Career Services is to assist students and other designated clients in developing, evaluating, and implementing career, education, and employment plans.

Career Coaching - Choosing a Major/Career
Students interact 1-1 with a trained career coach regarding making career /major decisions by exploring student interests, abilities, aptitudes, and alignment with options for choice of major and career field.
Summer 2022 Career Development Students interact 1-1 with a trained career coach regarding making career /major decisions by exploring student interests, abilities, aptitudes, and alignment with options for choice of major and career field. 3 11 30 Career Center N ; Career Services,Study / Practice self knowledge,Career development,Self-knowledge,Problem solving
Career Services


Career Services - The primary mission of Career Services is to assist students and other designated clients in developing, evaluating, and implementing career, education, and employment plans.

Career Coaching - Curriculum Vita / Cover Letter Review
Students interact 1-1 with a professional staff member who reviews students' vita and cover letter, provides feedback, and helps students explore presentation options.
Summer 2022 Career Development Students interact 1-1 with a professional staff member who reviews students' vita and cover letter, provides feedback, and helps students explore presentation options. 3 11 30 Career Center N ; Career Services,Career development,Study / Practice self knowledge,Problem solving,Self-knowledge
Career Services


Career Services - The primary mission of Career Services is to assist students and other designated clients in developing, evaluating, and implementing career, education, and employment plans.

Career Coaching - Graduate / Professional School
Student interacts 1-1 with professional staff member to identify resources and develop a plan for applying to graduate and/or professional schools.
Summer 2022 Career Development Student interacts 1-1 with professional staff member to identify resources and develop a plan for applying to graduate and/or professional schools. 3 11 30 Career Center N ; Career Services,Career development,Study / Practice self knowledge,Problem solving,
Career Services


Career Services - The primary mission of Career Services is to assist students and other designated clients in developing, evaluating, and implementing career, education, and employment plans.

Career Coaching - Interview Preparation
Student interacts 1-1 with a professional staff member to prepare for interviews for employment or admission to graduate/professional schools.
Summer 2022 Career Development Student interacts 1-1 with a professional staff member to prepare for interviews for employment or admission to graduate/professional schools. 3 11 30 Career Center N ; Career Services,Career development,Study / Practice self knowledge,Self-knowledge,Problem solving
Career Services


Career Services - The primary mission of Career Services is to assist students and other designated clients in developing, evaluating, and implementing career, education, and employment plans.

Career Coaching - Job Search
Student interacts 1-1 with a professional staff member to identify resources and develop a plan for obtaining employment.
Summer 2022 Career Development Student interacts 1-1 with a professional staff member to identify resources and develop a plan for obtaining employment. 3 11 30 Career Center N ; Career Services,Career development,Study / Practice self knowledge,Problem solving,Self-knowledge
Career Services


Career Services - The primary mission of Career Services is to assist students and other designated clients in developing, evaluating, and implementing career, education, and employment plans.

Career Coaching - Mock Interview
Students participate in a mock interview, and receive feedback from a professional staff member to improve their future performance.
Summer 2022 Career Development Students participate in a mock interview, and receive feedback from a professional staff member to improve their future performance. 3 11 30 Career Center N ; Career Services,Career development,,Self-knowledge,Communication - spoken
Career Services


Career Services - The primary mission of Career Services is to assist students and other designated clients in developing, evaluating, and implementing career, education, and employment plans.

Career Coaching - Parallel Career Path
Students interact with professional career coach to explore options regarding choice of major and career fields, in recognition of competitive admissions practices and other factors that may affect plans.
Summer 2022 Career Development Students interact with professional career coach to explore options regarding choice of major and career fields, in recognition of competitive admissions practices and other factors that may affect plans. 3 11 30 Career Center N ; Career Services,Career development,Study / Practice self knowledge,Problem solving,Self-knowledge
Career Services


Career Services - The primary mission of Career Services is to assist students and other designated clients in developing, evaluating, and implementing career, education, and employment plans.

Career Coaching - Personal Statement / Essay Reviews
Students interact 1-1 with a staff member to identify resources and develop a plan for obtaining employment.
Summer 2022 Career Development Students interact 1-1 with a staff member to identify resources and develop a plan for obtaining employment. 3 11 30 Career Center N ; Career Services,Career development,,Problem solving,
Career Services


Career Services - The primary mission of Career Services is to assist students and other designated clients in developing, evaluating, and implementing career, education, and employment plans.

Career Coaching - Resume / Cover Letter Review
Students interact 1-1 with a staff member to identify resources and plan for obtaining employment.
Summer 2022 Career Development Students interact 1-1 with a staff member to identify resources and plan for obtaining employment. 3 11 30 Career Center N ; Career Services,Career development,,Problem solving,
Career Services


Career Services - The primary mission of Career Services is to assist students and other designated clients in developing, evaluating, and implementing career, education, and employment plans.

Career Coaching - Career Studio
In this learning lab, students receive guidance from a Career Center Peer Educator on topics related to their career, including resumes, cover letters, personal statements, curriculum vitae, job search, interviewing, and occupational research.
Summer 2022 Career Development In this learning lab, students receive guidance from a Career Center Peer Educator on topics related to their career, including resumes, cover letters, personal statements, curriculum vitae, job search, interviewing, and occupational research. 3 11 30 Career Center N ; Career Services,Career development,Study / Practice self knowledge,Self-knowledge,
Orientation Programs


Orientation Programs - The mission of Orientation Programs must facilitate the transition of new students into the institution; prepare students for the educational opportunities and student responsibilities; initiate the integration of new students into the intellectual, cultural, and social climate of the institution; and support the parents, guardians, and children of the new student.

Pillars for Carolina Orientation
Incoming students engage in an extended orientation program that introduces them to student life and resources on campus. Participants meet and interact with peers, explore campus geography and resources, and reflect on their identity as a college student.
Summer 2022 Community Building Incoming students engage in an extended orientation program that introduces them to student life and resources on campus. Participants meet and interact with peers, explore campus geography and resources, and reflect on their identity as a college student. 3 11 28 Leadership & Service Center N ; Orientation Programs,Connecting with others,,Self-knowledge,
Student Leadership Programs


Student Leadership Programs - The mission of Student Leadership Programs must be to prepare students to engage in the process of leadership.

Pillars for Carolina Leadership Team
Student leaders manage all components of the planning, recruitment, and execution of the Pillars for Carolina Extended Orientation Program. Team members work together to solve problems, communicate to multiple constituents, supervise peer mentors, and evaluate the effectiveness of program activities.
Summer 2022 Peer Educator Student leaders manage all components of the planning, recruitment, and execution of the Pillars for Carolina Extended Orientation Program. Team members work together to solve problems, communicate to multiple constituents, supervise peer mentors, and evaluate the effectiveness of program activities. 3 11 28 Leadership & Service Center N GLD-Professional & Civic Engagement; Student Leadership Programs,Leadership,,Problem solving,Teamwork
Student Leadership Programs


Student Leadership Programs - The mission of Student Leadership Programs must be to prepare students to engage in the process of leadership.

Pillars for Carolina Extended Mentor
Pillars for Carolina XMs help introduce incoming students to student life and resources on campus. XMs are peer mentors who lead groups and communicate information to diverse audiences; student mentees look to XMs to answer their candid questions about the college experience.
Summer 2022 Student Program Leader Pillars for Carolina XMs help introduce incoming students to student life and resources on campus. XMs are peer mentors who lead groups and communicate information to diverse audiences; student mentees look to XMs to answer their candid questions about the college experience. 3 11 28 Leadership & Service Center N GLD-Professional & Civic Engagement; Student Leadership Programs,Leadership,,Interpersonal skills,Influencing others
Student Leadership Programs


Student Leadership Programs - The mission of Student Leadership Programs must be to prepare students to engage in the process of leadership.

Leadership and Service Ambassador
Leadership and Service Advocates help manage the Leadership and Service Center’s daily operations, assist students as they call or enter the center, and assist the professional staff in marketing and planning programs and services.
Summer 2022 Student Program Leader Leadership and Service Advocates help manage the Leadership and Service Center’s daily operations, assist students as they call or enter the center, and assist the professional staff in marketing and planning programs and services. 3 11 28 Leadership & Service Center N GLD-Professional & Civic Engagement; Student Leadership Programs,Career readiness,,Communication - spoken,Problem solving
Recreational Sports Programs


Recreational Sports Programs - The mission of Recreational Sports Programs must be to enhance the mind, body, and spirit of students and other eligible individuals by providing programs, services, and facilities that are responsive to the physical, social, recreational, and lifelong educational needs of the campus community as they relate to health, fitness, and learning.

Campus Recreation Adventure Trip Leader
Trip leaders plan and execute day-long outdoor adventure trips; responsibilities include conducting pre-trip meetings with participants to set expectations, build relationships, communicate risks, and provide training for participants. During the trip, leaders serve as guides and wilderness medical first responders.
Fall 2022 Student Program Leader Trip leaders plan and execute day-long outdoor adventure trips; responsibilities include conducting pre-trip meetings with participants to set expectations, build relationships, communicate risks, and provide training for participants. During the trip, leaders serve as guides and wilderness medical first responders. 3 11 117 Campus Recreation N GLD-Professional & Civic Engagement; Recreational Sports Programs,Leadership,Career readiness,Teamwork,Problem solving
Recreational Sports Programs


Recreational Sports Programs - The mission of Recreational Sports Programs must be to enhance the mind, body, and spirit of students and other eligible individuals by providing programs, services, and facilities that are responsive to the physical, social, recreational, and lifelong educational needs of the campus community as they relate to health, fitness, and learning.

Campus Recreation Assistant
Student assistants facilitate the successful operation of the Campus Recreation program and facility (marketing and communications, member services, operations, outdoor recreation, sport programs and fitness) as the primary point of contact for participants and patrons; they facilitate a safe and positive developmental experience for students.
Fall 2022 Employment On Campus Student assistants facilitate the successful operation of the Campus Recreation program and facility (marketing and communications, member services, operations, outdoor recreation, sport programs and fitness) as the primary point of contact for participants and patrons; they facilitate a safe and positive developmental experience for students. 3 11 117 Campus Recreation N ; Recreational Sports Programs,Career readiness,,Professionalism / career readiness,
Recreational Sports Programs


Recreational Sports Programs - The mission of Recreational Sports Programs must be to enhance the mind, body, and spirit of students and other eligible individuals by providing programs, services, and facilities that are responsive to the physical, social, recreational, and lifelong educational needs of the campus community as they relate to health, fitness, and learning.

Campus Recreation Fitness Instructor
Student instructors safely deliver a quality fitness service to patrons and serve as an educational resource for how to develop effective fitness practices.
Fall 2022 Employment On Campus Student instructors safely deliver a quality fitness service to patrons and serve as an educational resource for how to develop effective fitness practices. 3 11 117 Campus Recreation N ; Recreational Sports Programs,Career readiness,,Communication - spoken,Professionalism / career readiness
Student Leadership Programs


Student Leadership Programs - The mission of Student Leadership Programs must be to prepare students to engage in the process of leadership.

Campus Recreation Leader
Students execute all aspects of a Campus Recreation program or facility (fitness, member services, operations, or sport programs), with responsibility for supervising student staff and planning for facility and equipment needs.
Fall 2022 Student Program Leader Students execute all aspects of a Campus Recreation program or facility (fitness, member services, operations, or sport programs), with responsibility for supervising student staff and planning for facility and equipment needs. 3 11 117 Campus Recreation N Experiential Learning Opportunity; Student Leadership Programs,Leadership,Career readiness,Teamwork,Critical and creative thinking
Recreational Sports Programs


Recreational Sports Programs - The mission of Recreational Sports Programs must be to enhance the mind, body, and spirit of students and other eligible individuals by providing programs, services, and facilities that are responsive to the physical, social, recreational, and lifelong educational needs of the campus community as they relate to health, fitness, and learning.

Campus Recreation Manager
Managers serve a dual role as a Leader while also designing programs and planning for effective operations in Fitness, Member Services, Operations, Outdoor Recreation, and/or Sport Programs. They develop and enforce policies, plan for staffing, oversee student employees, manage risk, and influence the actions of others toward unit goals.
Fall 2022 Student Program Leader Managers serve a dual role as a Leader while also designing programs and planning for effective operations in Fitness, Member Services, Operations, Outdoor Recreation, and/or Sport Programs. They develop and enforce policies, plan for staffing, oversee student employees, manage risk, and influence the actions of others toward unit goals. 3 11 117 Campus Recreation N Experiential Learning Opportunity; Recreational Sports Programs,Career readiness,Leadership,Problem solving,Influencing others
Student Leadership Programs


Student Leadership Programs - The mission of Student Leadership Programs must be to prepare students to engage in the process of leadership.

Magellan Ambassador
Magellan Ambassadors represent the Office of Undergraduate Research through campus presentations and events, providing opportunity for professional development while sharing their research experience with other students.
Fall 2022 Student Program Leader Magellan Ambassadors represent the Office of Undergraduate Research through campus presentations and events, providing opportunity for professional development while sharing their research experience with other students. 3 13 32 Undergraduate Research N GLD-Professional & Civic Engagement; Student Leadership Programs,Leadership,,Communication - spoken,Influencing others
Student Leadership Programs


Student Leadership Programs - The mission of Student Leadership Programs must be to prepare students to engage in the process of leadership.

University Ambassador
University Ambassadors lead campus tours for diverse audiences of prospective students and families, answer phone calls and respond to emails and other visitor communications, assist in the recruitment, coaching, and evaluation of new University Ambassadors and participate in weekly professional development & training.
Fall 2022 Peer Educator University Ambassadors lead campus tours for diverse audiences of prospective students and families, answer phone calls and respond to emails and other visitor communications, assist in the recruitment, coaching, and evaluation of new University Ambassadors and participate in weekly professional development & training. 3 34 118 Visitor Center N GLD-Professional & Civic Engagement; Experiential Learning Opportunity; Student Leadership Programs,Career readiness,Connecting with others,Critical and creative thinking,Communication - spoken
Student Leadership Programs


Student Leadership Programs - The mission of Student Leadership Programs must be to prepare students to engage in the process of leadership.

New Resident Assistant
Resident Mentors live with a group of 25 to 60 residents, guide them through their Carolina experience, and are responsible for actively assisting individuals and groups of students in their residential learning community by performing all job duties and responsibilities of the position.
Fall 2022 Peer Educator Resident Mentors live with a group of 25 to 60 residents, guide them through their Carolina experience, and are responsible for actively assisting individuals and groups of students in their residential learning community by performing all job duties and responsibilities of the position. 3 11 29 University Housing N GLD-Professional & Civic Engagement; Experiential Learning Opportunity; Student Leadership Programs,Leadership,,Influencing others,Interpersonal skills
Student Leadership Programs


Student Leadership Programs - The mission of Student Leadership Programs must be to prepare students to engage in the process of leadership.

Returning Resident Assistant
Returning Resident Mentors have completed the training course, live with a group of 25 to 60 residents, guide them through their Carolina experience, and are responsible for actively assisting individuals and groups of students in their residential learning community by performing all job duties and responsibilities of the position.
Fall 2022 Peer Educator Returning Resident Mentors have completed the training course, live with a group of 25 to 60 residents, guide them through their Carolina experience, and are responsible for actively assisting individuals and groups of students in their residential learning community by performing all job duties and responsibilities of the position. 3 11 29 University Housing N GLD-Professional & Civic Engagement; Experiential Learning Opportunity; Student Leadership Programs,Leadership,,Influencing others,Interpersonal skills
Student Leadership Programs


Student Leadership Programs - The mission of Student Leadership Programs must be to prepare students to engage in the process of leadership.

McNair Institute Student Advisory Council
Student council members attend meetings with Institute leaders to learn about the Institute and provide student perspectives, strategize how to expand the McNair Institute brand and initiatives across schools and colleges of the UofSC system, and support Institute activities that foster entrepreneurism and free enterprise education and support.
Fall 2022 Student Program Leader Student council members attend meetings with Institute leaders to learn about the Institute and provide student perspectives, strategize how to expand the McNair Institute brand and initiatives across schools and colleges of the UofSC system, and support Institute activities that foster entrepreneurism and free enterprise education and support. 3 12 34 McNair Institute N ; Student Leadership Programs,Career readiness,,Professionalism / career readiness,
Capstone Experience


Capstone Experience - A course or project that engages students in a culminating and integrative experience, intended to connect the key learning objectives of an educational program.

Graduation with Leadership Distinction ePortfolio - Small Groups and Independent students
The ePortfolio is designed to be the culminating project of a student's collegiate experiences. Through creation of an ePortfolio, students demonstrate the major learning and skills they have developed. The process is intended to help undergraduate students identify their purpose or passion.
Summer 2022 Capstone Course or Project The ePortfolio is designed to be the culminating project of a student's collegiate experiences. Through creation of an ePortfolio, students demonstrate the major learning and skills they have developed. The process is intended to help undergraduate students identify their purpose or passion. 3 12 34 Center for Integrative and Experiential Learning N GLD-ePortfolio; Experiential Learning Opportunity; Capstone Experience,Apply specialized knowledge,Career development,Integrative and applied learning,Self-knowledge
Capstone Experience


Capstone Experience - A course or project that engages students in a culminating and integrative experience, intended to connect the key learning objectives of an educational program.

Graduation with Leadership Distinction ePortfolio - 401
Student creates an ePortfolio as the culminating project of their undergraduate student collegiate experience. Through the ePortfolio, students demonstrate the major learning and skills they have developed during their time at the University of South Carolina. The ePortfolio is intended to help students identify their purpose or passion.
Fall 2022 Capstone Course or Project Student creates an ePortfolio as the culminating project of their undergraduate student collegiate experience. Through the ePortfolio, students demonstrate the major learning and skills they have developed during their time at the University of South Carolina. The ePortfolio is intended to help students identify their purpose or passion. 3 12 34 Center for Integrative and Experiential Learning N GLD-ePortfolio; Experiential Learning Opportunity; Capstone Experience,Study / Practice intellectual skills,,Integrative and applied learning,
Capstone Experience


Capstone Experience - A course or project that engages students in a culminating and integrative experience, intended to connect the key learning objectives of an educational program.

Graduation with Leadership Distinction ePortfolio - Small Groups and Independent students
The ePortfolio is designed to be the culminating project of a student's collegiate experiences. Through creation of an ePortfolio, students demonstrate the major learning and skills they have developed. The process is intended to help undergraduate students identify their purpose or passion.
Fall 2022 Capstone Course or Project The ePortfolio is designed to be the culminating project of a student's collegiate experiences. Through creation of an ePortfolio, students demonstrate the major learning and skills they have developed. The process is intended to help undergraduate students identify their purpose or passion. 3 12 34 Center for Integrative and Experiential Learning N GLD-ePortfolio; Experiential Learning Opportunity; Capstone Experience,Apply specialized knowledge,Career development,Integrative and applied learning,Self-knowledge
Recreational Sports Programs


Recreational Sports Programs - The mission of Recreational Sports Programs must be to enhance the mind, body, and spirit of students and other eligible individuals by providing programs, services, and facilities that are responsive to the physical, social, recreational, and lifelong educational needs of the campus community as they relate to health, fitness, and learning.

Campus Recreation Sport Club Executive Board
Sport Club Executive Board (SCEB) members are elected by sport club officers to build support for the sport club program and achieve common goals, and interact with a variety of constituents including sport club members, faculty, staff, and university administrators.
Fall 2022 Elected Student Leader Sport Club Executive Board (SCEB) members are elected by sport club officers to build support for the sport club program and achieve common goals, and interact with a variety of constituents including sport club members, faculty, staff, and university administrators. 3 11 117 Campus Recreation N ; Recreational Sports Programs,Leadership,,Problem solving,Influencing others
Campus Activities Programs


Campus Activities Programs - The purpose of Campus Activities Programs must be to enhance the overall educational experience of students through development of, exposure to, and participation in programs and activities that improve student cooperation and leadership while preparing students to be responsible advocates and citizens and complementing the institution's academic programs.

Gamecock Entertainment (GE) Intern
Student Interns design and implement events; practice marketing and outreach best practices for event promotion; track event attendance data and conduct assessment; collaborate with professional staff to manage event budgets; and participate in professional development activities.
Fall 2022 Internship Student Interns design and implement events; practice marketing and outreach best practices for event promotion; track event attendance data and conduct assessment; collaborate with professional staff to manage event budgets; and participate in professional development activities. 3 11 28 Russell House University Union N Experiential Learning Opportunity; Campus Activities Programs,Career readiness,Apply specialized knowledge,Specialized knowledge and skills,Teamwork
Student Leadership Programs


Student Leadership Programs - The mission of Student Leadership Programs must be to prepare students to engage in the process of leadership.

Carolina Productions Executive Board
Student board members work together to design, implement and evaluate a series of compelling events and programs open to all UofSC students and intended to enrich the overall student experience.
Fall 2022 Student Program Leader Student board members work together to design, implement and evaluate a series of compelling events and programs open to all UofSC students and intended to enrich the overall student experience. 3 11 28 Russell House University Union N GLD-Professional & Civic Engagement; Experiential Learning Opportunity; Student Leadership Programs,Leadership,Career readiness,Problem solving,Teamwork
Student Leadership Programs


Student Leadership Programs - The mission of Student Leadership Programs must be to prepare students to engage in the process of leadership.

Alternative Break Leader
Students lead a group of peers in an immersive service experience that occurs during a scheduled break in the academic year. Leaders plan and implement a trip in a theme of their choice, resolve problems that occur during the trip, and communicate with leaders of the agency or community that is the focus of the service.
Fall 2022 Peer Educator Students lead a group of peers in an immersive service experience that occurs during a scheduled break in the academic year. Leaders plan and implement a trip in a theme of their choice, resolve problems that occur during the trip, and communicate with leaders of the agency or community that is the focus of the service. 3 11 28 Leadership & Service Center N GLD-Professional & Civic Engagement; GLD-Community Service; Experiential Learning Opportunity; Student Leadership Programs,Leadership,Community service / civic engagement,Critical and creative thinking,Civic knowledge and engagement
Civic Engagement & Service-Learning Programs


Civic Engagement & Service-Learning Programs - The primary mission of Service-Learning Programs is to engage students in experiences that address human and community needs together with structured opportunities for reflection intentionally designed to promote student learning and development.

Alternative Break
As part of a team of volunteers, students travel to a local or regional community during fall, winter, or spring breaks to provide a community service project around a social issue.
Fall 2022 Civic Engagement As part of a team of volunteers, students travel to a local or regional community during fall, winter, or spring breaks to provide a community service project around a social issue. 3 11 28 Leadership & Service Center N GLD-Community Service; Civic Engagement & Service-Learning Programs,Community service / civic engagement,Connecting with others,Teamwork,Civic knowledge and engagement
Campus Activities Programs


Campus Activities Programs - The purpose of Campus Activities Programs must be to enhance the overall educational experience of students through development of, exposure to, and participation in programs and activities that improve student cooperation and leadership while preparing students to be responsible advocates and citizens and complementing the institution's academic programs.

Brother to Brother Community Dinner
Over dinner, self-identified black male students engage with black men from the university and Columbia communities in conversations designed to build meaningful connections and support for students.
Fall 2022 Community Building Over dinner, self-identified black male students engage with black men from the university and Columbia communities in conversations designed to build meaningful connections and support for students. 3 11 28 Multicultural Student Affairs N ; Campus Activities Programs,Connecting with others,,Self-knowledge,
Campus Activities Programs


Campus Activities Programs - The purpose of Campus Activities Programs must be to enhance the overall educational experience of students through development of, exposure to, and participation in programs and activities that improve student cooperation and leadership while preparing students to be responsible advocates and citizens and complementing the institution's academic programs.

Carolina Productions
Student attended an event provided by the Carolina Productions student programming board (e.g., concerts, comedy nights, weekly movie screenings, roller rinks).
Fall 2022 Campus Activities Student attended an event provided by the Carolina Productions student programming board (e.g., concerts, comedy nights, weekly movie screenings, roller rinks). 3 11 28 Russell House University Union N ; Campus Activities Programs,Recreation, leisure, entertainment,Connecting with others,Self-knowledge,
Recreational Sports Programs


Recreational Sports Programs - The mission of Recreational Sports Programs must be to enhance the mind, body, and spirit of students and other eligible individuals by providing programs, services, and facilities that are responsive to the physical, social, recreational, and lifelong educational needs of the campus community as they relate to health, fitness, and learning.

Campus Recreation Climbing Wall
Students participate in top rope climbing or bouldering, with routes for both beginners and advanced climbers, at the climbing wall in the Wellness & Fitness Center.
Fall 2022 Physical, Mental, Emotional Health Students participate in top rope climbing or bouldering, with routes for both beginners and advanced climbers, at the climbing wall in the Wellness & Fitness Center. 3 11 117 Campus Recreation N ; Recreational Sports Programs,Recreation, leisure, entertainment,Connecting with others,Foundations and skills for lifelong learning,
Student Leadership Programs


Student Leadership Programs - The mission of Student Leadership Programs must be to prepare students to engage in the process of leadership.

Close Family Emerging Leaders Program
Students meet weekly for 8 weeks to explore aspects of leadership; activities are designed to help students develop a personal definition of leadership, create achievable goals, and design an action plan for applying leadership skills at USC.
Fall 2022 Leadership Education Students meet weekly for 8 weeks to explore aspects of leadership; activities are designed to help students develop a personal definition of leadership, create achievable goals, and design an action plan for applying leadership skills at USC. 3 11 28 Leadership & Service Center N GLD-Professional & Civic Engagement; Student Leadership Programs,Study / Practice self knowledge,,Self-knowledge,Communication - spoken
Civic Engagement & Service-Learning Programs


Civic Engagement & Service-Learning Programs - The primary mission of Service-Learning Programs is to engage students in experiences that address human and community needs together with structured opportunities for reflection intentionally designed to promote student learning and development.

Community Service Ambassador
Each student ambassador serves in a nonprofit organization located in the Midlands, exploring issues affecting the local community and working with the non-profit agency to address these issues.
Fall 2022 Civic Engagement Each student ambassador serves in a nonprofit organization located in the Midlands, exploring issues affecting the local community and working with the non-profit agency to address these issues. 3 11 28 Leadership & Service Center N GLD-Professional & Civic Engagement; GLD-Community Service; Experiential Learning Opportunity; Civic Engagement & Service-Learning Programs,Community service / civic engagement,Study / Practice diversity, equity, inclusion,Civic knowledge and engagement,Personal and social responsibility - Contributing to a larger community
Campus Activities Programs


Campus Activities Programs - The purpose of Campus Activities Programs must be to enhance the overall educational experience of students through development of, exposure to, and participation in programs and activities that improve student cooperation and leadership while preparing students to be responsible advocates and citizens and complementing the institution's academic programs.

Dance Marathon Hero
Student participates in one of a variety of programs and events on campus and in the larger community to raise awareness and generate support for the Child Life Program at Prisma Health Children's Hospital.
Fall 2022 Campus Activities Student participates in one of a variety of programs and events on campus and in the larger community to raise awareness and generate support for the Child Life Program at Prisma Health Children's Hospital. 3 11 28 Russell House University Union N ; Campus Activities Programs,Recreation, leisure, entertainment,Connecting with others,Self-knowledge,
Campus Activities Programs


Campus Activities Programs - The purpose of Campus Activities Programs must be to enhance the overall educational experience of students through development of, exposure to, and participation in programs and activities that improve student cooperation and leadership while preparing students to be responsible advocates and citizens and complementing the institution's academic programs.

Dinner Dialogue
Students enrolled in a course are guests for dinner in their instructor's home, in order to better get to know their instructor and classmates outside the classroom.
Fall 2022 Campus Activities Students enrolled in a course are guests for dinner in their instructor's home, in order to better get to know their instructor and classmates outside the classroom. 3 11 28 Parent & Family Programs N ; Campus Activities Programs,Connecting with others,,Communication - spoken,
Multicultural Student Programs and Services


Multicultural Student Programs and Services - Multicultural Student Programs and Services must promote academic and personal growth of traditionally underserved students, work with the entire campus to create an institutional and community climate of justice, promote access and equity in higher education, and offer programs that educate the campus about diversity.

Diversity Dialogues
In a safe space, students listen to an expert presentation and engage in self-reflection and discussion on topics such as race, culture, gender, stereotypes, intersectionality, and sexual orientation. This workshop is intended to help students learn about marginalized populations and build awareness around diversity and inclusion.
Fall 2022 Educational Support In a safe space, students listen to an expert presentation and engage in self-reflection and discussion on topics such as race, culture, gender, stereotypes, intersectionality, and sexual orientation. This workshop is intended to help students learn about marginalized populations and build awareness around diversity and inclusion. 3 11 28 Multicultural Student Affairs N ; Multicultural Student Programs and Services,Study / Practice diversity, equity, inclusion,,Civic knowledge and engagement,Intercultural knowledge and competence
Fraternity and Sorority Advising Programs


Fraternity and Sorority Advising Programs - The mission of Fraternity and Sorority Advising Programs is to promote the learning and development of students who affiliate with fraternities and sororities.

Fraternity and Sorority Life Council Leadership
Students work to advance the FSL community by leading bi-weekly council meetings, meeting monthly with professional and graduate student staff advisors, communicating with FSL chapter presidents and community members, and implementing policies (university, FSL, Council).
Fall 2022 Elected Student Leader Students work to advance the FSL community by leading bi-weekly council meetings, meeting monthly with professional and graduate student staff advisors, communicating with FSL chapter presidents and community members, and implementing policies (university, FSL, Council). 3 11 28 Fraternity & Sorority Life N GLD-Professional & Civic Engagement; Fraternity and Sorority Advising Programs,Leadership,Apply specialized knowledge,Influencing others,Communication - spoken
Fraternity and Sorority Advising Programs


Fraternity and Sorority Advising Programs - The mission of Fraternity and Sorority Advising Programs is to promote the learning and development of students who affiliate with fraternities and sororities.

Fraternity and Sorority New Member Summit
Students engage in council-specific conversations on the history, significance and myths of Fraternity and Sorority Life, personal responsibility, expectations, and tools available for new FSL members.
Fall 2022 Campus Activities Students engage in council-specific conversations on the history, significance and myths of Fraternity and Sorority Life, personal responsibility, expectations, and tools available for new FSL members. 3 11 28 Fraternity & Sorority Life N ; Fraternity and Sorority Advising Programs,Connecting with others,,Self-knowledge,
Fraternity and Sorority Advising Programs


Fraternity and Sorority Advising Programs - The mission of Fraternity and Sorority Advising Programs is to promote the learning and development of students who affiliate with fraternities and sororities.

Fraternity and Sorority Life Recruitment / Intake Orientation
Participants attend this session to learn about the recruitment and membership experience in fraternity and sorority organizations, including time commitment, academic and financial requirements, and philanthropic and service opportunities of each chapter. Information is provided by professional staff, graduate assistants, and current members.
Fall 2022 Campus Activities Participants attend this session to learn about the recruitment and membership experience in fraternity and sorority organizations, including time commitment, academic and financial requirements, and philanthropic and service opportunities of each chapter. Information is provided by professional staff, graduate assistants, and current members. 3 11 28 Fraternity & Sorority Life N ; Fraternity and Sorority Advising Programs,Connecting with others,,Self-knowledge,
Campus Activities Programs


Campus Activities Programs - The purpose of Campus Activities Programs must be to enhance the overall educational experience of students through development of, exposure to, and participation in programs and activities that improve student cooperation and leadership while preparing students to be responsible advocates and citizens and complementing the institution's academic programs.

Gamecock Entertainment
Student attended an event provided by Gamecock Entertainment staff programming (e.g., watch parties, sporting events, political elections/debates), paint nights, trivia, foam parties).
Fall 2022 Campus Activities Student attended an event provided by Gamecock Entertainment staff programming (e.g., watch parties, sporting events, political elections/debates), paint nights, trivia, foam parties). 3 11 28 Russell House University Union N ; Campus Activities Programs,Recreation, leisure, entertainment,Connecting with others,Self-knowledge,
Student Leadership Programs


Student Leadership Programs - The mission of Student Leadership Programs must be to prepare students to engage in the process of leadership.

Gamecock Pantry Executive Board
Board members implement the vision, direction, and operations of the Gamecock Pantry by contributing to the recruitment, training, and evaluation of volunteers, donation coordination, marketing and education, and logistical operations such as clientele communication, donation solicitation, and developing on and off campus partnerships.
Fall 2022 Student Program Leader Board members implement the vision, direction, and operations of the Gamecock Pantry by contributing to the recruitment, training, and evaluation of volunteers, donation coordination, marketing and education, and logistical operations such as clientele communication, donation solicitation, and developing on and off campus partnerships. 3 11 28 Leadership & Service Center N GLD-Professional & Civic Engagement; GLD-Community Service; Experiential Learning Opportunity; Student Leadership Programs,Leadership,,Influencing others,Critical and creative thinking
Civic Engagement & Service-Learning Programs


Civic Engagement & Service-Learning Programs - The primary mission of Service-Learning Programs is to engage students in experiences that address human and community needs together with structured opportunities for reflection intentionally designed to promote student learning and development.

Gamecock Pantry Pals
Students organize donations, shelve inventory, and communicate information about the Gamecock Pantry to campus constituents. The pantry was created by students, for students, and provides food assistance and other resources to enhance well-being.
Fall 2022 Service on Campus Students organize donations, shelve inventory, and communicate information about the Gamecock Pantry to campus constituents. The pantry was created by students, for students, and provides food assistance and other resources to enhance well-being. 3 11 28 Leadership & Service Center N GLD-Community Service; Civic Engagement & Service-Learning Programs,Community service / civic engagement,Connecting with others,Interpersonal skills,
Student Leadership Programs


Student Leadership Programs - The mission of Student Leadership Programs must be to prepare students to engage in the process of leadership.

Graduate Student Association Cabinet
Under the general direction of the GSA President, Cabinet Secretaries oversee a particular area of concern for graduate students (academics, inclusion and equity, health and wellness, etc.), serve as liaisons between GSA and the various units within the university.
Fall 2022 Elected Student Leader Under the general direction of the GSA President, Cabinet Secretaries oversee a particular area of concern for graduate students (academics, inclusion and equity, health and wellness, etc.), serve as liaisons between GSA and the various units within the university. 3 11 28 Leadership & Service Center N ; Student Leadership Programs,Career readiness,,Professionalism / career readiness,
Student Leadership Programs


Student Leadership Programs - The mission of Student Leadership Programs must be to prepare students to engage in the process of leadership.

Graduate Student Association Executive Committee
Committee members meet regularly with university administrators and offices throughout campus to advocate on behalf of the graduate student body and lead Graduate Student Association cabinet meetings and town halls.
Fall 2022 Elected Student Leader Committee members meet regularly with university administrators and offices throughout campus to advocate on behalf of the graduate student body and lead Graduate Student Association cabinet meetings and town halls. 3 11 28 Leadership & Service Center N Experiential Learning Opportunity; Student Leadership Programs,Leadership,,Problem solving,Influencing others
Recreational Sports Programs


Recreational Sports Programs - The mission of Recreational Sports Programs must be to enhance the mind, body, and spirit of students and other eligible individuals by providing programs, services, and facilities that are responsive to the physical, social, recreational, and lifelong educational needs of the campus community as they relate to health, fitness, and learning.

Campus Recreation Group X
Students participate in a 45-60 minute group exercise class such as Yoga, Zumba, BodyPump, Barre, Cycle, and Bootcamp.
Fall 2022 Physical, Mental, Emotional Health Students participate in a 45-60 minute group exercise class such as Yoga, Zumba, BodyPump, Barre, Cycle, and Bootcamp. 3 11 117 Campus Recreation N ; Recreational Sports Programs,Study / Practice physical well being,Connecting with others,Self-knowledge,
Campus Activities Programs


Campus Activities Programs - The purpose of Campus Activities Programs must be to enhance the overall educational experience of students through development of, exposure to, and participation in programs and activities that improve student cooperation and leadership while preparing students to be responsible advocates and citizens and complementing the institution's academic programs.

Homecoming Event
Student participates in one of a variety of Homecoming activities designed to celebrate the traditions of the UofSC community; events are intended to develop a sense of belonging, pride, and school spirit as students engage with their peers, alumni, and friends of UofSC.
Fall 2022 Campus Activities Student participates in one of a variety of Homecoming activities designed to celebrate the traditions of the UofSC community; events are intended to develop a sense of belonging, pride, and school spirit as students engage with their peers, alumni, and friends of UofSC. 3 11 28 Russell House University Union N ; Campus Activities Programs,Recreation, leisure, entertainment,Connecting with others,Self-knowledge,
Fraternity and Sorority Advising Programs


Fraternity and Sorority Advising Programs - The mission of Fraternity and Sorority Advising Programs is to promote the learning and development of students who affiliate with fraternities and sororities.

Interfraternity Council Recruitment Advisor
Recruitment Peer Advisors serve as mentors, resources, facilitators, and referral agents to students who are potential new members participating in fraternity recruitment activities.
Fall 2022 Student Program Leader Recruitment Peer Advisors serve as mentors, resources, facilitators, and referral agents to students who are potential new members participating in fraternity recruitment activities. 3 11 28 Fraternity & Sorority Life N GLD-Professional & Civic Engagement; Fraternity and Sorority Advising Programs,Leadership,,Influencing others,
Recreational Sports Programs


Recreational Sports Programs - The mission of Recreational Sports Programs must be to enhance the mind, body, and spirit of students and other eligible individuals by providing programs, services, and facilities that are responsive to the physical, social, recreational, and lifelong educational needs of the campus community as they relate to health, fitness, and learning.

Campus Recreation Intramural Sports
Students participate in an intramural sport, such as basketball, cornhole, volleyball, flag football, soccer, pickleball, and more.
Fall 2022 Campus Activities Students participate in an intramural sport, such as basketball, cornhole, volleyball, flag football, soccer, pickleball, and more. 3 11 117 Campus Recreation N ; Recreational Sports Programs,Recreation, leisure, entertainment,Connecting with others,Self-knowledge,
Student Leadership Programs


Student Leadership Programs - The mission of Student Leadership Programs must be to prepare students to engage in the process of leadership.

Leadership and Service Ambassador
Leadership and Service Advocates help manage the Leadership and Service Center’s daily operations, assist students as they call or enter the center, and assist the professional staff in marketing and planning programs and services.
Fall 2022 Student Program Leader Leadership and Service Advocates help manage the Leadership and Service Center’s daily operations, assist students as they call or enter the center, and assist the professional staff in marketing and planning programs and services. 3 11 28 Leadership & Service Center N GLD-Professional & Civic Engagement; Student Leadership Programs,Career readiness,,Communication - spoken,Problem solving
Student Leadership Programs


Student Leadership Programs - The mission of Student Leadership Programs must be to prepare students to engage in the process of leadership.

Leadership Coaching - Student organization
Students meets with a professional staff member or graduate student to discuss strategies for a more successful student organization.
Fall 2022 Leadership Education Students meets with a professional staff member or graduate student to discuss strategies for a more successful student organization. 3 11 28 Leadership & Service Center N ; Student Leadership Programs,Apply specialized knowledge,Leadership,Critical and creative thinking,Influencing others
Student Leadership Programs


Student Leadership Programs - The mission of Student Leadership Programs must be to prepare students to engage in the process of leadership.

Leadership Coaching - Involvement
Student meets with a professional staff member or graduate student to discuss their personal interests, explore student organizations or other involvement opportunities, identify a goal for becoming more involved on campus and outline a plan for accomplishing that goal.
Fall 2022 Leadership Education Student meets with a professional staff member or graduate student to discuss their personal interests, explore student organizations or other involvement opportunities, identify a goal for becoming more involved on campus and outline a plan for accomplishing that goal. 3 11 28 Leadership & Service Center N ; Student Leadership Programs,Study / Practice self knowledge,,Self-knowledge,Critical and creative thinking
Student Leadership Programs


Student Leadership Programs - The mission of Student Leadership Programs must be to prepare students to engage in the process of leadership.

Multicultural Assistance Peer Program (MAPP) Mentor
Student mentors work in a self-directed mode to help support first year/transfer multicultural students as they transition into the university community, by serving as an information resource and helping new students establish a social network.
Fall 2022 Student Program Leader Student mentors work in a self-directed mode to help support first year/transfer multicultural students as they transition into the university community, by serving as an information resource and helping new students establish a social network. 3 11 28 Multicultural Student Affairs N GLD-Professional & Civic Engagement; GLD-Diversity & Social Advocacy; Student Leadership Programs,Connecting with others,,Influencing others,Interpersonal skills
Multicultural Student Programs and Services


Multicultural Student Programs and Services - Multicultural Student Programs and Services must promote academic and personal growth of traditionally underserved students, work with the entire campus to create an institutional and community climate of justice, promote access and equity in higher education, and offer programs that educate the campus about diversity.

Multicultural Assistance Peer Program Mentee
Students engage in a variety of structured activities with an assigned mentor so as to build a support system with peers, develop a sense of belonging and discuss a variety of campus resources.
Fall 2022 Educational Support Students engage in a variety of structured activities with an assigned mentor so as to build a support system with peers, develop a sense of belonging and discuss a variety of campus resources. 3 11 28 Multicultural Student Affairs N ; Multicultural Student Programs and Services,Study / Practice self knowledge,Connecting with others,Self-knowledge,Foundations and skills for lifelong learning
Campus Activities Programs


Campus Activities Programs - The purpose of Campus Activities Programs must be to enhance the overall educational experience of students through development of, exposure to, and participation in programs and activities that improve student cooperation and leadership while preparing students to be responsible advocates and citizens and complementing the institution's academic programs.

National Collegiate Athletic Association (NCAA) Athletic Event
Student attendance at National Collegiate Athletic Association (NCAA) athletic events provides opportunities for students to connect with other students and develop a sense of belonging through shared school spirit.
Fall 2022 Campus Activities Student attendance at National Collegiate Athletic Association (NCAA) athletic events provides opportunities for students to connect with other students and develop a sense of belonging through shared school spirit. 3 30 116 Student Tickets N ; Campus Activities Programs,Connecting with others,,Self-knowledge,
Post-Traditional & Commuter Student Programs & Services


Post-Traditional & Commuter Student Programs & Services - The primary mission is to ensure that all students have equitable access to programs, services, and engagement opportunities regardless of age, personal characteristics, or place of residence.

Off-Campus Living Module
Students participate in an interactive, self-paced 20 minute online course to learn how to navigate life as an off-campus student. The topics cover finding housing, moving, off-campus safety, community ordinances and laws, commuting and parking, protecting your tenant rights and selecting compatible roommates.
Fall 2022 Educational Support Students participate in an interactive, self-paced 20 minute online course to learn how to navigate life as an off-campus student. The topics cover finding housing, moving, off-campus safety, community ordinances and laws, commuting and parking, protecting your tenant rights and selecting compatible roommates. 3 11 28 Off-Campus Living & Neighborhood Relations N ; Post-Traditional & Commuter Student Programs & Services,Study / Practice self knowledge,,Personal and social responsibility - Striving for excellence,
Recreational Sports Programs


Recreational Sports Programs - The mission of Recreational Sports Programs must be to enhance the mind, body, and spirit of students and other eligible individuals by providing programs, services, and facilities that are responsive to the physical, social, recreational, and lifelong educational needs of the campus community as they relate to health, fitness, and learning.

Campus Recreation Adventure Trip Participant
Students participate with a group of peers in an adventure trip guided by a staff member; trip options include biking, camping, hiking, boating, and more. Adventures vary in length from a few hours to a few days.
Fall 2022 Campus Activities Students participate with a group of peers in an adventure trip guided by a staff member; trip options include biking, camping, hiking, boating, and more. Adventures vary in length from a few hours to a few days. 3 11 117 Campus Recreation N ; Recreational Sports Programs,Recreation, leisure, entertainment,Connecting with others,Self-knowledge,
Recreational Sports Programs


Recreational Sports Programs - The mission of Recreational Sports Programs must be to enhance the mind, body, and spirit of students and other eligible individuals by providing programs, services, and facilities that are responsive to the physical, social, recreational, and lifelong educational needs of the campus community as they relate to health, fitness, and learning.

Campus Recreation Personal Fitness Training
Students work with a personal trainer to identify their fitness goals and practice individually tailored exercises and routines; each session is 60 minutes in length.
Fall 2022 Physical, Mental, Emotional Health Students work with a personal trainer to identify their fitness goals and practice individually tailored exercises and routines; each session is 60 minutes in length. 3 11 117 Campus Recreation N ; Recreational Sports Programs,Study / Practice physical well being,Study / Practice self knowledge,Self-knowledge,
Civic Engagement & Service-Learning Programs


Civic Engagement & Service-Learning Programs - The primary mission of Service-Learning Programs is to engage students in experiences that address human and community needs together with structured opportunities for reflection intentionally designed to promote student learning and development.

Service Saturday
Students participate in a community service opportunity within the city of Columbia or campus community.
Fall 2022 Civic Engagement Students participate in a community service opportunity within the city of Columbia or campus community. 3 11 28 Leadership & Service Center N GLD-Community Service; Civic Engagement & Service-Learning Programs,Community service / civic engagement,Connecting with others,Personal and social responsibility - Contributing to a larger community,
Student Leadership Programs


Student Leadership Programs - The mission of Student Leadership Programs must be to prepare students to engage in the process of leadership.

Service Saturday Senior Site Leader
Senior site leaders facilitate training and manage administrative tasks for teams of student site leaders, communicate expectations of the program to volunteers, delegate tasks, and debrief on a shared experience.
Fall 2022 Peer Educator Senior site leaders facilitate training and manage administrative tasks for teams of student site leaders, communicate expectations of the program to volunteers, delegate tasks, and debrief on a shared experience. 3 11 28 Leadership & Service Center N GLD-Professional & Civic Engagement; Experiential Learning Opportunity; Student Leadership Programs,Leadership,Career readiness,Communication - spoken,Influencing others
Student Leadership Programs


Student Leadership Programs - The mission of Student Leadership Programs must be to prepare students to engage in the process of leadership.

Service Saturday Site Leader
Site leaders communicate expectations to a group of volunteers, delegate tasks, and debrief volunteers on a shared community service experience.
Fall 2022 Peer Educator Site leaders communicate expectations to a group of volunteers, delegate tasks, and debrief volunteers on a shared community service experience. 3 11 28 Leadership & Service Center N GLD-Professional & Civic Engagement; GLD-Community Service; Student Leadership Programs,Leadership,Community service / civic engagement,Teamwork,Problem solving
Student Employment


Student Employment - Student is employed part-time by the university and engages in career readiness development activities as part of supervision process.

Student Media Advertising Representative
Advertising representatives work with internal and external partners and clients to provide effective advertising solutions comprised of Student Media resources.
Fall 2022 Employment On Campus Advertising representatives work with internal and external partners and clients to provide effective advertising solutions comprised of Student Media resources. 3 11 28 Student Media N GLD-Professional & Civic Engagement; Experiential Learning Opportunity; Student Employment,Career readiness,,Problem solving,Influencing others
Student Media Programs


Student Media Programs - The mission is to prepare students for their responsibilities in planning and producing media products, offer leadership opportunities and support for students engaged in these activities.

Student Media Creative Services Designer
Creative Services team members apply visual communications skills to complete contracted work for Student Media's clients and partners. Designers apply visual communication techniques and best practices to complete projects including advertisements, promotional materials, and other graphics work.
Fall 2022 Employment On Campus Creative Services team members apply visual communications skills to complete contracted work for Student Media's clients and partners. Designers apply visual communication techniques and best practices to complete projects including advertisements, promotional materials, and other graphics work. 3 11 28 Student Media N GLD-Professional & Civic Engagement; Experiential Learning Opportunity; Student Media Programs,Apply specialized knowledge,,Specialized knowledge and skills,Integrative and applied learning
Student Leadership Programs


Student Leadership Programs - The mission of Student Leadership Programs must be to prepare students to engage in the process of leadership.

Student Media Executive Leader
Each student executive serves as head of one of the editorially independent and student-run media organizations, with final authority on decisions related to content and programming and with responsibility for ensuring high quality and responsible journalistic standards.
Fall 2022 Appointed Student Leader Each student executive serves as head of one of the editorially independent and student-run media organizations, with final authority on decisions related to content and programming and with responsibility for ensuring high quality and responsible journalistic standards. 3 11 28 Student Media N GLD-Professional & Civic Engagement; Experiential Learning Opportunity; Student Leadership Programs,Leadership,,Critical and creative thinking,Interpersonal skills
Student Leadership Programs


Student Leadership Programs - The mission of Student Leadership Programs must be to prepare students to engage in the process of leadership.

Student Media Senior Leader
Senior leaders manage sections and teams within each of Student Media’s partner organizations, often overseeing content production or administrative tasks. Senior leaders apply knowledge of journalistic and media best practices while serving in a peer leadership role within the media organization.
Fall 2022 Student Program Leader Senior leaders manage sections and teams within each of Student Media’s partner organizations, often overseeing content production or administrative tasks. Senior leaders apply knowledge of journalistic and media best practices while serving in a peer leadership role within the media organization. 3 11 28 Student Media N GLD-Professional & Civic Engagement; Student Leadership Programs,Apply specialized knowledge,Leadership,Specialized knowledge and skills,Critical and creative thinking
Campus Activities Programs


Campus Activities Programs - The purpose of Campus Activities Programs must be to enhance the overall educational experience of students through development of, exposure to, and participation in programs and activities that improve student cooperation and leadership while preparing students to be responsible advocates and citizens and complementing the institution's academic programs.

Student Organization Member
Students engage in organizations for many reasons - to gain skills, connect with other students, broaden their knowledge. Student-led organizations establish purpose and goals, determine membership, set activities, and select leaders. The university records organizational affiliation, but does not monitor the engagement of individual students.
Fall 2022 Campus Activities Students engage in organizations for many reasons - to gain skills, connect with other students, broaden their knowledge. Student-led organizations establish purpose and goals, determine membership, set activities, and select leaders. The university records organizational affiliation, but does not monitor the engagement of individual students. 3 11 28 Leadership & Service Center N ; Campus Activities Programs,Connecting with others,,Self-knowledge,
Campus Activities Programs


Campus Activities Programs - The purpose of Campus Activities Programs must be to enhance the overall educational experience of students through development of, exposure to, and participation in programs and activities that improve student cooperation and leadership while preparing students to be responsible advocates and citizens and complementing the institution's academic programs.

Thursday After Dark
Thursday After Dark provides a variety of late-night programming to engage Carolina students (e.g., escape rooms, trivia, bowling nights).
Fall 2022 Campus Activities Thursday After Dark provides a variety of late-night programming to engage Carolina students (e.g., escape rooms, trivia, bowling nights). 3 11 28 Russell House University Union N ; Campus Activities Programs,Recreation, leisure, entertainment,Connecting with others,Self-knowledge,
Internship Programs


Internship Programs - The primary mission of Internship Programs is to engage students in planned, educationally-related work and learning experiences that integrate knowledge and theory with practical application and skill development in a professional setting.

Internship - PALM 494
Student engages in supervised immersion and exploration in a field related to the major, with a career, cultural, or community focus.
Summer 2022 Internship Student engages in supervised immersion and exploration in a field related to the major, with a career, cultural, or community focus. 13 33 112 Y GLD-Professional & Civic Engagement; Experiential Learning Opportunity; Internship Programs,Apply specialized knowledge,,Specialized knowledge and skills,
Internship Programs


Internship Programs - The primary mission of Internship Programs is to engage students in planned, educationally-related work and learning experiences that integrate knowledge and theory with practical application and skill development in a professional setting.

Internship: Community Engagement - COLA 390
COLA 390 is a supervised experience to assist the student in decision-making for his/her future after graduation. This course will incorporate a real world experience for the student in a workplace or community organization related to their chosen profession, along with opportunities to receive feedback and reflect on the experience.
Summer 2022 Internship COLA 390 is a supervised experience to assist the student in decision-making for his/her future after graduation. This course will incorporate a real world experience for the student in a workplace or community organization related to their chosen profession, along with opportunities to receive feedback and reflect on the experience. 3 14 98 Y GLD-Professional & Civic Engagement; GLD-Community Service; Experiential Learning Opportunity; Internship Programs,Career development,,Self-knowledge,Professionalism / career readiness
Student Employment


Student Employment - Student is employed part-time by the university and engages in career readiness development activities as part of supervision process.

Russell House University Union Event and Information Assistant
The Russell House University Union is the key venue for student events and programming and depends on a well-trained group of students to deliver essential programs & services. Students in this engagement develop as leaders and problem solvers while also learning essential skills in professionalism, event planning, and customer service
Fall 2022 Employment On Campus The Russell House University Union is the key venue for student events and programming and depends on a well-trained group of students to deliver essential programs & services. Students in this engagement develop as leaders and problem solvers while also learning essential skills in professionalism, event planning, and customer service 3 11 28 Russell House University Union N GLD-Professional & Civic Engagement; Student Employment,Career readiness,,Teamwork,
Internship Programs


Internship Programs - The primary mission of Internship Programs is to engage students in planned, educationally-related work and learning experiences that integrate knowledge and theory with practical application and skill development in a professional setting.

Adolescent Mentoring - CRJU 551
Students spend the first five week of the semester in intensive training and are then paired as a mentor with a student at a local disciplinary alternative school. The remainder of the semester is spent focused on mentoring and ongoing support, discussion, reflection, and supplemental training.
Fall 2022 Practicum Students spend the first five week of the semester in intensive training and are then paired as a mentor with a student at a local disciplinary alternative school. The remainder of the semester is spent focused on mentoring and ongoing support, discussion, reflection, and supplemental training. 3 14 41 Y GLD-Professional & Civic Engagement; Experiential Learning Opportunity; Internship Programs,Apply specialized knowledge,,Specialized knowledge and skills,
Undergraduate Research Programs


Undergraduate Research Programs - The primary mission of Undergraduate Research Programs is to engage students in investigative and creative activity to experience firsthand the processes of scholarly exploration and discovery.

Advanced Sociological Research Methods - SOCY 561
Students apply knowledge in a real world context by studying a social phenomenon using scientific research methods and producing a research project that mirrors professional standards. Students gather primary data, present their work, get feedback, and reflect on the challenges of the research process in studying their question.
Fall 2022 Research Education Students apply knowledge in a real world context by studying a social phenomenon using scientific research methods and producing a research project that mirrors professional standards. Students gather primary data, present their work, get feedback, and reflect on the challenges of the research process in studying their question. 3 14 53 Y GLD-Research; Experiential Learning Opportunity; Undergraduate Research Programs,Research,,Inquiry and analysis,
Internship Programs


Internship Programs - The primary mission of Internship Programs is to engage students in planned, educationally-related work and learning experiences that integrate knowledge and theory with practical application and skill development in a professional setting.

Business Internship in Management - MGMT 499
Internship, for credit, with a company focusing on management, lessons learned, SWOT self assessment.
Fall 2022 Internship Internship, for credit, with a company focusing on management, lessons learned, SWOT self assessment. 3 15 64 Y GLD-Professional & Civic Engagement; Experiential Learning Opportunity; Internship Programs,Apply specialized knowledge,Career readiness,Specialized knowledge and skills,Professionalism / career readiness
Undergraduate Research Programs


Undergraduate Research Programs - The primary mission of Undergraduate Research Programs is to engage students in investigative and creative activity to experience firsthand the processes of scholarly exploration and discovery.

Cellular and Molecular Biology Laboratory - BIOL 302L
Students engage in hands-on research methods and protocols used in molecular biology labs globally, then practice integrating that knowledge into developing their own research proposals, conducting presentations, calculating concentrations of reagents needed, executing experiments, collecting data, analyzing data, and writing up findings.
Fall 2022 Research Education Students engage in hands-on research methods and protocols used in molecular biology labs globally, then practice integrating that knowledge into developing their own research proposals, conducting presentations, calculating concentrations of reagents needed, executing experiments, collecting data, analyzing data, and writing up findings. 3 14 39 Y Experiential Learning Opportunity; Undergraduate Research Programs,Research,Apply specialized knowledge,Integrative and applied learning,Critical and creative thinking
Undergraduate Research Programs


Undergraduate Research Programs - The primary mission of Undergraduate Research Programs is to engage students in investigative and creative activity to experience firsthand the processes of scholarly exploration and discovery.

Fundamental Genetics Laboratory - BIOL 303L
Experiences surrounding undergraduate research focusing on applied molecular biology and genetics techniques.
Fall 2022 Research Education Experiences surrounding undergraduate research focusing on applied molecular biology and genetics techniques. 3 14 39 Y Experiential Learning Opportunity; Undergraduate Research Programs,Research,Apply specialized knowledge,Specialized knowledge and skills,Inquiry and analysis
Internship Programs


Internship Programs - The primary mission of Internship Programs is to engage students in planned, educationally-related work and learning experiences that integrate knowledge and theory with practical application and skill development in a professional setting.

Internship - CRJU 494
Students intern for 160 hours during the semester at an appropriate agency or institution.
Fall 2022 Internship Students intern for 160 hours during the semester at an appropriate agency or institution. 3 14 41 Y GLD-Professional & Civic Engagement; Experiential Learning Opportunity; Internship Programs,Apply specialized knowledge,Career readiness,Specialized knowledge and skills,
Internship Programs


Internship Programs - The primary mission of Internship Programs is to engage students in planned, educationally-related work and learning experiences that integrate knowledge and theory with practical application and skill development in a professional setting.

Internship - PALM 494
Student engages in supervised immersion and exploration in a field related to the major, with a career, cultural, or community focus.
Fall 2022 Internship Student engages in supervised immersion and exploration in a field related to the major, with a career, cultural, or community focus. 13 33 112 Y GLD-Professional & Civic Engagement; Experiential Learning Opportunity; Internship Programs,Apply specialized knowledge,,Specialized knowledge and skills,
Internship Programs


Internship Programs - The primary mission of Internship Programs is to engage students in planned, educationally-related work and learning experiences that integrate knowledge and theory with practical application and skill development in a professional setting.

Internship in Geography - GEOG 595
Students serve as interns (paid or unpaid) in government agencies, private-sector businesses, or non-profit organizations. Internship activities and experiential learning are supervised jointly by sponsors and the internship program of the department.
Fall 2022 Internship Students serve as interns (paid or unpaid) in government agencies, private-sector businesses, or non-profit organizations. Internship activities and experiential learning are supervised jointly by sponsors and the internship program of the department. 3 14 44 Y GLD-Professional & Civic Engagement; GLD-Community Service; Experiential Learning Opportunity; Internship Programs,Apply specialized knowledge,Career readiness,Specialized knowledge and skills,Professionalism / career readiness
Internship Programs


Internship Programs - The primary mission of Internship Programs is to engage students in planned, educationally-related work and learning experiences that integrate knowledge and theory with practical application and skill development in a professional setting.

Internship in Mass Communications - JOUR 597
Students work at least 140 hours during the semester under the direction of the intern coordinator and a professional supervisor in an internship they obtain, attend required meetings during the term with other interns and the intern coordinator, and turn in assignments as scheduled in the course syllabus.
Fall 2022 Internship Students work at least 140 hours during the semester under the direction of the intern coordinator and a professional supervisor in an internship they obtain, attend required meetings during the term with other interns and the intern coordinator, and turn in assignments as scheduled in the course syllabus. 3 18 81 Y GLD-Professional & Civic Engagement; Experiential Learning Opportunity; Internship Programs,Apply specialized knowledge,Career development,Specialized knowledge and skills,Professionalism / career readiness
Internship Programs


Internship Programs - The primary mission of Internship Programs is to engage students in planned, educationally-related work and learning experiences that integrate knowledge and theory with practical application and skill development in a professional setting.

Internship in Sport & Entertainment Management - SPTE 495
Students engage in a supervised work experience in a sport or entertainment area. Internship is a minimum of 520 work hours over 13 weeks and is selected by the student with the assistance and approval of the Internship Instructor.
Fall 2022 Internship Students engage in a supervised work experience in a sport or entertainment area. Internship is a minimum of 520 work hours over 13 weeks and is selected by the student with the assistance and approval of the Internship Instructor. 3 17 79 Y GLD-Professional & Civic Engagement; Experiential Learning Opportunity; Internship Programs,Apply specialized knowledge,Career development,Specialized knowledge and skills,Self-knowledge
Student Leadership Programs


Student Leadership Programs - The mission of Student Leadership Programs must be to prepare students to engage in the process of leadership.

Laboratory Teaching Experience - BIOL 398
Students serve as Peer Leaders in a Peer Led Team Learning (PLTL) environment and use their understanding of biological concepts as they help to support other students currently enrolled in a Biology course. Peer Leaders ask questions that help students progress through an assigned activity or in-class discussion.
Fall 2022 Peer Educator Students serve as Peer Leaders in a Peer Led Team Learning (PLTL) environment and use their understanding of biological concepts as they help to support other students currently enrolled in a Biology course. Peer Leaders ask questions that help students progress through an assigned activity or in-class discussion. 3 14 39 Y GLD-Professional & Civic Engagement; Experiential Learning Opportunity; Student Leadership Programs,Apply specialized knowledge,Leadership,Specialized knowledge and skills,Influencing others
Internship Programs


Internship Programs - The primary mission of Internship Programs is to engage students in planned, educationally-related work and learning experiences that integrate knowledge and theory with practical application and skill development in a professional setting.

Media Arts Internship - MART 499
MART 499 is the capstone experience for all media arts majors, consisting of a 160-hour professional internship working in the media arts fields.
Fall 2022 Internship MART 499 is the capstone experience for all media arts majors, consisting of a 160-hour professional internship working in the media arts fields. 3 14 56 Y GLD-Professional & Civic Engagement; Experiential Learning Opportunity; Internship Programs,Apply specialized knowledge,Career readiness,Specialized knowledge and skills,
Internship Programs


Internship Programs - The primary mission of Internship Programs is to engage students in planned, educationally-related work and learning experiences that integrate knowledge and theory with practical application and skill development in a professional setting.

Practicum in Sport & Entertainment Management - SPTE 295
Students engage in a supervised work experience in a sport or entertainment area. Practicum is a minimum of 520 work hours over 13 weeks and is selected by the student with the assistance and approval of the Practicum Instructor. It is meant to be the student's introduction to the specific field in which they wish to pursue a career.
Fall 2022 Practicum Students engage in a supervised work experience in a sport or entertainment area. Practicum is a minimum of 520 work hours over 13 weeks and is selected by the student with the assistance and approval of the Practicum Instructor. It is meant to be the student's introduction to the specific field in which they wish to pursue a career. 3 17 79 Y GLD-Professional & Civic Engagement; Experiential Learning Opportunity; Internship Programs,Apply specialized knowledge,Career development,Specialized knowledge and skills,
Internship Programs


Internship Programs - The primary mission of Internship Programs is to engage students in planned, educationally-related work and learning experiences that integrate knowledge and theory with practical application and skill development in a professional setting.

Professional Internship - ITEC 495
The course is a supervised work experience in information technology and/or project management; the internship is coordinated by a faculty member and supervised by approved management/supervisor within business and industry lasting for approximately 400 hours of on the job experiences.
Fall 2022 Internship The course is a supervised work experience in information technology and/or project management; the internship is coordinated by a faculty member and supervised by approved management/supervisor within business and industry lasting for approximately 400 hours of on the job experiences. 3 19 73 Y GLD-Professional & Civic Engagement; Experiential Learning Opportunity; Internship Programs,Apply specialized knowledge,,Specialized knowledge and skills,Integrative and applied learning
Internship Programs


Internship Programs - The primary mission of Internship Programs is to engage students in planned, educationally-related work and learning experiences that integrate knowledge and theory with practical application and skill development in a professional setting.

Public Affairs Internship - POLI 379
In this course, students complete an on-site internship in a public affairs agency, complete a series of academic assignments related to the internship experience, and submit a final performance evaluation from the on-site supervisor.
Fall 2022 Internship In this course, students complete an on-site internship in a public affairs agency, complete a series of academic assignments related to the internship experience, and submit a final performance evaluation from the on-site supervisor. 3 14 50 Y Experiential Learning Opportunity; GLD-Professional & Civic Engagement; Internship Programs,Career development,Apply specialized knowledge,Self-knowledge,Professionalism / career readiness
Internship Programs


Internship Programs - The primary mission of Internship Programs is to engage students in planned, educationally-related work and learning experiences that integrate knowledge and theory with practical application and skill development in a professional setting.

Retailing Internship - RETL 495
Students engage in supervised work experience within the retail industry that links classroom learning and student interest with the acquisition of knowledge in an applied work setting.
Fall 2022 Internship Students engage in supervised work experience within the retail industry that links classroom learning and student interest with the acquisition of knowledge in an applied work setting. 3 17 77 Y GLD-Professional & Civic Engagement; Experiential Learning Opportunity; Internship Programs,Apply specialized knowledge,,Specialized knowledge and skills,
Internship Programs


Internship Programs - The primary mission of Internship Programs is to engage students in planned, educationally-related work and learning experiences that integrate knowledge and theory with practical application and skill development in a professional setting.

Retailing Practicum - RETL 295
Students apply knowledge, skills and/or certifications acquired in retailing courses to an in-field experience; work closely with retailing professionals; discover viable career paths; identify work-related interests and values; and analyze the practicum site to gain a better understanding of the company and the competitive marketplace.
Fall 2022 Practicum Students apply knowledge, skills and/or certifications acquired in retailing courses to an in-field experience; work closely with retailing professionals; discover viable career paths; identify work-related interests and values; and analyze the practicum site to gain a better understanding of the company and the competitive marketplace. 3 17 77 Y Experiential Learning Opportunity; Internship Programs,Apply specialized knowledge,Career development,Specialized knowledge and skills,Integrative and applied learning
Civic Engagement & Service-Learning Programs


Civic Engagement & Service-Learning Programs - The primary mission of Service-Learning Programs is to engage students in experiences that address human and community needs together with structured opportunities for reflection intentionally designed to promote student learning and development.

Service-Learning - PALM 495
An exploration of theories of service-learning with application of practical solutions to meet community needs.
Fall 2022 Service Learning An exploration of theories of service-learning with application of practical solutions to meet community needs. 13 33 112 Y GLD-Community Service; Experiential Learning Opportunity; Civic Engagement & Service-Learning Programs,Apply specialized knowledge,Community service / civic engagement,Specialized knowledge and skills,Personal and social responsibility - Contributing to a larger community
Capstone Experience


Capstone Experience - A course or project that engages students in a culminating and integrative experience, intended to connect the key learning objectives of an educational program.

Capstone Design Project II - ELCT 404
Working in teams of typically four, students analyze requirements posed by a project proponent (i.e. customer), then design and build a prototype of a system that meets the proponent's needs. The course is designed to provide an authentic engineering project experience that is representative of a typical engineer's early professional years.
Fall 2022 Capstone Course or Project Working in teams of typically four, students analyze requirements posed by a project proponent (i.e. customer), then design and build a prototype of a system that meets the proponent's needs. The course is designed to provide an authentic engineering project experience that is representative of a typical engineer's early professional years. 3 19 72 Y GLD-Professional & Civic Engagement; Experiential Learning Opportunity; Capstone Experience,Apply specialized knowledge,,Specialized knowledge and skills,
Internship Programs


Internship Programs - The primary mission of Internship Programs is to engage students in planned, educationally-related work and learning experiences that integrate knowledge and theory with practical application and skill development in a professional setting.

Teaching Internship in Foreign Languages - FORL 474
Students engage in role reversal in which the teacher candidate becomes the teacher and the coaching teacher becomes an observer or teacher's aide. During 12 weeks in a K-12 school, students observe then teach for 2 full weeks on their own, complete weekly reflections, and meet regularly with their coaching teacher and faculty supervisor.
Fall 2022 Internship Students engage in role reversal in which the teacher candidate becomes the teacher and the coaching teacher becomes an observer or teacher's aide. During 12 weeks in a K-12 school, students observe then teach for 2 full weeks on their own, complete weekly reflections, and meet regularly with their coaching teacher and faculty supervisor. 3 14 46 Y GLD-Community Service; Experiential Learning Opportunity; Internship Programs,Apply specialized knowledge,,Specialized knowledge and skills,
Internship Programs


Internship Programs - The primary mission of Internship Programs is to engage students in planned, educationally-related work and learning experiences that integrate knowledge and theory with practical application and skill development in a professional setting.

Directed Teaching of Foreign Languages - FORL 448
Pre-service professional educators observe and apply effective teaching techniques and organize instructional settings for foreign language students in the elementary, middle or high school. Students spend 72 hours observing an experienced teacher in a K-12 foreign language classroom and 10 hours teaching the class.
Fall 2022 Internship Pre-service professional educators observe and apply effective teaching techniques and organize instructional settings for foreign language students in the elementary, middle or high school. Students spend 72 hours observing an experienced teacher in a K-12 foreign language classroom and 10 hours teaching the class. 3 14 46 Y GLD-Professional & Civic Engagement; GLD-Community Service; Experiential Learning Opportunity; Internship Programs,Apply specialized knowledge,,Specialized knowledge and skills,
Internship Programs


Internship Programs - The primary mission of Internship Programs is to engage students in planned, educationally-related work and learning experiences that integrate knowledge and theory with practical application and skill development in a professional setting.

Hospitality & Tourism Internship - HRTM 495
Full time work experience of a minimum of 400 work hours in the Hospitality or Tourism industry; position must be Managerial or Supervisory in nature, Rotational within a minimum of three different areas of the business or a Structured Internship Program. Includes online course work.
Fall 2022 Internship Full time work experience of a minimum of 400 work hours in the Hospitality or Tourism industry; position must be Managerial or Supervisory in nature, Rotational within a minimum of three different areas of the business or a Structured Internship Program. Includes online course work. 3 17 76 Y Experiential Learning Opportunity; GLD-Professional & Civic Engagement; Internship Programs,Apply specialized knowledge,Leadership,Specialized knowledge and skills,Self-knowledge
Internship Programs


Internship Programs - The primary mission of Internship Programs is to engage students in planned, educationally-related work and learning experiences that integrate knowledge and theory with practical application and skill development in a professional setting.

Hospitality & Tourism Practicum - HRTM 290
Full time work experience of a minimum of 400 work hours in the Hospitality or Tourism industry; position can be any entry level or higher position. Includes online course work.
Fall 2022 Practicum Full time work experience of a minimum of 400 work hours in the Hospitality or Tourism industry; position can be any entry level or higher position. Includes online course work. 3 17 76 Y GLD-Professional & Civic Engagement; Experiential Learning Opportunity; Internship Programs,Apply specialized knowledge,Career readiness,Self-knowledge,Specialized knowledge and skills
Capstone Experience


Capstone Experience - A course or project that engages students in a culminating and integrative experience, intended to connect the key learning objectives of an educational program.

Developing & Launching New Ventures - MGMT 473
The Emerging Venture Project (EVP) is a team project during which students apply the concepts and tools from the class to an emerging venture, in order to experience entrepreneurship in action. Students produce a final paper, founder/sponsor deliverable, and class presentation.
Fall 2022 Capstone Course or Project The Emerging Venture Project (EVP) is a team project during which students apply the concepts and tools from the class to an emerging venture, in order to experience entrepreneurship in action. Students produce a final paper, founder/sponsor deliverable, and class presentation. 3 15 64 Y Experiential Learning Opportunity; GLD-Professional & Civic Engagement; Capstone Experience,Apply specialized knowledge,,Specialized knowledge and skills,
Capstone Experience


Capstone Experience - A course or project that engages students in a culminating and integrative experience, intended to connect the key learning objectives of an educational program.

Executing Strategy New Venture - MGMT 474
Students engage in a team project during which they apply concepts and tools learned in class to an emerging venture, in order to experience entrepreneurship in action. Students produce a final paper, founder/sponsor deliverable (external project only to be negotiated with the founder/project sponsor) and class presentation.
Fall 2022 Capstone Course or Project Students engage in a team project during which they apply concepts and tools learned in class to an emerging venture, in order to experience entrepreneurship in action. Students produce a final paper, founder/sponsor deliverable (external project only to be negotiated with the founder/project sponsor) and class presentation. 3 15 64 Y Experiential Learning Opportunity; GLD-Professional & Civic Engagement; Capstone Experience,Apply specialized knowledge,,Specialized knowledge and skills,Teamwork
Capstone Experience


Capstone Experience - A course or project that engages students in a culminating and integrative experience, intended to connect the key learning objectives of an educational program.

Public Health Capstone Seminar - PUBH 498
Students synthesize and apply content knowledge and competencies developed in the BS/BA public health degree program, in a practice setting with emphasis on student identified areas for professional growth.
Fall 2022 Capstone Course or Project Students synthesize and apply content knowledge and competencies developed in the BS/BA public health degree program, in a practice setting with emphasis on student identified areas for professional growth. 3 24 87 Y GLD-Professional & Civic Engagement; Experiential Learning Opportunity; Capstone Experience,Apply specialized knowledge,Career readiness,Specialized knowledge and skills,
Capstone Experience


Capstone Experience - A course or project that engages students in a culminating and integrative experience, intended to connect the key learning objectives of an educational program.

Seminar in Geography - GEOG 495
Undergraduate geography majors engage in group-based research projects to integrate and apply knowledge and skills gained throughout the geography degree program. Students work with community partners on projects that address real-life problems and needs. Students gather, analyze, and present information that is of use to our community partners.
Fall 2022 Capstone Course or Project Undergraduate geography majors engage in group-based research projects to integrate and apply knowledge and skills gained throughout the geography degree program. Students work with community partners on projects that address real-life problems and needs. Students gather, analyze, and present information that is of use to our community partners. 3 14 44 Y Experiential Learning Opportunity; GLD-Community Service; Capstone Experience,Apply specialized knowledge,,Problem solving,Inquiry and analysis
Internship Programs


Internship Programs - The primary mission of Internship Programs is to engage students in planned, educationally-related work and learning experiences that integrate knowledge and theory with practical application and skill development in a professional setting.

Practicum in Orchestra Methods - MUED 533P
Student teachers in the University of South Carolina String Project, a nationally recognized model of community service, provide instruction to public school students while developing their teacher identity. String Project teachers provide a supportive cohort for one another and administrators provide structure and feedback.
Fall 2022 Practicum Student teachers in the University of South Carolina String Project, a nationally recognized model of community service, provide instruction to public school students while developing their teacher identity. String Project teachers provide a supportive cohort for one another and administrators provide structure and feedback. 3 25 82 Y Experiential Learning Opportunity; Internship Programs,Apply specialized knowledge,Community service / civic engagement,Specialized knowledge and skills,
Civic Engagement & Service-Learning Programs


Civic Engagement & Service-Learning Programs - The primary mission of Service-Learning Programs is to engage students in experiences that address human and community needs together with structured opportunities for reflection intentionally designed to promote student learning and development.

Community Engagement Through Music - MUSC 595
The course includes visits to four potential community partners and culminates in a student-designed interactive performance at a community location.
Fall 2022 Civic Engagement The course includes visits to four potential community partners and culminates in a student-designed interactive performance at a community location. 3 25 105 Y GLD-Community Service; Experiential Learning Opportunity; Civic Engagement & Service-Learning Programs,Community service / civic engagement,Apply specialized knowledge,Civic knowledge and engagement,Specialized knowledge and skills
Undergraduate Research Programs


Undergraduate Research Programs - The primary mission of Undergraduate Research Programs is to engage students in investigative and creative activity to experience firsthand the processes of scholarly exploration and discovery.

Seminar in Philosophy - PHIL 490
Review of central topics in philosophy serving as a capstone course for senior majors in philosophy. The course will introduce students to basic techniques for research and development of academic scholarship.
Fall 2022 Research Education Review of central topics in philosophy serving as a capstone course for senior majors in philosophy. The course will introduce students to basic techniques for research and development of academic scholarship. 3 14 48 Y GLD-Research; Experiential Learning Opportunity; Undergraduate Research Programs,Research,Apply specialized knowledge,Inquiry and analysis,Specialized knowledge and skills
Student Leadership Programs


Student Leadership Programs - The mission of Student Leadership Programs must be to prepare students to engage in the process of leadership.

Fellowship Peer Mentor
Mentors help prospective and current fellowship applicants gain confidence and skills to engage in the fellowship process, by sharing their own experiences as a fellowship recipient and information about national fellowship (NF) opportunities. Mentors communicate with students via podcast, social media campaign, and at NFSP-related events.
Fall 2022 Student Program Leader Mentors help prospective and current fellowship applicants gain confidence and skills to engage in the fellowship process, by sharing their own experiences as a fellowship recipient and information about national fellowship (NF) opportunities. Mentors communicate with students via podcast, social media campaign, and at NFSP-related events. 3 26 36 N ; Student Leadership Programs,Leadership,Study / Practice self knowledge,Communication - spoken,Interpersonal skills


Enrichment -

Fellowship Foundations
Freshman students attend a 4-session program to learn about national fellowship opportunities and the application process. Session topics include mentorship from a Fellowship Peer Mentor, guidance from faculty and staff, and reflecting on their goals in relation to national fellowship opportunities.
Spring 2023 Educational Support Freshman students attend a 4-session program to learn about national fellowship opportunities and the application process. Session topics include mentorship from a Fellowship Peer Mentor, guidance from faculty and staff, and reflecting on their goals in relation to national fellowship opportunities. 3 26 36 N ; Enrichment,Connecting with others,Study / Practice self knowledge,Foundations and skills for lifelong learning,Self-knowledge
Student Leadership Programs


Student Leadership Programs - The mission of Student Leadership Programs must be to prepare students to engage in the process of leadership.

National Fellowships Ambassador
Through outreach and sharing, a National Fellowships Ambassador helps prospective and current fellowship applicants gain confidence and skills to engage in the fellowship process.
Fall 2022 Student Program Leader Through outreach and sharing, a National Fellowships Ambassador helps prospective and current fellowship applicants gain confidence and skills to engage in the fellowship process. 3 26 36 N ; Student Leadership Programs,Leadership,Study / Practice self knowledge,Communication - spoken,Interpersonal skills
Recreational Sports Programs


Recreational Sports Programs - The mission of Recreational Sports Programs must be to enhance the mind, body, and spirit of students and other eligible individuals by providing programs, services, and facilities that are responsive to the physical, social, recreational, and lifelong educational needs of the campus community as they relate to health, fitness, and learning.

Campus Recreation Group X
Students participate in a 45-60 minute group exercise class such as Yoga, Zumba, BodyPump, Barre, Cycle, and Bootcamp.
Summer 2022 Physical, Mental, Emotional Health Students participate in a 45-60 minute group exercise class such as Yoga, Zumba, BodyPump, Barre, Cycle, and Bootcamp. 3 11 117 Campus Recreation N ; Recreational Sports Programs,Study / Practice physical well being,Connecting with others,Self-knowledge,
Recreational Sports Programs


Recreational Sports Programs - The mission of Recreational Sports Programs must be to enhance the mind, body, and spirit of students and other eligible individuals by providing programs, services, and facilities that are responsive to the physical, social, recreational, and lifelong educational needs of the campus community as they relate to health, fitness, and learning.

Campus Recreation Climbing Wall
Students participate in top rope climbing or bouldering, with routes for both beginners and advanced climbers, at the climbing wall in the Wellness & Fitness Center.
Summer 2022 Physical, Mental, Emotional Health Students participate in top rope climbing or bouldering, with routes for both beginners and advanced climbers, at the climbing wall in the Wellness & Fitness Center. 3 11 117 Campus Recreation N ; Recreational Sports Programs,Recreation, leisure, entertainment,Connecting with others,Foundations and skills for lifelong learning,
Recreational Sports Programs


Recreational Sports Programs - The mission of Recreational Sports Programs must be to enhance the mind, body, and spirit of students and other eligible individuals by providing programs, services, and facilities that are responsive to the physical, social, recreational, and lifelong educational needs of the campus community as they relate to health, fitness, and learning.

Campus Recreation Intramural Sports
Students participate in an intramural sport, such as basketball, cornhole, volleyball, flag football, soccer, pickleball, and more.
Summer 2022 Campus Activities Students participate in an intramural sport, such as basketball, cornhole, volleyball, flag football, soccer, pickleball, and more. 3 11 117 Campus Recreation N ; Recreational Sports Programs,Recreation, leisure, entertainment,Connecting with others,Self-knowledge,
Campus Activities Programs


Campus Activities Programs - The purpose of Campus Activities Programs must be to enhance the overall educational experience of students through development of, exposure to, and participation in programs and activities that improve student cooperation and leadership while preparing students to be responsible advocates and citizens and complementing the institution's academic programs.

National Collegiate Athletic Association (NCAA) Athletic Event
Student attendance at National Collegiate Athletic Association (NCAA) athletic events provides opportunities for students to connect with other students and develop a sense of belonging through shared school spirit.
Summer 2022 Campus Activities Student attendance at National Collegiate Athletic Association (NCAA) athletic events provides opportunities for students to connect with other students and develop a sense of belonging through shared school spirit. 3 30 116 Student Tickets N ; Campus Activities Programs,Connecting with others,,Self-knowledge,
Student Leadership Programs


Student Leadership Programs - The mission of Student Leadership Programs must be to prepare students to engage in the process of leadership.

Carolina Judicial Council
Council members serve on judicial panels that hold hearings concerning alleged violations of the Student Code of Conduct and the Honor Code. The Council makes decisions regarding code infractions and appropriate sanctions for students found responsible for such violations.
Fall 2022 Peer Educator Council members serve on judicial panels that hold hearings concerning alleged violations of the Student Code of Conduct and the Honor Code. The Council makes decisions regarding code infractions and appropriate sanctions for students found responsible for such violations. 3 11 88 Student Conduct & Academic Integrity N GLD-Professional & Civic Engagement; Experiential Learning Opportunity; Student Leadership Programs,Apply specialized knowledge,Career readiness,Critical and creative thinking,Inquiry and analysis
Campus Activities Programs


Campus Activities Programs - The purpose of Campus Activities Programs must be to enhance the overall educational experience of students through development of, exposure to, and participation in programs and activities that improve student cooperation and leadership while preparing students to be responsible advocates and citizens and complementing the institution's academic programs.

Gamecock Entertainment
Student attended an event provided by Gamecock Entertainment staff programming (e.g., watch parties, sporting events, political elections/debates), paint nights, trivia, foam parties).
Summer 2022 Campus Activities Student attended an event provided by Gamecock Entertainment staff programming (e.g., watch parties, sporting events, political elections/debates), paint nights, trivia, foam parties). 3 11 28 Russell House University Union N ; Campus Activities Programs,Recreation, leisure, entertainment,Connecting with others,Self-knowledge,
Capstone Experience


Capstone Experience - A course or project that engages students in a culminating and integrative experience, intended to connect the key learning objectives of an educational program.

GSCOM Capstone Project - MGSC 497
Student consulting teams apply Operations and Supply Chain concepts and techniques to solve operational problems, identify improvement opportunities in service and manufacturing firms, write recommendation and implementation reports, oversee pilot or full-scale implementations, and make presentations of their work to the firm’s management group.
Fall 2022 Capstone Course or Project Student consulting teams apply Operations and Supply Chain concepts and techniques to solve operational problems, identify improvement opportunities in service and manufacturing firms, write recommendation and implementation reports, oversee pilot or full-scale implementations, and make presentations of their work to the firm’s management group. 3 15 65 Y GLD-Professional & Civic Engagement; Experiential Learning Opportunity; Capstone Experience,Apply specialized knowledge,,Specialized knowledge and skills,
Internship Programs


Internship Programs - The primary mission of Internship Programs is to engage students in planned, educationally-related work and learning experiences that integrate knowledge and theory with practical application and skill development in a professional setting.

Senior Nursing Capstone Practicum - NURS 435
Final Semester Senior Clinical Immersion Experience
Fall 2022 Internship Final Semester Senior Clinical Immersion Experience 3 20 106 Y Experiential Learning Opportunity; GLD-Professional & Civic Engagement; Internship Programs,Apply specialized knowledge,Career readiness,Specialized knowledge and skills,Professionalism / career readiness
Education Abroad Programs & Services


Education Abroad Programs & Services - Education Abroad Programs and Services facilitate and oversee student participation in educational experiences that occur in countries outside the institution's home country.

Study Abroad - Global USC
Students engage in intensive, multi-disciplinary overseas summer programs, earning 3-9 credits while participating in cultural excursions and academic activities as part of a cohort.
Fall 2022 Study Abroad Students engage in intensive, multi-disciplinary overseas summer programs, earning 3-9 credits while participating in cultural excursions and academic activities as part of a cohort. 3 12 31 Study Abroad N GLD-Global Learning; Experiential Learning Opportunity; Education Abroad Programs & Services,Global learning,,Intercultural knowledge and competence,Specialized knowledge and skills
Undergraduate Research Programs


Undergraduate Research Programs - The primary mission of Undergraduate Research Programs is to engage students in investigative and creative activity to experience firsthand the processes of scholarly exploration and discovery.

Undergraduate Research - Paid or Volunteer
Students work with a mentor to conduct a discipline specific research project that explores their field of interest through a hands-on project. Students do not earn academic credit. Mentors and students are encouraged to discuss and develop clear expectations prior to initiating research activities.
Fall 2022 Undergraduate Research Students work with a mentor to conduct a discipline specific research project that explores their field of interest through a hands-on project. Students do not earn academic credit. Mentors and students are encouraged to discuss and develop clear expectations prior to initiating research activities. 3 13 32 Undergraduate Research N GLD-Research; Experiential Learning Opportunity; Undergraduate Research Programs,Research,,Critical and creative thinking,Problem solving
Undergraduate Research Programs


Undergraduate Research Programs - The primary mission of Undergraduate Research Programs is to engage students in investigative and creative activity to experience firsthand the processes of scholarly exploration and discovery.

Undergraduate Research - Student Grant Award
Student works with a mentor to conduct a discipline specific research project funded by a university grant, awarded through a competitive application process that includes evaluation of the clarity of the student's project description, project's educational and intellectual merit, potential impact of the project, and mentoring plan.
Fall 2022 Undergraduate Research Student works with a mentor to conduct a discipline specific research project funded by a university grant, awarded through a competitive application process that includes evaluation of the clarity of the student's project description, project's educational and intellectual merit, potential impact of the project, and mentoring plan. 3 13 32 Undergraduate Research N GLD-Research; Experiential Learning Opportunity; Undergraduate Research Programs,Research,,Critical and creative thinking,Problem solving
Undergraduate Research Programs


Undergraduate Research Programs - The primary mission of Undergraduate Research Programs is to engage students in investigative and creative activity to experience firsthand the processes of scholarly exploration and discovery.

Undergraduate Research - Student Grant Award/Independent Study
Student works with a faculty mentor (for academic credit) to conduct a research project funded by a university grant awarded through competitive application process including evaluation of clarity of student's project description, project's educational and intellectual merit, potential impact of project and mentoring plan.
Fall 2022 Undergraduate Research Student works with a faculty mentor (for academic credit) to conduct a research project funded by a university grant awarded through competitive application process including evaluation of clarity of student's project description, project's educational and intellectual merit, potential impact of project and mentoring plan. 3 13 32 Undergraduate Research N GLD-Research; Experiential Learning Opportunity; Undergraduate Research Programs,Research,,Critical and creative thinking,Problem solving
Undergraduate Research Programs


Undergraduate Research Programs - The primary mission of Undergraduate Research Programs is to engage students in investigative and creative activity to experience firsthand the processes of scholarly exploration and discovery.

Undergraduate Research - Independent Study Credit
Students work with a mentor, for academic course credit (generally through independent study) to conduct a discipline specific research project that explores their field of interest through a hands-on project. Mentors and students develop and determine expectations, objectives, and the method of evaluation prior to course registration and approval.
Fall 2022 Undergraduate Research Students work with a mentor, for academic course credit (generally through independent study) to conduct a discipline specific research project that explores their field of interest through a hands-on project. Mentors and students develop and determine expectations, objectives, and the method of evaluation prior to course registration and approval. 3 13 32 Undergraduate Research N GLD-Research; Experiential Learning Opportunity; Undergraduate Research Programs,Research,,Critical and creative thinking,Problem solving
Academic Advising Programs


Academic Advising Programs - The primary purpose of Academic Advising Programs is to assist students in the development of meaningful educational plans.

Academic Coaching Appointment
Students meet 1-1 with a coach to create an academic and engagement plan, set goals, and share resources; sessions are tailored to meet each student's needs and may include general advising, academic planning, strengths identification, planning campus involvement, and navigating campus resources.
Fall 2022 Educational Support Students meet 1-1 with a coach to create an academic and engagement plan, set goals, and share resources; sessions are tailored to meet each student's needs and may include general advising, academic planning, strengths identification, planning campus involvement, and navigating campus resources. 3 12 34 University Advising Center N ; Academic Advising Programs,Study / Practice intellectual skills,Study / Practice self knowledge,Foundations and skills for lifelong learning,Personal and social responsibility - Striving for excellence
Academic Advising Programs


Academic Advising Programs - The primary purpose of Academic Advising Programs is to assist students in the development of meaningful educational plans.

Exploratory Advising / Major Change
Students meet 1-on-1 with an Exploratory Advisor to explore majors/degree programs, learn how to change majors, evaluate how completed coursework will apply to a new major, plan class schedules, and get help with general advisement questions.
Fall 2022 Educational Support Students meet 1-on-1 with an Exploratory Advisor to explore majors/degree programs, learn how to change majors, evaluate how completed coursework will apply to a new major, plan class schedules, and get help with general advisement questions. 3 12 34 University Advising Center N ; Academic Advising Programs,Study / Practice intellectual skills,Study / Practice self knowledge,Self-knowledge,
Education Abroad Programs & Services


Education Abroad Programs & Services - Education Abroad Programs and Services facilitate and oversee student participation in educational experiences that occur in countries outside the institution's home country.

Study Abroad - Global Classroom
Students engage in a short-term, USC faculty-led program, focusing on a specific subject area or foreign language. Program sites and course offerings vary from year to year.
Fall 2022 Study Abroad Students engage in a short-term, USC faculty-led program, focusing on a specific subject area or foreign language. Program sites and course offerings vary from year to year. 3 12 31 Study Abroad N GLD-Global Learning; Experiential Learning Opportunity; Education Abroad Programs & Services,Global learning,,Intercultural knowledge and competence,Specialized knowledge and skills
Education Abroad Programs & Services


Education Abroad Programs & Services - Education Abroad Programs and Services facilitate and oversee student participation in educational experiences that occur in countries outside the institution's home country.

Study Abroad - Global Direct
Students engage in a summer, semester, or academic year direct-enroll program while focusing on specific topics, foreign languages, or various subject areas. Students take courses from an approved academic institution and pay tuition and fees directly to the host institution.
Fall 2022 Study Abroad Students engage in a summer, semester, or academic year direct-enroll program while focusing on specific topics, foreign languages, or various subject areas. Students take courses from an approved academic institution and pay tuition and fees directly to the host institution. 3 12 31 Study Abroad N GLD-Global Learning; Experiential Learning Opportunity; Education Abroad Programs & Services,Global learning,,Intercultural knowledge and competence,Specialized knowledge and skills
Education Abroad Programs & Services


Education Abroad Programs & Services - Education Abroad Programs and Services facilitate and oversee student participation in educational experiences that occur in countries outside the institution's home country.

Study Abroad - Global Exchange
Students engage in a semester or academic year exchange program in conjunction with a partner institution. Some focus on specific areas of study; others are open to all majors. Students are charged USC in-state tuition while enrolled in this program.
Fall 2022 Study Abroad Students engage in a semester or academic year exchange program in conjunction with a partner institution. Some focus on specific areas of study; others are open to all majors. Students are charged USC in-state tuition while enrolled in this program. 3 12 31 Study Abroad N GLD-Global Learning; Experiential Learning Opportunity; Education Abroad Programs & Services,Global learning,,Intercultural knowledge and competence,Specialized knowledge and skills
Education Abroad Programs & Services


Education Abroad Programs & Services - Education Abroad Programs and Services facilitate and oversee student participation in educational experiences that occur in countries outside the institution's home country.

Study Abroad - Global Partner
Students engage in a summer, semester, or academic year program with an independent study abroad organization.
Fall 2022 Study Abroad Students engage in a summer, semester, or academic year program with an independent study abroad organization. 3 12 31 Study Abroad N GLD-Global Learning; Experiential Learning Opportunity; Education Abroad Programs & Services,Global learning,,Intercultural knowledge and competence,Specialized knowledge and skills
Learning Assistance Programs


Learning Assistance Programs - The primary mission of Learning Assistance Programs must be to provide students with resources and opportunities to improve their ability to learn and to achieve academic success.

Money Management Consultation
Students participate in a 1:1 meeting with a Financial Literacy Consultant, to explore financial management topics including basic money management, credit, debt management, and student loan repayment policies.
Fall 2022 Educational Support Students participate in a 1:1 meeting with a Financial Literacy Consultant, to explore financial management topics including basic money management, credit, debt management, and student loan repayment policies. 3 11 30 Student Success Center N ; Learning Assistance Programs,Study / Practice financial literacy,Study / Practice self knowledge,Financial literacy,Problem solving
Learning Assistance Programs


Learning Assistance Programs - The primary mission of Learning Assistance Programs must be to provide students with resources and opportunities to improve their ability to learn and to achieve academic success.

Peer Tutoring
Students participate in a tutoring session for a specific academic course in which they are currently enrolled.
Fall 2022 Educational Support Students participate in a tutoring session for a specific academic course in which they are currently enrolled. 3 11 30 Student Success Center N ; Learning Assistance Programs,Study / Practice intellectual skills,Apply specialized knowledge,Specialized knowledge and skills,
Learning Assistance Programs


Learning Assistance Programs - The primary mission of Learning Assistance Programs must be to provide students with resources and opportunities to improve their ability to learn and to achieve academic success.

Peer Writing Session
Students participate in a tutoring session for support with composition- or communications-based assignments or projects.
Fall 2022 Educational Support Students participate in a tutoring session for support with composition- or communications-based assignments or projects. 3 11 30 Student Success Center N ; Learning Assistance Programs,Study / Practice intellectual skills,,Communication - written,Communication - spoken
Learning Assistance Programs


Learning Assistance Programs - The primary mission of Learning Assistance Programs must be to provide students with resources and opportunities to improve their ability to learn and to achieve academic success.

Success Consultation
Students meet 1-1 with a trained peer consultant to assist students in understanding course material, develop self-regulated learning skills, and create an action plan for positive academic behaviors.
Fall 2022 Educational Support Students meet 1-1 with a trained peer consultant to assist students in understanding course material, develop self-regulated learning skills, and create an action plan for positive academic behaviors. 3 11 30 Student Success Center N ; Learning Assistance Programs,Study / Practice intellectual skills,Study / Practice self knowledge,Foundations and skills for lifelong learning,
Learning Assistance Programs


Learning Assistance Programs - The primary mission of Learning Assistance Programs must be to provide students with resources and opportunities to improve their ability to learn and to achieve academic success.

Supplemental Instruction
Students participate in a group study session for a specific academic course and section in which they are currently enrolled.
Fall 2022 Educational Support Students participate in a group study session for a specific academic course and section in which they are currently enrolled. 3 11 30 Student Success Center N ; Learning Assistance Programs,Study / Practice intellectual skills,,Specialized knowledge and skills,
Transfer Student Programs and Services


Transfer Student Programs and Services - The mission of Transfer Student Programs and Services is to aid in the successful transfer, persistence, and graduation of transfer students.

Transfer Success Consultation
Transfer students participate in a 1:1 meeting with the Transfer Coordinator, to discuss academic referrals, current academic challenges, and to identify academic and campus resources.
Fall 2022 Educational Support Transfer students participate in a 1:1 meeting with the Transfer Coordinator, to discuss academic referrals, current academic challenges, and to identify academic and campus resources. 3 11 30 Carolina Experience N ; Transfer Student Programs and Services,Study / Practice self knowledge,,Personal and social responsibility - Striving for excellence,
Student Employment


Student Employment - Student is employed part-time by the university and engages in career readiness development activities as part of supervision process.

Russell House University Union Operations Attendant
Building operations attendants operate the student union facility and manage events, including equipment check-out and working directly with clients. Attendants are assigned to one of three areas: Building Operations, Information Center, or Gameroom.
Fall 2022 Employment On Campus Building operations attendants operate the student union facility and manage events, including equipment check-out and working directly with clients. Attendants are assigned to one of three areas: Building Operations, Information Center, or Gameroom. 3 11 28 Russell House University Union N GLD-Professional & Civic Engagement; Student Employment,Career readiness,,Professionalism / career readiness,
Career Services


Career Services - The primary mission of Career Services is to assist students and other designated clients in developing, evaluating, and implementing career, education, and employment plans.

Career Coaching - Career Assessment Interpretation
Students complete a career assessment prior to meeting with a career coach; in this 1-1 session, the coach guides the student through exploration of career-related interests, skills and values.
Fall 2022 Career Development Students complete a career assessment prior to meeting with a career coach; in this 1-1 session, the coach guides the student through exploration of career-related interests, skills and values. 3 11 30 Career Center N ; Career Services,Study / Practice self knowledge,Career development,Self-knowledge,Problem solving
Career Services


Career Services - The primary mission of Career Services is to assist students and other designated clients in developing, evaluating, and implementing career, education, and employment plans.

Career Coaching - Choosing a Major/Career
Students interact 1-1 with a trained career coach regarding making career /major decisions by exploring student interests, abilities, aptitudes, and alignment with options for choice of major and career field.
Fall 2022 Career Development Students interact 1-1 with a trained career coach regarding making career /major decisions by exploring student interests, abilities, aptitudes, and alignment with options for choice of major and career field. 3 11 30 Career Center N ; Career Services,Study / Practice self knowledge,Career development,Self-knowledge,Problem solving
Career Services


Career Services - The primary mission of Career Services is to assist students and other designated clients in developing, evaluating, and implementing career, education, and employment plans.

Career Coaching - Curriculum Vita / Cover Letter Review
Students interact 1-1 with a professional staff member who reviews students' vita and cover letter, provides feedback, and helps students explore presentation options.
Fall 2022 Career Development Students interact 1-1 with a professional staff member who reviews students' vita and cover letter, provides feedback, and helps students explore presentation options. 3 11 30 Career Center N ; Career Services,Career development,Study / Practice self knowledge,Problem solving,Self-knowledge
Career Services


Career Services - The primary mission of Career Services is to assist students and other designated clients in developing, evaluating, and implementing career, education, and employment plans.

Career Coaching - Graduate / Professional School
Student interacts 1-1 with professional staff member to identify resources and develop a plan for applying to graduate and/or professional schools.
Fall 2022 Career Development Student interacts 1-1 with professional staff member to identify resources and develop a plan for applying to graduate and/or professional schools. 3 11 30 Career Center N ; Career Services,Career development,Study / Practice self knowledge,Problem solving,
Career Services


Career Services - The primary mission of Career Services is to assist students and other designated clients in developing, evaluating, and implementing career, education, and employment plans.

Career Coaching - Interview Preparation
Student interacts 1-1 with a professional staff member to prepare for interviews for employment or admission to graduate/professional schools.
Fall 2022 Career Development Student interacts 1-1 with a professional staff member to prepare for interviews for employment or admission to graduate/professional schools. 3 11 30 Career Center N ; Career Services,Career development,Study / Practice self knowledge,Self-knowledge,Problem solving
Career Services


Career Services - The primary mission of Career Services is to assist students and other designated clients in developing, evaluating, and implementing career, education, and employment plans.

Career Coaching - Job Search
Student interacts 1-1 with a professional staff member to identify resources and develop a plan for obtaining employment.
Fall 2022 Career Development Student interacts 1-1 with a professional staff member to identify resources and develop a plan for obtaining employment. 3 11 30 Career Center N ; Career Services,Career development,Study / Practice self knowledge,Problem solving,Self-knowledge
Career Services


Career Services - The primary mission of Career Services is to assist students and other designated clients in developing, evaluating, and implementing career, education, and employment plans.

Career Coaching - Mock Interview
Students participate in a mock interview, and receive feedback from a professional staff member to improve their future performance.
Fall 2022 Career Development Students participate in a mock interview, and receive feedback from a professional staff member to improve their future performance. 3 11 30 Career Center N ; Career Services,Career development,,Self-knowledge,Communication - spoken
Career Services


Career Services - The primary mission of Career Services is to assist students and other designated clients in developing, evaluating, and implementing career, education, and employment plans.

Career Coaching - Parallel Career Path
Students interact with professional career coach to explore options regarding choice of major and career fields, in recognition of competitive admissions practices and other factors that may affect plans.
Fall 2022 Career Development Students interact with professional career coach to explore options regarding choice of major and career fields, in recognition of competitive admissions practices and other factors that may affect plans. 3 11 30 Career Center N ; Career Services,Career development,Study / Practice self knowledge,Problem solving,Self-knowledge
Career Services


Career Services - The primary mission of Career Services is to assist students and other designated clients in developing, evaluating, and implementing career, education, and employment plans.

Career Coaching - Personal Statement / Essay Reviews
Students interact 1-1 with a staff member to identify resources and develop a plan for obtaining employment.
Fall 2022 Career Development Students interact 1-1 with a staff member to identify resources and develop a plan for obtaining employment. 3 11 30 Career Center N ; Career Services,Career development,,Problem solving,
Career Services


Career Services - The primary mission of Career Services is to assist students and other designated clients in developing, evaluating, and implementing career, education, and employment plans.

Career Coaching - Resume / Cover Letter Review
Students interact 1-1 with a staff member to identify resources and plan for obtaining employment.
Fall 2022 Career Development Students interact 1-1 with a staff member to identify resources and plan for obtaining employment. 3 11 30 Career Center N ; Career Services,Career development,,Problem solving,
Career Services


Career Services - The primary mission of Career Services is to assist students and other designated clients in developing, evaluating, and implementing career, education, and employment plans.

Career Coaching - Career Studio
In this learning lab, students receive guidance from a Career Center Peer Educator on topics related to their career, including resumes, cover letters, personal statements, curriculum vitae, job search, interviewing, and occupational research.
Fall 2022 Career Development In this learning lab, students receive guidance from a Career Center Peer Educator on topics related to their career, including resumes, cover letters, personal statements, curriculum vitae, job search, interviewing, and occupational research. 3 11 30 Career Center N ; Career Services,Career development,Study / Practice self knowledge,Self-knowledge,


Enrichment -

Women-identifying students in Engineering and Computing participate in a 3-hour hands-on workshop to learn specialized skills such as CAD, with a brief overview of a 3D printing and vinyl cutting project. Students will hear a woman engineer speaker from industry, and will apply classroom learning topics to create team and individual projects.
Fall 2022 Career Development Women-identifying students in Engineering and Computing participate in a 3-hour hands-on workshop to learn specialized skills such as CAD, with a brief overview of a 3D printing and vinyl cutting project. Students will hear a woman engineer speaker from industry, and will apply classroom learning topics to create team and individual projects. 3 19 101 N ; Enrichment,Apply specialized knowledge,Career readiness,Specialized knowledge and skills,Integrative and applied learning


Enrichment -

CIC Adobe Creative Cloud Workshop
CIC students attend a 1-hour workshop to train on Adobe Creative Cloud, a collection of more than 20 applications and services for web design, photo editing, and video editing. Each workshop can be identified as Beginner or Intermediate for Photoshop, InDesign, Spark, Premiere, Aero, and more to come.
Fall 2022 Educational Support CIC students attend a 1-hour workshop to train on Adobe Creative Cloud, a collection of more than 20 applications and services for web design, photo editing, and video editing. Each workshop can be identified as Beginner or Intermediate for Photoshop, InDesign, Spark, Premiere, Aero, and more to come. 3 18 104 N ; Enrichment,Apply specialized knowledge,,Specialized knowledge and skills,
Career Services


Career Services - The primary mission of Career Services is to assist students and other designated clients in developing, evaluating, and implementing career, education, and employment plans.

Part-Time Job Fair
Students interact with representatives from campus departments and community organizations about current part-time employment opportunities.
Fall 2021 Career Development Students interact with representatives from campus departments and community organizations about current part-time employment opportunities. 3 11 30 Career Center N ; Career Services,Career development,Career readiness,Self-knowledge,Professionalism / career readiness
Career Services


Career Services - The primary mission of Career Services is to assist students and other designated clients in developing, evaluating, and implementing career, education, and employment plans.

STEM Job Fair
Students interact with representatives from employer organizations about current and future employment opportunities including internships, co-ops, and full-time positions.
Fall 2021 Career Development Students interact with representatives from employer organizations about current and future employment opportunities including internships, co-ops, and full-time positions. 3 11 30 Career Center N ; Career Services,Career development,Career readiness,Self-knowledge,Professionalism / career readiness
Career Services


Career Services - The primary mission of Career Services is to assist students and other designated clients in developing, evaluating, and implementing career, education, and employment plans.

Explore and Engage - Virtual Career Event
Students interact with representatives from employer organizations about current and future employment opportunities including internships, co-ops, and full-time positions.
Fall 2021 Career Development Students interact with representatives from employer organizations about current and future employment opportunities including internships, co-ops, and full-time positions. 3 11 30 Career Center N ; Career Services,Career development,Career readiness,Self-knowledge,Professionalism / career readiness
Career Services


Career Services - The primary mission of Career Services is to assist students and other designated clients in developing, evaluating, and implementing career, education, and employment plans.

Health Professions Fair
Students interact with representatives from employer organizations about current and future employment opportunities including internships, co-ops, and full-time positions.
Fall 2021 Career Development Students interact with representatives from employer organizations about current and future employment opportunities including internships, co-ops, and full-time positions. 3 11 30 Career Center N ; Career Services,Career development,Career readiness,Self-knowledge,Professionalism / career readiness
Career Services


Career Services - The primary mission of Career Services is to assist students and other designated clients in developing, evaluating, and implementing career, education, and employment plans.

Graduate and Professional School Career Fair
Students interact with representatives from graduate and professional schools about degree programs and career opportunities.
Fall 2021 Career Development Students interact with representatives from graduate and professional schools about degree programs and career opportunities. 3 11 30 Career Center N ; Career Services,Career development,Career readiness,Self-knowledge,Professionalism / career readiness
Career Services


Career Services - The primary mission of Career Services is to assist students and other designated clients in developing, evaluating, and implementing career, education, and employment plans.

Education Recruitment Day Career Event
Students interact with representatives from employer organizations about current and future employment opportunities including internships, co-ops, and full-time positions.
Spring 2022 Career Development Students interact with representatives from employer organizations about current and future employment opportunities including internships, co-ops, and full-time positions. 3 11 30 Career Center N ; Career Services,Career development,Career readiness,Self-knowledge,Professionalism / career readiness
Career Services


Career Services - The primary mission of Career Services is to assist students and other designated clients in developing, evaluating, and implementing career, education, and employment plans.

Just In Time Career and Internship Fair
Students interact with representatives from employer organizations about current and future employment opportunities including internships, co-ops, and full-time positions.
Spring 2022 Career Development Students interact with representatives from employer organizations about current and future employment opportunities including internships, co-ops, and full-time positions. 3 11 30 Career Center N ; Career Services,Career development,Career readiness,Self-knowledge,Professionalism / career readiness
Civic Engagement & Service-Learning Programs


Civic Engagement & Service-Learning Programs - The primary mission of Service-Learning Programs is to engage students in experiences that address human and community needs together with structured opportunities for reflection intentionally designed to promote student learning and development.

CIEL Student Advisory Council Session
SAC members discuss, question, and debate presented topics and consider how their shared opinions can impact their peers and institution. They may collaborate with one another to reach a unanimous opinion or may state personal opinions, while demonstrating professionalism when opinions differ and understanding the importance of individual voices.
Fall 2022 Service on Campus SAC members discuss, question, and debate presented topics and consider how their shared opinions can impact their peers and institution. They may collaborate with one another to reach a unanimous opinion or may state personal opinions, while demonstrating professionalism when opinions differ and understanding the importance of individual voices. 3 12 34 Center for Integrative and Experiential Learning N ; Civic Engagement & Service-Learning Programs,Community service / civic engagement,Study / Practice self knowledge,Personal and social responsibility - Contributing to a larger community,Self-knowledge
Career Services


Career Services - The primary mission of Career Services is to assist students and other designated clients in developing, evaluating, and implementing career, education, and employment plans.

Part-Time Job Fair
Students interact with representatives from campus departments and community organizations about current part-time employment opportunities.
Fall 2022 Career Development Students interact with representatives from campus departments and community organizations about current part-time employment opportunities. 3 11 30 Career Center N ; Career Services,Career development,Career readiness,Self-knowledge,Professionalism / career readiness
Career Services


Career Services - The primary mission of Career Services is to assist students and other designated clients in developing, evaluating, and implementing career, education, and employment plans.

STEM Job Fair
Students interact with representatives from employer organizations about current and future employment opportunities including internships, co-ops, and full-time positions.
Spring 2022 Career Development Students interact with representatives from employer organizations about current and future employment opportunities including internships, co-ops, and full-time positions. 3 11 30 Career Center N ; Career Services,Career development,Career readiness,Self-knowledge,Professionalism / career readiness
Career Services


Career Services - The primary mission of Career Services is to assist students and other designated clients in developing, evaluating, and implementing career, education, and employment plans.

STEM Job Fair
Students interact with representatives from employer organizations about current and future employment opportunities including internships, co-ops, and full-time positions.
Fall 2022 Career Development Students interact with representatives from employer organizations about current and future employment opportunities including internships, co-ops, and full-time positions. 3 11 30 Career Center N ; Career Services,Career development,Career readiness,Self-knowledge,Professionalism / career readiness
Career Services


Career Services - The primary mission of Career Services is to assist students and other designated clients in developing, evaluating, and implementing career, education, and employment plans.

Explore and Engage - Virtual Career Event
Students interact with representatives from employer organizations about current and future employment opportunities including internships, co-ops, and full-time positions.
Spring 2022 Career Development Students interact with representatives from employer organizations about current and future employment opportunities including internships, co-ops, and full-time positions. 3 11 30 Career Center N ; Career Services,Career development,Career readiness,Self-knowledge,Professionalism / career readiness
Career Services


Career Services - The primary mission of Career Services is to assist students and other designated clients in developing, evaluating, and implementing career, education, and employment plans.

Internships and Post-Graduation Opportunities Fair
In this virtual (online) Fair, students interact with representatives from employer organizations about current and future employment opportunities including internships, co-ops, and full-time positions.
Fall 2022 Career Development In this virtual (online) Fair, students interact with representatives from employer organizations about current and future employment opportunities including internships, co-ops, and full-time positions. 3 11 30 Career Center N ; Career Services,Career development,Career readiness,Self-knowledge,Professionalism / career readiness
Career Services


Career Services - The primary mission of Career Services is to assist students and other designated clients in developing, evaluating, and implementing career, education, and employment plans.

Nursing, Health and Wellness Professions Fair
Students interact with representatives from employer organizations about current and future employment opportunities including internships, co-ops, and full-time positions.
Fall 2022 Career Development Students interact with representatives from employer organizations about current and future employment opportunities including internships, co-ops, and full-time positions. 3 11 30 Career Center N ; Career Services,Career development,Career readiness,Self-knowledge,Professionalism / career readiness
Career Services


Career Services - The primary mission of Career Services is to assist students and other designated clients in developing, evaluating, and implementing career, education, and employment plans.

Health Professions Fair
Students interact with representatives from employer organizations about current and future employment opportunities including internships, co-ops, and full-time positions.
Spring 2022 Career Development Students interact with representatives from employer organizations about current and future employment opportunities including internships, co-ops, and full-time positions. 3 11 30 Career Center N ; Career Services,Career development,Career readiness,Self-knowledge,Professionalism / career readiness
Student Employment


Student Employment - Student is employed part-time by the university and engages in career readiness development activities as part of supervision process.

Neighborhood Service Specialist
Neighborhood Service Specialists are student employees selected to work in one or more of the University Housing Neighborhood Service Offices; they provide customer service to residents and guests and perform administrative tasks to support hall staff.
Fall 2022 Employment On Campus Neighborhood Service Specialists are student employees selected to work in one or more of the University Housing Neighborhood Service Offices; they provide customer service to residents and guests and perform administrative tasks to support hall staff. 3 11 29 University Housing N ; Student Employment,Career readiness,Apply specialized knowledge,Professionalism / career readiness,Communication - spoken
Student Leadership Programs


Student Leadership Programs - The mission of Student Leadership Programs must be to prepare students to engage in the process of leadership.

Carolina CLIMB
CLIMB members visit high schools and present sessions designed to help high school students prepare for college; session topics include academic preparedness, STEM majors and careers, and financial literacy.
Fall 2022 Student Program Leader CLIMB members visit high schools and present sessions designed to help high school students prepare for college; session topics include academic preparedness, STEM majors and careers, and financial literacy. 3 34 118 Outreach N ; Student Leadership Programs,Leadership,Connecting with others,Civic knowledge and engagement,Interpersonal skills
Internship Programs


Internship Programs - The primary mission of Internship Programs is to engage students in planned, educationally-related work and learning experiences that integrate knowledge and theory with practical application and skill development in a professional setting.

Internship in Curriculum, Assessment, Teaching, and Professional Roles - EDEC 492
Internship for practice in classrooms at the early childhood level related to curriculum, assessment, teaching, and professional roles
Fall 2022 Internship Internship for practice in classrooms at the early childhood level related to curriculum, assessment, teaching, and professional roles 3 16 67 Y GLD-Professional & Civic Engagement; GLD-Community Service; Experiential Learning Opportunity; Internship Programs,Apply specialized knowledge,,Specialized knowledge and skills,
Student Leadership Programs


Student Leadership Programs - The mission of Student Leadership Programs must be to prepare students to engage in the process of leadership.

Fellowship Peer Mentor
Mentors help prospective and current fellowship applicants gain confidence and skills to engage in the fellowship process, by sharing their own experiences as a fellowship recipient and information about national fellowship (NF) opportunities. Mentors communicate with students via podcast, social media campaign, and at NFSP-related events.
Spring 2023 Student Program Leader Mentors help prospective and current fellowship applicants gain confidence and skills to engage in the fellowship process, by sharing their own experiences as a fellowship recipient and information about national fellowship (NF) opportunities. Mentors communicate with students via podcast, social media campaign, and at NFSP-related events. 3 26 36 N ; Student Leadership Programs,Leadership,Study / Practice self knowledge,Communication - spoken,Interpersonal skills
Student Leadership Programs


Student Leadership Programs - The mission of Student Leadership Programs must be to prepare students to engage in the process of leadership.

National Fellowships Ambassador
Through outreach and sharing, a National Fellowships Ambassador helps prospective and current fellowship applicants gain confidence and skills to engage in the fellowship process.
Spring 2023 Student Program Leader Through outreach and sharing, a National Fellowships Ambassador helps prospective and current fellowship applicants gain confidence and skills to engage in the fellowship process. 3 26 36 N ; Student Leadership Programs,Leadership,Study / Practice self knowledge,Communication - spoken,Interpersonal skills
Health Promotion Services


Health Promotion Services - The mission and scope of practice of health promotion, sometimes referred to as wellness, must be reflective of the following fundamental assumptions about the role of health in higher education: reciprocal relationship between learning and health; direct connection between academic mission and higher education and well being of students

Trauma 101
In support of creating a more trauma informed and responsive campus, students engage in expert presentations in a workshop series that provides a more comprehensive way to think about trauma as the process of becoming flooded with overwhelming stress from a variety of causes.
Fall 2022 Physical, Mental, Emotional Health In support of creating a more trauma informed and responsive campus, students engage in expert presentations in a workshop series that provides a more comprehensive way to think about trauma as the process of becoming flooded with overwhelming stress from a variety of causes. 3 11 117 Healthy Campus Initiatives N ; Health Promotion Services,Study / Practice social well being,Apply specialized knowledge,Foundations and skills for lifelong learning,
Student Leadership Programs


Student Leadership Programs - The mission of Student Leadership Programs must be to prepare students to engage in the process of leadership.

Student Life Ambassador
Students serve as a representative for the Department of Student Life by giving presentations at New Student Orientation and by interacting with prospective students and parents at the Orientation Resource Fair. Students also help the Department of Student Life plan departmental events and services.
Fall 2022 Student Program Leader Students serve as a representative for the Department of Student Life by giving presentations at New Student Orientation and by interacting with prospective students and parents at the Orientation Resource Fair. Students also help the Department of Student Life plan departmental events and services. 3 11 28 Leadership & Service Center N Experiential Learning Opportunity; Student Leadership Programs,Career readiness,,Communication - spoken,Influencing others
Recreational Sports Programs


Recreational Sports Programs - The mission of Recreational Sports Programs must be to enhance the mind, body, and spirit of students and other eligible individuals by providing programs, services, and facilities that are responsive to the physical, social, recreational, and lifelong educational needs of the campus community as they relate to health, fitness, and learning.

Campus Recreation Adventure Trip Leader
Trip leaders plan and execute day-long outdoor adventure trips; responsibilities include conducting pre-trip meetings with participants to set expectations, build relationships, communicate risks, and provide training for participants. During the trip, leaders serve as guides and wilderness medical first responders.
Spring 2023 Student Program Leader Trip leaders plan and execute day-long outdoor adventure trips; responsibilities include conducting pre-trip meetings with participants to set expectations, build relationships, communicate risks, and provide training for participants. During the trip, leaders serve as guides and wilderness medical first responders. 3 11 117 Campus Recreation N GLD-Professional & Civic Engagement; Recreational Sports Programs,Leadership,Career readiness,Teamwork,Problem solving
Recreational Sports Programs


Recreational Sports Programs - The mission of Recreational Sports Programs must be to enhance the mind, body, and spirit of students and other eligible individuals by providing programs, services, and facilities that are responsive to the physical, social, recreational, and lifelong educational needs of the campus community as they relate to health, fitness, and learning.

Campus Recreation Assistant
Student assistants facilitate the successful operation of the Campus Recreation program and facility (marketing and communications, member services, operations, outdoor recreation, sport programs and fitness) as the primary point of contact for participants and patrons; they facilitate a safe and positive developmental experience for students.
Spring 2023 Employment On Campus Student assistants facilitate the successful operation of the Campus Recreation program and facility (marketing and communications, member services, operations, outdoor recreation, sport programs and fitness) as the primary point of contact for participants and patrons; they facilitate a safe and positive developmental experience for students. 3 11 117 Campus Recreation N ; Recreational Sports Programs,Career readiness,,Professionalism / career readiness,
Recreational Sports Programs


Recreational Sports Programs - The mission of Recreational Sports Programs must be to enhance the mind, body, and spirit of students and other eligible individuals by providing programs, services, and facilities that are responsive to the physical, social, recreational, and lifelong educational needs of the campus community as they relate to health, fitness, and learning.

Campus Recreation Fitness Instructor
Student instructors safely deliver a quality fitness service to patrons and serve as an educational resource for how to develop effective fitness practices.
Spring 2023 Employment On Campus Student instructors safely deliver a quality fitness service to patrons and serve as an educational resource for how to develop effective fitness practices. 3 11 117 Campus Recreation N ; Recreational Sports Programs,Career readiness,,Communication - spoken,Professionalism / career readiness
Student Leadership Programs


Student Leadership Programs - The mission of Student Leadership Programs must be to prepare students to engage in the process of leadership.

Campus Recreation Leader
Students execute all aspects of a Campus Recreation program or facility (fitness, member services, operations, or sport programs), with responsibility for supervising student staff and planning for facility and equipment needs.
Spring 2023 Student Program Leader Students execute all aspects of a Campus Recreation program or facility (fitness, member services, operations, or sport programs), with responsibility for supervising student staff and planning for facility and equipment needs. 3 11 117 Campus Recreation N Experiential Learning Opportunity; Student Leadership Programs,Leadership,Career readiness,Teamwork,Critical and creative thinking
Recreational Sports Programs


Recreational Sports Programs - The mission of Recreational Sports Programs must be to enhance the mind, body, and spirit of students and other eligible individuals by providing programs, services, and facilities that are responsive to the physical, social, recreational, and lifelong educational needs of the campus community as they relate to health, fitness, and learning.

Campus Recreation Manager
Managers serve a dual role as a Leader while also designing programs and planning for effective operations in Fitness, Member Services, Operations, Outdoor Recreation, and/or Sport Programs. They develop and enforce policies, plan for staffing, oversee student employees, manage risk, and influence the actions of others toward unit goals.
Spring 2023 Student Program Leader Managers serve a dual role as a Leader while also designing programs and planning for effective operations in Fitness, Member Services, Operations, Outdoor Recreation, and/or Sport Programs. They develop and enforce policies, plan for staffing, oversee student employees, manage risk, and influence the actions of others toward unit goals. 3 11 117 Campus Recreation N Experiential Learning Opportunity; Recreational Sports Programs,Career readiness,Leadership,Problem solving,Influencing others
Recreational Sports Programs


Recreational Sports Programs - The mission of Recreational Sports Programs must be to enhance the mind, body, and spirit of students and other eligible individuals by providing programs, services, and facilities that are responsive to the physical, social, recreational, and lifelong educational needs of the campus community as they relate to health, fitness, and learning.

Campus Recreation Sport Club Executive Board
Sport Club Executive Board (SCEB) members are elected by sport club officers to build support for the sport club program and achieve common goals, and interact with a variety of constituents including sport club members, faculty, staff, and university administrators.
Spring 2023 Elected Student Leader Sport Club Executive Board (SCEB) members are elected by sport club officers to build support for the sport club program and achieve common goals, and interact with a variety of constituents including sport club members, faculty, staff, and university administrators. 3 11 117 Campus Recreation N ; Recreational Sports Programs,Leadership,,Problem solving,Influencing others
Recreational Sports Programs


Recreational Sports Programs - The mission of Recreational Sports Programs must be to enhance the mind, body, and spirit of students and other eligible individuals by providing programs, services, and facilities that are responsive to the physical, social, recreational, and lifelong educational needs of the campus community as they relate to health, fitness, and learning.

Campus Recreation Climbing Wall
Students participate in top rope climbing or bouldering, with routes for both beginners and advanced climbers, at the climbing wall in the Wellness & Fitness Center.
Spring 2023 Physical, Mental, Emotional Health Students participate in top rope climbing or bouldering, with routes for both beginners and advanced climbers, at the climbing wall in the Wellness & Fitness Center. 3 11 117 Campus Recreation N ; Recreational Sports Programs,Recreation, leisure, entertainment,Connecting with others,Foundations and skills for lifelong learning,
Recreational Sports Programs


Recreational Sports Programs - The mission of Recreational Sports Programs must be to enhance the mind, body, and spirit of students and other eligible individuals by providing programs, services, and facilities that are responsive to the physical, social, recreational, and lifelong educational needs of the campus community as they relate to health, fitness, and learning.

Campus Recreation Group X
Students participate in a 45-60 minute group exercise class such as Yoga, Zumba, BodyPump, Barre, Cycle, and Bootcamp.
Spring 2023 Physical, Mental, Emotional Health Students participate in a 45-60 minute group exercise class such as Yoga, Zumba, BodyPump, Barre, Cycle, and Bootcamp. 3 11 117 Campus Recreation N ; Recreational Sports Programs,Study / Practice physical well being,Connecting with others,Self-knowledge,
Recreational Sports Programs


Recreational Sports Programs - The mission of Recreational Sports Programs must be to enhance the mind, body, and spirit of students and other eligible individuals by providing programs, services, and facilities that are responsive to the physical, social, recreational, and lifelong educational needs of the campus community as they relate to health, fitness, and learning.

Campus Recreation Intramural Sports
Students participate in an intramural sport, such as basketball, cornhole, volleyball, flag football, soccer, pickleball, and more.
Spring 2023 Campus Activities Students participate in an intramural sport, such as basketball, cornhole, volleyball, flag football, soccer, pickleball, and more. 3 11 117 Campus Recreation N ; Recreational Sports Programs,Recreation, leisure, entertainment,Connecting with others,Self-knowledge,
Recreational Sports Programs


Recreational Sports Programs - The mission of Recreational Sports Programs must be to enhance the mind, body, and spirit of students and other eligible individuals by providing programs, services, and facilities that are responsive to the physical, social, recreational, and lifelong educational needs of the campus community as they relate to health, fitness, and learning.

Campus Recreation Adventure Trip Participant
Students participate with a group of peers in an adventure trip guided by a staff member; trip options include biking, camping, hiking, boating, and more. Adventures vary in length from a few hours to a few days.
Spring 2023 Campus Activities Students participate with a group of peers in an adventure trip guided by a staff member; trip options include biking, camping, hiking, boating, and more. Adventures vary in length from a few hours to a few days. 3 11 117 Campus Recreation N ; Recreational Sports Programs,Recreation, leisure, entertainment,Connecting with others,Self-knowledge,
Recreational Sports Programs


Recreational Sports Programs - The mission of Recreational Sports Programs must be to enhance the mind, body, and spirit of students and other eligible individuals by providing programs, services, and facilities that are responsive to the physical, social, recreational, and lifelong educational needs of the campus community as they relate to health, fitness, and learning.

Campus Recreation Personal Fitness Training
Students work with a personal trainer to identify their fitness goals and practice individually tailored exercises and routines; each session is 60 minutes in length.
Spring 2023 Physical, Mental, Emotional Health Students work with a personal trainer to identify their fitness goals and practice individually tailored exercises and routines; each session is 60 minutes in length. 3 11 117 Campus Recreation N ; Recreational Sports Programs,Study / Practice physical well being,Study / Practice self knowledge,Self-knowledge,
Fraternity and Sorority Advising Programs


Fraternity and Sorority Advising Programs - The mission of Fraternity and Sorority Advising Programs is to promote the learning and development of students who affiliate with fraternities and sororities.

Fraternity and Sorority Life Council Leadership
Students work to advance the FSL community by leading bi-weekly council meetings, meeting monthly with professional and graduate student staff advisors, communicating with FSL chapter presidents and community members, and implementing policies (university, FSL, Council).
Spring 2023 Elected Student Leader Students work to advance the FSL community by leading bi-weekly council meetings, meeting monthly with professional and graduate student staff advisors, communicating with FSL chapter presidents and community members, and implementing policies (university, FSL, Council). 3 11 28 Fraternity & Sorority Life N GLD-Professional & Civic Engagement; Fraternity and Sorority Advising Programs,Leadership,Apply specialized knowledge,Influencing others,Communication - spoken
Fraternity and Sorority Advising Programs


Fraternity and Sorority Advising Programs - The mission of Fraternity and Sorority Advising Programs is to promote the learning and development of students who affiliate with fraternities and sororities.

Fraternity and Sorority Life Recruitment / Intake Orientation
Participants attend this session to learn about the recruitment and membership experience in fraternity and sorority organizations, including time commitment, academic and financial requirements, and philanthropic and service opportunities of each chapter. Information is provided by professional staff, graduate assistants, and current members.
Spring 2023 Campus Activities Participants attend this session to learn about the recruitment and membership experience in fraternity and sorority organizations, including time commitment, academic and financial requirements, and philanthropic and service opportunities of each chapter. Information is provided by professional staff, graduate assistants, and current members. 3 11 28 Fraternity & Sorority Life N ; Fraternity and Sorority Advising Programs,Connecting with others,,Self-knowledge,
Fraternity and Sorority Advising Programs


Fraternity and Sorority Advising Programs - The mission of Fraternity and Sorority Advising Programs is to promote the learning and development of students who affiliate with fraternities and sororities.

Fraternity and Sorority New Member Summit
Students engage in council-specific conversations on the history, significance and myths of Fraternity and Sorority Life, personal responsibility, expectations, and tools available for new FSL members.
Spring 2023 Campus Activities Students engage in council-specific conversations on the history, significance and myths of Fraternity and Sorority Life, personal responsibility, expectations, and tools available for new FSL members. 3 11 28 Fraternity & Sorority Life N ; Fraternity and Sorority Advising Programs,Connecting with others,,Self-knowledge,
Fraternity and Sorority Advising Programs


Fraternity and Sorority Advising Programs - The mission of Fraternity and Sorority Advising Programs is to promote the learning and development of students who affiliate with fraternities and sororities.

Interfraternity Council Recruitment Advisor
Recruitment Peer Advisors serve as mentors, resources, facilitators, and referral agents to students who are potential new members participating in fraternity recruitment activities.
Spring 2023 Student Program Leader Recruitment Peer Advisors serve as mentors, resources, facilitators, and referral agents to students who are potential new members participating in fraternity recruitment activities. 3 11 28 Fraternity & Sorority Life N GLD-Professional & Civic Engagement; Fraternity and Sorority Advising Programs,Leadership,,Influencing others,
Fraternity and Sorority Advising Programs


Fraternity and Sorority Advising Programs - The mission of Fraternity and Sorority Advising Programs is to promote the learning and development of students who affiliate with fraternities and sororities.

Fraternity and Sorority Leadership Retreat
Students participate in a 2-day retreat featuring presentations and training from university staff, structured conversation regarding their respective officer positions, and activities for self-reflection and leadership goal setting.
Spring 2023 Leadership Education Students participate in a 2-day retreat featuring presentations and training from university staff, structured conversation regarding their respective officer positions, and activities for self-reflection and leadership goal setting. 3 11 28 Fraternity & Sorority Life N ; Fraternity and Sorority Advising Programs,Study / Practice self knowledge,Connecting with others,Self-knowledge,
Student Leadership Programs


Student Leadership Programs - The mission of Student Leadership Programs must be to prepare students to engage in the process of leadership.

Alternative Break Leader
Students lead a group of peers in an immersive service experience that occurs during a scheduled break in the academic year. Leaders plan and implement a trip in a theme of their choice, resolve problems that occur during the trip, and communicate with leaders of the agency or community that is the focus of the service.
Spring 2023 Peer Educator Students lead a group of peers in an immersive service experience that occurs during a scheduled break in the academic year. Leaders plan and implement a trip in a theme of their choice, resolve problems that occur during the trip, and communicate with leaders of the agency or community that is the focus of the service. 3 11 28 Leadership & Service Center N GLD-Professional & Civic Engagement; GLD-Community Service; Experiential Learning Opportunity; Student Leadership Programs,Leadership,Community service / civic engagement,Critical and creative thinking,Civic knowledge and engagement
Internship Programs


Internship Programs - The primary mission of Internship Programs is to engage students in planned, educationally-related work and learning experiences that integrate knowledge and theory with practical application and skill development in a professional setting.

Undergraduate Internship In Psychology - PSYC 495
Each student secures an internship at a community organization that serves children/adults, providing experience with the treatment/prevention of mental health concerns. Students write weekly journal reflections, conduct an informational interview, and complete a final paper. Site supervisors provide formal feedback at the end of the internship.
Fall 2022 Internship Each student secures an internship at a community organization that serves children/adults, providing experience with the treatment/prevention of mental health concerns. Students write weekly journal reflections, conduct an informational interview, and complete a final paper. Site supervisors provide formal feedback at the end of the internship. 3 14 51 Y GLD-Professional & Civic Engagement; Experiential Learning Opportunity; Internship Programs,Career development,Apply specialized knowledge,Integrative and applied learning,Self-knowledge
Civic Engagement & Service-Learning Programs


Civic Engagement & Service-Learning Programs - The primary mission of Service-Learning Programs is to engage students in experiences that address human and community needs together with structured opportunities for reflection intentionally designed to promote student learning and development.

Community Service Ambassador
Each student ambassador serves in a nonprofit organization located in the Midlands, exploring issues affecting the local community and working with the non-profit agency to address these issues.
Spring 2023 Civic Engagement Each student ambassador serves in a nonprofit organization located in the Midlands, exploring issues affecting the local community and working with the non-profit agency to address these issues. 3 11 28 Leadership & Service Center N GLD-Professional & Civic Engagement; GLD-Community Service; Experiential Learning Opportunity; Civic Engagement & Service-Learning Programs,Community service / civic engagement,Study / Practice diversity, equity, inclusion,Civic knowledge and engagement,Personal and social responsibility - Contributing to a larger community
Student Leadership Programs


Student Leadership Programs - The mission of Student Leadership Programs must be to prepare students to engage in the process of leadership.

Gamecock Pantry Executive Board
Board members implement the vision, direction, and operations of the Gamecock Pantry by contributing to the recruitment, training, and evaluation of volunteers, donation coordination, marketing and education, and logistical operations such as clientele communication, donation solicitation, and developing on and off campus partnerships.
Spring 2023 Student Program Leader Board members implement the vision, direction, and operations of the Gamecock Pantry by contributing to the recruitment, training, and evaluation of volunteers, donation coordination, marketing and education, and logistical operations such as clientele communication, donation solicitation, and developing on and off campus partnerships. 3 11 28 Leadership & Service Center N GLD-Professional & Civic Engagement; GLD-Community Service; Experiential Learning Opportunity; Student Leadership Programs,Leadership,,Influencing others,Critical and creative thinking
Civic Engagement & Service-Learning Programs


Civic Engagement & Service-Learning Programs - The primary mission of Service-Learning Programs is to engage students in experiences that address human and community needs together with structured opportunities for reflection intentionally designed to promote student learning and development.

Gamecock Pantry Pals
Students organize donations, shelve inventory, and communicate information about the Gamecock Pantry to campus constituents. The pantry was created by students, for students, and provides food assistance and other resources to enhance well-being.
Spring 2023 Service on Campus Students organize donations, shelve inventory, and communicate information about the Gamecock Pantry to campus constituents. The pantry was created by students, for students, and provides food assistance and other resources to enhance well-being. 3 11 28 Leadership & Service Center N GLD-Community Service; Civic Engagement & Service-Learning Programs,Community service / civic engagement,Connecting with others,Interpersonal skills,
Student Leadership Programs


Student Leadership Programs - The mission of Student Leadership Programs must be to prepare students to engage in the process of leadership.

Close Family Emerging Leaders Program
Students meet weekly for 8 weeks to explore aspects of leadership; activities are designed to help students develop a personal definition of leadership, create achievable goals, and design an action plan for applying leadership skills at USC.
Spring 2023 Leadership Education Students meet weekly for 8 weeks to explore aspects of leadership; activities are designed to help students develop a personal definition of leadership, create achievable goals, and design an action plan for applying leadership skills at USC. 3 11 28 Leadership & Service Center N GLD-Professional & Civic Engagement; Student Leadership Programs,Study / Practice self knowledge,,Self-knowledge,Communication - spoken
Student Leadership Programs


Student Leadership Programs - The mission of Student Leadership Programs must be to prepare students to engage in the process of leadership.

Graduate Student Association Cabinet
Under the general direction of the GSA President, Cabinet Secretaries oversee a particular area of concern for graduate students (academics, inclusion and equity, health and wellness, etc.), serve as liaisons between GSA and the various units within the university.
Spring 2023 Elected Student Leader Under the general direction of the GSA President, Cabinet Secretaries oversee a particular area of concern for graduate students (academics, inclusion and equity, health and wellness, etc.), serve as liaisons between GSA and the various units within the university. 3 11 28 Leadership & Service Center N ; Student Leadership Programs,Career readiness,,Professionalism / career readiness,
Student Leadership Programs


Student Leadership Programs - The mission of Student Leadership Programs must be to prepare students to engage in the process of leadership.

Graduate Student Association Executive Committee
Committee members meet regularly with university administrators and offices throughout campus to advocate on behalf of the graduate student body and lead Graduate Student Association cabinet meetings and town halls.
Spring 2023 Elected Student Leader Committee members meet regularly with university administrators and offices throughout campus to advocate on behalf of the graduate student body and lead Graduate Student Association cabinet meetings and town halls. 3 11 28 Leadership & Service Center N Experiential Learning Opportunity; Student Leadership Programs,Leadership,,Problem solving,Influencing others
Student Leadership Programs


Student Leadership Programs - The mission of Student Leadership Programs must be to prepare students to engage in the process of leadership.

Leadership and Service Ambassador
Leadership and Service Advocates help manage the Leadership and Service Center’s daily operations, assist students as they call or enter the center, and assist the professional staff in marketing and planning programs and services.
Spring 2023 Student Program Leader Leadership and Service Advocates help manage the Leadership and Service Center’s daily operations, assist students as they call or enter the center, and assist the professional staff in marketing and planning programs and services. 3 11 28 Leadership & Service Center N GLD-Professional & Civic Engagement; Student Leadership Programs,Career readiness,,Communication - spoken,Problem solving
Student Leadership Programs


Student Leadership Programs - The mission of Student Leadership Programs must be to prepare students to engage in the process of leadership.

Leadership Coaching - Involvement
Student meets with a professional staff member or graduate student to discuss their personal interests, explore student organizations or other involvement opportunities, identify a goal for becoming more involved on campus and outline a plan for accomplishing that goal.
Spring 2023 Leadership Education Student meets with a professional staff member or graduate student to discuss their personal interests, explore student organizations or other involvement opportunities, identify a goal for becoming more involved on campus and outline a plan for accomplishing that goal. 3 11 28 Leadership & Service Center N ; Student Leadership Programs,Study / Practice self knowledge,,Self-knowledge,Critical and creative thinking
Student Leadership Programs


Student Leadership Programs - The mission of Student Leadership Programs must be to prepare students to engage in the process of leadership.

Leadership Coaching - Student organization
Students meets with a professional staff member or graduate student to discuss strategies for a more successful student organization.
Spring 2023 Leadership Education Students meets with a professional staff member or graduate student to discuss strategies for a more successful student organization. 3 11 28 Leadership & Service Center N ; Student Leadership Programs,Apply specialized knowledge,Leadership,Critical and creative thinking,Influencing others
Civic Engagement & Service-Learning Programs


Civic Engagement & Service-Learning Programs - The primary mission of Service-Learning Programs is to engage students in experiences that address human and community needs together with structured opportunities for reflection intentionally designed to promote student learning and development.

Service Saturday
Students participate in a community service opportunity within the city of Columbia or campus community.
Spring 2023 Civic Engagement Students participate in a community service opportunity within the city of Columbia or campus community. 3 11 28 Leadership & Service Center N GLD-Community Service; Civic Engagement & Service-Learning Programs,Community service / civic engagement,Connecting with others,Personal and social responsibility - Contributing to a larger community,
Student Leadership Programs


Student Leadership Programs - The mission of Student Leadership Programs must be to prepare students to engage in the process of leadership.

Service Saturday Senior Site Leader
Senior site leaders facilitate training and manage administrative tasks for teams of student site leaders, communicate expectations of the program to volunteers, delegate tasks, and debrief on a shared experience.
Spring 2023 Peer Educator Senior site leaders facilitate training and manage administrative tasks for teams of student site leaders, communicate expectations of the program to volunteers, delegate tasks, and debrief on a shared experience. 3 11 28 Leadership & Service Center N GLD-Professional & Civic Engagement; Experiential Learning Opportunity; Student Leadership Programs,Leadership,Career readiness,Communication - spoken,Influencing others
Student Leadership Programs


Student Leadership Programs - The mission of Student Leadership Programs must be to prepare students to engage in the process of leadership.

Service Saturday Site Leader
Site leaders communicate expectations to a group of volunteers, delegate tasks, and debrief volunteers on a shared community service experience.
Spring 2023 Peer Educator Site leaders communicate expectations to a group of volunteers, delegate tasks, and debrief volunteers on a shared community service experience. 3 11 28 Leadership & Service Center N GLD-Professional & Civic Engagement; GLD-Community Service; Student Leadership Programs,Leadership,Community service / civic engagement,Teamwork,Problem solving
Student Leadership Programs


Student Leadership Programs - The mission of Student Leadership Programs must be to prepare students to engage in the process of leadership.

Student Government Appointed Leader
Students assist in drafting legislation, meet weekly with student leadership, and meet with campus units, colleges, and student organizations.
Spring 2023 Student Program Leader Students assist in drafting legislation, meet weekly with student leadership, and meet with campus units, colleges, and student organizations. 3 11 28 Leadership & Service Center N ; Student Leadership Programs,Career readiness,,Professionalism / career readiness,
Student Leadership Programs


Student Leadership Programs - The mission of Student Leadership Programs must be to prepare students to engage in the process of leadership.

Student Government Executive Cabinet
Under the general direction of the Student Body President, the Executive Cabinet is comprised of Cabinet Secretaries who oversee various departments within Student Government. They work with campus constituents to to meet the needs of the student body, attend weekly cabinet and department meetings, and provide updates to the Student Body President.
Spring 2023 Elected Student Leader Under the general direction of the Student Body President, the Executive Cabinet is comprised of Cabinet Secretaries who oversee various departments within Student Government. They work with campus constituents to to meet the needs of the student body, attend weekly cabinet and department meetings, and provide updates to the Student Body President. 3 11 28 Leadership & Service Center N Experiential Learning Opportunity; Student Leadership Programs,Career readiness,,Professionalism / career readiness,Teamwork
Student Leadership Programs


Student Leadership Programs - The mission of Student Leadership Programs must be to prepare students to engage in the process of leadership.

Student Government Executive Council
Council members are elected by the student body to work toward common goals and build consensus to drive change for Carolina students; council members interact with a variety of constituents including students, faculty, staff, university administrators and Board of Trustees members.
Spring 2023 Elected Student Leader Council members are elected by the student body to work toward common goals and build consensus to drive change for Carolina students; council members interact with a variety of constituents including students, faculty, staff, university administrators and Board of Trustees members. 3 11 28 Leadership & Service Center N GLD-Professional & Civic Engagement; Experiential Learning Opportunity; Student Leadership Programs,Leadership,,Problem solving,Influencing others
Student Leadership Programs


Student Leadership Programs - The mission of Student Leadership Programs must be to prepare students to engage in the process of leadership.

Student Government Freshman Council
Council members are selected to represent the freshman class in student government at Carolina. Students meet weekly to learn about SG initiatives, discuss campus issues, and represent the freshman perspective. Each student meets monthly with a SG mentor to explore and develop leadership interests, skills and abilities.
Spring 2023 Appointed Student Leader Council members are selected to represent the freshman class in student government at Carolina. Students meet weekly to learn about SG initiatives, discuss campus issues, and represent the freshman perspective. Each student meets monthly with a SG mentor to explore and develop leadership interests, skills and abilities. 3 11 28 Leadership & Service Center N GLD-Professional & Civic Engagement; Student Leadership Programs,Study / Practice self knowledge,Career readiness,Self-knowledge,
Student Leadership Programs


Student Leadership Programs - The mission of Student Leadership Programs must be to prepare students to engage in the process of leadership.

Student Government Program Director
Students in this role train and supervise a team of peers to work on a specific Student Government initiative, and lead conversations about the establishment of goals and priorities. They meet individually with staff on a weekly basis to monitor progress toward goals, address challenges, and lead effective collaboration and problem-solving.
Spring 2023 Elected Student Leader Students in this role train and supervise a team of peers to work on a specific Student Government initiative, and lead conversations about the establishment of goals and priorities. They meet individually with staff on a weekly basis to monitor progress toward goals, address challenges, and lead effective collaboration and problem-solving. 3 11 28 Leadership & Service Center N Experiential Learning Opportunity; Student Leadership Programs,Career readiness,,Interpersonal skills,Professionalism / career readiness
Student Leadership Programs


Student Leadership Programs - The mission of Student Leadership Programs must be to prepare students to engage in the process of leadership.

Student Government Senate Committee Chair
Students meet with university staff to address issues and lead a team of student senators focused on an area within the university (academics, student life, health and safety, etc.).
Spring 2023 Elected Student Leader Students meet with university staff to address issues and lead a team of student senators focused on an area within the university (academics, student life, health and safety, etc.). 3 11 28 Leadership & Service Center N Experiential Learning Opportunity; Student Leadership Programs,Leadership,,Interpersonal skills,Inquiry and analysis
Student Leadership Programs


Student Leadership Programs - The mission of Student Leadership Programs must be to prepare students to engage in the process of leadership.

Student Government Senator
Student Senators draft legislation, defend legislation, meet weekly with committees, attend weekly senate sessions, and meet with their colleges/student organizations. Senators serve on committees based on their interests, including academics, student life, sustainability, equity and inclusion.
Spring 2023 Elected Student Leader Student Senators draft legislation, defend legislation, meet weekly with committees, attend weekly senate sessions, and meet with their colleges/student organizations. Senators serve on committees based on their interests, including academics, student life, sustainability, equity and inclusion. 3 11 28 Leadership & Service Center N ; Student Leadership Programs,Career readiness,,Professionalism / career readiness,Interpersonal skills
Campus Activities Programs


Campus Activities Programs - The purpose of Campus Activities Programs must be to enhance the overall educational experience of students through development of, exposure to, and participation in programs and activities that improve student cooperation and leadership while preparing students to be responsible advocates and citizens and complementing the institution's academic programs.

Student Organization Member
Students engage in organizations for many reasons - to gain skills, connect with other students, broaden their knowledge. Student-led organizations establish purpose and goals, determine membership, set activities, and select leaders. The university records organizational affiliation, but does not monitor the engagement of individual students.
Spring 2023 Campus Activities Students engage in organizations for many reasons - to gain skills, connect with other students, broaden their knowledge. Student-led organizations establish purpose and goals, determine membership, set activities, and select leaders. The university records organizational affiliation, but does not monitor the engagement of individual students. 3 11 28 Leadership & Service Center N ; Campus Activities Programs,Connecting with others,,Self-knowledge,
Post-Traditional & Commuter Student Programs & Services


Post-Traditional & Commuter Student Programs & Services - The primary mission is to ensure that all students have equitable access to programs, services, and engagement opportunities regardless of age, personal characteristics, or place of residence.

Community Living Workshop
Students listen to a facilitator and participate in interactive activities designed to explore city ordinances, laws, and best practices for living in and contributing to their off-campus living environment. Discussion topics include what it means to be a responsible citizen and community member.
Spring 2023 Community Building Students listen to a facilitator and participate in interactive activities designed to explore city ordinances, laws, and best practices for living in and contributing to their off-campus living environment. Discussion topics include what it means to be a responsible citizen and community member. 3 11 28 Off-Campus Living & Neighborhood Relations N ; Post-Traditional & Commuter Student Programs & Services,Study / Practice self knowledge,,Self-knowledge,
Student Leadership Programs


Student Leadership Programs - The mission of Student Leadership Programs must be to prepare students to engage in the process of leadership.

The Big Event Executive Team
Team members plan and execute Service Saturday: The Big Event, including recruitment, site selection, and logistics day of the event.
Spring 2023 Student Program Leader Team members plan and execute Service Saturday: The Big Event, including recruitment, site selection, and logistics day of the event. 3 11 28 Leadership & Service Center N GLD-Professional & Civic Engagement; Experiential Learning Opportunity; Student Leadership Programs,Leadership,Career readiness,Personal and social responsibility - Contributing to a larger community,Critical and creative thinking
Student Leadership Programs


Student Leadership Programs - The mission of Student Leadership Programs must be to prepare students to engage in the process of leadership.

Carolina Productions Executive Board
Student board members work together to design, implement and evaluate a series of compelling events and programs open to all UofSC students and intended to enrich the overall student experience.
Spring 2023 Student Program Leader Student board members work together to design, implement and evaluate a series of compelling events and programs open to all UofSC students and intended to enrich the overall student experience. 3 11 28 Russell House University Union N GLD-Professional & Civic Engagement; Experiential Learning Opportunity; Student Leadership Programs,Leadership,Career readiness,Problem solving,Teamwork
Campus Activities Programs


Campus Activities Programs - The purpose of Campus Activities Programs must be to enhance the overall educational experience of students through development of, exposure to, and participation in programs and activities that improve student cooperation and leadership while preparing students to be responsible advocates and citizens and complementing the institution's academic programs.

Carolina Productions
Student attended an event provided by the Carolina Productions student programming board (e.g., concerts, comedy nights, weekly movie screenings, roller rinks).
Spring 2023 Campus Activities Student attended an event provided by the Carolina Productions student programming board (e.g., concerts, comedy nights, weekly movie screenings, roller rinks). 3 11 28 Russell House University Union N ; Campus Activities Programs,Recreation, leisure, entertainment,Connecting with others,Self-knowledge,
Campus Activities Programs


Campus Activities Programs - The purpose of Campus Activities Programs must be to enhance the overall educational experience of students through development of, exposure to, and participation in programs and activities that improve student cooperation and leadership while preparing students to be responsible advocates and citizens and complementing the institution's academic programs.

Carolina-Clemson Blood Drive - Donor
Students donate blood, at one or more events during the semester, in support of their local community and to participate in this campus rivalry and long-standing tradition.
Spring 2023 Community Building Students donate blood, at one or more events during the semester, in support of their local community and to participate in this campus rivalry and long-standing tradition. 3 11 28 Russell House University Union N ; Campus Activities Programs,Community service / civic engagement,Connecting with others,Self-knowledge,
Student Leadership Programs


Student Leadership Programs - The mission of Student Leadership Programs must be to prepare students to engage in the process of leadership.

Dance Marathon Board of Directors
Students lead and work collaboratively for USC Dance Marathon (USCDM) supporting director and staff meetings, fundraising initiatives, participant recruitment and retention efforts, and numerous reflection activities leading up to their Main Event in the spring. Leaders in this role report to the USCDM Executive Board leadership.
Spring 2023 Student Program Leader Students lead and work collaboratively for USC Dance Marathon (USCDM) supporting director and staff meetings, fundraising initiatives, participant recruitment and retention efforts, and numerous reflection activities leading up to their Main Event in the spring. Leaders in this role report to the USCDM Executive Board leadership. 3 11 28 Russell House University Union N GLD-Professional & Civic Engagement; Student Leadership Programs,Leadership,Career readiness,Problem solving,Influencing others
Student Leadership Programs


Student Leadership Programs - The mission of Student Leadership Programs must be to prepare students to engage in the process of leadership.

Dance Marathon Executive Board
Board members of this philanthropic organization engage with their peers to plan and execute a variety of educational and service events designed to raise funds and awareness for Palmetto Health Children's Hospital, culminating in the Main Event in the spring.
Spring 2023 Student Program Leader Board members of this philanthropic organization engage with their peers to plan and execute a variety of educational and service events designed to raise funds and awareness for Palmetto Health Children's Hospital, culminating in the Main Event in the spring. 3 11 28 Russell House University Union N GLD-Professional & Civic Engagement; GLD-Community Service; Experiential Learning Opportunity; Student Leadership Programs,Leadership,Career readiness,Problem solving,Influencing others
Campus Activities Programs


Campus Activities Programs - The purpose of Campus Activities Programs must be to enhance the overall educational experience of students through development of, exposure to, and participation in programs and activities that improve student cooperation and leadership while preparing students to be responsible advocates and citizens and complementing the institution's academic programs.

Dance Marathon Hero
Student participates in one of a variety of programs and events on campus and in the larger community to raise awareness and generate support for the Child Life Program at Prisma Health Children's Hospital.
Spring 2023 Campus Activities Student participates in one of a variety of programs and events on campus and in the larger community to raise awareness and generate support for the Child Life Program at Prisma Health Children's Hospital. 3 11 28 Russell House University Union N ; Campus Activities Programs,Recreation, leisure, entertainment,Connecting with others,Self-knowledge,
Campus Activities Programs


Campus Activities Programs - The purpose of Campus Activities Programs must be to enhance the overall educational experience of students through development of, exposure to, and participation in programs and activities that improve student cooperation and leadership while preparing students to be responsible advocates and citizens and complementing the institution's academic programs.

Gamecock Entertainment (GE) Intern
Student Interns design and implement events; practice marketing and outreach best practices for event promotion; track event attendance data and conduct assessment; collaborate with professional staff to manage event budgets; and participate in professional development activities.
Spring 2023 Internship Student Interns design and implement events; practice marketing and outreach best practices for event promotion; track event attendance data and conduct assessment; collaborate with professional staff to manage event budgets; and participate in professional development activities. 3 11 28 Russell House University Union N Experiential Learning Opportunity; Campus Activities Programs,Career readiness,Apply specialized knowledge,Specialized knowledge and skills,Teamwork
Campus Activities Programs


Campus Activities Programs - The purpose of Campus Activities Programs must be to enhance the overall educational experience of students through development of, exposure to, and participation in programs and activities that improve student cooperation and leadership while preparing students to be responsible advocates and citizens and complementing the institution's academic programs.

Gamecock Entertainment
Student attended an event provided by Gamecock Entertainment staff programming (e.g., watch parties, sporting events, political elections/debates), paint nights, trivia, foam parties).
Spring 2023 Campus Activities Student attended an event provided by Gamecock Entertainment staff programming (e.g., watch parties, sporting events, political elections/debates), paint nights, trivia, foam parties). 3 11 28 Russell House University Union N ; Campus Activities Programs,Recreation, leisure, entertainment,Connecting with others,Self-knowledge,
Student Leadership Programs


Student Leadership Programs - The mission of Student Leadership Programs must be to prepare students to engage in the process of leadership.

Homecoming Commission Leadership Team
Students work together as a team to plan and execute events and functions during UofSC Homecoming Week, taking ownership of this campus tradition and helping to develop a sense of community for all UofSC students.
Spring 2023 Student Program Leader Students work together as a team to plan and execute events and functions during UofSC Homecoming Week, taking ownership of this campus tradition and helping to develop a sense of community for all UofSC students. 3 11 28 Russell House University Union N GLD-Professional & Civic Engagement; Experiential Learning Opportunity; Student Leadership Programs,Leadership,Career readiness,Problem solving,Teamwork
Student Employment


Student Employment - Student is employed part-time by the university and engages in career readiness development activities as part of supervision process.

Russell House University Union Event and Information Assistant
The Russell House University Union is the key venue for student events and programming and depends on a well-trained group of students to deliver essential programs & services. Students in this engagement develop as leaders and problem solvers while also learning essential skills in professionalism, event planning, and customer service
Spring 2023 Employment On Campus The Russell House University Union is the key venue for student events and programming and depends on a well-trained group of students to deliver essential programs & services. Students in this engagement develop as leaders and problem solvers while also learning essential skills in professionalism, event planning, and customer service 3 11 28 Russell House University Union N GLD-Professional & Civic Engagement; Student Employment,Career readiness,,Teamwork,
Student Employment


Student Employment - Student is employed part-time by the university and engages in career readiness development activities as part of supervision process.

Russell House University Union Operations Attendant
Building operations attendants operate the student union facility and manage events, including equipment check-out and working directly with clients. Attendants are assigned to one of three areas: Building Operations, Information Center, or Gameroom.
Spring 2023 Employment On Campus Building operations attendants operate the student union facility and manage events, including equipment check-out and working directly with clients. Attendants are assigned to one of three areas: Building Operations, Information Center, or Gameroom. 3 11 28 Russell House University Union N GLD-Professional & Civic Engagement; Student Employment,Career readiness,,Professionalism / career readiness,
Campus Activities Programs


Campus Activities Programs - The purpose of Campus Activities Programs must be to enhance the overall educational experience of students through development of, exposure to, and participation in programs and activities that improve student cooperation and leadership while preparing students to be responsible advocates and citizens and complementing the institution's academic programs.

National Collegiate Athletic Association (NCAA) Athletic Event
Student attendance at National Collegiate Athletic Association (NCAA) athletic events provides opportunities for students to connect with other students and develop a sense of belonging through shared school spirit.
Spring 2023 Campus Activities Student attendance at National Collegiate Athletic Association (NCAA) athletic events provides opportunities for students to connect with other students and develop a sense of belonging through shared school spirit. 3 30 116 Student Tickets N ; Campus Activities Programs,Connecting with others,,Self-knowledge,
Student Leadership Programs


Student Leadership Programs - The mission of Student Leadership Programs must be to prepare students to engage in the process of leadership.

Pillars for Carolina Extended Mentor
Pillars for Carolina XMs help introduce incoming students to student life and resources on campus. XMs are peer mentors who lead groups and communicate information to diverse audiences; student mentees look to XMs to answer their candid questions about the college experience.
Spring 2023 Student Program Leader Pillars for Carolina XMs help introduce incoming students to student life and resources on campus. XMs are peer mentors who lead groups and communicate information to diverse audiences; student mentees look to XMs to answer their candid questions about the college experience. 3 11 28 Leadership & Service Center N GLD-Professional & Civic Engagement; Student Leadership Programs,Leadership,,Interpersonal skills,Influencing others
Orientation Programs


Orientation Programs - The mission of Orientation Programs must facilitate the transition of new students into the institution; prepare students for the educational opportunities and student responsibilities; initiate the integration of new students into the intellectual, cultural, and social climate of the institution; and support the parents, guardians, and children of the new student.

Pillars for Carolina Orientation
Incoming students engage in an extended orientation program that introduces them to student life and resources on campus. Participants meet and interact with peers, explore campus geography and resources, and reflect on their identity as a college student.
Summer 2023 Community Building Incoming students engage in an extended orientation program that introduces them to student life and resources on campus. Participants meet and interact with peers, explore campus geography and resources, and reflect on their identity as a college student. 3 11 28 Leadership & Service Center N ; Orientation Programs,Connecting with others,,Self-knowledge,
Student Leadership Programs


Student Leadership Programs - The mission of Student Leadership Programs must be to prepare students to engage in the process of leadership.

Pillars for Carolina Leadership Team
Student leaders manage all components of the planning, recruitment, and execution of the Pillars for Carolina Extended Orientation Program. Team members work together to solve problems, communicate to multiple constituents, supervise peer mentors, and evaluate the effectiveness of program activities.
Spring 2023 Peer Educator Student leaders manage all components of the planning, recruitment, and execution of the Pillars for Carolina Extended Orientation Program. Team members work together to solve problems, communicate to multiple constituents, supervise peer mentors, and evaluate the effectiveness of program activities. 3 11 28 Leadership & Service Center N GLD-Professional & Civic Engagement; Student Leadership Programs,Leadership,,Problem solving,Teamwork
Multicultural Student Programs and Services


Multicultural Student Programs and Services - Multicultural Student Programs and Services must promote academic and personal growth of traditionally underserved students, work with the entire campus to create an institutional and community climate of justice, promote access and equity in higher education, and offer programs that educate the campus about diversity.

Identity 365
Students attend a one-hour event focused on diverse identities and cultural topics; each event is part of a series to celebrate the cultural diversity of the UofSC. Example events: Christmahanakwanzika, Sabor Latino, Gulla basket weaving
Spring 2023 Diversity, Equity, and Inclusion Education Students attend a one-hour event focused on diverse identities and cultural topics; each event is part of a series to celebrate the cultural diversity of the UofSC. Example events: Christmahanakwanzika, Sabor Latino, Gulla basket weaving 3 11 28 Multicultural Student Affairs N ; Multicultural Student Programs and Services,Study / Practice diversity, equity, inclusion,,Self-knowledge,
Civic Engagement & Service-Learning Programs


Civic Engagement & Service-Learning Programs - The primary mission of Service-Learning Programs is to engage students in experiences that address human and community needs together with structured opportunities for reflection intentionally designed to promote student learning and development.

Safe Zone Workshop
Student listen to an expert presenter speak about LGBT college student data, risks associated with LGBT college students, bias and harassment, and resources available on- and off- campus to provide support. Students engage in small group activities such as scenarios to learn how to interrupt bias, and how to understand the LGBT experience.
Spring 2023 Civic Engagement Student listen to an expert presenter speak about LGBT college student data, risks associated with LGBT college students, bias and harassment, and resources available on- and off- campus to provide support. Students engage in small group activities such as scenarios to learn how to interrupt bias, and how to understand the LGBT experience. 3 11 28 Multicultural Student Affairs N GLD-Diversity & Social Advocacy; GLD-Professional & Civic Engagement; Civic Engagement & Service-Learning Programs,Study / Practice diversity, equity, inclusion,Study / Practice self knowledge,Civic knowledge and engagement,Intercultural knowledge and competence
Multicultural Student Programs and Services


Multicultural Student Programs and Services - Multicultural Student Programs and Services must promote academic and personal growth of traditionally underserved students, work with the entire campus to create an institutional and community climate of justice, promote access and equity in higher education, and offer programs that educate the campus about diversity.

Trans Advocacy Workshop
Students listen to an expert presenter speak about risks associated with transgender and non-binary college students, bias and harassment, and resources available on- and off- campus to provide support.
Spring 2023 Diversity, Equity, and Inclusion Education Students listen to an expert presenter speak about risks associated with transgender and non-binary college students, bias and harassment, and resources available on- and off- campus to provide support. 3 11 28 Multicultural Student Affairs N ; Multicultural Student Programs and Services,Study / Practice diversity, equity, inclusion,,Personal and social responsibility - Contributing to a larger community,Intercultural knowledge and competence
Campus Activities Programs


Campus Activities Programs - The purpose of Campus Activities Programs must be to enhance the overall educational experience of students through development of, exposure to, and participation in programs and activities that improve student cooperation and leadership while preparing students to be responsible advocates and citizens and complementing the institution's academic programs.

Dinner Dialogue
Students enrolled in a course are guests for dinner in their instructor's home, in order to better get to know their instructor and classmates outside the classroom.
Spring 2023 Campus Activities Students enrolled in a course are guests for dinner in their instructor's home, in order to better get to know their instructor and classmates outside the classroom. 3 11 28 Parent & Family Programs N ; Campus Activities Programs,Connecting with others,,Communication - spoken,
Student Employment


Student Employment - Student is employed part-time by the university and engages in career readiness development activities as part of supervision process.

Student Media Advertising Representative
Advertising representatives work with internal and external partners and clients to provide effective advertising solutions comprised of Student Media resources.
Spring 2023 Employment On Campus Advertising representatives work with internal and external partners and clients to provide effective advertising solutions comprised of Student Media resources. 3 11 28 Student Media N GLD-Professional & Civic Engagement; Experiential Learning Opportunity; Student Employment,Career readiness,,Problem solving,Influencing others
Student Media Programs


Student Media Programs - The mission is to prepare students for their responsibilities in planning and producing media products, offer leadership opportunities and support for students engaged in these activities.

Student Media Creative Services Designer
Creative Services team members apply visual communications skills to complete contracted work for Student Media's clients and partners. Designers apply visual communication techniques and best practices to complete projects including advertisements, promotional materials, and other graphics work.
Spring 2023 Employment On Campus Creative Services team members apply visual communications skills to complete contracted work for Student Media's clients and partners. Designers apply visual communication techniques and best practices to complete projects including advertisements, promotional materials, and other graphics work. 3 11 28 Student Media N GLD-Professional & Civic Engagement; Experiential Learning Opportunity; Student Media Programs,Apply specialized knowledge,,Specialized knowledge and skills,Integrative and applied learning
Student Leadership Programs


Student Leadership Programs - The mission of Student Leadership Programs must be to prepare students to engage in the process of leadership.

Student Media Executive Leader
Each student executive serves as head of one of the editorially independent and student-run media organizations, with final authority on decisions related to content and programming and with responsibility for ensuring high quality and responsible journalistic standards.
Spring 2023 Appointed Student Leader Each student executive serves as head of one of the editorially independent and student-run media organizations, with final authority on decisions related to content and programming and with responsibility for ensuring high quality and responsible journalistic standards. 3 11 28 Student Media N GLD-Professional & Civic Engagement; Experiential Learning Opportunity; Student Leadership Programs,Leadership,,Critical and creative thinking,Interpersonal skills
Student Leadership Programs


Student Leadership Programs - The mission of Student Leadership Programs must be to prepare students to engage in the process of leadership.

Student Media Senior Leader
Senior leaders manage sections and teams within each of Student Media’s partner organizations, often overseeing content production or administrative tasks. Senior leaders apply knowledge of journalistic and media best practices while serving in a peer leadership role within the media organization.
Spring 2023 Student Program Leader Senior leaders manage sections and teams within each of Student Media’s partner organizations, often overseeing content production or administrative tasks. Senior leaders apply knowledge of journalistic and media best practices while serving in a peer leadership role within the media organization. 3 11 28 Student Media N GLD-Professional & Civic Engagement; Student Leadership Programs,Apply specialized knowledge,Leadership,Specialized knowledge and skills,Critical and creative thinking
Internship Programs


Internship Programs - The primary mission of Internship Programs is to engage students in planned, educationally-related work and learning experiences that integrate knowledge and theory with practical application and skill development in a professional setting.

Adolescent Mentoring - CRJU 551
Students spend the first five week of the semester in intensive training and are then paired as a mentor with a student at a local disciplinary alternative school. The remainder of the semester is spent focused on mentoring and ongoing support, discussion, reflection, and supplemental training.
Spring 2023 Practicum Students spend the first five week of the semester in intensive training and are then paired as a mentor with a student at a local disciplinary alternative school. The remainder of the semester is spent focused on mentoring and ongoing support, discussion, reflection, and supplemental training. 3 14 41 Y GLD-Professional & Civic Engagement; Experiential Learning Opportunity; Internship Programs,Apply specialized knowledge,,Specialized knowledge and skills,
Undergraduate Research Programs


Undergraduate Research Programs - The primary mission of Undergraduate Research Programs is to engage students in investigative and creative activity to experience firsthand the processes of scholarly exploration and discovery.

Advanced Sociological Research Methods - SOCY 561
Students apply knowledge in a real world context by studying a social phenomenon using scientific research methods and producing a research project that mirrors professional standards. Students gather primary data, present their work, get feedback, and reflect on the challenges of the research process in studying their question.
Spring 2023 Research Education Students apply knowledge in a real world context by studying a social phenomenon using scientific research methods and producing a research project that mirrors professional standards. Students gather primary data, present their work, get feedback, and reflect on the challenges of the research process in studying their question. 3 14 53 Y GLD-Research; Experiential Learning Opportunity; Undergraduate Research Programs,Research,,Inquiry and analysis,
Internship Programs


Internship Programs - The primary mission of Internship Programs is to engage students in planned, educationally-related work and learning experiences that integrate knowledge and theory with practical application and skill development in a professional setting.

Business Internship in Management - MGMT 499
Internship, for credit, with a company focusing on management, lessons learned, SWOT self assessment.
Spring 2023 Internship Internship, for credit, with a company focusing on management, lessons learned, SWOT self assessment. 3 15 64 Y GLD-Professional & Civic Engagement; Experiential Learning Opportunity; Internship Programs,Apply specialized knowledge,Career readiness,Specialized knowledge and skills,Professionalism / career readiness
Capstone Experience


Capstone Experience - A course or project that engages students in a culminating and integrative experience, intended to connect the key learning objectives of an educational program.

Capstone Design Project II - ELCT 404
Working in teams of typically four, students analyze requirements posed by a project proponent (i.e. customer), then design and build a prototype of a system that meets the proponent's needs. The course is designed to provide an authentic engineering project experience that is representative of a typical engineer's early professional years.
Spring 2023 Capstone Course or Project Working in teams of typically four, students analyze requirements posed by a project proponent (i.e. customer), then design and build a prototype of a system that meets the proponent's needs. The course is designed to provide an authentic engineering project experience that is representative of a typical engineer's early professional years. 3 19 72 Y GLD-Professional & Civic Engagement; Experiential Learning Opportunity; Capstone Experience,Apply specialized knowledge,,Specialized knowledge and skills,
Undergraduate Research Programs


Undergraduate Research Programs - The primary mission of Undergraduate Research Programs is to engage students in investigative and creative activity to experience firsthand the processes of scholarly exploration and discovery.

Cellular and Molecular Biology Laboratory - BIOL 302L
Students engage in hands-on research methods and protocols used in molecular biology labs globally, then practice integrating that knowledge into developing their own research proposals, conducting presentations, calculating concentrations of reagents needed, executing experiments, collecting data, analyzing data, and writing up findings.
Spring 2023 Research Education Students engage in hands-on research methods and protocols used in molecular biology labs globally, then practice integrating that knowledge into developing their own research proposals, conducting presentations, calculating concentrations of reagents needed, executing experiments, collecting data, analyzing data, and writing up findings. 3 14 39 Y Experiential Learning Opportunity; Undergraduate Research Programs,Research,Apply specialized knowledge,Integrative and applied learning,Critical and creative thinking
Capstone Experience


Capstone Experience - A course or project that engages students in a culminating and integrative experience, intended to connect the key learning objectives of an educational program.

Developing & Launching New Ventures - MGMT 473
The Emerging Venture Project (EVP) is a team project during which students apply the concepts and tools from the class to an emerging venture, in order to experience entrepreneurship in action. Students produce a final paper, founder/sponsor deliverable, and class presentation.
Spring 2023 Capstone Course or Project The Emerging Venture Project (EVP) is a team project during which students apply the concepts and tools from the class to an emerging venture, in order to experience entrepreneurship in action. Students produce a final paper, founder/sponsor deliverable, and class presentation. 3 15 64 Y Experiential Learning Opportunity; GLD-Professional & Civic Engagement; Capstone Experience,Apply specialized knowledge,,Specialized knowledge and skills,
Internship Programs


Internship Programs - The primary mission of Internship Programs is to engage students in planned, educationally-related work and learning experiences that integrate knowledge and theory with practical application and skill development in a professional setting.

Directed Teaching of Foreign Languages - FORL 448
Pre-service professional educators observe and apply effective teaching techniques and organize instructional settings for foreign language students in the elementary, middle or high school. Students spend 72 hours observing an experienced teacher in a K-12 foreign language classroom and 10 hours teaching the class.
Spring 2023 Internship Pre-service professional educators observe and apply effective teaching techniques and organize instructional settings for foreign language students in the elementary, middle or high school. Students spend 72 hours observing an experienced teacher in a K-12 foreign language classroom and 10 hours teaching the class. 3 14 46 Y GLD-Professional & Civic Engagement; GLD-Community Service; Experiential Learning Opportunity; Internship Programs,Apply specialized knowledge,,Specialized knowledge and skills,
Capstone Experience


Capstone Experience - A course or project that engages students in a culminating and integrative experience, intended to connect the key learning objectives of an educational program.

Executing Strategy New Venture - MGMT 474
Students engage in a team project during which they apply concepts and tools learned in class to an emerging venture, in order to experience entrepreneurship in action. Students produce a final paper, founder/sponsor deliverable (external project only to be negotiated with the founder/project sponsor) and class presentation.
Spring 2023 Capstone Course or Project Students engage in a team project during which they apply concepts and tools learned in class to an emerging venture, in order to experience entrepreneurship in action. Students produce a final paper, founder/sponsor deliverable (external project only to be negotiated with the founder/project sponsor) and class presentation. 3 15 64 Y Experiential Learning Opportunity; GLD-Professional & Civic Engagement; Capstone Experience,Apply specialized knowledge,,Specialized knowledge and skills,Teamwork
Undergraduate Research Programs


Undergraduate Research Programs - The primary mission of Undergraduate Research Programs is to engage students in investigative and creative activity to experience firsthand the processes of scholarly exploration and discovery.

Fundamental Genetics Laboratory - BIOL 303L
Experiences surrounding undergraduate research focusing on applied molecular biology and genetics techniques.
Spring 2023 Research Education Experiences surrounding undergraduate research focusing on applied molecular biology and genetics techniques. 3 14 39 Y Experiential Learning Opportunity; Undergraduate Research Programs,Research,Apply specialized knowledge,Specialized knowledge and skills,Inquiry and analysis
Internship Programs


Internship Programs - The primary mission of Internship Programs is to engage students in planned, educationally-related work and learning experiences that integrate knowledge and theory with practical application and skill development in a professional setting.

Hospitality & Tourism Internship - HRTM 495
Full time work experience of a minimum of 400 work hours in the Hospitality or Tourism industry; position must be Managerial or Supervisory in nature, Rotational within a minimum of three different areas of the business or a Structured Internship Program. Includes online course work.
Spring 2023 Internship Full time work experience of a minimum of 400 work hours in the Hospitality or Tourism industry; position must be Managerial or Supervisory in nature, Rotational within a minimum of three different areas of the business or a Structured Internship Program. Includes online course work. 3 17 76 Y Experiential Learning Opportunity; GLD-Professional & Civic Engagement; Internship Programs,Apply specialized knowledge,Leadership,Specialized knowledge and skills,Self-knowledge
Internship Programs


Internship Programs - The primary mission of Internship Programs is to engage students in planned, educationally-related work and learning experiences that integrate knowledge and theory with practical application and skill development in a professional setting.

Hospitality & Tourism Practicum - HRTM 290
Full time work experience of a minimum of 400 work hours in the Hospitality or Tourism industry; position can be any entry level or higher position. Includes online course work.
Spring 2023 Practicum Full time work experience of a minimum of 400 work hours in the Hospitality or Tourism industry; position can be any entry level or higher position. Includes online course work. 3 17 76 Y GLD-Professional & Civic Engagement; Experiential Learning Opportunity; Internship Programs,Apply specialized knowledge,Career readiness,Self-knowledge,Specialized knowledge and skills
Internship Programs


Internship Programs - The primary mission of Internship Programs is to engage students in planned, educationally-related work and learning experiences that integrate knowledge and theory with practical application and skill development in a professional setting.

Internship - CRJU 494
Students intern for 160 hours during the semester at an appropriate agency or institution.
Spring 2023 Internship Students intern for 160 hours during the semester at an appropriate agency or institution. 3 14 41 Y GLD-Professional & Civic Engagement; Experiential Learning Opportunity; Internship Programs,Apply specialized knowledge,Career readiness,Specialized knowledge and skills,
Internship Programs


Internship Programs - The primary mission of Internship Programs is to engage students in planned, educationally-related work and learning experiences that integrate knowledge and theory with practical application and skill development in a professional setting.

Internship in Curriculum, Assessment, Teaching, and Professional Roles - EDEC 492
Internship for practice in classrooms at the early childhood level related to curriculum, assessment, teaching, and professional roles
Spring 2023 Internship Internship for practice in classrooms at the early childhood level related to curriculum, assessment, teaching, and professional roles 3 16 67 Y GLD-Professional & Civic Engagement; GLD-Community Service; Experiential Learning Opportunity; Internship Programs,Apply specialized knowledge,,Specialized knowledge and skills,
Internship Programs


Internship Programs - The primary mission of Internship Programs is to engage students in planned, educationally-related work and learning experiences that integrate knowledge and theory with practical application and skill development in a professional setting.

Internship in Geography - GEOG 595
Students serve as interns (paid or unpaid) in government agencies, private-sector businesses, or non-profit organizations. Internship activities and experiential learning are supervised jointly by sponsors and the internship program of the department.
Spring 2023 Internship Students serve as interns (paid or unpaid) in government agencies, private-sector businesses, or non-profit organizations. Internship activities and experiential learning are supervised jointly by sponsors and the internship program of the department. 3 14 44 Y GLD-Professional & Civic Engagement; GLD-Community Service; Experiential Learning Opportunity; Internship Programs,Apply specialized knowledge,Career readiness,Specialized knowledge and skills,Professionalism / career readiness
Internship Programs


Internship Programs - The primary mission of Internship Programs is to engage students in planned, educationally-related work and learning experiences that integrate knowledge and theory with practical application and skill development in a professional setting.

Internship in Mass Communications - JOUR 597
Students work at least 140 hours during the semester under the direction of the intern coordinator and a professional supervisor in an internship they obtain, attend required meetings during the term with other interns and the intern coordinator, and turn in assignments as scheduled in the course syllabus.
Spring 2023 Internship Students work at least 140 hours during the semester under the direction of the intern coordinator and a professional supervisor in an internship they obtain, attend required meetings during the term with other interns and the intern coordinator, and turn in assignments as scheduled in the course syllabus. 3 18 81 Y GLD-Professional & Civic Engagement; Experiential Learning Opportunity; Internship Programs,Apply specialized knowledge,Career development,Specialized knowledge and skills,Professionalism / career readiness
Internship Programs


Internship Programs - The primary mission of Internship Programs is to engage students in planned, educationally-related work and learning experiences that integrate knowledge and theory with practical application and skill development in a professional setting.

Internship in Sport & Entertainment Management - SPTE 495
Students engage in a supervised work experience in a sport or entertainment area. Internship is a minimum of 520 work hours over 13 weeks and is selected by the student with the assistance and approval of the Internship Instructor.
Spring 2023 Internship Students engage in a supervised work experience in a sport or entertainment area. Internship is a minimum of 520 work hours over 13 weeks and is selected by the student with the assistance and approval of the Internship Instructor. 3 17 79 Y GLD-Professional & Civic Engagement; Experiential Learning Opportunity; Internship Programs,Apply specialized knowledge,Career development,Specialized knowledge and skills,Self-knowledge
Student Leadership Programs


Student Leadership Programs - The mission of Student Leadership Programs must be to prepare students to engage in the process of leadership.

Laboratory Teaching Experience - BIOL 398
Students serve as Peer Leaders in a Peer Led Team Learning (PLTL) environment and use their understanding of biological concepts as they help to support other students currently enrolled in a Biology course. Peer Leaders ask questions that help students progress through an assigned activity or in-class discussion.
Spring 2023 Peer Educator Students serve as Peer Leaders in a Peer Led Team Learning (PLTL) environment and use their understanding of biological concepts as they help to support other students currently enrolled in a Biology course. Peer Leaders ask questions that help students progress through an assigned activity or in-class discussion. 3 14 39 Y GLD-Professional & Civic Engagement; Experiential Learning Opportunity; Student Leadership Programs,Apply specialized knowledge,Leadership,Specialized knowledge and skills,Influencing others
Internship Programs


Internship Programs - The primary mission of Internship Programs is to engage students in planned, educationally-related work and learning experiences that integrate knowledge and theory with practical application and skill development in a professional setting.

Media Arts Internship - MART 499
MART 499 is the capstone experience for all media arts majors, consisting of a 160-hour professional internship working in the media arts fields.
Spring 2023 Internship MART 499 is the capstone experience for all media arts majors, consisting of a 160-hour professional internship working in the media arts fields. 3 14 56 Y GLD-Professional & Civic Engagement; Experiential Learning Opportunity; Internship Programs,Apply specialized knowledge,Career readiness,Specialized knowledge and skills,
Internship Programs


Internship Programs - The primary mission of Internship Programs is to engage students in planned, educationally-related work and learning experiences that integrate knowledge and theory with practical application and skill development in a professional setting.

Practicum in Sport & Entertainment Management - SPTE 295
Students engage in a supervised work experience in a sport or entertainment area. Practicum is a minimum of 520 work hours over 13 weeks and is selected by the student with the assistance and approval of the Practicum Instructor. It is meant to be the student's introduction to the specific field in which they wish to pursue a career.
Spring 2023 Practicum Students engage in a supervised work experience in a sport or entertainment area. Practicum is a minimum of 520 work hours over 13 weeks and is selected by the student with the assistance and approval of the Practicum Instructor. It is meant to be the student's introduction to the specific field in which they wish to pursue a career. 3 17 79 Y GLD-Professional & Civic Engagement; Experiential Learning Opportunity; Internship Programs,Apply specialized knowledge,Career development,Specialized knowledge and skills,
Internship Programs


Internship Programs - The primary mission of Internship Programs is to engage students in planned, educationally-related work and learning experiences that integrate knowledge and theory with practical application and skill development in a professional setting.

Professional Internship - ITEC 495
The course is a supervised work experience in information technology and/or project management; the internship is coordinated by a faculty member and supervised by approved management/supervisor within business and industry lasting for approximately 400 hours of on the job experiences.
Spring 2023 Internship The course is a supervised work experience in information technology and/or project management; the internship is coordinated by a faculty member and supervised by approved management/supervisor within business and industry lasting for approximately 400 hours of on the job experiences. 3 19 73 Y GLD-Professional & Civic Engagement; Experiential Learning Opportunity; Internship Programs,Apply specialized knowledge,,Specialized knowledge and skills,Integrative and applied learning
Internship Programs


Internship Programs - The primary mission of Internship Programs is to engage students in planned, educationally-related work and learning experiences that integrate knowledge and theory with practical application and skill development in a professional setting.

Public Affairs Internship - POLI 379
In this course, students complete an on-site internship in a public affairs agency, complete a series of academic assignments related to the internship experience, and submit a final performance evaluation from the on-site supervisor.
Spring 2023 Internship In this course, students complete an on-site internship in a public affairs agency, complete a series of academic assignments related to the internship experience, and submit a final performance evaluation from the on-site supervisor. 3 14 50 Y Experiential Learning Opportunity; GLD-Professional & Civic Engagement; Internship Programs,Career development,Apply specialized knowledge,Self-knowledge,Professionalism / career readiness
Capstone Experience


Capstone Experience - A course or project that engages students in a culminating and integrative experience, intended to connect the key learning objectives of an educational program.

Public Health Capstone Seminar - PUBH 498
Students synthesize and apply content knowledge and competencies developed in the BS/BA public health degree program, in a practice setting with emphasis on student identified areas for professional growth.
Spring 2023 Capstone Course or Project Students synthesize and apply content knowledge and competencies developed in the BS/BA public health degree program, in a practice setting with emphasis on student identified areas for professional growth. 3 24 87 Y GLD-Professional & Civic Engagement; Experiential Learning Opportunity; Capstone Experience,Apply specialized knowledge,Career readiness,Specialized knowledge and skills,
Internship Programs


Internship Programs - The primary mission of Internship Programs is to engage students in planned, educationally-related work and learning experiences that integrate knowledge and theory with practical application and skill development in a professional setting.

Retailing Internship - RETL 495
Students engage in supervised work experience within the retail industry that links classroom learning and student interest with the acquisition of knowledge in an applied work setting.
Spring 2023 Internship Students engage in supervised work experience within the retail industry that links classroom learning and student interest with the acquisition of knowledge in an applied work setting. 3 17 77 Y GLD-Professional & Civic Engagement; Experiential Learning Opportunity; Internship Programs,Apply specialized knowledge,,Specialized knowledge and skills,
Internship Programs


Internship Programs - The primary mission of Internship Programs is to engage students in planned, educationally-related work and learning experiences that integrate knowledge and theory with practical application and skill development in a professional setting.

Retailing Practicum - RETL 295
Students apply knowledge, skills and/or certifications acquired in retailing courses to an in-field experience; work closely with retailing professionals; discover viable career paths; identify work-related interests and values; and analyze the practicum site to gain a better understanding of the company and the competitive marketplace.
Spring 2023 Practicum Students apply knowledge, skills and/or certifications acquired in retailing courses to an in-field experience; work closely with retailing professionals; discover viable career paths; identify work-related interests and values; and analyze the practicum site to gain a better understanding of the company and the competitive marketplace. 3 17 77 Y Experiential Learning Opportunity; Internship Programs,Apply specialized knowledge,Career development,Specialized knowledge and skills,Integrative and applied learning
Internship Programs


Internship Programs - The primary mission of Internship Programs is to engage students in planned, educationally-related work and learning experiences that integrate knowledge and theory with practical application and skill development in a professional setting.

Senior Nursing Capstone Practicum - NURS 435
Final Semester Senior Clinical Immersion Experience
Spring 2023 Internship Final Semester Senior Clinical Immersion Experience 3 20 106 Y Experiential Learning Opportunity; GLD-Professional & Civic Engagement; Internship Programs,Apply specialized knowledge,Career readiness,Specialized knowledge and skills,Professionalism / career readiness
Civic Engagement & Service-Learning Programs


Civic Engagement & Service-Learning Programs - The primary mission of Service-Learning Programs is to engage students in experiences that address human and community needs together with structured opportunities for reflection intentionally designed to promote student learning and development.

Service-Learning - PALM 495
An exploration of theories of service-learning with application of practical solutions to meet community needs.
Spring 2023 Service Learning An exploration of theories of service-learning with application of practical solutions to meet community needs. 13 33 112 Y GLD-Community Service; Experiential Learning Opportunity; Civic Engagement & Service-Learning Programs,Apply specialized knowledge,Community service / civic engagement,Specialized knowledge and skills,Personal and social responsibility - Contributing to a larger community
Internship Programs


Internship Programs - The primary mission of Internship Programs is to engage students in planned, educationally-related work and learning experiences that integrate knowledge and theory with practical application and skill development in a professional setting.

Teaching Internship in Foreign Languages - FORL 474
Students engage in role reversal in which the teacher candidate becomes the teacher and the coaching teacher becomes an observer or teacher's aide. During 12 weeks in a K-12 school, students observe then teach for 2 full weeks on their own, complete weekly reflections, and meet regularly with their coaching teacher and faculty supervisor.
Spring 2023 Internship Students engage in role reversal in which the teacher candidate becomes the teacher and the coaching teacher becomes an observer or teacher's aide. During 12 weeks in a K-12 school, students observe then teach for 2 full weeks on their own, complete weekly reflections, and meet regularly with their coaching teacher and faculty supervisor. 3 14 46 Y GLD-Community Service; Experiential Learning Opportunity; Internship Programs,Apply specialized knowledge,,Specialized knowledge and skills,
Internship Programs


Internship Programs - The primary mission of Internship Programs is to engage students in planned, educationally-related work and learning experiences that integrate knowledge and theory with practical application and skill development in a professional setting.

Undergraduate Internship In Psychology - PSYC 495
Each student secures an internship at a community organization that serves children/adults, providing experience with the treatment/prevention of mental health concerns. Students write weekly journal reflections, conduct an informational interview, and complete a final paper. Site supervisors provide formal feedback at the end of the internship.
Spring 2023 Internship Each student secures an internship at a community organization that serves children/adults, providing experience with the treatment/prevention of mental health concerns. Students write weekly journal reflections, conduct an informational interview, and complete a final paper. Site supervisors provide formal feedback at the end of the internship. 3 14 51 Y GLD-Professional & Civic Engagement; Experiential Learning Opportunity; Internship Programs,Career development,Apply specialized knowledge,Integrative and applied learning,Self-knowledge
Internship Programs


Internship Programs - The primary mission of Internship Programs is to engage students in planned, educationally-related work and learning experiences that integrate knowledge and theory with practical application and skill development in a professional setting.

Honors Internship - SCHC 498
Internships are an important part of the Honors Beyond the Classroom program. Students receive academic credit while gaining valuable experience in their chosen career field, receiving helpful feedback on their performance and reflecting on their experience.
Spring 2023 Internship Internships are an important part of the Honors Beyond the Classroom program. Students receive academic credit while gaining valuable experience in their chosen career field, receiving helpful feedback on their performance and reflecting on their experience. 3 26 75 Y Experiential Learning Opportunity; GLD-Professional & Civic Engagement; Internship Programs,Apply specialized knowledge,Career readiness,Specialized knowledge and skills,Professionalism / career readiness
Internship Programs


Internship Programs - The primary mission of Internship Programs is to engage students in planned, educationally-related work and learning experiences that integrate knowledge and theory with practical application and skill development in a professional setting.

Teaching Internship in Dance Education - DANC 479
The student will demonstrate the pedagogical knowledge, skill, and disposition necessary to effectively teach K-12 dance education as defined by NASD and NCATE and as measured by a departmental student teaching evaluation. Prerequisites: see academic bulletin.
Spring 2023 Internship The student will demonstrate the pedagogical knowledge, skill, and disposition necessary to effectively teach K-12 dance education as defined by NASD and NCATE and as measured by a departmental student teaching evaluation. Prerequisites: see academic bulletin. 3 14 55 Y GLD-Community Service; Experiential Learning Opportunity; Internship Programs,Apply specialized knowledge,Career readiness,Specialized knowledge and skills,Professionalism / career readiness
Internship Programs


Internship Programs - The primary mission of Internship Programs is to engage students in planned, educationally-related work and learning experiences that integrate knowledge and theory with practical application and skill development in a professional setting.

Internship in Elementary Education - EDEL 490
Students in their final semester of an elementary education degree program complete an internship for practice in elementary classrooms (grades 2-6) related to curriculum design, assessment, interactive teaching, and professional roles.
Spring 2023 Internship Students in their final semester of an elementary education degree program complete an internship for practice in elementary classrooms (grades 2-6) related to curriculum design, assessment, interactive teaching, and professional roles. 3 16 67 Y GLD-Professional & Civic Engagement; Experiential Learning Opportunity; Internship Programs,Apply specialized knowledge,Career development,Specialized knowledge and skills,Communication - spoken
Internship Programs


Internship Programs - The primary mission of Internship Programs is to engage students in planned, educationally-related work and learning experiences that integrate knowledge and theory with practical application and skill development in a professional setting.

Internship B in the Middle School - EDML 599
Internship related to the application of effective teaching techniques and organization of instructional settings for middle school students
Spring 2023 Internship Internship related to the application of effective teaching techniques and organization of instructional settings for middle school students 3 16 67 Y GLD-Professional & Civic Engagement; GLD-Community Service; Experiential Learning Opportunity; Internship Programs,Apply specialized knowledge,Career readiness,Specialized knowledge and skills,Professionalism / career readiness
Internship Programs


Internship Programs - The primary mission of Internship Programs is to engage students in planned, educationally-related work and learning experiences that integrate knowledge and theory with practical application and skill development in a professional setting.

Directed Teaching in Physical Education - PEDU 479
Internship for practice in physical education.
Spring 2023 Internship Internship for practice in physical education. 3 16 68 Y GLD-Professional & Civic Engagement; GLD-Community Service; Experiential Learning Opportunity; Internship Programs,Apply specialized knowledge,,Specialized knowledge and skills,
Internship Programs


Internship Programs - The primary mission of Internship Programs is to engage students in planned, educationally-related work and learning experiences that integrate knowledge and theory with practical application and skill development in a professional setting.

Introduction to Field Education - SOWK 382
Students complete their first 50 out of a required program number of 500 field placement hours as a component of successfully completing SOWK 382.
Spring 2023 Internship Students complete their first 50 out of a required program number of 500 field placement hours as a component of successfully completing SOWK 382. 3 22 110 Y GLD-Professional & Civic Engagement; GLD-Community Service; Experiential Learning Opportunity; Internship Programs,Apply specialized knowledge,,Specialized knowledge and skills,
Internship Programs


Internship Programs - The primary mission of Internship Programs is to engage students in planned, educationally-related work and learning experiences that integrate knowledge and theory with practical application and skill development in a professional setting.

Community Service Internship - WGST 499
Students engage in a supervised experience addressing either 1) a community organization’s needs and allowing the student to explore an aspect of the community related to women’s and gender studies issues, or 2) a research project related to gender issues.
Spring 2023 Internship Students engage in a supervised experience addressing either 1) a community organization’s needs and allowing the student to explore an aspect of the community related to women’s and gender studies issues, or 2) a research project related to gender issues. 3 14 58 Y GLD-Professional & Civic Engagement; GLD-Community Service; Experiential Learning Opportunity; Internship Programs,Apply specialized knowledge,Community service / civic engagement,Civic knowledge and engagement,Professionalism / career readiness
Capstone Experience


Capstone Experience - A course or project that engages students in a culminating and integrative experience, intended to connect the key learning objectives of an educational program.

Applications in Entrepreneurship and New Ventures - MGMT 479
Small teams provide consulting for local early-stage startups, applying entrepreneurial frameworks, skills and concepts. Students will contact the client at least once a week. At least once a term, students will present their findings to the client; both client/faculty provide feedback in this session. Faculty provides weekly guidance/feedback.
Fall 2022 Capstone Course or Project Small teams provide consulting for local early-stage startups, applying entrepreneurial frameworks, skills and concepts. Students will contact the client at least once a week. At least once a term, students will present their findings to the client; both client/faculty provide feedback in this session. Faculty provides weekly guidance/feedback. 3 15 64 Y GLD-Professional & Civic Engagement; Experiential Learning Opportunity; Capstone Experience,Apply specialized knowledge,Community service / civic engagement,Specialized knowledge and skills,Integrative and applied learning
Internship Programs


Internship Programs - The primary mission of Internship Programs is to engage students in planned, educationally-related work and learning experiences that integrate knowledge and theory with practical application and skill development in a professional setting.

Washington Semester Internship - SCHC 493
SC Washington Semester Program students live in Washington DC while participating in full-time internships. Students engage in enrichment activities with the on-site academic director and peers, and have the chance to discuss/reflect on their experiences. Students submit in-class journal entries for further structured reflection opportunities.
Fall 2022 Internship SC Washington Semester Program students live in Washington DC while participating in full-time internships. Students engage in enrichment activities with the on-site academic director and peers, and have the chance to discuss/reflect on their experiences. Students submit in-class journal entries for further structured reflection opportunities. 3 26 75 Y GLD-Professional & Civic Engagement; Experiential Learning Opportunity; Internship Programs,Apply specialized knowledge,Career readiness,Specialized knowledge and skills,Professionalism / career readiness
Internship Programs


Internship Programs - The primary mission of Internship Programs is to engage students in planned, educationally-related work and learning experiences that integrate knowledge and theory with practical application and skill development in a professional setting.

Golf Tourism - HRTM 591
This class meets for 10 weeks, focusing on global golf tourism, with emphasis on mega-events. During the term, each student is employed by Augusta (GA) National Golf Club in a micro-internship role at the Masters Tournament, in which students apply knowledge and skills learned in this course, as well as their major and general education courses.
Spring 2023 Internship This class meets for 10 weeks, focusing on global golf tourism, with emphasis on mega-events. During the term, each student is employed by Augusta (GA) National Golf Club in a micro-internship role at the Masters Tournament, in which students apply knowledge and skills learned in this course, as well as their major and general education courses. 3 17 76 Y GLD-Professional & Civic Engagement; Experiential Learning Opportunity; Internship Programs,Career readiness,Career development,Professionalism / career readiness,Integrative and applied learning
Capstone Experience


Capstone Experience - A course or project that engages students in a culminating and integrative experience, intended to connect the key learning objectives of an educational program.

Applications in Entrepreneurship and New Ventures - MGMT 479
Small teams provide consulting for local early-stage startups, applying entrepreneurial frameworks, skills and concepts. Students will contact the client at least once a week. At least once a term, students will present their findings to the client; both client/faculty provide feedback in this session. Faculty provides weekly guidance/feedback.
Spring 2023 Capstone Course or Project Small teams provide consulting for local early-stage startups, applying entrepreneurial frameworks, skills and concepts. Students will contact the client at least once a week. At least once a term, students will present their findings to the client; both client/faculty provide feedback in this session. Faculty provides weekly guidance/feedback. 3 15 64 Y GLD-Professional & Civic Engagement; Experiential Learning Opportunity; Capstone Experience,Apply specialized knowledge,Community service / civic engagement,Specialized knowledge and skills,Integrative and applied learning
Internship Programs


Internship Programs - The primary mission of Internship Programs is to engage students in planned, educationally-related work and learning experiences that integrate knowledge and theory with practical application and skill development in a professional setting.

Golf Tourism Consumer Services - HRTM 592
Each student is employed by Augusta (GA) National Golf Club in a micro-internship returning role (2nd year) at the Masters Tournament, serving as a peer leader to new micro-internship students. The asynchronous online course focuses on customer service systems in business operations, with practical application at a mega golf-tourism event.
Spring 2023 Internship Each student is employed by Augusta (GA) National Golf Club in a micro-internship returning role (2nd year) at the Masters Tournament, serving as a peer leader to new micro-internship students. The asynchronous online course focuses on customer service systems in business operations, with practical application at a mega golf-tourism event. 3 17 76 Y GLD-Professional & Civic Engagement; Experiential Learning Opportunity; Internship Programs,Career readiness,Career development,Professionalism / career readiness,Integrative and applied learning
Internship Programs


Internship Programs - The primary mission of Internship Programs is to engage students in planned, educationally-related work and learning experiences that integrate knowledge and theory with practical application and skill development in a professional setting.

Golf Tourism Leadership Skills - HRTM 594
Each student is employed by Augusta (GA) National Golf Club in a micro-internship returning role (3rd year) at the Masters Tournament, serving as a peer leader to new interns. This asynchronous online course examines management/leadership skill in high-quality business operations, with practical application at a mega golf-tourism event.
Spring 2023 Internship Each student is employed by Augusta (GA) National Golf Club in a micro-internship returning role (3rd year) at the Masters Tournament, serving as a peer leader to new interns. This asynchronous online course examines management/leadership skill in high-quality business operations, with practical application at a mega golf-tourism event. 3 17 76 Y GLD-Professional & Civic Engagement; Experiential Learning Opportunity; Internship Programs,Career development,Leadership,Professionalism / career readiness,Integrative and applied learning
Internship Programs


Internship Programs - The primary mission of Internship Programs is to engage students in planned, educationally-related work and learning experiences that integrate knowledge and theory with practical application and skill development in a professional setting.

Golf Tourism Supervisory Skills - HRTM 593
Each student is employed by Augusta (GA) National Golf Club in a micro-internship returning role (3rd year) at the Masters Tournament, serving as a peer leader to new micro-internship students. This asynchronous online course examines supervisory skills in high-quality business operations, with practical application at a mega golf-tourism event.
Spring 2023 Internship Each student is employed by Augusta (GA) National Golf Club in a micro-internship returning role (3rd year) at the Masters Tournament, serving as a peer leader to new micro-internship students. This asynchronous online course examines supervisory skills in high-quality business operations, with practical application at a mega golf-tourism event. 3 17 76 Y GLD-Professional & Civic Engagement; Experiential Learning Opportunity; Internship Programs,Career development,Leadership,Professionalism / career readiness,Integrative and applied learning
Learning Assistance Programs


Learning Assistance Programs - The primary mission of Learning Assistance Programs must be to provide students with resources and opportunities to improve their ability to learn and to achieve academic success.

Money Management Consultation
Students participate in a 1:1 meeting with a Financial Literacy Consultant, to explore financial management topics including basic money management, credit, debt management, and student loan repayment policies.
Spring 2023 Educational Support Students participate in a 1:1 meeting with a Financial Literacy Consultant, to explore financial management topics including basic money management, credit, debt management, and student loan repayment policies. 3 11 30 Student Success Center N ; Learning Assistance Programs,Study / Practice financial literacy,Study / Practice self knowledge,Financial literacy,Problem solving
Student Leadership Programs


Student Leadership Programs - The mission of Student Leadership Programs must be to prepare students to engage in the process of leadership.

Peer Consultant
Student consultants meet with peers to provide study skills support, discuss academic success strategies, and co-create a personalized plan for academic success.
Spring 2023 Peer Educator Student consultants meet with peers to provide study skills support, discuss academic success strategies, and co-create a personalized plan for academic success. 3 11 30 Student Success Center N GLD-Professional & Civic Engagement; Experiential Learning Opportunity; Student Leadership Programs,Leadership,,Influencing others,Communication - spoken
Student Leadership Programs


Student Leadership Programs - The mission of Student Leadership Programs must be to prepare students to engage in the process of leadership.

Peer Tutor
Tutors provide course-specific academic support for undergraduate students. They work with students in 1-1 sessions and lead group tutoring sessions.
Spring 2023 Peer Educator Tutors provide course-specific academic support for undergraduate students. They work with students in 1-1 sessions and lead group tutoring sessions. 3 11 30 Student Success Center N GLD-Professional & Civic Engagement; Experiential Learning Opportunity; Student Leadership Programs,Apply specialized knowledge,Leadership,Integrative and applied learning,Communication - spoken
Learning Assistance Programs


Learning Assistance Programs - The primary mission of Learning Assistance Programs must be to provide students with resources and opportunities to improve their ability to learn and to achieve academic success.

Peer Tutoring
Students participate in a tutoring session for a specific academic course in which they are currently enrolled.
Spring 2023 Educational Support Students participate in a tutoring session for a specific academic course in which they are currently enrolled. 3 11 30 Student Success Center N ; Learning Assistance Programs,Study / Practice intellectual skills,Apply specialized knowledge,Specialized knowledge and skills,
Learning Assistance Programs


Learning Assistance Programs - The primary mission of Learning Assistance Programs must be to provide students with resources and opportunities to improve their ability to learn and to achieve academic success.

Peer Writing Session
Students participate in a tutoring session for support with composition- or communications-based assignments or projects.
Spring 2023 Educational Support Students participate in a tutoring session for support with composition- or communications-based assignments or projects. 3 11 30 Student Success Center N ; Learning Assistance Programs,Study / Practice intellectual skills,,Communication - written,Communication - spoken
Student Leadership Programs


Student Leadership Programs - The mission of Student Leadership Programs must be to prepare students to engage in the process of leadership.

Peer Writing Tutor
Peer Tutors meet with students in 1-1 sessions to provide course-specific academic support for writing and communications skill development.
Spring 2023 Peer Educator Peer Tutors meet with students in 1-1 sessions to provide course-specific academic support for writing and communications skill development. 3 11 30 Student Success Center N GLD-Professional & Civic Engagement; Experiential Learning Opportunity; Student Leadership Programs,Apply specialized knowledge,Leadership,Critical and creative thinking,Communication - spoken
Student Leadership Programs


Student Leadership Programs - The mission of Student Leadership Programs must be to prepare students to engage in the process of leadership.

Student Success Center Program Assistant / Mentor
Experienced student leaders serve within a specific programmatic area (supplemental instruction, peer tutoring, or peer success consultations), supervise other peer leaders within the same program, and engage in critical office functions to support the department's professional certifications and mission.
Spring 2023 Peer Educator Experienced student leaders serve within a specific programmatic area (supplemental instruction, peer tutoring, or peer success consultations), supervise other peer leaders within the same program, and engage in critical office functions to support the department's professional certifications and mission. 3 11 30 Student Success Center N GLD-Professional & Civic Engagement; Experiential Learning Opportunity; Student Leadership Programs,Leadership,Career readiness,Teamwork,Critical and creative thinking
Learning Assistance Programs


Learning Assistance Programs - The primary mission of Learning Assistance Programs must be to provide students with resources and opportunities to improve their ability to learn and to achieve academic success.

Success Consultation
Students meet 1-1 with a trained peer consultant to assist students in understanding course material, develop self-regulated learning skills, and create an action plan for positive academic behaviors.
Spring 2023 Educational Support Students meet 1-1 with a trained peer consultant to assist students in understanding course material, develop self-regulated learning skills, and create an action plan for positive academic behaviors. 3 11 30 Student Success Center N ; Learning Assistance Programs,Study / Practice intellectual skills,Study / Practice self knowledge,Foundations and skills for lifelong learning,
Learning Assistance Programs


Learning Assistance Programs - The primary mission of Learning Assistance Programs must be to provide students with resources and opportunities to improve their ability to learn and to achieve academic success.

Supplemental Instruction
Students participate in a group study session for a specific academic course and section in which they are currently enrolled.
Spring 2023 Educational Support Students participate in a group study session for a specific academic course and section in which they are currently enrolled. 3 11 30 Student Success Center N ; Learning Assistance Programs,Study / Practice intellectual skills,,Specialized knowledge and skills,
Student Leadership Programs


Student Leadership Programs - The mission of Student Leadership Programs must be to prepare students to engage in the process of leadership.

Supplemental Instruction Peer Leader
SI Peer Leaders facilitate group study sessions for students enrolled in specific courses and sections; they help their peers learn challenging material from class lectures and assignments, and offer helpful tips that integrate how to learn with what to learn through three group study sessions each week.
Spring 2023 Peer Educator SI Peer Leaders facilitate group study sessions for students enrolled in specific courses and sections; they help their peers learn challenging material from class lectures and assignments, and offer helpful tips that integrate how to learn with what to learn through three group study sessions each week. 3 11 30 Student Success Center N GLD-Professional & Civic Engagement; Experiential Learning Opportunity; Student Leadership Programs,Apply specialized knowledge,Leadership,Integrative and applied learning,Communication - spoken
Transfer Student Programs and Services


Transfer Student Programs and Services - The mission of Transfer Student Programs and Services is to aid in the successful transfer, persistence, and graduation of transfer students.

Transfer Success Consultation
Transfer students participate in a 1:1 meeting with the Transfer Coordinator, to discuss academic referrals, current academic challenges, and to identify academic and campus resources.
Spring 2023 Educational Support Transfer students participate in a 1:1 meeting with the Transfer Coordinator, to discuss academic referrals, current academic challenges, and to identify academic and campus resources. 3 11 30 Carolina Experience N ; Transfer Student Programs and Services,Study / Practice self knowledge,,Personal and social responsibility - Striving for excellence,
Student Leadership Programs


Student Leadership Programs - The mission of Student Leadership Programs must be to prepare students to engage in the process of leadership.

Carolina Judicial Council
Council members serve on judicial panels that hold hearings concerning alleged violations of the Student Code of Conduct and the Honor Code. The Council makes decisions regarding code infractions and appropriate sanctions for students found responsible for such violations.
Spring 2023 Peer Educator Council members serve on judicial panels that hold hearings concerning alleged violations of the Student Code of Conduct and the Honor Code. The Council makes decisions regarding code infractions and appropriate sanctions for students found responsible for such violations. 3 11 88 Student Conduct & Academic Integrity N GLD-Professional & Civic Engagement; Experiential Learning Opportunity; Student Leadership Programs,Apply specialized knowledge,Career readiness,Critical and creative thinking,Inquiry and analysis
Student Leadership Programs


Student Leadership Programs - The mission of Student Leadership Programs must be to prepare students to engage in the process of leadership.

Dean's Advisory Council
Students represent the voices, concerns, and interests of the diverse undergraduate student body to the Dean of Students, providing input for university policies, programs, and communication. Council members serve as a vehicle for information sharing and support among student leaders on campus.
Spring 2023 Appointed Student Leader Students represent the voices, concerns, and interests of the diverse undergraduate student body to the Dean of Students, providing input for university policies, programs, and communication. Council members serve as a vehicle for information sharing and support among student leaders on campus. 3 11 88 N GLD-Professional & Civic Engagement; Student Leadership Programs,Community service / civic engagement,Career readiness,Critical and creative thinking,Communication - spoken



Recovery Ally Workshop
Students develop knowledge and skills to support UofSC students in recovery from substance use disorder and to promote a more recovery-friendly campus community.
Spring 2023 Students develop knowledge and skills to support UofSC students in recovery from substance use disorder and to promote a more recovery-friendly campus community. 3 11 117 Substance Abuse Prevention & Education N GLD-Professional & Civic Engagement; GLD-Community Service; ,Community service / civic engagement,,Personal and social responsibility - Taking seriously the perspectives of others,Influencing others
Student Leadership Programs


Student Leadership Programs - The mission of Student Leadership Programs must be to prepare students to engage in the process of leadership.

Substance Abuse Prevention & Education Peer Educator
SAPE Peer Educators create and implement a variety of educational programs designed to encourage their fellow students to make safer, informed decisions when it comes to alcohol and other drug use.
Spring 2023 Peer Educator SAPE Peer Educators create and implement a variety of educational programs designed to encourage their fellow students to make safer, informed decisions when it comes to alcohol and other drug use. 3 11 117 Substance Abuse Prevention & Education N GLD-Professional & Civic Engagement; Student Leadership Programs,Apply specialized knowledge,Leadership,Communication - spoken,Interpersonal skills
Academic Advising Programs


Academic Advising Programs - The primary purpose of Academic Advising Programs is to assist students in the development of meaningful educational plans.

Academic Coaching Appointment
Students meet 1-1 with a coach to create an academic and engagement plan, set goals, and share resources; sessions are tailored to meet each student's needs and may include general advising, academic planning, strengths identification, planning campus involvement, and navigating campus resources.
Spring 2023 Educational Support Students meet 1-1 with a coach to create an academic and engagement plan, set goals, and share resources; sessions are tailored to meet each student's needs and may include general advising, academic planning, strengths identification, planning campus involvement, and navigating campus resources. 3 12 34 University Advising Center N ; Academic Advising Programs,Study / Practice intellectual skills,Study / Practice self knowledge,Foundations and skills for lifelong learning,Personal and social responsibility - Striving for excellence
Learning Assistance Programs


Learning Assistance Programs - The primary mission of Learning Assistance Programs must be to provide students with resources and opportunities to improve their ability to learn and to achieve academic success.

Advisement Tools Workshop
This interactive workshop assists students with curricular and co-curricular technologies utilized in advising. Presenters will demonstrate the DegreeWorks audit and other advisement processes, and the My UofSC Experience Engagement database and records, to advance students' understanding of how curricular and co-curricular experiences connect.
Fall 2023 Educational Support This interactive workshop assists students with curricular and co-curricular technologies utilized in advising. Presenters will demonstrate the DegreeWorks audit and other advisement processes, and the My UofSC Experience Engagement database and records, to advance students' understanding of how curricular and co-curricular experiences connect. 3 12 34 University Advising Center N ; Learning Assistance Programs,Study / Practice intellectual skills,Study / Practice self knowledge,Integrative and applied learning,Self-knowledge
Civic Engagement & Service-Learning Programs


Civic Engagement & Service-Learning Programs - The primary mission of Service-Learning Programs is to engage students in experiences that address human and community needs together with structured opportunities for reflection intentionally designed to promote student learning and development.

CIEL Student Advisory Council Session
SAC members discuss, question, and debate presented topics and consider how their shared opinions can impact their peers and institution. They may collaborate with one another to reach a unanimous opinion or may state personal opinions, while demonstrating professionalism when opinions differ and understanding the importance of individual voices.
Spring 2023 Service on Campus SAC members discuss, question, and debate presented topics and consider how their shared opinions can impact their peers and institution. They may collaborate with one another to reach a unanimous opinion or may state personal opinions, while demonstrating professionalism when opinions differ and understanding the importance of individual voices. 3 12 34 Center for Integrative and Experiential Learning N ; Civic Engagement & Service-Learning Programs,Community service / civic engagement,Study / Practice self knowledge,Personal and social responsibility - Contributing to a larger community,Self-knowledge
Academic Advising Programs


Academic Advising Programs - The primary purpose of Academic Advising Programs is to assist students in the development of meaningful educational plans.

Exploratory Advising / Major Change
Students meet 1-on-1 with an Exploratory Advisor to explore majors/degree programs, learn how to change majors, evaluate how completed coursework will apply to a new major, plan class schedules, and get help with general advisement questions.
Spring 2023 Educational Support Students meet 1-on-1 with an Exploratory Advisor to explore majors/degree programs, learn how to change majors, evaluate how completed coursework will apply to a new major, plan class schedules, and get help with general advisement questions. 3 12 34 University Advising Center N ; Academic Advising Programs,Study / Practice intellectual skills,Study / Practice self knowledge,Self-knowledge,
Capstone Experience


Capstone Experience - A course or project that engages students in a culminating and integrative experience, intended to connect the key learning objectives of an educational program.

Graduation with Leadership Distinction ePortfolio - Small Groups and Independent students
The ePortfolio is designed to be the culminating project of a student's collegiate experiences. Through creation of an ePortfolio, students demonstrate the major learning and skills they have developed. The process is intended to help undergraduate students identify their purpose or passion.
Spring 2023 Capstone Course or Project The ePortfolio is designed to be the culminating project of a student's collegiate experiences. Through creation of an ePortfolio, students demonstrate the major learning and skills they have developed. The process is intended to help undergraduate students identify their purpose or passion. 3 12 34 Center for Integrative and Experiential Learning N GLD-ePortfolio; Experiential Learning Opportunity; Capstone Experience,Apply specialized knowledge,Career development,Integrative and applied learning,Self-knowledge
Capstone Experience


Capstone Experience - A course or project that engages students in a culminating and integrative experience, intended to connect the key learning objectives of an educational program.

Graduation with Leadership Distinction ePortfolio - 401
Student creates an ePortfolio as the culminating project of their undergraduate student collegiate experience. Through the ePortfolio, students demonstrate the major learning and skills they have developed during their time at the University of South Carolina. The ePortfolio is intended to help students identify their purpose or passion.
Spring 2023 Capstone Course or Project Student creates an ePortfolio as the culminating project of their undergraduate student collegiate experience. Through the ePortfolio, students demonstrate the major learning and skills they have developed during their time at the University of South Carolina. The ePortfolio is intended to help students identify their purpose or passion. 3 12 34 Center for Integrative and Experiential Learning N GLD-ePortfolio; Experiential Learning Opportunity; Capstone Experience,Study / Practice intellectual skills,,Integrative and applied learning,
Student Leadership Programs


Student Leadership Programs - The mission of Student Leadership Programs must be to prepare students to engage in the process of leadership.

McNair Institute Student Advisory Council
Student council members attend meetings with Institute leaders to learn about the Institute and provide student perspectives, strategize how to expand the McNair Institute brand and initiatives across schools and colleges of the UofSC system, and support Institute activities that foster entrepreneurism and free enterprise education and support.
Spring 2023 Student Program Leader Student council members attend meetings with Institute leaders to learn about the Institute and provide student perspectives, strategize how to expand the McNair Institute brand and initiatives across schools and colleges of the UofSC system, and support Institute activities that foster entrepreneurism and free enterprise education and support. 3 12 34 McNair Institute N ; Student Leadership Programs,Career readiness,,Professionalism / career readiness,
Student Leadership Programs


Student Leadership Programs - The mission of Student Leadership Programs must be to prepare students to engage in the process of leadership.

Carolina CLIMB
CLIMB members visit high schools and present sessions designed to help high school students prepare for college; session topics include academic preparedness, STEM majors and careers, and financial literacy.
Spring 2023 Student Program Leader CLIMB members visit high schools and present sessions designed to help high school students prepare for college; session topics include academic preparedness, STEM majors and careers, and financial literacy. 3 34 118 Outreach N ; Student Leadership Programs,Leadership,Connecting with others,Civic knowledge and engagement,Interpersonal skills
Undergraduate Admissions Programs and Services


Undergraduate Admissions Programs and Services - The mission of Undergraduate Admissions Programs and Services is to enroll undergraduate applicants who will, both individually and collectively, benefit from the collegiate learning environment through academic and personal enrichment and development.

Multicultural Outreach Student Team
Multicultural Outreach Student Team (MOST) volunteers assist admissions staff with recruitment initiatives and events, represent USC on student panels, and share their college experience with underrepresented prospective students.
Spring 2023 Student Program Leader Multicultural Outreach Student Team (MOST) volunteers assist admissions staff with recruitment initiatives and events, represent USC on student panels, and share their college experience with underrepresented prospective students. 3 34 118 Outreach N ; Undergraduate Admissions Programs and Services,Community service / civic engagement,Connecting with others,Interpersonal skills,Communication - spoken
Student Leadership Programs


Student Leadership Programs - The mission of Student Leadership Programs must be to prepare students to engage in the process of leadership.

University Ambassador
University Ambassadors lead campus tours for diverse audiences of prospective students and families, answer phone calls and respond to emails and other visitor communications, assist in the recruitment, coaching, and evaluation of new University Ambassadors and participate in weekly professional development & training.
Spring 2023 Peer Educator University Ambassadors lead campus tours for diverse audiences of prospective students and families, answer phone calls and respond to emails and other visitor communications, assist in the recruitment, coaching, and evaluation of new University Ambassadors and participate in weekly professional development & training. 3 34 118 Visitor Center N GLD-Professional & Civic Engagement; Experiential Learning Opportunity; Student Leadership Programs,Career readiness,Connecting with others,Critical and creative thinking,Communication - spoken
Student Leadership Programs


Student Leadership Programs - The mission of Student Leadership Programs must be to prepare students to engage in the process of leadership.

Changing Carolina Peer Leader
Student health educators deliver presentations, plan and implement educational programs and events, and research national and campus trends and issues around health and well-being, to help their peers explore the fundamentals of a healthy lifestyle.
Spring 2023 Peer Educator Student health educators deliver presentations, plan and implement educational programs and events, and research national and campus trends and issues around health and well-being, to help their peers explore the fundamentals of a healthy lifestyle. 3 11 117 Healthy Campus Initiatives N GLD-Professional & Civic Engagement; Experiential Learning Opportunity; Student Leadership Programs,Leadership,Apply specialized knowledge,Communication - spoken,Influencing others
Student Employment


Student Employment - Student is employed part-time by the university and engages in career readiness development activities as part of supervision process.

Neighborhood Service Specialist
Neighborhood Service Specialists are student employees selected to work in one or more of the University Housing Neighborhood Service Offices; they provide customer service to residents and guests and perform administrative tasks to support hall staff.
Spring 2023 Employment On Campus Neighborhood Service Specialists are student employees selected to work in one or more of the University Housing Neighborhood Service Offices; they provide customer service to residents and guests and perform administrative tasks to support hall staff. 3 11 29 University Housing N ; Student Employment,Career readiness,Apply specialized knowledge,Professionalism / career readiness,Communication - spoken
Student Leadership Programs


Student Leadership Programs - The mission of Student Leadership Programs must be to prepare students to engage in the process of leadership.

New Resident Assistant
Resident Mentors live with a group of 25 to 60 residents, guide them through their Carolina experience, and are responsible for actively assisting individuals and groups of students in their residential learning community by performing all job duties and responsibilities of the position.
Spring 2023 Peer Educator Resident Mentors live with a group of 25 to 60 residents, guide them through their Carolina experience, and are responsible for actively assisting individuals and groups of students in their residential learning community by performing all job duties and responsibilities of the position. 3 11 29 University Housing N GLD-Professional & Civic Engagement; Experiential Learning Opportunity; Student Leadership Programs,Leadership,,Influencing others,Interpersonal skills
Student Leadership Programs


Student Leadership Programs - The mission of Student Leadership Programs must be to prepare students to engage in the process of leadership.

Returning Resident Assistant
Returning Resident Mentors have completed the training course, live with a group of 25 to 60 residents, guide them through their Carolina experience, and are responsible for actively assisting individuals and groups of students in their residential learning community by performing all job duties and responsibilities of the position.
Spring 2023 Peer Educator Returning Resident Mentors have completed the training course, live with a group of 25 to 60 residents, guide them through their Carolina experience, and are responsible for actively assisting individuals and groups of students in their residential learning community by performing all job duties and responsibilities of the position. 3 11 29 University Housing N GLD-Professional & Civic Engagement; Experiential Learning Opportunity; Student Leadership Programs,Leadership,,Influencing others,Interpersonal skills
Student Leadership Programs


Student Leadership Programs - The mission of Student Leadership Programs must be to prepare students to engage in the process of leadership.

University 101 Peer Leader
U101 Peer Leaders co-teach a section of a UNIV 101 course with a faculty or staff member, and serve as resources, mentors, and facilitators for learning in and beyond the classroom for first-year students enrolled in the course.
Spring 2023 Peer Educator U101 Peer Leaders co-teach a section of a UNIV 101 course with a faculty or staff member, and serve as resources, mentors, and facilitators for learning in and beyond the classroom for first-year students enrolled in the course. 3 11 30 University 101 Programs N GLD-Professional & Civic Engagement; GLD-Diversity & Social Advocacy; Experiential Learning Opportunity; Student Leadership Programs,Leadership,,Communication - spoken,Influencing others
Internship Programs


Internship Programs - The primary mission of Internship Programs is to engage students in planned, educationally-related work and learning experiences that integrate knowledge and theory with practical application and skill development in a professional setting.

USC Press Internship
UofSC Press interns gain insight into the book publishing process by working in one of three areas: acquisitions, publicity, or marketing, with potential exposure to and integration with other Press departments and varied learning opportunities tailored to their specific interests.
Spring 2023 Internship UofSC Press interns gain insight into the book publishing process by working in one of three areas: acquisitions, publicity, or marketing, with potential exposure to and integration with other Press departments and varied learning opportunities tailored to their specific interests. 3 12 114 USC Press N Experiential Learning Opportunity; Internship Programs,Apply specialized knowledge,Career readiness,Communication - spoken,Communication - written
Undergraduate Research Programs


Undergraduate Research Programs - The primary mission of Undergraduate Research Programs is to engage students in investigative and creative activity to experience firsthand the processes of scholarly exploration and discovery.

Undergraduate Research - Paid or Volunteer
Students work with a mentor to conduct a discipline specific research project that explores their field of interest through a hands-on project. Students do not earn academic credit. Mentors and students are encouraged to discuss and develop clear expectations prior to initiating research activities.
Spring 2023 Undergraduate Research Students work with a mentor to conduct a discipline specific research project that explores their field of interest through a hands-on project. Students do not earn academic credit. Mentors and students are encouraged to discuss and develop clear expectations prior to initiating research activities. 3 13 32 Undergraduate Research N GLD-Research; Experiential Learning Opportunity; Undergraduate Research Programs,Research,,Critical and creative thinking,Problem solving
Undergraduate Research Programs


Undergraduate Research Programs - The primary mission of Undergraduate Research Programs is to engage students in investigative and creative activity to experience firsthand the processes of scholarly exploration and discovery.

Undergraduate Research - Student Grant Award
Student works with a mentor to conduct a discipline specific research project funded by a university grant, awarded through a competitive application process that includes evaluation of the clarity of the student's project description, project's educational and intellectual merit, potential impact of the project, and mentoring plan.
Spring 2023 Undergraduate Research Student works with a mentor to conduct a discipline specific research project funded by a university grant, awarded through a competitive application process that includes evaluation of the clarity of the student's project description, project's educational and intellectual merit, potential impact of the project, and mentoring plan. 3 13 32 Undergraduate Research N GLD-Research; Experiential Learning Opportunity; Undergraduate Research Programs,Research,,Critical and creative thinking,Problem solving
Undergraduate Research Programs


Undergraduate Research Programs - The primary mission of Undergraduate Research Programs is to engage students in investigative and creative activity to experience firsthand the processes of scholarly exploration and discovery.

Undergraduate Research - Student Grant Award/Independent Study
Student works with a faculty mentor (for academic credit) to conduct a research project funded by a university grant awarded through competitive application process including evaluation of clarity of student's project description, project's educational and intellectual merit, potential impact of project and mentoring plan.
Spring 2023 Undergraduate Research Student works with a faculty mentor (for academic credit) to conduct a research project funded by a university grant awarded through competitive application process including evaluation of clarity of student's project description, project's educational and intellectual merit, potential impact of project and mentoring plan. 3 13 32 Undergraduate Research N GLD-Research; Experiential Learning Opportunity; Undergraduate Research Programs,Research,,Critical and creative thinking,Problem solving
Undergraduate Research Programs


Undergraduate Research Programs - The primary mission of Undergraduate Research Programs is to engage students in investigative and creative activity to experience firsthand the processes of scholarly exploration and discovery.

Undergraduate Research - Independent Study Credit
Students work with a mentor, for academic course credit (generally through independent study) to conduct a discipline specific research project that explores their field of interest through a hands-on project. Mentors and students develop and determine expectations, objectives, and the method of evaluation prior to course registration and approval.
Spring 2023 Undergraduate Research Students work with a mentor, for academic course credit (generally through independent study) to conduct a discipline specific research project that explores their field of interest through a hands-on project. Mentors and students develop and determine expectations, objectives, and the method of evaluation prior to course registration and approval. 3 13 32 Undergraduate Research N GLD-Research; Experiential Learning Opportunity; Undergraduate Research Programs,Research,,Critical and creative thinking,Problem solving
Student Leadership Programs


Student Leadership Programs - The mission of Student Leadership Programs must be to prepare students to engage in the process of leadership.

College of Arts and Sciences Ambassador
Ambassadors represent the College at student recruitment and other special events; provide informal tours and serve as a resource to prospective and incoming students and special guests of the college; assist with orientation event; provide feedback and suggestions to College leadership related to student recruitment and orientation programming.
Spring 2023 Student Program Leader Ambassadors represent the College at student recruitment and other special events; provide informal tours and serve as a resource to prospective and incoming students and special guests of the college; assist with orientation event; provide feedback and suggestions to College leadership related to student recruitment and orientation programming. 3 14 115 N ; Student Leadership Programs,Career readiness,Connecting with others,Communication - spoken,Professionalism / career readiness
Internship Programs


Internship Programs - The primary mission of Internship Programs is to engage students in planned, educationally-related work and learning experiences that integrate knowledge and theory with practical application and skill development in a professional setting.

State Government Internship - POLI 378
Student interns work with an executive agency, the Governor’s office, the state legislature, or other South Carolina state government location. Internship tasks range from policy and legal research, communications efforts, or legislative liaison work. Interns prepare a portfolio of their work during the term, and attend a weekly class session.
Fall 2023 Internship Student interns work with an executive agency, the Governor’s office, the state legislature, or other South Carolina state government location. Internship tasks range from policy and legal research, communications efforts, or legislative liaison work. Interns prepare a portfolio of their work during the term, and attend a weekly class session. 3 14 50 Y GLD-Professional & Civic Engagement; Experiential Learning Opportunity; Internship Programs,Career readiness,Career development,Civic knowledge and engagement,Specialized knowledge and skills
Student Leadership Programs


Student Leadership Programs - The mission of Student Leadership Programs must be to prepare students to engage in the process of leadership.

Student Life Ambassador
Students serve as a representative for the Department of Student Life by giving presentations at New Student Orientation and by interacting with prospective students and parents at the Orientation Resource Fair. Students also help the Department of Student Life plan departmental events and services.
Spring 2023 Student Program Leader Students serve as a representative for the Department of Student Life by giving presentations at New Student Orientation and by interacting with prospective students and parents at the Orientation Resource Fair. Students also help the Department of Student Life plan departmental events and services. 3 11 28 Leadership & Service Center N Experiential Learning Opportunity; Student Leadership Programs,Career readiness,,Communication - spoken,Influencing others
Student Leadership Programs


Student Leadership Programs - The mission of Student Leadership Programs must be to prepare students to engage in the process of leadership.

Career Studio Peer Educator
Career Studio Peer Educators advise students on career-related questions during appointments, manage front-desk operations, create and deliver presentations, initiate outreach activities, participate in marketing projects, and collaborate with professional staff members on career development initiatives.
Spring 2023 Peer Educator Career Studio Peer Educators advise students on career-related questions during appointments, manage front-desk operations, create and deliver presentations, initiate outreach activities, participate in marketing projects, and collaborate with professional staff members on career development initiatives. 3 11 30 Career Center N GLD-Professional & Civic Engagement; Experiential Learning Opportunity; Student Leadership Programs,Leadership,Career readiness,Interpersonal skills,Communication - spoken
Multicultural Student Programs and Services


Multicultural Student Programs and Services - Multicultural Student Programs and Services must promote academic and personal growth of traditionally underserved students, work with the entire campus to create an institutional and community climate of justice, promote access and equity in higher education, and offer programs that educate the campus about diversity.

OMSA Peer Educator
Students participate in group training activities to gain and practice communication skills to lead effective presentations and implement educational programs, and conduct workshops and presentations to advance cultural competency and appreciation for diverse cultures in the campus community.
Spring 2023 Peer Educator Students participate in group training activities to gain and practice communication skills to lead effective presentations and implement educational programs, and conduct workshops and presentations to advance cultural competency and appreciation for diverse cultures in the campus community. 3 11 28 Multicultural Student Affairs N ; Multicultural Student Programs and Services,Career readiness,Study / Practice diversity, equity, inclusion,Communication - spoken,Intercultural knowledge and competence
Multicultural Student Programs and Services


Multicultural Student Programs and Services - Multicultural Student Programs and Services must promote academic and personal growth of traditionally underserved students, work with the entire campus to create an institutional and community climate of justice, promote access and equity in higher education, and offer programs that educate the campus about diversity.

Diversity Dialogues
In a safe space, students listen to an expert presentation and engage in self-reflection and discussion on topics such as race, culture, gender, stereotypes, intersectionality, and sexual orientation. This workshop is intended to help students learn about marginalized populations and build awareness around diversity and inclusion.
Spring 2023 Educational Support In a safe space, students listen to an expert presentation and engage in self-reflection and discussion on topics such as race, culture, gender, stereotypes, intersectionality, and sexual orientation. This workshop is intended to help students learn about marginalized populations and build awareness around diversity and inclusion. 3 11 28 Multicultural Student Affairs N ; Multicultural Student Programs and Services,Study / Practice diversity, equity, inclusion,,Civic knowledge and engagement,Intercultural knowledge and competence
Campus Activities Programs


Campus Activities Programs - The purpose of Campus Activities Programs must be to enhance the overall educational experience of students through development of, exposure to, and participation in programs and activities that improve student cooperation and leadership while preparing students to be responsible advocates and citizens and complementing the institution's academic programs.

Thursday After Dark
Thursday After Dark provides a variety of late-night programming to engage Carolina students (e.g., escape rooms, trivia, bowling nights).
Spring 2023 Campus Activities Thursday After Dark provides a variety of late-night programming to engage Carolina students (e.g., escape rooms, trivia, bowling nights). 3 11 28 Russell House University Union N ; Campus Activities Programs,Recreation, leisure, entertainment,Connecting with others,Self-knowledge,
Multicultural Student Programs and Services


Multicultural Student Programs and Services - Multicultural Student Programs and Services must promote academic and personal growth of traditionally underserved students, work with the entire campus to create an institutional and community climate of justice, promote access and equity in higher education, and offer programs that educate the campus about diversity.

Diversity Retreat
Students engage in a weekend-long retreat of self-reflection, activities and dialogue focused on concepts of diversity (e.g., identity, impact, advocacy). The goal of the retreat is to develop a greater understanding of leadership in a diverse world.
Spring 2023 Leadership Education Students engage in a weekend-long retreat of self-reflection, activities and dialogue focused on concepts of diversity (e.g., identity, impact, advocacy). The goal of the retreat is to develop a greater understanding of leadership in a diverse world. 3 11 28 Multicultural Student Affairs N ; Multicultural Student Programs and Services,Study / Practice diversity, equity, inclusion,Connecting with others,Personal and social responsibility - Taking seriously the perspectives of others,Intercultural knowledge and competence
Student Leadership Programs


Student Leadership Programs - The mission of Student Leadership Programs must be to prepare students to engage in the process of leadership.

Faber Fellow
Student fellows support the efforts of the Faber Entrepreneurship Center to foster the entrepreneurial spirit of the Darla Moore School of Business in various ways: by planning, attending, and working at events; conducting consulting projects for Friends of Faber companies; and building, operation and evaluating student-run businesses.
Spring 2023 Student Program Leader Student fellows support the efforts of the Faber Entrepreneurship Center to foster the entrepreneurial spirit of the Darla Moore School of Business in various ways: by planning, attending, and working at events; conducting consulting projects for Friends of Faber companies; and building, operation and evaluating student-run businesses. 3 15 64 Faber Entrepreneurship Center N ; Student Leadership Programs,Leadership,Apply specialized knowledge,Specialized knowledge and skills,Problem solving
Career Services


Career Services - The primary mission of Career Services is to assist students and other designated clients in developing, evaluating, and implementing career, education, and employment plans.

Career Coaching - Career Assessment Interpretation
Students complete a career assessment prior to meeting with a career coach; in this 1-1 session, the coach guides the student through exploration of career-related interests, skills and values.
Spring 2023 Career Development Students complete a career assessment prior to meeting with a career coach; in this 1-1 session, the coach guides the student through exploration of career-related interests, skills and values. 3 11 30 Career Center N ; Career Services,Study / Practice self knowledge,Career development,Self-knowledge,Problem solving
Career Services


Career Services - The primary mission of Career Services is to assist students and other designated clients in developing, evaluating, and implementing career, education, and employment plans.

Career Coaching - Choosing a Major/Career
Students interact 1-1 with a trained career coach regarding making career /major decisions by exploring student interests, abilities, aptitudes, and alignment with options for choice of major and career field.
Spring 2023 Career Development Students interact 1-1 with a trained career coach regarding making career /major decisions by exploring student interests, abilities, aptitudes, and alignment with options for choice of major and career field. 3 11 30 Career Center N ; Career Services,Study / Practice self knowledge,Career development,Self-knowledge,Problem solving
Career Services


Career Services - The primary mission of Career Services is to assist students and other designated clients in developing, evaluating, and implementing career, education, and employment plans.

Career Coaching - Curriculum Vita / Cover Letter Review
Students interact 1-1 with a professional staff member who reviews students' vita and cover letter, provides feedback, and helps students explore presentation options.
Spring 2023 Career Development Students interact 1-1 with a professional staff member who reviews students' vita and cover letter, provides feedback, and helps students explore presentation options. 3 11 30 Career Center N ; Career Services,Career development,Study / Practice self knowledge,Problem solving,Self-knowledge
Career Services


Career Services - The primary mission of Career Services is to assist students and other designated clients in developing, evaluating, and implementing career, education, and employment plans.

Career Coaching - Graduate / Professional School
Student interacts 1-1 with professional staff member to identify resources and develop a plan for applying to graduate and/or professional schools.
Spring 2023 Career Development Student interacts 1-1 with professional staff member to identify resources and develop a plan for applying to graduate and/or professional schools. 3 11 30 Career Center N ; Career Services,Career development,Study / Practice self knowledge,Problem solving,
Career Services


Career Services - The primary mission of Career Services is to assist students and other designated clients in developing, evaluating, and implementing career, education, and employment plans.

Career Coaching - Interview Preparation
Student interacts 1-1 with a professional staff member to prepare for interviews for employment or admission to graduate/professional schools.
Spring 2023 Career Development Student interacts 1-1 with a professional staff member to prepare for interviews for employment or admission to graduate/professional schools. 3 11 30 Career Center N ; Career Services,Career development,Study / Practice self knowledge,Self-knowledge,Problem solving
Career Services


Career Services - The primary mission of Career Services is to assist students and other designated clients in developing, evaluating, and implementing career, education, and employment plans.

Career Coaching - Job Search
Student interacts 1-1 with a professional staff member to identify resources and develop a plan for obtaining employment.
Spring 2023 Career Development Student interacts 1-1 with a professional staff member to identify resources and develop a plan for obtaining employment. 3 11 30 Career Center N ; Career Services,Career development,Study / Practice self knowledge,Problem solving,Self-knowledge
Career Services


Career Services - The primary mission of Career Services is to assist students and other designated clients in developing, evaluating, and implementing career, education, and employment plans.

Career Coaching - Mock Interview
Students participate in a mock interview, and receive feedback from a professional staff member to improve their future performance.
Spring 2023 Career Development Students participate in a mock interview, and receive feedback from a professional staff member to improve their future performance. 3 11 30 Career Center N ; Career Services,Career development,,Self-knowledge,Communication - spoken
Career Services


Career Services - The primary mission of Career Services is to assist students and other designated clients in developing, evaluating, and implementing career, education, and employment plans.

Career Coaching - Parallel Career Path
Students interact with professional career coach to explore options regarding choice of major and career fields, in recognition of competitive admissions practices and other factors that may affect plans.
Spring 2023 Career Development Students interact with professional career coach to explore options regarding choice of major and career fields, in recognition of competitive admissions practices and other factors that may affect plans. 3 11 30 Career Center N ; Career Services,Career development,Study / Practice self knowledge,Problem solving,Self-knowledge
Career Services


Career Services - The primary mission of Career Services is to assist students and other designated clients in developing, evaluating, and implementing career, education, and employment plans.

Career Coaching - Personal Statement / Essay Reviews
Students interact 1-1 with a staff member to identify resources and develop a plan for obtaining employment.
Spring 2023 Career Development Students interact 1-1 with a staff member to identify resources and develop a plan for obtaining employment. 3 11 30 Career Center N ; Career Services,Career development,,Problem solving,
Career Services


Career Services - The primary mission of Career Services is to assist students and other designated clients in developing, evaluating, and implementing career, education, and employment plans.

Career Coaching - Resume / Cover Letter Review
Students interact 1-1 with a staff member to identify resources and plan for obtaining employment.
Spring 2023 Career Development Students interact 1-1 with a staff member to identify resources and plan for obtaining employment. 3 11 30 Career Center N ; Career Services,Career development,,Problem solving,
Career Services


Career Services - The primary mission of Career Services is to assist students and other designated clients in developing, evaluating, and implementing career, education, and employment plans.

Career Coaching - Career Studio
In this learning lab, students receive guidance from a Career Center Peer Educator on topics related to their career, including resumes, cover letters, personal statements, curriculum vitae, job search, interviewing, and occupational research.
Spring 2023 Career Development In this learning lab, students receive guidance from a Career Center Peer Educator on topics related to their career, including resumes, cover letters, personal statements, curriculum vitae, job search, interviewing, and occupational research. 3 11 30 Career Center N ; Career Services,Career development,Study / Practice self knowledge,Self-knowledge,
Student Leadership Programs


Student Leadership Programs - The mission of Student Leadership Programs must be to prepare students to engage in the process of leadership.

College of Engineering and Computing Peer Mentor
Each CEC Peer Mentor is matched with a mentee through the UofSC Mentorship Hub, to answer questions and share their experiences about working toward personal, academic, and professional goals. Mentors contact their mentee at least once per month and report their mentorship interactions.
Spring 2023 Student Program Leader Each CEC Peer Mentor is matched with a mentee through the UofSC Mentorship Hub, to answer questions and share their experiences about working toward personal, academic, and professional goals. Mentors contact their mentee at least once per month and report their mentorship interactions. 3 19 101 N ; Student Leadership Programs,Community service / civic engagement,Leadership,Interpersonal skills,
Campus Activities Programs


Campus Activities Programs - The purpose of Campus Activities Programs must be to enhance the overall educational experience of students through development of, exposure to, and participation in programs and activities that improve student cooperation and leadership while preparing students to be responsible advocates and citizens and complementing the institution's academic programs.

Homecoming Event
Student participates in one of a variety of Homecoming activities designed to celebrate the traditions of the UofSC community; events are intended to develop a sense of belonging, pride, and school spirit as students engage with their peers, alumni, and friends of UofSC.
Spring 2023 Campus Activities Student participates in one of a variety of Homecoming activities designed to celebrate the traditions of the UofSC community; events are intended to develop a sense of belonging, pride, and school spirit as students engage with their peers, alumni, and friends of UofSC. 3 11 28 Russell House University Union N ; Campus Activities Programs,Recreation, leisure, entertainment,Connecting with others,Self-knowledge,
Capstone Experience


Capstone Experience - A course or project that engages students in a culminating and integrative experience, intended to connect the key learning objectives of an educational program.

GSCOM Capstone Project - MGSC 497
Student consulting teams apply Operations and Supply Chain concepts and techniques to solve operational problems, identify improvement opportunities in service and manufacturing firms, write recommendation and implementation reports, oversee pilot or full-scale implementations, and make presentations of their work to the firm’s management group.
Spring 2023 Capstone Course or Project Student consulting teams apply Operations and Supply Chain concepts and techniques to solve operational problems, identify improvement opportunities in service and manufacturing firms, write recommendation and implementation reports, oversee pilot or full-scale implementations, and make presentations of their work to the firm’s management group. 3 15 65 Y GLD-Professional & Civic Engagement; Experiential Learning Opportunity; Capstone Experience,Apply specialized knowledge,,Specialized knowledge and skills,
Internship Programs


Internship Programs - The primary mission of Internship Programs is to engage students in planned, educationally-related work and learning experiences that integrate knowledge and theory with practical application and skill development in a professional setting.

Internship - PALM 494
Student engages in supervised immersion and exploration in a field related to the major, with a career, cultural, or community focus.
Spring 2023 Internship Student engages in supervised immersion and exploration in a field related to the major, with a career, cultural, or community focus. 13 33 112 Y GLD-Professional & Civic Engagement; Experiential Learning Opportunity; Internship Programs,Apply specialized knowledge,,Specialized knowledge and skills,
Internship Programs


Internship Programs - The primary mission of Internship Programs is to engage students in planned, educationally-related work and learning experiences that integrate knowledge and theory with practical application and skill development in a professional setting.

State Government Program: Internship - SCHC 491
Students work with a state agency for 150 or more hours during the term and interact online with the course professor and other students to discuss and reflect on their experiences. The intended outcomes for the internship are to gain experience in a professional work environment and develop career readiness skills.
Spring 2023 Internship Students work with a state agency for 150 or more hours during the term and interact online with the course professor and other students to discuss and reflect on their experiences. The intended outcomes for the internship are to gain experience in a professional work environment and develop career readiness skills. 3 26 75 Y GLD-Professional & Civic Engagement; Experiential Learning Opportunity; Internship Programs,Apply specialized knowledge,Career readiness,Specialized knowledge and skills,Civic knowledge and engagement
Internship Programs


Internship Programs - The primary mission of Internship Programs is to engage students in planned, educationally-related work and learning experiences that integrate knowledge and theory with practical application and skill development in a professional setting.

Washington Semester Internship - SCHC 493
SC Washington Semester Program students live in Washington DC while participating in full-time internships. Students engage in enrichment activities with the on-site academic director and peers, and have the chance to discuss/reflect on their experiences. Students submit in-class journal entries for further structured reflection opportunities.
Spring 2023 Internship SC Washington Semester Program students live in Washington DC while participating in full-time internships. Students engage in enrichment activities with the on-site academic director and peers, and have the chance to discuss/reflect on their experiences. Students submit in-class journal entries for further structured reflection opportunities. 3 26 75 Y GLD-Professional & Civic Engagement; Experiential Learning Opportunity; Internship Programs,Apply specialized knowledge,Career readiness,Specialized knowledge and skills,Professionalism / career readiness
Education Abroad Programs & Services


Education Abroad Programs & Services - Education Abroad Programs and Services facilitate and oversee student participation in educational experiences that occur in countries outside the institution's home country.

Study Abroad - Global Classroom
Students engage in a short-term, USC faculty-led program, focusing on a specific subject area or foreign language. Program sites and course offerings vary from year to year.
Spring 2023 Study Abroad Students engage in a short-term, USC faculty-led program, focusing on a specific subject area or foreign language. Program sites and course offerings vary from year to year. 3 12 31 Study Abroad N GLD-Global Learning; Experiential Learning Opportunity; Education Abroad Programs & Services,Global learning,,Intercultural knowledge and competence,Specialized knowledge and skills
Education Abroad Programs & Services


Education Abroad Programs & Services - Education Abroad Programs and Services facilitate and oversee student participation in educational experiences that occur in countries outside the institution's home country.

Study Abroad - Global Direct
Students engage in a summer, semester, or academic year direct-enroll program while focusing on specific topics, foreign languages, or various subject areas. Students take courses from an approved academic institution and pay tuition and fees directly to the host institution.
Spring 2023 Study Abroad Students engage in a summer, semester, or academic year direct-enroll program while focusing on specific topics, foreign languages, or various subject areas. Students take courses from an approved academic institution and pay tuition and fees directly to the host institution. 3 12 31 Study Abroad N GLD-Global Learning; Experiential Learning Opportunity; Education Abroad Programs & Services,Global learning,,Intercultural knowledge and competence,Specialized knowledge and skills
Education Abroad Programs & Services


Education Abroad Programs & Services - Education Abroad Programs and Services facilitate and oversee student participation in educational experiences that occur in countries outside the institution's home country.

Study Abroad - Global Exchange
Students engage in a semester or academic year exchange program in conjunction with a partner institution. Some focus on specific areas of study; others are open to all majors. Students are charged USC in-state tuition while enrolled in this program.
Spring 2023 Study Abroad Students engage in a semester or academic year exchange program in conjunction with a partner institution. Some focus on specific areas of study; others are open to all majors. Students are charged USC in-state tuition while enrolled in this program. 3 12 31 Study Abroad N GLD-Global Learning; Experiential Learning Opportunity; Education Abroad Programs & Services,Global learning,,Intercultural knowledge and competence,Specialized knowledge and skills
Education Abroad Programs & Services


Education Abroad Programs & Services - Education Abroad Programs and Services facilitate and oversee student participation in educational experiences that occur in countries outside the institution's home country.

Study Abroad - Global Partner
Students engage in a summer, semester, or academic year program with an independent study abroad organization.
Spring 2023 Study Abroad Students engage in a summer, semester, or academic year program with an independent study abroad organization. 3 12 31 Study Abroad N GLD-Global Learning; Experiential Learning Opportunity; Education Abroad Programs & Services,Global learning,,Intercultural knowledge and competence,Specialized knowledge and skills
Career Services


Career Services - The primary mission of Career Services is to assist students and other designated clients in developing, evaluating, and implementing career, education, and employment plans.

Education Recruitment Day Career Event
Students interact with representatives from employer organizations about current and future employment opportunities including internships, co-ops, and full-time positions.
Spring 2023 Career Development Students interact with representatives from employer organizations about current and future employment opportunities including internships, co-ops, and full-time positions. 3 11 30 Career Center N ; Career Services,Career development,Career readiness,Self-knowledge,Professionalism / career readiness
Career Services


Career Services - The primary mission of Career Services is to assist students and other designated clients in developing, evaluating, and implementing career, education, and employment plans.

Health Professions Fair
Students interact with representatives from employer organizations about current and future employment opportunities including internships, co-ops, and full-time positions.
Spring 2023 Career Development Students interact with representatives from employer organizations about current and future employment opportunities including internships, co-ops, and full-time positions. 3 11 30 Career Center N ; Career Services,Career development,Career readiness,Self-knowledge,Professionalism / career readiness
Career Services


Career Services - The primary mission of Career Services is to assist students and other designated clients in developing, evaluating, and implementing career, education, and employment plans.

STEM Job Fair
Students interact with representatives from employer organizations about current and future employment opportunities including internships, co-ops, and full-time positions.
Spring 2023 Career Development Students interact with representatives from employer organizations about current and future employment opportunities including internships, co-ops, and full-time positions. 3 11 30 Career Center N ; Career Services,Career development,Career readiness,Self-knowledge,Professionalism / career readiness
Capstone Experience


Capstone Experience - A course or project that engages students in a culminating and integrative experience, intended to connect the key learning objectives of an educational program.

Discover UofSC
Students make oral, creative, and/or poster presentations of any beyond the classroom experience including research and scholarly projects, global study, professional work experiences, leadership, service-learning and community service, and national fellowship competitions.
Spring 2023 Articulating Learning Students make oral, creative, and/or poster presentations of any beyond the classroom experience including research and scholarly projects, global study, professional work experiences, leadership, service-learning and community service, and national fellowship competitions. 3 13 32 Undergraduate Research N GLD-Presentation; Capstone Experience,Apply specialized knowledge,Study / Practice intellectual skills,Communication - spoken,Specialized knowledge and skills
Learning Assistance Programs


Learning Assistance Programs - The primary mission of Learning Assistance Programs must be to provide students with resources and opportunities to improve their ability to learn and to achieve academic success.

Summer Opportunities Fair
Students who plan to enroll in a summer session talk with campus representatives to explore academic and on-campus resources, programs, and co-curricular opportunities offered during the summer.
Spring 2023 Educational Support Students who plan to enroll in a summer session talk with campus representatives to explore academic and on-campus resources, programs, and co-curricular opportunities offered during the summer. 3 12 34 On Your Time Initiatives N ; Learning Assistance Programs,Study / Practice self knowledge,,Self-knowledge,
Civic Engagement & Service-Learning Programs


Civic Engagement & Service-Learning Programs - The primary mission of Service-Learning Programs is to engage students in experiences that address human and community needs together with structured opportunities for reflection intentionally designed to promote student learning and development.

Art + Feminism Mini Symposium and Wikipedia Edit-a-thon
Students will hear faculty presentations on topics in women's and gender history, representation, art history; see a technical demo on the basics of creating and editing Wikipedia pages; and will research, write and edit pages, toward the goal of closing information gaps in the arts and bringing attention to traditionally underrepresented artists.
Spring 2023 Diversity, Equity, and Inclusion Education Students will hear faculty presentations on topics in women's and gender history, representation, art history; see a technical demo on the basics of creating and editing Wikipedia pages; and will research, write and edit pages, toward the goal of closing information gaps in the arts and bringing attention to traditionally underrepresented artists. 3 14 56 N ; Civic Engagement & Service-Learning Programs,Study / Practice diversity, equity, inclusion,Community service / civic engagement,Personal and social responsibility - Contributing to a larger community,Communication - written
Student Leadership Programs


Student Leadership Programs - The mission of Student Leadership Programs must be to prepare students to engage in the process of leadership.

Magellan Ambassador
Magellan Ambassadors represent the Office of Undergraduate Research through campus presentations and events, providing opportunity for professional development while sharing their research experience with other students.
Spring 2023 Student Program Leader Magellan Ambassadors represent the Office of Undergraduate Research through campus presentations and events, providing opportunity for professional development while sharing their research experience with other students. 3 13 32 Undergraduate Research N GLD-Professional & Civic Engagement; Student Leadership Programs,Leadership,,Communication - spoken,Influencing others
Internship Programs


Internship Programs - The primary mission of Internship Programs is to engage students in planned, educationally-related work and learning experiences that integrate knowledge and theory with practical application and skill development in a professional setting.

Cooperative Education (Co-op) - Alternating
Students participate in 2-3 semesters of supervised, paid work-based learning with the same employer. The Alternating format allows the student to alternate between a semester of full-time school (480 hours at 40 hours/week).
Spring 2023 Cooperative Education Students participate in 2-3 semesters of supervised, paid work-based learning with the same employer. The Alternating format allows the student to alternate between a semester of full-time school (480 hours at 40 hours/week). 3 11 30 Career Center N GLD-Professional & Civic Engagement; Experiential Learning Opportunity; Internship Programs,Apply specialized knowledge,Career readiness,Specialized knowledge and skills,Professionalism / career readiness
Internship Programs


Internship Programs - The primary mission of Internship Programs is to engage students in planned, educationally-related work and learning experiences that integrate knowledge and theory with practical application and skill development in a professional setting.

Cooperative Education (Co-op) - Parallel
Students participate in 2-3 semesters of supervised, paid work-based learning with the same employer. The Parallel format allows the student to work part-time for 240 hours (20 hours/week) for 3 consecutive semesters while attending school.
Spring 2023 Cooperative Education Students participate in 2-3 semesters of supervised, paid work-based learning with the same employer. The Parallel format allows the student to work part-time for 240 hours (20 hours/week) for 3 consecutive semesters while attending school. 3 11 30 Career Center N GLD-Professional & Civic Engagement; Experiential Learning Opportunity; Internship Programs,Apply specialized knowledge,Career readiness,Specialized knowledge and skills,Professionalism / career readiness
Internship Programs


Internship Programs - The primary mission of Internship Programs is to engage students in planned, educationally-related work and learning experiences that integrate knowledge and theory with practical application and skill development in a professional setting.

Carolina Internship Program - Part-time
Students engage in a paid, work-based learning experience that is usually the length or equivalent of a fall or spring semester or summer, working approximately 240 hours at 20 hours/week. Student may be eligible to receive academic credit through their academic department or pursue a Zero Credit Transcript notation through the Career Center.
Spring 2023 Cooperative Education Students engage in a paid, work-based learning experience that is usually the length or equivalent of a fall or spring semester or summer, working approximately 240 hours at 20 hours/week. Student may be eligible to receive academic credit through their academic department or pursue a Zero Credit Transcript notation through the Career Center. 3 11 30 Career Center N GLD-Professional & Civic Engagement; Experiential Learning Opportunity; Internship Programs,Career development,Apply specialized knowledge,Professionalism / career readiness,Integrative and applied learning
Internship Programs


Internship Programs - The primary mission of Internship Programs is to engage students in planned, educationally-related work and learning experiences that integrate knowledge and theory with practical application and skill development in a professional setting.

Carolina Internship Program - Full-time
Students engage in a paid, work-based learning experience that includes staff facilitated feedback and reflection on their experience. The goal is to enhance students' understanding of their professional knowledge, skills and abilities to aid in their full-time job searches and lifelong career management.
Spring 2023 Internship Students engage in a paid, work-based learning experience that includes staff facilitated feedback and reflection on their experience. The goal is to enhance students' understanding of their professional knowledge, skills and abilities to aid in their full-time job searches and lifelong career management. 3 11 30 Career Center N GLD-Professional & Civic Engagement; Experiential Learning Opportunity; Internship Programs,Career readiness,Apply specialized knowledge,Professionalism / career readiness,Specialized knowledge and skills
Academic Advising Programs


Academic Advising Programs - The primary purpose of Academic Advising Programs is to assist students in the development of meaningful educational plans.

Academic Coaching Appointment
Students meet 1-1 with a coach to create an academic and engagement plan, set goals, and share resources; sessions are tailored to meet each student's needs and may include general advising, academic planning, strengths identification, planning campus involvement, and navigating campus resources.
Summer 2023 Educational Support Students meet 1-1 with a coach to create an academic and engagement plan, set goals, and share resources; sessions are tailored to meet each student's needs and may include general advising, academic planning, strengths identification, planning campus involvement, and navigating campus resources. 3 12 34 University Advising Center N ; Academic Advising Programs,Study / Practice intellectual skills,Study / Practice self knowledge,Foundations and skills for lifelong learning,Personal and social responsibility - Striving for excellence
Academic Advising Programs


Academic Advising Programs - The primary purpose of Academic Advising Programs is to assist students in the development of meaningful educational plans.

Exploratory Advising / Major Change
Students meet 1-on-1 with an Exploratory Advisor to explore majors/degree programs, learn how to change majors, evaluate how completed coursework will apply to a new major, plan class schedules, and get help with general advisement questions.
Summer 2023 Educational Support Students meet 1-on-1 with an Exploratory Advisor to explore majors/degree programs, learn how to change majors, evaluate how completed coursework will apply to a new major, plan class schedules, and get help with general advisement questions. 3 12 34 University Advising Center N ; Academic Advising Programs,Study / Practice intellectual skills,Study / Practice self knowledge,Self-knowledge,
Undergraduate Research Programs


Undergraduate Research Programs - The primary mission of Undergraduate Research Programs is to engage students in investigative and creative activity to experience firsthand the processes of scholarly exploration and discovery.

Undergraduate Research - Paid or Volunteer
Students work with a mentor to conduct a discipline specific research project that explores their field of interest through a hands-on project. Students do not earn academic credit. Mentors and students are encouraged to discuss and develop clear expectations prior to initiating research activities.
Summer 2023 Undergraduate Research Students work with a mentor to conduct a discipline specific research project that explores their field of interest through a hands-on project. Students do not earn academic credit. Mentors and students are encouraged to discuss and develop clear expectations prior to initiating research activities. 3 13 32 Undergraduate Research N GLD-Research; Experiential Learning Opportunity; Undergraduate Research Programs,Research,,Critical and creative thinking,Problem solving
Undergraduate Research Programs


Undergraduate Research Programs - The primary mission of Undergraduate Research Programs is to engage students in investigative and creative activity to experience firsthand the processes of scholarly exploration and discovery.

Undergraduate Research - Student Grant Award
Student works with a mentor to conduct a discipline specific research project funded by a university grant, awarded through a competitive application process that includes evaluation of the clarity of the student's project description, project's educational and intellectual merit, potential impact of the project, and mentoring plan.
Summer 2023 Undergraduate Research Student works with a mentor to conduct a discipline specific research project funded by a university grant, awarded through a competitive application process that includes evaluation of the clarity of the student's project description, project's educational and intellectual merit, potential impact of the project, and mentoring plan. 3 13 32 Undergraduate Research N GLD-Research; Experiential Learning Opportunity; Undergraduate Research Programs,Research,,Critical and creative thinking,Problem solving
Undergraduate Research Programs


Undergraduate Research Programs - The primary mission of Undergraduate Research Programs is to engage students in investigative and creative activity to experience firsthand the processes of scholarly exploration and discovery.

Undergraduate Research - Student Grant Award/Independent Study
Student works with a faculty mentor (for academic credit) to conduct a research project funded by a university grant awarded through competitive application process including evaluation of clarity of student's project description, project's educational and intellectual merit, potential impact of project and mentoring plan.
Summer 2023 Undergraduate Research Student works with a faculty mentor (for academic credit) to conduct a research project funded by a university grant awarded through competitive application process including evaluation of clarity of student's project description, project's educational and intellectual merit, potential impact of project and mentoring plan. 3 13 32 Undergraduate Research N GLD-Research; Experiential Learning Opportunity; Undergraduate Research Programs,Research,,Critical and creative thinking,Problem solving
Undergraduate Research Programs


Undergraduate Research Programs - The primary mission of Undergraduate Research Programs is to engage students in investigative and creative activity to experience firsthand the processes of scholarly exploration and discovery.

Undergraduate Research - Independent Study Credit
Students work with a mentor, for academic course credit (generally through independent study) to conduct a discipline specific research project that explores their field of interest through a hands-on project. Mentors and students develop and determine expectations, objectives, and the method of evaluation prior to course registration and approval.
Summer 2023 Undergraduate Research Students work with a mentor, for academic course credit (generally through independent study) to conduct a discipline specific research project that explores their field of interest through a hands-on project. Mentors and students develop and determine expectations, objectives, and the method of evaluation prior to course registration and approval. 3 13 32 Undergraduate Research N GLD-Research; Experiential Learning Opportunity; Undergraduate Research Programs,Research,,Critical and creative thinking,Problem solving
Education Abroad Programs & Services


Education Abroad Programs & Services - Education Abroad Programs and Services facilitate and oversee student participation in educational experiences that occur in countries outside the institution's home country.

Study Abroad - Global Classroom
Students engage in a short-term, USC faculty-led program, focusing on a specific subject area or foreign language. Program sites and course offerings vary from year to year.
Summer 2023 Study Abroad Students engage in a short-term, USC faculty-led program, focusing on a specific subject area or foreign language. Program sites and course offerings vary from year to year. 3 12 31 Study Abroad N GLD-Global Learning; Experiential Learning Opportunity; Education Abroad Programs & Services,Global learning,,Intercultural knowledge and competence,Specialized knowledge and skills
Education Abroad Programs & Services


Education Abroad Programs & Services - Education Abroad Programs and Services facilitate and oversee student participation in educational experiences that occur in countries outside the institution's home country.

Study Abroad - Global Direct
Students engage in a summer, semester, or academic year direct-enroll program while focusing on specific topics, foreign languages, or various subject areas. Students take courses from an approved academic institution and pay tuition and fees directly to the host institution.
Summer 2023 Study Abroad Students engage in a summer, semester, or academic year direct-enroll program while focusing on specific topics, foreign languages, or various subject areas. Students take courses from an approved academic institution and pay tuition and fees directly to the host institution. 3 12 31 Study Abroad N GLD-Global Learning; Experiential Learning Opportunity; Education Abroad Programs & Services,Global learning,,Intercultural knowledge and competence,Specialized knowledge and skills
Education Abroad Programs & Services


Education Abroad Programs & Services - Education Abroad Programs and Services facilitate and oversee student participation in educational experiences that occur in countries outside the institution's home country.

Study Abroad - Global Partner
Students engage in a summer, semester, or academic year program with an independent study abroad organization.
Summer 2023 Study Abroad Students engage in a summer, semester, or academic year program with an independent study abroad organization. 3 12 31 Study Abroad N GLD-Global Learning; Experiential Learning Opportunity; Education Abroad Programs & Services,Global learning,,Intercultural knowledge and competence,Specialized knowledge and skills
Education Abroad Programs & Services


Education Abroad Programs & Services - Education Abroad Programs and Services facilitate and oversee student participation in educational experiences that occur in countries outside the institution's home country.

Study Abroad - Global Exchange
Students engage in a semester or academic year exchange program in conjunction with a partner institution. Some focus on specific areas of study; others are open to all majors. Students are charged USC in-state tuition while enrolled in this program.
Fall 2023 Study Abroad Students engage in a semester or academic year exchange program in conjunction with a partner institution. Some focus on specific areas of study; others are open to all majors. Students are charged USC in-state tuition while enrolled in this program. 3 12 31 Study Abroad N GLD-Global Learning; Experiential Learning Opportunity; Education Abroad Programs & Services,Global learning,,Intercultural knowledge and competence,Specialized knowledge and skills
Education Abroad Programs & Services


Education Abroad Programs & Services - Education Abroad Programs and Services facilitate and oversee student participation in educational experiences that occur in countries outside the institution's home country.

Study Abroad - Global USC
Students engage in intensive, multi-disciplinary overseas summer programs, earning 3-9 credits while participating in cultural excursions and academic activities as part of a cohort.
Summer 2023 Study Abroad Students engage in intensive, multi-disciplinary overseas summer programs, earning 3-9 credits while participating in cultural excursions and academic activities as part of a cohort. 3 12 31 Study Abroad N GLD-Global Learning; Experiential Learning Opportunity; Education Abroad Programs & Services,Global learning,,Intercultural knowledge and competence,Specialized knowledge and skills
Student Leadership Programs


Student Leadership Programs - The mission of Student Leadership Programs must be to prepare students to engage in the process of leadership.

Changing Carolina Peer Leader
Student health educators deliver presentations, plan and implement educational programs and events, and research national and campus trends and issues around health and well-being, to help their peers explore the fundamentals of a healthy lifestyle.
Fall 2023 Peer Educator Student health educators deliver presentations, plan and implement educational programs and events, and research national and campus trends and issues around health and well-being, to help their peers explore the fundamentals of a healthy lifestyle. 3 11 117 Healthy Campus Initiatives N GLD-Professional & Civic Engagement; Experiential Learning Opportunity; Student Leadership Programs,Leadership,Apply specialized knowledge,Communication - spoken,Influencing others
Student Leadership Programs


Student Leadership Programs - The mission of Student Leadership Programs must be to prepare students to engage in the process of leadership.

University 101 Peer Leader
U101 Peer Leaders co-teach a section of a UNIV 101 course with a faculty or staff member, and serve as resources, mentors, and facilitators for learning in and beyond the classroom for first-year students enrolled in the course.
Fall 2023 Peer Educator U101 Peer Leaders co-teach a section of a UNIV 101 course with a faculty or staff member, and serve as resources, mentors, and facilitators for learning in and beyond the classroom for first-year students enrolled in the course. 3 11 30 University 101 Programs N GLD-Professional & Civic Engagement; GLD-Diversity & Social Advocacy; Experiential Learning Opportunity; Student Leadership Programs,Leadership,,Communication - spoken,Influencing others
Student Leadership Programs


Student Leadership Programs - The mission of Student Leadership Programs must be to prepare students to engage in the process of leadership.

University 101 Senior Peer Leader
Senior Peer Leaders serve as resources, mentors, and facilitators for learning in and beyond the EDLP 520 classroom for first-time peer leaders enrolled in the course. They co-teach a section of the course with a faculty or staff member, prepare and facilitate lesson plans, and help their mentees comment with campus resources.
Fall 2023 Peer Educator Senior Peer Leaders serve as resources, mentors, and facilitators for learning in and beyond the EDLP 520 classroom for first-time peer leaders enrolled in the course. They co-teach a section of the course with a faculty or staff member, prepare and facilitate lesson plans, and help their mentees comment with campus resources. 3 11 30 University 101 Programs N GLD-Professional & Civic Engagement; Experiential Learning Opportunity; Student Leadership Programs,Leadership,,Communication - spoken,Influencing others
Internship Programs


Internship Programs - The primary mission of Internship Programs is to engage students in planned, educationally-related work and learning experiences that integrate knowledge and theory with practical application and skill development in a professional setting.

USC Press Internship
UofSC Press interns gain insight into the book publishing process by working in one of three areas: acquisitions, publicity, or marketing, with potential exposure to and integration with other Press departments and varied learning opportunities tailored to their specific interests.
Summer 2023 Internship UofSC Press interns gain insight into the book publishing process by working in one of three areas: acquisitions, publicity, or marketing, with potential exposure to and integration with other Press departments and varied learning opportunities tailored to their specific interests. 3 12 114 USC Press N Experiential Learning Opportunity; Internship Programs,Apply specialized knowledge,Career readiness,Communication - spoken,Communication - written
Internship Programs


Internship Programs - The primary mission of Internship Programs is to engage students in planned, educationally-related work and learning experiences that integrate knowledge and theory with practical application and skill development in a professional setting.

USC Press Internship
UofSC Press interns gain insight into the book publishing process by working in one of three areas: acquisitions, publicity, or marketing, with potential exposure to and integration with other Press departments and varied learning opportunities tailored to their specific interests.
Fall 2023 Internship UofSC Press interns gain insight into the book publishing process by working in one of three areas: acquisitions, publicity, or marketing, with potential exposure to and integration with other Press departments and varied learning opportunities tailored to their specific interests. 3 12 114 USC Press N Experiential Learning Opportunity; Internship Programs,Apply specialized knowledge,Career readiness,Communication - spoken,Communication - written
Education Abroad Programs & Services


Education Abroad Programs & Services - Education Abroad Programs and Services facilitate and oversee student participation in educational experiences that occur in countries outside the institution's home country.

Honors Education Abroad - SCHC 400
Student travels abroad with two faculty leaders during a 3-week short term study away course, designed with specific topics to be selected as need and interests dictate. The focus of study is situated outside of a U.S. location and is an extensive study of a broad area or an intensive examination of a specific problem.
Summer 2023 Study Abroad Student travels abroad with two faculty leaders during a 3-week short term study away course, designed with specific topics to be selected as need and interests dictate. The focus of study is situated outside of a U.S. location and is an extensive study of a broad area or an intensive examination of a specific problem. 3 26 102 Y GLD-Global Learning; Experiential Learning Opportunity; Education Abroad Programs & Services,Global learning,Study / Practice diversity, equity, inclusion,Intercultural knowledge and competence,
Student Leadership Programs


Student Leadership Programs - The mission of Student Leadership Programs must be to prepare students to engage in the process of leadership.

Magellan Ambassador
Magellan Ambassadors represent the Office of Undergraduate Research through campus presentations and events, providing opportunity for professional development while sharing their research experience with other students.
Fall 2023 Student Program Leader Magellan Ambassadors represent the Office of Undergraduate Research through campus presentations and events, providing opportunity for professional development while sharing their research experience with other students. 3 13 32 Undergraduate Research N GLD-Professional & Civic Engagement; Student Leadership Programs,Leadership,,Communication - spoken,Influencing others
Student Leadership Programs


Student Leadership Programs - The mission of Student Leadership Programs must be to prepare students to engage in the process of leadership.

Dean's Advisory Council
Students represent the voices, concerns, and interests of the diverse undergraduate student body to the Dean of Students, providing input for university policies, programs, and communication. Council members serve as a vehicle for information sharing and support among student leaders on campus.
Fall 2023 Appointed Student Leader Students represent the voices, concerns, and interests of the diverse undergraduate student body to the Dean of Students, providing input for university policies, programs, and communication. Council members serve as a vehicle for information sharing and support among student leaders on campus. 3 11 88 N GLD-Professional & Civic Engagement; Student Leadership Programs,Community service / civic engagement,Career readiness,Critical and creative thinking,Communication - spoken
Student Leadership Programs


Student Leadership Programs - The mission of Student Leadership Programs must be to prepare students to engage in the process of leadership.

Carolina Judicial Council
Council members serve on judicial panels that hold hearings concerning alleged violations of the Student Code of Conduct and the Honor Code. The Council makes decisions regarding code infractions and appropriate sanctions for students found responsible for such violations.
Spring 2024 Peer Educator Council members serve on judicial panels that hold hearings concerning alleged violations of the Student Code of Conduct and the Honor Code. The Council makes decisions regarding code infractions and appropriate sanctions for students found responsible for such violations. 3 11 88 Student Conduct & Academic Integrity N GLD-Professional & Civic Engagement; Experiential Learning Opportunity; Student Leadership Programs,Apply specialized knowledge,Career readiness,Critical and creative thinking,Inquiry and analysis
Student Leadership Programs


Student Leadership Programs - The mission of Student Leadership Programs must be to prepare students to engage in the process of leadership.

Carolina Judicial Council
Council members serve on judicial panels that hold hearings concerning alleged violations of the Student Code of Conduct and the Honor Code. The Council makes decisions regarding code infractions and appropriate sanctions for students found responsible for such violations.
Fall 2023 Peer Educator Council members serve on judicial panels that hold hearings concerning alleged violations of the Student Code of Conduct and the Honor Code. The Council makes decisions regarding code infractions and appropriate sanctions for students found responsible for such violations. 3 11 88 Student Conduct & Academic Integrity N GLD-Professional & Civic Engagement; Experiential Learning Opportunity; Student Leadership Programs,Apply specialized knowledge,Career readiness,Critical and creative thinking,Inquiry and analysis
Internship Programs


Internship Programs - The primary mission of Internship Programs is to engage students in planned, educationally-related work and learning experiences that integrate knowledge and theory with practical application and skill development in a professional setting.

Media Arts Internship - MART 499
MART 499 is the capstone experience for all media arts majors, consisting of a 160-hour professional internship working in the media arts fields.
Summer 2023 Internship MART 499 is the capstone experience for all media arts majors, consisting of a 160-hour professional internship working in the media arts fields. 3 14 56 Y GLD-Professional & Civic Engagement; Experiential Learning Opportunity; Internship Programs,Apply specialized knowledge,Career readiness,Specialized knowledge and skills,
Internship Programs


Internship Programs - The primary mission of Internship Programs is to engage students in planned, educationally-related work and learning experiences that integrate knowledge and theory with practical application and skill development in a professional setting.

Internship in Geography - GEOG 595
Students serve as interns (paid or unpaid) in government agencies, private-sector businesses, or non-profit organizations. Internship activities and experiential learning are supervised jointly by sponsors and the internship program of the department.
Summer 2023 Internship Students serve as interns (paid or unpaid) in government agencies, private-sector businesses, or non-profit organizations. Internship activities and experiential learning are supervised jointly by sponsors and the internship program of the department. 3 14 44 Y GLD-Professional & Civic Engagement; GLD-Community Service; Experiential Learning Opportunity; Internship Programs,Apply specialized knowledge,Career readiness,Specialized knowledge and skills,Professionalism / career readiness
Internship Programs


Internship Programs - The primary mission of Internship Programs is to engage students in planned, educationally-related work and learning experiences that integrate knowledge and theory with practical application and skill development in a professional setting.

Undergraduate Internship In Psychology - PSYC 495
Each student secures an internship at a community organization that serves children/adults, providing experience with the treatment/prevention of mental health concerns. Students write weekly journal reflections, conduct an informational interview, and complete a final paper. Site supervisors provide formal feedback at the end of the internship.
Summer 2023 Internship Each student secures an internship at a community organization that serves children/adults, providing experience with the treatment/prevention of mental health concerns. Students write weekly journal reflections, conduct an informational interview, and complete a final paper. Site supervisors provide formal feedback at the end of the internship. 3 14 51 Y GLD-Professional & Civic Engagement; Experiential Learning Opportunity; Internship Programs,Career development,Apply specialized knowledge,Integrative and applied learning,Self-knowledge
Internship Programs


Internship Programs - The primary mission of Internship Programs is to engage students in planned, educationally-related work and learning experiences that integrate knowledge and theory with practical application and skill development in a professional setting.

Business Internship in Management - MGMT 499
Internship, for credit, with a company focusing on management, lessons learned, SWOT self assessment.
Summer 2023 Internship Internship, for credit, with a company focusing on management, lessons learned, SWOT self assessment. 3 15 64 Y GLD-Professional & Civic Engagement; Experiential Learning Opportunity; Internship Programs,Apply specialized knowledge,Career readiness,Specialized knowledge and skills,Professionalism / career readiness
Internship Programs


Internship Programs - The primary mission of Internship Programs is to engage students in planned, educationally-related work and learning experiences that integrate knowledge and theory with practical application and skill development in a professional setting.

Professional Internship - ITEC 495
The course is a supervised work experience in information technology and/or project management; the internship is coordinated by a faculty member and supervised by approved management/supervisor within business and industry lasting for approximately 400 hours of on the job experiences.
Summer 2023 Internship The course is a supervised work experience in information technology and/or project management; the internship is coordinated by a faculty member and supervised by approved management/supervisor within business and industry lasting for approximately 400 hours of on the job experiences. 3 19 73 Y GLD-Professional & Civic Engagement; Experiential Learning Opportunity; Internship Programs,Apply specialized knowledge,,Specialized knowledge and skills,Integrative and applied learning
Internship Programs


Internship Programs - The primary mission of Internship Programs is to engage students in planned, educationally-related work and learning experiences that integrate knowledge and theory with practical application and skill development in a professional setting.

Honors Internship - SCHC 498
Internships are an important part of the Honors Beyond the Classroom program. Students receive academic credit while gaining valuable experience in their chosen career field, receiving helpful feedback on their performance and reflecting on their experience.
Summer 2023 Internship Internships are an important part of the Honors Beyond the Classroom program. Students receive academic credit while gaining valuable experience in their chosen career field, receiving helpful feedback on their performance and reflecting on their experience. 3 26 75 Y Experiential Learning Opportunity; GLD-Professional & Civic Engagement; Internship Programs,Apply specialized knowledge,Career readiness,Specialized knowledge and skills,Professionalism / career readiness
Internship Programs


Internship Programs - The primary mission of Internship Programs is to engage students in planned, educationally-related work and learning experiences that integrate knowledge and theory with practical application and skill development in a professional setting.

Hospitality & Tourism Internship - HRTM 495
Full time work experience of a minimum of 400 work hours in the Hospitality or Tourism industry; position must be Managerial or Supervisory in nature, Rotational within a minimum of three different areas of the business or a Structured Internship Program. Includes online course work.
Summer 2023 Internship Full time work experience of a minimum of 400 work hours in the Hospitality or Tourism industry; position must be Managerial or Supervisory in nature, Rotational within a minimum of three different areas of the business or a Structured Internship Program. Includes online course work. 3 17 76 Y Experiential Learning Opportunity; GLD-Professional & Civic Engagement; Internship Programs,Apply specialized knowledge,Leadership,Specialized knowledge and skills,Self-knowledge
Internship Programs


Internship Programs - The primary mission of Internship Programs is to engage students in planned, educationally-related work and learning experiences that integrate knowledge and theory with practical application and skill development in a professional setting.

Hospitality & Tourism Practicum - HRTM 290
Full time work experience of a minimum of 400 work hours in the Hospitality or Tourism industry; position can be any entry level or higher position. Includes online course work.
Summer 2023 Practicum Full time work experience of a minimum of 400 work hours in the Hospitality or Tourism industry; position can be any entry level or higher position. Includes online course work. 3 17 76 Y GLD-Professional & Civic Engagement; Experiential Learning Opportunity; Internship Programs,Apply specialized knowledge,Career readiness,Self-knowledge,Specialized knowledge and skills
Internship Programs


Internship Programs - The primary mission of Internship Programs is to engage students in planned, educationally-related work and learning experiences that integrate knowledge and theory with practical application and skill development in a professional setting.

Retailing Internship - RETL 495
Students engage in supervised work experience within the retail industry that links classroom learning and student interest with the acquisition of knowledge in an applied work setting.
Summer 2023 Internship Students engage in supervised work experience within the retail industry that links classroom learning and student interest with the acquisition of knowledge in an applied work setting. 3 17 77 Y GLD-Professional & Civic Engagement; Experiential Learning Opportunity; Internship Programs,Apply specialized knowledge,,Specialized knowledge and skills,
Internship Programs


Internship Programs - The primary mission of Internship Programs is to engage students in planned, educationally-related work and learning experiences that integrate knowledge and theory with practical application and skill development in a professional setting.

Retailing Practicum - RETL 295
Students apply knowledge, skills and/or certifications acquired in retailing courses to an in-field experience; work closely with retailing professionals; discover viable career paths; identify work-related interests and values; and analyze the practicum site to gain a better understanding of the company and the competitive marketplace.
Summer 2023 Practicum Students apply knowledge, skills and/or certifications acquired in retailing courses to an in-field experience; work closely with retailing professionals; discover viable career paths; identify work-related interests and values; and analyze the practicum site to gain a better understanding of the company and the competitive marketplace. 3 17 77 Y Experiential Learning Opportunity; Internship Programs,Apply specialized knowledge,Career development,Specialized knowledge and skills,Integrative and applied learning
Internship Programs


Internship Programs - The primary mission of Internship Programs is to engage students in planned, educationally-related work and learning experiences that integrate knowledge and theory with practical application and skill development in a professional setting.

Internship in Sport & Entertainment Management - SPTE 495
Students engage in a supervised work experience in a sport or entertainment area. Internship is a minimum of 520 work hours over 13 weeks and is selected by the student with the assistance and approval of the Internship Instructor.
Summer 2023 Internship Students engage in a supervised work experience in a sport or entertainment area. Internship is a minimum of 520 work hours over 13 weeks and is selected by the student with the assistance and approval of the Internship Instructor. 3 17 79 Y GLD-Professional & Civic Engagement; Experiential Learning Opportunity; Internship Programs,Apply specialized knowledge,Career development,Specialized knowledge and skills,Self-knowledge
Internship Programs


Internship Programs - The primary mission of Internship Programs is to engage students in planned, educationally-related work and learning experiences that integrate knowledge and theory with practical application and skill development in a professional setting.

Practicum in Sport & Entertainment Management - SPTE 295
Students engage in a supervised work experience in a sport or entertainment area. Practicum is a minimum of 520 work hours over 13 weeks and is selected by the student with the assistance and approval of the Practicum Instructor. It is meant to be the student's introduction to the specific field in which they wish to pursue a career.
Summer 2023 Practicum Students engage in a supervised work experience in a sport or entertainment area. Practicum is a minimum of 520 work hours over 13 weeks and is selected by the student with the assistance and approval of the Practicum Instructor. It is meant to be the student's introduction to the specific field in which they wish to pursue a career. 3 17 79 Y GLD-Professional & Civic Engagement; Experiential Learning Opportunity; Internship Programs,Apply specialized knowledge,Career development,Specialized knowledge and skills,
Internship Programs


Internship Programs - The primary mission of Internship Programs is to engage students in planned, educationally-related work and learning experiences that integrate knowledge and theory with practical application and skill development in a professional setting.

Internship in Mass Communications - JOUR 597
Students work at least 140 hours during the semester under the direction of the intern coordinator and a professional supervisor in an internship they obtain, attend required meetings during the term with other interns and the intern coordinator, and turn in assignments as scheduled in the course syllabus.
Summer 2023 Internship Students work at least 140 hours during the semester under the direction of the intern coordinator and a professional supervisor in an internship they obtain, attend required meetings during the term with other interns and the intern coordinator, and turn in assignments as scheduled in the course syllabus. 3 18 81 Y GLD-Professional & Civic Engagement; Experiential Learning Opportunity; Internship Programs,Apply specialized knowledge,Career development,Specialized knowledge and skills,Professionalism / career readiness
Capstone Experience


Capstone Experience - A course or project that engages students in a culminating and integrative experience, intended to connect the key learning objectives of an educational program.

Public Health Capstone Seminar - PUBH 498
Students synthesize and apply content knowledge and competencies developed in the BS/BA public health degree program, in a practice setting with emphasis on student identified areas for professional growth.
Summer 2023 Capstone Course or Project Students synthesize and apply content knowledge and competencies developed in the BS/BA public health degree program, in a practice setting with emphasis on student identified areas for professional growth. 3 24 87 Y GLD-Professional & Civic Engagement; Experiential Learning Opportunity; Capstone Experience,Apply specialized knowledge,Career readiness,Specialized knowledge and skills,
Civic Engagement & Service-Learning Programs


Civic Engagement & Service-Learning Programs - The primary mission of Service-Learning Programs is to engage students in experiences that address human and community needs together with structured opportunities for reflection intentionally designed to promote student learning and development.

Service-Learning - PALM 495
An exploration of theories of service-learning with application of practical solutions to meet community needs.
Summer 2023 Service Learning An exploration of theories of service-learning with application of practical solutions to meet community needs. 13 33 112 Y GLD-Community Service; Experiential Learning Opportunity; Civic Engagement & Service-Learning Programs,Apply specialized knowledge,Community service / civic engagement,Specialized knowledge and skills,Personal and social responsibility - Contributing to a larger community
Internship Programs


Internship Programs - The primary mission of Internship Programs is to engage students in planned, educationally-related work and learning experiences that integrate knowledge and theory with practical application and skill development in a professional setting.

Internship in Public History - HIST 480
Within the context of a course, students are placed as an intern in a local public-history site (e.g., museum, historic house). In addition, students are assigned readings and meet with the professor and fellow students to discuss assignments reflect upon the internship and the profession of Public History.
Summer 2023 Internship Within the context of a course, students are placed as an intern in a local public-history site (e.g., museum, historic house). In addition, students are assigned readings and meet with the professor and fellow students to discuss assignments reflect upon the internship and the profession of Public History. 3 14 45 Y GLD-Professional & Civic Engagement; Experiential Learning Opportunity; Internship Programs,Apply specialized knowledge,,Specialized knowledge and skills,
Internship Programs


Internship Programs - The primary mission of Internship Programs is to engage students in planned, educationally-related work and learning experiences that integrate knowledge and theory with practical application and skill development in a professional setting.

Carolina Internship Program - Part-time
Students engage in a paid, work-based learning experience that is usually the length or equivalent of a fall or spring semester or summer, working approximately 240 hours at 20 hours/week. Student may be eligible to receive academic credit through their academic department or pursue a Zero Credit Transcript notation through the Career Center.
Summer 2023 Cooperative Education Students engage in a paid, work-based learning experience that is usually the length or equivalent of a fall or spring semester or summer, working approximately 240 hours at 20 hours/week. Student may be eligible to receive academic credit through their academic department or pursue a Zero Credit Transcript notation through the Career Center. 3 11 30 Career Center N GLD-Professional & Civic Engagement; Experiential Learning Opportunity; Internship Programs,Career development,Apply specialized knowledge,Professionalism / career readiness,Integrative and applied learning
Internship Programs


Internship Programs - The primary mission of Internship Programs is to engage students in planned, educationally-related work and learning experiences that integrate knowledge and theory with practical application and skill development in a professional setting.

Carolina Internship Program - Full-time
Students engage in a paid, work-based learning experience that includes staff facilitated feedback and reflection on their experience. The goal is to enhance students' understanding of their professional knowledge, skills and abilities to aid in their full-time job searches and lifelong career management.
Summer 2023 Internship Students engage in a paid, work-based learning experience that includes staff facilitated feedback and reflection on their experience. The goal is to enhance students' understanding of their professional knowledge, skills and abilities to aid in their full-time job searches and lifelong career management. 3 11 30 Career Center N GLD-Professional & Civic Engagement; Experiential Learning Opportunity; Internship Programs,Career readiness,Apply specialized knowledge,Professionalism / career readiness,Specialized knowledge and skills
Internship Programs


Internship Programs - The primary mission of Internship Programs is to engage students in planned, educationally-related work and learning experiences that integrate knowledge and theory with practical application and skill development in a professional setting.

Cooperative Education (Co-op) - Alternating
Students participate in 2-3 semesters of supervised, paid work-based learning with the same employer. The Alternating format allows the student to alternate between a semester of full-time school (480 hours at 40 hours/week).
Summer 2023 Cooperative Education Students participate in 2-3 semesters of supervised, paid work-based learning with the same employer. The Alternating format allows the student to alternate between a semester of full-time school (480 hours at 40 hours/week). 3 11 30 Career Center N GLD-Professional & Civic Engagement; Experiential Learning Opportunity; Internship Programs,Apply specialized knowledge,Career readiness,Specialized knowledge and skills,Professionalism / career readiness
Internship Programs


Internship Programs - The primary mission of Internship Programs is to engage students in planned, educationally-related work and learning experiences that integrate knowledge and theory with practical application and skill development in a professional setting.

Cooperative Education (Co-op) - Parallel
Students participate in 2-3 semesters of supervised, paid work-based learning with the same employer. The Parallel format allows the student to work part-time for 240 hours (20 hours/week) for 3 consecutive semesters while attending school.
Summer 2023 Cooperative Education Students participate in 2-3 semesters of supervised, paid work-based learning with the same employer. The Parallel format allows the student to work part-time for 240 hours (20 hours/week) for 3 consecutive semesters while attending school. 3 11 30 Career Center N GLD-Professional & Civic Engagement; Experiential Learning Opportunity; Internship Programs,Apply specialized knowledge,Career readiness,Specialized knowledge and skills,Professionalism / career readiness
Internship Programs


Internship Programs - The primary mission of Internship Programs is to engage students in planned, educationally-related work and learning experiences that integrate knowledge and theory with practical application and skill development in a professional setting.

Cooperative Education (Co-op) - Alternating
Students participate in 2-3 semesters of supervised, paid work-based learning with the same employer. The Alternating format allows the student to alternate between a semester of full-time school (480 hours at 40 hours/week).
Fall 2023 Cooperative Education Students participate in 2-3 semesters of supervised, paid work-based learning with the same employer. The Alternating format allows the student to alternate between a semester of full-time school (480 hours at 40 hours/week). 3 11 30 Career Center N GLD-Professional & Civic Engagement; Experiential Learning Opportunity; Internship Programs,Apply specialized knowledge,Career readiness,Specialized knowledge and skills,Professionalism / career readiness
Internship Programs


Internship Programs - The primary mission of Internship Programs is to engage students in planned, educationally-related work and learning experiences that integrate knowledge and theory with practical application and skill development in a professional setting.

Cooperative Education (Co-op) - Parallel
Students participate in 2-3 semesters of supervised, paid work-based learning with the same employer. The Parallel format allows the student to work part-time for 240 hours (20 hours/week) for 3 consecutive semesters while attending school.
Fall 2023 Cooperative Education Students participate in 2-3 semesters of supervised, paid work-based learning with the same employer. The Parallel format allows the student to work part-time for 240 hours (20 hours/week) for 3 consecutive semesters while attending school. 3 11 30 Career Center N GLD-Professional & Civic Engagement; Experiential Learning Opportunity; Internship Programs,Apply specialized knowledge,Career readiness,Specialized knowledge and skills,Professionalism / career readiness
Internship Programs


Internship Programs - The primary mission of Internship Programs is to engage students in planned, educationally-related work and learning experiences that integrate knowledge and theory with practical application and skill development in a professional setting.

Carolina Internship Program - Part-time
Students engage in a paid, work-based learning experience that is usually the length or equivalent of a fall or spring semester or summer, working approximately 240 hours at 20 hours/week. Student may be eligible to receive academic credit through their academic department or pursue a Zero Credit Transcript notation through the Career Center.
Fall 2023 Cooperative Education Students engage in a paid, work-based learning experience that is usually the length or equivalent of a fall or spring semester or summer, working approximately 240 hours at 20 hours/week. Student may be eligible to receive academic credit through their academic department or pursue a Zero Credit Transcript notation through the Career Center. 3 11 30 Career Center N GLD-Professional & Civic Engagement; Experiential Learning Opportunity; Internship Programs,Career development,Apply specialized knowledge,Professionalism / career readiness,Integrative and applied learning
Internship Programs


Internship Programs - The primary mission of Internship Programs is to engage students in planned, educationally-related work and learning experiences that integrate knowledge and theory with practical application and skill development in a professional setting.

Carolina Internship Program - Full-time
Students engage in a paid, work-based learning experience that includes staff facilitated feedback and reflection on their experience. The goal is to enhance students' understanding of their professional knowledge, skills and abilities to aid in their full-time job searches and lifelong career management.
Fall 2023 Internship Students engage in a paid, work-based learning experience that includes staff facilitated feedback and reflection on their experience. The goal is to enhance students' understanding of their professional knowledge, skills and abilities to aid in their full-time job searches and lifelong career management. 3 11 30 Career Center N GLD-Professional & Civic Engagement; Experiential Learning Opportunity; Internship Programs,Career readiness,Apply specialized knowledge,Professionalism / career readiness,Specialized knowledge and skills
Education Abroad Programs & Services


Education Abroad Programs & Services - Education Abroad Programs and Services facilitate and oversee student participation in educational experiences that occur in countries outside the institution's home country.

Study Abroad - Global Partner
Students engage in a summer, semester, or academic year program with an independent study abroad organization.
Fall 2023 Study Abroad Students engage in a summer, semester, or academic year program with an independent study abroad organization. 3 12 31 Study Abroad N GLD-Global Learning; Experiential Learning Opportunity; Education Abroad Programs & Services,Global learning,,Intercultural knowledge and competence,Specialized knowledge and skills
Education Abroad Programs & Services


Education Abroad Programs & Services - Education Abroad Programs and Services facilitate and oversee student participation in educational experiences that occur in countries outside the institution's home country.

Study Abroad - Global Direct
Students engage in a summer, semester, or academic year direct-enroll program while focusing on specific topics, foreign languages, or various subject areas. Students take courses from an approved academic institution and pay tuition and fees directly to the host institution.
Fall 2023 Study Abroad Students engage in a summer, semester, or academic year direct-enroll program while focusing on specific topics, foreign languages, or various subject areas. Students take courses from an approved academic institution and pay tuition and fees directly to the host institution. 3 12 31 Study Abroad N GLD-Global Learning; Experiential Learning Opportunity; Education Abroad Programs & Services,Global learning,,Intercultural knowledge and competence,Specialized knowledge and skills
Education Abroad Programs & Services


Education Abroad Programs & Services - Education Abroad Programs and Services facilitate and oversee student participation in educational experiences that occur in countries outside the institution's home country.

Study Abroad - Global Classroom
Students engage in a short-term, USC faculty-led program, focusing on a specific subject area or foreign language. Program sites and course offerings vary from year to year.
Fall 2023 Study Abroad Students engage in a short-term, USC faculty-led program, focusing on a specific subject area or foreign language. Program sites and course offerings vary from year to year. 3 12 31 Study Abroad N GLD-Global Learning; Experiential Learning Opportunity; Education Abroad Programs & Services,Global learning,,Intercultural knowledge and competence,Specialized knowledge and skills
Student Leadership Programs


Student Leadership Programs - The mission of Student Leadership Programs must be to prepare students to engage in the process of leadership.

Pillars for Carolina Extended Mentor
Pillars for Carolina XMs help introduce incoming students to student life and resources on campus. XMs are peer mentors who lead groups and communicate information to diverse audiences; student mentees look to XMs to answer their candid questions about the college experience.
Summer 2023 Student Program Leader Pillars for Carolina XMs help introduce incoming students to student life and resources on campus. XMs are peer mentors who lead groups and communicate information to diverse audiences; student mentees look to XMs to answer their candid questions about the college experience. 3 11 28 Leadership & Service Center N GLD-Professional & Civic Engagement; Student Leadership Programs,Leadership,,Interpersonal skills,Influencing others
Student Leadership Programs


Student Leadership Programs - The mission of Student Leadership Programs must be to prepare students to engage in the process of leadership.

Pillars for Carolina Leadership Team
Student leaders manage all components of the planning, recruitment, and execution of the Pillars for Carolina Extended Orientation Program. Team members work together to solve problems, communicate to multiple constituents, supervise peer mentors, and evaluate the effectiveness of program activities.
Summer 2023 Peer Educator Student leaders manage all components of the planning, recruitment, and execution of the Pillars for Carolina Extended Orientation Program. Team members work together to solve problems, communicate to multiple constituents, supervise peer mentors, and evaluate the effectiveness of program activities. 3 11 28 Leadership & Service Center N GLD-Professional & Civic Engagement; Student Leadership Programs,Leadership,,Problem solving,Teamwork
Recreational Sports Programs


Recreational Sports Programs - The mission of Recreational Sports Programs must be to enhance the mind, body, and spirit of students and other eligible individuals by providing programs, services, and facilities that are responsive to the physical, social, recreational, and lifelong educational needs of the campus community as they relate to health, fitness, and learning.

Campus Recreation Climbing Wall
Students participate in top rope climbing or bouldering, with routes for both beginners and advanced climbers, at the climbing wall in the Wellness & Fitness Center.
Summer 2023 Physical, Mental, Emotional Health Students participate in top rope climbing or bouldering, with routes for both beginners and advanced climbers, at the climbing wall in the Wellness & Fitness Center. 3 11 117 Campus Recreation N ; Recreational Sports Programs,Recreation, leisure, entertainment,Connecting with others,Foundations and skills for lifelong learning,
Recreational Sports Programs


Recreational Sports Programs - The mission of Recreational Sports Programs must be to enhance the mind, body, and spirit of students and other eligible individuals by providing programs, services, and facilities that are responsive to the physical, social, recreational, and lifelong educational needs of the campus community as they relate to health, fitness, and learning.

Campus Recreation Group X
Students participate in a 45-60 minute group exercise class such as Yoga, Zumba, BodyPump, Barre, Cycle, and Bootcamp.
Summer 2023 Physical, Mental, Emotional Health Students participate in a 45-60 minute group exercise class such as Yoga, Zumba, BodyPump, Barre, Cycle, and Bootcamp. 3 11 117 Campus Recreation N ; Recreational Sports Programs,Study / Practice physical well being,Connecting with others,Self-knowledge,
Recreational Sports Programs


Recreational Sports Programs - The mission of Recreational Sports Programs must be to enhance the mind, body, and spirit of students and other eligible individuals by providing programs, services, and facilities that are responsive to the physical, social, recreational, and lifelong educational needs of the campus community as they relate to health, fitness, and learning.

Campus Recreation Intramural Sports
Students participate in an intramural sport, such as basketball, cornhole, volleyball, flag football, soccer, pickleball, and more.
Summer 2023 Campus Activities Students participate in an intramural sport, such as basketball, cornhole, volleyball, flag football, soccer, pickleball, and more. 3 11 117 Campus Recreation N ; Recreational Sports Programs,Recreation, leisure, entertainment,Connecting with others,Self-knowledge,
Recreational Sports Programs


Recreational Sports Programs - The mission of Recreational Sports Programs must be to enhance the mind, body, and spirit of students and other eligible individuals by providing programs, services, and facilities that are responsive to the physical, social, recreational, and lifelong educational needs of the campus community as they relate to health, fitness, and learning.

Campus Recreation Adventure Trip Participant
Students participate with a group of peers in an adventure trip guided by a staff member; trip options include biking, camping, hiking, boating, and more. Adventures vary in length from a few hours to a few days.
Spring 2024 Campus Activities Students participate with a group of peers in an adventure trip guided by a staff member; trip options include biking, camping, hiking, boating, and more. Adventures vary in length from a few hours to a few days. 3 11 117 Campus Recreation N ; Recreational Sports Programs,Recreation, leisure, entertainment,Connecting with others,Self-knowledge,
Recreational Sports Programs


Recreational Sports Programs - The mission of Recreational Sports Programs must be to enhance the mind, body, and spirit of students and other eligible individuals by providing programs, services, and facilities that are responsive to the physical, social, recreational, and lifelong educational needs of the campus community as they relate to health, fitness, and learning.

Campus Recreation Personal Fitness Training
Students work with a personal trainer to identify their fitness goals and practice individually tailored exercises and routines; each session is 60 minutes in length.
Summer 2023 Physical, Mental, Emotional Health Students work with a personal trainer to identify their fitness goals and practice individually tailored exercises and routines; each session is 60 minutes in length. 3 11 117 Campus Recreation N ; Recreational Sports Programs,Study / Practice physical well being,Study / Practice self knowledge,Self-knowledge,
Student Leadership Programs


Student Leadership Programs - The mission of Student Leadership Programs must be to prepare students to engage in the process of leadership.

Leadership Coaching - Student organization
Students meets with a professional staff member or graduate student to discuss strategies for a more successful student organization.
Spring 2024 Leadership Education Students meets with a professional staff member or graduate student to discuss strategies for a more successful student organization. 3 11 28 Leadership & Service Center N ; Student Leadership Programs,Apply specialized knowledge,Leadership,Critical and creative thinking,Influencing others
Student Leadership Programs


Student Leadership Programs - The mission of Student Leadership Programs must be to prepare students to engage in the process of leadership.

Leadership and Service Ambassador
Leadership and Service Advocates help manage the Leadership and Service Center’s daily operations, assist students as they call or enter the center, and assist the professional staff in marketing and planning programs and services.
Summer 2023 Student Program Leader Leadership and Service Advocates help manage the Leadership and Service Center’s daily operations, assist students as they call or enter the center, and assist the professional staff in marketing and planning programs and services. 3 11 28 Leadership & Service Center N GLD-Professional & Civic Engagement; Student Leadership Programs,Career readiness,,Communication - spoken,Problem solving
Recreational Sports Programs


Recreational Sports Programs - The mission of Recreational Sports Programs must be to enhance the mind, body, and spirit of students and other eligible individuals by providing programs, services, and facilities that are responsive to the physical, social, recreational, and lifelong educational needs of the campus community as they relate to health, fitness, and learning.

Campus Recreation Climbing Wall
Students participate in top rope climbing or bouldering, with routes for both beginners and advanced climbers, at the climbing wall in the Wellness & Fitness Center.
Fall 2023 Physical, Mental, Emotional Health Students participate in top rope climbing or bouldering, with routes for both beginners and advanced climbers, at the climbing wall in the Wellness & Fitness Center. 3 11 117 Campus Recreation N ; Recreational Sports Programs,Recreation, leisure, entertainment,Connecting with others,Foundations and skills for lifelong learning,
Recreational Sports Programs


Recreational Sports Programs - The mission of Recreational Sports Programs must be to enhance the mind, body, and spirit of students and other eligible individuals by providing programs, services, and facilities that are responsive to the physical, social, recreational, and lifelong educational needs of the campus community as they relate to health, fitness, and learning.

Campus Recreation Group X
Students participate in a 45-60 minute group exercise class such as Yoga, Zumba, BodyPump, Barre, Cycle, and Bootcamp.
Fall 2023 Physical, Mental, Emotional Health Students participate in a 45-60 minute group exercise class such as Yoga, Zumba, BodyPump, Barre, Cycle, and Bootcamp. 3 11 117 Campus Recreation N ; Recreational Sports Programs,Study / Practice physical well being,Connecting with others,Self-knowledge,
Recreational Sports Programs


Recreational Sports Programs - The mission of Recreational Sports Programs must be to enhance the mind, body, and spirit of students and other eligible individuals by providing programs, services, and facilities that are responsive to the physical, social, recreational, and lifelong educational needs of the campus community as they relate to health, fitness, and learning.

Campus Recreation Intramural Sports
Students participate in an intramural sport, such as basketball, cornhole, volleyball, flag football, soccer, pickleball, and more.
Fall 2023 Campus Activities Students participate in an intramural sport, such as basketball, cornhole, volleyball, flag football, soccer, pickleball, and more. 3 11 117 Campus Recreation N ; Recreational Sports Programs,Recreation, leisure, entertainment,Connecting with others,Self-knowledge,
Student Leadership Programs


Student Leadership Programs - The mission of Student Leadership Programs must be to prepare students to engage in the process of leadership.

Leadership and Service Ambassador
Leadership and Service Advocates help manage the Leadership and Service Center’s daily operations, assist students as they call or enter the center, and assist the professional staff in marketing and planning programs and services.
Fall 2023 Student Program Leader Leadership and Service Advocates help manage the Leadership and Service Center’s daily operations, assist students as they call or enter the center, and assist the professional staff in marketing and planning programs and services. 3 11 28 Leadership & Service Center N GLD-Professional & Civic Engagement; Student Leadership Programs,Career readiness,,Communication - spoken,Problem solving
Student Leadership Programs


Student Leadership Programs - The mission of Student Leadership Programs must be to prepare students to engage in the process of leadership.

Leadership Coaching - Student organization
Students meets with a professional staff member or graduate student to discuss strategies for a more successful student organization.
Fall 2023 Leadership Education Students meets with a professional staff member or graduate student to discuss strategies for a more successful student organization. 3 11 28 Leadership & Service Center N ; Student Leadership Programs,Apply specialized knowledge,Leadership,Critical and creative thinking,Influencing others
Recreational Sports Programs


Recreational Sports Programs - The mission of Recreational Sports Programs must be to enhance the mind, body, and spirit of students and other eligible individuals by providing programs, services, and facilities that are responsive to the physical, social, recreational, and lifelong educational needs of the campus community as they relate to health, fitness, and learning.

Campus Recreation Adventure Trip Participant
Students participate with a group of peers in an adventure trip guided by a staff member; trip options include biking, camping, hiking, boating, and more. Adventures vary in length from a few hours to a few days.
Fall 2023 Campus Activities Students participate with a group of peers in an adventure trip guided by a staff member; trip options include biking, camping, hiking, boating, and more. Adventures vary in length from a few hours to a few days. 3 11 117 Campus Recreation N ; Recreational Sports Programs,Recreation, leisure, entertainment,Connecting with others,Self-knowledge,
Recreational Sports Programs


Recreational Sports Programs - The mission of Recreational Sports Programs must be to enhance the mind, body, and spirit of students and other eligible individuals by providing programs, services, and facilities that are responsive to the physical, social, recreational, and lifelong educational needs of the campus community as they relate to health, fitness, and learning.

Campus Recreation Personal Fitness Training
Students work with a personal trainer to identify their fitness goals and practice individually tailored exercises and routines; each session is 60 minutes in length.
Fall 2023 Physical, Mental, Emotional Health Students work with a personal trainer to identify their fitness goals and practice individually tailored exercises and routines; each session is 60 minutes in length. 3 11 117 Campus Recreation N ; Recreational Sports Programs,Study / Practice physical well being,Study / Practice self knowledge,Self-knowledge,
Student Leadership Programs


Student Leadership Programs - The mission of Student Leadership Programs must be to prepare students to engage in the process of leadership.

Pillars for Carolina Leadership Team
Student leaders manage all components of the planning, recruitment, and execution of the Pillars for Carolina Extended Orientation Program. Team members work together to solve problems, communicate to multiple constituents, supervise peer mentors, and evaluate the effectiveness of program activities.
Fall 2023 Peer Educator Student leaders manage all components of the planning, recruitment, and execution of the Pillars for Carolina Extended Orientation Program. Team members work together to solve problems, communicate to multiple constituents, supervise peer mentors, and evaluate the effectiveness of program activities. 3 11 28 Leadership & Service Center N GLD-Professional & Civic Engagement; Student Leadership Programs,Leadership,,Problem solving,Teamwork
Student Leadership Programs


Student Leadership Programs - The mission of Student Leadership Programs must be to prepare students to engage in the process of leadership.

Close Family Emerging Leaders Program
Students meet weekly for 8 weeks to explore aspects of leadership; activities are designed to help students develop a personal definition of leadership, create achievable goals, and design an action plan for applying leadership skills at USC.
Fall 2023 Leadership Education Students meet weekly for 8 weeks to explore aspects of leadership; activities are designed to help students develop a personal definition of leadership, create achievable goals, and design an action plan for applying leadership skills at USC. 3 11 28 Leadership & Service Center N GLD-Professional & Civic Engagement; Student Leadership Programs,Study / Practice self knowledge,,Self-knowledge,Communication - spoken
Civic Engagement & Service-Learning Programs


Civic Engagement & Service-Learning Programs - The primary mission of Service-Learning Programs is to engage students in experiences that address human and community needs together with structured opportunities for reflection intentionally designed to promote student learning and development.

Community Service Ambassador
Each student ambassador serves in a nonprofit organization located in the Midlands, exploring issues affecting the local community and working with the non-profit agency to address these issues.
Fall 2023 Civic Engagement Each student ambassador serves in a nonprofit organization located in the Midlands, exploring issues affecting the local community and working with the non-profit agency to address these issues. 3 11 28 Leadership & Service Center N GLD-Professional & Civic Engagement; GLD-Community Service; Experiential Learning Opportunity; Civic Engagement & Service-Learning Programs,Community service / civic engagement,Study / Practice diversity, equity, inclusion,Civic knowledge and engagement,Personal and social responsibility - Contributing to a larger community
Recreational Sports Programs


Recreational Sports Programs - The mission of Recreational Sports Programs must be to enhance the mind, body, and spirit of students and other eligible individuals by providing programs, services, and facilities that are responsive to the physical, social, recreational, and lifelong educational needs of the campus community as they relate to health, fitness, and learning.

Campus Recreation Adventure Trip Leader
Trip leaders plan and execute day-long outdoor adventure trips; responsibilities include conducting pre-trip meetings with participants to set expectations, build relationships, communicate risks, and provide training for participants. During the trip, leaders serve as guides and wilderness medical first responders.
Fall 2023 Student Program Leader Trip leaders plan and execute day-long outdoor adventure trips; responsibilities include conducting pre-trip meetings with participants to set expectations, build relationships, communicate risks, and provide training for participants. During the trip, leaders serve as guides and wilderness medical first responders. 3 11 117 Campus Recreation N GLD-Professional & Civic Engagement; Recreational Sports Programs,Leadership,Career readiness,Teamwork,Problem solving
Student Leadership Programs


Student Leadership Programs - The mission of Student Leadership Programs must be to prepare students to engage in the process of leadership.

Leadership Coaching - Involvement
Student meets with a professional staff member or graduate student to discuss their personal interests, explore student organizations or other involvement opportunities, identify a goal for becoming more involved on campus and outline a plan for accomplishing that goal.
Fall 2023 Leadership Education Student meets with a professional staff member or graduate student to discuss their personal interests, explore student organizations or other involvement opportunities, identify a goal for becoming more involved on campus and outline a plan for accomplishing that goal. 3 11 28 Leadership & Service Center N ; Student Leadership Programs,Study / Practice self knowledge,,Self-knowledge,Critical and creative thinking
Learning Assistance Programs


Learning Assistance Programs - The primary mission of Learning Assistance Programs must be to provide students with resources and opportunities to improve their ability to learn and to achieve academic success.

Success Consultation
Students meet 1-1 with a trained peer consultant to assist students in understanding course material, develop self-regulated learning skills, and create an action plan for positive academic behaviors.
Summer 2023 Educational Support Students meet 1-1 with a trained peer consultant to assist students in understanding course material, develop self-regulated learning skills, and create an action plan for positive academic behaviors. 3 11 30 Student Success Center N ; Learning Assistance Programs,Study / Practice intellectual skills,Study / Practice self knowledge,Foundations and skills for lifelong learning,
Post-Traditional & Commuter Student Programs & Services


Post-Traditional & Commuter Student Programs & Services - The primary mission is to ensure that all students have equitable access to programs, services, and engagement opportunities regardless of age, personal characteristics, or place of residence.

Off-Campus Living Module
Students participate in an interactive, self-paced 20 minute online course to learn how to navigate life as an off-campus student. The topics cover finding housing, moving, off-campus safety, community ordinances and laws, commuting and parking, protecting your tenant rights and selecting compatible roommates.
Fall 2023 Educational Support Students participate in an interactive, self-paced 20 minute online course to learn how to navigate life as an off-campus student. The topics cover finding housing, moving, off-campus safety, community ordinances and laws, commuting and parking, protecting your tenant rights and selecting compatible roommates. 3 11 28 Off-Campus Living & Neighborhood Relations N ; Post-Traditional & Commuter Student Programs & Services,Study / Practice self knowledge,,Personal and social responsibility - Striving for excellence,
Learning Assistance Programs


Learning Assistance Programs - The primary mission of Learning Assistance Programs must be to provide students with resources and opportunities to improve their ability to learn and to achieve academic success.

Money Management Consultation
Students participate in a 1:1 meeting with a Financial Literacy Consultant, to explore financial management topics including basic money management, credit, debt management, and student loan repayment policies.
Fall 2023 Educational Support Students participate in a 1:1 meeting with a Financial Literacy Consultant, to explore financial management topics including basic money management, credit, debt management, and student loan repayment policies. 3 11 30 Student Success Center N ; Learning Assistance Programs,Study / Practice financial literacy,Study / Practice self knowledge,Financial literacy,Problem solving
Transfer Student Programs and Services


Transfer Student Programs and Services - The mission of Transfer Student Programs and Services is to aid in the successful transfer, persistence, and graduation of transfer students.

Transfer Success Consultation
Transfer students participate in a 1:1 meeting with the Transfer Coordinator, to discuss academic referrals, current academic challenges, and to identify academic and campus resources.
Fall 2023 Educational Support Transfer students participate in a 1:1 meeting with the Transfer Coordinator, to discuss academic referrals, current academic challenges, and to identify academic and campus resources. 3 11 30 Carolina Experience N ; Transfer Student Programs and Services,Study / Practice self knowledge,,Personal and social responsibility - Striving for excellence,
Student Leadership Programs


Student Leadership Programs - The mission of Student Leadership Programs must be to prepare students to engage in the process of leadership.

Graduate Student Association Cabinet
Under the general direction of the GSA President, Cabinet Secretaries oversee a particular area of concern for graduate students (academics, inclusion and equity, health and wellness, etc.), serve as liaisons between GSA and the various units within the university.
Fall 2023 Elected Student Leader Under the general direction of the GSA President, Cabinet Secretaries oversee a particular area of concern for graduate students (academics, inclusion and equity, health and wellness, etc.), serve as liaisons between GSA and the various units within the university. 3 11 28 Leadership & Service Center N ; Student Leadership Programs,Career readiness,,Professionalism / career readiness,
Student Leadership Programs


Student Leadership Programs - The mission of Student Leadership Programs must be to prepare students to engage in the process of leadership.

Graduate Student Association Executive Committee
Committee members meet regularly with university administrators and offices throughout campus to advocate on behalf of the graduate student body and lead Graduate Student Association cabinet meetings and town halls.
Fall 2023 Elected Student Leader Committee members meet regularly with university administrators and offices throughout campus to advocate on behalf of the graduate student body and lead Graduate Student Association cabinet meetings and town halls. 3 11 28 Leadership & Service Center N Experiential Learning Opportunity; Student Leadership Programs,Leadership,,Problem solving,Influencing others
Learning Assistance Programs


Learning Assistance Programs - The primary mission of Learning Assistance Programs must be to provide students with resources and opportunities to improve their ability to learn and to achieve academic success.

Success Consultation
Students meet 1-1 with a trained peer consultant to assist students in understanding course material, develop self-regulated learning skills, and create an action plan for positive academic behaviors.
Fall 2023 Educational Support Students meet 1-1 with a trained peer consultant to assist students in understanding course material, develop self-regulated learning skills, and create an action plan for positive academic behaviors. 3 11 30 Student Success Center N ; Learning Assistance Programs,Study / Practice intellectual skills,Study / Practice self knowledge,Foundations and skills for lifelong learning,
Civic Engagement & Service-Learning Programs


Civic Engagement & Service-Learning Programs - The primary mission of Service-Learning Programs is to engage students in experiences that address human and community needs together with structured opportunities for reflection intentionally designed to promote student learning and development.

Service Saturday
Students participate in a community service opportunity within the city of Columbia or campus community.
Fall 2023 Civic Engagement Students participate in a community service opportunity within the city of Columbia or campus community. 3 11 28 Leadership & Service Center N GLD-Community Service; Civic Engagement & Service-Learning Programs,Community service / civic engagement,Connecting with others,Personal and social responsibility - Contributing to a larger community,
Student Leadership Programs


Student Leadership Programs - The mission of Student Leadership Programs must be to prepare students to engage in the process of leadership.

Service Saturday Senior Site Leader
Senior site leaders facilitate training and manage administrative tasks for teams of student site leaders, communicate expectations of the program to volunteers, delegate tasks, and debrief on a shared experience.
Fall 2023 Peer Educator Senior site leaders facilitate training and manage administrative tasks for teams of student site leaders, communicate expectations of the program to volunteers, delegate tasks, and debrief on a shared experience. 3 11 28 Leadership & Service Center N GLD-Professional & Civic Engagement; Experiential Learning Opportunity; Student Leadership Programs,Leadership,Career readiness,Communication - spoken,Influencing others
Student Leadership Programs


Student Leadership Programs - The mission of Student Leadership Programs must be to prepare students to engage in the process of leadership.

Service Saturday Site Leader
Site leaders communicate expectations to a group of volunteers, delegate tasks, and debrief volunteers on a shared community service experience.
Fall 2023 Peer Educator Site leaders communicate expectations to a group of volunteers, delegate tasks, and debrief volunteers on a shared community service experience. 3 11 28 Leadership & Service Center N GLD-Professional & Civic Engagement; GLD-Community Service; Student Leadership Programs,Leadership,Community service / civic engagement,Teamwork,Problem solving
Student Leadership Programs


Student Leadership Programs - The mission of Student Leadership Programs must be to prepare students to engage in the process of leadership.

Student Government Appointed Leader
Students assist in drafting legislation, meet weekly with student leadership, and meet with campus units, colleges, and student organizations.
Fall 2023 Student Program Leader Students assist in drafting legislation, meet weekly with student leadership, and meet with campus units, colleges, and student organizations. 3 11 28 Leadership & Service Center N ; Student Leadership Programs,Career readiness,Community service / civic engagement,Professionalism / career readiness,Interpersonal skills
Student Leadership Programs


Student Leadership Programs - The mission of Student Leadership Programs must be to prepare students to engage in the process of leadership.

Student Government Executive Cabinet
Under the general direction of the Student Body President, the Executive Cabinet is comprised of Cabinet Secretaries who oversee various departments within Student Government. They work with campus constituents to to meet the needs of the student body, attend weekly cabinet and department meetings, and provide updates to the Student Body President.
Fall 2023 Elected Student Leader Under the general direction of the Student Body President, the Executive Cabinet is comprised of Cabinet Secretaries who oversee various departments within Student Government. They work with campus constituents to to meet the needs of the student body, attend weekly cabinet and department meetings, and provide updates to the Student Body President. 3 11 28 Leadership & Service Center N Experiential Learning Opportunity; Student Leadership Programs,Career readiness,Community service / civic engagement,Professionalism / career readiness,Teamwork
Student Leadership Programs


Student Leadership Programs - The mission of Student Leadership Programs must be to prepare students to engage in the process of leadership.

Student Government Executive Council
Council members are elected by the student body to work toward common goals and build consensus to drive change for Carolina students; council members interact with a variety of constituents including students, faculty, staff, university administrators and Board of Trustees members.
Summer 2023 Elected Student Leader Council members are elected by the student body to work toward common goals and build consensus to drive change for Carolina students; council members interact with a variety of constituents including students, faculty, staff, university administrators and Board of Trustees members. 3 11 28 Leadership & Service Center N GLD-Professional & Civic Engagement; Experiential Learning Opportunity; Student Leadership Programs,Leadership,,Problem solving,Influencing others
Student Leadership Programs


Student Leadership Programs - The mission of Student Leadership Programs must be to prepare students to engage in the process of leadership.

Student Government Executive Council
Council members are elected by the student body to work toward common goals and build consensus to drive change for Carolina students; council members interact with a variety of constituents including students, faculty, staff, university administrators and Board of Trustees members.
Fall 2023 Elected Student Leader Council members are elected by the student body to work toward common goals and build consensus to drive change for Carolina students; council members interact with a variety of constituents including students, faculty, staff, university administrators and Board of Trustees members. 3 11 28 Leadership & Service Center N GLD-Professional & Civic Engagement; Experiential Learning Opportunity; Student Leadership Programs,Leadership,Community service / civic engagement,Problem solving,Influencing others
Student Leadership Programs


Student Leadership Programs - The mission of Student Leadership Programs must be to prepare students to engage in the process of leadership.

Student Government Freshman Council
Council members are selected to represent the freshman class in student government at Carolina. Students meet weekly to learn about SG initiatives, discuss campus issues, and represent the freshman perspective. Each student meets monthly with a SG mentor to explore and develop leadership interests, skills and abilities.
Fall 2023 Appointed Student Leader Council members are selected to represent the freshman class in student government at Carolina. Students meet weekly to learn about SG initiatives, discuss campus issues, and represent the freshman perspective. Each student meets monthly with a SG mentor to explore and develop leadership interests, skills and abilities. 3 11 28 Leadership & Service Center N GLD-Professional & Civic Engagement; Student Leadership Programs,Study / Practice self knowledge,Career readiness,Self-knowledge,
Student Leadership Programs


Student Leadership Programs - The mission of Student Leadership Programs must be to prepare students to engage in the process of leadership.

Student Government Program Director
Students in this role train and supervise a team of peers to work on a specific Student Government initiative, and lead conversations about the establishment of goals and priorities. They meet individually with staff on a weekly basis to monitor progress toward goals, address challenges, and lead effective collaboration and problem-solving.
Fall 2023 Elected Student Leader Students in this role train and supervise a team of peers to work on a specific Student Government initiative, and lead conversations about the establishment of goals and priorities. They meet individually with staff on a weekly basis to monitor progress toward goals, address challenges, and lead effective collaboration and problem-solving. 3 11 28 Leadership & Service Center N Experiential Learning Opportunity; Student Leadership Programs,Career readiness,,Interpersonal skills,Professionalism / career readiness
Student Leadership Programs


Student Leadership Programs - The mission of Student Leadership Programs must be to prepare students to engage in the process of leadership.

Student Government Senate Committee Chair
Students meet with university staff to address issues and lead a team of student senators focused on an area within the university (academics, student life, health and safety, etc.).
Fall 2023 Elected Student Leader Students meet with university staff to address issues and lead a team of student senators focused on an area within the university (academics, student life, health and safety, etc.). 3 11 28 Leadership & Service Center N Experiential Learning Opportunity; Student Leadership Programs,Leadership,,Interpersonal skills,Inquiry and analysis
Student Leadership Programs


Student Leadership Programs - The mission of Student Leadership Programs must be to prepare students to engage in the process of leadership.

Student Government Senator
Student Senators draft legislation, defend legislation, meet weekly with committees, attend weekly senate sessions, and meet with their colleges/student organizations. Senators serve on committees based on their interests, including academics, student life, sustainability, equity and inclusion.
Fall 2023 Elected Student Leader Student Senators draft legislation, defend legislation, meet weekly with committees, attend weekly senate sessions, and meet with their colleges/student organizations. Senators serve on committees based on their interests, including academics, student life, sustainability, equity and inclusion. 3 11 28 Leadership & Service Center N ; Student Leadership Programs,Career readiness,,Professionalism / career readiness,Interpersonal skills
Campus Activities Programs


Campus Activities Programs - The purpose of Campus Activities Programs must be to enhance the overall educational experience of students through development of, exposure to, and participation in programs and activities that improve student cooperation and leadership while preparing students to be responsible advocates and citizens and complementing the institution's academic programs.

Student Organization Member
Students engage in organizations for many reasons - to gain skills, connect with other students, broaden their knowledge. Student-led organizations establish purpose and goals, determine membership, set activities, and select leaders. The university records organizational affiliation, but does not monitor the engagement of individual students.
Fall 2023 Campus Activities Students engage in organizations for many reasons - to gain skills, connect with other students, broaden their knowledge. Student-led organizations establish purpose and goals, determine membership, set activities, and select leaders. The university records organizational affiliation, but does not monitor the engagement of individual students. 3 11 28 Leadership & Service Center N ; Campus Activities Programs,Connecting with others,,Self-knowledge,
Student Leadership Programs


Student Leadership Programs - The mission of Student Leadership Programs must be to prepare students to engage in the process of leadership.

The Big Event Executive Team
Team members plan and execute Service Saturday: The Big Event, including recruitment, site selection, and logistics day of the event.
Spring 2024 Student Program Leader Team members plan and execute Service Saturday: The Big Event, including recruitment, site selection, and logistics day of the event. 3 11 28 Leadership & Service Center N GLD-Professional & Civic Engagement; Experiential Learning Opportunity; Student Leadership Programs,Leadership,Career readiness,Personal and social responsibility - Contributing to a larger community,Critical and creative thinking
Post-Traditional & Commuter Student Programs & Services


Post-Traditional & Commuter Student Programs & Services - The primary mission is to ensure that all students have equitable access to programs, services, and engagement opportunities regardless of age, personal characteristics, or place of residence.

Community Living Workshop
Students listen to a facilitator and participate in interactive activities designed to explore city ordinances, laws, and best practices for living in and contributing to their off-campus living environment. Discussion topics include what it means to be a responsible citizen and community member.
Fall 2023 Community Building Students listen to a facilitator and participate in interactive activities designed to explore city ordinances, laws, and best practices for living in and contributing to their off-campus living environment. Discussion topics include what it means to be a responsible citizen and community member. 3 11 28 Off-Campus Living & Neighborhood Relations N ; Post-Traditional & Commuter Student Programs & Services,Study / Practice self knowledge,,Self-knowledge,
Fraternity and Sorority Advising Programs


Fraternity and Sorority Advising Programs - The mission of Fraternity and Sorority Advising Programs is to promote the learning and development of students who affiliate with fraternities and sororities.

Fraternity and Sorority Life Council Leadership
Students work to advance the FSL community by leading bi-weekly council meetings, meeting monthly with professional and graduate student staff advisors, communicating with FSL chapter presidents and community members, and implementing policies (university, FSL, Council).
Fall 2023 Elected Student Leader Students work to advance the FSL community by leading bi-weekly council meetings, meeting monthly with professional and graduate student staff advisors, communicating with FSL chapter presidents and community members, and implementing policies (university, FSL, Council). 3 11 28 Fraternity & Sorority Life N GLD-Professional & Civic Engagement; Fraternity and Sorority Advising Programs,Leadership,Apply specialized knowledge,Influencing others,Communication - spoken
Fraternity and Sorority Advising Programs


Fraternity and Sorority Advising Programs - The mission of Fraternity and Sorority Advising Programs is to promote the learning and development of students who affiliate with fraternities and sororities.

Fraternity and Sorority New Member Summit
Students engage in council-specific conversations on the history, significance and myths of Fraternity and Sorority Life, personal responsibility, expectations, and tools available for new FSL members.
Fall 2023 Campus Activities Students engage in council-specific conversations on the history, significance and myths of Fraternity and Sorority Life, personal responsibility, expectations, and tools available for new FSL members. 3 11 28 Fraternity & Sorority Life N ; Fraternity and Sorority Advising Programs,Connecting with others,,Self-knowledge,
Fraternity and Sorority Advising Programs


Fraternity and Sorority Advising Programs - The mission of Fraternity and Sorority Advising Programs is to promote the learning and development of students who affiliate with fraternities and sororities.

Fraternity and Sorority Life Recruitment / Intake Orientation
Participants attend this session to learn about the recruitment and membership experience in fraternity and sorority organizations, including time commitment, academic and financial requirements, and philanthropic and service opportunities of each chapter. Information is provided by professional staff, graduate assistants, and current members.
Fall 2023 Campus Activities Participants attend this session to learn about the recruitment and membership experience in fraternity and sorority organizations, including time commitment, academic and financial requirements, and philanthropic and service opportunities of each chapter. Information is provided by professional staff, graduate assistants, and current members. 3 11 28 Fraternity & Sorority Life N ; Fraternity and Sorority Advising Programs,Connecting with others,,Self-knowledge,
Fraternity and Sorority Advising Programs


Fraternity and Sorority Advising Programs - The mission of Fraternity and Sorority Advising Programs is to promote the learning and development of students who affiliate with fraternities and sororities.

Interfraternity Council Recruitment Advisor
Recruitment Peer Advisors serve as mentors, resources, facilitators, and referral agents to students who are potential new members participating in fraternity recruitment activities.
Fall 2023 Student Program Leader Recruitment Peer Advisors serve as mentors, resources, facilitators, and referral agents to students who are potential new members participating in fraternity recruitment activities. 3 11 28 Fraternity & Sorority Life N GLD-Professional & Civic Engagement; Fraternity and Sorority Advising Programs,Leadership,,Influencing others,Interpersonal skills
Fraternity and Sorority Advising Programs


Fraternity and Sorority Advising Programs - The mission of Fraternity and Sorority Advising Programs is to promote the learning and development of students who affiliate with fraternities and sororities.

Panhellenic Recruitment Peer Counselor
Students serve as peer mentors and information resources for potential new members participating in the Panhellenic recruitment process.
Fall 2023 Student Program Leader Students serve as peer mentors and information resources for potential new members participating in the Panhellenic recruitment process. 3 11 28 Fraternity & Sorority Life N GLD-Professional & Civic Engagement; Fraternity and Sorority Advising Programs,Leadership,,Communication - spoken,Influencing others
Campus Activities Programs


Campus Activities Programs - The purpose of Campus Activities Programs must be to enhance the overall educational experience of students through development of, exposure to, and participation in programs and activities that improve student cooperation and leadership while preparing students to be responsible advocates and citizens and complementing the institution's academic programs.

Dinner Dialogue
Students enrolled in a course are guests for dinner in their instructor's home, in order to better get to know their instructor and classmates outside the classroom.
Fall 2023 Campus Activities Students enrolled in a course are guests for dinner in their instructor's home, in order to better get to know their instructor and classmates outside the classroom. 3 11 28 Parent & Family Programs N ; Campus Activities Programs,Connecting with others,,Communication - spoken,
Student Employment


Student Employment - Student is employed part-time by the university and engages in career readiness development activities as part of supervision process.

Family Weekend Intern
Intern assists with event planning, management, assessment and wrap-up after the event. Intern works with vendors and campus partners through meetings and correspondence, engages with families through the Parent Assistance Line, creates content for the UofSC Parent Facebook page, and manages the Family Weekend section within the mobile app.
Fall 2023 Internship Intern assists with event planning, management, assessment and wrap-up after the event. Intern works with vendors and campus partners through meetings and correspondence, engages with families through the Parent Assistance Line, creates content for the UofSC Parent Facebook page, and manages the Family Weekend section within the mobile app. 3 11 28 Parent & Family Programs N GLD-Professional & Civic Engagement; Experiential Learning Opportunity; Student Employment,Career readiness,,Professionalism / career readiness,
Multicultural Student Programs and Services


Multicultural Student Programs and Services - Multicultural Student Programs and Services must promote academic and personal growth of traditionally underserved students, work with the entire campus to create an institutional and community climate of justice, promote access and equity in higher education, and offer programs that educate the campus about diversity.

Identity 365
Students attend a one-hour event focused on diverse identities and cultural topics; each event is part of a series to celebrate the cultural diversity of the UofSC. Example events: Christmahanakwanzika, Sabor Latino, Gulla basket weaving
Fall 2023 Diversity, Equity, and Inclusion Education Students attend a one-hour event focused on diverse identities and cultural topics; each event is part of a series to celebrate the cultural diversity of the UofSC. Example events: Christmahanakwanzika, Sabor Latino, Gulla basket weaving 3 11 28 Multicultural Student Affairs N ; Multicultural Student Programs and Services,Study / Practice diversity, equity, inclusion,,Self-knowledge,
Multicultural Student Programs and Services


Multicultural Student Programs and Services - Multicultural Student Programs and Services must promote academic and personal growth of traditionally underserved students, work with the entire campus to create an institutional and community climate of justice, promote access and equity in higher education, and offer programs that educate the campus about diversity.

OMSA Peer Educator
Students participate in group training activities to gain and practice communication skills to lead effective presentations and implement educational programs, and conduct workshops and presentations to advance cultural competency and appreciation for diverse cultures in the campus community.
Fall 2023 Peer Educator Students participate in group training activities to gain and practice communication skills to lead effective presentations and implement educational programs, and conduct workshops and presentations to advance cultural competency and appreciation for diverse cultures in the campus community. 3 11 28 Multicultural Student Affairs N ; Multicultural Student Programs and Services,Career readiness,Study / Practice diversity, equity, inclusion,Communication - spoken,Intercultural knowledge and competence
Civic Engagement & Service-Learning Programs


Civic Engagement & Service-Learning Programs - The primary mission of Service-Learning Programs is to engage students in experiences that address human and community needs together with structured opportunities for reflection intentionally designed to promote student learning and development.

CIEL Student Advisory Council Session
SAC members discuss, question, and debate presented topics and consider how their shared opinions can impact their peers and institution. They may collaborate with one another to reach a unanimous opinion or may state personal opinions, while demonstrating professionalism when opinions differ and understanding the importance of individual voices.
Fall 2023 Service on Campus SAC members discuss, question, and debate presented topics and consider how their shared opinions can impact their peers and institution. They may collaborate with one another to reach a unanimous opinion or may state personal opinions, while demonstrating professionalism when opinions differ and understanding the importance of individual voices. 3 12 34 Center for Integrative and Experiential Learning N ; Civic Engagement & Service-Learning Programs,Community service / civic engagement,Study / Practice self knowledge,Personal and social responsibility - Contributing to a larger community,Self-knowledge
Capstone Experience


Capstone Experience - A course or project that engages students in a culminating and integrative experience, intended to connect the key learning objectives of an educational program.

Graduation with Leadership Distinction ePortfolio - Small Groups and Independent students
The ePortfolio is designed to be the culminating project of a student's collegiate experiences. Through creation of an ePortfolio, students demonstrate the major learning and skills they have developed. The process is intended to help undergraduate students identify their purpose or passion.
Summer 2023 Capstone Course or Project The ePortfolio is designed to be the culminating project of a student's collegiate experiences. Through creation of an ePortfolio, students demonstrate the major learning and skills they have developed. The process is intended to help undergraduate students identify their purpose or passion. 3 12 34 Center for Integrative and Experiential Learning N GLD-ePortfolio; Experiential Learning Opportunity; Capstone Experience,Apply specialized knowledge,Career development,Integrative and applied learning,Self-knowledge
Capstone Experience


Capstone Experience - A course or project that engages students in a culminating and integrative experience, intended to connect the key learning objectives of an educational program.

Graduation with Leadership Distinction ePortfolio - 401
Student creates an ePortfolio as the culminating project of their undergraduate student collegiate experience. Through the ePortfolio, students demonstrate the major learning and skills they have developed during their time at the University of South Carolina. The ePortfolio is intended to help students identify their purpose or passion.
Summer 2023 Capstone Course or Project Student creates an ePortfolio as the culminating project of their undergraduate student collegiate experience. Through the ePortfolio, students demonstrate the major learning and skills they have developed during their time at the University of South Carolina. The ePortfolio is intended to help students identify their purpose or passion. 3 12 34 Center for Integrative and Experiential Learning N GLD-ePortfolio; Experiential Learning Opportunity; Capstone Experience,Study / Practice intellectual skills,,Integrative and applied learning,
Capstone Experience


Capstone Experience - A course or project that engages students in a culminating and integrative experience, intended to connect the key learning objectives of an educational program.

Graduation with Leadership Distinction ePortfolio - Small Groups and Independent students
The ePortfolio is designed to be the culminating project of a student's collegiate experiences. Through creation of an ePortfolio, students demonstrate the major learning and skills they have developed. The process is intended to help undergraduate students identify their purpose or passion.
Fall 2023 Capstone Course or Project The ePortfolio is designed to be the culminating project of a student's collegiate experiences. Through creation of an ePortfolio, students demonstrate the major learning and skills they have developed. The process is intended to help undergraduate students identify their purpose or passion. 3 12 34 Center for Integrative and Experiential Learning N GLD-ePortfolio; Experiential Learning Opportunity; Capstone Experience,Apply specialized knowledge,Career development,Integrative and applied learning,Self-knowledge
Capstone Experience


Capstone Experience - A course or project that engages students in a culminating and integrative experience, intended to connect the key learning objectives of an educational program.

Graduation with Leadership Distinction ePortfolio - 401
Student creates an ePortfolio as the culminating project of their undergraduate student collegiate experience. Through the ePortfolio, students demonstrate the major learning and skills they have developed during their time at the University of South Carolina. The ePortfolio is intended to help students identify their purpose or passion.
Fall 2023 Capstone Course or Project Student creates an ePortfolio as the culminating project of their undergraduate student collegiate experience. Through the ePortfolio, students demonstrate the major learning and skills they have developed during their time at the University of South Carolina. The ePortfolio is intended to help students identify their purpose or passion. 3 12 34 Center for Integrative and Experiential Learning N GLD-ePortfolio; Experiential Learning Opportunity; Capstone Experience,Study / Practice intellectual skills,,Integrative and applied learning,
Career Services


Career Services - The primary mission of Career Services is to assist students and other designated clients in developing, evaluating, and implementing career, education, and employment plans.

Part-Time Job Fair
Students interact with representatives from campus departments and community organizations about current part-time employment opportunities.
Spring 2023 Career Development Students interact with representatives from campus departments and community organizations about current part-time employment opportunities. 3 11 30 Career Center N ; Career Services,Career development,Career readiness,Self-knowledge,Professionalism / career readiness
Student Leadership Programs


Student Leadership Programs - The mission of Student Leadership Programs must be to prepare students to engage in the process of leadership.

Student Life Ambassador
Students serve as a representative for the Department of Student Life by giving presentations at New Student Orientation and by interacting with prospective students and parents at the Orientation Resource Fair. Students also help the Department of Student Life plan departmental events and services.
Summer 2023 Student Program Leader Students serve as a representative for the Department of Student Life by giving presentations at New Student Orientation and by interacting with prospective students and parents at the Orientation Resource Fair. Students also help the Department of Student Life plan departmental events and services. 3 11 28 Leadership & Service Center N Experiential Learning Opportunity; Student Leadership Programs,Career readiness,,Communication - spoken,Influencing others
Student Leadership Programs


Student Leadership Programs - The mission of Student Leadership Programs must be to prepare students to engage in the process of leadership.

Student Life Ambassador
Students serve as a representative for the Department of Student Life by giving presentations at New Student Orientation and by interacting with prospective students and parents at the Orientation Resource Fair. Students also help the Department of Student Life plan departmental events and services.
Fall 2023 Student Program Leader Students serve as a representative for the Department of Student Life by giving presentations at New Student Orientation and by interacting with prospective students and parents at the Orientation Resource Fair. Students also help the Department of Student Life plan departmental events and services. 3 11 28 Leadership & Service Center N Experiential Learning Opportunity; Student Leadership Programs,Career readiness,,Communication - spoken,Influencing others
Recreational Sports Programs


Recreational Sports Programs - The mission of Recreational Sports Programs must be to enhance the mind, body, and spirit of students and other eligible individuals by providing programs, services, and facilities that are responsive to the physical, social, recreational, and lifelong educational needs of the campus community as they relate to health, fitness, and learning.

Campus Recreation Assistant
Student assistants facilitate the successful operation of the Campus Recreation program and facility (marketing and communications, member services, operations, outdoor recreation, sport programs and fitness) as the primary point of contact for participants and patrons; they facilitate a safe and positive developmental experience for students.
Fall 2023 Employment On Campus Student assistants facilitate the successful operation of the Campus Recreation program and facility (marketing and communications, member services, operations, outdoor recreation, sport programs and fitness) as the primary point of contact for participants and patrons; they facilitate a safe and positive developmental experience for students. 3 11 117 Campus Recreation N ; Recreational Sports Programs,Career readiness,,Professionalism / career readiness,
Recreational Sports Programs


Recreational Sports Programs - The mission of Recreational Sports Programs must be to enhance the mind, body, and spirit of students and other eligible individuals by providing programs, services, and facilities that are responsive to the physical, social, recreational, and lifelong educational needs of the campus community as they relate to health, fitness, and learning.

Campus Recreation Fitness Instructor
Student instructors safely deliver a quality fitness service to patrons and serve as an educational resource for how to develop effective fitness practices.
Fall 2023 Employment On Campus Student instructors safely deliver a quality fitness service to patrons and serve as an educational resource for how to develop effective fitness practices. 3 11 117 Campus Recreation N ; Recreational Sports Programs,Career readiness,,Communication - spoken,Professionalism / career readiness
Student Leadership Programs


Student Leadership Programs - The mission of Student Leadership Programs must be to prepare students to engage in the process of leadership.

Campus Recreation Leader
Students execute all aspects of a Campus Recreation program or facility (fitness, member services, operations, or sport programs), with responsibility for supervising student staff and planning for facility and equipment needs.
Fall 2023 Student Program Leader Students execute all aspects of a Campus Recreation program or facility (fitness, member services, operations, or sport programs), with responsibility for supervising student staff and planning for facility and equipment needs. 3 11 117 Campus Recreation N Experiential Learning Opportunity; Student Leadership Programs,Leadership,Career readiness,Teamwork,Critical and creative thinking
Recreational Sports Programs


Recreational Sports Programs - The mission of Recreational Sports Programs must be to enhance the mind, body, and spirit of students and other eligible individuals by providing programs, services, and facilities that are responsive to the physical, social, recreational, and lifelong educational needs of the campus community as they relate to health, fitness, and learning.

Campus Recreation Manager
Managers serve a dual role as a Leader while also designing programs and planning for effective operations in Fitness, Member Services, Operations, Outdoor Recreation, and/or Sport Programs. They develop and enforce policies, plan for staffing, oversee student employees, manage risk, and influence the actions of others toward unit goals.
Fall 2023 Student Program Leader Managers serve a dual role as a Leader while also designing programs and planning for effective operations in Fitness, Member Services, Operations, Outdoor Recreation, and/or Sport Programs. They develop and enforce policies, plan for staffing, oversee student employees, manage risk, and influence the actions of others toward unit goals. 3 11 117 Campus Recreation N Experiential Learning Opportunity; Recreational Sports Programs,Career readiness,Leadership,Problem solving,Influencing others
Recreational Sports Programs


Recreational Sports Programs - The mission of Recreational Sports Programs must be to enhance the mind, body, and spirit of students and other eligible individuals by providing programs, services, and facilities that are responsive to the physical, social, recreational, and lifelong educational needs of the campus community as they relate to health, fitness, and learning.

Campus Recreation Sport Club Executive Board
Sport Club Executive Board (SCEB) members are elected by sport club officers to build support for the sport club program and achieve common goals, and interact with a variety of constituents including sport club members, faculty, staff, and university administrators.
Fall 2023 Elected Student Leader Sport Club Executive Board (SCEB) members are elected by sport club officers to build support for the sport club program and achieve common goals, and interact with a variety of constituents including sport club members, faculty, staff, and university administrators. 3 11 117 Campus Recreation N ; Recreational Sports Programs,Leadership,,Problem solving,Influencing others
Student Leadership Programs


Student Leadership Programs - The mission of Student Leadership Programs must be to prepare students to engage in the process of leadership.

Carolina Productions Executive Board
Student board members work together to design, implement and evaluate a series of compelling events and programs open to all UofSC students and intended to enrich the overall student experience.
Fall 2023 Student Program Leader Student board members work together to design, implement and evaluate a series of compelling events and programs open to all UofSC students and intended to enrich the overall student experience. 3 11 28 Russell House University Union N GLD-Professional & Civic Engagement; Experiential Learning Opportunity; Student Leadership Programs,Leadership,Career readiness,Problem solving,Teamwork
Campus Activities Programs


Campus Activities Programs - The purpose of Campus Activities Programs must be to enhance the overall educational experience of students through development of, exposure to, and participation in programs and activities that improve student cooperation and leadership while preparing students to be responsible advocates and citizens and complementing the institution's academic programs.

Carolina Productions
Student attended an event provided by the Carolina Productions student programming board (e.g., concerts, comedy nights, weekly movie screenings, roller rinks).
Fall 2023 Campus Activities Student attended an event provided by the Carolina Productions student programming board (e.g., concerts, comedy nights, weekly movie screenings, roller rinks). 3 11 28 Russell House University Union N ; Campus Activities Programs,Recreation, leisure, entertainment,Connecting with others,Self-knowledge,
Campus Activities Programs


Campus Activities Programs - The purpose of Campus Activities Programs must be to enhance the overall educational experience of students through development of, exposure to, and participation in programs and activities that improve student cooperation and leadership while preparing students to be responsible advocates and citizens and complementing the institution's academic programs.

Carolina-Clemson Blood Drive - Donor
Students donate blood, at one or more events during the semester, in support of their local community and to participate in this campus rivalry and long-standing tradition.
Fall 2023 Community Building Students donate blood, at one or more events during the semester, in support of their local community and to participate in this campus rivalry and long-standing tradition. 3 11 28 Russell House University Union N ; Campus Activities Programs,Community service / civic engagement,Connecting with others,Self-knowledge,
Campus Activities Programs


Campus Activities Programs - The purpose of Campus Activities Programs must be to enhance the overall educational experience of students through development of, exposure to, and participation in programs and activities that improve student cooperation and leadership while preparing students to be responsible advocates and citizens and complementing the institution's academic programs.

Carolina-Clemson Blood Drive Executive Board
Student leaders manage the logistics of delivering a blood drive that meets the needs of the American Red Cross by applying skills of problem solving, goal setting, communications, financial and budgetary management, recruitment, accountability, event management, influencing others towards achieving a common goal.
Fall 2023 Student Program Leader Student leaders manage the logistics of delivering a blood drive that meets the needs of the American Red Cross by applying skills of problem solving, goal setting, communications, financial and budgetary management, recruitment, accountability, event management, influencing others towards achieving a common goal. 3 11 28 Russell House University Union N Experiential Learning Opportunity; Campus Activities Programs,Leadership,Career readiness,Problem solving,Influencing others
Campus Activities Programs


Campus Activities Programs - The purpose of Campus Activities Programs must be to enhance the overall educational experience of students through development of, exposure to, and participation in programs and activities that improve student cooperation and leadership while preparing students to be responsible advocates and citizens and complementing the institution's academic programs.

Carolina-Clemson Blood Drive Leadership Team
Team members support, supervise and lead peers within the Carolina-Clemson Blood Drive organization; they recruit blood donors and other volunteers to manage event logistics, marketing and outreach initiatives, donor engagement, and relationships with the American Red Cross and other local blood banks.
Fall 2023 Student Program Leader Team members support, supervise and lead peers within the Carolina-Clemson Blood Drive organization; they recruit blood donors and other volunteers to manage event logistics, marketing and outreach initiatives, donor engagement, and relationships with the American Red Cross and other local blood banks. 3 11 28 Russell House University Union N ; Campus Activities Programs,Leadership,Community service / civic engagement,Problem solving,Influencing others
Student Leadership Programs


Student Leadership Programs - The mission of Student Leadership Programs must be to prepare students to engage in the process of leadership.

Dance Marathon Board of Directors
Students lead and work collaboratively for USC Dance Marathon (USCDM) supporting director and staff meetings, fundraising initiatives, participant recruitment and retention efforts, and numerous reflection activities leading up to their Main Event in the spring. Leaders in this role report to the USCDM Executive Board leadership.
Fall 2023 Student Program Leader Students lead and work collaboratively for USC Dance Marathon (USCDM) supporting director and staff meetings, fundraising initiatives, participant recruitment and retention efforts, and numerous reflection activities leading up to their Main Event in the spring. Leaders in this role report to the USCDM Executive Board leadership. 3 11 28 Russell House University Union N GLD-Professional & Civic Engagement; Student Leadership Programs,Leadership,Career readiness,Problem solving,Influencing others
Student Leadership Programs


Student Leadership Programs - The mission of Student Leadership Programs must be to prepare students to engage in the process of leadership.

Dance Marathon Executive Board
Board members of this philanthropic organization engage with their peers to plan and execute a variety of educational and service events designed to raise funds and awareness for Palmetto Health Children's Hospital, culminating in the Main Event in the spring.
Fall 2023 Student Program Leader Board members of this philanthropic organization engage with their peers to plan and execute a variety of educational and service events designed to raise funds and awareness for Palmetto Health Children's Hospital, culminating in the Main Event in the spring. 3 11 28 Russell House University Union N GLD-Professional & Civic Engagement; GLD-Community Service; Experiential Learning Opportunity; Student Leadership Programs,Leadership,Career readiness,Problem solving,Influencing others
Campus Activities Programs


Campus Activities Programs - The purpose of Campus Activities Programs must be to enhance the overall educational experience of students through development of, exposure to, and participation in programs and activities that improve student cooperation and leadership while preparing students to be responsible advocates and citizens and complementing the institution's academic programs.

Dance Marathon Hero
Student participates in one of a variety of programs and events on campus and in the larger community to raise awareness and generate support for the Child Life Program at Prisma Health Children's Hospital.
Fall 2023 Campus Activities Student participates in one of a variety of programs and events on campus and in the larger community to raise awareness and generate support for the Child Life Program at Prisma Health Children's Hospital. 3 11 28 Russell House University Union N ; Campus Activities Programs,Recreation, leisure, entertainment,Connecting with others,Self-knowledge,
Campus Activities Programs


Campus Activities Programs - The purpose of Campus Activities Programs must be to enhance the overall educational experience of students through development of, exposure to, and participation in programs and activities that improve student cooperation and leadership while preparing students to be responsible advocates and citizens and complementing the institution's academic programs.

Gamecock Entertainment (GE) Intern
Student Interns design and implement events; practice marketing and outreach best practices for event promotion; track event attendance data and conduct assessment; collaborate with professional staff to manage event budgets; and participate in professional development activities.
Fall 2023 Internship Student Interns design and implement events; practice marketing and outreach best practices for event promotion; track event attendance data and conduct assessment; collaborate with professional staff to manage event budgets; and participate in professional development activities. 3 11 28 Russell House University Union N Experiential Learning Opportunity; Campus Activities Programs,Career readiness,Apply specialized knowledge,Specialized knowledge and skills,Teamwork
Campus Activities Programs


Campus Activities Programs - The purpose of Campus Activities Programs must be to enhance the overall educational experience of students through development of, exposure to, and participation in programs and activities that improve student cooperation and leadership while preparing students to be responsible advocates and citizens and complementing the institution's academic programs.

Gamecock Entertainment
Student attended an event provided by Gamecock Entertainment staff programming (e.g., watch parties, sporting events, political elections/debates), paint nights, trivia, foam parties).
Fall 2023 Campus Activities Student attended an event provided by Gamecock Entertainment staff programming (e.g., watch parties, sporting events, political elections/debates), paint nights, trivia, foam parties). 3 11 28 Russell House University Union N ; Campus Activities Programs,Recreation, leisure, entertainment,Connecting with others,Self-knowledge,
Student Employment


Student Employment - Student is employed part-time by the university and engages in career readiness development activities as part of supervision process.

Russell House University Union Event and Information Assistant
The Russell House University Union is the key venue for student events and programming and depends on a well-trained group of students to deliver essential programs & services. Students in this engagement develop as leaders and problem solvers while also learning essential skills in professionalism, event planning, and customer service
Fall 2023 Employment On Campus The Russell House University Union is the key venue for student events and programming and depends on a well-trained group of students to deliver essential programs & services. Students in this engagement develop as leaders and problem solvers while also learning essential skills in professionalism, event planning, and customer service 3 11 28 Russell House University Union N GLD-Professional & Civic Engagement; Student Employment,Career readiness,,Teamwork,
Student Employment


Student Employment - Student is employed part-time by the university and engages in career readiness development activities as part of supervision process.

Russell House University Union Operations Attendant
Building operations attendants operate the student union facility and manage events, including equipment check-out and working directly with clients. Attendants are assigned to one of three areas: Building Operations, Information Center, or Gameroom.
Fall 2023 Employment On Campus Building operations attendants operate the student union facility and manage events, including equipment check-out and working directly with clients. Attendants are assigned to one of three areas: Building Operations, Information Center, or Gameroom. 3 11 28 Russell House University Union N GLD-Professional & Civic Engagement; Student Employment,Career readiness,,Professionalism / career readiness,
Campus Activities Programs


Campus Activities Programs - The purpose of Campus Activities Programs must be to enhance the overall educational experience of students through development of, exposure to, and participation in programs and activities that improve student cooperation and leadership while preparing students to be responsible advocates and citizens and complementing the institution's academic programs.

Thursday After Dark
Thursday After Dark provides a variety of late-night programming to engage Carolina students (e.g., escape rooms, trivia, bowling nights).
Fall 2023 Campus Activities Thursday After Dark provides a variety of late-night programming to engage Carolina students (e.g., escape rooms, trivia, bowling nights). 3 11 28 Russell House University Union N ; Campus Activities Programs,Recreation, leisure, entertainment,Connecting with others,Self-knowledge,
Student Leadership Programs


Student Leadership Programs - The mission of Student Leadership Programs must be to prepare students to engage in the process of leadership.

Homecoming Commission Leadership Team
Students work together as a team to plan and execute events and functions during UofSC Homecoming Week, taking ownership of this campus tradition and helping to develop a sense of community for all UofSC students.
Fall 2023 Student Program Leader Students work together as a team to plan and execute events and functions during UofSC Homecoming Week, taking ownership of this campus tradition and helping to develop a sense of community for all UofSC students. 3 11 28 Russell House University Union N GLD-Professional & Civic Engagement; Experiential Learning Opportunity; Student Leadership Programs,Leadership,Career readiness,Problem solving,Teamwork
Campus Activities Programs


Campus Activities Programs - The purpose of Campus Activities Programs must be to enhance the overall educational experience of students through development of, exposure to, and participation in programs and activities that improve student cooperation and leadership while preparing students to be responsible advocates and citizens and complementing the institution's academic programs.

Homecoming Event
Student participates in one of a variety of Homecoming activities designed to celebrate the traditions of the UofSC community; events are intended to develop a sense of belonging, pride, and school spirit as students engage with their peers, alumni, and friends of UofSC.
Fall 2023 Campus Activities Student participates in one of a variety of Homecoming activities designed to celebrate the traditions of the UofSC community; events are intended to develop a sense of belonging, pride, and school spirit as students engage with their peers, alumni, and friends of UofSC. 3 11 28 Russell House University Union N ; Campus Activities Programs,Recreation, leisure, entertainment,Connecting with others,Self-knowledge,
Student Leadership Programs


Student Leadership Programs - The mission of Student Leadership Programs must be to prepare students to engage in the process of leadership.

Career Studio Peer Educator
Career Studio Peer Educators advise students on career-related questions during appointments, manage front-desk operations, create and deliver presentations, initiate outreach activities, participate in marketing projects, and collaborate with professional staff members on career development initiatives.
Fall 2023 Peer Educator Career Studio Peer Educators advise students on career-related questions during appointments, manage front-desk operations, create and deliver presentations, initiate outreach activities, participate in marketing projects, and collaborate with professional staff members on career development initiatives. 3 11 30 Career Center N GLD-Professional & Civic Engagement; Experiential Learning Opportunity; Student Leadership Programs,Leadership,Career readiness,Interpersonal skills,Communication - spoken
Student Leadership Programs


Student Leadership Programs - The mission of Student Leadership Programs must be to prepare students to engage in the process of leadership.

College of Engineering and Computing Peer Mentor
Each CEC Peer Mentor is matched with a mentee through the UofSC Mentorship Hub, to answer questions and share their experiences about working toward personal, academic, and professional goals. Mentors contact their mentee at least once per month and report their mentorship interactions.
Fall 2023 Student Program Leader Each CEC Peer Mentor is matched with a mentee through the UofSC Mentorship Hub, to answer questions and share their experiences about working toward personal, academic, and professional goals. Mentors contact their mentee at least once per month and report their mentorship interactions. 3 19 101 N ; Student Leadership Programs,Community service / civic engagement,Leadership,Interpersonal skills,
Student Employment


Student Employment - Student is employed part-time by the university and engages in career readiness development activities as part of supervision process.

Student Media Advertising Representative
Advertising representatives work with internal and external partners and clients to provide effective advertising solutions comprised of Student Media resources.
Fall 2023 Employment On Campus Advertising representatives work with internal and external partners and clients to provide effective advertising solutions comprised of Student Media resources. 3 11 28 Student Media N GLD-Professional & Civic Engagement; Experiential Learning Opportunity; Student Employment,Career readiness,,Problem solving,Influencing others
Student Media Programs


Student Media Programs - The mission is to prepare students for their responsibilities in planning and producing media products, offer leadership opportunities and support for students engaged in these activities.

Student Media Creative Services Designer
Creative Services team members apply visual communications skills to complete contracted work for Student Media's clients and partners. Designers apply visual communication techniques and best practices to complete projects including advertisements, promotional materials, and other graphics work.
Fall 2023 Employment On Campus Creative Services team members apply visual communications skills to complete contracted work for Student Media's clients and partners. Designers apply visual communication techniques and best practices to complete projects including advertisements, promotional materials, and other graphics work. 3 11 28 Student Media N GLD-Professional & Civic Engagement; Experiential Learning Opportunity; Student Media Programs,Apply specialized knowledge,,Specialized knowledge and skills,Integrative and applied learning
Student Leadership Programs


Student Leadership Programs - The mission of Student Leadership Programs must be to prepare students to engage in the process of leadership.

Student Media Executive Leader
Each student executive serves as head of one of the editorially independent and student-run media organizations, with final authority on decisions related to content and programming and with responsibility for ensuring high quality and responsible journalistic standards.
Fall 2023 Appointed Student Leader Each student executive serves as head of one of the editorially independent and student-run media organizations, with final authority on decisions related to content and programming and with responsibility for ensuring high quality and responsible journalistic standards. 3 11 28 Student Media N GLD-Professional & Civic Engagement; Experiential Learning Opportunity; Student Leadership Programs,Leadership,,Critical and creative thinking,Interpersonal skills
Student Leadership Programs


Student Leadership Programs - The mission of Student Leadership Programs must be to prepare students to engage in the process of leadership.

Student Media Senior Leader
Senior leaders manage sections and teams within each of Student Media’s partner organizations, often overseeing content production or administrative tasks. Senior leaders apply knowledge of journalistic and media best practices while serving in a peer leadership role within the media organization.
Fall 2023 Student Program Leader Senior leaders manage sections and teams within each of Student Media’s partner organizations, often overseeing content production or administrative tasks. Senior leaders apply knowledge of journalistic and media best practices while serving in a peer leadership role within the media organization. 3 11 28 Student Media N GLD-Professional & Civic Engagement; Student Leadership Programs,Apply specialized knowledge,Leadership,Specialized knowledge and skills,Critical and creative thinking
Campus Activities Programs


Campus Activities Programs - The purpose of Campus Activities Programs must be to enhance the overall educational experience of students through development of, exposure to, and participation in programs and activities that improve student cooperation and leadership while preparing students to be responsible advocates and citizens and complementing the institution's academic programs.

National Collegiate Athletic Association (NCAA) Athletic Event
Student attendance at National Collegiate Athletic Association (NCAA) athletic events provides opportunities for students to connect with other students and develop a sense of belonging through shared school spirit.
Summer 2023 Campus Activities Student attendance at National Collegiate Athletic Association (NCAA) athletic events provides opportunities for students to connect with other students and develop a sense of belonging through shared school spirit. 3 30 116 Student Tickets N ; Campus Activities Programs,Connecting with others,,Self-knowledge,
Campus Activities Programs


Campus Activities Programs - The purpose of Campus Activities Programs must be to enhance the overall educational experience of students through development of, exposure to, and participation in programs and activities that improve student cooperation and leadership while preparing students to be responsible advocates and citizens and complementing the institution's academic programs.

National Collegiate Athletic Association (NCAA) Athletic Event
Student attendance at National Collegiate Athletic Association (NCAA) athletic events provides opportunities for students to connect with other students and develop a sense of belonging through shared school spirit.
Fall 2023 Campus Activities Student attendance at National Collegiate Athletic Association (NCAA) athletic events provides opportunities for students to connect with other students and develop a sense of belonging through shared school spirit. 3 30 116 Student Tickets N ; Campus Activities Programs,Connecting with others,,Self-knowledge,
Internship Programs


Internship Programs - The primary mission of Internship Programs is to engage students in planned, educationally-related work and learning experiences that integrate knowledge and theory with practical application and skill development in a professional setting.

Experiential Learning in Mass Communications - JOUR 396
Students engage in a supervised professional experience in mass communications-related fields, while employed by an external organization in an internship role in which they apply the knowledge and skills learned in their major and general education courses.
Spring 2024 Internship Students engage in a supervised professional experience in mass communications-related fields, while employed by an external organization in an internship role in which they apply the knowledge and skills learned in their major and general education courses. 3 18 81 Y Experiential Learning Opportunity; Internship Programs,Career readiness,Apply specialized knowledge,Professionalism / career readiness,Integrative and applied learning
Capstone Experience


Capstone Experience - A course or project that engages students in a culminating and integrative experience, intended to connect the key learning objectives of an educational program.

Honors Domestic Study Away - SCHC 300
Students travel outside of South Carolina with 1 or 2 faculty leaders during a 3-week short term course, designed with specific topics to be selected as need and interests dictate. The focus of study is situated in a U.S. based location, and is an extensive study of a broad area or an intensive examination of a specific problem.
Summer 2024 Capstone Course or Project Students travel outside of South Carolina with 1 or 2 faculty leaders during a 3-week short term course, designed with specific topics to be selected as need and interests dictate. The focus of study is situated in a U.S. based location, and is an extensive study of a broad area or an intensive examination of a specific problem. 3 26 102 Y Experiential Learning Opportunity; Capstone Experience,Study / Practice self knowledge,Community service / civic engagement,Self-knowledge,Integrative and applied learning
Learning Assistance Programs


Learning Assistance Programs - The primary mission of Learning Assistance Programs must be to provide students with resources and opportunities to improve their ability to learn and to achieve academic success.

Peer Tutoring
Students participate in a tutoring session for a specific academic course in which they are currently enrolled.
Summer 2023 Educational Support Students participate in a tutoring session for a specific academic course in which they are currently enrolled. 3 11 30 Student Success Center N ; Learning Assistance Programs,Study / Practice intellectual skills,Apply specialized knowledge,Specialized knowledge and skills,
Learning Assistance Programs


Learning Assistance Programs - The primary mission of Learning Assistance Programs must be to provide students with resources and opportunities to improve their ability to learn and to achieve academic success.

Supplemental Instruction
Students participate in a group study session for a specific academic course and section in which they are currently enrolled.
Summer 2023 Educational Support Students participate in a group study session for a specific academic course and section in which they are currently enrolled. 3 11 30 Student Success Center N ; Learning Assistance Programs,Study / Practice intellectual skills,,Specialized knowledge and skills,
Career Services


Career Services - The primary mission of Career Services is to assist students and other designated clients in developing, evaluating, and implementing career, education, and employment plans.

Career Coaching - Interview Preparation
Student interacts 1-1 with a professional staff member to prepare for interviews for employment or admission to graduate/professional schools.
Summer 2023 Career Development Student interacts 1-1 with a professional staff member to prepare for interviews for employment or admission to graduate/professional schools. 3 11 30 Career Center N ; Career Services,Career development,Study / Practice self knowledge,Self-knowledge,Problem solving
Career Services


Career Services - The primary mission of Career Services is to assist students and other designated clients in developing, evaluating, and implementing career, education, and employment plans.

Career Coaching - Career Studio
In this learning lab, students receive guidance from a Career Center Peer Educator on topics related to their career, including resumes, cover letters, personal statements, curriculum vitae, job search, interviewing, and occupational research.
Summer 2023 Career Development In this learning lab, students receive guidance from a Career Center Peer Educator on topics related to their career, including resumes, cover letters, personal statements, curriculum vitae, job search, interviewing, and occupational research. 3 11 30 Career Center N ; Career Services,Career development,Study / Practice self knowledge,Self-knowledge,
Career Services


Career Services - The primary mission of Career Services is to assist students and other designated clients in developing, evaluating, and implementing career, education, and employment plans.

Career Coaching - Choosing a Major/Career
Students interact 1-1 with a trained career coach regarding making career /major decisions by exploring student interests, abilities, aptitudes, and alignment with options for choice of major and career field.
Summer 2023 Career Development Students interact 1-1 with a trained career coach regarding making career /major decisions by exploring student interests, abilities, aptitudes, and alignment with options for choice of major and career field. 3 11 30 Career Center N ; Career Services,Study / Practice self knowledge,Career development,Self-knowledge,Problem solving
Career Services


Career Services - The primary mission of Career Services is to assist students and other designated clients in developing, evaluating, and implementing career, education, and employment plans.

Career Coaching - Graduate / Professional School
Student interacts 1-1 with professional staff member to identify resources and develop a plan for applying to graduate and/or professional schools.
Summer 2023 Career Development Student interacts 1-1 with professional staff member to identify resources and develop a plan for applying to graduate and/or professional schools. 3 11 30 Career Center N ; Career Services,Career development,Study / Practice self knowledge,Problem solving,
Career Services


Career Services - The primary mission of Career Services is to assist students and other designated clients in developing, evaluating, and implementing career, education, and employment plans.

Career Coaching - Job Search
Student interacts 1-1 with a professional staff member to identify resources and develop a plan for obtaining employment.
Summer 2023 Career Development Student interacts 1-1 with a professional staff member to identify resources and develop a plan for obtaining employment. 3 11 30 Career Center N ; Career Services,Career development,Study / Practice self knowledge,Problem solving,Self-knowledge
Career Services


Career Services - The primary mission of Career Services is to assist students and other designated clients in developing, evaluating, and implementing career, education, and employment plans.

Career Coaching - Personal Statement / Essay Reviews
Students interact 1-1 with a staff member to identify resources and develop a plan for obtaining employment.
Summer 2023 Career Development Students interact 1-1 with a staff member to identify resources and develop a plan for obtaining employment. 3 11 30 Career Center N ; Career Services,Career development,,Problem solving,
Career Services


Career Services - The primary mission of Career Services is to assist students and other designated clients in developing, evaluating, and implementing career, education, and employment plans.

Career Coaching - Resume / Cover Letter Review
Students interact 1-1 with a staff member to identify resources and plan for obtaining employment.
Summer 2023 Career Development Students interact 1-1 with a staff member to identify resources and plan for obtaining employment. 3 11 30 Career Center N ; Career Services,Career development,,Problem solving,
Career Services


Career Services - The primary mission of Career Services is to assist students and other designated clients in developing, evaluating, and implementing career, education, and employment plans.

Alumni Career Mentoring Program Mentee
Mentees register and initiate interaction with their assigned Mentor through the Mentorship Hub. Interaction continues through the platform or other means of communication. Mentors and Mentees are encouraged to follow suggested themes in order to assist students with career development, goals setting, and career-related decision-making.
Fall 2023 Career Development Mentees register and initiate interaction with their assigned Mentor through the Mentorship Hub. Interaction continues through the platform or other means of communication. Mentors and Mentees are encouraged to follow suggested themes in order to assist students with career development, goals setting, and career-related decision-making. 3 11 30 Career Center N ; Career Services,Career readiness,Career development,Professionalism / career readiness,Self-knowledge
Student Leadership Programs


Student Leadership Programs - The mission of Student Leadership Programs must be to prepare students to engage in the process of leadership.

National Fellowships Ambassador
Through outreach and sharing, a National Fellowships Ambassador helps prospective and current fellowship applicants gain confidence and skills to engage in the fellowship process.
Fall 2023 Student Program Leader Through outreach and sharing, a National Fellowships Ambassador helps prospective and current fellowship applicants gain confidence and skills to engage in the fellowship process. 3 26 36 N ; Student Leadership Programs,Leadership,Study / Practice self knowledge,Communication - spoken,Interpersonal skills
Student Leadership Programs


Student Leadership Programs - The mission of Student Leadership Programs must be to prepare students to engage in the process of leadership.

Fellowship Peer Mentor
Mentors help prospective and current fellowship applicants gain confidence and skills to engage in the fellowship process, by sharing their own experiences as a fellowship recipient and information about national fellowship (NF) opportunities. Mentors communicate with students via podcast, social media campaign, and at NFSP-related events.
Fall 2023 Student Program Leader Mentors help prospective and current fellowship applicants gain confidence and skills to engage in the fellowship process, by sharing their own experiences as a fellowship recipient and information about national fellowship (NF) opportunities. Mentors communicate with students via podcast, social media campaign, and at NFSP-related events. 3 26 36 N ; Student Leadership Programs,Leadership,Study / Practice self knowledge,Communication - spoken,Interpersonal skills
Career Services


Career Services - The primary mission of Career Services is to assist students and other designated clients in developing, evaluating, and implementing career, education, and employment plans.

Career Coaching - Career Assessment Interpretation
Students complete a career assessment prior to meeting with a career coach; in this 1-1 session, the coach guides the student through exploration of career-related interests, skills and values.
Summer 2023 Career Development Students complete a career assessment prior to meeting with a career coach; in this 1-1 session, the coach guides the student through exploration of career-related interests, skills and values. 3 11 30 Career Center N ; Career Services,Study / Practice self knowledge,Career development,Self-knowledge,Problem solving
Learning Assistance Programs


Learning Assistance Programs - The primary mission of Learning Assistance Programs must be to provide students with resources and opportunities to improve their ability to learn and to achieve academic success.

Peer Writing Session
Students participate in a tutoring session for support with composition- or communications-based assignments or projects.
Summer 2023 Educational Support Students participate in a tutoring session for support with composition- or communications-based assignments or projects. 3 11 30 Student Success Center N ; Learning Assistance Programs,Study / Practice intellectual skills,,Communication - written,Communication - spoken
Career Services


Career Services - The primary mission of Career Services is to assist students and other designated clients in developing, evaluating, and implementing career, education, and employment plans.

Career Coaching - Parallel Career Path
Students interact with professional career coach to explore options regarding choice of major and career fields, in recognition of competitive admissions practices and other factors that may affect plans.
Summer 2023 Career Development Students interact with professional career coach to explore options regarding choice of major and career fields, in recognition of competitive admissions practices and other factors that may affect plans. 3 11 30 Career Center N ; Career Services,Career development,Study / Practice self knowledge,Problem solving,Self-knowledge
Student Leadership Programs


Student Leadership Programs - The mission of Student Leadership Programs must be to prepare students to engage in the process of leadership.

Substance Abuse Prevention & Education Peer Educator
SAPE Peer Educators create and implement a variety of educational programs designed to encourage their fellow students to make safer, informed decisions when it comes to alcohol and other drug use.
Fall 2023 Peer Educator SAPE Peer Educators create and implement a variety of educational programs designed to encourage their fellow students to make safer, informed decisions when it comes to alcohol and other drug use. 3 11 117 Substance Abuse Prevention & Education N GLD-Professional & Civic Engagement; Student Leadership Programs,Apply specialized knowledge,Leadership,Communication - spoken,Interpersonal skills
Recreational Sports Programs


Recreational Sports Programs - The mission of Recreational Sports Programs must be to enhance the mind, body, and spirit of students and other eligible individuals by providing programs, services, and facilities that are responsive to the physical, social, recreational, and lifelong educational needs of the campus community as they relate to health, fitness, and learning.

Outdoor Recreation Skills Clinic
Students listen to a presentation and interact with others for hands-on skill development and application, to improve their proficiency in an outdoor recreation activity.
Fall 2023 Campus Activities Students listen to a presentation and interact with others for hands-on skill development and application, to improve their proficiency in an outdoor recreation activity. 3 11 117 Campus Recreation N ; Recreational Sports Programs,Recreation, leisure, entertainment,Connecting with others,Self-knowledge,
Internship Programs


Internship Programs - The primary mission of Internship Programs is to engage students in planned, educationally-related work and learning experiences that integrate knowledge and theory with practical application and skill development in a professional setting.

South Carolina Internship Program
Students apply for and receive a financial supplement ($3,000) to support their participation in an internship or cooperative education experience in high-demand industries in South Carolina (manufacturing, aerospace, automotive, energy, health and life sciences or financial services).
Summer 2023 Career Development Students apply for and receive a financial supplement ($3,000) to support their participation in an internship or cooperative education experience in high-demand industries in South Carolina (manufacturing, aerospace, automotive, energy, health and life sciences or financial services). 3 11 30 Career Center N ; Internship Programs,Career development,Career readiness,Professionalism / career readiness,Self-knowledge
Internship Programs


Internship Programs - The primary mission of Internship Programs is to engage students in planned, educationally-related work and learning experiences that integrate knowledge and theory with practical application and skill development in a professional setting.

South Carolina Internship Program
Students apply for and receive a financial supplement ($3,000) to support their participation in an internship or cooperative education experience in high-demand industries in South Carolina (manufacturing, aerospace, automotive, energy, health and life sciences or financial services).
Fall 2023 Career Development Students apply for and receive a financial supplement ($3,000) to support their participation in an internship or cooperative education experience in high-demand industries in South Carolina (manufacturing, aerospace, automotive, energy, health and life sciences or financial services). 3 11 30 Career Center N ; Internship Programs,Career development,Career readiness,Professionalism / career readiness,Self-knowledge
Undergraduate Research Programs


Undergraduate Research Programs - The primary mission of Undergraduate Research Programs is to engage students in investigative and creative activity to experience firsthand the processes of scholarly exploration and discovery.

Summer Research Symposium
Students present a poster about a significant beyond the classroom experience including research and scholarly projects, global study, professional work experience, leadership, service learning and community service, and national fellowship competitions.
Summer 2023 Articulating Learning Students present a poster about a significant beyond the classroom experience including research and scholarly projects, global study, professional work experience, leadership, service learning and community service, and national fellowship competitions. 3 13 32 Undergraduate Research N ; Undergraduate Research Programs,Research,,Communication - spoken,Communication - written
Health Promotion Services


Health Promotion Services - The mission and scope of practice of health promotion, sometimes referred to as wellness, must be reflective of the following fundamental assumptions about the role of health in higher education: reciprocal relationship between learning and health; direct connection between academic mission and higher education and well being of students

Welcome to Well-Being
Students attend a fair-type event where they can pick up information and engage with staff to learn about campuses resources available to support their well-being.
Fall 2023 Physical, Mental, Emotional Health Students attend a fair-type event where they can pick up information and engage with staff to learn about campuses resources available to support their well-being. 3 11 117 Healthy Campus Initiatives N ; Health Promotion Services,Study / Practice social well being,Recreation, leisure, entertainment,Specialized knowledge and skills,Problem solving
Fraternity and Sorority Advising Programs


Fraternity and Sorority Advising Programs - The mission of Fraternity and Sorority Advising Programs is to promote the learning and development of students who affiliate with fraternities and sororities.

Hazing Prevention 101
Students participate in a one-hour course designed to develop skills to recognize, prevent and report hazing. An expert presentation aims to develop students' understanding of what constitutes hazing, consider its impact on the USC community, and confidently play an active role in creating a positive campus environment.
Fall 2023 Leadership Education Students participate in a one-hour course designed to develop skills to recognize, prevent and report hazing. An expert presentation aims to develop students' understanding of what constitutes hazing, consider its impact on the USC community, and confidently play an active role in creating a positive campus environment. 3 11 28 Fraternity & Sorority Life N ; Fraternity and Sorority Advising Programs,Study / Practice self knowledge,,Personal and social responsibility - Developing competence in ethical and moral reasoning, action,
Student Leadership Programs


Student Leadership Programs - The mission of Student Leadership Programs must be to prepare students to engage in the process of leadership.

Multicultural Assistance Peer Program (MAPP) Mentor
Student mentors work in a self-directed mode to help support first year/transfer multicultural students as they transition into the university community, by serving as an information resource and helping new students establish a social network.
Fall 2023 Student Program Leader Student mentors work in a self-directed mode to help support first year/transfer multicultural students as they transition into the university community, by serving as an information resource and helping new students establish a social network. 3 11 28 Multicultural Student Affairs N GLD-Professional & Civic Engagement; GLD-Diversity & Social Advocacy; Student Leadership Programs,Connecting with others,,Influencing others,Interpersonal skills
Multicultural Student Programs and Services


Multicultural Student Programs and Services - Multicultural Student Programs and Services must promote academic and personal growth of traditionally underserved students, work with the entire campus to create an institutional and community climate of justice, promote access and equity in higher education, and offer programs that educate the campus about diversity.

Multicultural Assistance Peer Program Mentee
Students engage in a variety of structured activities with an assigned mentor so as to build a support system with peers, develop a sense of belonging and discuss a variety of campus resources.
Fall 2023 Educational Support Students engage in a variety of structured activities with an assigned mentor so as to build a support system with peers, develop a sense of belonging and discuss a variety of campus resources. 3 11 28 Multicultural Student Affairs N ; Multicultural Student Programs and Services,Study / Practice self knowledge,Connecting with others,Self-knowledge,Foundations and skills for lifelong learning
Civic Engagement & Service-Learning Programs


Civic Engagement & Service-Learning Programs - The primary mission of Service-Learning Programs is to engage students in experiences that address human and community needs together with structured opportunities for reflection intentionally designed to promote student learning and development.

Safe Zone Workshop
Student listen to an expert presenter speak about LGBT college student data, risks associated with LGBT college students, bias and harassment, and resources available on- and off- campus to provide support. Students engage in small group activities such as scenarios to learn how to interrupt bias, and how to understand the LGBT experience.
Fall 2023 Civic Engagement Student listen to an expert presenter speak about LGBT college student data, risks associated with LGBT college students, bias and harassment, and resources available on- and off- campus to provide support. Students engage in small group activities such as scenarios to learn how to interrupt bias, and how to understand the LGBT experience. 3 11 28 Multicultural Student Affairs N GLD-Diversity & Social Advocacy; GLD-Professional & Civic Engagement; Civic Engagement & Service-Learning Programs,Study / Practice diversity, equity, inclusion,Study / Practice self knowledge,Civic knowledge and engagement,Intercultural knowledge and competence
Fraternity and Sorority Advising Programs


Fraternity and Sorority Advising Programs - The mission of Fraternity and Sorority Advising Programs is to promote the learning and development of students who affiliate with fraternities and sororities.

Fraternity and Sorority Leadership Conference
Fraternity and sorority students participate in conference sessions on leadership development and campus/community policies, and network with their peers.
Spring 2024 Leadership Education Fraternity and sorority students participate in conference sessions on leadership development and campus/community policies, and network with their peers. 3 11 28 Fraternity & Sorority Life N ; Fraternity and Sorority Advising Programs,Leadership,Study / Practice self knowledge,Self-knowledge,Interpersonal skills
Fraternity and Sorority Advising Programs


Fraternity and Sorority Advising Programs - The mission of Fraternity and Sorority Advising Programs is to promote the learning and development of students who affiliate with fraternities and sororities.

Fraternity and Sorority New Member Experience
New members of the fraternity and sorority community connect with others as they participate in a variety of community building and problem solving activities, and learn more about the organizations in the community.
Fall 2023 Campus Activities New members of the fraternity and sorority community connect with others as they participate in a variety of community building and problem solving activities, and learn more about the organizations in the community. 3 11 28 Fraternity & Sorority Life N ; Fraternity and Sorority Advising Programs,Connecting with others,,Teamwork,
Internship Programs


Internship Programs - The primary mission of Internship Programs is to engage students in planned, educationally-related work and learning experiences that integrate knowledge and theory with practical application and skill development in a professional setting.

Internship - PALM 494
Student engages in supervised immersion and exploration in a field related to the major, with a career, cultural, or community focus.
Summer 2023 Internship Student engages in supervised immersion and exploration in a field related to the major, with a career, cultural, or community focus. 13 33 112 Y GLD-Professional & Civic Engagement; Experiential Learning Opportunity; Internship Programs,Apply specialized knowledge,,Specialized knowledge and skills,
Internship Programs


Internship Programs - The primary mission of Internship Programs is to engage students in planned, educationally-related work and learning experiences that integrate knowledge and theory with practical application and skill development in a professional setting.

Senior Nursing Capstone Practicum - NURS 435
Final Semester Senior Clinical Immersion Experience
Summer 2023 Internship Final Semester Senior Clinical Immersion Experience 3 20 106 Y Experiential Learning Opportunity; GLD-Professional & Civic Engagement; Internship Programs,Apply specialized knowledge,Career readiness,Specialized knowledge and skills,Professionalism / career readiness
Student Leadership Programs


Student Leadership Programs - The mission of Student Leadership Programs must be to prepare students to engage in the process of leadership.

Peer Writing Tutor
Peer Tutors meet with students in 1-1 sessions to provide course-specific academic support for writing and communications skill development.
Fall 2023 Peer Educator Peer Tutors meet with students in 1-1 sessions to provide course-specific academic support for writing and communications skill development. 3 11 30 Student Success Center N GLD-Professional & Civic Engagement; Experiential Learning Opportunity; Student Leadership Programs,Apply specialized knowledge,Leadership,Critical and creative thinking,Communication - spoken
Student Leadership Programs


Student Leadership Programs - The mission of Student Leadership Programs must be to prepare students to engage in the process of leadership.

Peer Consultant
Student consultants meet with peers to provide study skills support, discuss academic success strategies, and co-create a personalized plan for academic success.
Fall 2023 Peer Educator Student consultants meet with peers to provide study skills support, discuss academic success strategies, and co-create a personalized plan for academic success. 3 11 30 Student Success Center N GLD-Professional & Civic Engagement; Experiential Learning Opportunity; Student Leadership Programs,Leadership,,Influencing others,Communication - spoken
Student Leadership Programs


Student Leadership Programs - The mission of Student Leadership Programs must be to prepare students to engage in the process of leadership.

Student Success Center Program Assistant / Mentor
Experienced student leaders serve within a specific programmatic area (supplemental instruction, peer tutoring, or peer success consultations), supervise other peer leaders within the same program, and engage in critical office functions to support the department's professional certifications and mission.
Fall 2023 Peer Educator Experienced student leaders serve within a specific programmatic area (supplemental instruction, peer tutoring, or peer success consultations), supervise other peer leaders within the same program, and engage in critical office functions to support the department's professional certifications and mission. 3 11 30 Student Success Center N GLD-Professional & Civic Engagement; Experiential Learning Opportunity; Student Leadership Programs,Leadership,Career readiness,Teamwork,Critical and creative thinking
Student Leadership Programs


Student Leadership Programs - The mission of Student Leadership Programs must be to prepare students to engage in the process of leadership.

Supplemental Instruction Peer Leader
SI Peer Leaders facilitate group study sessions for students enrolled in specific courses and sections; they help their peers learn challenging material from class lectures and assignments, and offer helpful tips that integrate how to learn with what to learn through three group study sessions each week.
Fall 2023 Peer Educator SI Peer Leaders facilitate group study sessions for students enrolled in specific courses and sections; they help their peers learn challenging material from class lectures and assignments, and offer helpful tips that integrate how to learn with what to learn through three group study sessions each week. 3 11 30 Student Success Center N GLD-Professional & Civic Engagement; Experiential Learning Opportunity; Student Leadership Programs,Apply specialized knowledge,Leadership,Integrative and applied learning,Communication - spoken
Learning Assistance Programs


Learning Assistance Programs - The primary mission of Learning Assistance Programs must be to provide students with resources and opportunities to improve their ability to learn and to achieve academic success.

Supplemental Instruction
Students participate in a group study session for a specific academic course and section in which they are currently enrolled.
Fall 2023 Educational Support Students participate in a group study session for a specific academic course and section in which they are currently enrolled. 3 11 30 Student Success Center N ; Learning Assistance Programs,Study / Practice intellectual skills,,Specialized knowledge and skills,
Learning Assistance Programs


Learning Assistance Programs - The primary mission of Learning Assistance Programs must be to provide students with resources and opportunities to improve their ability to learn and to achieve academic success.

Peer Writing Session
Students participate in a tutoring session for support with composition- or communications-based assignments or projects.
Fall 2023 Educational Support Students participate in a tutoring session for support with composition- or communications-based assignments or projects. 3 11 30 Student Success Center N ; Learning Assistance Programs,Study / Practice intellectual skills,,Communication - written,Communication - spoken
Learning Assistance Programs


Learning Assistance Programs - The primary mission of Learning Assistance Programs must be to provide students with resources and opportunities to improve their ability to learn and to achieve academic success.

Peer Tutoring
Students participate in a tutoring session for a specific academic course in which they are currently enrolled.
Fall 2023 Educational Support Students participate in a tutoring session for a specific academic course in which they are currently enrolled. 3 11 30 Student Success Center N ; Learning Assistance Programs,Study / Practice intellectual skills,Apply specialized knowledge,Specialized knowledge and skills,
Student Leadership Programs


Student Leadership Programs - The mission of Student Leadership Programs must be to prepare students to engage in the process of leadership.

Peer Tutor
Tutors provide course-specific academic support for undergraduate students. They work with students in 1-1 sessions and lead group tutoring sessions.
Fall 2023 Peer Educator Tutors provide course-specific academic support for undergraduate students. They work with students in 1-1 sessions and lead group tutoring sessions. 3 11 30 Student Success Center N GLD-Professional & Civic Engagement; Experiential Learning Opportunity; Student Leadership Programs,Apply specialized knowledge,Leadership,Integrative and applied learning,Communication - spoken
Student Leadership Programs


Student Leadership Programs - The mission of Student Leadership Programs must be to prepare students to engage in the process of leadership.

College of Arts and Sciences Ambassador
Ambassadors represent the College at student recruitment and other special events; provide informal tours and serve as a resource to prospective and incoming students and special guests of the college; assist with orientation event; provide feedback and suggestions to College leadership related to student recruitment and orientation programming.
Fall 2023 Student Program Leader Ambassadors represent the College at student recruitment and other special events; provide informal tours and serve as a resource to prospective and incoming students and special guests of the college; assist with orientation event; provide feedback and suggestions to College leadership related to student recruitment and orientation programming. 3 14 115 N ; Student Leadership Programs,Career readiness,Connecting with others,Communication - spoken,Professionalism / career readiness
Career Services


Career Services - The primary mission of Career Services is to assist students and other designated clients in developing, evaluating, and implementing career, education, and employment plans.

Career Coaching - Curriculum Vita / Cover Letter Review
Students interact 1-1 with a professional staff member who reviews students' vita and cover letter, provides feedback, and helps students explore presentation options.
Summer 2023 Career Development Students interact 1-1 with a professional staff member who reviews students' vita and cover letter, provides feedback, and helps students explore presentation options. 3 11 30 Career Center N ; Career Services,Career development,Study / Practice self knowledge,Problem solving,Self-knowledge
Career Services


Career Services - The primary mission of Career Services is to assist students and other designated clients in developing, evaluating, and implementing career, education, and employment plans.

STEM Job Fair
Students interact with representatives from employer organizations about current and future employment opportunities including internships, co-ops, and full-time positions.
Fall 2023 Career Development Students interact with representatives from employer organizations about current and future employment opportunities including internships, co-ops, and full-time positions. 3 11 30 Career Center N ; Career Services,Career development,Career readiness,Self-knowledge,Professionalism / career readiness
Career Services


Career Services - The primary mission of Career Services is to assist students and other designated clients in developing, evaluating, and implementing career, education, and employment plans.

Health Professions Fair
Students interact with representatives from employer organizations about current and future employment opportunities including internships, co-ops, and full-time positions.
Fall 2023 Career Development Students interact with representatives from employer organizations about current and future employment opportunities including internships, co-ops, and full-time positions. 3 11 30 Career Center N ; Career Services,Career development,Career readiness,Self-knowledge,Professionalism / career readiness
Career Services


Career Services - The primary mission of Career Services is to assist students and other designated clients in developing, evaluating, and implementing career, education, and employment plans.

Part-Time Job Fair
Students interact with representatives from campus departments and community organizations about current part-time employment opportunities.
Fall 2023 Career Development Students interact with representatives from campus departments and community organizations about current part-time employment opportunities. 3 11 30 Career Center N ; Career Services,Career development,Career readiness,Self-knowledge,Professionalism / career readiness
Career Services


Career Services - The primary mission of Career Services is to assist students and other designated clients in developing, evaluating, and implementing career, education, and employment plans.

Moore School of Business EXPO
Students interact with representatives from employer organizations about current and future employment opportunities including internships and full-time positions.
Fall 2023 Career Development Students interact with representatives from employer organizations about current and future employment opportunities including internships and full-time positions. 3 11 30 Career Center N ; Career Services,Career development,,Self-knowledge,
Career Services


Career Services - The primary mission of Career Services is to assist students and other designated clients in developing, evaluating, and implementing career, education, and employment plans.

Internships and Post-Graduation Opportunities Fair
In this virtual (online) Fair, students interact with representatives from employer organizations about current and future employment opportunities including internships, co-ops, and full-time positions.
Fall 2023 Career Development In this virtual (online) Fair, students interact with representatives from employer organizations about current and future employment opportunities including internships, co-ops, and full-time positions. 3 11 30 Career Center N ; Career Services,Career development,Career readiness,Self-knowledge,Professionalism / career readiness
Career Services


Career Services - The primary mission of Career Services is to assist students and other designated clients in developing, evaluating, and implementing career, education, and employment plans.

Hospitality, Retail and Sport Management Experience Expo
Students interact with prospective employers to learn about opportunities and obtain interviews for internships and full-time jobs. Students interact with study abroad providers to learn about international experiences available to USC and College of HRSM students.
Fall 2022 Career Development Students interact with prospective employers to learn about opportunities and obtain interviews for internships and full-time jobs. Students interact with study abroad providers to learn about international experiences available to USC and College of HRSM students. 3 17 103 N ; Career Services,Career development,Career readiness,Self-knowledge,Influencing others
Career Services


Career Services - The primary mission of Career Services is to assist students and other designated clients in developing, evaluating, and implementing career, education, and employment plans.

Hospitality, Retail and Sport Management Experience Expo
Students interact with prospective employers to learn about opportunities and obtain interviews for internships and full-time jobs. Students interact with study abroad providers to learn about international experiences available to USC and College of HRSM students.
Fall 2023 Career Development Students interact with prospective employers to learn about opportunities and obtain interviews for internships and full-time jobs. Students interact with study abroad providers to learn about international experiences available to USC and College of HRSM students. 3 17 103 N ; Career Services,Career development,Career readiness,Self-knowledge,Influencing others
Career Services


Career Services - The primary mission of Career Services is to assist students and other designated clients in developing, evaluating, and implementing career, education, and employment plans.

Career Coaching
Student engages 1-1 with a Career Center professional staff member on a career planning topic, such as assessing career interests, writing a resume, preparing for a job fair or job interview, or planning a job search.
Fall 2023 Career Development Student engages 1-1 with a Career Center professional staff member on a career planning topic, such as assessing career interests, writing a resume, preparing for a job fair or job interview, or planning a job search. 3 11 30 Career Center N ; Career Services,Career development,Career readiness,Self-knowledge,Professionalism / career readiness
Career Services


Career Services - The primary mission of Career Services is to assist students and other designated clients in developing, evaluating, and implementing career, education, and employment plans.

Career Coaching - Career Studio
In this learning lab, students receive guidance from a Career Center Peer Educator on topics related to their career, including resumes, cover letters, personal statements, curriculum vitae, job search, interviewing, and occupational research.
Fall 2023 Career Development In this learning lab, students receive guidance from a Career Center Peer Educator on topics related to their career, including resumes, cover letters, personal statements, curriculum vitae, job search, interviewing, and occupational research. 3 11 30 Career Center N ; Career Services,Career development,Study / Practice self knowledge,Self-knowledge,
Student Leadership Programs


Student Leadership Programs - The mission of Student Leadership Programs must be to prepare students to engage in the process of leadership.

University Ambassador
University Ambassadors lead campus tours for diverse audiences of prospective students and families, answer phone calls and respond to emails and other visitor communications, assist in the recruitment, coaching, and evaluation of new University Ambassadors and participate in weekly professional development & training.
Fall 2023 Peer Educator University Ambassadors lead campus tours for diverse audiences of prospective students and families, answer phone calls and respond to emails and other visitor communications, assist in the recruitment, coaching, and evaluation of new University Ambassadors and participate in weekly professional development & training. 3 34 118 Visitor Center N GLD-Professional & Civic Engagement; Experiential Learning Opportunity; Student Leadership Programs,Career readiness,Connecting with others,Critical and creative thinking,Communication - spoken
Undergraduate Research Programs


Undergraduate Research Programs - The primary mission of Undergraduate Research Programs is to engage students in investigative and creative activity to experience firsthand the processes of scholarly exploration and discovery.

Cellular and Molecular Biology Laboratory - BIOL 302L
Students engage in hands-on research methods and protocols used in molecular biology labs globally, then practice integrating that knowledge into developing their own research proposals, conducting presentations, calculating concentrations of reagents needed, executing experiments, collecting data, analyzing data, and writing up findings.
Fall 2023 Research Education Students engage in hands-on research methods and protocols used in molecular biology labs globally, then practice integrating that knowledge into developing their own research proposals, conducting presentations, calculating concentrations of reagents needed, executing experiments, collecting data, analyzing data, and writing up findings. 3 14 39 Y Experiential Learning Opportunity; Undergraduate Research Programs,Research,Apply specialized knowledge,Integrative and applied learning,Critical and creative thinking
Undergraduate Research Programs


Undergraduate Research Programs - The primary mission of Undergraduate Research Programs is to engage students in investigative and creative activity to experience firsthand the processes of scholarly exploration and discovery.

Fundamental Genetics Laboratory - BIOL 303L
Experiences surrounding undergraduate research focusing on applied molecular biology and genetics techniques.
Fall 2023 Research Education Experiences surrounding undergraduate research focusing on applied molecular biology and genetics techniques. 3 14 39 Y Experiential Learning Opportunity; Undergraduate Research Programs,Research,Apply specialized knowledge,Specialized knowledge and skills,Inquiry and analysis
Student Leadership Programs


Student Leadership Programs - The mission of Student Leadership Programs must be to prepare students to engage in the process of leadership.

Laboratory Teaching Experience - BIOL 398
Students serve as Peer Leaders in a Peer Led Team Learning (PLTL) environment and use their understanding of biological concepts as they help to support other students currently enrolled in a Biology course. Peer Leaders ask questions that help students progress through an assigned activity or in-class discussion.
Fall 2023 Peer Educator Students serve as Peer Leaders in a Peer Led Team Learning (PLTL) environment and use their understanding of biological concepts as they help to support other students currently enrolled in a Biology course. Peer Leaders ask questions that help students progress through an assigned activity or in-class discussion. 3 14 39 Y GLD-Professional & Civic Engagement; Experiential Learning Opportunity; Student Leadership Programs,Apply specialized knowledge,Leadership,Specialized knowledge and skills,Influencing others
Internship Programs


Internship Programs - The primary mission of Internship Programs is to engage students in planned, educationally-related work and learning experiences that integrate knowledge and theory with practical application and skill development in a professional setting.

Internship - CRJU 494
Students intern for 160 hours during the semester at an appropriate agency or institution.
Fall 2023 Internship Students intern for 160 hours during the semester at an appropriate agency or institution. 3 14 41 Y GLD-Professional & Civic Engagement; Experiential Learning Opportunity; Internship Programs,Apply specialized knowledge,Career readiness,Specialized knowledge and skills,
Internship Programs


Internship Programs - The primary mission of Internship Programs is to engage students in planned, educationally-related work and learning experiences that integrate knowledge and theory with practical application and skill development in a professional setting.

Adolescent Mentoring - CRJU 551
Students spend the first five week of the semester in intensive training and are then paired as a mentor with a student at a local disciplinary alternative school. The remainder of the semester is spent focused on mentoring and ongoing support, discussion, reflection, and supplemental training.
Fall 2023 Practicum Students spend the first five week of the semester in intensive training and are then paired as a mentor with a student at a local disciplinary alternative school. The remainder of the semester is spent focused on mentoring and ongoing support, discussion, reflection, and supplemental training. 3 14 41 Y GLD-Professional & Civic Engagement; Experiential Learning Opportunity; Internship Programs,Apply specialized knowledge,,Specialized knowledge and skills,
Capstone Experience


Capstone Experience - A course or project that engages students in a culminating and integrative experience, intended to connect the key learning objectives of an educational program.

Capstone Design Project II - ELCT 404
Working in teams of typically four, students analyze requirements posed by a project proponent (i.e. customer), then design and build a prototype of a system that meets the proponent's needs. The course is designed to provide an authentic engineering project experience that is representative of a typical engineer's early professional years.
Fall 2023 Capstone Course or Project Working in teams of typically four, students analyze requirements posed by a project proponent (i.e. customer), then design and build a prototype of a system that meets the proponent's needs. The course is designed to provide an authentic engineering project experience that is representative of a typical engineer's early professional years. 3 19 72 Y GLD-Professional & Civic Engagement; Experiential Learning Opportunity; Capstone Experience,Apply specialized knowledge,,Specialized knowledge and skills,
Internship Programs


Internship Programs - The primary mission of Internship Programs is to engage students in planned, educationally-related work and learning experiences that integrate knowledge and theory with practical application and skill development in a professional setting.

Directed Teaching of Foreign Languages - FORL 448
Pre-service professional educators observe and apply effective teaching techniques and organize instructional settings for foreign language students in the elementary, middle or high school. Students spend 72 hours observing an experienced teacher in a K-12 foreign language classroom and 10 hours teaching the class.
Fall 2023 Internship Pre-service professional educators observe and apply effective teaching techniques and organize instructional settings for foreign language students in the elementary, middle or high school. Students spend 72 hours observing an experienced teacher in a K-12 foreign language classroom and 10 hours teaching the class. 3 14 46 Y GLD-Professional & Civic Engagement; GLD-Community Service; Experiential Learning Opportunity; Internship Programs,Apply specialized knowledge,,Specialized knowledge and skills,
Internship Programs


Internship Programs - The primary mission of Internship Programs is to engage students in planned, educationally-related work and learning experiences that integrate knowledge and theory with practical application and skill development in a professional setting.

Teaching Internship in Foreign Languages - FORL 474
Students engage in role reversal in which the teacher candidate becomes the teacher and the coaching teacher becomes an observer or teacher's aide. During 12 weeks in a K-12 school, students observe then teach for 2 full weeks on their own, complete weekly reflections, and meet regularly with their coaching teacher and faculty supervisor.
Fall 2023 Internship Students engage in role reversal in which the teacher candidate becomes the teacher and the coaching teacher becomes an observer or teacher's aide. During 12 weeks in a K-12 school, students observe then teach for 2 full weeks on their own, complete weekly reflections, and meet regularly with their coaching teacher and faculty supervisor. 3 14 46 Y GLD-Community Service; Experiential Learning Opportunity; Internship Programs,Apply specialized knowledge,,Specialized knowledge and skills,
Capstone Experience


Capstone Experience - A course or project that engages students in a culminating and integrative experience, intended to connect the key learning objectives of an educational program.

Seminar in Geography - GEOG 495
Undergraduate geography majors engage in group-based research projects to integrate and apply knowledge and skills gained throughout the geography degree program. Students work with community partners on projects that address real-life problems and needs. Students gather, analyze, and present information that is of use to our community partners.
Fall 2023 Capstone Course or Project Undergraduate geography majors engage in group-based research projects to integrate and apply knowledge and skills gained throughout the geography degree program. Students work with community partners on projects that address real-life problems and needs. Students gather, analyze, and present information that is of use to our community partners. 3 14 44 Y Experiential Learning Opportunity; GLD-Community Service; Capstone Experience,Apply specialized knowledge,,Problem solving,Inquiry and analysis
Internship Programs


Internship Programs - The primary mission of Internship Programs is to engage students in planned, educationally-related work and learning experiences that integrate knowledge and theory with practical application and skill development in a professional setting.

Hospitality & Tourism Internship - HRTM 495
Full time work experience of a minimum of 400 work hours in the Hospitality or Tourism industry; position must be Managerial or Supervisory in nature, Rotational within a minimum of three different areas of the business or a Structured Internship Program. Includes online course work.
Fall 2023 Internship Full time work experience of a minimum of 400 work hours in the Hospitality or Tourism industry; position must be Managerial or Supervisory in nature, Rotational within a minimum of three different areas of the business or a Structured Internship Program. Includes online course work. 3 17 76 Y Experiential Learning Opportunity; GLD-Professional & Civic Engagement; Internship Programs,Apply specialized knowledge,Leadership,Specialized knowledge and skills,Self-knowledge
Internship Programs


Internship Programs - The primary mission of Internship Programs is to engage students in planned, educationally-related work and learning experiences that integrate knowledge and theory with practical application and skill development in a professional setting.

Professional Internship - ITEC 495
The course is a supervised work experience in information technology and/or project management; the internship is coordinated by a faculty member and supervised by approved management/supervisor within business and industry lasting for approximately 400 hours of on the job experiences.
Fall 2023 Internship The course is a supervised work experience in information technology and/or project management; the internship is coordinated by a faculty member and supervised by approved management/supervisor within business and industry lasting for approximately 400 hours of on the job experiences. 3 19 73 Y GLD-Professional & Civic Engagement; Experiential Learning Opportunity; Internship Programs,Apply specialized knowledge,,Specialized knowledge and skills,Integrative and applied learning
Internship Programs


Internship Programs - The primary mission of Internship Programs is to engage students in planned, educationally-related work and learning experiences that integrate knowledge and theory with practical application and skill development in a professional setting.

Internship in Mass Communications - JOUR 597
Students work at least 140 hours during the semester under the direction of the intern coordinator and a professional supervisor in an internship they obtain, attend required meetings during the term with other interns and the intern coordinator, and turn in assignments as scheduled in the course syllabus.
Fall 2023 Internship Students work at least 140 hours during the semester under the direction of the intern coordinator and a professional supervisor in an internship they obtain, attend required meetings during the term with other interns and the intern coordinator, and turn in assignments as scheduled in the course syllabus. 3 18 81 Y GLD-Professional & Civic Engagement; Experiential Learning Opportunity; Internship Programs,Apply specialized knowledge,Career development,Specialized knowledge and skills,Professionalism / career readiness
Internship Programs


Internship Programs - The primary mission of Internship Programs is to engage students in planned, educationally-related work and learning experiences that integrate knowledge and theory with practical application and skill development in a professional setting.

Media Arts Internship - MART 499
MART 499 is the capstone experience for all media arts majors, consisting of a 160-hour professional internship working in the media arts fields.
Fall 2023 Internship MART 499 is the capstone experience for all media arts majors, consisting of a 160-hour professional internship working in the media arts fields. 3 14 56 Y GLD-Professional & Civic Engagement; Experiential Learning Opportunity; Internship Programs,Apply specialized knowledge,Career readiness,Specialized knowledge and skills,
Capstone Experience


Capstone Experience - A course or project that engages students in a culminating and integrative experience, intended to connect the key learning objectives of an educational program.

Applications in Entrepreneurship and New Ventures - MGMT 479
Small teams provide consulting for local early-stage startups, applying entrepreneurial frameworks, skills and concepts. Students will contact the client at least once a week. At least once a term, students will present their findings to the client; both client/faculty provide feedback in this session. Faculty provides weekly guidance/feedback.
Fall 2023 Capstone Course or Project Small teams provide consulting for local early-stage startups, applying entrepreneurial frameworks, skills and concepts. Students will contact the client at least once a week. At least once a term, students will present their findings to the client; both client/faculty provide feedback in this session. Faculty provides weekly guidance/feedback. 3 15 64 Y GLD-Professional & Civic Engagement; Experiential Learning Opportunity; Capstone Experience,Apply specialized knowledge,Community service / civic engagement,Specialized knowledge and skills,Integrative and applied learning
Capstone Experience


Capstone Experience - A course or project that engages students in a culminating and integrative experience, intended to connect the key learning objectives of an educational program.

Executing Strategy New Venture - MGMT 474
Students engage in a team project during which they apply concepts and tools learned in class to an emerging venture, in order to experience entrepreneurship in action. Students produce a final paper, founder/sponsor deliverable (external project only to be negotiated with the founder/project sponsor) and class presentation.
Fall 2023 Capstone Course or Project Students engage in a team project during which they apply concepts and tools learned in class to an emerging venture, in order to experience entrepreneurship in action. Students produce a final paper, founder/sponsor deliverable (external project only to be negotiated with the founder/project sponsor) and class presentation. 3 15 64 Y Experiential Learning Opportunity; GLD-Professional & Civic Engagement; Capstone Experience,Apply specialized knowledge,,Specialized knowledge and skills,Teamwork
Capstone Experience


Capstone Experience - A course or project that engages students in a culminating and integrative experience, intended to connect the key learning objectives of an educational program.

Developing & Launching New Ventures - MGMT 473
The Emerging Venture Project (EVP) is a team project during which students apply the concepts and tools from the class to an emerging venture, in order to experience entrepreneurship in action. Students produce a final paper, founder/sponsor deliverable, and class presentation.
Fall 2023 Capstone Course or Project The Emerging Venture Project (EVP) is a team project during which students apply the concepts and tools from the class to an emerging venture, in order to experience entrepreneurship in action. Students produce a final paper, founder/sponsor deliverable, and class presentation. 3 15 64 Y Experiential Learning Opportunity; GLD-Professional & Civic Engagement; Capstone Experience,Apply specialized knowledge,,Specialized knowledge and skills,
Internship Programs


Internship Programs - The primary mission of Internship Programs is to engage students in planned, educationally-related work and learning experiences that integrate knowledge and theory with practical application and skill development in a professional setting.

Practicum in Orchestra Methods - MUED 533P
Student teachers in the University of South Carolina String Project, a nationally recognized model of community service, provide instruction to public school students while developing their teacher identity. String Project teachers provide a supportive cohort for one another and administrators provide structure and feedback.
Fall 2023 Practicum Student teachers in the University of South Carolina String Project, a nationally recognized model of community service, provide instruction to public school students while developing their teacher identity. String Project teachers provide a supportive cohort for one another and administrators provide structure and feedback. 3 25 82 Y Experiential Learning Opportunity; Internship Programs,Apply specialized knowledge,Community service / civic engagement,Specialized knowledge and skills,
Internship Programs


Internship Programs - The primary mission of Internship Programs is to engage students in planned, educationally-related work and learning experiences that integrate knowledge and theory with practical application and skill development in a professional setting.

Pedagogy Laboratory - MUSC 573L
The course is designed to provide undergraduate pianists with applied knowledge in piano pedagogy, such that all academic pursuits in the course are observed into the lab with actual teaching. Class time is spent in the co-requisite academic course (MUSC 573) in preparation, reflection, and peer discussion and feedback for lab activities.
Fall 2023 Internship The course is designed to provide undergraduate pianists with applied knowledge in piano pedagogy, such that all academic pursuits in the course are observed into the lab with actual teaching. Class time is spent in the co-requisite academic course (MUSC 573) in preparation, reflection, and peer discussion and feedback for lab activities. 3 25 83 Y GLD-Professional & Civic Engagement; Experiential Learning Opportunity; Internship Programs,Apply specialized knowledge,Career readiness,Specialized knowledge and skills,Professionalism / career readiness
Civic Engagement & Service-Learning Programs


Civic Engagement & Service-Learning Programs - The primary mission of Service-Learning Programs is to engage students in experiences that address human and community needs together with structured opportunities for reflection intentionally designed to promote student learning and development.

Community Engagement Through Music - MUSC 595
The course includes visits to four potential community partners and culminates in a student-designed interactive performance at a community location.
Fall 2023 Civic Engagement The course includes visits to four potential community partners and culminates in a student-designed interactive performance at a community location. 3 25 105 Y GLD-Community Service; Experiential Learning Opportunity; Civic Engagement & Service-Learning Programs,Community service / civic engagement,Apply specialized knowledge,Civic knowledge and engagement,Specialized knowledge and skills
Internship Programs


Internship Programs - The primary mission of Internship Programs is to engage students in planned, educationally-related work and learning experiences that integrate knowledge and theory with practical application and skill development in a professional setting.

Senior Nursing Capstone Practicum - NURS 435
Final Semester Senior Clinical Immersion Experience
Fall 2023 Internship Final Semester Senior Clinical Immersion Experience 3 20 106 Y Experiential Learning Opportunity; GLD-Professional & Civic Engagement; Internship Programs,Apply specialized knowledge,Career readiness,Specialized knowledge and skills,Professionalism / career readiness
Internship Programs


Internship Programs - The primary mission of Internship Programs is to engage students in planned, educationally-related work and learning experiences that integrate knowledge and theory with practical application and skill development in a professional setting.

Internship - PALM 494
Student engages in supervised immersion and exploration in a field related to the major, with a career, cultural, or community focus.
Fall 2023 Internship Student engages in supervised immersion and exploration in a field related to the major, with a career, cultural, or community focus. 13 33 112 Y GLD-Professional & Civic Engagement; Experiential Learning Opportunity; Internship Programs,Apply specialized knowledge,,Specialized knowledge and skills,
Civic Engagement & Service-Learning Programs


Civic Engagement & Service-Learning Programs - The primary mission of Service-Learning Programs is to engage students in experiences that address human and community needs together with structured opportunities for reflection intentionally designed to promote student learning and development.

Service-Learning - PALM 495
An exploration of theories of service-learning with application of practical solutions to meet community needs.
Fall 2023 Service Learning An exploration of theories of service-learning with application of practical solutions to meet community needs. 13 33 112 Y GLD-Community Service; Experiential Learning Opportunity; Civic Engagement & Service-Learning Programs,Apply specialized knowledge,Community service / civic engagement,Specialized knowledge and skills,Personal and social responsibility - Contributing to a larger community
Undergraduate Research Programs


Undergraduate Research Programs - The primary mission of Undergraduate Research Programs is to engage students in investigative and creative activity to experience firsthand the processes of scholarly exploration and discovery.

Seminar in Philosophy - PHIL 490
Review of central topics in philosophy serving as a capstone course for senior majors in philosophy. The course will introduce students to basic techniques for research and development of academic scholarship.
Fall 2023 Research Education Review of central topics in philosophy serving as a capstone course for senior majors in philosophy. The course will introduce students to basic techniques for research and development of academic scholarship. 3 14 48 Y GLD-Research; Experiential Learning Opportunity; Undergraduate Research Programs,Research,Apply specialized knowledge,Inquiry and analysis,Specialized knowledge and skills
Capstone Experience


Capstone Experience - A course or project that engages students in a culminating and integrative experience, intended to connect the key learning objectives of an educational program.

Public Health Capstone Seminar - PUBH 498
Students synthesize and apply content knowledge and competencies developed in the BS/BA public health degree program, in a practice setting with emphasis on student identified areas for professional growth.
Fall 2023 Capstone Course or Project Students synthesize and apply content knowledge and competencies developed in the BS/BA public health degree program, in a practice setting with emphasis on student identified areas for professional growth. 3 24 87 Y GLD-Professional & Civic Engagement; Experiential Learning Opportunity; Capstone Experience,Apply specialized knowledge,Career readiness,Specialized knowledge and skills,
Internship Programs


Internship Programs - The primary mission of Internship Programs is to engage students in planned, educationally-related work and learning experiences that integrate knowledge and theory with practical application and skill development in a professional setting.

Retailing Internship - RETL 495
Students engage in supervised work experience within the retail industry that links classroom learning and student interest with the acquisition of knowledge in an applied work setting.
Fall 2023 Internship Students engage in supervised work experience within the retail industry that links classroom learning and student interest with the acquisition of knowledge in an applied work setting. 3 17 77 Y GLD-Professional & Civic Engagement; Experiential Learning Opportunity; Internship Programs,Apply specialized knowledge,,Specialized knowledge and skills,
Internship Programs


Internship Programs - The primary mission of Internship Programs is to engage students in planned, educationally-related work and learning experiences that integrate knowledge and theory with practical application and skill development in a professional setting.

Retailing Practicum - RETL 295
Students apply knowledge, skills and/or certifications acquired in retailing courses to an in-field experience; work closely with retailing professionals; discover viable career paths; identify work-related interests and values; and analyze the practicum site to gain a better understanding of the company and the competitive marketplace.
Fall 2023 Practicum Students apply knowledge, skills and/or certifications acquired in retailing courses to an in-field experience; work closely with retailing professionals; discover viable career paths; identify work-related interests and values; and analyze the practicum site to gain a better understanding of the company and the competitive marketplace. 3 17 77 Y Experiential Learning Opportunity; Internship Programs,Apply specialized knowledge,Career development,Specialized knowledge and skills,Integrative and applied learning
Internship Programs


Internship Programs - The primary mission of Internship Programs is to engage students in planned, educationally-related work and learning experiences that integrate knowledge and theory with practical application and skill development in a professional setting.

Washington Semester Internship - SCHC 493
SC Washington Semester Program students live in Washington DC while participating in full-time internships. Students engage in enrichment activities with the on-site academic director and peers, and have the chance to discuss/reflect on their experiences. Students submit in-class journal entries for further structured reflection opportunities.
Fall 2023 Internship SC Washington Semester Program students live in Washington DC while participating in full-time internships. Students engage in enrichment activities with the on-site academic director and peers, and have the chance to discuss/reflect on their experiences. Students submit in-class journal entries for further structured reflection opportunities. 3 26 75 Y GLD-Professional & Civic Engagement; Experiential Learning Opportunity; Internship Programs,Apply specialized knowledge,Career readiness,Specialized knowledge and skills,Professionalism / career readiness
Undergraduate Research Programs


Undergraduate Research Programs - The primary mission of Undergraduate Research Programs is to engage students in investigative and creative activity to experience firsthand the processes of scholarly exploration and discovery.

Advanced Sociological Research Methods - SOCY 561
Students apply knowledge in a real world context by studying a social phenomenon using scientific research methods and producing a research project that mirrors professional standards. Students gather primary data, present their work, get feedback, and reflect on the challenges of the research process in studying their question.
Fall 2023 Research Education Students apply knowledge in a real world context by studying a social phenomenon using scientific research methods and producing a research project that mirrors professional standards. Students gather primary data, present their work, get feedback, and reflect on the challenges of the research process in studying their question. 3 14 53 Y GLD-Research; Experiential Learning Opportunity; Undergraduate Research Programs,Research,,Inquiry and analysis,
Career Services


Career Services - The primary mission of Career Services is to assist students and other designated clients in developing, evaluating, and implementing career, education, and employment plans.

Career Coaching - Mock Interview
Students participate in a mock interview, and receive feedback from a professional staff member to improve their future performance.
Summer 2023 Career Development Students participate in a mock interview, and receive feedback from a professional staff member to improve their future performance. 3 11 30 Career Center N ; Career Services,Career development,,Self-knowledge,Communication - spoken
Student Leadership Programs


Student Leadership Programs - The mission of Student Leadership Programs must be to prepare students to engage in the process of leadership.

Returning Resident Assistant
Returning Resident Mentors have completed the training course, live with a group of 25 to 60 residents, guide them through their Carolina experience, and are responsible for actively assisting individuals and groups of students in their residential learning community by performing all job duties and responsibilities of the position.
Fall 2023 Peer Educator Returning Resident Mentors have completed the training course, live with a group of 25 to 60 residents, guide them through their Carolina experience, and are responsible for actively assisting individuals and groups of students in their residential learning community by performing all job duties and responsibilities of the position. 3 11 29 University Housing N GLD-Professional & Civic Engagement; Experiential Learning Opportunity; Student Leadership Programs,Leadership,,Influencing others,Interpersonal skills
Student Leadership Programs


Student Leadership Programs - The mission of Student Leadership Programs must be to prepare students to engage in the process of leadership.

New Resident Assistant
Resident Mentors live with a group of 25 to 60 residents, guide them through their Carolina experience, and are responsible for actively assisting individuals and groups of students in their residential learning community by performing all job duties and responsibilities of the position.
Fall 2023 Peer Educator Resident Mentors live with a group of 25 to 60 residents, guide them through their Carolina experience, and are responsible for actively assisting individuals and groups of students in their residential learning community by performing all job duties and responsibilities of the position. 3 11 29 University Housing N GLD-Professional & Civic Engagement; Experiential Learning Opportunity; Student Leadership Programs,Leadership,,Influencing others,Interpersonal skills
Student Employment


Student Employment - Student is employed part-time by the university and engages in career readiness development activities as part of supervision process.

Neighborhood Service Specialist
Neighborhood Service Specialists are student employees selected to work in one or more of the University Housing Neighborhood Service Offices; they provide customer service to residents and guests and perform administrative tasks to support hall staff.
Fall 2023 Employment On Campus Neighborhood Service Specialists are student employees selected to work in one or more of the University Housing Neighborhood Service Offices; they provide customer service to residents and guests and perform administrative tasks to support hall staff. 3 11 29 University Housing N ; Student Employment,Career readiness,Apply specialized knowledge,Professionalism / career readiness,Communication - spoken
Campus Activities Programs


Campus Activities Programs - The purpose of Campus Activities Programs must be to enhance the overall educational experience of students through development of, exposure to, and participation in programs and activities that improve student cooperation and leadership while preparing students to be responsible advocates and citizens and complementing the institution's academic programs.

Homecoming Event
Student participates in one of a variety of Homecoming activities designed to celebrate the traditions of the UofSC community; events are intended to develop a sense of belonging, pride, and school spirit as students engage with their peers, alumni, and friends of UofSC.
Spring 2022 Campus Activities Student participates in one of a variety of Homecoming activities designed to celebrate the traditions of the UofSC community; events are intended to develop a sense of belonging, pride, and school spirit as students engage with their peers, alumni, and friends of UofSC. 3 11 28 Russell House University Union N ; Campus Activities Programs,Recreation, leisure, entertainment,Connecting with others,Self-knowledge,
Housing and Residential Life Programs


Housing and Residential Life Programs - The mission of Housing and Residential Life Programs is accomplished through the coordination of several interdependent specialized areas; residence education / programming, business operations, and housing/facilities management.

Residence Hall Community Event
Students attend a program designed to engage students with the Carolina Community, including but not limited to, social gatherings, movie nights, and hall spirit competitions.
Fall 2023 Community Building Students attend a program designed to engage students with the Carolina Community, including but not limited to, social gatherings, movie nights, and hall spirit competitions. 3 11 29 University Housing N ; Housing and Residential Life Programs,Connecting with others,,Self-knowledge,
Undergraduate Research Programs


Undergraduate Research Programs - The primary mission of Undergraduate Research Programs is to engage students in investigative and creative activity to experience firsthand the processes of scholarly exploration and discovery.

Undergraduate Research - Paid or Volunteer
Students work with a mentor to conduct a discipline specific research project that explores their field of interest through a hands-on project. Students do not earn academic credit. Mentors and students are encouraged to discuss and develop clear expectations prior to initiating research activities.
Fall 2023 Undergraduate Research Students work with a mentor to conduct a discipline specific research project that explores their field of interest through a hands-on project. Students do not earn academic credit. Mentors and students are encouraged to discuss and develop clear expectations prior to initiating research activities. 3 13 32 Undergraduate Research N GLD-Research; Experiential Learning Opportunity; Undergraduate Research Programs,Research,,Critical and creative thinking,Problem solving
Undergraduate Research Programs


Undergraduate Research Programs - The primary mission of Undergraduate Research Programs is to engage students in investigative and creative activity to experience firsthand the processes of scholarly exploration and discovery.

Undergraduate Research - Student Grant Award
Student works with a mentor to conduct a discipline specific research project funded by a university grant, awarded through a competitive application process that includes evaluation of the clarity of the student's project description, project's educational and intellectual merit, potential impact of the project, and mentoring plan.
Fall 2023 Undergraduate Research Student works with a mentor to conduct a discipline specific research project funded by a university grant, awarded through a competitive application process that includes evaluation of the clarity of the student's project description, project's educational and intellectual merit, potential impact of the project, and mentoring plan. 3 13 32 Undergraduate Research N GLD-Research; Experiential Learning Opportunity; Undergraduate Research Programs,Research,,Critical and creative thinking,Problem solving
Undergraduate Research Programs


Undergraduate Research Programs - The primary mission of Undergraduate Research Programs is to engage students in investigative and creative activity to experience firsthand the processes of scholarly exploration and discovery.

Undergraduate Research - Student Grant Award/Independent Study
Student works with a faculty mentor (for academic credit) to conduct a research project funded by a university grant awarded through competitive application process including evaluation of clarity of student's project description, project's educational and intellectual merit, potential impact of project and mentoring plan.
Fall 2023 Undergraduate Research Student works with a faculty mentor (for academic credit) to conduct a research project funded by a university grant awarded through competitive application process including evaluation of clarity of student's project description, project's educational and intellectual merit, potential impact of project and mentoring plan. 3 13 32 Undergraduate Research N GLD-Research; Experiential Learning Opportunity; Undergraduate Research Programs,Research,,Critical and creative thinking,Problem solving
Undergraduate Research Programs


Undergraduate Research Programs - The primary mission of Undergraduate Research Programs is to engage students in investigative and creative activity to experience firsthand the processes of scholarly exploration and discovery.

Undergraduate Research - Independent Study Credit
Students work with a mentor, for academic course credit (generally through independent study) to conduct a discipline specific research project that explores their field of interest through a hands-on project. Mentors and students develop and determine expectations, objectives, and the method of evaluation prior to course registration and approval.
Fall 2023 Undergraduate Research Students work with a mentor, for academic course credit (generally through independent study) to conduct a discipline specific research project that explores their field of interest through a hands-on project. Mentors and students develop and determine expectations, objectives, and the method of evaluation prior to course registration and approval. 3 13 32 Undergraduate Research N GLD-Research; Experiential Learning Opportunity; Undergraduate Research Programs,Research,,Critical and creative thinking,Problem solving
Undergraduate Admissions Programs and Services


Undergraduate Admissions Programs and Services - The mission of Undergraduate Admissions Programs and Services is to enroll undergraduate applicants who will, both individually and collectively, benefit from the collegiate learning environment through academic and personal enrichment and development.

Multicultural Outreach Student Team
Multicultural Outreach Student Team (MOST) volunteers assist admissions staff with recruitment initiatives and events, represent USC on student panels, and share their college experience with underrepresented prospective students.
Fall 2023 Student Program Leader Multicultural Outreach Student Team (MOST) volunteers assist admissions staff with recruitment initiatives and events, represent USC on student panels, and share their college experience with underrepresented prospective students. 3 34 118 Outreach N ; Undergraduate Admissions Programs and Services,Community service / civic engagement,Connecting with others,Interpersonal skills,Communication - spoken
Recreational Sports Programs


Recreational Sports Programs - The mission of Recreational Sports Programs must be to enhance the mind, body, and spirit of students and other eligible individuals by providing programs, services, and facilities that are responsive to the physical, social, recreational, and lifelong educational needs of the campus community as they relate to health, fitness, and learning.

Campus Recreation Group X Instructor In Training Program
Trainees learn and apply specialized fitness knowledge and skills, assist in leading fitness classes, participate in staff meetings, and participate in a self- directed study in preparation for the American Council of Exercise (ACE) exam.
Fall 2023 Career Development Trainees learn and apply specialized fitness knowledge and skills, assist in leading fitness classes, participate in staff meetings, and participate in a self- directed study in preparation for the American Council of Exercise (ACE) exam. 3 11 117 Campus Recreation N ; Recreational Sports Programs,Career development,,Communication - spoken,Influencing others
Academic Advising Programs


Academic Advising Programs - The primary purpose of Academic Advising Programs is to assist students in the development of meaningful educational plans.

Academic Coaching Appointment
Students meet 1-1 with a coach to create an academic and engagement plan, set goals, and share resources; sessions are tailored to meet each student's needs and may include general advising, academic planning, strengths identification, planning campus involvement, and navigating campus resources.
Fall 2023 Educational Support Students meet 1-1 with a coach to create an academic and engagement plan, set goals, and share resources; sessions are tailored to meet each student's needs and may include general advising, academic planning, strengths identification, planning campus involvement, and navigating campus resources. 3 12 34 University Advising Center N ; Academic Advising Programs,Study / Practice intellectual skills,Study / Practice self knowledge,Foundations and skills for lifelong learning,Personal and social responsibility - Striving for excellence
Academic Advising Programs


Academic Advising Programs - The primary purpose of Academic Advising Programs is to assist students in the development of meaningful educational plans.

Exploratory Advising / Major Change
Students meet 1-on-1 with an Exploratory Advisor to explore majors/degree programs, learn how to change majors, evaluate how completed coursework will apply to a new major, plan class schedules, and get help with general advisement questions.
Fall 2023 Educational Support Students meet 1-on-1 with an Exploratory Advisor to explore majors/degree programs, learn how to change majors, evaluate how completed coursework will apply to a new major, plan class schedules, and get help with general advisement questions. 3 12 34 University Advising Center N ; Academic Advising Programs,Study / Practice intellectual skills,Study / Practice self knowledge,Self-knowledge,
Career Services


Career Services - The primary mission of Career Services is to assist students and other designated clients in developing, evaluating, and implementing career, education, and employment plans.

Junior Year Success Consultation
Junior year students meet one-to-one with a peer educator or a professional/graduate staff member in the Student Success Center, to help students reflect on their educational experiences to date, plan for their remaining time at USC, and identify post-graduation options.
Fall 2023 Educational Support Junior year students meet one-to-one with a peer educator or a professional/graduate staff member in the Student Success Center, to help students reflect on their educational experiences to date, plan for their remaining time at USC, and identify post-graduation options. 3 11 30 Carolina Experience N ; Career Services,Study / Practice self knowledge,Study / Practice intellectual skills,Self-knowledge,Problem solving
Career Services


Career Services - The primary mission of Career Services is to assist students and other designated clients in developing, evaluating, and implementing career, education, and employment plans.

Sophomore Success Consultation
Sophomore year students meet one-to-one with an upperclassman peer leader or a professional/graduate staff member in the Student Success Center, to reflect on their college experiences in their first year, identify opportunities for their second year, and explore the different ways they might find support and engagement in their sophomore year.
Fall 2023 Educational Support Sophomore year students meet one-to-one with an upperclassman peer leader or a professional/graduate staff member in the Student Success Center, to reflect on their college experiences in their first year, identify opportunities for their second year, and explore the different ways they might find support and engagement in their sophomore year. 3 11 30 Carolina Experience N ; Career Services,Study / Practice self knowledge,Study / Practice intellectual skills,Self-knowledge,Problem solving
Career Services


Career Services - The primary mission of Career Services is to assist students and other designated clients in developing, evaluating, and implementing career, education, and employment plans.

Sophomore Success Event
Sophomore year students engage in events designed to be social and community building in nature, focusing on helping students develop a social network with peers on a similar academic timeline and feel a sense of belonging on campus.
Fall 2023 Campus Activities Sophomore year students engage in events designed to be social and community building in nature, focusing on helping students develop a social network with peers on a similar academic timeline and feel a sense of belonging on campus. 3 11 30 Carolina Experience N ; Career Services,Connecting with others,Recreation, leisure, entertainment,Self-knowledge,
Career Services


Career Services - The primary mission of Career Services is to assist students and other designated clients in developing, evaluating, and implementing career, education, and employment plans.

Mutual Expectations Workshop
Students engage with peers and faculty, over lunch, to discuss issues and have an open dialogue through a guided conversation in a relaxed setting. Workshops are held in partnership between the Student Success Center (SSC) and the Center for Teaching Excellence (CTE).
Fall 2023 Educational Support Students engage with peers and faculty, over lunch, to discuss issues and have an open dialogue through a guided conversation in a relaxed setting. Workshops are held in partnership between the Student Success Center (SSC) and the Center for Teaching Excellence (CTE). 3 11 30 Carolina Experience N ; Career Services,Study / Practice self knowledge,Connecting with others,Personal and social responsibility - Contributing to a larger community,Personal and social responsibility - Cultivating personal and academic integrity
Career Services


Career Services - The primary mission of Career Services is to assist students and other designated clients in developing, evaluating, and implementing career, education, and employment plans.

Student Success Center Workshop
Students engage in a workshop on a topic related to academic success, cohort specific year success, college student success, and general life-skills, led by an upperclassman peer educator or professional/graduate staff member.
Fall 2023 Educational Support Students engage in a workshop on a topic related to academic success, cohort specific year success, college student success, and general life-skills, led by an upperclassman peer educator or professional/graduate staff member. 3 11 30 Student Success Center N ; Career Services,Study / Practice intellectual skills,Study / Practice self knowledge,Specialized knowledge and skills,Self-knowledge
Career Services


Career Services - The primary mission of Career Services is to assist students and other designated clients in developing, evaluating, and implementing career, education, and employment plans.

Transfer Student Success Event
Students engage in activities designed to welcome transfers students to the university, help them build a social network with other students/faculty/staff, learn about resources, help create a sense of belonging in a new location, and connect with other transfer students in the community.
Fall 2023 Campus Activities Students engage in activities designed to welcome transfers students to the university, help them build a social network with other students/faculty/staff, learn about resources, help create a sense of belonging in a new location, and connect with other transfer students in the community. 3 11 30 Carolina Experience N ; Career Services,Connecting with others,Recreation, leisure, entertainment,Self-knowledge,
Civic Engagement & Service-Learning Programs


Civic Engagement & Service-Learning Programs - The primary mission of Service-Learning Programs is to engage students in experiences that address human and community needs together with structured opportunities for reflection intentionally designed to promote student learning and development.

Gamecock CommUnity Shop Executive Board
Student board members serve as the primary points of contact for Pantry Pal volunteers, manage pantry operations, marketing/communications, strategic planning, and assessment; and support volunteer recruitment, training, and provide feedback and reflection opportunities.
Fall 2023 Civic Engagement Student board members serve as the primary points of contact for Pantry Pal volunteers, manage pantry operations, marketing/communications, strategic planning, and assessment; and support volunteer recruitment, training, and provide feedback and reflection opportunities. 3 11 88 Student Care and Outreach N GLD-Professional & Civic Engagement; GLD-Community Service; Experiential Learning Opportunity; Civic Engagement & Service-Learning Programs,Community service / civic engagement,Leadership,Civic knowledge and engagement,Teamwork
Learning Assistance Programs


Learning Assistance Programs - The primary mission of Learning Assistance Programs must be to provide students with resources and opportunities to improve their ability to learn and to achieve academic success.

Student Success Center University 101 Campus Partner Presentation
UNIV 101 students attend an (in-person) SSC presentation on a topic identified by their course instructor. Students listen to a trained presenter and engage in discussion on topics such as Study Smart, Money $mart, and Writing Smart.
Fall 2023 Educational Support UNIV 101 students attend an (in-person) SSC presentation on a topic identified by their course instructor. Students listen to a trained presenter and engage in discussion on topics such as Study Smart, Money $mart, and Writing Smart. 3 11 30 Student Success Center N ; Learning Assistance Programs,Study / Practice self knowledge,Study / Practice intellectual skills,Self-knowledge,Personal and social responsibility - Striving for excellence
Civic Engagement & Service-Learning Programs


Civic Engagement & Service-Learning Programs - The primary mission of Service-Learning Programs is to engage students in experiences that address human and community needs together with structured opportunities for reflection intentionally designed to promote student learning and development.

Gamecock CommUnity Pals
Students assist CommUnity Shop clients, sort donations, and shelve inventory in the Gamecock Pantry. They also serve as educational resources at tabling events.
Fall 2023 Service on Campus Students assist CommUnity Shop clients, sort donations, and shelve inventory in the Gamecock Pantry. They also serve as educational resources at tabling events. 3 11 88 Student Care and Outreach N ; Civic Engagement & Service-Learning Programs,Community service / civic engagement,Connecting with others,Civic knowledge and engagement,Communication - spoken
Campus Activities Programs


Campus Activities Programs - The purpose of Campus Activities Programs must be to enhance the overall educational experience of students through development of, exposure to, and participation in programs and activities that improve student cooperation and leadership while preparing students to be responsible advocates and citizens and complementing the institution's academic programs.

Residence Hall Association Community Event
Students attend a program designed by RHA student officers, in consultation with Residence Life professional staff, to engage students with the Carolina Community, including but not limited to, social gatherings, movie nights, and hall spirit competitions.
Fall 2023 Community Building Students attend a program designed by RHA student officers, in consultation with Residence Life professional staff, to engage students with the Carolina Community, including but not limited to, social gatherings, movie nights, and hall spirit competitions. 3 11 29 University Housing N ; Campus Activities Programs,Connecting with others,,Self-knowledge,
Learning Assistance Programs


Learning Assistance Programs - The primary mission of Learning Assistance Programs must be to provide students with resources and opportunities to improve their ability to learn and to achieve academic success.

Drop-in Tutoring
Students seeking assistance with study skills or content in a specific course work with a Peer Tutor who was successful in the same course. Students meet with a Peer Tutor individually or as part of a group, for as long as two hours, as needed.
Fall 2023 Educational Support Students seeking assistance with study skills or content in a specific course work with a Peer Tutor who was successful in the same course. Students meet with a Peer Tutor individually or as part of a group, for as long as two hours, as needed. 3 11 30 Student Success Center N ; Learning Assistance Programs,Study / Practice intellectual skills,Apply specialized knowledge,Specialized knowledge and skills,
Internship Programs


Internship Programs - The primary mission of Internship Programs is to engage students in planned, educationally-related work and learning experiences that integrate knowledge and theory with practical application and skill development in a professional setting.

Internship in Geography - GEOG 595
Students serve as interns (paid or unpaid) in government agencies, private-sector businesses, or non-profit organizations. Internship activities and experiential learning are supervised jointly by sponsors and the internship program of the department.
Fall 2023 Internship Students serve as interns (paid or unpaid) in government agencies, private-sector businesses, or non-profit organizations. Internship activities and experiential learning are supervised jointly by sponsors and the internship program of the department. 3 14 44 Y GLD-Professional & Civic Engagement; GLD-Community Service; Experiential Learning Opportunity; Internship Programs,Apply specialized knowledge,Career readiness,Specialized knowledge and skills,Professionalism / career readiness
Internship Programs


Internship Programs - The primary mission of Internship Programs is to engage students in planned, educationally-related work and learning experiences that integrate knowledge and theory with practical application and skill development in a professional setting.

Hospitality & Tourism Practicum - HRTM 290
Full time work experience of a minimum of 400 work hours in the Hospitality or Tourism industry; position can be any entry level or higher position. Includes online course work.
Fall 2023 Practicum Full time work experience of a minimum of 400 work hours in the Hospitality or Tourism industry; position can be any entry level or higher position. Includes online course work. 3 17 76 Y GLD-Professional & Civic Engagement; Experiential Learning Opportunity; Internship Programs,Apply specialized knowledge,Career readiness,Self-knowledge,Specialized knowledge and skills
Internship Programs


Internship Programs - The primary mission of Internship Programs is to engage students in planned, educationally-related work and learning experiences that integrate knowledge and theory with practical application and skill development in a professional setting.

Business Internship in Management - MGMT 499
Internship, for credit, with a company focusing on management, lessons learned, SWOT self assessment.
Fall 2023 Internship Internship, for credit, with a company focusing on management, lessons learned, SWOT self assessment. 3 15 64 Y GLD-Professional & Civic Engagement; Experiential Learning Opportunity; Internship Programs,Apply specialized knowledge,Career readiness,Specialized knowledge and skills,Professionalism / career readiness
Capstone Experience


Capstone Experience - A course or project that engages students in a culminating and integrative experience, intended to connect the key learning objectives of an educational program.

GSCOM Capstone Project - MGSC 497
Student consulting teams apply Operations and Supply Chain concepts and techniques to solve operational problems, identify improvement opportunities in service and manufacturing firms, write recommendation and implementation reports, oversee pilot or full-scale implementations, and make presentations of their work to the firm’s management group.
Fall 2023 Capstone Course or Project Student consulting teams apply Operations and Supply Chain concepts and techniques to solve operational problems, identify improvement opportunities in service and manufacturing firms, write recommendation and implementation reports, oversee pilot or full-scale implementations, and make presentations of their work to the firm’s management group. 3 15 65 Y GLD-Professional & Civic Engagement; Experiential Learning Opportunity; Capstone Experience,Apply specialized knowledge,,Specialized knowledge and skills,
Internship Programs


Internship Programs - The primary mission of Internship Programs is to engage students in planned, educationally-related work and learning experiences that integrate knowledge and theory with practical application and skill development in a professional setting.

Undergraduate Internship In Psychology - PSYC 495
Each student secures an internship at a community organization that serves children/adults, providing experience with the treatment/prevention of mental health concerns. Students write weekly journal reflections, conduct an informational interview, and complete a final paper. Site supervisors provide formal feedback at the end of the internship.
Fall 2023 Internship Each student secures an internship at a community organization that serves children/adults, providing experience with the treatment/prevention of mental health concerns. Students write weekly journal reflections, conduct an informational interview, and complete a final paper. Site supervisors provide formal feedback at the end of the internship. 3 14 51 Y GLD-Professional & Civic Engagement; Experiential Learning Opportunity; Internship Programs,Career development,Apply specialized knowledge,Integrative and applied learning,Self-knowledge
Internship Programs


Internship Programs - The primary mission of Internship Programs is to engage students in planned, educationally-related work and learning experiences that integrate knowledge and theory with practical application and skill development in a professional setting.

Honors Internship - SCHC 498
Internships are an important part of the Honors Beyond the Classroom program. Students receive academic credit while gaining valuable experience in their chosen career field, receiving helpful feedback on their performance and reflecting on their experience.
Fall 2023 Internship Internships are an important part of the Honors Beyond the Classroom program. Students receive academic credit while gaining valuable experience in their chosen career field, receiving helpful feedback on their performance and reflecting on their experience. 3 26 75 Y Experiential Learning Opportunity; GLD-Professional & Civic Engagement; Internship Programs,Apply specialized knowledge,Career readiness,Specialized knowledge and skills,Professionalism / career readiness
Internship Programs


Internship Programs - The primary mission of Internship Programs is to engage students in planned, educationally-related work and learning experiences that integrate knowledge and theory with practical application and skill development in a professional setting.

Internship in Sport & Entertainment Management - SPTE 495
Students engage in a supervised work experience in a sport or entertainment area. Internship is a minimum of 520 work hours over 13 weeks and is selected by the student with the assistance and approval of the Internship Instructor.
Fall 2023 Internship Students engage in a supervised work experience in a sport or entertainment area. Internship is a minimum of 520 work hours over 13 weeks and is selected by the student with the assistance and approval of the Internship Instructor. 3 17 79 Y GLD-Professional & Civic Engagement; Experiential Learning Opportunity; Internship Programs,Apply specialized knowledge,Career development,Specialized knowledge and skills,Self-knowledge
Internship Programs


Internship Programs - The primary mission of Internship Programs is to engage students in planned, educationally-related work and learning experiences that integrate knowledge and theory with practical application and skill development in a professional setting.

Practicum in Sport & Entertainment Management - SPTE 295
Students engage in a supervised work experience in a sport or entertainment area. Practicum is a minimum of 520 work hours over 13 weeks and is selected by the student with the assistance and approval of the Practicum Instructor. It is meant to be the student's introduction to the specific field in which they wish to pursue a career.
Fall 2023 Practicum Students engage in a supervised work experience in a sport or entertainment area. Practicum is a minimum of 520 work hours over 13 weeks and is selected by the student with the assistance and approval of the Practicum Instructor. It is meant to be the student's introduction to the specific field in which they wish to pursue a career. 3 17 79 Y GLD-Professional & Civic Engagement; Experiential Learning Opportunity; Internship Programs,Apply specialized knowledge,Career development,Specialized knowledge and skills,
Internship Programs


Internship Programs - The primary mission of Internship Programs is to engage students in planned, educationally-related work and learning experiences that integrate knowledge and theory with practical application and skill development in a professional setting.

Internship: Community Engagement - COLA 390
COLA 390 is a supervised experience to assist the student in decision-making for his/her future after graduation. This course will incorporate a real world experience for the student in a workplace or community organization related to their chosen profession, along with opportunities to receive feedback and reflect on the experience.
Fall 2023 Internship COLA 390 is a supervised experience to assist the student in decision-making for his/her future after graduation. This course will incorporate a real world experience for the student in a workplace or community organization related to their chosen profession, along with opportunities to receive feedback and reflect on the experience. 3 14 98 Y GLD-Professional & Civic Engagement; GLD-Community Service; Experiential Learning Opportunity; Internship Programs,Career development,,Self-knowledge,Professionalism / career readiness
Campus Activities Programs


Campus Activities Programs - The purpose of Campus Activities Programs must be to enhance the overall educational experience of students through development of, exposure to, and participation in programs and activities that improve student cooperation and leadership while preparing students to be responsible advocates and citizens and complementing the institution's academic programs.

National Collegiate Athletic Association (NCAA) Athletic Event
Student attendance at National Collegiate Athletic Association (NCAA) athletic events provides opportunities for students to connect with other students and develop a sense of belonging through shared school spirit.
Spring 2024 Campus Activities Student attendance at National Collegiate Athletic Association (NCAA) athletic events provides opportunities for students to connect with other students and develop a sense of belonging through shared school spirit. 3 30 116 Student Tickets N ; Campus Activities Programs,Connecting with others,,Self-knowledge,
Capstone Experience


Capstone Experience - A course or project that engages students in a culminating and integrative experience, intended to connect the key learning objectives of an educational program.

Discover UofSC
Students make oral, creative, and/or poster presentations of any beyond the classroom experience including research and scholarly projects, global study, professional work experiences, leadership, service-learning and community service, and national fellowship competitions.
Spring 2024 Articulating Learning Students make oral, creative, and/or poster presentations of any beyond the classroom experience including research and scholarly projects, global study, professional work experiences, leadership, service-learning and community service, and national fellowship competitions. 3 13 32 Undergraduate Research N GLD-Presentation; Capstone Experience,Apply specialized knowledge,Study / Practice intellectual skills,Communication - spoken,Specialized knowledge and skills
Student Leadership Programs


Student Leadership Programs - The mission of Student Leadership Programs must be to prepare students to engage in the process of leadership.

Magellan Ambassador
Magellan Ambassadors represent the Office of Undergraduate Research through campus presentations and events, providing opportunity for professional development while sharing their research experience with other students.
Spring 2024 Student Program Leader Magellan Ambassadors represent the Office of Undergraduate Research through campus presentations and events, providing opportunity for professional development while sharing their research experience with other students. 3 13 32 Undergraduate Research N GLD-Professional & Civic Engagement; Student Leadership Programs,Leadership,,Communication - spoken,Influencing others
Undergraduate Research Programs


Undergraduate Research Programs - The primary mission of Undergraduate Research Programs is to engage students in investigative and creative activity to experience firsthand the processes of scholarly exploration and discovery.

Undergraduate Research - Student Grant Award
Student works with a mentor to conduct a discipline specific research project funded by a university grant, awarded through a competitive application process that includes evaluation of the clarity of the student's project description, project's educational and intellectual merit, potential impact of the project, and mentoring plan.
Spring 2024 Undergraduate Research Student works with a mentor to conduct a discipline specific research project funded by a university grant, awarded through a competitive application process that includes evaluation of the clarity of the student's project description, project's educational and intellectual merit, potential impact of the project, and mentoring plan. 3 13 32 Undergraduate Research N GLD-Research; Experiential Learning Opportunity; Undergraduate Research Programs,Research,,Critical and creative thinking,Problem solving
Undergraduate Research Programs


Undergraduate Research Programs - The primary mission of Undergraduate Research Programs is to engage students in investigative and creative activity to experience firsthand the processes of scholarly exploration and discovery.

Undergraduate Research - Student Grant Award/Independent Study
Student works with a faculty mentor (for academic credit) to conduct a research project funded by a university grant awarded through competitive application process including evaluation of clarity of student's project description, project's educational and intellectual merit, potential impact of project and mentoring plan.
Spring 2024 Undergraduate Research Student works with a faculty mentor (for academic credit) to conduct a research project funded by a university grant awarded through competitive application process including evaluation of clarity of student's project description, project's educational and intellectual merit, potential impact of project and mentoring plan. 3 13 32 Undergraduate Research N GLD-Research; Experiential Learning Opportunity; Undergraduate Research Programs,Research,,Critical and creative thinking,Problem solving
Undergraduate Research Programs


Undergraduate Research Programs - The primary mission of Undergraduate Research Programs is to engage students in investigative and creative activity to experience firsthand the processes of scholarly exploration and discovery.

Undergraduate Research - Independent Study Credit
Students work with a mentor, for academic course credit (generally through independent study) to conduct a discipline specific research project that explores their field of interest through a hands-on project. Mentors and students develop and determine expectations, objectives, and the method of evaluation prior to course registration and approval.
Spring 2024 Undergraduate Research Students work with a mentor, for academic course credit (generally through independent study) to conduct a discipline specific research project that explores their field of interest through a hands-on project. Mentors and students develop and determine expectations, objectives, and the method of evaluation prior to course registration and approval. 3 13 32 Undergraduate Research N GLD-Research; Experiential Learning Opportunity; Undergraduate Research Programs,Research,,Critical and creative thinking,Problem solving
Undergraduate Research Programs


Undergraduate Research Programs - The primary mission of Undergraduate Research Programs is to engage students in investigative and creative activity to experience firsthand the processes of scholarly exploration and discovery.

Undergraduate Research - Paid or Volunteer
Students work with a mentor to conduct a discipline specific research project that explores their field of interest through a hands-on project. Students do not earn academic credit. Mentors and students are encouraged to discuss and develop clear expectations prior to initiating research activities.
Spring 2024 Undergraduate Research Students work with a mentor to conduct a discipline specific research project that explores their field of interest through a hands-on project. Students do not earn academic credit. Mentors and students are encouraged to discuss and develop clear expectations prior to initiating research activities. 3 13 32 Undergraduate Research N GLD-Research; Experiential Learning Opportunity; Undergraduate Research Programs,Research,,Critical and creative thinking,Problem solving
Career Services


Career Services - The primary mission of Career Services is to assist students and other designated clients in developing, evaluating, and implementing career, education, and employment plans.

Career Coaching
Student engages 1-1 with a Career Center professional staff member on a career planning topic, such as assessing career interests, writing a resume, preparing for a job fair or job interview, or planning a job search.
Spring 2024 Career Development Student engages 1-1 with a Career Center professional staff member on a career planning topic, such as assessing career interests, writing a resume, preparing for a job fair or job interview, or planning a job search. 3 11 30 Career Center N ; Career Services,Career development,Career readiness,Self-knowledge,Professionalism / career readiness
Career Services


Career Services - The primary mission of Career Services is to assist students and other designated clients in developing, evaluating, and implementing career, education, and employment plans.

Career Coaching - Career Studio
In this learning lab, students receive guidance from a Career Center Peer Educator on topics related to their career, including resumes, cover letters, personal statements, curriculum vitae, job search, interviewing, and occupational research.
Spring 2024 Career Development In this learning lab, students receive guidance from a Career Center Peer Educator on topics related to their career, including resumes, cover letters, personal statements, curriculum vitae, job search, interviewing, and occupational research. 3 11 30 Career Center N ; Career Services,Career development,Study / Practice self knowledge,Self-knowledge,
Student Leadership Programs


Student Leadership Programs - The mission of Student Leadership Programs must be to prepare students to engage in the process of leadership.

Career Studio Peer Educator
Career Studio Peer Educators advise students on career-related questions during appointments, manage front-desk operations, create and deliver presentations, initiate outreach activities, participate in marketing projects, and collaborate with professional staff members on career development initiatives.
Spring 2024 Peer Educator Career Studio Peer Educators advise students on career-related questions during appointments, manage front-desk operations, create and deliver presentations, initiate outreach activities, participate in marketing projects, and collaborate with professional staff members on career development initiatives. 3 11 30 Career Center N GLD-Professional & Civic Engagement; Experiential Learning Opportunity; Student Leadership Programs,Leadership,Career readiness,Interpersonal skills,Communication - spoken
Career Services


Career Services - The primary mission of Career Services is to assist students and other designated clients in developing, evaluating, and implementing career, education, and employment plans.

Health Professions Fair
Students interact with representatives from employer organizations about current and future employment opportunities including internships, co-ops, and full-time positions.
Spring 2024 Career Development Students interact with representatives from employer organizations about current and future employment opportunities including internships, co-ops, and full-time positions. 3 11 30 Career Center N ; Career Services,Career development,Career readiness,Self-knowledge,Professionalism / career readiness
Internship Programs


Internship Programs - The primary mission of Internship Programs is to engage students in planned, educationally-related work and learning experiences that integrate knowledge and theory with practical application and skill development in a professional setting.

Carolina Internship Program - Part-time
Students engage in a paid, work-based learning experience that is usually the length or equivalent of a fall or spring semester or summer, working approximately 240 hours at 20 hours/week. Student may be eligible to receive academic credit through their academic department or pursue a Zero Credit Transcript notation through the Career Center.
Spring 2024 Cooperative Education Students engage in a paid, work-based learning experience that is usually the length or equivalent of a fall or spring semester or summer, working approximately 240 hours at 20 hours/week. Student may be eligible to receive academic credit through their academic department or pursue a Zero Credit Transcript notation through the Career Center. 3 11 30 Career Center N GLD-Professional & Civic Engagement; Experiential Learning Opportunity; Internship Programs,Career development,Apply specialized knowledge,Professionalism / career readiness,Integrative and applied learning
Internship Programs


Internship Programs - The primary mission of Internship Programs is to engage students in planned, educationally-related work and learning experiences that integrate knowledge and theory with practical application and skill development in a professional setting.

Carolina Internship Program - Full-time
Students engage in a paid, work-based learning experience that includes staff facilitated feedback and reflection on their experience. The goal is to enhance students' understanding of their professional knowledge, skills and abilities to aid in their full-time job searches and lifelong career management.
Spring 2024 Internship Students engage in a paid, work-based learning experience that includes staff facilitated feedback and reflection on their experience. The goal is to enhance students' understanding of their professional knowledge, skills and abilities to aid in their full-time job searches and lifelong career management. 3 11 30 Career Center N GLD-Professional & Civic Engagement; Experiential Learning Opportunity; Internship Programs,Career readiness,Apply specialized knowledge,Professionalism / career readiness,Specialized knowledge and skills
Internship Programs


Internship Programs - The primary mission of Internship Programs is to engage students in planned, educationally-related work and learning experiences that integrate knowledge and theory with practical application and skill development in a professional setting.

Cooperative Education (Co-op) - Alternating
Students participate in 2-3 semesters of supervised, paid work-based learning with the same employer. The Alternating format allows the student to alternate between a semester of full-time school (480 hours at 40 hours/week).
Spring 2024 Cooperative Education Students participate in 2-3 semesters of supervised, paid work-based learning with the same employer. The Alternating format allows the student to alternate between a semester of full-time school (480 hours at 40 hours/week). 3 11 30 Career Center N GLD-Professional & Civic Engagement; Experiential Learning Opportunity; Internship Programs,Apply specialized knowledge,Career readiness,Specialized knowledge and skills,Professionalism / career readiness
Internship Programs


Internship Programs - The primary mission of Internship Programs is to engage students in planned, educationally-related work and learning experiences that integrate knowledge and theory with practical application and skill development in a professional setting.

Cooperative Education (Co-op) - Parallel
Students participate in 2-3 semesters of supervised, paid work-based learning with the same employer. The Parallel format allows the student to work part-time for 240 hours (20 hours/week) for 3 consecutive semesters while attending school.
Spring 2024 Cooperative Education Students participate in 2-3 semesters of supervised, paid work-based learning with the same employer. The Parallel format allows the student to work part-time for 240 hours (20 hours/week) for 3 consecutive semesters while attending school. 3 11 30 Career Center N GLD-Professional & Civic Engagement; Experiential Learning Opportunity; Internship Programs,Apply specialized knowledge,Career readiness,Specialized knowledge and skills,Professionalism / career readiness
Internship Programs


Internship Programs - The primary mission of Internship Programs is to engage students in planned, educationally-related work and learning experiences that integrate knowledge and theory with practical application and skill development in a professional setting.

South Carolina Internship Program
Students apply for and receive a financial supplement ($3,000) to support their participation in an internship or cooperative education experience in high-demand industries in South Carolina (manufacturing, aerospace, automotive, energy, health and life sciences or financial services).
Spring 2024 Career Development Students apply for and receive a financial supplement ($3,000) to support their participation in an internship or cooperative education experience in high-demand industries in South Carolina (manufacturing, aerospace, automotive, energy, health and life sciences or financial services). 3 11 30 Career Center N ; Internship Programs,Career development,Career readiness,Professionalism / career readiness,Self-knowledge
Career Services


Career Services - The primary mission of Career Services is to assist students and other designated clients in developing, evaluating, and implementing career, education, and employment plans.

Hospitality, Retail and Sport Management Experience Expo
Students interact with prospective employers to learn about opportunities and obtain interviews for internships and full-time jobs. Students interact with study abroad providers to learn about international experiences available to USC and College of HRSM students.
Spring 2024 Career Development Students interact with prospective employers to learn about opportunities and obtain interviews for internships and full-time jobs. Students interact with study abroad providers to learn about international experiences available to USC and College of HRSM students. 3 17 103 N ; Career Services,Career development,Career readiness,Self-knowledge,Influencing others
Career Services


Career Services - The primary mission of Career Services is to assist students and other designated clients in developing, evaluating, and implementing career, education, and employment plans.

Education Recruitment Day Career Event
Students interact with representatives from employer organizations about current and future employment opportunities including internships, co-ops, and full-time positions.
Spring 2024 Career Development Students interact with representatives from employer organizations about current and future employment opportunities including internships, co-ops, and full-time positions. 3 11 30 Career Center N ; Career Services,Career development,Career readiness,Self-knowledge,Professionalism / career readiness
Career Services


Career Services - The primary mission of Career Services is to assist students and other designated clients in developing, evaluating, and implementing career, education, and employment plans.

Alumni Career Mentoring Program Mentee
Mentees register and initiate interaction with their assigned Mentor through the Mentorship Hub. Interaction continues through the platform or other means of communication. Mentors and Mentees are encouraged to follow suggested themes in order to assist students with career development, goals setting, and career-related decision-making.
Spring 2024 Career Development Mentees register and initiate interaction with their assigned Mentor through the Mentorship Hub. Interaction continues through the platform or other means of communication. Mentors and Mentees are encouraged to follow suggested themes in order to assist students with career development, goals setting, and career-related decision-making. 3 11 30 Career Center N ; Career Services,Career readiness,Career development,Professionalism / career readiness,Self-knowledge
Student Employment


Student Employment - Student is employed part-time by the university and engages in career readiness development activities as part of supervision process.

Neighborhood Service Specialist
Neighborhood Service Specialists are student employees selected to work in one or more of the University Housing Neighborhood Service Offices; they provide customer service to residents and guests and perform administrative tasks to support hall staff.
Spring 2024 Employment On Campus Neighborhood Service Specialists are student employees selected to work in one or more of the University Housing Neighborhood Service Offices; they provide customer service to residents and guests and perform administrative tasks to support hall staff. 3 11 29 University Housing N ; Student Employment,Career readiness,Apply specialized knowledge,Professionalism / career readiness,Communication - spoken
Student Leadership Programs


Student Leadership Programs - The mission of Student Leadership Programs must be to prepare students to engage in the process of leadership.

New Resident Assistant
Resident Mentors live with a group of 25 to 60 residents, guide them through their Carolina experience, and are responsible for actively assisting individuals and groups of students in their residential learning community by performing all job duties and responsibilities of the position.
Spring 2024 Peer Educator Resident Mentors live with a group of 25 to 60 residents, guide them through their Carolina experience, and are responsible for actively assisting individuals and groups of students in their residential learning community by performing all job duties and responsibilities of the position. 3 11 29 University Housing N GLD-Professional & Civic Engagement; Experiential Learning Opportunity; Student Leadership Programs,Leadership,,Influencing others,Interpersonal skills
Campus Activities Programs


Campus Activities Programs - The purpose of Campus Activities Programs must be to enhance the overall educational experience of students through development of, exposure to, and participation in programs and activities that improve student cooperation and leadership while preparing students to be responsible advocates and citizens and complementing the institution's academic programs.

Residence Hall Association Community Event
Students attend a program designed by RHA student officers, in consultation with Residence Life professional staff, to engage students with the Carolina Community, including but not limited to, social gatherings, movie nights, and hall spirit competitions.
Spring 2024 Community Building Students attend a program designed by RHA student officers, in consultation with Residence Life professional staff, to engage students with the Carolina Community, including but not limited to, social gatherings, movie nights, and hall spirit competitions. 3 11 29 University Housing N ; Campus Activities Programs,Connecting with others,,Self-knowledge,
Housing and Residential Life Programs


Housing and Residential Life Programs - The mission of Housing and Residential Life Programs is accomplished through the coordination of several interdependent specialized areas; residence education / programming, business operations, and housing/facilities management.

Residence Hall Community Event
Students attend a program designed to engage students with the Carolina Community, including but not limited to, social gatherings, movie nights, and hall spirit competitions.
Spring 2024 Community Building Students attend a program designed to engage students with the Carolina Community, including but not limited to, social gatherings, movie nights, and hall spirit competitions. 3 11 29 University Housing N ; Housing and Residential Life Programs,Connecting with others,,Self-knowledge,
Student Leadership Programs


Student Leadership Programs - The mission of Student Leadership Programs must be to prepare students to engage in the process of leadership.

Returning Resident Assistant
Returning Resident Mentors have completed the training course, live with a group of 25 to 60 residents, guide them through their Carolina experience, and are responsible for actively assisting individuals and groups of students in their residential learning community by performing all job duties and responsibilities of the position.
Spring 2024 Peer Educator Returning Resident Mentors have completed the training course, live with a group of 25 to 60 residents, guide them through their Carolina experience, and are responsible for actively assisting individuals and groups of students in their residential learning community by performing all job duties and responsibilities of the position. 3 11 29 University Housing N GLD-Professional & Civic Engagement; Experiential Learning Opportunity; Student Leadership Programs,Leadership,,Influencing others,Interpersonal skills
Civic Engagement & Service-Learning Programs


Civic Engagement & Service-Learning Programs - The primary mission of Service-Learning Programs is to engage students in experiences that address human and community needs together with structured opportunities for reflection intentionally designed to promote student learning and development.

CIEL Student Advisory Council Session
SAC members discuss, question, and debate presented topics and consider how their shared opinions can impact their peers and institution. They may collaborate with one another to reach a unanimous opinion or may state personal opinions, while demonstrating professionalism when opinions differ and understanding the importance of individual voices.
Spring 2024 Service on Campus SAC members discuss, question, and debate presented topics and consider how their shared opinions can impact their peers and institution. They may collaborate with one another to reach a unanimous opinion or may state personal opinions, while demonstrating professionalism when opinions differ and understanding the importance of individual voices. 3 12 34 Center for Integrative and Experiential Learning N ; Civic Engagement & Service-Learning Programs,Community service / civic engagement,Study / Practice self knowledge,Personal and social responsibility - Contributing to a larger community,Self-knowledge
Capstone Experience


Capstone Experience - A course or project that engages students in a culminating and integrative experience, intended to connect the key learning objectives of an educational program.

Graduation with Leadership Distinction ePortfolio - Small Groups and Independent students
The ePortfolio is designed to be the culminating project of a student's collegiate experiences. Through creation of an ePortfolio, students demonstrate the major learning and skills they have developed. The process is intended to help undergraduate students identify their purpose or passion.
Spring 2024 Capstone Course or Project The ePortfolio is designed to be the culminating project of a student's collegiate experiences. Through creation of an ePortfolio, students demonstrate the major learning and skills they have developed. The process is intended to help undergraduate students identify their purpose or passion. 3 12 34 Center for Integrative and Experiential Learning N GLD-ePortfolio; Experiential Learning Opportunity; Capstone Experience,Apply specialized knowledge,Career development,Integrative and applied learning,Self-knowledge
Capstone Experience


Capstone Experience - A course or project that engages students in a culminating and integrative experience, intended to connect the key learning objectives of an educational program.

Graduation with Leadership Distinction ePortfolio - 401
Student creates an ePortfolio as the culminating project of their undergraduate student collegiate experience. Through the ePortfolio, students demonstrate the major learning and skills they have developed during their time at the University of South Carolina. The ePortfolio is intended to help students identify their purpose or passion.
Spring 2024 Capstone Course or Project Student creates an ePortfolio as the culminating project of their undergraduate student collegiate experience. Through the ePortfolio, students demonstrate the major learning and skills they have developed during their time at the University of South Carolina. The ePortfolio is intended to help students identify their purpose or passion. 3 12 34 Center for Integrative and Experiential Learning N GLD-ePortfolio; Experiential Learning Opportunity; Capstone Experience,Study / Practice intellectual skills,,Integrative and applied learning,
Internship Programs


Internship Programs - The primary mission of Internship Programs is to engage students in planned, educationally-related work and learning experiences that integrate knowledge and theory with practical application and skill development in a professional setting.

USC Press Internship
UofSC Press interns gain insight into the book publishing process by working in one of three areas: acquisitions, publicity, or marketing, with potential exposure to and integration with other Press departments and varied learning opportunities tailored to their specific interests.
Spring 2024 Internship UofSC Press interns gain insight into the book publishing process by working in one of three areas: acquisitions, publicity, or marketing, with potential exposure to and integration with other Press departments and varied learning opportunities tailored to their specific interests. 3 12 114 USC Press N Experiential Learning Opportunity; Internship Programs,Apply specialized knowledge,Career readiness,Communication - spoken,Communication - written
Student Leadership Programs


Student Leadership Programs - The mission of Student Leadership Programs must be to prepare students to engage in the process of leadership.

Dean's Advisory Council
Students represent the voices, concerns, and interests of the diverse undergraduate student body to the Dean of Students, providing input for university policies, programs, and communication. Council members serve as a vehicle for information sharing and support among student leaders on campus.
Spring 2024 Appointed Student Leader Students represent the voices, concerns, and interests of the diverse undergraduate student body to the Dean of Students, providing input for university policies, programs, and communication. Council members serve as a vehicle for information sharing and support among student leaders on campus. 3 11 88 N GLD-Professional & Civic Engagement; Student Leadership Programs,Community service / civic engagement,Career readiness,Critical and creative thinking,Communication - spoken
Student Leadership Programs


Student Leadership Programs - The mission of Student Leadership Programs must be to prepare students to engage in the process of leadership.

College of Arts and Sciences Ambassador
Ambassadors represent the College at student recruitment and other special events; provide informal tours and serve as a resource to prospective and incoming students and special guests of the college; assist with orientation event; provide feedback and suggestions to College leadership related to student recruitment and orientation programming.
Spring 2024 Student Program Leader Ambassadors represent the College at student recruitment and other special events; provide informal tours and serve as a resource to prospective and incoming students and special guests of the college; assist with orientation event; provide feedback and suggestions to College leadership related to student recruitment and orientation programming. 3 14 115 N ; Student Leadership Programs,Career readiness,Connecting with others,Communication - spoken,Professionalism / career readiness
Student Leadership Programs


Student Leadership Programs - The mission of Student Leadership Programs must be to prepare students to engage in the process of leadership.

Fellowship Peer Mentor
Mentors help prospective and current fellowship applicants gain confidence and skills to engage in the fellowship process, by sharing their own experiences as a fellowship recipient and information about national fellowship (NF) opportunities. Mentors communicate with students via podcast, social media campaign, and at NFSP-related events.
Spring 2024 Student Program Leader Mentors help prospective and current fellowship applicants gain confidence and skills to engage in the fellowship process, by sharing their own experiences as a fellowship recipient and information about national fellowship (NF) opportunities. Mentors communicate with students via podcast, social media campaign, and at NFSP-related events. 3 26 36 N ; Student Leadership Programs,Leadership,Study / Practice self knowledge,Communication - spoken,Interpersonal skills
Student Leadership Programs


Student Leadership Programs - The mission of Student Leadership Programs must be to prepare students to engage in the process of leadership.

National Fellowships Ambassador
Through outreach and sharing, a National Fellowships Ambassador helps prospective and current fellowship applicants gain confidence and skills to engage in the fellowship process.
Spring 2024 Student Program Leader Through outreach and sharing, a National Fellowships Ambassador helps prospective and current fellowship applicants gain confidence and skills to engage in the fellowship process. 3 26 36 N ; Student Leadership Programs,Leadership,Study / Practice self knowledge,Communication - spoken,Interpersonal skills
Academic Advising Programs


Academic Advising Programs - The primary purpose of Academic Advising Programs is to assist students in the development of meaningful educational plans.

Academic Coaching Appointment
Students meet 1-1 with a coach to create an academic and engagement plan, set goals, and share resources; sessions are tailored to meet each student's needs and may include general advising, academic planning, strengths identification, planning campus involvement, and navigating campus resources.
Spring 2024 Educational Support Students meet 1-1 with a coach to create an academic and engagement plan, set goals, and share resources; sessions are tailored to meet each student's needs and may include general advising, academic planning, strengths identification, planning campus involvement, and navigating campus resources. 3 12 34 University Advising Center N ; Academic Advising Programs,Study / Practice intellectual skills,Study / Practice self knowledge,Foundations and skills for lifelong learning,Personal and social responsibility - Striving for excellence
Learning Assistance Programs


Learning Assistance Programs - The primary mission of Learning Assistance Programs must be to provide students with resources and opportunities to improve their ability to learn and to achieve academic success.

Advisement Tools Workshop
This interactive workshop assists students with curricular and co-curricular technologies utilized in advising. Presenters will demonstrate the DegreeWorks audit and other advisement processes, and the My UofSC Experience Engagement database and records, to advance students' understanding of how curricular and co-curricular experiences connect.
Fall 2024 Educational Support This interactive workshop assists students with curricular and co-curricular technologies utilized in advising. Presenters will demonstrate the DegreeWorks audit and other advisement processes, and the My UofSC Experience Engagement database and records, to advance students' understanding of how curricular and co-curricular experiences connect. 3 12 34 University Advising Center N ; Learning Assistance Programs,Study / Practice intellectual skills,Study / Practice self knowledge,Integrative and applied learning,Self-knowledge
Student Leadership Programs


Student Leadership Programs - The mission of Student Leadership Programs must be to prepare students to engage in the process of leadership.

Substance Abuse Prevention & Education Peer Educator
SAPE Peer Educators create and implement a variety of educational programs designed to encourage their fellow students to make safer, informed decisions when it comes to alcohol and other drug use.
Spring 2024 Peer Educator SAPE Peer Educators create and implement a variety of educational programs designed to encourage their fellow students to make safer, informed decisions when it comes to alcohol and other drug use. 3 11 117 Substance Abuse Prevention & Education N GLD-Professional & Civic Engagement; Student Leadership Programs,Apply specialized knowledge,Leadership,Communication - spoken,Interpersonal skills
Student Leadership Programs


Student Leadership Programs - The mission of Student Leadership Programs must be to prepare students to engage in the process of leadership.

College of Engineering and Computing Peer Mentor
Each CEC Peer Mentor is matched with a mentee through the UofSC Mentorship Hub, to answer questions and share their experiences about working toward personal, academic, and professional goals. Mentors contact their mentee at least once per month and report their mentorship interactions.
Spring 2024 Student Program Leader Each CEC Peer Mentor is matched with a mentee through the UofSC Mentorship Hub, to answer questions and share their experiences about working toward personal, academic, and professional goals. Mentors contact their mentee at least once per month and report their mentorship interactions. 3 19 101 N ; Student Leadership Programs,Community service / civic engagement,Leadership,Interpersonal skills,
Education Abroad Programs & Services


Education Abroad Programs & Services - Education Abroad Programs and Services facilitate and oversee student participation in educational experiences that occur in countries outside the institution's home country.

Study Abroad - Global Direct
Students engage in a summer, semester, or academic year direct-enroll program while focusing on specific topics, foreign languages, or various subject areas. Students take courses from an approved academic institution and pay tuition and fees directly to the host institution.
Spring 2024 Study Abroad Students engage in a summer, semester, or academic year direct-enroll program while focusing on specific topics, foreign languages, or various subject areas. Students take courses from an approved academic institution and pay tuition and fees directly to the host institution. 3 12 31 Study Abroad N GLD-Global Learning; Experiential Learning Opportunity; Education Abroad Programs & Services,Global learning,,Intercultural knowledge and competence,Specialized knowledge and skills
Education Abroad Programs & Services


Education Abroad Programs & Services - Education Abroad Programs and Services facilitate and oversee student participation in educational experiences that occur in countries outside the institution's home country.

Study Abroad - Global Exchange
Students engage in a semester or academic year exchange program in conjunction with a partner institution. Some focus on specific areas of study; others are open to all majors. Students are charged USC in-state tuition while enrolled in this program.
Spring 2024 Study Abroad Students engage in a semester or academic year exchange program in conjunction with a partner institution. Some focus on specific areas of study; others are open to all majors. Students are charged USC in-state tuition while enrolled in this program. 3 12 31 Study Abroad N GLD-Global Learning; Experiential Learning Opportunity; Education Abroad Programs & Services,Global learning,,Intercultural knowledge and competence,Specialized knowledge and skills
Education Abroad Programs & Services


Education Abroad Programs & Services - Education Abroad Programs and Services facilitate and oversee student participation in educational experiences that occur in countries outside the institution's home country.

Study Abroad - Global Partner
Students engage in a summer, semester, or academic year program with an independent study abroad organization.
Spring 2024 Study Abroad Students engage in a summer, semester, or academic year program with an independent study abroad organization. 3 12 31 Study Abroad N GLD-Global Learning; Experiential Learning Opportunity; Education Abroad Programs & Services,Global learning,,Intercultural knowledge and competence,Specialized knowledge and skills
Education Abroad Programs & Services


Education Abroad Programs & Services - Education Abroad Programs and Services facilitate and oversee student participation in educational experiences that occur in countries outside the institution's home country.

Study Abroad - Global Classroom
Students engage in a short-term, USC faculty-led program, focusing on a specific subject area or foreign language. Program sites and course offerings vary from year to year.
Spring 2024 Study Abroad Students engage in a short-term, USC faculty-led program, focusing on a specific subject area or foreign language. Program sites and course offerings vary from year to year. 3 12 31 Study Abroad N GLD-Global Learning; Experiential Learning Opportunity; Education Abroad Programs & Services,Global learning,,Intercultural knowledge and competence,Specialized knowledge and skills
Education Abroad Programs & Services


Education Abroad Programs & Services - Education Abroad Programs and Services facilitate and oversee student participation in educational experiences that occur in countries outside the institution's home country.

Study Abroad - Global USC
Students engage in intensive, multi-disciplinary overseas summer programs, earning 3-9 credits while participating in cultural excursions and academic activities as part of a cohort.
Spring 2024 Study Abroad Students engage in intensive, multi-disciplinary overseas summer programs, earning 3-9 credits while participating in cultural excursions and academic activities as part of a cohort. 3 12 31 Study Abroad N GLD-Global Learning; Experiential Learning Opportunity; Education Abroad Programs & Services,Global learning,,Intercultural knowledge and competence,Specialized knowledge and skills
Student Leadership Programs


Student Leadership Programs - The mission of Student Leadership Programs must be to prepare students to engage in the process of leadership.

Changing Carolina Peer Leader
Student health educators deliver presentations, plan and implement educational programs and events, and research national and campus trends and issues around health and well-being, to help their peers explore the fundamentals of a healthy lifestyle.
Spring 2024 Peer Educator Student health educators deliver presentations, plan and implement educational programs and events, and research national and campus trends and issues around health and well-being, to help their peers explore the fundamentals of a healthy lifestyle. 3 11 117 Healthy Campus Initiatives N GLD-Professional & Civic Engagement; Experiential Learning Opportunity; Student Leadership Programs,Leadership,Apply specialized knowledge,Communication - spoken,Influencing others
Learning Assistance Programs


Learning Assistance Programs - The primary mission of Learning Assistance Programs must be to provide students with resources and opportunities to improve their ability to learn and to achieve academic success.

Drop-in Tutoring
Students seeking assistance with study skills or content in a specific course work with a Peer Tutor who was successful in the same course. Students meet with a Peer Tutor individually or as part of a group, for as long as two hours, as needed.
Spring 2024 Educational Support Students seeking assistance with study skills or content in a specific course work with a Peer Tutor who was successful in the same course. Students meet with a Peer Tutor individually or as part of a group, for as long as two hours, as needed. 3 11 30 Student Success Center N ; Learning Assistance Programs,Study / Practice intellectual skills,Apply specialized knowledge,Specialized knowledge and skills,
Career Services


Career Services - The primary mission of Career Services is to assist students and other designated clients in developing, evaluating, and implementing career, education, and employment plans.

Junior Year Success Consultation
Junior year students meet one-to-one with a peer educator or a professional/graduate staff member in the Student Success Center, to help students reflect on their educational experiences to date, plan for their remaining time at USC, and identify post-graduation options.
Spring 2024 Educational Support Junior year students meet one-to-one with a peer educator or a professional/graduate staff member in the Student Success Center, to help students reflect on their educational experiences to date, plan for their remaining time at USC, and identify post-graduation options. 3 11 30 Carolina Experience N ; Career Services,Study / Practice self knowledge,Study / Practice intellectual skills,Self-knowledge,Problem solving
Learning Assistance Programs


Learning Assistance Programs - The primary mission of Learning Assistance Programs must be to provide students with resources and opportunities to improve their ability to learn and to achieve academic success.

Money Management Consultation
Students participate in a 1:1 meeting with a Financial Literacy Consultant, to explore financial management topics including basic money management, credit, debt management, and student loan repayment policies.
Spring 2024 Educational Support Students participate in a 1:1 meeting with a Financial Literacy Consultant, to explore financial management topics including basic money management, credit, debt management, and student loan repayment policies. 3 11 30 Student Success Center N ; Learning Assistance Programs,Study / Practice financial literacy,Study / Practice self knowledge,Financial literacy,Problem solving
Student Leadership Programs


Student Leadership Programs - The mission of Student Leadership Programs must be to prepare students to engage in the process of leadership.

Peer Consultant
Student consultants meet with peers to provide study skills support, discuss academic success strategies, and co-create a personalized plan for academic success.
Spring 2024 Peer Educator Student consultants meet with peers to provide study skills support, discuss academic success strategies, and co-create a personalized plan for academic success. 3 11 30 Student Success Center N GLD-Professional & Civic Engagement; Experiential Learning Opportunity; Student Leadership Programs,Leadership,,Influencing others,Communication - spoken
Student Leadership Programs


Student Leadership Programs - The mission of Student Leadership Programs must be to prepare students to engage in the process of leadership.

Peer Tutor
Tutors provide course-specific academic support for undergraduate students. They work with students in 1-1 sessions and lead group tutoring sessions.
Spring 2024 Peer Educator Tutors provide course-specific academic support for undergraduate students. They work with students in 1-1 sessions and lead group tutoring sessions. 3 11 30 Student Success Center N GLD-Professional & Civic Engagement; Experiential Learning Opportunity; Student Leadership Programs,Apply specialized knowledge,Leadership,Integrative and applied learning,Communication - spoken
Learning Assistance Programs


Learning Assistance Programs - The primary mission of Learning Assistance Programs must be to provide students with resources and opportunities to improve their ability to learn and to achieve academic success.

Peer Tutoring
Students participate in a tutoring session for a specific academic course in which they are currently enrolled.
Spring 2024 Educational Support Students participate in a tutoring session for a specific academic course in which they are currently enrolled. 3 11 30 Student Success Center N ; Learning Assistance Programs,Study / Practice intellectual skills,Apply specialized knowledge,Specialized knowledge and skills,
Learning Assistance Programs


Learning Assistance Programs - The primary mission of Learning Assistance Programs must be to provide students with resources and opportunities to improve their ability to learn and to achieve academic success.

Peer Writing Session
Students participate in a tutoring session for support with composition- or communications-based assignments or projects.
Spring 2024 Educational Support Students participate in a tutoring session for support with composition- or communications-based assignments or projects. 3 11 30 Student Success Center N ; Learning Assistance Programs,Study / Practice intellectual skills,,Communication - written,Communication - spoken
Student Leadership Programs


Student Leadership Programs - The mission of Student Leadership Programs must be to prepare students to engage in the process of leadership.

Peer Writing Tutor
Peer Tutors meet with students in 1-1 sessions to provide course-specific academic support for writing and communications skill development.
Spring 2024 Peer Educator Peer Tutors meet with students in 1-1 sessions to provide course-specific academic support for writing and communications skill development. 3 11 30 Student Success Center N GLD-Professional & Civic Engagement; Experiential Learning Opportunity; Student Leadership Programs,Apply specialized knowledge,Leadership,Critical and creative thinking,Communication - spoken
Career Services


Career Services - The primary mission of Career Services is to assist students and other designated clients in developing, evaluating, and implementing career, education, and employment plans.

Sophomore Success Consultation
Sophomore year students meet one-to-one with an upperclassman peer leader or a professional/graduate staff member in the Student Success Center, to reflect on their college experiences in their first year, identify opportunities for their second year, and explore the different ways they might find support and engagement in their sophomore year.
Spring 2024 Educational Support Sophomore year students meet one-to-one with an upperclassman peer leader or a professional/graduate staff member in the Student Success Center, to reflect on their college experiences in their first year, identify opportunities for their second year, and explore the different ways they might find support and engagement in their sophomore year. 3 11 30 Carolina Experience N ; Career Services,Study / Practice self knowledge,Study / Practice intellectual skills,Self-knowledge,Problem solving
Student Leadership Programs


Student Leadership Programs - The mission of Student Leadership Programs must be to prepare students to engage in the process of leadership.

Student Success Center Program Assistant / Mentor
Experienced student leaders serve within a specific programmatic area (supplemental instruction, peer tutoring, or peer success consultations), supervise other peer leaders within the same program, and engage in critical office functions to support the department's professional certifications and mission.
Spring 2024 Peer Educator Experienced student leaders serve within a specific programmatic area (supplemental instruction, peer tutoring, or peer success consultations), supervise other peer leaders within the same program, and engage in critical office functions to support the department's professional certifications and mission. 3 11 30 Student Success Center N GLD-Professional & Civic Engagement; Experiential Learning Opportunity; Student Leadership Programs,Leadership,Career readiness,Teamwork,Critical and creative thinking
Learning Assistance Programs


Learning Assistance Programs - The primary mission of Learning Assistance Programs must be to provide students with resources and opportunities to improve their ability to learn and to achieve academic success.

Student Success Center University 101 Campus Partner Presentation
UNIV 101 students attend an (in-person) SSC presentation on a topic identified by their course instructor. Students listen to a trained presenter and engage in discussion on topics such as Study Smart, Money $mart, and Writing Smart.
Spring 2024 Educational Support UNIV 101 students attend an (in-person) SSC presentation on a topic identified by their course instructor. Students listen to a trained presenter and engage in discussion on topics such as Study Smart, Money $mart, and Writing Smart. 3 11 30 Student Success Center N ; Learning Assistance Programs,Study / Practice self knowledge,Study / Practice intellectual skills,Self-knowledge,Personal and social responsibility - Striving for excellence
Career Services


Career Services - The primary mission of Career Services is to assist students and other designated clients in developing, evaluating, and implementing career, education, and employment plans.

Student Success Center Workshop
Students engage in a workshop on a topic related to academic success, cohort specific year success, college student success, and general life-skills, led by an upperclassman peer educator or professional/graduate staff member.
Spring 2024 Educational Support Students engage in a workshop on a topic related to academic success, cohort specific year success, college student success, and general life-skills, led by an upperclassman peer educator or professional/graduate staff member. 3 11 30 Student Success Center N ; Career Services,Study / Practice intellectual skills,Study / Practice self knowledge,Specialized knowledge and skills,Self-knowledge
Learning Assistance Programs


Learning Assistance Programs - The primary mission of Learning Assistance Programs must be to provide students with resources and opportunities to improve their ability to learn and to achieve academic success.

Success Consultation
Students meet 1-1 with a trained peer consultant to assist students in understanding course material, develop self-regulated learning skills, and create an action plan for positive academic behaviors.
Spring 2024 Educational Support Students meet 1-1 with a trained peer consultant to assist students in understanding course material, develop self-regulated learning skills, and create an action plan for positive academic behaviors. 3 11 30 Student Success Center N ; Learning Assistance Programs,Study / Practice intellectual skills,Study / Practice self knowledge,Foundations and skills for lifelong learning,
Learning Assistance Programs


Learning Assistance Programs - The primary mission of Learning Assistance Programs must be to provide students with resources and opportunities to improve their ability to learn and to achieve academic success.

Supplemental Instruction
Students participate in a group study session for a specific academic course and section in which they are currently enrolled.
Spring 2024 Educational Support Students participate in a group study session for a specific academic course and section in which they are currently enrolled. 3 11 30 Student Success Center N ; Learning Assistance Programs,Study / Practice intellectual skills,,Specialized knowledge and skills,
Student Leadership Programs


Student Leadership Programs - The mission of Student Leadership Programs must be to prepare students to engage in the process of leadership.

Supplemental Instruction Peer Leader
SI Peer Leaders facilitate group study sessions for students enrolled in specific courses and sections; they help their peers learn challenging material from class lectures and assignments, and offer helpful tips that integrate how to learn with what to learn through three group study sessions each week.
Spring 2024 Peer Educator SI Peer Leaders facilitate group study sessions for students enrolled in specific courses and sections; they help their peers learn challenging material from class lectures and assignments, and offer helpful tips that integrate how to learn with what to learn through three group study sessions each week. 3 11 30 Student Success Center N GLD-Professional & Civic Engagement; Experiential Learning Opportunity; Student Leadership Programs,Apply specialized knowledge,Leadership,Integrative and applied learning,Communication - spoken
Career Services


Career Services - The primary mission of Career Services is to assist students and other designated clients in developing, evaluating, and implementing career, education, and employment plans.

Transfer Student Success Event
Students engage in activities designed to welcome transfers students to the university, help them build a social network with other students/faculty/staff, learn about resources, help create a sense of belonging in a new location, and connect with other transfer students in the community.
Spring 2024 Campus Activities Students engage in activities designed to welcome transfers students to the university, help them build a social network with other students/faculty/staff, learn about resources, help create a sense of belonging in a new location, and connect with other transfer students in the community. 3 11 30 Carolina Experience N ; Career Services,Connecting with others,Recreation, leisure, entertainment,Self-knowledge,
Transfer Student Programs and Services


Transfer Student Programs and Services - The mission of Transfer Student Programs and Services is to aid in the successful transfer, persistence, and graduation of transfer students.

Transfer Success Consultation
Transfer students participate in a 1:1 meeting with the Transfer Coordinator, to discuss academic referrals, current academic challenges, and to identify academic and campus resources.
Spring 2024 Educational Support Transfer students participate in a 1:1 meeting with the Transfer Coordinator, to discuss academic referrals, current academic challenges, and to identify academic and campus resources. 3 11 30 Carolina Experience N ; Transfer Student Programs and Services,Study / Practice self knowledge,,Personal and social responsibility - Striving for excellence,
Career Services


Career Services - The primary mission of Career Services is to assist students and other designated clients in developing, evaluating, and implementing career, education, and employment plans.

Part-Time Job Fair
Students interact with representatives from campus departments and community organizations about current part-time employment opportunities.
Spring 2024 Career Development Students interact with representatives from campus departments and community organizations about current part-time employment opportunities. 3 11 30 Career Center N ; Career Services,Career development,Career readiness,Self-knowledge,Professionalism / career readiness
Career Services


Career Services - The primary mission of Career Services is to assist students and other designated clients in developing, evaluating, and implementing career, education, and employment plans.

STEM Job Fair
Students interact with representatives from employer organizations about current and future employment opportunities including internships, co-ops, and full-time positions.
Spring 2024 Career Development Students interact with representatives from employer organizations about current and future employment opportunities including internships, co-ops, and full-time positions. 3 11 30 Career Center N ; Career Services,Career development,Career readiness,Self-knowledge,Professionalism / career readiness
Career Services


Career Services - The primary mission of Career Services is to assist students and other designated clients in developing, evaluating, and implementing career, education, and employment plans.

Moore School of Business EXPO
Students interact with representatives from employer organizations about current and future employment opportunities including internships and full-time positions.
Spring 2024 Career Development Students interact with representatives from employer organizations about current and future employment opportunities including internships and full-time positions. 3 11 30 Career Center N ; Career Services,Career development,,Self-knowledge,
Career Services


Career Services - The primary mission of Career Services is to assist students and other designated clients in developing, evaluating, and implementing career, education, and employment plans.

Gamecocks Get Hired Job Fair
Students interact with representatives from employer organizations about current and future employment opportunities including internships, co-ops, and full-time positions.
Spring 2024 Career Development Students interact with representatives from employer organizations about current and future employment opportunities including internships, co-ops, and full-time positions. 3 11 30 Career Center N ; Career Services,Career development,,Self-knowledge,
Career Services


Career Services - The primary mission of Career Services is to assist students and other designated clients in developing, evaluating, and implementing career, education, and employment plans.

Internships and Post-Graduation Opportunities Fair
In this virtual (online) Fair, students interact with representatives from employer organizations about current and future employment opportunities including internships, co-ops, and full-time positions.
Spring 2024 Career Development In this virtual (online) Fair, students interact with representatives from employer organizations about current and future employment opportunities including internships, co-ops, and full-time positions. 3 11 30 Career Center N ; Career Services,Career development,Career readiness,Self-knowledge,Professionalism / career readiness
Civic Engagement & Service-Learning Programs


Civic Engagement & Service-Learning Programs - The primary mission of Service-Learning Programs is to engage students in experiences that address human and community needs together with structured opportunities for reflection intentionally designed to promote student learning and development.

Alternative Break
As part of a team of volunteers, students travel to a local or regional community during fall, winter, or spring breaks to provide a community service project around a social issue.
Spring 2024 Civic Engagement As part of a team of volunteers, students travel to a local or regional community during fall, winter, or spring breaks to provide a community service project around a social issue. 3 11 28 Leadership & Service Center N GLD-Community Service; Civic Engagement & Service-Learning Programs,Community service / civic engagement,Connecting with others,Teamwork,Civic knowledge and engagement
Student Leadership Programs


Student Leadership Programs - The mission of Student Leadership Programs must be to prepare students to engage in the process of leadership.

Carolina Productions Executive Board
Student board members work together to design, implement and evaluate a series of compelling events and programs open to all UofSC students and intended to enrich the overall student experience.
Spring 2024 Student Program Leader Student board members work together to design, implement and evaluate a series of compelling events and programs open to all UofSC students and intended to enrich the overall student experience. 3 11 28 Russell House University Union N GLD-Professional & Civic Engagement; Experiential Learning Opportunity; Student Leadership Programs,Leadership,Career readiness,Problem solving,Teamwork
Campus Activities Programs


Campus Activities Programs - The purpose of Campus Activities Programs must be to enhance the overall educational experience of students through development of, exposure to, and participation in programs and activities that improve student cooperation and leadership while preparing students to be responsible advocates and citizens and complementing the institution's academic programs.

Carolina Productions
Student attended an event provided by the Carolina Productions student programming board (e.g., concerts, comedy nights, weekly movie screenings, roller rinks).
Spring 2024 Campus Activities Student attended an event provided by the Carolina Productions student programming board (e.g., concerts, comedy nights, weekly movie screenings, roller rinks). 3 11 28 Russell House University Union N ; Campus Activities Programs,Recreation, leisure, entertainment,Connecting with others,Self-knowledge,
Campus Activities Programs


Campus Activities Programs - The purpose of Campus Activities Programs must be to enhance the overall educational experience of students through development of, exposure to, and participation in programs and activities that improve student cooperation and leadership while preparing students to be responsible advocates and citizens and complementing the institution's academic programs.

Carolina-Clemson Blood Drive - Donor
Students donate blood, at one or more events during the semester, in support of their local community and to participate in this campus rivalry and long-standing tradition.
Spring 2024 Community Building Students donate blood, at one or more events during the semester, in support of their local community and to participate in this campus rivalry and long-standing tradition. 3 11 28 Russell House University Union N ; Campus Activities Programs,Community service / civic engagement,Connecting with others,Self-knowledge,
Student Leadership Programs


Student Leadership Programs - The mission of Student Leadership Programs must be to prepare students to engage in the process of leadership.

Close Family Emerging Leaders Program
Students meet weekly for 8 weeks to explore aspects of leadership; activities are designed to help students develop a personal definition of leadership, create achievable goals, and design an action plan for applying leadership skills at USC.
Spring 2024 Leadership Education Students meet weekly for 8 weeks to explore aspects of leadership; activities are designed to help students develop a personal definition of leadership, create achievable goals, and design an action plan for applying leadership skills at USC. 3 11 28 Leadership & Service Center N GLD-Professional & Civic Engagement; Student Leadership Programs,Study / Practice self knowledge,,Self-knowledge,Communication - spoken
Post-Traditional & Commuter Student Programs & Services


Post-Traditional & Commuter Student Programs & Services - The primary mission is to ensure that all students have equitable access to programs, services, and engagement opportunities regardless of age, personal characteristics, or place of residence.

Community Living Workshop
Students listen to a facilitator and participate in interactive activities designed to explore city ordinances, laws, and best practices for living in and contributing to their off-campus living environment. Discussion topics include what it means to be a responsible citizen and community member.
Spring 2024 Community Building Students listen to a facilitator and participate in interactive activities designed to explore city ordinances, laws, and best practices for living in and contributing to their off-campus living environment. Discussion topics include what it means to be a responsible citizen and community member. 3 11 28 Off-Campus Living & Neighborhood Relations N ; Post-Traditional & Commuter Student Programs & Services,Study / Practice self knowledge,,Self-knowledge,
Civic Engagement & Service-Learning Programs


Civic Engagement & Service-Learning Programs - The primary mission of Service-Learning Programs is to engage students in experiences that address human and community needs together with structured opportunities for reflection intentionally designed to promote student learning and development.

Community Service Ambassador
Each student ambassador serves in a nonprofit organization located in the Midlands, exploring issues affecting the local community and working with the non-profit agency to address these issues.
Spring 2024 Civic Engagement Each student ambassador serves in a nonprofit organization located in the Midlands, exploring issues affecting the local community and working with the non-profit agency to address these issues. 3 11 28 Leadership & Service Center N GLD-Professional & Civic Engagement; GLD-Community Service; Experiential Learning Opportunity; Civic Engagement & Service-Learning Programs,Community service / civic engagement,Study / Practice diversity, equity, inclusion,Civic knowledge and engagement,Personal and social responsibility - Contributing to a larger community
Student Leadership Programs


Student Leadership Programs - The mission of Student Leadership Programs must be to prepare students to engage in the process of leadership.

Dance Marathon Board of Directors
Students lead and work collaboratively for USC Dance Marathon (USCDM) supporting director and staff meetings, fundraising initiatives, participant recruitment and retention efforts, and numerous reflection activities leading up to their Main Event in the spring. Leaders in this role report to the USCDM Executive Board leadership.
Spring 2024 Student Program Leader Students lead and work collaboratively for USC Dance Marathon (USCDM) supporting director and staff meetings, fundraising initiatives, participant recruitment and retention efforts, and numerous reflection activities leading up to their Main Event in the spring. Leaders in this role report to the USCDM Executive Board leadership. 3 11 28 Russell House University Union N GLD-Professional & Civic Engagement; Student Leadership Programs,Leadership,Career readiness,Problem solving,Influencing others
Student Leadership Programs


Student Leadership Programs - The mission of Student Leadership Programs must be to prepare students to engage in the process of leadership.

Dance Marathon Executive Board
Board members of this philanthropic organization engage with their peers to plan and execute a variety of educational and service events designed to raise funds and awareness for Palmetto Health Children's Hospital, culminating in the Main Event in the spring.
Spring 2024 Student Program Leader Board members of this philanthropic organization engage with their peers to plan and execute a variety of educational and service events designed to raise funds and awareness for Palmetto Health Children's Hospital, culminating in the Main Event in the spring. 3 11 28 Russell House University Union N GLD-Professional & Civic Engagement; GLD-Community Service; Experiential Learning Opportunity; Student Leadership Programs,Leadership,Career readiness,Problem solving,Influencing others
Campus Activities Programs


Campus Activities Programs - The purpose of Campus Activities Programs must be to enhance the overall educational experience of students through development of, exposure to, and participation in programs and activities that improve student cooperation and leadership while preparing students to be responsible advocates and citizens and complementing the institution's academic programs.

Dance Marathon Hero
Student participates in one of a variety of programs and events on campus and in the larger community to raise awareness and generate support for the Child Life Program at Prisma Health Children's Hospital.
Spring 2024 Campus Activities Student participates in one of a variety of programs and events on campus and in the larger community to raise awareness and generate support for the Child Life Program at Prisma Health Children's Hospital. 3 11 28 Russell House University Union N ; Campus Activities Programs,Recreation, leisure, entertainment,Connecting with others,Self-knowledge,
Campus Activities Programs


Campus Activities Programs - The purpose of Campus Activities Programs must be to enhance the overall educational experience of students through development of, exposure to, and participation in programs and activities that improve student cooperation and leadership while preparing students to be responsible advocates and citizens and complementing the institution's academic programs.

Dinner Dialogue
Students enrolled in a course are guests for dinner in their instructor's home, in order to better get to know their instructor and classmates outside the classroom.
Spring 2024 Campus Activities Students enrolled in a course are guests for dinner in their instructor's home, in order to better get to know their instructor and classmates outside the classroom. 3 11 28 Parent & Family Programs N ; Campus Activities Programs,Connecting with others,,Communication - spoken,
Fraternity and Sorority Advising Programs


Fraternity and Sorority Advising Programs - The mission of Fraternity and Sorority Advising Programs is to promote the learning and development of students who affiliate with fraternities and sororities.

Fraternity and Sorority Leadership Retreat
Students participate in a 2-day retreat featuring presentations and training from university staff, structured conversation regarding their respective officer positions, and activities for self-reflection and leadership goal setting.
Spring 2024 Leadership Education Students participate in a 2-day retreat featuring presentations and training from university staff, structured conversation regarding their respective officer positions, and activities for self-reflection and leadership goal setting. 3 11 28 Fraternity & Sorority Life N ; Fraternity and Sorority Advising Programs,Study / Practice self knowledge,Connecting with others,Self-knowledge,
Fraternity and Sorority Advising Programs


Fraternity and Sorority Advising Programs - The mission of Fraternity and Sorority Advising Programs is to promote the learning and development of students who affiliate with fraternities and sororities.

Fraternity and Sorority Life Council Leadership
Students work to advance the FSL community by leading bi-weekly council meetings, meeting monthly with professional and graduate student staff advisors, communicating with FSL chapter presidents and community members, and implementing policies (university, FSL, Council).
Spring 2024 Elected Student Leader Students work to advance the FSL community by leading bi-weekly council meetings, meeting monthly with professional and graduate student staff advisors, communicating with FSL chapter presidents and community members, and implementing policies (university, FSL, Council). 3 11 28 Fraternity & Sorority Life N GLD-Professional & Civic Engagement; Fraternity and Sorority Advising Programs,Leadership,Apply specialized knowledge,Influencing others,Communication - spoken
Fraternity and Sorority Advising Programs


Fraternity and Sorority Advising Programs - The mission of Fraternity and Sorority Advising Programs is to promote the learning and development of students who affiliate with fraternities and sororities.

Fraternity and Sorority Life Recruitment / Intake Orientation
Participants attend this session to learn about the recruitment and membership experience in fraternity and sorority organizations, including time commitment, academic and financial requirements, and philanthropic and service opportunities of each chapter. Information is provided by professional staff, graduate assistants, and current members.
Spring 2024 Campus Activities Participants attend this session to learn about the recruitment and membership experience in fraternity and sorority organizations, including time commitment, academic and financial requirements, and philanthropic and service opportunities of each chapter. Information is provided by professional staff, graduate assistants, and current members. 3 11 28 Fraternity & Sorority Life N ; Fraternity and Sorority Advising Programs,Connecting with others,,Self-knowledge,
Fraternity and Sorority Advising Programs


Fraternity and Sorority Advising Programs - The mission of Fraternity and Sorority Advising Programs is to promote the learning and development of students who affiliate with fraternities and sororities.

Fraternity and Sorority New Member Summit
Students engage in council-specific conversations on the history, significance and myths of Fraternity and Sorority Life, personal responsibility, expectations, and tools available for new FSL members.
Spring 2024 Campus Activities Students engage in council-specific conversations on the history, significance and myths of Fraternity and Sorority Life, personal responsibility, expectations, and tools available for new FSL members. 3 11 28 Fraternity & Sorority Life N ; Fraternity and Sorority Advising Programs,Connecting with others,,Self-knowledge,
Campus Activities Programs


Campus Activities Programs - The purpose of Campus Activities Programs must be to enhance the overall educational experience of students through development of, exposure to, and participation in programs and activities that improve student cooperation and leadership while preparing students to be responsible advocates and citizens and complementing the institution's academic programs.

Gamecock Entertainment (GE) Intern
Student Interns design and implement events; practice marketing and outreach best practices for event promotion; track event attendance data and conduct assessment; collaborate with professional staff to manage event budgets; and participate in professional development activities.
Spring 2024 Internship Student Interns design and implement events; practice marketing and outreach best practices for event promotion; track event attendance data and conduct assessment; collaborate with professional staff to manage event budgets; and participate in professional development activities. 3 11 28 Russell House University Union N Experiential Learning Opportunity; Campus Activities Programs,Career readiness,Apply specialized knowledge,Specialized knowledge and skills,Teamwork
Campus Activities Programs


Campus Activities Programs - The purpose of Campus Activities Programs must be to enhance the overall educational experience of students through development of, exposure to, and participation in programs and activities that improve student cooperation and leadership while preparing students to be responsible advocates and citizens and complementing the institution's academic programs.

Gamecock Entertainment
Student attended an event provided by Gamecock Entertainment staff programming (e.g., watch parties, sporting events, political elections/debates), paint nights, trivia, foam parties).
Spring 2024 Campus Activities Student attended an event provided by Gamecock Entertainment staff programming (e.g., watch parties, sporting events, political elections/debates), paint nights, trivia, foam parties). 3 11 28 Russell House University Union N ; Campus Activities Programs,Recreation, leisure, entertainment,Connecting with others,Self-knowledge,
Student Leadership Programs


Student Leadership Programs - The mission of Student Leadership Programs must be to prepare students to engage in the process of leadership.

Graduate Student Association Cabinet
Under the general direction of the GSA President, Cabinet Secretaries oversee a particular area of concern for graduate students (academics, inclusion and equity, health and wellness, etc.), serve as liaisons between GSA and the various units within the university.
Spring 2024 Elected Student Leader Under the general direction of the GSA President, Cabinet Secretaries oversee a particular area of concern for graduate students (academics, inclusion and equity, health and wellness, etc.), serve as liaisons between GSA and the various units within the university. 3 11 28 Leadership & Service Center N ; Student Leadership Programs,Career readiness,,Professionalism / career readiness,
Student Leadership Programs


Student Leadership Programs - The mission of Student Leadership Programs must be to prepare students to engage in the process of leadership.

Graduate Student Association Executive Committee
Committee members meet regularly with university administrators and offices throughout campus to advocate on behalf of the graduate student body and lead Graduate Student Association cabinet meetings and town halls.
Spring 2024 Elected Student Leader Committee members meet regularly with university administrators and offices throughout campus to advocate on behalf of the graduate student body and lead Graduate Student Association cabinet meetings and town halls. 3 11 28 Leadership & Service Center N Experiential Learning Opportunity; Student Leadership Programs,Leadership,,Problem solving,Influencing others
Fraternity and Sorority Advising Programs


Fraternity and Sorority Advising Programs - The mission of Fraternity and Sorority Advising Programs is to promote the learning and development of students who affiliate with fraternities and sororities.

Interfraternity Council Recruitment Advisor
Recruitment Peer Advisors serve as mentors, resources, facilitators, and referral agents to students who are potential new members participating in fraternity recruitment activities.
Spring 2024 Student Program Leader Recruitment Peer Advisors serve as mentors, resources, facilitators, and referral agents to students who are potential new members participating in fraternity recruitment activities. 3 11 28 Fraternity & Sorority Life N GLD-Professional & Civic Engagement; Fraternity and Sorority Advising Programs,Leadership,,Influencing others,Interpersonal skills
Student Leadership Programs


Student Leadership Programs - The mission of Student Leadership Programs must be to prepare students to engage in the process of leadership.

Leadership and Service Ambassador
Leadership and Service Advocates help manage the Leadership and Service Center’s daily operations, assist students as they call or enter the center, and assist the professional staff in marketing and planning programs and services.
Spring 2024 Student Program Leader Leadership and Service Advocates help manage the Leadership and Service Center’s daily operations, assist students as they call or enter the center, and assist the professional staff in marketing and planning programs and services. 3 11 28 Leadership & Service Center N GLD-Professional & Civic Engagement; Student Leadership Programs,Career readiness,,Communication - spoken,Problem solving
Student Leadership Programs


Student Leadership Programs - The mission of Student Leadership Programs must be to prepare students to engage in the process of leadership.

Leadership Coaching - Involvement
Student meets with a professional staff member or graduate student to discuss their personal interests, explore student organizations or other involvement opportunities, identify a goal for becoming more involved on campus and outline a plan for accomplishing that goal.
Spring 2024 Leadership Education Student meets with a professional staff member or graduate student to discuss their personal interests, explore student organizations or other involvement opportunities, identify a goal for becoming more involved on campus and outline a plan for accomplishing that goal. 3 11 28 Leadership & Service Center N ; Student Leadership Programs,Study / Practice self knowledge,,Self-knowledge,Critical and creative thinking
Student Leadership Programs


Student Leadership Programs - The mission of Student Leadership Programs must be to prepare students to engage in the process of leadership.

Multicultural Assistance Peer Program (MAPP) Mentor
Student mentors work in a self-directed mode to help support first year/transfer multicultural students as they transition into the university community, by serving as an information resource and helping new students establish a social network.
Spring 2024 Student Program Leader Student mentors work in a self-directed mode to help support first year/transfer multicultural students as they transition into the university community, by serving as an information resource and helping new students establish a social network. 3 11 28 Multicultural Student Affairs N GLD-Professional & Civic Engagement; GLD-Diversity & Social Advocacy; Student Leadership Programs,Connecting with others,,Influencing others,Interpersonal skills
Multicultural Student Programs and Services


Multicultural Student Programs and Services - Multicultural Student Programs and Services must promote academic and personal growth of traditionally underserved students, work with the entire campus to create an institutional and community climate of justice, promote access and equity in higher education, and offer programs that educate the campus about diversity.

Multicultural Assistance Peer Program Mentee
Students engage in a variety of structured activities with an assigned mentor so as to build a support system with peers, develop a sense of belonging and discuss a variety of campus resources.
Spring 2024 Educational Support Students engage in a variety of structured activities with an assigned mentor so as to build a support system with peers, develop a sense of belonging and discuss a variety of campus resources. 3 11 28 Multicultural Student Affairs N ; Multicultural Student Programs and Services,Study / Practice self knowledge,Connecting with others,Self-knowledge,Foundations and skills for lifelong learning
Post-Traditional & Commuter Student Programs & Services


Post-Traditional & Commuter Student Programs & Services - The primary mission is to ensure that all students have equitable access to programs, services, and engagement opportunities regardless of age, personal characteristics, or place of residence.

Off-Campus Living Module
Students participate in an interactive, self-paced 20 minute online course to learn how to navigate life as an off-campus student. The topics cover finding housing, moving, off-campus safety, community ordinances and laws, commuting and parking, protecting your tenant rights and selecting compatible roommates.
Spring 2024 Educational Support Students participate in an interactive, self-paced 20 minute online course to learn how to navigate life as an off-campus student. The topics cover finding housing, moving, off-campus safety, community ordinances and laws, commuting and parking, protecting your tenant rights and selecting compatible roommates. 3 11 28 Off-Campus Living & Neighborhood Relations N ; Post-Traditional & Commuter Student Programs & Services,Study / Practice self knowledge,,Personal and social responsibility - Striving for excellence,
Student Leadership Programs


Student Leadership Programs - The mission of Student Leadership Programs must be to prepare students to engage in the process of leadership.

Pillars for Carolina Leadership Team
Student leaders manage all components of the planning, recruitment, and execution of the Pillars for Carolina Extended Orientation Program. Team members work together to solve problems, communicate to multiple constituents, supervise peer mentors, and evaluate the effectiveness of program activities.
Spring 2024 Peer Educator Student leaders manage all components of the planning, recruitment, and execution of the Pillars for Carolina Extended Orientation Program. Team members work together to solve problems, communicate to multiple constituents, supervise peer mentors, and evaluate the effectiveness of program activities. 3 11 28 Leadership & Service Center N GLD-Professional & Civic Engagement; Student Leadership Programs,Leadership,,Problem solving,Teamwork
Student Employment


Student Employment - Student is employed part-time by the university and engages in career readiness development activities as part of supervision process.

Russell House University Union Event and Information Assistant
The Russell House University Union is the key venue for student events and programming and depends on a well-trained group of students to deliver essential programs & services. Students in this engagement develop as leaders and problem solvers while also learning essential skills in professionalism, event planning, and customer service
Spring 2024 Employment On Campus The Russell House University Union is the key venue for student events and programming and depends on a well-trained group of students to deliver essential programs & services. Students in this engagement develop as leaders and problem solvers while also learning essential skills in professionalism, event planning, and customer service 3 11 28 Russell House University Union N GLD-Professional & Civic Engagement; Student Employment,Career readiness,,Teamwork,
Student Employment


Student Employment - Student is employed part-time by the university and engages in career readiness development activities as part of supervision process.

Russell House University Union Operations Attendant
Building operations attendants operate the student union facility and manage events, including equipment check-out and working directly with clients. Attendants are assigned to one of three areas: Building Operations, Information Center, or Gameroom.
Spring 2024 Employment On Campus Building operations attendants operate the student union facility and manage events, including equipment check-out and working directly with clients. Attendants are assigned to one of three areas: Building Operations, Information Center, or Gameroom. 3 11 28 Russell House University Union N GLD-Professional & Civic Engagement; Student Employment,Career readiness,,Professionalism / career readiness,
Civic Engagement & Service-Learning Programs


Civic Engagement & Service-Learning Programs - The primary mission of Service-Learning Programs is to engage students in experiences that address human and community needs together with structured opportunities for reflection intentionally designed to promote student learning and development.

Safe Zone Workshop
Student listen to an expert presenter speak about LGBT college student data, risks associated with LGBT college students, bias and harassment, and resources available on- and off- campus to provide support. Students engage in small group activities such as scenarios to learn how to interrupt bias, and how to understand the LGBT experience.
Spring 2024 Civic Engagement Student listen to an expert presenter speak about LGBT college student data, risks associated with LGBT college students, bias and harassment, and resources available on- and off- campus to provide support. Students engage in small group activities such as scenarios to learn how to interrupt bias, and how to understand the LGBT experience. 3 11 28 Multicultural Student Affairs N GLD-Diversity & Social Advocacy; GLD-Professional & Civic Engagement; Civic Engagement & Service-Learning Programs,Study / Practice diversity, equity, inclusion,Study / Practice self knowledge,Civic knowledge and engagement,Intercultural knowledge and competence
Civic Engagement & Service-Learning Programs


Civic Engagement & Service-Learning Programs - The primary mission of Service-Learning Programs is to engage students in experiences that address human and community needs together with structured opportunities for reflection intentionally designed to promote student learning and development.

Service Saturday
Students participate in a community service opportunity within the city of Columbia or campus community.
Spring 2024 Civic Engagement Students participate in a community service opportunity within the city of Columbia or campus community. 3 11 28 Leadership & Service Center N GLD-Community Service; Civic Engagement & Service-Learning Programs,Community service / civic engagement,Connecting with others,Personal and social responsibility - Contributing to a larger community,
Student Leadership Programs


Student Leadership Programs - The mission of Student Leadership Programs must be to prepare students to engage in the process of leadership.

Service Saturday Senior Site Leader
Senior site leaders facilitate training and manage administrative tasks for teams of student site leaders, communicate expectations of the program to volunteers, delegate tasks, and debrief on a shared experience.
Spring 2024 Peer Educator Senior site leaders facilitate training and manage administrative tasks for teams of student site leaders, communicate expectations of the program to volunteers, delegate tasks, and debrief on a shared experience. 3 11 28 Leadership & Service Center N GLD-Professional & Civic Engagement; Experiential Learning Opportunity; Student Leadership Programs,Leadership,Career readiness,Communication - spoken,Influencing others
Student Leadership Programs


Student Leadership Programs - The mission of Student Leadership Programs must be to prepare students to engage in the process of leadership.

Service Saturday Site Leader
Site leaders communicate expectations to a group of volunteers, delegate tasks, and debrief volunteers on a shared community service experience.
Spring 2024 Peer Educator Site leaders communicate expectations to a group of volunteers, delegate tasks, and debrief volunteers on a shared community service experience. 3 11 28 Leadership & Service Center N GLD-Professional & Civic Engagement; GLD-Community Service; Student Leadership Programs,Leadership,Community service / civic engagement,Teamwork,Problem solving
Student Leadership Programs


Student Leadership Programs - The mission of Student Leadership Programs must be to prepare students to engage in the process of leadership.

Student Government Appointed Leader
Students assist in drafting legislation, meet weekly with student leadership, and meet with campus units, colleges, and student organizations.
Spring 2024 Student Program Leader Students assist in drafting legislation, meet weekly with student leadership, and meet with campus units, colleges, and student organizations. 3 11 28 Leadership & Service Center N ; Student Leadership Programs,Career readiness,Community service / civic engagement,Professionalism / career readiness,Interpersonal skills
Student Leadership Programs


Student Leadership Programs - The mission of Student Leadership Programs must be to prepare students to engage in the process of leadership.

Student Government Executive Cabinet
Under the general direction of the Student Body President, the Executive Cabinet is comprised of Cabinet Secretaries who oversee various departments within Student Government. They work with campus constituents to to meet the needs of the student body, attend weekly cabinet and department meetings, and provide updates to the Student Body President.
Spring 2024 Elected Student Leader Under the general direction of the Student Body President, the Executive Cabinet is comprised of Cabinet Secretaries who oversee various departments within Student Government. They work with campus constituents to to meet the needs of the student body, attend weekly cabinet and department meetings, and provide updates to the Student Body President. 3 11 28 Leadership & Service Center N Experiential Learning Opportunity; Student Leadership Programs,Career readiness,Community service / civic engagement,Professionalism / career readiness,Teamwork
Student Leadership Programs


Student Leadership Programs - The mission of Student Leadership Programs must be to prepare students to engage in the process of leadership.

Student Government Executive Council
Council members are elected by the student body to work toward common goals and build consensus to drive change for Carolina students; council members interact with a variety of constituents including students, faculty, staff, university administrators and Board of Trustees members.
Spring 2024 Elected Student Leader Council members are elected by the student body to work toward common goals and build consensus to drive change for Carolina students; council members interact with a variety of constituents including students, faculty, staff, university administrators and Board of Trustees members. 3 11 28 Leadership & Service Center N GLD-Professional & Civic Engagement; Experiential Learning Opportunity; Student Leadership Programs,Leadership,Community service / civic engagement,Problem solving,Influencing others
Student Leadership Programs


Student Leadership Programs - The mission of Student Leadership Programs must be to prepare students to engage in the process of leadership.

Student Government Freshman Council
Council members are selected to represent the freshman class in student government at Carolina. Students meet weekly to learn about SG initiatives, discuss campus issues, and represent the freshman perspective. Each student meets monthly with a SG mentor to explore and develop leadership interests, skills and abilities.
Spring 2024 Appointed Student Leader Council members are selected to represent the freshman class in student government at Carolina. Students meet weekly to learn about SG initiatives, discuss campus issues, and represent the freshman perspective. Each student meets monthly with a SG mentor to explore and develop leadership interests, skills and abilities. 3 11 28 Leadership & Service Center N GLD-Professional & Civic Engagement; Student Leadership Programs,Study / Practice self knowledge,Career readiness,Self-knowledge,
Student Leadership Programs


Student Leadership Programs - The mission of Student Leadership Programs must be to prepare students to engage in the process of leadership.

Student Government Program Director
Students in this role train and supervise a team of peers to work on a specific Student Government initiative, and lead conversations about the establishment of goals and priorities. They meet individually with staff on a weekly basis to monitor progress toward goals, address challenges, and lead effective collaboration and problem-solving.
Spring 2024 Elected Student Leader Students in this role train and supervise a team of peers to work on a specific Student Government initiative, and lead conversations about the establishment of goals and priorities. They meet individually with staff on a weekly basis to monitor progress toward goals, address challenges, and lead effective collaboration and problem-solving. 3 11 28 Leadership & Service Center N Experiential Learning Opportunity; Student Leadership Programs,Career readiness,,Interpersonal skills,Professionalism / career readiness
Student Leadership Programs


Student Leadership Programs - The mission of Student Leadership Programs must be to prepare students to engage in the process of leadership.

Student Government Senate Committee Chair
Students meet with university staff to address issues and lead a team of student senators focused on an area within the university (academics, student life, health and safety, etc.).
Spring 2024 Elected Student Leader Students meet with university staff to address issues and lead a team of student senators focused on an area within the university (academics, student life, health and safety, etc.). 3 11 28 Leadership & Service Center N Experiential Learning Opportunity; Student Leadership Programs,Leadership,,Interpersonal skills,Inquiry and analysis
Student Leadership Programs


Student Leadership Programs - The mission of Student Leadership Programs must be to prepare students to engage in the process of leadership.

Student Government Senator
Student Senators draft legislation, defend legislation, meet weekly with committees, attend weekly senate sessions, and meet with their colleges/student organizations. Senators serve on committees based on their interests, including academics, student life, sustainability, equity and inclusion.
Spring 2024 Elected Student Leader Student Senators draft legislation, defend legislation, meet weekly with committees, attend weekly senate sessions, and meet with their colleges/student organizations. Senators serve on committees based on their interests, including academics, student life, sustainability, equity and inclusion. 3 11 28 Leadership & Service Center N ; Student Leadership Programs,Career readiness,,Professionalism / career readiness,Interpersonal skills
Student Employment


Student Employment - Student is employed part-time by the university and engages in career readiness development activities as part of supervision process.

Student Media Advertising Representative
Advertising representatives work with internal and external partners and clients to provide effective advertising solutions comprised of Student Media resources.
Spring 2024 Employment On Campus Advertising representatives work with internal and external partners and clients to provide effective advertising solutions comprised of Student Media resources. 3 11 28 Student Media N GLD-Professional & Civic Engagement; Experiential Learning Opportunity; Student Employment,Career readiness,,Problem solving,Influencing others
Student Media Programs


Student Media Programs - The mission is to prepare students for their responsibilities in planning and producing media products, offer leadership opportunities and support for students engaged in these activities.

Student Media Creative Services Designer
Creative Services team members apply visual communications skills to complete contracted work for Student Media's clients and partners. Designers apply visual communication techniques and best practices to complete projects including advertisements, promotional materials, and other graphics work.
Spring 2024 Employment On Campus Creative Services team members apply visual communications skills to complete contracted work for Student Media's clients and partners. Designers apply visual communication techniques and best practices to complete projects including advertisements, promotional materials, and other graphics work. 3 11 28 Student Media N GLD-Professional & Civic Engagement; Experiential Learning Opportunity; Student Media Programs,Apply specialized knowledge,,Specialized knowledge and skills,Integrative and applied learning
Student Leadership Programs


Student Leadership Programs - The mission of Student Leadership Programs must be to prepare students to engage in the process of leadership.

Student Media Executive Leader
Each student executive serves as head of one of the editorially independent and student-run media organizations, with final authority on decisions related to content and programming and with responsibility for ensuring high quality and responsible journalistic standards.
Spring 2024 Appointed Student Leader Each student executive serves as head of one of the editorially independent and student-run media organizations, with final authority on decisions related to content and programming and with responsibility for ensuring high quality and responsible journalistic standards. 3 11 28 Student Media N GLD-Professional & Civic Engagement; Experiential Learning Opportunity; Student Leadership Programs,Leadership,,Critical and creative thinking,Interpersonal skills
Student Leadership Programs


Student Leadership Programs - The mission of Student Leadership Programs must be to prepare students to engage in the process of leadership.

Student Media Senior Leader
Senior leaders manage sections and teams within each of Student Media’s partner organizations, often overseeing content production or administrative tasks. Senior leaders apply knowledge of journalistic and media best practices while serving in a peer leadership role within the media organization.
Spring 2024 Student Program Leader Senior leaders manage sections and teams within each of Student Media’s partner organizations, often overseeing content production or administrative tasks. Senior leaders apply knowledge of journalistic and media best practices while serving in a peer leadership role within the media organization. 3 11 28 Student Media N GLD-Professional & Civic Engagement; Student Leadership Programs,Apply specialized knowledge,Leadership,Specialized knowledge and skills,Critical and creative thinking
Campus Activities Programs


Campus Activities Programs - The purpose of Campus Activities Programs must be to enhance the overall educational experience of students through development of, exposure to, and participation in programs and activities that improve student cooperation and leadership while preparing students to be responsible advocates and citizens and complementing the institution's academic programs.

Thursday After Dark
Thursday After Dark provides a variety of late-night programming to engage Carolina students (e.g., escape rooms, trivia, bowling nights).
Spring 2024 Campus Activities Thursday After Dark provides a variety of late-night programming to engage Carolina students (e.g., escape rooms, trivia, bowling nights). 3 11 28 Russell House University Union N ; Campus Activities Programs,Recreation, leisure, entertainment,Connecting with others,Self-knowledge,
Campus Activities Programs


Campus Activities Programs - The purpose of Campus Activities Programs must be to enhance the overall educational experience of students through development of, exposure to, and participation in programs and activities that improve student cooperation and leadership while preparing students to be responsible advocates and citizens and complementing the institution's academic programs.

Student Organization Member
Students engage in organizations for many reasons - to gain skills, connect with other students, broaden their knowledge. Student-led organizations establish purpose and goals, determine membership, set activities, and select leaders. The university records organizational affiliation, but does not monitor the engagement of individual students.
Spring 2024 Campus Activities Students engage in organizations for many reasons - to gain skills, connect with other students, broaden their knowledge. Student-led organizations establish purpose and goals, determine membership, set activities, and select leaders. The university records organizational affiliation, but does not monitor the engagement of individual students. 3 11 28 Leadership & Service Center N ; Campus Activities Programs,Connecting with others,,Self-knowledge,
Student Leadership Programs


Student Leadership Programs - The mission of Student Leadership Programs must be to prepare students to engage in the process of leadership.

Pillars for Carolina Extended Mentor
Pillars for Carolina XMs help introduce incoming students to student life and resources on campus. XMs are peer mentors who lead groups and communicate information to diverse audiences; student mentees look to XMs to answer their candid questions about the college experience.
Spring 2024 Student Program Leader Pillars for Carolina XMs help introduce incoming students to student life and resources on campus. XMs are peer mentors who lead groups and communicate information to diverse audiences; student mentees look to XMs to answer their candid questions about the college experience. 3 11 28 Leadership & Service Center N GLD-Professional & Civic Engagement; Student Leadership Programs,Leadership,,Interpersonal skills,Influencing others
Student Leadership Programs


Student Leadership Programs - The mission of Student Leadership Programs must be to prepare students to engage in the process of leadership.

Student Life Ambassador
Students serve as a representative for the Department of Student Life by giving presentations at New Student Orientation and by interacting with prospective students and parents at the Orientation Resource Fair. Students also help the Department of Student Life plan departmental events and services.
Spring 2024 Student Program Leader Students serve as a representative for the Department of Student Life by giving presentations at New Student Orientation and by interacting with prospective students and parents at the Orientation Resource Fair. Students also help the Department of Student Life plan departmental events and services. 3 11 28 Leadership & Service Center N Experiential Learning Opportunity; Student Leadership Programs,Career readiness,,Communication - spoken,Influencing others
Recreational Sports Programs


Recreational Sports Programs - The mission of Recreational Sports Programs must be to enhance the mind, body, and spirit of students and other eligible individuals by providing programs, services, and facilities that are responsive to the physical, social, recreational, and lifelong educational needs of the campus community as they relate to health, fitness, and learning.

Campus Recreation Adventure Trip Leader
Trip leaders plan and execute day-long outdoor adventure trips; responsibilities include conducting pre-trip meetings with participants to set expectations, build relationships, communicate risks, and provide training for participants. During the trip, leaders serve as guides and wilderness medical first responders.
Spring 2024 Student Program Leader Trip leaders plan and execute day-long outdoor adventure trips; responsibilities include conducting pre-trip meetings with participants to set expectations, build relationships, communicate risks, and provide training for participants. During the trip, leaders serve as guides and wilderness medical first responders. 3 11 117 Campus Recreation N GLD-Professional & Civic Engagement; Recreational Sports Programs,Leadership,Career readiness,Teamwork,Problem solving
Recreational Sports Programs


Recreational Sports Programs - The mission of Recreational Sports Programs must be to enhance the mind, body, and spirit of students and other eligible individuals by providing programs, services, and facilities that are responsive to the physical, social, recreational, and lifelong educational needs of the campus community as they relate to health, fitness, and learning.

Campus Recreation Assistant
Student assistants facilitate the successful operation of the Campus Recreation program and facility (marketing and communications, member services, operations, outdoor recreation, sport programs and fitness) as the primary point of contact for participants and patrons; they facilitate a safe and positive developmental experience for students.
Spring 2024 Employment On Campus Student assistants facilitate the successful operation of the Campus Recreation program and facility (marketing and communications, member services, operations, outdoor recreation, sport programs and fitness) as the primary point of contact for participants and patrons; they facilitate a safe and positive developmental experience for students. 3 11 117 Campus Recreation N ; Recreational Sports Programs,Career readiness,,Professionalism / career readiness,
Recreational Sports Programs


Recreational Sports Programs - The mission of Recreational Sports Programs must be to enhance the mind, body, and spirit of students and other eligible individuals by providing programs, services, and facilities that are responsive to the physical, social, recreational, and lifelong educational needs of the campus community as they relate to health, fitness, and learning.

Campus Recreation Climbing Wall
Students participate in top rope climbing or bouldering, with routes for both beginners and advanced climbers, at the climbing wall in the Wellness & Fitness Center.
Spring 2024 Physical, Mental, Emotional Health Students participate in top rope climbing or bouldering, with routes for both beginners and advanced climbers, at the climbing wall in the Wellness & Fitness Center. 3 11 117 Campus Recreation N ; Recreational Sports Programs,Recreation, leisure, entertainment,Connecting with others,Foundations and skills for lifelong learning,
Recreational Sports Programs


Recreational Sports Programs - The mission of Recreational Sports Programs must be to enhance the mind, body, and spirit of students and other eligible individuals by providing programs, services, and facilities that are responsive to the physical, social, recreational, and lifelong educational needs of the campus community as they relate to health, fitness, and learning.

Campus Recreation Fitness Instructor
Student instructors safely deliver a quality fitness service to patrons and serve as an educational resource for how to develop effective fitness practices.
Spring 2024 Employment On Campus Student instructors safely deliver a quality fitness service to patrons and serve as an educational resource for how to develop effective fitness practices. 3 11 117 Campus Recreation N ; Recreational Sports Programs,Career readiness,,Communication - spoken,Professionalism / career readiness
Recreational Sports Programs


Recreational Sports Programs - The mission of Recreational Sports Programs must be to enhance the mind, body, and spirit of students and other eligible individuals by providing programs, services, and facilities that are responsive to the physical, social, recreational, and lifelong educational needs of the campus community as they relate to health, fitness, and learning.

Campus Recreation Group X Instructor In Training Program
Trainees learn and apply specialized fitness knowledge and skills, assist in leading fitness classes, participate in staff meetings, and participate in a self- directed study in preparation for the American Council of Exercise (ACE) exam.
Spring 2024 Career Development Trainees learn and apply specialized fitness knowledge and skills, assist in leading fitness classes, participate in staff meetings, and participate in a self- directed study in preparation for the American Council of Exercise (ACE) exam. 3 11 117 Campus Recreation N ; Recreational Sports Programs,Career development,,Communication - spoken,Influencing others
Recreational Sports Programs


Recreational Sports Programs - The mission of Recreational Sports Programs must be to enhance the mind, body, and spirit of students and other eligible individuals by providing programs, services, and facilities that are responsive to the physical, social, recreational, and lifelong educational needs of the campus community as they relate to health, fitness, and learning.

Campus Recreation Group X
Students participate in a 45-60 minute group exercise class such as Yoga, Zumba, BodyPump, Barre, Cycle, and Bootcamp.
Spring 2024 Physical, Mental, Emotional Health Students participate in a 45-60 minute group exercise class such as Yoga, Zumba, BodyPump, Barre, Cycle, and Bootcamp. 3 11 117 Campus Recreation N ; Recreational Sports Programs,Study / Practice physical well being,Connecting with others,Self-knowledge,
Recreational Sports Programs


Recreational Sports Programs - The mission of Recreational Sports Programs must be to enhance the mind, body, and spirit of students and other eligible individuals by providing programs, services, and facilities that are responsive to the physical, social, recreational, and lifelong educational needs of the campus community as they relate to health, fitness, and learning.

Campus Recreation Intramural Sports
Students participate in an intramural sport, such as basketball, cornhole, volleyball, flag football, soccer, pickleball, and more.
Spring 2024 Campus Activities Students participate in an intramural sport, such as basketball, cornhole, volleyball, flag football, soccer, pickleball, and more. 3 11 117 Campus Recreation N ; Recreational Sports Programs,Recreation, leisure, entertainment,Connecting with others,Self-knowledge,
Student Leadership Programs


Student Leadership Programs - The mission of Student Leadership Programs must be to prepare students to engage in the process of leadership.

Campus Recreation Leader
Students execute all aspects of a Campus Recreation program or facility (fitness, member services, operations, or sport programs), with responsibility for supervising student staff and planning for facility and equipment needs.
Spring 2024 Student Program Leader Students execute all aspects of a Campus Recreation program or facility (fitness, member services, operations, or sport programs), with responsibility for supervising student staff and planning for facility and equipment needs. 3 11 117 Campus Recreation N Experiential Learning Opportunity; Student Leadership Programs,Leadership,Career readiness,Teamwork,Critical and creative thinking
Recreational Sports Programs


Recreational Sports Programs - The mission of Recreational Sports Programs must be to enhance the mind, body, and spirit of students and other eligible individuals by providing programs, services, and facilities that are responsive to the physical, social, recreational, and lifelong educational needs of the campus community as they relate to health, fitness, and learning.

Campus Recreation Manager
Managers serve a dual role as a Leader while also designing programs and planning for effective operations in Fitness, Member Services, Operations, Outdoor Recreation, and/or Sport Programs. They develop and enforce policies, plan for staffing, oversee student employees, manage risk, and influence the actions of others toward unit goals.
Spring 2024 Student Program Leader Managers serve a dual role as a Leader while also designing programs and planning for effective operations in Fitness, Member Services, Operations, Outdoor Recreation, and/or Sport Programs. They develop and enforce policies, plan for staffing, oversee student employees, manage risk, and influence the actions of others toward unit goals. 3 11 117 Campus Recreation N Experiential Learning Opportunity; Recreational Sports Programs,Career readiness,Leadership,Problem solving,Influencing others
Recreational Sports Programs


Recreational Sports Programs - The mission of Recreational Sports Programs must be to enhance the mind, body, and spirit of students and other eligible individuals by providing programs, services, and facilities that are responsive to the physical, social, recreational, and lifelong educational needs of the campus community as they relate to health, fitness, and learning.

Campus Recreation Sport Club Executive Board
Sport Club Executive Board (SCEB) members are elected by sport club officers to build support for the sport club program and achieve common goals, and interact with a variety of constituents including sport club members, faculty, staff, and university administrators.
Spring 2024 Elected Student Leader Sport Club Executive Board (SCEB) members are elected by sport club officers to build support for the sport club program and achieve common goals, and interact with a variety of constituents including sport club members, faculty, staff, and university administrators. 3 11 117 Campus Recreation N ; Recreational Sports Programs,Leadership,,Problem solving,Influencing others
Recreational Sports Programs


Recreational Sports Programs - The mission of Recreational Sports Programs must be to enhance the mind, body, and spirit of students and other eligible individuals by providing programs, services, and facilities that are responsive to the physical, social, recreational, and lifelong educational needs of the campus community as they relate to health, fitness, and learning.

Outdoor Recreation Skills Clinic
Students listen to a presentation and interact with others for hands-on skill development and application, to improve their proficiency in an outdoor recreation activity.
Spring 2024 Campus Activities Students listen to a presentation and interact with others for hands-on skill development and application, to improve their proficiency in an outdoor recreation activity. 3 11 117 Campus Recreation N ; Recreational Sports Programs,Recreation, leisure, entertainment,Connecting with others,Self-knowledge,
Student Leadership Programs


Student Leadership Programs - The mission of Student Leadership Programs must be to prepare students to engage in the process of leadership.

University Ambassador
University Ambassadors lead campus tours for diverse audiences of prospective students and families, answer phone calls and respond to emails and other visitor communications, assist in the recruitment, coaching, and evaluation of new University Ambassadors and participate in weekly professional development & training.
Spring 2024 Peer Educator University Ambassadors lead campus tours for diverse audiences of prospective students and families, answer phone calls and respond to emails and other visitor communications, assist in the recruitment, coaching, and evaluation of new University Ambassadors and participate in weekly professional development & training. 3 34 118 Visitor Center N GLD-Professional & Civic Engagement; Experiential Learning Opportunity; Student Leadership Programs,Career readiness,Connecting with others,Critical and creative thinking,Communication - spoken
Internship Programs


Internship Programs - The primary mission of Internship Programs is to engage students in planned, educationally-related work and learning experiences that integrate knowledge and theory with practical application and skill development in a professional setting.

Internship - PALM 494
Student engages in supervised immersion and exploration in a field related to the major, with a career, cultural, or community focus.
Spring 2024 Internship Student engages in supervised immersion and exploration in a field related to the major, with a career, cultural, or community focus. 13 33 112 Y GLD-Professional & Civic Engagement; Experiential Learning Opportunity; Internship Programs,Apply specialized knowledge,,Specialized knowledge and skills,
Undergraduate Research Programs


Undergraduate Research Programs - The primary mission of Undergraduate Research Programs is to engage students in investigative and creative activity to experience firsthand the processes of scholarly exploration and discovery.

Cellular and Molecular Biology Laboratory - BIOL 302L
Students engage in hands-on research methods and protocols used in molecular biology labs globally, then practice integrating that knowledge into developing their own research proposals, conducting presentations, calculating concentrations of reagents needed, executing experiments, collecting data, analyzing data, and writing up findings.
Spring 2024 Research Education Students engage in hands-on research methods and protocols used in molecular biology labs globally, then practice integrating that knowledge into developing their own research proposals, conducting presentations, calculating concentrations of reagents needed, executing experiments, collecting data, analyzing data, and writing up findings. 3 14 39 Y Experiential Learning Opportunity; Undergraduate Research Programs,Research,Apply specialized knowledge,Integrative and applied learning,Critical and creative thinking
Undergraduate Research Programs


Undergraduate Research Programs - The primary mission of Undergraduate Research Programs is to engage students in investigative and creative activity to experience firsthand the processes of scholarly exploration and discovery.

Advanced Sociological Research Methods - SOCY 561
Students apply knowledge in a real world context by studying a social phenomenon using scientific research methods and producing a research project that mirrors professional standards. Students gather primary data, present their work, get feedback, and reflect on the challenges of the research process in studying their question.
Spring 2024 Research Education Students apply knowledge in a real world context by studying a social phenomenon using scientific research methods and producing a research project that mirrors professional standards. Students gather primary data, present their work, get feedback, and reflect on the challenges of the research process in studying their question. 3 14 53 Y GLD-Research; Experiential Learning Opportunity; Undergraduate Research Programs,Research,,Inquiry and analysis,
Capstone Experience


Capstone Experience - A course or project that engages students in a culminating and integrative experience, intended to connect the key learning objectives of an educational program.

Applications in Entrepreneurship and New Ventures - MGMT 479
Small teams provide consulting for local early-stage startups, applying entrepreneurial frameworks, skills and concepts. Students will contact the client at least once a week. At least once a term, students will present their findings to the client; both client/faculty provide feedback in this session. Faculty provides weekly guidance/feedback.
Spring 2024 Capstone Course or Project Small teams provide consulting for local early-stage startups, applying entrepreneurial frameworks, skills and concepts. Students will contact the client at least once a week. At least once a term, students will present their findings to the client; both client/faculty provide feedback in this session. Faculty provides weekly guidance/feedback. 3 15 64 Y GLD-Professional & Civic Engagement; Experiential Learning Opportunity; Capstone Experience,Apply specialized knowledge,Community service / civic engagement,Specialized knowledge and skills,Integrative and applied learning
Internship Programs


Internship Programs - The primary mission of Internship Programs is to engage students in planned, educationally-related work and learning experiences that integrate knowledge and theory with practical application and skill development in a professional setting.

Business Internship in Management - MGMT 499
Internship, for credit, with a company focusing on management, lessons learned, SWOT self assessment.
Spring 2024 Internship Internship, for credit, with a company focusing on management, lessons learned, SWOT self assessment. 3 15 64 Y GLD-Professional & Civic Engagement; Experiential Learning Opportunity; Internship Programs,Apply specialized knowledge,Career readiness,Specialized knowledge and skills,Professionalism / career readiness
Capstone Experience


Capstone Experience - A course or project that engages students in a culminating and integrative experience, intended to connect the key learning objectives of an educational program.

Capstone Design Project II - ELCT 404
Working in teams of typically four, students analyze requirements posed by a project proponent (i.e. customer), then design and build a prototype of a system that meets the proponent's needs. The course is designed to provide an authentic engineering project experience that is representative of a typical engineer's early professional years.
Spring 2024 Capstone Course or Project Working in teams of typically four, students analyze requirements posed by a project proponent (i.e. customer), then design and build a prototype of a system that meets the proponent's needs. The course is designed to provide an authentic engineering project experience that is representative of a typical engineer's early professional years. 3 19 72 Y GLD-Professional & Civic Engagement; Experiential Learning Opportunity; Capstone Experience,Apply specialized knowledge,,Specialized knowledge and skills,
Civic Engagement & Service-Learning Programs


Civic Engagement & Service-Learning Programs - The primary mission of Service-Learning Programs is to engage students in experiences that address human and community needs together with structured opportunities for reflection intentionally designed to promote student learning and development.

Community Psychology Practicum - PSYC 489
Students engage in a supervised, structured field experience in a community agency, applying psychological principles, theory, and research.
Spring 2024 Service Learning Students engage in a supervised, structured field experience in a community agency, applying psychological principles, theory, and research. 3 14 51 Y GLD-Community Service; Experiential Learning Opportunity; Civic Engagement & Service-Learning Programs,Apply specialized knowledge,,Specialized knowledge and skills,
Capstone Experience


Capstone Experience - A course or project that engages students in a culminating and integrative experience, intended to connect the key learning objectives of an educational program.

Developing & Launching New Ventures - MGMT 473
The Emerging Venture Project (EVP) is a team project during which students apply the concepts and tools from the class to an emerging venture, in order to experience entrepreneurship in action. Students produce a final paper, founder/sponsor deliverable, and class presentation.
Spring 2024 Capstone Course or Project The Emerging Venture Project (EVP) is a team project during which students apply the concepts and tools from the class to an emerging venture, in order to experience entrepreneurship in action. Students produce a final paper, founder/sponsor deliverable, and class presentation. 3 15 64 Y Experiential Learning Opportunity; GLD-Professional & Civic Engagement; Capstone Experience,Apply specialized knowledge,,Specialized knowledge and skills,
Capstone Experience


Capstone Experience - A course or project that engages students in a culminating and integrative experience, intended to connect the key learning objectives of an educational program.

Executing Strategy New Venture - MGMT 474
Students engage in a team project during which they apply concepts and tools learned in class to an emerging venture, in order to experience entrepreneurship in action. Students produce a final paper, founder/sponsor deliverable (external project only to be negotiated with the founder/project sponsor) and class presentation.
Spring 2024 Capstone Course or Project Students engage in a team project during which they apply concepts and tools learned in class to an emerging venture, in order to experience entrepreneurship in action. Students produce a final paper, founder/sponsor deliverable (external project only to be negotiated with the founder/project sponsor) and class presentation. 3 15 64 Y Experiential Learning Opportunity; GLD-Professional & Civic Engagement; Capstone Experience,Apply specialized knowledge,,Specialized knowledge and skills,Teamwork
Undergraduate Research Programs


Undergraduate Research Programs - The primary mission of Undergraduate Research Programs is to engage students in investigative and creative activity to experience firsthand the processes of scholarly exploration and discovery.

Fundamental Genetics Laboratory - BIOL 303L
Experiences surrounding undergraduate research focusing on applied molecular biology and genetics techniques.
Spring 2024 Research Education Experiences surrounding undergraduate research focusing on applied molecular biology and genetics techniques. 3 14 39 Y Experiential Learning Opportunity; Undergraduate Research Programs,Research,Apply specialized knowledge,Specialized knowledge and skills,Inquiry and analysis
Student Leadership Programs


Student Leadership Programs - The mission of Student Leadership Programs must be to prepare students to engage in the process of leadership.

Laboratory Teaching Experience - BIOL 398
Students serve as Peer Leaders in a Peer Led Team Learning (PLTL) environment and use their understanding of biological concepts as they help to support other students currently enrolled in a Biology course. Peer Leaders ask questions that help students progress through an assigned activity or in-class discussion.
Spring 2024 Peer Educator Students serve as Peer Leaders in a Peer Led Team Learning (PLTL) environment and use their understanding of biological concepts as they help to support other students currently enrolled in a Biology course. Peer Leaders ask questions that help students progress through an assigned activity or in-class discussion. 3 14 39 Y GLD-Professional & Civic Engagement; Experiential Learning Opportunity; Student Leadership Programs,Apply specialized knowledge,Leadership,Specialized knowledge and skills,Influencing others
Internship Programs


Internship Programs - The primary mission of Internship Programs is to engage students in planned, educationally-related work and learning experiences that integrate knowledge and theory with practical application and skill development in a professional setting.

Internship - CRJU 494
Students intern for 160 hours during the semester at an appropriate agency or institution.
Spring 2024 Internship Students intern for 160 hours during the semester at an appropriate agency or institution. 3 14 41 Y GLD-Professional & Civic Engagement; Experiential Learning Opportunity; Internship Programs,Apply specialized knowledge,Career readiness,Specialized knowledge and skills,
Internship Programs


Internship Programs - The primary mission of Internship Programs is to engage students in planned, educationally-related work and learning experiences that integrate knowledge and theory with practical application and skill development in a professional setting.

Adolescent Mentoring - CRJU 551
Students spend the first five week of the semester in intensive training and are then paired as a mentor with a student at a local disciplinary alternative school. The remainder of the semester is spent focused on mentoring and ongoing support, discussion, reflection, and supplemental training.
Spring 2024 Practicum Students spend the first five week of the semester in intensive training and are then paired as a mentor with a student at a local disciplinary alternative school. The remainder of the semester is spent focused on mentoring and ongoing support, discussion, reflection, and supplemental training. 3 14 41 Y GLD-Professional & Civic Engagement; Experiential Learning Opportunity; Internship Programs,Apply specialized knowledge,,Specialized knowledge and skills,
Internship Programs


Internship Programs - The primary mission of Internship Programs is to engage students in planned, educationally-related work and learning experiences that integrate knowledge and theory with practical application and skill development in a professional setting.

Teaching Internship in Foreign Languages - FORL 474
Students engage in role reversal in which the teacher candidate becomes the teacher and the coaching teacher becomes an observer or teacher's aide. During 12 weeks in a K-12 school, students observe then teach for 2 full weeks on their own, complete weekly reflections, and meet regularly with their coaching teacher and faculty supervisor.
Spring 2024 Internship Students engage in role reversal in which the teacher candidate becomes the teacher and the coaching teacher becomes an observer or teacher's aide. During 12 weeks in a K-12 school, students observe then teach for 2 full weeks on their own, complete weekly reflections, and meet regularly with their coaching teacher and faculty supervisor. 3 14 46 Y GLD-Community Service; Experiential Learning Opportunity; Internship Programs,Apply specialized knowledge,,Specialized knowledge and skills,
Internship Programs


Internship Programs - The primary mission of Internship Programs is to engage students in planned, educationally-related work and learning experiences that integrate knowledge and theory with practical application and skill development in a professional setting.

Internship in Geography - GEOG 595
Students serve as interns (paid or unpaid) in government agencies, private-sector businesses, or non-profit organizations. Internship activities and experiential learning are supervised jointly by sponsors and the internship program of the department.
Spring 2024 Internship Students serve as interns (paid or unpaid) in government agencies, private-sector businesses, or non-profit organizations. Internship activities and experiential learning are supervised jointly by sponsors and the internship program of the department. 3 14 44 Y GLD-Professional & Civic Engagement; GLD-Community Service; Experiential Learning Opportunity; Internship Programs,Apply specialized knowledge,Career readiness,Specialized knowledge and skills,Professionalism / career readiness
Internship Programs


Internship Programs - The primary mission of Internship Programs is to engage students in planned, educationally-related work and learning experiences that integrate knowledge and theory with practical application and skill development in a professional setting.

Practicum in Teaching German to Young Children - GERM 401P
Students teach German once/week at Rosewood Elementary and learn about pedagogy and teaching methods in class once/week.
Spring 2024 Practicum Students teach German once/week at Rosewood Elementary and learn about pedagogy and teaching methods in class once/week. 3 14 46 Y GLD-Professional & Civic Engagement; GLD-Community Service; Experiential Learning Opportunity; Internship Programs,Apply specialized knowledge,Career readiness,Specialized knowledge and skills,Professionalism / career readiness
Internship Programs


Internship Programs - The primary mission of Internship Programs is to engage students in planned, educationally-related work and learning experiences that integrate knowledge and theory with practical application and skill development in a professional setting.

Hospitality & Tourism Internship - HRTM 495
Full time work experience of a minimum of 400 work hours in the Hospitality or Tourism industry; position must be Managerial or Supervisory in nature, Rotational within a minimum of three different areas of the business or a Structured Internship Program. Includes online course work.
Spring 2024 Internship Full time work experience of a minimum of 400 work hours in the Hospitality or Tourism industry; position must be Managerial or Supervisory in nature, Rotational within a minimum of three different areas of the business or a Structured Internship Program. Includes online course work. 3 17 76 Y Experiential Learning Opportunity; GLD-Professional & Civic Engagement; Internship Programs,Apply specialized knowledge,Leadership,Specialized knowledge and skills,Self-knowledge
Internship Programs


Internship Programs - The primary mission of Internship Programs is to engage students in planned, educationally-related work and learning experiences that integrate knowledge and theory with practical application and skill development in a professional setting.

Hospitality & Tourism Practicum - HRTM 290
Full time work experience of a minimum of 400 work hours in the Hospitality or Tourism industry; position can be any entry level or higher position. Includes online course work.
Spring 2024 Practicum Full time work experience of a minimum of 400 work hours in the Hospitality or Tourism industry; position can be any entry level or higher position. Includes online course work. 3 17 76 Y GLD-Professional & Civic Engagement; Experiential Learning Opportunity; Internship Programs,Apply specialized knowledge,Career readiness,Self-knowledge,Specialized knowledge and skills
Internship Programs


Internship Programs - The primary mission of Internship Programs is to engage students in planned, educationally-related work and learning experiences that integrate knowledge and theory with practical application and skill development in a professional setting.

Professional Internship - ITEC 495
The course is a supervised work experience in information technology and/or project management; the internship is coordinated by a faculty member and supervised by approved management/supervisor within business and industry lasting for approximately 400 hours of on the job experiences.
Spring 2024 Internship The course is a supervised work experience in information technology and/or project management; the internship is coordinated by a faculty member and supervised by approved management/supervisor within business and industry lasting for approximately 400 hours of on the job experiences. 3 19 73 Y GLD-Professional & Civic Engagement; Experiential Learning Opportunity; Internship Programs,Apply specialized knowledge,,Specialized knowledge and skills,Integrative and applied learning
Internship Programs


Internship Programs - The primary mission of Internship Programs is to engage students in planned, educationally-related work and learning experiences that integrate knowledge and theory with practical application and skill development in a professional setting.

Senior Nursing Capstone Practicum - NURS 435
Final Semester Senior Clinical Immersion Experience
Spring 2024 Internship Final Semester Senior Clinical Immersion Experience 3 20 106 Y Experiential Learning Opportunity; GLD-Professional & Civic Engagement; Internship Programs,Apply specialized knowledge,Career readiness,Specialized knowledge and skills,Professionalism / career readiness
Civic Engagement & Service-Learning Programs


Civic Engagement & Service-Learning Programs - The primary mission of Service-Learning Programs is to engage students in experiences that address human and community needs together with structured opportunities for reflection intentionally designed to promote student learning and development.

Service-Learning - PALM 495
An exploration of theories of service-learning with application of practical solutions to meet community needs.
Spring 2024 Service Learning An exploration of theories of service-learning with application of practical solutions to meet community needs. 13 33 112 Y GLD-Community Service; Experiential Learning Opportunity; Civic Engagement & Service-Learning Programs,Apply specialized knowledge,Community service / civic engagement,Specialized knowledge and skills,Personal and social responsibility - Contributing to a larger community
Internship Programs


Internship Programs - The primary mission of Internship Programs is to engage students in planned, educationally-related work and learning experiences that integrate knowledge and theory with practical application and skill development in a professional setting.

Undergraduate Internship In Psychology - PSYC 495
Each student secures an internship at a community organization that serves children/adults, providing experience with the treatment/prevention of mental health concerns. Students write weekly journal reflections, conduct an informational interview, and complete a final paper. Site supervisors provide formal feedback at the end of the internship.
Spring 2024 Internship Each student secures an internship at a community organization that serves children/adults, providing experience with the treatment/prevention of mental health concerns. Students write weekly journal reflections, conduct an informational interview, and complete a final paper. Site supervisors provide formal feedback at the end of the internship. 3 14 51 Y GLD-Professional & Civic Engagement; Experiential Learning Opportunity; Internship Programs,Career development,Apply specialized knowledge,Integrative and applied learning,Self-knowledge
Capstone Experience


Capstone Experience - A course or project that engages students in a culminating and integrative experience, intended to connect the key learning objectives of an educational program.

Public Health Capstone Seminar - PUBH 498
Students synthesize and apply content knowledge and competencies developed in the BS/BA public health degree program, in a practice setting with emphasis on student identified areas for professional growth.
Spring 2024 Capstone Course or Project Students synthesize and apply content knowledge and competencies developed in the BS/BA public health degree program, in a practice setting with emphasis on student identified areas for professional growth. 3 24 87 Y GLD-Professional & Civic Engagement; Experiential Learning Opportunity; Capstone Experience,Apply specialized knowledge,Career readiness,Specialized knowledge and skills,
Internship Programs


Internship Programs - The primary mission of Internship Programs is to engage students in planned, educationally-related work and learning experiences that integrate knowledge and theory with practical application and skill development in a professional setting.

Retailing Internship - RETL 495
Students engage in supervised work experience within the retail industry that links classroom learning and student interest with the acquisition of knowledge in an applied work setting.
Spring 2024 Internship Students engage in supervised work experience within the retail industry that links classroom learning and student interest with the acquisition of knowledge in an applied work setting. 3 17 77 Y GLD-Professional & Civic Engagement; Experiential Learning Opportunity; Internship Programs,Apply specialized knowledge,,Specialized knowledge and skills,
Internship Programs


Internship Programs - The primary mission of Internship Programs is to engage students in planned, educationally-related work and learning experiences that integrate knowledge and theory with practical application and skill development in a professional setting.

Retailing Practicum - RETL 295
Students apply knowledge, skills and/or certifications acquired in retailing courses to an in-field experience; work closely with retailing professionals; discover viable career paths; identify work-related interests and values; and analyze the practicum site to gain a better understanding of the company and the competitive marketplace.
Spring 2024 Practicum Students apply knowledge, skills and/or certifications acquired in retailing courses to an in-field experience; work closely with retailing professionals; discover viable career paths; identify work-related interests and values; and analyze the practicum site to gain a better understanding of the company and the competitive marketplace. 3 17 77 Y Experiential Learning Opportunity; Internship Programs,Apply specialized knowledge,Career development,Specialized knowledge and skills,Integrative and applied learning
Internship Programs


Internship Programs - The primary mission of Internship Programs is to engage students in planned, educationally-related work and learning experiences that integrate knowledge and theory with practical application and skill development in a professional setting.

Honors Internship - SCHC 498
Internships are an important part of the Honors Beyond the Classroom program. Students receive academic credit while gaining valuable experience in their chosen career field, receiving helpful feedback on their performance and reflecting on their experience.
Spring 2024 Internship Internships are an important part of the Honors Beyond the Classroom program. Students receive academic credit while gaining valuable experience in their chosen career field, receiving helpful feedback on their performance and reflecting on their experience. 3 26 75 Y Experiential Learning Opportunity; GLD-Professional & Civic Engagement; Internship Programs,Apply specialized knowledge,Career readiness,Specialized knowledge and skills,Professionalism / career readiness
Internship Programs


Internship Programs - The primary mission of Internship Programs is to engage students in planned, educationally-related work and learning experiences that integrate knowledge and theory with practical application and skill development in a professional setting.

Washington Semester Internship - SCHC 493
SC Washington Semester Program students live in Washington DC while participating in full-time internships. Students engage in enrichment activities with the on-site academic director and peers, and have the chance to discuss/reflect on their experiences. Students submit in-class journal entries for further structured reflection opportunities.
Spring 2024 Internship SC Washington Semester Program students live in Washington DC while participating in full-time internships. Students engage in enrichment activities with the on-site academic director and peers, and have the chance to discuss/reflect on their experiences. Students submit in-class journal entries for further structured reflection opportunities. 3 26 75 Y GLD-Professional & Civic Engagement; Experiential Learning Opportunity; Internship Programs,Apply specialized knowledge,Career readiness,Specialized knowledge and skills,Professionalism / career readiness
Internship Programs


Internship Programs - The primary mission of Internship Programs is to engage students in planned, educationally-related work and learning experiences that integrate knowledge and theory with practical application and skill development in a professional setting.

Internship in Sport & Entertainment Management - SPTE 495
Students engage in a supervised work experience in a sport or entertainment area. Internship is a minimum of 520 work hours over 13 weeks and is selected by the student with the assistance and approval of the Internship Instructor.
Spring 2024 Internship Students engage in a supervised work experience in a sport or entertainment area. Internship is a minimum of 520 work hours over 13 weeks and is selected by the student with the assistance and approval of the Internship Instructor. 3 17 79 Y GLD-Professional & Civic Engagement; Experiential Learning Opportunity; Internship Programs,Apply specialized knowledge,Career development,Specialized knowledge and skills,Self-knowledge
Internship Programs


Internship Programs - The primary mission of Internship Programs is to engage students in planned, educationally-related work and learning experiences that integrate knowledge and theory with practical application and skill development in a professional setting.

Practicum in Sport & Entertainment Management - SPTE 295
Students engage in a supervised work experience in a sport or entertainment area. Practicum is a minimum of 520 work hours over 13 weeks and is selected by the student with the assistance and approval of the Practicum Instructor. It is meant to be the student's introduction to the specific field in which they wish to pursue a career.
Spring 2024 Practicum Students engage in a supervised work experience in a sport or entertainment area. Practicum is a minimum of 520 work hours over 13 weeks and is selected by the student with the assistance and approval of the Practicum Instructor. It is meant to be the student's introduction to the specific field in which they wish to pursue a career. 3 17 79 Y GLD-Professional & Civic Engagement; Experiential Learning Opportunity; Internship Programs,Apply specialized knowledge,Career development,Specialized knowledge and skills,
Internship Programs


Internship Programs - The primary mission of Internship Programs is to engage students in planned, educationally-related work and learning experiences that integrate knowledge and theory with practical application and skill development in a professional setting.

Teaching Internship in Dance Education - DANC 479
The student will demonstrate the pedagogical knowledge, skill, and disposition necessary to effectively teach K-12 dance education as defined by NASD and NCATE and as measured by a departmental student teaching evaluation. Prerequisites: see academic bulletin.
Spring 2024 Internship The student will demonstrate the pedagogical knowledge, skill, and disposition necessary to effectively teach K-12 dance education as defined by NASD and NCATE and as measured by a departmental student teaching evaluation. Prerequisites: see academic bulletin. 3 14 55 Y GLD-Community Service; Experiential Learning Opportunity; Internship Programs,Apply specialized knowledge,Career readiness,Specialized knowledge and skills,Professionalism / career readiness
Internship Programs


Internship Programs - The primary mission of Internship Programs is to engage students in planned, educationally-related work and learning experiences that integrate knowledge and theory with practical application and skill development in a professional setting.

Internship in Curriculum, Assessment, Teaching, and Professional Roles - EDEC 492
Internship for practice in classrooms at the early childhood level related to curriculum, assessment, teaching, and professional roles
Spring 2024 Internship Internship for practice in classrooms at the early childhood level related to curriculum, assessment, teaching, and professional roles 3 16 67 Y GLD-Professional & Civic Engagement; GLD-Community Service; Experiential Learning Opportunity; Internship Programs,Apply specialized knowledge,,Specialized knowledge and skills,
Internship Programs


Internship Programs - The primary mission of Internship Programs is to engage students in planned, educationally-related work and learning experiences that integrate knowledge and theory with practical application and skill development in a professional setting.

Internship in Elementary Education - EDEL 490
Students in their final semester of an elementary education degree program complete an internship for practice in elementary classrooms (grades 2-6) related to curriculum design, assessment, interactive teaching, and professional roles.
Spring 2024 Internship Students in their final semester of an elementary education degree program complete an internship for practice in elementary classrooms (grades 2-6) related to curriculum design, assessment, interactive teaching, and professional roles. 3 16 67 Y GLD-Professional & Civic Engagement; Experiential Learning Opportunity; Internship Programs,Apply specialized knowledge,Career development,Specialized knowledge and skills,Communication - spoken
Internship Programs


Internship Programs - The primary mission of Internship Programs is to engage students in planned, educationally-related work and learning experiences that integrate knowledge and theory with practical application and skill development in a professional setting.

Golf Tourism - HRTM 591
This class meets for 10 weeks, focusing on global golf tourism, with emphasis on mega-events. During the term, each student is employed by Augusta (GA) National Golf Club in a micro-internship role at the Masters Tournament, in which students apply knowledge and skills learned in this course, as well as their major and general education courses.
Spring 2024 Internship This class meets for 10 weeks, focusing on global golf tourism, with emphasis on mega-events. During the term, each student is employed by Augusta (GA) National Golf Club in a micro-internship role at the Masters Tournament, in which students apply knowledge and skills learned in this course, as well as their major and general education courses. 3 17 76 Y GLD-Professional & Civic Engagement; Experiential Learning Opportunity; Internship Programs,Career readiness,Career development,Professionalism / career readiness,Integrative and applied learning
Internship Programs


Internship Programs - The primary mission of Internship Programs is to engage students in planned, educationally-related work and learning experiences that integrate knowledge and theory with practical application and skill development in a professional setting.

Golf Tourism Consumer Services - HRTM 592
Each student is employed by Augusta (GA) National Golf Club in a micro-internship returning role (2nd year) at the Masters Tournament, serving as a peer leader to new micro-internship students. The asynchronous online course focuses on customer service systems in business operations, with practical application at a mega golf-tourism event.
Spring 2024 Internship Each student is employed by Augusta (GA) National Golf Club in a micro-internship returning role (2nd year) at the Masters Tournament, serving as a peer leader to new micro-internship students. The asynchronous online course focuses on customer service systems in business operations, with practical application at a mega golf-tourism event. 3 17 76 Y GLD-Professional & Civic Engagement; Experiential Learning Opportunity; Internship Programs,Career readiness,Career development,Professionalism / career readiness,Integrative and applied learning
Internship Programs


Internship Programs - The primary mission of Internship Programs is to engage students in planned, educationally-related work and learning experiences that integrate knowledge and theory with practical application and skill development in a professional setting.

Golf Tourism Supervisory Skills - HRTM 593
Each student is employed by Augusta (GA) National Golf Club in a micro-internship returning role (3rd year) at the Masters Tournament, serving as a peer leader to new micro-internship students. This asynchronous online course examines supervisory skills in high-quality business operations, with practical application at a mega golf-tourism event.
Spring 2024 Internship Each student is employed by Augusta (GA) National Golf Club in a micro-internship returning role (3rd year) at the Masters Tournament, serving as a peer leader to new micro-internship students. This asynchronous online course examines supervisory skills in high-quality business operations, with practical application at a mega golf-tourism event. 3 17 76 Y GLD-Professional & Civic Engagement; Experiential Learning Opportunity; Internship Programs,Career development,Leadership,Professionalism / career readiness,Integrative and applied learning
Internship Programs


Internship Programs - The primary mission of Internship Programs is to engage students in planned, educationally-related work and learning experiences that integrate knowledge and theory with practical application and skill development in a professional setting.

Internship in Mass Communications - JOUR 597
Students work at least 140 hours during the semester under the direction of the intern coordinator and a professional supervisor in an internship they obtain, attend required meetings during the term with other interns and the intern coordinator, and turn in assignments as scheduled in the course syllabus.
Spring 2024 Internship Students work at least 140 hours during the semester under the direction of the intern coordinator and a professional supervisor in an internship they obtain, attend required meetings during the term with other interns and the intern coordinator, and turn in assignments as scheduled in the course syllabus. 3 18 81 Y GLD-Professional & Civic Engagement; Experiential Learning Opportunity; Internship Programs,Apply specialized knowledge,Career development,Specialized knowledge and skills,Professionalism / career readiness
Internship Programs


Internship Programs - The primary mission of Internship Programs is to engage students in planned, educationally-related work and learning experiences that integrate knowledge and theory with practical application and skill development in a professional setting.

Directed Teaching in Physical Education - PEDU 479
Internship for practice in physical education.
Spring 2024 Internship Internship for practice in physical education. 3 16 68 Y GLD-Professional & Civic Engagement; GLD-Community Service; Experiential Learning Opportunity; Internship Programs,Apply specialized knowledge,,Specialized knowledge and skills,
Internship Programs


Internship Programs - The primary mission of Internship Programs is to engage students in planned, educationally-related work and learning experiences that integrate knowledge and theory with practical application and skill development in a professional setting.

Public Affairs Internship - POLI 379
In this course, students complete an on-site internship in a public affairs agency, complete a series of academic assignments related to the internship experience, and submit a final performance evaluation from the on-site supervisor.
Spring 2024 Internship In this course, students complete an on-site internship in a public affairs agency, complete a series of academic assignments related to the internship experience, and submit a final performance evaluation from the on-site supervisor. 3 14 50 Y Experiential Learning Opportunity; GLD-Professional & Civic Engagement; Internship Programs,Career development,Apply specialized knowledge,Self-knowledge,Professionalism / career readiness
Internship Programs


Internship Programs - The primary mission of Internship Programs is to engage students in planned, educationally-related work and learning experiences that integrate knowledge and theory with practical application and skill development in a professional setting.

State Government Program: Internship - SCHC 491
Students work with a state agency for 150 or more hours during the term and interact online with the course professor and other students to discuss and reflect on their experiences. The intended outcomes for the internship are to gain experience in a professional work environment and develop career readiness skills.
Spring 2024 Internship Students work with a state agency for 150 or more hours during the term and interact online with the course professor and other students to discuss and reflect on their experiences. The intended outcomes for the internship are to gain experience in a professional work environment and develop career readiness skills. 3 26 75 Y GLD-Professional & Civic Engagement; Experiential Learning Opportunity; Internship Programs,Apply specialized knowledge,Career readiness,Specialized knowledge and skills,Civic knowledge and engagement
Internship Programs


Internship Programs - The primary mission of Internship Programs is to engage students in planned, educationally-related work and learning experiences that integrate knowledge and theory with practical application and skill development in a professional setting.

Introduction to Field Education - SOWK 382
Students complete their first 50 out of a required program number of 500 field placement hours as a component of successfully completing SOWK 382.
Spring 2024 Internship Students complete their first 50 out of a required program number of 500 field placement hours as a component of successfully completing SOWK 382. 3 22 110 Y GLD-Professional & Civic Engagement; GLD-Community Service; Experiential Learning Opportunity; Internship Programs,Apply specialized knowledge,,Specialized knowledge and skills,
Internship Programs


Internship Programs - The primary mission of Internship Programs is to engage students in planned, educationally-related work and learning experiences that integrate knowledge and theory with practical application and skill development in a professional setting.

Community Service Internship - WGST 499
Students engage in a supervised experience addressing either 1) a community organization’s needs and allowing the student to explore an aspect of the community related to women’s and gender studies issues, or 2) a research project related to gender issues.
Spring 2024 Internship Students engage in a supervised experience addressing either 1) a community organization’s needs and allowing the student to explore an aspect of the community related to women’s and gender studies issues, or 2) a research project related to gender issues. 3 14 58 Y GLD-Professional & Civic Engagement; GLD-Community Service; Experiential Learning Opportunity; Internship Programs,Apply specialized knowledge,Community service / civic engagement,Civic knowledge and engagement,Professionalism / career readiness
Undergraduate Research Programs


Undergraduate Research Programs - The primary mission of Undergraduate Research Programs is to engage students in investigative and creative activity to experience firsthand the processes of scholarly exploration and discovery.

Biological Research: An Introduction - BIOL 498
In this Course Based Undergraduate Research Experience (CURE), students engage in a hypothesis-driven research problem to gain experience and skills for scientific research lab. Methodologies of biological research with an emphasis on hypothesis formation, research design, data collection, and current issues in biology will be examined.
Spring 2024 Undergraduate Research In this Course Based Undergraduate Research Experience (CURE), students engage in a hypothesis-driven research problem to gain experience and skills for scientific research lab. Methodologies of biological research with an emphasis on hypothesis formation, research design, data collection, and current issues in biology will be examined. 3 14 39 Y Experiential Learning Opportunity; Undergraduate Research Programs,Apply specialized knowledge,Research,Specialized knowledge and skills,Critical and creative thinking
Student Leadership Programs


Student Leadership Programs - The mission of Student Leadership Programs must be to prepare students to engage in the process of leadership.

University 101 Peer Leader
U101 Peer Leaders co-teach a section of a UNIV 101 course with a faculty or staff member, and serve as resources, mentors, and facilitators for learning in and beyond the classroom for first-year students enrolled in the course.
Spring 2024 Peer Educator U101 Peer Leaders co-teach a section of a UNIV 101 course with a faculty or staff member, and serve as resources, mentors, and facilitators for learning in and beyond the classroom for first-year students enrolled in the course. 3 11 30 University 101 Programs N GLD-Professional & Civic Engagement; GLD-Diversity & Social Advocacy; Experiential Learning Opportunity; Student Leadership Programs,Leadership,,Communication - spoken,Influencing others


Enrichment -

Fellowship Foundations
Freshman students attend a 4-session program to learn about national fellowship opportunities and the application process. Session topics include mentorship from a Fellowship Peer Mentor, guidance from faculty and staff, and reflecting on their goals in relation to national fellowship opportunities.
Spring 2024 Educational Support Freshman students attend a 4-session program to learn about national fellowship opportunities and the application process. Session topics include mentorship from a Fellowship Peer Mentor, guidance from faculty and staff, and reflecting on their goals in relation to national fellowship opportunities. 3 26 36 N ; Enrichment,Connecting with others,Study / Practice self knowledge,Foundations and skills for lifelong learning,Self-knowledge
Fraternity and Sorority Advising Programs


Fraternity and Sorority Advising Programs - The mission of Fraternity and Sorority Advising Programs is to promote the learning and development of students who affiliate with fraternities and sororities.

Hazing Prevention 101
Students participate in a one-hour course designed to develop skills to recognize, prevent and report hazing. An expert presentation aims to develop students' understanding of what constitutes hazing, consider its impact on the USC community, and confidently play an active role in creating a positive campus environment.
Spring 2024 Leadership Education Students participate in a one-hour course designed to develop skills to recognize, prevent and report hazing. An expert presentation aims to develop students' understanding of what constitutes hazing, consider its impact on the USC community, and confidently play an active role in creating a positive campus environment. 3 11 28 Fraternity & Sorority Life N ; Fraternity and Sorority Advising Programs,Study / Practice self knowledge,,Personal and social responsibility - Developing competence in ethical and moral reasoning, action,
Capstone Experience


Capstone Experience - A course or project that engages students in a culminating and integrative experience, intended to connect the key learning objectives of an educational program.

GSCOM Capstone Project - MGSC 497
Student consulting teams apply Operations and Supply Chain concepts and techniques to solve operational problems, identify improvement opportunities in service and manufacturing firms, write recommendation and implementation reports, oversee pilot or full-scale implementations, and make presentations of their work to the firm’s management group.
Spring 2024 Capstone Course or Project Student consulting teams apply Operations and Supply Chain concepts and techniques to solve operational problems, identify improvement opportunities in service and manufacturing firms, write recommendation and implementation reports, oversee pilot or full-scale implementations, and make presentations of their work to the firm’s management group. 3 15 65 Y GLD-Professional & Civic Engagement; Experiential Learning Opportunity; Capstone Experience,Apply specialized knowledge,,Specialized knowledge and skills,
Student Leadership Programs


Student Leadership Programs - The mission of Student Leadership Programs must be to prepare students to engage in the process of leadership.

Sustainable Carolina Peer Leader
Student interact with their peers on campus as they work to implement programs outlined in the campus sustainability plan aimed at improving sustainability practices on campus. Students also host community programs and camps for school age children and families, teaching sustainability practices and the importance of a healthy lifestyle.
Spring 2023 Peer Educator Student interact with their peers on campus as they work to implement programs outlined in the campus sustainability plan aimed at improving sustainability practices on campus. Students also host community programs and camps for school age children and families, teaching sustainability practices and the importance of a healthy lifestyle. 3 11 29 Sustainability N GLD-Professional & Civic Engagement; GLD-Community Service; Experiential Learning Opportunity; Student Leadership Programs,Leadership,,Influencing others,Personal and social responsibility - Contributing to a larger community
Student Leadership Programs


Student Leadership Programs - The mission of Student Leadership Programs must be to prepare students to engage in the process of leadership.

Sustainable Carolina Project Coordinator
Each project coordinator leads a team of students to implement a designated project in support of a goal outlined in the campus sustainability plan. The role requires collaboration with other teams, campus stakeholders, and community partners, and requires them to delegate work, solve problems, and make decisions.
Spring 2023 Peer Educator Each project coordinator leads a team of students to implement a designated project in support of a goal outlined in the campus sustainability plan. The role requires collaboration with other teams, campus stakeholders, and community partners, and requires them to delegate work, solve problems, and make decisions. 3 11 29 Sustainability N GLD-Professional & Civic Engagement; Experiential Learning Opportunity; Student Leadership Programs,Leadership,Apply specialized knowledge,Problem solving,Professionalism / career readiness
Student Leadership Programs


Student Leadership Programs - The mission of Student Leadership Programs must be to prepare students to engage in the process of leadership.

Sustainable Carolina Peer Leader
Student interact with their peers on campus as they work to implement programs outlined in the campus sustainability plan aimed at improving sustainability practices on campus. Students also host community programs and camps for school age children and families, teaching sustainability practices and the importance of a healthy lifestyle.
Fall 2023 Peer Educator Student interact with their peers on campus as they work to implement programs outlined in the campus sustainability plan aimed at improving sustainability practices on campus. Students also host community programs and camps for school age children and families, teaching sustainability practices and the importance of a healthy lifestyle. 3 11 29 Sustainability N GLD-Professional & Civic Engagement; GLD-Community Service; Experiential Learning Opportunity; Student Leadership Programs,Leadership,,Influencing others,Personal and social responsibility - Contributing to a larger community
Student Leadership Programs


Student Leadership Programs - The mission of Student Leadership Programs must be to prepare students to engage in the process of leadership.

Sustainable Carolina Project Coordinator
Each project coordinator leads a team of students to implement a designated project in support of a goal outlined in the campus sustainability plan. The role requires collaboration with other teams, campus stakeholders, and community partners, and requires them to delegate work, solve problems, and make decisions.
Fall 2023 Peer Educator Each project coordinator leads a team of students to implement a designated project in support of a goal outlined in the campus sustainability plan. The role requires collaboration with other teams, campus stakeholders, and community partners, and requires them to delegate work, solve problems, and make decisions. 3 11 29 Sustainability N GLD-Professional & Civic Engagement; Experiential Learning Opportunity; Student Leadership Programs,Leadership,Apply specialized knowledge,Problem solving,Professionalism / career readiness
Student Leadership Programs


Student Leadership Programs - The mission of Student Leadership Programs must be to prepare students to engage in the process of leadership.

Sustainable Carolina Peer Leader
Student interact with their peers on campus as they work to implement programs outlined in the campus sustainability plan aimed at improving sustainability practices on campus. Students also host community programs and camps for school age children and families, teaching sustainability practices and the importance of a healthy lifestyle.
Spring 2024 Peer Educator Student interact with their peers on campus as they work to implement programs outlined in the campus sustainability plan aimed at improving sustainability practices on campus. Students also host community programs and camps for school age children and families, teaching sustainability practices and the importance of a healthy lifestyle. 3 11 29 Sustainability N GLD-Professional & Civic Engagement; GLD-Community Service; Experiential Learning Opportunity; Student Leadership Programs,Leadership,,Influencing others,Personal and social responsibility - Contributing to a larger community
Student Leadership Programs


Student Leadership Programs - The mission of Student Leadership Programs must be to prepare students to engage in the process of leadership.

Sustainable Carolina Project Coordinator
Each project coordinator leads a team of students to implement a designated project in support of a goal outlined in the campus sustainability plan. The role requires collaboration with other teams, campus stakeholders, and community partners, and requires them to delegate work, solve problems, and make decisions.
Spring 2024 Peer Educator Each project coordinator leads a team of students to implement a designated project in support of a goal outlined in the campus sustainability plan. The role requires collaboration with other teams, campus stakeholders, and community partners, and requires them to delegate work, solve problems, and make decisions. 3 11 29 Sustainability N GLD-Professional & Civic Engagement; Experiential Learning Opportunity; Student Leadership Programs,Leadership,Apply specialized knowledge,Problem solving,Professionalism / career readiness
Civic Engagement & Service-Learning Programs


Civic Engagement & Service-Learning Programs - The primary mission of Service-Learning Programs is to engage students in experiences that address human and community needs together with structured opportunities for reflection intentionally designed to promote student learning and development.

Gamecock CommUnity Pals
Students assist CommUnity Shop clients, sort donations, and shelve inventory in the Gamecock Pantry. They also serve as educational resources at tabling events.
Spring 2024 Service on Campus Students assist CommUnity Shop clients, sort donations, and shelve inventory in the Gamecock Pantry. They also serve as educational resources at tabling events. 3 11 88 Student Care and Outreach N ; Civic Engagement & Service-Learning Programs,Community service / civic engagement,Connecting with others,Civic knowledge and engagement,Communication - spoken
Civic Engagement & Service-Learning Programs


Civic Engagement & Service-Learning Programs - The primary mission of Service-Learning Programs is to engage students in experiences that address human and community needs together with structured opportunities for reflection intentionally designed to promote student learning and development.

Gamecock CommUnity Shop Executive Board
Student board members serve as the primary points of contact for Pantry Pal volunteers, manage pantry operations, marketing/communications, strategic planning, and assessment; and support volunteer recruitment, training, and provide feedback and reflection opportunities.
Spring 2024 Civic Engagement Student board members serve as the primary points of contact for Pantry Pal volunteers, manage pantry operations, marketing/communications, strategic planning, and assessment; and support volunteer recruitment, training, and provide feedback and reflection opportunities. 3 11 88 Student Care and Outreach N GLD-Professional & Civic Engagement; GLD-Community Service; Experiential Learning Opportunity; Civic Engagement & Service-Learning Programs,Community service / civic engagement,Leadership,Civic knowledge and engagement,Teamwork
Campus Activities Programs


Campus Activities Programs - The purpose of Campus Activities Programs must be to enhance the overall educational experience of students through development of, exposure to, and participation in programs and activities that improve student cooperation and leadership while preparing students to be responsible advocates and citizens and complementing the institution's academic programs.

First Things First Retreat for First-Generation Students
First-generation college students participate in a two day, one night on-campus retreat focused on building community while exploring campus resources. Sessions focus on academic engagement in the college classroom, college writing skills, common language of the campus climate, and conversations with first-generation college graduates.
Summer 2024 Campus Activities First-generation college students participate in a two day, one night on-campus retreat focused on building community while exploring campus resources. Sessions focus on academic engagement in the college classroom, college writing skills, common language of the campus climate, and conversations with first-generation college graduates. 3 11 30 Student Success Center N ; Campus Activities Programs,Connecting with others,Study / Practice social well being,Self-knowledge,Foundations and skills for lifelong learning
Learning Assistance Programs


Learning Assistance Programs - The primary mission of Learning Assistance Programs must be to provide students with resources and opportunities to improve their ability to learn and to achieve academic success.

Drop-in Tutoring
Students seeking assistance with study skills or content in a specific course work with a Peer Tutor who was successful in the same course. Students meet with a Peer Tutor individually or as part of a group, for as long as two hours, as needed.
Fall 2024 Educational Support Students seeking assistance with study skills or content in a specific course work with a Peer Tutor who was successful in the same course. Students meet with a Peer Tutor individually or as part of a group, for as long as two hours, as needed. 3 11 30 Student Success Center N ; Learning Assistance Programs,Study / Practice intellectual skills,Apply specialized knowledge,Specialized knowledge and skills,
Career Services


Career Services - The primary mission of Career Services is to assist students and other designated clients in developing, evaluating, and implementing career, education, and employment plans.

Junior Year Success Consultation
Junior year students meet one-to-one with a peer educator or a professional/graduate staff member in the Student Success Center, to help students reflect on their educational experiences to date, plan for their remaining time at USC, and identify post-graduation options.
Fall 2024 Educational Support Junior year students meet one-to-one with a peer educator or a professional/graduate staff member in the Student Success Center, to help students reflect on their educational experiences to date, plan for their remaining time at USC, and identify post-graduation options. 3 11 30 Carolina Experience N ; Career Services,Study / Practice self knowledge,Study / Practice intellectual skills,Self-knowledge,Problem solving
Campus Activities Programs


Campus Activities Programs - The purpose of Campus Activities Programs must be to enhance the overall educational experience of students through development of, exposure to, and participation in programs and activities that improve student cooperation and leadership while preparing students to be responsible advocates and citizens and complementing the institution's academic programs.

Junior Year Success Event
Third year students participate in social and community building events designed to encourage social networking among students on similar academic timelines.
Fall 2024 Campus Activities Third year students participate in social and community building events designed to encourage social networking among students on similar academic timelines. 3 11 30 Carolina Experience N ; Campus Activities Programs,Connecting with others,Recreation, leisure, entertainment,Self-knowledge,
Learning Assistance Programs


Learning Assistance Programs - The primary mission of Learning Assistance Programs must be to provide students with resources and opportunities to improve their ability to learn and to achieve academic success.

Money Management Consultation
Students participate in a 1:1 meeting with a Financial Literacy Consultant, to explore financial management topics including basic money management, credit, debt management, and student loan repayment policies.
Fall 2024 Educational Support Students participate in a 1:1 meeting with a Financial Literacy Consultant, to explore financial management topics including basic money management, credit, debt management, and student loan repayment policies. 3 11 30 Student Success Center N ; Learning Assistance Programs,Study / Practice financial literacy,Study / Practice self knowledge,Financial literacy,Problem solving
Career Services


Career Services - The primary mission of Career Services is to assist students and other designated clients in developing, evaluating, and implementing career, education, and employment plans.

Mutual Expectations Workshop
Students engage with peers and faculty, over lunch, to discuss issues and have an open dialogue through a guided conversation in a relaxed setting. Workshops are held in partnership between the Student Success Center (SSC) and the Center for Teaching Excellence (CTE).
Fall 2024 Educational Support Students engage with peers and faculty, over lunch, to discuss issues and have an open dialogue through a guided conversation in a relaxed setting. Workshops are held in partnership between the Student Success Center (SSC) and the Center for Teaching Excellence (CTE). 3 11 30 Carolina Experience N ; Career Services,Study / Practice self knowledge,Connecting with others,Personal and social responsibility - Contributing to a larger community,Personal and social responsibility - Cultivating personal and academic integrity
Student Leadership Programs


Student Leadership Programs - The mission of Student Leadership Programs must be to prepare students to engage in the process of leadership.

Peer Consultant
Student consultants meet with peers to provide study skills support, discuss academic success strategies, and co-create a personalized plan for academic success.
Fall 2024 Peer Educator Student consultants meet with peers to provide study skills support, discuss academic success strategies, and co-create a personalized plan for academic success. 3 11 30 Student Success Center N GLD-Professional & Civic Engagement; Experiential Learning Opportunity; Student Leadership Programs,Leadership,,Influencing others,Communication - spoken
Student Leadership Programs


Student Leadership Programs - The mission of Student Leadership Programs must be to prepare students to engage in the process of leadership.

Peer Tutor
Tutors provide course-specific academic support for undergraduate students. They work with students in 1-1 sessions and lead group tutoring sessions.
Fall 2024 Peer Educator Tutors provide course-specific academic support for undergraduate students. They work with students in 1-1 sessions and lead group tutoring sessions. 3 11 30 Student Success Center N GLD-Professional & Civic Engagement; Experiential Learning Opportunity; Student Leadership Programs,Apply specialized knowledge,Leadership,Integrative and applied learning,Communication - spoken
Learning Assistance Programs


Learning Assistance Programs - The primary mission of Learning Assistance Programs must be to provide students with resources and opportunities to improve their ability to learn and to achieve academic success.

Peer Tutoring
Students participate in a tutoring session for a specific academic course in which they are currently enrolled.
Fall 2024 Educational Support Students participate in a tutoring session for a specific academic course in which they are currently enrolled. 3 11 30 Student Success Center N ; Learning Assistance Programs,Study / Practice intellectual skills,Apply specialized knowledge,Specialized knowledge and skills,
Learning Assistance Programs


Learning Assistance Programs - The primary mission of Learning Assistance Programs must be to provide students with resources and opportunities to improve their ability to learn and to achieve academic success.

Peer Writing Session
Students participate in a tutoring session for support with composition- or communications-based assignments or projects.
Fall 2024 Educational Support Students participate in a tutoring session for support with composition- or communications-based assignments or projects. 3 11 30 Student Success Center N ; Learning Assistance Programs,Study / Practice intellectual skills,,Communication - written,Communication - spoken
Student Leadership Programs


Student Leadership Programs - The mission of Student Leadership Programs must be to prepare students to engage in the process of leadership.

Peer Writing Tutor
Peer Tutors meet with students in 1-1 sessions to provide course-specific academic support for writing and communications skill development.
Fall 2024 Peer Educator Peer Tutors meet with students in 1-1 sessions to provide course-specific academic support for writing and communications skill development. 3 11 30 Student Success Center N GLD-Professional & Civic Engagement; Experiential Learning Opportunity; Student Leadership Programs,Apply specialized knowledge,Leadership,Critical and creative thinking,Communication - spoken
Career Services


Career Services - The primary mission of Career Services is to assist students and other designated clients in developing, evaluating, and implementing career, education, and employment plans.

Sophomore Success Consultation
Sophomore year students meet one-to-one with an upperclassman peer leader or a professional/graduate staff member in the Student Success Center, to reflect on their college experiences in their first year, identify opportunities for their second year, and explore the different ways they might find support and engagement in their sophomore year.
Fall 2024 Educational Support Sophomore year students meet one-to-one with an upperclassman peer leader or a professional/graduate staff member in the Student Success Center, to reflect on their college experiences in their first year, identify opportunities for their second year, and explore the different ways they might find support and engagement in their sophomore year. 3 11 30 Carolina Experience N ; Career Services,Study / Practice self knowledge,Study / Practice intellectual skills,Self-knowledge,Problem solving
Career Services


Career Services - The primary mission of Career Services is to assist students and other designated clients in developing, evaluating, and implementing career, education, and employment plans.

Sophomore Success Event
Sophomore year students engage in events designed to be social and community building in nature, focusing on helping students develop a social network with peers on a similar academic timeline and feel a sense of belonging on campus.
Fall 2024 Campus Activities Sophomore year students engage in events designed to be social and community building in nature, focusing on helping students develop a social network with peers on a similar academic timeline and feel a sense of belonging on campus. 3 11 30 Carolina Experience N ; Career Services,Connecting with others,Recreation, leisure, entertainment,Self-knowledge,
Student Leadership Programs


Student Leadership Programs - The mission of Student Leadership Programs must be to prepare students to engage in the process of leadership.

Student Success Center Program Assistant / Mentor
Experienced student leaders serve within a specific programmatic area (supplemental instruction, peer tutoring, or peer success consultations), supervise other peer leaders within the same program, and engage in critical office functions to support the department's professional certifications and mission.
Fall 2024 Peer Educator Experienced student leaders serve within a specific programmatic area (supplemental instruction, peer tutoring, or peer success consultations), supervise other peer leaders within the same program, and engage in critical office functions to support the department's professional certifications and mission. 3 11 30 Student Success Center N GLD-Professional & Civic Engagement; Experiential Learning Opportunity; Student Leadership Programs,Leadership,Career readiness,Teamwork,Critical and creative thinking
Learning Assistance Programs


Learning Assistance Programs - The primary mission of Learning Assistance Programs must be to provide students with resources and opportunities to improve their ability to learn and to achieve academic success.

Student Success Center University 101 Campus Partner Presentation
UNIV 101 students attend an (in-person) SSC presentation on a topic identified by their course instructor. Students listen to a trained presenter and engage in discussion on topics such as Study Smart, Money $mart, and Writing Smart.
Fall 2024 Educational Support UNIV 101 students attend an (in-person) SSC presentation on a topic identified by their course instructor. Students listen to a trained presenter and engage in discussion on topics such as Study Smart, Money $mart, and Writing Smart. 3 11 30 Student Success Center N ; Learning Assistance Programs,Study / Practice self knowledge,Study / Practice intellectual skills,Self-knowledge,Personal and social responsibility - Striving for excellence
Career Services


Career Services - The primary mission of Career Services is to assist students and other designated clients in developing, evaluating, and implementing career, education, and employment plans.

Student Success Center Workshop
Students engage in a workshop on a topic related to academic success, cohort specific year success, college student success, and general life-skills, led by an upperclassman peer educator or professional/graduate staff member.
Fall 2024 Educational Support Students engage in a workshop on a topic related to academic success, cohort specific year success, college student success, and general life-skills, led by an upperclassman peer educator or professional/graduate staff member. 3 11 30 Student Success Center N ; Career Services,Study / Practice intellectual skills,Study / Practice self knowledge,Specialized knowledge and skills,Self-knowledge
Learning Assistance Programs


Learning Assistance Programs - The primary mission of Learning Assistance Programs must be to provide students with resources and opportunities to improve their ability to learn and to achieve academic success.

Success Consultation
Students meet 1-1 with a trained peer consultant to assist students in understanding course material, develop self-regulated learning skills, and create an action plan for positive academic behaviors.
Fall 2024 Educational Support Students meet 1-1 with a trained peer consultant to assist students in understanding course material, develop self-regulated learning skills, and create an action plan for positive academic behaviors. 3 11 30 Student Success Center N ; Learning Assistance Programs,Study / Practice intellectual skills,Study / Practice self knowledge,Foundations and skills for lifelong learning,
Learning Assistance Programs


Learning Assistance Programs - The primary mission of Learning Assistance Programs must be to provide students with resources and opportunities to improve their ability to learn and to achieve academic success.

Supplemental Instruction
Students participate in a group study session for a specific academic course and section in which they are currently enrolled.
Fall 2024 Educational Support Students participate in a group study session for a specific academic course and section in which they are currently enrolled. 3 11 30 Student Success Center N ; Learning Assistance Programs,Study / Practice intellectual skills,,Specialized knowledge and skills,
Student Leadership Programs


Student Leadership Programs - The mission of Student Leadership Programs must be to prepare students to engage in the process of leadership.

Supplemental Instruction Peer Leader
SI Peer Leaders facilitate group study sessions for students enrolled in specific courses and sections; they help their peers learn challenging material from class lectures and assignments, and offer helpful tips that integrate how to learn with what to learn through three group study sessions each week.
Fall 2024 Peer Educator SI Peer Leaders facilitate group study sessions for students enrolled in specific courses and sections; they help their peers learn challenging material from class lectures and assignments, and offer helpful tips that integrate how to learn with what to learn through three group study sessions each week. 3 11 30 Student Success Center N GLD-Professional & Civic Engagement; Experiential Learning Opportunity; Student Leadership Programs,Apply specialized knowledge,Leadership,Integrative and applied learning,Communication - spoken
Transfer Student Programs and Services


Transfer Student Programs and Services - The mission of Transfer Student Programs and Services is to aid in the successful transfer, persistence, and graduation of transfer students.

Transfer Success Consultation
Transfer students participate in a 1:1 meeting with the Transfer Coordinator, to discuss academic referrals, current academic challenges, and to identify academic and campus resources.
Fall 2024 Educational Support Transfer students participate in a 1:1 meeting with the Transfer Coordinator, to discuss academic referrals, current academic challenges, and to identify academic and campus resources. 3 11 30 Carolina Experience N ; Transfer Student Programs and Services,Study / Practice self knowledge,,Personal and social responsibility - Striving for excellence,
Career Services


Career Services - The primary mission of Career Services is to assist students and other designated clients in developing, evaluating, and implementing career, education, and employment plans.

Transfer Student Success Event
Students engage in activities designed to welcome transfers students to the university, help them build a social network with other students/faculty/staff, learn about resources, help create a sense of belonging in a new location, and connect with other transfer students in the community.
Fall 2024 Campus Activities Students engage in activities designed to welcome transfers students to the university, help them build a social network with other students/faculty/staff, learn about resources, help create a sense of belonging in a new location, and connect with other transfer students in the community. 3 11 30 Carolina Experience N ; Career Services,Connecting with others,Recreation, leisure, entertainment,Self-knowledge,
Learning Assistance Programs


Learning Assistance Programs - The primary mission of Learning Assistance Programs must be to provide students with resources and opportunities to improve their ability to learn and to achieve academic success.

Drop-in Tutoring
Students seeking assistance with study skills or content in a specific course work with a Peer Tutor who was successful in the same course. Students meet with a Peer Tutor individually or as part of a group, for as long as two hours, as needed.
Summer 2024 Educational Support Students seeking assistance with study skills or content in a specific course work with a Peer Tutor who was successful in the same course. Students meet with a Peer Tutor individually or as part of a group, for as long as two hours, as needed. 3 11 30 Student Success Center N ; Learning Assistance Programs,Study / Practice intellectual skills,Apply specialized knowledge,Specialized knowledge and skills,
Learning Assistance Programs


Learning Assistance Programs - The primary mission of Learning Assistance Programs must be to provide students with resources and opportunities to improve their ability to learn and to achieve academic success.

Peer Tutoring
Students participate in a tutoring session for a specific academic course in which they are currently enrolled.
Summer 2024 Educational Support Students participate in a tutoring session for a specific academic course in which they are currently enrolled. 3 11 30 Student Success Center N ; Learning Assistance Programs,Study / Practice intellectual skills,Apply specialized knowledge,Specialized knowledge and skills,
Learning Assistance Programs


Learning Assistance Programs - The primary mission of Learning Assistance Programs must be to provide students with resources and opportunities to improve their ability to learn and to achieve academic success.

Supplemental Instruction
Students participate in a group study session for a specific academic course and section in which they are currently enrolled.
Summer 2024 Educational Support Students participate in a group study session for a specific academic course and section in which they are currently enrolled. 3 11 30 Student Success Center N ; Learning Assistance Programs,Study / Practice intellectual skills,,Specialized knowledge and skills,
Student Leadership Programs


Student Leadership Programs - The mission of Student Leadership Programs must be to prepare students to engage in the process of leadership.

Leadership and Service Ambassador
Leadership and Service Advocates help manage the Leadership and Service Center’s daily operations, assist students as they call or enter the center, and assist the professional staff in marketing and planning programs and services.
Summer 2024 Student Program Leader Leadership and Service Advocates help manage the Leadership and Service Center’s daily operations, assist students as they call or enter the center, and assist the professional staff in marketing and planning programs and services. 3 11 28 Leadership & Service Center N GLD-Professional & Civic Engagement; Student Leadership Programs,Career readiness,,Communication - spoken,Problem solving
Student Leadership Programs


Student Leadership Programs - The mission of Student Leadership Programs must be to prepare students to engage in the process of leadership.

Pillars for Carolina Extended Mentor
Pillars for Carolina XMs help introduce incoming students to student life and resources on campus. XMs are peer mentors who lead groups and communicate information to diverse audiences; student mentees look to XMs to answer their candid questions about the college experience.
Summer 2024 Student Program Leader Pillars for Carolina XMs help introduce incoming students to student life and resources on campus. XMs are peer mentors who lead groups and communicate information to diverse audiences; student mentees look to XMs to answer their candid questions about the college experience. 3 11 28 Leadership & Service Center N GLD-Professional & Civic Engagement; Student Leadership Programs,Leadership,,Interpersonal skills,Influencing others
Student Leadership Programs


Student Leadership Programs - The mission of Student Leadership Programs must be to prepare students to engage in the process of leadership.

Pillars for Carolina Leadership Team
Student leaders manage all components of the planning, recruitment, and execution of the Pillars for Carolina Extended Orientation Program. Team members work together to solve problems, communicate to multiple constituents, supervise peer mentors, and evaluate the effectiveness of program activities.
Summer 2024 Peer Educator Student leaders manage all components of the planning, recruitment, and execution of the Pillars for Carolina Extended Orientation Program. Team members work together to solve problems, communicate to multiple constituents, supervise peer mentors, and evaluate the effectiveness of program activities. 3 11 28 Leadership & Service Center N GLD-Professional & Civic Engagement; Student Leadership Programs,Leadership,,Problem solving,Teamwork
Student Leadership Programs


Student Leadership Programs - The mission of Student Leadership Programs must be to prepare students to engage in the process of leadership.

Student Life Ambassador
Students serve as a representative for the Department of Student Life by giving presentations at New Student Orientation and by interacting with prospective students and parents at the Orientation Resource Fair. Students also help the Department of Student Life plan departmental events and services.
Summer 2024 Student Program Leader Students serve as a representative for the Department of Student Life by giving presentations at New Student Orientation and by interacting with prospective students and parents at the Orientation Resource Fair. Students also help the Department of Student Life plan departmental events and services. 3 11 28 Leadership & Service Center N Experiential Learning Opportunity; Student Leadership Programs,Career readiness,,Communication - spoken,Influencing others
Orientation Programs


Orientation Programs - The mission of Orientation Programs must facilitate the transition of new students into the institution; prepare students for the educational opportunities and student responsibilities; initiate the integration of new students into the intellectual, cultural, and social climate of the institution; and support the parents, guardians, and children of the new student.

Pillars for Carolina Orientation
Incoming students engage in an extended orientation program that introduces them to student life and resources on campus. Participants meet and interact with peers, explore campus geography and resources, and reflect on their identity as a college student.
Summer 2024 Community Building Incoming students engage in an extended orientation program that introduces them to student life and resources on campus. Participants meet and interact with peers, explore campus geography and resources, and reflect on their identity as a college student. 3 11 28 Leadership & Service Center N ; Orientation Programs,Connecting with others,,Self-knowledge,
Student Leadership Programs


Student Leadership Programs - The mission of Student Leadership Programs must be to prepare students to engage in the process of leadership.

Student Government Executive Council
Council members are elected by the student body to work toward common goals and build consensus to drive change for Carolina students; council members interact with a variety of constituents including students, faculty, staff, university administrators and Board of Trustees members.
Summer 2024 Elected Student Leader Council members are elected by the student body to work toward common goals and build consensus to drive change for Carolina students; council members interact with a variety of constituents including students, faculty, staff, university administrators and Board of Trustees members. 3 11 28 Leadership & Service Center N GLD-Professional & Civic Engagement; Experiential Learning Opportunity; Student Leadership Programs,Leadership,Community service / civic engagement,Problem solving,Influencing others
Academic Advising Programs


Academic Advising Programs - The primary purpose of Academic Advising Programs is to assist students in the development of meaningful educational plans.

Academic Coaching Appointment
Students meet 1-1 with a coach to create an academic and engagement plan, set goals, and share resources; sessions are tailored to meet each student's needs and may include general advising, academic planning, strengths identification, planning campus involvement, and navigating campus resources.
Summer 2024 Educational Support Students meet 1-1 with a coach to create an academic and engagement plan, set goals, and share resources; sessions are tailored to meet each student's needs and may include general advising, academic planning, strengths identification, planning campus involvement, and navigating campus resources. 3 12 34 University Advising Center N ; Academic Advising Programs,Study / Practice intellectual skills,Study / Practice self knowledge,Foundations and skills for lifelong learning,Personal and social responsibility - Striving for excellence
Career Services


Career Services - The primary mission of Career Services is to assist students and other designated clients in developing, evaluating, and implementing career, education, and employment plans.

Career Coaching
Student engages 1-1 with a Career Center professional staff member on a career planning topic, such as assessing career interests, writing a resume, preparing for a job fair or job interview, or planning a job search.
Summer 2024 Career Development Student engages 1-1 with a Career Center professional staff member on a career planning topic, such as assessing career interests, writing a resume, preparing for a job fair or job interview, or planning a job search. 3 11 30 Career Center N ; Career Services,Career development,Career readiness,Self-knowledge,Professionalism / career readiness
Career Services


Career Services - The primary mission of Career Services is to assist students and other designated clients in developing, evaluating, and implementing career, education, and employment plans.

Career Coaching - Career Studio
In this learning lab, students receive guidance from a Career Center Peer Educator on topics related to their career, including resumes, cover letters, personal statements, curriculum vitae, job search, interviewing, and occupational research.
Summer 2024 Career Development In this learning lab, students receive guidance from a Career Center Peer Educator on topics related to their career, including resumes, cover letters, personal statements, curriculum vitae, job search, interviewing, and occupational research. 3 11 30 Career Center N ; Career Services,Career development,Study / Practice self knowledge,Self-knowledge,
Internship Programs


Internship Programs - The primary mission of Internship Programs is to engage students in planned, educationally-related work and learning experiences that integrate knowledge and theory with practical application and skill development in a professional setting.

Carolina Internship Program - Part-time
Students engage in a paid, work-based learning experience that is usually the length or equivalent of a fall or spring semester or summer, working approximately 240 hours at 20 hours/week. Student may be eligible to receive academic credit through their academic department or pursue a Zero Credit Transcript notation through the Career Center.
Summer 2024 Cooperative Education Students engage in a paid, work-based learning experience that is usually the length or equivalent of a fall or spring semester or summer, working approximately 240 hours at 20 hours/week. Student may be eligible to receive academic credit through their academic department or pursue a Zero Credit Transcript notation through the Career Center. 3 11 30 Career Center N GLD-Professional & Civic Engagement; Experiential Learning Opportunity; Internship Programs,Career development,Apply specialized knowledge,Professionalism / career readiness,Integrative and applied learning
Internship Programs


Internship Programs - The primary mission of Internship Programs is to engage students in planned, educationally-related work and learning experiences that integrate knowledge and theory with practical application and skill development in a professional setting.

Carolina Internship Program - Full-time
Students engage in a paid, work-based learning experience that includes staff facilitated feedback and reflection on their experience. The goal is to enhance students' understanding of their professional knowledge, skills and abilities to aid in their full-time job searches and lifelong career management.
Summer 2024 Internship Students engage in a paid, work-based learning experience that includes staff facilitated feedback and reflection on their experience. The goal is to enhance students' understanding of their professional knowledge, skills and abilities to aid in their full-time job searches and lifelong career management. 3 11 30 Career Center N GLD-Professional & Civic Engagement; Experiential Learning Opportunity; Internship Programs,Career readiness,Apply specialized knowledge,Professionalism / career readiness,Specialized knowledge and skills
Capstone Experience


Capstone Experience - A course or project that engages students in a culminating and integrative experience, intended to connect the key learning objectives of an educational program.

Graduation with Leadership Distinction ePortfolio - Small Groups and Independent students
The ePortfolio is designed to be the culminating project of a student's collegiate experiences. Through creation of an ePortfolio, students demonstrate the major learning and skills they have developed. The process is intended to help undergraduate students identify their purpose or passion.
Summer 2024 Capstone Course or Project The ePortfolio is designed to be the culminating project of a student's collegiate experiences. Through creation of an ePortfolio, students demonstrate the major learning and skills they have developed. The process is intended to help undergraduate students identify their purpose or passion. 3 12 34 Center for Integrative and Experiential Learning N GLD-ePortfolio; Experiential Learning Opportunity; Capstone Experience,Apply specialized knowledge,Career development,Integrative and applied learning,Self-knowledge
Capstone Experience


Capstone Experience - A course or project that engages students in a culminating and integrative experience, intended to connect the key learning objectives of an educational program.

Graduation with Leadership Distinction ePortfolio - 401
Student creates an ePortfolio as the culminating project of their undergraduate student collegiate experience. Through the ePortfolio, students demonstrate the major learning and skills they have developed during their time at the University of South Carolina. The ePortfolio is intended to help students identify their purpose or passion.
Summer 2024 Capstone Course or Project Student creates an ePortfolio as the culminating project of their undergraduate student collegiate experience. Through the ePortfolio, students demonstrate the major learning and skills they have developed during their time at the University of South Carolina. The ePortfolio is intended to help students identify their purpose or passion. 3 12 34 Center for Integrative and Experiential Learning N GLD-ePortfolio; Experiential Learning Opportunity; Capstone Experience,Study / Practice intellectual skills,,Integrative and applied learning,
Recreational Sports Programs


Recreational Sports Programs - The mission of Recreational Sports Programs must be to enhance the mind, body, and spirit of students and other eligible individuals by providing programs, services, and facilities that are responsive to the physical, social, recreational, and lifelong educational needs of the campus community as they relate to health, fitness, and learning.

Campus Recreation Climbing Wall
Students participate in top rope climbing or bouldering, with routes for both beginners and advanced climbers, at the climbing wall in the Wellness & Fitness Center.
Summer 2024 Physical, Mental, Emotional Health Students participate in top rope climbing or bouldering, with routes for both beginners and advanced climbers, at the climbing wall in the Wellness & Fitness Center. 3 11 117 Campus Recreation N ; Recreational Sports Programs,Recreation, leisure, entertainment,Connecting with others,Foundations and skills for lifelong learning,
Recreational Sports Programs


Recreational Sports Programs - The mission of Recreational Sports Programs must be to enhance the mind, body, and spirit of students and other eligible individuals by providing programs, services, and facilities that are responsive to the physical, social, recreational, and lifelong educational needs of the campus community as they relate to health, fitness, and learning.

Campus Recreation Group X
Students participate in a 45-60 minute group exercise class such as Yoga, Zumba, BodyPump, Barre, Cycle, and Bootcamp.
Summer 2024 Physical, Mental, Emotional Health Students participate in a 45-60 minute group exercise class such as Yoga, Zumba, BodyPump, Barre, Cycle, and Bootcamp. 3 11 117 Campus Recreation N ; Recreational Sports Programs,Study / Practice physical well being,Connecting with others,Self-knowledge,
Recreational Sports Programs


Recreational Sports Programs - The mission of Recreational Sports Programs must be to enhance the mind, body, and spirit of students and other eligible individuals by providing programs, services, and facilities that are responsive to the physical, social, recreational, and lifelong educational needs of the campus community as they relate to health, fitness, and learning.

Campus Recreation Intramural Sports
Students participate in an intramural sport, such as basketball, cornhole, volleyball, flag football, soccer, pickleball, and more.
Summer 2024 Campus Activities Students participate in an intramural sport, such as basketball, cornhole, volleyball, flag football, soccer, pickleball, and more. 3 11 117 Campus Recreation N ; Recreational Sports Programs,Recreation, leisure, entertainment,Connecting with others,Self-knowledge,
Campus Activities Programs


Campus Activities Programs - The purpose of Campus Activities Programs must be to enhance the overall educational experience of students through development of, exposure to, and participation in programs and activities that improve student cooperation and leadership while preparing students to be responsible advocates and citizens and complementing the institution's academic programs.

National Collegiate Athletic Association (NCAA) Athletic Event
Student attendance at National Collegiate Athletic Association (NCAA) athletic events provides opportunities for students to connect with other students and develop a sense of belonging through shared school spirit.
Summer 2024 Campus Activities Student attendance at National Collegiate Athletic Association (NCAA) athletic events provides opportunities for students to connect with other students and develop a sense of belonging through shared school spirit. 3 30 116 Student Tickets N ; Campus Activities Programs,Connecting with others,,Self-knowledge,
Internship Programs


Internship Programs - The primary mission of Internship Programs is to engage students in planned, educationally-related work and learning experiences that integrate knowledge and theory with practical application and skill development in a professional setting.

Cooperative Education (Co-op) - Alternating
Students participate in 2-3 semesters of supervised, paid work-based learning with the same employer. The Alternating format allows the student to alternate between a semester of full-time school (480 hours at 40 hours/week).
Summer 2024 Cooperative Education Students participate in 2-3 semesters of supervised, paid work-based learning with the same employer. The Alternating format allows the student to alternate between a semester of full-time school (480 hours at 40 hours/week). 3 11 30 Career Center N GLD-Professional & Civic Engagement; Experiential Learning Opportunity; Internship Programs,Apply specialized knowledge,Career readiness,Specialized knowledge and skills,Professionalism / career readiness
Internship Programs


Internship Programs - The primary mission of Internship Programs is to engage students in planned, educationally-related work and learning experiences that integrate knowledge and theory with practical application and skill development in a professional setting.

Cooperative Education (Co-op) - Parallel
Students participate in 2-3 semesters of supervised, paid work-based learning with the same employer. The Parallel format allows the student to work part-time for 240 hours (20 hours/week) for 3 consecutive semesters while attending school.
Summer 2024 Cooperative Education Students participate in 2-3 semesters of supervised, paid work-based learning with the same employer. The Parallel format allows the student to work part-time for 240 hours (20 hours/week) for 3 consecutive semesters while attending school. 3 11 30 Career Center N GLD-Professional & Civic Engagement; Experiential Learning Opportunity; Internship Programs,Apply specialized knowledge,Career readiness,Specialized knowledge and skills,Professionalism / career readiness
Internship Programs


Internship Programs - The primary mission of Internship Programs is to engage students in planned, educationally-related work and learning experiences that integrate knowledge and theory with practical application and skill development in a professional setting.

Internship - SVAD 499
Students secure an internship in a media or design field that they want to pursue professionally, upon graduation and work up to 10 hours a week (total of 160 hours during the semester). Students identify professional and personal goals for the experience, reflect in a journal on what they are learning, and receive a supervisor evaluation.
Spring 2024 Internship Students secure an internship in a media or design field that they want to pursue professionally, upon graduation and work up to 10 hours a week (total of 160 hours during the semester). Students identify professional and personal goals for the experience, reflect in a journal on what they are learning, and receive a supervisor evaluation. 3 14 56 Y GLD-Professional & Civic Engagement; Experiential Learning Opportunity; Internship Programs,Career development,Apply specialized knowledge,Integrative and applied learning,Professionalism / career readiness
Capstone Experience


Capstone Experience - A course or project that engages students in a culminating and integrative experience, intended to connect the key learning objectives of an educational program.

Independent Study in Information Science - ISCI 494
Students pursue directed study and practical application of topics relevant to their desired career path.
Spring 2024 Capstone Course or Project Students pursue directed study and practical application of topics relevant to their desired career path. 3 18 80 Y Experiential Learning Opportunity; GLD-Research; Capstone Experience,Apply specialized knowledge,,Specialized knowledge and skills,
Internship Programs


Internship Programs - The primary mission of Internship Programs is to engage students in planned, educationally-related work and learning experiences that integrate knowledge and theory with practical application and skill development in a professional setting.

Internship - SVAD 499
Students secure an internship in a media or design field that they want to pursue professionally, upon graduation and work up to 10 hours a week (total of 160 hours during the semester). Students identify professional and personal goals for the experience, reflect in a journal on what they are learning, and receive a supervisor evaluation.
Summer 2024 Internship Students secure an internship in a media or design field that they want to pursue professionally, upon graduation and work up to 10 hours a week (total of 160 hours during the semester). Students identify professional and personal goals for the experience, reflect in a journal on what they are learning, and receive a supervisor evaluation. 3 14 56 Y Experiential Learning Opportunity; GLD-Professional & Civic Engagement; Internship Programs,Career development,Apply specialized knowledge,Integrative and applied learning,Professionalism / career readiness
Internship Programs


Internship Programs - The primary mission of Internship Programs is to engage students in planned, educationally-related work and learning experiences that integrate knowledge and theory with practical application and skill development in a professional setting.

Internship in Sport & Entertainment Management - SPTE 495
Students engage in a supervised work experience in a sport or entertainment area. Internship is a minimum of 520 work hours over 13 weeks and is selected by the student with the assistance and approval of the Internship Instructor.
Summer 2024 Internship Students engage in a supervised work experience in a sport or entertainment area. Internship is a minimum of 520 work hours over 13 weeks and is selected by the student with the assistance and approval of the Internship Instructor. 3 17 79 Y GLD-Professional & Civic Engagement; Experiential Learning Opportunity; Internship Programs,Apply specialized knowledge,Career development,Specialized knowledge and skills,Self-knowledge
Internship Programs


Internship Programs - The primary mission of Internship Programs is to engage students in planned, educationally-related work and learning experiences that integrate knowledge and theory with practical application and skill development in a professional setting.

Practicum in Sport & Entertainment Management - SPTE 295
Students engage in a supervised work experience in a sport or entertainment area. Practicum is a minimum of 520 work hours over 13 weeks and is selected by the student with the assistance and approval of the Practicum Instructor. It is meant to be the student's introduction to the specific field in which they wish to pursue a career.
Summer 2024 Practicum Students engage in a supervised work experience in a sport or entertainment area. Practicum is a minimum of 520 work hours over 13 weeks and is selected by the student with the assistance and approval of the Practicum Instructor. It is meant to be the student's introduction to the specific field in which they wish to pursue a career. 3 17 79 Y GLD-Professional & Civic Engagement; Experiential Learning Opportunity; Internship Programs,Apply specialized knowledge,Career development,Specialized knowledge and skills,
Internship Programs


Internship Programs - The primary mission of Internship Programs is to engage students in planned, educationally-related work and learning experiences that integrate knowledge and theory with practical application and skill development in a professional setting.

Honors Internship - SCHC 498
Internships are an important part of the Honors Beyond the Classroom program. Students receive academic credit while gaining valuable experience in their chosen career field, receiving helpful feedback on their performance and reflecting on their experience.
Summer 2024 Internship Internships are an important part of the Honors Beyond the Classroom program. Students receive academic credit while gaining valuable experience in their chosen career field, receiving helpful feedback on their performance and reflecting on their experience. 3 26 75 Y Experiential Learning Opportunity; GLD-Professional & Civic Engagement; Internship Programs,Apply specialized knowledge,Career readiness,Specialized knowledge and skills,Professionalism / career readiness
Education Abroad Programs & Services


Education Abroad Programs & Services - Education Abroad Programs and Services facilitate and oversee student participation in educational experiences that occur in countries outside the institution's home country.

Honors Education Abroad - SCHC 400
Student travels abroad with two faculty leaders during a 3-week short term study away course, designed with specific topics to be selected as need and interests dictate. The focus of study is situated outside of a U.S. location and is an extensive study of a broad area or an intensive examination of a specific problem.
Summer 2024 Study Abroad Student travels abroad with two faculty leaders during a 3-week short term study away course, designed with specific topics to be selected as need and interests dictate. The focus of study is situated outside of a U.S. location and is an extensive study of a broad area or an intensive examination of a specific problem. 3 26 102 Y GLD-Global Learning; Experiential Learning Opportunity; Education Abroad Programs & Services,Global learning,Study / Practice diversity, equity, inclusion,Intercultural knowledge and competence,
Internship Programs


Internship Programs - The primary mission of Internship Programs is to engage students in planned, educationally-related work and learning experiences that integrate knowledge and theory with practical application and skill development in a professional setting.

Retailing Internship - RETL 495
Students engage in supervised work experience within the retail industry that links classroom learning and student interest with the acquisition of knowledge in an applied work setting.
Summer 2024 Internship Students engage in supervised work experience within the retail industry that links classroom learning and student interest with the acquisition of knowledge in an applied work setting. 3 17 77 Y GLD-Professional & Civic Engagement; Experiential Learning Opportunity; Internship Programs,Apply specialized knowledge,,Specialized knowledge and skills,
Internship Programs


Internship Programs - The primary mission of Internship Programs is to engage students in planned, educationally-related work and learning experiences that integrate knowledge and theory with practical application and skill development in a professional setting.

Retailing Practicum - RETL 295
Students apply knowledge, skills and/or certifications acquired in retailing courses to an in-field experience; work closely with retailing professionals; discover viable career paths; identify work-related interests and values; and analyze the practicum site to gain a better understanding of the company and the competitive marketplace.
Summer 2024 Practicum Students apply knowledge, skills and/or certifications acquired in retailing courses to an in-field experience; work closely with retailing professionals; discover viable career paths; identify work-related interests and values; and analyze the practicum site to gain a better understanding of the company and the competitive marketplace. 3 17 77 Y Experiential Learning Opportunity; Internship Programs,Apply specialized knowledge,Career development,Specialized knowledge and skills,Integrative and applied learning
Capstone Experience


Capstone Experience - A course or project that engages students in a culminating and integrative experience, intended to connect the key learning objectives of an educational program.

Public Health Capstone Seminar - PUBH 498
Students synthesize and apply content knowledge and competencies developed in the BS/BA public health degree program, in a practice setting with emphasis on student identified areas for professional growth.
Summer 2024 Capstone Course or Project Students synthesize and apply content knowledge and competencies developed in the BS/BA public health degree program, in a practice setting with emphasis on student identified areas for professional growth. 3 24 87 Y GLD-Professional & Civic Engagement; Experiential Learning Opportunity; Capstone Experience,Apply specialized knowledge,Career readiness,Specialized knowledge and skills,
Internship Programs


Internship Programs - The primary mission of Internship Programs is to engage students in planned, educationally-related work and learning experiences that integrate knowledge and theory with practical application and skill development in a professional setting.

Undergraduate Internship In Psychology - PSYC 495
Each student secures an internship at a community organization that serves children/adults, providing experience with the treatment/prevention of mental health concerns. Students write weekly journal reflections, conduct an informational interview, and complete a final paper. Site supervisors provide formal feedback at the end of the internship.
Summer 2024 Internship Each student secures an internship at a community organization that serves children/adults, providing experience with the treatment/prevention of mental health concerns. Students write weekly journal reflections, conduct an informational interview, and complete a final paper. Site supervisors provide formal feedback at the end of the internship. 3 14 51 Y GLD-Professional & Civic Engagement; Experiential Learning Opportunity; Internship Programs,Career development,Apply specialized knowledge,Integrative and applied learning,Self-knowledge
Civic Engagement & Service-Learning Programs


Civic Engagement & Service-Learning Programs - The primary mission of Service-Learning Programs is to engage students in experiences that address human and community needs together with structured opportunities for reflection intentionally designed to promote student learning and development.

Service-Learning - PALM 495
An exploration of theories of service-learning with application of practical solutions to meet community needs.
Summer 2024 Service Learning An exploration of theories of service-learning with application of practical solutions to meet community needs. 13 33 112 Y GLD-Community Service; Experiential Learning Opportunity; Civic Engagement & Service-Learning Programs,Apply specialized knowledge,Community service / civic engagement,Specialized knowledge and skills,Personal and social responsibility - Contributing to a larger community
Internship Programs


Internship Programs - The primary mission of Internship Programs is to engage students in planned, educationally-related work and learning experiences that integrate knowledge and theory with practical application and skill development in a professional setting.

Internship - PALM 494
Student engages in supervised immersion and exploration in a field related to the major, with a career, cultural, or community focus.
Summer 2024 Internship Student engages in supervised immersion and exploration in a field related to the major, with a career, cultural, or community focus. 13 33 112 Y GLD-Professional & Civic Engagement; Experiential Learning Opportunity; Internship Programs,Apply specialized knowledge,,Specialized knowledge and skills,
Internship Programs


Internship Programs - The primary mission of Internship Programs is to engage students in planned, educationally-related work and learning experiences that integrate knowledge and theory with practical application and skill development in a professional setting.

Business Internship in Management - MGMT 499
Internship, for credit, with a company focusing on management, lessons learned, SWOT self assessment.
Summer 2024 Internship Internship, for credit, with a company focusing on management, lessons learned, SWOT self assessment. 3 15 64 Y GLD-Professional & Civic Engagement; Experiential Learning Opportunity; Internship Programs,Apply specialized knowledge,Career readiness,Specialized knowledge and skills,Professionalism / career readiness
Internship Programs


Internship Programs - The primary mission of Internship Programs is to engage students in planned, educationally-related work and learning experiences that integrate knowledge and theory with practical application and skill development in a professional setting.

Internship in Mass Communications - JOUR 597
Students work at least 140 hours during the semester under the direction of the intern coordinator and a professional supervisor in an internship they obtain, attend required meetings during the term with other interns and the intern coordinator, and turn in assignments as scheduled in the course syllabus.
Summer 2024 Internship Students work at least 140 hours during the semester under the direction of the intern coordinator and a professional supervisor in an internship they obtain, attend required meetings during the term with other interns and the intern coordinator, and turn in assignments as scheduled in the course syllabus. 3 18 81 Y GLD-Professional & Civic Engagement; Experiential Learning Opportunity; Internship Programs,Apply specialized knowledge,Career development,Specialized knowledge and skills,Professionalism / career readiness
Internship Programs


Internship Programs - The primary mission of Internship Programs is to engage students in planned, educationally-related work and learning experiences that integrate knowledge and theory with practical application and skill development in a professional setting.

Experiential Learning in Mass Communications - JOUR 396
Students engage in a supervised professional experience in mass communications-related fields, while employed by an external organization in an internship role in which they apply the knowledge and skills learned in their major and general education courses.
Summer 2024 Internship Students engage in a supervised professional experience in mass communications-related fields, while employed by an external organization in an internship role in which they apply the knowledge and skills learned in their major and general education courses. 3 18 81 Y Experiential Learning Opportunity; Internship Programs,Career readiness,Apply specialized knowledge,Professionalism / career readiness,Integrative and applied learning
Internship Programs


Internship Programs - The primary mission of Internship Programs is to engage students in planned, educationally-related work and learning experiences that integrate knowledge and theory with practical application and skill development in a professional setting.

Professional Internship - ITEC 495
The course is a supervised work experience in information technology and/or project management; the internship is coordinated by a faculty member and supervised by approved management/supervisor within business and industry lasting for approximately 400 hours of on the job experiences.
Summer 2024 Internship The course is a supervised work experience in information technology and/or project management; the internship is coordinated by a faculty member and supervised by approved management/supervisor within business and industry lasting for approximately 400 hours of on the job experiences. 3 19 73 Y GLD-Professional & Civic Engagement; Experiential Learning Opportunity; Internship Programs,Apply specialized knowledge,,Specialized knowledge and skills,Integrative and applied learning
Capstone Experience


Capstone Experience - A course or project that engages students in a culminating and integrative experience, intended to connect the key learning objectives of an educational program.

Independent Study in Information Science - ISCI 494
Students pursue directed study and practical application of topics relevant to their desired career path.
Summer 2024 Capstone Course or Project Students pursue directed study and practical application of topics relevant to their desired career path. 3 18 80 Y ; Capstone Experience,Apply specialized knowledge,,Specialized knowledge and skills,
Internship Programs


Internship Programs - The primary mission of Internship Programs is to engage students in planned, educationally-related work and learning experiences that integrate knowledge and theory with practical application and skill development in a professional setting.

Hospitality & Tourism Practicum - HRTM 290
Full time work experience of a minimum of 400 work hours in the Hospitality or Tourism industry; position can be any entry level or higher position. Includes online course work.
Summer 2024 Practicum Full time work experience of a minimum of 400 work hours in the Hospitality or Tourism industry; position can be any entry level or higher position. Includes online course work. 3 17 76 Y GLD-Professional & Civic Engagement; Experiential Learning Opportunity; Internship Programs,Apply specialized knowledge,Career readiness,Self-knowledge,Specialized knowledge and skills
Internship Programs


Internship Programs - The primary mission of Internship Programs is to engage students in planned, educationally-related work and learning experiences that integrate knowledge and theory with practical application and skill development in a professional setting.

Hospitality & Tourism Internship - HRTM 495
Full time work experience of a minimum of 400 work hours in the Hospitality or Tourism industry; position must be Managerial or Supervisory in nature, Rotational within a minimum of three different areas of the business or a Structured Internship Program. Includes online course work.
Summer 2024 Internship Full time work experience of a minimum of 400 work hours in the Hospitality or Tourism industry; position must be Managerial or Supervisory in nature, Rotational within a minimum of three different areas of the business or a Structured Internship Program. Includes online course work. 3 17 76 Y Experiential Learning Opportunity; GLD-Professional & Civic Engagement; Internship Programs,Apply specialized knowledge,Leadership,Specialized knowledge and skills,Self-knowledge
Internship Programs


Internship Programs - The primary mission of Internship Programs is to engage students in planned, educationally-related work and learning experiences that integrate knowledge and theory with practical application and skill development in a professional setting.

Internship in Public History - HIST 480
Within the context of a course, students are placed as an intern in a local public-history site (e.g., museum, historic house). In addition, students are assigned readings and meet with the professor and fellow students to discuss assignments reflect upon the internship and the profession of Public History.
Summer 2024 Internship Within the context of a course, students are placed as an intern in a local public-history site (e.g., museum, historic house). In addition, students are assigned readings and meet with the professor and fellow students to discuss assignments reflect upon the internship and the profession of Public History. 3 14 45 Y GLD-Professional & Civic Engagement; Experiential Learning Opportunity; Internship Programs,Apply specialized knowledge,,Specialized knowledge and skills,
Internship Programs


Internship Programs - The primary mission of Internship Programs is to engage students in planned, educationally-related work and learning experiences that integrate knowledge and theory with practical application and skill development in a professional setting.

Internship - CRJU 494
Students intern for 160 hours during the semester at an appropriate agency or institution.
Summer 2024 Internship Students intern for 160 hours during the semester at an appropriate agency or institution. 3 14 41 Y GLD-Professional & Civic Engagement; Experiential Learning Opportunity; Internship Programs,Apply specialized knowledge,Career readiness,Specialized knowledge and skills,
Internship Programs


Internship Programs - The primary mission of Internship Programs is to engage students in planned, educationally-related work and learning experiences that integrate knowledge and theory with practical application and skill development in a professional setting.

Internship in Information Science - ISCI 496
Students work in a professional atmosphere to connect the classroom experience with the field they intend to pursue, gain professional experience, explore careers, discover more about themselves, plan for the future, and make themselves more marketable to employers.
Spring 2024 Internship Students work in a professional atmosphere to connect the classroom experience with the field they intend to pursue, gain professional experience, explore careers, discover more about themselves, plan for the future, and make themselves more marketable to employers. 3 18 80 Y GLD-Professional & Civic Engagement; Experiential Learning Opportunity; Internship Programs,Career development,Career readiness,Integrative and applied learning,Professionalism / career readiness
Internship Programs


Internship Programs - The primary mission of Internship Programs is to engage students in planned, educationally-related work and learning experiences that integrate knowledge and theory with practical application and skill development in a professional setting.

Internship in Information Science - ISCI 496
Students work in a professional atmosphere to connect the classroom experience with the field they intend to pursue, gain professional experience, explore careers, discover more about themselves, plan for the future, and make themselves more marketable to employers.
Summer 2024 Internship Students work in a professional atmosphere to connect the classroom experience with the field they intend to pursue, gain professional experience, explore careers, discover more about themselves, plan for the future, and make themselves more marketable to employers. 3 18 80 Y GLD-Professional & Civic Engagement; Experiential Learning Opportunity; Internship Programs,Career development,Career readiness,Integrative and applied learning,Professionalism / career readiness
Education Abroad Programs & Services


Education Abroad Programs & Services - Education Abroad Programs and Services facilitate and oversee student participation in educational experiences that occur in countries outside the institution's home country.

Study Abroad - Global Classroom
Students engage in a short-term, USC faculty-led program, focusing on a specific subject area or foreign language. Program sites and course offerings vary from year to year.
Summer 2024 Study Abroad Students engage in a short-term, USC faculty-led program, focusing on a specific subject area or foreign language. Program sites and course offerings vary from year to year. 3 12 31 Study Abroad N GLD-Global Learning; Experiential Learning Opportunity; Education Abroad Programs & Services,Global learning,,Intercultural knowledge and competence,Specialized knowledge and skills
Education Abroad Programs & Services


Education Abroad Programs & Services - Education Abroad Programs and Services facilitate and oversee student participation in educational experiences that occur in countries outside the institution's home country.

Study Abroad - Global Direct
Students engage in a summer, semester, or academic year direct-enroll program while focusing on specific topics, foreign languages, or various subject areas. Students take courses from an approved academic institution and pay tuition and fees directly to the host institution.
Summer 2024 Study Abroad Students engage in a summer, semester, or academic year direct-enroll program while focusing on specific topics, foreign languages, or various subject areas. Students take courses from an approved academic institution and pay tuition and fees directly to the host institution. 3 12 31 Study Abroad N GLD-Global Learning; Experiential Learning Opportunity; Education Abroad Programs & Services,Global learning,,Intercultural knowledge and competence,Specialized knowledge and skills
Education Abroad Programs & Services


Education Abroad Programs & Services - Education Abroad Programs and Services facilitate and oversee student participation in educational experiences that occur in countries outside the institution's home country.

Study Abroad - Global Partner
Students engage in a summer, semester, or academic year program with an independent study abroad organization.
Summer 2024 Study Abroad Students engage in a summer, semester, or academic year program with an independent study abroad organization. 3 12 31 Study Abroad N GLD-Global Learning; Experiential Learning Opportunity; Education Abroad Programs & Services,Global learning,,Intercultural knowledge and competence,Specialized knowledge and skills
Education Abroad Programs & Services


Education Abroad Programs & Services - Education Abroad Programs and Services facilitate and oversee student participation in educational experiences that occur in countries outside the institution's home country.

Study Abroad - Global USC
Students engage in intensive, multi-disciplinary overseas summer programs, earning 3-9 credits while participating in cultural excursions and academic activities as part of a cohort.
Summer 2024 Study Abroad Students engage in intensive, multi-disciplinary overseas summer programs, earning 3-9 credits while participating in cultural excursions and academic activities as part of a cohort. 3 12 31 Study Abroad N GLD-Global Learning; Experiential Learning Opportunity; Education Abroad Programs & Services,Global learning,,Intercultural knowledge and competence,Specialized knowledge and skills
Internship Programs


Internship Programs - The primary mission of Internship Programs is to engage students in planned, educationally-related work and learning experiences that integrate knowledge and theory with practical application and skill development in a professional setting.

Internship B in the Middle School - EDML 499
Students complete an internship related to the application of effective teaching techniques and organization of instructional settings for middle school students.
Spring 2024 Internship Students complete an internship related to the application of effective teaching techniques and organization of instructional settings for middle school students. 3 16 67 Y Experiential Learning Opportunity; Internship Programs,Apply specialized knowledge,Career readiness,Specialized knowledge and skills,Professionalism / career readiness


Enrichment -

Singing the Archives Digital Exhibit
As part of MUSC353, students research medieval music manuscripts in the library’s Special Collections, transcribe Gregorian chant notation, research performance practice, produce performing scores, collaborate with singers and editors, perform chants in a professional recording session, prepare files and metadata to upload digital exhibit.
Fall 2023 Articulating Learning As part of MUSC353, students research medieval music manuscripts in the library’s Special Collections, transcribe Gregorian chant notation, research performance practice, produce performing scores, collaborate with singers and editors, perform chants in a professional recording session, prepare files and metadata to upload digital exhibit. 3 25 105 N ; Enrichment,Apply specialized knowledge,Research,Specialized knowledge and skills,Teamwork


Enrichment -

Singing the Archives Digital Exhibit
As part of MUSC353, students research medieval music manuscripts in the library’s Special Collections, transcribe Gregorian chant notation, research performance practice, produce performing scores, collaborate with singers and editors, perform chants in a professional recording session, prepare files and metadata to upload digital exhibit.
Spring 2023 Articulating Learning As part of MUSC353, students research medieval music manuscripts in the library’s Special Collections, transcribe Gregorian chant notation, research performance practice, produce performing scores, collaborate with singers and editors, perform chants in a professional recording session, prepare files and metadata to upload digital exhibit. 3 25 105 N ; Enrichment,Apply specialized knowledge,Research,Specialized knowledge and skills,Teamwork
Internship Programs


Internship Programs - The primary mission of Internship Programs is to engage students in planned, educationally-related work and learning experiences that integrate knowledge and theory with practical application and skill development in a professional setting.

USC Press Internship
UofSC Press interns gain insight into the book publishing process by working in one of three areas: acquisitions, publicity, or marketing, with potential exposure to and integration with other Press departments and varied learning opportunities tailored to their specific interests.
Summer 2024 Internship UofSC Press interns gain insight into the book publishing process by working in one of three areas: acquisitions, publicity, or marketing, with potential exposure to and integration with other Press departments and varied learning opportunities tailored to their specific interests. 3 12 114 USC Press N Experiential Learning Opportunity; Internship Programs,Apply specialized knowledge,Career readiness,Communication - spoken,Communication - written
Student Leadership Programs


Student Leadership Programs - The mission of Student Leadership Programs must be to prepare students to engage in the process of leadership.

Career Studio Peer Educator
Career Studio Peer Educators advise students on career-related questions during appointments, manage front-desk operations, create and deliver presentations, initiate outreach activities, participate in marketing projects, and collaborate with professional staff members on career development initiatives.
Summer 2024 Peer Educator Career Studio Peer Educators advise students on career-related questions during appointments, manage front-desk operations, create and deliver presentations, initiate outreach activities, participate in marketing projects, and collaborate with professional staff members on career development initiatives. 3 11 30 Career Center N GLD-Professional & Civic Engagement; Experiential Learning Opportunity; Student Leadership Programs,Leadership,Career readiness,Interpersonal skills,Communication - spoken
Undergraduate Research Programs


Undergraduate Research Programs - The primary mission of Undergraduate Research Programs is to engage students in investigative and creative activity to experience firsthand the processes of scholarly exploration and discovery.

Undergraduate Research - Paid or Volunteer
Students work with a mentor to conduct a discipline specific research project that explores their field of interest through a hands-on project. Students do not earn academic credit. Mentors and students are encouraged to discuss and develop clear expectations prior to initiating research activities.
Summer 2024 Undergraduate Research Students work with a mentor to conduct a discipline specific research project that explores their field of interest through a hands-on project. Students do not earn academic credit. Mentors and students are encouraged to discuss and develop clear expectations prior to initiating research activities. 3 13 32 Undergraduate Research N GLD-Research; Experiential Learning Opportunity; Undergraduate Research Programs,Research,,Critical and creative thinking,Problem solving
Undergraduate Research Programs


Undergraduate Research Programs - The primary mission of Undergraduate Research Programs is to engage students in investigative and creative activity to experience firsthand the processes of scholarly exploration and discovery.

Undergraduate Research - Student Grant Award
Student works with a mentor to conduct a discipline specific research project funded by a university grant, awarded through a competitive application process that includes evaluation of the clarity of the student's project description, project's educational and intellectual merit, potential impact of the project, and mentoring plan.
Summer 2024 Undergraduate Research Student works with a mentor to conduct a discipline specific research project funded by a university grant, awarded through a competitive application process that includes evaluation of the clarity of the student's project description, project's educational and intellectual merit, potential impact of the project, and mentoring plan. 3 13 32 Undergraduate Research N GLD-Research; Experiential Learning Opportunity; Undergraduate Research Programs,Research,,Critical and creative thinking,Problem solving
Undergraduate Research Programs


Undergraduate Research Programs - The primary mission of Undergraduate Research Programs is to engage students in investigative and creative activity to experience firsthand the processes of scholarly exploration and discovery.

Undergraduate Research - Student Grant Award/Independent Study
Student works with a faculty mentor (for academic credit) to conduct a research project funded by a university grant awarded through competitive application process including evaluation of clarity of student's project description, project's educational and intellectual merit, potential impact of project and mentoring plan.
Summer 2024 Undergraduate Research Student works with a faculty mentor (for academic credit) to conduct a research project funded by a university grant awarded through competitive application process including evaluation of clarity of student's project description, project's educational and intellectual merit, potential impact of project and mentoring plan. 3 13 32 Undergraduate Research N GLD-Research; Experiential Learning Opportunity; Undergraduate Research Programs,Research,,Critical and creative thinking,Problem solving
Undergraduate Research Programs


Undergraduate Research Programs - The primary mission of Undergraduate Research Programs is to engage students in investigative and creative activity to experience firsthand the processes of scholarly exploration and discovery.

Undergraduate Research - Independent Study Credit
Students work with a mentor, for academic course credit (generally through independent study) to conduct a discipline specific research project that explores their field of interest through a hands-on project. Mentors and students develop and determine expectations, objectives, and the method of evaluation prior to course registration and approval.
Summer 2024 Undergraduate Research Students work with a mentor, for academic course credit (generally through independent study) to conduct a discipline specific research project that explores their field of interest through a hands-on project. Mentors and students develop and determine expectations, objectives, and the method of evaluation prior to course registration and approval. 3 13 32 Undergraduate Research N GLD-Research; Experiential Learning Opportunity; Undergraduate Research Programs,Research,,Critical and creative thinking,Problem solving
Internship Programs


Internship Programs - The primary mission of Internship Programs is to engage students in planned, educationally-related work and learning experiences that integrate knowledge and theory with practical application and skill development in a professional setting.

South Carolina Internship Program
Students apply for and receive a financial supplement ($3,000) to support their participation in an internship or cooperative education experience in high-demand industries in South Carolina (manufacturing, aerospace, automotive, energy, health and life sciences or financial services).
Summer 2024 Career Development Students apply for and receive a financial supplement ($3,000) to support their participation in an internship or cooperative education experience in high-demand industries in South Carolina (manufacturing, aerospace, automotive, energy, health and life sciences or financial services). 3 11 30 Career Center N ; Internship Programs,Career development,Career readiness,Professionalism / career readiness,Self-knowledge
Fraternity and Sorority Advising Programs


Fraternity and Sorority Advising Programs - The mission of Fraternity and Sorority Advising Programs is to promote the learning and development of students who affiliate with fraternities and sororities.

Fraternity and Sorority Life Council Leadership
Students work to advance the FSL community by leading bi-weekly council meetings, meeting monthly with professional and graduate student staff advisors, communicating with FSL chapter presidents and community members, and implementing policies (university, FSL, Council).
Fall 2024 Elected Student Leader Students work to advance the FSL community by leading bi-weekly council meetings, meeting monthly with professional and graduate student staff advisors, communicating with FSL chapter presidents and community members, and implementing policies (university, FSL, Council). 3 11 28 Fraternity & Sorority Life N GLD-Professional & Civic Engagement; Fraternity and Sorority Advising Programs,Leadership,Apply specialized knowledge,Influencing others,Communication - spoken
Fraternity and Sorority Advising Programs


Fraternity and Sorority Advising Programs - The mission of Fraternity and Sorority Advising Programs is to promote the learning and development of students who affiliate with fraternities and sororities.

Fraternity and Sorority New Member Summit
Students engage in council-specific conversations on the history, significance and myths of Fraternity and Sorority Life, personal responsibility, expectations, and tools available for new FSL members.
Fall 2024 Campus Activities Students engage in council-specific conversations on the history, significance and myths of Fraternity and Sorority Life, personal responsibility, expectations, and tools available for new FSL members. 3 11 28 Fraternity & Sorority Life N ; Fraternity and Sorority Advising Programs,Connecting with others,,Self-knowledge,
Fraternity and Sorority Advising Programs


Fraternity and Sorority Advising Programs - The mission of Fraternity and Sorority Advising Programs is to promote the learning and development of students who affiliate with fraternities and sororities.

Fraternity and Sorority Life Recruitment / Intake Orientation
Participants attend this session to learn about the recruitment and membership experience in fraternity and sorority organizations, including time commitment, academic and financial requirements, and philanthropic and service opportunities of each chapter. Information is provided by professional staff, graduate assistants, and current members.
Fall 2024 Campus Activities Participants attend this session to learn about the recruitment and membership experience in fraternity and sorority organizations, including time commitment, academic and financial requirements, and philanthropic and service opportunities of each chapter. Information is provided by professional staff, graduate assistants, and current members. 3 11 28 Fraternity & Sorority Life N ; Fraternity and Sorority Advising Programs,Connecting with others,,Self-knowledge,
Fraternity and Sorority Advising Programs


Fraternity and Sorority Advising Programs - The mission of Fraternity and Sorority Advising Programs is to promote the learning and development of students who affiliate with fraternities and sororities.

Interfraternity Council Recruitment Advisor
Recruitment Peer Advisors serve as mentors, resources, facilitators, and referral agents to students who are potential new members participating in fraternity recruitment activities.
Fall 2024 Student Program Leader Recruitment Peer Advisors serve as mentors, resources, facilitators, and referral agents to students who are potential new members participating in fraternity recruitment activities. 3 11 28 Fraternity & Sorority Life N GLD-Professional & Civic Engagement; Fraternity and Sorority Advising Programs,Leadership,,Influencing others,Interpersonal skills
Fraternity and Sorority Advising Programs


Fraternity and Sorority Advising Programs - The mission of Fraternity and Sorority Advising Programs is to promote the learning and development of students who affiliate with fraternities and sororities.

Panhellenic Recruitment Peer Counselor
Students serve as peer mentors and information resources for potential new members participating in the Panhellenic recruitment process.
Fall 2024 Student Program Leader Students serve as peer mentors and information resources for potential new members participating in the Panhellenic recruitment process. 3 11 28 Fraternity & Sorority Life N GLD-Professional & Civic Engagement; Fraternity and Sorority Advising Programs,Leadership,,Communication - spoken,Influencing others
Civic Engagement & Service-Learning Programs


Civic Engagement & Service-Learning Programs - The primary mission of Service-Learning Programs is to engage students in experiences that address human and community needs together with structured opportunities for reflection intentionally designed to promote student learning and development.

Alternative Break
As part of a team of volunteers, students travel to a local or regional community during fall, winter, or spring breaks to provide a community service project around a social issue.
Fall 2024 Civic Engagement As part of a team of volunteers, students travel to a local or regional community during fall, winter, or spring breaks to provide a community service project around a social issue. 3 11 28 Leadership & Service Center N GLD-Community Service; Civic Engagement & Service-Learning Programs,Community service / civic engagement,Connecting with others,Teamwork,Civic knowledge and engagement
Student Leadership Programs


Student Leadership Programs - The mission of Student Leadership Programs must be to prepare students to engage in the process of leadership.

Close Family Emerging Leaders Program
Students meet weekly for 8 weeks to explore aspects of leadership; activities are designed to help students develop a personal definition of leadership, create achievable goals, and design an action plan for applying leadership skills at USC.
Fall 2024 Leadership Education Students meet weekly for 8 weeks to explore aspects of leadership; activities are designed to help students develop a personal definition of leadership, create achievable goals, and design an action plan for applying leadership skills at USC. 3 11 28 Leadership & Service Center N GLD-Professional & Civic Engagement; Student Leadership Programs,Study / Practice self knowledge,,Self-knowledge,Communication - spoken
Civic Engagement & Service-Learning Programs


Civic Engagement & Service-Learning Programs - The primary mission of Service-Learning Programs is to engage students in experiences that address human and community needs together with structured opportunities for reflection intentionally designed to promote student learning and development.

Community Service Ambassador
Each student ambassador serves in a nonprofit organization located in the Midlands, exploring issues affecting the local community and working with the non-profit agency to address these issues.
Fall 2024 Civic Engagement Each student ambassador serves in a nonprofit organization located in the Midlands, exploring issues affecting the local community and working with the non-profit agency to address these issues. 3 11 28 Leadership & Service Center N GLD-Professional & Civic Engagement; GLD-Community Service; Experiential Learning Opportunity; Civic Engagement & Service-Learning Programs,Community service / civic engagement,Study / Practice diversity, equity, inclusion,Civic knowledge and engagement,Personal and social responsibility - Contributing to a larger community
Student Leadership Programs


Student Leadership Programs - The mission of Student Leadership Programs must be to prepare students to engage in the process of leadership.

Graduate Student Association Cabinet
Under the general direction of the GSA President, Cabinet Secretaries oversee a particular area of concern for graduate students (academics, inclusion and equity, health and wellness, etc.), serve as liaisons between GSA and the various units within the university.
Fall 2024 Elected Student Leader Under the general direction of the GSA President, Cabinet Secretaries oversee a particular area of concern for graduate students (academics, inclusion and equity, health and wellness, etc.), serve as liaisons between GSA and the various units within the university. 3 11 28 Leadership & Service Center N ; Student Leadership Programs,Career readiness,,Professionalism / career readiness,
Student Leadership Programs


Student Leadership Programs - The mission of Student Leadership Programs must be to prepare students to engage in the process of leadership.

Graduate Student Association Executive Committee
Committee members meet regularly with university administrators and offices throughout campus to advocate on behalf of the graduate student body and lead Graduate Student Association cabinet meetings and town halls.
Fall 2024 Elected Student Leader Committee members meet regularly with university administrators and offices throughout campus to advocate on behalf of the graduate student body and lead Graduate Student Association cabinet meetings and town halls. 3 11 28 Leadership & Service Center N Experiential Learning Opportunity; Student Leadership Programs,Leadership,,Problem solving,Influencing others
Student Leadership Programs


Student Leadership Programs - The mission of Student Leadership Programs must be to prepare students to engage in the process of leadership.

Leadership and Service Ambassador
Leadership and Service Advocates help manage the Leadership and Service Center’s daily operations, assist students as they call or enter the center, and assist the professional staff in marketing and planning programs and services.
Fall 2024 Student Program Leader Leadership and Service Advocates help manage the Leadership and Service Center’s daily operations, assist students as they call or enter the center, and assist the professional staff in marketing and planning programs and services. 3 11 28 Leadership & Service Center N GLD-Professional & Civic Engagement; Student Leadership Programs,Career readiness,,Communication - spoken,Problem solving
Student Leadership Programs


Student Leadership Programs - The mission of Student Leadership Programs must be to prepare students to engage in the process of leadership.

Leadership Coaching - Involvement
Student meets with a professional staff member or graduate student to discuss their personal interests, explore student organizations or other involvement opportunities, identify a goal for becoming more involved on campus and outline a plan for accomplishing that goal.
Fall 2024 Leadership Education Student meets with a professional staff member or graduate student to discuss their personal interests, explore student organizations or other involvement opportunities, identify a goal for becoming more involved on campus and outline a plan for accomplishing that goal. 3 11 28 Leadership & Service Center N ; Student Leadership Programs,Study / Practice self knowledge,,Self-knowledge,Critical and creative thinking
Student Leadership Programs


Student Leadership Programs - The mission of Student Leadership Programs must be to prepare students to engage in the process of leadership.

Leadership Coaching - Student organization
Students meets with a professional staff member or graduate student to discuss strategies for a more successful student organization.
Fall 2024 Leadership Education Students meets with a professional staff member or graduate student to discuss strategies for a more successful student organization. 3 11 28 Leadership & Service Center N ; Student Leadership Programs,Apply specialized knowledge,Leadership,Critical and creative thinking,Influencing others
Student Leadership Programs


Student Leadership Programs - The mission of Student Leadership Programs must be to prepare students to engage in the process of leadership.

Pillars for Carolina Leadership Team
Student leaders manage all components of the planning, recruitment, and execution of the Pillars for Carolina Extended Orientation Program. Team members work together to solve problems, communicate to multiple constituents, supervise peer mentors, and evaluate the effectiveness of program activities.
Fall 2024 Peer Educator Student leaders manage all components of the planning, recruitment, and execution of the Pillars for Carolina Extended Orientation Program. Team members work together to solve problems, communicate to multiple constituents, supervise peer mentors, and evaluate the effectiveness of program activities. 3 11 28 Leadership & Service Center N GLD-Professional & Civic Engagement; Student Leadership Programs,Leadership,,Problem solving,Teamwork
Civic Engagement & Service-Learning Programs


Civic Engagement & Service-Learning Programs - The primary mission of Service-Learning Programs is to engage students in experiences that address human and community needs together with structured opportunities for reflection intentionally designed to promote student learning and development.

Service Saturday
Students participate in a community service opportunity within the city of Columbia or campus community.
Fall 2024 Civic Engagement Students participate in a community service opportunity within the city of Columbia or campus community. 3 11 28 Leadership & Service Center N GLD-Community Service; Civic Engagement & Service-Learning Programs,Community service / civic engagement,Connecting with others,Personal and social responsibility - Contributing to a larger community,
Student Leadership Programs


Student Leadership Programs - The mission of Student Leadership Programs must be to prepare students to engage in the process of leadership.

Service Saturday Senior Site Leader
Senior site leaders facilitate training and manage administrative tasks for teams of student site leaders, communicate expectations of the program to volunteers, delegate tasks, and debrief on a shared experience.
Fall 2024 Peer Educator Senior site leaders facilitate training and manage administrative tasks for teams of student site leaders, communicate expectations of the program to volunteers, delegate tasks, and debrief on a shared experience. 3 11 28 Leadership & Service Center N GLD-Professional & Civic Engagement; Experiential Learning Opportunity; Student Leadership Programs,Leadership,Career readiness,Communication - spoken,Influencing others
Student Leadership Programs


Student Leadership Programs - The mission of Student Leadership Programs must be to prepare students to engage in the process of leadership.

Service Saturday Site Leader
Site leaders communicate expectations to a group of volunteers, delegate tasks, and debrief volunteers on a shared community service experience.
Fall 2024 Peer Educator Site leaders communicate expectations to a group of volunteers, delegate tasks, and debrief volunteers on a shared community service experience. 3 11 28 Leadership & Service Center N GLD-Professional & Civic Engagement; GLD-Community Service; Student Leadership Programs,Leadership,Community service / civic engagement,Teamwork,Problem solving
Student Leadership Programs


Student Leadership Programs - The mission of Student Leadership Programs must be to prepare students to engage in the process of leadership.

Student Government Appointed Leader
Students assist in drafting legislation, meet weekly with student leadership, and meet with campus units, colleges, and student organizations.
Fall 2024 Student Program Leader Students assist in drafting legislation, meet weekly with student leadership, and meet with campus units, colleges, and student organizations. 3 11 28 Leadership & Service Center N ; Student Leadership Programs,Career readiness,Community service / civic engagement,Professionalism / career readiness,Interpersonal skills
Student Leadership Programs


Student Leadership Programs - The mission of Student Leadership Programs must be to prepare students to engage in the process of leadership.

Student Government Executive Cabinet
Under the general direction of the Student Body President, the Executive Cabinet is comprised of Cabinet Secretaries who oversee various departments within Student Government. They work with campus constituents to to meet the needs of the student body, attend weekly cabinet and department meetings, and provide updates to the Student Body President.
Fall 2024 Elected Student Leader Under the general direction of the Student Body President, the Executive Cabinet is comprised of Cabinet Secretaries who oversee various departments within Student Government. They work with campus constituents to to meet the needs of the student body, attend weekly cabinet and department meetings, and provide updates to the Student Body President. 3 11 28 Leadership & Service Center N Experiential Learning Opportunity; Student Leadership Programs,Career readiness,Community service / civic engagement,Professionalism / career readiness,Teamwork
Student Leadership Programs


Student Leadership Programs - The mission of Student Leadership Programs must be to prepare students to engage in the process of leadership.

Student Government Executive Council
Council members are elected by the student body to work toward common goals and build consensus to drive change for Carolina students; council members interact with a variety of constituents including students, faculty, staff, university administrators and Board of Trustees members.
Fall 2024 Elected Student Leader Council members are elected by the student body to work toward common goals and build consensus to drive change for Carolina students; council members interact with a variety of constituents including students, faculty, staff, university administrators and Board of Trustees members. 3 11 28 Leadership & Service Center N GLD-Professional & Civic Engagement; Experiential Learning Opportunity; Student Leadership Programs,Leadership,Community service / civic engagement,Problem solving,Influencing others
Student Leadership Programs


Student Leadership Programs - The mission of Student Leadership Programs must be to prepare students to engage in the process of leadership.

Student Government Freshman Council
Council members are selected to represent the freshman class in student government at Carolina. Students meet weekly to learn about SG initiatives, discuss campus issues, and represent the freshman perspective. Each student meets monthly with a SG mentor to explore and develop leadership interests, skills and abilities.
Fall 2024 Appointed Student Leader Council members are selected to represent the freshman class in student government at Carolina. Students meet weekly to learn about SG initiatives, discuss campus issues, and represent the freshman perspective. Each student meets monthly with a SG mentor to explore and develop leadership interests, skills and abilities. 3 11 28 Leadership & Service Center N GLD-Professional & Civic Engagement; Student Leadership Programs,Study / Practice self knowledge,Career readiness,Self-knowledge,
Student Leadership Programs


Student Leadership Programs - The mission of Student Leadership Programs must be to prepare students to engage in the process of leadership.

Student Government Program Director
Students in this role train and supervise a team of peers to work on a specific Student Government initiative, and lead conversations about the establishment of goals and priorities. They meet individually with staff on a weekly basis to monitor progress toward goals, address challenges, and lead effective collaboration and problem-solving.
Fall 2024 Elected Student Leader Students in this role train and supervise a team of peers to work on a specific Student Government initiative, and lead conversations about the establishment of goals and priorities. They meet individually with staff on a weekly basis to monitor progress toward goals, address challenges, and lead effective collaboration and problem-solving. 3 11 28 Leadership & Service Center N Experiential Learning Opportunity; Student Leadership Programs,Career readiness,,Interpersonal skills,Professionalism / career readiness
Student Leadership Programs


Student Leadership Programs - The mission of Student Leadership Programs must be to prepare students to engage in the process of leadership.

Student Government Senate Committee Chair
Students meet with university staff to address issues and lead a team of student senators focused on an area within the university (academics, student life, health and safety, etc.).
Fall 2024 Elected Student Leader Students meet with university staff to address issues and lead a team of student senators focused on an area within the university (academics, student life, health and safety, etc.). 3 11 28 Leadership & Service Center N Experiential Learning Opportunity; Student Leadership Programs,Leadership,,Interpersonal skills,Inquiry and analysis
Student Leadership Programs


Student Leadership Programs - The mission of Student Leadership Programs must be to prepare students to engage in the process of leadership.

Student Government Senator
Student Senators draft legislation, defend legislation, meet weekly with committees, attend weekly senate sessions, and meet with their colleges/student organizations. Senators serve on committees based on their interests, including academics, student life, sustainability, equity and inclusion.
Fall 2024 Elected Student Leader Student Senators draft legislation, defend legislation, meet weekly with committees, attend weekly senate sessions, and meet with their colleges/student organizations. Senators serve on committees based on their interests, including academics, student life, sustainability, equity and inclusion. 3 11 28 Leadership & Service Center N ; Student Leadership Programs,Career readiness,,Professionalism / career readiness,Interpersonal skills
Campus Activities Programs


Campus Activities Programs - The purpose of Campus Activities Programs must be to enhance the overall educational experience of students through development of, exposure to, and participation in programs and activities that improve student cooperation and leadership while preparing students to be responsible advocates and citizens and complementing the institution's academic programs.

Student Organization Member
Students engage in organizations for many reasons - to gain skills, connect with other students, broaden their knowledge. Student-led organizations establish purpose and goals, determine membership, set activities, and select leaders. The university records organizational affiliation, but does not monitor the engagement of individual students.
Fall 2024 Campus Activities Students engage in organizations for many reasons - to gain skills, connect with other students, broaden their knowledge. Student-led organizations establish purpose and goals, determine membership, set activities, and select leaders. The university records organizational affiliation, but does not monitor the engagement of individual students. 3 11 28 Leadership & Service Center N ; Campus Activities Programs,Connecting with others,,Self-knowledge,
Student Leadership Programs


Student Leadership Programs - The mission of Student Leadership Programs must be to prepare students to engage in the process of leadership.

The Big Event Executive Team
Team members plan and execute Service Saturday: The Big Event, including recruitment, site selection, and logistics day of the event.
Fall 2024 Student Program Leader Team members plan and execute Service Saturday: The Big Event, including recruitment, site selection, and logistics day of the event. 3 11 28 Leadership & Service Center N GLD-Professional & Civic Engagement; Experiential Learning Opportunity; Student Leadership Programs,Leadership,Career readiness,Personal and social responsibility - Contributing to a larger community,Critical and creative thinking
Post-Traditional & Commuter Student Programs & Services


Post-Traditional & Commuter Student Programs & Services - The primary mission is to ensure that all students have equitable access to programs, services, and engagement opportunities regardless of age, personal characteristics, or place of residence.

Community Living Workshop
Students listen to a facilitator and participate in interactive activities designed to explore city ordinances, laws, and best practices for living in and contributing to their off-campus living environment. Discussion topics include what it means to be a responsible citizen and community member.
Fall 2024 Community Building Students listen to a facilitator and participate in interactive activities designed to explore city ordinances, laws, and best practices for living in and contributing to their off-campus living environment. Discussion topics include what it means to be a responsible citizen and community member. 3 11 28 Off-Campus Living & Neighborhood Relations N ; Post-Traditional & Commuter Student Programs & Services,Study / Practice self knowledge,,Self-knowledge,
Post-Traditional & Commuter Student Programs & Services


Post-Traditional & Commuter Student Programs & Services - The primary mission is to ensure that all students have equitable access to programs, services, and engagement opportunities regardless of age, personal characteristics, or place of residence.

Off-Campus Living Module
Students participate in an interactive, self-paced 20 minute online course to learn how to navigate life as an off-campus student. The topics cover finding housing, moving, off-campus safety, community ordinances and laws, commuting and parking, protecting your tenant rights and selecting compatible roommates.
Fall 2024 Educational Support Students participate in an interactive, self-paced 20 minute online course to learn how to navigate life as an off-campus student. The topics cover finding housing, moving, off-campus safety, community ordinances and laws, commuting and parking, protecting your tenant rights and selecting compatible roommates. 3 11 28 Off-Campus Living & Neighborhood Relations N ; Post-Traditional & Commuter Student Programs & Services,Study / Practice self knowledge,,Personal and social responsibility - Striving for excellence,
Multicultural Student Programs and Services


Multicultural Student Programs and Services - Multicultural Student Programs and Services must promote academic and personal growth of traditionally underserved students, work with the entire campus to create an institutional and community climate of justice, promote access and equity in higher education, and offer programs that educate the campus about diversity.

Diversity Dialogues
In a safe space, students listen to an expert presentation and engage in self-reflection and discussion on topics such as race, culture, gender, stereotypes, intersectionality, and sexual orientation. This workshop is intended to help students learn about marginalized populations and build awareness around diversity and inclusion.
Fall 2024 Educational Support In a safe space, students listen to an expert presentation and engage in self-reflection and discussion on topics such as race, culture, gender, stereotypes, intersectionality, and sexual orientation. This workshop is intended to help students learn about marginalized populations and build awareness around diversity and inclusion. 3 11 28 Multicultural Student Affairs N ; Multicultural Student Programs and Services,Study / Practice diversity, equity, inclusion,,Civic knowledge and engagement,Intercultural knowledge and competence
Multicultural Student Programs and Services


Multicultural Student Programs and Services - Multicultural Student Programs and Services must promote academic and personal growth of traditionally underserved students, work with the entire campus to create an institutional and community climate of justice, promote access and equity in higher education, and offer programs that educate the campus about diversity.

Identity 365
Students attend a one-hour event focused on diverse identities and cultural topics; each event is part of a series to celebrate the cultural diversity of the UofSC. Example events: Christmahanakwanzika, Sabor Latino, Gulla basket weaving
Fall 2024 Diversity, Equity, and Inclusion Education Students attend a one-hour event focused on diverse identities and cultural topics; each event is part of a series to celebrate the cultural diversity of the UofSC. Example events: Christmahanakwanzika, Sabor Latino, Gulla basket weaving 3 11 28 Multicultural Student Affairs N ; Multicultural Student Programs and Services,Study / Practice diversity, equity, inclusion,,Self-knowledge,
Student Leadership Programs


Student Leadership Programs - The mission of Student Leadership Programs must be to prepare students to engage in the process of leadership.

Multicultural Assistance Peer Program (MAPP) Mentor
Student mentors work in a self-directed mode to help support first year/transfer multicultural students as they transition into the university community, by serving as an information resource and helping new students establish a social network.
Fall 2024 Student Program Leader Student mentors work in a self-directed mode to help support first year/transfer multicultural students as they transition into the university community, by serving as an information resource and helping new students establish a social network. 3 11 28 Multicultural Student Affairs N GLD-Professional & Civic Engagement; GLD-Diversity & Social Advocacy; Student Leadership Programs,Connecting with others,,Influencing others,Interpersonal skills
Multicultural Student Programs and Services


Multicultural Student Programs and Services - Multicultural Student Programs and Services must promote academic and personal growth of traditionally underserved students, work with the entire campus to create an institutional and community climate of justice, promote access and equity in higher education, and offer programs that educate the campus about diversity.

Multicultural Assistance Peer Program Mentee
Students engage in a variety of structured activities with an assigned mentor so as to build a support system with peers, develop a sense of belonging and discuss a variety of campus resources.
Fall 2024 Educational Support Students engage in a variety of structured activities with an assigned mentor so as to build a support system with peers, develop a sense of belonging and discuss a variety of campus resources. 3 11 28 Multicultural Student Affairs N ; Multicultural Student Programs and Services,Study / Practice self knowledge,Connecting with others,Self-knowledge,Foundations and skills for lifelong learning
Multicultural Student Programs and Services


Multicultural Student Programs and Services - Multicultural Student Programs and Services must promote academic and personal growth of traditionally underserved students, work with the entire campus to create an institutional and community climate of justice, promote access and equity in higher education, and offer programs that educate the campus about diversity.

OMSA Peer Educator
Students participate in group training activities to gain and practice communication skills to lead effective presentations and implement educational programs, and conduct workshops and presentations to advance cultural competency and appreciation for diverse cultures in the campus community.
Fall 2024 Peer Educator Students participate in group training activities to gain and practice communication skills to lead effective presentations and implement educational programs, and conduct workshops and presentations to advance cultural competency and appreciation for diverse cultures in the campus community. 3 11 28 Multicultural Student Affairs N ; Multicultural Student Programs and Services,Career readiness,Study / Practice diversity, equity, inclusion,Communication - spoken,Intercultural knowledge and competence
Civic Engagement & Service-Learning Programs


Civic Engagement & Service-Learning Programs - The primary mission of Service-Learning Programs is to engage students in experiences that address human and community needs together with structured opportunities for reflection intentionally designed to promote student learning and development.

Safe Zone Workshop
Student listen to an expert presenter speak about LGBT college student data, risks associated with LGBT college students, bias and harassment, and resources available on- and off- campus to provide support. Students engage in small group activities such as scenarios to learn how to interrupt bias, and how to understand the LGBT experience.
Fall 2024 Civic Engagement Student listen to an expert presenter speak about LGBT college student data, risks associated with LGBT college students, bias and harassment, and resources available on- and off- campus to provide support. Students engage in small group activities such as scenarios to learn how to interrupt bias, and how to understand the LGBT experience. 3 11 28 Multicultural Student Affairs N GLD-Diversity & Social Advocacy; GLD-Professional & Civic Engagement; Civic Engagement & Service-Learning Programs,Study / Practice diversity, equity, inclusion,Study / Practice self knowledge,Civic knowledge and engagement,Intercultural knowledge and competence
Multicultural Student Programs and Services


Multicultural Student Programs and Services - Multicultural Student Programs and Services must promote academic and personal growth of traditionally underserved students, work with the entire campus to create an institutional and community climate of justice, promote access and equity in higher education, and offer programs that educate the campus about diversity.

Trans Advocacy Workshop
Students listen to an expert presenter speak about risks associated with transgender and non-binary college students, bias and harassment, and resources available on- and off- campus to provide support.
Fall 2024 Diversity, Equity, and Inclusion Education Students listen to an expert presenter speak about risks associated with transgender and non-binary college students, bias and harassment, and resources available on- and off- campus to provide support. 3 11 28 Multicultural Student Affairs N ; Multicultural Student Programs and Services,Study / Practice diversity, equity, inclusion,,Personal and social responsibility - Contributing to a larger community,Intercultural knowledge and competence
Campus Activities Programs


Campus Activities Programs - The purpose of Campus Activities Programs must be to enhance the overall educational experience of students through development of, exposure to, and participation in programs and activities that improve student cooperation and leadership while preparing students to be responsible advocates and citizens and complementing the institution's academic programs.

Brother to Brother Community Dinner
Over dinner, self-identified black male students engage with black men from the university and Columbia communities in conversations designed to build meaningful connections and support for students.
Fall 2024 Community Building Over dinner, self-identified black male students engage with black men from the university and Columbia communities in conversations designed to build meaningful connections and support for students. 3 11 28 Multicultural Student Affairs N ; Campus Activities Programs,Connecting with others,,Self-knowledge,
Campus Activities Programs


Campus Activities Programs - The purpose of Campus Activities Programs must be to enhance the overall educational experience of students through development of, exposure to, and participation in programs and activities that improve student cooperation and leadership while preparing students to be responsible advocates and citizens and complementing the institution's academic programs.

Dinner Dialogue
Students enrolled in a course are guests for dinner in their instructor's home, in order to better get to know their instructor and classmates outside the classroom.
Fall 2024 Campus Activities Students enrolled in a course are guests for dinner in their instructor's home, in order to better get to know their instructor and classmates outside the classroom. 3 11 28 Parent & Family Programs N ; Campus Activities Programs,Connecting with others,,Communication - spoken,
Student Employment


Student Employment - Student is employed part-time by the university and engages in career readiness development activities as part of supervision process.

Family Weekend Intern
Intern assists with event planning, management, assessment and wrap-up after the event. Intern works with vendors and campus partners through meetings and correspondence, engages with families through the Parent Assistance Line, creates content for the UofSC Parent Facebook page, and manages the Family Weekend section within the mobile app.
Fall 2024 Internship Intern assists with event planning, management, assessment and wrap-up after the event. Intern works with vendors and campus partners through meetings and correspondence, engages with families through the Parent Assistance Line, creates content for the UofSC Parent Facebook page, and manages the Family Weekend section within the mobile app. 3 11 28 Parent & Family Programs N GLD-Professional & Civic Engagement; Experiential Learning Opportunity; Student Employment,Career readiness,,Professionalism / career readiness,
Student Leadership Programs


Student Leadership Programs - The mission of Student Leadership Programs must be to prepare students to engage in the process of leadership.

Carolina Productions Executive Board
Student board members work together to design, implement and evaluate a series of compelling events and programs open to all UofSC students and intended to enrich the overall student experience.
Fall 2024 Student Program Leader Student board members work together to design, implement and evaluate a series of compelling events and programs open to all UofSC students and intended to enrich the overall student experience. 3 11 28 Russell House University Union N GLD-Professional & Civic Engagement; Experiential Learning Opportunity; Student Leadership Programs,Leadership,Career readiness,Problem solving,Teamwork
Campus Activities Programs


Campus Activities Programs - The purpose of Campus Activities Programs must be to enhance the overall educational experience of students through development of, exposure to, and participation in programs and activities that improve student cooperation and leadership while preparing students to be responsible advocates and citizens and complementing the institution's academic programs.

Carolina Productions
Student attended an event provided by the Carolina Productions student programming board (e.g., concerts, comedy nights, weekly movie screenings, roller rinks).
Fall 2024 Campus Activities Student attended an event provided by the Carolina Productions student programming board (e.g., concerts, comedy nights, weekly movie screenings, roller rinks). 3 11 28 Russell House University Union N ; Campus Activities Programs,Recreation, leisure, entertainment,Connecting with others,Self-knowledge,
Campus Activities Programs


Campus Activities Programs - The purpose of Campus Activities Programs must be to enhance the overall educational experience of students through development of, exposure to, and participation in programs and activities that improve student cooperation and leadership while preparing students to be responsible advocates and citizens and complementing the institution's academic programs.

Carolina-Clemson Blood Drive - Donor
Students donate blood, at one or more events during the semester, in support of their local community and to participate in this campus rivalry and long-standing tradition.
Fall 2024 Community Building Students donate blood, at one or more events during the semester, in support of their local community and to participate in this campus rivalry and long-standing tradition. 3 11 28 Russell House University Union N ; Campus Activities Programs,Community service / civic engagement,Connecting with others,Self-knowledge,
Campus Activities Programs


Campus Activities Programs - The purpose of Campus Activities Programs must be to enhance the overall educational experience of students through development of, exposure to, and participation in programs and activities that improve student cooperation and leadership while preparing students to be responsible advocates and citizens and complementing the institution's academic programs.

Carolina-Clemson Blood Drive Executive Board
Student leaders manage the logistics of delivering a blood drive that meets the needs of the American Red Cross by applying skills of problem solving, goal setting, communications, financial and budgetary management, recruitment, accountability, event management, influencing others towards achieving a common goal.
Fall 2024 Student Program Leader Student leaders manage the logistics of delivering a blood drive that meets the needs of the American Red Cross by applying skills of problem solving, goal setting, communications, financial and budgetary management, recruitment, accountability, event management, influencing others towards achieving a common goal. 3 11 28 Russell House University Union N Experiential Learning Opportunity; Campus Activities Programs,Leadership,Career readiness,Problem solving,Influencing others
Campus Activities Programs


Campus Activities Programs - The purpose of Campus Activities Programs must be to enhance the overall educational experience of students through development of, exposure to, and participation in programs and activities that improve student cooperation and leadership while preparing students to be responsible advocates and citizens and complementing the institution's academic programs.

Carolina-Clemson Blood Drive Leadership Team
Team members support, supervise and lead peers within the Carolina-Clemson Blood Drive organization; they recruit blood donors and other volunteers to manage event logistics, marketing and outreach initiatives, donor engagement, and relationships with the American Red Cross and other local blood banks.
Fall 2024 Student Program Leader Team members support, supervise and lead peers within the Carolina-Clemson Blood Drive organization; they recruit blood donors and other volunteers to manage event logistics, marketing and outreach initiatives, donor engagement, and relationships with the American Red Cross and other local blood banks. 3 11 28 Russell House University Union N ; Campus Activities Programs,Leadership,Community service / civic engagement,Problem solving,Influencing others
Student Leadership Programs


Student Leadership Programs - The mission of Student Leadership Programs must be to prepare students to engage in the process of leadership.

Dance Marathon Board of Directors
Students lead and work collaboratively for USC Dance Marathon (USCDM) supporting director and staff meetings, fundraising initiatives, participant recruitment and retention efforts, and numerous reflection activities leading up to their Main Event in the spring. Leaders in this role report to the USCDM Executive Board leadership.
Fall 2024 Student Program Leader Students lead and work collaboratively for USC Dance Marathon (USCDM) supporting director and staff meetings, fundraising initiatives, participant recruitment and retention efforts, and numerous reflection activities leading up to their Main Event in the spring. Leaders in this role report to the USCDM Executive Board leadership. 3 11 28 Russell House University Union N GLD-Professional & Civic Engagement; Student Leadership Programs,Leadership,Career readiness,Problem solving,Influencing others
Student Leadership Programs


Student Leadership Programs - The mission of Student Leadership Programs must be to prepare students to engage in the process of leadership.

Dance Marathon Executive Board
Board members of this philanthropic organization engage with their peers to plan and execute a variety of educational and service events designed to raise funds and awareness for Palmetto Health Children's Hospital, culminating in the Main Event in the spring.
Fall 2024 Student Program Leader Board members of this philanthropic organization engage with their peers to plan and execute a variety of educational and service events designed to raise funds and awareness for Palmetto Health Children's Hospital, culminating in the Main Event in the spring. 3 11 28 Russell House University Union N GLD-Professional & Civic Engagement; GLD-Community Service; Experiential Learning Opportunity; Student Leadership Programs,Leadership,Career readiness,Problem solving,Influencing others
Campus Activities Programs


Campus Activities Programs - The purpose of Campus Activities Programs must be to enhance the overall educational experience of students through development of, exposure to, and participation in programs and activities that improve student cooperation and leadership while preparing students to be responsible advocates and citizens and complementing the institution's academic programs.

Dance Marathon Hero
Student participates in one of a variety of programs and events on campus and in the larger community to raise awareness and generate support for the Child Life Program at Prisma Health Children's Hospital.
Fall 2024 Campus Activities Student participates in one of a variety of programs and events on campus and in the larger community to raise awareness and generate support for the Child Life Program at Prisma Health Children's Hospital. 3 11 28 Russell House University Union N ; Campus Activities Programs,Recreation, leisure, entertainment,Connecting with others,Self-knowledge,
Campus Activities Programs


Campus Activities Programs - The purpose of Campus Activities Programs must be to enhance the overall educational experience of students through development of, exposure to, and participation in programs and activities that improve student cooperation and leadership while preparing students to be responsible advocates and citizens and complementing the institution's academic programs.

Gamecock Entertainment (GE) Intern
Student Interns design and implement events; practice marketing and outreach best practices for event promotion; track event attendance data and conduct assessment; collaborate with professional staff to manage event budgets; and participate in professional development activities.
Fall 2024 Internship Student Interns design and implement events; practice marketing and outreach best practices for event promotion; track event attendance data and conduct assessment; collaborate with professional staff to manage event budgets; and participate in professional development activities. 3 11 28 Russell House University Union N Experiential Learning Opportunity; Campus Activities Programs,Career readiness,Apply specialized knowledge,Specialized knowledge and skills,Teamwork
Campus Activities Programs


Campus Activities Programs - The purpose of Campus Activities Programs must be to enhance the overall educational experience of students through development of, exposure to, and participation in programs and activities that improve student cooperation and leadership while preparing students to be responsible advocates and citizens and complementing the institution's academic programs.

Gamecock Entertainment
Student attended an event provided by Gamecock Entertainment staff programming (e.g., watch parties, sporting events, political elections/debates), paint nights, trivia, foam parties).
Fall 2024 Campus Activities Student attended an event provided by Gamecock Entertainment staff programming (e.g., watch parties, sporting events, political elections/debates), paint nights, trivia, foam parties). 3 11 28 Russell House University Union N ; Campus Activities Programs,Recreation, leisure, entertainment,Connecting with others,Self-knowledge,
Student Leadership Programs


Student Leadership Programs - The mission of Student Leadership Programs must be to prepare students to engage in the process of leadership.

Homecoming Commission Leadership Team
Students work together as a team to plan and execute events and functions during UofSC Homecoming Week, taking ownership of this campus tradition and helping to develop a sense of community for all UofSC students.
Fall 2024 Student Program Leader Students work together as a team to plan and execute events and functions during UofSC Homecoming Week, taking ownership of this campus tradition and helping to develop a sense of community for all UofSC students. 3 11 28 Russell House University Union N GLD-Professional & Civic Engagement; Experiential Learning Opportunity; Student Leadership Programs,Leadership,Career readiness,Problem solving,Teamwork
Student Employment


Student Employment - Student is employed part-time by the university and engages in career readiness development activities as part of supervision process.

Russell House University Union Event and Information Assistant
The Russell House University Union is the key venue for student events and programming and depends on a well-trained group of students to deliver essential programs & services. Students in this engagement develop as leaders and problem solvers while also learning essential skills in professionalism, event planning, and customer service
Fall 2024 Employment On Campus The Russell House University Union is the key venue for student events and programming and depends on a well-trained group of students to deliver essential programs & services. Students in this engagement develop as leaders and problem solvers while also learning essential skills in professionalism, event planning, and customer service 3 11 28 Russell House University Union N GLD-Professional & Civic Engagement; Student Employment,Career readiness,,Teamwork,
Student Employment


Student Employment - Student is employed part-time by the university and engages in career readiness development activities as part of supervision process.

Russell House University Union Operations Attendant
Building operations attendants operate the student union facility and manage events, including equipment check-out and working directly with clients. Attendants are assigned to one of three areas: Building Operations, Information Center, or Gameroom.
Fall 2024 Employment On Campus Building operations attendants operate the student union facility and manage events, including equipment check-out and working directly with clients. Attendants are assigned to one of three areas: Building Operations, Information Center, or Gameroom. 3 11 28 Russell House University Union N GLD-Professional & Civic Engagement; Student Employment,Career readiness,,Professionalism / career readiness,
Campus Activities Programs


Campus Activities Programs - The purpose of Campus Activities Programs must be to enhance the overall educational experience of students through development of, exposure to, and participation in programs and activities that improve student cooperation and leadership while preparing students to be responsible advocates and citizens and complementing the institution's academic programs.

Thursday After Dark
Thursday After Dark provides a variety of late-night programming to engage Carolina students (e.g., escape rooms, trivia, bowling nights).
Fall 2024 Campus Activities Thursday After Dark provides a variety of late-night programming to engage Carolina students (e.g., escape rooms, trivia, bowling nights). 3 11 28 Russell House University Union N ; Campus Activities Programs,Recreation, leisure, entertainment,Connecting with others,Self-knowledge,
Student Employment


Student Employment - Student is employed part-time by the university and engages in career readiness development activities as part of supervision process.

Student Media Advertising Representative
Advertising representatives work with internal and external partners and clients to provide effective advertising solutions comprised of Student Media resources.
Fall 2024 Employment On Campus Advertising representatives work with internal and external partners and clients to provide effective advertising solutions comprised of Student Media resources. 3 11 28 Student Media N GLD-Professional & Civic Engagement; Experiential Learning Opportunity; Student Employment,Career readiness,,Problem solving,Influencing others
Student Media Programs


Student Media Programs - The mission is to prepare students for their responsibilities in planning and producing media products, offer leadership opportunities and support for students engaged in these activities.

Student Media Creative Services Designer
Creative Services team members apply visual communications skills to complete contracted work for Student Media's clients and partners. Designers apply visual communication techniques and best practices to complete projects including advertisements, promotional materials, and other graphics work.
Fall 2024 Employment On Campus Creative Services team members apply visual communications skills to complete contracted work for Student Media's clients and partners. Designers apply visual communication techniques and best practices to complete projects including advertisements, promotional materials, and other graphics work. 3 11 28 Student Media N GLD-Professional & Civic Engagement; Experiential Learning Opportunity; Student Media Programs,Apply specialized knowledge,,Specialized knowledge and skills,Integrative and applied learning
Student Leadership Programs


Student Leadership Programs - The mission of Student Leadership Programs must be to prepare students to engage in the process of leadership.

Student Media Executive Leader
Each student executive serves as head of one of the editorially independent and student-run media organizations, with final authority on decisions related to content and programming and with responsibility for ensuring high quality and responsible journalistic standards.
Fall 2024 Appointed Student Leader Each student executive serves as head of one of the editorially independent and student-run media organizations, with final authority on decisions related to content and programming and with responsibility for ensuring high quality and responsible journalistic standards. 3 11 28 Student Media N GLD-Professional & Civic Engagement; Experiential Learning Opportunity; Student Leadership Programs,Leadership,,Critical and creative thinking,Interpersonal skills
Student Leadership Programs


Student Leadership Programs - The mission of Student Leadership Programs must be to prepare students to engage in the process of leadership.

Student Media Senior Leader
Senior leaders manage sections and teams within each of Student Media’s partner organizations, often overseeing content production or administrative tasks. Senior leaders apply knowledge of journalistic and media best practices while serving in a peer leadership role within the media organization.
Fall 2024 Student Program Leader Senior leaders manage sections and teams within each of Student Media’s partner organizations, often overseeing content production or administrative tasks. Senior leaders apply knowledge of journalistic and media best practices while serving in a peer leadership role within the media organization. 3 11 28 Student Media N GLD-Professional & Civic Engagement; Student Leadership Programs,Apply specialized knowledge,Leadership,Specialized knowledge and skills,Critical and creative thinking
Multicultural Student Programs and Services


Multicultural Student Programs and Services - Multicultural Student Programs and Services must promote academic and personal growth of traditionally underserved students, work with the entire campus to create an institutional and community climate of justice, promote access and equity in higher education, and offer programs that educate the campus about diversity.

For The Brothers Retreat
Retreat participants listen to a variety of community and campus experts on topics surrounding identity development of black men and engage in self-reflection as well as fellowship and dialogue on topics of leadership, personal wellness, and setting goals.
Fall 2024 Educational Support Retreat participants listen to a variety of community and campus experts on topics surrounding identity development of black men and engage in self-reflection as well as fellowship and dialogue on topics of leadership, personal wellness, and setting goals. 3 11 28 Multicultural Student Affairs N ; Multicultural Student Programs and Services,Study / Practice self knowledge,Connecting with others,Self-knowledge,
Campus Activities Programs


Campus Activities Programs - The purpose of Campus Activities Programs must be to enhance the overall educational experience of students through development of, exposure to, and participation in programs and activities that improve student cooperation and leadership while preparing students to be responsible advocates and citizens and complementing the institution's academic programs.

Homecoming Event
Student participates in one of a variety of Homecoming activities designed to celebrate the traditions of the UofSC community; events are intended to develop a sense of belonging, pride, and school spirit as students engage with their peers, alumni, and friends of UofSC.
Fall 2024 Campus Activities Student participates in one of a variety of Homecoming activities designed to celebrate the traditions of the UofSC community; events are intended to develop a sense of belonging, pride, and school spirit as students engage with their peers, alumni, and friends of UofSC. 3 11 28 Russell House University Union N ; Campus Activities Programs,Recreation, leisure, entertainment,Connecting with others,Self-knowledge,
Fraternity and Sorority Advising Programs


Fraternity and Sorority Advising Programs - The mission of Fraternity and Sorority Advising Programs is to promote the learning and development of students who affiliate with fraternities and sororities.

Hazing Prevention 101
Students participate in a one-hour course designed to develop skills to recognize, prevent and report hazing. An expert presentation aims to develop students' understanding of what constitutes hazing, consider its impact on the USC community, and confidently play an active role in creating a positive campus environment.
Fall 2024 Leadership Education Students participate in a one-hour course designed to develop skills to recognize, prevent and report hazing. An expert presentation aims to develop students' understanding of what constitutes hazing, consider its impact on the USC community, and confidently play an active role in creating a positive campus environment. 3 11 28 Fraternity & Sorority Life N ; Fraternity and Sorority Advising Programs,Study / Practice self knowledge,,Personal and social responsibility - Developing competence in ethical and moral reasoning, action,
Campus Activities Programs


Campus Activities Programs - The purpose of Campus Activities Programs must be to enhance the overall educational experience of students through development of, exposure to, and participation in programs and activities that improve student cooperation and leadership while preparing students to be responsible advocates and citizens and complementing the institution's academic programs.

Sustainable Carolina Garden Volunteer
Student volunteers advance understanding of sustainable agriculture practices while weeding, planting, harvesting, and maintaining the infrastructure of the garden to provide local produce to the campus and Columbia community.
Spring 2024 Sustainability Education Student volunteers advance understanding of sustainable agriculture practices while weeding, planting, harvesting, and maintaining the infrastructure of the garden to provide local produce to the campus and Columbia community. 3 11 29 Sustainability N ; Campus Activities Programs,Community service / civic engagement,,Civic knowledge and engagement,
Campus Activities Programs


Campus Activities Programs - The purpose of Campus Activities Programs must be to enhance the overall educational experience of students through development of, exposure to, and participation in programs and activities that improve student cooperation and leadership while preparing students to be responsible advocates and citizens and complementing the institution's academic programs.

Sustainable Carolina Garden Volunteer
Student volunteers advance understanding of sustainable agriculture practices while weeding, planting, harvesting, and maintaining the infrastructure of the garden to provide local produce to the campus and Columbia community.
Summer 2024 Sustainability Education Student volunteers advance understanding of sustainable agriculture practices while weeding, planting, harvesting, and maintaining the infrastructure of the garden to provide local produce to the campus and Columbia community. 3 11 29 Sustainability N ; Campus Activities Programs,Community service / civic engagement,,Civic knowledge and engagement,
Student Leadership Programs


Student Leadership Programs - The mission of Student Leadership Programs must be to prepare students to engage in the process of leadership.

Sustainable Carolina Peer Leader
Student interact with their peers on campus as they work to implement programs outlined in the campus sustainability plan aimed at improving sustainability practices on campus. Students also host community programs and camps for school age children and families, teaching sustainability practices and the importance of a healthy lifestyle.
Fall 2024 Peer Educator Student interact with their peers on campus as they work to implement programs outlined in the campus sustainability plan aimed at improving sustainability practices on campus. Students also host community programs and camps for school age children and families, teaching sustainability practices and the importance of a healthy lifestyle. 3 11 29 Sustainability N GLD-Professional & Civic Engagement; GLD-Community Service; Experiential Learning Opportunity; Student Leadership Programs,Career readiness,Community service / civic engagement,Teamwork,Self-knowledge
Student Leadership Programs


Student Leadership Programs - The mission of Student Leadership Programs must be to prepare students to engage in the process of leadership.

Sustainable Carolina Project Coordinator
Each project coordinator leads a team of students to implement a designated project in support of a goal outlined in the campus sustainability plan. The role requires collaboration with other teams, campus stakeholders, and community partners, and requires them to delegate work, solve problems, and make decisions.
Fall 2024 Peer Educator Each project coordinator leads a team of students to implement a designated project in support of a goal outlined in the campus sustainability plan. The role requires collaboration with other teams, campus stakeholders, and community partners, and requires them to delegate work, solve problems, and make decisions. 3 11 29 Sustainability N GLD-Professional & Civic Engagement; Experiential Learning Opportunity; Student Leadership Programs,Leadership,Apply specialized knowledge,Problem solving,Professionalism / career readiness
Health Promotion Services


Health Promotion Services - The mission and scope of practice of health promotion, sometimes referred to as wellness, must be reflective of the following fundamental assumptions about the role of health in higher education: reciprocal relationship between learning and health; direct connection between academic mission and higher education and well being of students

Welcome to Well-Being
Students attend a fair-type event where they can pick up information and engage with staff to learn about campuses resources available to support their well-being.
Fall 2024 Physical, Mental, Emotional Health Students attend a fair-type event where they can pick up information and engage with staff to learn about campuses resources available to support their well-being. 3 11 117 Healthy Campus Initiatives N ; Health Promotion Services,Study / Practice social well being,Recreation, leisure, entertainment,Specialized knowledge and skills,Problem solving
Student Leadership Programs


Student Leadership Programs - The mission of Student Leadership Programs must be to prepare students to engage in the process of leadership.

Sustainable Carolina Team Member
Sustainable Carolina Team Members serve on one of the campus sustainability teams, including Garden, K-12 Outreach, Campus Outreach, Environmental Justice, Green Certification, and Zero Waste. They work to build buy-in for sustainability practices by hosting programs, and teaching sustainability practices and the importance of a healthy lifestyle.
Fall 2024 Sustainability Education Sustainable Carolina Team Members serve on one of the campus sustainability teams, including Garden, K-12 Outreach, Campus Outreach, Environmental Justice, Green Certification, and Zero Waste. They work to build buy-in for sustainability practices by hosting programs, and teaching sustainability practices and the importance of a healthy lifestyle. 3 11 29 Sustainability N ; Student Leadership Programs,Leadership,Connecting with others,Teamwork,
Civic Engagement & Service-Learning Programs


Civic Engagement & Service-Learning Programs - The primary mission of Service-Learning Programs is to engage students in experiences that address human and community needs together with structured opportunities for reflection intentionally designed to promote student learning and development.

Sustainable Carolina Discussion Workshop
Workshops provide a safe space for students to discuss critical topics related to Climate Change and Sustainability. Topics are related to the UN’s Sustainable Development Goals, and are intended to help students learn about marginalized populations and build awareness around issues related to the environmental and social justice.
Fall 2024 Sustainability Education Workshops provide a safe space for students to discuss critical topics related to Climate Change and Sustainability. Topics are related to the UN’s Sustainable Development Goals, and are intended to help students learn about marginalized populations and build awareness around issues related to the environmental and social justice. 3 11 29 Sustainability N ; Civic Engagement & Service-Learning Programs,Connecting with others,Study / Practice diversity, equity, inclusion,Communication - spoken,Personal and social responsibility - Contributing to a larger community
Student Employment


Student Employment - Student is employed part-time by the university and engages in career readiness development activities as part of supervision process.

Office of Sustainability Program Assistant
The Program Assistant's responsibilities include garden tours and maintenance, representing the Office of Sustainability at tabling events, cleaning and organizing data for reports, and communicating with campus partners and students on behalf of the office.
Fall 2024 Internship The Program Assistant's responsibilities include garden tours and maintenance, representing the Office of Sustainability at tabling events, cleaning and organizing data for reports, and communicating with campus partners and students on behalf of the office. 3 11 29 Sustainability N ; Student Employment,Career readiness,Apply specialized knowledge,Professionalism / career readiness,Specialized knowledge and skills
Campus Activities Programs


Campus Activities Programs - The purpose of Campus Activities Programs must be to enhance the overall educational experience of students through development of, exposure to, and participation in programs and activities that improve student cooperation and leadership while preparing students to be responsible advocates and citizens and complementing the institution's academic programs.

Green on Greene Campus Sustainability Fair
Students attend a fair-type event to meet students in organizations, campus offices, and community non-profits related to Climate Action and Sustainability, to learn about how Columbia and USC are taking steps to become more environment-friendly and how they can play a role!
Fall 2024 Sustainability Education Students attend a fair-type event to meet students in organizations, campus offices, and community non-profits related to Climate Action and Sustainability, to learn about how Columbia and USC are taking steps to become more environment-friendly and how they can play a role! 3 11 29 Sustainability N ; Campus Activities Programs,Community service / civic engagement,Recreation, leisure, entertainment,Personal and social responsibility - Contributing to a larger community,Specialized knowledge and skills
Civic Engagement & Service-Learning Programs


Civic Engagement & Service-Learning Programs - The primary mission of Service-Learning Programs is to engage students in experiences that address human and community needs together with structured opportunities for reflection intentionally designed to promote student learning and development.

Green Networking Breakfast
Students listen to a keynote speech on a sustainability topic and discuss sustainability topics and opportunities for involvement with peers, faculty, staff, and/or community members.
Fall 2024 Sustainability Education Students listen to a keynote speech on a sustainability topic and discuss sustainability topics and opportunities for involvement with peers, faculty, staff, and/or community members. 3 11 29 Sustainability N ; Civic Engagement & Service-Learning Programs,Connecting with others,Career development,Communication - spoken,Self-knowledge
Internship Programs


Internship Programs - The primary mission of Internship Programs is to engage students in planned, educationally-related work and learning experiences that integrate knowledge and theory with practical application and skill development in a professional setting.

Hospitality & Tourism Internship - HTMT 495
Full time work experience of a minimum of 400 work hours in the Hospitality or Tourism industry; position must be Managerial or Supervisory in nature, Rotational within a minimum of three different areas of the business or a Structured Internship Program. Includes online course work.
Fall 2024 Internship Full time work experience of a minimum of 400 work hours in the Hospitality or Tourism industry; position must be Managerial or Supervisory in nature, Rotational within a minimum of three different areas of the business or a Structured Internship Program. Includes online course work. 3 17 76 Y GLD-Professional & Civic Engagement; Experiential Learning Opportunity; Internship Programs,Apply specialized knowledge,Leadership,Specialized knowledge and skills,Self-knowledge
Internship Programs


Internship Programs - The primary mission of Internship Programs is to engage students in planned, educationally-related work and learning experiences that integrate knowledge and theory with practical application and skill development in a professional setting.

Hospitality & Tourism Practicum - HTMT 290
Full time work experience of a minimum of 400 work hours in the Hospitality or Tourism industry; position can be any entry level or higher position. Includes online course work.
Fall 2024 Practicum Full time work experience of a minimum of 400 work hours in the Hospitality or Tourism industry; position can be any entry level or higher position. Includes online course work. 3 17 76 Y GLD-Professional & Civic Engagement; Experiential Learning Opportunity; Internship Programs,Apply specialized knowledge,Career readiness,Self-knowledge,Specialized knowledge and skills
Academic Advising Programs


Academic Advising Programs - The primary purpose of Academic Advising Programs is to assist students in the development of meaningful educational plans.

Academic Coaching Appointment
Students meet 1-1 with a coach to create an academic and engagement plan, set goals, and share resources; sessions are tailored to meet each student's needs and may include general advising, academic planning, strengths identification, planning campus involvement, and navigating campus resources.
Fall 2024 Educational Support Students meet 1-1 with a coach to create an academic and engagement plan, set goals, and share resources; sessions are tailored to meet each student's needs and may include general advising, academic planning, strengths identification, planning campus involvement, and navigating campus resources. 3 12 34 University Advising Center N ; Academic Advising Programs,Study / Practice intellectual skills,Study / Practice self knowledge,Foundations and skills for lifelong learning,Personal and social responsibility - Striving for excellence
Career Services


Career Services - The primary mission of Career Services is to assist students and other designated clients in developing, evaluating, and implementing career, education, and employment plans.

Alumni Career Mentoring Program Mentee
Mentees register and initiate interaction with their assigned Mentor through the Mentorship Hub. Interaction continues through the platform or other means of communication. Mentors and Mentees are encouraged to follow suggested themes in order to assist students with career development, goals setting, and career-related decision-making.
Fall 2024 Career Development Mentees register and initiate interaction with their assigned Mentor through the Mentorship Hub. Interaction continues through the platform or other means of communication. Mentors and Mentees are encouraged to follow suggested themes in order to assist students with career development, goals setting, and career-related decision-making. 3 11 30 Career Center N ; Career Services,Career readiness,Career development,Professionalism / career readiness,Self-knowledge
Recreational Sports Programs


Recreational Sports Programs - The mission of Recreational Sports Programs must be to enhance the mind, body, and spirit of students and other eligible individuals by providing programs, services, and facilities that are responsive to the physical, social, recreational, and lifelong educational needs of the campus community as they relate to health, fitness, and learning.

Campus Recreation Climbing Wall
Students participate in top rope climbing or bouldering, with routes for both beginners and advanced climbers, at the climbing wall in the Wellness & Fitness Center.
Fall 2024 Physical, Mental, Emotional Health Students participate in top rope climbing or bouldering, with routes for both beginners and advanced climbers, at the climbing wall in the Wellness & Fitness Center. 3 11 117 Campus Recreation N ; Recreational Sports Programs,Recreation, leisure, entertainment,Connecting with others,Foundations and skills for lifelong learning,
Recreational Sports Programs


Recreational Sports Programs - The mission of Recreational Sports Programs must be to enhance the mind, body, and spirit of students and other eligible individuals by providing programs, services, and facilities that are responsive to the physical, social, recreational, and lifelong educational needs of the campus community as they relate to health, fitness, and learning.

Campus Recreation Group X
Students participate in a 45-60 minute group exercise class such as Yoga, Zumba, BodyPump, Barre, Cycle, and Bootcamp.
Fall 2024 Physical, Mental, Emotional Health Students participate in a 45-60 minute group exercise class such as Yoga, Zumba, BodyPump, Barre, Cycle, and Bootcamp. 3 11 117 Campus Recreation N ; Recreational Sports Programs,Study / Practice physical well being,Connecting with others,Self-knowledge,
Recreational Sports Programs


Recreational Sports Programs - The mission of Recreational Sports Programs must be to enhance the mind, body, and spirit of students and other eligible individuals by providing programs, services, and facilities that are responsive to the physical, social, recreational, and lifelong educational needs of the campus community as they relate to health, fitness, and learning.

Campus Recreation Intramural Sports
Students participate in an intramural sport, such as basketball, cornhole, volleyball, flag football, soccer, pickleball, and more.
Fall 2024 Campus Activities Students participate in an intramural sport, such as basketball, cornhole, volleyball, flag football, soccer, pickleball, and more. 3 11 117 Campus Recreation N ; Recreational Sports Programs,Recreation, leisure, entertainment,Connecting with others,Self-knowledge,
Career Services


Career Services - The primary mission of Career Services is to assist students and other designated clients in developing, evaluating, and implementing career, education, and employment plans.

Career Coaching
Student engages 1-1 with a Career Center professional staff member on a career planning topic, such as assessing career interests, writing a resume, preparing for a job fair or job interview, or planning a job search.
Fall 2024 Career Development Student engages 1-1 with a Career Center professional staff member on a career planning topic, such as assessing career interests, writing a resume, preparing for a job fair or job interview, or planning a job search. 3 11 30 Career Center N ; Career Services,Career development,Career readiness,Self-knowledge,Professionalism / career readiness
Career Services


Career Services - The primary mission of Career Services is to assist students and other designated clients in developing, evaluating, and implementing career, education, and employment plans.

Career Coaching - Career Studio
In this learning lab, students receive guidance from a Career Center Peer Educator on topics related to their career, including resumes, cover letters, personal statements, curriculum vitae, job search, interviewing, and occupational research.
Fall 2024 Career Development In this learning lab, students receive guidance from a Career Center Peer Educator on topics related to their career, including resumes, cover letters, personal statements, curriculum vitae, job search, interviewing, and occupational research. 3 11 30 Career Center N ; Career Services,Career development,Study / Practice self knowledge,Self-knowledge,
Student Leadership Programs


Student Leadership Programs - The mission of Student Leadership Programs must be to prepare students to engage in the process of leadership.

Career Studio Peer Educator
Career Studio Peer Educators advise students on career-related questions during appointments, manage front-desk operations, create and deliver presentations, initiate outreach activities, participate in marketing projects, and collaborate with professional staff members on career development initiatives.
Fall 2024 Peer Educator Career Studio Peer Educators advise students on career-related questions during appointments, manage front-desk operations, create and deliver presentations, initiate outreach activities, participate in marketing projects, and collaborate with professional staff members on career development initiatives. 3 11 30 Career Center N GLD-Professional & Civic Engagement; Experiential Learning Opportunity; Student Leadership Programs,Leadership,Career readiness,Interpersonal skills,Communication - spoken
Internship Programs


Internship Programs - The primary mission of Internship Programs is to engage students in planned, educationally-related work and learning experiences that integrate knowledge and theory with practical application and skill development in a professional setting.

Carolina Internship Program - Part-time
Students engage in a paid, work-based learning experience that is usually the length or equivalent of a fall or spring semester or summer, working approximately 240 hours at 20 hours/week. Student may be eligible to receive academic credit through their academic department or pursue a Zero Credit Transcript notation through the Career Center.
Fall 2024 Cooperative Education Students engage in a paid, work-based learning experience that is usually the length or equivalent of a fall or spring semester or summer, working approximately 240 hours at 20 hours/week. Student may be eligible to receive academic credit through their academic department or pursue a Zero Credit Transcript notation through the Career Center. 3 11 30 Career Center N GLD-Professional & Civic Engagement; Experiential Learning Opportunity; Internship Programs,Career development,Apply specialized knowledge,Professionalism / career readiness,Integrative and applied learning
Internship Programs


Internship Programs - The primary mission of Internship Programs is to engage students in planned, educationally-related work and learning experiences that integrate knowledge and theory with practical application and skill development in a professional setting.

Carolina Internship Program - Full-time
Students engage in a paid, work-based learning experience that includes staff facilitated feedback and reflection on their experience. The goal is to enhance students' understanding of their professional knowledge, skills and abilities to aid in their full-time job searches and lifelong career management.
Fall 2024 Internship Students engage in a paid, work-based learning experience that includes staff facilitated feedback and reflection on their experience. The goal is to enhance students' understanding of their professional knowledge, skills and abilities to aid in their full-time job searches and lifelong career management. 3 11 30 Career Center N GLD-Professional & Civic Engagement; Experiential Learning Opportunity; Internship Programs,Career readiness,Apply specialized knowledge,Professionalism / career readiness,Specialized knowledge and skills
Internship Programs


Internship Programs - The primary mission of Internship Programs is to engage students in planned, educationally-related work and learning experiences that integrate knowledge and theory with practical application and skill development in a professional setting.

Cooperative Education (Co-op) - Alternating
Students participate in 2-3 semesters of supervised, paid work-based learning with the same employer. The Alternating format allows the student to alternate between a semester of full-time school (480 hours at 40 hours/week).
Fall 2024 Cooperative Education Students participate in 2-3 semesters of supervised, paid work-based learning with the same employer. The Alternating format allows the student to alternate between a semester of full-time school (480 hours at 40 hours/week). 3 11 30 Career Center N GLD-Professional & Civic Engagement; Experiential Learning Opportunity; Internship Programs,Apply specialized knowledge,Career readiness,Specialized knowledge and skills,Professionalism / career readiness
Internship Programs


Internship Programs - The primary mission of Internship Programs is to engage students in planned, educationally-related work and learning experiences that integrate knowledge and theory with practical application and skill development in a professional setting.

Cooperative Education (Co-op) - Parallel
Students participate in 2-3 semesters of supervised, paid work-based learning with the same employer. The Parallel format allows the student to work part-time for 240 hours (20 hours/week) for 3 consecutive semesters while attending school.
Fall 2024 Cooperative Education Students participate in 2-3 semesters of supervised, paid work-based learning with the same employer. The Parallel format allows the student to work part-time for 240 hours (20 hours/week) for 3 consecutive semesters while attending school. 3 11 30 Career Center N GLD-Professional & Civic Engagement; Experiential Learning Opportunity; Internship Programs,Apply specialized knowledge,Career readiness,Specialized knowledge and skills,Professionalism / career readiness
Internship Programs


Internship Programs - The primary mission of Internship Programs is to engage students in planned, educationally-related work and learning experiences that integrate knowledge and theory with practical application and skill development in a professional setting.

South Carolina Internship Program
Students apply for and receive a financial supplement ($3,000) to support their participation in an internship or cooperative education experience in high-demand industries in South Carolina (manufacturing, aerospace, automotive, energy, health and life sciences or financial services).
Fall 2024 Career Development Students apply for and receive a financial supplement ($3,000) to support their participation in an internship or cooperative education experience in high-demand industries in South Carolina (manufacturing, aerospace, automotive, energy, health and life sciences or financial services). 3 11 30 Career Center N ; Internship Programs,Career development,Career readiness,Professionalism / career readiness,Self-knowledge
Student Leadership Programs


Student Leadership Programs - The mission of Student Leadership Programs must be to prepare students to engage in the process of leadership.

University 101 Peer Leader
U101 Peer Leaders co-teach a section of a UNIV 101 course with a faculty or staff member, and serve as resources, mentors, and facilitators for learning in and beyond the classroom for first-year students enrolled in the course.
Fall 2024 Peer Educator U101 Peer Leaders co-teach a section of a UNIV 101 course with a faculty or staff member, and serve as resources, mentors, and facilitators for learning in and beyond the classroom for first-year students enrolled in the course. 3 11 30 University 101 Programs N GLD-Professional & Civic Engagement; GLD-Diversity & Social Advocacy; Experiential Learning Opportunity; Student Leadership Programs,Leadership,,Communication - spoken,Influencing others
Student Leadership Programs


Student Leadership Programs - The mission of Student Leadership Programs must be to prepare students to engage in the process of leadership.

University 101 Senior Peer Leader
Senior Peer Leaders serve as resources, mentors, and facilitators for learning in and beyond the EDLP 520 classroom for first-time peer leaders enrolled in the course. They co-teach a section of the course with a faculty or staff member, prepare and facilitate lesson plans, and help their mentees comment with campus resources.
Fall 2024 Peer Educator Senior Peer Leaders serve as resources, mentors, and facilitators for learning in and beyond the EDLP 520 classroom for first-time peer leaders enrolled in the course. They co-teach a section of the course with a faculty or staff member, prepare and facilitate lesson plans, and help their mentees comment with campus resources. 3 11 30 University 101 Programs N GLD-Professional & Civic Engagement; Experiential Learning Opportunity; Student Leadership Programs,Leadership,,Communication - spoken,Influencing others
Student Leadership Programs


Student Leadership Programs - The mission of Student Leadership Programs must be to prepare students to engage in the process of leadership.

Carolina Judicial Council
Council members serve on judicial panels that hold hearings concerning alleged violations of the Student Code of Conduct and the Honor Code. The Council makes decisions regarding code infractions and appropriate sanctions for students found responsible for such violations.
Fall 2024 Peer Educator Council members serve on judicial panels that hold hearings concerning alleged violations of the Student Code of Conduct and the Honor Code. The Council makes decisions regarding code infractions and appropriate sanctions for students found responsible for such violations. 3 11 88 Student Conduct & Academic Integrity N GLD-Professional & Civic Engagement; Experiential Learning Opportunity; Student Leadership Programs,Apply specialized knowledge,Career readiness,Critical and creative thinking,Inquiry and analysis
Student Leadership Programs


Student Leadership Programs - The mission of Student Leadership Programs must be to prepare students to engage in the process of leadership.

Dean's Advisory Council
Students represent the voices, concerns, and interests of the diverse undergraduate student body to the Dean of Students, providing input for university policies, programs, and communication. Council members serve as a vehicle for information sharing and support among student leaders on campus.
Fall 2024 Appointed Student Leader Students represent the voices, concerns, and interests of the diverse undergraduate student body to the Dean of Students, providing input for university policies, programs, and communication. Council members serve as a vehicle for information sharing and support among student leaders on campus. 3 11 88 N GLD-Professional & Civic Engagement; Student Leadership Programs,Community service / civic engagement,Career readiness,Critical and creative thinking,Communication - spoken
Civic Engagement & Service-Learning Programs


Civic Engagement & Service-Learning Programs - The primary mission of Service-Learning Programs is to engage students in experiences that address human and community needs together with structured opportunities for reflection intentionally designed to promote student learning and development.

Gamecock CommUnity Pals
Students assist CommUnity Shop clients, sort donations, and shelve inventory in the Gamecock Pantry. They also serve as educational resources at tabling events.
Fall 2024 Service on Campus Students assist CommUnity Shop clients, sort donations, and shelve inventory in the Gamecock Pantry. They also serve as educational resources at tabling events. 3 11 88 Student Care and Outreach N ; Civic Engagement & Service-Learning Programs,Community service / civic engagement,Connecting with others,Civic knowledge and engagement,Communication - spoken
Civic Engagement & Service-Learning Programs


Civic Engagement & Service-Learning Programs - The primary mission of Service-Learning Programs is to engage students in experiences that address human and community needs together with structured opportunities for reflection intentionally designed to promote student learning and development.

Gamecock CommUnity Shop Executive Board
Student board members serve as the primary points of contact for Pantry Pal volunteers, manage pantry operations, marketing/communications, strategic planning, and assessment; and support volunteer recruitment, training, and provide feedback and reflection opportunities.
Fall 2024 Civic Engagement Student board members serve as the primary points of contact for Pantry Pal volunteers, manage pantry operations, marketing/communications, strategic planning, and assessment; and support volunteer recruitment, training, and provide feedback and reflection opportunities. 3 11 88 Student Care and Outreach N GLD-Professional & Civic Engagement; GLD-Community Service; Experiential Learning Opportunity; Civic Engagement & Service-Learning Programs,Community service / civic engagement,Leadership,Civic knowledge and engagement,Teamwork
Civic Engagement & Service-Learning Programs


Civic Engagement & Service-Learning Programs - The primary mission of Service-Learning Programs is to engage students in experiences that address human and community needs together with structured opportunities for reflection intentionally designed to promote student learning and development.

CIEL Student Advisory Council Session
SAC members discuss, question, and debate presented topics and consider how their shared opinions can impact their peers and institution. They may collaborate with one another to reach a unanimous opinion or may state personal opinions, while demonstrating professionalism when opinions differ and understanding the importance of individual voices.
Fall 2024 Service on Campus SAC members discuss, question, and debate presented topics and consider how their shared opinions can impact their peers and institution. They may collaborate with one another to reach a unanimous opinion or may state personal opinions, while demonstrating professionalism when opinions differ and understanding the importance of individual voices. 3 12 34 Center for Integrative and Experiential Learning N ; Civic Engagement & Service-Learning Programs,Community service / civic engagement,Study / Practice self knowledge,Personal and social responsibility - Contributing to a larger community,Self-knowledge
Student Leadership Programs


Student Leadership Programs - The mission of Student Leadership Programs must be to prepare students to engage in the process of leadership.

Changing Carolina Peer Leader
Student health educators deliver presentations, plan and implement educational programs and events, and research national and campus trends and issues around health and well-being, to help their peers explore the fundamentals of a healthy lifestyle.
Fall 2024 Peer Educator Student health educators deliver presentations, plan and implement educational programs and events, and research national and campus trends and issues around health and well-being, to help their peers explore the fundamentals of a healthy lifestyle. 3 11 117 Healthy Campus Initiatives N GLD-Professional & Civic Engagement; Experiential Learning Opportunity; Student Leadership Programs,Leadership,Apply specialized knowledge,Communication - spoken,Influencing others
Student Leadership Programs


Student Leadership Programs - The mission of Student Leadership Programs must be to prepare students to engage in the process of leadership.

College of Arts and Sciences Ambassador
Ambassadors represent the College at student recruitment and other special events; provide informal tours and serve as a resource to prospective and incoming students and special guests of the college; assist with orientation event; provide feedback and suggestions to College leadership related to student recruitment and orientation programming.
Fall 2024 Student Program Leader Ambassadors represent the College at student recruitment and other special events; provide informal tours and serve as a resource to prospective and incoming students and special guests of the college; assist with orientation event; provide feedback and suggestions to College leadership related to student recruitment and orientation programming. 3 14 115 N ; Student Leadership Programs,Career readiness,Connecting with others,Communication - spoken,Professionalism / career readiness
Student Leadership Programs


Student Leadership Programs - The mission of Student Leadership Programs must be to prepare students to engage in the process of leadership.

College of Engineering and Computing Peer Mentor
Each CEC Peer Mentor is matched with a mentee through the UofSC Mentorship Hub, to answer questions and share their experiences about working toward personal, academic, and professional goals. Mentors contact their mentee at least once per month and report their mentorship interactions.
Fall 2024 Student Program Leader Each CEC Peer Mentor is matched with a mentee through the UofSC Mentorship Hub, to answer questions and share their experiences about working toward personal, academic, and professional goals. Mentors contact their mentee at least once per month and report their mentorship interactions. 3 19 101 N ; Student Leadership Programs,Community service / civic engagement,Leadership,Interpersonal skills,
Capstone Experience


Capstone Experience - A course or project that engages students in a culminating and integrative experience, intended to connect the key learning objectives of an educational program.

Graduation with Leadership Distinction ePortfolio - Small Groups and Independent students
The ePortfolio is designed to be the culminating project of a student's collegiate experiences. Through creation of an ePortfolio, students demonstrate the major learning and skills they have developed. The process is intended to help undergraduate students identify their purpose or passion.
Fall 2024 Capstone Course or Project The ePortfolio is designed to be the culminating project of a student's collegiate experiences. Through creation of an ePortfolio, students demonstrate the major learning and skills they have developed. The process is intended to help undergraduate students identify their purpose or passion. 3 12 34 Center for Integrative and Experiential Learning N GLD-ePortfolio; Experiential Learning Opportunity; Capstone Experience,Apply specialized knowledge,Career development,Integrative and applied learning,Self-knowledge
Capstone Experience


Capstone Experience - A course or project that engages students in a culminating and integrative experience, intended to connect the key learning objectives of an educational program.

Graduation with Leadership Distinction ePortfolio - 401
Student creates an ePortfolio as the culminating project of their undergraduate student collegiate experience. Through the ePortfolio, students demonstrate the major learning and skills they have developed during their time at the University of South Carolina. The ePortfolio is intended to help students identify their purpose or passion.
Fall 2024 Capstone Course or Project Student creates an ePortfolio as the culminating project of their undergraduate student collegiate experience. Through the ePortfolio, students demonstrate the major learning and skills they have developed during their time at the University of South Carolina. The ePortfolio is intended to help students identify their purpose or passion. 3 12 34 Center for Integrative and Experiential Learning N GLD-ePortfolio; Experiential Learning Opportunity; Capstone Experience,Study / Practice intellectual skills,,Integrative and applied learning,
Student Leadership Programs


Student Leadership Programs - The mission of Student Leadership Programs must be to prepare students to engage in the process of leadership.

Magellan Ambassador
Magellan Ambassadors represent the Office of Undergraduate Research through campus presentations and events, providing opportunity for professional development while sharing their research experience with other students.
Fall 2024 Student Program Leader Magellan Ambassadors represent the Office of Undergraduate Research through campus presentations and events, providing opportunity for professional development while sharing their research experience with other students. 3 13 32 Undergraduate Research N GLD-Professional & Civic Engagement; Student Leadership Programs,Leadership,,Communication - spoken,Influencing others
Campus Activities Programs


Campus Activities Programs - The purpose of Campus Activities Programs must be to enhance the overall educational experience of students through development of, exposure to, and participation in programs and activities that improve student cooperation and leadership while preparing students to be responsible advocates and citizens and complementing the institution's academic programs.

National Collegiate Athletic Association (NCAA) Athletic Event
Student attendance at National Collegiate Athletic Association (NCAA) athletic events provides opportunities for students to connect with other students and develop a sense of belonging through shared school spirit.
Fall 2024 Campus Activities Student attendance at National Collegiate Athletic Association (NCAA) athletic events provides opportunities for students to connect with other students and develop a sense of belonging through shared school spirit. 3 30 116 Student Tickets N ; Campus Activities Programs,Connecting with others,,Self-knowledge,
Student Leadership Programs


Student Leadership Programs - The mission of Student Leadership Programs must be to prepare students to engage in the process of leadership.

New Resident Assistant
Resident Mentors live with a group of 25 to 60 residents, guide them through their Carolina experience, and are responsible for actively assisting individuals and groups of students in their residential learning community by performing all job duties and responsibilities of the position.
Fall 2024 Peer Educator Resident Mentors live with a group of 25 to 60 residents, guide them through their Carolina experience, and are responsible for actively assisting individuals and groups of students in their residential learning community by performing all job duties and responsibilities of the position. 3 11 29 University Housing N GLD-Professional & Civic Engagement; Experiential Learning Opportunity; Student Leadership Programs,Leadership,,Influencing others,Interpersonal skills
Campus Activities Programs


Campus Activities Programs - The purpose of Campus Activities Programs must be to enhance the overall educational experience of students through development of, exposure to, and participation in programs and activities that improve student cooperation and leadership while preparing students to be responsible advocates and citizens and complementing the institution's academic programs.

Residence Hall Association Community Event
Students attend a program designed by RHA student officers, in consultation with Residence Life professional staff, to engage students with the Carolina Community, including but not limited to, social gatherings, movie nights, and hall spirit competitions.
Fall 2024 Community Building Students attend a program designed by RHA student officers, in consultation with Residence Life professional staff, to engage students with the Carolina Community, including but not limited to, social gatherings, movie nights, and hall spirit competitions. 3 11 29 University Housing N ; Campus Activities Programs,Connecting with others,,Self-knowledge,
Housing and Residential Life Programs


Housing and Residential Life Programs - The mission of Housing and Residential Life Programs is accomplished through the coordination of several interdependent specialized areas; residence education / programming, business operations, and housing/facilities management.

Residence Hall Community Event
Students attend a program designed to engage students with the Carolina Community, including but not limited to, social gatherings, movie nights, and hall spirit competitions.
Fall 2024 Community Building Students attend a program designed to engage students with the Carolina Community, including but not limited to, social gatherings, movie nights, and hall spirit competitions. 3 11 29 University Housing N ; Housing and Residential Life Programs,Connecting with others,,Self-knowledge,
Student Leadership Programs


Student Leadership Programs - The mission of Student Leadership Programs must be to prepare students to engage in the process of leadership.

Returning Resident Assistant
Returning Resident Mentors have completed the training course, live with a group of 25 to 60 residents, guide them through their Carolina experience, and are responsible for actively assisting individuals and groups of students in their residential learning community by performing all job duties and responsibilities of the position.
Fall 2024 Peer Educator Returning Resident Mentors have completed the training course, live with a group of 25 to 60 residents, guide them through their Carolina experience, and are responsible for actively assisting individuals and groups of students in their residential learning community by performing all job duties and responsibilities of the position. 3 11 29 University Housing N GLD-Professional & Civic Engagement; Experiential Learning Opportunity; Student Leadership Programs,Leadership,,Influencing others,Interpersonal skills
Undergraduate Research Programs


Undergraduate Research Programs - The primary mission of Undergraduate Research Programs is to engage students in investigative and creative activity to experience firsthand the processes of scholarly exploration and discovery.

Undergraduate Research - Paid or Volunteer
Students work with a mentor to conduct a discipline specific research project that explores their field of interest through a hands-on project. Students do not earn academic credit. Mentors and students are encouraged to discuss and develop clear expectations prior to initiating research activities.
Fall 2024 Undergraduate Research Students work with a mentor to conduct a discipline specific research project that explores their field of interest through a hands-on project. Students do not earn academic credit. Mentors and students are encouraged to discuss and develop clear expectations prior to initiating research activities. 3 13 32 Undergraduate Research N GLD-Research; Experiential Learning Opportunity; Undergraduate Research Programs,Research,,Critical and creative thinking,Problem solving
Undergraduate Research Programs


Undergraduate Research Programs - The primary mission of Undergraduate Research Programs is to engage students in investigative and creative activity to experience firsthand the processes of scholarly exploration and discovery.

Undergraduate Research - Student Grant Award
Student works with a mentor to conduct a discipline specific research project funded by a university grant, awarded through a competitive application process that includes evaluation of the clarity of the student's project description, project's educational and intellectual merit, potential impact of the project, and mentoring plan.
Fall 2024 Undergraduate Research Student works with a mentor to conduct a discipline specific research project funded by a university grant, awarded through a competitive application process that includes evaluation of the clarity of the student's project description, project's educational and intellectual merit, potential impact of the project, and mentoring plan. 3 13 32 Undergraduate Research N GLD-Research; Experiential Learning Opportunity; Undergraduate Research Programs,Research,,Critical and creative thinking,Problem solving
Undergraduate Research Programs


Undergraduate Research Programs - The primary mission of Undergraduate Research Programs is to engage students in investigative and creative activity to experience firsthand the processes of scholarly exploration and discovery.

Undergraduate Research - Student Grant Award/Independent Study
Student works with a faculty mentor (for academic credit) to conduct a research project funded by a university grant awarded through competitive application process including evaluation of clarity of student's project description, project's educational and intellectual merit, potential impact of project and mentoring plan.
Fall 2024 Undergraduate Research Student works with a faculty mentor (for academic credit) to conduct a research project funded by a university grant awarded through competitive application process including evaluation of clarity of student's project description, project's educational and intellectual merit, potential impact of project and mentoring plan. 3 13 32 Undergraduate Research N GLD-Research; Experiential Learning Opportunity; Undergraduate Research Programs,Research,,Critical and creative thinking,Problem solving
Undergraduate Research Programs


Undergraduate Research Programs - The primary mission of Undergraduate Research Programs is to engage students in investigative and creative activity to experience firsthand the processes of scholarly exploration and discovery.

Undergraduate Research - Independent Study Credit
Students work with a mentor, for academic course credit (generally through independent study) to conduct a discipline specific research project that explores their field of interest through a hands-on project. Mentors and students develop and determine expectations, objectives, and the method of evaluation prior to course registration and approval.
Fall 2024 Undergraduate Research Students work with a mentor, for academic course credit (generally through independent study) to conduct a discipline specific research project that explores their field of interest through a hands-on project. Mentors and students develop and determine expectations, objectives, and the method of evaluation prior to course registration and approval. 3 13 32 Undergraduate Research N GLD-Research; Experiential Learning Opportunity; Undergraduate Research Programs,Research,,Critical and creative thinking,Problem solving
Internship Programs


Internship Programs - The primary mission of Internship Programs is to engage students in planned, educationally-related work and learning experiences that integrate knowledge and theory with practical application and skill development in a professional setting.

USC Press Internship
UofSC Press interns gain insight into the book publishing process by working in one of three areas: acquisitions, publicity, or marketing, with potential exposure to and integration with other Press departments and varied learning opportunities tailored to their specific interests.
Fall 2024 Internship UofSC Press interns gain insight into the book publishing process by working in one of three areas: acquisitions, publicity, or marketing, with potential exposure to and integration with other Press departments and varied learning opportunities tailored to their specific interests. 3 12 114 USC Press N Experiential Learning Opportunity; Internship Programs,Apply specialized knowledge,Career readiness,Communication - spoken,Communication - written
Student Leadership Programs


Student Leadership Programs - The mission of Student Leadership Programs must be to prepare students to engage in the process of leadership.

University Ambassador
University Ambassadors lead campus tours for diverse audiences of prospective students and families, answer phone calls and respond to emails and other visitor communications, assist in the recruitment, coaching, and evaluation of new University Ambassadors and participate in weekly professional development & training.
Fall 2024 Peer Educator University Ambassadors lead campus tours for diverse audiences of prospective students and families, answer phone calls and respond to emails and other visitor communications, assist in the recruitment, coaching, and evaluation of new University Ambassadors and participate in weekly professional development & training. 3 34 118 Visitor Center N GLD-Professional & Civic Engagement; Experiential Learning Opportunity; Student Leadership Programs,Career readiness,Connecting with others,Critical and creative thinking,Communication - spoken
Student Leadership Programs


Student Leadership Programs - The mission of Student Leadership Programs must be to prepare students to engage in the process of leadership.

Substance Abuse Prevention & Education Peer Educator
SAPE Peer Educators create and implement a variety of educational programs designed to encourage their fellow students to make safer, informed decisions when it comes to alcohol and other drug use.
Fall 2024 Peer Educator SAPE Peer Educators create and implement a variety of educational programs designed to encourage their fellow students to make safer, informed decisions when it comes to alcohol and other drug use. 3 11 117 Substance Abuse Prevention & Education N GLD-Professional & Civic Engagement; Student Leadership Programs,Apply specialized knowledge,Leadership,Communication - spoken,Interpersonal skills
Student Leadership Programs


Student Leadership Programs - The mission of Student Leadership Programs must be to prepare students to engage in the process of leadership.

Campus Recreation Leader
Students execute all aspects of a Campus Recreation program or facility (fitness, member services, operations, or sport programs), with responsibility for supervising student staff and planning for facility and equipment needs.
Fall 2024 Student Program Leader Students execute all aspects of a Campus Recreation program or facility (fitness, member services, operations, or sport programs), with responsibility for supervising student staff and planning for facility and equipment needs. 3 11 117 Campus Recreation N Experiential Learning Opportunity; Student Leadership Programs,Leadership,Career readiness,Teamwork,Critical and creative thinking
Recreational Sports Programs


Recreational Sports Programs - The mission of Recreational Sports Programs must be to enhance the mind, body, and spirit of students and other eligible individuals by providing programs, services, and facilities that are responsive to the physical, social, recreational, and lifelong educational needs of the campus community as they relate to health, fitness, and learning.

Campus Recreation Manager
Managers serve a dual role as a Leader while also designing programs and planning for effective operations in Fitness, Member Services, Operations, Outdoor Recreation, and/or Sport Programs. They develop and enforce policies, plan for staffing, oversee student employees, manage risk, and influence the actions of others toward unit goals.
Fall 2024 Student Program Leader Managers serve a dual role as a Leader while also designing programs and planning for effective operations in Fitness, Member Services, Operations, Outdoor Recreation, and/or Sport Programs. They develop and enforce policies, plan for staffing, oversee student employees, manage risk, and influence the actions of others toward unit goals. 3 11 117 Campus Recreation N Experiential Learning Opportunity; Recreational Sports Programs,Career readiness,Leadership,Problem solving,Influencing others
Recreational Sports Programs


Recreational Sports Programs - The mission of Recreational Sports Programs must be to enhance the mind, body, and spirit of students and other eligible individuals by providing programs, services, and facilities that are responsive to the physical, social, recreational, and lifelong educational needs of the campus community as they relate to health, fitness, and learning.

Campus Recreation Sport Club Executive Board
Sport Club Executive Board (SCEB) members are elected by sport club officers to build support for the sport club program and achieve common goals, and interact with a variety of constituents including sport club members, faculty, staff, and university administrators.
Fall 2024 Elected Student Leader Sport Club Executive Board (SCEB) members are elected by sport club officers to build support for the sport club program and achieve common goals, and interact with a variety of constituents including sport club members, faculty, staff, and university administrators. 3 11 117 Campus Recreation N ; Recreational Sports Programs,Leadership,,Problem solving,Influencing others
Recreational Sports Programs


Recreational Sports Programs - The mission of Recreational Sports Programs must be to enhance the mind, body, and spirit of students and other eligible individuals by providing programs, services, and facilities that are responsive to the physical, social, recreational, and lifelong educational needs of the campus community as they relate to health, fitness, and learning.

Campus Recreation Assistant
Student assistants facilitate the successful operation of the Campus Recreation program and facility (marketing and communications, member services, operations, outdoor recreation, sport programs and fitness) as the primary point of contact for participants and patrons; they facilitate a safe and positive developmental experience for students.
Fall 2024 Employment On Campus Student assistants facilitate the successful operation of the Campus Recreation program and facility (marketing and communications, member services, operations, outdoor recreation, sport programs and fitness) as the primary point of contact for participants and patrons; they facilitate a safe and positive developmental experience for students. 3 11 117 Campus Recreation N ; Recreational Sports Programs,Career readiness,,Professionalism / career readiness,
Recreational Sports Programs


Recreational Sports Programs - The mission of Recreational Sports Programs must be to enhance the mind, body, and spirit of students and other eligible individuals by providing programs, services, and facilities that are responsive to the physical, social, recreational, and lifelong educational needs of the campus community as they relate to health, fitness, and learning.

Campus Recreation Adventure Trip Leader
Trip leaders plan and execute day-long outdoor adventure trips; responsibilities include conducting pre-trip meetings with participants to set expectations, build relationships, communicate risks, and provide training for participants. During the trip, leaders serve as guides and wilderness medical first responders.
Fall 2024 Student Program Leader Trip leaders plan and execute day-long outdoor adventure trips; responsibilities include conducting pre-trip meetings with participants to set expectations, build relationships, communicate risks, and provide training for participants. During the trip, leaders serve as guides and wilderness medical first responders. 3 11 117 Campus Recreation N GLD-Professional & Civic Engagement; Recreational Sports Programs,Leadership,Career readiness,Teamwork,Problem solving
Recreational Sports Programs


Recreational Sports Programs - The mission of Recreational Sports Programs must be to enhance the mind, body, and spirit of students and other eligible individuals by providing programs, services, and facilities that are responsive to the physical, social, recreational, and lifelong educational needs of the campus community as they relate to health, fitness, and learning.

Campus Recreation Adventure Trip Participant
Students participate with a group of peers in an adventure trip guided by a staff member; trip options include biking, camping, hiking, boating, and more. Adventures vary in length from a few hours to a few days.
Fall 2024 Campus Activities Students participate with a group of peers in an adventure trip guided by a staff member; trip options include biking, camping, hiking, boating, and more. Adventures vary in length from a few hours to a few days. 3 11 117 Campus Recreation N ; Recreational Sports Programs,Recreation, leisure, entertainment,Connecting with others,Self-knowledge,
Recreational Sports Programs


Recreational Sports Programs - The mission of Recreational Sports Programs must be to enhance the mind, body, and spirit of students and other eligible individuals by providing programs, services, and facilities that are responsive to the physical, social, recreational, and lifelong educational needs of the campus community as they relate to health, fitness, and learning.

Campus Recreation Group X Instructor In Training Program
Trainees learn and apply specialized fitness knowledge and skills, assist in leading fitness classes, participate in staff meetings, and participate in a self- directed study in preparation for the American Council of Exercise (ACE) exam.
Fall 2024 Career Development Trainees learn and apply specialized fitness knowledge and skills, assist in leading fitness classes, participate in staff meetings, and participate in a self- directed study in preparation for the American Council of Exercise (ACE) exam. 3 11 117 Campus Recreation N ; Recreational Sports Programs,Career development,,Communication - spoken,Influencing others
Student Leadership Programs


Student Leadership Programs - The mission of Student Leadership Programs must be to prepare students to engage in the process of leadership.

Carolina Entrepreneurship Fellow
Fellows attend meetings with McNair Institute leaders individually and as a group to learn more about the Institute, strategize to expand the McNair Institute brand and initiatives across schools and colleges of the UofSC system, and help deliver Institute programs that foster entrepreneurism and free enterprise education and support.
Fall 2024 Student Program Leader Fellows attend meetings with McNair Institute leaders individually and as a group to learn more about the Institute, strategize to expand the McNair Institute brand and initiatives across schools and colleges of the UofSC system, and help deliver Institute programs that foster entrepreneurism and free enterprise education and support. 3 12 34 McNair Institute N ; Student Leadership Programs,Leadership,Career readiness,Critical and creative thinking,Teamwork
Civic Engagement & Service-Learning Programs


Civic Engagement & Service-Learning Programs - The primary mission of Service-Learning Programs is to engage students in experiences that address human and community needs together with structured opportunities for reflection intentionally designed to promote student learning and development.

Sustainability / Environmental Justice 101 Presentation
Students listen to an expert presenter on the tenets of Sustainability/Environmental Justice, the impact on our lives, current campus/city initiatives, and ways to get involved. Students are invited to reflect on how they play a role in campus sustainability and get involved in Climate Action.
Fall 2024 Sustainability Education Students listen to an expert presenter on the tenets of Sustainability/Environmental Justice, the impact on our lives, current campus/city initiatives, and ways to get involved. Students are invited to reflect on how they play a role in campus sustainability and get involved in Climate Action. 3 11 29 Sustainability N ; Civic Engagement & Service-Learning Programs,Study / Practice self knowledge,Connecting with others,Critical and creative thinking,Self-knowledge
Civic Engagement & Service-Learning Programs


Civic Engagement & Service-Learning Programs - The primary mission of Service-Learning Programs is to engage students in experiences that address human and community needs together with structured opportunities for reflection intentionally designed to promote student learning and development.

Sustainable Carolina Community Service
Students participate in a community service opportunity within the city of Columbia or campus community that addresses a Sustainable Development Goal.
Fall 2024 Sustainability Education Students participate in a community service opportunity within the city of Columbia or campus community that addresses a Sustainable Development Goal. 3 11 29 Sustainability N ; Civic Engagement & Service-Learning Programs,Community service / civic engagement,Connecting with others,Personal and social responsibility - Contributing to a larger community,Civic knowledge and engagement
Campus Activities Programs


Campus Activities Programs - The purpose of Campus Activities Programs must be to enhance the overall educational experience of students through development of, exposure to, and participation in programs and activities that improve student cooperation and leadership while preparing students to be responsible advocates and citizens and complementing the institution's academic programs.

Sustainable Carolina Garden Tour
Students tour the garden, learn farming techniques, lend a hand, and maybe even sample some of the produce! (A portion of our produce is donated to the Gamecock CommUnity Shop and the rest is sold at the Healthy Carolina Farmer’s market.)
Fall 2024 Sustainability Education Students tour the garden, learn farming techniques, lend a hand, and maybe even sample some of the produce! (A portion of our produce is donated to the Gamecock CommUnity Shop and the rest is sold at the Healthy Carolina Farmer’s market.) 3 11 29 Sustainability N ; Campus Activities Programs,Study / Practice physical well being,Community service / civic engagement,Personal and social responsibility - Contributing to a larger community,
Career Services


Career Services - The primary mission of Career Services is to assist students and other designated clients in developing, evaluating, and implementing career, education, and employment plans.

Career Development Series
Students listen to expert presentations on a variety of career development topics, engage in informal discussion with experts and peers, and have opportunities to ask questions. Topics include job search skills, diversity in the workplace, professional skills, preparing for internships, career fair preparation, and networking skills.
Fall 2024 Career Development Students listen to expert presentations on a variety of career development topics, engage in informal discussion with experts and peers, and have opportunities to ask questions. Topics include job search skills, diversity in the workplace, professional skills, preparing for internships, career fair preparation, and networking skills. 3 11 30 Career Center N ; Career Services,Career development,,Self-knowledge,Professionalism / career readiness
Internship Programs


Internship Programs - The primary mission of Internship Programs is to engage students in planned, educationally-related work and learning experiences that integrate knowledge and theory with practical application and skill development in a professional setting.

Business Internship in Management - MGMT 499
Internship, for credit, with a company focusing on management, lessons learned, SWOT self assessment.
Fall 2024 Internship Internship, for credit, with a company focusing on management, lessons learned, SWOT self assessment. 3 15 64 Y GLD-Professional & Civic Engagement; Experiential Learning Opportunity; Internship Programs,Apply specialized knowledge,Career readiness,Specialized knowledge and skills,Professionalism / career readiness
Internship Programs


Internship Programs - The primary mission of Internship Programs is to engage students in planned, educationally-related work and learning experiences that integrate knowledge and theory with practical application and skill development in a professional setting.

Internship - CRJU 494
Students intern for 160 hours during the semester at an appropriate agency or institution.
Fall 2024 Internship Students intern for 160 hours during the semester at an appropriate agency or institution. 3 14 41 Y GLD-Professional & Civic Engagement; Experiential Learning Opportunity; Internship Programs,Apply specialized knowledge,Career readiness,Specialized knowledge and skills,
Internship Programs


Internship Programs - The primary mission of Internship Programs is to engage students in planned, educationally-related work and learning experiences that integrate knowledge and theory with practical application and skill development in a professional setting.

Internship - PALM 494
Student engages in supervised immersion and exploration in a field related to the major, with a career, cultural, or community focus.
Fall 2024 Internship Student engages in supervised immersion and exploration in a field related to the major, with a career, cultural, or community focus. 13 33 112 Y GLD-Professional & Civic Engagement; Experiential Learning Opportunity; Internship Programs,Apply specialized knowledge,,Specialized knowledge and skills,
Internship Programs


Internship Programs - The primary mission of Internship Programs is to engage students in planned, educationally-related work and learning experiences that integrate knowledge and theory with practical application and skill development in a professional setting.

Internship in Information Science - ISCI 496
Students work in a professional atmosphere to connect the classroom experience with the field they intend to pursue, gain professional experience, explore careers, discover more about themselves, plan for the future, and make themselves more marketable to employers.
Fall 2024 Internship Students work in a professional atmosphere to connect the classroom experience with the field they intend to pursue, gain professional experience, explore careers, discover more about themselves, plan for the future, and make themselves more marketable to employers. 3 18 80 Y GLD-Professional & Civic Engagement; Experiential Learning Opportunity; Internship Programs,Career development,Career readiness,Integrative and applied learning,Professionalism / career readiness
Internship Programs


Internship Programs - The primary mission of Internship Programs is to engage students in planned, educationally-related work and learning experiences that integrate knowledge and theory with practical application and skill development in a professional setting.

Professional Internship - ITEC 495
The course is a supervised work experience in information technology and/or project management; the internship is coordinated by a faculty member and supervised by approved management/supervisor within business and industry lasting for approximately 400 hours of on the job experiences.
Fall 2024 Internship The course is a supervised work experience in information technology and/or project management; the internship is coordinated by a faculty member and supervised by approved management/supervisor within business and industry lasting for approximately 400 hours of on the job experiences. 3 19 73 Y GLD-Professional & Civic Engagement; Experiential Learning Opportunity; Internship Programs,Apply specialized knowledge,,Specialized knowledge and skills,Integrative and applied learning
Internship Programs


Internship Programs - The primary mission of Internship Programs is to engage students in planned, educationally-related work and learning experiences that integrate knowledge and theory with practical application and skill development in a professional setting.

Internship in Mass Communications - JOUR 597
Students work at least 140 hours during the semester under the direction of the intern coordinator and a professional supervisor in an internship they obtain, attend required meetings during the term with other interns and the intern coordinator, and turn in assignments as scheduled in the course syllabus.
Fall 2024 Internship Students work at least 140 hours during the semester under the direction of the intern coordinator and a professional supervisor in an internship they obtain, attend required meetings during the term with other interns and the intern coordinator, and turn in assignments as scheduled in the course syllabus. 3 18 81 Y GLD-Professional & Civic Engagement; Experiential Learning Opportunity; Internship Programs,Apply specialized knowledge,Career development,Specialized knowledge and skills,Professionalism / career readiness
Internship Programs


Internship Programs - The primary mission of Internship Programs is to engage students in planned, educationally-related work and learning experiences that integrate knowledge and theory with practical application and skill development in a professional setting.

Undergraduate Internship In Psychology - PSYC 495
Each student secures an internship at a community organization that serves children/adults, providing experience with the treatment/prevention of mental health concerns. Students write weekly journal reflections, conduct an informational interview, and complete a final paper. Site supervisors provide formal feedback at the end of the internship.
Fall 2024 Internship Each student secures an internship at a community organization that serves children/adults, providing experience with the treatment/prevention of mental health concerns. Students write weekly journal reflections, conduct an informational interview, and complete a final paper. Site supervisors provide formal feedback at the end of the internship. 3 14 51 Y GLD-Professional & Civic Engagement; Experiential Learning Opportunity; Internship Programs,Career development,Apply specialized knowledge,Integrative and applied learning,Self-knowledge
Civic Engagement & Service-Learning Programs


Civic Engagement & Service-Learning Programs - The primary mission of Service-Learning Programs is to engage students in experiences that address human and community needs together with structured opportunities for reflection intentionally designed to promote student learning and development.

Service-Learning - PALM 495
An exploration of theories of service-learning with application of practical solutions to meet community needs.
Fall 2024 Service Learning An exploration of theories of service-learning with application of practical solutions to meet community needs. 13 33 112 Y GLD-Community Service; Experiential Learning Opportunity; Civic Engagement & Service-Learning Programs,Apply specialized knowledge,Community service / civic engagement,Specialized knowledge and skills,Personal and social responsibility - Contributing to a larger community
Internship Programs


Internship Programs - The primary mission of Internship Programs is to engage students in planned, educationally-related work and learning experiences that integrate knowledge and theory with practical application and skill development in a professional setting.

Internship in Sport & Entertainment Management - SPTE 495
Students engage in a supervised work experience in a sport or entertainment area. Internship is a minimum of 520 work hours over 13 weeks and is selected by the student with the assistance and approval of the Internship Instructor.
Fall 2024 Internship Students engage in a supervised work experience in a sport or entertainment area. Internship is a minimum of 520 work hours over 13 weeks and is selected by the student with the assistance and approval of the Internship Instructor. 3 17 79 Y GLD-Professional & Civic Engagement; Experiential Learning Opportunity; Internship Programs,Apply specialized knowledge,Career development,Specialized knowledge and skills,Self-knowledge
Internship Programs


Internship Programs - The primary mission of Internship Programs is to engage students in planned, educationally-related work and learning experiences that integrate knowledge and theory with practical application and skill development in a professional setting.

Practicum in Sport & Entertainment Management - SPTE 295
Students engage in a supervised work experience in a sport or entertainment area. Practicum is a minimum of 520 work hours over 13 weeks and is selected by the student with the assistance and approval of the Practicum Instructor. It is meant to be the student's introduction to the specific field in which they wish to pursue a career.
Fall 2024 Practicum Students engage in a supervised work experience in a sport or entertainment area. Practicum is a minimum of 520 work hours over 13 weeks and is selected by the student with the assistance and approval of the Practicum Instructor. It is meant to be the student's introduction to the specific field in which they wish to pursue a career. 3 17 79 Y GLD-Professional & Civic Engagement; Experiential Learning Opportunity; Internship Programs,Apply specialized knowledge,Career development,Specialized knowledge and skills,
Internship Programs


Internship Programs - The primary mission of Internship Programs is to engage students in planned, educationally-related work and learning experiences that integrate knowledge and theory with practical application and skill development in a professional setting.

Retailing Internship - RETL 495
Students engage in supervised work experience within the retail industry that links classroom learning and student interest with the acquisition of knowledge in an applied work setting.
Fall 2024 Internship Students engage in supervised work experience within the retail industry that links classroom learning and student interest with the acquisition of knowledge in an applied work setting. 3 17 77 Y GLD-Professional & Civic Engagement; Experiential Learning Opportunity; Internship Programs,Apply specialized knowledge,,Specialized knowledge and skills,
Internship Programs


Internship Programs - The primary mission of Internship Programs is to engage students in planned, educationally-related work and learning experiences that integrate knowledge and theory with practical application and skill development in a professional setting.

Retailing Practicum - RETL 295
Students apply knowledge, skills and/or certifications acquired in retailing courses to an in-field experience; work closely with retailing professionals; discover viable career paths; identify work-related interests and values; and analyze the practicum site to gain a better understanding of the company and the competitive marketplace.
Fall 2024 Practicum Students apply knowledge, skills and/or certifications acquired in retailing courses to an in-field experience; work closely with retailing professionals; discover viable career paths; identify work-related interests and values; and analyze the practicum site to gain a better understanding of the company and the competitive marketplace. 3 17 77 Y Experiential Learning Opportunity; Internship Programs,Apply specialized knowledge,Career development,Specialized knowledge and skills,Integrative and applied learning
Internship Programs


Internship Programs - The primary mission of Internship Programs is to engage students in planned, educationally-related work and learning experiences that integrate knowledge and theory with practical application and skill development in a professional setting.

Internship - SVAD 499
Students secure an internship in a media or design field that they want to pursue professionally, upon graduation and work up to 10 hours a week (total of 160 hours during the semester). Students identify professional and personal goals for the experience, reflect in a journal on what they are learning, and receive a supervisor evaluation.
Fall 2024 Internship Students secure an internship in a media or design field that they want to pursue professionally, upon graduation and work up to 10 hours a week (total of 160 hours during the semester). Students identify professional and personal goals for the experience, reflect in a journal on what they are learning, and receive a supervisor evaluation. 3 14 56 Y Experiential Learning Opportunity; GLD-Professional & Civic Engagement; Internship Programs,Career development,Apply specialized knowledge,Integrative and applied learning,Professionalism / career readiness
Capstone Experience


Capstone Experience - A course or project that engages students in a culminating and integrative experience, intended to connect the key learning objectives of an educational program.

Public Health Capstone Seminar - PUBH 498
Students synthesize and apply content knowledge and competencies developed in the BS/BA public health degree program, in a practice setting with emphasis on student identified areas for professional growth.
Fall 2024 Capstone Course or Project Students synthesize and apply content knowledge and competencies developed in the BS/BA public health degree program, in a practice setting with emphasis on student identified areas for professional growth. 3 24 87 Y GLD-Professional & Civic Engagement; Experiential Learning Opportunity; Capstone Experience,Apply specialized knowledge,Career readiness,Specialized knowledge and skills,
Undergraduate Research Programs


Undergraduate Research Programs - The primary mission of Undergraduate Research Programs is to engage students in investigative and creative activity to experience firsthand the processes of scholarly exploration and discovery.

Fundamental Genetics Laboratory - BIOL 303L
Experiences surrounding undergraduate research focusing on applied molecular biology and genetics techniques.
Fall 2024 Research Education Experiences surrounding undergraduate research focusing on applied molecular biology and genetics techniques. 3 14 39 Y Experiential Learning Opportunity; Undergraduate Research Programs,Research,Apply specialized knowledge,Specialized knowledge and skills,Inquiry and analysis
Undergraduate Research Programs


Undergraduate Research Programs - The primary mission of Undergraduate Research Programs is to engage students in investigative and creative activity to experience firsthand the processes of scholarly exploration and discovery.

Cellular and Molecular Biology Laboratory - BIOL 302L
Students engage in hands-on research methods and protocols used in molecular biology labs globally, then practice integrating that knowledge into developing their own research proposals, conducting presentations, calculating concentrations of reagents needed, executing experiments, collecting data, analyzing data, and writing up findings.
Fall 2024 Research Education Students engage in hands-on research methods and protocols used in molecular biology labs globally, then practice integrating that knowledge into developing their own research proposals, conducting presentations, calculating concentrations of reagents needed, executing experiments, collecting data, analyzing data, and writing up findings. 3 14 39 Y Experiential Learning Opportunity; Undergraduate Research Programs,Research,Apply specialized knowledge,Integrative and applied learning,Critical and creative thinking
Student Leadership Programs


Student Leadership Programs - The mission of Student Leadership Programs must be to prepare students to engage in the process of leadership.

Laboratory Teaching Experience - BIOL 398
Students serve as Peer Leaders in a Peer Led Team Learning (PLTL) environment and use their understanding of biological concepts as they help to support other students currently enrolled in a Biology course. Peer Leaders ask questions that help students progress through an assigned activity or in-class discussion.
Fall 2024 Peer Educator Students serve as Peer Leaders in a Peer Led Team Learning (PLTL) environment and use their understanding of biological concepts as they help to support other students currently enrolled in a Biology course. Peer Leaders ask questions that help students progress through an assigned activity or in-class discussion. 3 14 39 Y GLD-Professional & Civic Engagement; Experiential Learning Opportunity; Student Leadership Programs,Apply specialized knowledge,Leadership,Specialized knowledge and skills,Influencing others
Internship Programs


Internship Programs - The primary mission of Internship Programs is to engage students in planned, educationally-related work and learning experiences that integrate knowledge and theory with practical application and skill development in a professional setting.

Adolescent Mentoring - CRJU 551
Students spend the first five week of the semester in intensive training and are then paired as a mentor with a student at a local disciplinary alternative school. The remainder of the semester is spent focused on mentoring and ongoing support, discussion, reflection, and supplemental training.
Fall 2024 Practicum Students spend the first five week of the semester in intensive training and are then paired as a mentor with a student at a local disciplinary alternative school. The remainder of the semester is spent focused on mentoring and ongoing support, discussion, reflection, and supplemental training. 3 14 41 Y GLD-Professional & Civic Engagement; Experiential Learning Opportunity; Internship Programs,Apply specialized knowledge,,Specialized knowledge and skills,
Capstone Experience


Capstone Experience - A course or project that engages students in a culminating and integrative experience, intended to connect the key learning objectives of an educational program.

Capstone Design Project II - ELCT 404
Working in teams of typically four, students analyze requirements posed by a project proponent (i.e. customer), then design and build a prototype of a system that meets the proponent's needs. The course is designed to provide an authentic engineering project experience that is representative of a typical engineer's early professional years.
Fall 2024 Capstone Course or Project Working in teams of typically four, students analyze requirements posed by a project proponent (i.e. customer), then design and build a prototype of a system that meets the proponent's needs. The course is designed to provide an authentic engineering project experience that is representative of a typical engineer's early professional years. 3 19 72 Y GLD-Professional & Civic Engagement; Experiential Learning Opportunity; Capstone Experience,Apply specialized knowledge,,Specialized knowledge and skills,
Capstone Experience


Capstone Experience - A course or project that engages students in a culminating and integrative experience, intended to connect the key learning objectives of an educational program.

Developing & Launching New Ventures - MGMT 473
The Emerging Venture Project (EVP) is a team project during which students apply the concepts and tools from the class to an emerging venture, in order to experience entrepreneurship in action. Students produce a final paper, founder/sponsor deliverable, and class presentation.
Fall 2024 Capstone Course or Project The Emerging Venture Project (EVP) is a team project during which students apply the concepts and tools from the class to an emerging venture, in order to experience entrepreneurship in action. Students produce a final paper, founder/sponsor deliverable, and class presentation. 3 15 64 Y Experiential Learning Opportunity; GLD-Professional & Civic Engagement; Capstone Experience,Apply specialized knowledge,,Specialized knowledge and skills,
Capstone Experience


Capstone Experience - A course or project that engages students in a culminating and integrative experience, intended to connect the key learning objectives of an educational program.

Executing Strategy New Venture - MGMT 474
Students engage in a team project during which they apply concepts and tools learned in class to an emerging venture, in order to experience entrepreneurship in action. Students produce a final paper, founder/sponsor deliverable (external project only to be negotiated with the founder/project sponsor) and class presentation.
Fall 2024 Capstone Course or Project Students engage in a team project during which they apply concepts and tools learned in class to an emerging venture, in order to experience entrepreneurship in action. Students produce a final paper, founder/sponsor deliverable (external project only to be negotiated with the founder/project sponsor) and class presentation. 3 15 64 Y Experiential Learning Opportunity; GLD-Professional & Civic Engagement; Capstone Experience,Apply specialized knowledge,,Specialized knowledge and skills,Teamwork
Capstone Experience


Capstone Experience - A course or project that engages students in a culminating and integrative experience, intended to connect the key learning objectives of an educational program.

GSCOM Capstone Project - MGSC 497
Student consulting teams apply Operations and Supply Chain concepts and techniques to solve operational problems, identify improvement opportunities in service and manufacturing firms, write recommendation and implementation reports, oversee pilot or full-scale implementations, and make presentations of their work to the firm’s management group.
Fall 2024 Capstone Course or Project Student consulting teams apply Operations and Supply Chain concepts and techniques to solve operational problems, identify improvement opportunities in service and manufacturing firms, write recommendation and implementation reports, oversee pilot or full-scale implementations, and make presentations of their work to the firm’s management group. 3 15 65 Y GLD-Professional & Civic Engagement; Experiential Learning Opportunity; Capstone Experience,Apply specialized knowledge,,Specialized knowledge and skills,
Internship Programs


Internship Programs - The primary mission of Internship Programs is to engage students in planned, educationally-related work and learning experiences that integrate knowledge and theory with practical application and skill development in a professional setting.

Senior Nursing Capstone Practicum - NURS 435
Final Semester Senior Clinical Immersion Experience
Fall 2024 Internship Final Semester Senior Clinical Immersion Experience 3 20 106 Y Experiential Learning Opportunity; GLD-Professional & Civic Engagement; Internship Programs,Apply specialized knowledge,Career readiness,Specialized knowledge and skills,Professionalism / career readiness
Internship Programs


Internship Programs - The primary mission of Internship Programs is to engage students in planned, educationally-related work and learning experiences that integrate knowledge and theory with practical application and skill development in a professional setting.

Washington Semester Internship - SCHC 493
SC Washington Semester Program students live in Washington DC while participating in full-time internships. Students engage in enrichment activities with the on-site academic director and peers, and have the chance to discuss/reflect on their experiences. Students submit in-class journal entries for further structured reflection opportunities.
Fall 2024 Internship SC Washington Semester Program students live in Washington DC while participating in full-time internships. Students engage in enrichment activities with the on-site academic director and peers, and have the chance to discuss/reflect on their experiences. Students submit in-class journal entries for further structured reflection opportunities. 3 26 75 Y GLD-Professional & Civic Engagement; Experiential Learning Opportunity; Internship Programs,Apply specialized knowledge,Career readiness,Specialized knowledge and skills,Professionalism / career readiness
Undergraduate Research Programs


Undergraduate Research Programs - The primary mission of Undergraduate Research Programs is to engage students in investigative and creative activity to experience firsthand the processes of scholarly exploration and discovery.

Advanced Sociological Research Methods - SOCY 561
Students apply knowledge in a real world context by studying a social phenomenon using scientific research methods and producing a research project that mirrors professional standards. Students gather primary data, present their work, get feedback, and reflect on the challenges of the research process in studying their question.
Fall 2024 Research Education Students apply knowledge in a real world context by studying a social phenomenon using scientific research methods and producing a research project that mirrors professional standards. Students gather primary data, present their work, get feedback, and reflect on the challenges of the research process in studying their question. 3 14 53 Y GLD-Research; Experiential Learning Opportunity; Undergraduate Research Programs,Research,,Inquiry and analysis,
Capstone Experience


Capstone Experience - A course or project that engages students in a culminating and integrative experience, intended to connect the key learning objectives of an educational program.

Seminar in Geography - GEOG 495
Undergraduate geography majors engage in group-based research projects to integrate and apply knowledge and skills gained throughout the geography degree program. Students work with community partners on projects that address real-life problems and needs. Students gather, analyze, and present information that is of use to our community partners.
Fall 2024 Capstone Course or Project Undergraduate geography majors engage in group-based research projects to integrate and apply knowledge and skills gained throughout the geography degree program. Students work with community partners on projects that address real-life problems and needs. Students gather, analyze, and present information that is of use to our community partners. 3 14 44 Y Experiential Learning Opportunity; GLD-Community Service; Capstone Experience,Apply specialized knowledge,,Problem solving,Inquiry and analysis
Internship Programs


Internship Programs - The primary mission of Internship Programs is to engage students in planned, educationally-related work and learning experiences that integrate knowledge and theory with practical application and skill development in a professional setting.

Practicum in Orchestra Methods - MUED 533P
Student teachers in the University of South Carolina String Project, a nationally recognized model of community service, provide instruction to public school students while developing their teacher identity. String Project teachers provide a supportive cohort for one another and administrators provide structure and feedback.
Fall 2024 Practicum Student teachers in the University of South Carolina String Project, a nationally recognized model of community service, provide instruction to public school students while developing their teacher identity. String Project teachers provide a supportive cohort for one another and administrators provide structure and feedback. 3 25 82 Y Experiential Learning Opportunity; Internship Programs,Apply specialized knowledge,Community service / civic engagement,Specialized knowledge and skills,
Civic Engagement & Service-Learning Programs


Civic Engagement & Service-Learning Programs - The primary mission of Service-Learning Programs is to engage students in experiences that address human and community needs together with structured opportunities for reflection intentionally designed to promote student learning and development.

Community Engagement Through Music - MUSC 595
The course includes visits to four potential community partners and culminates in a student-designed interactive performance at a community location.
Fall 2024 Civic Engagement The course includes visits to four potential community partners and culminates in a student-designed interactive performance at a community location. 3 25 105 Y GLD-Community Service; Experiential Learning Opportunity; Civic Engagement & Service-Learning Programs,Community service / civic engagement,Apply specialized knowledge,Civic knowledge and engagement,Specialized knowledge and skills
Undergraduate Research Programs


Undergraduate Research Programs - The primary mission of Undergraduate Research Programs is to engage students in investigative and creative activity to experience firsthand the processes of scholarly exploration and discovery.

Seminar in Philosophy - PHIL 490
Review of central topics in philosophy serving as a capstone course for senior majors in philosophy. The course will introduce students to basic techniques for research and development of academic scholarship.
Fall 2024 Research Education Review of central topics in philosophy serving as a capstone course for senior majors in philosophy. The course will introduce students to basic techniques for research and development of academic scholarship. 3 14 48 Y GLD-Research; Experiential Learning Opportunity; Undergraduate Research Programs,Research,Apply specialized knowledge,Inquiry and analysis,Specialized knowledge and skills
Internship Programs


Internship Programs - The primary mission of Internship Programs is to engage students in planned, educationally-related work and learning experiences that integrate knowledge and theory with practical application and skill development in a professional setting.

State Government Internship - POLI 378
Student interns work with an executive agency, the Governor’s office, the state legislature, or other South Carolina state government location. Internship tasks range from policy and legal research, communications efforts, or legislative liaison work. Interns prepare a portfolio of their work during the term, and attend a weekly class session.
Fall 2024 Internship Student interns work with an executive agency, the Governor’s office, the state legislature, or other South Carolina state government location. Internship tasks range from policy and legal research, communications efforts, or legislative liaison work. Interns prepare a portfolio of their work during the term, and attend a weekly class session. 3 14 50 Y GLD-Professional & Civic Engagement; Experiential Learning Opportunity; Internship Programs,Career readiness,Career development,Civic knowledge and engagement,Specialized knowledge and skills
Learning Assistance Programs


Learning Assistance Programs - The primary mission of Learning Assistance Programs must be to provide students with resources and opportunities to improve their ability to learn and to achieve academic success.

Carolina Experience Workshop
Students engage in-depth on a topic of interest, in a small group setting, facilitated by a trained presenter. Topics include: academic success, time management, mid-term/final test preparation, apps/technology, budgeting, finding faculty mentors, and more.
Fall 2024 Educational Support Students engage in-depth on a topic of interest, in a small group setting, facilitated by a trained presenter. Topics include: academic success, time management, mid-term/final test preparation, apps/technology, budgeting, finding faculty mentors, and more. 3 11 30 Carolina Experience N ; Learning Assistance Programs,Study / Practice self knowledge,Study / Practice intellectual skills,Foundations and skills for lifelong learning,Self-knowledge
Learning Assistance Programs


Learning Assistance Programs - The primary mission of Learning Assistance Programs must be to provide students with resources and opportunities to improve their ability to learn and to achieve academic success.

Senior Year Success Consultation
Students meet -on-1 with a junior, senior, or graduate student Carolina Experience peer leader to discuss concerns that are topical in the fourth year; peer leaders provide resource information and help students develop actionable next steps based on their personal interests and needs.
Fall 2024 Educational Support Students meet -on-1 with a junior, senior, or graduate student Carolina Experience peer leader to discuss concerns that are topical in the fourth year; peer leaders provide resource information and help students develop actionable next steps based on their personal interests and needs. 3 11 30 Carolina Experience N ; Learning Assistance Programs,Study / Practice self knowledge,Study / Practice intellectual skills,Foundations and skills for lifelong learning,Self-knowledge
Campus Activities Programs


Campus Activities Programs - The purpose of Campus Activities Programs must be to enhance the overall educational experience of students through development of, exposure to, and participation in programs and activities that improve student cooperation and leadership while preparing students to be responsible advocates and citizens and complementing the institution's academic programs.

Senior Year Success Event
Participants meet other fourth or fifth year students in a relaxed environment and have the opportunity to build community within their class year, strengthen a connection to USC, develop memories, and just have fun.
Fall 2024 Community Building Participants meet other fourth or fifth year students in a relaxed environment and have the opportunity to build community within their class year, strengthen a connection to USC, develop memories, and just have fun. 3 11 30 Carolina Experience N ; Campus Activities Programs,Connecting with others,Recreation, leisure, entertainment,Self-knowledge,Foundations and skills for lifelong learning
Recreational Sports Programs


Recreational Sports Programs - The mission of Recreational Sports Programs must be to enhance the mind, body, and spirit of students and other eligible individuals by providing programs, services, and facilities that are responsive to the physical, social, recreational, and lifelong educational needs of the campus community as they relate to health, fitness, and learning.

Campus Recreation Fitness Instructor
Student instructors safely deliver a quality fitness service to patrons and serve as an educational resource for how to develop effective fitness practices.
Fall 2024 Employment On Campus Student instructors safely deliver a quality fitness service to patrons and serve as an educational resource for how to develop effective fitness practices. 3 11 117 Campus Recreation N ; Recreational Sports Programs,Career readiness,,Communication - spoken,Professionalism / career readiness
Recreational Sports Programs


Recreational Sports Programs - The mission of Recreational Sports Programs must be to enhance the mind, body, and spirit of students and other eligible individuals by providing programs, services, and facilities that are responsive to the physical, social, recreational, and lifelong educational needs of the campus community as they relate to health, fitness, and learning.

Outdoor Recreation Skills Clinic
Students listen to a presentation and interact with others for hands-on skill development and application, to improve their proficiency in an outdoor recreation activity.
Fall 2024 Campus Activities Students listen to a presentation and interact with others for hands-on skill development and application, to improve their proficiency in an outdoor recreation activity. 3 11 117 Campus Recreation N ; Recreational Sports Programs,Recreation, leisure, entertainment,Connecting with others,Self-knowledge,
Academic Advising Programs


Academic Advising Programs - The primary purpose of Academic Advising Programs is to assist students in the development of meaningful educational plans.

Exploratory Advising / Major Change
Students meet 1-on-1 with an Exploratory Advisor to explore majors/degree programs, learn how to change majors, evaluate how completed coursework will apply to a new major, plan class schedules, and get help with general advisement questions.
Spring 2024 Educational Support Students meet 1-on-1 with an Exploratory Advisor to explore majors/degree programs, learn how to change majors, evaluate how completed coursework will apply to a new major, plan class schedules, and get help with general advisement questions. 3 12 34 University Advising Center N ; Academic Advising Programs,Study / Practice intellectual skills,Study / Practice self knowledge,Self-knowledge,
Academic Advising Programs


Academic Advising Programs - The primary purpose of Academic Advising Programs is to assist students in the development of meaningful educational plans.

Exploratory Advising / Major Change
Students meet 1-on-1 with an Exploratory Advisor to explore majors/degree programs, learn how to change majors, evaluate how completed coursework will apply to a new major, plan class schedules, and get help with general advisement questions.
Summer 2024 Educational Support Students meet 1-on-1 with an Exploratory Advisor to explore majors/degree programs, learn how to change majors, evaluate how completed coursework will apply to a new major, plan class schedules, and get help with general advisement questions. 3 12 34 University Advising Center N ; Academic Advising Programs,Study / Practice intellectual skills,Study / Practice self knowledge,Self-knowledge,
Academic Advising Programs


Academic Advising Programs - The primary purpose of Academic Advising Programs is to assist students in the development of meaningful educational plans.

Exploratory Advising / Major Change
Students meet 1-on-1 with an Exploratory Advisor to explore majors/degree programs, learn how to change majors, evaluate how completed coursework will apply to a new major, plan class schedules, and get help with general advisement questions.
Fall 2024 Educational Support Students meet 1-on-1 with an Exploratory Advisor to explore majors/degree programs, learn how to change majors, evaluate how completed coursework will apply to a new major, plan class schedules, and get help with general advisement questions. 3 12 34 University Advising Center N ; Academic Advising Programs,Study / Practice intellectual skills,Study / Practice self knowledge,Self-knowledge,
Recreational Sports Programs


Recreational Sports Programs - The mission of Recreational Sports Programs must be to enhance the mind, body, and spirit of students and other eligible individuals by providing programs, services, and facilities that are responsive to the physical, social, recreational, and lifelong educational needs of the campus community as they relate to health, fitness, and learning.

Campus Recreation Personal Fitness Training
Students work with a personal trainer to identify their fitness goals and practice individually tailored exercises and routines; each session is 60 minutes in length.
Fall 2024 Physical, Mental, Emotional Health Students work with a personal trainer to identify their fitness goals and practice individually tailored exercises and routines; each session is 60 minutes in length. 3 11 117 Campus Recreation N ; Recreational Sports Programs,Study / Practice physical well being,Study / Practice self knowledge,Self-knowledge,
Recreational Sports Programs


Recreational Sports Programs - The mission of Recreational Sports Programs must be to enhance the mind, body, and spirit of students and other eligible individuals by providing programs, services, and facilities that are responsive to the physical, social, recreational, and lifelong educational needs of the campus community as they relate to health, fitness, and learning.

Campus Recreation Personal Fitness Training
Students work with a personal trainer to identify their fitness goals and practice individually tailored exercises and routines; each session is 60 minutes in length.
Spring 2024 Physical, Mental, Emotional Health Students work with a personal trainer to identify their fitness goals and practice individually tailored exercises and routines; each session is 60 minutes in length. 3 11 117 Campus Recreation N ; Recreational Sports Programs,Study / Practice physical well being,Study / Practice self knowledge,Self-knowledge,
Campus Activities Programs


Campus Activities Programs - The purpose of Campus Activities Programs must be to enhance the overall educational experience of students through development of, exposure to, and participation in programs and activities that improve student cooperation and leadership while preparing students to be responsible advocates and citizens and complementing the institution's academic programs.

First-Generation Center Welcome Drop-In
Students can interact with other first-generation students and with representatives from high impact learning offices, such as Education Abroad, Undergraduate Research, and the Career Center/Internships. The event is intended to help students connect with one another, faculty, and staff and learn more about opportunities at the university.
Fall 2024 Campus Activities Students can interact with other first-generation students and with representatives from high impact learning offices, such as Education Abroad, Undergraduate Research, and the Career Center/Internships. The event is intended to help students connect with one another, faculty, and staff and learn more about opportunities at the university. 3 12 114 First-Generation Center N ; Campus Activities Programs,Connecting with others,,Self-knowledge,
Education Abroad Programs & Services


Education Abroad Programs & Services - Education Abroad Programs and Services facilitate and oversee student participation in educational experiences that occur in countries outside the institution's home country.

Study Abroad - Global Classroom
Students engage in a short-term, USC faculty-led program, focusing on a specific subject area or foreign language. Program sites and course offerings vary from year to year.
Fall 2024 Study Abroad Students engage in a short-term, USC faculty-led program, focusing on a specific subject area or foreign language. Program sites and course offerings vary from year to year. 3 12 31 Study Abroad N GLD-Global Learning; Experiential Learning Opportunity; Education Abroad Programs & Services,Global learning,,Intercultural knowledge and competence,Specialized knowledge and skills
Education Abroad Programs & Services


Education Abroad Programs & Services - Education Abroad Programs and Services facilitate and oversee student participation in educational experiences that occur in countries outside the institution's home country.

Study Abroad - Global Direct
Students engage in a summer, semester, or academic year direct-enroll program while focusing on specific topics, foreign languages, or various subject areas. Students take courses from an approved academic institution and pay tuition and fees directly to the host institution.
Fall 2024 Study Abroad Students engage in a summer, semester, or academic year direct-enroll program while focusing on specific topics, foreign languages, or various subject areas. Students take courses from an approved academic institution and pay tuition and fees directly to the host institution. 3 12 31 Study Abroad N GLD-Global Learning; Experiential Learning Opportunity; Education Abroad Programs & Services,Global learning,,Intercultural knowledge and competence,Specialized knowledge and skills
Education Abroad Programs & Services


Education Abroad Programs & Services - Education Abroad Programs and Services facilitate and oversee student participation in educational experiences that occur in countries outside the institution's home country.

Study Abroad - Global Partner
Students engage in a summer, semester, or academic year program with an independent study abroad organization.
Fall 2024 Study Abroad Students engage in a summer, semester, or academic year program with an independent study abroad organization. 3 12 31 Study Abroad N GLD-Global Learning; Experiential Learning Opportunity; Education Abroad Programs & Services,Global learning,,Intercultural knowledge and competence,Specialized knowledge and skills
Education Abroad Programs & Services


Education Abroad Programs & Services - Education Abroad Programs and Services facilitate and oversee student participation in educational experiences that occur in countries outside the institution's home country.

Study Abroad - Global USC
Students engage in intensive, multi-disciplinary overseas summer programs, earning 3-9 credits while participating in cultural excursions and academic activities as part of a cohort.
Fall 2024 Study Abroad Students engage in intensive, multi-disciplinary overseas summer programs, earning 3-9 credits while participating in cultural excursions and academic activities as part of a cohort. 3 12 31 Study Abroad N GLD-Global Learning; Experiential Learning Opportunity; Education Abroad Programs & Services,Global learning,,Intercultural knowledge and competence,Specialized knowledge and skills
Education Abroad Programs & Services


Education Abroad Programs & Services - Education Abroad Programs and Services facilitate and oversee student participation in educational experiences that occur in countries outside the institution's home country.

Study Abroad - Global Exchange
Students engage in a semester or academic year exchange program in conjunction with a partner institution. Some focus on specific areas of study; others are open to all majors. Students are charged USC in-state tuition while enrolled in this program.
Fall 2024 Study Abroad Students engage in a semester or academic year exchange program in conjunction with a partner institution. Some focus on specific areas of study; others are open to all majors. Students are charged USC in-state tuition while enrolled in this program. 3 12 31 Study Abroad N GLD-Global Learning; Experiential Learning Opportunity; Education Abroad Programs & Services,Global learning,,Intercultural knowledge and competence,Specialized knowledge and skills
Career Services


Career Services - The primary mission of Career Services is to assist students and other designated clients in developing, evaluating, and implementing career, education, and employment plans.

Gamecocks Get Hired Job Fair
Students interact with representatives from employer organizations about current and future employment opportunities including internships, co-ops, and full-time positions.
Fall 2024 Career Development Students interact with representatives from employer organizations about current and future employment opportunities including internships, co-ops, and full-time positions. 3 11 30 Career Center N ; Career Services,Career development,,Self-knowledge,
Career Services


Career Services - The primary mission of Career Services is to assist students and other designated clients in developing, evaluating, and implementing career, education, and employment plans.

Hospitality, Retail and Sport Management Experience Expo
Students interact with prospective employers to learn about opportunities and obtain interviews for internships and full-time jobs. Students interact with study abroad providers to learn about international experiences available to USC and College of HRSM students.
Fall 2024 Career Development Students interact with prospective employers to learn about opportunities and obtain interviews for internships and full-time jobs. Students interact with study abroad providers to learn about international experiences available to USC and College of HRSM students. 3 17 103 N ; Career Services,Career development,Career readiness,Self-knowledge,Influencing others
Career Services


Career Services - The primary mission of Career Services is to assist students and other designated clients in developing, evaluating, and implementing career, education, and employment plans.

Moore School of Business EXPO
Students interact with representatives from employer organizations about current and future employment opportunities including internships and full-time positions.
Fall 2024 Career Development Students interact with representatives from employer organizations about current and future employment opportunities including internships and full-time positions. 3 11 30 Career Center N ; Career Services,Career development,,Self-knowledge,
Career Services


Career Services - The primary mission of Career Services is to assist students and other designated clients in developing, evaluating, and implementing career, education, and employment plans.

STEM Job Fair
Students interact with representatives from employer organizations about current and future employment opportunities including internships, co-ops, and full-time positions.
Fall 2024 Career Development Students interact with representatives from employer organizations about current and future employment opportunities including internships, co-ops, and full-time positions. 3 11 30 Career Center N ; Career Services,Career development,Career readiness,Self-knowledge,Professionalism / career readiness
Career Services


Career Services - The primary mission of Career Services is to assist students and other designated clients in developing, evaluating, and implementing career, education, and employment plans.

Health Professions Fair
Students interact with representatives from employer organizations about current and future employment opportunities including internships, co-ops, and full-time positions.
Fall 2024 Career Development Students interact with representatives from employer organizations about current and future employment opportunities including internships, co-ops, and full-time positions. 3 11 30 Career Center N ; Career Services,Career development,Career readiness,Self-knowledge,Professionalism / career readiness
Career Services


Career Services - The primary mission of Career Services is to assist students and other designated clients in developing, evaluating, and implementing career, education, and employment plans.

Part-Time Job Fair
Students interact with representatives from campus departments and community organizations about current part-time employment opportunities.
Fall 2024 Career Development Students interact with representatives from campus departments and community organizations about current part-time employment opportunities. 3 11 30 Career Center N ; Career Services,Career development,Career readiness,Self-knowledge,Professionalism / career readiness
Housing and Residential Life Programs


Housing and Residential Life Programs - The mission of Housing and Residential Life Programs is accomplished through the coordination of several interdependent specialized areas; residence education / programming, business operations, and housing/facilities management.

Resident Connection
Students engage in conversations with their resident assistant (RA) regarding their transition to college, making friends, coursework, and overall wellbeing
Fall 2024 Community Building Students engage in conversations with their resident assistant (RA) regarding their transition to college, making friends, coursework, and overall wellbeing 3 11 29 University Housing N ; Housing and Residential Life Programs,Connecting with others,,Self-knowledge,



Recovery Ally Workshop
Students develop knowledge and skills to support UofSC students in recovery from substance use disorder and to promote a more recovery-friendly campus community.
Fall 2024 Students develop knowledge and skills to support UofSC students in recovery from substance use disorder and to promote a more recovery-friendly campus community. 3 11 117 Substance Abuse Prevention & Education N GLD-Professional & Civic Engagement; GLD-Community Service; ,Community service / civic engagement,,Personal and social responsibility - Taking seriously the perspectives of others,Influencing others
Student Employment


Student Employment - Student is employed part-time by the university and engages in career readiness development activities as part of supervision process.

New Student Employee Orientation
Student employees listen to expert presenters on what it means to be a student employee in the division of student affairs and academic support, how their roles can benefit their future careers, participate in teambuilders, and receive instructions on inclusive leadership and belonging.
Fall 2024 Career Development Student employees listen to expert presenters on what it means to be a student employee in the division of student affairs and academic support, how their roles can benefit their future careers, participate in teambuilders, and receive instructions on inclusive leadership and belonging. 3 11 124 Human Resources N ; Student Employment,Career readiness,,Professionalism / career readiness,
Student Employment


Student Employment - Student is employed part-time by the university and engages in career readiness development activities as part of supervision process.

Student Employee Professional Development Workshop
Workshops vary from 1 – 2.5 hours and focus on workplace skills. In some sessions, student employees listen to an expert presenter/speaker without direct interaction with others; some sessions include small-group activities designed to practice skills or apply new knowledge.
Fall 2024 Career Development Workshops vary from 1 – 2.5 hours and focus on workplace skills. In some sessions, student employees listen to an expert presenter/speaker without direct interaction with others; some sessions include small-group activities designed to practice skills or apply new knowledge. 3 11 124 Human Resources N ; Student Employment,Career readiness,,Professionalism / career readiness,
Internship Programs


Internship Programs - The primary mission of Internship Programs is to engage students in planned, educationally-related work and learning experiences that integrate knowledge and theory with practical application and skill development in a professional setting.

Experiential Learning in Mass Communications - JOUR 396
Students engage in a supervised professional experience in mass communications-related fields, while employed by an external organization in an internship role in which they apply the knowledge and skills learned in their major and general education courses.
Fall 2024 Internship Students engage in a supervised professional experience in mass communications-related fields, while employed by an external organization in an internship role in which they apply the knowledge and skills learned in their major and general education courses. 3 18 81 Y Experiential Learning Opportunity; Internship Programs,Career readiness,Apply specialized knowledge,Professionalism / career readiness,Integrative and applied learning
Internship Programs


Internship Programs - The primary mission of Internship Programs is to engage students in planned, educationally-related work and learning experiences that integrate knowledge and theory with practical application and skill development in a professional setting.

Honors Internship - SCHC 498
Internships are an important part of the Honors Beyond the Classroom program. Students receive academic credit while gaining valuable experience in their chosen career field, receiving helpful feedback on their performance and reflecting on their experience.
Fall 2024 Internship Internships are an important part of the Honors Beyond the Classroom program. Students receive academic credit while gaining valuable experience in their chosen career field, receiving helpful feedback on their performance and reflecting on their experience. 3 26 75 Y Experiential Learning Opportunity; GLD-Professional & Civic Engagement; Internship Programs,Apply specialized knowledge,Career readiness,Specialized knowledge and skills,Professionalism / career readiness
Internship Programs


Internship Programs - The primary mission of Internship Programs is to engage students in planned, educationally-related work and learning experiences that integrate knowledge and theory with practical application and skill development in a professional setting.

Internship in Geography - GEOG 595
Students serve as interns (paid or unpaid) in government agencies, private-sector businesses, or non-profit organizations. Internship activities and experiential learning are supervised jointly by sponsors and the internship program of the department.
Fall 2024 Internship Students serve as interns (paid or unpaid) in government agencies, private-sector businesses, or non-profit organizations. Internship activities and experiential learning are supervised jointly by sponsors and the internship program of the department. 3 14 44 Y GLD-Professional & Civic Engagement; GLD-Community Service; Experiential Learning Opportunity; Internship Programs,Apply specialized knowledge,Career readiness,Specialized knowledge and skills,Professionalism / career readiness
Capstone Experience


Capstone Experience - A course or project that engages students in a culminating and integrative experience, intended to connect the key learning objectives of an educational program.

Applications in Entrepreneurship and New Ventures - MGMT 479
Small teams provide consulting for local early-stage startups, applying entrepreneurial frameworks, skills and concepts. Students will contact the client at least once a week. At least once a term, students will present their findings to the client; both client/faculty provide feedback in this session. Faculty provides weekly guidance/feedback.
Fall 2024 Capstone Course or Project Small teams provide consulting for local early-stage startups, applying entrepreneurial frameworks, skills and concepts. Students will contact the client at least once a week. At least once a term, students will present their findings to the client; both client/faculty provide feedback in this session. Faculty provides weekly guidance/feedback. 3 15 64 Y GLD-Professional & Civic Engagement; Experiential Learning Opportunity; Capstone Experience,Apply specialized knowledge,Community service / civic engagement,Specialized knowledge and skills,Integrative and applied learning
Internship Programs


Internship Programs - The primary mission of Internship Programs is to engage students in planned, educationally-related work and learning experiences that integrate knowledge and theory with practical application and skill development in a professional setting.

Internship in Geological Science - GEOL 495
Each student is employed by an external organization in an internship role in which they apply the knowledge and skills learned in their major and general education courses. Students submit weekly written journal reflections and a final evaluation paper that summarizes what they've learned from their experience overall.
Spring 2025 Internship Each student is employed by an external organization in an internship role in which they apply the knowledge and skills learned in their major and general education courses. Students submit weekly written journal reflections and a final evaluation paper that summarizes what they've learned from their experience overall. 3 14 42 Y GLD-Professional & Civic Engagement; Experiential Learning Opportunity; Internship Programs,Career readiness,Study / Practice self knowledge,Professionalism / career readiness,Self-knowledge
Internship Programs


Internship Programs - The primary mission of Internship Programs is to engage students in planned, educationally-related work and learning experiences that integrate knowledge and theory with practical application and skill development in a professional setting.

Internship in the Environment - ENVR 495
Each student is employed by an external organization in an internship role in which they apply the knowledge and skills learned in their major and general education courses. Students submit weekly written journal reflections and a final evaluation paper that summarizes what they've learned from their experience overall.
Spring 2025 Internship Each student is employed by an external organization in an internship role in which they apply the knowledge and skills learned in their major and general education courses. Students submit weekly written journal reflections and a final evaluation paper that summarizes what they've learned from their experience overall. 3 14 42 Y Experiential Learning Opportunity; Internship Programs,Career readiness,Study / Practice self knowledge,Professionalism / career readiness,Self-knowledge
Multicultural Student Programs and Services


Multicultural Student Programs and Services - Multicultural Student Programs and Services must promote academic and personal growth of traditionally underserved students, work with the entire campus to create an institutional and community climate of justice, promote access and equity in higher education, and offer programs that educate the campus about diversity.

Through themed events and engaging activities, the program aims to foster personal growth, professional development, and academic success. EmpowerMENt provides a supportive space for participants to connect, explore career and life goals, and build skills that empower them to excel both on campus and beyond.
Fall 2024 Community Building Through themed events and engaging activities, the program aims to foster personal growth, professional development, and academic success. EmpowerMENt provides a supportive space for participants to connect, explore career and life goals, and build skills that empower them to excel both on campus and beyond. 3 11 28 Multicultural Student Affairs N ; Multicultural Student Programs and Services,Connecting with others,Study / Practice self knowledge,Self-knowledge,Foundations and skills for lifelong learning

Challenge the conventional. Create the exceptional. No Limits.
