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Classes on the Columbia campus beginning at 5 p.m. Thursday, Sept. 26 and all classes scheduled for Friday, Sept. 27 will be virtual.

School of Music

Bachelor of Music

This degree offers an excellent general education combined with rigorous training in an area of emphasis (composition, jazz studies, music education, music theory or performance). One-on-one training with world-class faculty and visiting artist/teachers and diverse performance opportunities prepare our graduates for the challenges of a career in music.

You can choose one of several areas of emphasis for your bachelor’s of music degree.

If you'd like to get started, please contact the admissions team by completing the online interest form.

Click here to view the study page for each respective area:


Composition students work in a rich academic environment dedicated to musical excellence and strong professional skills. Please note there are additional composition audition requirements along with UofSC and School of Music requirements if you choose to apply. 

Bachelor of Music - Composition Emphasis - 128 hours total

Carolina Core
a) Aesthetic Interpretation and Understanding (AIU): any CC-AIU course other than MUSC [3 credits]
b) Analytical Reasoning and Problem Solving (ARP): any CC-ARP course [6 credits]
c) Effective, Engaged and Persuasive Communication: Written (CMW): ENGL 101, 102 [passed with "C" or higher, 6 credits]
d) Global Citizenship and Multicultural Understanding: Social Sciences (GSS):  any CC-GSS course [3 credits]
e) Global Citizenship and Multicultural Understanding: Historical Thinking (GHS): any CC-GHS course [3 credits]
f) Global Citizenship and Multicultural Understanding: Foreign Language (GFL): Language Proficiency through 122 [0-7 credits]
g) Scientific Literacy (SCI): two CC-SCI courses (one with lab)  [7 credits]
h) Overlay Eligible Courses: Effective, Engaged and Persuasive Communication: Spoken Component (CMS); Information Literacy (INF); Values, Ethics and Social Responsibility (VSR); up to two of these requirements may be met in overlay courses [3-9 credits]
i) Electives [0-7 credits]

38 credits

Major Requirements
a) Music Theory and Aural Skills: MUSC 115, 117, 118, 215, 217, 218; two theory elective courses [16 credits]
b) Music History and Literature: MUSC 353, 354; one history elective course [9 credits]
c) Applied music courses, at least 4 semesters of 111 and 2 semesters of 311 [12 credits]
d) Music history and literature elective [3 credits]
e) Basic Conducting: MUSC 333 [2 credits]
f)  Music Theory and Composition: MUSC 312, 316, 336, 416, 515, 516, 525, 540 [33 credits]
g) Ensembles, 6 semesters of major ensemble most closely related to applied area, 1 chamber music ensemble and 1 other [8 credits]
h) Music Electives [6 credits] including MUED 155 and 156, if needed.
i) Recital Class: MUSC 100 [0 credits; 5 semesters]
j) Music Advocacy: MUSC 100A [0 credits]
k) Recital Class Lab: MUSC 100L [1 credit]

90 credits
Course Details and Four-Year Degree Plan

Requirements for previous academic years may be found here

Jazz Studies

Our jazz program fuses performance, composition and arranging into a study plan that prepares you for the professional performance world. Please note there are additional jazz audition requirements along with UofSC and School of Music requirements if you choose to apply. 

Bachelor of Music - Jazz Studies Emphasis - 128 credits total

Carolina Core
a) Aesthetic Interpretation and Understanding (AIU): MUSC 115 [3 credits]
b) Analytical Reasoning and Problem Solving (ARP): any CC-ARP course [6 credits]
c) Effective, Engaged and Persuasive Communication: Written (CMW): ENGL 101, 102 [passed with "C" or higher, 6 credits]
d) Global Citizenship and Multicultural Understanding: Social Sciences (GSS):  any CC-GSS course [3 credits]
e) Global Citizenship and Multicultural Understanding: Historical Thinking (GHS): any CC-GHS course [3 credits]
f) Global Citizenship and Multicultural Understanding: Foreign Language (GFL): Language Proficiency through 122 [0-7 credits]
g) Scientific Literacy (SCI): two CC-SCI courses (one with lab)  [7 credits]
h) Overlay Eligible Courses: Effective, Engaged and Persuasive Communication: Spoken Component (CMS); Information Literacy (INF); Values, Ethics and Social Responsibility (VSR); up to two of these requirements may be met in overlay courses [3-9 credits]
i) Electives [0-7 credits]
38 credits

Major Requirements
a) Applied Music Courses: 4 semesters of MUSC 211; 4 semesters of MUSC 411 [32 credits]
b) Music Theory and Aural Skills: MUSC 117, 118, 215, 217, 218, 319, 320 [13 credits]
c) Music History and Literature: MUSC 340, 354; one history elective course [9 credits]
d) Conducting: MUSC 333 [2 credits]
e) Jazz Theory: MUSC 319, 320 [6 credits] 
f) Jazz Improvisation: MUSC 219, 220, 329, 330 [12 credits]
g) Studio Arranging and Composition: MUSC 520 [3 credits]
g) Ensembles: Winds: 6 semesters of MUSC 131 and 2 semesters of MUSC 132; Rhythm: 2 semesters of MUSC 131, 2 semesters of MUSC 132, 4 semesters from MUSC 130C, 131, or 132 [8 credits]
i) Music Electives: including MUED 155 and 156, if needed [4 credits]
j) Recital Class: MUSC 100 [0 credits, 5 semesters]
k) Music Advocacy: MUSC 100A [0 credits]
l) Recital Class Lab:  MUSC 100L [1 credit]

90 credits
Course Details and Four-Year Degree Plan

Requirements for previous academic years may be found here

Music Education

We prepare students to become the leading music instructors of tomorrow while providing significant performance opportunities and a well-rounded education.

Bachelor of Music - Music Education Emphasis - 132 hours total

Carolina Core
a) Aesthetic Interpretation and Understanding (AIU): MUSC 115 [3 credits]
b) Analytical Reasoning and Problem Solving (ARP): any CC-ARP course [6 credits]
c) Effective, Engaged and Persuasive Communication: Written (CMW): ENGL 101, 102 [passed with "C" or higher, 6 credits]
d) Global Citizenship and Multicultural Understanding: Social Sciences (GSS):  any CC-GSS course [3 credits]
e) Global Citizenship and Multicultural Understanding: Historical Thinking (GHS): any CC-GHS course [3 credits]
f) Global Citizenship and Multicultural Understanding: Foreign Language (GFL): Language Proficiency through 110 or 121 [0-7 credits]
g) Scientific Literacy (SCI): two CC-SCI courses (one with lab)  [7 credits]
h) Overlay Eligible Courses: Effective, Engaged and Persuasive Communication: Spoken Component (CMS); Information Literacy (INF); Values, Ethics and Social Responsibility (VSR); up to two of these requirements may be met in overlay courses [3-9 credits]
i) Electives [0-7 credits]

38 credits

Music Requirements
a) Applied music:  7 semesters on primary instrument;  at least 4 semesters of 111 and 2 semesters of 311 [14 credits]
b) Music Theory and Aural Skills: MUSC 117, 118, 215, 217, 218; two theory elective courses [13 credits]
c) Music History and Literature: MUSC 353, 354; one history elective course [9 credits]
d) Conducting: MUSC 333 and  Instrumental: MUSC 334 or Choral: MUSC 335 [4 credits]
e) Ensembles: MUSC 130 plus Choral: at least 7 in MUSC 125/129; Percussion/Winds: at least 2 in MUSC 123 and 3 in MUSC 124 or MUSC 133 (Double Reeds: at least 1 in MUSC 123); Strings: at least 6 in MUSC 126 [8 credits] 
f)  Recital Class: MUSC 100 [0 credits; 5 semesters]
g) Music Advocacy: MUSC 100A [0 credits]
h) Recital Class Lab: MUSC 100L [1 credit]

 49 credits

Music Education Requirements (23 credits)
(Choral) Course Details and Four-Year Degree Plan
a) Secondary applied music:  Voice Majors: MUED 155, 156, 355, 356; Keyboard Majors: MUED 165, 166, 265, 266 [8 credits]
b) Diction and Voice Pedagogy: MUSC 278 [2 credits], MUSC 577 [2 credits]
c) Music Education Courses: MUED 107 [1 credit],  MUED 335L [1 credit], MUED 359 [2 credits], MUED 465 [2 credits], 465P [1 credit], MUED 467 [3 credits], MUED 467P [1 credit]


(Percussion) Course Details and Four-Year Degree Plan
a) Secondary Instruments: MUED 105 and 106 [5 credits], MUED 165 [2 credits]
b) Group Piano: MUED 155, 156 [4 credits]
c) Music Education Courses: MUED 358 [2 credits], MUED 360P [1 credit], MUED 454 or MUED 465/ 465P [3 credits], MUED 551 [2 credits], MUED 552 [2 credits],  MUED 568 [2 credits]


(Strings) Course Details and Four-Year Degree Plan
a) Secondary Instruments: MUED 101 [1 credit], MUED104 [3 credits], MUED 165 [2 credits], MUED 360 [2 credits]
b) Group Piano: MUED 155, 156 [4 credits]
c) Music Education Courses: MUED 454 or MUED 465/465P [3 credits], MUED 533 [2 credits], MUED 533P [1 credit], MUED 534 [2 credits], MUED 534P [1 credit], MUED 551 [2 credits]


(Winds) Course Details and Four-Year Degree Plan
a) Secondary Instruments: MUED 105 and 106 [4 credits], MUED 165 [2 credits], MUED 358 [2 credits], MUED 360 [2 credits]
b) Group Piano: MUED 155, 156 [4 credits]
c) Music Education Courses: MUED 454 or MUED 465/465P [3 credits], MUED 551 [2 credits], MUED 552 [2 credits], MUED 568 [2 credits]

23 credits
Professional Education Requirements
a) MUED 200 [1 credit]; EDTE 201 [3 credits]; EDRD 500 or EDEX 581 [3 credits]; EDPY 401 [3 credits]
b) MUED 477 [12 credits]
22 credits

Requirements for previous academic years may be found here


One-on-one collaboration with our world-class faculty will help you to develop the skills and knowledge to become a professional musician.  Additional concentrations are now available in Chamber Music, Entrepreneurship, and Music Technology.

Bachelor of Music - Performance Emphasis - 128 credits total

Carolina Core
a) Aesthetic Interpretation and Understanding (AIU): MUSC 115 [3 credits]
b) Analytical Reasoning and Problem Solving (ARP): any CC-ARP course [6 credits]
c) Effective, Engaged and Persuasive Communication: Written (CMW): ENGL 101, 102 [passed with "C" or higher, 6 credits]
d) Global Citizenship and Multicultural Understanding: Social Sciences (GSS):  any CC-GSS course [3 credits]
e) Global Citizenship and Multicultural Understanding: Historical Thinking (GHS): any CC-GHS course [3 credits]
f) Global Citizenship and Multicultural Understanding: Foreign Language (GFL): Language Proficiency through 122 [0-7 credits]
g) Scientific Literacy (SCI): two CC-SCI courses (one with lab)  [7 credits]
h) Overlay Eligible Courses: Effective, Engaged and Persuasive Communication: Spoken Component (CMS); Information Literacy (INF); Values, Ethics and Social Responsibility (VSR); up to two of these requirements may be met in overlay courses [3-9 credits]
i) Electives [0-7 credits]

38 credits

Major Requirements
a) Applied Music Courses: 4 semesters of MUSC 211; 4 semesters of MUSC 411 [32 credits]
b) Music Theory and Aural Skills: MUSC 117, 118, 215, 217, 218; two theory elective courses [13 credits]
c) Music History and Literature: MUSC 353, 354; one history elective course [9 credits]
d) Theory, History and Literature Electives: students must complete the literature course(s) in applied area when available [6 credits]
e) Ensembles: specific to each area [8 credits]
f) MUSC 333 [2 credits] and MUSC 518 or 525 [3 credits]
g) Music Electives: students must complete a pedagogy course in applied area when available (voice primary must complete MUSC 577); students whose primary medium is voice must complete MUSC 570, 578, 579; piano majors must complete MUSC 573, 573L, 574, 574L; guitar majors must complete MUSC 573 [13 credits]
h) Recital Class: MUSC 100 [0 credits; 5 semesters]
i) Music Advocacy: MUSC 100A [0 credits]
j) Recital Class Lab: MUSC 100L [1 credit]

90 credits
Course Details and Four-Year Degree Plan

Requirements for previous academic years may be found here.

Bachelor of Music - Performance Emphasis with concentration in Chamber Music - 128 credits total

Carolina Core
a) Aesthetic Interpretation and Understanding (AIU): MUSC 115 [3 credits]
b) Analytical Reasoning and Problem Solving (ARP): any CC-ARP course [6 credits]
c) Effective, Engaged and Persuasive Communication: Written (CMW): ENGL 101, 102 [passed with "C" or higher, 6 credits]
d) Global Citizenship and Multicultural Understanding: Social Sciences (GSS):  any CC-GSS course [3 credits]
e) Global Citizenship and Multicultural Understanding: Historical Thinking (GHS): any CC-GHS course [3 credits]
f) Global Citizenship and Multicultural Understanding: Foreign Language (GFL): Language Proficiency through 122 [0-7 credits]
g) Scientific Literacy (SCI): two CC-SCI courses (one with lab)  [7 credits]
h) Overlay Eligible Courses: Effective, Engaged and Persuasive Communication: Spoken Component (CMS); Information Literacy (INF); Values, Ethics and Social Responsibility (VSR); up to two of these requirements may be met in overlay courses [3-9 credits]
i) Electives [0-7 credits]
38 credits

Major Requirements
a) Applied Music 4 semesters of MUSC 211; 4 semesters of MUSC 411 [32 credits]
b) Music Theory and Aural Skills: MUSC 117, 118, 215, 217, 218; two theory elective courses [13 credits]
c) Music History and Literature: MUSC 353, 354; one history elective course [9 credits]
d) Ensembles: specific to each area [8 credits]
e) Conducting: MUSC 333 [2 credits]
f) Chamber Music Concentration - MUSC 130 [3 credits], MUSC 592 [3 credits], choice of 1 theory elective [MUSC 319, 518, or 525) [3 credits], choice of 1 concentration elective (MUSC 130, 580, 591, 593, or 594) [3 credits]
g) Music Electives: students must complete a pedagogy course in applied area when available (voice primary must complete MUSC 577); students in this concentration must take MUSC 399 [2 credits]; must take MUED 155 and 156, if needed; students whose primary medium is voice must complete MUSC 278, and 543 or 545; piano majors must complete MUSC 573, 573L, and 558 or 559; guitar majors must complete MUSC 573 and 587 [13 credits]
h) Recital Class: MUSC 100 [0 credits; 5 semesters]
i) Music Advocacy: MUSC 100A [0 credits]
j) Recital Class Lab: MUSC 100L [1 credit]

90 credits
Course Details and Four-Year Degree Plan

Requirements for previous academic years may be found here.

Bachelor of Music - Performance Emphasis with concentration in Music Entrepreneurship - 128 credits total

Carolina Core
a) Aesthetic Interpretation and Understanding (AIU): MUSC 115 [3 credits]
b) Analytical Reasoning and Problem Solving (ARP): any CC-ARP course [6 credits]
c) Effective, Engaged and Persuasive Communication: Written (CMW): ENGL 101, 102 [passed with "C" or higher, 6 credits]
d) Global Citizenship and Multicultural Understanding: Social Sciences (GSS):  any CC-GSS course [3 credits]
e) Global Citizenship and Multicultural Understanding: Historical Thinking (GHS): any CC-GHS course [3 credits]
f) Global Citizenship and Multicultural Understanding: Foreign Language (GFL): Language Proficiency through 122 [0-7 credits]
g) Scientific Literacy (SCI): two CC-SCI courses (one with lab)  [7 credits]
h) Overlay Eligible Courses: Effective, Engaged and Persuasive Communication: Spoken Component (CMS); Information Literacy (INF); Values, Ethics and Social Responsibility (VSR); up to two of these requirements may be met in overlay courses [3-9 credits]
i) Electives [0-7 credits] 
38 credits
Major Requirements
a) Applied Music 4 semesters of MUSC 211; 4 semesters of MUSC 411 [32 credits]
b) Music Theory and Aural Skills: MUSC 117, 118, 215, 217, 218; two theory elective courses [13 credits]
c) Music History and Literature: MUSC 353, 354; one history elective course [9 credits]
d) Ensembles: specific to each area [8 credits]
e) Conducting: MUSC 333 [2 credits]
f) Music Entrepreneurship Concentration: MUSC 580 [3 credits], MUSC 582 [3 credits], MUSC 591 [3 credits], choice of 1 concentration elective (MUSC 592, 593 or 594) [3 credits]
g) Music Electives: students must complete a pedagogy course in applied area when available (voice primary must complete MUSC 577); students in this concentration must take MUSC 399 [2 credits]; must take MUED 155 and 156, if needed; students whose primary medium is voice must complete MUSC570, 578 and 579; piano majors must complete MUSC 573, 573L, and 574 and 574L; guitar majors must complete MUSC 573 and 587 [13 credits]
h) Recital Class: MUSC 100 [0 credits; 5 semesters]
i) Music Advocacy: MUSC 100A [0 credits]
j) Recital Class Lab: MUSC 100L [1 credit]
90 credits
Course Details and Four-Year Degree Plan

Requirements for previous academic years may be found here.

Bachelor of Music - Performance Emphasis with concentration in Music Technology - 128 credits total

Carolina Core
a) Aesthetic Interpretation and Understanding (AIU): MUSC 115 [3 credits]
b) Analytical Reasoning and Problem Solving (ARP): any CC-ARP course [6 credits]
c) Effective, Engaged and Persuasive Communication: Written (CMW): ENGL 101, 102 [passed with "C" or higher, 6 credits]
d) Global Citizenship and Multicultural Understanding: Social Sciences (GSS):  any CC-GSS course [3 credits]
e) Global Citizenship and Multicultural Understanding: Historical Thinking (GHS): any CC-GHS course [3 credits]
f) Global Citizenship and Multicultural Understanding: Foreign Language (GFL): Language Proficiency through 122 [0-7 credits]
g) Scientific Literacy (SCI): two CC-SCI courses (one with lab)  [7 credits]
h) Overlay Eligible Courses: Effective, Engaged and Persuasive Communication: Spoken Component (CMS); Information Literacy (INF); Values, Ethics and Social Responsibility (VSR); up to two of these requirements may be met in overlay courses [3-9 credits]
i) Electives [0-7 credits]

38 credits

Major Requirements
a) Applied Music 4 semesters of MUSC 211; 4 semesters of MUSC 411 [32 credits]
b) Music Theory and Aural Skills: MUSC 117, 118, 215, 217, 218; two theory elective courses [13 credits]
c) Music History and Literature: MUSC 353, 354; one history elective course [9 credits]
d) Ensembles: specific to each area [8 credits]
e) Conducting: MUSC 333 [2 credits]
f) Music Technology Concentration: MUSC 336 [3 credits],  choice of three concentration electives (selected from MUSC 365, 540, 565 and 580) [9 credits]
g) Music Electives: students must complete a pedagogy course in applied area when available (voice primary must complete MUSC 577); students in this concentration must take MUSC 399 [2 credits]; must take MUED 155 and 156, if needed; students whose primary medium is voice must complete MUSC570, 578 and 579; piano majors must complete MUSC 573, 573L, and 574 and 574L; guitar majors must complete MUSC 573 and 587 [13 credits]
h) Recital Class: MUSC 100 [0 credits; 5 semesters]
i) Music Advocacy: MUSC 100A [0 credits]
j) Recital Class Lab: MUSC 100L [1 credit]

90 credits
Course Details and Four-Year Degree Plan

Requirements for previous academic years may be found here.


Students often choose this degree to prepare for graduate degrees in music theory and music history.

Bachelor of Music - Theory Emphasis - 128 hours total

Carolina Core
a) Aesthetic Interpretation and Understanding (AIU): any CC-AIU course other than MUSC [3 credits]
b) Analytical Reasoning and Problem Solving (ARP): any CC-ARP course [6 credits]
c) Effective, Engaged and Persuasive Communication: Written (CMW): ENGL 101, 102 [passed with "C" or higher, 6 credits]
d) Global Citizenship and Multicultural Understanding: Social Sciences (GSS):  any CC-GSS course [3 credits]
e) Global Citizenship and Multicultural Understanding: Historical Thinking (GHS): any CC-GHS course [3 credits]
f) Global Citizenship and Multicultural Understanding: Foreign Language (GFL): Language Proficiency through 122 [0-7 credits]
g) Scientific Literacy (SCI): two CC-SCI courses (one with lab)  [7 credits]
h) Overlay Eligible Courses: Effective, Engaged and Persuasive Communication: Spoken Component (CMS); Information Literacy (INF); Values, Ethics and Social Responsibility (VSR); up to two of these requirements may be met in overlay courses [3-9 credits]
i) Electives [0-7 credits]

38 credits

Major Requirements
a) Music Theory and Aural Skills: MUSC 115, 117, 118, 215, 217, 218; two theory elective courses [16 credits]
b) Music History and Literature: MUSC 353, 354; one history elective course [9 credits]
c) Applied music courses, at least 4 semesters of MUSC 111 and 2 semesters of MUSC 311 [12 credits]
d) Music history and literature electives [6 credits]
e) Basic Conducting: MUSC 333 [2 credits]
f)  Music Theory and Composition: MUSC 312, 313 or 525, 316, 518 [12 credits]
g) Theory and Composition Electives (select three courses): MUSC 313 or 525, 315, 319, 320, 515, 526, 528 [9 credits]
h) Technology Elective: MUSC 365, 540, 565 or 571 [3 credits]
i) Ensembles, 6 semesters of major ensemble most closely related to applied area, 1 chamber music ensemble and 1 other [8 credits]
j) Music Electives [9 credits]: including MUED 155 and 156, if needed.
k) Recital Class: MUSC 100 [0 credits; 5 semesters]
l) Music Advocacy: MUSC 100A [0 credits]
m) Recital Class Lab: MUSC 100L [1 credit]

90 credits
Course Details and Four-Year Degree Plan

Requirements for previous academic years may be found here.

Challenge the conventional. Create the exceptional. No Limits.
