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School of Medicine Greenville

Faculty Profile

Faculty and Staff

Kelly M Quesnelle, PhD

Title: Professor
Biomedical Sciences
School of Medicine Greenville
Office: 607 Grove Rd.
Greenville SC 29605


Background: Dr. Kelly Quesnelle is Clinical Professor and Chair of the Department of Biomedical Sciences at the University of South Carolina School of Medicine Greenville (USC SOMG). She joined USC SOMG in 2021 from Western Michigan University Homer Stryker MD School of Medicine where she was a founding faculty member in the Department of Biomedical Sciences and the Department of Medical Ethics, Humanities, and Law. She earned her bachelor’s degree in Cell & Molecular Biology from the University of Michigan Ann Arbor and her doctorate degree in Molecular Pharmacology from the University of Pittsburgh School of Medicine, where she also completed a postdoctoral fellowship in the Vascular Medicine Institute. As part of her fellowship, she trained with the United States Food and Drug Administration in the Center for Drug Evaluation and Research. She has also previously worked for the University of Pennsylvania School of Medicine, GlaxoSmithKline, and Pfizer.
Teaching Interest(s): Dr. Quesnelle has taught pharmacology topics extensively to learners across all phases of the undergraduate medical school curriculum, as well as learners in graduate medical education programs and masters degree programs. Dr. Quesnelle conducts faculty development seminars for faculty at other institutions, and she serves as co-editor of the textbook An Introduction to Medical Teaching: The Foundations of Curriculum Design, Delivery, and Assessment (3rd Edition, Springer Press).
Research Interest(s): Although trained as a classic pharmacologist, Dr. Quesnelle's research focus for the past decade has been on medical education. She has conducted research studies on pharmacology education programs with collaborators from medical schools around the country. She chairs the section on antineoplastic agents for the Knowledge Objectives in Medical Pharmacology, a joint publication of the Association of Medical School Pharmacology Chairs and the American Society of Pharmacology and Experimental Therapeutics. She serves as co-editor of the textbook An Introduction to Medical Teaching: The Foundations of Curriculum Design, Delivery, and Assessment (3rd Edition, Springer Press), and she ran the medical education research fellowship program for the International Association of Medical Science Educators from 2019-2021. Dr. Quesnelle's most recent scholarship is focused on "training the trainer", with a 2023 study in Academic Medicine exploring the professional identity formation of basic science medical educators around the country, and a recent grant award as co-PI from NIH/NLM to create a faculty development program for curriculum assessment and revision to include data on sex and gender in health professions education.
Honors & Awards: Executive Leadership in Academic Medicine (ELAM) Fellowship (Class of 2025)
Early Career Award for Excellence in Teaching and Innovation
Junior Faculty Travel Award
Institutional Ruth L. Kirchstein National Research Service Award – T32 (NIH/NHLBI)
University of Pittsburgh Cancer Institute Director’s Award
Lindau Scholar, 61st Annual Meeting of Nobel Laureates – Lindau, Germany
Individual Ruth L. Kirchstein National Research Service Award – F31 (NIH/NIDCR)
Institutional Ruth L. Kirchstein National Research Service Award – T32 (NIH/NIDCR)
PhRMA Foundation Predoctoral Fellowship in Pharmacology/Toxicology (declined funding)
University of Pittsburgh Department of Pharmacology Top Student Speaker Award
Professional Affiliations: Council of Faculty and Academic Societies
Association of Medical Educators in Europe
Public Responsibility in Medicine & Research
American Association of Medical Colleges
American Society for Pharmacology & Experimental Therapeutics
International Association of Medical Science Educators
Other - Executive Board Member

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