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Information Science

Portfolio Guidelines for Non-School Library Students

Successful completion of the end-of-program portfolio is a requirement for the Master of Library and Information Science (M.L.I.S.) degree in the USC School of Information Science. This electronic portfolio includes an introduction, résumé, vision statement, and work samples (with introductory reflective essays) that document competency in the program's six areas:

  • Information and its organization;
  • Provision of information services;
  • Leadership and management;
  • Research
  • Technology; and,
  • Professional development and lifelong learning.

The portfolio is submitted for evaluation prior to the student's graduation (April 15 for May and August graduates; November 15 for December graduates). The immediate audience for the portfolio is instructors and administrators in the School of Information Science, but students might also target the portfolio towards prospective employers.

Starting in the Fall 2024 semester, students will be required to utilize specific required assignments for five of the six MLIS Core Competencies. For the remaining core competency, Technology, students will be able to select any work sample from their MLIS degree that they believes demonstrates their proficiency in technology. From the start of the program, students should collect the required assignments, along with any additional assignment that speaks to their Technology competency, and save them in a secure, accessible location for use in their portfolio.

Portfolio Content

The end-of-program portfolio should have nine menu items:

(1) Welcome or Introduction

(2) Résumé

(3-8) Six work samples (one corresponding to each of the six areas) with introductory reflective essays.

(9) Vision Statement

1. Welcome or Introduction 
The Welcome or Introduction Page welcomes visitors to the end-of-program portfolio. It provides an overview of the content and how to navigate the portfolio. A photograph is also a desirable part of the introduction and should be a head shot or a photograph taken in a professional setting.

2. Résumé 
The résumé is a brief overview of professional work experience and educational background. It should include memberships in professional organizations, any professional presentations or publications, and any honors or awards.

3-8 Work Samples Documenting Learning Outcomes 
Documentation of competency in the six areas is the core of the end-of-program portfolio. Students will choose an example of their best work for each of the six areas. For most core competencies, students will be required to submit specific assignments from their program. For the Technology core competency, students should select an example of their best work.

Reflective Essays For Each Work Sample: Description, Analysis, and Reflection

Each core competency should have its own page on the portfolio website. Each core competency page should include a link to the work sample and should be structured as follows:

• Description
• Link
• Analysis
• Reflection

The reflective essays are an important part of the end-of-program portfolio. They allow students to highlight the knowledge they have acquired throughout the M.L.I.S. program, to demonstrate professional growth, and to consider how their learning experience will impact their professional practice. Reflective writing is a three step process that includes (1) description, (2) analysis, and (3) reflection. As students select their best work sample for each of the six areas, they should address the following components:

A. Description: Description is an overview of the example. It should include an explanation of what the work sample is and how the work sample relates to the particular area it addresses. It sets the stage, explains the purpose. It answers the question, "What did I do and why?"

B. Link to Work Sample

C. Analysis: Analysis is the process of evaluation after the fact that looks at successes and failures, what was accomplished, what worked well and what didn't work well, and the results of planned programs, lessons, collaborations, research, or other activities. What were the results? What did you learn from this experience? It answers the question, "What happened and why?"

D. Reflection: Reflection follows analysis. It is the critical thinking that fosters professional growth and knowledge-building. Reflection is an opportunity to contemplate how to plan and implement activities in the future – the same way, differently or not at all. "Reflection is the ongoing process of thoughtfully considering our practice in the context of personal and professional knowledge, assumptions, and beliefs, with the aim of achieving insights that lead to professional growth" (Heath 39). Information learned during "Description" and "Analysis" informs and improves future practices. The goal of reflection is professional growth that results in improved professional practice. It answers the question, "What will I do to improve my future practice?"

8. Vision Statement

Discuss the professional philosophy/beliefs, values and ethics that will govern your behavior and practice as an information specialist. Describe your understanding of the professional role of the information specialist and what you believe are best professional practices. Highlight the knowledge that you have acquired throughout the M.L.I.S. program, to demonstrate professional growth, and consider how your learning experience will impact your professional practice. How do you intend to grow as professional over the next five years?

9. Optional Certificate in Specialized Study in Information Science Certificate

Students will be required to submit an additional artifact (assignment) that is directly related to their optional certificate of specialized study. As such, the artifact must come from one of the 4 courses that students are counting towards the certificate — i.e., the four courses listed on the Program of Study for the Certificate of Specialized Study in Information Science.

Reflective Essay

  1. How this assignment is representative of the knowledge and skills they’ve gained from completing this certificate.
  2. How they will take their knowledge and skills and apply them in a real-world, specific way.
  3. How completing this certificate has impacted the way they view/approach their role in the field (related to the point above but a bit different in nature).

Required Assignments

Core Competency Required Assignment Course
Information and Its Organization Evaluation of Information Retrieval Systems Essay Assignment ISCI 706
Provision of Information Services LibGuide Assignment ISCI 703
Leadership & Management

Option 1: Advocacy Plan

Option 2: Grant Proposal

ISCI 702

ISCI 704

Research Research Proposal ISCI 705
Technology no required assignment  
Professional Development & Lifelong Learning Philosophy Statement & Personal Development Plan ISCI 701

Challenge the conventional. Create the exceptional. No Limits.
