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Office of Research and Grant Development

Program Details

Keck Research Program for Medical Research and Science & Engineering

Sponsor: W. M. Keck Foundation
Internal Deadline: 10/21/2024
Institutional Submission Limit: 1/c
Sponsor Deadline: 12/15/2024
Program Website

The WM Keck Research Program supports Medical Research and Science & Engineering projects that are distinctive and novel in their approach, question the prevailing paradigm, or have the potential to break open new territory in their field. Successful proposals present ideas that are “high-risk” that cannot easily be funded by traditional sources such as NIH or NSF.
Past grants have been awarded to major universities, independent research institutions, and medical schools to support pioneering biological and physical science research and engineering, including the development of promising new technologies, instrumentation or methodologies. Most grants are funded at approximately $1 million. The WM Keck Foundation does not support indirect costs.
The WM Keck Foundation’s Research Program has two deadlines per year and involves multiple phases as outlined in the timeline below. This invitation is for the May 1, 2025 deadline for Phase I proposals.
Complete timeline/important dates:
   •  October 21, 2024 - Internal Limited Submission deadline for selection of concept paper submission(s)
   •  November 15, 2024 - Internal applicants notified of status*
       *Concept paper(s) selected at this stage will be submitted for Keck Foundation review (selection dependent on alignment with foundation priorities)
   •  December 15, 2024 - Deadline for the selected concept paper(s) to be submitted to Keck Foundation for review*
       *Applicants (if any) selected at this stage will be invited to submit a Phase 1 proposal (maximum of one per grant area: Medical Research and Science & Engineering Research)
   •  May 1, 2025 - Phase I proposal deadline (by invitation only)
   •  July 15, 2025 - Notification of status/invitation to submit full proposal
   •  August 15, 2025 - Phase II proposal deadline (by invitation only)


Submission Process

Limited submissions MUST be coordinated with the Office of the Vice President for Research.

If interested in applying for this opportunity, please combine the following concept paper and a 2-3 page CV/biosketch for the PI and any collaborators into a single PDF and email to by 5pm on the INTERNAL DEADLINE above:

Prepare a one-page concept paper in 12-point font, one-inch margins with the following:

  • Organization Name
  • Project Title
  • Full name of Principal Investigator
  • An overview of the proposed project* emphasizing any unique aspects and pilot studies (indicate area of emphasis for project – Medical Research or Science & Engineering Research)
  • A description of the methodologies and key personnel
  • A brief justification of the need for Keck Foundation support*
  • An estimated budget broken down, if possible, by major areas, e.g. personnel, equipment, consumable supplies, etc. (review Foundation page for budget parameters)
  • If there is remaining space within the one-page limit, authors may add other details


  • *Be sure your concept paper emphasizes and clearly articulates how this work is “high risk” and why it cannot easily be funded by federal agencies; these are important criteria for the Keck Foundation
  • If a reference is necessary, abbreviate it as (Science, 323, 45, ‘11). DO NOT USE (Jones et al., 2011). Please avoid any illustrations.


Office of Research and Grant Development

    Challenge the conventional. Create the exceptional. No Limits.
